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1979 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

4-13-1979 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 082, No 130, 4/ 13/1979 University of New Mexico

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'· 7g I lf6q Page 8, New Mexico Daily LOBO, Aprill2, 1979 n3QuJ lqNo YOUKSbl.F IN lhcl'cace Corps. 277.~9()7, 1968 MERCURY COUOAR--good con~hion··bul , S1,1rnmer. Call 1oday to s~e how you can be .one of Apr/ 1 3 1 !97q 1<.\."'f"'""',.,...... ,,, • •• 1 . 04116 needs ,~ome work. Call 2,43-7367 or 2!1 orriv,d. Fix Liquor SIOres al 5704 ).omas NE, 5516 Menaul. NE. wqlriut~stalned Ooor frame, 2) safety liner, 3) nne.~t hlP tit;am mattress, aJJy sl~ with three year that slow leak and tune up your bicycle with ou,r 04/17 guarantee. Water Trips, J407 Central NE. 04/27 tools and stands. Instruction available, .Rct~sonable prices on parts, t~cCe'isories, and repairs. MOVIE THEATER FOR snlc in Albuquerque, Can . ' Albuquerque Oike Co-Op. 106 ·Girard SE Room buy all Qr pan. Sm~lf inve;'jttncm. Call RE/MAX One dollor minimum 117. 265·5170, 04/12 ReP.ItorJP. 294._5003, 04/12 TYPING ALL PHASES college work,- accura1e, NEED QUICK CASH7 Sell· Concept"iolis· Rfteen senators elected reasonable, fast. 344-5446, 04/27 SmHhwest, UNM's new anstlheraty publi.,:ation; on BABYSITTING IN MY home, N.W. Valley' Call ~pet. Cpmmi!lslon •. Come bY Matron' Hall Roonl J~5-0247• 04/13 105 mornings or call 277·.S6S6 mornings. tf/n­ budget and amendment referenda Mateucci, Michael Austin, Fred Norman N. Dawson and Barbara Robert Browning-548 TYPING, EDITING, ORGANIZING. Manuscripts, J.R.St? NO, ADS! Two l;lig April. speCials. All ADS Charles Rundles-5!14 '\, loudspeil~ers on sale and annual demonstr~tqr sale .. · Fift!)en new faces have been will not be available until Friday. Rock, Richard Davisson, Suzanne . Bruin. Masters' Thescs 1 term papers. M.A. J:ngllsh. ' ONB DAY EXCiTING ~aft Trlps,,$20. Call. 884· Compelenl. 294·3182. · ,04/16 One each of every demonstrator at Hudson's Audio elected • to the ASUNM Senate, Senators elected were: Meg Cully, Lawrence D. Trujillo, Vote counts for .the eighteen MichaelS. Gallegos-738 l. PERSONALS 782$ ancr 4. 04/18 CbCHlTI MOTORS, WE'LL fix or buy your ~n Mena~l 'is marked for clearance. Save 5·40p~;f, according to lmofficial results Eshner, David J. ·Romero, Terry Robert Browning, Charles senatorial candidates were: Norman N. Dawson-635 vehicle. 6804 Cochili SE. 268-4071. 04127 on tttrn_tables, lmu:bpea,kers, receiver_~. ca~scue ACCURATE INFORMATION AQOUT con· det7ks, etc.j ~~~. ADS nnd demonstrator sale .now at released Tresults .. of · th,e Senate "T" · Smith, David Lauer, Bob Michael S. Gallegos, Meg Eshner-821 Barbara Bruin-823 trnl.!cption 1 .stcriliuuion, nbortlon. Right to Choose. Hudson's -~udio- Center, Menaul and PennsylVania. David J. R,omero~597 Budget and amendment results i) 294-0171 ' 04/27 were not available Thursday, .' PREGNANCY TESTING AND counseling. Phone 'Terry !'T... Smith~587 l 247-9819. 04127 Hossein Kermani-263 "because the election commission PASSI'O~T nn~ IDENTIFICATION I'HOTOS. J didn't have a calculator," said for $3.75 I I Lowest prices in towul Fma, pleasing, David Lamir-650 ncar UNM. Call 265·2444 or .come to 1717 Girard Bob Matteucci-779 Leonard Garcia, current ASUNM Blvd. NE. 04127 Mi.chael Austin-695 vice president. CONTACTS117 POLISHING & SOLUTIONS. Sen. Pete Pierotti, a member of Casey Optical Compnny. 26~-8846. 04/27 Lisa J. Vogler-518 WRITERS: AN ENGLISH DepJ,.sponsorcd 1nblold Fred Rock-629 the elections committee, said is now ncc!!pling poetry and prr;1sc (fiction ~nd non· results fo the Senate budget and fiction) ·submissions. We request thnl work be typed Richard Davisson-619 tind delivered to Htunlltlltics Rm.272. Contributors Kenneth Bader-504 referenda results would not be must bo UNM ~1'\ldcots. We cannot return available until mid-afternoon munuscripts, lf/n Suzanne Cully-764 DANCE TO TKO live Sundays 7:JO·I2:00 at THE Lawrence D. Trujillo-637 Fdday. ESTAULlSliMENT. Drink, dine &: dance ·ex­ perience. (TKO will also play Tues·Sal 9pm-l :30~m The ASUNM/GSA ro.r ttJC llCXI few weeks). Montgomcr)' Plazn Mall. lrln Poetiy Series ,,. CONCEPTIONS SOUTfiWEST, SPRING 1979 edillon on sale now in Murron ·Hall, Room 105. !! " $2.00. Also, n rcw of tile last Issues will be sold at a presents ' special ·prlce. 04/27 WANT A SOLID investmem-for the future? EXplore the potential and versatility of whole life :;; New board OOING AWAY THIS SUMMER7 Housesilter will lnsumnce With Dr, Gallant at F!dCiity Union. Call 'j care for your plants and animals! References. Call 265·7688 for a pctsonal appointment. 04/16 An Evening of 268·8648. 04/1) HAPPY BIRTHDAY P~Q. Hope I'm around lo see d SUMMER FILM PRODUCTION Workshop: If a few more. C. B. 04/12 BUSINESS Poetrywnh you are serious atjollt learninB rilm production, this private ''h~nds·on'' workshop emphasizes access ·1o GAIL, ARE you really a ·communisl7 04/12 MANAGERS WANTED ,, -, and instruction with profc.~sional 16mm equipment DAVID 1 Oprninwt fur ,,,n,·~L' ~faduutt"" un_der 27 fur ~n~ "''' ' to beset up to photogrnph and edit your own short mm. Gary 2. LOST & FOUND Doberman: 266-0863 aflernoons/everlings, 04/27 \'L'nli•ry c.'onlrnl. rct1iil sall·sfmanug«.•mrnt, hudj..WI ~- ,, lm,·roll fur· l 1.S. .IGNATOW . ' COMING SOON: WARM wea1her and 1979 UNM YASHICA 135GX STOLEN, if found please rc1urn mUIHt~emrn,. di~hur!!l'lllenl \ KUNM is now forming a Community Advisory Board in compliance Na'}-• Slurlht,!.piuluQ' is $1~()()0 ph_L'Hl munth plu~ ,,,. '.--· Fiestas, April 27·28, 04/13 to 124 Matron Hall. No questions asked. tf/n 'tot" ':" . - bem•fils, Hupicl pa~~ rai!tt'lt and promntion. Thurs. April 12 • f with the federal "Public Telecommunications Financing Act of 1978. COLLEEN··LAME DUCK manngin8 editors don't LOST! BLACK LEGAL Nolebook in SUB, J/21. KUNM staff member Stephanie Doeren said, "The purpose of the die, they go to Corpus Christi. Your frJends, 04/13 Cail277-5656· a.m. Gayl~. lf/n 8:00p.m. In WANTED: MALE, INSULIN·dependcnl diabelic LOST: BROWN SCARF 29 March al corner of FOR MORE liVFORMATlON board is to assist public broadcasting in being more responsive to the UNM Kiva .• .. ·,,· volunteers to pnrllcipille h1 the development of an Central and Cornell. Call266-9721. Reward. if/n CALL 766-2335 community needs by providing mechanisms for effective public input for nnificinl pancreas (insulin pump). MuSI be in good LOST: LADIES GOLD Dulova wale~. Reward. 5 FOR SALE planning and decision making." health, normal body weight, age 21·40yrs. with a 842-1032~ 04/12 .;._• __....;;.._...;; __ ...;;. ____'"":"" The CAB will be composed of nine members, five chosen from · takehistory one of day diabetes per month,for nl leastFinancial three telmburscmentyears. Studies LOST: SILVEk SEJKO watch in Zimmerman 1978 FOR. D M. u· STA"d.~, AM·FM cassel'e,~ 'rolo ;~~======:;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'(-_:::-: will be SIOO per day. For further information call Library. Reward. 