Understanding Differences in Perceived Peer-Review Helpfulness using Natural Processing

Wenting Xiong Diane Litman University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science & Pittsburgh, PA, 15260 Research and Development Center [email protected] Pittsburgh, PA, 15260 [email protected]

Abstract ically predict peer-review helpfulness based on fea- tures mined from textual reviews using Natural Lan- Identifying peer-review helpfulness is an im- guage Processing (NLP) techniques. Such an intel- portant task for improving the quality of feed- ligent component could enable peer-review systems back received by students, as well as for help- to 1) control the quality of peer reviews that are sent ing students write better reviews. As we tailor back to authors, so authors can focus on the help- standard product review analysis techniques to our peer-review domain, we notice that peer- ful ones; and 2) provide feedback to reviewers with review helpfulness differs not only between respect to their reviewing performance, so students students and experts but also between types can learn to write better reviews. of experts. In this paper, we investigate how In our prior work (Xiong and Litman, 2011), we different types of perceived helpfulness might examined whether techniques used for predicting the influence the utility of features for automatic helpfulness of product reviews (Kim et al., 2006) prediction. Our feature selection results show could be tailored to our peer-review domain, where that certain low-level linguistic features are the definition of helpfulness is largely influenced by more useful for predicting student perceived helpfulness, while high-level cognitive con- the educational context of peer review. While previ- structs are more effective in modeling experts’ ously we used the average of two expert-provided perceived helpfulness. ratings as our gold standard of peer-review help- fulness1, there are other types of helpfulness rating (e.g. author perceived helpfulness) that could be the 1 Introduction gold standard, and that could potentially impact the Peer review of writing is a commonly recommended features used to build the helpfulness model. In fact, technique to include in good writing instruction. It we observe that peer-review helpfulness seems to not only provides more feedback compared to what differ not only between students and experts (exam- students might get from their instructors, but also ple 1), but also between types of experts (example provides opportunities for students to practice writ- 2). ing helpful reviews. While existing web-based peer- In the following examples, students judge helpful- review systems facilitate peer review from the logis- ness with discrete ratings from one to seven; experts tic aspect (e.g. collecting papers from authors, as- judge it using a one to five scale. Higher ratings on signing reviewers, and sending reviews back), there both scales correspond to the most helpful reviews. still remains the problem that the quality of peer Example 1: reviews varies, and potentially good feedback is not written in a helpful way. To address this is- Student rating = 7, Average expert rating = 2 The sue, we propose to add a peer-review helpfulness 1Averaged ratings are considered more reliable since they model to current peer-review systems, to automat- are less noisy.


Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 10–19, Portland, Oregon, 24 June 2011. c 2011 Association for Computational author also has great logic in this paper. How can 2 Related Work we consider the United States a great democracy when everyone is not treated equal. All of the main To our knowledge, no prior work on peer review points were indeed supported in this piece. from the NLP community has attempted to auto- matically predict peer-review helpfulness. Instead, Student rating = 3, Average expert rating = 5 I the NLP community has focused on issues such as there were some good opportunities to highlighting key sentences in papers (Sandor and provide further data to strengthen your argument. For example the statement “These methods of Vorndran, 2009), detecting important feedback fea- intimidation, and the lack of military force offered tures in reviews (Cho, 2008; Xiong and Litman, by the government to stop the KKK, led to the 2010), and adapting peer-review assignment (Gar- rescinding of African American democracy.” cia, 2010). However, many NLP studies have been Maybe here include data about how . . . (126 ) done on the helpfulness of other types of reviews, such as product reviews (Kim et al., 2006; Ghose Example 2: and Ipeirotis, 2010), movie reviews (Liu et al., 2008), book reviews (Tsur and Rappoport, 2009), Writing-expert rating = 2, Content-expert rating = 5 etc. Kim et al. (2006) used regression to predict the Your over all arguements were organized in some helpfulness ranking of product reviews based on var- order but was unclear due to the lack of thesis in ious classes of linguistic features. Ghose and Ipeiro- the paper. Inside each arguement, there was no order to the ideas presented, they went back and tis (2010) further examined the socio-economic im- forth between ideas. There was good support to pact of product reviews using a similar approach the arguements but yet some of it didnt not fit your and suggested the usefulness of subjectivity analy- arguement. sis. Another study (Liu et al., 2008) of movie re- views showed that helpfulness depends on review- Writing-expert rating = 5, Content-expert rating = 2 ers’ expertise, their writing style, and the timeliness First off, it seems that you have difficulty writing of the review. Tsur and Rappoport (2009) proposed transitions between paragraphs. It seems that you RevRank to select the most helpful book reviews in end your paragraphs with the main idea of each an unsupervised fashion based on review lexicons. paragraph. That being said, . . . (173 words) As a final comment, try to continually move your paper, To tailor the utility of this prior work on help- that is, have in your a logical flow with every fulness prediction to educational peer reviews, we paragraph having a purpose. will draw upon research on peer review in cognitive science. One empirical study of the nature of peer- To better understand such differences and inves- review feedback (Nelson and Schunn, 2009) found tigate their impact on automatically assessing peer- that feedback implementation likelihood is signif- review helpfulness, in this paper, we compare help- icantly correlated with five feedback features. Of fulness predictions using our many different pos- these features, problem localization —pinpointing sibilities for gold standard ratings. In particular, the source of the problem and/or solution in the orig- we compare the predictive ability of features across inal paper— and solution —providing a solution to gold standard ratings by examining the most use- the observed problem— were found to be most im- ful features and feature ranks using standard feature portant. Researchers (Cho, 2008; Xiong and Lit- selection techniques. We show that paper ratings man, 2010) have already shown that some of these and lexicon categories that suggest clear transitions constructs can be automatically learned from tex- and opinions are most useful in predicting helpful- tual input using Machine Learning and NLP tech- ness as perceived by students, while review length niques. In addition to investigating what proper- is generally effective in predicting expert helpful- ties of textual comments make peer-review helpful, ness. While the presence of praise and summary researchers also examined how the comments pro- comments are more effective in modeling writing- duced by students versus by different types of ex- expert helpfulness, providing solutions is more use- perts differ (Patchan et al., 2009). Though focusing ful in predicting content-expert helpfulness. on differences between what students and experts

11 produce, such work sheds light on our study of stu- ing expert and one content expert were also asked to dents’ and experts’ helpfulness ratings of the same rate review helpfulness with a slightly different scale student comments (i.e. what students and experts from one to five. For our study, we will also com- value). pute the average ratings given by the two experts, Our work in peer-review helpfulness prediction yielding four types of possible gold-standard ratings integrates the NLP techniques and cognitive-science of peer-review helpfulness for each review. Figure 1 approaches mentioned above. We will particularly shows the rating distribution of each type. Interest- focus on examining the utility of features motivated ingly, we observed that expert ratings roughly follow by related work from both areas, with respect to dif- a normal distribution, while students are more likely ferent types of gold standard ratings of peer-review to give higher ratings (as illustrated in Figure 1). helpfulness for automatic prediction. 4 Features 3 Data Our features are motivated by the prior work in- In this study, we use a previously annotated peer- troduced in Section 2, in particular, NLP work on review corpus (Nelson and Schunn, 2009; Patchan predicting product-review helpfulness (Kim et al., et al., 2009) that was collected in an introduc- 2006), as well as work on automatically learning tory college history class using the freely available cognitive-science constructs (Nelson and Schunn, web-based peer-review SWoRD (Scaffolded Writ- 2009) using NLP (Cho, 2008; Xiong and Litman, ing and Rewriting in the Discipline) system (Cho 2010). The complete list of features is shown in Ta- and Schunn, 2007). The corpus consists of 16 pa- ble 3 and described below. The computational lin- pers (about six pages each) and 189 reviews (vary- guistic features are automatically extracted based ing from twenty words to about two hundred words) on the output of syntactic analysis of reviews and accompanied by numeric ratings of the papers. Each papers3. These features represent structural, lexi- review was manually segmented into idea units (de- cal, syntactic and semantic information of the tex- fined as contiguous feedback referring to a single tual content, and also include information for identi- topic) (Nelson and Schunn, 2009), and these idea fying certain important cognitive constructs: units were then annotated by two independent an- notators for various coding categories, such as feed- • Structural features consider the general struc- back type (praise, problem, and summary), problem ture of reviews, which includes review length in localization, solution, etc. For example, the sec- terms of tokens (reviewLength), number of sen- ond case in Example 1, which only has one idea tences (sentNum), the average sentence length unit, was annotated as feedbackT ype = problem, (sentLengthAve), percentage of sentences that problemlocalization = T rue, and solution = end with question marks (question%), and T rue. The agreement (Kappa) between the two an- number of exclamatory sentences (exclams). notators is 0.92 for FeedbackType, 0.69 for localiza- tion, and 0.89 for solution.2 • Lexical features are counts of ten lexical cat- Our corpus also contains author provided back egories (Table 1), where the categories were evaluations. At the end of the peer-review assign- learned in a semi-supervised way from review ment, students were asked to provide back evalu- lexicons in a pilot study. We first manually cre- ation on each review that they received by rating ated a list of words that were specified as signal review helpfulness using a discrete scale from one words for annotating feedbackType and prob- to seven. After the corpus was collected, one writ- lem localization in the coding manual; then we supplemented the list with words selected 2For Kappa value interpretation, Landis and Koch (1977) propose the following agreement standard: 0.21-0.40 = “Fair”; by a decision tree model learned using a Bag- 0.41-0.60 = “Moderate”; 0.61-0.80 = “Substantial”; 0.81-1.00 of-Words representation of the peer reviews. = “Almost Perfect”. Thus, while localization signals are more difficult to annotate, the inter-annotator agreement is still sub- 3We used MSTParser (McDonald et al., 2005) for syntactic stantial. analysis.

