M- ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNINgTAUGUST 10, 1899. ISSfK.tVSfSSi PRICE THREE CENT8. -i-'I- ...I.--- ~J !>IIS< KMiAM? Ot’H. thla afternoon. Aooerdlng to report*, __ officers received ROBBERIES MID WAS KSEF, DEEP. the Insurgent* are harassing liell In the fleet; FREQUENT. rear. lhe tiring, exoept at Inaolatrd BURN PLENTY OF RED FIRE had ceased tea o oloek. HIES point* bp SWEPT. A Brilliant Social Function at Bar More Testimony Regarding Crimes la HEI'OKT OF BATTLE CONFIHMKD. Harbor. New York. Washington, August 9.— A dlepatob from Uen.Otl* oonflrms the of the report Bat Harbor, August 9,—Tbe most bril- New York, August 0.—Almost all of Hard March of deteat of 0 at Fan Fernando Gen. OffKIItploc* liant .octal function of thl. season and President’s Idea of a bp Uen. McArthurs division. tho testimony elloltod at the inerting of on. of tbe ever largest held In Her Har- the Mazet Investigating committee was MacArthur’s Men. LOOTED BY INSUHUENTS was tbe bor, reception given till, after- Celebration. for the purpose of showing how frequent- 9.—The steamer Hatur- noon tbe Mt. Desert Manila, August Terrible Hurricane by Heading room, ly men aie robbed in this elty, while pay- nua of tha Cumpanla'Marltlme, coasting Passes to Admiral Sampson and the offloers of visits to “Tbe under the American waa discovered ing Tenderloin," flag, the North Atlantlo fleet. aground bp the United Stator gunboat “The Bowery" and olher sections of the Tbe Pumpaoga, benched at San Fernando un- Over Islands. Interior and exterior decorations ol ty where groups gainer after tho mid- Near der the Insurgent trenches there. The were of line tbe Story of Defeat of Filipinos arrangement, pavilion Will Give Great night hour. Mr. Moss had dlOiuulty In steamer was boarded bp an ar jned boat Washington Dewey being a garden of palms and evergreen. orew n I the passengers were taken off. obtaining witnesses lor today’s session. San Fernando. The national were The oarsu oonalrtlng of general merchan- colon everywhere Tbe men who bed been vlotlms of this dise and tiro,000 In had been and tbe scenes wee one to Reception. epeole, displayed sort of ortrue, appeared decidedly avers* sacked. Several attempt* to tow the awaken pride and arouse tbe patriotic b< Saturnn* off wore unsuccessful. The to appearing for* the committee and Bampangp then left San Fernando In spirit. The reception was from 4 until tolling about It. Two bundled and fifty search of farther assistance, whereon the Lives Lost and Many 7 end wae attended by at least a thous- sub-poenae* bare been Issued for men Noted Fakir Insurgent* returned and set lire to the and people, tbe elite of Bar Harbor aool- who bevel been robbed by women. Not Filipino vessel. The United States The Parade Will Be a a of these men oould be found. gunboat ar- •«y. quarter rived here peaterdap alter bombarding Buildings Wrecked. Nevertheless Mr. Moss was able to pnt Was San Admiral end the other distin- wllnesses the and reeDre ac- Captured. Fernando. The Saturnue, she re- Sampson Monster Affair, upon stnnd ported. was still smouldering and vraa a guished offloers Including Captains Tay- count aftor account of robberies alleged total wreck. lor of the Indiana, Slgsbee of tbe to have occurred In disorderly houses Texas, In this Occur the wltnes'es Train of the city. onnlly FOLK LIVES LOST. Uassaebusstts, Chadwick of under catb told of facts which appeared the New York and Jewell of the Brook- to show collusion between the police and Liver Vnfli'Ao rninitAllrfl Tn FIaa TTyi. tbe feminine robters. Mr. Moes an- Kidneys, — were received a. lyn, by Johnson Livingston, By Fire In » Chemical Konir In Flans for Taking Ike President’s nul need that similar testimony with of tbe olnb and introduced to tier Fire of from Officers at president variations would te Ltfjr* tbe Artillery. Omaha. Appalling Reports produced AND B’Ow _LS tne other member, end their guests. Advice. ooremitter tomorrow. Tbe variations It They were rooelved beneath an arch Is undeistood refer to an Investigation of the San Juan, P. E. the dens of tbe which Omaha. Nob., August 9 —Four firemen with Start and In the opiums elty It Is System draped Stripes, said Mr. Moss Cleanses lost their lives here at a blaze contemplates making. tonight reception room, whlob overlooks the bay. on an ot upper floor the Meyoer Chemical In the the set were mer- ^.^EFFECTUALLY Manila, August 9, 7.10 p. m.—Details pavilion younger company's building. The lire Iteelf was of tbe movement forward ot Geo. Mao- ry with tbe danolng, the marine band Washington, August “Gentlemen, Insignificant,tie fatalities lesnltlng from from tbe sweet burn of red are”, 'i'bat was Fret- Arthur’s troops yesterday chows that Ibe Uag.blp discoursing plenty oootaot with n live wire, lhe dead men Idsnt W4ITT & BONO’S Americans adrnnoed live miles In the music, while outside, on the lawn, the McKinley’s emphatic admonish- are: first Use hours and at 9 o'clook bad nd- Other Points Visited Bar Harbor band filled In tbe Intervals ment t> the representatives of tba citi- lieutenant. by Joseph Adams, with choice selections of tbe airs. zens of the diitrlct when they railed to vacoed six milss along the railway, Otto Glseke, tiHerman. popular consult with him regarding the arrange- hAB,TUALCONST,PAT,°N stretoblng on each side of It for two miles George Bsteon, pipeinan. Storm. SIXTEENTH MAINE HETINION. PERMANENTLY vsnsrirB rouvi uri rtsr ment* for tbe to Admiral Biackstone and resting at night three mllae from «u|>yrr, reception Cigar Fireman U sorgo Farmer and Albert Watervllle, 9.— About 100 niem hi* arrival wblob will be made Ihe north- August Dewey upon In Washington. Angela* or tbe chemical l THE LEADING We CHALLENGE Livingstone ooxupany ere of the ItHb Maine hare gathered in When tbe Chief Kx*oullvt of tne nation ern base of operations lnstecd of Fan also 8ufferad from shock. any manufacturer severely WaterTllle for their annuel re-union, views the city on tbe night of ,1,ow m^cZtff*TS Fernando where a garrison cf 6X) men hta Dawey TEN CENT CIGAR MAN F O E>y headquarters at the Elmwood hotel. The he will been left. Ihe casualties are between DEENDEIl BEATEN BADLY. Day, find that bis Injunction has —ONE-HALF- business meeting wsa|held this afternoon teen cairled tblity and furly. Ihe Filipinos were ont faithfully. ttao yearly s.les of Dswav will Im ssi'firtml tn thn A Million Dollar Loss and the following ofDoera elected for the Aittnirn.1 ~ this on (AUfcRNIA tbe American forces The Columbia Walk* A way from Old at Val- ,, dp»r any flG Sv^VP(§. surprised, expecting Sew Lnifland. luc. or»ml. ^o«»V»c-4* ^^c.r /K*. v^T" ensuing year: William G. Foster of Clin- on the the nation's JSV. ** CAk. -Scq **l>^ to move against 'lion. They followed Tifchl. capital day sword is roa sau by au rmu Ui ton. G Lamb of MMftPk pubctul v loelr usual tactics of holding their paraiso. president; Joseph Lisbon, to be presented to him by a oomiclttee. first Tloe-prealdent; John E. Haley of That thers will be a Sales Prove Itr trenov.,* until they bsoame too warm and Newport, R. I., August The second night monster pa- Quality Counts; then retreaten t. Forest City,aeooud vloe-preildent; Lather rade. In thv ULtrkt disorder. They are now run of ths New York yacht olub trulxe Every organization Bradford of Woodforda, an1 of falling book west»fc.a toward Forio. from UarJIner'e Fay to this port today, secretary Colombia will be Invited to partici- The twelfth and seventeenth treasurer; Edward F. Brash ofJMt. Ver- all the CLEANSING ••aim*nts a distance of 4': miles, while full of ln- pate. Every military body, olvlo, WAITT & had tbe non, N. Y., C. U. Woods worth of Gardi- social aud benevolent BONO, Mfrs., promptly done for sharpest engagement. The tsrwting brushes, was not quite as satis- fratornal, patriotic, our over Is oovered ner, Fred C. Robinson of Blaine, George societies and the will be In- country troops passed faotcly ag tbe lint one, for the constantly Washington, August 9.—Meagre'dstulls bioyolstts 53 Blackstone Boston. W. Patten of O. N. Adams St., with rloe helds and bamboo thickets, tbo looreaslng'Vqputhweit breeze the flist of of the West Indian cyclone began to reach Plttelield, of cluded. ]y2l d'.f lstp hardest for was the and war late East Wilton, directors. be TOURISTS possible ground marohlng. the day f*>|(ey and many a boat re- navy departments this An energtlo effort will made to Ihe mud, In was knee ceived more than afternoon In the of the The treaeurer'e report.ahnwed the'aseo- each In llna make some dis- ns well ns for homo people. places, deep. dViat credit for a seem- shape following have body I] one of the richest olatlon to be In a condition Dry cleansing of SUk Waists Angeles towns north ingly glorious victory. It la no disparage- messages: flourishing tinctive Illumination. For President Mc- ot Manila and Is ouusldered to be a better "San P. end tbs that 11 com- ment therefore of the new cup defender Juan, H„ August 9. acoretary’s report Kinley’s red lire a:oompaaliuant plans b ish of operations than Fan l<< rnambi. rades bad Columbia to that her "To Adjutant General, Washington: died daring the year. ate considered, Thero will Ladies’ A SPECIALTY. The forces at Fan Fernando eonalsted of say defeat of De- already Leing "Terrible This the wers the Iowa regiment, the seventeenth real fender by over 22 minutes, was due more hurricane; cavalry barracks evening .veterans han- be a large number of tin bolasrs, secured We have tailor’s rsd pressmen. mem, the ninth teglmen', tbe twelfth to bad judgment and hard luck of the iestroyed; storehouses and other build- quetted by the local relief.corps at United In whlon tae lire can be safely burned regiment. Hell's new 9U.h regiment, Workmen's during t le passage of tba parade. These Forrat latter whloh left her In a soft ings damaged; Iron rooting and lornber ball, following wbiofc the City Dye a battalion of tbe sixteenth boat, spot, holders will be l, po ts, Opp. finally two days cf sunshine dried the H., telegraph poles, awning poeti and trees. Kid Glove* Cleansed breeze, an 1 made an uverage of fully IS distinguished visitors. The reunion ex GOODS. 13?*" every day. rice held* to warrant the "Signal Office, Washington: The red Are will be in and sullioiently knots In tbe run along ehoro from placed |aus attempt. The cf tne Amerlrtns tends throughout Thursday. as the position Watch Hill to Point Jndltb. So rapldiy "Cyclone just passing over Island, pros- lighted parade upprcacbes. Our stock is complete in Russet and Ten- has long been unpleasant. The rebels The cltlseos along the line et the pa- ADAMS & did she drop Defender (hat when the trated telegraph and telephone lines; uis Goods for rojptoer wear. Our are ANDERSON, CO., almost surrounded the town and fired COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN CON- rade will be urged to illuminate and styles gybed round tne whistling buoy off Point several wrecked and almost Into It, tbe Americana killed; my quarters VENTION. deoorate tneir end tae com- tho latest aud up-to-date, and our prices nightly Judith, her rival was hull down to ibe premises gas Fire Insurance not replying except cn axtrein provoca- signal barracks partially demolished. and the electric will be Agency westward oyer dvo ,mile* astern. Od Lewiston. Angost 9.— The sixth annual pany company tion. it was neoecaary to Sol) or 600 asked to oc-ooerate. 31 Exchange Street. keep the run op from Point Judith, daad be- Many other puhlio buildings likewise, men on outpost duty ccnstactly. convention of the Maine oounty commis- Captain fore the wind, the Columbia a hundreds of native houses cen- First Class American Deems wlta a last gained destroyed; In and Foreign Companies provost guard, ulght minute or two more, so that at the finish sioners, opened Aubnrn this forenoon a noted tre and south fared worse. JioiiAcu Aatikum>n. Ciias. C. Adams. captured Filipino fakir, wDb probably for two SEVEN PEUSONS KILLED. decis tbe old defender bad reoelved the worst a days' session. Thirty commis- Tuos. J. I.iTTkJC. Ip eodtf several aliases, who, by tiunns of ven- “GlatsforJ.’* her sioners triloquism, hail persuaded tbe natives beating ff history. and oounty officers are In atten- tkut he had supernatural power*. He danoe. Organization was effected with A Canadian Ksprrss Train Leaves the laised money for the Insurrec- THIRD MAINE The navy department late this after- oetenalbly REUNION. Hon. A. M. Penley of Aubnrn • THE which he president, Track. WEATHER. tion, kept for himself Our noon received a cable from 9— The annua) reunion of Capt. Snow and Hon. L C. Whitten of ee re- soldiers sorreunaed hi s house and oor- Hath, August Carmel, In oommand of the naval station at San rullt'd thirty Filipinos. Many other es- the Third Regiment association was held tary. Invitations for the holding of tbe Juan Tbe also announcing that the hurricane Ottawa, Ont., U.— The Ottawa S' —.-I caped. troops captured ore today at Merrymeeting Park. The com- next convention were given by Oxford, August thousand doiluts as the had about l£000 worth of which left at lntmanusl, rades arrived cn the train fro a destroyed prop- Hanoock and Franklin oountles express Montreal 9.10 fr klr Is l morning Tbe generally -known, has ean pre- at the station o’clock were erty there. this morning for this city on the dicting the fall cf Manila. His “pro- all dlreotlons and xeoeived by Pxesl- Androscoggin oounty commissioners are Canada Atlantic was pheo es" hare created exoltemeot among denc Raymond who was tbe Ur»t member SHIPPING IN PEHIL. entertaining In slyla railroad, wrecked Ihe rati res who lellenu near while them. to urrlve at the Park. Th9 buBtnaaa ses- Puerto The afternoon session was desoted to Cctcau Junction, running from rebel Plata, August 9.—11.'0 $. m.— Keports sources say that 160 at a fast rate. The the sion was at ten o'olock with a A hurricane has swept tho north coast dltcusslou of business U engine left track Flllplcoj were killed In Uen. Hall's en- opened t-iplos until slnoe last night and increases in vio- with It the oar and a sac- gagement at Calabma und tbe sub- good attendanoo. o’elook. It'was voted to bold the next taking baggtgs lence. Shipping 111 the port is in peril, tenant, skirmish**. A was 1 with Franklin ond-oluss coach. the llist-olass coach banquet serve'1 at o’clock In but to this hour no has meeting connty commis- Tbe American less in the up vessel been lighting about tbe Caaluo. sioners tbe second in and two Pullmans did not leave tte San ftreando et 3 o'clock wes known t> damaged. Wednesday August, Tbe different were read and ao- 19C0 track Seven persons were killed. The Boston, Alts’. 0.—Forecast for Boston be eight men killed and twenty-six reports MILLION DOLLAR LOSS. dead are end wounded 'ihe lo s may possibly exceer oepted and the following officers elected Mrs. A. M. Penley entertained tno la- victniiy, Thursday: Partly cloudy, P.—A tidal wave these figures as the lino Is five miles Valpalraso, August Axeman. fair long for the ensuing year: President, LI rut. burst Into thu dles of tbe party lu the evening. The (Jeorga MoCualg, Ottawa, weather; warmer; Southerly winds. and It Is Impossible at this hour to bear hay yesterday evening, Wilson O'Connor, Ottawa. D. W. Emery of Augusta; Urst vloe-p.-esi- tearing down tho uni meeting Thursday will be at Warmer Friday. frem every point. Our troros ate notr embankment, Merry Edward Starrs, O.tawa. sweeping od a number of cars, locomo- iiwricn muioiup ivr 110 ut unary dent, N, T. Fuller of Hallowell; seooud Meeting park. Miss ttyan, Manlwakl, Qje. ft—Forecast for tives and tons cf merchandise. Tho loss Washington, Aug. which has the greatest dlttloulty iu mov- D. K. Joseph Kaoheton. vice-president, Jewell, Hallowell; Is estimated at a million dollars. and iu, owing to the wet The at- EGG SMUGGLER ARRESTill. Mrs. Kooheton. Thursday Friday: New England— ground. secretary, Wra. MnDavld of tack was nt 5 o'clock iu la Auguste; Miss of opaaetl t MANY HOUSES DESTHOYK1). 9— On Knohttau, all Montrenl. Partly cloudy showers and a Louie Bangor, Augusta Tuesday Tlnysday, morning, battery of the Ur^t at tiller/ corresponding eooretary, Selblng, A number were injured, but none of thunder storms St. D. W. I ti.—Later United Slates Commissioner Choate of Friday; Higher tempera- shelling Baca lor cn the le:t simultane- Augusta; treasurer, Ueorge K. Fuller, Thomas, August them seriously. Tbo passengers wete ously Bell’s advices from St Kitts sol ! that on Mon- A came tuics: fiesh to brisk southerly winds. thirty-sixth artillery J. E. of Au- ngueta, to Bangor as a matter of brought here on a special train tonight. struck Hallowell; chaplain, Nye afternoon a very ssvere 13aoour f.om the rear and drove day hurrloaa?. convenience In It Is not known what caused tbo acci- burn. with a or the absence from the city the rebels cut. Armored cars each with velocity miles an hour, de- dent, but It Is belleted that the rails had My Mamma gives ms uvun is n ua of Commissioner Charles anuit nm 'Ull, a six poundar and iw> stroyed about :00 small houses in the Hamlin and un gatling revolving fn«na nn/i iHil n\n:lInnlcurc, 70 went to the relief of Bell’s regiment today lasted ohnrte placing explosives on the fucks ner, Mrs. George H. Derwent, Mrs. Alon- uml Faclul Treatment, &E, cldy: Albany, degrees, SK, cldy, from a. m. erhood of Mrs. Baker Urrailug e.3j until 11 45 a m. Geu. of the Big Consolidated tracks during Men," experienced Buffalo, 7u NIC, clear; Detroit, zo P. Uukes and Jos Murphy, the latter exbllltatlou. She augO W&S>f lstp degrees, Uhanoine nturly completed his of tbe strike on the road In religious drupoed her I s 1 part June last. The xu s n g; Chicago, miss- the of were burled with Utils son, who had been explanation of the Dossier. Be will pi 11'e are confident thut they have made Oldtovn, Impressive Willis, sleeping ing: St. Paul, 80 in her and strode degrees, NW, be heard tomorrow for about a couple of an Important arrest. rive hundreds ceremonies. arms, around the plat- clear; Huron, Dak., 92 degrees, NK, hours then form her and clear; and M. Palrologue of the for- business men of l leveland hell an an'l- rolling eyes waving her Bismarck, 84 degrees. W, clear; Jackson- arms. A dozen eign ollloe will take up the task, which boyoott meeting today. A fund of $.0 000 b. H. STEARNS DEAD. people conducted her to ville, 80 degrees, N, oldy. It a seat. Is understood will be completed Fri- was started to leriet out criminals who 0—Seward Kev. Mr. Adams day next. A public session, there:ore »ra onre and dlcos.1 Norway, August S.Steams, presided and among THE SUN STRIKE. dynamiting creating the other will take plaoe Saturday morning. Xbe In the city. In a lew minutes $:000 Judge of Probate for Oxford county, died speakers were Kev. Justin U. dossier oonslsts of shout 100 Fulton and Mies Jewett. Now Yoik, Aug. 9.—Tho building documents, was subscribed. A committee was eleot- today aged-43 years. Judge Stearns was of which 60 were disposed of rd to trades section of the Central Federated yesterday. bring about lawful conditions. Internal revenue collector for home of the rioouments are In the.Malne union it is ordered German A demaud lor a United States army STAR* FOB MANILA. tonight, said, all and when the distrlot under President Harrison members of the court could milllnry post In Cleveland was unani- and organizations having men in tho Sun nut read them, Dreyfus volunteered and made and were at the time of his death was treasurer Burlington, Vt., •See to mously slaps taken to la- of August 9.—Troops K, withdraw them. Arrange- was to translate O and of the Third permitted them. grease tbe poltoe foroa of the city. the Norway savings bank and lirst select- F, United States ments aie also being made for a labor cavalry, stationed at Fort, bthan Allen, to taho next and men of the town and had held several left in parade place Saturday BIG today two special trains for Se- to DEATH OF WELL KNOWN NOT AFFAIK. be followed by a meeting in Cooper SHIP other effioss. He was prominent Id Ma- attle, Washington, where they will go on union when this matter MASTER. El board for Manila to of the difference Pasco, Texa*. August 9.—Keporta sonic circles and had served as grand transports take up of with the Sun will be from all portions of Sonora to aotlvo serrloe In the The opinion aired. New York, up yester- high priest of th9 of Maine. Philippines, August 9.—Robert Porter day Indicate that the war with the grand lodga troops have bfcn delayed of lack* of Field, one of the best known Yaqnl shipping Indiana Is confined to He le survived by a widow olill- transportation. I left this eve- A NEW FERRY W ANTED. mat ers in the t|je imrelia' and.two Troop country, died at the home where the for A neighborhood drew. -*■•.. -- ning Fort Meyer, Va. garrison of of his daughter, Mrs. William H. tronbjesloi ted" Batb, August 9.—At tbe court of ooun- Mott *outh and west cf Turin, a month about CO mall from the 7tb infantry Is at Make the Hair Grow today from Brights disease. He was born ago' commissioners of Indians engaged In the ard the fott, ; ty Sagadahoc, held this With warm shampoos of Ccticuha Boap and in Bristol, Me., Septsmbsr 1888. When trotUd? but 11, few and do not number more than forenoon, the petitioners for a new ferry light dressings of Cutiouha, purest of emol- 13 years of age he went to sea. Five £00. lient skin cures. This treatment at once later A CRIME SUSPECTED. at Merrymeeting bay between Topsbam years he was mate on the Teasel and stops hMr, removes crust*, scales, and A CAUDYN^lip j.jco. and Brunswick were represented falling Bangor, August 0.— Coroner Thomas J. by dandruff, soothes irrufited, itcning surfaces", :i PE-RU-NA I Xnwia M. Fulton > August 8,—A cf this has bsen called to who said that the peo- stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the I cievefamt, 'Rade Park Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. | Finnegan city roots with tvenue eleotrlo oar 6f tb6 Big ConsolL that cures! ple of Bowdxln and Bowdolnham were energy and and A sure, safe, time-tried remedy Orono by tha town authorities, to bold nourishment, YTte.Ynd Poster lated line was blown near nukes the hair when all else thafirm’ijijfae^Wnj up the Eiiolld Catarrhal Affections of every description.I unanimous In £fow tells. ™"d- retired an on the remain* of a woman practically making this re- Rom tba concern In tvenue barn at 1.90 this morning. Thenar Sold by all Druggists. Write its discoverer,! Inquest *®?5 *hen h»J Interested him- was torn. The Dr. S. B. Hartman, of Columbus, Ohio. 1 who died at tha farm nial- quest. self in,“nl»Iln» rani badly motorman, name poor today, got yet known, wu badly hart. wUl adfriHi | i preeiioe being suspected. .. jjEl yoa^rte. ^ ^ --77— A

-w • h- AGRICULTURAL DAT. AT OCEAN PARK. frtmda of the Portlands, lbs mein- COMOrS HOME AT UNDERWOOD SPRINGS. HU1. npof tba teem Is as follows: Edgar, HIGHWAflHAX FOILED. RACES AT DAMARISCOTTA. ■wetwree of liaterest to Tiller, of Roll • t A IllrUid y Surprise Party One of the catcher• Libby, first baas; Flavin, second n.rtho'a Urntf. KTrills of fcasr; third KtHnddsr, strath Field ot Cnmfcrrlamd dona of Tnriday. Wttaon, bam; Dtp Am lahrMtoi Pngnaian In Which Stop; Kallsy, left Laid;C Webster, oantre frtm—i ||H«Ibc llurwi Participated, ItrxcuL mi iu ruaa.1 UrBClAL TO TUB TRUSS.) field; Gorham, right field. Martha's tiro Turned Defeat to NECKS. to, Kryeburg, Aoguat Ocean Park, Aug. A—The Chautao- Victory KISSING BOGS H. RUBBER Attempt Made to Hold l'b» annual field day and plonlo of ttan awaciti to taa rseszj "Going, going, goaal" Those ware th * this with Cumberland qnanprogrsm began morning The Brnnswlek gives an «o- County Manly Msosiat len, Dumarlacotta, Auguat Mldaummer wo*do which announced that a * for Portland. Telegraph rr.aglo tho musl led Rev. C. K. Mr. Bona of Veterans, sad Ladles Aid eoole- noea at devotiuna), by oonnt of a ball In that town be Up Gayer. rtrlrlmr park here today; will auction wan la In front of th * game program Flanders of Rlddeford. Tho was tlaa waa held at Underwood oontlnun topic tween the Kissing Bags and Robber ~ yesterday tomorrow. Attendance good and drove House, this afternoon. A Utt! 0 _ — ■ "■ ■ H Springs par*, Falmouth "The Spirit of Service.” In which known In Port- ■ Forealde. weather Une. The eummarleas If oonnooted Necks, people stuff with said auction The party of about 80 In At ulno o'clock Prof. A. W. Anthony end, figured: nnmber.repre- ABO Clam, Trot or Paoe; Pane Lost fear thr "faculty of ths a n an me I ■entlng the and $103.; £ delivered liefore the Biblcal ‘‘There was aa game of baas taropt societies at Weat- sohool what 1 Institute, slotting Dick Netaon, b a, by dam seeing dilapidated structure fame in and Retted Three Was br*'*' Sl»ndleh, Yarmouth Nel'on, tho last in his series of lectures on ‘The Eighth hall at Whittier Athletic Field. Saturday Who With His Freeport, Dictator (Ueo. A. Wood- anna niU'Bnn atari on m mnnfiwl n.m ... by the managers Taunton, Qt balnm, m, (N.C.Craw- Newport, R. I., Angnit a—O’Brien'. one of the most attraotlv< 1 Portland, G. O. eap and Portland alnbs Plcasantdale, Heed, Freeport, Ceorge ford, (Rookport), 5 £ B 2 While 8due of these such ai Manchester,’Newport U. F. methods, of Ills poems. and of oar suburban districts Kackllffe, Stnnrtlsh, L. Stoddard, Kowdy, b a. (F. b.Hlll. 3 6 at tha held In lean ton. Michael Inviting Yarmontb. Uardlner), « 4 were fnmllla meeting Lady b A. wind-mattering, perfectly In the Edmund Vance are of the work today. Newport bad the seems to tba mark and o Jedwood, m, (O. Bry- evening Cooke, owner of the Pawtooket objective point Secretary and Treeaarer, Philip G. pi hl» hearers, other were Moy, formerly ant,. Augusta), 8 4 4 5 'lays verj the well known humorist and en- lead nntll the eighth when Conroy’s tbat body of who Hodsdon, Ynrmouthvllle. poet, fra noli had lntanded to have Paw- large tramps mlgrat 2 80 navel. One would would 1 lae, Executive Time, 1-1, 220 1-2. 2.23 1-1, 8.20. hardly liuaglni his horns run carried the day for the visitors. like birds as the seasons come and Committee, F. O. S. Floyd, tcrtalner. Rave recital “Pot Luck tucket finish tba eaaaon. go for that seeds would be trans Gorbam; K, L, Hatch, Cumberland Mills; 8 34 Claaa, 'trot or Instance, with a Score:] ; We have called attention in tbit U 1 Paoe; Purse $150, Poet,” before a large audience. to a Brockton to paper Willard Edwin A. from one to li Aoeordlng dlapatoh Berry, Brunswick; UuUnlahed. ptried country another, NEWPORT. tbs Invasion of the oblokea th E. This proved to be the most the Boston Herald bualnraa men In that ooops, Merritt, Portland; E. Allen. Free, the earth which Is used as o | among origi- ship ballast, sadden of unwelootoe SammyW.bg, (H. i>. nal and entertainments AU K BH l’B PO A K to make appearance visitor part; J. L. Tub!)*, Kdes Falla; Fred U. Turner, In the hair of animals. delightful pre- otty agreed np any deficiency UiiioD), at certain households la this Brown, South Blandish. 112 sented here for several « 1 1 1 4 0 0 there be In the Biookton team at vicinity oh Mr. Harvey referred to many years. Mr. Gilbert, el., might Vogel Song, g, (C. H. Nelson, plan but It was roeerved for last for tbi , Past Capt. J. Emery Coulter o( Need- Cooke rleming. If., 8 0 113 0 0 the end of the season. It that la true It night Watereltle), g a enemies of our and Illustrate! read from his own poems, imper- fanners, Shires, lb., !« 1 1 1 10 0 0 bold to In bl* work. I I ham, Mass., who baa keen la Portland 13actings, bl a, «. is a which no other club In the highwayman get (». Haatlnga, hit mlk with a large nu nber at pressed sonating the characters with great 3 0 1 1 3 0 0 guarantee Murphy, rf., so and violalty for the few weeks on Damarlacotta), 8 3 8 Mr. happened tbat about 8.80 o'olock las past I he le :ture closed with a ties and wit and 3b., 4 0 118 11 league gets, and Burnham waa Hazlrwood, hr g, K. pjoiiuens fidelity vividness; mirth, Hnnna, business, and who bae endeared (A. Lauieon, 8 0 0 0 0 7 0 In evening, Henry Haysr and hie daoubter greatly South « van! the O’Brien, 3b„ really a better position to go on than Gardiner), 4 4 o oriptlo of practical methods ol humor, ridiculous and the pathetic hlntaelf to tbe members ea.. 4 11119 0 who live on Hoyt street In Pleaaantdale. of tbe or-er in Lulu W .. oh f, (lj. It. Woodburv. Riley, any other manager. ridding our cultivated Holds of these followed in succession. 4 0 1 8 8 0 this quick Mlllerlek, a, 1 ware home from their accus- seotloo of the state was bv a nti.nl- Brunswick), 554 no oatoher the returning weeds. This afternoon a Foley, p„ 8 0 1 1 0 8 1 Despite having regular Lsdy Florence, g m, birthday surprise tomed drive and were the **»ooa vote elected an on mem- (G.W.Benner, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i-iieonms Dan and taking ordinary honorary ti 6 G This afternoon Mr. lectures ot was •Gallagher, uni.playing grand good Friendship,) Harvey party given by the ladies of the Freo road Summer ber of the association are now ears to along street. Thnfrcad ti “riJine u -ta. S3 8 8 3 H « 'i break even on the trip. -lime, 2.241-4, 2 au, a.S3 1-4. Com en.Iuse Woman's Totals, Remarks on baptist Missionary Society to We a dark one made|so by lbs almost impene tbe good ami welfare of 1 are, however, sure to taka be T'b re Is more bloyole riding [on th< reasonably tbe 1 hshove race, uo3 will con- Miss L. A. IleMerritte of Ocean trable shade which cornea from tree, order were mode by Col K H. Park, *HU for In the ninth. one of the Manoheater games Friday and grounds this year than ever.tefore, anc Foley dmlth of clude 1 tomorrow a#*ernoon. tlie treasurer of the society. The parly which line the thoroughfare. They bat Westbrook and the retiring pres- nn worn Saturday. lbe •“ tbe track was broken excellent path has been beside PORTLAND. A. M. Saule of reoord by of about 80 ladies gathered at the Wade have reached a point abont midway from An Idsak Perllund. Past the road -- Wouldn’t the crowd gone wild if Commodore llewey In tbe fourth heut cf _ sandy by robber tires. many AB R BU TB PO A K tbolne'a Capt. Coulter also made brief remarks cottage on Temple Ave., Miss Jessie MW Giant home ran had occurred bridge to ftlm street, when sud- A line collection of water color sketobei ^ Conroy's the*.