Distribution twfcy Au 20.300 1 Dial SH 1-0010

VOL. ,85, NO. 101 „ my, Kaalu throat* SMdtT. UnoH fflw rwutt RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1962 a*« ank u* u a«tuiim«i luutu otnu*. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Weigh Middletown Changes MIDDLETOWN-With the Democratic party la control of The following personnel and their Jobs art subject to the local political scene for the first time In « yean come change Jan. 1: Jan. 1, all eyes will be on die new administration to see what James A. McCarthy, Jr., auditor; Henry F. Labreque, changes will be made la governmental personnel.': engineer; Dr. Marc Krone, townihip physician; W. Gilbert With the exception of appointments to .several key posts Maneon; magistrate; John Duryea, Shade Tree Commission «ad various boardi, all township employee* are under Civil member; William Cornetta and Dr. Brlnton B. Miller, Board of Service. Health members; Thomas Phillips, chairman of the Recrea- Thus they cannot be removed from office except for cause. tion Commission; G. Paul Kennedy, chairman of tbe Planning There are four key poits la the government which will be Board, and George A. Howland, Jr., Zoning Board of Adjust- beyond the reach of the new administration insofar ai change* ment member. * go. ' Plans The terms of defeated Committeemu Paul Pandolfi and' They are Lawrence A. • Carton, Jr., township attorney; and Assessor William C. Johnson on the Planning Board also Calvin G. R. Ohlsen, treasurer; Newton A. Mallett, building expire. These two posts are filled on a yearly basis because GENEVA (APHPlans for an inspector, and Howard V. Roberts, township clerk. • state law requires that two township officials serve on the immediate International Red The attorney, treasurer and inspector were appointed to planning agency. Tbe mayor also serves on the planning unit. Cross inspection of ships.sailing four-year terms this year by the Republican administration. to Cuba nave been dropped, it SPECIAL FEES None of them has Indicated he would resign his pott because was reliably learned today. Re- of the change in administration The township attorney' and engineer receive a $1,000 a liable sources said me all-Swiss . year retainer. . ' . STATE LAW International Committee of tbe Each,, however,, receives fees for specific work assigned Red Cross no longer considers They were named to four-year terms under provisions of them by the governing body. a state law which requires townihipi with populations of more die proposed inspection—to insure Last year, the Township Committee spent $13,653 for legal than 24,000 to fill tbe posts on a four-year basis. . that Soviet missiles and other service!. This figure includes the retainer. This year $13,700 Mr. Roberts has tenure as clerk, and al*o•••••-• ..-";.:>~. .Sources close to the committee, Stevenson and bis team were ie* showed ^missllei beaded 4 expected to Mel Acting Seer* grternoted that U.S. officials at TTUa information mi confirmed said )t remains ready to intervene die United Nations now talk of (See CUTO;;i>age 2) kit algbt by the buiiaestman, in #idr an emergency, but tiiat ttay-Ceaeral U Thant on their Howard J. WooHey, owner of Wool- PUC Says die "major titreat" of world war talk with the President and. to ley's haberdashery on Broadway. Highlands Expects subsided with the removal of the schedule,a) new round of negotia- He lives at.13* Franklin Ave. Soviet missiles from Cuba.. tions, with, Soviet delegates. Committee Opposes It m also teamed that while School Buses The sources said die United Full Report council, (till sharply divided over States is now essentially con- U.S. informants said Stevenson Mr. Bowen's merit*, despite two Violate Law State RoadMoney cerned to secure removal of the and his aides gave Kennedy a •ew additions to tbe council in Ilyushin jet bombers sent to full report on two marathon ses- Merger of Railroads HIGHLANDS — As a result of for installation >of the lines an the last two weeks, tentatively FAIR HAVEN- - Borough Cuba, and that these would apt sions they had with' die Russians another look at borough roads by an insert pump. