俱乐 为 部

INSTITUTE成 会 迎 员 ISSN: 1674-1781|CN11-5658/C

总第 43 期| VOLUME 43 欢 02 双月刊| BIMONTHLY Mar·2016

一带一路上的孔子学院 The "Belt and Road Initiative" and the Confucius Institute 沿着一带一路走 Taking the "Belt and Road" Route


种一粒粟, 秋收万担粮。 春天是播种希望的季节。 春经过 3 个月调研准备, 院刊终于迈出了全面改革的步伐。 新的一年, 我们将推进融媒体转型, 让刊物更加适应电子化、 碎片化的阅读, 乃至实现个性定制您喜欢的内容。 新的一年, 我们将建立读者俱乐部, 采用积分奖励的办法, 与您加强沟通联络。 新的一年, 我们将对刊物内容进行调整, 坚持 “跨文化交际” 的定位宗旨, 帮助您更多了解中国与各国文化的 共通与各美, 帮助您更好地学习汉语。 新的一年, 我们有很多想法, 但归根结底, 需要您, 每一位读者的参与和支持, 让历经 7 年成长的院刊重新焕 发新的生机! 这种变化从本期刊物开始已经显现 : 本期以 “一带一路” 为题,从古代陆地、海上丝绸之路的由来,到今天 “一带一路” 的内涵,到 “一带一路” 上的孔子学院。 三千多年前, 戈壁荒漠上回响的驼铃, 留给今天人们的是心灵沟通的印记。 相信三千多年后的今天, “一带一路” 的实践也必将以心灵的沟通为前提, 促进不同国家、 不同民族人们交融、 理解与合作。 “烽火连三月, 家书抵万金”。 电子化的今天, 虽然人们很少靠邮票和信纸传递音讯, 但每逢遇到困境孤独, 我们依旧怀念过去, 那种手捧信笺, 在字里行间体会亲情的感动。“家书故事” 将连载一个个亲情故事, 与您分享。 本期杂志刊登了读者俱乐部邀请函。 期待您的回馈和加盟!希望您和我们一起耕耘, 一起见证 《孔子学院》 新 一年的成长!

pring is the seed from which the autumn’s bountiful harvest grows. Spring is the season to sow hopes and dreams. After three months of preparation, the Confucius Institute is ready to revolutionize itself. In the new year, we will push for media convergence, make our magazine more suited for fragmentary digital consumption,S and even create ways for our readers to customize the content they want to see. In the new year, we will establish a Readers Club, and put in place a bonus point system to encourage deeper communica- tion and interaction. In the new year, we’ll be making adjustments to our content, placing “cross-cultural exchange” at the heart of our po- sitioning to help you learn even more about the beautiful things in China’s culture and the culture of other nations, and to help you better learn Chinese. In the new year, we have a lot of ideas, but at the end of the day, we need you, our readers, participants, and supporters, to help our 7-year old magazine continue to grow and find new opportunities! You’ll find some of the changes appearing in this issue: This issue’s theme is the “Belt and Road”, in which we cover the ancient history of the overland Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road, the significance of today’s “Belt and Road” Initiative, and the Confucius Institutes along the route of the “Belt and Road”. Three thousand years ago, the desert was alive with the sound of camel bells, a sound that still resonates in our hearts today, and we believe that in another three thousand years, the “Belt and Road” Initiative will carry the same significance, promoting communication, understanding, and cooperation among different nations and peoples. “With the watchtowers’ smoke continuing for three months, a family letter is worth a thousand ounces of gold” (feng huo lian san yue, jia shu di wan jin, from Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu’s Spring Hopes). Even though we rarely communicate with letters and stamps today, whenever we feel frustrated or alone, we still cherish the old sensation of paper beneath our fingers and the intimacy of the penstroke. This issue’s “Stories of Family Letters” shares with you the stories behind some of these expressions of family love. This issue also contains an invitation to our Readers Club. We are looking forward to your feedback and support! We hope that you’ll be here with us to witness a new year of growth for Confucius Institute!

1 , Xie Shijian, Yao Bin Yao , Xie Shijian, 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 ) Confucius Institute 孔子学院 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE02 , Cheng Lixia, Huang Libo, Mu Yuanyuan, Peng Yu Peng Yuanyuan, , Cheng Lixia, Huang Libo, Mu VOLUME 43 BIMONTHLY CHINESE-ENGLISH VERSION Directed by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China of the People’s Directed by Ministry of Education Headquarters (Hanban) Produced by Confucius Institute of Published by Editorial Office Editor-in-Chief: Xu Lin Yongli, Ma Jianfei, Wang Associate Editors-in-Chief: Jianhui Xia Jing Wei, Managing Editor: Fan Ding Ye Associate Managing Editor: Cheng Cai Jing Gao Yanqun, Sun Ying, Yuanyuan, Editors: Tu Yanna Zhou Buwei, Liu Revisers: Chen Guohua, Chen Jingwen (U.K.) Proofreader: Li Wei Proofreader: Liu Junhuai Service Providers: Translation Chen Jingwen Nicholas Nathan (USA Trites Sun Libing, Company Technology Chinese Education Wuzhou Co., Ltd. Technology (BeiJing) Media Tech Art Designer: Media 0086-10-5859 5859 Tel: Advertising Sales PRINTING CO. (BEIJING) LTD Printer: C&C JOINT International Standard Serial Number: ISSN1674-1781 58/C Domestic Unitary Issue Number: CN11-56 Administration of Advertising Business Permit:No.8053,Promulgated by Industry&Commerce,Xicheng District,Beijing Price: RMB 16/USD 5.99 Address: 129 Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China Postal Code: 100088 0086-10-58595915 Telephone: Fax: 0086-10-58595919 E-mail: [email protected] The Masthead is inscribed by Ouyang Zhongshi CFP/GETTYIMAGE/PHOTOMALL

定 价 传 真 印 刷 主 管 主 办 编 辑 主 编 副主编 总编辑 3/2016 总第 43 期 双月刊 中英文对照版

电子信箱 刊名题字 邮政编码 编辑出版 副总编辑 英文审订 中文审校 英文审校 英文翻译 美术设计

编辑部电话 编辑部地址 樊钉

部分图片提供 国内统一刊号

国际连续出版号 广 告 经 营 许 可 证



程也 程也 CN11-5658/C CN11-5658/C 孔子学院》编辑部 李伟 [email protected] 孔子学院总部 / 国家汉办 陈国华 陈竟文(英) 马箭飞 王永利 静炜 夏建辉 马箭飞 王永利 静炜 京西工商广字第 8053 号 美迪泰科(北京)传媒科技有限公司 RMB 16/USD 5.99 陈竟文 程丽霞 黄立波 慕媛媛 彭宇 屠芫芫 孙颖 高燕群 蔡靖 周步巍 刘砚娜


欧阳中石 北京西城区德胜门外大街 129 号

0086-10-58595919 ISSN1674-1781

五洲汉风教育科技(北京 ) 有限公司 五洲汉风教育科技(北京 ) 有限公司

北京华联印刷有限公司 刘军怀 许琳 《


0086-10-5859 5859 孙丽冰 Trites Nicholas Nathan ( 美 ) 谢世坚 姚斌 Nicholas Nathan ( 孙丽冰 Trites 美 ) 谢世坚 姚斌


孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE 目 录

01 卷首语 封面故事

06 丝绸:一丝一缕皆中国 56 14 古代“一带一路”究竟怎样 18 沿着“一带一路”走

24 王义桅:“一带一路”助推 人类文明共同复兴

26 葛剑雄:“一带一路”更在于精神

28 “一带一路”与孔子学院 家书故事 34 回望中国家书 37 100 张明信片的故事

4 0 孔子学院奖学金之窗 食之有道

42 上有天上仙,下有浙江鲜 老饕私厨

50 龙井虾仁 教师沙龙

54 情系中国民间剪纸艺术 ——记我所敬佩的德国老人英丽·杨森 图片故事

58 庙会,一场中式狂欢节 漫步中国

62 北京的胡同 学员在线

68 从大学外教到汉语硕士:我在 中国的成长故事 孔院八方 14 72 孔子学院庆新春,各地掀起“猴年热” 读者论坛

76 《孔子学院》读者座谈会学生发言摘要

78 征稿启事

80 俱乐部问卷

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 3 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE CONTENTS

01 PREFACE Cover Story

06 Silk: Chinese thread

14 The conept of the "Belt and Road" in ancient times

18 18 Taking the "Belt and Road" Route

24 Wang Yiwei: The "Belt and Road Initiative" boosts the common human civilization revival. 26 Ge Jianxiong: The significance of the "Belt and Road Initiative" lies in its spirit. 28 The "Belt and Road Initiative" and the Confucius Institutes 40 Family letters story

34 Looking back on family letters in China 37 The story of 100 postcards 40 The Window of Confucius Institute Scholarship The Tao of Cuisine

42 cuisine, a heavenly taste 52

4 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Old Tao's Private Kitchen

50 Old Tao’s Private Kitchen—Longjing Teacher’s Voices

54 A German Lady’s Love of Chinese Paper-cutting 48 Picture story

58 The Temple Fair, a Chinese style carnival

Walking in China

62 The hutongs of Beijing

Students on Line 68 From foreign English teacher to Chinese language master: My story of growth in China

Around the World 72 Celebrations of Chinese New Year by Confucius Institutes fuel “craze of Year of Monkey”

Readers' Forum 76 Confucius Institute Student Readers' Forum Opinion Excerpts

78 Confucius Institute invites contributions

80 Welcome to the Confucius Institute Readers’ Club! 66

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 5 封面 故事 Cover Story

6 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 丝绸 一丝一缕皆中国 Silk: Chinese thread 文 / 孙杰 By Sun Jie

绸是中国的特产,在相当长的一段时间 子乃大矣”,即蚕经过三眠即可结茧的规律。魏晋 内,中国也是世界上唯一出产和使用丝 南北朝时选种、制种技术有很大进步。明代对蚕种 丝绸的国家。 选择和品种改良都很重视,利用石灰水、盐卤水等 养蚕 浴法留取好种,淘汰低劣蚕卵,而且发现了杂交蚕 说起丝绸要先从养蚕的历史开始。人类养蚕 种的优势并加以利用。 的历史非常悠久。在山西距今 5000 多年的夏县西 世界上所有养蚕的国家,其蚕种和养蚕方法都 阴村新石器时代遗址中,考古人员发现了半个切割 是直接或间接从中国传去的:3000 年前传到朝鲜, 过的蚕茧;浙江吴兴钱山漾新石器时期遗址中也出 2000 年前传到日本和越南,1600 年前传到中亚诸 土过 4700 年前的丝带,宽度 0.5 厘米,由 16 根粗 国,1400年前传到欧洲,400年前又传到南美洲…… 细丝线交织而成,尽管已经碳化,但仍能分辨其中 纺织 经纬;1959 年江苏吴江梅堰遗址中出土的公元前 养蚕事业直接促进了纺织术的发展,形成了中 2500 多年前的黑陶作品上已有蚕形纹饰,具体而 国独一无二的丝绸纺织技术。 真实,反映出人们对蚕的熟悉程度;3000 多年前, 蚕茧放于热水中,会变软并慢慢成浆状,之后 商代甲骨文中不仅有蚕、桑、丝、帛等象形文字, 表层脱落并最终露出蚕丝的一端。人们把丝由蚕茧 而且有祭祀桑神和派人察看蚕事的卜辞。 中抽出作为织绸的原料。一颗蚕茧可抽出约 1000 养蚕技术在历代的探索中日臻完善。夏代以前 米到 3000 米长的茧丝。把蚕丝纺织,则成丝绸。 已能从桑树害虫中选育家蚕。周代二月浴种,三月 大多数丝绸生产是先纺织再染色,也有将蚕丝先染 开始养蚕,对蚕的生长形态和养蚕工具已有一定认 色后纺织的方法用于高级丝织物的生产。 识。从西周到春秋时期倡导一年只养一茬,以免桑 春秋战国时期,农业更加发达,男耕女织成为 叶采伐过度而残桑,到战国时期认识到蚕无雌雄, 这一时期的重要经济特征,种植桑麻、从事纺织是 蛾有雌雄,怕高温,喜一定湿度。当时的思想家荀 一种典型的社会经济图景。当时缫丝的蚕丝质量已 况在《蚕赋》一文中极有见地地指出“三俯三起, 经比较高,其纤维之细之均匀可与近代媲美。1982

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 7 年湖北江陵马山砖厂一号墓出土了 20 余件战国时期的珍 贵的丝织品,包括绣花襌衣、绣绢襌衣、锦面绵衣、绣绢 绵袍、绢面夹衣。其中一件罗地绣花龙凤虎纹禅衣,不仅 罗的孔眼均匀,质地轻盈,而且花绣纹制相当精美。从这 个缩影可以看出封建时代“一男不耕或受之饥,一女不织 或受其寒”的真实背景。 汉代的纺织术进一步精进。马王堆汉墓出土的众多丝 织物中,两件衣服之薄让所有人称奇。其中一件衣服只有 49 克,另一件只有 48 克,按民间的度量单位,它们的重 量还不到一两。两件衣服用纱料制成,因无颜色,没有衬里, 因此命名为“素纱襌衣”。古代阿拉伯一本游记中记载了 这样一个故事 : 一位阿拉伯商人拜见中国官员,交谈中一 直盯着官员的领口看。官员很不自在,问“我的领口怎么 了?”商人说,“中国的衣服太奇妙了,怎么隔着一层衣 服,我还可以看到您胸口的痣呢?”官员哈哈大笑,边卷 起袖子边说:“我穿的何止是一层,我穿了五件衣服。” 丝绸虽出自劳动人民之手,但是在古代劳动人民却很 难享用。丝绸往往只用来制作某些特定的衣物,最具代表 性的是皇帝的龙袍,还有官员的官服。只有官宦贵族才能 享用绫罗绸缎,平民百姓只能穿着素色的麻布粗衣。后来 随着经济的发展,在一些丝绸高产区,如江浙地区,富裕 的平民和商人才开始穿着丝绸服饰。 几千年里,桑蚕丝织与粮食生产一样重要,织丝和刺 绣是城乡最普及的手工业,它比制茶、制瓷都要普及得多。 加上一路领先的印染工艺,洁白的丝绸开始有了五彩缤纷 的花色、品种,遂成为装点帝王将相威仪和衬托女性美丽 的绝妙原料。 城市 除了制作衣服,中国的许多城市也因丝绸而拥有了美 丽的名称,更拥有了繁荣的机遇,苏州和成都就是它们的 代表。锦,是用多种彩色丝织成的多彩提花织物。后世谈 到锦,必称宋,因其产地主要在苏州,故又称“苏州宋锦”。 宋锦色泽华丽,图案精致,质地坚柔,被称为中国“锦绣 之冠”。故宫博物院收藏有一幅稀世珍品清代重锦《极乐 世界》图轴,300 多年来一直封存,秘不示人。据说这幅 2 米宽的独幅纹样中有 278 个神态各异的人物佛像,伴有 宫殿巍峨、祥云缭绕、奇花异草,把宋锦高超的艺术技巧 展现得淋漓尽致。 从三国时代开始,苏州的丝绸生产一直走在前列。唐 宋时期,苏州就是全国丝绸中心,据说当时苏州每两星期 生产的绸缎可从古丝绸之路的起点长安,铺到终点罗马。 明代苏州已经是江南大都会,皇家高级丝绸织品大多出自

8 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 这里。乾隆年间,苏州城内拥有丝织机 12000 多台,十万 余人从事丝绸织造和贸易行业。 成都也是一座丝绸之城。蜀锦和苏州宋锦、明代南京 云锦,并称为中国三大名锦。“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”, 汉代时,成都已经由锦闻名。唐代,周边城市生产的生丝 源源不断地涌向成都,使得蜀锦业更加发达。据说安乐公 主出嫁时的一条单丝壁罗龙裙,色泽瑰丽多彩,花纹精致 古雅,“飘似云烟,灿如朝霞”。日本正仓院和法隆寺也 珍藏有“蜀江水幡”、“蜀江太子御织伞”等许多唐代蜀 锦的残片。到南宋时,成都锦院还生产各种细锦和各种锦 被,花色更加繁复美丽。 艺术 丝绸的特性也极大地影响了中国美术。丝绸面料的垂 坠感独一无二,服装褶皱随意灵动。东晋著名画家顾恺之 所画《洛神赋》《女史箴图》等名作中的神仙和宫廷仕女, 其丝绸衣物的轻盈垂顺得到了充分表现。同时,中国画家 也喜爱丝绸服饰的飘逸感。唐代“画圣”吴道子的壁画, 就是用“天衣飞扬”般的绘画艺术而使观者感到“满壁飞 动”。画中人物穿着宽松肥大、长曳及地的丝绸衣衫,或 伫立于风中,或飞动于天界,丝衣飘飘,姿态千变万化, 营造出一种宛如仙境的艺术世界。我们常说“吴带当风”, 表现的正是丝绸服饰的飘逸之感。 锦缎绚烂如云霞;薄纱透亮如蝉翼;湘绣,广绣,蜀 绣及苏绣四大名绣精致无比;绸、缎、绫、罗各有其美; 缂丝书画意境胜过原作……在丝绸的发展史上,我们不得 不感叹劳动人民的智慧何等高明。 丝路 从汉代开始,中国的丝绸或穿越大漠戈壁,或远涉重 洋,辗转中亚、西亚、南亚,开始了人类历史上时间持久、 路程漫长、内容丰富的旅途,直至抵达地中海及东非沿海 地区。交易的货物中,丝绸不是唯一的却是最具代表性的 商品,丝绸之路因此得名。通过陆上和海上的丝绸之路, 中国的丝制品源源不断地运向中亚和欧洲,成为广受追捧 的高档纺织物,被赞为“天堂里才有的东西”。因此,希 腊、罗马人称中国为 Serica,意为丝绸之国。 丝绸之路不仅是古代亚欧互通有无的商贸大道,还是 东西方文化交流的友谊之路。当时,欧洲贵族以穿着中国 丝绸、家中使用瓷器为富有荣耀的象征;同时,国外的特 产也随着商队的行进不断回流。葡萄、胡椒、琉璃、毛毯、 乐器、歌舞、金银器制作、佛像雕刻……西域各国的技术、 文化、艺术及宗教也逐步影响着中原文化。

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 9 ilk fabricis a Chinese specialty and, for a long time, and error and, before the Xia Dynasty (21st-17th centuries China was the only country in the world that could BC), people in China were already able to select suitable Sproduce and make use of it. silkworms to domesticate from the wild population. During Silkworm cultivation the Zhou Dynasty (11th century-221BC), people learnt to When mentioning silk, we have to begin with the history bathe silk worm eggs in February and start raising silkworms of the domesticated silkworm, which began a very long in March and were knowledgeable about the process of time ago. Evidence of this has been uncovered from various silkworm metamorphosis and farming implements. From the sources, such as a halved silkworm cocoon, discovered by Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century-771 BC) to the Spring archaeologists at a Neolithic site at Xiyin Village in Xia and Autumn Period (771-476 BC), people advocated the County, Shanxi Province, which dates back to over 5,000 practice of raising silkworms once a year to avoid the over- years ago. A silk ribbon from 4,700 years ago, measuring consumption of mulberry leaves which might damage the 0.5cm in width and consisting of 16 interwoven silk threads trees. During the Warring States Period (476-221 BC), people of different thicknesses, was unearthed at the Neolithic site had realised that silkworms had no gender, but the moths did, of Qianshanyang in the Wuxing District of Huzhou, Zhejiang and that they could not stand very high temperatures but were Province. Although already carbonized, its warp and weft fond of a certain degree of humidity. In his Ode to Silkworms, are still visible. There were vivid and accurate depictions of Xun Kuang (310-235 BC), a great thinker, insightfully stated: silkworms on black pottery from about 2,500 BC unearthed “The young undergo inactivity and activity three times before at sites in Meiyan of Wujiang, Jiangsu Province, which reflect they mature”, referring to the fact that silkworms are able to people’s familiarity with silkworms back then; and among the build cocoons after three moultings. During the Wei, the Jin oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty from over 3,000 years and Northern and Southern Dynasties (220-589), there were ago are found not only pictographs of silkworm, mulberry, silk great improvements in techniques for silkworm egg selection and silk fabric, but also descriptions of sacrifices to the god of and breeding. In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), people mulberry and sericulture inspections. attached great importance to the selection of silkworm eggs Silkworm farming techniques gradually improved by trial and the improvement of the breed. They would use limewater

10 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 and salty brine to bathe the silkworm eggs in order to eliminate priceless silk clothing from the Warring States Period were inferior stock. They also realised the advantage of creating unearthed in Tomb No. 1 at the Mashan Brickworks, Jiangling, hybrids pecies of silkworms and sought to take advantage of Hubei Province, which included embroidered unlined this knowledge. garments, unlined garments made of embroidered juan (thin, Among all the countries in the world that farm silkworms, tough silk), padded tops with the outer surface made of silk- their silk worm sand farming methods were all either directly brocade, padded gowns made of embroidered juan, and lined or indirectly imported from China: Korea from 3,000 years tops made of juan. Among them was an unlined top made of ago; Japan and Vietnam 2,000 years ago; Central Asian silk mesh embroidered with Chinese dragon, phoenix and countries 1,600 years ago; Europe 1,400 years ago; and South tiger patterns. Not only was the mesh evenly woven, the fabric America 400 years ago… itself was light with extreme fine embroidery. Epitomising the Textiles feudal society at the time, these garments represent the social Silkworm farming directly promoted the development of reality in which “if a man does not farm, someone will starve; new weaving techniques, which became uniquely Chinese in if a woman does not weave, someone will feel the cold.” terms of silk weaving. Chinese textile technology improved further during When placed in hot water, silkworm cocoons will the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). Among the silk fabrics gradually become soft and pulpy. Later, the outer layer of the excavated from the Han tombat Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan cocoon will fall off and one end of the silk thread will appear. Province, were two pieces of clothing that were surprisingly People would then draw the silk from the cocoons to make silk thin, one only weighing 49 grams while the other only 48 fabrics. The silk thread drawn from one cocoon can be 1,000 grams. Measured by traditional units of weights, they weighed to 3,000 metres in length and once it is woven, the silk can be less than one liang (50 grams). Since the two pieces of clothes made into silk fabric. Most of the silk fabrics are woven before were made of silk gauze without colour or lining, they were they are dyed, but for high-end silk products, the silk can be named “unlined top made of white gauze”. A story recorded in dyed first. an ancient Arabian travelogue gives us an idea of the thinness During the Spring and Autumn Period (770W-476 BC) of this kind of fabric. An Arabian merchant once visited a and the Warring States Period (476-221 BC), agriculture Chinese government official. As they were talking, he kept became more developed and the economy was characterized staring at the official’s chest, which made him rather self- by men tilling the land and women weaving cloth. Planting conscious, so he asked: “Is there something wrong with my mulberry trees and flax plants and engaging in weaving were chest?” The trader answered: “Chinese clothes are so amazing! typical social economic scenes of the period. Back then the How is it possible that I can see the mole on your chest silk spun from cocoons were already of high quality as the through a layer of clothing?” The Chinese official laughed and fineness and uniformity of the fibre were comparable to rolled up his sleeve: “I’m not just wearing one layer. As you those made by modern techniques. In 1982, over 20 pieces of can see, I have five layers on.”