-0 race. The best prevlons'tlme, 3 10 0 110 some one and thanked the association the Waterman of New N. had Spratt. 3U, on the local as It did de- denly jumped from tbe side el *for is new on exhibition hotel Hampton, H., grounds turning 2.24 1-2, held by Sliver Street, was made In.tae par'o" Nobllt, of., 8 1 0 0 8 0 0 honor con for rad non- of the feat Into the street and quicker than the saying by sleeting him ar Mr. II. X. Newman. Newmat cliargo affair; greetings and con- J. 4 1 3 8 3 0 0 vlotory. several years ago. the noted by Mr. Smith, rf., orary member. Tbe ec*>» Among were 4 1 1 4 10 Miller ball grabbed Ur. Gayer by the leg. The borsi party adjourned has made a a of the beautl gratulations extended to Mrs. Conroy, lb., 1 1 pitched splendid yesterday. horsemen present were Kd Larleton, speolai study at the to a nearby held •There a lively gams of Jim Smith, is., 4 1 0 0 8 4 0 John Smith to bo able to a jumped quick and almost involun ful In this and he hai DoMorritte in behalf of the various or- ought get Woolwich; T. A. Simpson, Aina; H. R: ] places vicinity, Sullivan, ilb., 4 0 1118 0 the ball was rJ»/*d botwseo a strong team catcher from either or tary pull of reins by the surprised shi wo to wiiich she Pawtucket Brock- Llshnes Augusta; Fred Rctk- with remarkable accuracy, thi ganization* belongs, by Wilder, If.. 4 0 1110 0 r<-...need of tbe members of Logan Berry, j ton. and Everson al- driver and the party prooeeded. When oamp < and shades ot these mountains Mrs. Ella Andrews and Mrs. Metcalf Pulelfer, 0., 4 0 8 3 8 0 0 Wiley would, just land; Alvin McLain, P. S, light of Mr. shook of Yarmouth and a leant from Portland; Miller, p.. 4 0 0 0 0 8 0 most make our team Invincible. Uuyer recovered from G>* Sbepley which are >o alluring and so elusive K. L Miss DeMerritte af Stanley, F. C. Knight, Rockland; H. M. Providence, be drove to the bouse ol camp Portland. Tbe features of tbe Totals, 84 S 8 11 *7 14 1 It Is said that Taunton to seonre straight home These exhibitions have now beoome with expeots Costner, Portland; C. H. Kelson, Water- gulp responded appropriate remarks. lives on game were heavy and numerous some of tbo Brookton Constable MoUonald Kobln batting a feature of the ussem Portland, 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 x—8 playcs. vllle; Geo. K. Woodbury. Brunswick; hd bly. Musical selections were rendered Mrs. son street In not far from errors. by Newport, 30010000 0-3 Boston Is now one Plessantdale of this week is to be Woinen't only game awsy Wocdstde,- Brunswick; Charles Trask ISaturday Morriinan of Portland and Mrs. It. M. F. Kim. Arrlvins there he told tbe oonsta- Tbe majority of the party returned from the leaders. and C. E. Club day, and an Two-base hits, Millerlok. Home run, home late tbe Phillips, Gardiner; Gil Ingra- exceedingly interesting ltuzzell of Ocean Park. refresh- ble what hud occurred. McDonald saw a In afternoon warm In their Light Conroy Sacrifice bite, Fleming. Stolen Moose and are to be re- programme Is promised. Umpires Egan the ham, Rockland; W. G. Hubbard'and ments were served. base*, Murphy, Riley Bose on balls, good ohanoe to bag hie game so he fig- praise of^ auooessfut day’s outing, Mrs. Florence tained on the Mew England stuff. Thus. Call, Wleoasset; J.B. Cbas. C Barter, of Caribou O’Brien, Struck out, which was without much the Ratter, Another pleasant social event of the Murphy. Folty, to be ured that tbe highwayman had abonl esoeptloa president of tbe state will 8; Mlllerlek. 'Double Spratt, Con- Pulsifer.appears catching pretty Norris. Damarlsootta; L. U Trott, F. federation, pro plays, reached store. Ue shot around beet outing beld by the asaoeiatlou. day was the informal reception and Jim Smith and Con- good ball for a mao unused to the Dyer's* K. , side, and other will bt given roy Sullivan; posi- Studley, Boston; F. A. Creamer, Wls- among speakers a near corner and In the this at the to the roy. Hit by pitched ball, Gilbert, tion. espied dletanoi OAVK Mrs. Mabel Boomls of Amberst, evening Cheney cottage Spratt, WaUNI.NU TO ALL. cosset. Todd, Nobllt. Passed hall, Pulel- a man whom he overtook. The hosts were Millerlok, 8; qnlokly Mrs. Todd’s lectures are looked Assembly Singers. Mr. an a boat The traok is In good condition, there forwarti fer, 1. Time, 1-45. Umpire,Moure. At- out for him he “Com, Yesterday morning, from O. C. of Beaching said, was a to by all, for she is a who hai Boothby Lewiston, sod Mr. tendance, 4;o. FAVORITES BEATEN. Peaks was a man who walked good Ueld of horses and tbe meet is speaker along with me." "What have I Island, Arthur Swan of done, a successful had ahundant to see tt» Boston, and a gay com- e. about In a very quite way "Re- one. Starter, Geo. H. Weeks, opportunity Manchester, 8; taunton, It le only a drunk at the most." Tbi saying, places whereof she Mrs. 'lodd pany from Ocean Park wore pent, for the of heaven Is at Damarlsootta; judges, F. C. Knight, V speaks. present. Taunton, August 0. —MoDougal’s good Taleut Thrown Down Again at] Old conversation ended and tbe man whc kingdom was a member cf the famous Amherst The ooltage is one of the finest on the hand. Be Rockland; J. D. Perkins. Nobleboro; work enabled Manchester to 'out a Orchard hie name as of reedy.” poll Yesterday. gave Magnum Urovelaud, H. expedition which went to Japan in IMS' grounds and was decorated for After he readied the olty be walked George Weeks, Damarlsootta; time tastefully victory today. The pitching and batting Mass., was lodged In the jail at Portland and witnessed the total in Alnt the occasion with from store to and office to keepers, F. K. Ware. White Held; b. G. eollpse evergreen and ferns. of MuDougal wae of a high order. Score: for safe keeping end subsequent trial. store, office, the his Trott. Boiton; clerk, F. Wls- land, among strange and larbarou- Tho wido piazza was festooned with Manchester, 10800031 z—8 Old Orchard, August 3.—Five hours of repeating message, sometimes simp- A.Creamer, Jap- cosset. 2he of In a never fast entertained a crowd ly “Be Union baud of Uni n fur- aborigues Japan, region anese lanterns. Among those present Tauntoo, 8081 0000 0-6 racing big at the THE EMPEROR FRIENDLY, saying, ready.” before runted a woman. Kite this afternoon. There were He was with nlsbed music. There will be three races by foreign were, Prof. J. E. Aborn and Miss Hits, Manchester, 10: Tannton, 8. Er- track, very quiet,argned nobody, Aborn, 2.27, free-for-all and *«•» a acvimo uu 1UV 1UUOJ 5. Batter- three races on the card and all of thorn and troubled no one In and tomorrow, 2.4J, and Mrs. Miss Mr. and Mrs. rors, Manchester, 8; Taunton, Doesn't believe Dewey Made Remark, any way, Lowe, Brown, and there sto entries in all City” was given by Mr. Robert Woods, ol ies, MoDougal Kelley; Brady and were Unished, though It locked at one seemed to be mentally all right, but large classes. Cole and Miss Lonise Morse, ail of Lynn, Curtis. Attributed to Him. the Sooth End house, boston, and Ur. lime as If the hut one would have to be deeply Impressed with tbe Importance Mass., Miss Florence Whitmhn and Miss .of UUIOK BOOKS FOR CHIMIN A bS. Henry Kearn, a member of the Bath NEW ENGLAND STANDING. carried over til I tomorrow to End a win- his message. Bessie Templeton of Lewiston. Miss Marv B.rlln, August 8. —According to tbi A detective Is responsible for the claim Commission of Boston. This lecture w Won. Lost. Average ner. The (ascribe wera teaten In all After greeting hundreds with bis "Be Bussell of Now ton. N. Miss Blanche Berliner i'sgeblatt, Kmperor William re- that criminals have regular "manuals." Illustrated by plotures taken from vari- J., Portland. 40 87 .lit* three raoes, and moit of the heat-wlners ready,” he was taken to tbe station but Cox of Miss Kicker of Lewis- 44 88 ceived Congressman Edmund Foss of 111! Many of tho men who ore the greatest ous parts of tbe world and the koturi Portland, Brockton, .611 lowered their records.. The 2 10 trot went was not locked up. He is said to be a Mias Manchester, 43 81 .575 note and United States Naval Attnohe experts in wrong a sort of a did not daal with ton, Flanders of Biddeford, Miss off In heats to of Ports- man of 1 He had doing keep exclusively Boston, 88 35 ,6rl straight Tomboy goo family. not been and Miss Gertrude Newport, Behler on board tbe Imperial yuchl reoord of suggestions for n jw offenses and though as Mr. Woods said, some people Smythe Sraythe of Pawtucket, 86 41 .468 mouth, the 2.13 pace was won by Frank attending religious meetings, and his Hobeuzullern, last Wednesday at memoranda of Information whioh may be thought that kwas the oily to wbloh thi Now York city, Mr. Arthur Wallace, Taunton. 38 50 857 Uysdlok, after Mo Joe had taken a heat, Kiel, friends are at a lose to aocount for his granting them an audience of three of nse to them some day In tbelr prooarl- title referred. Mias Wallace, and Miss Jennie Wallace and the 2.14 trut, a life heat raoe, was quar conduot. tare of an hoar. Hie Majesty began tbt ous way of getting a living. One old fel- of Nashua, N. It., Mr. E. K. Jordan and STARTED IN FIERCELY. Unally osptured by Much Ado. an old conversation by expressing a belief thal low, who had becomo absolutly saturated PORTLAND MAN DROWNED. Miss Jordan of Lewiston, Prof, and Mrs. time trotter Irora Franklin Falls, M. U. FAIR AMERICANS. But C leveland Could Rat Mikola Free* Admiral bad with orime, had an exceptionally Interest- The will Dewey not used the words E. E. Osgood of Harper’s West meeting end tomorow. Sum- ing book full of "Ups" concerning prison Provlncetown, Mass., August 8.—Thi Ferry, Sy In Only One attributed to him, suggesting tbe Inning. mary : possi- How Have Iter life, addressesof "fenocs," names of sufe- schooner Massaaoic at Mr. Paige of N. They glut Ionized Bug. fishing this porl Virgin!*, Laconia, bility of a war between tbe United Stale, mannfactorers' employes, who oould be Mr. Fritz Bickford of Boston, August 0.—Cleveland started 3.10 olsss. trotting; purse 1590. Hah Social Castoins. from Georges, reports the death of Jamos H., Boston, Mr. and Germany. Mr. Foss replied that d epended upon to assist In a little piece at Nlohola lieroely today. Booring throe of orooked work, of who would Burgess of Portland, one of the crew, It. S. W. Roberts of Dover, N. H., aud Tomboy, b. g. by Edgemark be had just come from Trieste where be lawyers in the hut after that wete 1 The Kngllsh season has defend criminals for a low fee, and places overboard at Mr. of West first, they (Marsh) 1 1 had had practically j Burgess jumped mldnlghl Roy Purrlngton Bowdoin, long talks with Admiral Dewey where tools oould be found < unable to bat him with any effeot. Bos- Capt, Jack, blk. g. (Golden) 4 S 2 dosed, bat tbe memorise of it are burglars’ A boat was launolted and tbs who bad shown no hostility toward Ger replete without Sunday. Maine. Queen Alfred h. m. (Clark) 2 4 3 publicity. ton batted Knepper bard when hits were many. with the many Americans who took body was pioked up, but life bad depart- Sliver Plate, g. s. (Bearden) 3 2 5 One tif these manuals was a veritable J Cauliflower The Emperor then declared bis con vie in It. The Amerioan customs work of art. was ed. of FIRE BET BY needed. replaced Hemphill Memollne, blk. m. 5 5 1 part are It a good-sized scrap- The members the crew think that CHILDREN. (Cormlohael) tiou that Gern,an-American relation! at In the third. Attendance 1510 to break down the stiff British book. anil had the honor of quite a large wae Insane. right Time—2.13 1-4, 2.13 1-4, 2.11 1-4. would remain beginning Burgess tJJPBClAL TO Tax ntxsa.j always friendly. German, oiroulntion among men of the craft whioh Score: in he rules whioh have survived for ages. ) aet evei a won an who ie America, said,-would take gooc It was to assist. It was full lng gave Ac 2.l2olase, pacing; parse $500. designed of Richmond, gust 9.—'The “Old David 0 oars that no aggressive or hostile Where It was formerly an of tho r Sue as Mrs. Bur came Into the Boston, 031 10 [0 8 z—7 *" poltcg unpardonable newspaper clippings doings of men, jsss polloi Frank tiysdiak, b g, Koval should be toward Pottle” bouse and barn, on the river Cleveland, 3000000 0 0-8 by pursued Germany. for a to come to London women and ohlldren of the criminal olass Italian and h'rr hrl Frith t: 6 thing family up Kyedick (Borer) 111 Tbe Tageblatt does not vouoh lor the of sentences on uskeXJ^pcty road, near owned Mrs. Annie for the season passed old-time experts, Iceboro, by 10; 6. b. g. by Mo- verbal of the In without taking a great telegraph Provlnpotowu for her and dad Hits, Bouton, Cleveland, Errors, McJoe, Fergus accuracy forego j, but as- of mysterious robberies which tho au- Lancaster and occupied Frank Alex- 3. 17 7 bouse In whioh to entertain, many good by Boston, 3; Clevelaod, Batteries, Gregor (Baas) 8 serts that it is a lulthf ul reproduction o nsver out If her son was.dead. This the deputy Kngllsh families this thorities have been able to unravel, under, were destroyed Nichols and Bergen; Knepper and Mc- Joe Pilct, h. g. (Kllborn) 5 2 2 4 the of the remarks. year followed the entirely by lire, gist Emperor's Amerioan eastern of but with which tho owners of the famous did but received no reply.to big mesgagi Allister. Coatlna, b. m. 0 3 3 2 establishing them- with (Howard) i« no wo a contents, Tuesday forenoon. The selves for the short time in sorapnooK remancauie raminar- to a late hour laet The mat Joe h. g. 2 5 6 5 a fashionable up night. Bailey, (Kiiey) flD A un munnin, it a wun In this book was also a show- Ure is to have set b< Is' l.” „... V t, _*—\ o o hotel. London has ity. table sapposod been by chil- At not been so crowded 1 to In Brooklyn—Cincinnati,14; Brooklyn, referred the above dispatch In un- sinoe the as ing the muxiraum penalties magistrates dren In the the 13. Mazie U in. jubilee it was this year and playing house, parents Sidney, (Drink- ■ A 4- Vnvlr_I nnlnwUla 1 .4 A'_ Buffalo, N.Y., August 9.—The bigges oould set for certain so that doubtedly this woman's son. boms week! 6 8 lot ureasmg-aown oi tlme-hunorud insti- misdoings having been absent at tbe time. water) 7 3 crowd of the grand circuit as the offenders know beforehand meeting tutions was a feature of might ago James Burgess was arrested In Port York 2. Peter Turney, g. g. 8 4 4 6 gem bled at the woutua fol- (Palmer) Fort Brie track this afternoon what awaited them were appre- At Baltimore—St. b in. 4 0 0 7 lowing Faster. they land for intoxication. Be was on thi ANOTHER VICTIM OF DISASTER. Loan, 8; Baltimore, Marjorie, (rvervtok) £0 0 persons being there. When the an " hended in their ventures. 8. oh. 10 dr When Queen Vlotorla osme to the Kelvyn, g. (Elliot) tiDished 2.U> dot was called, Lockwood of detectives to be verge of delirium tremens and when genl Bar Harbor, August 9.—Miss tbe At Phila- throne a decided stand was mads Snap-shot picture Roll, Philadelphia— Pittsburg, 13; Time a 13 3.10 &13 trainer of George who had woi against all 1-4, 3-4, 3-4, 8.13 1-3. Carney, With the advent avoided, kintts of news about people to ltueton to join his vessel be was appar- nurse who rendered such valuable ser- 14. extravagance. nr rail- delphia, two heats on Tuesday and protest** who hod come into fortunes, homes where At 6; 8.14 olaez, trotting; pnrse |S0J. ways and increased means of locomotion ent y In a very bad state. Burgess's horn* vice at Mt. Desert morn- Washington—Chicago, Washing- against the postponement later, dxlvtof rcotnt* fashionable insured u Ferry, Bnnday 8. taablte ohanged. Ladies cessed to im- weddings Jj ton, Muob a heat by himself and claiming the race of silver and was at Long Island. He was unmarried ing, at the time of the fatal accident, la Ado, b. g. by Judge merse themselves In housekeeping win® goodly"store gold; sugges- jj 110 8 derided to oontest with tie others, eon tlous of men whom the would aud was tbe of his widowed NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. naiUbury (Kennedy) 1 tnev had once tasted of pleasure. Of plekoocket '4 ouly support dangerously 111 In Ellsworth. She is an appeal to the board of re lind and Little Dlok, br. g. by Harry teinplating oonrss ladies declares profitably roughly sketched in- M mother. from view if be failed to win. Be took tin changed, too," suffering an injury to the spine, Won. lost. Per ct. Plummer (Pope) 4 8 3 1 4 Lady tircville. "Fraiiilo, beautiful teriors of homes of wealth were among derisive heat, however. The results: the book's oontonts which the owner held caused by over-exertion oaring for the Brooklyn.61 33 .649 Con'eeeur, eh. e by Con- creatures, exquisitely dressed, appeared Jj 3.20 class, trotting -George Carney, 1 most dear to himself and his ® TOOK ARSENIC. dead and Boston. 60 34 .638 etanoe (Urady) 5 4 14 3 feme ten or lifteen years auo, from profession.— dying. Venus. 2; Paiui 8. Best time hulling News. Philadelphia...■,. 58 38 .604 Nioola, b. g. (Payne) 8 5 8 3 5 II., Leaf, America, clothed in the latent Pnrlsla'n Chicago Baltimore. 65 39 2.12 1-3 Gardiner, August U.—Sophia Vogu 01 DEWEY KEPT BUSY. .585 Ntbbe, b. r. (Uoyoe) 8 3 8 7 0 garb aud daintily ooifrd by the French Chicago.'.... 63 43 .653 5 8.:0 trot—Dare Devil, 3 Hilda, blk. in. (Marsh) 7 8 5 3 l;Caytcu, artists. Xhelr faces were their Bangor, while visiting In this elty, tod Cincinnati. 53 43 .553 Caracal la, 3. Best time. 2.03 1-2. pretty, Naples, August 9.—Admiral Dewey Is Suzette, b. in. (Gilbert) 8 6 4 6 dr manners their arsenic with suicidal Intent and dl c Hr. Louis. 63 44 .546 2 03 easy, tongues glib. Society the visits 6 puce—Hal B, 1; *Moul, 3; 1 kept busy returning which Pittsburg. 48 48 .r,co Joe Murb, eh. g (Johnson) 7 7 8 dr Posginj succumbed. Xho girls received their this f.om th- effects. bava been made to him on board his Bslle, 3. Best time, 3 07 1-4. morning Toir.jo hsg- Louisville. 41 51 .445 Time—2.15 3.13 1-4, flatteries with gruokms they were the 1-4, 8.161-4,8.141-4, Free-for-all-trot—Tile Abbott, 1; smiles; wus the cause. She was £1 ship, Olympia. -New York. 37 54 .496 8.13 1-4. Kugl< rjoh they knew the value of and Tory Insanity Dlrectua clothes, Am'Deans are arriving here dally from Washington. 35 63 .360 Htmaghun, 2; Burgen, 8; came of and Is survived a bus they prepared to ‘have a good time. years age by a’lptrtsot Italy for tbe of Cluv6laud. 17 83 .171 Kelley, 4. Best time, 2.03. purpose pay- Then the hearts of the frugul matron -t betid. their to the ing respects Admiral. TO PLAY IN THE PHOVINUES. who had hitherto contented them reive Volcanic Eruption. TUB QUttBK'ti tiPBh.CH. with one ounday and a couple of week- A base tall team, composed mostly of Are bm grand, Hkiu Kruptions rob life London, August 9.—Tlie Queen openee day gowns, whoso dinner flressss lustu 1 Portland players, will play a series ol of joy. Bucklsu's Arnica Halve, mires Parliament today. In the speech Iron: FOinetimee two or tbreu years (one lady, Hires games with the strong Alerts of Ss. them; also Old, Kunnlng und Fever the throne reference was made to iht the matber of a grown-up family, prided Sores, Uloers, Li i s, Felons, Corns, results of the conference and th* herself on still wearing the black velvet of John, N. B on Thursday, Friday and Hague Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Transvaal trouble. Of the latter she says her trousseau, and looking well In it) nnn of this at St. John. Saturday week, Chapped Bunds, Chilblains. Bast File The position of my subjects in tin whose daughter dressed modestly in wbite No substitute of For several yoert, past a team has gone uure on earth. Drives out Fuins uod .South African republic Is lucomiscen ; tarlatan, waxed sad and consulted to- Aches. gficts. a box. Cure with to the Provinces from this olty, making Only guar- the promise of equal treatment gether. POND'S EXTRACT anteed. Hold by U. F. H. Goold, 577 Con- whereon >uy grant of internal independ- “Xha result was frowns of the fathers -i trlp lasting usually about two weeks, gress street; and 11. G. Starr, Cumber- ence to that republic was founded, anti and husbands, discontent, occasional has ever prospered— and the base bull lovers of that section land Mills, Druggists. the unrest oaused thereby is a constant debt. Bat the ICng'lth women wero souce of patriotic and telt It tbair the know the difference. have come to look forward with pleasing danger to the peace and prosperi duty not to be people His Life Was Saved. ty of my dominions in South Africa outdone by Yankee millionaires. After anticipation to a visit by the Portland From all of the world .Negotiations on this subject with tin the dresses came the houses. Women quarters Mr. J. E. a oltlzen team. Lilly, prominent government of the tiouth African repub needed a background. Tbe environment comes the Ex- of had a wonderful choVus,“Pond's The games between tbe provincial Hannibal, Mo., lstely do have been entered into and are Etil of life forms a oomplste study Dull cur- dellveranco from a death. In tract all Pain." clubs and Portland have been frightful proceeding." Another paragraph dealt tains, ugly carpets, hard sofas, scaroely Cures always of it he "I was taken with telling says: with the satisfactory reports of the recov- uppeuled to laxurlous, pleasure-loving THE KEARSARGE, elose and and CTonds of Use it in the sunlmer time Interesting Typhoid Fever, that ran Into Pneumonia. ery of the agriculture and trade of India women. F'r.-noh furniture at the highest from two to four thousand people witness My hinge brc imu hardened. 1 was eo from the depression caused by the famine. prices, not always genuine, must bo RoraSi Conway, N. 21. for Chafing, Mosquito Bites, weak 1 couldn't even sit up In bed. the love for art tbe games. The Alerts are muoh strong- ■-ought, cultivated In the Heat ar.d Sunbuffi. Nothing helped me. 1 expected to soon shape of line brocades, expensive pictures, Thoroughly renovated and repaired. Prickly er this year than formerly as they have die of I heard of Consumption, when Dr. china and a multitude of s-lvez ornn- Culinary department entirely new. of the One bottle POND'S EXTRACT CO. secured the services Harry Jope, King's New DDooveiy. gave aenrs. Women vear gold and jawvdtd Tat tint class. Dining hall ut-vly fur- great relief. I continued to use It, vnd at their catcher of tbe All-UoUegiat? team of Bos- purees waists and hang them- rushed throughout. Large well venti- 7f Fifth Avenue, New York now am well und strung. I can't eay too selves about with and dlamui'J * ton, which finished a series with pearl lated rooms view of the baefjust muoh In Its praise." This marvellous chuinc. Bot-boase bowers scent the air comiuaudiug Pond*« Extract Ointment cares Pile.* White that cannot bo sur- teams ot St John. medicine 1. the surest und cure Mountains Price Ui ota. p«-r J»*. T»i«tl size % cU. __ quickest of rooms, anu electric light plays the port ALL Electric bells aud lights. Long JjLUO(«UT4 The Portland team will have to play In the woiid for all Throat and JLun. I of sunshine. Luxury has increased; It passed. nwnn. ■ »— Trouble, sizes 50 coots end *1.00 IMmAMI'II B has iu t distance aud Spec- »■'■■■« fast ball to defeat tbe Alerte. but are tteguiar £B|| crept everywhere—In t clubs, telephone telegraph. they reaentthealO, ial rates for circular Trial bottles free «t H. P. H. Goold, 577 EF ILLJI the restaurant, the boudoir even tlu> September. For confident of doing tbe triok and tbelr J I Wcent»&25cents. Ootigi-v. street; un i H. U. H:arr, Cum- iMDUyr £ stable!—until the love of It h i! beaorne and forme apply to efforts will be watched With Interest by ber l«t*. Mills. an Ingrained part of wointsu's izu"trt.*‘ augOftVPlm J. L. GIBSON. Mgr. <3


Items at lalrr.at Plakrtl 544- Summer School (or Sunday l> Along tk« August Mrrtlng of tki City (loitrumoit Lost A wall about SO let* baa bean School Teachers at Norlhport deep Water front. Ansust *44-Reunion of Fourteenth Maine unearthed la Aih street by the .treat Regiment at Long Island. 6th Maine at commissioner's men while they wars dig- August s-io—Keunion Regiment Tha Italian bark Veronica iklltd at 9.30 Fo Peaks Island. ging for the sewer on that streat. Tha Public.: There WM a meeting cf the August 040—Reunion of Sixteenth Maine city gov yesterday morning far Baonos Ayres. She at Wstetrille. eroment of Sooth Portland last evening history of,the well la unknown so far. Rrgtment bad on board a uargo eoniistlag of The_ Main* Regiment reunion 1.0C8,- August 9-10—Eighth whloh was oyer by Ibere wars about 160 who want on the at Peaks Island. preilded Mayor Rey- 864 fset of spruoa lam her loaded at Frank On and after at and the absentees Methodlat oburob May 1, 1899, August 10-Reunion 140 29 Main# Regiment nolds wars Aldermen plcnlo yesterday. Dudley's for Baenna Ayres, Booth Long Island. Amer- liU bills or the Tilton and Dnvls. The records of Yesterday Mr. X. P. Smith * Consolidated August li—Wildo District Lodge of Good Spear, morning ica. at North Belfast two or three left hla horse In front of St. Templars previous meetings were read standing steamer Electric Light Co. of Maine for Flub Northern N, The Harpswell went to Cosh. 1 August 12—Womau's Day, and approved after whloh Alderman Hyaolntbe obnrob, when the animal be- E. Chautauqua at Fryeburg. Inge island yesterday morning to take a light and power will be made oat Aug 12-21—0, A. K. Encampment at Camp Ben- Pickett made a of the matter of came mixed In tba hartaeas and fell break- report of who are SOU. party excarelonlste, stopping >t the the new floor for the school hand- ing the abaft prices as quoted by the August 15-Reunion of Thirteenth Maine Regi- High at tha Ottawa Hoorn, down to Harpswell meut at Lewiston. Master Perolyal the son Portland ing. Bodge, yonng and Urn island. Electric Light Co. August 16—Reunion at Monmouth Academy. The Kind You Have and which has been was H. R. of Mr and Mrs. Andrew bad a Always Bought, August 16—Reunion First Maine Heavy Artil- '.Permission granted (Willard Bodge, The rerenuu steamer Denial In nddilion to this all Manning, In use for over 30 has borne the of lamp lery at Harrington. to lay a tile drain crossing and N. K. narrow escape from being drowned Tues- years, signature August id—Knox District l odge of Templars arrived heie yesterday afternoon from renewals will be Gordon was allowed to enter street day. With several other be and has been made under his per- furnished st Spruce (lead, Dyer youngsters Boston and will make a abort hers. of 52 Maine at was stay Aug. io— Reunion Regiment sewer In front of hla new boose. playing In tbe Stroudwater river s sonal supervision since its rree. Pesk’s Island. The late yacht at rlrale were (jF. infancy. near yesterday /-ectcAfi/tz of A was reoetred from H. E. what Is called the "sand bar.” Be Allow no one to deceive In this. August 16-17—sta*e convention Epworth petition the sloop , of Boston, steamer you IONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC League at Northnort. Willard and others that Desks waded out beyond bis and In a praying depth of Hartford, cat Dnlsaett All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ei. yug 17—Good Templar Meeting at Peaks Is- short Columbia, of LIGHT CO. OF MAINE. street In Willard be extended and.made time had sunk twloe and paa going land, Boston, oat Lillian ot Dorchester, yawl periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Aug. 17—Reunion of nth U. 8. Infantry at straight and be pat In condition for pub- down for tbe third time when John, the Weston F. Pres. Preble House. J.anette of yolnoy, end sloop Arthur Infants and Children—Experience against Milliken, llo travel. Referred to the oomraitte e on yonng son of tbe chief of the Are Experiment.^! August 17-Reunion 26 Me. Ret at Ellsworth. depart- Cleveland ot Boston, Wm. R. of Sons ment, John Byrne, palled off bis ooatand Wood, Treas. August 17—Reunion and Daughters of straits. mayudtf Fryeburg Academy. jumped Into tbe river. Be soon auoceeded |Ihc yawl Jeanette, which arrived yes- U. Stsnwood and others asked August 17-18—Reunion 24th Maine regiment at George In securing a slight bold on the olothlng lost her tender, somewhere be- of terday, What is CASTOR IA Richmond. for an extension of the Sebago water sup- the unfortunate fellow and was able to tween Bound Pond nnd Halt x I 18—Reunion of 17 Maine pull him ashore. Way Bock August Regimen ply and tbs placing of hydrants for Are Young Byrne deserves Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, "CAMERAS. Association at Cape Cottage. much oredit for his brave deed and Mi on her trln tn this poit. Paregoric, Drops August at purposes from Higgins iirothers on the and 16-28-Camproeettna Northport. courage. The eloupa Cruiser, and Mildred, tns cat Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It Aug io-Field Day of New England Sous of St. liarreu Hill road along said road to or at other contains neither Onium. Mornhino nor other Narcotic George Long Island. Beatrlon, with several yaohta, will We offer inducements to Auk, State near the of special 20-25—Me. Sunday School Conference, property ,Patrlok Clanoey. leave at noon with the substance. Its is GORHAM. Friday former ago its guarantee. It destroys Worms lmateur trade in tho Fryeburg. Ibis matter was referred to the speolal following: Aug. 21-23—Reunion ol Seventh Me. Reg’t at members or Camp Outing, for a cruise to and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea aiul Wind Long island. commutes having In oharge the extension PliOTOftlt.lPHIC StiPPlJES. * Uaokerel cava. They will return some- Colic. It relieves cures August 22-23-Reunion of Eleventh Maine nf t Vi a w a! or ctinnlv Rev.Wm. Caahmore of the Methodlat Teething Troubles, Constipation Regime it at Watervllle. time Bundsy, and 01-0.0 1-0 U.ujI/ku. P.mnrn. Flatulency. It assimilates the the VI fc-w *- August 24— W. C. T. U. day at Ocean Park The ordnance relating to the collection church haa returned from hla vacation. Food, regulates uunnujo UUIIIQIUd) Stomach and and natural Chautauqua. of offal, eto., which waa Introduced July He delivered en Interesting lecture In PERSONAL AND Dowels, giving healthy sleep, j Aug. 26—Keiloion of 27th Maine at Teaks PECULIAR. The $0.40 eaoU. island. £6 was discussed and final passage waa the ohurob laat evening. Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. Aug. 31—Reunion or descendents of Johu Bean, postponed. Miss Minnie Summertldas of Lowell, City Hall. Portland. Now the glory of tbe drummer elowly 4x5 Fair at Tbe oonnoll to meet Thurs- Mass., lg visiting friend* in Uorhum. "Ray” Folding Camera, Aug 22-24—Ossip pee Valley Cornish. adjourned lull’s and fndes away, GENUINE August 30—York District of Goods ALWAYS Lodge day, August 17th. Col. II. H. Mlllett and wife, Capt. Like the crimson ot the ennset at the CASTORIA Templars at Sprlngvale. ; $8.00 eacli Fair. John C. Summeraldea and wifo. and Mr. 'dose of summer day; Aug 26-31—Gray Wo Aug 26-Sept 1—Eastern Maine Fair, Bangor. S. Ana ne looks into the luture that con- Sears the of also keep on hand Work on the school b ousel preparatory P. Libby and wife, an attending tbe Signature __ August 81—Juvenile Temple Day at Old tains no rap of hope, for winter Fifth Maine n-unlon at Peak* Island. PHOTOGRAPHIC PILIH Orchard. the opening of the fall and And he aeea hla tlnlsh waiting, without 4-8—State Fair, Lewiston. Sept term is on and tha Mr. and Mr*. Jossph of Boston aid of for 5*7-Chrislion Endeavor State Convention. going apaoe Knlght- Stringer telescope. Eastman Kodaks and Blair Hawk, Sept. tu-n he will ha at tIUh school Is n new are passing a few day* at the Crystal Soon, ah, jobless, stay building receiving home be eyes, Cards, Bex 4x5 Paper, 80c grn. 8ept. 12—Fail term begins at Westbrook Semi- henceforth most, and mnob needed Spring house. And nary. shingling. go down Into oblivion as a victim of Sept. 12—Fall term of Hebron Academy begins. There waa a jolly danolng party at the Several of oar people have visited Riv- the Trust. Sept 12-14—Cumberland County Fair at Gor- Casino when the erton this week and speak highly of the -—Minneapolis Journal. ham. Monday evening N. M. PERKINS i OR., Sept 13-14—Reunion 15 Mnlne lteglment at Ban- "Cloyestere" from Willard to tbe number entertainment. Hr*. H. H. Plalated, Hiss Plalated and gor. Tbe Grange at Island was ’ f"E£ ST»E6T. of EO or more, took of the picnic Long Ralph U. Plalsted who have been In 8ept. 14,15—Annual Convention of the Maine possession large well attended. „■? Uurope for a will sail for home ou The Kind Yon Woman pear, Have Suffrage Association at Watervilie. danolng hall. They reaobea Cape Cot- The Kpworth league of the M. E church iiO. Bought 20 27—Fair West Aug. Always Bept. at Cumberland. about 8 o'olook and tbe gn to Front's Neck Sept, 26-27, 28— Annual Convention of Maine tage kept up today. Ur. S. U. who has been Selh M. Carter and of In Use For Over Years. Woman's Christian Temperance Union at dancing well on to midnight. Guthrie, qnlte famllp Auburn, 30 Portland. ill for the past ten le now ou the and Ml** & York are at work day*, Grace Conant of Auburn, have Oct 11-12—Semi-annual session of Grand Woodbury painting hand. mending gone to the Hitngtlay lakes fur a two Undue of Good at Pittsfield. tho rooms over Thurrlll's store. every!!/ Templars drag weeks’ visit. Hiram Bootbman of South Portland, NEW CORPORATIONS. The annual reunion of tbe Hewitt has secured the job of cement Inspector at . i. MAN The following new corporations have oooura at Fort Williams. famllp Windsor, Kennetco keen organised in this oity: oounty, on Thursday, Aug. 17. It Is work is al- reported that enough Tha Clovedale Zlno TO BIS Mining company This week’s Zion’s Advocate haa a val- __I TRADE ready laid out In tbe enlargement and Im- with KOO.W O capital stock. Clerk, Joseph W. uable and Interesting article on “Marine provement of Fort Williams to keep a Peterson, Portland. hara snstoaara I XhsJ.H. Melavln Fire l'tomas w. raqvantly number of men for a and Mill Snn- Biological Collecting," by Jayne good employed year Burr of this OUR CLEARANCE SALE ply company, with gltO.OCt) capital stock. age, city. ooma to as with ropy sad sap or more. Tbe clerk Is | $ Stephan C will Perry. Colorado Is a little continue till TIICItSDAY EVENING, Aug. 10th. Lena of Is tbe journalism surpris- i'l\ “ Cock Friendship, guest Brooklyn Lighterage company, with i: Don’t full to get one of the Put It in attraotlTA form How I do stock. Thu ing sometimes In 1 s Innocence. “Tbe gat I wish of Mr. on the ferry boat. 9100,000 capital director! are Cole, engineer Horatio Hall and that more old Solon E. Turner, both many friends of Mr. L, Cowdrey” says peo- of New L maki tht prico msoaabk.* i I’LEASANTDALE. York, George Skoltield of an Klbeit “will he viz would rub Brunswick contemporary pleased Suits at 6.25, ple and John T. Skollleid, Benja- to learn that he $498, 9.50, 12.50,.15.00 Mrs. Hattie who bas been la at the Keeley Institute | la sash caws tha work is Hunton, min and Freder'o J f theirlimbs,bodies Thompson Lnughlln, at Denver, taking a course cf treatment 3 always la to be all of Portland. The olerk and treasurer and terlonaly 111. thought Improving. for Inebriety.” or 18.50. » and aawrllaat joints with la L. the /i\ satisfactory krlaga % Mr. Fred is having the fo inda George Skollleid, and president || Royal “I do Omega Oil I It Is John T. Skolfleld. not osre to (tick a spear Into a W Suit v.c offer Is worth more Ilian double Hie VI/ A taaalta. tlon for a resldenoa laid on Brown street. Baldwin and Every f does seem too bad Sabugo Telephone compa- dead tiger,” was the reply of Methodist price we ask. Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Rogers, Chape! ny, with 910,000 capital stock. Tbe di- VI/ Bishop Charles H. to a TUB THURSTON that should rectors ure Win. H. Fltoh of East Scba- Fowler, reporter PRINT, they ■Irtet, hare returned from a pleasant who wanted him to talk about ttobert A Elnen, Crash nml P. K. Suits nn.l 9>kirts at Half or | go, Edward S. of and suffer so much in at llougtass Sebago One-Third of regular value. PORTLAND, MB. outing Uarpswell. Lorenso Norton cf East Baldwin. Tbe Ingoreoll. ft the last of Mr. Albert Is years Uavelt, Kelsey street, cleik Is Edward S. Douglass, the presi- 'The Duke of Wellington onco wrote to ^ Oil from an attaok of and dent Is Lo enso Norton and tbe treasurer Omega makes their suffering pleurisy Dr. Hntton for information as to the la Wm. B. Fitch. set- Is unable to attend to his duties as *>R. F. AUSTIN aching arms, back and feet feel engi- entitle rf a officer T S“ ikii P k/ j legs, Tbe New England Sparklets company, acquirements young neer on tbe H. C. R. R. so good. It takes the stiffness out with 9100,CC0 capital stock. The ulren- who bad been under his Insttnotlon. The I R. M. LEWSEN & CO.,7 “*££"“ I I aug8J3t W * Miss Annie Hall has roturned to Brew- tors arc W. Cameron ftNNbY of their It softens their Fobes of Milton, dootor thought ha could not do less than joints. Elliot wrm er, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Sar- Mass.; Wadsworth of Boston, answer the question verbally and made dried up flesh, and is a real Charles S. Clark of godsend her Brookline, Mass., an appointment gent who will pass the snmmer at and accordingly. Directly X^ and to them. Pains and Joslab H. Drummond, Jr.. Charles saw him he sild: “lain blessing home. Wellington ob- M. Drummond, Fred E. Leighton and liged to you, for the trouble aches will out of dootor, you WHEN IN TRY have stood the t«» of go right your body Mrs. Henry Cash and son Elmer, F. U. Staples, all of Portland. The are Ia-Ot for the DOUBT, They years, taking? post!’ an'» **ave cured thousands of OCULIST, if rub Oil on the olerk Is Joslah B. CTDHMP you Omega places Brown street, passed Tuesday at tbe home Diuiumond, Jr., tbs Clearing his throat, Dr. Hutton Organ: A I eases of Nervous Diseases, such is Fred E. W I IIVllWnil fib that hurt. will president Le'ghton and the “No man more sc, my lord I can—’’ as Dizziness, Sleepless- Any druggist sup- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Rog- treasurer la Charlss M. Debility, R.ESM O Drummond. “That’s qultesoOiolent’’ said Wellington: A AS ||l I c^^^^nessand Varicocele.Atrophy.&c. VED you if you tell him but ers, Knlgbtvlile. International Wood with “I know bow valuable They dear the brain, ply nothing company 9'.00,. your time D; HUmIN11 1 it strengthen 000 stock. n"ni the circulation, make To Commodious Office Rooms at Oil will do. Mrs. Daniel Apt and Miss capital The directors are Dan- mine, just now, la so. I will not \ digestion Omega daughter, equallv and a iel F. Enery, Jr.,Fdwnrd Woodman,Ben- detain Good perfect, impart healthy EM TUo Omega Chemical Co., Boston, Math Lanra, are parsing a few weeks at East- you aoy longer. morning.’’ vigor to the whole All drains and losses am checked fermanently. Unless 514 jamin '1 hornpson and Frederick J L ugb- being. patients are cured, tbetr condition often worries them into Insanity, or Death. Congress Street, port. lin. all of and John F. A few yean ago tho logs In a certain properly Consumption Portland, Wiltz Mailed sealed. Pnce$i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-dad legal guarantee to cure or refund the of N. J. in a Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hayes passed Wed- Montclilr, Tho olerk is Kdwnrd river northwestern lumber district money, 15.00. Scad for free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. 0. Over Foster, A very A Co. Woodman, the president Is Danlsl F. nesday at Peaks Island attending the had jammed Into a nasty snatl and no C. H. Gappy St Co.. Agent*. I’ort'xnd. Me. Emery, Jr., and the treasirer Is John F'. mathematical Fifth Maine rennlcn. Wilts. one hankered foe the job of going out Office Days, Saturdays only until September The seat of Nervous Diseases is at base of brain. Messrs. Will Turner Edwin Palmer, International Exploration and starting the kej-lof?. In tho crew Bib, after which cffice will be open company, When the nerve ceLs at this point waste, a terribl* every day, with was an Indian who was Kugeio Evans, Philip Fiokett, Chailes $500,000 capital stock. The dlreotors noted for bis decline of the system occurs. Nervous i a. m. to G |». m. are Frank B. of coolness and his keenness. Tbe boss 11- Debility. Suggestions Ureene, 'J homos Flaherty and Forest Tobey Boston, Robsrt Atrophy, Varicocele,Failing Memory, Pain in Back W. Hunter of Cambridge and Wilbert 8. nally looked over In his direction. “Ca- Dyspepsia, Insomnia. Etc., are symptoms of this LiewiB are iew weezs' I'lxiiminci! Free I —i enjoying outing Bartlett at Belmont. Mass. Tha olerk ooote,” he said, "you go out and break condition. Neglected, it results in Paresis, r AA that or ♦ • JIHH • ♦ at Proofs Neck. Is Charles L. Maraton of Yarmouth, the jam and I’ll see that you get a nloe Insanity, Consumption. Palmo Tablets Mil I! ’’ cure B)’ Latfit Mcthoda Known to Modern president Frank H. Tobey and the treas- puff in the paper The redskin looked these ills by renewing the etarvedwwv* 7o your Estate urer Is Wilbert S. Bartlett. at the logs ami then at the boss. “Dead cells, checking all drains ana replacing weakness Optical Science. wi h and amhition. a ia boxes WOODFORDS. National Patent look nloe on he UCDVMK ncail ITY strength 50c. boa; Promoting company, Injun paper,” grunted, rfCnVUUO ironclad 00. Rend for nugi-lm $10,000 ~ guarantee) $5 Free with 980,1*0 stock. Tbe and walked away. MEDIUM^ (wit1 Union capital dlreotors Old Ago Postponed. Book HALSED DRUG CO., CLEVELAND, O. Mutual Life are Charles H. Jesse P. Warrrn, Colby Foreign merohaots In C. IL GUPPY A CO.. AGENTS. PORTLAND, MK. Insurance A horse belonging to Hamilton Broa and Fred C. Severance, all of Boston. Constantinople WESTBROOK SEMINARY. tho Woodfords llsb dealers became frlgh t- The olerk la Charles L. Maraton of Yar- are exerclaed by the oainpalgn oarrhd on president Is Charles theTuiklih oenaor ened a team that ran loto him. Ham- mouth,.the 11. War- by agatnat trademarks HEAL ESTATE 'i'KANSFKHS. Etta A. Elies, wile of Walter N. Files MAINE. by ren rind the DEERINC, treasurer Is Jesse P. Colby. and advertisements the of Westbrook, and Oriella L. Uleaaon of ilton’s horse mad] a bolt along Forest entering country. The following transfers of real estate Moodus, t'ccn., wife of Charles E. Ulsn- A Home School Obsolete Word* In 1700 In lias Two recent examples illustrate tbs for Both avenue and up Saunders street breaking Today* soope base been recorded: son, heirs of tte late Orcn Babb, to Wil- of bis control. A firm a Sexes. multiply himself loose from tho harness. A wheel “As I was passing a secondhand designed trade- Emily A. Heed et als.. of Portland to liam A. Babb of Westbrook, for |l, a lot one said the mark for use In Turkey, In whloh the star John K and Margaret A. Dtmmcck, both cf land In Westbrook on the sontbern side by a substantial and other parts of the wagon wen- bookshop day recently,” Prepares for the best co.leges and sclentiflo a nd ciecient formed a of Portland, a lot cf land and bnlldlogs of Strourtwster stieet, at Its intersection school t. smashed as of man who “I saw three old part. Tbe design numeral os result the runaway. buys books, on the In with Monroe avenue. Advanced coumes in often WAR farhldlltn. Anothpr firm haa t.ha S>A. easterly side of Brown street, Science, Historf?French Mr. Charles of the volumes of Thomson’s plays—you Portland. Fred 7. of and German for High School Graduates and as hldrldga, proprietor vrrtlsrnirnt Staokpole Washington, Kan- possible and directions that accom- others not wlshlnit full ccheue course. Woodfords home is u know, tie man who wrote ‘The Sea- John C. Warren of liuxton to Joseph sas, to Margaret U. Turner of Androscog- bakery, enjoying panied their goods—a brand it Elocution ami steal Cu'tur* a special F. Warren cf for one-half gin county for tlBO, two lots of land In Ph) by resident brief vacation. His business Is sons'—lying with a pile of 10 cent books. In Arabia. The tiunsla Buxton, $4000, teacher without exti a charge. Mudc and Art. being wap—translated Interest In tte Abram L. Came home- Falmouth on what was the They were published In 1700, nud tlio tlan was (lone In London, and in the formerly Heautiful «nd healthful location with land managed In bis absenoe by Mr. Harry stead In Buxton, and the mill Stack wole farm. and ica phrase wbloh In English read buildings, breezes, experienced teachers, home- Hudson. plays were played by Mrs. Woffington, "soapruak- at Eagle In the town of like air an t character. ere to her tho Bonny Falls, Mr. Garrick, Mr. Sheridan and Mr. and roejssty queen" appeared a Standlsb, with mill and boom With year begins S-pr. 12.1P99. Mr. and Mrs. John Burt Hall have title which In Turker Is to the privileges, applied the lsaao L. Came house and lot AUGUST FLOWER. For catalogue with lull information, send to returned from tbelr wMob Mrs. Cibber. sultan. The censor offered the adjoin- the wedding trip Importer ing the mill prliileires Including the acting President. a man and "What Interested mo more the alternatlre ot the to Kev. H. 3. WHITMAN, L. D.,Deerl»* Me. may easily securely with relatives In 1 i, really than returning soap n 111 In Hollis and all other "ft Is a But fact” Prof. they enjoyed jn or the privilege prising says the was a list of England removing obnoxious la- lands owned Jly27d5W provide for the future welfare k'asi. are to resid* for the so it plays obsolete words by grantor In Standlsb, Bouton,-“that in my travels in all of They pr bel. In Ibe meantime merobante are parts — uov-u tu a v ill u uuc Buxton and Hollis, of the for tlio loved ones an with Mrs Hall’s K'lifj oiUillb—il world, last ten years, 1 fulfil admitted parents, Mr. and Mrs. warned against sending any goods to Warren Joseph F. of BuxtOD to John have met moro used — Center. list of words with their definitions—and Turkey bearing trademarks or circulars people having duty make a profitable invest- .Spear, Ueering C. Warren of Buxton.for $50), all Interest Green'* Flower WM. M. I was which could by any stretch of tho August than any Mies Flora of Kev. struck by the fact that a great Imagi- In real estate owned by giautor’s wife, MARKS, ment. Towoeend, daughter nation be In any connected with other remedy, for dyspepsia, many of the words that were obsolete way the labo Margaret C. Warren.In the towns deranged UNION MUTUAL POLICIES and Mrs. Manley B. Townsend of Oil- Islamitm or the Sultan. liver and stomach, and for constipation, THUS In 1700 and bad to be defined to Thom- of bisudlsb, buston and Hollis, compris- i find for tourists and field, formerly located as pastor of tbe ing the homestead farm of Ihe late salesmen, or for represent the acme of Insurance progress. son’s readers are In THE CHRISTIAN office Woodfords Cnlversallst common use today. ENDEAVOR CON- Abram L. Canre In with build- persons filling positions, where Card church left yes- Baxton, contain known headaches and bad Book, They every feature of scar VENTION. at and feelings from for Boston on a visit to relatives Appall, deftly, fays, glee, carol, ings, the mill Bonny Bagla Falls general terduy habits AND- and value, and are toithoui and are a few mill auo boom privileges, and the lsaao Irregular exist, that Green’s desirability and friends. Mr. Townsend Is much Im- unkempt only that I re- The Hth annual convention ot the L. Came houre’ and lot the August Flower is a grand romedy. It restrictive conditions. No requirement call. Maine State Christian adjoining proved In health. Endeavor Union mill privileges Including the mill prlv- does not injure the system by frequent the “Thero wac one word, however, In except regular payment of premiums, The regular meeting of the Bocky Hill will be held In Portland at City Hall, llegesjlu Hollis. use, and Is excellent for sour stomachs the list that Is still obsolete and JOB ought tl 11. Wells and George W. Little- and and these of reasonable amount. Full lodge, K. of P., will be held this evening September 5, and 7. The societies In Joseph Indigestion.” Sample bottles PRINTER, to be revived. It Is the word field, both of Portland, and Owen Went- free at F. K. PRINTERS* EXCHANCK, cost and results sent at their hall. Forest ‘swlnk,’ the state are on send- F’ickeU’s, 212 Danfortb, E. particulars of any. avenue, Woodfords. already planning worth of Kennebunk, to tte North Deer- and It means to labor. 1 think It’s a W. Stevens’, 107 Portland, & where. The work of the eecond rank Is to be ing large delegations and every effort la Congregational Parish, for $1. a lot McDonough beautiful word. Doesn’t It lng| Sheridan's, 235 Congress, and J.E. Uoold 07 1-2 Exchange SI., Pori Inn I oonferred on three candidates. convey the forth to make It a of laud In being put notable con- Portland, formerly Deerlng, & Co.’s 201 Federal St Impression of earning one's living In at North on the westerly elde of Mr. and Mrs. F. L Toner have re- vention. There will be one fare on tho Deerlng, Sold dealers in all the Main the oorner by civilized countries. Union lUutual Cite turned from their recent trip. While sweat of one's brow, though? It’s street, at northerly of away tallroade and cheap rates of entertain- the school house lot. FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. they stopped a short time in Dlxtleld and a word the I language needs, and mean ment. Addison All orders bjr mall or telephone were tho of Kev. C. Burnham of Cambridge, promptly guest Manley B. Town- to do all 1 can to make the word attended to.sept22eodtf Insurance Company, send nnd wife. popu- Among the speakers will be Rev. F. E. Mass., to Edwin K. Stevens of Medford, lar It sounds like a Mr. John B. the well-known again. a word Invent- Clark and Mass., fur $335, lot of land at Falmouth - Marrlner, wife. Rev. Win. T. kloKlvsen, main*. tender at ed by Lewis but it Foreeide, east of the Foresldo rood. Portland, gate the Spring street crossing Carroll, Isn’t. It’s Rev. F. L. I BggS# Cents l Goodspeed.Rev.E. K. Chand- Frank L. Buxsell of to Free- of tbo Maine Central railroad, was taken a well descended, well connected Portland, EYES TESTED FREE word, Rev. man H. Lamb of 111 was ler, D. D-, W. G. Pnddefoot and Portland, for $1, a lot 9 I will a i6-ounce o suddenly yesterday aftrrnoon,an(l apd It ought to be revived. of buy We have made this a special branch to be ‘Swlnk!’ Luther D. Wlshacd. land and buildings on the weaterly aide A THOUSAND RINCS obliged taken to bis home on Pros- Rev. F. M. Lamb of our business and oan give you glassei Could anything be more full of of Central avenue at Centre in x of 9 pect street by order of Ur. TopllfT, who mean- will be soloist and Dr. H. M. Hearing package Washing of an/ description. Nickerson, Portland, No. 50 on To select from. Diamonds, Opals. Peal, says that Test and quiet Is what Is needed ing?”—Washington Post. being Central ave- All glasses warranted or money re- an«l musical director. nue. the 9 llubys all other precious s'ones, Kngnge- hy Mr. Marrloer for a few days. The a Powder, just funded. *tem and A. Weddiug King*, a specialty. Largest lllr.ess wag due to heart Following is tbe of the Margaret Hill cf Walls to William mock In the the trouble wbloh An uumpcBpnflDif Witness. synopsis pro- city. McKEKNEY, Jeweler Mr. F. Lagan of Portland, for $1, a lot of X MeKENNEY the Monument marchl'Jdtf Marrlner suffers fiom at Intervals, gramme! 9 thing forcleaning Jeweler, Square. Referring to n photograph as a land In Portland on the aide Monument Square. although It has been tome years now deposi- northerly of Janl6dt tion of the n Tuesday afternoon-Praise and Devo- a passage way from woodwork, floors 6 since he was affected In a serious manner. “unimpeachable sun,” Mis- leading Washington tional service; addresses of con- I NOTICE. souri judge says: “To me it Is a very welcome, street, oontaiolng 841 square feet. vention sermon, hour. Carrie ■ marbles, 6 comfort Ing and reflec- quiet «. Pltoher of Portland, wife of tiling, JEWELRY REPAIRING. thought pieusing Tuesday Kcgliah Journalism. tion that amid evening—Praise service, mis- George H. Pilcher of Portland, to Vslrna 9 All are forbidden all the vicissitudes and pots and 0 persons hereby sionary address, reception to delegates. Florence Butler of Portland, for a greasy are familiar with all kinds of Walter Wellman says that ono short pressing exigencies of railroad $1, Jewelry trusting or batboring inv wife Ethel B. damage Wednesday morning—Sunrise prayer lot of land In that part of form- 9 UrE repairing and have made it a specialty story will illustrate tho of suits have Portland, pans and $ for We Cram on my account as I shall pay no spirit Knglish they never yet attempted to meeting, president’s annual udure s, ad- erly in tha city of Deerlng, on the wester- finger- years. are now ready to make to order better than amount of In or of bills of iter after tills date. Journalism any Impeach ‘Old Sol.’ Perhaps they were dresses, open parliament. aide of Forest avenue and the 9 marked window-sills and anything rings pins any special design contracting ly easterly door- 9 srou wish at short noiice. Me KEN- generallsin and quotes Moberley Bell, the deterred his aJkednesdav afternoon—Junior side of the Portland & may very Baldwin. July 27th, IgOlt. by shining reputation. At session, Rochester railroad NEY, tae Jeweler. Monuiueut Square, Portland. uditor of tho London as parliament, hoar. X Ask jly31d3vvD. L. CUAM. Times, saying: any rate, from his serene seat in the open quiet looatlon. casings. your grocer for x Jan 12d if Wednesday and __ Wo would at nuy time stop oar prestos 'from his calm on evening—Praise devo- Charles B. Gibbs of Brldgton to John heavens, high,’ he still tional address, and make nuw to eeriice, E. White of for $.’0, a lot of stereotype plates correct looks down upon the populations Brldgton, WATCHES pigmy Thureday mernlng—Sunrise meeting, land In Centre CN INSTALLMENTS. a typographical error, but wo would not of earth with the suam Brldglou village adjoin- 0I&M0N0S4NSTALLMENTS. burning eye Endeavorere' excursion. on the west the homestead Waltham and Elgin Watches. a large stock stop our machines to get In a lato of ing grantee’s E have a large assortment cf Dlatnon l ploco wherewithal erstwhile he gazed down Thursday afternoon-Praise and I ff oj devo- lot. Swift’s new Ear and soarf model Watches will be sold on easy pay- no matter how or Hums. P»ns, Kings P;ns, nows, Important sensa- upon Ananias that time be went In be- tlonal eery toe, *11 ments at reasonable prices. All All addresses, quiet hour llngh Kinnett and Margaret Slunett or V Made by Swift and o good quality ai d perfect. This Is a very Styles. tional. We oould that the next Company, Chicago Prices. McKK.NNEY. Uuj Jeweler, Monument print day fore the apostle, and ‘lied to the Holy Thursday evening—Praise and devo- Haipswell to Abble H. Sanborn of Som- fttsy way to buy a Diamond ns w* make tut Without bother." tional tervloe so that will not uiiss the Square. marlifciU any Ghost.’ ”—Case Comment, address, consecration ser- for two lots of land payments by you —*•%* erville, Mass., $130, The Jeweler, Mouiw on island. money. McfcKNNhY, Bailey’s XuIhASorm tueut square. febOatT -r——:-__ = Portland Is ranoh interested la an ex- trouble la the election of direc- —The r»WAwo»Ai~ niiiHiui. _ amination whloh a New York commis- tors for th* Bangor, OMtown and Orono _I I _AHHJMMiiwT*._'_muwrrn. sion is matins Into tbe shipping facilities eleotrio railroad will probably bring be- INIKSDAY AIGLFT 10. IIVrVBSTMEIKrTS. «'f vnrlona Atlantic ports A* I* well- fore the court* n will question. Two GEM known New York has been toeing consid- tickets war* to the stookhold- PEAKS I presented $180,000 Syracuse Rapid Transit Railway Co. First Mortg. 50 year 6 rcr THEATRE, Sim TKRMli erable of her export trade, and last year era: Tbs Beal ticket, so-aalied, contain- cent Honda. Roe March l*t, 1948. DAILY PRESS— Governor Blank appointed a commission ing the names ot Bits* Mllllken of Au- Frtoe ana fall particulars on applleauoe. By The year, 96 to advance or 97 at the end of to Investigate tbe subject. That commis- gusta, K. O. Beal of Bangor, John Cassi- $100,000 International Co. Firat Mortg. It year 4 rent WEEK OP the year. Paper per optional AUG. 7, sion haa been devotion considerableatteo. dy of A. J. Uurgln at benda. Dae 1918. By ttie month. 90 cents. Bangor, Orono, lion to which of a X. of These bonds anser the entire ear nines ot ths I oternntteiial Cn. and In audition The DAILY PRESS Is delivered at these rates Boston, le, coarse, Georg* 8. Wall OMtown, W. L. Paper MU. are n first Mori*, on the Ammonoosuo Lumber Properly, situated In Coos N. H. JAMES O. more eonsldsrabie rival of New Scribner County, BARROWS every morning to subscribers In all parte of York of Springfield, John H. Dun- Price snd pnrtMInrs on application. and Ms Kneellent Block the Portland, and in Westbrook and South Port- than a relatively small pert like Portland. ning at Bangor; and the Mllllken ticket Company, presenting Comedy, $2.1,000 Lewiston, Brunswick Jt Batli St Firat 20 5 cent land. Yet so ire of the By., Mortg. year per conditions whloh have oou tain lag the names cf Bilal Mllllken, Oold Ronda, Rue 1018. — given Boaton an are John MAINE STATE TRESS tWeekir advantage oggfatipg Cassidy. I. C. Libby of Watarrilla. Price and lull particulars on application. By tne year, $1 in advance, or 91.25 at the also here Both Boaton and New York A. J. Dnrgln, G. T. Hawaii, Mrs. Kliaa $10,000 Manaos Co. of Manaos, Brazil, First Mortr. 15 6 end of the year. draw tbo of tbelr Railway year per larger part grain traffic Mlllkan, M. 8. Uclway ot Angusta. Of cent Mold Bunds, line 191*. “The For six numbs, 50 oents; for three montlis, Senator.” from tbe Bakes of and ! snares the Beal 25 onus. by way Buffalo, undisputed; faction hnd Manaos Is the Capital of the Stale ot Amazonas, which Is one rrf the richest states in WM. ■(. CRANE'S GREATEST TRII NPH. the rates of freight are the same. Bat *4', and the Millikan faction 110. But Srazll. The state pays a subsidy oi fEk.ooo s >ewr to the Kali wav which pays tm Imerent snd prnvldrs for the annual rcdempiism at bands. Pries nod lull particulars ou appltcaliou. New York done ant have tbe advents -e there were 858 shares of Subscribers whose papers ere not delivered which the own- Optional Bonus. Citatom Hons. ^rharfat'tfts lit Biy IHcam-rs lease of MMiihi'uSHui>tiOasenPerlonoencee. Boned priimpUy aro r< quested to notify the office of rullway line* terminating at the water. ership nos disputed, and byitbe use of Tickets witn coupon .Omitting to TbautTm **fM7-3l<,rr Trip $10,000 of a to National Tabe Freferred criAlrs In enrb ao cento Af.?*: hcvto, >0 Moves »U the DAILY No. V7 The grain has to he Subscription Co., Stock, and btn, each eiivtr PKEnS, Exchange street. lightered to tbe theas shares the Mllllken faction tri- ot Bcsecvcd beau at Omen Bay P*”'*° °***- fcal* Pert Me. 810,000 of a Subscription to Ccural ionndry Co., Freferred stock. c" mm Aon^e w"*? land. steamers, and this makes a cost ot about umphed. The Bangor Whig gives this For sale at ten Particulars on three cents a points premium. application. bushel, whloh the shippers statement of the dispute over tbs shares; have to In Investment for nrnflt and Interest Is either Uie KUIIRKR ROODS MAND- Patrons of the PRESS who are lea vine town pay. Boston, an tbe other Two years ago, after repairs and various .