12 Figure 1: Distribution of peer-review helpfulness when rated by students and experts

Tag list SUG suggestion should, must, might, could, need, needs, maybe, try, revision, want LOC location page, paragraph, sentence ERR problem error, mistakes, typo, problem, difficulties, conclusion IDE idea verb consider, mention LNK transition however, but NEG negative words fail, hard, difficult, bad, short, little, bit, poor, few, unclear, only, more POS positive words great, good, well, clearly, easily, effective, effectively, helpful, very SUM summarization main, overall, also, how, job NOT negation not, doesn’t, don’t SOL solution revision specify correction

Table 1: Ten lexical categories

Compared with commonly used lexical uni- review properties: their relevance to the main grams and bigrams (Kim et al., 2006), these topics in students’ papers, and their opinion lexical categories are equally useful in model- sentiment polarities. Kim et al. (2006) ex- ing peer-review helpfulness, and significantly tracted product property keywords from exter- reduce the feature space.4 nal resources based on their hypothesis that helpful product reviews refer frequently to cer- • Syntactic features mainly focus on nouns and tain product properties. Similarly, we hypothe- verbs, and include percentage of tokens that are size that helpful peer reviews are closely related nouns, verbs, verbs conjugated in the first per- to domain topics that are shared by all students son (1stPVerb%), adjectives/adverbs, and open papers in an assignment. Our domain topic set classes, respectively. contains 288 words extracted from the collec- tion of student papers using topic-lexicon ex- • Semantic features capture two important peer- traction software5; our feature (domainWord) 4Lexical categories help avoid the risk of over-fitting, given only 189 peer reviews in our case compared to more than ten 5The software extracts topic words based on topic signa- thousand Amazon.com reviews used for predicting product re- tures (Lin and Hovy, 2000), and was kindly provided by Annie view helpfulness (Kim et al., 2006). Louis.

13 Feature Description regTag% The percentage of problems in reviews that could be matched with a localization pattern. soDomain% The percentage of sentences where any domain word appears between the subject and the object. dDeterminer The number of demonstrative determiners. For each review sentence, we search for the most likely referred window of words in the related windowSize paper, and windowSize is the average number of words of all windows.

