'Coloured' People of South Africa
Bertie Neethling Durban University of Technology (DUT) Durban Introduction : Population of South Africa 57 million people (Statistics South Africa 2018) Cohort-component method: base population is estimated being consistent with known demographic characteristics Many prefer being called a ‘South African/a Zulu speaking South African/an English speaking South African’ Government uses 4 categories: Black (African), Coloured, White, Indian/Asian – smaller groups not recognised Black (African) 80,5%, Coloured 8,8%, White 8,3% Indian/Asian: much smaller Coloured: nearly 5 million History of the so-called Coloureds History of multicultural and multilingual SA is complex Controversy: First People in south around Cape Town before colonialism First World people: hunter-gatherers roaming around – San and Khoi Dutch explorers – VOIC – Jan van Riebeeck (1652) Slaves imported: Batavia, Madagascar, Indonesia, India, Angola, Mozambique Combination and interaction: Khoi and San, Dutch white settlers, slave groups, finally British colonialists Mixed group (mainly excluding Khoi, San and Dutch: Coloureds Lack of accurate historical data and suitable ethnic term Present-day Coloureds Cape Coloureds – bilingual –Afrikaans/English Term ‘Coloured’ i.e. ‘person of colour’ (Afr. ‘Kleurling’) – nonsensical term 2008 ‘Bruin Belange Inisiatief’ – Dr. Danny Titus Term ‘Coloured’/’Kleurling’ fixed – ethnic group of mixed descent – various combinations - confusion No accurate ancestry Names from students, newspaper, school photo’s, random reports of groups or individuals – post1994 Identity Challenges June 1926: ‘Can any man commit a greater crime than be born Coloured in South Africa? – RDM If assigned to this group, specific lifestyles were invented, bonding into a community – considered problematic 2009 I’m not Black, I’m Coloured – Identity crisis at the Cape of Good Hope (Monde World Films) Song: …the only sin, is the colour of my skin.
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