M- ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNINgTAUGUST 10, 1899. ISSfK.tVSfSSi PRICE THREE CENT8. -i-'I- ...I.--- ~J !>IIS< KMiAM? Ot’H. thla afternoon. Aooerdlng to report*, __ officers received ROBBERIES MID WAS KSEF, DEEP. the Insurgent* are harassing liell In the fleet; FREQUENT. rear. lhe tiring, exoept at Inaolatrd BURN PLENTY OF RED FIRE had ceased tea o oloek. HIES point* bp SWEPT. A Brilliant Social Function at Bar More Testimony Regarding Crimes la HEI'OKT OF BATTLE CONFIHMKD. Harbor. New York. Washington, August 9.— A dlepatob from Uen.Otl* oonflrms the of the report Bat Harbor, August 9,—Tbe most bril- New York, August 0.—Almost all of Hard March of deteat of 0 at Fan Fernando Gen. OffKIItploc* liant .octal function of thl. season and President’s Idea of a bp Uen. McArthurs division. tho testimony elloltod at the inerting of on. of tbe ever largest held In Her Har- the Mazet Investigating committee was MacArthur’s Men. LOOTED BY INSUHUENTS was tbe bor, reception given till, after- Celebration. for the purpose of showing how frequent- 9.—The steamer Hatur- noon tbe Mt. Desert Manila, August Terrible Hurricane by Heading room, ly men aie robbed in this elty, while pay- nua of tha Cumpanla'Marltlme, coasting Passes to Admiral Sampson and the offloers of visits to “Tbe under the American waa discovered ing Tenderloin," flag, the North Atlantlo fleet. aground bp the United Stator gunboat “The Bowery" and olher sections of the Tbe Pumpaoga, benched at San Fernando un- Over Islands. Interior and exterior decorations ol ty where groups gainer after tho mid- Near der the Insurgent trenches there. The were of line tbe Story of Defeat of Filipinos arrangement, pavilion Will Give Great night hour. Mr. Moss had dlOiuulty In steamer was boarded bp an ar jned boat Washington Dewey being a garden of palms and evergreen. orew n I the passengers were taken off. obtaining witnesses lor today’s session. San Fernando. The national were The oarsu oonalrtlng of general merchan- colon everywhere Tbe men who bed been vlotlms of this dise and tiro,000 In had been and tbe scenes wee one to Reception. epeole, displayed sort of ortrue, appeared decidedly avers* sacked. Several attempt* to tow the awaken pride and arouse tbe patriotic b< Saturnn* off wore unsuccessful. The to appearing for* the committee and Bampangp then left San Fernando In spirit. The reception was from 4 until tolling about It. Two bundled and fifty search of farther assistance, whereon the Lives Lost and Many 7 end wae attended by at least a thous- sub-poenae* bare been Issued for men Noted Fakir Insurgent* returned and set lire to the and people, tbe elite of Bar Harbor aool- who bevel been robbed by women. Not Filipino vessel. The United States The Parade Will Be a a of these men oould be found. gunboat ar- •«y. quarter rived here peaterdap alter bombarding Buildings Wrecked. Nevertheless Mr. Moss was able to pnt Was San Admiral end the other distin- wllnesses the and reeDre ac- Captured. Fernando. The Saturnue, she re- Sampson Monster Affair, upon stnnd ported. was still smouldering and vraa a guished offloers Including Captains Tay- count aftor account of robberies alleged total wreck. lor of the Indiana, Slgsbee of tbe to have occurred In disorderly houses Texas, In this Occur the wltnes'es Train of the city. onnlly FOLK LIVES LOST. Uassaebusstts, Chadwick of under catb told of facts which appeared the New York and Jewell of the Brook- to show collusion between the police and Liver Vnfli'Ao rninitAllrfl Tn FIaa TTyi. tbe feminine robters. Mr. Moes an- Kidneys, — were received a. lyn, by Johnson Livingston, By Fire In » Chemical Konir In Flans for Taking Ike President’s nul need that similar testimony with of tbe olnb and introduced to tier Fire of from Officers at president variations would te Ltfjr* tbe Artillery. Omaha. Appalling Reports produced AND B’Ow _LS tne other member, end their guests. Advice. ooremitter tomorrow. Tbe variations It They were rooelved beneath an arch Is undeistood refer to an Investigation of the San Juan, P. E. the dens of tbe which Omaha. Nob., August 9 —Four firemen with Start and In the opiums elty It Is System draped Stripes, said Mr. Moss Cleanses lost their lives here at a blaze contemplates making. tonight reception room, whlob overlooks the bay. on an ot upper floor the Meyoer Chemical In the the set were mer- ^.^EFFECTUALLY Manila, August 9, 7.10 p. m.