Quarterly of CENTER FOR EURO-ATLANTIC STUDIES issue 06 • February 2014. • ISSN 2217-9925 www.ceas-serbia.org ceaserbia @cEasserbia Jelena Milić, CEAS Director #putinization . str. 02 Sanja Mešanović, M. Sc. Eu common sEcurity and dEfEnsE policy aftEr thE dEcEmbEr summit . str. 08 Tamara Spaić - CEAS Interview intErviEw with mr saša radulović, outGoinG ministEr of Economy . str. 11 Jasminka Simić, PhD Economic aspEcts of stratEGic partnErship bEtwEEn sErbia and russia . str. 22 Antonio Missiroli, Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies EUISS EuropEan dEfEnsE - to bE continuEd . str. 33 Milan Nič and Ján Cingel sErbia’s rElations with nato thE othEr (QuiEtEr) GamE in town . str. 36 Andrew Wilson can EuropE protEct thE Euromaidan? . str. 42 Jan Piekło, Director of Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI) Euromaidan: russia and thE EuropEan choicE of thE ukrainians . str. 44 Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies – CEAS Dr. Dragoslava Popovića 15, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Tel/fax: +381 11 323 9579; offi
[email protected], www.ceas-serbia.org Jelena Milić, CEAS Director #PUTINIzATION The power of the west should be in its ability to create a situation in which it screws Gazprom’s pipes, at it’s borders, as a response to russian blackmail and not to just express concern and impose inefficient sanctions; to openly ask Belgrade, Kiev, Sarajevo and Sofia whether they wish to go to the East or the West, to choose putinization as a form of governance or not. Jelena Milić preliminary parliamentary elections have been country, which he initiated the very first day of scheduled in serbia. one of the main features assuming his mandate as vice president.