881-!UlS. 04/13 down rear seat, radials. Excellern condition, community organizations and four representing KUNM listeners. Jean Nichol• al 277·4656. UNM Medical School. l'OUND: HARDRACE COLLEGE Handbook, in Sl.850,1l(l. Please call 266-6475 after 5:1l(lpm. lf/n Doeren said the board will review the programming goals established 04/12 Marron Hall. Identify & cl11im in Marron Hall lOS. lfln LEICA M3: .50MM F2 Sumicron. Recent factory by the station and review the service provided by the station. CASH PA1D FOR used women's c1othlng••current overhaul and conversio:o to single stroke, 5350 ot styles. 2123 San Mnteo NE. (Behind RAO SHOP). fOUND: SET OF keys in Journalism Duitdin.8i sent best offer. ~62·03')9 eVenings and weekends. tf/n ~--. PersonS' interesled in serving on the CAB should submit letters stating Tues thru Sat tOam·lpm. 268-2823. 04/13 to UNM Campus Police lost & Found. 04/16 TODAY'S CROSSWO.RD PUZZLE COUCH FOR SALE. Wood frame $2S.Il(l. Call the reason for his interest to KUNM by April 20. THINK ADOUT THE Peace Corps. 277·5907. REWARD: FOR OLYMPUS OM· I with 28mnt lens 266·6475 afler S:OOpm. 04/12 04116 taken from 2nd noor SuB Lounge. Call877-4004. Final Board selection by the KUNM Radio Board will be made by - May 1. 7 ACROSS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliijjifiij~ijij~jj!iiiiiiiiiiii~/· --~------1 Acidity ;~ ~~~~ns r UNITED Feature Syndicate 5 Prize 55 Mended Wednesday's Puzzle Solved: 10 Adore 59 Canadian 14 Slangy de· city Chapel to hold nial 63 Friend 15 Show 64 What a yegg 16 "Terrible" does: 2 one words meditations today 17 Rocket, e.g. 66 Pochard 19 Man's nick­ 67Gay- Canterbury Chapel will hold meditations today, Good Friday, . name 68 Angers from noon to 3 p.m., on "The Meaning of the Cross as Related 20 Greek god- 69 Frost to the Crucifixition ·Of Jesus Christ." dess 70 Swamps "Stations of the Cross,!' will be presented 'at 7:30 p.m., said 21 Drubbings 71 Mine find Father Bill Cruz. ' 23 Fathers DOWN Tomorrow "The Great Vigil ofEaster,i' will perform at 11:30 25 Orgy 1 Handle a.m. in the chapel. 26 Flat 2 Egyptian Canterbury Church is an organization ·which presents the 30 Like some 3 Fish 22 - the mark 44 Wanderer Christian faith according to the Episcopal discipline. gasoline 4 Ebbs 24 Cuts: Scot. 47- comb As 11 result of recent publicity sbout potentislly hszsr­ .34 Delete 5 Piazza 26 - and 49 Garland · dous msterisls being stotBd in schoollsbs, Bill Csrro/1, Cllm­ 35 Great Lake 6 Armed con- mortise 51 Frees pus ssfety director, yesterdsy ssked the biology storeroom 37 Girl's name filet 27 Wear away 53 CalyX Bomb unit 38- de plume 7 Bedouin 28 Titles 55 Hasty penonnel to check their suppiiu • They found some. un­ Disciplinary board 39 Myths 8 Allude 29 Cornerer 56 Sailors' dsted snd potentlsl/y exploslvs scids in the second floor 42 Pitch 9 Itemized 31 Stale saint stotBroom, which CBUIItld them to csll the Albuquerque 43 Poems 10 Watch type 32 Growing out 57 Excuse called in to eye dorm athletes 45 European 11 Kiln 33 Defied 58 "- Mabel" Police Depllltment bomb dispos11l unit to tt1111ove the hszsr~ river 12 Flavor 36 Concerning: 60 Hairstyle dous mlltilrisl from the premises. By BILL ROBER'ISON 46 Greek island 13 Chemical Lat., pl. 61 Tare UNM President Williarn Davis ' residence hall officials and student 48 Cuddle su(flxes 40 Tears: Poet. 62 Caama is addressing a recent flurry of athletes ·• wh'! .are .invo~ved in a 50 Filled again 18 Paint 41 Scurries 65 Recent disciplinary problems involving commumty hvm~ SJ!Uatlon should LI.BEL·staff decimated student athletes in UniversitY have. the .responsibilitY to see that· questionable finance appropriations of the ASUNM dormitories. ' the s1tuat1on works. Members of the Doe Carnily sent mote memorials Davis has appointed SUB "In ,all . fairness !~e p~rties to this newspaPer's office Thursday to express their Sen;~te, students being denied knowledge of radiation leaking from nuclear experiments on• Director Ted Martinez. to bead a respons1ble for supetv1S1on (m the condolences in memory of the departed staff of the contmittee!...... representing housing, discuss this mat· Daily LIBEL. . campus and some skeletons in .the closet of some top dor~s) sh~uld administrators. athletic department and ad. ter, . he smd: A majority ()f the LIBEL staff was consumed by a .- ministrative officiats-to devise Mondt sa1d, ''I think wt can fire that struck their office in .early . "Do you think we hopped on these stories?. Hell better methods of supervising improve . the situation. My The cause of the fire, as far as can be determined no, We were too disorganized to write them in any UNM's athletes housed on phdosoplty has,been that athletes, by campus fire .marshals, the result of various way but our own collegiate style. campus. whether in the dornts, on campus flarnntable liquids in the form of champagne, having . Photo editor Jim Doe; who still remains in a semi· ".1 expect the committee to :lt in class, are still students, and been brought ituo the offices and ignited by cOntllfose state, lodged himself inside a police bomb report back to tne in . wrlting tbat tbe athletic department smoldering cigarette butts. contamer device and could not be dislodged by sometime n·ext week, •• the should interfere as little as - police• president said Thursday. possible. Head football coach 1Jill However, Mondt said athletes· ALIBF.f. sookesntan wished to thank the· donors He roported be had received various threats from someone calling him~elf "the 'Bug." Mondt, who is in touch with the ''do get more publicity-in that for their appreciation of the late staff's wqrk, an:d · committee, said a possible solution ·sense they're not normal," Coach said, "If they were alive they would probably roll in · Sources in President William :E. "Bud" Davis' to the problem of supervision may Mondt said. · · · their galleys to know other family members had office said the future of the LIBEL was not in be to create an athletic department Both Mondt and Davis ex- been aware of th_e paper's shopper publication. jeopardy due to the more conservative nature of the liason with the housing authority. pressed hope that the committee "We've had no capacity in the could work out better supervisory I In a . departing ceremony, the spokesman also new staff and th~ir fondness for tea. c dorms," said the coach. "We're arrangements between housing and c executed the last will and testament of former The rife damage was confined to · the LIBEL thinking abbut · someone from the athletic department so, as ( LIBEL staff member Jack Doe. The spokesman offices and outgoing staff. Those wishing. c:an make athletics who has responsibility in . Davis said,. ·they would "see no ( . ( stated that Doe, in his last dying words, said, donations to the UNM Presidential SchOlarship both areas." , tetutrence" of the incidents of the ( . "During my days on the staff, I have seen . Fund or Alcoholics Anonymous. Davis said, "I basically feel that .. past few weeks. L t .. f. f f . I

