EURASIA New Russian MANPADS Supports Integrated Air Defense

OE Watch Commentary: The accompanying excerpted article from Izvestiya discusses ’s newest MANPADS system, the 9K333 Verba, which is replacing the 9K38 Igla. As the passage discusses, the Verba will be significantly different from its predecessors. Aside from better flight characteristics and tracking capabilities and unlike earlier MANPADS, the Verba is designed to be capable of functioning in an integrated air defense system, and as a stand-alone system. This integration can be accomplished through simply using portable radar systems such as the 1L122 Garmon to conduct tipping and cueing, or more advanced ways such as in conjunction with multiple sensors, a layered defense and a formal mobile headquarters. In addition, the article discusses that the Verba is equipped with a “unique aiming system with elements of augmented reality,” enabling it to “shoot down aircraft and helicopters, even if the targets have not yet entered the Air Defense complex operator’s field of view.”

The fielded its first Man-Portable Air-Defense System (MANPADS), the 9K32 Strela-2 in 1968. ’s use of a Strela-2 to shoot down an Israeli A-4 Skyhawk on 19 August 1969, was the first successful employment of a man portable air defense system in combat conditions. End OE Watch Commentary (Bartles)

“The “Verba” portable air defense missile complex has obtained a unique aiming system with elements of augmented reality...”

Source: Roman Kretsul, Bogdan Stepovoy, and Aleksey Ramm, “Жизненная цель: ПЗРК оснащают элементами дополненной реальности (A Vital Target: They Will Equip MANPADSs with Elements of Augmented Reality),” Izvestiya Online, 1 August 2019. roman-kretcul-bogdan-stepovoi-aleksei-ramm/zhiznennaia-tcel-pzrk-osnashchaiut-elementami-dopolnennoi-realnosti

They Will Equip “Verba” MANPADSs with Elements of Augmented Reality “Virtual” Air Defense (PVO) systems will defend Russian troops from air strikes. The “Verba” portable air defense missile complex has obtained a unique aiming system with elements of augmented reality, sources in the Ministry of Defense reported to Izvestiya. Now the Man- Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS) can shoot down aircraft and helicopters, even if the targets have not yet entered the Air Defense missile complex operator’s field of view. This also provides the capability to merge all of the air defense complex’s crews into a single combat network, which is commanded and controlled in real time. The first lots of the MANPADSs with the new aiming systems have already been shipped to the troops. Deliveries of a brigade set of the upgraded “Verba” complexes, which will replace the “Igla” family of complexes, will be completed this summer, the people in the Military Department that Izvestiya spoke to explained… In the process, the air defense missile complex operator can even not see the target itself, thanks to the new aiming system. Information arrives from the portable radar station, which has become part of the MANPADS battery’s composition. The “Garmon” mobile system is capable of locating airborne targets at a distance of 40 kilometers. Furthermore, a battery of soldiers with the MANPADSs can be connected to the network of more powerful PVO complexes and obtain data from their detection systems… The commander of an air defense missile-gun told Izvestiya that the advantage of the portable systems is not only their maneuverability but also the fact that it is very difficult for electronic systems to detect a soldier with a MANPADS. And this provides greater tactical capabilities – for example, for the organization of an ambush in the enemy rear. In contrast to the complexes of previous generations, the “Verba” MANPADS was developed and tested already in the post-Soviet time and was officially accepted into the inventory in 2015. Its primary characteristic – is the unique tri-spectral seeker head, which sees targets in the ultraviolet and near and middle infrared bands…the new system is 1-2 times more effective than the “Igla” MANPADS. In the process, its capabilities have not been fully revealed. The new command and control system merges all of the subunit’s “Verba” MANPADSs into a single loop. Each solider can see the target’s location and its parameters on the screen. The platoon leader or battery commander is capable of assigning targets among the crews and of creating massive or concentrated fire from his workstation and can also place “air defense decoys” in real time. To do this, the officer has a portable command and control module, which is accommodated in a special backpack, and can be set up into a full-fledged workstation, if necessary…Furthermore, the subunits, which are equipped with the “Verba”, have begun to receive the platoon leader command and control vehicle and an armored vehicle for a squad of air defense missile complex operators. The latter is capable of conducting target reconnaissance and of firing homing .

OE Watch | September 2019 4