„*.T?..y,1 Jrsiianle ! f,SU CO. or AMhHK AN CHICLS OO. -TOf KS. The UHITKD STATES OAST temporarily may have the addresses of their band, the immense grain elevators of the IHliN I iph 1.0. metier Is closed up »ud I can oiler the stoek of ihese expenses, company found themselves Cos. at a d strable nr lee THE BOATING papers changed as often as they may desire by the Boaton Ac Mnlne and are I” Writes desiring to come In to the CARNIVAL! Fitchburg In debt (16,104. There were In the treac- irir.isi> HUiSS-sflKF- STFfCL & IRON TKuST, nod tilfttir in formation glvan, Or 'ers notifying the office lor 4jromiKlv oiMutotl capable of unloading oars at tbe rnte ot at that time 830 shares srcuritle. Deled on ike Boston or Mew York Stock ury of stock and bera Lsnhnnttes. (Fmler. Tilton L (hi., mrin This one hundred and N.Y, Ktock Kxchauue, BokIoii OnrravpoBtfilli.) (Importers 4 1niters’ NhH Bank magnificent Water llftr la ten houre, and It was proposed to sell those the Oor N Y Pageant shares, respondents.! letters at Credit and lonitcn Exchange on Brown, Shipley * Co, t/t'd lion General Is Home of steamers at tbe rate of “ Miles sixty. people tilling two stock being then at 110, the rood paying UU,° *“>'’** “* ^ Will Take Plaec Love thought he was like it. hundred then sand bushels in eleven 18 oent Correspondence Sa*”1 acting per dividends A sale of that ----- hours. The Boston Ac Maine bandies number of (hares at that figure would Tha wheat crop tn Manitoba Is so great lu Boston considerable business from have resulted In Presi- RALPH Is. that the rarmers hnra doubts about realizing (17,310. RKKRILL, SATURDAY being Montreal the Boston RANKER, AFTERNOON, AUG. a’so, & Maine dent Mllllken said that the 12, able to harvest It. The of the sacrifice cf premier from that Middle. Cor. Me. taking point grain that has stock at that would not be a busi- Portiond, evince has issued an official call for figure Unjor^St,, p* bean to Near the at Peaks Island. brought Parry Bound, on tba ex- ness proposition and volunteered to lean iK-i0,0 O i>. En>ri-|:|iloii WiiIi A Landing laborers. treme eastern end of Georgian Bay, and the needed at ti money per oent Interest, Light Com tiny, first The moat Itcamtifal Girl* and then taken railroad to llindsonicsi Young !U«*u who are It seems that Tammany Mall has cap- by the St. Bsw- taklcg the stock as collateral. This mmljnic, gold. *’*, $150,000 spending the Summer at the hotels and on renoe at a a collages Cushings, Peaks, f.ittle stid UUlfU UUP UDw* WDfllllUU IU 11VW point little above Montreal. would result in Great J Ulft, the saving cf 6 per oent line 1934. Diamond and Cong Islands will have a parade in bountifully dooorated Boats ami is Portland's grain oome and Floats for the arranging to give the protits ot tbe shipments entirely yearly. The directors considered this a following prizes offered by the Casco Bay Steamboat Co.: by the Grr and In fine elevator Best decorated boat or business part of it to tbe heelers. But it goad business proposition and It was $35,000. I'nlnskl Gin I largo float and occupants, *10.00; second ben decorated no Best tglit MILL GAS deeoi-stoil smsli boat and *tos»; second best wrvloe at the water’s we occupants. OMorau-d, *o.*S. Beit docoratsd sag oannot help being a great recent' is ,n edge bavi the voted to the offer of Mr. Mllllken. boat accept Oamiianf, of Lillie aad occupants, *6.00. Bast decorated steam launch and occupants, *6.00. of nine that Boston spite that. advantage haa. We The treasurer. I, C. a col- This will Libby, gave Kitek. first mortfpige, bo tlie largest nnd most beautiful Carnival ever seen In our harbor. olso have the of a shorter haul advantage Jntvtul note which. It Is olalmed the Tickets 25 cents to Peaks Island and return and see "John K !0 I ,s ;• by due 1937. the Carnival begun p! .s:s; ,.om gold, 0’s, SECURITIES COMPANY Montreal; and It Is very probable Mllllken of the C. W. T. ;n Ohiutor faction, permitted selling GODING, up theernilng Dem- ■f! vt our harbor offers better General advantages of 83U allures of stock without notice to Mauager Casco Bay Steamboat Cot ocratic state os aeration, \T. «enr N. Wafer ___ M*. an Increase of terminal $30,000. Hudson, II., facilities than directors or the COLLATERAL TRUST takes » tbe stockholders. The barrel aim nr nan be gnee niter does it Works < oinpint), first Boston, Is dlfflonlt to ms bow Heal <3 ami he auout all lection, however, olnltn that It was either New York or Boston can n morigngc, gold, i'i, keep the duty of the president to the he goes after this fail. notify due 1019. s McCULLUM’S constantly Increasing buslnter from w* ii ib nil ue- 5 Per Cent THEATRE,”^™ to ho™, THE HOME OF ■"b o. coming Portland. Whitney, who has returned cii'ed upon, and allow the directors to T2 PRODUCTIONS. .FOR SALE BY_ Hinacemrat .... .u declines to UAI.TLEX lel'CUCX. Europe, say anything determine what itissld he done, aa they about and —Rev. Dr. Joshua who Is a polltloa intimates that he Young, regarded the stosk as only security. It SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS. * neither nor cares what guest at Prout’s Is the ONE WEEK. knows the Demo- Neck, clergyman appears that Prevldant Milllken adver- COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 7. cratic who officiated at John Brown's H. M. Secured an Indenture of Trust cov- IN ATI.SEES DAILY party Is about. Mr. Whitney ie one funeral,, tised the sals of 250 shares of stock at the PAYSOH&CO., by COnDICNITNfl TUESDAY. the totai stock and ° ot tbe many capable leaders whom the fort; years ago. His home Is at Groton, offloe of M. 8. BANKERS. ing capital property Holway, Ksq., In Augusta, of the fla Elebirate Scaaic Pro ucti?n of be out he is a Haverhill (Mass.) Has Light Com- BhuTbI party 1 as drifted away from. Mass., native of Randolph, June St), tbs Pity. 1899, advertisement appear- pany. a graduate of Bowooin In 33 EXITIAXGE STREET. Maine, college ing In the Kcnnebeo but the Tim net for The London an Journal, ill-, JslyilrtU comings year ending June, Spaotator thinks out- the class t f and of th* Wb entire production under the perioral inveriiilou of McCultum Harper's Berry oocnrred. HU " Ilertlcy partlalpa- to M. 8 Hoi wav of Augusta for 20 rents' Mound years, slnoe them was in at- == THE HZ^E Trip Tickets from Portland, admission to however, tion In the as told himself to a Including ntfalr, toy on a dollar. The Peal faction olalm that U Theatre only 40c. Reserved seats Id and flOc extra. Cara leave tempt to blow up Parliament, and the of Monument Square dor Met'iillum'a corrstpendent the Boston giret was Theatre every 10 minutes. Re- Herald, this not a bona lido sale of the shook R served seats on sale history of English Trades Unions has at sawyer** Confectionery Store, Monument an interesting view of whnt It cost to be- nud 13.1-4. that Mr. Holway cannot be ri cog- Square. Telephone raoordr of violence to any SWAN&EARRETT, quite equal friend the eveu In New slave, England: nized as a 230 shares be- LIME ROCK wo have in this stockholder,ths 186 Middle Street, country. “I bad never nset John but was Drown, ing simply held as collateral an 1 subject JlJSi itu a firm abolltlonlrt, and In The shows thorongbly to the action to his home at North I was spectively, beginning MAm;. d at factional In the in Elba, deter- September 1, IPlin, Supplement' TUC CAflCTTEQ The Premier Lady tight Kepabllcan party je-2 dil Ic Every Perforiuaure I IIU mined to attend the funeral. I was uo- when It Is eucpreaslv provided tire aat |£ kjr iMUCI I Orchestra of America, that stale. Senator Wellington being un- liy COj e RENDERING- oompunlsd on the Mr. G. itself that It shall take so popular with a certain element. But at a trip by Bige- effeot, exorpt Investment Securities. low, une of far as relates to thu appointment of ex- 3-CRANO CONCERTS mass convention in Alleghany county my Burlington parishioners, DAILY-3 an entuelastic abolitionist. It was a aminers. 'The judges also give the opin- on Tuesday there was a pubilo reconcili- PORTLAND & RllMFORD FINANCIAL. long, hard, midwinter W« ion that the commissions cf the exami- ation cf the leaders of the warring fao- journey. letters of Credit. * ners started la the midst of a ra should be lor their respective terms FALLS RAILWAY THffl =TT tlcne. This le interpreted as a sign favor- nortbyast In, and when we reached there was snow- beginning IM0. This de- RACES! -— It September RACES! able to the reeieotlon of Governor 1, Co s lida el Firs* Wot’sge 4 Per Gent ing hard. We traveled by cart roads cision will necessitate the calling in uf Lowndes, wbo apparently has made an B Coe N it 1.26. Crafts. tbs the commisalone which have ads, 2, Foreign •xoellent chief executive. through blazed woods, and already JanlMtt $12,000 III PURSES. nearly THEOI.I) COLONY T11D1T from tbs been sent out aud the out of new (OMi'AKV, fiasco National perished cold. Dad I not been making Bank of if ston, Mas Trustse under an Indentiuo of a ones .OF. There seeibs to be a young and vigorous man, I never dating September 1, 3909. Thus quite determined Trust dated Nov. s, MU', bttw.ru tin Portland & oould the offloe without sff r. on foot to with bars withstood the rigors of that any dutlse, of which liuniford Falls H dlsplaoe Bryan it:way and said Trust Com winy, PORTLAND, MAINE. Stake Events so rnuoh has Vans of long and ride. been written, Is abolished. notice Rigby Mew York. perilous Tro-tee. elves Wyck, 'To assist In hereby hst it Uss 111 sum To be Mr. Leslie C. Cornish contested for at this a story has been pnt alloat that “Wereached North Elba about 9 o’clock will probably be of rlgt-iy-three Imudref! dollars ftfsoj) which It Incorporated 1824. while in the and the burial elected chn'rman cf the and at cmi apply to the puroliuse of the Cousollda.e I Brynn, in Congress, refused to vote morning, took plaos beard, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS the to of Ff:at Mortgage 4 tier ceut bonds of said tor Crisp for Speaker besause the latter at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. I happened explr the commission will Hall- HOMEBONDS way, due Nov. isnu, an I that sealed RiCBY PARK ce s, prouosals had bean a confederate soldier. to be the only minister there, and at the undoubtedly reappointed for the long- This aatsl FOR. est offering bonds lo Ibe amount ot tin', mu or or Is earnest request of the I term. story something else, baring con- family performed co any part tint a> a price not decoding par 18. siderable effect the usual funeral eervioe. There were ONE Aug. 14.15,16,17. In the where some a d MILLION South, —Brunswick accrued Interest. Indorse t Proposals to tell the Telegraph: “O. T. August Investment. Seduced Sates on all Demonrats are present at service the widows of four Fort bind & liumford Fails railroads. Electrio quite prominent looking Is Hallway Consolidated members of Despeaux breaking the record In jug and steam (cars at the kindly towards Van Wyck. One, If not Brown’s party. When the First Mortgage Fours," will be reed red by saui stop gate. breaking. He hasn't succeeded In sup- Trustee until nooa of TUKIBa An both, of the Vau Wyok (mothers was edu- Y, east find, DOLLARS. pressing the rum business In Cumberland at Poi'Slaml lValrrCo.l t, due 1927 cated at the University of .North Caro- the great bowlder, beside whloh the grave 1899. which time alt sued proposals will be Band Concerts Between Heats. bad been county and probably doesn't expeot to, opened. Bonds must be St.mil h Hiiln C». 4’s, «l«r 1928 lina, and they have always had friendly dug. Wendell Phillip* took the accepted delivered ;to that are It the Trustee ooor (On ''ini e«t Po.tl.iml Wat- Interest Paid on arm ol John Brown's widow, Mr. Me- but, they making warm for before Friday, Amju-t satf, by 75 Cents. relatione witn soutrarn people. er « O.) Admission. the varmtuts may he judged from tbo fact on wprich date interest wilt ooasa. Tim right Is Kim supported tbe widow of Oliver TIME Crand Stand reserved the Trustee to Pit Sunil Kolironil DEPOSITS. Seats Free. 1 offered that the amount received up to August by rejoeb any or all Co. 4 1-S’s. The New York Tribune expresses satis- Brown, my arm to Mrs. Watson Illl* 1st from the sale of proposals. 1919. For and lists address faction at the assurenoe of the and Mr. of empty liquor casks Drafts drawn on National Provincial particulars entry Attorney Brown, Bigelow Burlington 01.1> COLONY THITBT COMPANY, I'nriiliHil 4c Capo Elizahrtb It. flunk of England, London, In or F. W. HUNTINGTON, General that the notorious cade of escorted tbe Widow and the sale of hard liquors amount in large Seo’y. Captain Thompson to the by FEANCI8 H. liAltT. Vloo-lhosUcnt It. .Vi, altio 1915. small amounts, fur sale atcsrr«ut rates. auglOdtlS Portland, Me. round numbers to tlMJ. And this means Current Carter Is to proceed to a conclusion. grave. Accesuto received on favor- ~ Boston. Aug. «. 1899. augs t i-u.flc (I.il.fal icmu a of nntrect by Port- able terms. Oberllu M. Carter was on “One Incident 1 bad pile liquor oonlisoated. They are Captain May oause to particu- luuil K It.) Correspondence solicited from Indi- DANCE. camping on the ruin sellers uni 12, 18118, convicted by a court martial, larly remember, because It was so often driving Pnitlnti.1 viduals, Corporations, Banks and ULKSdINU Vimiiic M<>n’s Christian Night, at the presided over Oeneml Klwell afterward burled them out of business whloh means oou- BACK UOHfciKtj. Friday August 11th, by S. Otis, In .my face. At the V*>’n. 4’.. due 191b. •* from (how to transact lia.uk s nialtlug liter able more. O.T'. has A famous race bust* ess LONG nf frauds In connection with the improve- grave John Brown’s widow gave to Despeaux already tsrkee pi see every year *®g of any ifascrlpUou lluough CASINO, ISLAND. way t'oriiniid A Ktuufurd Fails K y. this llauk. broxen the record aud be hasn't at the old ment of Savannah harbor, and was sen- her sorrow, and as a soiaoe to her grief 1 fairly Tnsoun town (Siena. 'The course 4’», due 1937. Fine Orchestra. Furnished by W. £ Chandler. » tenced to be dismissed from the to repeated the begun yet.” la an irregular oval lying along the •-‘■ws-oii «ii. r. t,. H»J1 fc, ALL. array, scriptural passage: *1 have steep Llkhl Co. 1st mtse. STEFHEN a SMALL. for unssme aou as me curvi a orteo dsr Prwidwl TICKETS 23 CENTS, be imprisoned five years and to a pay fought a good fight, I have finished my aegeaer- 4’a, 1934. of the MARSHALL a GOOINQ. Cashier. Take Casco Bay Line. augl»d2t a fine of 15,000, and the publication of his course, I have kept the faith; henoefortb —Secretary Navy Lang is at ate Into corners and parts of the ouurse Firsl IVa.inuuJ llauk htocU. frtnw and BuckUeld, the old are nr ■ accidents ore to be ortme sentence In the newspapers of there it laid up for ins a crown of right- neighbors calling paved, expected, him his home town for one year was ordered. eousness. “Johnnie,'' and he is perfectly cm says tte New York Telegraph. Siena la tunfnrl nml nnm t’.xwt Ivisa divided for STATE OF MAINE The Tribune says that ever since May 12, “The newspapers published very fully municipal purposes lots OLD 1898, that santenoe has been suspended, the details connected with tbe funeral "wards" and enoh ward enters a horse ORCHARD PIER. The most one —The frost la West the before the race. The delightful way to see the great while sort of review or another was servloo, and my critics wanted to know Hrldgton Tuesday evening horse Portland Trust Co, steel Pier. completes the record to date of aud his are being taken by some person or other. how I could claim that John Brown bad morning Jockey escorted with great INVESTMENTS. a month some The Folltial Influence Is probably back of the fought a good fight, and what ha had frost every this year In ceremony to the church of the ward, Elegant Steamer PILGEIH of Maine. wheie the two are delay, as the Tribune intimates. It Is a done to entitle him to a crown of right- portion solemnly biassed by of the Casco Bay lino. will leave Custom House the If Atte t'cn very unfortunate thing for the army, to eousness. It Is not pleaaant to recall tbe priests. the animal happens to be is called lo llie (allowin’ list ot Wharf, —The testimonial whloh a mare she wears a say nothing of the parties oonoerned. treatment I received from former friends large party white oap during the M’CORMIGK Maine Bends pacing from Sunday, August 13tli. Hon. J. W. Wukefleld to of The men after the funeral. a sen- accompanied oeremony blessing. ride PRICE, For Old Orchard Pier at 9.30 a. m. and 2 m. Being naturally p. The plan of residents of Poland shows that tarebaok and each a leave the end of the at 11 a. in. Portuguese New sitive man, I suffered a great deal from Springe, Tuesday, la carries blunt dugs 312 (a 41-2 csat. returning pier with which per and fi p. m. for a celebration of the four hun- the their he Is still the Gnorowned ger, It Is permissible to at- England rebuffs I received. who opinion CO., There are attractions on all on Many persons tack other or horses Me. 4 going da/ the dredth anniversary of the at had or Bath. jockeys Washington County, per cent pl»*r. dlsoovery been exceedingly tc me King Use of the 70 due 1043-48. from tax- friendly weapon Is practically con- BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Bonds, Exempt Fare from Portland to Old Orchard Pier and the to India Vasco '- ation. passage by de Gama shunned me on tbe and some fined to the start, when those who know —c- 50 cents. This streets, of --- ~j return, includes admission to •alls to mind the fact that they have no ohanoe of devote Macblas Water Co. 5*s due 1016. the Portugal was my parishioners would pass me without CURRENT C OMMENT. winning pier. themselves to the work of at- Oakland Water Cm ft’s due A salliug trip will be made from ths in the pioneer In the business of a of oongenlal 1018. pier seourlng sign recognition. My professional Msmbets the afternoon, at 2.30 and at tacking any horse that bae, which 1s Newport Water Co. 4*s due 1040. leaving returning 5, •Monies. De Gama sailed around Good tickets. 15 cents. brethren volunteered the opinion that I painful for the favorite, unites be suc- SPEAKER REED’S Bangor and Aroostook Railroad First C. W. T. Hope and found an ocean route to India had ruined life SILENCE. ceeds In with tbe lead tbe ft’s GOD1NG, fur my chanoss as a min- jumping away of Mortgage due 1013. augl'd3t Gen. Manager Casco Bay S. B. Co. moment the used as He returned to Lisbon in 1199, and a few ister of tbs and I (Boston rope "starting gato" Bang or and Aroostook gospel, was informed Herald.) is lowered. Intense Piscataquis later went book jealousy seems to be Divistou First Mortgage A*s due 1043. years again, dying while that some of the town had ex- We attaoh little people Importance to the sug- the most consplooous feeling about the BRANCH 216 Portland and viceroy of India In OFFICE, Middle St, Yarmouth Electric 1524. Throngb the pressed tbs sentiment that 1 to bs gestion recently made that as Mr. race. When the winning jockey off First 4’» ought slips (Jndrr FuluioutU Railway Mortgage due 1010. efforts of lie Gama and Thomas B. Reed has not resigned his his horse at the he la Hotel, Portland, He. his adventuions ‘strong up at as old John Brown.' post Immediately And other high class bonds. CLOCK REPAIRING. high seat In It be his a successors Congress, may intention surrounded by body of eendarmes, who Execute Portugal gained colonies all “A dissolution of orders on Above exchanges for Price and particulars furnished on my relations with to reoccupy It, after alL We do not be- escort him away test the people of the over the world. In time lieve Banks. Corporations snd lor In- application. Spain took them th* ohurob at Burlington was an outcome be has any suoh purpose. Bat sup- defeated wards shook! try to kill him. Individuals, have made a specialty of clock repairing from and he does continue the In the vestment or marginal acoounts. WE for and are familiar with Portugal, Philip II ruled over a of my connection with the Brown fun- pose through next evenlngt the Winner and jockey years perfectly and sell It in all of Us branches. Our are reason- domain that was the Congress. The nation will tbns have are escorted to the ward church to be Buy loeal securltlej, and negotlste prices admiration of the eral, but I continued la the able. Drop us a and we will all for your ministry, still In Its service one of Its ablest blessed again. With this odor of financial transactions In Portland and postal when be weot Into public sanctity princi- clock and return if when done without extra world, Trouble with despite the predictions that 1 would never men. Mr. Reed not be elected about It the might Siena raoe should be free pal crimes ol the oouutry, with which we are MERCANTILE charge. McKLNNEY, the Jaweler, Monument Holland and over a one of our from England matter of again find a pastorate. The speaker again; Important lust of gain and fairly run at least. connected by private wire. Square, Portland. ianl2dtf feeling western religion. Holland took tone of his colo- exchanges takes ooossloa to de- Sad to say this la-far from being the case. against abolitionists was osjstronglin some clare ^notations and tnfonnatioa cheerfully fur- took that he could not be, the movement The jockeys are, according!to the defeated nies, England othurs, some revolted portions of the North In those nIsiicd on Inactive securities ol New York. TRUST days as II for Mr. Henderson as his successor having “doubly or trebly dyed traitors, who COMPANY, and set up as nations by and Boston and all other markets. themselveo, was lo the South, The sentiment was gone too lar to be abandoned. This Is have sold the mselves over and over again last year the United Gtates not to be token os sure, however. *° Correspondence solicited, 57 W. H. D. swept clean stronger In Vermont than In Massachu- quite P.?!i*od impede In this or that Inter- Exchange St. FAIRBANKS, V. S„ all but the Carolines. If he were not again ohosen to the obair, est. The only feature of In tbe Portland, He. These Germany setts, to their uncertainty Telephone No. 790. Direct Wire to New jlyUdtt for, owing nearness to New on the floor Mr. Rood would be a very In- raoe, whloh Is said to be 778 has bought, and both and Portu- “arranged" by York. Congress St., Spain 1’Mk, Vermonters natural ly followed in teresting figure, and. It might be, a use- the ward authorittee beforehand. Is the gal stand In the of one at 936-5. today matter colonies New York’s trend of sentiment, rather ful well. The nation Would be dishonesty of tbe Jockey, who, If bribed $6.50 WALTHAM Telephone PORTLAXD, MF, praotioally where were likely to profit hr the Intellect and ex- n°t WATCH, they before the than patterning after the people of Massa- la the money H. T. .All order, left with F. W. HUNTINGTON, 3t perience that his presence would *“d to WATERHOUSE, SllveHM«.). WtHtttm w .oveunu Union Tel. or at days of lie Gama chusetts.” bring Men catoh Elgin BM-3, HASTV'8 MaNe, Into action there. A good timekeeper, wwrmted. MoktXNlV Green St, let. 686-8, wfll be attended tke lorse out jtysidtt tb» promptly Manager. Joweler.Mouumeat Square. j.9 to. JiyJBJtf OBITUARY. EIGHTH MAINE. FIFTH MUSIC AND DKAMA. MAINE. THE COURTS. __«q*CBW.»*Knm. i ■i«kij.a.,rih'».

of StoeklioMm of TtlKHKM. KBVIN READ. InH|| Memorial lienuIon of Comrades at Peaks Hnllcllng Yrtlfrdaj-. (’uses Taken There la nn diminution in the number of Krvln Read, one of the oldest, best- Up and Considered tin a» re-goers anxious to witness the known and most highly reepeoted cltisen* Island Yesterday. At Peaks Islaud Wednesday afternoon in the Law Court. ooroc ly “The ISeuator,” at the Uem thea- of Pawtucket. K. I., died I'netday, Aug. there waa a meeting of the stockholders STORE ON FIRE, tre, as is proven by the audiences d ill In a 8 at hie reeld'noe, No. 25 Park Place, In of the Fifth Maloe Memorial the Cm half of the present week. There that city, of general debility. Hie death It Wm Ltrgrl)' Att.mA.d and M on.7 Building association [ which was presided over Judge Hill Has Busy In Muni- are teenes cf uncommon strength rerrores the list of the charter members by Morulng many Waa Raised to Wipe Oel All Debts, Col. j Mlllett and Interest In this play. Perhaps the of Union Lodge, No. 10, A. F. and A. cipal Court. INSURED 1 The report Of the secretary and treasor- j of them all Is the Interview of which he was a Past ^ masterpiece M., Master. er was read and there waa some discos* between £euntor River* and the Count 'the deceased was born In Weatbrsok, “How an yon, oomrnda waa the sal- as to slon the legality of the expenditures tbe Yes fully, and I will get a X Von Slrahl In the last act The senator Me., April 11, 1817, but be removed to utation which was hsnrd to paw along In law oourt.Tuesday afternoon the whlob have bean made for the 1 repair of of vs. tbe lias heard of the disgraceful conduct ini Pewtuoket when he was a boy. After tbs long porches of the building of the action Obarlea Pieros Bangor t the kltoben. A oommttlee of three adjustment. numerous escapades of the Austrian attending the public sehools he learn ea 8th Main* Relginent at Peaks Island was and Aroostook K. K., was orally argued. oilmen to nominate a directors 'or the ensu- Hudson How do I know? X statesman and determines to pet check the trade of a tinsmith with bis nncis, Wednesday as the old soldiers tiled In to Sc Durgln far the plaintiff. Ap- ing year and these were eleoted: Gen. for tbe defendant. on bts earner by inducing him to rasiga Jobn 11. Mead, who at that time conduct- attend the annual meeting of the associ- pletlon and Champlln U. S. Why whence he came. Manning, Lewiston, J. J, up- Tho facts of this oase are as follows: bis portfolio end return ed on establishment In tbs John U. Read ation which waa called to order by Ma- N. L. N. H. | The count visits the senator in wards, Auburn, Lougee, In 1896 tha owned a storehouse ifair response Mock at the corner of Msln street end jor J, H. H. Hewitt of Thomastnn. The plaintiff John T. to a mads the and after Nashua, N. H., Neebett, New In the town of Milo and to the request by latter, Jenks lnnn Attrr completing hia appren- llrat thing In order waa tha reading of adjaonnt i DOW & PINKHAM York, Capt. U. F. Uuoknam. Mechanic line of the defendant From the customary salutations have been gone ticeship, Mr. Read continued la his the reports of the secretary and treasurer, oorporallon. John H. tv with, the congressman from to Which Falla, Stevens, Berwick, Jahn ■ blaze etarrted on land owned by tbs | rough unols'a employ, Anally tolng placed after Her. H. A. Phllbrook of bad charge of it. X Kelley, Boston. railroad storehouse wae J the to eat, In his square manner, Invites charge of the shop. About the yoar 1882, Mldoleton. Conn., Introduced the follow- the plaintiff's o James N. Fernald of Lewiston was contents burned to bis gm at to pnrtoke of a cktall. The on the death ot Ills uncle, Mr. Hood suc- ing resolution: Ignited and with Its eleoted clerk and Frank count Is furious at the auaaclty nod In- ceeded him In the business. At the dose “Thar the commissioner of pensions be Goss, Lewiston, the ground. terference of to announoe for treasurer. In a suit for the Rivers, and Indignantly de- of the war, his eon, J. Sewell Head, who reqoested publication damages, presiding the company and regiment of those who A of Lieut. James White clines “I am sorry for you; I have al- had been nt the Portsmouth Yard crayon picture Justice at nisi prlus trial ruled that the Navy are or an granted pension Increaeo o' of was believed there Is for a roan If to Las Vegas, N. Mexloo, presented railroad was liable and a verdict for ways hope during the KelielUuo, returned Paw- pensions, ae well us the names and ad- 34,- to the association bis son 1C. M. White he will take a drink,•* remarks Rivers, tucket, and entered Into partnership with dresses of the pensioners.“ by 913.43 wsa recovered. From this tbe de- of Old Orchard and his Mr*. aa he to.-*6es eff the stimulant. Then with- bis father, under the Uriu name of Krvln The mover ot the resolution explained daughter, fendant appeals. L.M.. Little of South whlob out waste of words, Senator Rivers tells Reed & Soil. This business was oarried that the object of It wea to fix the identi- Windham, Yeserday morning the Penobsoot ducket Gol. Mlllett In behalf of the be bis oallei that the best thing he can do is on In the rear of the old L» Favour block ty of applicants, eto., and It was received aooepted was taken np. Xbe Urst action to stockholders In a speech In whlob was ELIXI to fitting Lewis Cowan vs. the promptly tender his resignation, and on iilgh street, for some time, but was with favor. The eltotlon of officers fol- argued Hangr.r co be dwelt upon the gallantry and elllolant Sc Oldtown ble Ingredients which cures disorders of the digestive tract and expels worms. It able an argument does Rivers make, finally removed to the rear of East urf- lowed ami these wera chosen:* Presi- Railway company. Laughlln the of pTRUE’Sdoes not whip the tired organs Into temporary activity as most remedies do, followed that when It Is terminated, the oount J. 0. services daring war, Ltent. White, L Robinson for tbe Hyer Sc nue, at which place Mr. Read continued dent, Littlefield, Melrose; vice- plaintiff. by an equal reaction, but True's Elixir removes the cause of the trouble and its tonic a former member of Fifth Maine. Dunn for tbe defense. This la an aotlon itgieze to do as bidden. Then Senator to oonduct tbo business until falling presidents, Levi Metoalf, Malden; Noah effects ure duo to good, sound digestion and pure Mood, which follow its use. A favorite for to have been medicine for 47 years. Us Is duo to Us cures. Ask Rivers again proposes a cook tail end health hlui to retire. His son 11. Dunton, Chas. personal Injuries alleged family popularity entirely your compelled Cleveland, Nevada; OR. J. F. TRUE THE SUMMER FOLKS. received tbe tiff tbe druggist for It. 85 oente a bottle. A CO., AUBURN, ME. this time the count, his self-confidsnos withdrew from the Arm about 10 years Robinson, Sherman Mills; secretary and by plan through neg- shattered reasou of the conduct of a oonduotor. while be completely by ago, and after that Mr. Head continued treasurer, Capt. P. G. Ingalls, Razor ligent was a an one of the superior mentality Anri hlirh rurnose of the business alone. vllle; executive committee, Lt. H. JB AT PEAKS ISLAND. passenger company's oars. Defense contended that tbe the other man, gladly consents. The was a oawjer, Auoura; nsniww nmun, AU- plaintiff Mr. Head of anlet. unassuming The following guests have leglstered KKW ADVRHT1REMKNTS. EXCURSION!