Washington, Friday, May 8, 1953 TITLE 5
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VOLUME 18 NUMBER 89 Washington, Friday, May 8, 1953 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE in the scorched particle content .per CONTENTS mitted. PERSONNEL Further study and consideration since Agriculture Department Page the above proposal was published has in See Production and Marketing Chapter I— Civil Service Commission dicated a more practical method to ac Administration. Part 6— E x c ept io n s F rom t h e complish the objective, by decreasing Alien Property Office Co m petitive S ervice the test sample size from the present 25 gram sample to 17 grams and retaining Notices: SCHEDULE C DEPARTMENTS OF INTERIOR Vested property, notices of in the present requirement of “not more AND AGRICULTURE tention to return: than 22.5 mg.” of scorched particle con Cardamone, Antonio, et al— 2679 Effective upon publication in the tent. This method of reducing the Danek, Maria, et al,-------------- 2679 Federal R egister, the positions listed sample size permits the same amount of Dannenbaum, Selma_______ 2679 below are excepted from the competitive scorched particles per gram of roller Gay, Lino_________________ 2679 service under Schedule C. nonfat dry milk solids as the original Gergely, Mrs. Imre_________ 2680 § 6.310 Department of the Interior— method proposed. > Heidmann, Melarne (Lilly), (a) Office of the Secretary. [Reserved.] The use of a 17 gram instead of a 25 and Marie Gundelfinger— 2681 (b) Office of the Solicitor. (1) One gram sample of roller process nonfat dry “L’Ape” Società Anonima and confidential assistant to the Solicitor. milk solids will facilitate the testing of “Vigilanza” Società Anon this product. Experiments have indi §6.311 Department of Agriculture— ima_______ ;_____________ 2681 cated that if a 25 gram sample is used Les Usines de Melle_______ 2680 (a) Office of the Secretary. (1) One and such sample contains more than administrative assistant to the Secretary. Modave, Andre Camille Jules_ 2680 32.5 mg. of total scorched particles, fil St. Peter’s Church of Samo- (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, tration may be difficult, and in some in laco________________:____ 2681 633. E. O. 10440, March 31, 1953, 18 P. R. stances, filtration may not be successfully Seckbach, Mrs. Hedwig_____ 2681 1823) accomplished. It is,hereby found that it is unneces Civil Aeronautics Administra U nited S tates C iv il S erv sary, impracticable, and contrary to the tion ice Co m m iss io n , public interest to postpone the effective Rules and regulations: [seal] c . L. E dw ards, Executive Director. date of this amendment until thirty (30) Standard instrument approach days after publication thereof in the procedures; alterations___ 2666 [F. R. Doc. 53-4087; Piled, May 7, 1953; F ederal R egister for the reasons that: 8:57 a. m.] Civil Aeronautics Board (1) There has been an unusual increase Rules and regulations : ^ in milk production during recent months Economic proceedings, rules of • TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE with the result that increased quantities practice ; participation in oral of dairy products will be offered to the arguments by persons not Chapter I—-Production and Marketing Commodity Credit Corporation under parties___________ i________ 2666 the price support program for milk and Administration (Standards, Inspec butterfat, (2) This will probably make Civil Service Commission tions, Marketing Practices), Depart it necessary for Commodity Credit Cor Rules and regulations: ment of Agriculture poration to accept larger quantities of Exceptions from competitive roller process nonfat dry milk solids to service; Schedule C; Interior Subchapter A— Commodity Standards and and Agriculture Departments- 2663 Standard Container Regulations carry out its commitments under the price support program, (3) During 1951 Commerce Department Part 39—U n it e d S tates S tandards for and 1952, since the present standards See Civil Aeronautics Adminis Grades of N onfat D r y M il k S o lid s have been in effect, only small quanti tration. test m eth o ds ties of roller process nonfat dry milk solids were acquired under the price Federal Communications Com . On March 25, 1953, notice was pub support program, and (4) The moisture mission lished in the F ederal R eg ister (18 F . R . requirement for purchase under the Notices : 1692) regarding proposed amendment of price support program is lower than un Hearings, etc. : united States Standards for Grades of der the standard. This tends to result Cuban broadcast stations; Nonfat Dry Milk Solids (16 F. R. 5420). in somewhat more scorched particles. notification of new stations, Such proposal would increase the Therefore, this change is necessary and of changes, modifica scorched particle content from “22.5 effective immediately