'• (

Page 2, New Mexico Daily LOBO, Aprill3, 1979 Page 3, New Mexico Daily LOBO, Aprill3, 1979 Swarm of tornadoes lei/Is seven people UNM:'s north golf course to·be fenced By 8"-lUJARA RATI(:!AN p.erimeter of the golf cot1rse. fencing of the area, said Merrett. UPI - A swarm of tornadoes swooped c!own on the nation's mid, World News W Qrk began last week on 'But," he said, "they're lying He said people have driven cars section and torrential rains sent floodwaters coursing through streets. ~;pnstruction of a 7-foot chain-link down, doing their exercises, and through the cot1rse at night, ana into homes Thursc!ay. fence to inclose the University's running right through the very causing damage to the grass and The spring assault left at least seven people dead, north campus golf course ·to expensive greens and fairways of creating holes, Three teen-age sisters drownec! in floodwaters that swept through a Ex-governor protect the rights of golfers and the course while it's being used." Six workers from the CETA neighborhood near the town of Louisville, Miss., one of numerous areas joggers who have bee,n using the He said that the joggers are office; a federally-funded program hard·hit by severe thunderstorms that pounded Mississippi. area. , making it haroer to keep tiP the to help train unemployed people The girls and their mother were trying to escape their flooding home Workers began . clearing ana greens. for the job market, have been at the center ridge commu[!ity, authorities said. • named in conspiracy· ·cleaning the area of the golf A trail was designate(\ and signs assignee! to the University to Marchiondo called ·the course in preparation for the· were put up which spe;:ify the LOS ANELES (UPI) - An FBI within the Mafia, was gunned construct the fence and improve down in a gangland "hit" in San de;cription "totally false and fencing, · boundaries of the 2-mile jogging the area. Landscaping work will wiretap on the phon.e of an ex· libelous." The cost of fencing the entire track, bt1t they are ignored, he convict overheard conversations Diego. include re-seeding bare spots on The agent's statement referred In one of the conversaiions perimeter· of· the golf course was said. the greens and fairways, weeding, indicating former New Mexico ov.erheard by the FBI estimated to be $12,000, bt1t that The. umners have a different Governor Jerry Apodaca Sr. not only to the alleged kickback planting a few new trees, filling in involving Apodaca, but also to eavesdroppers, Flohr said, Jrving · estimate has not yet been aP· view of the situation. Several low areas, and digging holes for conspireo with mobsters to cheat ''Slick" Shapiro told Marson that proved by John Perovich, joggers interviewed said that they the state treasury arid split the schemes to bribe Long Beach and the fence posts. San Diego city officials. Apodaca had visited Las Vegas in Presidtmt of Business and Finance, used the designated 2-mile track Funds for the fencing and money, documents filed in U.S. March, 1977 and Shapiro. had said John Merrett, associate because it is a convenient, safe District Court revealed today. Flohr stateq the FBI tapped the landscape improvements will come phone of Thomas Marson, an ex' ''taken gooc! care of the· gover-_ comptroller. If the estimate is not and picturesque area to run. They from the University's capital Apodaca, whose term expired convict living in Rancho ·Mirage, nor" ana "every1hing is all set approved.• Merrett said he would also said they respect the rights of last year, denied the charges, improvement fund, said Merrett. Calif., while investigating a tip now.'' then consider leaving portions of golfers .by staying off the greens He said that re.payment of the telling the Los Angeles TIMES by Shapiro, owner of a Las Vegas the golf course perimeter open or and fairways when they are being telephone he was "shocked out of that Marson and others were funds will come out of the golf involved with a Las Vegas, Nev. chemical company,,. told ,Marson constructing a . smaller fence in. used, tlis chair" by the all'egation. covrse profits in future years. firm, financed by a Teamsters they chou.ld make $200,000 selling · some areas. One woman, an Albuquerque The Governor's Council on MAKE IT The ·reference. was made in an paint to tbe New Mexico state Bids are now being accepted on resident, said she has been jogging affidavit by FBI agent Melvin Union pension fund, that supplied Physical Fitness, an agency of the cleaning detergent to hotels there. government at $2 a gallon.· . material's for the fencing project. there for a year now because it's a State Park and Recreation WITH Flohr, filed in connection with the ''Water it down and make $4," The bid opening for contract 2-mile, fairly safe path, away federal court case against five The · FBI agent said he was Commhsion, has proposed a Marson allegedly replied. award will be April 17. A decision from traffic. "Of course I know I reputed Mafia figures charged informed the company arranged program to install, on UNM lands with Albuqerque attorney William The affidavit also referred to a on the an1ount of money approved could· get }lit in the head with a near the golf course, rest stations with racketteering and in­ meeting between Shapiro and JUAREZ volvement with the killing of Marchiondo-described as a "bag for the fencing, by Perovich, will golf ball, but that is better than and exercise equipment for the Amedee Richards, an undercover Frank "The Bomp" Bompensiero man'' for Apodaca~to supply be received by then, said Merrett. getting hit pya car," she said .• She runners, Merrett said. "The detergents for New Mexico state FBI agent masquerading as a Merrett said that there has· been does not use the greens and agency has been lookil)g for an TEDUilA in 1977. Bompensiero, then the representative of Long Beach, highest placed FBI informant buildings. an influx of joggers using the golf fairways, she. said, "I think those area for an expansive jogging GOLD OR SILVER . Calif. state officials. cqurse area and. the fence would that do are stupid, unfair, and IMPORTED & BDnLED BV TEQUILA JALISCO SA facility and supposedly have some ST LOUIS, MO., 80 PROOF .. They talked of Shapiro getting a provide a safe 11rea for the sport asking for trouble." money available," Merrett said. 