*. actors In this seme at tbe Oem are Mr. I,. Dutch, North Berwick was iutoxioatud and fell Into the street. nature, and although a staunch Republi- burn; George tbls week at the Peaks Island house: Barrows anil Ueurge K. i’arren and, os chaplain, Her. H. A. Middle- Verdict wai returned for the defense and can be never took any aotlve part In poli- Phllbrook, John J. Slutsky, Snmnel S Silverman, DF.LIC1ITFUL. betore make of It the Conn, memorial H. to tbla verdict llles exceptions as stated, they quite tics. At the time the old “Hay Cart,” ton, ooiuinitleu, Rev. Charles H. plaintiff MAINE CENTRAL R. R. Buffalo, Williams, George W. evidence. strongest situation In tbe play, tbe Paw- A. Phllbrook, Gen. Harry Boynton, An- Dot In aooord with tbe the mauhlno now belonging to i-vomjou, iioaton, xnuumn r. Campbell, Geo. Dunton, N stick. The next action wag tbat of Gertrude MoCULLUM’d TUKATKK. tuoket Veteran Firemen, became a part gusta; Boston, Edmund J. Dutley, Boston, Mr. SUNDAY SAIL EXCURSION The report uf the trustees was thin reed Jamlaon vs. Dr. 6. Gilmore Weld. Gllila One who attends the performances of of the tlre-Ugbtlng apparatus of Paw- and M't. Y J. Bonner, Lewiston, M. On the New Sled Steamer. Sc for the Carle ton Sc -TO- an which touched upon the repairs that had Ballsy plaintiff. "Unman Hearts," the beautiful play tucket, Mr. Head took active Interest, Ella Rooney, Auburn, Florenos L. BIs- been made In the building, and Capt. Gould for the defenss. It Is alleged by the that Is the attraction at MoCullom's thea- and witb William Jeffers put It In condi- bae, Lewiston, Horace K. Monroe, Au- In a aooldent she PEJEPSCOT. Hillman Smith of a llst that bicycle tre this oannot tion to take a among tbe Thoraaston^gave burn, I. B, plaintiff week, help thinking hnw leading place Isaacson, Lewiston, F. L. Strainer will leave Portland Pier of expenditure! for the pest yeer and Injured the elbow Joint of ber right arm It is to from worries machines of that description. Besides MoKeene, Ora M. Au- at 10 a. m. Fabyans delightful get away Boston, Davie, -AND- closed with • ringing .speech ;in whloh and tbe defendant, a surgeon, was oalled and troubles and spend an evening with being a member of Union Dodge be be- burn, Mabel K. Webb, Auburn, Mr. and he detailed the work whloh be ha 1 done to attsnd to tbe Injury. Through hie SUNDAY, AUG. 18TH, the but charac- longed to Holy Sepulchre Commandery, Mre. A. F. New homely, mostly honest, Howard, York, k /or Diuner Tickets. Taylor, Alfrel; Major H. Mre. C. E. Bussell and Tbe oaco of Frank for assault Excursion tickets at reduced rates on sale at Casco Hotel Co. irom cue cares He was a loom her of tbe sobool commit- son, Portland, Norton, away or Dusines3 or the Hewitt, Thomaston; D. S. Osoar, North principal stations M. C. and B. & M. R. K. Je*kl2m Proprietors. T. Portland, O. B. Cam- on Mrs. Msiy Conroy, was oonttnued un- J. A. anxiety of home affairs than this charm- tee for six years, dlreetor of tbe olty Leroy Toble, BENNETT, gapertutriidcnt. Berwick; L.D. Marston,Andover; Kandull til this and interested In all well, Boston, morning. auglOdtf AUCTION SALKi. ing resort affords. The entortalnuiont library, S. J. Galilean, Lisbon; Lagrow, Norway; Joseph H. Qalnn was found not guilty offered by the management will rank municipal affairs While there Amhjrst L. M. Clark, Deerlng; W. U. Soule, AT SEBAGO LAKE. of assault to Alonso Lowell. ores In tho suit of. the Adams, Westlake with the best ever seen there,anil certain- gaeo him his degree of D.D. In 1886 he Portland; Caspar M. Marshall, Portland. One of the events of the week at Sebsgo F. O. BAILEY & CO. The list of the dead of the pait year In- George tV. Taylor for stealing coal from Co., et ale, In equity, vs, tbe K. T. Uur- ly is deserving of the distinction of being accepted the call to the North Congrega- Lake, was an Impromptu progressiva cluded the following: Burgeon H. C. the Portland & Kcohuster was sentenoed rowes Co. J jdgment Is ordered for three Auctioneers and the most and tional church In St. Johnsburr. whist held Commission Merchants refined,Interesting amusing Levensuller, i hernias ion; Capt. John H. party at tbs Sebago Lake to ten days In jail, hut sentence was sus- oouipialnanta in the sum of $U,»00, to Salesroom 4G of the present season. First, the Fa- In January, 1894, Ur. Damson accepted Helens, Chelsea; Sergeant John U. huuse on Friday evening, Miss Farrell of lixcbau?* Street. Cotton, John E. pended. bo considered In full payment of all dettes, the brilliant lady orQhestra, are a call to the first Congregational church Cambridge; Blaledell, Cambrl end Mr. Pretto of Newton- F. O.BAILBY. C. If. ALLEN dge, search Somerville, N. H.; Owen Knox.Berwick; Mlobael F. Barry, and seizure, olatms and oosts of prosecution. It will mau 4 u doing their very bast this week and their In Hartford. Her. Mr. Dnmeon was vllle, Mass., oarrylng off tbe honors. Benjamin Perkins, Bnrnbum George H. fined <100 and oosts; appealed. be remembered that this Is the suit Invol- concerts which arc different every day, mnrried December 85, 1809, to Miss Perkins, Atlantic City, N. J.; Charlie Later the guests were entertained by Mr. For intoxication Patrick H. MoBrady, ving the Infringement of a patent on oar ere a source of the greatest pleasure. The Helena f. Bridgman of Amherst, wbo H. Cresley. Wayne; James Dunetlng, Sohlrtner of Boston, who, as a mind Watervllla; Peter Pero, Watervllle; Cyrus Maud Williams, Mary J, Foster, Thomas Bhades by tbe K. T. Burrowes Co. engagement at Riverton Park has had a survives him. render, gave many proofs of his skill and E. Metcalf, East Auburn; Nathaniel Green, John Beddy, Charles B. Williams, ALL IN t3udenay to make the amusement lovers MISS COKA W. HASTINGS. Boston: ability In that direction. TBE K A mil's CKUST B HO KEN. TH£ Wentworth, Adjutant Spenoer Frederick J, Barter went to Jail, of this city extremely fond of mneio and W. Thomas Senter, Tbe then to the The friends of Mist Cara W. Hastings, Young, Klonnvke; guests adjourned par- A formation In the earth's sur- John Lubeo. For intoxloation Ones were Imposed on strange no one has been found who can present will be to learn of her Dixlleld; McClellan, lor where Miss Byman of New York, MAKING . . Bates, ’95, pained James Fenton, George W. Emery, John face appears in tho Crawford Notch of the this portion of an entertainment with death which occurred afternoon favored them with a fen selections from Sunday FJJNEBAL UF FBANK SWEKTSEB. Foley, Stephen U. Sawyer, John MoVall, White Uonntains. When the molten mars more effect or in bettor taste than this at the Maine Ueueral “A Runaway Girl" and Mr. Pretto and hospital, Portland, The funeral of Flank K. Sweetaer, who Win. B. Fogg. Charles Farrell, of whloh our wurld was originally com- that is a feature of Miss Stowe added much to the George There's a orchestra, permanent as the result of a surgical operation. pleasure the of something about some was drowned In the ferry slip aooldent llavls, Mlobael F. Joyce, (suspended.) posed, began prooess coagulation the summer amusement offered by the of the by the case meu’s clothes that makes them Miss Hostings taught school at Bethel evening dancing walk. there was muoh resistance the at Bar Harbor on Sunday, occurred on For defrauding a bonse by gases stick out railroad and steamboat lines in this city. This was followed boarding keep- prominently in a crowd. for a year after graduation, going thence by general dancing, which thus yesterday afternoon. At half past two er, Adolph Wallenstein, arrested were oonQned, and In many There’s an move- The Mew York Vaudeville olub Is com- the entrancing music recently easy, graceful to Chicago University, where she passed being played by tbs was o'clock craven ware said at the residence In Bangor, was sent to jail for S3 days. places earth’s surface disturbed ment that bespeaks for the wearer posed of all-star artists uud their special- two In During the jut.* itiuiiu ui eew sura, neiresnments years study. past year of Col. E. C. Mllllken and at three Klchard C. St. John, Clifford by voloanle upheavals whleh formed tbe a consciousncrs that whatevor at- ties provoke oonstant laughter and ap- she has been librarian at Urlnuell were served after the dance. tbe Howard, tention be attract is of the de- college o'clock the servioe* In the West End Con- Among John J. Grimes towering mountains and the be- may the and Bartholomew T. vnlleys plause. Arvello, brilliant and dar- In Iowa She was one of the ablest of guests out of town were Messrs. O. F. sirable kind. All due to the mak- were held. The church Curran, oonoerued la a tween, which In time became covered and the Herald gregatlonal*ohnroh being poiloy lot- We make that of suits. ing gymnast equilibrist; ber class at Bates, a young lady of sweet Johnson of London; E. W. Cates, L. ing. sort was crowded to tbs very doors and a tery, eoob fined <20 and costs. with verdnre. At no point was this We linvi the Newest Square quartette, in a pleasing and hu- and winning personality. Her friends Cates, F. A. Sohlrmer of Boston, who Fabrics, great many who attended the eervioes The policy men wbo were arrested breaking of the earth’s erust made more make them In Latest morous the up >tjle, singing specialty; Prentess were ou their way to jail on her were making an extended trip through Sunday, were to stand the exer- were not netore tbe oourt striking than In the Crawford Notoh. and are to be and obliged dnrlng Tuesday evening 'they depended upon Trio, acrobats, the siuglng and danc- almost at the hour when her death the New England States; Mr, and Mrs. on oc- cises. Nearly all of the olerloal foroe of but will be Yon can see it all by going on tbe every occaaiou. ing comedians, make a hit at. eaoh per- yesterday probably today. curred. F. E. Sargeant of Montana; Mr. and Maine formance and so do the musical come- the Maine Centrnl_were present as well as Tbe four named above were those arrested Central excursion next Friday to Mrs. I. Goldman and Mr. Carr and McLeod, whose act'is one son, Wight and return. dians, A NEIGHBORHOOD ROW. a delegation from liranihall .Lodge, K. Saturday night. Fabyan's of the features of„the bill. The attendance and the Misses llonnell, Hyman and Four hours at of tbe W. L. of P„ and many friends a nd acquain- 8. DISTRICT COUKT. any mountain CARD, surpasses nuy week of the season, the An Irish woman, and be- Taafte of New the Misses U. large strong, Fork; Flood, bouses. Tlukets one dcllnr end a half. Ta i I o r— Ora pe merit of| the performance winning the tances of the young man. The floral trib- r, oame engaged In a quarrel with a Hebrew Farrell and Sullivan of Cambridge; Ml ss Wehb, judge. Osear J. Knights, et als, Connection made with trains from and to enthusiastic praise of all who see it. utes were very elaborate and oostly there 46 Free Street- ai ggeodtf woman on Pore street yesterday after- Stowe of Dorchester, and Mr. Fretto of against the steamer Tromont of the P. F. Kennebunk, Biddeford, Saco and Old being twenty-one set pieces with a groat MewtonvlUe, Mass Ot chard. noon. The cause of ths row was a neigh- B. line, for the payment of wages, were Aium to tvMOTvIedgre. many smaller onset The altar and casket Her. C. P. Cleaves and family, have He—Do thiuk that could borhood dispute. The Hebrew women returned from a vacation spent at Yar- dismissed without costs upon seUbuneht you you were almost hidden from sight by the MARRIAUE5- MRS. If. A.SMALL'S learn to low me? struck the other woman oyer the bead mouth. uy tuu jiuiuob. flowers. Among them was a magnificent Mrs. N, U. Sawyer and She (musingly)—I don’t know. How with a bucket and was getting a little gnests spent Petition* la bankruptcy hare been tiled In South Paris, August 5. Fred E. Hall and floral gates from the olerkt of the a recent day at Higgins’s Beach. much salary do you get?—Somerville tbe worst of the when the Hebrew ajar Silas D. Castle Willis Miss Maria G. McKo#*. tight A of summer visitors are by Smith, Hill; Journal. auditor’s department of the Maine Cen- company ex- In Bangor. August 6, James E. Matthews and OINTMENT. (Mass.) woman’s busband took a band m tbe soon at Mrs. U. Heal, Guilford; Halph S. Emory, Bar MlssKuili W. A. B. Newcomb aud tral and other floral designs from Presi- peoted Hopklnson’s. Thomasj affair and aimed a blow at the bead of Harbor, and Soloinen Hotter of Webster. Mrs. K. M. Newoorab. Accounting For tbe Shortage. dent General In July Paul S. Tooker of THIRTY his wife's with a of Wilson, Passenger Agent THE NORTH FIELD CONFKRKN Bkowliegan. 28, antagonist piece C E aud Par sous of “Brimble seems to have a good deal Boothby and other officials of the rail- U. S. CIRCUIT COURT. New York Mary C. Coruvlile. plank. Other men and women In the vl- for In Browuvilla. liev. Ernest M. Bartlett of more The Conference Christian Workers YEARS money than brains.” ^ road. Muslo was furnished a Norihtu and Miss Barbara were to take a hand in by quar- Pntnam, judge. Yesterday morning idge. Mass., Merrill, all he inherited from his father olnty ptepailng whloh began In Northtleld, August In South Hail Barker and Miss “Yes, tette of Messrs. Davie, 1st, J Putnam banded down a final do- Presque Isle, the mill and the excitement was oomposed Tracey, udge Ethel was the money.”—Cleveland Plain Deal- running and Is to continue through the 30th, Is Akeiey. SALE Evans and Mltohell. Addresses were de- ji In Waltham. Ma s., Charles K. Storer and er. very high when Patrolman Madden in t hs sver held In that It is livered Rev. Mr, Dunbar and largest plaoe. Mias Grace N. fcldonsparker, both of Warren. oltiscn'e olothei and the by Philip happened along especially remarkable for tbe very large Superstitions. Rev. Mr. Charles Garland, both of whom CURES crowd scattered. No arrest3 were made attendance of ministers. Rev. G. “Do you believe it is nnlueky to open were friends of the deoeased. The Inter- Camp- OEATHS. and only a blaok eye nr so and a little out bell of has be- an umbrella in the house?” ment war at Morgan London, already Grain-O! BURNS, BRUISES, on tbe head of the Irish woman resulted Evergreen cemetery. | Try “I have had worse luck opening jack gun his teaoblng, and Rev. F. B. Meyer In this city. August 0. Fannie, wi e of Abel BACK ACHE, from the enoounter. Bowie, 70 poto.”—Indianapolis Journal. [ EVERYBODY GOING will arrive In a day or two. There Is a ageti years. PAINS IN I Try Grain-O! [Funeral Friday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock SIDE, notloeable of earnest desire and from her late 53 Meibom ue street. to the dance at the oaslno at Long Island spirit Ask residence, Stomach, Groin, Kidnays. Sore I you Grocer to show In this city. August 0. Florence M.. infant Piles, for a some believe to-day you j or Inflamed Friday evening, August 11th. Parties prayer general revival; daughter of Amoy and Margaret T. Burke, aged Eyes, Scrofula. a package o£ GRAIN-O, the new food from Little and Great Diamond, T'refe- that this great conference It Itself an evi- ; 4 months, a days. Put UD In a green paste board wrapper. drink that'takes the of [Funeral from parents’ residence, 41 Salem Pike 36 cents. then and are so don’t dence that such a revival Is oomlng. Tbe place ooffeo. ! | Evergreen going j street. Thursday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock. Ask your druggist for It. Gained Flesh The children drink it tall to be there yourself. A good time last week of tbe conference Is to Include J may without J || In this city, august 9, Martha, widow of Cor- nelius Ward. for alL A fine orchestra under a conference of Christian Endeavorers, 1, In jury as well as the adult. All who W. E. [Notice of funeral hereafter. The Mrs. H. A. Small Ointment Co., and Chandler. Come and enjoy the rail and oondnctod by John Wllllt Baer of the \ try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that | [Friends will kindly omit flowers.l iticharu A. AUBURN, MAINE. Strength Dr. F. E. and In Falmouth. August 9, Looke, a good dance. United Soolety. Clark rich seal brown of Mocha or 34 23 1 •• .. ... | Java, j j aged years. days. Ju24 tu.th&s&t M. the a Rev. Chat Sheldon, well known > but it is made from and 1 [Fuueral Friday ternoon at 8 o’clock frofh THE BOATING CARNIVAL pure grains, his lute residence. Falmouth. author, have also promised to be present. Dr. R. of New writes: “1 find Hoff’s , the most delicate stomach receives it ! In We tbrook, August 4, Mrs. Fannie C. Mil- D. Fairex, Orleans, Johann see has When the people the parade of beau- Mr. Moody opened the dormitories 1 ler, ased 40 years. Malt as a as well as a without distress, i the price of coffee. I lu Noble Mrs. A. Extract to act stimulant tonic. The patient tiful boats next Saturday afternoon they at Mt. Herman for the accommodation of [ boro, August 1, Betsy Nash, 15 cents and 25 aged 88 years. gains flesh and strength from Its administration.'* will exolalm, “Isn’t this beautlfulf” guests, and all who wish to attend will oentsper package, lu Hampdeu, August 3, Mrs. Cornelia S. May- Sold all The boating carnival Is the one great have no dlOlonlty In ! by grocers., ] ! finding boarding lu Seal Harbor* August *3, William McCiUIla event of summer. It Is only at the most plaoea, althoogb It would be well to ar- ! Tastes like Coffee | | Griswold of Cambridge. Mass. Hoff’s Malt Extract lu Koxeroft, July Mrs. Almira 0. Johann fashionable summer resorts where they range for them In advance. Hundreds Looks like Coffee SO, Meder, | aged 82 years. is the and standard—has been sold since Avoid Is j | pioneer 1847. substitutes. have It, and Portland harbor fast be- oame In for the Sunday servtoee, some InsisttbatyonrgrocerglvasyouQUAINT) In Wanvn. July 30, Mrs.1 Mary V. Surratt, Johann Hoff: New York. Paris. aged 71 years. Berlin, Vienna, coming one of the moat celebrated seaside driving from a distanoa at 10 miles or In Washington, July 27, Jaaon T. Maddocks, resorts in the Stats of Maine. scars. aged 60 years. ...-.- I'l ■■■■BBWJa.Jgggg MISCELLANEOUS. MAINE TOWNS. A BRAVE DEFD. moKiuraovi. SUMMER BOARD. TOW. _ron pialjb._ Forty word* Insetted under this head Nave You Seen the Kxplait of m Kansas Volsslwr In the Party words Inserted under this head Forty words Issvrtcd and«T (his hrsd Items of Interval Oilhsrrf ly Correa* one weeh for IS rents, cash la advance. >ne week far u Is every IschsoneHt,_ Aai. Im- M. Ferguson, whose home In Burling- come. For terms and circulars trot quite fast, safe for women or children «o Kenoebunkpart, R.—Village day. Come, mod'r" cf Soth ao dress B. 8. WAl.KKK, Isle of 8orInga, lTo- r° vifkwL'it feuehsd tenement, M drive, disposition worth $&oo for a family OF TH2 Is the order of the day here ton, Kas., Is oorporal eorapsny K, InS »f p-ore-nent prletor, Maine. I room. ETk^" 8p> StfeC, COI'UlllthK hor^e. Price sold at one* |2W). ('an be seen school Kansas. Be Is a real hero, too, for his _h2 up lo-dste and driven at CLARK'S In Kennsbuakport. The High UamPtneliSfbKi and STABLE. Tyug* uUMMIR BOARDERS flno h—tlng. It low nrl e to six'll waa a deed on the before I he WANTED-ln Hreet.tq-| I H iding U receiving a new coat of paint. daring night old fashioned to J-P IIW location, farm house, first niunie ™.iAl’p,r BABB. battle cf an. class table of SwdfeMr.«street, or the owner. MiuBtf SALE—At a bargain, /w,ooo feet of Al. E. parsonage soon to have the sane. Calumptt, April board, plenty fruit and berries of all kinds. For FORvacant lend, near Marginal wav. Tbe Bio Grande de flowed particulars address BOX 24, Portlard. SEVEN Congreg itlonslists are soon to give a ooo- Pampanga > Modish, located In betwe-n t'oyd an I M«vo *tieets. C. J western between the two tbe Americans In Me,_p»| r’We«Jr7 port of the ally, u room, sir so SCHWARTZ Decrlog. or F. M. RAY, 88 12 oert, to be a ted fur beautifying forces, 7 rooms 7 proceeds A woman is FARM Gentleman, wife, and two or 114 oo, rooms *nu lwlh «?' «,; ! Exchange street. 101 the and the In the trench- mighty v||AK *i church propeity, eto., while under the open Filipinos sensitive about her three children can find delightful place to rest. Piazza, shade milk, berries ■«nU ™y SALE—Two and cue half brick ot Abbott bravo, er. Tbs great Iron bridge placed there age. Some have' trees, egg*. *<2‘«“r.l.tJ)nrt,r"m“,»e,?'o* 7 ind CjiOR story encrgetlo oversight and fresh vegetables; bas* and troi'u fltlln*. house, containing 14 mom*, arrau ed for the railroad was tbe been to the street* ond thoroaghf ire* are being by company only kfown fly Dally mall: no other boarders. Address BOX :g.!lKZ,tA two fatnilie*, house thoroughly built by late into a on the 1* means passion 41, bhaptclgh, York Count y, Maine. 7-1 owner. to be sold for purpose of closing tho SUTHERLAND cleaned, and menriod. visit lo of crossing, and the sleepera witness IIAW^«*“o‘,,i‘T,’| straight'Uad Capt. stand when sn inquisitive lawyer pc KENT-Kor remainder or nesson- tlTt' estate, lot contains ovpt &0>J9 square feet of bad been torn from that. actual lll.KA8ANT Valley cottage. Glen, N. II., now 1 c'»,s summer U d. to Webb, chairman of committee on dooke asks. "How old are you?” The A coIisro. lurnl.lisd tor ho! Apply JOHN F. PROCTOR, Cen- in open, house aim futnisliitig* new, a largo teeplny, plastered, new tennial Bock. and to clean out all Col. Funaton—be won hla stars at this number of years don’t count for much a plumbltw. ruimhie 10-1 waterways, proposes farm from which vegetable* and milk arc sup- ester, good bcscti. heantl u! vigorous woman. If she be forty, b.lhloR loes'lo'i tto. Old rublbb and light—was looking for a way to get aorore healthy, plied dal!y, everything Is done for the comfort to JOSEPH l^OR SALK—Three good quality late style rubbish, signs, she will look than a weak woman of the »wr2Vi Appy n! younger guest*. Write For circular. A. r. II Aid., tr. ED, City. 9.) Top Surrys. They are to be abso- wane are fast and the town and make a night attack, give the Filipi- at Canopy disappearing 25. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription G«en, N. 11.74 U'V.'T af. le-s than manuiactufer's prices. SISTERS nos rcare 1 Call and look Is neat theta a and practically turn tbe tide keeps women by MMhk at LET—Nicely furnished rjorn, large end xt them the low will in- looking day*. looking young keeping WIJ HOAKDEKs Pine Grove Collage-; 1fO figures ol battle before It The disease away from those deli- ° iiIch accommodations; house situated at airy. In good quwt location, near first ciaa< BRADLEY & SMALL, 35 PreblO The ct ks walk at the h'onantom a few began. bridge marvelously house. 1ft ■ireei.lESfWn. cate organs which the female edge of nine grove: lake near bouse; sandy warding GRAY 91., between Bark ^2 and fur- stood there in all the of steel distinguish iml state. 9 night ago was a great susuesa, glory sex. It cures all wastes beach; boating ana bathing; bass and trout the dA>ilitating SA'-B—1-2 story house, 14 a girders. Lut across where the rail- and It fishing. City references given. Parlies stay- F()R containing nished loti of amnesinent to large right drains, all the aches and pains. FOB RENT—Two new flats In western parf of divided into two rents, li is ing two weeks or over will be given free trans- 1 Srhago crowd In and about tie house. road track cnce ran was a trench quiets the and those bearing- 8 rooms in mortem eon- hea1, *ul1 *‘‘ble. lot 54 » (is Hair Grower and Filipino nerves, stops coriatlon from Gray station, coming end going. city; each, every tllu- The of Win. down sensations. It fits the wife for the enlence, run all day; also a number of other a 'I™ doors from Con- young daughters Sawyer and there waa every reason to believe It For further particular* address MARSHAL "f''w v on one task of the ei.t« largo and small In other of tbe A- «• LIBBY Si and Capt. Seaevy while plnylng was child making period MORSE, Me. j-tf parts city. ♦3 1-2 JL q.tt*™.01 CO.. there to defend thi bridge. The bearing, Dry Mill*, V. P. (’A It Room EV5 Exchange street. uf the wuarve# fell overboard and hut of gestation one of comfort, shortening It, 6. Oxtorrt Bnitrtlng, 9-1 night was cloudy and threatening rain. Ik AY MONO SPRING HOUSE and Maine Cleaner? lor the a t on of an lodtan canoeist labor and it almost It ‘he hen located Scalp quick Once In awhile the would making painless. Central Railroad will teh you where to go FOR RENT—In the central part of the dry, F0hft1* ?* boarding lightning flash, 1 In ihe contains eou d hive drowned. The Indian with fortifies the whole system, so that recovery and wliat to do »or a first class for Ih ee near City Halt, online of thd Yarmouth city, some 81 room* making a'l things an clear as at noonday. outing good reasons for sellinir. canoe at full seized them after confinement is and there are or three If dectrica; an upper of 7 Kor further iwrtlcu If do not as the going speed Cal. Funston called tr. a quick, days, month*; you enclose stamp appartmeiit rooms, Mrs of A. not, delay longer, days volunteer to 1 Inquire C. LlflBV & 1U, 42 12 Ex* both at once and pulls t them out of the no dangerous after-effects. The babe of you will be surprised. Adureo O. E. SMALL, minty, peasant and convenient. Prce $i5.0o. cha of the exhibition arelimited. eo across the bridge with the objeot of No ge street_ 0 , Itwillpay water. the woman who takes Favorite Prescrip- Raymond. Me. _aug7 tf 4p|»ly FREDERICK 9. VAILL, First Natloual to see the luxuriant oi If It could be crossed a 8-1 anyone growth IrarnlDg by body tion is sure to than the babe »ew summer wauled in lunkBotidiur. SALE—1 1-2 story nouse I A canoeing parly of three, a gentleman, what be healthier boarder* pleasant F°R containing hair worn the ladies in cf meo, and the/ would Had at the A twelve miles ln g"0*l rooalr, fitted for one by attendance, lady and child capsized a canoe nnar of the mother who does not take it. There country place, from Portland, , Keal Estate Men and Builders.—Wanteu— "W family, other end. Ferguson volunteered. The good table, good bed* and team*. Ad- wnh stable, tli uateil ou me eoruer of Purest which, by the way, was produced by the Ttotl's lliat uiul the man there is no alcohol or in this medicine. It good FO By a r lin- yonng oolone) ebook hands wltn him at opiate dress F. D..Boi 167. So. W tod Me. 31-4 practical painter, i>ap« hanger, Avenue and iirean Sts., lot 9jx 80. Kor furllier use of the meritorious thoy is a tonic and nervine. ham, er nr-.d al tushie a situation highly prepara- rescued the party. This makes the sec- pure, non-alcoholic genet workman; particulars Inquire or A. C. LIBBY <0 CO.. 421-2 shod there In the shadow cf the embank- Mrs. Axel Girardeau Summer 1 •Ither cr tions they represent, and was not in- ond case cf a handy young mao's uselul- Kjer, of C.ordonville, Cape boarders; a few more hy day Job work, if you are thinking hxchenge St. 1,2 ment, "Remember, I do not tend yon, Co., Mo., writes: When I look at little HfANTEDboarders can be accommodated at the 9f palming or (apermg a rot»m or a house drop as some ners this wetk. that with eo my boy herited, think. Strange tbe colonel "and if we I feel it to write This is fifth Peqnawket House, West B.il Ale. Pariles postal and 1 wi I call and estimates. people Ferguson," said, ray duty you. ray win, give SALE—a good stove at a many canoeists In the liver and so many child and the carried to >Vork FOR parlor bargain The ladies will to all do not meet again you know you I are only one who came to maturity; and from the sta luu. Enquire of executed with despatch and satisfaction A Call at 409 Cumberland cheerfully give there hat been for no drown- the others St., left band bell. ▼isitors, free of colt, information upsets yeata terformed one cf tbe moat da-lng deeds having died from lack of nourish- MRS. OLIVER MURCH.27 2 Eiiaranteed. Address F. E. DALY, Eagle any accident the ment—so the doctor was not in 9-1 ing In river. said. I sickly Intel, Portland, Me.8-4 _ desired the of the wnr." ARE HOUSE. North W in iham. Me. Now regarding necessary treat- K 1>. at any way, and this time I just thought I would Kev. O. Thayer, D.. preaohed w J for the reason of 18»9. LIOR SACK—A desirable ment of the hair aid to Ferguson ent. try your I took nine bottles and I Open Quiet loea- RENT—Desirable tenement, fine lo- house lot, num- scalp produce thu M. K enure 1 tat Sunday afternoon Prescription.* I lion. with unexcelled mineral water. A n*»f Pfi KJfl ('itnarrou. .final t>.. ■ He pulled on bis uniform, wearing only to my it carried me and gave us Supplied FORcation, sunny, si^hlhlv, nearly new. near the best results. to a and audience surprise through Good bass and salmon, of a, W. Station large appreclatlte hla broan underolothes an 1 hla belv an I as fine a little ms ever was. teu ftshlug; desirable room#; hree electric lines end Union .'tation, eight WHITE, Agent, Woo i..rds costs to boy Weighed rat*-* Station. It nothing see this great exhi- Kev. Ur. Cackaul ocauples the pulpit and one-half He is now five months reasonable; correspondence so idled. L. ooms, and finely furnished bath room, hut 9. j revolver. Ferguson told tbe story one pounds. ». bition, so not come ? uf that church next Sunday. Kev. Mr. old, has never been sick a and is so FREEMAN, vater lirattng, set Mius. window serous. 11 why today Every- day. strong propiletor._j«28d8w* IIOU8E FOK SALE—2 1-2 house bean on t at that who sees him wonders at him.” jirove. comer Cumberland. at house or story on is invited. preaches l.at day Watertown, Uo a every body Apply ■ ■ Beckett body hedge at ban Fernando. Is young it Cumberland street, contains 15 rooms, besides Mass. In cases of sudden sickness, the Common street. C. 8. NOKCK0SS. 2 bath hot man with a brow a mustache and hair tf room*, wa;er heat, cemented cellar, f, v*. iiuiioinu ui ovruuunau r, was iu Sense Medical Adviser (1008 pages) may _4 2 tenement* all in first that has a slight inclination to curl, lie class repair. Address C. H. GUPPY town last week. save a life. Sent free in for 21 THE It. I„ Box CO., paper-cover KENT—Hotise HO Pine street. Posscs- g-1 is stocky, too, tbe severe campaigning he CHECKLEY, EK>B 1657._ one-cent stamps to postage. Cloth- sion given Immediately. Enquire at PORT Ptmrr.A\D, he. hits passed through patting him in good pay tH)U SALE—I have a 28 cover 31 Adarcss Dr. R. V. Pierce. Front’s LAND SAVINGS BANK, 83 street. a sloop rigged yacht, condition Of course he is stamps. Neck, Me., Exchange reet long. 8 fu 4 12 TALES OF ANIMALS. ubsyloally. Buffalo, N. Y. 1-1 f beam. fk draugnt. largo tanned In raot, he is brown as en In- cat>ln. containing three bunks, stove and other NOW OPEN. sell OHR’S ISLAND. dian. TO LET-2<> Grant street, between utensils: wi l cheap 1/ applied for immedl- Blackmail Levied Rata—Four-footed kO'|**99 MhM. 399 1-2 by "1 don’t think It much of a he For terms and circulars apply to stale and High, seven rooms and hath, at‘Jy. 1’ALMc.JK, Congress Sk, trick," urnaco heat. K. call before 0 p. m. g \ as h‘» twisted a bamboo branoh. "It I It A C\ FOSS, Plop., Piesee examine. D. WE8- Antmaln at linrrli. said, J:uy* THTT.2Mf could be done in the Hi ALL easily .daylight. Of SALE—A very valuable wharf SAINTS' CHURCH OPENED BY well furiilsned rooms, cent IJtOR property course, 1 didn't walk across or creep rally a fr<>riingou Commercial street, *• lot ated, with table board at No. 5 having a REV. KLV1N K. across, lhe WANTED —M AUS >1 KM*. good solid fill cf ni>out 6O.000 SMITH. Bats h«.e levied toll In kind on lightning prevented that. 1 head of square feet and a front- always >ngress P-rk, Park street. MRS. age on Commercial had to get out cf slwht My underclothes September. *K ILL IN street of 10 feet. For On Monday last the new Episcopal tho human iao». Blaokmall oheerfully US.