The Anchor, Volume 37.71: December 12, 1928
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Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1928 The Anchor: 1920-1929 12-12-1928 The Anchor, Volume 37.71: December 12, 1928 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 37.71: December 12, 1928" (1928). The Anchor: 1928. Paper 33. Published in: The Anchor, Volume 37, Issue 71, December 12, 1928. Copyright © 1928 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1920-1929 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1928 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. teV, P p rr. «.W .14th S?amp -I • i * • i/gr / Dec. 20 Last Day Anchor Election For Your Soon Milestone Glossies Think! Volumt XXXVII Hope College. Holland, Michigan, Dec. 12 1928 Number 71 Degree Is A TRUE KNIGHT NEW ANCHOR STAFF TO BE VIOLINS "Nature Talks" Conferred On "— And a knight came riding." ELECTED AFTER HOLIDAYS The Lyceum Course brought many to hear Harry Farbman. "He laughs by the summer stream. Only, as Mr. Brower said it wasn't T. Beaver There were, of course, hundreds Where the Lilies nod and dream; Our Guests on a horse. The glee club girls had NEW SYSTEM OF ELECTION Wilhelmina Walvoord who know little about the violin, As through the sheen of water quite a thrill when they discovered IS PLANNED Campus: but the audience was made up cold and clear. NETHERLANDS AMBASSADOR that the kindly old man sitting be- Suzanna Schoep mainly of violinists and musicians, He sees the chub and sunflsh AND OTHERS ENTERTAINED tween Mr. McLean and Rev. Ha- The following are the nomina- Evelyn Steketee both teachers and students. An darting sheer." AT BANQUET ger at Convocation was a full tions for the next Anchor Staff as Exchanges: • interesting incident called the at- I think I shall never forget the fledged Knight of Orange Nassau, it now stands: Donald Martin so made by no less than Queen Editor-in-chief: tention of many when a feeble old first time I read the delightful On Tuesday evening, December Louis Scudder Wilhelmina herself. A number of Earle Langeland man, a teacher, and a small pupil poem of Maurice Thompson's en- 4, Hope College was greatly Business Manager: the girls sought to learn something Russell Smith of seven years made their appear- titled "The Kingfisher," from which honored by having His Excellency, Lois De Wolfe of the cross which Dr. William Gordon Van Ark ance on the campus. Both were the above lines are taken. Perhaps Dr. Jan Herman van Roijen, am- Raymond McGilvra Leveredge Brower wore during the Henry Steffens bent on hearing the instrument because it represents associations bassador of the Netherlands to the Assistant: ceremonies, and uncovered a fairy Associate Editor: they loved well played by an art- so vivid and undying to me, per- United States, representing Queen L. Damstra tale come true. Sir Knight re- Alice Brunson ist. The older perhaps had once haps because the poet has voiced Wilhelmina of Netherlands at W. Meengs membered the visit of Hope's Glee Paul Brower held as much attention with his a bit of the unutterable felicity of Washington, D. €., as a guest. His Subscription Manager: Club to New York City a few years Leonard Willett precious well used instrument. The the woodsy unblighted freedom of Excellency was honored by an H. K. Smith ago and said he'd like to borrow young boy saw beautiful dreams of the hills and streams where the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws Myra Ten Cate R. Notier this year's club. Alth6ugh eighty- the time when he should hold great kingfisher dwells — perhaps, well, as were also William Leverich Donald Wade C. Van Leu wen two years old he is a youth in Sport Editor: audiences spell bound by his skill, as a Spanish would say with an Brower and Charles A. Hunk, eld- Further nominations can be made spirit. His smile is enough to indeed he longed for the day when eloquent shrug, "quien sabe?" (who ers of fhe consistory of the Colleg- Bernard Arendshorst by submitting a name whose nomi- belong to any maiden's gallant he would be large enough to dis- knows?). At any rate I learned iate Reformed Protestant Dutch Dorothy Haan nation is supported by twenty sub- card his miniature and play a reg- the poem and many, many times Church of New York City. Dr. hero. E. Vander Belt scribers. o ular size violin. Age was puzzled, I have repeated it to myself, al- Van Roijen delivered an address on Alumni: The election will occur immedi- had lost its way and the child