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - representatives from the 14 non- agreed no new ouster move would Council but night referred to have come under Red Cross in last week in which Soviet Deputy state engineers, state aid for a Tbe water and sewer line proj- Members of the Railroad Broth- operating unions and the five be undertaken immediately. IU attorney a letter from the spection under any clrcum Foreign Minister Vasily V. Kul- portion of Grand Tour from Port- ect cost was $14,913, of which erhoods and other labor unions brotherhoods of the operating Office Operation state Department of Public Utili- stances. netsov reportedly balked at re- land Rd. to die new regional $3,347 was paid by die Regional have formed a Railroad Labor unions. However, at caucus sessions ties concerning the operation of There was never any question moving the bombers. school may be forthcoming in the Board of Education. Anti-Merger Committee to op- The executive board of the members reportedly spoke point- unfranchlsed bus service in tha of a Red Cross {round Inspec- The informants said Kennedy spring, Mayor- Cornelius J. The Insert pump, the "majoi pose New York Central's pur- Railroad Labor Anti-Merger has edly to the manager on details of tion inside Cuba or control of air made plain he considers the municipality. Guiney reported yesterday. portion of die cost borne by the adopted a resolution calling upon hii office operation. traffic to and from the island. bombers offensive weapons to be chase of the Pennsylvania Rail- The man Mr. WooHey proposed In the fetter, William F. Hy- The' mayor indicated that there municipality, was recommended road.. .•••'•• public officials, including Presi- l ndAd, president, pointed out that by the borough engineer to guar- dent Kennedy, Congress, the gov. as city manager "If Mr. Bowen * > is a strong possibility that aid George C. Gifford, Brotherhood tht operation of the uafrancised antee enough water pressure foi and the Interstate Com- was to go was George W. Vogel, will come in the form of an "out- of Railroad Trainmen, was services is a misdemeanor ii the school area. merce Commission to halt the a securities broker at Asbury right grant" from die state be- elected chairman. Serving with Park, who lives at 45 Larchwood terms of state statutes.' Officials noted at the time that Meyer to proposed merger. cause the road is being used as him as officers are Clyde N. Ave., West Long Branch.' Councilman Robert A. Mat an approach, to the school. die entire hill area running down The resolution cites what die Buzby, Order of Railway Tele- committee says, would' be harm- "He has had no experience la thews explained that buses serv- The borough has agreed to pro- to Portland Rd. would benefit by Veteran Planner to Leave Board jraphers, and Theodore Mihalko- ful effects this merger would this- field, but he is we)! ac- ing private 'and 'parochial school vide a paved street, 30 to 33 feet the pump. vlls, American Federation of SHREWSBURY. - Philip H expressed" hope that the borough have in this area and in the state quainted with the problems and students charge individual tares in width, extending in a norther- "We ran into unexpected.costs Labor. Meyer, chairman of the Planning site plan ordinance and colonial and nation. the local situation and is well to riden,' but that there is only ly direction 1,100 feet from the in providing water and sewer to Board, has submitted his resigna- restoration program.' will be de- The committee, which is seek- It calls for immediate action qualified, I believe, to adminis- one company — Bora Bus—' in intersection of Traveled Way and die new school, and that delayed ter the office," Mr. Woolley told die area which operated with a tion to Mayor James W. Bly and fended and continued.. ' ing the cooperation of citizens to to "prevent the monopoly of rail Grand Tour to the point where die road project," die mayor : a reporter, franchise, thus providing ' a Borough Council. • Term Ends la.'W combat the merger Has estab- transportation' and "the setback a paved.roadway now exists on noted. source of revenue to the bor- Now in his. 11th year on the Mr. Meyer also reminded the tished an office at 80 East Wash- to die economy that will result Mr. Vogel,. who his sponsor South Peak St., a second ap- "But It looks as though we'll told council was "available": for ough. board, Mr. Meyer mentions no readers of. his, letter that each ington Ave. if the welding of these rail giants proach to- the new school. have to budget for it next year." the position, told a newsman no specific reason for quitting his child residing in. an apartment Members of the executive com- Into the country'! largest railroad position Had been offered to him The mayor said that state en- Revataated post but, In a letter to. council, house who attends Red Bank mittee of the committee include i« permitted." and that he therefore would not Saturn Shot gineers did not offer aid for the The borough's streets were says, "It is my belief that others High School represents an an- comment. South Peak St. project because evaluated by the state over the should have die privilege of serv- nual tax cost of $790, and asked WASHINGTON (AP) - Space In recommending council man- they considered Portland Rd. a weekend at die request of die ing our community and assume citizens to ward off downgrai ager government to replace the scientists plan to launch a giant more satisfactory school access governing "body. Earlier, council civic responsibility." ing. ..'