e-ISSN : 2620 3502 International Journal on Integrated Education p-ISSN : 2615 3785 ATTITUDE OF BUKHARA OGUZ DIALECTS TO OTHER TURKISH LANGUAGES AND DIALECTS Allaberdiev Alijon Avezberdievich PhD. Great teacher Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbek language faculty Tel: +998933160985
[email protected] ABSTRACT This article explains the use of the turkic words in the Bukhara uguz dialects and compares the Turkic words with other uzbek dialects and the languages of Turkic language family. There is written the historical etymology of words, lexical layers, comparison, synonymic lines and some features of the vocabulary of the region. Keywords: dialect, historical etymology of words, lexical layer, comparison, synonymic line. Introduction The lexical structure of Bukhara Oghuz dialects is formed in the form of lexical-semantic system of this dialect. All lexical units and grammatical devices present in Bukhara Oghuz dialects (here in after BOD) are the dialect itself, its own richness. However, these lexical units did not appear suddenly in the dialectal vocabulary. BOD dictionary composition like other Uzbek dialects, it has undergone complex stages of development. In order to understand and imagine the evolution of lexical units in the blank, it is necessary to study and analyze the words in its vocabulary from the historical and etymological point of view, to divide them into etymological layers. These linguistic actions are performed to find out the origin of dialects and to inform the scientific community about them. The main part of lexical units used in the speech of all Uzbek dialects living in Bukhara region, in particular, Oghuz dialects, is a common word for almost all Turkic peoples, and most of them can be found in Turkish written monuments.