't city contract, in return for a by blocking the golf balls that A faculty member who uses the He said the program has not yet payment to an official, with the may be hit their way. area said be has been running been approved and the agency and 4 agreement the company would However, .Dick McGuire, there for five years, 6 days a week the University are still working out overbill the city and the official director of the· golf course, said on his lunch break, He likes to the details. NEWS BRIEFS would kick back part of the that the purpose of putting up the run in the area "because it's close money. . fence is to prevent joggers from to my job, traffk-free, and not as Acareer in law~ "We're going to split it 50-50, using the golf course for their boring because of the trees, Embassy spying just like we do with the' guy in exercise. "It· isn't fair to golfers greenery and nice view." New Mexico," Shapiro was • who have to pay a fee to use the Another Albuquerque resident GO area to have to worry about said he has been jogging there for without law school. CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) - Prime Minister P.W. Botha quoted as. telling the undercover agent. hitting someone with a golf ball seven years. He said, "It's a sttldent-to·student acct~sed the U.S. embassy Thursday of spying against South Africa and and face a Jaw suit for it. Jt's convenient 2-mile loop With a After just three months of study atThe Institute for said several American diplomats had been given a week· to leave the "1 cannot imagine any FBI counseling and Paralegal Training in exciting Philadelphia, you can have a agent making such allegations," supposed to be a golf course, not nice, soft surface, trees, fairly crisis Intervention stimulating and rewarding career in law or business­ country. a jogging area," he said. good air, and I meet lot of Botha made the statement in a television broadcast to the nation, Apodaca said when informed of i" a NW CORNER MESA VISTA HAU. without law school. which appeared to be aimed at causing the maximum embarrassment to the affidavit. The former governor McGuire. said that he has no people with a common interest." · said he would not talk about the objections to joggers using the Vandalism has also been a As a lawyer's assistant you Will be performing many of the United St;tt~s. ptlrported trip to Las Vegas. "I area if they would jog around the. problem which. has prompted 277-3013 the duties traditionally handled only by attorneys. And at Gallows waiting don't want to·discuss my personal The Institute for Paralegal Training, you can pick one of KAMPALA, Uganda (UPI)- Uganda's new rulers Thursday accused trips." seven different areas of law to study. Upon completion of Another wiretapped con- your training, The Institute's unique Placement Service will ldi Amin of killing· at least a half million people during his bloody eight-year reign, and said he would die on the gallows when a versation was between Marson aqd find you a responsible and challenging job In a law firm, Vincent Albanese of Chula Vista, CHADWICK PHOTO :::--.:::----..::::::::-..... nationwide manhunt tracks him down. ---...... -- bank or corporation In the city of your choice. The self-proclaimed "President for Life," who survived 20 Calif., the affidavit said. Albanese Otto Appf!nzeller, a VN¥ professor in training lor the The Institute for Paralegal Training Is the nation's first assassination and coup attempts since seizing power in 1971, dropped complained he was having trouble Boston Marathon, jogs near the north golf course. and most respected school for paralegal training. Since otlt of sight. getting the San Diego city council 1970, we've placed over 2;500 graduates in over85 cities to approve a development of 450 . Parole violation to 600 homes in .the Bonita nationwide. district. . If you're·~ senior of high academic standing and looking NEW YORK (UPI) - James "Jimmy the Gent" Burke, suspected Albanese wanted someone "up for an above average career, con.tact your. Placement mastermind of last winter's $5.8-million Lufthansa robbery - the the line"-such as ·La Costa resort Office for an interview with our representative. largest cash heist in U.S. history - was arrested Thursday on parole executives ·Moe Dalitz or Allard We will visit your campus on: violation charges. . . Roen-to speak to San Diego City Burke, ott parole for a previous cargo theft, was accused of Councilman· Jess Haro, the agent associating with ex-convict Angelo John Sepe, one of three men said, mentioning there is always Thursday, April 19 originally arrested in connection with the robbery but later released. "a gratuity 'for service." Haro could not be reached for comment. He was removed ftom Emergency landing office last year after he pleaded The MOSCOW (UPI) - A Soviet space capsule carrying a Soviet com-· guilty to violating customs laws Institute 235 South 17th Street mander and the world's first Bulgarian cosmonaut made an emergency and was sentenced to 90 days. for Philadelphia, PA 19103 landing Thursday night after failing to link up with two comrades The affidavit was filed as part Paralegal (215) 732-6600 aboard the space lab. of a motion by attorneys for Training® The Tass News Agency said the 33 capsule set down 220. miles Dominic Brool\lier ·or Los Angeles southeast of Dzhezkazgan in the Soviet republic of Kazakhstan. Soviet and Samuel Sciortino of Costa Commander and Bulgarian Engineer Georgi Mesa to bar information gathered Approved by the American Bar Association. Ivanov reportedly were in fine condition. by the wiretap from being used as evidence against them at their trial. SOUND US OUT. With three other rnen-Louis Torn Dragna,. Jack LoCicero and This week we're tillking special values Michael Rizzitello-they face on two incredible )Bl , . Our charges of racketerrh\g, extortion loudspeakers, . and involvement in. the slaying of .l.lsf:en to lhe JIL L40• lodies Foshions PREPARE FOR: ~ Bompensiero. It's qne of the best·two· Happy Hour MCAT • OAT • LSAi • GRE Law enforcement sources have · way booksheiHoud· LARGEST alleged the five men are among · speakers you eM buy. GMAT ·• ·ocAl• VAT • SAT the top organized crirne figUres on 'Listen to the JIL ll9. i. It's the nyo·way system 2 for 1 4·6:00 Mon·Fri NMBI, R,]l[, the West Coast. The motion was · that's acoustically . scheduled for a hearing May 7 identical to o'ne of ECFMG • FLEX• VQE IBl:s popular studio before U.S. District Cour~ Judge LEARANCE SAL NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS Hatty Pregerson. monitors, . ... Frank Larrabee Entertaining . NURSING BOARDS And listen to why IBl Flexible Programs & Hours Is the Number One Loud- . EVER 4·8:00 'l'h~relS • dlff•••ru:•III · New Mexico Daily VJbo speaker In America's top recordil'!g studios. . Vol. 83 No. 135 Come on In and sound us out. "'u'lllove Best in Disco 8:30·1 :30 38140il what you hear. The !o.'t•w Mt•;tlm /)flfl{l /~(IIW l.s llllhl!shccl ClTITALl. Up to ·50% ·OFF. most items Every Night .. Molldu~- thi"C)II, rrJduy (•H·rr rc~uliir \\'t't!k • ~~· ·dilritl!{ of_ llttl\'t•rsll>: yeur ilntl lllt• EDUCATIONAL ~u.• ·\~l't'kl)' . CENTER .nim!lll'r _Stls~lun by till' ~o~rd· nf S(jttJcnl . ! l•ubltcuUon~ d( thc·u nht•r~i(~- uf-Nl•W 'Mc.·xh:o. JBL. and Hi Fi House Some items to 75% OFF f) I'• . Test PreOifrttlon spetf•lists_Sinc:e i938 ai1d is J1(Jl.fltulllt'lulh: a~~ochnC

.'' • L .

"'' Page 4, New Mexico Daily LOBO, April13, 1979 Page 5, New Mexico Daily LOBO, April13, 1979

Editorial Now THREE. In good company L.ocations!! Editor's note: This column, the last representing the 1978-79 LOBO editorial staff, is dedicated to Professor Leonard .)ermain, who is retiring this year after a 25-year teaching career In the tJNM department of journalism.