Table 2: Localization features

counts how many words of a given review be- • Cognitive-science features are motivated by long to the extracted set. For sentiment po- an empirical study (Nelson and Schunn, 2009) larities, we extract positive and negative sen- which suggests significant correlation between timent words from the General Inquirer Dictio- certain cognitive constructs (e.g. feedbackType, naries 6, and count their appearance in reviews problem localization, solution) and review im- in terms of their sentiment polarity (posWord, plementation likelihood. Intuitively, helpful negWord). reviews are more likely to get implemented, thus we introduced these features to capture • Localization features are motivated by lin- desirable high-level characteristics of peer re- guistic features that are used for automatically views. Note that in our corpus these cogni- predicting problem localization (an important tive constructs are manually coded at the idea- cognitive construct for feedback understand- unit level (Nelson and Schunn, 2009), how- ing and implementation) (Nelson and Schunn, ever, peer-review helpfulness is rated at the re- 2009), and are presented in Table 2. To illus- view level.7 Our cognitive-science features ag- trate how these features are computed, consider gregate the annotations up to the review-level the following critique: by reporting the percentage of idea-units in a review that exhibit each characteristic: the The section of the essay on African distribution of review types (praise%, prob- Americans needs more careful at- lem%, summary%), the percentage of problem- tention to the timing and reasons localized critiques (localization%), as well as for the federal governments decision the percentage of solution-provided ones (solu- to stop protecting African American tion%). civil and political rights. • Social-science features introduce elements re- The review has only one sentence, in which one flecting interactions between students in a peer- regular expression is matched with “the section review assignment. As suggested in related of” thus regT ag% = 1; no demonstrative de- work on product review helpfulness (Kim terminer, thus dDeterminer = 0; “African” et al., 2006; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al., and “Americans” are domain words appearing 2009), some social dimensions (e.g. customer between the subject “section” and the object opinion on related product quality) are of great “”, so soDomain is true for this sen- influence in the perceived helpfulness of prod- tence and thus soDomain% = 1 for the given uct reviews. Similarly, in our case, we intro- review. duced related paper ratings (pRating) — to con- sider whether and how helpfulness ratings are In addition to the low-level linguistic features pre- affected by the rating that the paper receives8 sented above, we also examined non-linguistic fea- — and the absolute difference between the rat- tures that are derived from the ratings and prior manual annotations of the corpus, described in Sec- 7Details of different granularity levels of annotation can be tion 3. found in (Nelson and Schunn, 2009). 8That is, to examine whether students give higher ratings to 6http://www.wjh.harvard.edu/ inquirer/homecat.htm peers who gave them higher paper ratings in the first place.

14 ing and the average score given by all review- provide complementary perspectives. While the for- ers (pRatingDiff ) — to measure the variation in mer can directly tell us what features are most use- perceived helpfulness of a given review. ful, the latter gives feature ranks which provide more detailed information about differences between fea- 5 Experiments tures. To compare the feature selection results, we examine the four kind of helpfulness models for We take a machine learning approach to model dif- each of the three feature sets separately, as presented ferent types of perceived helpfulness (student help- below. Note that the focus of this paper is compar- fulness, writing-expert helpfulness, content-expert ing feature utilities in different helpfulness models helpfulness, average-expert helpfulness) based on rather than predicting those types of helpfulness rat- combinations of linguistic and non-linguistic fea- ings. (Details of how the average-expert model per- tures extracted from our peer-review corpus. Then forms can be found in our prior work (Xiong and we compare the different helpfulness types in terms Litman, 2011).) of the predictive power of features used in their cor- responding models. For comparison purpose, we 5.1 Feature Selection of Linguistic Features consider the linguistic and non-linguistic features Table 4 presents the feature selection results of com- both separately and in combination, which generates putational linguistic features used in modeling the three set of features: 1) linguistic features, 2) non- four different types of peer-review helpfulness. The linguistic features, and 3) all features. For each set first row lists the four sources of helpfulness ratings, of features, we train four models, each correspond- and each column represents a corresponding model. ing to a different kind of helpfulness rating. For each The second row presents the most useful features learning task (three by four), we use two standard in each model selected by stepwise LR, where “# feature selection algorithms to find the most useful of folds” refers to the number of trials in which the features based on 10-fold cross validation. First, we given feature appears in the resulting feature set dur- perform Linear Regression with Greedy Stepwise ing the 10-fold cross validation. Here we only report search (stepwise LR) to select the most useful fea- features that are selected by no less than five folds tures when testing in each of the ten folds, and count (half the time). The third row presents feature ranks how many times each features is selected in the ten computed using Relief, where we only report the top trials. Second, we use Relief Feature Evaluation9 six features due to the space limit. Features are or- with Ranker (Relief) (Kira and Rendell, 1992; Wit- dered in descending ranks, and the average merit and ten and Frank, 2005) to rank all used features based its standard deviation is reported for each one of the on their average merits (the ability of the given fea- features. ture to differentiate between two example pairs) of The selection result of stepwise LR shows that ten trials.10 reviewLength is most useful for predicting expert Although both methods are supervised, the wrap- helpfulness in general, while specific lexicon cate- per is “more aggressive” because its feature evalu- gories (i.e. LNK, and NOT) and positive words (pos- ation is based on the performance of the regression Word) are more useful in predicting student helpful- model and thus the resulting feature set is tailored ness. When looking at the ranking result, we observe to the learning algorithm. In contrast, Relief does that transition cues (LNK) and posWord are also not optimize feature sets directly for classifier per- ranked high in the student-helpfulness model, al- formance, thus it takes into account class informa- though question% and suggestion words (SUG) are tion in a “less aggressive” manner than the Wrapper ranked highest. For expert-helpfulness models, win- method. We use both methods in our experiment to dowSize and posWord, which are not listed in the se- 9Relief evaluates the worth of an attribute by repeatedly lected features for expert helpfulness (although they sampling an instance and changing the value of the given at- are selected for students), are actually ranked high tribute based on the nearest instance of the same and different for modeling average-expert helpfulness. While ex- class. 10Both algorithms are provided by Weka clamatory sentence number (exclams) and summa- (http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/). rization cues are ranked top for the writing expert,