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 11 Although silk is made by the labouring class, in ancient Chengdu have not only prospered but also been associated times it was very difficult for the producers to enjoy the fruits with specific types of beautiful silk fabrics. Brocade is a textile of their labour. Silk was usually used for making specific material made of multi-coloured silk created with a raised types of clothes, the most representative of which were the pattern. When mentioning brocade, people would often relate Emperor’s Dragon Robe and the courtiers’ official robes. Only it to the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Since it was produced the officials and nobles had the privilege to wear silk clothes mainly in Suzhou, it became known as the Song brocade of while the common people were only allowed to wear plain Suzhou. The Song brocade had gained the prestige of the clothes made of coarse linen and cotton. Later, as the economy “crown brocade of China” for its superb colours, delicate in China developed, in areas such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang patterns and soft but durable texture. Among the items in the where large quantities of silk were produced, some rich Palace Museum collection is a rare Chinese tapestry named common people and merchants began to wear silk clothes. Elysium made of thick brocade from the Qing Dynasty (1644- For thousands of years, silk production was as important 1911), which for over 300 hundred years has been held in as grain production. Silk weaving and embroidery were the storage and never been exhibited. It is said that this single most widespread handicrafts in both urban and rural areas and two-metre long brocade scroll depicts 278 Buddhist figures were even more common than tea cultivation and porcelain showing various mannerisms surrounded by lofty palaces, making. With the development of cutting-edge dyeing and propitious curling clouds, exotic flowers and rare herbs, all of printing techniques, the pure plain silk began to take on a which serve to demonstrate the supreme artistic techniques of diverse range of colours and patterns, becoming the finest the Song brocade. material to match the majesty of feudal emperors, princes, From the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280) onwards, generals and ministers in addition to complementing female Suzhou has always led the way in silk production. During the beauty. Tang and Song Dynasties, Suzhou became China’s centre for Cities of silk silk production. It was said that the silk produced every two Because of silk, many Chinese cities such as Suzhou and weeks in Suzhou could be used to pave the Silk Road from Chang’an to Rome. In the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou had already

12 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 become a major city in southern China and most of the high- an artistic paradise. The so- end silk products for royal use were manufactured there. called “Wu’s billowing dresses” During the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1735-1795), there showcase exactly the ethereal feel of were 12,000 silk looms in the city of Suzhou and over 100,000 silk garments. people in the city worked in the silk trade. Brocade and satin are as splendid as rosy Chengdu, alias Shu, was another city of silk. The Shu clouds, silk gauze is as translucent as a cicada’s wings. The brocade from Chengdu, the Song brocade from Suzhou, four best-known types of embroidery, namely Hunan(Xiang) and the Ming Yun brocade from Nanjing were known as the embroidery, Guangdong embroidery, Sichuan (Shu) three most famous brocades. “As dawn light sends sparkles embroidery and Suzhou embroidery, are famous for their to dews ofred pedals,/the brocade city is decked with sweet extremely intricate patterns; brocade, satin, damask and blooms.” During the Han Dynasty, Chengdu was already well- mesh, each has its own peculiar beauty; silk tapestries of known for its brocade. In the Tang Dynasty, large amounts of paintings and calligraphies made with the kesi technique (in raw silk produced in surrounding cities flowed into Chengdu which decorative patterns or figures are woven with fine silk continuously, contributing to the further development of the and colour threads, and a piece of textile comes into being trade in Shu brocade. It was said that for her wedding Princess when the patterns or characters are finished) often surpass the Anle (684-710) in the Tang Dynasty wore an imperial dress originals in aesthetic effect… Looking back on the history of made of single-thread silk mesh that was magnificently silk, we cannot help but wonder at the brilliance and wisdom colourful and embroidered with intricate classical patterns. of the working people. It was described as “light as a floating cloud and lustrous as The Silk Road the morning glow”. In the Shoso-in Treasure House and the Beginning in the Han Dynasty, Chinese silk products Hōryū-ji Temple in Japan, there are collections of Shu brocade began the longest and most varied journey in human history, fragments from the Tang Dynasty such as Shujiang Floating travelling across the Gobi Desert through Central and West Streamers and Shujiang Crown Prince’s Umbrella. During the Asia and across vast oceans through South Asia to reach Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), the Chengdu Brocade the Mediterranean and the coast of East Africa, creating the Workshop produced even more styles of fine brocade and longest serving trade route ever. Among the goods traded various brocade quilts, with an even more diverse range of on the route, silk was not the only commodity but it was the colours and patterns. most representative, hence the name Silk Road. Overland Art influenced by silk and through the maritime Silk Road, Chinese silk products The characteristics of silk have also exerted a great deal were continuously transported to Central Asia and Europe and of influence on Chinese art. No other fabric hangs as well as became a luxury textile in high demand. They were hailed as silk–the folds of a silk dress seem to flow to and fro at will. “Heavenly objects”. As a result, the Greeks and Romans called In the well-known paintings An Ode to the Goddess of River China “Serica”, the Nation of Silk. Luo and Illustrations of the Court Instructress’ Admonitions The Silk Road served not only as a trader out econnecting by Gu Kaizhi, a renowned painter in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Asia and Europe in Ancient times, but also as a bridge of (317-420), the dresses worn by the goddess and courtier maids friendship facilitating cultural exchange between East and perfectly exhibit the elegance and gracefulness of the silk. West. At that time, European nobility wore Chinese silk Chinese artists also like the ethereal flow of silk garments. The garments and used chinaware as a symbol of status and wealth. frescos painted by Wu Daozi, the “divine painter ”of the Tang Meanwhile, many specialty products from other countries Dynasty, with his style of painting “flowing dresses of celestial were continuously brought into China by the traders, including beings”, make viewers feel as if everything in the fresco was raisins, peppercorns, glassware, blankets, musical instruments, moving. The figures in his paintings are either standing in music and dance, goldsmith and silver smith techniques, the wind or flying through the sky, wearing long, loose and Buddhist sculpturing techniques, etc. Technology, culture, comfortable silk dresses billowing in the wind. Their elegance arts and religions from countries in the Western regions also and gracefulness portrayed ina variety of poses seems to create gradually influenced Chinese culture of the Central Plains.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 13 封面 故事 Cover Story

The concept of the "Belt and Road" in ancient times 古 代“一带一路”究竟怎样

文 / 王钟的 By Wang Zhongdi

上丝绸之路东起汉王朝的首都长安(今陕 克斯坦一带。公元 97 年,班超派副使甘英出使罗 西省西安市),途中经过中国的西北地区、 马帝国,一直到达波斯湾地区,这是丝绸之路首 陆中亚、中东,直到罗马帝国。19世纪70年代, 次从亚洲延伸到欧洲。公元 166 年,罗马帝国的 德国地理学家李希霍芬认为这条商贸通道以运送丝 使节来到中国洛阳,建立了东西方两大帝国的外 绸为主,因此将它命名为丝绸之路。瑞典探险家斯 交关系,丝绸之路的通道正式打通。 文·赫定的畅销书《丝绸之路》则将这一名称发扬 和官方的远征不同,至少在马可·波罗抵达 光大。 中国之前,很少有文献记录商品完整地走完丝绸 丝绸之路的源起众说纷纭。早在公元前 139 年, 之路。也就是说,丝绸之路是由相对短途的贸易 汉武帝就派遣张骞出使西域,他最远到达了乌兹别 和中转贸易拼接起来的。看着如今世界地图上标

14 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 注的贯穿亚欧的路线图,很容易给人一种想象的 惜的是,郑和航海的目的并非为了拓宽商路,而 误区:一个驼队从长安城出发,经过沙漠、草原、 是为了展示国力。 雪山、大海一路抵达罗马……限于当时的资金和 与陆上丝绸之路类似,海上丝绸之路的贸易商 技术,这种情景是并不存在的! 品也不只是丝绸。瓷器是中国的主要出口商品。此 关于丝绸之路的第二个误区是:丝绸之路一 外,中国原本没有燃香的习俗,香料从印度通过海 直垄断着单一丝绸贸易。汉代以后,丝绸的生产 上丝绸之路传入。海上丝绸之路也被称为香料之路。 技术已经传播到了中亚、西亚地区,波斯人也很 其实,这条路也是分段组合而成的。中国商人运送 快掌握了这种技术,中国丝绸的垄断性优势不复 丝绸、瓷器经海路由马六甲经苏门答腊来到印度, 存在,茶叶、瓷器逐渐成为中国出口的主要商品。 并且采购香料、染料运回中国,印度商人再把丝绸、 尽管古代中国不是海洋型国家,一些有作为 瓷器经过红海运往埃及的开罗港或经波斯湾进入两 的君主却早已将目光投向大海。汉武帝曾派遣使 河流域,再由希腊、罗马商人从埃及的亚历山大、 者远航南海和印度洋,经过东南亚,横越孟加拉湾, 加沙等港口经地中海海运运往希腊、罗马两大帝国 到达印度半岛的东南部,抵达锡兰(今斯里兰卡) 的大小城邦。 后返航。宋朝时有三大贸易主港,分别是广州、 借助现代化的运输技术,今天“一带一路”的 宁波和泉州,从这三个港口出发的贸易船只可以 内涵和表现与古代截然不同,通过同一列火车、同 抵达日本、朝鲜半岛和东南亚、阿拉伯地区。 一艘轮船和同一架飞机,从中国城市到中亚、中东 1368 年明朝建立以后,统治者对商人出海贸 和欧洲城市的点对点商贸早就不是障碍。过去十几 易采取了严厉的打击政策,一些商人不得不通过 年、几十年才能走完的路线,在现在只需要几个小 走私来维持海上丝绸之路。在 1405 年到 1433 年 时就能到达,这是古代人连想都不能想的。但是, 之间,明朝的第三任皇帝朱棣七次派遣郑和率领 古代人为促进贸易和文化沟通所付出的巨大努力, 200 多艘巨型船只和 2 万多名士兵组成的军队开往 依然能为当下的“一带一路”扮演引路人的角色。 印度洋,并且最远到达非洲东岸和红海地区。可

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 15 16 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 he overland Silk Road stretched from Chang’an Quanzhou. Setting off from these three ports, merchant ships (today’s Xi’an in Shaanxi Province), capital of China could reach Japan, the Korean peninsula, Southeast Asia and Tin the Han Dynasty, to the Roman Empire passing Arabic speaking regions. through northwestern China, Central Asia, and the Middle After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, East. In the 1870s, Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen (1833- China’s rulers initially enforced strict policies that restricted 1905), the noted German geographer, coined the term “Silk maritime trade. Some merchants became smuggler, which Road”, as this trade route was used mainly for transporting helped to preserve trade on the maritime Silk Road. From silk. The famous Swedish explorer Sven Hedin popularized 1405 to 1433, however, Zhu Di, the third emperor of the the term through his best seller The Silk Road. Ming Dynasty, sent Zheng He on expeditionary voyages to Opinions vary regarding the origin of the Silk Road. As the Indian Ocean. Zheng, in charge of a fleet with over 200 early as 139 BC, Emperor Wu of Han sent his envoy Zhang giant vessels and more than 20,000 armed troops, made a Qian to the west, who reached as far as today’s Uzbekistan. In total of seven such voyages, reaching as far as the east coast 97 AD, Ban Chao, the Han general in charge of the Western of Africa and the Red Sea. However, the purpose of Zheng’s Regions, sent his deputy Gan Ying to the Roman Empire, voyages was to establish a Chinese presence and to collect who reached the Persian Gulf, the first time that the Silk Road exotic treasures for the emperor, rather than to establish trade connected Asia to Europe. In 166 AD, Roman emissaries routes. arrived in Luoyang and established diplomatic relations with Like the overland Silk Road, silk was not the only thing China. The Silk Road, a route connecting the East and the being traded along the maritime Silk Road. Besides silk, West was then officially in place. porcelain was one of the other main Chinese exports. China Different from official government expeditions, there didn’t use to have the tradition of burning incense, a custom were few records of goods being transported the entire that was only introduced as Indian incense and spice were length of the Silk Road, at least not before Marc Polo arrived brought into China via the maritime Silk Road. Therefore, the in China. In other words, the Silk Road was made up of maritime Silk Road was also known as Incense Road or Spice relatively short trade routes connected by intermediaries. Road. The route was divided into sections. Chinese merchants The route marked on today’s world map gives people the transported silk and porcelain to India via the Strait of misconception that a convoy of camels would set off from Malacca and Sumatra, purchased spices and dyes and brought Chang’an and end up in Rome, traversing through deserts, them back to China. Indian merchants, who bought the silk grasslands, snow-capped mountains and seas. That of course and porcelain, transported them to the Egyptian port of Cairo was not true, as traders at the time had limited budgets and via the Red Sea, or to the Euphrates and Tigris areas via the lacked the knowhow. Persian Gulf. Then Greek and Roman merchants took the The second misconception about the Silk Road is that goods from Alexandria, Gaza and other Mediterranean ports it was only a trade route for selling China’s silk to Europe. and transported them by sea to cities and towns in Greece and In fact, from the time of the Han Dynasty, silk production the Roman Empire. techniques spread to Central and Western Asia, and even the The concept of “Belt and Road” today takes a Persians soon mastered the techniques. As China gradually different form from that of ancient times, owing to modern lost its monopolistic advantage in silk, tea and porcelain later transportation technology. Such methods of transportation as became the main export. trains, ships and planes have long since removed barriers to Although ancient China was not known as a maritime direct trade between cities in China and those in Central Asia, country, a few great emperors cast their eyes to the sea. An the Middle East and Europe. A route, which in the past took envoy sent by Emperor Wu of Han once sailed through the years or even decades to cover, takes only a few hours today. South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, past Southeast Asia, Although our modern technology was beyond the imagination and across the Bay of Bengal, and returned only after they of the ancient Chinese, their gargantuan efforts in boosting reached Ceylon (today’s Sri Lanka) off the southeastern tip trade and cultural exchange means that they continue to be of the Indian peninsula. Later on, there existed three major an inspiration for the development of the “Belt and Road” trading ports in the Song Dynasty: Guangzhou, Ningbo and initiative.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 17 封面 故事 Cover Story

沿着“一带一路”走 Taking the "Belt and Road" Route

文 / 李拓 摄影 / 孟菁 赵冰 By Li Tuo Photographs by Meng Jing and Zhao Bing

绸之路”沟通东西、互通有无、互利 共赢的经济意义毋庸置疑,而丝路沿 “丝线的文化内涵则更有味道、更加迷人。 无论是大国还是小邦,无论是大城还是小镇,深深

挖掘,哪里都有独具魅力的自然风光,浓郁的民俗 he Silk Road has undoubtedly had a great 风情,更有绵延千年的生活方式与处世之道。无论 impact in linking the economies of the East and 经历何种风云变幻、时代变迁,总有一些文明印记 TWest, enabling the exchange of goods and 无法磨灭,成为一个城镇、区域、国家区别于他处 achieving mutual benefit for all concerned. Moreover, 的文化符号。亲身驾驶车辆,沿着丝绸之路经济带 regions along the Silk Road are full of character and charm. In any of the countries and cities along the 行走,种种“前世今生的味道”涌上心头。 route, be they large or small, we can find unique natural landscapes, rich folk customs, and various life styles and philosophies that stretch back thousands of years. Evidence of ancient civilizations has been left behind, even after centuries of change through the ages, becoming distinct cultural characteristics defining a town, a region or a country. As I drive along the Silk Road Economic Belt, thoughts of the past and present came to mind.

18 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 洛阳——丝绸之路东方起,九朝古都新魅力

丝绸之路东端起点——洛 国的特色文化旅游商品,并作为中 洛阳 阳定鼎门遗址成为此行的 国国礼走出国门。牡丹瓷走向世界, 古始发站。洛阳被清朝乾隆 对外输出的不单是一项文化商品, 皇帝御封为“九朝古都”,始建于 更是在输出一种千锤百炼、精雕细 隋朝的定鼎门于 2014 年被联合国教 琢、博古通今的中国匠人精神。 科文组织认定为世界文化遗产。而 洛阳另一项丝路文化创意产品 定鼎门外唐宋时期的骆驼蹄印与车 便是《天下洛阳》丝路主题光影秀。 辙痕迹既见证了古代丝路上商旅行 除了定鼎门的 3D 灯光秀,在洛阳天 人往来的热闹繁华,也不断书写着 枢剧院上演的国际多媒体互动驻场 当代光影娱乐的绚烂多彩。 秀是《天下洛阳》的头牌节目。该 洛阳有“千年帝都 牡丹花城” 剧通过“河洛九州”“定鼎中国”“开 的美誉,洛阳牡丹花雍容华贵,艳 启丝路”“心证菩提”“神都盛世”“天 而不俗,柔而不媚,被誉为“国色 下洛阳”等篇章,展现了洛阳上下 天香”。作为牡丹文化的创意衍生品, 五千年的恢弘史诗。定鼎门、白马 牡丹瓷是洛阳牡丹文化的传承代表。 寺、龙门石窟等洛阳文化地标均以 牡丹瓷由李学武于 2009 年创始于洛 美轮美奂的光影方式呈现出来。随 阳,它以优质高岭土为原料,以洛 着剧情的发展,天枢剧院的舞台与 阳牡丹为原型,以具有牡丹纹饰的 观众席会转动起来,360 度旋转观 瓷器为样本,以唐代白瓷烧制技艺 剧营造出无与伦比的互动性体验。 为基础,兼具唐三彩等唐代陶瓷生 演出最后的《天下洛阳》主题曲歌 产传统技艺,汲取雕塑造型、镂空 词朗朗上口,“洛阳洛阳,天下无双, 捏花、装饰刻印、颜料釉色等众家 万世传扬”,让你观赏完演出后会 陶瓷传统技艺之所长,采用全手工 不自觉地哼唱起来,意犹未尽之感 制作而成,被誉为“永不凋谢的牡 萦绕心头。 丹花”。牡丹瓷已成为河南乃至全

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 19 Luoyang–the eastern starting point of the Silk Road, showing the fresh charms of an ancient Chinese capital that spanned nine dynasties he eastern starting point of the Peony porcelain has become ancient Silk Road—the site of the a characteristic cultural handicraft TDingding Gate in Luoyang—is associated with tourism in Henan province the starting point of my travels. Luoyang and China, and has even been chosen as was conferred the title of “ancient capital state gifts for foreign dignitaries. With of nine dynasties” by Emperor Qianlong peony porcelain going global, it is not (1711-1799) of the Qing Dynasty simply another Chinese cultural export, (1644-1912), and the Dingding Gate but a product encompassing the spirit and that was built in the Sui Dynasty (581- profound knowledge of Chinese craftsmen 618) was recognised by UNESCO as a from ancient times. world cultural heritage site in 2014. The Another artistic creation out of imprints of camel hoofs and ruts outside the Silk Road culture in Luoyang is the the Dingding Gate dating back to the Tang light show entitled “Luoyang under the (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties Heaven” that is themed on the Silk Road. are evidence of the hustle and bustle of Besides the 3D light show at the Dingding the ancient Silk Road, and have become a gate, the star program of “Luoyang under part of modern entertainment. the Heaven” is performed at the Luoyang Luoyang has the reputation of being Tianshu Theatre. It is an international “an ancient capital of a thousand years” multimedia interactive show that fully and “the city of peonies”. Here the peony showcases Luoyang’s five thousand years is praised as a flower of “national beauty of history through acts such as the “cradle and heavenly fragrance”, elegant and of civilization”, “capital of China”, poised, charming and tender. The peony “opening of the Silk Road”, “flourishing porcelain of Luoyang is representative of Buddhist culture”, “gorgeous and peony culture in Luoyang. Initially created prosperous dynasty”, and “Luoyang under in Luoyang by Li Xuewu in 2009, peony the heaven”, featuring such Luoyang porcelain is made from high-quality kaolin cultural landmarks as the Dingding Gate, clay, bearing vivid images of peonies. The the White Horse Temple and the Longmen ornamental peony porcelain is made by Grottoes in stunning technicolour. As combining the traditional white porcelain the performance unfolds, the stage and firing techniques of the Tang Dynasty auditorium at the Tianshu Theater will with the traditional techniques of the Tang begin to rotate, giving the audience a Sancai ceramics, drawing inspiration from unique 360-degree interactive experience. different traditional pottery techniques After watching the performance, the of sculpting, moulding, hollowing, lyrics of the final theme song “Luoyang, carving, decorating, printing, painting and Luoyang, unique and everlasting” will glazing. It is made by hand throughout continue to ring in your mind, perhaps the whole process and is renowned as the even escaping your lips, leaving you an “everlasting peony”. unforgettable memory.