By DEBBIE LEVY There's been a rumor around the newsroom, particularly now that most of us are lame ducks: Old editors never die, they just go to the editorial board in the sky. I've been thinking lately about the company up there-such great American editors as James Gordon Bennett, who taught the coi,Jntry what news gathering was and how to do it; Horace Greeley, a frustrated politician who was the first American editor see the possibility of a daily newspaper without sensationalism to push sales; Charles Dana, who "made" the New York Tribune; Henry J. Raymond, who began the New York Times in 1851 and whom some said was indecisive because he saw both sides of an issue. All made great contributions to American journalism because of their news judgment, their fighting spirit and their refusal to bow to pressure. Just as important, many of them are remell}bered because '. ,,HQiiM. To Of'F.Sif ~lNG WE. ARE GIVING UP, WE WOOl-P WANT YC!Ilb WIJX> ~~A they were controversial. . 'a~~ Of ~Y·fl.AA~D NVCJ.EAR.ft:WERSTAA~ 1TO'E£ AFfROJW'Et'OUR NRC.,nr•NO• A few days ago, an ASUNM senator told me I've been a con· troversial editor this year. Some people have agreed with what I've said and done, others haven't, and still others haite vacillated bet­ Letters ween the two extremes. I had always pictured myself as a Clark Kent type-the shy, bumbling mild-mannered reporter. I'm beginning to like the idea of being seen as controversial; whatever the reasons for the label, I hope it's true. I'd know I'm in Str~:~nge goin's on good company.

Editor: Letters It occurs to me that a racist attituae toward satisfactory conclusion, and to see the top UNM rape is one which assumes it matters whether administators abandon this ("alleged") vic­ someone accused of rape-or an. alleged victim tim-and along with her, all of the .student body More like you of rape-is or white. It doesn't, who are concerned about the threat of rape. It occurs to me, too, th

Editor: give them the benefit of the doubt each 'time. I have attended the UNM Lobo men's My loyalty· was severely strained this season basketball games regularly since the . 1971-72 wh~n an assistant coach was picked up by the season. As a UNM student, I have stood in front police for soliciting prostitution and did not of the arena in weather ranging from a downpour receive any apparent disciplinary action by the to near blizzard conditions to southwestern head of the Athletic Department. · . . sandstorms for time periods of up to four hours. I This latest "incident" is too much to take.-1 slept on the concrete. in front of the arena to cannot support a team which shelters alleged obtain tickets for the NIT tournament this year. I rapists and abets in the process potential rapists. have supported · the team through fantastic I am a 32-year-old woman and I feel as though I success and traumatic heartbreak, through WAC -have been raped by the rrn~n's basketball championships and 50-50 seasons. I was involved department and UNM athletics in reward for my in the creation and continuation of a small group support. of rabid fans who became known as the Front I will continue to support women's basketball .. ·: Row Flyers. I have supported the players through as I love the sport. · inciden.ts. of theft, shoplifting and various other · · Margaret V: Dowlin'g "Mom" ·allegations of criminal activities and have tried to . · Former Front Row Flyer

Submissions poli~\' . LOBO editorial staff: Long necks, Lone Star Editor: goes wrong on the slopes on .Texans. This makes Editor-in-chief: Debbie Levy LEtteRs: Letter• to the editor ··.frn.iat -­ My roommate and I read Colleen Curran's Wpod ond olgnod by tho outhot with tho the~ feel . better and more ·proud to be New · Managing editor: Colleen Curran author'a ·name. addreli and telephone num .. article about the. New ,Mexican prejuc;tice of Mex1cans. So we accept the fact that it will News editor: Mike Hoeft ber. They ahould be no longer than· 300 war• fexans. We moved. here m January from Texas do. Only tho nomo ol 1hl outhor wlii bo prin· ~appen and it is now an unfortunate act of skiing t Asst. news editor: Chris Miller ted aid name• wiU not be withheld. . so we can relate wholeheartedly to what she had In New Mexico, · · OPINIONS: Oplnlonl must be tVpod ond tO say, We · have not, however, been over­ Photo editor: James Fisher 1 ·signed With thli 11Uthot 1 name1 eddrMI and .. We were wondering what it is about Texans whelmed with the "friendly New Mexican at­ all ·Asst. photo editor: John Chadwick telephone number. Opi_nfone shD.._ld be no. ~hat all New M~xicans hate. Surely this prejudice tonQiir than 600 warda .. Only the· 111n1e of the mosphere." We \)an't hide our Texas ties Sports editor: Ed Johnson iluthdr W"lll be printed. and mimes Will riot be . IS not only because we have no mountains. in Arts editor: Linda Gleason withhold, . because of our drawls. For that ma~ter we never T~xas. Nowwhere have We encountered such a SubtJJmlillOna thi!t 'do hot comply-with ·wished to hide our heritage! We're as proud to thmg? Copy editors: Jeanette King theM tpeelflcatlona· wlll not be printed. ·be Texans as we are to be New Mexicans. Chris Love ~II aubmlsalona become the -propeny of We know t~at this ridiculous pr,ejudice brings tho Now Mexico Doily lOBO ond wUI be ' We do ski and love it, too. Nearly every· time .. 3500 Central Ave. S.E. 5811 Menaul Boulevard Ad Manager: Frank Salazar edited for itngth Or libelOUs .COntent. out the Texanm us and makes lt very difficult for 25&-3690 881-2533 we go skiing, even though we live here, we get us to be proud of New Mexicans. In any case for · .hard glances and rude remarks from you • t~e Long, Necks and Lone Star Beer (at age 78) .cENTRAL AVENUE "fnendly .New Me:xicans. We have come to realize there s NO PLACE BUT TEXAS !II that New Mexic!lnS must blame everything· that l Leta and Usa .. l· i 'f ,! j l I j • ,, ,,