15 Type Features Structural reviewLength, sentNum, sentLengthAve, question%, exclams Lexical SUG, LOC, ERR, IDE, LNK, NEG, POS, SUM, NOT, SOL (Table 1) Syntactic noun%, verb%, 1stPVerb%, adj+adv%, opClass% Semantic domainWord, posWord, negWord Localization regTag%, soDomain%, dDeterminer, windowSize (Table 2) Cognitive-science praise%, problem%, summary%, localization%, solution% Social-science pRating, pRatingDiff

Table 3: Summary of features

Source Students Writing expert Content expert Expert average Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Feature # of folds LNK 9 reviewLength 8 reviewLength 10 reviewLength 10 Stepwise posWord 8 question% 6 sentNum 8 LR NOT 6 sentNum 5 question% 8 windowSize 6 1stPVerb% 5 POS 5 Feature Merit Feature Merit Feature Merit Feature Merit question% .019 ± .002 exclams .010 ± .003 question% .010 ± .004 exclams .010 ± .003 SUG .015 ± .003 SUM .008 ± .004 ERR .009 ± .003 question% .011 ± .004 Relief LNK .014 ± .003 NEG .006 ± .004 SUG .009 ± .004 windowSize .008 ± .002 sentLengthAve .012 ± .003 negWord .005 ± .002 posWord .007 ± .002 posWord .006 ± .002 POS .011 ± .002 windowSize .004 ± .002 exclams .006 ± .001 reviewLength .004 ± .001 posWord .010 ± .001 sentNum .003 ± .001 1stPVerb% .007 ± .004 sentLengthAve .004 ± .001

Table 4: Feature selection based on linguistic features the percentage of questions (question%) and error predicting all four kind of helpfulness, and is also cues (ERR) are ranked top for the content-expert. In ranked high for content-expert and student helpful- addition, the percentage of words that are verbs con- ness. Especially for the content-expert, solution% jugated in the first person (1stPVerb%) is both se- has a much higher merit (0.013) compared to all the lected and ranked high in the content-expert helpful- other features (≤ 0.03). This agrees with our ob- ness model. Out of the four models, SUG are ranked servation in section 5.1 that SUG are ranked high in high for predicting both students and content-expert both cases. localization% is selected as one of the helpfulness. These observations indicate that both most useful features in the content-expert helpful- students and experts value questions (question%) ness model, which is also ranked top in the student and suggestions (SUG) in reviews, and students par- model (though not selected frequently by stepwise ticularly favor clear signs of logic flow in review ar- LR). For modeling the writing-expert helpfulness, guments (LNK), positive words (posWord), as well praise (praise%) is more important than problem as reference of their paper content which provides and summary, and the paper rating (pRating) loses explicit context information (windowSize). In addi- its predictive power compared to how it works in the tion, experts in general prefer longer reviews (re- other models. In contrast, pRating is both selected viewLength), and the writing expert thinks clear and ranked high for predicting students’ perceived summary signs (SUM) are important indicators of helpfulness. helpful peer reviews. 5.3 Feature Selection of All Features 5.2 Feature Selection of non-Linguistic When considering all features together as reported Features in Table 6, pRating is only selected in the student- When switching to the high-level non-linguistic fea- helpfulness model, and still remains to be the most tures (Table 5), we find that solution% is always se- important feature for predicting students’ perceived lected (in all ten trials) as a most useful feature for helpfulness. As for experts, the structural feature