__ Jlyildtf to JOHN F. Cea- would have blended me with the When the melon vine cc nmencei to twine. young man todo ofllc* work. apply PROCTOR, probably WANTED—A HO I.RT—\n Bit h Vfhinira Sr i.nw #ut. tnnlal B Church of All Valuta wis with to rats new Curtlcu'ar*ock. g-1 opened paid is, however, something bridge in the darkness, but the lightning And fruits to colic in stomachs incline: Apply at once J. F. UKRKlTY & Co.. 244 * Then all should recall, since "uuld N I Idle siree*.b-i cupietl by Port!an Phonograph o. Pos- divine service, conducted by tha Rjy. to and a trlt ate to their would come once In a while nnd make lang sy.«e," icssl »n SALE—Furnished at Fronts hlrtcry great Our mothers have used July loth. Oil AS. MCCARTHY, JK. cottago as Johnson’s Anodyne. Ij'ORNeck, to F Elv.n K. dmlth, Secretary cf thy Diocese abilities. They bad established them- everything light day. 1 knew I would WANTED—The James Bailey Co.. 2t4 ___O-tf Apply MOSS. _6-1 be steu. e?o 1 tried it another way. «OYMiddle street. y 1 u v si SALK—The of of selves under a mentinnrket accord- I LET—^uimner tors take nonce the I^OR king do:8. four full Newbury. and, "The Is ■ * bridge strongly built of steel, Paine House is ceiitrclly located CD Spring bl.*oded, rough coated. St. Bernard pup- Tha church was filled to overflowing by ing to the owner "the way they used to with steel cross WANTRO-A Rood smart boy t» team the treet, cor. OAK, rooms and r*o;trd. Price 91.00 pies. Apply to "ROBBIE,” GO street. pieces running parallel ff not afraid to Spring to the and underneath ihoui business; work; High 4-1 on attt ntlve and reverent congregation, pick and ohoose was dreadful." When girders just School graduate preferred. Apply at JOll N K. day._13-tf _ 1 made my way up over the stone abut- 1 I.ET—Store 12 Free street. 8 A LE «f whom nearly CO .received tha Holy two curoanses of mutton were available I.OVlLL ARMS CD., 180-18J Middle St., W. II. rO Possession OR TO LET-At West Pownal R. ment, and 1 bop* l it would not lighten CHASE. Manager. given Immediately. Inquire of PORT- FOItR. stailo stx acre* of good hna, story Conan union. The need for this church they would eat the prime aod leave the until 1 well LAND SAVING’S 83 SL and half stable get Uown'undcr the Irons. It Dropped on sngar It Is plessant to tak© for colic, 1 BANK, Exchange hou*e, ell, and In goo I con- WANTEl)-Mf the owner resolved to muks a treaty aud could see, too, that the bridge had been Frown street, Woodfords. op**n plumbing, OS* A DORK. Phy*ctank truer. at 64 GRAY morning noon of that Dll I Q Inquire ST., hot water hear, piazzas, bay windows, eloctrlo and Is steadily increasing. To all such pay blackmail, relying on the coonomio stripped everything would do to AndUHO rr-Lo. *ny they are Best Liver W ANTED Ml CATION*. >r Hght, 2-tt Fill made for Bilicusncm, Sic* 11 radar hr, all _June light* and bells, finely tltuaved. Price low II the put a foit on, with the exception cf a uppe il Is made by tie llrst promo tars wisdom of rats. Us gavs them three Liver trouble* Send for our Book. Price nets. P -R RENT—About May 1st, house No. taken now. Easy term*. DALTON & CD couple of stringers alongside the hand 1 a. JOHNSON f oo^tsoustum House fit. Button. 1 o( thin work, that they wilt cordially tnu PIDOHMS’ Gray street. Nine rooms beside halls, Jiy23qtt equate meals a day, with plenty cf rail. I saw that It this ran the Forty wonl* inserted under this head in U§ maintenance. length | tath and store rooms: bot and cold water, set generously o.-operate of PRES :J r SALK \ TWO MILLION! A TTZKR. SALE—New house on Richardson variety. In the that the .rats would the bridge a single file could come one week for !i3 cents, cash in advance, ub*. furnace hear; with good room. Ail 8t, To tills end the following statement is hope yard FORvery contains 8 rooms anil by holding to the rail. I made nflrst class |ord< r. at C4 GRAY desirable, bath, made. bo and not eat inuttm at night along up Enquire hot and cold water, wired for electric appeased to follow it. ! ITilEK T. uoon or nignt. 3tf lights The the my mind a young man. a position at morning, of A.L. fraction of ohurch has been too. The menu was WANTED—ByTT iiujulr RICHARDSON. 12 best Sk bread, fancy blsoult, “It was ticklish crawling stenographer. Have ad «fll -e ex- Peering brought about chiefly through the ifToitw along there, Centre. Me.21-4 poiatos tnd sugar, and was laid near with the ilver right under me, tut 1 t»erlciice. also some practice In book keeping. of a lew church women, Leginning with Reference* Address 10J Fiank in SALE— lots at Oakdale. The knew if I was careful I could get across. glvcu. II., POK Building Sunday services in one of the cottage*, the rats' front door. At first they used to sueet. A Peering L-ind Co., offers for sale on favor- I crawled a'oug until 1 came to the first City._lOyL INSPECTION WATCHES, during the summer of ?8)4. As f ind* coaie up furtively and curry f.od“jff able terms, desirable building lota ou William. (the Hera 1 found the iron was out of work an ! want a I will work Pitt were wer* In the pier. girder FOR BILIOUS AND Job, 17 Jewel adjusted Pat. regulator nickel E’gln and Fessenden Sts., Oakdale. Apply to gathered, they placed to tiislr holes. But now oome out NERVOUS DISORDERS they bread and solid. It rested on the top of 1amat anything that 1 can do. Address J. s. S., i •llvrilno case, #13.00. B. W. Havmond 17 and CllAS. C APAMS, Treas.. 31 Exchange St. hands if the bishop of Maine; and the each «« wind and Pain In Into tho their the fctone pier and 1 had the Btenmrh, 48 I 2 Felerai Sheet.&-1 :l Jewel adjusted Is the best h abroad Watch, /naylSeow to oci23 property has been conveyed to tae Trus- regularly shop, eating something Giddtneas, Fullness nftcr guild under feet. It was nec- ere',:, Headache fbese watches will pass the inspection. Mc- of luncheon on with mighty my Dizziness, a situation as tees Church Property of the Dloo se equal terms their hosts llrowelness, Flushlnco of Heat! UTANIEP-liy young lidyi vENNEY, the Jewe.er, Monument ROW BOATS FOR SALK-Address H. essary to go around It, nnd that brought of ('. book-keeper or assistant. Have bquaie. U.T of Maine Their leader Is an rat Appetite, BUTcatEs, I fetches nu ofljee NEW UWNSKND, Ho. Freeport, Me. my27tf old grizzled who me out In view cf the tienches Ijoas SUn, Cold had city and can furnish JeJ The cost of the ground, materials and aguln CbiUs, Dial m bed Sleep, experience good j Ia9 lost an car. Be has become the There was no use to fast. Frightful Dreams and all referen es i» required. Address C., luieivalo, SALE at a low I teen a try lug go When oerreus end very pilce, a -uinmer labor, as little over $UOu.OO; to ireoibl.ng ft 1 U was dark it was so dark 1 couldn't Sensation*. THH FIRST fWE Maine._ FORCottage cf four rooms with furniture, very complete the lull payment of which there "medium" between the high oontraotlog WILL Cite ReLIEF IN see, and when the lightning came 1 was TkENTY HkUliS. is An ED—A .-iiua ion by an American we- pleasantly situated near th* breakwater, South 38 yet needed t40*.0o, which, by the terms aod sets an his owd ivery sufferer will them to Port and within feet of » psrlles .example pto partly blinded by the dash. So 1 had to acknowledge be man, capable lu every way as housek< ep land, fifty the It water; of the contract, must; be paid within a companion or waitress for a or to assist in would make a fine clur-house; must be sold si aide ty eating bn ad and hlsoults out cf mostly on touch and somewhat on lady twelve month. A lurue portion of this depend II he household duties; a com for able home once. Two huudred dollars takes it. Address The now mv general of the construction it is hoped, will Le contributed this tbs shopmen's fingers. rats be- knowledge WONDERFUL desired more than ta- ge compel satlou. App y "Cottage, 126 Franklin st, Portland, Me.” ti sum, of t JB Store No 550 slrert, season tho-e who are have other tribes when In r.dges. at GOSPEL MISSION, 'J 10 12 o'clock r. m. Congress present by enjoying, exactly likp now 9 room cor- “1 managed to get around the tig iron , orner l^OR SALE—Elegant house, here and now, the religious privileges of of In that drive _41 of Oak. Enquire of A ner of Avenue and Wi liam reaelpt blackmail, they and then begun to crawl along the cross #9 MEDICINE Peering 8t. the church they dearly and from Open plumbing, hot waler heat, architects love, oil ail Intruders. "Tho other day,” said By this time had Thay pram car• MAitRY NELLIE. DISABLES PERRY. which it3 mem l era are too often debarred pieces again. learned pity Sick Headaohm ME, corner lot. beautiml surburban onn of the shopmen, “a strange rat prans. borne got about how they ran and got along a little a TVeak Prl e to suit and term* B. P in their snmiuer outings, liy requrtt of in anil have Stomach, Impaired Dlges- And I will buy you such a Ring at __augSdtf easy. C. ALTON, among ’em you Bbould seen faster than 1 did at lirst. At last I oime ,.For pretty 63 the contributions to the l!£?,UD1'or!?.?red Over tn Men, Women or McKenney’s. A thousand solid gold Kings hxchange streetJuneOdtf bishop, Building ’em ohase him out They ran him right to the second or middle Children should be sent pier. Ail this Itlpans Tabnlcs are without a Diamond*. Opal-Pearl*. Rubles, Emeralds and Fund to Miss May P. out o( Che lu front of all of rival and SALE—New. 3 fiat block (6 rooms on shop, us, and lime, of course, I was getting ne rer and they now have the largest sale of ail oilier stones. Engagement and TO LET. Decker, 44U En*t 13.id St, New York, cr believe precious FOReach flat) on High street, first ( If he’d 'a' stayed they’d have nearer to the I went around any patent medioin in the world. Wedding Kiugs a l.argt si*tock in everything to Miss H. S. N. J. Filipinos. specially. class and strictly up to-date; Baquet, Burlington, klllsd him.” the and third city. McKKNNEY, The Jeweler, Moti'iuieul finely finished, Or second piers. Theie was plnmbed and heated, nothing better: rents for they rosy be made through the Suaday "1 saw a curious Incident not Square. Suite of two rooms, has O and long ago but nne Fpan between me and the insur- _marMdtf $720 per year; will over 8 per cent net. C, morning offertories, the of which lO oil corner pay proceeds which seems to show that the rabbit, like gents. 1 raised and bead Congress and Oak b. DALTON & CO.. 63 Exchange St. June9-tf te tdded to the up poked my wbl Luiluirg Fund, other wild has room la itrrets. for business us;*. Eit- creatures, Its just a little way above the iron work- MIS< ELL A N KO ITS. after the fer WANTED SALE—Here's another! new defraying necessary expenses Elegant, brain for only one ldpa at a time," says to eeo—and waited for a flash laire of 'clerical services. just enough that bip-a-k-s Win not FORnine room house on Eastern Promenade a loser of animals. "I was (to "i?? Sr.^SibV1?N bn. walking up of It came end 3.1' tor » or l, racet, tor Forty word* inserted under this head CHARLES PERRY, for has JlghtnTrg. presently, ©ants, junta IS *3900. Corner lot, sewer, Seb&go. heated, The Bishop presented tho altar, a with three In mayJl» be had of ail who nre lane, dogs trotting front; right In the center of the Lrldge druggists wlilimr one iveek for 25 cash in ad vane*. 548 1-2 Si. gas, hard wood which will in its A there, medicine at a ro ode cents, Cougress augodtf bath, floor, very aigb’ly, bay shortly be pinoe. a smart Uttls fox terrier and a lat bhtog •|®*'J>r4ccne week for 23 wait until so 1 about half way across tbe cents, cash In udvaucc. per month; don't some one buys It will te to hire some such sacred oiept along glad put ilaihed up the lane, the other RANUALL away from you. C. B. DA LTON, 53 Exchange passing spau. & RtALLISrER VAl'DR BATHS. VAPOR memento tf the deal ones beyond the sea, BATUS—CoEEiit street. Junethltf two dog- so oloiely that the fox torrler "As 1 raised up again ray struck * wan »r bath, most healthful bath oil record cr within the veil. pistol ; to e *11 and sec the raced (or hnlf a a cure for colds and IlfANTED—Everybody J'HIEAP FOR CASH, or will exchange for alongside poor bunny tbe Ironwork. 'J bare was a 'hiss' lrooi rheumatism, other ailmems. fT newest and best kitchen The tenting of t.he church range, the v/ permanent dozen yards and caught nlin. The curi- tbe sentinel and shovel was Try us and convince yourself. Gentlemen's real estate, manufacturing plant In Boston, every darling, No. K 82. It’s Just out and It’s a w ill Le by chairs, of which 6'J have been ous the was parlors, neatest, beat In the state, goods In constant demand all and part of bntlcns that the dropped. 1 oculd tear them digging be- equipped j icautv, F. & B, NASH CO., 300 Fore St by grocers at 40 cents and Opposite Portland Theatre. 27 Monument Sq. provision dealers; owner going to Cuba; must purchased apiece, given rabble, when bolting from the dog be- fore 1 raised up. I down to the individual squatted quick m. c. Macdonald, in dispose of busiuess small churob, by worshippers. hind, almost ran Into the two In Manager. Llr A wide-awake quick; ouly capital dogs and I could guess that those fellows were NXED—A geutlennn or lady required to run business. Apply to Fifty more are needed, to replace those front did not see them at a lot of German Hartz- iu every town in OWNER, and, plainly, doing a whole lot of locking. After RECEIVED, Maine. We have new room Milk Bos- '.which were loaned JUSTmounialn n.ale also : irtlcles that can 22C, Equitable building, street, kindly by neigbbirs all ttlb It had them and the fox RWhllfl t.hiv vcpnf. wnrtr nmln »nrl canary birds; cages, you sell to nearly every house, passed and ton. Jly20&wtf * for last Sundny’s use. Fifty other wor* terrier 1 seeds sundries of an kluds on t.and. FLED wilts at ouce Inc’oshig for gave chase. suppose Its thoughts 1 over the iron*. I could stamp particulars are invited to be the donors. again peeped BROMBY, 430 Congress SL 7-1 nut go to work. Add.ess B. II. ahlppers and were centered on from A. DUNHAM, energies e*cape make cut a trench right across the road Portland, Me. &-i Orr’s Island, Me August 10, 18A). the had tho rabbit rolly-poiy dog which, commanding the bridge and all of It* ap- SHOP—223A Mi Idle street, old HORSE FOB SALE. known eould nave a CURIOSITY llr ANTED— cnly It, rausht proaches. At the e..d 1 found a part of furniture, china, pewter and brass together Ladies’ and gentlemen to lntro- swallow on wiili a of bric-a-brac ff duce our the wing as toon as Its fright- the foot that ran beside ihe rail- A Fall Assortment ot anil Fren- variety bought and sold uusurpassea fountain pen. SOME MOKE PHOOPt bridge Lehigh by BRYANT Icud lor in tructious and 35 cents, ened self." road. In this was too fur ANTIQUARY. sample my judgment _I dent ion this paper. A. E. GOOD8ELU 102- In days not long past It was an Coals ter Domestic Sound and can be customary ay for any body of soldiers to reaoh lkrnlng Use. full line of trunks and bag* can always be ot Pulton street. New York, N. Y.7-1 kind, In ,’nmnj English country ohurcbes to without A found at E. 1). truuk aud bag If There Is In Portland Eu- being dUoovered. REYNOLDS, seen at Wilson’s Anything provide a pew for the areomme- rocubontaa (Seml-BItumiuous) am! 6U3 street. beef, wine and Stable, separate “After 1 gat all the Information I could manufacture!, Congress Congress fTL^ANTED—Burnham's iron, of Ladies' and dress suit cases none better: for salj everywhere. Burn- dorsatlon You Get It Here. dation those four-footed members of I started back. When 1 cllmted over the Square. gents ac Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are all Old trituks lain » ut-ci euraui, Lricuig's proofs* is Federal street. the conprvgagtlcn who attended their prices. taken In exohmge. Open ! goou. bank Col. Funston was there waiting for evenings. connection. Trunks lurnham's clam bouillion sold ali over the apr2(hitf masters to the cf Telephone re- plsoe worship on a me. He seemed glad to see me, but when ausurpassed for general steam and 20-7 for Id. Burnham's specialties are noted tor patred._ XiOR SALE— Bargains In our “made Oar readers are not asked to believe Sunday. Todai the presence of anything 1 told him haw he would have to cross— j heir qual.ty and for economy have 110 enmL strong for furniture, clean, dry, i tillable -I- trousers,” we sell for $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.0# not huninn causes some confusion among forgo use. M ■the until Investi- one hand on the rail and both feet on a STORAGEfor household goods, pianos, ete. and 2J0 per pair. Best value for the money following thoroughly the A boll the other dis- Spacos worshipers. day six-inch colonel hesitated, in ft. sq.. $1.23 per mouth: 12 ft. 9180 per •old anywhere. If not satisfactory on ex«min- can be sirlngrr—the Genuine I.ykcus Valley Frauklin, sq., LETANTEP—Jfllycon makes the best dessert. gated. This easily done. It does turb-! the assembled at a iiiviuiii, iu iu ff ation will congregation and then said he would not try It. After per uiumu; umcr sizn For sale grocers.' In stock at 11. M. money bo refunded by returning to in by us before been worn. HASKELL net necessitate the usual questioning that woek-dav s-rvloe at Arlss-sar-Teche not that the colonel tried to oross on a raft CnglUb aikJ American Cancel. proportion. Apply at OKEN HOOPER'S ifcicher Co., Couant & Patrick. Twite hell having & s the SONS.23-4 Co* Clus. JONES, Lancaster Building, Monument Square, at tends the of state- little; Indeed, woman portion of the and was dlsuorered anil fired on." 'hampliu McLaughlin & Co., II. II. perusal newspaper leveus Co., J. B. Donnell & Portland, Main-. 1-1 rangrsgatlon aoreamrd an! faintel, It Is currently reported by those who Above Coals Constant* WTE WILL BIJY household goods or store Co., and Jobbers ments when made as they arts ▼ ▼ of 5*1 by people while the priest vanished and the male btard him that Col. Funston said to fixtures any description, or will re- :cneraily.__ SALE—House and cottage lots for sale ceive the same at our auction rooms for living one hundred miles away from portion swarmed np the or off On Hand. LATANTED—A reliable person in FORat Willard Beach, South Portland. For pillars crept Ferguson :“1 fell every llttlo bridge ly sale on every town. under commission. GOSS & WILSON, f f < Portland. There cun be no ns the pawB with remarkable dispatch. believe I could cross TELEPHONE .... 100-2 to a'lvass lor the “Farmer’s Forum” the particulars enquire of II. E. WILLARD, 7 doubt to in Kangas'and don’t Auctioneers, 134 Middle street, corner Silver The causa of the iew organ of the farmer’s movement, Beach street, disturbance was to be It. I won’t ask the boys to go where I •treet. mouliiiy Willard.Jly20dlmo reliability. It has appeared In Portland feba-tf •iberal term* to ihe and lbs principal In a ball light that after- cannot OFFICE: light parties, exclu- go myself.’’ ive Address 1ho W. SALE—Eleg'int pianos, Ylolms, mando- before during the past year, and It would noon, warranted to tax hla to territory. publisher, II. strengtn This deed of Ferguson's may or may MURDER, WHAT’S THAT? dcLAUGHLlN, N. Scarboro.4-1 FORlins. guitars, banjos, music boxes, reginas, have been Instantly oontradloted unless the utmost, so evidently determined to not get into the historic*!, but It was 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts- harmonicas, superior violin and banjo strings. / reserve himself for the After _spr3M.vr&KU sheet music, instruction books and true. Mrs. Wm. of 17 bummer fray. daring, as any one will allow who looks One of McKenney’s Alarm Clocks. Mo to LV ANTED—Everyone who wants a new popular Moore, around and f f lu the rnusio line. Come to the milting lying down In the upon the if,COO feet of Ironwork be crawled $3.oo. Warranted to wake the dead. Mora house iu Portland or Its suburbs to see us everything says: ”1 gave for store where prices are low. HAWES. 414 etreet, publloatlon lisle he entered himself to be led ttat clock than all the other dealers combined. d once; we have several new houses which we quietly through nlgbt. Congress street.JulyHdtmo aarly Id 1891) a statement about Duau’s tway.—Uhloago News. McKENNKY, the Jeweler. Monument Squaro vlil sell low on ea*y terms, or wilt exchange I or Pills For Women. *ep28dtf good collateral1* no fair offer refused; this Is Kidney curing .me’of annoying, Mo • Four chance. DALTON & CO.. 53 75c. Right to.Ugliness- Dr. Tohnan’s Monthly Regulator has brought 1 Exchange MAINSPRINGS, aching the In Summer Homes. to i JuueDdtf paln'across kidneys, always The woman who Is lovely In face, form happiness hundreds of anxious women. treet_ j The best American Mainsprings, made by the evldenoe when 1 whou I walked The neb who There is positively no other remedy known LOST AND FOUND. Elgin and Waltham Warranted stooped, build country houses at and temper will always have friends, but & Wilson, re- companies. to medical science, that will so quickly and V^OTICE—Goss auctioneers, for one year. Me KENNEY, the Jeweler far or made one who would be attractive must moved to 154 to ICO Middle corner of any UDthonght of movement. great expense may be sure of one of keep safely do the work. Have never had a single words St, Monument Square. issriudtf her health. If she Is Forty Inserted under this head j Ulvar St dtf Until the of was weak, sickly and all failure. The longest and most obstinate eases 1890 I free from two things—either the summer one week for ■ spring palace 25 cents, cosh In advance. .. run down, she will be nervous and Irrit- aro relieved in 3 days without fail. No other r i any Indication of will be burned down some time or will do this. No no no HELP WANTED. kidney complaint able. If sh* has constipation or kidney remedy pain, danger, WANTED—AGENTS. _FEMALE _ interference with work. The most difficult Oyer ezertlon|Jwhlle household meaning when the owner dir* It will bo sold for trouble, her impure blood will cause T OST—On on girl for second cases treated corres- Monday afternoon, July 31*t, competent blotcho.!, skin nnd a successfully through AJ tralu (No. between North Berwick ami A GENTS to handle sold to the WANTED—Awoik. References required. Apply brought on a slight recurrence. I did less than a quarter of what It coBt. pimples, eruptions pondence,ami the most satisfaction 33), ^ specialty, wretched Klrctrio la complete Portland; a lady's grey lined with silk. Grocery, Drug and Cigar trade, big money evenings at 743 Congress street.tt-l not complexion. Bitters guaranteed in every instance. I relieve hun- jacket, wait for It to grow severe. I went at Our modern architecture is fashionable Reward will he if it is returned or notice 1 aaker, territory assigned. B. WEIGHT & the beet medicine In the world to dreds of ladies whom I never Write paid regu- see. for sent to MU. B. 1 CH WAKZ, Cincinnati, 7-1 WANTED—An American girl to do general onoe H. & bon’e like all further PRANK 8KAVKY, Postmaster, * v tojli. Hay drug store, architecture,'and, other fash- late stomach, liver and kidneys and to particulars. All letters truthfully Prout’s Ohio._ housework In small l&mily. Address M. answered. Free Neck, Maine.7-2 took a few It soon' purify the blood. It nerves, confidential advice in all L. R., care of Press office. 7-1 prooured.Doan’R Kidney Pllle, ions, becomes out of date, old gives strong matters of LVANTED—For U. H. Army, regulars and rich aprivateor delicate nature. Hear sure cure for " and the results obtained bright eyes, smooth, velrety skin, in mind ABOUND—A chafing la hot volunteers; able bodied unmarried men doses, fully jus- style and 'distasteful to exalted this remedy is absolutely safe under A weather. A t(jo complexion. It will make a Brazilian Chafing stone wil letween aces of 18 and 35, of character tified me iu good-looking, every possible condition and will positively and good again saying, Doan’s Kidney Ideas of newer'wealth. woman of a rundown invalid. prerent rure. Send 23 cents to PARKER , ud habits. For Information charming leave no after ill effects upon the health. PEASE iemi>erate apply oan be Hy A CO.. Bar Mills. Maine.28-4 j 0 EEC SUITING 2 Pills depended upon. A daughter The shores of New England are Only fO oints at II. P. S. Uoold, o77 mull securely sealed, $2.00. Dr. K. M.TOL* OFFICES, 5 1-2 Middle WANTED. treet Portland, Maine. 25-27 29 of mine In Congress street; and H. U. Starr, Cum- MAN CO., 170 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Jly22 Aue-i-3- living Bowdolnham, this starred with unique and costly sum- « S- 10-12-15-17-19-22-24-2#-‘.J8-» berland Mills. WEDDING RINCS. Three experienced table gftrii state, was also cured of weakness of tn« mer residences, with few Chichester’s Diamond BraaO. and, excep- LugUeh One hundred of them to select from. AQ back. Time In of once. nt plaoe altering my tions, In 20 or 30 years they will look Bismark’s Iron Nerve. styles, all weights, all prices in 10, 14 and 18 at Apply Kt. Gold. and best opinion of Doan’s Kidney Pills has dowdy. If that term can be to Was the result of his splendid health. pills Largest stock of rings applied Pennyroyaland Otuulnf. A In the A thousand of them. COXOHESS SQUARE HOTEL. and tremendous Orl|iatl Only city. McKENNKY, $9.99 WATCH. strengthened it” bouses, and when are on the Indomitable will energy safe, alwayo reliable. ladicsuH JA the Jeweler. Monumeat Square JuneTdtf augJdlw they put I)ru*g!st for Chicktsttrt MnalUk Dui 29 year gold Oiled case Waltham or Elgin are not found where Stomach, Liver, ---—- Doan's Kidney Pills for sale all unless the mo.id Brand In lied aod O'Ud aiet*>lla\WMr ] (lake! movement, warranted to be the best | by market, location has appre- are out of order. If to do general housework: Kidneys nnd Bowels beset sealed with blu« rit.beu Take ENGINEER OFFICE. 637 Congress retch lor the money. the WANTED—Girl dealers SO oents a box. Mailed on ciated la value »uUWu- • McKENNEY, vv two in the must be a price beyond calculation, they you want these qualities and the aueces* [nosihrr. Hrfiitt danvtrout U8.srreet, Portland, Me., July 16, 1838. eweler Monnnient Square. only family; good ttont and xmitationt. At DrOffUie. or oend 4s. Je3 and well recommended. Call from seven use New Idle Pills. Sealed for and cook receipt of prloe by Foster-MUburn Co., go for a relative song. Is It not a they bring Ur. King’s In ataape for partioslara, n-u.lmontaU anC proposal* drcdglug excavating pity ** to at 171 DAN FORTH ST. 5-1 Hrllcf for by retara ledge iu Union River. Me., will bs received eight evening N. sole tor the U. S. this should be the They develop every power of brain aod _ Indies,*'MM SPOT Buffalo, Y., egents mushroom fate of so T Mall. 10,000 TeetloaoBlaU. K—u rt«per. here uu til 12 m. Sept. 7. 1899, and then pub- CASH-OI.D COLO! X1TANTED—At ouce a domestic girl for body. Only Kfiota at H. P. B. Uoold, Chlrbra(rr< Remember the name—DO A M’S—and American hsmtva,i'o..MadUi>«MQSSP«s licly opened. Information furnished on appli- We glre the for Old Gold as v* general small and many homes}—Boston Har- 677 Congress street; and H. G. Starr, Sold by sll Local Dru«fou. >1LLADA., **A. you highest price housework, family cation. 8. W. KOESBLKR. Mat Knars. rouse it for llgnt work. at lit) Westbrook take do substitute, old. lMUx making rings. McKENNEY the Apply street, Cumberland ntu,Uiu a sst-u *ug 8-8-10-11 sept 64 leweler, Monument Square. ocundid Btruudwater. 5-1