Page 6, New Mexico Daily LOBO, Aprill3, 1979 Page 7, New Mexico Daily LOBO, Aprill3, 1979 .English major I #Japan Today' at Galleria M.ultilingual program scheduled Today is the last day or "Japan Today," a "The Japanese seem to make· aesthetics and three-day presentation of free demonstrations, art a center of their values,". she said. "Art is By MISTIE WITI . Louisiana, an expert. wins sixth place such a marvelous way to present a culture films and exhibits on Japanese art and culture .,. The multilingual cultures of Quebec, Haiti, Belgium and Louisiana as "The question · of multilingualism is one .of the major· problems at the.First Plaza Galeria downtown. because it transcends even philosophy and they relate to New .Mexico's multilingualism, are scheduled to be confronting New Mexico," Kramer sjlid. "It is often considered in a Several UNM professors are assisting other religion." · ·11eatt discussed in a special progra,m 18 on campus. . purely New Mexican context. Our purpose is to make use of these in competition community groups in the program, which is Dr. Fred Stu(m, acting chairman of the lJNM Tile Program, funded by the New Mexico· Humanities Copncil, is to humanities scholars to examine the Situation in a broader perspective," By RdBIN LICHTENSTEIN Iowa was financed by a College of part of a national celebration designed to in­ Philosophy Department, will introduce the lkis be held in conjunction with UNM's French summer school at Taos. The "Quebec in recent years has been asserl'tng its intetion to make French A UNM English major won Arts and Sciences fund. Dean crease American understanding of Japan. philosphy behind the Japanese arts oflkebana, summer school is available to any student who. has taken to semesters of the dominant language of the province and has put into question the sixth place in a communicative Nathaniel W ollma.n allocated Dr. James Surbeck, Chairman of the UNM . flower arranging, and Bonsai, cultivation of French and will bring in scholars from several multilingual states and very survival of Canada,'' Kramer said. ''The Quebec. situation indicates· analysis event last weekend at the $1600 for plane fare, room and Art Education Department, will display por­ dwarf trees. Although Japanese art is not in- . countries to each. what can happen when a consensus is absent on ·how to deal with tended as an overt expression of philosophical _NOW HEliE THIS EDITORIAL SUIJMISSIONS Pf;JLICr: ~IPY National Individual Event board, plus $5.00 a day for food celain pottery which .he has ceated using the charter,d orpfliatlon ·or.~mpil& .flroUpm•r ~ub'mlt •n· The program will include speeches and panel discussions by four ·multilingualism." · Tournament in speech com· for the three students and traditional Japanese methods. He \Viii also show views, it is a natural response to th~ east Asian . nauncemtM,. of fiVBnt.ll or _,.elM mHtlng• to the scholars from the summer school, UNM modern and classical languages Kramer said that in Haiti, an elite part of society speaks tbe language· philosophy and manner of looking at the world, . iJBWsroom, Rooip 134 M(ltroiJ #hi/,. TIM LobO w_!fl:._tt.mpt to muncations held at Iowa State DeStephen. the film "Sensi-Master Teach!;!r" at 2:30 .n.m. pubHsh nD-tlt;es.thll till'( end th' cJ.y-_of the mHtlng department chairman Sabin Ulibarri and New Mexico Highlands of its former French masters, but 90 percent of the population uses an Strum said. . , but NO GUARANTEE OF PUBLICA TtON IS MADE._ Th• University. Hudson analyzed an anti· Dr. Audrey Joseph, former UNM professor editors suggest th•t group• whiling. to pub.flclze {ntport.nt University President Jobn Aragon. · unwritten language. a Winner Ella Hudson, a senior religious speech by Madeline of Chinese philosophy, will be available to Th public is invited to enjoy and learn from even(s. purchase •pproprlettJ edllflrtlf!/ng _to gu•r•ntH Steven Kramer, UNM history professor and a co-director of the Belgium has officially divided the country into two language zones, who transferred to UNM from the Murray. There were six students in · . answer . questions about the vari.ous private the demonstrations, talks films and displays _publ/ctJflon. · program said that the impact of multilingualism on New Mexico's Ieadllnes ***for Navajo Tribal • 881-1688 · • · will be ,Paid $100.00 for their participation. Scholarship applications are April • 7200 Menaul Blvd. NE • I'IGUREa For more informatwn contact 30 for· summer and June ~0 f~r • · Mm-Fri 9-5i30 Sat. 9-l 1 · D.ECENDERS fall. Contact Rose Sandoval m · · . •.· DBXBR·A.L.STDR'B ANO . . . . Eileen or Marilyn . . Navajo Highet Education in the .• o· ·. •t. ·· " .· . . at.theUNM ~eeL Sc~ool, Dept. Pathology 277-2412 Financiaf Aid Office, Mesa Vista I .· rl .erlon • MUCH 111 Harvard S.E. 8117 Menaul N.E. ' · HaURooin tU9. An appointment. Insurance CoJbpany··. MORE! .• Study Rtms: April16- May.3l, 1979 is recommended. . , . -. • • •.,•• ,. •

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P<~ge 8, New Mexico Daily J~OBO, Aprill3, 1979 Page 9, New Mexico Daily LOBO, April I3, 1979 • Niners Lobos To Play In At Denver The Jast time a baseball team Soccer T~urney from New Mexico got together and played a game with a team from Denver, no game was The .New Mexico Soccer Club leaves today for Provo Utah, where they hope to state a case for their worthiness of varsity status: . played. ~ If you want to get technical They will· be competing . in the Western Athletic Conference about it, seven innings were Invitational to be h.eld today and Saturday. The Lobos play Weber State played and UNM smashed, beginning at 5 p.m. If they win, they play in the semi finals at anoon on. crushed, mutilated, destroyed ami Saturday and if they come out victorius in that, they play in the or em bar rased the U ni versi ty of champion~hip garn~ at 5 p.m. Saturday. Denver, 26-1. The Lobos, who are being supported by the UNM Athletic Council, The Lobos scored 13 runs in th\l for a spot on the athletic buclget for 1980-81, can make a gopd 'case for fifth inning and the game, which them~elves should they take home the conference trophy. - was supposed to last nine innings Last year the club came in second place and two years ago took the ended after seven because of the title. Texas-El Paso, the defending champions wiH not. compete 1n this lopsided score. meet, but several strong teams wilL The same two teams will meet Brigham Young, probably th.e tourney's .favorite, cannot meet the again this weekend, and at least Lobos until the finals, because of how the bracket has been set up, the background has been changed. The Lobos will be going at full strength as they have no serious in- They play in Denver this time and juries. . the Pioneers are hoping the Lobos Among competing for UNM are Nick Clonis, Paul Gesner, Jim won't be able to duplicate their Trench, Torn Renfro, Jim Weisan, Farbod Khia, Jorge Yant, Frank performance, Salazar, Bobby Vigil, John Page and John Bumpkip.s, Mike Brown went threr for four Gesner was runner"UP last year for the tourney's most valuable player at the plate with five runs batted and is considered one of the top goalises in the conference. in, while Aaron Cain and Kyle All the games are played with two 45-minute halves and ifthere. is a Rutledge each knocked in four Cl!ADWICK PHoTo tie, ten minutes of overtime is played. If there is still a tie, then a shoot · runs. Lobo Slugger Steve Muccio. out of ,penalty kicks will determine the winner.

SALT TABLETS 4.50 B&L BOTILES 2.00 One Last Column To Say Good-Bye Casey Optical Co. Editor's note: This. is an open Dear Ticky, There are certain athletes that I'm sure you've got all kinds of letter to Mark "Ticky" Smith, the So what the hell can I say at will refuse to talk to you if you've (3 doors West ot Cosey RoxaH Drug) ideas about how to build up the Lome1s at Wo'!lhlngton 265·6840 n!!W sports editor, from the guy this point. I'm leaving this place written· anything bad about their sports page. I did .. But as I look who use_d to be it. to go out and work in the "real" play, and there are those who will back on it now, those ideas just world and you're coming in always make time to talk to you. kind of died somewhere along the looking for some kind of advice · Cmppliments don't come easy, way, One day I'd be too busy, the WARGAMES WEST on what to expect when you get not only because people don't take next day, too tired. the title. time to favorably comment on . Sunday you officially become The only complete wargame I was going to tell you about your work, but because a lot of the sports editor al)d if you do shop in Albuquerque some of the problems you'll run times you're work won't be any celebrating this. weekend, go Historical, Fantasy, Science Fiction into, but you'll find out ·au those worthy of a compliment. ahead and have a drink for me. games and miniature figures things for yourself eventually. There will be days when · Then have quite a few for Come set up your favorite battlegame I guess I should tell you about reproters can't get you that story yourself, for you're the one wh.o is in our spaeeous gameroom the clay I got a call from a man they promised because of school in trouble now. NOW OPEN who said I covered men's athletics work or other commitments. I really don't .know what I can 3422 Central Ave. SE too much and an hour later got a Coaches won't always find the tell you. It seems I've written this Albuquerque, NM 87106 call from a woman saying I was time . to return your calls and column a million tim,es in my head (5051 265-6100 woman's athletics too · athletes don't always behave like since I stepped into this job. And the heroes we sometimes make now I don't know hoW to end it. them out ot be. . • · . · So instead· of sa)'ing!igeoQi bye, I · All you can do is bitch- awhile think I'll just leave and let you . and learn to live With it. It comes figure out how to do it next year. with the title. Dukes Option -Player