20 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 兰州——绕不开的丝路重镇,面香飘逸之城 丝绸之路为主题的旅行路线,无论怎样 兰州的蔬菜。几种食材各司其职,不 设计,黄河边上的兰州都是必经之处。 同的味道杂陈在一碗牛肉面中,各有 以提到兰州,恐怕很多人的第一印象便是 鲜明的特点却又不夺面条本味的清香。 蜚声海内的兰州牛肉面。在兰州,学子归家,游 一千个兰州人有一千碗味道各异的兰州牛肉 子归乡,放下行囊,第一件事便是钻进牛肉面馆, 面,但不变的是对故乡的心灵坚守。 一碗牛肉面下肚,舌尖的味道便会告诉他:回家 在兰州,倘若不知午饭该如何打发,来一碗 了。身边不少兰州朋友一回到家便再也不想离开, 牛肉面是不会错的。面汤是一碗牛肉面的精髓, 最割舍不掉的就是那一碗“一清(汤清)、二白 要清晨最早熬出来的头汤,到中午汤就浑了,面 (萝卜白)、三红(辣椒油红)、四绿(香菜、 馆也就关了,因此讲究的兰州人下午是不吃牛肉 蒜苗绿)、五黄(面条黄亮)”的兰州牛肉面。 面的。面条在抻面师傅的手中如丝路一般不断绵 说起牛肉面与兰州人生活的息息相关,全国上下 延,依个人口味变化出毛细、二细、三细、韭叶、 应该没有其他哪一种食物因为调价 5 毛钱而召开 荞麦棱等粗细不同的形态。醋、辣椒、卤蛋等也 政府听证会,兰州牛肉面便会。 是根据个人口味酌量添加。兰州牛肉面既是大众 此次丝路行到兰州,自然不会错过这一当地 化美食,同时也满足个性化需求。既开放包容, 美味,并有幸参观了牛肉面的制作过程。坊间传 又坚守特色本味。看似普通的一碗兰州牛肉面里 说,兰州牛肉面起源于唐代,而目前有史料记载 大有乾坤,恰与提倡开放、包容、交流融合、互 的是始于清朝嘉庆年间。一碗牛肉面里包含:永 通有无的丝路精神相吻合。 登的面粉、皋兰的蓬灰、黄河水、甘谷的辣椒、

Lanzhou – an important city on the Silk Road permeated with the aroma of noodles anzhou, on the bank of the daikon, red chili oil, green coriander and Yellow River, is a place you must garlic sprout, and yellow noodles. The Lvisit no matter how you plan close relationship between beef noodles to travel along the Silk Road. Perhaps, and life in Lanzhou can be demonstrated Lanzhou beef noodles, renowned in by the fact that no other food is able to China and abroad, will appear first in bring about a government hearing due to most people’s minds when they hear a fifty-cent rise in its price. But Lanzhou about Lanzhou. The first thing people beef noodles can. do when they return to Lanzhou, is to Staying in Lanzhou during our go into a noodle restaurant and taste a tour of the Silk Road, we could not miss bowl of beef noodles. The familiar taste this local delicacy and we were lucky on the tips of their tongue will tell them enough to watch how the noodles were that they are home. Many of my friends made. According to legend, Lanzhou from Lanzhou don’t want to leave when beef noodles originated in the Tang they return home. The thing they cannot Dynasty, but there are historical records do without is Lanzhou beef noodles, that show this dish was created during characterised by its five colours: white the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 21 A bowl of Lanzhou beef noodles requires: cloudy at noon, the noodle restaurants flour from Yongdeng, penghui (a kind of close. So Lanzhou people who are potash made of the ashes of a plant called particular about their beef noodles will not pengcao and used as an additive to make eat it after noon. Just like the Silk Road, noodles chewy) from Gaolan, water from noodles seemingly stretch forever in the the Yellow River, chillies from Gangu hands of the chefs who make noodles by and vegetables from Lanzhou. Every drawing out the dough by hand. The shape one of these ingredients has its use in the of the noodles can be made to taste and dish and as they are mixed in a bowl of they come in various thicknesses such as: Lanzhou beef noodles, one can appreciate hair-thin, second-thinnest, third-thinnest, the distinct flavours of the ingredients yet chive-leaf-width and buckwheat-shape. still taste the freshness of the noodles. People can also add vinegar, chillies and Every single Lanzhou resident will have a marinated hard-boiled egg according their own version of beef noodles; the one to personal taste. Lanzhou beef noodles thing that they all share is their love for are a delicious food for the masses that their hometown. can satisfy individual tastes. Distinctive If you don’t know what to have in its flavour, yet able to absorb other for lunch in Lanzhou, then you can’t go flavours, the seemingly ordinary Lanzhou wrong by ordering a bowl of beef noodles. beef noodles have commonalities with the The quintessence of Lanzhou beef noodles spirit of the Silk Road, which advocates is its soup and the best soup comes from openness, inclusiveness, connectivity and the first pot of soup that is made fresh integration. every morning. When the soup turns

独库公路——连通西域南北, 英雄之魂守护安全 新疆

到新疆,人们更多想到的是神秘的西域 风情,抑或是吐鲁番的葡萄、红柳烤肉、 提拉条子、大盘鸡等令人垂涎的美味。但新疆境 内一条更为自驾游爱好者熟知的交通生命线——独库公 路,却成为了此行难以磨灭的记忆。 独库公路全长约 562 公里,北起油城独山子,南至 库车县城,是连接南北疆的一条重要交通线。虽然由于 环境、天气原因,独库公路只在每年 6 月至 10 月中旬开 通,但它的贯通,使得南北疆路程由原来的 1000 多公里 缩短了近一半,堪称中国公路建设史上的一座丰碑。即 便还比不上张骞凿空西域这样的历史伟业,也毫不亚于 红旗渠这样的当代功绩。 为了修建这条公路,数万名官兵奋战 10 年,其中有 168 名筑路官兵献出了宝贵的生命。此次丝路行,车队 穿越了独库公路的其中一段,并在途中有幸见到了一位 当年的建设者——陈俊贵。他也是专为修筑独库公路牺 牲官兵所建造的新疆尼勒克县乔尔玛烈士陵园守护人。

1822 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 1979 年参军后,陈俊贵随所在部队到新疆新源县那 拉提,参加修筑天山深处独库公路的大会战。1980 年 4 月 6 日,前方部队被暴风雪围困在天山深处,部队面临断炊 的危险。陈俊贵和三名战友一起从山上向驻守在山下的部 队送信求救,途中遭遇疾风暴雪,同行的战友郑林书、罗 强壮烈牺牲,陈俊贵与另一位战友陈卫星也因右大腿肌肉 被冻坏死而留下重度伤残。1984 年,陈俊贵退伍回到辽 宁老家,担任电影放映员。1985 年,他看到一部名为《天 山行》的电影时,镜头中的一幕幕恍如昨日。陈俊贵想到 郑林书的临终遗言:一是希望死后能埋葬在附近的山上, 永远看护着战友和这条路;二是因使命在身,作为儿子生 前没能好好孝敬父母,托付陈俊贵能到老家看望一下他的 父母。由此,陈俊贵作出了改变他一辈子命运的决定—— builders. He is also the custodian of Qiao’erma Military Cemetery 重新回到埋葬战友的天山脚下,陪伴战友,成了烈士陵园 in Nilka County, Xinjiang, which was built exclusively for those 守护人。讲述起那段刻骨铭心的经历,七尺男儿不禁潸然 officers and soldiers who gave their lives in the construction of the 泪下,听者无不为之动容。 highway. 丝绸之路上,既有绚烂、光彩夺目,也有平凡、朴实 After joining the army in 1979, Chen Jungui and his 无华,更有艰苦卓绝、抛洒热血。古代如此,今天亦如是, comrades came to Nalati, Xinyuan County, Xinjiang, and took 都是串联起一条互联互通、“味道”丰富的丝绸之路经济 part in the construction of the Duku Highway deep in the Tianshan 带不可或缺的内容。 Mountains. On April 6th, 1980, the forward unit was trapped in the depth of the mountains by a snowstorm and faced the danger of Dushanzi-Kuqa highway – connecting running out of food. Chen Jungui and three of his comrades were the north and south areas of tasked with delivering a distress message to the troops stationed at the foot of the mountain. On their way down the mountain, northwestern China, protected by the they encountered a blizzard and his comrades Zheng Linshu and soul of heroes Luo Qiang tragically lost their lives. Chen Jungui and his other t the mention of Xinjiang, people tend to think of its remaining comrade Chen Weixing became severely disabled when exotic customs, or its delicious foods, such as Turpan’s they lost their right thigh muscle to frostbite. In 1984, Chen Jungui Agrapes, meat kebabs strung on tamarisk branches, was demobilized from the army and went back to his hometown in noodles, big-plate chicken and so on. However, those who like to Liaoning Province and became a film projectionist. In 1985, when drive will know about the Dushanzi-Kuqa highway, a critical route he saw a movie named “Journey to Tianshan”, scenes in the film in Xinjiang, which became an unforgettable part of our trip. brought back memories like it was yesterday. He thought of Zheng The 562-kilometer Dushanzi-Kuqa highway stretches from Linshu’s last wishes: to be buried nearby on the mountain so that Dushanzi in the north to Kuqa County in the south, an important he could continue to look after his comrades and the road; and that route connecting the north and south areas of Xinjiang. Although he wished Chen Jungui to visit his parents because he had failed due to environmental factors the Dushanzi-Kuqa highway is as a son to take care of his parents. It was then that Chen Jungui only open from June to mid-October each year, its existence has made a decision which would change his life forever – he came shortened the previous journey of more than 1,000 kilometres back to where his comrades were buried and became the custodian by almost a half. It is regarded as a milestone in the history of the military cemetery at the foot of the Tianshan Mountain of highway construction in China. Even if it is not as great an to accompany his comrades. As he began to weep as he told his achievement of Zhang Qian’s historical exploration of the Western unforgettable experiences, those who listened could not help but Regions, it is no less a feat than the contemporary Red Flag Canal be deeply moved by his story. in He’nan Province. On the Silk Road there is brilliance and splendour, but also In order to build the Dushanzi-Kuqa highway, tens of simplicity and ordinariness. It is a road on which people worked thousands of officers and soldiers worked for 10 hard years, 168 arduously and have even given their lives. So it was in ancient of whom lost their lives here. During this trip, as we passed a times, as it is today. All of which come together to form the Silk section of the Dushanzi-Kuqa highway, we were fortunate enough Road Economic Belt, an integrated region with an abundance of to meet a man named Chen Jungui who was one of the road flavour.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 1923 封面 故事 Cover Story Wang Yiwei: The "Belt and Road Initiative" boosts the common human civilization revival. 王义桅:“一带一路” 助推人类文明共同复兴

们未来的梦想——重振丝绸之路,重振亚欧文明。 全球覆盖,而且不依赖于因特网,这样对于道路建设和远 两年前,习主席在哈萨克斯坦提出“我们要实现 程教育都十分有利,因为某些偏远地区可能还没有通电, 我亚欧的互联互通”。“一带一路”沿线国家为什 这些举措使得贫苦地区的人们也可从高科技中受益。此外, 么能够做到互联互通呢?以中国为起点,新丝绸之路经中 中国的发展经验,有些是成功的,有些不那么成功,我们 东和中亚,一直通到欧洲,这样会有更多国家分享中国发 要与“一带一路”国家分享中国发展的成功经验,规避其 展带来的红利。 错误,特别是避免走“先污染后治理”老路。中国人有“中 中国人经常说“要想富先修路”“要快富修高速”, 国梦”,其他国家人民也有自己的梦,所以“一带一路” 中国有大量的外汇储备,将其投资到基础设施当中去,这 就是为了帮助其他的国家来实现他们的梦想,实现沿线国 就是中国高铁的效率。中国用十年不到的时间,就修了一 家共同的繁荣和文明的共同复兴。 点八万公里的高速铁路,但这样依然不够。即便中国有 4 全球金融危机爆发后,中国对世界经济的贡献平均达 万亿美元的外汇储备,但在亚洲投资设施方面仍然有 8 万 三成,是排名第二位的美国的一倍。作为实体经济投资的 亿美元的缺口,所以我们需要“PPP 项目”,通过公私合 一种方式,关注基础设施建设,推动实体经济的发展,“一 营项目来获得更多的钱。当然这是一个大项目,它有很多 带一路”将会成为世界经济复苏的引擎。“一带一路”国 的风险,首先是经济风险,因为这是长期大量的投资,有 家的 GDP 只占到了世界经济的 29%,人口却占到了全世界 些国家可能还不是世贸组织的成员,有些国家可能还不是 的 63%,所以还有很大的发展潜力。 市场经济,所以有很大的挑战。还有政治风险,各国内部 我想“一带一路”主要是希望实现全球的繁荣。在 “后 的不稳定、国际地缘政治的风险以及传统和非传统的安全 危机时代”,在穷国和富国之间、东西方间存在巨大差距, 威胁都涵盖其中。国家边界之间存在很多国际水域,比如 甚至一个国家内部的差距都是显著的,这必然会导致很多 说在东亚国家,如果你要在某个国家建大坝,还需要考虑 风险,“一带一路”即是要实现全球再平衡。如果从这张 其他国家的感受,从而进行协调;有些国家的法律体系非 地图上来看,今天有数十亿计的人在搞现代化,但是仍然 常复杂;还有许多非政府组织扮演着非常重要的角色。同 使用数百年前欧洲所开发的航路和标准。如今电子商务发 时也可能面临道德风险,存在宗教、文化、习俗的隔阂。 展迅速,所以在大西洋和太平洋之间的现存贸易航路就不 如果没有很好的沟通联系,人们会否定中国制造、中国建 够了,很多过去的设施都需要进行再建设,例如巴拿马都 造,使之无法落地生根。 希望对老运河进行改造和升级,因为这个运河还是一百多 说起来容易做起来难,我们该怎么去实现“一带一 年前美国人开凿的。 路”的构想呢?我想孔子的智慧可以运用于解决问题的过 按照世界银行数据,当今世界产出的八成来自于沿海 程中——己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。每个国家都有各 地区一百公里的地带,这种“全球化”是“部分全球化”, 自的发展需求,中国的“一带一路”是服务于实现联合国 我们还需要更多的互联互通,助推人类文明的共同复兴, 2030 年后可持续发展议程。在基础设施的建设方面:“北 打造更包容的全球化。 斗”2018 年覆盖“一带一路”沿线国家,2020 年会实现 (本文节选自第 10 届孔子学院大会闭幕式演讲)

24 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 e will connect Asia and Europe,” said President countries involved in the “Belt and Road” Initiative by 2018 Xi in Kazakhstan two years ago.This is our dream and its coverage will be global by 2020, at which times global “Wfor the future, the revival of the Silk Road and the networks will no longer have to rely on the internet. This will be revitalisation of Eurasian civilisations. So, why can the countries advantageous for road building and long-distance education as along the Belt and the Road achieve interconnectivity? With China some remote areas of the world are probably without electricity as a starting point, the new Silk Road will cross the Middle East supply and these initiatives will help people in poor parts of and Central Asia to reach Europe, and this will allow even more the world to benefit from high technology. In addition, China countries to share in China’s prosperity. has a wealth of experience in developing as a country, some of Chinese people frequently say: “To become wealthy, you which have been successful, others not so. We can help China’s must first build roads” and “To become wealthy fast, you must neighbours to learn from our successes and avoid making the same build motorways”. China has large amounts of foreign reserves mistakes. I would hope that the roadmap of polluting first and and has invested heavily in infrastructure. That’s why 18,000 cleaning up later, which we have mistakenly followed, will serve kilometres of high-speed tracks were laid in less than a decade. as a warning to other countries. Chinese people have the Chinese But for this initiative, even if China invested its entire foreign dream and people of other countries have their own dreams. The reserves of 4 trillion US dollars, there would still be a funding “Belt and Road” Initiative will help other nations achieve their gap of 8 trillion USD. Therefore, we need to build public-private- dreams so that prosperity is shared by all. partnerships (PPP) so that more money can be raised through After the global financial crisis, China’s contribution to the projects jointly funded by state and private sectors. There is global economy increased significantly, nearly twice that of the no doubt that this is a massive undertaking and there are many US. As a form of investment in the real economy that is focused associated risks, the biggest of which is financial risk. Some of the on building of infrastructure and promoting growth in the real countries involved are probably not members of the World Trade economy, the “Belt and Road” Initiative will become the engine Organisation and some do not even operate a market economy, to drive global growth. From this map we can see that many so there are big challenges. Every country involved will also developing countries have huge potential, but their economies face political risks such as internal instability, geopolitical risks, only account for 29% of global GDP, when their nations account and security threats from traditional and non-traditional sources. for 63% of global population, which just goes to show that there Many international borders cross waterways, and if you wanted remains huge scope for growth. to build a dam, say in an East Asian country, you would first need In summary, I believe the main aim of the “Belt and Road” to consider the reactions of countries downstream so that you Initiative is to bring prosperity to the world. In the post-crisis era, can act accordingly. Some countries have very complicated legal there are still huge gaps in wealth between rich and poor countries, systems, We will also need to work with many non-governmental East and West, and there are even significant gaps within each organisations that may have very important roles in certain country. This will no doubt create many risks, but the “Belt and countries. Some of the other risks include ethical, cultural and Road” Initiative is designed to cope with these risks and hope to religious risks, and risks associated with human interactions. If we bring equality to the world. If we look at this map, we will see do not adequately communicate our intentions with other nations, that although several billion people are now living in the modern they may come to dislike things that are made in China or built age, we are still using trade routes discovered by Europeans over by China, and the initiative will not be able to integrate with local a hundred years ago and facilities from that time. With the growth communities. of e-commerce, the current trade routes connecting the Atlantic This is all easier said than done, so how should we go about and Pacific oceans have reached their full capacity and many of implementing the “Belt and Road” Initiative? I think in looking the facilities need to be updated. Take the Panama Canal that is for solutions we should use the wisdom of Confucius— “If one being upgraded, that was dug by Americans over a century ago. wishes to stand on one’s own feet, one must help others to stand According to the World Bank’s statistics, roughly 80% of on their own feet; if one wishes to succeed, one must help others global goods are being manufactured no more than a hundred to succeed.” Every country has their own development needs and kilometres away from the world’s coasts. This type of globalisation China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative aims to help other countries to is really only partial globalisation. We still need more connectivity achieve the goals set down by UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable to promote the revitalisation of global civilisations, to make Development. In terms of building infrastructure, China’s globalisation more inclusive.

BeiDou Navigation Satellite System will provide coverage for (This excerpt from the speech of the 10th Confucius Institute Conference.)

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 25 封面 故事 Cover Story Ge Jianxiong: The significance of the "Belt and Road Initiative" lies in its spirit. 葛剑雄 : “一带一路” 更在于精神

今天的“一带一路”不是历史上 “一带一路”文化交流的启示是,积 丝绸之路的重建再造。 极、平等、和平的传播,注重文化交融。

绸之路这条道路历史上早就有了,历史上的丝绸之 实体的、大众的文化传播的速度和接受程度相对比较 丝路是境外对中国的丝绸有需要才形成的。查中国的 快一些,而抽象的、观念上的文化传播则相对比较慢。历 古籍,是找不到“丝绸之路”这个词的。19 世纪德国地 史上一些宗教、价值观、意识形态的传播往往是通过武力 理学家费迪南·冯·李希霍芬到中亚考察,提出约在公元 或者是金钱实现的。而今天我们则不是以强制手段或者军 前 2 世纪,存在着一条“丝绸之路”。其实这不仅仅是一 事力量将文化强加给外国,而是用说明的方法,介绍、展 个谁命名的问题,而是说明中国人以前并没有这样的自觉 示中国。为有兴趣了解中国文化的人们提供帮助和平台。 性。这些历史现在有些人不清楚,还以为是中国人为了卖 中国应该更多的承担起文化传播的责任,在传播文化 丝绸才开了丝绸之路。 中首先是互相尊重对方的文化,不是排他,而是“各美其 今天的“一带一路”不是历史上概念的复制,而是中 美”;不是谁压倒谁,谁代替谁。其次是互相了解和欣赏—— 国自觉地向外发展,主动要与世界融为一体。我们今天提 “美人之美”。我非常赞同费孝通先生的观点,即“各美 “一带一路”就是让世界了解中国,中国要与“一带一路” 其美、美人之美、美美与共、天下大同”。 的国家共同发展,共同繁荣,组成利益共同体,完全是平 我认为今天的“一带一路”更多的在于一种合作、共 等的,相互帮助,形成经济发展带,共同提高。 同发展的精神,而并非具体哪条路。 对孔子学院来说,在“一带一路”的建设中更多的是 把“一带一路”与马歇尔计划相 要展示中国文化。随着中国经济实力的增强,学习中文的 提并论,这是错误的。 越来越多,并在经济发展中受益。现在孔子学院的使命是 因为对历史的误解,使得我们的观点会有偏差。比如 进行中国文化的普及和说明。那就要恰如其分,用事实进 我看到有幅漫画,画的是历史上的丝绸之路运了各种各样 行客观的解释,不能一味自大,更不能过犹不及。中国在 的物资,这是不可能的,运丝绸之外的东西是赚不到钱的。 文化传播中既不要盲目地自卑,也不要盲目地自大。外国 这样时间长了,就会误导公众,也容易让人产生“马歇尔 通过孔子学院这个平台了解中国文化的同时,中国也要发 计划”的联想。其实完全不是这样。今天中国提出的“一 现外国文化的美。孔子学院在走出去传播中国文化的同时, 带一路”与马歇尔计划完全不同,我们是平等基础上的利 要注重当地文化的借鉴融合,尊重当地文化,实现文化的 益共同体的和平发展,建立在双方互惠互利平等基础上的。 交融。

26 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 In terms of cultural exchange, B&R promotes active, equal and peaceful communication and cultural integration.

Compared with abstract and conceptual means of communication, foreign culture is easier and quicker for people to accept via tangible and popular means. In history, some religious or ideological messages or values were enforced by force or through the use of money, but what we are doing today is not to force our culture upon others, but to introduce and showcase The “Belt and Road” Initiative (B&R) is China through illustrations, so as to provide a platform for people not a mere copy of the ancient Silk Road. who are interested in understanding China to find what they want. China should shoulder more responsibility for cultural he Silk Road has long been in existence and came into being communication. In doing so, the first thing we must do is to because of the market for Chinese silk overseas. However, in T respect others’ cultures and not seek to exclude, overpower or ancient Chinese books, you will not find the term “silk road”. It is replace them with our own. The second is to understand and a term coined by Ferdinand von Richthofen, a German geographer appreciate each other’s cultures and values. In this regard, I fully in the 19th century. After taking a field trip to Central Asia, he agree with Mr. Fei Xiaotong, who said that “everyone should proposed that there was a silk road in the 2nd century BC. Actually, cherish his or her own culture and values; everyone should respect this is not just an issue of who named the road, but shows that and treasure other cultures and values. Once we can appreciate Chinese people had never taken the initiative to name this road as each other’s cultures, the world will become harmonious.” the Silk Road. Some people don’t know this part of history and think I think the point of B&R is its emphasis on cooperation and that the ancient Chinese built this road to sell silk. development, instead of which route it will actually take. The B&R today is not a mere copy of history, but China’s For the Confucius Institute, in supporting B&R, its purpose initiative for outward-looking development, and its willingness to is to showcase Chinese culture to the whole world. With the integrate into the world market. China initiated B&R to enhance growth of the Chinese economy, more and more people are the world’s understanding of the country, so that it can form a studying Chinese and benefiting from its economic growth. Now community consisting of countries along the B&R that share the mission of the Confucius Institute is to explain and popularise common interests, based on the principles of equality, mutual Chinese culture, but to do it well, we should give facts and development and common prosperity. avoid exaggerations. When introducing Chinese culture to other cultures, we should neither belittle ourselves nor be conceited. It is a mistake to equate B&R with the While other countries understand Chinese culture through the Marshall Plan. Confucius Institute, we should also learn to appreciate the beauty of their cultures. When introducing Chinese culture, Confucius Misunderstandings about history can lead to misconceptions. Institutes should seek to integrate Chinese culture with local For example, I once saw a cartoon showing how various kinds of cultures by respecting and learning from the local cultures. goods were transported along the Silk Road, which was simply impossible, because it was not profitable to transport anything other than silk. If the public become accustomed to misconceptions, people will be misled and may even associate B&R with the Marshall Plan. But B&R is not another Marshall Plan, it is completely different. We advocate the peaceful development of a community with shared interests, based on equality and mutual benefits.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 27 封面 故事 Cover Story “一带一路” 与孔子学院 The“Belt and Road Initiative” and the Confucius Institutes

宁夏大学国际教育学院院长 王辉 Wang Hui, Dean of International Education School of Ningxia University, China

承古“丝绸之路”精神,“一带一路”建设 旅游、金融等专业人才的语言培训,促进教育合作和民 在新时代架起中外合作共赢的金桥,是一次 间文化艺术交流,推动中国和丝路国家的互联互通。 秉重新出发的经贸联通之旅、文化融通之旅。“一 宁夏大学依托与“一带一路”沿线阿拉伯国家的天 带一路”畅通,文化融通是先导。文化融通是经贸联通 然联系和长期合作优势,主动服务“一带一路”建设需求, 的基础性工程,发挥潜移默化、润物无声的重要作用, 率先建成国内唯一一个中阿文化交流数据库,全面展示 能促进经贸合作接地气、增信任、聚民心、扎根基,化 中国与阿拉伯国家的文化交流成果和信息资源,已成为 解国际贸易中的文化冲突和水土不服问题。孔子学院是 中阿文化交流的互联网窗口和特色智库平台。此外 , 我 中外合作建立的中国语言文化海外学习和交流平台,对 们还编写出版了国内首部以“‘一带一路’上的语言” 中外语言相通、文化交流、文明互鉴产生了重要影响。 为主题的系列丛书,全面研究“一带一路”沿线 60 多 如今,孔子学院的公共外交功能日益增强,促进中外人 个国家的语言状况、语言政策、语言需求及语言服务等, 文交流和经贸合作的助推器作用更加凸显,成为“一带 为“一带一路”建设提供决策参考和学术支撑,促进中 一路”上的服务区和加油站。未来,孔子学院在“一带 国和“一带一路”沿线国家语言相通、民心相通。 一路”建设中大有可为,前景广阔。依托语言文化交流 职能,孔子学院能为当地提供政策沟通与咨询,对接中 外企业和社区相关需求,开展针对交通、通讯、经贸、

y following the spirit of the ancient Silk Road, the broadening trade and firming cultural relations. Cultural "Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) " will become a integration is the prelude for the BRI and it is also essential Bgolden bridge that offers mutual benefit through for closer economic ties and trade. It is a silent partner, cooperation. It will also open up new opportunities for but plays an important role that is capable of facilitating

28 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 economic cooperation and trade by enhancing mutual trust and finance, and promoting educational collaboration and and understanding and helping addressing cultural conflicts community cultural and artistic exchange, so as to enhance or shocks. As an international platform for learning Chinese ties between China and countries along the Silk Road. language and culture, the Confucius Institute has had a Ningxia University has leveraged its long history of significant impact on international communication and relations and cooperation with the Arabian countries along culture exchange. The Confucius Institute’s role as a public the Silk Road, and taken the initiative to serve the needs of ambassador is increasingly prominent and is helping to the BRI. It has built the only China-Arab cultural exchanges boost international cultural exchange, economic ties and database in China, which showcases the achievements trade, as CIs are becoming service centres for the BRI. made in China-Arab cultural exchange and the associated The Confucius Institute will have an even greater role to information resources, and has become an internet portal play in advancing the BRI. Apart from teaching Chinese with a unique resource platform. In addition, we have and holding cultural activities, Confucius Institutes can compiled the first series of books themed on the “Languages also provide Chinese government policy interpretation along the Silk Road”, focusing on the current status, related and consultation services for their regions, catering to policies, requirements and services of languages spoken the needs of both Chinese and local companies, as well in over 60 countries. The research we have undertaken has as local communities. They are capable of offering supported decision-making and academic research, and language training to local people working in sectors such enhanced ties between China and countries along the Silk as transportation, telecommunication, commerce, tourism Road in terms of language and people-to-people exchange.