.." CuttingFuneralCost city's former SO-year-old commis- Saturn rocket within a few days road. was told that no state aid could He asked that his chairman During his stay in offioe, he sion form in 1960, the Charter in die third step of a.test series •Bear It Alone* be expected this year, for repairs ship and board membership be expressed reservations .concern- Commission .urged-the manager aimed at biasing an American "It looks as though die bor- to any streets in the municipality. terminated Dec. 1. Mayor Bly ing apartrqent construction here. trail to the moon. Is Association's Goal be a non-resident, experienced in ough will have to bear the brunt Mayor Guiney noted that this may appoint a replacement be- Besides introducing the Broad St. the field and a member of the SA3 - for Saturn-Atlas — will of this one alone," the mayor community has always received tween the date and Jan. 1, when colonial restoration program, the HAZLET — Funeral services'that are dignified, but inex- National Association of .Municipal carry aloft more instruments noted: less road aid than any borough he will relinquish his gavel to Planning Board in the past dec- pensive. Managers. Mr. Bowen, then man/ than any U. S. rocket yet The ' borough recently com- in die area, Mayor-elect Frederic Messina, ade has prepared, legislation to That is die goal of an organization being formed by die ager.at Levirtown, BrUtol Town- launched. It also will hurl a 95- pleted installation of water and "And it looks as though this successful candidate in last control signs on that thoroughfare First Unitarian Church of Monmouth County: Memorial Asso- ship, .Pa,, was selected unaai- ton ballast load of water into sewer facilities to die new region- year won't be any different, ex- week's election. and opposed construction of. a ciation of Monmouth County. . .tnously from among 85 applicants the ionosphere 104 miles up, In al school. cept for the road to the school,' His 'Valedictory* concrete .barrier in the middle of Officers and trustees of die group include an attorney, so- and began work Sept. 1,1961. He what the space/agency, calls a An emergency appropriation of he remarked. The planning leader, best re- Rt. J5. cial work executive, manufacturer, physician, two housewives, (See VOGEL, Page 2) 'bonus scientific experiment.". $32,600 waa" approved by council (See MONEY, Page 2) membered for his efforts to Mr.' Meyer's Planning Boar banker, sales engineer and die Unitarian Church's minister, maintain the beauty of Broad St. term would haye expired Rev. Harold R. Dean. ' through this borough, called his Dec. 31, 1965. If his resignation OFFICERS, TRUSTEES letter to council his 'Valedictory is actejjrted, Francis Drucker, The officers are Charles Mandeville of Matawan and Mrs. A Stamp Collector's Dream to my civic' activities." In it, ylce chalrmaij, will assume die Barbara Vaitola of Middletown, chairmen, and' Mrs. Walter he commented on his hopes and chairmanship for.die remainder Blumberg of Hazlet, secretary. IRVTNGTON (AP) - Leon- sale, of the commemorative aerial number in the' corner " 'This sheet is going to be fears .for the future planning of of this year. The trustees are Joseph Dempsey of Interiaken, Warren ard Sherman was on the watch stamp, issued Oct. 34, to try margin) would remain high. worth money,' I said." Shrewsbury. Droeker's Term Expiring Sawyer of Llttie Silver, Fred Forrest of New Shrewsbury, today to see just how rare his to determine how many imper- Imperfect Run He then put the pane In a "It Is my hope that our cur- Mr. Drucker's term, however, Mrs. Vastola, Dr. Joseph Gluck of Middletown, Alan Beailey block of SO misprinted four-cent'. fect sheets got by postage In- An imperfect 400 In a run of' safe in the dining room of the rent pattern of planning, that expires Dec. 31 of this year, at of Rumson and Rev, Mr. Dean, who also lives In Middletown. . stamps really is. •.;.. spectors. . . - ' 120 million stamps should be modest two-family house he provides for land use to support which time'he may be reap- In a statement released by Mrs. Lee Hendry of Little Sil- 'As far'as Sherman is con- But' regardless of what his worth more than $350 apiece, shares with his parents. A week the tax structure of die bor- pointed or replaced. Mr. Mes- ver, the association was formed "by concern over undue cerned, the rarer the better. stamps return In cash, Sher- ha said. later he transferred It to a ough while. preserving die resi- sina, wlio' w||l preside over a elaborateness and costly display, as well as what are some- The. owner of the 50-stamp man has declared, himself a "Other panes may have been bank vault. dential character and'beauty of council of three Republicans and times referred to as 'meaningless and pagan' aspects of burial Mock saw die probable open happy man.. ' . used by people who didn't know Estimate Value our community, will be