. The Los Angeles Dodger The Dukes round out the organization has optioned veteran homestand with their annual infielder Ron Washington to Vera exhibition game against the UNM Cruz of the Mexican League. Lobos on Wednesday,· April IS. Washington first came to• Albuquerque in 1977 when he batted .323 in 85 games. He was All-Stars·. hitting .344 last year for the Dukes when he. injure~ his knee Face Netters running out a ground ball in Salt · With beer going 'to the winner Lake City. Washington will· be 27 extra: intrest will· be added to th~ this month. · UNM tennis team's match with The Dukes meanwhile begin an the New Mexico All-Stars slated UNM'S NITE SPOT 'for 9:30 ;l.m. Saturday at the eight-game homestand tonight .. The Dukes open with four games Lobo Tennis Club.. against the Vancouver Canadians, The Lobos, . winding down on Thil weeltentt find out and on Sunday the Salt Lake the easier part of their schedule,' Gulls hit town to battle the Dukes are going to have to key them­ -selves for some tough upcoming ·- in a three-game series. battles. . . whsf gllflin' tiM is · Sunday's game will start at 3 p.m. because of· an Easter egg But for this weekend, they can relax a little bit and go for the Now comes Miller time. hunt for the kids which begins at all about with the beer rather than a WAC title. · 1:30 p.m. Sunday's game is sponsored by Smith's .Foodking The Lobos are 10-S on the year .. tliiCIJ sn( funlty sou~tls , which wiJI have free tickets padding their record with win~ available for the game. over Southern Coloardo and For ol . Lewis College last weekend. r~ATIENfioN'At['§TUilENTs·~ ·I There 1s a new loan procedure! ' REVElATIONS ' · If you ~I an t4? apply .for a New .Mexico Student loan for the Academ1c \"ear 1979-1980, you MUST have a pre-Joan interview. Pick one of the times listed ~elow. T~e·interviews will be given ,_. Bllfh Ftidly 1ntlSIIurlly Nile hourly. on !he. hour; No appomtment 1s necessary, and you may I ·' . attend any .~n. terv.. 1ew sesslo.n. I. f you have any questions, call ~!IJ! Barbara Frederickson at 277·2801, or 277·5017. Apri/13 I 14 ·. . PEMEMBER- no interview- no loon! • · Date. ·Time . Location 11.00 UNM ID tt.OO PubliC Apri19-13. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m, Hokona Hall w/ The Cellar 001Jt~ 118:45 ~ Af)rill 0-12 6:00 p.m. only Career Services library open p.m. Mesa Vista Hall South · 2nd Floor · _, i' April19 1 p.m. • 4 p.m. Medical School · I (9;1978 MilfsrBrawlng Co,,MIIwaukee. Wis. I Basic Science Building ~ Room303 . R Apri120 1 p.m.· 4 p.m. Law School J. ~ .. ,.,.._..-,..._~.-...-.•.,..,..,....,., .... ,..,_.._.,. Dean's Conferettce room ...... _..., •!.-..~-..,.-,,...... ,...,.-:,,.....,.,,;1;:.c:::·;i.*l;,~~._~,~:ol


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Page 10, New Mexico Daily t.OBO, April13, 1979 Page 11, New Mexico Daily LOBO, April13, 1979 Four sculptors to lecture Instructors choreogroph 'SprlngtlmespoCe' ARTS Four sculptors will give illustrated lectures on their Corbett received a master's of fine arts degree. work through the UNM dep!lrtment of art visiting from the Univ~rsity of Wisconsin at Madison in artist-lecturer series. 1978 where he has also taught. By LESLIE DONOVAN ·. piece, Another l1NM dance in­ On April 19, Joh11 Buck and Deborah Butterfield, ln the dawn of man's primitive structor, Lee Connors has worked On april 16, · Mowry Uaden, an internationally two nationally exhibited sculptors, will giye con­ existence there was dance. In the with MacDougal on the music for secutive talks on their work. dawn of UNM's new dance the piece whicll will be vocal ffioxweU museum exhibited sculptor, will speak on his work which production Springlimespace, there chants sung on stage by the includes both indoor and outdoor participatory and Some of Buck's sculpture, which is frequently is a primitive dance built around dancers. environmental installations. Baden has also composed of painted wood, was included in the what dance instructor Lorn Springtlmespace is composed of recruiting ·docents publish~d three of his own books. 1978-79 "Western States Biennial Exhibition." MacDougal calls "dllnce theater.'' six different types of dance in-· The UNM Maxwell Museum of display at the museum during the Butterfield's sculpture largely consists of lifesize The dance, called ''Wlllking eluding jazz, ballet, modern dance· '1979-80 school year include, His work is currently represented in a two-year Along, Stepping Along, Anthropology ls recruiting images of horses created from various materials. Her and flamenco as well as dance volunteers to serve as docents for "Pottery of Casas Grandes;"­ traveling .exhibition which has been touring Australia Straightening lJp After Resting," theatre, All of the dances in this since 1977. work was represented in the 1979 "Whitney Bien· was choreographed by the 1.979-80 school year. "Ethnographica: From Curio to nial" at the Whitney Museum of American Art in production were choreographed by Nancy Hockstad of the Artifact;" "Hopi Kachinas;" MacDougal. This musical theatre instructors in the UNM dance Baden, who received a mruter'.s of art degree from New York City, sequence tells the story of the museum's educati.on division said "People of the Southwest;" department. training sessions will be held "Prehistoric· Jewelry of the South­ Stanford University in 1965, has taught at the daily lives of people in a primitive For the first time ever in a University of Victoria in British Columbia since auck and Butterfield both received mllster's of community. ln keeping with this . UNM dance production, the August 29 to October 5. west;" "Human Evolution," and "We're going to need .more "Archaeology in Tijeras 1975. He has also taught in various parts of the fine arts degrees from the University of Californill at idea, three children, Gablee performance will inchtde a i docents this year," said. Canyon.'' United States. Davis. Both recently taught at Montana State Carlisle, Marisol and Joaquin flamenco number called University and each hM also taught or lectured in Encinias, play feature roles in this ''Buleras." This piece, "The demand is just incredible Suitcase exhibits currently .used and we want to reach as many by Maxwell focus on American On April 17, Hoyt Corbett, a ceramicist and other parts of the United States and England, people as we can. That's why Indian tools, Hopi Kachinas, arts sculptor who is currently a visiting faculty member Central at .2nd we're getting an early start on our and qafts, music, archaeology, at the UNM department of art, will speak on his AMERICAN recruitment effort." hman evolution, the Valley of work. In addition to ceramic materials, Corbett's All talks will begin at 8 p.m. in Room 2018 of the EASTER UNM Fine Arts Center. The talks are free and open M·F 9:15 Volunteer docents are the basis · Mexico, and the Eskimo~ M·F 7:30 media includes wood, metal, rock, paper and a to the public. S·S 3;20 S·S 1:30 of the museum's · two public Vllriety of other materials. 5:20 9:15 7:20 education programs, museum tours and suitcase exhibits, she said. KUNffisponsors benefit "By using artifacts for visitors to touch, docents · can provide Judy Garland Fred Astairo Peter Lawford Ann Miller people with experiences available By BILL :ROBERTSON in color EASTER PARADE · 1948 only through the museum," The 6istoric Kimo Theatre downtown will be the spot Sunday night Gene Kelly Lesho Caron Oscar Levant Nina f'och Hockstad said. "Because our for an evening of jazz, soullln.d reggae, courtesy of KUNM. in color · AMERICAN IN PARIS 1951 Dancers for the "Walking Along... " segment of "Springtimespace" rehearse: The show programs have become so popular The University radio station has organized .a benefit concert to Central at 2nd 242-9741 Ample Convenient Parking open$ tonight at 8 p.m. in Rodey Theater of the Fine Arts Center. among the schools and other "support public radio." Proceeds of the event will go to supplement community 'organizations, we KUNM's annual student government budget, which this nar WM cut ~~=====:::::::::::::!:!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ij choroo~r~hed by ~M's pmioo~ w~ M~Doo-, hM cannot keep up with the demand. $16,000. 7:20 &~:30 Docents serve about 3000 school -rhe groups highlighted Sunday will be: Alma, a local jazz combo; flli!Uenco instructor Eva Encinias choreographed a modern dance (Sal. & Sun. Mal, 3:00 & 5:101 You'll Lough Till Your Heort Breoks (also mother of the children in called "Gavotte!." children every month." JUice, a reggae band from Santa _Fe; and Ffipside, an Albuquerque­ · ''Walking Along ••. "), will be ' More than 50 UNM dancers will Docent' training seminars in based soul group. The show begins at 8 p.m. accompanied by two live_ flamenco perform in Springtimespace, a September and October will give KUNM has been faced with increMed operational costs M a result of "ONE OF THE BEST volunteers the back ground its recent affiliation with National Public Radio, while at the same time FOREIGN FILMS OF THE YEAR! guitarists. . show which is a continuation of A lovely blend of comedy Jon Cristo fori, has the department's fall presentation, necessary to give tours and present ASlJNM hM chosen to fund the station at a much lower clip than in the an(t pathos:• r, • choreographed two dances for Timespace." · suitcase exhibits in the schools and ~·· . Friday Springtimespace. His two dances "I think of it as a festival to various organization~, she said. NPR regulations stipulate that the station must hve five full-time "***lThemovleglowswilh staffpersons, but student government argues that the presence of these intelligence. Hilarious, engaging are "Bizarre," a modern ballet welcoming in spring," one of the "We don't require our docents and bittersweet:' ~ ,,, .• . - ••• 1 , , ... , and "Farandole," a jazz number. dancers said of Springtimespace. to have a background in an­ workers mea~s the station is not sufficiently "student-ope;r;at;e;d~.'~'iiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:~::::::::::=i Night ''Farandole," the largest dance "It's one of the mo'st lively, thropology," Hocks tad said. "The number in Springtimespace, is colorful and energetic shows we've training includes lectures by performed by 28 dancers. ever done." universtiy professors on human ... "F.or Sister.."' the smallest • Sp'ringtiinespace · ·win· · be evolution1•· .southwestern ar- · , ... at· the SUB Theatre number in the production is a presented in Rodey Theatre April chaeology, teaching techniques ballet choreographe