柬埔寨王家学院孔子学院院长 谢莫尼勒 Chea Munyrith, Director of the Confucius Institute at Royal Academy of Cambodia 埔寨王家学院孔子学院是由时任中国国家副 带一路”进行舆论造势。孔子学院将继续发挥智库作用, 主席习近平和柬埔寨王国副总理索安亲自揭 为柬政府实施“一带一路”项目献计献策。此外,孔 柬牌的柬埔寨唯一一所孔子学院。习近平在揭 子学院作为中柬交流的桥梁,将继续深化中柬在经济、 牌时指出:柬埔寨孔子学院的建立开启了中柬友谊之 文化等领域的合作。 路的里程碑。从 2009 年建立至今,孔子学院在柬各学 国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。两国只 校、政府和军事部门开设了共 3 个孔子课堂和 25 个教 有通过文化交流与合作,才能让两国人民相逢相知、 学点,为柬社会各界输送了大量汉语人才。 互信互敬,共享和谐富裕的生活。“一带一路”开启 自习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议以来,柬埔 了中柬交流合作的新时代,孔子学院任重道远! 寨孔子学院统筹项目资源,举办了形式多样的主题论 坛和文化活动,正积极筹备出版书籍、拍摄视频,为“一

he Confucius Institute at Royal Academy of Institute has been running three Confucius Classrooms and Cambodia is the only Confucius Institute in 25 teaching sites in schools, government departments and TCambodia and President Xi Jinping (then Vice- branches of the military around Cambodia, and nurtured a President) and Vice-Premier Sok An attended its plaque- large pool of talented individuals conversant in the Chinese unveiling ceremony. President Xi Jinping pointed out language. at the ceremony that the establishment of the Confucius Since President Xi proposed the “Belt and Road” Institute in Cambodia was a milestone event in the history Initiative (BRI), the Confucius Institute has been tapping of China-Cambodia relations. Since 2009, the Confucius into its own resources and has held all types of themed

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 29 symposiums and cultural activities. It is now making an “Relations between countries depend on the affinity active effort to publish books and release videos aimed between their people, and this depends on mutual trust.” at raising public awareness of the BRI, and will also help Only through cultural exchanges and cooperation will the Cambodian government to follow the BRI by offering people from the two countries understand, trust, and ideas and advice in its capacity as a think tank. In addition, respect each other, and share a life of harmony and the Confucius Institute has also served as a bridge between prosperity. The BRI has ushered in a new era for exchange China and Cambodia, and will continue to contribute and cooperation. The road is long and the task is arduous towards closer economic and cultural cooperation between for the Confucius Institute. the two countries.

乌克兰基辅国立语言大学副校长、 孔子学院院长 Iryna Sieriakova Iryna Sieriakova, Vice-Rector of the Kiev State Linguistic University and Director of the Confucius Institute at Kiev State Linguistic University

为地处欧亚大陆腹地、沟通东西方的重要“走 各类比赛等常规项目,和为乌克兰国际航空公司开设 廊”,乌克兰是全面支持中国“一带一路” “航空汉语”、与乌克兰中国商会和乌克兰工商会开 作倡议的第一个欧洲国家。孔子学院致力多元 展“订单式合作”等创新项目以外,基辅国立语言大 文化发展交流的宗旨与“一带一路”所倡导的精神实 学孔子学院还将重点建设“孔子学院学员走进中国在 质和建设目标相吻合。如果说“一带一路”是一条延 乌企业”、“全乌汉语学习者‘一带一路’主题征文 伸友谊发展合作的“丝线”,那么沿线各国孔子学院 及获奖者赴华游学”、“中乌各界代表共话‘一带一路’ 则可成为以语言沟通促进文化交流进而联结民心相通 研讨会”等专项项目,推动“一带一路”倡议在乌落 的一个个“基点”。除日常开展的语言教学、文化活动、 地生根。

s an important corridor located in the hinterland well as the “Aviation Chinese” program in collaboration of the Eurasian Continent connecting the East and with Ukraine International Airlines and contract-based Athe West, Ukraine was the first European country collaboration with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in to lend its full support to the BRI. The Confucius Institute Ukraine and the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and is committed to promoting multi-cultural development, Industry, the Confucius Institute at Kiev State Linguistic which is in accordance with the vision and mission of University will also focus on projects such as “Visits by CI the BRI. If we compare the Belt and Road to a thread of students to Chinese companies in Ukraine”, “BRI Writing silk that binds friendship, development and cooperation, Contest for Learners of Chinese in Ukraine and Study then the Confucius Institutes along the route will serve as Tours by Contest Winners to China” and “Symposium on centres for connecting people by way of Chinese language BRI for Chinese and Ukrainian Representatives”, so as to teaching and cultural exchange. Apart from routine enable the BRI to take root in Ukraine. language teaching, cultural activities and contests, as

30 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 乌兹别克斯坦塔什干孔子学院院长 Saodat Nasyrova Saodat Nasyrova, Director of the Confucius Institute in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

兹别克斯坦自古就是丝绸之路沿线的重要国 今年我们的招生又扩大了许多。 家。丝绸之路在中亚的许多重镇,比如撒马 除了教授汉语,我们还举办各种各样的文化活 乌尔罕、布哈拉、希瓦等就位于乌兹别克斯坦 动,对学生学习汉语、了解中国有很大的帮助作用, 境内。中国的“丝绸之路经济带”战略构想提出后, 也有利于增进中国和乌兹别克斯坦人民的友谊。比如, 在包括乌兹别克斯坦在内的中亚国家引起强烈反响, 2015 年 11 月 28 日举办了第十二届汉学研讨会,题 也给我们孔子学院带来了新的发展机遇。 目为“乌兹别克汉学与‘一带一路’”。有 93 位专家 塔什干孔子学院是中亚地区第一所孔子学院,自 参加,发表了论文集。这个研讨会已经成为中乌文化 2004 年以来,先后有 3000 多名学生在孔子学院学习。 领域的重要合作项目。 目前塔什干孔子学院已是塔什干,甚至乌兹别克斯坦 随着中乌共建“丝绸之路经济带”合作的不断深入, 比较有影响的中国语言和文化传播中心。 两国语言教学和研究领域合作面临大好机遇,必将成 中国的“一带一路”倡议对孔子学院的发展有很 为两国人文合作的亮点,为增进中乌人民的相互了解 大的促进作用。2014 年中乌贸易额已达到 40 亿美元。 和传统友谊,推动中乌关系持续健康稳定发展做出新 中国到乌兹别克斯坦投资贸易的企业越来越多,使得 的贡献。 汉语不断升温,来孔子学院学习汉语的学生越来越多。

ince ancient times, Uzbekistan has been an of new students increased by a significant margin, and important country on the Silk Road and boasts learning Chinese has become particularly popular with Sof many ancient trade hubs, such as Samarkand, local children. Bukhara and Shiva. The strategic concept of “Silk Road Apart from teaching Chinese, we also hold a Economic Belt” proposed by China triggered enthusiastic variety of cultural activities, which help the students a responses from Central Asian countries, including lot in learning Chinese and understanding China; they Uzbekistan, and ushered in brand-new opportunities for also strengthened the friendly ties between the Chinese the development of our Confucius Institute. and Uzbekistani people. For instance, on 28 November The Confucius Institute in Tashkent is the first CI in 2015, we held the 12th Sinology Symposium entitled Central Asia, and more than 3,000 students have studied “Uzbekistani Sinology and the BRI”, which was attended at the CI since 2004. At present, our CI has become a by 93 sinologists and its proceedings were later published. fairly influential centre for the dissemination of Chinese The symposium has become an important cooperation language and culture in Tashkent, as well as the whole of project linking Chinese and Uzbekistani culture. Uzbekistan. With ever closer cooperation between China and The BRI instilled a great deal of momentum into Uzbekistan in building the Silk Road Economic Belt, we the development of the Confucius Institute. The volume are faced with great opportunities for collaboration in the of trade between Uzbekistan and China has risen rapidly, field of language teaching and research. Such collaboration reaching USD 4 billion in 2014. With more Chinese will become a highlight for cultural ties between the two companies investing or trading in Uzbekistan, enthusiasm countries, enhance mutual understanding and friendship, for learning Chinese has risen and an increasing number and sustain the healthy and steady development of bilateral of students are enrolling at the CI. This year, our number ties.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 31 俄罗斯新西伯利亚国立技术大学 孔子学院院长 Khripunov Igor Khripunov Igor, Director of the Confucius Institute at Novosibirsk State University of Technology, Russia

俄罗斯,“一带一路”伟大构想得到了广泛的 员需求的增多,孔子学院要与时俱进,根据市场需求 响应。在该构想框架下可以实施一系列大型 编制新的教学计划,开设实用课程,在较短时间内培 在的中俄联合项目。新西伯利亚市地处俄罗斯 养学生必需的技能和语言能力,以便学生能在工作中 中部,是俄罗斯经济、科学、工业和文化中心。在新 用汉语沟通交流。 西伯利亚市和新西伯利亚州中俄联系很密切。新西市 但目前在俄罗斯缺少俄语版的、根据俄罗斯国情 政府也特别重视友好城市的建设,先后同中国的绵阳 改编的专业教材。孔子学院可以在这方面发挥平台作 市、克拉玛依市和沈阳市结为姊妹城。 用,组织人力翻译、改编汉办已出版的重点教材,填 在这个大好形势下,孔子学院应顺应形势、抓住 补空白,方便俄罗斯汉语爱好者使用。 机会发挥更大作用,如在语言培训、信息咨询方面为 孔子学院是一座桥,能使“一带一路”背景下中 地区经济发展做贡献。随着中俄地区劳动力市场对懂 俄之间的交流合作更加顺畅。 汉语的工程技术人员、法律专家和服务行业的专业人

he BRI has won widespread support across Russia in the engineering, legal and service sectors, our CI should as a number of joint projects are possible as a result evolve with the times by making new teaching plans and Tof the Initiative. Located in central Russia, the city offering practical courses in order to train our students, of Novosibirsk is the economic, scientific, industrial and so that they can learn the required skills and language cultural centre of the country. Both the city and the state abilities in a relatively short amount of time and be able to of Novosibirsk have maintained a close relationship with communicate in Chinese at their workplace. China. The municipal government also values cooperation However, currently in Russia, there is a lack of with Chinese cities, and has become sister cities with professional teaching materials written in Russian that are Mianyang, Sichuan Province; Karamay, Xinjiang Uygur adapted to local needs. In this regard, the CI could utilise Autonomous Region; and Shenyang, Liaoning Province. its resources to fill this void by translating and adapting With such favourable conditions, our CI should key teaching materials already published by Hanban. seize the opportunity and contribute more to regional The CI is a bridge that can enable smoother exchange economic development in areas of language training and and collaboration between China and Russia under the the provision of consultation services. As regional demand BRI. rises for more professionals with Chinese language skills

32 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 开罗大学孔子学院院长 李哈布 Dr Rehab Mahmoud, Director of Confucius Institute at Cairo University 国与埃及都是有着悠久历史和灿烂文明的千 心,“一带一路”不仅连接了中埃两国不断蓬勃发展 年古国,在经济上、政治上和文化上具有许 的经济和文化,也紧紧连接了善良友好、渴望彼此了 中多相似性。随着习近平主席提出“一带一路” 解的两国人民。开罗大学孔子学院正在顺应时代潮流, 倡议,中国与埃及乃至非洲的关系进一步加深。在新的 深入推广汉语和中国文化,让越来越多的埃及人真正 国际形势下,中国与埃及的合作必将持续,双方都需要 认识和了解中国,也让越来越多的中国人逐渐认识和 在探索合作机制和巩固合作基础方面求同存异,共同努 了解埃及。 力。 “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,开罗大 “汉语热”不仅在全球其他地区兴起,而且在埃及 学孔子学院将继续作为龙头和纽带,愿为促进中埃两 也大有兴起之势,越来越多的埃及人在街头、在公园, 国文化交流,扩大孔子学院影响力,在埃及乃至非洲 见到中国人都能说出“你好”!当越来越多“中国制造” 地区发挥更大的作用!我相信,在中埃双方的共同努 的产品走进越来越多的埃及家庭时,埃及人民进一步了 力和精诚合作下,开罗大学孔子学院必将迎来更加美 解中国和中国文化的愿望也随之增强,也点燃了更多人 好的明天! 学习中文的兴趣和热情。“中国制造”这四个字深入人

oth China and Egypt enjoy a long history and can in Egypt and now the BRI will not only connect the fast boast of a splendid civilization stretching back developing economies and cultures of the two countries, Bmillennia. Many similarities exist between the two but will also bring the people of the two nations closer countries in terms of their economy, politics and culture. together. Our CI is keeping abreast of the current trends The proposals of the BRI have brought China closer and is further popularising Chinese language and culture, to Egypt and other countries on the African continent. so that more Egyptians will get to know the real China and Developments around the world mean that China and more Chinese people will gain a better understanding of Egypt must continue to work with each other, and both Egypt. countries should seek common ground and put aside Just as a famous Chinese poet once wrote, “The day differences to explore methods of cooperation and put will come when I will sail my boat and brave the roaring together the necessary foundations in place. seas”, our CI will continue to take the lead and serve as A Chinese craze has been sweeping the world and it a link to enhance cultural exchanges between China and has now arrived in Egypt. More and more Egyptians can Egypt. We are committed to expanding our influence and say Nihao when they meet Chinese people on the street playing a more important role in Egypt and the African or in the park. Increasing numbers of products made in continent at large. It is my belief that, with combined China are now used by Egyptians, and enthusiasm for effort and sincere cooperation between our Chinese and understanding China and Chinese culture is on the rise, Egyptian partners, a brighter future will no doubt await our as more Egyptians are showing an interest in learning Confucius Institute. Chinese. “Made in China” has now become a familiar term

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 33 家书 故事 Family letters story 回望中国家书 in China family letters Looking back on

/ 张

丁 By Zhang Ding

国人对于家书的普遍记忆,已经远在二十年前了。 库。研究家书,不仅可以丰富重大历史事件,补充国家历 近二十年间,互联网、手机迅猛发展,网络通信 史的细节,而且可以使那些尘封多年的个人史、家庭史和 中汹涌而来,几乎瞬间击垮了传统家书的千年大厦, 家族史浮出水面,还原那些被遗忘的历史人物和历史细节。 使之成为亟须保护的文化遗产。家书,那一幕幕曾经温暖 由于家书所涉及内容的丰富特质,它还会为文学、档案学、 人们心灵的画面,正慢慢变得模糊起来。 社会学、心理学、伦理学、传播学等学科的研究打开新的 明月高悬,草虫低吟,灯下游子,铺展信纸,提笔给 视角。 远方的亲人写信:父母亲大人堂前万福金安…… 家书从称呼、正文,到祝颂、落款,都体现出较为严 家书通信在中国延续数千年,代代相传,积累丰富, 格的礼仪规范,是中国家庭伦理及社会伦理的直接反映。 特别是近百年来,留下了大量的家书文献。这些文献是人 其中的父慈子孝、夫妻恩爱、兄友弟恭等情感,蕴含着中 们进行信息和情感交流的原始物证,也是记录社会变迁的 国人代代相传的家族品格。长辈写给晚辈的信,体现了长 历史档案。有些早期的家书文献和名人手迹,本身就是文 辈对晚辈的关爱与教诲;晚辈写给长辈的信,反映了传统 物,而大量反映社会发展变化的普通人的家书也开始进入 的孝亲敬老美德;兄弟姐妹同学之间的通信,表现了同辈 档案和文物部门的视野。同时,作为一种信息沟通手段和 人之间的互相关心、相互鼓励和共同进步。华侨家书中的 情感交流方式,家书是与人们生活密切相关、世代相承的 艰苦创业、自强不息,两岸家书中的感恩诚信、血脉情深, 文化空间,有着相对固定的书写格式、礼仪称谓、寄递送 都可以感受到爱国爱家等中国传统美德的力量。 达等操作规范。 古往今来,信札都是文人收藏的重要品种,其中多数 一封家书见证一个时代的景象,各个时期五彩斑斓的 均为情真意切的家书,如王羲之的《中秋帖》《平安帖》 家书,从不同侧面真实记录了当时的社会状况,为后人全 《快雪时晴帖》,苏轼、米芾的《尺牍集》等。家书的艺 面认识那个时代提供了新的视角。有的家书是重大事件的 术价值主要体现在以下几个方面。第一,书法价值。中国 载体,具有重要的史料价值。家书内容的广泛性、真实性、 家书史可以说就是一部书法史。家书是用美丽的中文方块 情感性,将为中国近现代历史的研究打开一个全新的史料 字写在特制信笺上的作品,其书法和信笺的完美结合就是

34 一幅艺术品。与有意写成的书法作品相比,家书里的书法 有些笺纸带有特定时代、特定机构和写信人的印记,与家 更加率真和自然,不仅观赏性强,而且具有感染力,从而 书内容相得益彰。明清以来,不少官宦、文人都有专门设 使家书成为有生命的书法作品。第二,邮品价值。从某种 计制作的信封、信纸,配上各具特色的印章,与家书一起, 意义上说,家书是集邮的母体。那些带着邮史信息的信封、 成为具有较高欣赏价值的艺术品。 邮戳和邮票早就成为收藏者的宠儿,其中各个时期经过实 尺牍之间,气象万千。家书是中国传统文化的重要组 际寄递的家书就更加受到重视。越来越多的集邮者已不仅 成部分,饱含着中国人民的历史和情感,是看得见、摸得 关注封、片、戳,而且开始重视信瓤即书信的内容。第三, 着、有温度的文物和艺术品。当你真正进入家书的世界, 衍生价值。有些家书的笺纸用宣纸制成,印有名家书画, 便可领略无限的风光。 本身就是精美的艺术品,如《十竹斋笺谱》《北平笺谱》。

or most Chinese people, their memories of family letters exchange of information and emotions among people and contain are from two decades ago. In the past two decades, the historical records of changes in society. Some of the early family Frapid development of the Internet and mobile phones and letters, especially those of famous people, are themselves cultural the surge in web communications almost toppled the millennial relics, but a lot of ordinary people's family letters which reflect tradition of family letters overnight, making it a cultural heritage social development and changes are also beginning to attract in urgent need of protection. The heart-warming scenes associated the attention of organisations that maintain archives and collect with writing and receiving family letters are slowly fading. cultural relics. At the same time, as a means for information and As a bright moon hangs high in the sky and crickets sing emotional exchange, family letters are an integral part of people's among the grass, a traveller illuminated by lamplight writes back lives and allow intergenerational exchange of culture. They reveal home: Dear mother and father, how are you... normal letter writing practices such as letter formats, etiquettes, The tradition of writing family letters has been passed down terms of address, and methods of sending and delivering letters. from generation to generation for thousands of years in China. As A family letter can provide a snapshot of the times, so a result, especially in the last 100 years, a large number of family a variety of family letters from different periods of time can letters have been collected. These documents provide details of the provide faithful records of historical social conditions, enabling

35 later generations to understand history through new perspectives. Firstly, calligraphic value. To some extent, the history of Chinese Some family letters witnessing major events have significant family letters is the history of Chinese calligraphy. A family historical value. Family letters with their diverse factual and letter is a work of art with beautiful Chinese characters written emotional content serve as a fresh historical library for the on special letter paper, the perfect combination of calligraphy research of modern Chinese history. Research into family letters and paper. Compared with other works of calligraphy, the styles can not only enrich records of major historical events with of calligraphy found in family letters are more free and natural, valuable details about the history of China, but also reveal vivid which is not only visually engaging but also affective, thus stories of individuals and families, and bring to life forgotten imbuing such calligraphy with life. Secondly, philatelic value. In a historical figures and details. Owing to the rich variety of their sense, the delivery of family letters led to the emergence of stamp content, family letters can also provide new perspectives for those collecting. The envelopes, postmarks and stamps that chart postal studying literature, archival science, sociology, psychology, ethics, history have long been favourites among collectors, and those communications, and so on. family letters that have been through the postal system at various A family letter contains relatively rigid protocols for using time periods have received more attention. More and more stamp- terms of address, letter format, salutations as well as the signature, collectors are no longer only interested in envelopes, postcards which all directly reflect Chinese family and societal ethics. The and postmarks, but are beginning to be interested in the content of emotions shown in the letter, such as those between father and son, family letters. Thirdly, derivative value. Some family letters are man and wife, brothers and sisters, show the kind of family values written on Xuan letter paper bearing printed works of renowned that have been passed down through the generations. Letters from painters or calligraphers, so they are in themselves exquisite an elder would show love and contain edifying messages; letters artworks, such as Letter Paper of Shizhuzhai and Letter Paper to an elder would demonstrate virtues of filial respect; while from Peking. Some of the letter papers were stamped with seals letters among siblings or classmates would reveal young people’s associated with specific periods and institutions in addition to that concern for one another, mutual encouragement and common of the author, which complements their content. Starting from the progress. Traditional Chinese virtues for home and country can Ming and Qing dynasties, many officials and men of letters had be felt in letters home from overseas Chinese demonstrating their their own custom-made envelopes and letter paper, which, together hardworking and enterprising nature and the drive to constantly with their markedly different stamps, have become artefacts of better themselves, and also in letters showing gratefulness, high aesthetic value. integrity and deep family ties from across the Taiwan Strait. There is much more to these letters than meets the eye. Through time, letters have become popular collector’s Family letters constitute an important part of traditional Chinese items for intellectuals, who mostly collect emotionally sincere culture, brimming with history and emotion. They are antiques family letters, such as Wang Xizhi’s Mid-Autumn Festival Letter and works of art, objects that can been seen and touched. When (Zhongqiu Tie), Safety and Wellbeing Letter (Ping’an Tie) and you immerse yourself in the letters, they will show you a whole Letter Written When the Sun Came Out after a Heavy Snow (Kuai new world. Xue Shi Qing Tie), as well as letters such as Collections of Letters (Chidu Ji) by Su Shi and Mi Fu. The artistic value of family letters can be appreciated through the following three aspects.