16 Source Students Writing expert Content expert Expert average Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Stepwise pRating 10 solution% 10 localization% 10 solution% 10 LR solution% 10 solution% 10 pRating 10 problem% 9 pRating 10 localization% 9 Feature Merit Feature Merit Feature Merit Feature Merit localization% .012 ± .003 praise% .008 ± .002 solution% .013 ± .005 problem% .004 ± .002 pRatingDiff .010 ± .002 problem% .007 ± .002 pRating .003 ± .002 localization% .004 ± .006 Relief pRating .007 ± .002 summary% .001 ± .004 praise% .001 ± .002 praise% .003 ± .003 solution% .006 ± .005 localization% .001 ± .005 localization% .001 ± .004 solution% .002 ± .004 problem% .004 ± .002 pRating .004 ± .004 problem% .001 ± .002 pRating .005 ± .003 summary% .004 ± .003 pRatingDiff .007 ± .002 pRating .002 ± .003 pRatingDiff .006 ± .005

Table 5: Feature selection based on non-linguistic features

Source Students Writing expert Content expert Expert average Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Feature # of folds Stepwise pRating 10 reviewLength 10 reviewLength 10 reviewLength 10 LR dDeterminer 7 problem% 8 problem% 6 pRatingDiff 5 sentNum 5 Feature Merit Feature Merit Feature Merit Feature Merit pRating .030 ± .006 exclams .016 ± .003 solution% .025 ± .003 exclams .015 ± .004 NOT .019 ± .004 praise% .015 ± .003 domainWord .012 ± .002 question% .012 ± .004 Relief pRatingDiff .019 ± .005 SUM .013 ± .004 regTag% .012 ± .007 LOC .007 ± .002 sentNum .014 ± .002 summary% .008 ± .003 reviewLength .009 ± .002 sentNum .007 ± .002 question% .014 ± .003 problem% .009 ± .003 question% .010 ± .003 reviewLength .007 ± .001 NEG .013 ± .002 reviewLength .004 ± .001 sentNum .008 ± .002 praise% .008 ± .004

Table 6: Feature selection based on all features reviewLength stands out from all other features in pretation: 1) review length (in tokens) is generally both the writing-expert and the content-expert mod- effective in predicting expert perceived helpfulness, els. Interestingly, it is the number of sentences (sent- while number of sentences is more useful in mod- Num) rather than review length of structure features eling student perceived helpfulness. Interestingly, that is useful in the student-helpfulness model. And there is a strong correlation between these two fea- demonstrative determiners (dDeterminer) is also se- tures (r = 0.91, p ≤ 0.001), and why one is selected lected, which indicates that having a clear sign of over the other in different helpfulness models needs comment targets is considered important from the further investigation. 2) Lexical categories such as students’ perspective. When examining the model’s transition cues, negation, and suggestion words are ranking result, we find that more lexicon categories of more importance in modeling student perceived are ranked high for students compared to other kind helpfulness. This might indicate that students pre- of helpfulness. Specifically, NOT appears high fer clear expression of problem, reference and even again, suggesting clear expression of opinion is im- opinion in terms of specific lexicon clues, the lack of portant in predicting student-helpfulness. Across which is likely to result in difficulty in their under- four types of helpfulness, again, we observed that standing of the reviews. 3) As for cognitive-science the writing expert tends to value praise and summary features, solution is generally an effective indica- (indicated by both SUM and summary%) in reviews tor of helpful peer reviews. Within the three feed- while the content-expert favors critiques, especially back types of peer reviews, praise is valued high solution provided critiques. by the writing expert. (It is interesting to notice that although praise is shown to be more impor- 5.4 Discussion tant than problem and summary for modeling the Based on our observations from the above three writing-expert helpfulness, positive sentiment words comparisons, we summarize our findings with re- do not appear to be more predictive than negative spect to different feature types and provide inter- sentiments.) In contrast, problem is more desirable