■ —...-i,.,., Lard—Palis, compound.. »H 9 6% wood, from Bangor for Pstchogue, with lumbar 8TCANBR8. lAILBOAPj. 1 jtrd—Pura #Vi fi 9 while to eoler wicam«h«. trying Great So "ih Bay m til; AND COMMERCIAL l* Island Inlet last FINANCIAL Hum.-.I UMr* • Fire night, ground”*'1’ JiL 2? CtwokaM. 179 IS maloed last. and IBs crew. oT the F re uiaSd fowl..... IS* 14 Metropolitan street R *..’. and Oak Island life earing .taUnua went £, t£? HARPSWELL STEAMfiOAT 60. Portland & Worcester lino. St BAGO LAKE STEAMBOAT CO. Twrk.v* .. 149 IS Continental, robacoo pfd... aid and lettiaonrd some or theeargo. She floated Urr Flab aad Maakaral. at 6 o’clock this evsntnc undamaged London. Aug »-Vers Crus “The 365 leland Route.” The New and Fan Steamers in the Cod, 769 B 00 Uoitoe I roe jm Market. telegraphs that PORTLAND St ROCHESTER R. R. of Products largo Shora.fc4 •eh Anne K Clarke, from (notations Staple Medium Snore flab. 3 75 Stevens, Ship I.laud 60g3 ■OSTON, An* 0 !■«•—The tallowing ere IS lor Vera Drug, loaded with Smtlan rent of PoUook. 360 July woed. Is l-reblc H 3508 t quota Quit, at Previsions. kai ashore on the bar at Aivorado. OnmiuiUier IIAWTIIOKNE and Markets. e-oar's Cargo* will uron-p Mood*/, Jun. M. iniI’iwim LOUISE. Leading ti rtomt ably be loM. Hins will Ion parttand Hako.j-...... 20o| 325 box, scaled. 11 a 16 Olluton. *y«r Jun-Uon, NuhiiA On end after Jane will connect Herring, per The market Is steady. Domeotlo Port*. Wlndluun *ud 94, dally with Shore Kpptn* it JJO a m. and u.3 8.45 a. and Mackerel. la.33 00*35 00 Spring ,Me,iu 8 75-«t* 35 m. 1.25 p. id. train over Maine en- and Oral,. Mackerel, Sliera 3a.. Winter NEW YORK- Ar sc hi Irai Kail road (Wmte Mountain Division), tench* Hew York Stock, Money patens*. 3 70 >4 35 Sth, Charles .1 Willard OMaaa* AM point* Worth at Large da. 14 Clear and Mrairbi New London a F^jurcb^aAbq m. Ing at Naples, Brtdg'ou, Noriti and 00*318 3 15 4 0a Williams. Franconia. Yoong*• 7 i, and 12.30 n. m. Bridgton Market flew low# Harrison, at H irrlson with Prodooa. Corn—steamer yellow 411*0. Philadelphia. Foe Altrod. Wat* connecting stair* KoolwjWr. Sprlnjmi*. lor Waterford, and at with W. Cook's Beans, Pm.. l r,<*ai 65 Cld, barque Charles p Ward, Coombs. New ooro *ud 8o*o KlT*r atraO a m. Ixm and Naples J. ooach Hues for tides C eta. mane Yellow i rmi 70 i.its suss Market. Orleans. Falls, eco. O.'ieHeM, Byes.... Ckteaao Steamers leave ifarrieen dav Beans, CaHlorma Pea.o 0093 00 Sid. schs Annie 8 Rlckerson. Beni Orr’i Island. 5.80, 10.50 a. 1.45, 3 50 ***■*• ** every (ascent (By Talegrapn-i Maehlae; ta.. at 7.45 a. m. McCormick ft Stook Beaut, Bed kidney.2 00*2 15 C Frith, Salem; Isaac Or be ton Philadelphia- p. ni., via above landings. r^'L^n'i"“V5 Burnley) and j^o p. m.: Norm (I tIce, Co., Letter.) , An*. ». V8P9—Cattle—receipts Emily H Naylor, do: John I Show, Blddeforai I/eave l/ong Island. 7.38 a. m., 12.20. 8.40, 8.20 For WaatbrooC MtUa, Westbroolt p. mt; Bridgton and Wo'dl.mla at r*.30 a. m. und 9 p. Be. and Nseries at 0.15 a. ra. New August a—Although Lon- do native, bosh. 26 1,600; brisk; good to oborte cattle 6 50*8 00; Mary Louisa, Bangor: Allea J Crabtree. Boston. p. n.; arrive Portland 8.08 a. 12.50, Junction at tin maa^ York, (81 m., 4.1(1, an and 2.45 Potatoes 41 eommetier at 4 Stockers and Ar Sth. steamer 5.50 m. iy A30 AU<1 riliuid and B »ston. tlo frame of.mini by Eggs. fresb. m 19 SO; oo«T Hooper. NB; Meservev, trip only Ayer Excursion 4 00 Nile, Koekland. Junction with “ilooaac Tunnel Route” tickets t» Naples. BriUgton, North which enrronnds the out- Eggs, Western fresh. ooa it Hogs—receipts 25,ouo: Irregular; heavy Bangor: SUNDAYS. tainty money held. ®4 85; mixed lois at 4 at 4 60 Bid. steamers St Louis, tor the West and at Union Station. Worcester, Bridgton, Harrison aud Waterford are for sale Eggs, £ 35*4 75; light Southampton; Teu- in Boston over In our market :l 50(1*4 80. Leave Portland for So. Harps well and In- for Providence and New York, via uProvidence the Boston & Maine Railroad, look Kngland, opened Butter, fancy creamery.7. 20at 21 ®4 75; pigs tonic. Llvetpool. Eastern 2 out. steamer termediate landings, 10.00, 10.40 a. m., 2.00 n. m. Line* for Norwich and New York, via “Nor- and Western Divisions, on steamers of Butter, Vermont. .... 19 Sheep—reoetpts 15,000; active; sheep at 25 BOSTON—Ar Sachem, Liverpool; strong with a fair volume of buying by 17§ 25 for Sunday saillug down the leave Port- wich LlneT with Boston and Albany K. H for the Portland S. 8. Co. in Bo non, Portland Union Cheese, N. and Ver’mt. ... @3 culls up to 4 5o®4 76 for choice; Us despatch boat Dolphtu, tug Pied- trip Bay York| lu‘V«ll Portland; 2.15 in. Return from So. we Station and at ail commission houses. As a ruls prloes were Cheese, 12 prime 56; lambs 8 60 to 8 50. mont, tewing barge C. Portland for land, p. Harps II via the West, and with the New York all rail via principal If. It. ticket offices. Sage.*. q> Richmond; above arrive Be sure and call for Excursion Tickets and scus Raymond T Maull and Bamuel H Hunbard, landings Portland, 1.00. 5.30p.m. some That higher than at tha oloslng Pratt Fare to So. and return at checked over fig- Domestic Markets. Wilmington, NC; Lucyllelle, Sullivan. flarpswell Sundays Trains arrive Portland from Worcester "Bebago Lake 4 Jenny other and f^t^Bapgag* ures, an opportunity to Lemons, Messina. 00 a415a Oreenbank and Alaska. Koekland; Montlcello. 86c; landings sailing trips. 26c. at 1.25 p. m.; from Roc Hester at 430 a. m.. 1. 25 giving, foreign (By Telegraph.) ISAIAH from j*27dtf C. L. Oranges, California Navels..0 00*0 00 Mlllbrhlge, Charlotte L Moreno, Lillian, A J DANIELS, Gen Man. and 6.44 p. m.; Gorham at MAR 431 and GOODLIDGE, Mgr. houses to do some arbitrating. Their A 1.2 M8 in. Palermo.,0 00*400 Whiting, Hum-cock aud Alfalfa. Bangor; Rival 1AM BA. Aid, p. 275/4.3 00 __Je34dtf ■ales were heavier than for some days. Apples—Pippins,bbl. and Ka a McClinloek. Rath: Nellie Manillas; SUNDAY TRAINS. Apples, sweet. 2 85^3 00 I I was the feature at tha Nettle B Dobbin, Mlantonomah. Koekp- rt. Leave for Rochester and Intermediate sta- Sugar openlrg, and Coal. packages; IreM higher thsn buyers views, steamers Wtllredtan. Oil*. Turpentine quiet. Bid, Liverpool; Ultonla, PORTLAND and FREEPORT. tions ti.2o p. m. considerable on Winter patents at 8 Boa3 7 >rwlnur via showing strength reports I.lffoma and Centennial oil.. bbl., 160 tst 9 straights do; Storm King, Antwerp Baltimore: Har Arrive trom Rochester and Intermediate sta- 8 30*3 40; Minnesota pefents 3 00*3 80;Wln- for Bangor. of an with the Arbnokles. Befitted Petroleum, 120 tst.. •. risbnrg. Philadelphia tions 9.13 a. m. agreement ter extra* 2 40® 80;Mlnnesota bakers 2 sch Pratt’s Astral. 11 Vk 00® 8M fm Quarantine, Benjamin F Poole, Steamer B. W. DAVIS. Supt. AMIRS was alio a be- 8 1(>; do low grades 2 3o«2 40. Pejepscot. Am. Tob. strong featurs JHalf bbls lc extra. Kenuebec ami Philadelphia. 50,goo — schs cause of an announcement made Hew Linseed oh...*. 37 342 Wheat—receipts bush; exporta bus; BALTIMORE—Ar Sth. Lewis H How- Beginning July 31, KUO. will leave Portland by tha sales 1.025,000 bus and Boiled Linseed oil.* 9»'a>44 futures, 180,(00 bush ard. Haines. Washington; Eliza J Pendleton. Pier at 15 00 n. m. end 4.30 p. m. tor Wane's news this to the eileot spot;spot Arm; No2 Red at obafloat Town Portland & Yarmouth Electric Co. sgsnoies morning Turpentine. 54HG4 752.15; TM* Jnrw *MI> r.LATiAL mrAM.it. jyollow Estelle, Dennison, Bustin', then every fifteen minutes till 11.16 p. m. bat rather to oompete with the Con Tob. —e el v. Cnracoa. m. and 1.40 p. in., Great 7.20 a. ni„ cnelieagiie save Yarmouth for Portland at 5.30 a. in., Grain Sid sells Wm B Palmer. New- 1.20 p. m., Littlejohn’, 7.30 a. in., 1.80 m., There were again many rumors that the Quotation* 7th, MoDOuaid, p. and half-hourly thereafter till to i». m. New Conslns 7.85 a. ni., t.85 m„ Prince', Point 7.56 nort News : Wm Mater. York. p, Leave Underwood for Portland at ft BAY STATE AMO of the would make CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. a. 1.55 m.. Town H in a. 2.10 Spring TBEMONT, secretary treasury Ar win, sens amity Bfiw, v*ray, turnon; juiia m., p. Lauding in., a. m.. and half thereafter tiil then leave .. hourly 11.30; alternately Franklin Wharf. Port- Tuesday's wmm u MOVft H1UKI A Decker. S S p. m.. Waite’s l anding 8.25 a. m.. 1.75 p. ni. large deposits in New York banka la nictations. Hay. do; Delaware, Black, do; every flteen minutes till i<>.30 p. in. land, every at 7 •MMNK. Penobscot. ARRIVE—At Portland S.55 a. in., 3.W p. in. Evening o'clock, arriving la W1IKAT. Sawyer. season for connection with earliest trains spite of tbe foot that there is no law Beef ft *ady. Cla. sobs Maud Briggs, Webster, New York; SUNDAY TIME. for < nt meats Leave Portland points beyond. under whloh snob can be made Opening. Cloning. steady. Fortuna. Billings, Kargeatvlllo. for Yarmouth at 7.46 s. m., ticket* for deposits Heptember. Lard Through Provldeue*. LowelL 08% 68% steady;Western steamed 5 57% .August BATH—Ar 9tb, schs Henry P Mason, Port- SMALL POINT and half-bouilv thereafter till 10.15 p. m. l*eav« N*w and be ROUTE, Worcester, York, *te. oonseqnently should make them December. 71% 70% oo nominal; refined steady; continent 6 85. land ; J Howell Leeds. Salem; F & T Lupton. Pork India Wharf. Boston, every he would be making himself liable to lm- May.74% 74% dull; family —. Boston. Steamer V and every lUieeu minutes thereafter till 10.16 Return!leave Butter schs Cactus. Charleston: Annie Percy p. in. CORN. strong;Western,creamey 16%®18%; Bid, FConloti, ■i.r manager peaouiueai.. Alter me ursr nan nour ac- do at Elvira will leave Portland Pier at 2 m. for I^ave September.. ... 30% 3( V* factory l®14%c; stau- dairy at 131817; Heury 8 Little and J Froucb, Philadel- p. Orr’s Yarmouth for Portland at 0.80 a. m., THOMAS M. BARTLETT. doerm New Cards Cove. small and Age^t. dliulnshed the December. .1 28% 28% 15%$18%£. phia; Douglas Haynes, York: Star of the IsDnd, Ashdale, Polut half-yourly thereafter nil 9 p. m. Leave 8evt L 1887. tivity naturally, although Cheese May.t.... 20% 29% dull; large white and colored 9%® Sea. Baltimore. Harbor and Cundy Harbor. Underwood Spring for Portland at 7 a. m.. and __ tone keeps strong and there la very little 9%c; small white colored %. BOOTH BAY—Sid 9th. schs 8 I But- RETURN— Leave Cuody Harbor at G a. m. every fifteen minutes thereafter till in. OATS. 9%c;smal Smith, 9.30 p. no Eggs fl-tn; State and Penu at trick, Boston; Caressa. do. via above landings. Office 168 Commercial St. dolug. Next to outside business. September.10% 1»% 15%®ltf%c; Office and waiting room 440 Congress street. Western ungraded 10&13% at market. CALAIS—Ar Ptb, schs Mary E Pennell. Frye, J. H. McDonald. Mail. liiteruiitioual Co. the was 10% 3y» dtf Steamship During afternoon the market oec.-.10% ■« Petroleum firm. Bar Harbor; Josto. Jones, Boston; T W Allen, iwtyone 40-3._ji> 3 lull = FOB- stronger led by Atohlson on n confirma- May.... 21% 21 Vi Kosin steady. Damon, 8 M Todd, Nellie Eaton aud Madagas- lobec. St n. tion of the good report* from the crops in PORK. TurpenUue nrm. car. New York. f Eastpon. Caais. Jo lii.HiRin. H.S- Portland & Steamooai Go. STEAMERS. and all ol the west. K. 1. & B. Q. followed oloso- September. 8 35 * ice quiet. Kid. schs Hyena, INx, Stonlngton; Glenullen. Boothbay parts New Bran* wick. Nora Scotu Molasses Mitchell, Cohasset; William frtooo Edward Island and Breton. Xti* ly In this Improvement for a smaller rise. Oct... 8 40 steady. Thomas, Morrison. GOING WEST. Cap* Freights to Liverpool dull. Boston. Dally Kxcnrilnn, Sainlayi Included, to favorite routs to Campobellu aud SL Aiulrewa The volume of trading wni somewhat UKO. easy. STEAMER EKTEHPKlfiE N. B. N sugar—raw held fair 4c CAPE HENBY—Paseed out 8th. schs Frank leaves as Naples and Hrtarn over the than the but September. 5 27 Ann; higher; refining larger during morning, was bid; Centrifugal 90 test at 4 910 bid; Molasses A Palmer and J Holmes Birdsall. follows: Kongo Hirer IConte. Summtr Arrangrmrnti. still restricted. The Oct .. r» 33 East for very trading wus sugar 3%c bid; refined firm, quiet. CHARLESTON -Ar 8th, schs Jeni le Lock- Boothbay Portland, Mondays, Ask for tourist guide and descriptive matter. On nnd after Monday, July 3rd, 8tearner confine ! to RIBS. and at 7.0 * a. largely Atcbinson pfd., which CHICAGO—Cash quoiattcua. wood, Hawthorne, Boston; Nelson E Newbury, Wednesdays Fridays, m., Train com acting with Steamer at Lake will leave Railroad Wharf. Portland, on Mon- September. 6 Peck touching at South Bristol, Snhago gained over u point during the day. 02% Flour auiet. worth. New York; George E Dudley, Wil- t Cove, leaves Union .station at 8.46 a. m. Hound trip day. Wednesday and Friday at 6.30 p. on. Re- Oct. 6 07% son. do. Heron Island, t Oceau Point, Boothbay Har- leave St. In the industrial group American To- wneat—No 3 spriug —; No 3 do tickets from Portland, week days, 92.00; Sun- turning John. Eaatport and Lubec 67%®fl8c; Ar 9th, sch Georgia L Hone Island. bor, Squirrel Island. and bacco was the leader, scoring a net ad- Wednesday's quotations. No 2 Bed at 70®70%c. Com—No 2 3*a32% : Dickson, days. 91.6a Information at Union Station. onday Friday. No 2 S3e. Oats—No 2 at 21 % EASTPORT— Ar 9th. aohs Hiram and Eastern GOING EAST. Through tickets Issued and baggage checked vance of three points on the day's trad- WHEAT yellow £22;No2 LI ht. Heleu to white No 3 white No 2 Boston; G King, New York. Leave SEUAUO LAKE S.B. CO. destination. |y Freight received up to 4.00 There was no news atleot- 24%c; 2388240; Bye at Franklin Wharf Portland, Tues- ing. absolutely <>!>enlng. Closing No 1 W ELLSWORTH-Bid 9tb. sch Lavolla. Whitta- and p. m. 6 62% c; Flaxseed at 99c; N Flaxsee at days Saturdays at 7.00 a. m., for fulyltdft Ing prices except that noted above with September. % 60% ker. Rondour. • *ud Staterooms at the 01® I 02; prime Timothy seed 2 45*2 47% ; Damarlscotta, touching at ..For_Heket» apply to the con- December...... 71% 71% ULOU< ‘ESTER— Ar 9ih. bqntrrel Island, Pine Tree Ticket regard growing crops. Money Mess Pork 7 60*58 26; I^rd 4 Q7%®5 20 short brigantine Ernestine, f Ocean Heron Office, Monument Square or •«y .. 74% 74% Jewett. Jewett's Boothbay Harbor, Point, other tinues easy ruling at from 3 1-3 to 4 per rib sides at 4 80&6 if»;Dry salted meats—shoul- Cove; WT Emerson, Bangor. Island, t Christmas Cove, South Bristol, Information, at Company’s Offlo* UYaNN Is—Sid schs Lulu W Kallruad loot ox State cent. Late advioes from London report CORN ders at 5%® %; shore dear'lrdes 6 36,a 5 45. 8th. Eppes, Jor- East Boothbay. Wharf, street. dan. Ellsworth; J li Edwards. BOSTON id PHILADELPHIA. Butter dairies Lynn. Leave at 7.00 a DAY* BTEAMER FOH BOSTON. the stock market there as closing well Sept.130% 31% firm—creamery 18%® 18c; 12® Passed sebs Portland, Thursdays, m., iHtt. 1 east, Sunlight, K 0 Gates. Kate for East aud above abovn the lowest of the day, but there 28% 28% David A R Boothbay landings except TKl-WtfeKLY SAILINGS. From July 4fh until October 1st a steamer cheese erm at 9210c. Walker. Story. James Talbot, Wm Damax hcotta. is still some felt that the May... 29% firm; Butman. Eva Hazkl Dell and will leave Railroad Wharf, Portland, on Tues- apprehension May. Sadie Corey. team. 4 Eggs firm-fresh 12%c. t Passengers conveyed by day, aud net earlier than 7.00 a. m. Bank*of rate or discount will KEY sch B Frank • From Boston Saturday England’s 18,000 wheat WEST-Ar8Ui. Nealley, to East Tuesday Thursday,. Saturday for Boston. Sept. ... 1954 20 Flour—receipts *8»bls; 106,000 Davis, Carteret. Returning Boothbay. Fare $1.00. bo advanced to 4 per cent tomorrow, bush; corn oats Subject to without notice. F. lee 19H 1»% 430,000 bush; 524,ooo bush; MACH I AS-Ar 9th. schs Josle and Lizzie change Fro* J. LISCOMB, Supt the consensus of rye 0.000 bush: bush. J JjldtfALFRED RACK. PN.Iaielphi! Moatij, Wednesday hiowitbetandlng this, May. 21V* 21V. barley 00,000 Clark, Boston. Manager, 3y3dttM. P.C. HER8KY, Agent. here Is that in view of the com- Shipments—Flour 18,000 bbls; wheat 10.000 opinion Hid. sell li C Boston. and --- J FORK. bush; corn oats Cheater, Portland. Ml Desert and Machias Steamboat G) Friday parative ease of the money market here, 621,000 bush; 237,000 bush MOBILE—Ar sch Jeauio I Sept.8 35 8 V7Va rye 00,000 0,000 bush. 8th. Lippltt, Chase, MTU. FRANK JONKS. From Central Wharf. Boston. 8 ra. From RAILROADS. no serious disturbance need be looked Oct bush; barley Cartagena. p. 8 3344 Pine street Wh&rf. Philadelphia, at 5 d. m. In- ior as a result the DETROIT—Wheat quoted at c for cash NEW LONDON-Ar Service resumed Friday, March on to our market of Bank LAUD. 70% 9th, sch Mary Louisa, 31,1899. surance elfected at office. White; cash Bed at 70% at which date the Steamer Frank Jones will leave of effort to attract gold. c; 8ep 72c; Dec a* New York for Bangor. for the West the Penn. &. 1L England’s Sept. 8 74% c. Portland on and at ll.OO Freights by and MAINE 2214 i NEWPORT N EWS-SId 8th, sch John Twohy, 'Tuesdays Fridays p. South forwarded ooimeeOng lines. CENTRAL R. IL Oct. 6 25 Boston. m. for Rockland, Bar Harbor and by CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. TOLEDO—Wheat firm—cash and at MHCblasport Passage *10.00. Hound 918-00. Aug 70c; ana Intermediate landings. leave Trip effect RUM. Sept 71 Vac; Dec 73%c. NORFOLK-Ar 8th. brig Sullivan Alien. Bal- Returning Meats and room included. Jr July 31. 1393. 9.—Wheat market Mackiasport and at 4 a. Chicago, August Sept. 5 024% timore. Mondays Thursdays For or to F. F. arriving Portland at 11.00 m. connect freight passage apply WING, TRAIN'S LEAvE PORTLAND ruled firm today owing to the many en- Oct. 6 55 Cid. schs Alice E Clark. Clark, Boston; John m., p. mg Central Coltoa Markets. with trains roriBoston. ▲gent, wharf, Boston. couraging advices from abroad and the R iialladay, Horuer, New Yoi«. K. B. SAMPSON. Treasurer and General ^ “irK"r, Brunswick. Lewiston, (Low Illy GEO, F. EVANS. F. E, er), Batu, Bootlibuy, Fouham the of the ses- Portland Doily Proas mock Telegraph.) Sid, seb Mary Adelaide Randall, Randall, New BOOTUBY, m State Flake iloieli. K dcirnl prloes during tarly part ijuotatlons. Gen’l Manager. Gei/.l Pass. Agent Manager, St, Building, Boston, Augusta, sion advanced AUG. 0. 1899. London. Mata occodtx Waterrille, Skowhogau nod Betlast. l-2o per bushel over last Corrected Swan Pori land. 8-30 a. m.—For by & Barrett. Banker*. 188 NEW YORK—The Cotton market was PHILADELPHIA —Cid 8th, sebs Willie L Maine._mar24dtf Danville Jc.. Ruiofnrd Falls night. Liverpool reported their market Middle street. to-day llemis, MstaL quiet; middling upland at 6%; do gulf 6%c; Newton. Belfast; Emma C Middleton, Lynn; F.irrnkigton. Kaugeley,y Wln* as firm, £3-8d. higher. 8TOCKS. sales 100 bales. Gertrude Abbott. Boston; Three Marys, do. throp. Read held and Waterrille. Holders confident. Continental mar- Description. Par Valus Bid. asked Ar 9th. sells Sarah K Ward Kennebec; Electa GASGO BAY 11.10 a, in. —Ksurcss lor Ilsuvl.le Jc.. L,wi». 0 Gtt AltLKSTON—1The Cotton market STEAMBOAT GO. kets were firm. at nalNational Bank...sou 100 102 to-day from ton, Untervtlle, oloosetinaii Lake via Foxcroft. generally Receipts closed auiet, nominal ; —c. Bangor; tug Tftcony, towing barge Llpton ascoNailonal Bank.loo io7 lio middlings Bath. ALLAN Bangor Bar Haibor. Aroostook urn were LINE Countv, Chicago and the northwest- itW car- Custom IIou«e Wharf, tor Cumberland National Bank. 100 100 102 GAI.V KSTON—Tho Cotton market closed Island—Passed down 8tb. schs Emma Houlton. Woodstock. St. Sleulisu. against- 856 ears last week and 197 oars Cbauman Reedy Mufti St. Calais, National Bauk. loo joi steady; middlings 5% a. C for Rebecca A Ur. Koynl McametH, Montreal Andrews, Ht. Jolm and Halifax lest Clearances from Atlantlo sea- Middleton, Philadelphia Lynn; Portlaud, year. Fust National hank.100 100 102 M do for Boston. iiimI and to all points on KMHHI8—The Cotton market to-day closed Taulane, Liverpool. Co. K.;»««obpro Mijtnii board 150,000 bushels wheat and Hour. Merchauu'National Bauk— 75 *02 103 Passed 8th sch F C K. parlor car to liar Harbor ana **. steady; middlings 6%c. up Pendleton, Burgess, John. Keoelpts at primary points 543,000 bushel a National Traders’ Bank-..-..loO 98 iuo New York lor Wllmiugton, Del. WEE ¥ DAY TIME TABLE. Calling at Quebec and Derry. Portland National Bank...... 1 oo NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed 12.40 p. for against 723,000 lust week and 611.000 last 102 104 PORT READING—Ar 8th. tch* Lizzie Lane. Summer m.-Express Brunswick, Bath. Portland Trust Co.100 145 firm; middlings 6%c. Arrangements June, 35, 1899. Usbon Falls. There was demand for cash 150 Crosaoo, New York; Ada Ames. Emery, do,and From From Rockland, Augusta, WaterviUe, year good Portland Gas 86 9« MOBILE—Cotton market nominal; middlings Burnham better In- Company.50 cld for Cnmden. Newport, Bangor. Bucksport, Bar wheat by local millers and a Portland Water Co....IUO 6 1 Hdc. Liverpool. Steamships. Montreal. Harbor, Old to wo and lireenvllle. 103 100 PROVIDENCE-Ar 9th, sch Freddie Eaton, For fovod Cite tsndiiiK, Teaks Island, 5 45, Parlor car to quiry for export here and at tbe srahosrd. Portland St. Railroad Co. .100 130 140 SAVANNAH—The Cotton market closed Rockland and Bar Harbor. Calais 6.45, 7.46,, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00* A." M., 12.00, "Weather in the northwest wus not favor- Maine Oe-ntral K*y.100 160 170 steady: middlings 6%c. 3 Aug. ’Californian. Aug. 1.10 p. m.—F..I D.nvihe Jc., Rum or I RED BEACH—Ar 9th, schs Bloraldon, Hinds, 12.30. *1.46, 2.16. 3.00, *3.45, 4.30, *' |17 F.Ils, Trade Portland"* burg h.U.100 43 6.16,6.15, 10 24 Btfints. able being too wet in Minnesota. Ogdens 6o Arthur P Smith, Smith, Pembroke. *7.00. 7.30. *8.00, 9.30 1*. M. Talnul, L-wistou, Farmington, Carrabasset, were European Market? 17 Parisian. 3t Rangeloy, Bingham. WatarviUe. was fairly large ail day ami shorts BUNDS. Sid, schKt Croix. Washington. Return—6.20, 7.20. 8.15, U 30 A " Skowhegau. Torrey, 9.30, 10.20, 34 7 115 p. m.-Kor uro to con- Portland 6s. 1907.118 120 SA LEM—Ar 8th. sch Post. M., 12.20, 1.00. 3.20. ’Bavarian, [newt Sept. Freeport, Brunswick. Bath, good buyers. Receipts likely (By Telegraph.) Charity, Bangor, *2.15,2.35, *4.05,5.00, 6.45, 31 *• Augusta. Watervjlle. Skow Portland 4s. 1902—1012 lOS 108 SAVANNAH—Ar sch Edward P *7 JO, 8.20 *uoo, 10.16 p. or at close •Californian, |J4 began, Belfast, tinue light until northwest spring; crop Funding. LONDON. Aug. 9, 1899—consols closed at 8th, Avery, ; 6J0, m., 7 M Do.er and Portland 4a. 1813. 108 Feruandina. of eutei taiument. Sept. Talnul, pi Foxcroft. (Jteenvi’Je. Bangor, wheat to arrive and that will not Funding*..106 108% for money and 105 11-16 lor account. Hawley, 14 Par uldtown and begins Bangor 6s. 1906. Water.112 114 Ar nth. sch He'le O’Neil, Bath. For ( uslalnic’s Island. 6.46, 7.45,9.00, sian, pi Mattawamkoag aud to Bucksport fce for some weeks. In meantime 10.00, 21 **•Bavarian .Saturdays. foreign Bath 4V*b. 1907, Mumcioal.101 108 LIVERPOOL, Aug. 9, 1899.—The Cotton VINKYARD-HaVFN—Passed schs Ab- I 11.00 A. M.. 12.30. 2.13, 4.30, 6.15 [ncwjfg Oct market 8th, *1.45, 3.00, 5.10 p. m.—For demand is likely to increase and especial- Bath 4%. 1921. Kefnndiug.101 103 steady; American middling at 3 7-16d: bie S Walker, Dobbins. Charles D Hall, Faulk- i *7.00.*8.00, 9.30 P. M. Brunswick, Bath, Bocklaud. sales estimated bales of Augusta aud Wat<*rvi*lc. ly if our markets bold firm. Country Belfast 4s. 106 0,000 which oOoO enburg, and Odell. McDonough, bound east; Return-7.05, 8.00. O.lS.tlO^O, 11.20 A M., 112.45, RATES OF Municipal.102 bales were for PASSAGE. 5.15 p. in.--For l>anvilla Estimated receipts to- Calais 4s 1901—1911 Refunding.... luO 102 speculation and export. Commerce, Hutchings. Rockland for New York; *2.00, 2.46. 3.30, 4.43, 0.40, *7.15, 8 30 9 45 P. M. Junction, Mechanic offerings light. Cabin- 00 to A reduction of Fans, to l^wlston6s,* 1901. M E Boston for For Little and threat Diaaioud Llsnaa 950 *80.00. io i.ewiston, Satuidays Kumford Falls morrow 78 oars. Municipal.103 105 Eldridge. Malloy, do; Crescent, ts Parlor car to Lewiston 4*. Wm per cent allow at ou return tickets, except Lewiston. a 1913, Municipal •• ....lo5 107 BAILING GAYS OF STEAMSHIPS. IJ Marvel and .1 Frank Keavey. bouud west; Trefstheo’*, Kvcrgreen Landing, For the present we think wheat pur- ou the lowest rates. 8 06 p. m.—Express to Lewiston. Parlor car. Saco 4s. 1901. Municipal.lOo 108 FROM roR Mark Gray, bound east. Teaks Island, 6.00, 8.00. 9.00, 10.80 A. chase on all weak spots bat wen Id take Skconi> Cabin-To Liverpool. London or ll.OOu. m.—Night Express for Maine Central K K7s.1012.ncms.mtg 135 187 Menominee....New York.. London.Aue 12 Ar 9th. schs Menawa. Saugus, to discharge at M.. 12.( 0 m„ 2.00, *3.00,, 4.20, 5.15, 6.15, 7-89, Brunswick, ** ** * < O return. Batlu Lewiston. profits on moderate advances. 4V»S 108 110 ....New York. this port and Delaware. Weeiiaw- *9.30 P. M. Londonderry—$36. single; 905.60 Augusta. Walerville, Bangor, Chaiupague .Havre.Aug 12 Bridgeport; ttrekb age— A loose head Aroostook 4s cons. keu for Sarah Rctsra-Leavr* Little Liverpool, 1-ondou, Glasgow, lake, County via Oid- mtg.. ..104 loft HIldar.New York. .Caracas. ... 12 Sedgwick; C Smith, Beach Diamond, 6.25, 7.05, " * Aug Belfast, Londonderry or Queenstown, *23.30. tnwu. Bar Harbor, Bucksport, St. g6s,19o0,exten’sn.l02 108 Pretoria.Now 12 for New York; Hoiteunia, River Herbert via 8.16, 9.15, 10 la. 11.45 A M„ 1.15, 3.15, *4.10, NEW YORK, Au*. 9. Portland & York..Demerara...Aug 6.35. Prepaid certificates *24. Stephen, Calais. St. Andrews, St. Optt’g g«s,\900. 1st Anchoria.New ... Gloucester for do; Gaidl- 6.40, 8.40, *10.40 P. M. nugl02 ICS York. .Glasgow Aug 12 Agrlcolaand Emily, 12 and al1 on was Portlaud Return—Leave Children under years, half fare. Bates to Ar°o-b>ok County via Vanoeooro, Money call steady 2V* pr ct jlast Water Ctfs 4s. 1927 .... 1C4 1C 0 Dominion.Montreal. .Liverpool... ner, for orders: L wience Haines, Gardiner lor Ureat.Diauioud, 6.20, 7.00. VuMi $8% Aug 12 or lrom other points ou HaltTax and the and to New York 8.10, 10.10, 11.40 A. application to Provinces all points on loa:i 2*/a^d per ceut; prime mercantile paper Aller...Now York. .Genoa.Aug 12 (and sailed), 9.10, M., 1.10, t3.10, *4.05, T. P. 440 Co. R. R. schs 6.35. 8.35. >10.35 P. M. NdiOWAN, Congress St., Washington Saiurrlay night train noston Stock Market. Patna .. ..Now York. .Hamburg.. 12 Sid, eorge A Pierce, Emeltne G 8awyer 6.30, at 4Va«& percent. Sterling Exchange linn, .Aug and Uetnm—Leave Portland. Me. does not run to Belfast, Dexter. Dover and .... A J Trefethen’s, 6.15. a05. The were the Campania New York.. Liverpool.. ..Aug 12 Miller, Bangor. 0.55, J. U. 51 i-4 1‘oxcro-t or with actual business in bankers bills at 4 t>6 following closing quotations of Passed, schs Silver Port for 9.05, 10.06. 11.35, A. M.. KEATING, Exchange St., beyond Bangor excelling to Bar stocks at Boston Sparndam.New York Rotterdam.. Aug 12 Spray, Reading *4.00, 5.25, 6.30, Purtlanil. Me. iu'IMH Harbor. car liiddeford; Bt for 8.3*., *10.30 P. M. Sleeping to St. Jolm and Washing- £480 V4 for demand, 4 S2V4 a 4 82Vs tor six- Cymric.New York. .Liverpool ...Aug 15 Henry, George, 81. Lubec; ton Co. H. R. Atchison. Ton. «.oam» If* n. new. Rockland for Return— Leave 20% Kaiser W de G New .... Sardinian. New York. Kvergreen, «.10, 6JO, 8.00. rates 4 83 Vi 87 Commer- York. .Bremen Aug 13 12.55 a. ro. Desert ty’days; posted *4 Vi. Boston a 61a us. 200 NC — Ar sell 9.00, 10.00. 11.30 A. M., 1.00. 3.00. *3J6. 6.20. midnight—Alt. Special for Mauica.New York. RosAriu .... Aug 16 WILMINGTON. 8th, Cora C NEW VOKK Cen Mass. o;q DIRECT I.IN'E, Brunswick. Augusta, Walerville. Bangor aud cial bills 4 81 Vi...... 65 ..i>ew xor*.. Mender. Meador. New York. u.io. *.a>, r. m. uermtuuc.. Liverpool .... a ug 16 iu imr uo common..... For i'ouoo’d Lauding. Long UUml. CR.OI, UHr.ior. Silver certificates GO Vs *01 < 8t P*ul.New 16 Maine Maine entr.ii. York..Bo’&metou..Aug Porta. 8.00. 9.00, 10.30 A. M.. 12X0 M- Steamship Co. Whit* Mountain Dlvlaioa ...167 .. Foreign 2.C0. *3.00, Bar Sliver Werkend&ra New York.. Amsterdam .Aug 17 Lio, 60Vi. Union Pacific.. 6.15, 6.15. 7.30. *9.30 P. M. Long Island Sound l$y Dsy>ght. M5a.rn.-For Evelyn ...... New York.. Porto Kico..Aug 18 Ar Bri-igtou, Fabyans, Burling- Mexican dollars 43. Union Pa clue at Loudon Aug 8, steamer Iona, Montreal. Ucturu- Leave Pouce’a ton. Did. 77% York.. Antwerp ... Landing, Long Lancaster, No. Amert<*at* Kensiugton-New Aug rt Ar 9tli, steamer MontovIdean, do. 3 TRIPS PER WEEK. Colebrook, 8'ratford. bonds Re*-. .,,*346 Cluiuoer.New lalauii, 0.00, 0.40. 7.50, H.6Q. 9.50, H.20 A. M. Beecher Fails. Quebec. 8t. .Sher- Government sjpad York. .Montevideo.Aug 10 Ar at steamers Pare One Way $5.00. Hound 90. OC Joltnbury. Amenean .-sugar, common.162% Queenstown Aug 9. Catalonia 12.50, 2,50, °3.45, 5.10. 6.15 C.65. 8.15. *10.16 p. M. Trip, »t. Paul Saratoga.New York. .8mnti Cuba. Aug 17 and New Boston for brooke, Montreal, Chicago, aud Minne- Bacar, ufd.... England. Liverpool. The Horatio Halt and Man- Parlor car to Hide*. 119% Cailforuian.Montreal.. 17 8USDAY TIME steamships apolis. Montreal, sleeping carlo Mexican oenrra' Liverpool ....Aug Ar at Liverpool Aug 9. steamer Ottoman. TABLE. hattan alteruatlvelv leave «e. 75% Button.New York. .Peru’bueo.. 19 Franklin Wharf. Niagara Fails. Parlor car Fabyans to Quebec. Tim following quotations the Aug Montreal. represent pay- nppcreu ivianuiacnirmg uo. new...... 121 Mougoliao.New York. .Glasgow... 19 Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Haturdays .1-25 p. in.—For Sebago Lake. BriHgfon via ing in tills market: Aug Ar at Buenos Ayres July 13, Charles at 6 m. for New York prices Hretairue.New York. 19 barque p. direct. Returning, leave Kail and hongo Kiver, North Conway, Fabyans, Cow and steers... 7o ^ lb .Havre....,.Aug G Bice, Bose. Boston. Pier 3d. E, K., and Satur- Lancaster. Patricia...Now York. .Hamburg.. Auir 19 Passed Tuesdays, Thursdays Coiebrooke. Beecher Falls, Limeu- Bulls and at»g?.... 6e New York Quotation* of Stock* and Bond a Fernando Noronha Aug 8, ship Ken- days at 5 p. in. buru. Bt. Johns: Umbria...... New York. .Liverpool.. .Aug 19 nebec. Baltimore ury, Newport. barns—No l quality..10o Lewis. lor San Francisco. I* These steamers are fitted and fur. 0.00 (By .... W, Z.10, 3 6 7 W P. superbly p. m.—For Se Bride- 3 Telegraph.) FurneMa .New York. .Glasgow. ...au 19 Sid fm Barbados 46^4.45. 15, M. ago Lake, Cornish, No ..8 c The axe the July 38, barque Mannle kor Little and Great Diamond nlshed (or passenger travel and afford the most North and 41 following closing quo tat loin of Rotterdam.. ..New York.. Rotterdam ..Aug 19 Swan. lilandt, ton. Conway Bartlett. No 3 .« ®7c Bonds; Higgins. Brunswick. Ga. Trrfethen'a and convenient and comfortable route between 8.40 in.—For Camhroman — Montreal. 1 Iverpool.. .Aug 19 Cld at 8t Evergreen LaudtHgi. p. Sebago Lake. Fryeburg, Culls .25*60 John. NB. Aug 9. sch Nellie J Peaks Portland and New York. North Con Aug. 9. Aug 8. Trave.New York. .Bremen.Aug 22 Crocker. New York. Island, 7.00, 8.00. 9.30, 10.30 A. M., wav, Fabyans, Lunenburg. Stl New 12.15, 4.20. J. F. to 4s, re®.129% 12w% Now York... .New York. .S’tbampton. Aug 23 Cld at Hillsboro. 2.00, 43.15, 5.15, 6.15, *7JO P. M. L18COMB. General Agent. Jotmsbury. Montreal anil Toronto ana Retail Grocer*’ Sugar Market. New NB, Aug 8. soli Hannah F For Ponce’s THOS. M. BARTLETT. 4s. coup.129% 129% MalesUc.New York.. Liverpool.. Aug 23 Carletou, Newark. Landing, Long Island, 7.00, AgL oeudtf Chicago dally except Saturday Sleeper to Portland market—cut loaf 7c; confectioners N ew 4s, reg.112% 112% Noordland.New York. Antwerp... 23 8.00. 9.30. 10.30 A. M., 12.15, 2.09. *3.15,4.20. 645, Moutreal. Aug 7.30 P. M. 8c; powdered at OVfec: granulated at 6c; coflee New 4s, coup.113 113 Tainul.Montreal. .Liverpool.... Aug 24 SUNDAY TJLiINN. Donver & It. G. 1st.loo Spoken. •11.00 p. m. for all crushed —c; yellow 4 Vic. 100 Catania ...... New York. Nassau.Aug 25 landln^Saturday nights only BOSTON & MAINE K. R. 7.20 a. train for Erie 72 except Cushing's Island. m.—Paper Bangor. gen.!4s.. 71 Scotsman.Montreal.. Liverpool ...Aug 26 Aug 0, off Hatteras, sch Longfellow, bound 8. 7.25a. in.—Paper train lor Lewiston. Mo. Kan. & Tex. • In Effect Juae26th. IH99, Portland Wholesale Market* ;2ds.06 CO Parisian...... Mo ireai.. Liverpool ... Aug 31 Not run In stormy or foggy weather. 12.40 ni.