36 1 张明信片的故事 The story of 100 postcards

明信片像“洁白的羽毛”飘越太湖片片南飞。大姐养病期间,我寄出的这些明 信片,说是慰问,其实自己也从中激发了美好的感情,得到了心灵的净化。这百片 文 字 记 录 了 普 通 一 家 的 伦 理 亲 情 , 成 为 我 们 大 家 庭 的 精 神 财 富 。 ——王巨榛 The postcards, like white feathers, flew southward over Lake Tai, as my eldest sister was recuperating. Those postcards contained more than my condolences, they also elicited emotions within myself and purified my soul. The words they contained served as a record of the love and kinship found within an ordinary family and have become a spiritual fortune for all of us. ——Wang Juzhen

的大姐年近古稀,住在温州。这几年苦于腰椎 我很快振作起来。44 年积淀,90 册日记,资料丰富,镜 骨质增生,久治无效,最终躺倒在床上,让我 头迭出,但要每天选个新主题,摘出相关内容,前后呼应, 我牵肠挂肚。 然后浓缩成四百字左右,倒也颇费匠心,但我乐此不疲。 1998 年的一天,姐夫告诉我,他们已让大姐住院, 深夜写成,先让儿子过目(受点熏陶),翌晨由他 准备做腰椎手术。全家人纷纷应承了护理安排。对我, 在上班路上及早投邮。遇上双休日,我便骑车去邮电所 姐夫劝阻说:“你就在无锡听消息吧。”夜深人静, 赶邮班。既然向大姐承诺了“我每天都会来看您”,如 思绪绵绵,我搬出旧时的日记翻阅,大姐对我的关爱历 果某一天延误了,岂不让大姐等候失望!狮子座流星雨 历在目:都到高一年级了,我还收到大姐送的六一节礼 预报光临的前一天,为作科普宣传,我忙得废寝忘食, 品——一册精装日记本呢。更有种种父母恩情、手足亲 回家已是黎明,疲惫中猛然想起,明信片忘写了!赶快补, 情,激起我阵阵心潮。“长姐为母”,这个杜撰的成语, 我洗了一把脸振作精神,拿起笔汇报我一天来的科普活 随着涓涓细流,汇入了我的脑海。父母生养了五个子女。 动。此前,我已经向大姐深情地忆及:学生时代,我笃 一家人上爱下敬、十分和睦。但是,命运多舛,因为历 爱科学,入迷于无线电制作,有幸得到家里人的全力支 史原因,我的家庭一度遭遇困境:严父长年瘫痪,慈母 持。记得有一次,大姐给母亲 6 元钱让她去做件蓝布衫, 几度失却生活的信心,在极其艰难的岁月,两个姐姐与 而母亲知道我太想有一副耳机,就不顾身上布衫破旧, 姐夫一起,为维系家庭、扶持弟妹,尽心尽力。我因此 转手又把钱塞给了我……只有这一天的明信片,我是延 生怕大姐有个三长两短。忽然,我萌发了一个念头:何 至第二天才补写的。 不把这些写入明信片呢?一天寄一张给卧病的大姐,就 12 月 4 日,大姐动手术当天我应邀去沪作讲座。当 像我天天手捧鲜花去医院探望她一样。 晚接到姐夫和弟妹的报安电话,他们从“每天一片”中 次日,我选购了几套风景邮资明信片。11月 9 日开始, 深领我的牵挂,让我放心。接完电话,我掏出随身携带 每晚我躲进书房,从成摞日记本中浏览和摘抄,构思谋篇, 的明信片,写下我的殷殷贺词和切切叮咛。老人开刀不易, 修改定稿,以蝇头小楷誊于明信片左半幅。有时白天劳 术后并发症随之而来,我悬着的一颗心仍未落下,明信 累或身体病痛,惰性乘虚欲入,可一想到大姐的病痛, 片也继续一天一片地写下去。

37 大姐久卧病床,无法侧身、坐起,只能听人代读明 姐病情好转大减,精神矍铄。养病的半年时间以来。大 信片。她怕我太吃力,几次让姐夫关照我“可以不写了”, 姐从起身、下床到最近由人扶着下了楼,身体基本上康 我未听从。我想,即使仅仅知道 “无锡的明信片”又到了, 复。我将这些明信片按序编目插入了邮册,惊喜地发现: 对大姐也是一种安慰。12 月 19 日我收到妹妹回信,信中 正巧满了 100 片! 写道:“明信片都已收到,是护士送来的,她们知道大 姐有个弟弟每天都给她写明信片,觉得挺有意思的。一 注:此文写于1999年,作者王巨榛, 次一位护士还问我,你什么时候会来医院,她要见见你。” 1943 年生于温州,浙江大学物理系毕业,高级 元旦,大姐未能如愿出院。思念中,我以“做好事” 工程师。他喜欢集藏,致力于向青少年传播和 代替我的祈祷——去梁溪苑捡垃圾,给安徽打工者送衣 普及科普知识,被称为“科普园丁”。2005 年 物,到汽车西站帮旅客驮行李。我相信,从小就在品行 7 月,他把写满家书的 100 封明信片无偿捐赠 上影响我要求我的大姐,从明信片上了解我的心意后, 给了抢救民间家书项目组委会。这 100 封明信 她会感到欣慰并能更快康复的。 片先后入选“打开尘封的记忆——中国民间手 1 月 4 日大姐终于出院回家。但我的回忆却像开闸的 写家书展”和“尺翰之美——中国传统家书展”。 水渠,清流不断。大姐,您就让我不定期地继续写下去吧。 春节,我们举家南下聚到大姐床边,高兴地看到大

y eldest sister was in her seventies and lived in I could send her a postcard Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. She suffered from bone every day, as if I was visiting Mhyperplasia in her lumbar vertebra, and due to the lack her hospital bed every day of effective treatment over the years, she had to be confined to with flowers in hand. her bed. I was continuously worried about her. The next day, I bought One day in 1998, my brother-in-law told me they had sent several sets of prepaid my sister to the hospital in preparation for a spinal operation. All scenic postcards. From 9 my family members had agreed to care for her in the hospital, November onwards, I would but my brother-in-law advised me not to go to the hospital, hide myself in the study every telling me: “just stay in Wuxi and wait for news”. When it was night and look through piles of my very late at night and all was quiet, some past memories came diaries. After copying excerpts, I would to mind, so I took out my old diaries and looked through them. structure,revise and finalize the texts, and then My sister’s care and affection for me became evident – She gave write the words on the left hand side of a postcard in miniscule me a Children’s Day present (a hardback diary) even though I Chinese characters. Sometimes, I would be fatigued from had already started in high school. There were other instances of working during the day or suffering from illness, but whenever parental kindness and sibling affection, which aroused waves of I thought of my sister’s suffering, I would pull myself together emotions in my heart. The saying “One’s elder sister is like one’s very quickly. Although I had 90 volumes of diaries spanning mother” – adapted from the Chinese idiom “One’s elder brother is 44 years containing an abundance of material and memories, it like one’s father” – came to my mind and steadily filled my heart. was still very difficult for me to select a new topic, find related My parents had five children altogether and our family led a very information, and condensed the texts to around 400 characters harmonious life, but unfortunately, life is always full of ups and each and every day. But I found pleasure in doing so. downs. For reasons beyond our control, my family experienced Usually, I would finish a postcard late at night and let my many difficulties: my father suffered paralysis and was bedridden son look it over (in hopes that he would learn from it). The next for years, and my mother lost interest in life many a time. In morning, he would help me mail the postcard as early as possible those extremely hard times, my two elder sisters and their on his way to work. When it was the weekends, I would go to husbands tried their best to take care of the family and bring up the post office myself by bike. Since I had promised my sister their younger siblings. Due to this connection, I was very worried that I would go to see her every day, I knew how disappointed that something may happen to my eldest sister. Suddenly, an idea she would be if one of my postcards was late. The day before the struck me: Why not write down my thoughts on postcards? Then Leonid meteor shower was due, I was so busy with publicising

38 the event that I only got home the next day at dawn. Utterly instead. I picked up rubbish at Liangxiyuan, donated clothes exhausted, I suddenly realised that I had not prepared a postcard! to migrant workers from Anhui, and helped passengers carry In haste, I washed my face to refresh myself and then wrote down luggage at the West Bus Station. I believed that when my what I had done the day before. I had previously reminisced sister learned of my deeds from my postcards, she, who had affectionately about my childhood on one of my postcards, in exerted great moral influence on me while I was a child, would which I had told my sister about my student days: I was then understand my intentions and feel gratified by my actions, thereby extremely interested in science and determined to make a wireless helping her to recover sooner. radio, and I was fortunate enough to get the full support of my On 4 January, my sister finally returned home from the family. I remembered that my sister once gave my mother 6 yuan hospital. However, my memories came to me unabated, like a so that she could make a blue blouse for herself, but my mother floodgate being opened. I thought to myself, my dearest sister, knew I wanted a pair of earphones, so she just passed the money please allow me to continue writing to you from time to time. to me, without regard to her shabby clothes… The postcard from During the Spring Festival, my whole family went down that day was the only one that was late, but I made up for it by south to be with my sister. We were very happy to see that she writing two the next day. had gotten much better and was full of vigour. Over the past half On 4 December, the day when my sister was undergoing year, from getting up to getting out of bed, and most recently to her operation, I was giving a talk in Shanghai. That evening I going downstairs with assistance, she had almost fully recovered. received phone calls from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law When I collected my postcards, indexed and then put them into a telling me that the operation went well. They were deeply aware stamp album, I was surprised to find that they numbered exactly of my concern for my sister from my “one card a day” routine 100! and tried to reassure me. After talking with them on the phone, Note: This essay was written in 1999 by Wang I took out a postcard I had brought with me and wrote down Juzhen, who was born in Wenzhou in 1943. He my warmest regards to my sister. It is never easy for the elderly graduated from the Department of Physics at person to have an operation and my sister soon encountered Zhejiang University and worked as a senior engineer. postoperative complications, so I remained worried about her and Mr. Wang is an avid collector and has devoted continued to write my postcards every day. himself to the dissemination and popularization of My sister had been confined to bed for so long that she could popular science among teenagers, and received not lie on her side or sit up, so she could only rely on someone to acclaim as a “gardener of popular science”. In read the postcards to her. She thought it was too much trouble for July 2005, he donated his 100 postcards to the me to write the postcards, and asked her husband several times to Programme for Rescuing Family Letters. His 100 tell me “you don’t have to write any more”. But I could not stop postcards were chosen to feature in two exhibitions: because I thought the mere words “the postcard from Wuxi has “Revealing the Forgotten Memories: An exhibition arrived” must be a comfort to her. On 19 December, I received a of Chinese handwritten family letters” and “Beauty letter from my younger sister that read: “All the postcards have of Correspondence: An exhibition of Chinese been received. They were delivered by the nurses and they all traditional family letters.” know that our elder sister has a younger brother who writes to her every day on a postcard and think that you are an interesting person. One of them even asked when you will come to the hospital. She wanted to meet you.” On New Year’s Day, my sister remained at the hospital and was not discharged as expected. With her in my thoughts, I decided not to pray for her but to go out and do good deeds

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In order to support development of Confucius Institutes, facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in the world, cultivate qualified Chinese language teachers and talented students of Chinese language, Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) launches the “Confucius Institute Scholarships” program for providing sponsorship to students, scholars and Chinese language teachers of other countries for pursuing a study in relevant universities in China.

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Division of Scholarships, Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) Address: 129, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing,100088 Fax: +86-10-58595727 E-mail: [email protected] 41 食之 有道 The Tao of Cuisine 上有天上仙, 下有浙江 , a heavenly taste 文 / 郭雯捷 By Guo Wenjie 鲜

方水土养一方人,一个人的饮食习惯向来和地域、文化 有密切相关性。江浙一带地理位置佳,气候适宜、物产 一颇丰,北临长江中下游平原,自宋朝起就是中国的主要 粮食供应基地,因此有“苏湖熟,天下足”的谚语。直到今天, 浙江依然是中国经济发展最稳定的几大省份之一。经济发达加上 “上有天堂下有苏杭”的美好生活环境,令当地人生活较安逸, 他们务实而灵活,热爱生活、尊重自然、崇敬文化。他们看重食 物原本的味道,拒绝人工添加夸张的颜色和味道,他们的菜像他 们的地方、百姓一样,清新秀美、原汁原味。细数下来,浙江菜 有这么几个关键词:

e are what we eat. Our eating habits are always shaped by the unique geographical and cultural characteristics of where we Wlive. The provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang are bordered in the north by the flatlands of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and their favourable climate means that the area is abundant in natural produce. It has been the main supplier of grain for the whole of China since the Song Dynasty, giving rise to the old proverb “One harvest in the lake area of Jiangsu can feed the world.” Today Zhejiang is still one of the larger provinces able to sustain stable economic growth. It is claimed to be one of the best places in the world, as an old saying about Suzhou and claims “What one can enjoy up in heaven can be enjoyed down in Su-Hang”. Its steady economic growth and pleasant environment enable the local people to enjoy a cosy and easy life, but people there are also practical, flexible and always passionate about life. They love and respect nature, and value and cherish culture. They prefer to taste natural flavours and refuse to add extravagant colours or flavours to their food.Their dishes are fresh, beautiful and natural, just like themselves and where they live. If you take a close look at Zhejiang cuisine, you will find distinctive features that can be summarised by the following keywords.

42 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 关键词一: 鲜

菜重视原料的鲜、活、嫩,食材多以鱼、虾、河 用什么办法烹制才能做出最好的味道。 鲜和各类时令蔬菜为主,口味清鲜,突出本味。 西湖醋鱼是到杭州的必点菜,这道菜选用西湖鲲鱼作 浙辣香有巴蜀,咸香找鲁菜,甜香看淮扬,浓香去 原料,烹制前一般先要在鱼笼中饿养一两天,使其排泄肠 广东,要说谁敢争天下鲜,那浙江菜必拔头筹。浙菜讲究 内杂物,除去泥土味。烹制时火候要求非常严格,仅能用 “二轻一清”,即轻油、轻浆与清淡,如果要细细划分, 三四分钟烧得恰到好处。烧好后,再浇上一层平滑油亮的 风味包括杭州、宁波和绍兴三个地方的不同菜色:杭州菜 糖醋,胸鳍竖起,鱼肉嫩美,味道鲜嫩酸甜。这种烹调方 以爆、炒、烩、炸为主,看重刀工,工艺精细;宁波菜以 法技术要求很高,在全国名菜中绝无仅有。 蒸炖海味见长,鲜咸合一,强调入味;绍兴菜和前两种菜 雪菜大汤黄鱼则是宁波人的最爱,从菜场买来最新鲜 色的区别较为明显,香酥绵糯,汤浓味重,自有一派江南 的大黄鱼后,在锅中煎至两面金黄,然后加姜酒闷烧,再 乡村的风情之味。无论哪个流派的浙菜都品种丰富,菜式 放入雪菜和笋片接着烧。要注意按照不同的季节使用不同 小巧玲珑,离不开“鲜”这个关键词。 的笋类,春天用春笋,夏天用鞭笋,秋天用雷笋,冬天用 “鲜”字鱼为先,浙江菜的鲜美与他们以鱼为重要食 冬笋。烧好后,雪菜中有了鱼的鲜美味,鱼肉中浸入了雪 材的传统不无关系。看看浙江菜的名菜菜单就知道了:从 菜的咸香,再加上笋的清香,正是宁波菜“咸鲜合一”的 最有名的西湖醋鱼、雪菜大汤黄鱼,到苔菜拖黄鱼、目鱼 典范。 大烤、清蒸桂鱼、蒜子鱼皮……浙江菜离不开各式各样的 浙江东临东海,有着中国最长的海岸线,内有西湖、 鱼,如果你有机会去杭州、宁波等地的菜市场逛一逛,你 东钱湖等近 30 个湖泊,还有京杭运河、钱塘江等八大水系, 会看到各种名字都叫不出来的鱼:金鲷、米鱼、马鲛鱼、 有着这么丰沛的水资源,浙江菜以鱼为主、以鲜闻名也就 安康鱼、章跳鱼……大概也只有当地人知道每一种鱼应该 不奇怪了。

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 43 Keyword No. 1: Xian ‘fresh and delicious’

or deliciously spicy food, you look to Sichuan cuisine; for only the local people will know how to bring out the best flavour deliciously salty food, you look to Shandong cuisine; for of all of these fish. Fdeliciously sweet food, you look to Huaiyang cuisine in A taste of West Lake Fish in Sweet and Sour Sauce is a must Jiangsu; for deliciously aromatic food, you look to Guangdong if you visit Hangzhou. Its main ingredient is the grass raised cuisine; for deliciously fresh food, that of Zhejiang cuisine is in the West Lake. Before cooking, it is customary to keep the certainly the national number one, featuring a light use of oil fish in a fish corf without food for a couple of days to allow it to and starchy sauces and known for its natural and light taste. empty its bowels and rid itself of its earthy smell. Timing is very With mainly fish, , other freshwater produce and seasonal important when frying the fish, as it takes as little as three to four vegetables as its ingredients, they need to be very fresh and minutes to be cooked to perfection. And right after frying, with tender before they are cooked in order to retain their natural its pectoral fin erect, a layer of smooth and shiny vinegar-sugar flavours. Among the three sub-regional cuisines of Zhejiang sauce is poured on top. The meat is deliciously delicate with a cuisine, Hangzhou cuisine features flame frying, stir-frying, combination of tender texture with a sweet and sour flavour. The braising and deep frying techniques and strives for precise knife culinary skills necessary to cook this dish makes it unique among work and presentation skills; Ningbo cuisine is characterised all the Chinese cuisines. by its steamed or stewed savoury with emphasis on the For natives of Ningbo, a sub-provincial city in northeast infusion of flavour; distinct from the other two, Shaoxing cuisine Zhejiang, Yellow-fin Croaker Stewed with Xuecai is their favourite features dishes that are either crisp and crumbly or soft and silky, dish. To cook this dish, you need to use the freshest yellow-fin and soups that are thick with strong flavours, with its own style croaker you can find at the market. Fry it until it’s golden on both and taste typical of a southern village. Although each of the sub- sides, stew it in ginger and wine, then add in xuecai and bamboo regional Zhejiang cuisines has a great variety of delicate and shoots. Please note that you need to use the right type of bamboo exquisite dishes, they are all noted for being xian, which means shoots according to the different seasons. If it’s spring, use ‘fresh and delicious’. spring bamboo shoots; summer, “whip” bamboo shoots; autumn, The Chinese character xian ( 鲜 ) consists of two parts, with “thunder” bamboo shoot; and winter, winter bamboo shoots. The yu ( 鱼 ) ‘fish’ on the left and yang( 羊 ) ‘sheep’ on the right. The dish is special in that the xuecai will taste of the fish and the fish use of fish, a major ingredient in Zhejiang cuisine, is one of the will be infused with the salty taste of the pickled vegetable and the reasons why its dishes are so delicious. If you look through a list exquisite taste of bamboo shoots. It is a perfect example of Ningbo of famous Zhejiang dishes you will find fish in almost every dish: cuisine, slightly salty but fresh. West Lake Fish in Sweet and Sour Sauce, Yellow-fin Croaker With the longest coastline in China, Zhejiang is a province Stewed with Xuecai (pickled xuelihong), Fried Yellow-fin Croaker rich in water resources. To the east is the East China Sea and Slices Coated with Nori Batter, Steamed Mandarin Fish, Fish within the province, there are nearly 30 lakes, including the West Skin Braised with Garlic, etc. Various kinds of fish are used in Lake and Lake Dongqian, and eight waterways, such as the Grand Zhejiang cuisine and this is evident if you have the chance to visit Beijing-Hangzhou Canal and the Qiantang River. With such Hangzhou or Ningbo’s open markets, where you will find many abundant water resources, it’s no wonder that dishes in Zhejiang kinds of fish that you cannot even name: Golden Snapper, Brown cuisine tend to feature fish as their main ingredient and that the Croaker, Mackerel, Angelfish, Four-finger Threadfin, etc. Perhaps cuisine is famous for being fresh and delicious.

