Of the Rote Ofsecond Languages in Asia,Africa
DO CUMRSV finSUMII AL 002 054 ED 031 706. By-Rice, Frank A., Ed. Study of the Rote ofSecond Languages in Asia,Africa. and Latin America. Center for Applied Linguistics,Washington. D.C. Pub Date 62 Note -130p. Applied Linguistics, 1717Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Available from-PublicationsSection. Center for WashiNton, D.C. 20036($2.50). EDRS. EDRS Price MF -$0.75 HCNot Available from ogy, Planning,*Language Standardization,Language T Descripfors-*Bilingualism,Creoles, Language Sociocultural Patterns, Sttndard er) *Multilin4;ualism, *Second LanguageLearning, *Second Languages. Usage, Surveys of the The purpose of this survey wasto investigatethe nature and extent factor in nationaldevelopment in countries problem of secondlanguage learning as a the findings of the of Asia. Africa, andLatin America.This document is based on information not covered inthe survey. and represents survey butincludes some of the problems dealtwith essentially the reactionof half a dozenspecialists to some (1) "Background toSecond LanguageProblems: in the survey.Essays included are: (3) (2) "The LanguageFactor in NationalDevelopment." Ferguson; Charles A. Ferguson; Multilingualism," William A.Stewart; (4) "An Outline of LinguisticTypology for Describing Bilingualism," A. RichardDiebold, Jr.; (5) "CreoleLanguages in "Mexican and Guatemalan William Stewart; (6) "LinguaFrancas, With SpecialReference to Africa." he Caribbean." East Africa," Ruth E.Sutherlin; (8) "Language J. Samarin; (7)"Language Situation in (9) "Language Problems in the RuralDevelopment of NorthIndia." John J. Cumperz; "Sociocultural Change andCommunication Standardization," PunyaSloka Ray; and (10) Problems." Janet Roberts.(DO) Edited by Frank A. Rice EDUCATION & WELFARE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, OFFICE OF EDUCATION FROM TR THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGINATING IT.
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