—For Kansas & p. Brunswick, Lewiston. Bath, l*acilic|coiisols. Vancouver.Montreal. Liver pool....Sept 7 Tickets sold over this lino to the Gem Theatre WESTERN DIVISION. Augusta, Water villa. and Bar Harbor. 0. Bangor PORTLAND. Aug. Oregon Nav.lst.112% 113 Bavarian.Montreal.. Liverpool... Sept 7 Unavoidable delays ami Trains leave Portland, Uuion Station, for 0.0o p. in.—For Lewistoti. Texas L. G. excep'.ed, subject to Wheat at clos- Pacific, lsts... .115% 1161 without notice. Scat boro rtiming, 7.10, 9.00, 10.00 a. ill.. 12 8.40 p. n».—For Wime Mountain was’higher to-day Chicago,Sept do 2ds. change Division, reg. 55% 65% C. W. T. GODlLG. General Hi.. -20, 3.66. f> 26, 6.20, 0.60 p. in.; Scarboro Montreal, Torouto aud ing Vs* Vic better. Flour steady and imchang- Union Pacific MINIATURE ai.vanai ...AUGUST 10. Manager. Chicago. lsts. je26dtf Beach, Pine Point, 7.00, 7.10. 8.20, 9.06, 10.00 It p. m.—Night Express lor all points. ed. Coarse grains strong and tending upward, of stocks— 8unrises. 4 * 115 _ a in,. 12.00, 1.20. 3.30, ;».66, 6.25, 0.60 *12.55 a. in.—Mu Desert for Quotations 48llli«rhm*h waUr, special Watervillo, f'rovistious held. lower. 9. Buu sets 6 53 I 30 8.00, 11.16 p. ill.. Old Orchard, fcaoo, Hiddn- Bangor aud Bar Harbor. very strongly Apples Aug. Aug 8. \ Ou Atchison.. Moon sets. 8 201Height.oo— oo and after MONDAY.Tune 19. 1889, trains 8.20, 8.45. 9.o6, 10X10 a. ni. Turpentine advanced le today; now quoted at 20% 20% EASTERN STEAMBOAT GO. tord, 7.00, 12.00, Arrivals Iu Cortland. A tclilsou ufd.. 64 will leave as follows: 3.65, 5.26, 6.60. 6.20. 6.60, 64*046. Central Pacific. 64 6 8.00. 11.16 ip. in. lOnnebuhk, Heniiebunk- daily a. % LEAVE. June m.; Lewiston and Mechanic 8.35 The following quotations ropreieut the wholu- Cbes. & Ohio. 27% 2734 Couinirnclug 2C, 1899. port, 7.00, 8.46. 10.00 a. in.. 12.30, 3.30, 6.25. Falls, a.m.; \ i 1-c For Lewiston and 8.15 a. No. U. Watervillo. Bath and Augusta, 8.40 a. in.; sale prices for Uus market; Cincauo. Bur. S Quincy.137 13 began aud LewBton, 12.18 p. Au- Del. Lack. St West.175 ..176% 1‘OKXLANl) Gorham. Island Fond. 8.15 a. Springs, Southport, Mouse, (Janltol aud Rochester, 7 O0, 8.4 a. m., 12.30, 3.30 p. m. m;, Bangor, and low 55:3)2 75 m. 1.30 Miid 8.30 m. Squirrel and Kocklaud. 12 02 Beecher Superfine grades.2 weaver & it.! G. 21V# 21 p. Islands. Ocean Point and Alton Bay, Lakeport, and Nortlivni Divis- gusta noon; Wheat Bakers.*. .8 40®3 65 For Montreal and Spruce Point, Booth- rails, 8t. 12.15 Spring Erie, new. 13% WEDNESDAY. August 9. Chicago, 8.15 a. m. aud 6 3) connects at Mouse ion, 8.46 n. in., 12 30 p. a*. Worcester (via Johnsbury, Bndgton, p. m.; Ex. Wheat 25 &4 *>u ia% bay Harbor, Island for Bar Spring patents.4 Erleistpfd... 37% 37% p. in. Christmas Heron Island and Sotnersworth 7.00 U. III. Manchester, Concord press, Maltawamkeag. Harbor. Bucksport, St. Louis st. J Arrived. Cove, Peiuaquid. Mich, and roller.3 90*4.0 Illinois For Quebec, 8.15 a m. and 8.30 m. Itud 7.00 a. 3.3 ■ 111. Greenville.;Bangor, l.2op. iu.; Lewiston 3 20 p. Central...’..114 Va 114% p. Returning, leave Boothbay at 2.30 p. m., mak- North, in., p. Dover. Exe. Mich, and St. Louis clear.» 65 *S 85 Lake Erie & West. Steamer Horatio 7.0.-. in.; Beecher Falls, Lancaster. Fabyans, 5.oo p. 21V* 20% Hall, Bragg. New York— ARRIVALS. ing same landings. ter, Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell, 8.4& Winter Wheat patents.4 15*4 25 Lake and mdse to J F in.; Skowbegan. Water vile, Augusu.Koek'and, Shore.201 % 201 % passengers Llscomb. Leave Boothbay Harbor at 7.15 &. m., landing а. in., 1*2.30. 3.30, 0.06 p. in. Boston, 4.30. 7.00 Louis & Steamer From Lewiston and Auburn. 8.35. a. 5.20 p. ill. dsulv except from Kocklaud ; St. John, Corn and l-'eed. Nash. 74% 74% Cumberland. Alien, Boston for East- 6.10, li.30 a daily (Sunday exceptedi at Squirrel and Mouse 8.46 in.. 12.30, 1.46, 3.3s 0.06 p. in. Arrive St Ui.; 3.15, 6.15 and 5.45 m. Lar Harbor, Aroostooic Connty. Washington Corn, car lots... 42$ 43 Manhattan Elevated.117% 117% port aud John. NB. p. Islands. Southport, Kiggsville, Junc- Uoslou 7.25. 10.16 a. in., 12.46. 4.10, 4.3s 7.15, Steamer From lsbiud Berlin and Westport County, Moosehead Lake nml Bangor, 5.35 p. lots. 44 Mexican Central. 14% 14% Daniel Manning (U8R). cruising. Pond, Gorham, C.40 at d tion and Westport. and 9.16 p.m. Leave Boston Portland 6.59, 8.00, oru, bag 00$ li.3u a in. und 6.45 m. Monday. Wednesday in.; Kaugeley. Farmington, Kuiniord Balls Meal, bag lots. 42 Michigan Central. Tug Nottingham, New York, towing barge C p. at Ocean Point. Point, 7.80. 8.30 a. in.. 1.20. 4.16, 6.01 p. m. Arrive in ($43 & St. RK oi N J No coal From Chicago and 6.40 a. m. Friday Spruce Capitol Lewi«ton. ft.45 p. ui.; Chiea-ro, Mmitrcal, Que- Oats, car lots. @ 32 Minn. Louis. 65% 05 2, to Raudall & McAllister. Montreal, and Island, Five Islami ', and Tuesday, Portland 10.'o. 10.65, 11.50 a. m., 12.10, 6.00. Minn. & St. Sell Cinderella. Ola 5.46 p. m. Thursday bec and 7.45 p. m.; MattawamkeKg, Oats, bag lots. * 35 Louis old.. 96% 80% Muitroe, Orchard. and Saturday at Isle of Springs and 7.60. 9,30 p. m. Fabyans, Missouri Sell C M Rice. From Quebec, 6.40 a. m, and 5.45 p. m. Sawyer's Bar Harbor and Bangor, 1.50 a. m. daily; Hali- Cotton seed, car lots.00 oo Pacific. ^8% 48% Walton, Rockland, lime ioC S Island. Returning leave Bath at 2.80 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. 00*23 New .1 Chase. fax, SL John. Washington County, Bar Harbor, Cotton Seed, bag lots.... .00 00*24 00 ersey Central.118% 118 SUNDAY TRAINS. commences July New Seh Clara & New 8tlL Scarboro 7.10. 10.15. a.ni.. Bangor, Augusta 4.20 iu in. daily. Backed car lots...., .. ..10 OO YoriQ Ceutral.131 138% Mabel. Leeman, Harbor. <®*Pr®*sl Crossing, 9.20, Bran, 50*17 For Montreal, Quebec, Toronto and Yeave Bath*a? m. Bar Harbor Northern Pacific com. Hob William llathawav. Chicago 2.0**. 3.40. 4.15. 6.1U, 8.16, 7.16 p. in. Scarboro Sundays, LbOji. ana Bangor; Backed Bran, bag lots...... 17 18 00 52% 52% Keene, Machias. 8.30 m. *. 50* p. •1.20 a, m. Halifax and Ft. 8.06 a. m. Mon- car 00 Northern Pacific pfd. 78% Sen Haitie Boring, Rice, ltocklaod. Beach, Blue Point, 7.10. «rT9, 9.20. JU.16 a. John; Middling, lots.17 00*18 76% For Lewiston and Auburn. 8.30 a m. and m. treal and North western. 00% Sch Portland Packet, Gardner. Eastport, aaop. Ui., 12.65. 2.00. 3.4i>, 4.16. 5.1t». 0.16, 7.16 p.UI. Lunenburg; 10.00 a. ro, Lewiston; Middling, lots.13 007/. 19 00 For Gorham aud Berlin, s.ao a. m. and 8.39 in. 12.25 noon Bar bag, Out. St West. 20% 26% empty barrels to S O Co. p. Old Orchard Saco, Llddeford, 7.10, 8.16, Harbor, Bangor and Lewiston; Mixed feed.17 50^:18 00 6.08 p. ui. Lewiston; 5.20 m. WaterviUe. Readme. 21% 2i Scb Seth N>inau, Rice. Prospect Harbor. ARRIVALS. Fopliam Beach Koute. 9.2ft. 10.16 a. in''. 8.40, 4.16, 6.0 p. Sugar, Coffee. Tea. Mola*«e.i,KaUlni. Itock Island.118 % 118 Sell Abdon Keeiie, ilshlug, From Island rond, б. 10, 6.30. G. 16. 7,15 p. m. Dover, Rochester, GEO. F. EVANS,V P. & G. M. % Berliu, Gorham, Montreal CouioieucliiE THURSDAY. June 15, 1SH9 5 59 aud West. 6.49 a m. Alum Bay, Lakeport, 4.15 p. 111. fe£*ime- F. E. BOOTHBY, G. P. A T. A. Sugar—Standard granulated. i'au'.131% 131% SAILED—Barque Veroulca. Buenos a sieaiiu-r will leave Yopliaui Beaoli ex- St. Paul Ayre®; From I.ewistou and daily bunk, North Berwick, Dover, Exeter, Ut Sugar— Extra.fiuegruuulated. 6 59 pfd ...173% 174 sell Win Joues, NB; Auburn, 6.40 a. m. cept Sunday, at 1 a. la. and lAO o. m. ltitiir.w _Je2i St.Paul « IHlUboro, tug Wrestler. The 8.30 m. Lawronce, Uwell, Ikatuu, 13.65 Eugar—Extra C. 5 21 Omaha.112 113 Philadelphia. with barges Mt Carmel aud p. train runs through to Montreal Haverhill, St. Bear 8.00. ui. Arrive in Boston Coffee—Wo. roasted. lo.a 14 Paul & Omalia old. Ridge; barge daily, Sundays included. Attached vo this 8.30, p. 6.18, 8.30, Moonlight, Kennebec. 9.42 in. Cofiee—Java and Mocha.. 27 «/28 Texas Pacific. 21% 21% train is a Pullmau for Montreal; Jalso a through p. Portland & Union Pacific Pulman for EASTERN DIVISION. Rumford Falls Teas— Vinoys 22*30 ufd. 77% 77% FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Chicago dally Sundays included. Ry, I 27 « 60 Wabash. 7 Boston and way stations 9.( 0 tiro. Bidde- .eas—^Congous. 7% % ROCK Pullmau Palace Cars ou Wabash PORT, Aug 9—ArSth, sells Ladv An- Sleeping Nigh ford, Klllery, Portsmouth, Newbury- la Effect June l SOD. Teas—Japan.... 83*33 pfd. v2% 22% trim. trains aud parlor cars ou day trains. i?8, Boston & Maine.200 20 J Campbell. Boston; Ripley. Robbins, do. port, Salem, Lynn, 2.00. 9.90 a. ill., 12.45, i'.'Ul Teas—Formosa. 35*65 Shi sell Miaulonoinali. DEPAlirCKFA Molasses—Porto Rico. 83*36 New York and New pi.. li:0 8th, Small, Boston. TICKET OFFICE, DEPOT AT p. in.. Portsmouth, Boston, 2.00, 9.09 a. in., Eng. Siil 9th. sciis Ethel FOOT OF 9.30 A. M. and 1.10 P. M. From Union Station Molasses—Barhadoes. Old ...20Q 207 Merrlam, Newman. Boston INDIA STREET. 12.45. 1.45, 6.00 p. m. ATtlVO Boston, 6.57 a. !U St**$3 Colony..*... via Camden; Ella lor Mechanic liuckbMd. Cat*, Raisins, London Layers. t 257**r60 Adams Express.113 113 Eudora, Clawson, Ellsworth. Portland. June 3-9,1890. 12.30, 4.00, 4.30, 9.99 p. 111. LO'IVO liortou, 7.30, Poland, Falls. augSM.Tu.W&Thdtf ton. Dixcela. Kumtoid Fads ana Bonds. Raisins. Loose Muscatel. 6* 7 Vi American Express....140 140 0.00 a. in.. 12.30, 7»00, 9.45, p. Ui. Arrive Port- EXCHANGE DESPATCHES. a. With through car ou 1.10 p. W. train lor U. S. Express. .. 50 land, 11.45 ni., 12.05. 4210, 10.15, m.. 12 Fork, Beef, Lard and i'on.trr, 60 p. 40, Bonus. Peoolel 2 20% 8hl fm Liverpool Aug 9, steamer Mendota* higlit. Pork Gas...120% Notice. 8.50 a. ul 1.10 and 6.15 i>. m. From Un.on -Heavy...00 00® 18 60 Pacific Mall. 40% 40% Portland. SUNDAY. Fork—Medium...00 «-o« 12 5o HERE AS my wife, Susan E. Station (or Mechanic Falls and Intel modiste Pullman Palace.15* 157 % Ar at Bahia, previous to Augi9, barkeutlue J Brackett, has lllddrford, Ivittery, Portsmouth, Nmv- loot tight... 9 00 C liamlen. left my bed ao

✓ ■ ■ —..

the corner of Pearl. They ware anr THE PRESS. PERSONAL. xmw AHVKRTHKMBirra. ADVKRTWEMKBTfc F M,W ADVKRTHEM^^^^^ A GREAT SUCCESS. roonded by a crowd of men and boys wh ; _WKW ware enonoraglng them in their attemp KKW ADYKRTIkENENTI TODAY* to arratoh one another* eye* onl whei Mrs. A. A. Melvin and children ol PonlaaO, Au*. 10, lm Patrolmen Klery and Pillebary appearw l Portland, an the guest! of Mile Mary £w*i. A Co. Mareton Oien Hooper'* Monk. on the loane. The orowd Mattered llk< at Hallowell. RIMES BROTHERS C0.~ Bro». * o. Mr. "A JKtne» First Shoot at ohaff before the wlnll when the officer , and Mrs. A. Is. Waloou, of Farm- HE “Cozy Corner" (iOtidv & Kent. Day’s ■ o Ington, are Bridwto A S*?co Hirer B, B. came In night end the girls;, by dint visiting friends In Portland isn’t steamer IVJepicoU Interstate Tournament. bard running managed to get away, and vicinity. a complete AMUSEMENTS. Miss Ihoee who aair the affair daaorlbed It m Fanny Bryant, of Watervllle, I* unless there’s Rleby Park. brutal In the extreme. visiting In Portland. Long I «l «nd C **lno. half a dozen Cushions Casco Bay steamboat Co* J. W. Jones and wlfa of Portland, are THE ANTH01NE FAMILY. visiting Q. B. Kldley at Brunswick. scattered about in it. New Dr. Wnnin. To lot. For Male. Food- and Mrs. W bidden and son, Harold, similar advertisement* will bo found The a Apd undti Amateurs Made Great Record The am Rrnnlon Was Held at leavs The "den" is no den tW.» appropriate heads on p&gotk Cap( today for Mootahtad Lake. Most of for Themselves. Cottage Yesterday. their vacation will be spent In oanoe- at all without the added leg on the 11 vers north of Moosehead. Mid-Summer Prices Patrons of the PRESS who are go- 1 The weather Tonohiafeu tbe Antbolm hey expeot to retorn about the llrst of luxury of a few big pil- out of town for the re- 21st reunion wa* Ootiber. ing season are family for tholr all lows. -AT THE that coobl hare been wished for ant Miss Lina Tripp of Pcrtlnnd wbo hat minded that may have the ad- been the they many generation* were represented m gnest of Miss Warren for a few The modern fashion of There Were Fifty-Five d»ys at has to her borne. dre.s of the paper changed as often as they gathered yesterday at Cape Cottage. Togna returned decoration makes The olden member preeent wa* Mrs. Mr. Kdward P. Oxnard and family pillows desired, if are subscribers. in All bave returned they regular Louise A. Hall, 78 year* old, while tbt from Cornish. in the parlor Mra imperative To those not regular subscribers the youngest repreaentlre waa Jeaaie M. Hutchinson, wife of Prof. Hutch- SILK DEPARTMENT. inson and there’s a for Wntaon, 8 months old. The day waa of Cornsll university, Ithaoa, H. place will be mailed at the rate of who ^aper pleasantly parsed In talking over th« Y., bat been visiting Mra J. F. nillnute in (Iia liKrnrir Main rents a family affalra and at noon they sat Barrett, street, It now visiting at fifty month. Aud Over Thousand bsr the billiard Eight around the tables junt under tbe shadow old home In Sumner. chairs, in of tbo casino and an old fash- Mr. J. C. Sawyer of Oren Hooper Boos’ nnt mi Targets Were thrown. enjoyed room, nooks in the bou- ifiiior tfui inuo* ioned picnic. It was decided that the company hat returned from a week’s vacation dior and chamber to next reunion should be bald In 1900 at at Haymond. say 75 Cent Wash Mra Silks at 39 Underwood on the Yarmouth Horace MoUnlre of Hoohester, N. Cents Yard.1 Yesterday afternoon a big crowd of Springs of the the road. Those Y., nee Miss Adelaide la visit- nothing boat, Italians arrived In Portland on tbe present yeaterday; J. N. Boaney, C. If. hlr. and Mrs. ing her parents, Judge and Mrs. Perolval hammock and Maine Central. They aie on tbelr way The Portland Gan club may well feel Antholnr, Cobb, upstairs James U. TO street. Bonney, High street. ■sa-tsc np the Grand Trank where they are to do proud cf tho unqualified euocess of the Watson, Highland and down stairs in the WUIIIW VUWUI1IU Mr. and Mrs. 39 Cents Brothers’ Wash bilks, the be.t 39Gents Ur. and Mrs. Cbaa. H. T. F. Homsted, Cum- sou-e work. first day of the Interstate tournament, Worcester, Leigh- ton, South H. berland street, ere pasalng a few days at summer wearing unit best wnihlng silk The new Ore escapes which the hotels for lo regard to attend snor, amount of Portland, _Wm. Antbolne, cottage. Hid deford, Haibart A. Allen. Naplea made to sell at 75 cents per yard UaI and boarding bouses must adopt under shooting and enjoyment from a shooting Ura.Henry Cushions Ua| Ur. and Mrs. C. H. Dr. A. M. Dudley of Hew York, who Emphatically, the new city ordinance on that subject, point ot view, it was a record breaker Prldf, Antbolne, «*•“»' Ur. and Mrs studied In this elty with Dr. Bath C. Gor- are the and naii neii was on exhibition In the for the state, and has never but once Willis Cobb, Urs. D. A. vogue, there’s yesterday City (lot). Alld whn nlavt nrantlnsu) ho*n irnns been (mumiuii, ruuiaaa, me n, building. It Is merely a long rope with excelled in the whole oountry. Tho rumuy such a of Mabel H. abroad this month to attand the Interna- variety style a loop to go under tbe arms and a patent accommodations were ample, and the Hamilton, Portland, Foley, 59 Cents 59 Cents N. W. B. Bid- tional Congress of Gynecology and Ob- devloe to prevent a too desoent. shooting ooatlnuous from 0.30 a. m. un- Brooklyn, Y„ Antbolne, and and color, and rapid stetrlos shape former retail pric.-s. All fills til 7 o'olock deford, U. W. Watson, at Amsterdam, Holland, hating A meeting of the oommlttee on lights p. m. The entries numbered Westbrook, Me., for been appointed .by the secretary of state withal there’s so much V Inst season's patterns Waists was called afternoon Coun- CO and over 8000 were Charles P. Antbolne, Windham, Helen y f yesterday by targets thrown. and nt Is ©Is K. Horace J. as one of the delegates from this oonn- Il6t« Linings, only t cilman Waldron. Mr. Waldron wet tbe Under the efficient management of Mr. Antholne, Windham, real utility about them, try. «•*.' only member of the committee In atten- Elmer E. tihansr, the programme was Leighton, South Portland, Howard A. L V f Jj Mr. no run £outh Chester L. Frederick W. Thompson of the wonder in of corded dance and tbe meeting was postponed. out without a bttoh of any kind to Lelgbton, Portland. they're iyii Tanfa l,lece* Tnf- iyf? mar the Booth Lonlsa V. Twltohell, Cbamplln company, Is spend- 4 0 vCUl’S 4 0 The office of the Urltlsh vloa-oousulate enjeyraent. The contestants are Cobb, Portland, Cobb, favor more than fetas, tile best of Ibis season’s divided Into two the Booth Janies M. ing his vacation at Waltea' Fal- popular has been moved from Its old quarters on classes, professionals Portland, Antbolne, landing, styles that sold nt $1.00 and and amateurs. Tho former are barred Jennie M. ruoutb Foreslde. -v ever before. Kxchungo street tn a commodious Portland, Antbolne, Portland, 1.41 to be closed oat nt fine, Mrs. per yard, from participating lu tho as It D. P. Antholne, South A. W. Seeley and two children of Am- office In the basement of the Jflrst Na- purees, Portland, One of our show win- Is business with herst, Mats., Mrs. John M. tional bank building. purely them to sbow Antoine, South Portland, Mrs. James an. guests.of their wares, and show what will result Antholno, Miss Edith Adams. dows exhibits some Tbe poitoHioe at Cape Cottage was es- Portland, Marr, today Mrs. 3. we show In ibis sole from the sklllfuljuse of the shot gun. Portland, Mrs. X'. P. Chillier. Saco, F. Smith of Sebago'Bake Is In Every piece Is good style and good tablished yesterday and from now on new models which we The amateurs were out In full true M. town for a few with her and at will you to for tulure use. malls will Le received and Bent ont from foroe, the Antholne, Windham, J. P. days, staying quality, quoted prices pay buy clubs son and Mr. and Mrs. How- of the Best Tnffctns for this three times the following being represented: Au- Sorlbner, Porttiand, Mrs. J. P. Scribner, daughter, have had finished—em- iQnuufnclurers Linings and Skirls plane during day. ard burn. Watervllle, Gardiner, Bath, Lewis- Mary A. No. Mrs. C. Smith. Mrs. Smith Is on the arc to such an extent that It will soon be Im- Mr. J. W. Armstrong has been appointed Monntfort, Beering, broidered ruffled advancing prices ton. Prom out of the state oame Hchor- 11. A. Mrs. X. M. rnuslo committee for the Unlversallst mostly, postmaster and the postclHoa will be in Cobb, Antbolne, possible lo retail them nt 75 cents per yard. which Is tcmler of tho Emerald Gnu club of Mew Windham, Evelyn M. grove meeting to be.held at the or the Haskell or tbe store building on Cottage street, op- Watson, Worcester, edge corded or If you prefer Westbrook Silk we have It In all York Griffith of Etbel M. Loks next week. She has besn so fortu- simply posite tbe theatre. city; Pasooag, K. 1.; Mass., MountFort, Mrs J. F. the colors and black, mid our price for llic present Is Eager and Howe of Wheeler of Mrs. L D. nate as to engage the well-known Mozart and Dr. K. W. Huntington Is thinking of Marlboro, Koberts, Pride, Westbrook, piped, though they Worcester, Lilly of Indianapolis, and John A. Emery, Boston, Mass Clive Quartette for the oonoert on .Saturday. balding nr.other olass iLett'.ng at Hlgby only represent a very few Puoh of Boston, A glanoe at the follow- W, Emery, Boston, Maes., May K. An-, August 18th. Ths quartette of wnlch park some time In September. Cf course bis 75 GENTS PER NET. ing sooros will show that the local talent tholne, Biddeford, Olive C. Messrs. Nlokerson, Barnard, Merrill and of the novelties which the YARD, future action will depend somewhat upon Antbolne, gavo an excellent ncoount of Bessie il. t Zellnda Pierce are members will also furnish tbe suocess of the meet. Tbe themselves, Antbolne, Biddeford, coming the needle-work when It Is considered that were com- H. Lewis E. Daniel muslo for the speolal service on Sun- department horseman are very anxious to hare sneh'a they Hawks?, Hawkes, peting with the best talent in the coun- A. Hamilton, Portland, Mrs. L N, An- day when Kev. Dr. Dlcknsll, formerly is meet In September and tbe chances are overflowing with, they’ll try- tholne, lilddcfor.1, Mis. Louisa A. pastor of the church of the Messiah In that it would be well patronized. Hall, to Wateriord, Harry Soutb Port- this olty will preach. taw tempt you perhaps The city jh now remarkably free from AMATEURS. ;D. Allen, land, Herbert H. Watson, Jennie May Mrs. D. D. Hodgdon and two sons of have a look at the others Bomagious aiseaso No case has been Shot at Broke Kobert L. Frank Scranton, Penn., are visiting Mrs. W. H. reported to the board of health since Au- Wateon, Watson, Hall, Ada l, 175 164 Usher, street. here. 3. Soutb Portland. Hc.itle A. Cobb, Sontb Morning gust Columan, 175 H4 Portland, C. V. Lelgbton, Booth Port- Hsv. Jemes A. Flynn of St. Mary’s a A street department gang la now en- Thompson, 176 150 Half dozen styles of 175 land, Morris Hawkes, RivertJn, Willis parish, Blddoford, was In ths olty yester- gaged in grading the sidewalks on several Rich, 147 U S. Randall, )75 16B South Mrs. Annie day en route for Wstorville, where be will "smoke” streets in East The 1 Cobb, Portland, U. Cushions—pipes Leering. propose Hun newel), 175 at IB? Marr, Daniel P. Hamilton, L. H. Cobb, assist the ordination of two olerloal Franklin and fct. John sewerB will; bo Hotel), £5 6U tobacco, jars, match euperlntendent Lovell frlsnds. boxes, 8 -Ins'! pips and of 600 and 800 feet in Conner, 176 147 Bloyole factory, Cobb, 140 107 Nellie A. Cobb, Howard C.Cobb. Sooth Mrs. Stevens of Jacksonville, Fla., who and all the ac- Jen to pe:ti7ely,and the brown street cigarettes Aehsly, 175 143 Portland. Lionel Cobb, Booth haB been the guest of Mrs. Phlneas Var- •e ver 55T...... Portland, cessories that a uaou, jJor- last evening and was not sxpeoced to live cards, bright Golf I at the Soldiers’ Horae at Togas, on Sep- 175 rllis Capes, Wheeler, U3 corner, the contracting parties bolng the tember tnrongh night. colors of | II, I8J9. Harrington, 190 101 which Miss Carrta E. R. Main, a danghter of lighten Dress ♦ It is related that u Staneslead, 135 93 Skirts, well-known Au- Mrs. Ward her first and Libby, 105 78 by marriage, OHDINATIONS AT WATJCHVILUK. the sombreness of the to- burn who was in young lady, yaohtln? Ur. Edward O. of a Burgess, 8} C3 Cushing Freeport, will Storm the Portland yacht Vivo, during the 70 Todsy Bishop Healy ordain two bacco tones. Another has Wrappers, Skirts, Barker, 43 well-known teacher of muslo and at pres- | visit of tha North Atlantic Puok, 175 lhil young prleets at the obaDel of St. Francis squadron to ent organist of the Unlversallst church a Hay, 135 05 da Watervllle. Us will be assisted musical violins Portland, has cause to remember it, the of Salles, design, Suits i Taylor, 14(1 1(3 Biddeford. 'i'fae wedding ceremony Shirtwaists, Bathing “In by the pastor, liev. N. Cbarland and yacht being caught Irons*’ by a 140 08 was In an manner and a bar of mu- !* Greenwood, performed Impressive things, some 35 other priests from all parts of the heavy squall anj going over so far that Tate, 175 150 Rev. H. F. of the by Moult.n, pastor fllnraiiA. either of AT WHOLESALE PRICES wa3 George, 1 an sic, etc., these the young laiy swept out of the ,175 Unlversallst churoh of in Kdwaris, 140 117 Biddeford. room ami the are etandin? oaugbt only by Foster, 100 33 the presence cf a large number of the in | appropriate • • • • • |▼ enough ♦ IS hem of hrr garments and the toe of her Whitmore, 11} 77 relatives and friends ot the contracting their and are boot a3 she wai over lh£ place disappearing the PROFESSIONALS. parties, A novel Idea was carried oat in Non-Irritating speci- side.—Lewiston Journal, the oeremony, in that the bridal fit for what Snot at Broke oorple ally is known Stated convention of Brauiholl lodge. stood upon tbe front steps of tbe borne Cathartic Ir. m. lewsen & Fanning, 175 103 as the “den.’, For em- CO., No. 3, K. of P., at Castl) hall at 8 beneath a bower of terns and golden Harold Money, 175 160 Easy to take, easy to operate— | o’clock this evening. The rank of squire Leroy, 175 150 rod und two large American ling', while broiderers who are patient 538 Cougrm St., Portland, Me. $ will be conferred. All visiting knights Dickey, 173 150 the gue9ts were seated upon tbe lawo ^ augsdst 8thp a 173 149 In the city are cordia.ly invitod to be Hallowoll, which wae decorated with Hood’s Pills enough to a lot of Capt. Money, 175 148 gayly Japanese put $♦0 »♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦«<»♦♦♦♦« »♦♦♦♦♦» • »4 present. lanterns. The bridal nartv entered the Cant. Courtney, 173 137 work into it, this new A man who gave his name as Maxfleld Collins, 173 135 presence of tbo guests esocrted by the 173 was pretty well Intoxicated last night Swikoller, 135 bridal procession. The maid of honor cross-stitch canvas cush- Hubert, 173 1£8 and an att rapt wus made to rot him Norton, 173 105 was MI99 Lillian M. Hose of Woodforde, ion has W K DAY whila he stood on the corner of Federal possibilities. who was beoomlngly gowned In a dress BOND’S and* streata. Some men YOUNG GIKLS WERE Exchange who FIGHTING. of lavender tulle over white silk. The t_oarse cotton duck pil- $1.50 were t trading nearby drovo tha away About nine o’clock lait oroalng three krlde looked ohsrmlng in her dress of lows with boat and fish- would bo thlif and Maxwell wus lock id JEXCUltSION or four young girls about fourteen jean white tulle over white silk. for up the night in the police station. a The man was TO old got lute U; it or Furo street, near best Mr.C. Arthur War- ing and other ap- designs » ren of Portland. The page was L. Bart- HYGIENIC to the summer lett Ward, a nephew of the bride, and the propriate iflaine's Greatest Store. i dower girl Miss Alida Brooks Ward, a and outing season. These FABYANS sister of the bride, gowned in white silk AND RETURN are for and over surrsb The were good yachts silk. ushers Mr. BREAD. AUG. I Klljsh .J. Main and Mr. J. Walker Ward the piazza. For the child- FRIDAY, Ith, of Boston, brothers of the bride; George It’s different from other VIA any ren’s rooms and of there are two ENTICING Dodge George Clark Portland. because there is no other MAINE CENTRAL R. R. •a* ■ Bread, After the wedding ceremony an Informal bread like it hereabouts. We or three cat designs, a Observation V.nr* reception was held, daring which u de- Through the Notch. isn't it? are the sole makers. worked out lightful musical programme, rendered fully picture Train leaves Union Station *.43 a. m. Made from Hand’s Gluten 'l rein arrives 12.25 tu. by Prof, Ward and several pupils, was Fabyans p. A in colors. Tralifteaves Fabyans 4 45 p. m. Is home so Germ Whole Wheat The your already “home- carrlen out. ltefreahmenta were served Flour. Train arrives Portland 7.45 p. m. the finest Wheat is selected and The Needlework Four hours at like” that it cannot be improved by during evening. The young oouple put de- Fabyans. GOOD were the of a number of a that Tickets good day of sale only. a well recipients large through special process devised cozy corner or win- partment also A BPKCIAL. TU VIN useful and valuable presents. Among takes out 00 cent of the displays per will leave Union Statiou at 8 00 a. m. running dow seat? these present from out of town were now new ideas in starchy center. many express to Fabyans It a sufficient number of WATCH Mrs. Annie Bartlett, Beaohmont, Mast ; Only 10 cent 90 excursionists arc on hand io warrant lr. | lteallv von no per starch, per centre Everyouo who Is going should be at Union have idea how Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker Ward, Cam doylies, pieces, tray Is a groat convenience. A poor one ! bridge, rent Gluten and Germ! No won- Station a: 7.52 a. tu. a Tho Waltham luxuriously and yet Mats.; Mr. and Mrs. Harris Cashing, cloths, small table cloths Returning special will leave Fabyaus 3.0) p. groat annoyance. and | inexpensively dor this Krrad has f ound favor in., air.viug Portland 5.45 m. Elgin Watches are tho heat. parents of the groom, Freeport; George p. they cau be you with those who can afford little and on That’s tho kind wo sell. gotten up, though and Malcolm and: Miss other linen Cushing Mary things F. E. BOOTHBY. 0E3. F> EYAS’S. We have 500 of them. know how aellgtful are when Mr. meat. G. P. & T. A. V. P. & O. M. they Cushing, Freeport; Joseph True, commenced or firished 9-10 1-5 We sell the most watches because You can live on this bread and aug8 8lhp in place. Freeport; Mrs. Koscoe Pettenglll and wo soil lower. $5.00 to $100.00. daughter, Anna, Freeport. grow fat, because it contains all ready for use or only Pleased to show you. We make a specialty of design- Mr. Cushing Is a former pupil of Prof. the nutriment of the Wheat and stamped. and Is a ing such seats to fit odd nooks and Ward, successful music teacher, nothing else. Merrill Bros. &Go„ having large classes In B!dd ford and Particular are taken in corners and would pains pre- really consider it Saco, Westbrook’and Portland. FIRE INS. AGENTS. Freeport, paring, mixing and baiting this McKenney a to make a free After a brief Mr. and Mrs. pleasure you desigu wedding trip Bread which is furnished THE are your JEWELER, estimate. Call in and talk it over. Cushing tr rrsldu at 17 Mechaulo ^^d by MOORE & CO. n line of 910XU31ENT SQUARE, street, Woodfords, where thry will be at grocer OWEN, KrprrsEiil strong coi!i|>uiiles. You will be served ‘•Wc pay the frrislil." home to their friends, Thursday after October 1. most sutisfuelorlly it jou do LIGHTERING. business with lliem. A FHOSTY 8UMMKK. GOUDY Freight carried by lighters to of the harbor coast. Norway, August 9.—There was a frost CORNER OF nuy part Slcitni lighters Leviathan and in the lowlands ln this vicinity this ft ERG STERED APOTHECARY WANTED. Enrrkn and Kail lighter Hosa- A out ester- Middle & Union morning. slight appeared y A position for tin rljht man. liefer- Sts., daun. Lull or address 184 There has been frost month rv a. .'.uy. every & quire Fuder Fdlinoutb Hotel. Commercial Kt., or P. O. Box KENT. Tress Office. oris migiotliw irKCAO, i daring this summer. AUglOdlt Uyis dd 1300. Jlyl5codlrao