44 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 45 关键词二: 文

菜一汤一羹之背后都有深深的文化印记。黄帝《内 经·素问·导法方宜论》曰:“东方之城,天地所始 浙生也,渔盐之地,海滨傍水,其民食盐嗜咸,皆安其处, 美其食”,指的应该就是现在的浙江一带。对浙江人来说,除 了鲜美的味道、丰富的食材、高超的技术,更令他们骄傲的是 浙菜背后深远的文化和故事。 经考据,浙菜最早起源于新石器时代的河姆渡文化,经越 国先民开拓积累,汉唐时期成熟,在宋元时期达到了繁荣。浙 菜中著名的宋嫂鱼羹就是南宋流传下来,至今已有 800 多年历 史,做时用鳜鱼或鲈鱼蒸熟,取肉拨碎,添加配料烩制而成, 色泽黄亮,鲜嫩滑润,虽然是用鱼调制,却做出了蟹的鲜美, 因此又称赛蟹羹。虽然现在是上桌名菜,当年却是一道路边小 食。 据(宋)周密著的《武林旧事》记载:淳熙六年(公元 1179 年)3 月 15 日,宋高宗赵构登御舟闲游西湖,命内侍买 湖中龟鱼放生,宣唤中有一卖鱼羹的妇人叫宋五嫂,自称是东 京(今开封)人,在西湖边以卖鱼羹为生。高宗吃了她做的鱼 羹,十分赞赏,并念其年老,赐于金银绢匹。从此,宋嫂鱼羹 声誉鹊起,大家争相购食。清康熙皇帝南巡时,也在西湖边上 指名要品尝这道宋嫂鱼羹。流传下来的诗句“裙屐联翩买醉来, 绿阳影里上楼台。门前多少游湖艇,半自三潭印月回。何必归 寻张翰鲈,鱼美风味说西湖。亏君有此调和手,识得当年宋嫂 无”,更是让各地食客慕名而来。 至明清朝代,浙菜的风格基本定型。清代钱塘籍诗人袁枚 在《随园食单》中记载:“黄鱼切小块,酱油郁一个时辰,沥干; 入锅爆炒,两面黄,加金华豆豉一茶杯、甜酒一碗、秋油一小 杯同滚。候其干色红,加糖,加瓜姜收起……又一法:将黄鱼 拆碎,入鸡汤作羹,微用甜酱水芡粉收起之变佳……”酱油、 豆豉、甜酒、芡粉,都是浙江菜的重要辅料。 到了民国时期,浙菜的做法已和今天相差无几。在希圣所 编《家庭食谱四编》中提到“炒雨前虾仁”,材料要“虾仁一 碗雨前茶叶一撮鸡蛋一枚食盐少许”,器具“锅一只炉一只铲 刀一把洋盆一只”,制法“将鸡蛋打开。去黄留白。打之极和。 加茶叶和虾仁拌匀。渗下食盐。即可倒入热油锅内炒之。速炒 片时。即行起锅。食之嫩香甘美。”正是今日名菜“龙井虾仁” 的做法。

46 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Keyword No. 2: Culture

very dish in Zhejiang cuisine is an embodiment of its Soup when he arrived at the West Lake. There’s even a poem rich cultural heritage. In the chapter “Basic Questions” about the dish which just serves to attract people from all over the Eof The Inner Canon of Huangdi (Huangdi Neijing), it is country to visit the West Lake and taste the soup: said that “the town in the east, which has been in existence since Skirts and clogs file in one after another the day the sky and the earth were born, is next to the sea that To get a binge upstairs in the green saloon. is rich in fish and salt, where its people love the taste of the sea, Of the countless pleasure boats that bring them here, feel content in their lives and are concentrate on improving their Half are from the Isle of the Three-Pond Moon. cuisine.” The town referred to is today’s Zhejiang area. What There’s no need to look for the Songjiang bass, makes the people of Zhejiang proud of their cuisine, apart from When the West Lake carp gives such a nice taste. its fresh and delicious taste, the rich variety of ingredients and the Luckily we have a good chef like you, necessary superior culinary skills, is the rich cultural heritage and Who must have known Sister Song long ago. the amusing folklore behind the dishes. In the Ming and Qing dynasties the style of Zhejiang Evidence shows that Zhejiang cuisine originated from cuisine became established. Yuan Mei, a Qing Dynasty poet from Hemudu Culture during the Neolithic Age. The ancient people Qiantang wrote in his Recipe Book of Suiyuan about how to cook of Yue, a state situated in what is now northern Zhejiang during the yellow-fin croaker: the Spring and Autumn Period (771 - 476 BC), started this style Dice the yellow-fin croaker, soak it in soya sauce for two of cooking which was then passed down from generation to hours and then drain it. After that, stir-fry in high heat until golden generation. The cuisine matured in the Han and Tang Dynasties brown, then add a teacup of Jinhua fermented soya beans, a small and thrived in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The recipe for the bowl of sweet rice wine and a small cup of virgin soya sauce and well-known Sister Song’s , with a history of over 800 leave it to boil. When its colour turns dark brown, add sugar and years, was handed down from the Southern Song period. The dish, soy-sauce-pickled cucumber and ginger pieces before dishing is prepared as follows: Mandarin fish or bass, its main ingredient, it out. Another recipe is this: debone the yellow-fin croaker and is first steamed, then the meat is separated and braised with mince it, put the mince into chicken broth to make a thick soup, seasonings. The soup, golden in appearance, is smooth, delicate add a small amount of sweet flour sauce mixed with starch before and delicious, with its flavours resembling that of fresh crab. So dishing it out. it’s also nicknamed saixiegeng ‘an imitation crab soup’. Famous It is apparent that soya sauce, fermented soya beans, sweet as it is now, it actually originated from a snack cooked and sold on rice wine and starch were all important seasonings used in the roadside. Zhejiang cuisine. According to Old Stories of the World of Wushu by Zhou Mi During the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949), in the Song Dynasty, on March 15, 1179, in the sixth year of the Zhejiang cuisine was almost identical to what it is like today. This reign of Chunxi, Zhao Gou, the 10th emperor of the Song Dynasty is evident in Home Recipes in Four Books compiled by Xi Sheng, who had abdicated in favour of the crown prince, was cruising the in which there are clear and detailed information about how to West Lake in his royal boat when he ordered his servants to buy cook Peeled Fried with April Tea: fish and turtles caught from the lake so that they could be set free Ingredients: a bowl of peeled shrimps, a pinch of fresh April as a sign of his benevolence–a common practice in Buddhism. tea, one egg and a little salt. During his cruise, he met a woman on the shore of the lake, who Utensils: a wok, a stove, a spatula and a basin. called herself Sister Song and claimed to have come from the Preparation: crack the egg, get rid of the yolk, whisk the egg East Capital (present-day Kaifeng).She was selling fish soup for white until it is of consistent texture, add tea leaves and peeled a living and when Zhao tasted her soup, he found it delicious and shrimps and mix them thoroughly. Add the salt to the mixture gave her some gold and silk as a present in view of her old age. and stir-fry it in hot oil for a little while. Then dish it up. It tastes Because of this, Sister Song’s fish soup became famous overnight tender, sweet and delicious. and everyone wanted to have a taste. Five hundred years later, This recipe is identical to the modern recipe for the famous when Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty was on his southern Longjing Shrimps or Shrimps Stir-fried with Leaves. tour, he specifically asked to taste the famous Sister Song’s Fish

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 47 关键词三: 情

周星驰的电影《食神》中,周星驰问了师傅一个 问题,“请问大师一生中,吃过最好的东西是什 在么?”大师回答,“施主,这个问题你应该要问 你自己”,后来周星驰想起了一碗最简单、却有情有义的 叉烧饭。 你若问身在异地的浙江人,“吃过最好吃的东西是什 么?”他们大多会回答是,“家里做的浙江菜”。万事总 关情,所有的食物、菜肴到最后都会回归到一个情字,对 于浙江人来说,食物带来的情感归属感尤为强烈。我的一 个好朋友来自出产火腿的浙江金华,在她看来,北方各大 菜系以及川菜菜系的制作过程都显得颇为急迫、口味则过 于浓烈,这使得吃饭的过程往往仓促和粗糙,为了吃饱而 进食。浙江菜则更为细致、精心,工艺复杂,做饭者对吃 饭者的关怀和关爱都体现在一块块细嫩的鱼肉、一勺勺清 香的汤汁里。 提到金华火腿,就有一个著名的故事,与“红顶商人” 胡雪岩有关。清朝末年,金华最大的火腿生产商蒋雪舫在 杭州经商时,认识了胡雪岩。蒋雪舫出生于火腿世家,其 生产的火腿品质在当时首屈一指。那一年,恰逢胡雪岩母 亲寿辰。蒋雪舫带着自己用时多日、亲自精心腌制的 270 斤上好火腿,到胡府祝寿。在当天的寿宴上,用蒋氏火腿 制作的菜肴,成为最受欢迎的珍馐,一时传为佳话,也令 胡雪岩大悦。 杭州籍作家袁敏也曾描画过她的母亲为一家老小在厨 房准备食物的画面,一只虾油卤鸡,要提前准备 20 天: “虾油卤买回来以后,放在一口大瓦罐里,再倒进去 一斤绍兴加饭、一斤绍兴善酿、半斤盐,烧开,晾凉,这 间准备一道菜、 时将早就煮得切成大块的白斩鸡、五花肉放进去,虾油卤 腌制一道火腿,而 一定要淹没鸡肉和五花肉,然后用一块洗净晒干的竹篾盖 浙江菜对食材、调料、 在上面,再压一块石头,最后用粽子蘖壳封口扎紧。虾油 技艺、工序的高标准则完美 卤鸡一般提前半个月到 20 天就开始准备,那封紧的瓦罐 地安放了这种情感,让做饭者的 成了我们对过年的念想。” 心意在食物中慢慢发酵,吃饭者也在漫长 只有心怀最深的情感、最高的敬意才会用 20 天的时 的等待中体会到这份心意的难得和珍贵。

48 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Keyword No. 3: Affection

n his movie The God of Cookery, Stephen diners can be seen in each piece of tender fish meat and Chow played a brilliant chef who wanted to each spoon of tasty soup. Icook the best food to win back the title “God As for Jinhua ham, there’s a well-known story of Cookery”. One day he asked his mentor: associated with Hu Xueyan, a businessman famous for “Master, What’s the best food you have being the only merchant during the Qing Dynasty to be ever tasted in your life?” The master awarded a red-topped hat—an emblem that signified the answered: “This question, dear rank of an officer of second grade at the Qing imperial benefactor, you should really court. In the late Qing Dynasty, the largest Jinhua ham ask yourself.” Then Chow’s producer Jiang Xuefang became acquainted with Hu character remembered the when doing business in Hangzhou. Jiang came from a bowl of rice with roast family business with an unrivalled reputation for quality pork that was given to ham. That year Hu planned a huge birthday party for his him when he was a mother and Jiang attended the party at Hu’s invitation. As desperate beggar. It a present, he brought with him 270 jin (135 kilograms) was cooked in a most of the best ham he had spent many days preparing. At the simple way, but with banquet, the dish made with Jiang’s ham was the most love and affection. popular and everyone talked about its quality. As the host When asked: of the party, Hu was very pleased. “What’s the most Yuan Min, a writer from Hangzhou, once gave an delicious food you account of her mother cooking in the kitchen for the have ever tasted?”, whole family. One dish called Chicken in Shrimp Brine is most of the natives said to take 20 days to prepare: of Zhejiang who are First, buy some shrimp brine and pour it into a big away from home will earthen pot. Add half a kilogram of Jiafan rice wine from say “home-cooked Shaoxing, the same amount of Shanniang rice wine also Zhejiang food.” All from Shaoxing, and 250 grams of salt. Boil the mixture things people do are and then put it aside to cool. Second, boil large pieces of associated with emotions; chicken and pork belly, put them into the pot, and make foods are no exception. sure the chicken and pork are covered by the brine, and To the natives of Zhejiang, cover the pot with a clean and sun-dried bamboo lid, with food gives them a keen sense a big stone on top. Finally, seal the pot with reed leaves of affection and belonging. One of and strings. The dish is usually prepared 15 to 20 days my friends is from Jinhua, Zhejiang, a in advance and in our eyes the sealed pot has come to place famous for its signature ham. In her symbolise the Chinese New Year. view the major northern cuisines and Sichuan It’s out of the deepest affection and greatest regard cuisine are all cooked in haste and their flavours that someone can spend 20 days preparing a dish or are too strong, leading to people eating in haste with making a piece of ham. These feelings are fully expressed the purpose of sating one’s hunger instead of savouring by the high standards expected of ingredients, seasonings, the food. But Zhejiang cuisine is different. It requires culinary skills, and processes in Zhejiang cuisine. When remarkable culinary skills to make the meticulously waiting for the food to be prepared and served, we will crafted dishes. The love and care of the chef towards the appreciate the great love and affection of the chef.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 49 老饕 私厨 Old Tao' s Private Kitchen 老饕私厨— 龙井虾仁 Old Tao’s Private Kitchen -- Longjing prawns 插画:“咱们”设计工作室 illustrator:"Our"Workshop

50 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 在中国,茶不仅能品,还能入菜。其中最有名的一道菜当属浙菜龙井虾仁。相传, 乾隆皇帝微服出访来到杭州一座酒楼,将龙井茶让伙计冲泡。伙计无意中瞧见龙 袍露出一角,匆忙告诉正在烹调虾仁的老板,圣上驾到,老板惊慌中将茶叶误当 做葱花撒到锅里,没想到乾隆尝过这道菜后,赞不绝口,从此龙井虾仁便流传了 下来,成为浙江人宴请中外贵宾的美馔佳肴。 当碧绿幽香的龙井茶嫩芽邂逅晶莹鲜香的虾仁,会给舌尖带来怎样的惊喜? 让皇帝都赞不绝口的美味你是不是也想亲自品尝一下呢?快和老饕一起“下厨房” 吧!

In China, tea is more than just a drink, it’s a cooking ingredient. Likely the most famous dish to use it as an ingredient is one from Zhejiang cuisine, Longjing prawns (or Prawns stir-fried with Longjing tea leaves). Stories say that when Emperor Qianlong visited a restaurant in Hangzhou incognito, he asked the waiter to brew his Longjing tea. The waiter accidentally noticed the corner of an imperial robe poking out from Qianlong’s gown, so he rushed back to the kitchen to tell his boss, who was preparing the prawns, about the emperor’s arrival. The boss was so stunned by the news that he knocked the tea leaves into the wok. Unexpectedly, after Qianlong tried the dish, he had nothing but praise for it. After that, Longjing prawns became one of Zhejiang cuisine’s signature dishes at banquets to welcome outsiders to the province. What surprises for your tongue await when the green aromas of Longjing tea meet the crystalline freshness of prawns? Do you want to try the flavor that surprised Qianlong for yourself? Then settle in and get ready to cook it!

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 51 主料: Main Ingredients:

河虾 龙井 蛋清 Prawns Longjing egg whites tea leaves

辅料: Seasoning

盐 淀粉 料酒 salt starch Cooking wine

剥去虾壳挑出虾线,将虾仁用 1 清水洗净,滤水待用。 Remove shells and intestines from the prawns. Rinse in clean water, then drain and set aside. 1 剥去虾壳挑出虾线,将虾仁用清水洗净, 滤水待用 Peel to pick out the shrimp shell shrimp, shrimp with clean water, water filter

52 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 虾仁盛入碗中,加一勺料酒和 2 蛋清搅拌后加入少许淀粉,静 置入味 。 Place prawns in a bowl, add a 2 spoon of cooking wine and egg whites, and stir. After stirring, add a pinch of starch, and set aside to allow flavor to settle.

3 3 龙井茶用 70-80 度水泡开约 1 分钟, 滤出茶汁,余下的茶叶、茶汁备用。 Use water heated to 70-80℃ to soak Longjing tea leaves for one minute, then strain the liquid from the tea leaves. Keep both the liquid and the leaves.

热油至 7 成热时,下虾仁翻炒, 4 半分钟左右迅速出锅,以免虾 仁过老。 4 Preheat oil to just before boiling, then stir-fry prawns briskly for no longer than 30 seconds, and quickly remove them from the wok to avoid overcooking.

5 5 锅留少量底油,倒入虾仁,将茶叶连 汁倒入。倒入料酒、少许盐,翻炒, 起锅装盘。 Leave a small amount of oil in the wok, then pour in prawns, the liquid and leaves from the tea, cooking wine, and a pinch of salt. Stir-fry, then pour finished dish onto plate.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 53 教师 沙龙 Teacher's Voices

情系中国民间 艺术 —— 记我所敬佩的德国老人英丽·杨森 文 / 李卡宁 德国慕尼黑孔子学院中方院长

晚,阵阵讲话声、鼓掌声和笑声从慕尼黑宁芬 堡皇家公园植物园传出,60 多位德国友人围 傍在一处四周绿树成荫的庭院里,倾听着一位满 头银发的德国老人讲述中国民间剪纸艺术以及她在中国 收集民间剪纸的经历。几盏中国式的大红灯笼在夕阳的 照射下鲜红似火,艳丽夺目,为欢快的场面增添了几份 喜庆的色彩。 这位讲话的老人名叫英丽·杨森(Ingrid Jansen)。 从超过 4000 件收藏中精选出的展品主要来自中国的陕 北延川地区和山西北部的农家妇女。杨森老人从 1992 年开始第一次举办个人中国民间剪纸艺术收藏展,至今 已经举办了整整 30 次展览,单是在慕尼黑宁芬堡皇家 公园的植物园内就举办了 11 次。 1992 年 11 月的第一次展览是在杨森的家里举办的, 当时担心人们对中国的剪纸艺术兴趣不大,也没做太多 的宣传,没想到参观览展的人络绎不绝。第二年,她在 宁芬堡皇家公园举办了正式展览。自此,她开始了在德 国宣传、展览中国民间剪纸艺术的人生历程。

54 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 我在展览上见到老人时,她白色衬衣外穿着一件有着 女农民之手的精湛艺术佳作,引起了她极大的兴趣,从此 中国陕北服装特色的红色马甲,上面还刺绣着几幅剪纸艺 她就与中国民间剪纸艺术结下了不解之缘,开始了她收藏 术的图案。她告诉我,这件上衣是陕北的朋友专门为她制 和研究剪纸艺术的生涯。 作的,图案是她们亲手为她绣上去的。多年来,她将其视 为了收集民间剪纸,她 10 多次辗转于德国与中国之 如珍宝,每逢节日和剪纸艺术收藏品展览期间才会穿。 间,走遍了陕北、山西、山东与河北等省,甚至还到内蒙 其实对杨森老人收藏和展览我国民间剪纸艺术的事 古的和林格尔县参加国际剪纸艺术节。在 20 多年的剪纸 迹,在我还没来慕尼黑孔子学院任职之前就有所了解。我 艺术品收藏过程中,老人结识了 40 多位优秀的中国剪纸 第一次见到她是 2013 年 9 月 11 日,那是我到慕尼黑孔院 艺术家,例如陕北延川的高凤莲、女儿刘洁琼和外甥女范 工作后的第 41 天,当时我们孔院办了一个国画展览。我 荣荣(音译),山西的王计汝、王兰畔、苏兰花、库淑珍等。 注意到在参加本次画展开幕仪式的 120 多位嘉宾中,有一 提到这些农民艺术家的名字时,她几乎是一口气讲出来的。 位慈祥的老太太几乎在每幅画像前都要驻足停留,仔细端 1996 年春节期间,杨森夫妇二人应我国著名农民剪纸艺 详,还常常自言自语地说着什么。出于好奇,我主动与她 术家高凤莲的邀请到陕北延川,住在她的窑洞里,相互交 搭上了话。没想到对方满面笑容地用汉语说道:“你好, 流技艺,畅谈友谊,度过了一段愉快的时光。 我是英丽·杨森。”接着又递给我她的名片,头衔分别用 2008 年,杨森老人邀请高凤莲、刘洁琼母女二人来 汉德两种文字写着:德国剪纸协会会员、瑞士剪纸协会会 到慕尼黑访问,在文化沙龙进行现场展示,让德国观众能 员、剪纸收藏家。 够亲眼领略精湛的剪纸技艺。 两天后在我们孔院举办的第 81 期文化沙龙上,我又 杨森老人不仅收集、展览中国民间剪纸艺术品,而且 见到了她。老人很健谈,随着见面次数增加,我对她的了 还精心研究中国的民间剪纸艺术,并在德国剪纸协会主办 解更多了。原来早在 1986 到 1988 年期间,她因陪同丈夫 的刊物 Schwarz auf Weiss 发表了多篇文章。在陈竟主编的 到中国工作,在北京生活了三年。期间多次参观过中国美 《六十年中国剪纸研究》论文集上她发表了题为《中德剪 术馆举办的民间剪纸艺术展,那些来自普通农民,特别是 纸之比较及中国民间剪纸在德国》的论文。

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 55 A German Lady’s Love of Chinese Paper-cutting -The story of my beloved Ingrid Jansen By Li Kaning, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute in Munich

It was evening. Chatter, applause and started her journey of promoting and exhibiting the

Chinese traditional folk art 中国传统民间艺术laughter could be heard in the Botanical Garden of Chinese folk art of paper-cutting in Germany. Nymphenburg Palace Park in Munich. Here, over When I saw Ingrid at the exhibition, she was

Paper-cut 60 German friends had gathered in a courtyard wearing a white blouse inside a red north-Shaanxi surrounded by leafy trees, listening to an elderly styled Chinese waistcoat embroidered with paper- German lady talk about the art of Chinese paper- cutting patterns. She told me that this waistcoat cutting and her experiences of collecting folk paper was specially made for her by her friends from cuttings in China. Several Chinese red lanterns northern Shaanxi who personally embroidered all radiated a fiery red hue under the glow of the the paper-cutting patterns. She has treasured it for setting sun, creating a festive atmosphere. many years and only wears it on festive occasions The old lady is Ingrid Jansen, and on display or during her paper-cutting exhibitions. are items that she has selected from her collection In fact, I had heard about Ingrid’s Chinese of more than 4,000 paper cuttings made mainly by paper-cutting collection and exhibitions before the rural women of Yanchuan in northern Shaanxi working at the Confucius Institute in Munich. The province and northern Shanxi province. Ingrid has first time I met her was on September 11, 2013, organised 30 Chinese paper-cutting exhibitions when we held an exhibition of traditional Chinese since 1992, among which 11 have been held in the paintings at the Confucius Institute in Munich Botanical Garden of Nymphenburg Palace Park in on my 41st day at the Institute. Among more than Munich. 120 attendees at the opening ceremony of the Her first exhibition was held at her home in exhibition, an old affable lady caught my attention November 1992. Thinking that not many people because she stopped in front of almost every would be interested in Chinese paper-cutting, painting and looked at them carefully, murmuring Ingrid did not advertise the event too much, only something to herself. Out of curiosity, I introduced to find that a continuous stream of visitors came myself to her. I was surprised when she replied to see the exhibition. The next year, she held a with a big smile in Chinese, “Hello, my name is formal exhibition in Nymphenburg Palace Park and Ingrid Jansen.” Then she gave me her card written

56 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 in both Chinese and German, with titles “Member of the German and Swiss Paper-Cutting Associations, and Collector of Paper Cuttings”. Two days later, I met her again at the 81st Culture Salon held by the Confucius Institute in Munich. She was talkative and as we met more frequently, I got to know more about her. It turns out that from 1986 to 1988, she stayed with her husband in Beijing for three years when he worked there. During this period, she visited the exhibition of folk paper cuttings at the National Art Museum of China on several occasions. The exquisite artworks from the hands of ordinary farmers, especially women Gao Fenglian of Yanchuan in northern Shaanxi, her farmers, aroused her interest. It was then that she daughter Liu Jieqiong and her niece Fan Rongrong; as began her hobby of collecting and studying paper- well as Wang Jiru, Wang Lanpan, Su Lanhua, and Ku cutting artworks, which has become an indispensable Shuzhen, in Shanxi. She is so familiar with these rural part of her life. artists that she could reel off a long list of their names. In order to collect these paper cuttings, she During the Spring Festival in 1996, at the invitation of has been to China on more than a dozen occasions, Gao Fenglian, the famous Chinese paper-cutting artist, visiting many places in northern Shaanxi, Shanxi, the Jansens paid a visit to Yanchuan and stayed in Gao’s 中国传统民间艺术Chinese traditional folk art Shandong and Hebei provinces, and she even went cave-house, where they had a great time discussing all the way to Horinger County in Inner Mongolia paper-cutting skills and became friends. Paper-cut to participate in the International Paper-Cutting Art In 2008, Ingrid invited Gao Fenglian and her Festival. In the course of over 20 years of collecting daughter Liu Jieqiong to Munich for a visit. During paper cuttings, Ingrid became acquainted with more their visit, the two artists gave a live demonstration than 40 masters of Chinese paper-cutting, such as of their skills at a cultural salon, so that the German audience could appreciate in person the exquisite art of paper-cutting. Ingrid not only collects and exhibits the artworks of Chinese folk paper-cutters, she has also conducted thorough research on the art of Chinese folk paper- cutting, and has published several articles in Schwarz auf Weiss, a magazine sponsored by the German Paper- cutting Association. She also wrote a thesis entitled A Comparison Between Chinese and German Paper- cutting, and Chinese Folk Paper-cutting in Germany for the book Sixty Years of Chinese Paper-cutting Research, edited by Chen Jing.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 57 图片 故事 Picture story

58 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 The temple fair a Chinese style carnival 庙会 一场中式狂欢节 摄影 / 修伯明 Photo: Xiu Boming