.' Saturday Night at the SUI Theatre ·

-3showings 7:00 ·9:15 KATHlfEN QUINlAN ·SlffllfN lllit~HIA!RICE SlRA16111 11:30 FRbM TH~ BEST . '1JIE PR*]SE" . . Ng~~~~l~'l."l~K lll.lllENC[ llmN~ll· ~WMI PRIMl· MI1\IB. U!Wl£ . -" - - - . . _ _ SC~E£NPLAV&Y A fRID I'IBNIRIIJB-Il'IJl H[l[ffi '"'"'""''"" •• 61l00lll'illffi '"M .!WlRYMIO!!il.\1111][ DINO DE lAURENTIISPRESENrs "HURRICANE" srARRilli.G JASON ROBARDS • MIA FARROW •MAX VON SYDOW ASUNM Students $1.00 "'~IS~.".~ fllll I'IBNTRAIIB ..,IWJl flntffi · ~~f>~UJ,~ TUllY ff!BM\N · "'"~ii\MO il:JIRf TREVOR HOWARD. TIMOTHY BOTTOMS. AND INTRODUCINC DAYTON KA'NE. PRODUCED BY DINO DE LAU~ENTIJS General Public $1.50 "0 '"'~~~~o MINTilAUB ... ool HRlfR • '""'i~ rntBffiT CAlfS · IWiiWI' DIRECIED BY JAN TROELL • SCREENPLAY BY LORENZO SEMPLE, JR. • EXECUTIVE PRODUCER LORENZO SEMPLE, JR. nfDIII[IJ('Jijnf ,,...,._.,..,...__ •• ,..,,..,.,,, @li;a-l:.!m~ AUNIYffill rltl [\[ tl!lf!l~.·r~tNIOI.IISE•t.,ngllyi.I~LIS!.\M.IJtefjutfA --- ___ ,.., ... F.'AMO··us F·IL. Ms·· PR.. oouc·r,·o· Ns· Nv.· · rEcHNICOLOR~' APARAMOUNT RELEAsE •••••••• IORIOINI.LSOUMOtiw:K Olt lo!CA fiEtonDJ AND fA1'[81 Slo lllt-I•S.O. ~" 11\li:a, ..e ~(l ~-~~ jiUlhtCI' . . • ' • .. .· .. ,,.. ,.. ,,,,,,. ~ 197.91'AR~MOU~1 PIC1UR~~ CORPORA11px .\1.1. RIGI·IT·S RFSF.R\TD :.·.'i,•..1.·.: PG P~'!f~~~~~~.!!~:~ Discount tickets SUB Wo

- c Qri> ~~;a do , Cs:>I('D VI ct clo S.P.IilCIAJi '-. 37't. 7~~ COJ!lapftj .• - Page 12, New Mel'ieo Daily LOBO; April13, 1979 cJY\3~W LOST: SJLVER seJKO wat~h- in Zimmerman 85 8·TRACK TAPES, clasilcial, good condition. three summer _momhs,_ <::la!i!ies will meet weekly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!! Library. Reward. 881-4725, 04/13 ' $170,00. 296·4400. 04/13 approxjmatelr 4hrs/day"' Degree .not necessary, . /.& Apr.!!• !!!!!!71!· FOUND: HA.RB. RAC. E CO. LLEGI'! Handbook, in P-210 DATSUN, 421 12th Stc SW. 04113 Salary negotilible. Call the Johnson O'Malley . Program, New Laguna, 1~5Sl·662S collect. 04/17 Mnrron Hal_l. td<::rJtify .&: claim in MarrOn Hall lOS~ l IOpct. to .all 04/!6 Jakeo from 2od floor SUB Lounge. Call g77·4004. UNM •tuden.,, Coli Ted 293-46l6, 04/23 fc~r mailing 'lour federal 04/17 ATTRACTIVE .GIRL TO work cosmotie Guitar direct referrals to SEA WORLD DZ, Box 60129, penses'!- Advenisl= in the DAILY LOSO classified Studio, 26S-33ll, . tf(n Sa,cratnt;nto, Co'\. 95860, 041i1 section tfri """. '· GARDENING? START EASY, Custom rototllilng JOBS! L,AKI! TAHQE, Calif! . Fantastic tipsl Bring to Matron Hall room 105 by ·appointment, Tim's Tilling. 268·6!il0. 04/27 SI,700-$4,Ci00 summer! 'Thous<'!nds still. needed. 8. By PENNY WRONSKI. percent of the· total ASUNM Dave Gallagher, a member of · r------~------­ or mail to: Classified Advertising . TYPING- ALL PHASE.~ college work, accurate, Casinos, Restaurants, Ranches, Cruisers.. Send MISt:ELLANEOUS Twenty budget items received appropriation, whichever is less. · reasonable, fast. 344·5446. • 04/27 $3.9S for nppliclition/i.nfo, -to LAf

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