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CONTACT LANGUAGES IN AFRICA'1 Bonnie B. Keller Graduate Student, Anthropology University of California, Berkeley Culture contact has been a toric of snecial interest to anthropologists. A contact situation lends itself to numerous kinds of study: personality con- flict, culture change, diffusion, >reakdown and retention of cultural patterns. Another phenomenon occurring in contact situations, and one which would seem to appear in all the above ½henomena to some extent, is linguistic change; unfor- tunately, this aspect of culture contact has not been emphasized, and there is not a great amount of research material available on it. When individuals of different cultures, and often Possessing different languages, come into contact, there are four possibilities for intercourse be- tween them, according to John Reinecke, one of the authorities in the field of linguistic contact and change (1938:107';. They may attempt no speech at all, and carry on a purely gesturing or signalling tyne of communication, such as dumb barter. They may use a lingua franca, that is, a third language which both know. (The term is derived from the original contact language, Lingua Franca, a language used by the French crusaders in dealing with the Levantines.) A lingua franca is essentially "any language used as a means of communication among peo- ple of different linguistic backgrounds" (Hall, 1955:25). One group may learn the language of the other, a phenomenon known as bilingualism. Finally, if neither group is in a position to become bilingual or to learn a lingua franca, both may resort to the use of a reduced fonr"of one of the two languages.
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