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 59 节,是中国人一年中最重要的节日,随着时代的变迁, 人们越来越意识到传统文化的精髓与美妙,而逛庙会 春正是庆祝春节最具历史感与特色的庆典形式之一。庙 会,是始于中国远古时期的一种民俗活动,如今仍在广大地区 流行。 庙是中国最原始的信仰,是先人神灵崇拜的神圣所在。在 古代中国,以敬神拜祖为主要内容的祭祀活动是国家生活的头 等大事,很多传统节日都起源于此。为了供奉神灵,人们建造 庙宇并前去朝拜。和西方的教堂相似,宗教崇拜场所不仅是精 神祭奠场所也是人们集中活动的中心。商贩看到朝拜者众多, 便在周围摆摊做起生意,后来渐渐成为定期活动,“庙会”由 此形成。 经过几千年的发展,这种传统信仰退落为地域民俗,庙会 渐渐演变为节日期间的娱乐庆祝活动,成为人们文化怀旧的对 象。因此,只有在过年期间才有庙会,节日结束随之散去。在 春节、元宵节等传统节日,北京、上海、广东等地都会举办庙会, 包括祈福、民俗表演、民间手工艺品展示等内容。各地庙会特 色不一,展现了中华文化的地域性。 地坛庙会是北京春节活动的重头戏,每年农历年三十到正 月初七,都会有上百万人聚集到地坛公园,参加这场中式狂欢 节。 “红彤彤的一片”是初次到地坛庙会的第一印象,放眼望 去,到处张灯结彩,悬挂着象征吉祥如意的红灯笼。每天的活 动由“仿清祭地”表演拉开序幕,这是地坛庙会独有的节目, 用宏大的场面再现了清代皇帝祈求地神保佑国泰民安、风调雨 顺的仪式。随后,游客可以看戏曲、赏书画、品小吃等,在拥 挤的人群中体味老北京年味的欢乐喜庆。本期《图片故事》, 我们的摄影记者带大家一睹这场盛会的风采。

60 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 pring Festival is the most important holiday of the year for Chinese people, and as times have changed, awareness of the essence and Sbeauty of the associated traditions has grown, and temple fairs are one of Spring Festival’s oldest and most characteristic celebrations. Still popular today over much of the country, temple fairs began as a folk tradition in ancient times in China. Temples represent China’s earliest institution of religious belief, where people went to worship the spirits. In ancient China rituals and sacrifices to honor the ancestors were the most important annual events. Many modern holidays originated with these sacrifices. To worship the gods, people built temples and gathered there to worship. Just like churches in the West, these temples were more than just centers of religious worship, they were places for the community to gather and hold events. Merchants saw the crowds of worshippers, and set up stalls nearby to do business. As time went on, these gatherings of worshippers and merchants coagulated into regular events, and the temple fair was born. After thousands of years, the traditional religion that inspired crowds to gather receded into local folk customs, and the spiritual purpose behind these gatherings was replaced with entertainment and celebration. Today, temple fairs only occur during the Lunar New Year period, and disperse quickly after the holiday. On traditional holidays like the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, and many other cities put on temple fairs that feature prayers, folk performances, folk art and handicraft exhibitions, and many more events. The content of temple fairs in each locale is different, which demonstrates the regional variety of Chinese culture. The temple fair at Ditan Park hosts Beijing’s primary attraction during Spring Festival. Each year between New Year’s Eve and the 7th of the first month of the lunar calendar, more than a million people flock to Ditan Park for this Chinese style carnival. The new visitor’s first impression of the Ditan Park temple fair is usually: “So much red!” Look up, and you’ll see red lanterns hanging everywhere. These red lanterns symbolize luck and good fortune. In Chinese the words di tan means ‘the Earth Temple’. As it used to be the place where emperors held ceremonies worshipping the Earth, the fair nowadays begins each day with a mock performance of Qing-era Temple of Earth sacrifices. This performance, exclusive to the Ditan Park temple fair, makes use of the grand temple setting to re-enact the emperor’s rituals to pray for blessings and peace for the nation, favorable weather, and a good harvest. Afterwards, visitors can enjoy plays, calligraphy, local snacks, and much more. As you squeeze your way through the crowds, you’ll experience the festive atmosphere of old Beijing. In this issue of Snapshots of China, our photographers willgive you a glimpse of the fun at the Ditan Park temple fair.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 61 漫步 中国 Walking in China

62 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 The hutongs of Beijing 北京的胡同

文 / 覃 天 By Qin Tian

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 63 京城到底有多少条胡同?有句话说得好“有名胡同三百六, 无名胡同似牛毛”。 北清朝,朱一新老先生所写的《京师坊巷志稿》一书中所列的 大约有 2077 条,其中直接称为胡同的约有 978 条之多。1944 年,日 本人多田贞一在《北京地名志》一书中记下当时北京共有 3200 条胡 同(包含没有直接叫做胡同的街巷)。1986 年,北京出版的《北京市 街巷名称录汇编》收集了东城、西城、朝阳、海淀、门头沟等等共 10 个区大约 6104 个街巷。许多人都知道,从月球上可以看到万里长城, 但很少有人知道,如果把所有北京的胡同都连起来,不比万里长城短。 “胡同”是中国北方一种特有的称呼 , 指的是狭窄的街道。这个 词最早起源于元代杂曲名家关汉卿的《单刀会》中。现在一般学界对 于“胡同”一词的起源主要有这四种解释:1.由“后同”发音演变而来。 2. 在蒙古语以及满语中,“胡同”的发音与“水井”十分相近。在旧 时的北京,居民饮水主要依靠井水,因此水井就成为了居民聚集地的 代称进而成为了街道的代称。3. 元朝时,蒙古人将城镇称为“浩特”, 后来“浩特”演化为“火弄”或“弄通”,进而演化成为了今日的“胡 同”和“弄堂”。4. 也有人认为,今天“胡同”的称号是当时元朝政 治口号“胡人大统”的简化版。 不管起源如何,“胡同”的叫法流传了下来,胡同成了人们生活 最直接的接触,一条条胡同带来了街坊邻里,也带来了城市规模。 某种程度上来说,胡同在北京人心中早已超出了建筑学的概念范 畴,成为了岁月、记忆、家常亲情的代名词。 北京胡同的形成是随着北京城的形成而变化、发展、演进的。胡 同不仅仅是城市的脉络、交通的衢道。胡同记载了历史的变迁、时代 的风貌。 作家王安忆曾在小说《长恨歌》的开头不吝笔墨地用整整两章的 篇幅描写上海弄堂的景观。而在北京,类似于《小井胡同》这样的话

64 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 剧以及电影、文学作品等同样络绎不绝,每每都会引起人 胡同是原清雍正、乾隆时期宠臣汪由郭的居住地。类似这 们格外的关注。 样的老宅、历史事件、知名人物都隐藏在各个胡同中。 2016 年贺岁档电影冒出了一部《老炮儿》,起先人 在三不老胡同东段有一座红砖楼群,一度是文化界人 们担心满篇的京片儿(北京方言)会影响票房,但是,一 士的荟萃之所,就像摩登时代的上海,徐盈、子冈、冯亦 部电影能感动人,就不会因为地域、语言受限。在上映第 代、黄宗英等人都在这里居住过。相声大师侯宝林在他幼 五天,该片即以 5050 万票房,一举拿下单日票房冠军。 年时,也曾在此胡同附近居住过。 同时,电影的口碑也非常好。主角老炮儿代表的老胡同文 另一条名为“大雅宝”的胡同同样也曾是中国现代美 化,虽然在今天已经有些破旧落寞,但是却带着满满的人 术开拓者们群居的地方,住户名单上有李可染、张仃这样 情味和江湖义气。 如雷贯耳的美术家的名字,还有因绘制《开国大典》而著 陈凯歌导演曾拍过短片《百花深处》,是《十分钟年 名的董希文、董沙贝父子等等。 华老去》中的一个片断。影片中同样可以感受到北京人对 “六爷,没宣武区了,都合西城了。”电影《老炮儿》 于胡同的深厚感情。作家老舍这样描写百花深处:“胡同 里一句不经意的台词却让观众席里发出一阵唏嘘之声。随 是狭而长的。两旁都是用碎砖砌的墙。南墙少见日光,薄 着城市发展,改扩建工程使得北京的胡同越来越少。在另 薄的长着一层绿苔,高处有隐隐的几条蜗牛爬过的银轨。 一部电影,张扬导演的《洗澡》中,影片最后,胡同就要 往里走略觉宽敞一些,可是两旁的墙更破碎一些。”诗人 被拆毁,澡堂老板的儿子站在澡堂空空的浴池里,为这条 顾城《题百花深处》:“百花深处好,世人皆不晓。小院 就要逝去的胡同唱了最后一曲挽歌。 半壁阴,老庙三尺草。秋风未曾忘,又将落叶扫。此处胜 不过,也有很多人为保护胡同而奔走,为留住胡同中 桃源,只是人将老。” 的文化而努力。有许多年轻人在胡同里开起创意小店、饭 位于德胜门内大街附近的“三不老胡同”在诗人北岛 馆、酒吧,把时尚的气息带到胡同中;政府也在规划中注 的记忆中是童年的留恋之处,他在三不老胡同 1 号度过了 意到了胡同及胡同里老建筑的保护,有些地方还形成了特 学生时代:“初中三年就在胡同口老槐树的摇晃中悄然而 色风貌旅游区。 逝”。过去不远就是三不老胡同 6 号,那是明朝下西洋的 有一首京味儿十足的歌,里面唱到“我爷爷小的时候 郑和的故居正院。明代这里被称为“三保老爹胡同”或“三 曾在这里玩耍,高高的前门仿佛挨着我的家”。对老北京 保胡同”。直到清代,被改称为“三不老胡同”,俗称“三 人来说,四合院、胡同都是魂系梦绕的所在。随着城市的 不老”、“三伯老”胡同。 改扩建,人们住进了小区楼房,邻里关系、城市面貌都有 “三不老胡同”并不是唯一一位与名人有紧密联系的 许多改变,对于胡同的记忆逐渐减少的同时,作为北京文 胡同,比如武定侯胡同是永乐年间功臣郭英的住宅;汪家 化的底蕴,对胡同的感情一直萦绕在人们的心头。

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 65 ust how many hutongs does Beijing have? One old saying of the Yuan Dynasty political slogan “hu ren da tong” (the Hu goes, “there are 360 famous hutongs, and as many unknown people unify and govern the nation). Jhutongs as there are hairs on an ox.” No matter where the term originated or how it was passed Zhu Yixin’s Records of the Capital’s Alleys and Lanes, down to us, today the hutong is the lens through which many written during the Qing Dynasty, lists 2,077 hutongs, with 978 people experience life in Beijing.The grid of hutongs crisscrossing actually bearing the word hutong in their name. In 1944, Japanese Beijing has shaped both the city’s neighborhoods and the city author Tada Teiichi recorded in Beijing Place Names that Beijing itself. had 3,200 hutongs (including streets and alleys without the word And in many ways, the hutong is more than just an hutong in their names). The ComprehensiveList of Beijing Street architectural concept to Beijing’s residents. It’s become and Alley Names, published in Beijing in 1986, surveyed ten city synonymous with eras past, memories, and the feeling of home. districts including Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Haidian, and The form of Beijing’s hutongs has changed, developed, and Mentougou, and lists a total of 6,104. Many know that the Great evolved with the city. Far more than just the veins in which the Wall is visible from the moon, but few realize that the length of city’s traffic flows, they are living records of historical and stylistic Beijing’s hutongs put together is longer than the Great Wall. changes. The word hutong, meaning a narrow street or lane, is unique In the introduction to her novel The Song of Everlasting to northern China. The first recorded use of the word comes from Sorrow, Wang Anyi spends two entire chapters describing noted Yuan Dynasty playwright Guan Hanqing’s Meeting the Shanghai’s nongtangs. Similarly, in Beijing there seems to be Enemy with a Single Long Broadsword. Modern scholars cite an endless stream of TV series like Small Well Lane (Xiaojing four possible origins of the word: 1) an evolved pronunciation Hutong), which, alongside the films and literature that explore the of the term houtong (literally‘passable through back ways’). 2) same subject, enjoy surprising popularity. The pronunciation of hutong is similar to the Mongolian and Among the films released during 2016’s Lunar New Year box Manchurian pronunciations of the word for ‘well’. Most Beijing office season was Mr Six, which many worried would perform residents got their drinking water from wells in that period, poorly thanks to its heavy use of Beijing dialect (jingpian’er). But so wells became natural gathering places and focal points for good movies transcend the limits of region and language. On its neighborhoods, so over time, the word became another word for fifth day in the cinema, Mr Six ticket sales reached 50.5 million ‘alleyway’. 3) In the Yuan Dynasty, Mongolians referred to cities RMB, setting a new record for single-day box office sales in and villages as haote, a pronunciation which later evolved into China, and praise of the film was almost universal. The Beijing huonong and nongtong, and finally became the localized terms for represented by the main character is the Beijing of the hutongs, ‘lane’or ‘alleyway’ we see today in hutong (Beijing) and nongtang and while hutong culture might feel dated to today’s audiences, (Shanghai). 4) Still others believe the term hutong is a shortening it’s also full of connotations of humanity, friendship, and loyalty.

66 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 The short film100 Flowers Hidden Deep directed during the reigns of Yongzheng and Qianlong of the Qing by Chen Kaige was one of the 15 episodes of the Ten Dynasty. Similar old buildings, historical events, and Minutes Older collection of shorts. Set in Bai Hua Shen famous historical figures can be found down almost every Chu Hutong ‘Deep in One Hundred Flowers’, the film hutong. allows us to share the same affection Beijingers feel for There’s a group of red brick buildings in the eastern their hutongs. Writer Lao She described Bai Hua Shen portion of Sanbulao Hutong that was once a gathering Chu Hutong as: place for cultural luminaries. Just like Republic-era A long, narrow alley, lined on both sides by walls of Shanghai, in Sanbulao Hutong figures like Xu Ying, Zi broken-down bricks. The south wall rarely sees sunlight. Gang, Feng Yidai, and Huang Zongying made their homes It’s covered with a thin layer of green moss, and higher up here. Crosstalk legend Hou Baolin also lived here as a the wall you find the silvery trails left by passing snails. child. As you proceed down the lane, it seems to widen, but the Dayabao Hutong was another hutong renowned state of decay in the brick walls seems to worsen as well. for the pioneers of modern art who clustered there. Gu Cheng, in his poem A Eulogy of Deep in One Immediately recognizable names like Li Keran and Zhang Hundred Flowers, says: Ding were once residents, as well as Dong Xiwen, who Deep in One Hundred Flowers is a treasure gained his fame for painting The Founding of the Nation, Its beauty unknown to an outsider. and his son Dong Shabei, and many more. Half in shade is the courtyard houses’ wall “Mr Six, there is no Xuanwu District. It was folded With the grass in the old temple three-foot tall. into Xicheng.” This casually inserted line from Mr Six Never forgotten by the autumn breeze actually solicited loud boos from audiences. As the city Blowing off the yellow leaves of ginkgo trees. develops, new buildings and construction projects mean This place surpasses the Peach Blossom Utopia the hutongsare slowly disappearing. In Shower, directed Pity its residents age and their sunsetis near. by Zhang Yang, the hutong where the story takes place Not far from Deshengmen Inner Street is Sanbulao is about to be demolished. The bathhouse owner’s son Hutong ‘Three Not Olds Alley’, a place of significant stands in the empty shower area and sings a final elegy for importance in the childhood memories of poet Bei Dao. the soon-to-disappear hutong. He describes his years as a student while living at No. But, there are also many people racing to the 1 Sanbulao Hutong: “My three years of middle school hutongs in order to protect them and working to save passed quietly under the swaying branches of the old what remains of hutong culture. Young entrepreneurs are Chinese scholar tree by the entrance of the alley.” A short opening shops, restaurants, and bars with a creative focus way up Sanbulao Hutong is No. 6, where Ming Dynasty in the hutongs, bringing fashion and the ethos of cool to maritime explorer Zheng He, who explored the “Western the old lanes. In city development plans the government is Oceans” (the south Pacific and Indian Oceans), kept his also paying attention to preserving hutongsand protecting official residence. During the Ming Dynasty, the alley was the old buildings they contain, with some areas becoming known as “Sanbao Laodie Hutong” (literally ‘Sanbao Old focal points for local tourism. Father’s Hutong’ or “Sanbao Hutong”. The two characters A heavily Beijing-flavored song puts it best, “Sanbao” meaning ‘Three Treasures’ in reference to the “My grandfather played here when he was young, and “three jewels” (triratna) in Buddhism, were one of Zheng the towering Qianmen Gate seems like it’s next to He’s childhood nicknames. During the Qing Dynasty, the where I live.” For old Beijingers who’ve lived here for name was changed to “Sanbulao Hutong”, and referred generations, the courtyard houses (siheyuan) and hutongs to as either “Sanbulao” (literally ‘Three Not Olds’) or are anchors for their memories and dreams. As the city “Sanbolao” (literally ‘Three Old Uncles’) colloquially. grows and reshapes itself, and as people move into But Sanbulao Hutong isn’t the only hutong with a modern apartments, relationships with neighbors and the name derived from famous figures. Wudinghou Hutong appearance of the city will undergo many changes. While was the residence of court official Guo Ying during the the hutongs and the memories they contain slowly fade Ming Yongle’s reign, and in Wangjia Hutong was located into history, these alleys which birthed Beijing’s culture the residence of favored court official Wang Youguo will linger in our hearts and minds.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 67 学员 在线 Students on Line

从大学外教到汉语硕士: 我在中国的成长故事 From foreign English teacher to Chinese language master: My story of growth in China

文 / 申一鸣 美国孔子学院奖学金生 By Jordon Shinn, USA Scholarship Student of Confucius Institute

的心里藏着许多梦想,犹如天上的繁星。但有某 收到了他的回复,邮件附有一个合同。这是我生活中的大 些梦想最为闪耀。我想和大家分享的,也是大部 转折:在世界的另一边,在古老的东方古国——中国,我 我分人想知道的,就是我为什么选择来中国生活与 得到了大学毕业之后的第一份工作。三个星期之后,我获 学习中文。 得新的美国护照,拿到了中国签证,经历 14 个小时穿越 2011 年,我在美国俄克拉荷马州立大学毕业,获得 太平洋上的飞行,抵达中国。在山东工商学院,我开始了 了新闻编辑专业学位。终于毕业了,我决定用一年的时间, “外教”生涯。 去探索家乡外面的世界。我成了一个背包客,整个夏天在 刚到烟台的时候,我头发又长又密,脸上留着稀稀拉 美国漂泊,最终到达太平洋海边的俄勒冈州,那里是北美 拉的胡子,皮肤因夏天的旅行晒黑了。我的学生们都亲热 洲的西疆。在它的另一边,是无边、清澈、海风吹拂、海 地称我为“船长”——因为我长得很像《加勒比海盗》系 浪拍击的太平洋,迎接着好奇而勇敢的探险者。当时正值 列电影里的杰克船长。一开始,我好像在一条职业的弯路 夏天,天气温暖怡人。我在这里的生活过得悠游自在,白 上走。对我而言,去中国的确是个大冒险,就如对任何一 天,游山玩水,不亦乐乎,晚上累了,我就躺在灌木丛中 个第一次离开美洲的年轻人一样,充满奇妙。我的计划在 和衣而卧,与大自然亲密接触。当钱慢慢花光后,我开始 不断地变化,每次我都会努力抓住各种机会。我逐渐认识 找工作。问题是,当时美国遇到经济危机,工作不好找, 到,我得到的会比失去的更多。但是,语言障碍一度让我 尤其在俄勒冈的工作机会很少。我的旅途看来要结束了, 很纠结。我想用汉语跟中国人沟通,想知道他们实际上的 但实际上,我并不知道,旅途其实才刚刚开始。 生活过得如何,想要跟他们拥有深厚的友谊,而不是那种 我收到了我朋友从中国发来的一封电子邮件。他的中 停留在表面的友谊。幸运的是,新的生活给了我一个机会, 文名字叫张家乐,在中国烟台市的一所国际学校当老师, 这是个关键的细节,它为我打开学习中文的大门。 他推荐我到那里做英语外教。我立即给那边的国际专家 作为一个英语外教,学校让我和留学生一起上汉语课。 Wallace 发了一封电子邮件。让我惊喜的是,第二天,我 最幸运的一点就是我的学习全都是免费的——唯一要买的

68 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 东西就是课本,因此我抓住了每一个机会学习中文。当时 业的汉语老师。 我既是老师又是学生,不是在教室里教英语,就是在教室 中国的生活经历教我怎么度过生活中的酸甜苦辣、 里学习汉语。2013 年 12 月,经过两年半的汉语学习后, 如何抓住成长中的每一次机会。四年来的汉语学习让我 我参加了 HSK 五级考试,结果让我惊呆了——我的分数竟 开阔眼界,而且我的品质和思想也有很大提升。回头看, 然刚好及格了!虽然我对中文有浓厚的兴趣,但我还是很 在中国的这段时光算是我人生中最令人振奋并且满载而 喜欢当老师,很舍不得教学这个行业,所以我决定追求另 归的。能够说一口流利的汉语与识文断字让我前途无量。 外一个目标——攻读汉语国际教育硕士学位。2014 年秋 关于梦想的问题,我发现,实现梦想的形式并不是固定的, 季,我得到了我家乡的俄克拉荷马大学孔子学院的推荐, 而是很灵活的;它像摆在我前面的一座灯塔,指出大概的 申请到了孔子学院奖学金,来到中国传媒大学读研。让我 方向,但不能帮我走出每一步。我童年的梦想在我成年后 感动的是,虽然我从来没有在孔子学院学过汉语,可是他 不一定实现;而我现在所实现的梦想,也不一定让我更幸 们还是很热情地将我推荐给国家汉办——这真是上帝的 福。毕竟,我不是一个怕走弯路的人。无论生活中的挫折 祝福。 引向哪里,一个平地、低谷或者山顶,我都会勇敢尝试、 开始读研究生之前的那个夏天,我先回国看望在俄 倾心体验。 克拉荷马州的亲人。缘分使然,我在那边碰到了一群汉语 老师,她们帮我起了一个新中文名字:申一鸣。我已经给 导师寄语: 自己起了个中文姓“申”因为它跟我英文姓 Shinn 谐音, 申一鸣(美国)是我指导的一位汉语国 并且这个发音在汉语不存在。通过一段很长的讨论之后, 际教育硕士 , 在中国的四年,他出色地完成 她们决定了给我起“一鸣”这个名字,来自一个成语,“一 了从英文教师到汉语国际教育硕士的角色转 鸣惊人”。(事实上,她们选了这个名字是因为我们刚 换。他擅长音乐,由他独立完成词曲创作的 认识,并且我吹口哨的技巧让人惊叹。)得到这个名字 中文歌曲《留学在中传》,在中国传媒大学 的祝福之后,我来到北京,掀开了人生的新篇章。目前, 留学生中广为传唱。对他而言,最具体的中 作为一个二年级的研究生,我已经通过了 HSK 六级考试, 国梦就是努力学习汉语和中国文化,成为一 我的毕业论文选题是关于美国俄克拉荷马州的孔子学院 名中美文化交流的践行者。 对于该州中文教育项目的影响,选题报告得到了专家们 ——指导教师:乐琦 中国传媒大学 的一致肯定,我将回到家乡,根据选题,展开调查研究。 希望我能顺利获得硕士学位,并且顺利成章地成为一位专

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 69 At that moment of uncertainty, I received an email from my friend Caleb Kirby in China. He was a teacher at an international school in Yantai, a developing port city on the coast of the Yellow Sea in eastern China. He said his contract was ending and that he was moving to a local university to become a foreign English teacher. He said there was a good chance that he could get me a job there, too. All I had to do was send an email to a man named" Wallace"— the foreign specialist at Shandong Institute of Business and Technology. So that's what I did. To my astonishment, the next day I received his reply — a contract. This was the s infinite stars shimmering in a midnight sky, so are great turning point of my journey: I was employed on the the desires of my heart. Yet some stars blaze more other side of the world. Three weeks later I had a newly Abrightly than others. What I will tell you, and what issued US passport, a Chinese visa and was on a plane most people really want to know, is why I came to China taking a 14-hour flight across the Pacific Ocean to China. and why I chose to study Chinese. I taught English for three school years at SDIBT. In 2011, I graduated from Oklahoma State University When I first arrived in Yantai, I had long oily hair and a with a bachelor's degree in news-editorial journalism. scraggly beard, and my skin was tanned from summertime Finally set free from the education system, I decided to take travels. My students affectionately called me "Captain," a gap year and explore the world outside Oklahoma. That after Captain Jack Sparrow of the movie series "Pirates summer I went on the bum, backpacking across the United of the Caribbean." At the beginning, teaching English States until I ended up in Oregon on the coast of the Pacific seemed a detour from my career path of journalism. Going Ocean — the western boundary of North America, that to China was a risk, an adventure, as it is for any young immense, glistening, white crested body of water, beyond person leaving America for the first time, full of curiosity which lay new worlds and adventures. It was summertime and wonder. My plans were ever changing and I was taking and the weather was warm and the people friendly. During opportunities as they presented themselves. But I quickly the daytime I would recycle plastic bottles for pocket found that I had more to gain than I had to lose. The change, and I would "couch surf" or sleep outside under language barrier both fascinated and frustrated me. I wanted bushes at night. Life was carefree until I started running out to communicate with Chinese people in their own language. of money, so I began searching for work. But the US was I wanted to know what their lives were really like. I wanted in the midst of a financial crisis and there were few jobs to make deep and real friendships, not acquaintances built available, especially in Oregon. Alas, it seemed as though on surface-level conversations of limited language ability. my journey had come to an end; it was time for me turn Fortunately, my new circumstances provided a unique back and go home. Little did I know, my journey hadn't opportunity, the key factor, which would open for me the stopped there at the ocean. Indeed, it had only just begun. door of Chinese language study.