in order to facili tion and deletions of exist- mg.” to “32.5 mg.” for U. S. Extra Grade ing stations_____________ 2675 Roller Process and the majority of views, tate the carrying out of the Depart Indiana Bell Telephone Co_ 2675 comments, and suggestions received by ment’s price support program. Ozarks Broadcasting Co. the Department favor such an increase (Continued on p. 2665) (KWTO)________________ 2675 2663 2664 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Housing Administra- Pa§e Interstate Commerce Commis- Page FEDERAL^REGISTER tion— Continued sion— Continued ■V,1934 ¿ r e O nnto^ Rules and regulations—Continued Notices—Continued Eligibility requirements—Con. Applications for relief—Con. Application fee—Continued Merchandise in mixed car Multifamily war rental loads from Chicago, 111., housing insurance; mort Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, group to Baton Rouge and and days following official Federal holidays, gage under section 608 New Orleans, La________ 2682 by the Federal Register Division, National pursuant to section 610 of Merchandise in mixed car- Archives and Records Service, General Serv the National Housing ' loads from Jackson and ices Administration, pursuant to the au Act__ _____ _____ ____ _ 2665 Vicksburg, Miss., to points thority contained in the Federal Register Single-family project loans, . in Illinois__________ 2682 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as war housing insurance; Sand and gravel from west amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula project mortgage cover tions prescribed by the Administrative Com ern trunk-line and Illinois mittee of the Federal Register, approved by ing group of single-fam territories to official and the President. Distribution is made only by ily dwellings______ ____ 2665 Illinois territories_______ 2682 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Information for preliminary Sugar, beet or cane, from ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. examination: South Torrington, Wyo., to The regulatory material appearing herein Multifamily a n d group Southwest points_______ 2681 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, housing insurance: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations: Cooperative housing in Carriers by motor vehicle; St. to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as surance; project mort amended June 19, 1937. Louis-East St. Louis, 111., T he Federal Register will be furnished by gage--------------------- - 2665 commercial zone; postpone mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Multifamily housing in- ment of effective date_____ 2669 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in , surance; mortgage advance. The charge for individual copies covering multifamily Justice Department (minimum 15#) varies in proportion to the housing________ ___ _ . 2665 See Alien Property Office. size of the issue. Remit check or money National defense rental order, made payable to the Superintendent housing insurance_____ 2666 Land Management Bureau of Documents, directly to the Government Notices: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Federal Power Commission There are no restrictions on the republica- Notices : Wyoming; classification order__ 2673 tlon of material appearing in the Federal Hearings, etc.: Production and Marketing Ad R egister. Atlantic Seaboard Corp. et al_ 2674 ministration Cliffs Power and Light Co__ 2674 Rules and regulations: Colorado-Wyoming Gas Co_ 2675 Milk solids, nonfat dry; U. S. El Paso Electric Co. and El standards for grades; test Paso City Lines, Inc______ 2674 methods__________________ 2663 Lone Star Gas Co__________ 2674 Principal Officials Michigan - Wisconsin Pipe Securities and Exchange Com in the Line Co_________________ 2674 mission Permian Basin Pipe Line Co. Notices: Executive Branch et al---------------- 2674 Hearings, etc.: Swift, Orlando B__ :________ 2675 Central and South West Corp. Appointed Fish and Wildlife Service and Central Power and January 20-April 20, Rules and regulations: Light Co_______________ 2676 Alaska wildlife protection; tak Columbia Gas System, Inc. ing animals, birds, and game (2 documents)_______ 2677,2678 1953 fishes; miscellaneous amend ments____ _____ __________ 2669 Gulf Power Co____________ 2678 A listing of approximately 200 appoint Pennsylvania Electric Co----- 2676 ments made after January 20, 1953. Housing and Home Finance Utah Power and Light Co_— 2678 Names contained in the list replace cor Agency responding names appearing in the See also Federal Housing Admin Small Defense Plants Adminis 1952—53 U. S. Government Organization tration Manual istration. Notices : Notices: Price 10 cents Regional representatives; dele Additional company accepting gation of authority to per Order from Superintendent of Documents, request to participate