17 from the content expert’s point of view. Although the annotated cognitive-science features used here students assign less importance to the problem them- with their automatic predictions, so that we can build selves, solution provided peer reviews could be help- our helpfulness model fully automatically. Finally, ful for them with respect to the learning goal of peer- we would like to integrate our helpfulness model review assignments. 4) Paper rating is a very ef- into a real peer-review system and evaluate its per- fective feature for predicting review helpfulness per- formance extrinsically in terms of improving stu- ceived by students, which is not the case for either dents’ learning and reviewing performance in future expert. This supports the argument of social aspects peer-review assignments. in people’s of review helpfulness, and it also reflects the fact that students tend to be nice to Acknowledgments each other in such peer-review interactions. How- This work was supported by the Learning Research ever, this dimension might not correspond with the and Development Center at the University of Pitts- real helpfulness of the reviews, at least from the per- burgh. We thank Melissa Patchan and Chris Schunn spective of both the writing expert and content ex- for generously providing the manually annotated pert. peer-review corpus. We are also grateful to Michael Lipschultz and Chris Schunn for their feedback 6 Conclusion and Future Work while writing this paper. We have shown that the type of helpfulness to be predicted does indeed influence the utility of dif- References ferent feature types for automatic prediction. Low- level general linguistic features are more predic- Yigal Attali and Jill Burstein. 2006. Automated essay tive when modeling students’ perceived helpfulness; scoring with e-rater v.2. The Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA), 4(3), February. high-level theory supported constructs are more use- Kwangsu Cho and Christian D. Schunn. 2007. Scaf- ful in experts’ models. However, in the related area folded writing and rewriting in the discipline: A web- of automated essay scoring (Attali and Burstein, based reciprocal peer review system. Computers and 2006), others have suggested the need for the use Education, 48:409–426. of validated features related to meaningful dimen- Kwangsu Cho. 2008. Machine classification of peer sions of writing, rather than low-level (but easy to comments in physics. In Proceedings of the First In- automate) features. In this perspective, our work ternational Conference on Educational Data Mining similarly poses challenge to the NLP community in (EDM2008), pages 192–196. terms of how to take into account the education- Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Gueorgi Kossinets, oriented dimensions of helpfulness when applying Jon Kleinberg, and Lillian Lee. 2009. How opin- traditional NLP techniques of automatically pred- ions are received by online communities: A case study on Amazon.com helpfulness votes. In Proceedings of icating review helpfulness. In addition, it is im- WWW, pages 141–150. portant to note that predictive features of perceived Raquel M. Crespo Garcia. 2010. Exploring document helpfulness are not guaranteed to capture the nature clustering techniques for personalized peer assessment of “truly” helpful peer reviews (in contrast to the in exploratory courses. In Proceedings of Computer- perceived ones). Supported Peer Review in Education (CSPRED) Work- In the future, we would like to investigate how shop in the Tenth International Conference on Intelli- to integrate useful dimensions of helpfulness per- gent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2010). ceived by different audiences in order to come up Anindya Ghose and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis. 2010. Esti- with a “true” helpfulness gold standard. We would mating the helpfunless and economic impact of prod- uct reviews: Mining text and reviewer characteristics. also like to explore more sophisticated features and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineer- other NLP techniques to improve our model of peer- ing, 99. review helpfulness. As we have already built models Soo-Min Kim, Patrick Pantel, Tim Chklovski, and Marco to automatically predict certain cognitive constructs Pennacchiotti. 2006. Automatically assessing review (problem localization and solution), we will replace helpfulness. In Proceedings of the 2006 Conference

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