70 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 As a foreign English teacher at the university, I was with my whistling.) Blessed with this name, I moved to allowed to attend Chinese language classes. The best thing Beijing to begin a new chapter of my life. Now in my about the deal was that it was free — I didn't have to pay second year of the graduate program at CUC, I've passed the for anything except textbooks. So I took every chance I HSK 6 and am just eight months away from defending my could to attend classes and learn this new language. I was thesis, earning my master’s degree and becoming a trained part teacher, part student; when I wasn't in class teaching Chinese teacher. English, I was in class studying Chinese. In December of China has taught me to take life as it comes and to 2013, after two and a half years of study, I took the HSK seize each opportunity to improve myself. Learning Chinese 5. To my surprise, I passed the exam by just a few points! has opened my mind to new ways of seeing the world, and My interest in Chinese language had outgrown my desire to the past four years have been a time of growth and maturity teach English, and I decided to pursue a Master of Teaching for both my mind and character. Looking back, these have Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. In the spring of been the most exciting, challenging and rewarding years of 2014, I applied for a scholarship through the Confucius my youth. Having become both fluent and literate in one Institute at the University of Oklahoma to enter the master's of the most challenging languages, I am facing a future of program at Communication University of China. OUCI untold possibilities — of fortunes and failures. What I've was extremely generous to recommend me to Hanban for learned about dreams is that they are malleable, not set in the scholarship, despite my still being in Yantai and having stone; beacons of light to point you in a general direction, never studied at a Confucius Institute — it was the sheer but not to guide your every step. The dream I conceived as grace of God. a boy might not be the same dream I will realize as a man, That summer before my graduate studies began, I and achieving one dream instead of another may not bring went home to visit my family in Oklahoma. There, I met me greater happiness. After all I’m a man who likes taking a group of Chinese teachers who helped me choose a new detours, the backstreets, the road less travelled. Each turn Chinese name. I had already chosen the surname "Shen" I take in the winding path of life leads to another pasture, because it sounds similar to my English Surname, Shinn -— valley or hilltop. And I want to experience them all. a pronunciation that doesn't exist in Chinese. After a long discussion, the teachers decided on the name "Yiming," which comes from the Chinese proverb, "As soon as the A Message from Academic Advisor: quiet bird sings, it becomes famous." (In fact, they chose I served as academic advisor for Shen this name because they had just met me and were impressed Yiming (USA), a Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. In his four years in China, he beautifully completed the transition from English instructor to Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. His talent with music made his original Chinese- language song “Liu Xue Zai Zhong Chuan” (Studying Abroad at Communication University of China) a hit around campus. His China dream, as far as I know, is to learn as much about Chinese and Chinese culture as he can, and become a facilitator of Sino-American cultural exchange. - Academic Advisor: Yue Qi, Communication University of China

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 71 孔院 八方 Around the World

Celebrations of Chinese New Year by Confucius Institutes fuel “craze of Year of Monkey” 孔子学院庆新春 各国掀起“猴年热”

72 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 丙申猴年,全球117 国 460 所孔子学院(课堂)组织2300 多场文艺庆典、知识竞赛和文化普及活动,受众190 万人。 63 个国家 144 所孔子学院(课堂)通过“孔子学院网络春晚”平台上传了580 多个视频节目,网站浏览量超过52 万人次。 请随我们的报道一起回味这份欢乐祥和。 To celebrate the Chinese Lunar Year of the Monkey, altogether 460 Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) in 117 countries around the world have held more than 2,300 celebration galas, knowledge quizzes as well as cultural promotion activities, receiving 1.9 million participants in total. One hundred and forty-four Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) in 63 countries uploaded over 580 video programs through the “Online Spring Festival Gala of Confucius Institute”, attracting more than 520,000 views. Let's share their happiness and joy through the following reports.

美国哥伦比亚麦德林孔子学院特邀当地中华武术队 为伊菲特 (EAFIT) 大学师生献上一场别开生面的武术快 闪表演。 The Confucius Institute in Medellin, Colombia, invited the local Chinese Wushu team to present a spectacular flash mob Wushu performance for teachers and students at EAFIT.

芬兰赫尔辛基大学孔子学院举办“雪国春意浓”2016 年新春联欢会。师生自编、自导、自演的中国传统舞蹈、小品、 大提琴独奏、中文歌曲等节目赢得现场观众阵阵掌声。 The Confucius Institute at the University of Helsinki, Finland, held the 2016 “Fullness of Spring in a Land of Snow” Chinese Spring Festival Gala. Performances of traditional Chinese dances, sketches, a cello solo and Chinese songs which were all created, directed and acted by teachers and students themselves greatly marveled the audience and drew rounds of warm applause.

塔吉克斯坦国立民族大学孔子学院承办的 2016 年“中塔一家亲”文艺演出中,两国青年学 生共同演绎了中塔古典舞、民族舞、民乐合奏、 民歌等节目,展示了两国绚丽多彩的文化艺术。 At the 2016 "China-Tajikistan One Family" Gala held by the Confucius Institute at Tajikistan Nationality University, the Chinese and Tajik youths jointly gave a variety of performances such as Chinese and Tajik classical dance, folk dance, ensemble performance of folk music, and folk songs, showcasing the diverse and colorful culture and art of both countries.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 73 利比里亚大学孔子学院举办“真 实亲诚·共圆中非梦”文化巡演活动, 活动内容丰富多彩,其中《中华武魂》 尽显南拳、醉拳、双刀、长棍、格斗 等精彩套路,让台下观众惊叹不已。 The Confucius Institute at the University of Liberia hosted the cultural tour performance of “Real Friendship and Close Cooperation: Let Dreams Come True”. The event presented a variety of shows, in which the performance Chinese Wushu Spirit fully showcased various fascinating routines such as nan quan ‘south fist’, zui quan ‘drunken fist’, shuang dao ‘double sabres’, chang gun ‘long cudgels’ and gedou ‘combating’, which greatly fascinated the Liberian audience.

匈牙利佩奇大学中医孔子学院将 剪纸、京剧脸谱绘画、中国书法、灯 笼制作、中国结编织、筷子体验和踢 毽子等中国文化活动集中在一起,形 成热闹的春节庙会活动,吸引了众多 当地民众参与。 The Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the University of Pécs, Hungary, presented a bustling Spring Festival temple fair with various Chinese cultural activities such as paper-cutting, Peking Opera facial mask painting, Chinese calligraphy, lantern making, Chinese knots weaving, chopsticks experience as well as shuttlecock kicking, attracting extensive participation of the local public.

贝宁阿波美卡拉维大学孔子学 院举办了形式多样的文艺汇演,活 泼有趣的舞狮子表演受到观众的热 烈追捧。 The Confucius Institute at the University of Abomey-Calam held art performances of various forms, among which the lively and entertaining lion dance was the most sought-after program.

74 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 美国纽约州立大学商务孔子学院携手纽约三大主 The Confucius Institute for Business at State University of 要商圈——中国城、麦迪逊大道、中东城商圈共同举 New York, the US, hosted the 2016 “Madison Street to Madison 办“从麦迪逊大街到麦迪逊大道”2016春节庆祝活动。 Avenue” Chinese Spring Festival Gala in collaboration with three primary business circles of New York, namely, Chinatown, Madison Avenue and East Midtown.

由中国驻欧盟使团与布鲁塞尔四所欧盟学校联合举办的“欢乐春节走 进欧盟学校”活动吸引了近 500 名师生和家长。这是欧盟学校自去年 9 月 建立孔子课堂以来,首次以“孔子课堂”名义举办的系列活动之一。

The celebration entitled “Happy Chinese New Year at European Schools", jointly hosted by the Chinese Mission to the European Union and four European Schools of Brussels, attracted approximately 500 teachers, students and parents. This event is part of a series of activities first held in the name of "Confucius Classroom" since the establishment of Confucius Classrooms at European Schools in September last year.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 75 读者 论坛 Readers' Forum 《孔子学院》读者座谈会学生发言摘要 Confucius Institute Student Readers' Forum Opinion Excerpts

3 月 24 日,《孔子学院》(以下简称院刊)编辑部在中国传媒大学,邀请 18 位来自美、泰、韩等 国的院刊读者座谈,为院刊内容改革、发行推广、数字化发展等提建议。摘要如下(按照发言顺序):

On March 24, the Confucius Institute magazine held a readers' forum at the Communication University of China, in which we asked 18 of our readers from the US, Thailand, Korea, and other countries to offer suggestions on how to improve our content, distribution, promotion, and digital offerings. The summary of their suggestions follows (in order of speaking):

申一鸣 - 美国 Jordon Robert Shinn – USA 张玥 - 泰国 院刊英语版杂志的设计、图片、 Suebsiriviriyakorn 翻译都很好。希望院刊栏目的设置更 Suleeporn – Thailand 丰富,主动贴近学生生活,充分利用社 刊物内容上要浅显易懂,可以设 交媒体平台,定期推送电子刊。 置一些猜字谜等栏目,提高读者阅读兴趣。 Design, images, and translation of the English version Magazine content should be simple and easy of the magazine are all good. I’d like to see the magazine to understand. We should also introduce character- produce a richer variety of columns and subject matter, guessing games and riddles to raise reader interest. move toward greater relevance in students’ lives, make fuller use of social media platforms, and issue regular digital versions.

李雨蓝 - 韩国 胡得国英 - 越南 Lee Wooram - Korea Ho Dac Quoc Anh - Vietnam 希望内容上刊登更多外国人如何学 建议通过组织征文比赛、摄影 习汉语的经历或者在中国的生活经验。 比赛等活动,提高读者参与积极性。 I would like to see the magazine publish I would like to see more essay and more stories about the experience of foreigners learning photography competitions to raise reader participation Chinese or life experience in China. and interest.

奕文 - 塞拉利昂 Emmanuel Frederick Swaray - Sierra Leone 杜海燕 - 越南 院刊对传播中华文化很有用,等我回 Do Hai Yen - Vietnam 到自己的国家,很愿意帮助推广院刊。 建议院刊网站适当增加视频,丰富内容形式。 The magazine is a very useful tool for spreading I think the magazine’s website should feature more Chinese culture. When I go back to my own country, I’ll be video and richer content. happy to help promote the magazine.

韩永光 - 朝鲜 安阳 - 埃及 Han Yong Gwang - North Korea 建议在封面设计和编排上提高吸引力。 Abdelkhalek Amira Ahmed Elsayed - Egypt 希望杂志更多发展电子版。 I think the cover design and layout should be more I would like more digital content form the magazine. attractive.

76 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 季娜 - 老挝 刘星雨 - 塔吉克斯坦 Asitniphap Kita - Laos Shokirova Sitora - Tajikistan 增加汉语“每期几句”这样的栏目,便于留学生学习。 多一些如何快乐学汉语、消除语言障碍的文章。 There should be more columns like “Sentences to There should be more articles about how to have Remember” to help exchange students learn. fun learning Chinese and get rid of obstacles to learning language.

范思齐 - 尼日利亚 林海 - 塞拉利昂 Obodoefuna Doris Chigozie - Nigeria Ade Lamin Conteh Harris - Sierra Leone 增加激发学生学习汉语兴趣的内容,增强吸引力。 希望能刊登一些学习汉语帮助非洲学生改变人生 There should be more content that inspires students to 的故事。 learn Chinese and makes the prospect more attractive. I’d like the magazine to include more stories about how learning Chinese has changed the lives of African students.

卢垠志 - 韩国 伊藤佳菜子 - 日本 Noh Eunji- Korea Ito Kanako - Japan 目前院刊与受众的互动性不高,建议 建议在封面加上关于本期主题的关键字或内容介绍。 通过开设小游戏栏目、发放礼品的方法,来增强院刊的 I recommend adding taglines about each issue’s theme 互动性。 or simple article introductions to the cover. At present the magazine has low interaction with its readers, so I would like to see some games added to the magazine or small gifts distributed with each issue to make the magazine more interactive.

雷锋 - 塔吉克斯坦 叶子 - 塞尔维亚 Muhibullo Sharifov - Tajikistan Popovic Jelena - Serbia 希望增加一些关于中文语法学习方面的内容。 希望有塞尔维亚语刊,以帮助本国 7-14 岁的孩子 I’d like to see more content about methods to study 学习汉语。 Chinese grammar. I’d like to see a Serbian-language version of the magazine, to help Serbian children aged 7-14 learn Chinese.

赵韩凡 - 韩国 Cho Hanbom -Korea 何氏梅香 - 越南 杂志应该成为学习汉语的资料,便于学生每期携带 Ha Thi Mai Huong -Vietnam 和积累。 建议办越南语刊物,考虑中学生读者受众。 The magazine should be a source of information about I advise starting a Vietnamese-language version of the studying Chinese, something students want to take away and magazine, to reach more readers in high school. learn from.

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 77 《孔子学院》期刊征稿启事

《孔子学院》期刊是拥有标准国际连续出版物号(ISSN)和中国国内统一刊号(CN)的正式出版物,由孔子 学院总部 / 国家汉办主办。期刊主要内容为报道孔院活动、介绍汉语教学、讲述文化故事,旨在加强孔子学院与 世界各国的交流。目前期刊有 11 个语种的双语对照版,均为双月刊,每期 80 页,公开发行至 130 个国家和地区。 因组稿需要,现面向全球作者征稿,所需稿件类别如下:

内容:讲述中国文化故事,涉及历史、地理、经济、社会、人物、传统、民俗、 文化类 美食等,向各国读者全方位介绍古老而现代的中国。 要求:注意跨文化角度写作,1500-2500 字,可配若干与内容相关的图片 ( 每 张 1MB 以上 )。

教学类 内容:分享学习汉语和了解中国文化的经历、方法、知识等。 要求:注意内容通俗易懂、知识点正确,1000-3000 字,可配若干与内容相关 的图片 ( 每张 1MB 以上 )。

内容:报道全球孔子学院(课堂)的重要新闻、热点活动等。 时事类 要求:注意时效性、新闻性,500-800字,需配2-3 张新闻照片(每张1MB 以上)。

投稿须知: 1. 稿件要求原创、首发,即尚未在公开出版物、互联网上发表过的稿件,严禁抄袭。稿件中摘编或引用 他人作品,请在参考文献中列出其作者和文献来源。如为多人合作作品,须征得其他作者同意,并注明其他 作者。因稿件著作权引发的纠纷,由作者自行解决。 2. 稿件不得含有任何违法内容,不得侵犯他人名誉权、隐私权、商业秘密等合法权益,否则引发的法律 责任由投稿人承担。 3. 一经投稿,即视为作者将作品多语种的修改权、复制权、发行权、改编权、汇编权、翻译权、信息网 络传播权及电子数码产品版权等著作权(署名权、保护作品完整权除外)在全球范围内均转让给《孔子学院》 期刊编辑部。 4. 稿件自编辑部确认收到 5 个工作日内未见用稿通知,作者可自行处理,请勿一稿多投。稿件一经发表, 即按刊物标准支付稿酬。 5. 投稿时请注明个人信息,投稿邮箱见各语种期刊的版权页。 6. 凡向本刊投稿者,除附有书面特别声明外,均视为投稿者承诺本刊上述各项要约。 如有问题,欢迎询问 :kongzi

78 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Confucius Institute invites contributions

Confucius Institute is an officially published magazine with an ISSN and CN that is produced by Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban). The main focus of the magazine is reporting on Confucius Institute activities, Chinese language education, and cultural topics, with the goal of increasing cultural communication between the Confucius Institute and all nations of the world. At present, the 80-page bimonthly magazine is published in eleven languages (in Chinese bilingual editions) and is available in 130 countries and regions. We are now inviting authors from around the world to contribute articles of the following types:

Culture Topics: Stories about Chinese culture, touching on history, geography, economics, society, people, traditions, customs, cuisine, etc.; giving readers a complete introduction to the ancient but modern country that is China. Requirements: 1,500 to 2,500 words; relevant illustrations accepted (size of each must exceed 1 megabyte); must be written from a cross-cultural perspective. Educational Topics: Experiences, methods, knowledge, etc. about studying the Chinese language and learning about Chinese culture. Requirements: 1,000 to 3,000 characters; relevant illustrations accepted (size of each must exceed 1 megabyte); must be written in an approachable, easy to understand manner; information must be accurate. Current events Topics: Reporting on important news, events, etc. from worldwide Confucius Institutes (Classrooms). Requirements: 500 to 800 characters; must include two or three media photographs (size of each must exceed 1 megabyte); must be timely and newsworthy.

Information for contributors: 1. Articles must be original and unpublished (on print and on the Internet.) Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. When other authors’ works are summarized or quoted, the source and the original author’s name must be listed in the References section of the text. When submitting an article written by multiple authors, the submitter must first obtain the permission of all authors involved and list their names. Any conflicts related to authorship rights must be resolved by the submitter. 2. Articles must not contain illegal content or infringe on the legal rights of others, including the right to reputation, the right to privacy, trade secrets, etc. The submitter takes full legal responsibility for any infringement. 3. By submitting an article, the author transfers his worldwide authorial rights (excluding the rights of attribution and integrity of authorship), including the rights of revision, reproduction, distribution, adaptation, compilation, translation, transmission on information networks, and copyright on digital editions to the Editorial Office of Confucius Institute. 4. If the Editorial Office does not send the submitter a Notice of Acceptance within five (5) business days of its confirming the submission of the article, the submitter should consider the article declined. Do not submit the same article multiple times. Once an article is published, the submitter will be compensated at the standard rate. 5. The author must include relevant personal information when submitting an article. The email address for submissions can be found on the copyright page of the magazine in each language. 6. By submitting an article to Confucius Institute, the submitter indicates agreement to all of the aforementioned terms unless a written declaration stating otherwise is included with the submission. For inquiries, please contact [email protected].

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 79 欢迎您成为《孔子学院》读者俱乐部成员!

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80 孔子学院 总第 43 期 2016 年 3 月 第 2 期 Welcome to the Confucius Institute Readers’ Club! Thank you for reading the Confucius Institute magazine. If you take a minute of your valuable time to fill out this questionnaire and mail it to the editorial office or log on to our website through the QR cord and complete the online version, you can become a member of our Readers’ Club. Club members enjoy a free year-round online subscription to Confucius Institute, can apply for a member’s card, and enjoy preferential treatment when applying for the “Chinese Bridge” Summer Camp or Winter Camp, “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College/Secondary School Students, Confucius Institute Scholarship, Confucius China Studies Program, and other programs. We will also occasionally hold club meetings so that members can share what they have learned and give us their opinions and suggestions. Thank you again for your support.

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1. How did you find out about the Confucius Institute J. Teachers’ Voices magazine? K. Chinese Class A. Local Confucius Institute (Classroom) L. Information B. Library C. Friend 5. What do you wish to learn from Confucius Institute? D. Other: (Select all that apply.) A. Chinese language 2. How long have you read or kept up with Confucius B. Information about Chinese tests (such as the HSK) Institute? C. Chinese culture A. Two months D. Travel in China B. Less than six months E. Other: C. Six months to more than a year D. Other: 6. What aspects of Confucius Institute do you think need improvement? (Select all that apply.) 3. How would you rate Confucius Institute on the A. Topics following? (out of five stars) B. Proportions of different sections A. Cover C. Quality of writing B. Topics D. Layout C. Content E. Printing quality D. Column design F. Amount of illustrations G. Other: 4. What is your favorite column? (Select all that apply.) 7. How do you prefer to read Confucius Institute? A. News from the Headquarters A. Paper edition B. Online edition B. People C. Mobile edition D. App subscription C. Around the World D. Travel 8. Would you recommend Confucius Institute to a friend? E. Transcending Times A. Yes B. No F. Special Focus G. Handicraft Workshop 9. Write any other opinions or suggestions below: H. Lifestyle I. Views of China

Thank you for participating!(Mailing Address: Editorial Office of Confucius Institute, Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban)129 Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China)

Confucius Institute VOLUME 43 | NO. 2 Mar. 2016 81 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 王芳、王枫、刘丽萍 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 王枫、刘丽萍、王芳 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 于淼、李琳 LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Wang Fang, Wang Feng, Liu Liping LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Wang Feng, Liu Liping,Wang Fang LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping A UTHORS: Yu Miao, Li Lin

上 下 上

主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 董政、张军 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 董政、张军 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 刘畅、鲁江 LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Dong Zheng, Zhang Jun LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Dong Zheng, Zhang Jun LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Liu Chang, Lu Jiang

下 上 下

主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 刘畅、鲁江 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 么书君、杨慧真 主编: 姜丽萍 编者: 么书君、杨慧真 LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Liu Chang, Lu Jiang LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Yao Shujun, Yang Huizhen LEAD AUTHOR: Jiang Liping AUTHORS: Yao Shujun, Yang Huizhen