was ways with the keenest exhilaration the League of Nations in which he Bemardine Sieber ately after the holidays. It has leading him to Carnegie Hall. of the spirits, for always I am car- praised the work of the League, Enthusiastic • Margaret Westveer been proposed that the* Student Which of the two appreciated the ried in memory to the hills and and hoped that the United States Humor: Council appoint the Staff, because music more in comparison to his valleys of New York State, where would join it soon. Rev. Dr. Mal- Crowd Greets Myron Leenhouts of former lack of support on elec- capacity is hard to say. But both flows the French Creek of histori- colm J. McCleod, President of the W. Kuiper tion night, but this has not been left that night with a smile on the cal fame, winding its way through General Synod of the Reformed Farbman L. Hogenboom decided upon. Consider well! lips and a tear in the eye. God the fertile farmlands toward the Church in America and Pastor of had given both a love for the beau- distant Allegheny river. the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church YOUNG VIOLINIST CARRIES tiful. The creek, as I have known it, of New York City, spoke on the CROWD TO ENCHANT- Dr. Nettinga A. D. D's. is not merely a stream of water, Christian College, which stands for MENT rough or smooth as the case may culture. Dr. Edward D. Dimnent CHRISTMAS CARDS Gives Lecture Don New be, but is a live, animated creature, presided at the meeting, and con- Carnegie Hall was well filled a thing of moods, of passions, and ferred the degrees before a gather- Sweaters when the music lovers of Holland Before you buy your Christ- so many of its qualities are so es- ing of over 1000 guests. To the Home Volunteer Group welcomed the return of Harry mas cards, be sure to look over sentially human that it well re- Before the evening meeting, a last Friday evening Dr. Nettinga The Athletic Debt Diggers after Farbman on December sixth. Mar- the supply carried by the Y. pays a careful study, not as one banquet was held at the Warm gave the first of two lectures on just having emerged from a most garet Engler accompanied the vio- the Reformed Church in America. would study a biological specimen, Friend Tavern at which the facul- successful football season have W. C. A. You will not be linist ably at the piano. The art- His subject was "The Origin and let us say, but as one studies un- ties of Hope College and Western plunged into the basketball sea- sony. ist's program consisted of three knowingly perhaps, a close and Theological Seminary, invited Growth of the Reformed Church in son with much enthusiasm. groups — the first, Ciaconna, by The "Y" girls are selling much loved friend. guests, and Council Members at- America." The history of our Through their untiring efforts Vitali and Bach's Prelude E Major, beautiful cards at reasonable There are stretches of water in tended. Charles M. McLean of Hol- church, while not spectacular, is during the past season they made for violin alone; second from Con- very interesting. The present Re- prices. the old creek that represent it in land, vice-president of the board of enough money to give amply to certo E Minor by Mendelssohn, formed church is the union of two a quietly pensive mood — when it Trustees of Hope College officiated the Athletic Association besides Allegro, molto appassionato and movements of immigration. The moves along with scarcely a rip- as toastmaster. The speakers in- buying sweaters for themselves. Andante and allegretto non troppo, first group of immigrants came in ple, lapping the blue flags and ar- ^clujled Dr. John Vander Vries, a Their plans for the coming sea- YNTEMA, Alkgio miilto-vlvaee; Oird, Noc- the flisi half of the 17lh ctniury ro# lemf «t it^ -mai^nt with un- Hope graduate" and now dfttrtct son are being laid along similar turne by Chopin, Guitarre by Mos- and the second group in the mid- TANIS HEAir conscious intimacy, reflecting the manager of the United States lines and with the aid and co-op- kowski-Sarasate, Achron's Hebrew dle of the 19th century. The first movements of the clouds in its Chamber of Commerce at Chicago, eration of the HOPE Basketeer PRATERS Melody, and Spanish Dance by Sar- group settled in New York and in depths like a serene mind taking Mr. John Vennema and Attorney fans, much HOPE is being held for asate. New Jersey and the second in cognizance of hallowed reflection Gelmer Kuiper of Chicago, former- the swelling of HOPE's Athletic F.