—Details pavilion younger company's building. The lire Iteelf was of tbe movement forward ot Geo. Mao- ry with tbe danolng, the marine band Washington, August “Gentlemen, Insignificant,tie fatalities lesnltlng from from tbe sweet burn of red are”, 'i'bat was Fret- Arthur’s troops yesterday chows that Ibe Uag.blp discoursing plenty oootaot with n live wire, lhe dead men Idsnt W4ITT & BONO’S Americans adrnnoed live miles In the music, while outside, on the lawn, the McKinley’s emphatic admonish- are: first Use hours and at 9 o'clook bad nd- Other Points Visited Bar Harbor band filled In tbe Intervals ment t> the representatives of tba citi- lieutenant. by Joseph Adams, with choice selections of tbe airs. zens of the diitrlct when they railed to vacoed six milss along the railway, Otto Glseke, tiHerman. popular consult with him regarding the arrange- hAB,TUALCONST,PAT,°N stretoblng on each side of It for two miles George Bsteon, pipeinan. Storm. SIXTEENTH MAINE HETINION. PERMANENTLY vsnsrirB rouvi uri rtsr ment* for tbe to Admiral Biackstone and resting at night three mllae from «u|>yrr, reception Cigar Fireman U sorgo Farmer and Albert Watervllle, 9.— About 100 niem hi* arrival wblob will be made Ihe north- August Dewey upon In Washington. Angela* or tbe chemical l THE LEADING We CHALLENGE Livingstone ooxupany ere of the ItHb Maine hare gathered in When tbe Chief Kx*oullvt of tne nation ern base of operations lnstecd of Fan also 8ufferad from shock. any manufacturer severely WaterTllle for their annuel re-union, views the city on tbe night of ,1,ow m^cZtff*TS Fernando where a garrison cf 6X) men hta Dawey TEN CENT CIGAR MAN F O E>y headquarters at the Elmwood hotel. The he will been left. Ihe casualties are between DEENDEIl BEATEN BADLY. Day, find that bis Injunction has —ONE-HALF- business meeting wsa|held this afternoon teen cairled tblity and furly. Ihe Filipinos were ont faithfully. ttao yearly s.les of Dswav will Im ssi'firtml tn thn A Million Dollar Loss and the following ofDoera elected for the Aittnirn.1 ~ this on (AUfcRNIA tbe American forces The Columbia Walk* A way from Old at Val- ,, dp»r any flG Sv^VP(§. surprised, expecting Sew Lnifland. luc. or»ml. ^o«»V»c-4* ^^c.r /K*. v^T" ensuing year: William G. Foster of Clin- on the the nation's JSV. ** CAk. -Scq **l>^ to move against 'lion. They followed Tifchl. capital day sword is roa sau by au rmu Ui ton. G Lamb of MMftPk pubctul v loelr usual tactics of holding their paraiso. president; Joseph Lisbon, to be presented to him by a oomiclttee. first Tloe-prealdent; John E. Haley of That thers will be a Sales Prove Itr trenov.,* until they bsoame too warm and Newport, R. I., August The second night monster pa- Quality Counts; then retreaten t. Forest City,aeooud vloe-preildent; Lather rade. In thv ULtrkt disorder. They are now run of ths New York yacht olub trulxe Every organization Bradford of Woodforda, an1 of falling book west»fc.a toward Forio. from UarJIner'e Fay to this port today, secretary Colombia will be Invited to partici- The twelfth and seventeenth treasurer; Edward F. Brash ofJMt. Ver- all the CLEANSING ••aim*nts a distance of 4': miles, while full of ln- pate. Every military body, olvlo, WAITT & had tbe non, N. Y., C. U. Woods worth of Gardi- social aud benevolent BONO, Mfrs., promptly done for sharpest engagement. The tsrwting brushes, was not quite as satis- fratornal, patriotic, our over Is oovered ner, Fred C. Robinson of Blaine, George societies and the will be In- country troops passed faotcly ag tbe lint one, for the constantly Washington, August 9.—Meagre'dstulls bioyolstts 53 Blackstone Boston. W. Patten of O. N. Adams St., with rloe helds and bamboo thickets, tbo looreaslng'Vqputhweit breeze the flist of of the West Indian cyclone began to reach Plttelield, of cluded. ]y2l d'.f lstp hardest for was the and war late East Wilton, directors. be TOURISTS possible ground marohlng. the day f*>|(ey and many a boat re- navy departments this An energtlo effort will made to Ihe mud, In was knee ceived more than afternoon In the of the The treaeurer'e report.ahnwed the'aseo- each In llna make some dis- ns well ns for homo people. places, deep. dViat credit for a seem- shape following have body I] one of the richest olatlon to be In a condition Dry cleansing of SUk Waists Angeles towns north ingly glorious victory. It la no disparage- messages: flourishing tinctive Illumination. For President Mc- ot Manila and Is ouusldered to be a better "San P. end tbs that 11 com- ment therefore of the new cup defender Juan, H„ August 9. acoretary’s report Kinley’s red lire a:oompaaliuant plans b ish of operations than Fan l<< rnambi. rades bad Columbia to that her "To Adjutant General, Washington: died daring the year. ate considered, Thero will Ladies’ A SPECIALTY.
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