main- his three , Independeiit running customs. market value of his find take "The excitement of the day , they had them and may have The first Inkling of the rar- tained," he wrote. . mates in last election, has said PAMPHLETS AVAILABLE a steep nosedive yesterday. At was worth it," he said yester- been thrown In the garbage by ity of the misprint came when He cautioned residents to "be no decisions h,ave.been made re- "The main aim of die Memorial Association is preparation first, when it was believed day. "It was a once In (life- now. And any in the post of- three Akron, Ohio, collectors vigilant to prevent the erosion garding his Jan, 1. appointments before death, and membership is not'restricted to those who there might be only 290 mis- time." fice must be. returned," he said. announced they, had 19 of the of our planning standards." and (See MEYER, Page 3) are members of die Unitarian Church. Completely non-de- printed stamps in the Pag Sherman, 38, the assistant The suspicion : that the inverted yellow stamps and nominational, it is open for membership to anyone Interested Hammankjold commemorative manager of a Jewelry' store, stamps might be valuable came estimated their value at be- In or sympathetic with its general purpose. Issue, Sherman estimated the lives at 35 World PI. with his to Sherman just after he pur- tween $2,000 and $3,000 each. "That purpose Is: .'To offer to Interested Individuals, on a ones he held could be worth wife, Rosiyn and five sons who chased, the block. It was then that Sherman Today's Index non-denominational, nonprofit bails, the Information to plan half a million dollars. range In age to 15. A collector for only the last made the estimate of $500,000 a service which-will be simple, dignified and in keeping with . Later in the day, James F. The printing error that four years, Sherman recalled for his, reasoning that since his Page Page tiieir personal wishes and religious beliefs." • Kelleher, special assistant to boomed the value of the stamps that he purchased four panes sheet of 50 stamps was com- Adam and Eve IS HerbkKk : _. A pamphlet being distributed, on request, states that "os- the postmaster general, said In was caused by an inverted yel- ,of stamps—18 worth—on Oct. plete, the stamps should be Allen-Scott , ,. ,7 Movie Timetable , tentatlous funeral practices may not only Impose undue finan- Washington that at least 400 low plate. In the flawed 24 and M. worth more, A Newark deal- Amusements . ~. . .. 8 Obituaries cial hardship upon the bereaved, but tend to place a falsely of the Imperfect stamps had stamps, the lower portion, The second night I ripped up er, who declined use of his Births: :... J Sylvia Porter materialistic emphasis upon the circumstances of death. Ai\ been Issued, which should appear'In the tow- two sheets to' get at the block name, said then that Sherman's Boyly e - .,. 4 Television _ rangements for the funeral will vary widely, depending upon, Kellehar said the additional er left corner, is at the upper numbers In the corners, and guess might not be far from BriBridgd e _ Georg* Sokolsky the religious affiliation of the deceased, or his lack of it stamp* would bring the value right . „•, gave rhe rest to my wife," he wrong. Classified .14-11 Simple propriety will not be affected in either case." Of the misprints to not more Sherman remained optimistic said. "I started.on that.third Stamp 'collecting, said Sher- Comics' .: Stack Market Information about the association is being furnished by than $390 each. that the value of hli pane (a one, when I noticed the,white man, Is the one ylce he has Crossword Puule SneeaMful Investing Mn. Blumberg, who lives at 18 Virginia Ave., tills place. • The Post Office halted the 50-stamp .block' containing * a line down the middle. -- (See STAMPS, Page 3) Editorials i Women's'New*' ...1MI (See FUNERAL, Page 3) i Kw. 13, 1%2 RED BANK REGISTER Weather Favtfrs a Court Test on U. S. Seek Meeting Obituaries Teen Drinking Habits today and. eariy tobfcht wttk • Hudson few Hefted ahowers la th« Grants to Church-Related Colleges With EDWARD i. HERMES northwestern hilli, high » to MRS. BLANCHE BRASEFIELD MORTANVILLE - Edward J. 55. Clearing bit eonlfht, low lp WASHINGTON (AP)-*" pronuV lie colleges need federal aid, but School Board RED BANK - Mm, Blanche Subject of N.Y. Stjidy the JOs Inland neat educator proposed today pai- that attempts to get It through D. Brasefield, wife of the I*te Hermes, Beacon Hill Rd., died and about 40 sage of legislation mat would Congress usually stumble on the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS -Un- Dr. Stanley E. Brasefield, dta Sunday ia Allenwood Hospital. ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) - Most to have any bearing on the el- near the cout. able a prompt court test on the church-state Issue. daunted by previous frustrated ef- yesterday at her home, 33 Broad Born in New York City, Mr. teen-agers who drink have formed' facts of the tower drinking age on W e d n e »• issue of federal grants to church- "Let us avoid the church-sUt forts to arrange a meeting with Hermes was a son of the late their drinking hatdts by the tlmt the health and safety of youths day fair, high related colleges. issue, or resolve it, or forget fed- the Henry Hudson Regional Board Born in Punkhannock, Pa., she Fronds and Anna Kost Hermes. they are 16 years old. from neighboring states who drive of Education, the local Board of A former resident of Roaelle 50 to 55. The suggestion came Irom Dr. eral aid," he said. "In any case, was tht daughter of the late Education voted unanimously last The only demonstrable effect of W New York to drink. MARINE John T. CatdweU, chancellor of let us help get it off dead center. Charles and Ida Dietrich. She Park, Mr. Hermes moved here night to press for such a meeting New York State's law setting 18 Another conclusion of the sur- Cape May to North Carolina State College and He s«M the nttion's 2,040 insti- had lived here 10 years. about six years •#>• He retired in early December, Dr. as the minimum legal age for vey was, "It is the type of child Block Island- president of the Association of tutions of higher education Include Surviving are a son. seven years ago from the Union drinking is that when drinking who misbehaves that manages tc Variable winds State Universities and Laud Grant (07 that are church-related, 711 The reason for the meeting— Charles y°BrasefieM.ot Carbon- County road department. He was teen-agers turn 18, they shift secure and drink alcohol regular. today, mostly Colleges, In a speech prepared for public and 513 independent, o and not all board members here dale, W.; a daughter, Mis* Eliza- a' member of St. Joseph's Ceth- from private places to ban and Jy' and that alcohol does, not north- delivery at the association's an- •undenominational. The nonpublii seem to agree on the specifics— beth Brasefield, here;' a sister, oHe Church, Keyport. restaurants. cause their misbehavior . . . The easterly and Institutions enroll about 40 per is the desire ol the local school Mrs. Dorothy Joyner of Punkhan- 1 nual meeting here. Surviving are tys wife, Mrs, These were two of the conclu- date suggests that drinking may northerly tonight at about I cent of today's college students. body to clarify requirements ol nock; two granddaughter*, and Elizabeth Sheridan Hermea; two, even slow down the activity of to 15 knots. North to northwest He said the legislation he pro four great-grandchildren. sions drawn from a survey of Dr. Edward D. Eddy Jr., presi- the regional school and how At- sons, John Hermes at horns and misbehaving teen-agers so that at 10 to IS knots on Wednesday. posed should be written so thai drinking patterns among New be dent of Chatham College, a girls' lantic HigWands children can Services will be today at 4 p.m. Alfred P. Hermes' of Bfloxj; Visibility 5 miles or better. Part its constitutionality, could 1 York State youths from 14 to 18 teen-agers do less damage whet private school In Pittsburgh, best meet these requirements. in the Adams Memorial Home Miss.; four daughters, Mrs, Mad- ly cloudy today and early to- fought out In the courts. years old• •. drinking than when sober." asked the association Monday: The board originally sought with Rev. Dr. Montague White, eline Hermes, at home, Mrs, night. Fair Wednesday. Caldwell said the nation's pub- The survey added that If the "Isn't It high time that the Amer- session with the regional group pastor of the Madison Avenue Betty Marz of Wlckatunk, Mrsi intent of the New York law was ican university prepared a decent, In September. Dr. MHton J Presbyterian Church, New York, Alice Jlndracek of this place and to confine youthful drinking to Delay Rt. 18 TIDES respectable burial for tha tradi- Clark, head of the educatloi officiating. Burial will be in Sun- Mrs. Marie Janwlch' of Roberts- private places, fee law is more (Sandy Hook) tional college fraternity?" committee, said be had been toM nyslde Cemetery, "Punkhannock •' •--'••,, vllle, and ten gnndonHdrin. i or less successful, but it Is not Today — High 8.52 p.m. and "They have served an historical by Mrs. Kathleen Mendes, a re- Pa. tomorrow at noon. Services will be heM at S;34 very successful if it expects Alignment low 2:59 p.m. purpose and served It wall," he gional board member that the re- a.m. Wednesday from the Day gional board had cancelled put Funeral Home, Keyport. A high parents to prohibit all children Wednesday—High 9:10 a.m. and RIVERVIEW said. "But we've given up banjo OLIVER J. MAXSON because K favored a meeting ol under 18 from drinking. 9:42 p.m: end low 3:02 a.m. Red Bank clubs and minstrels. Now ifs SHATTUCK. Okla. - Services requiem mass will be offered in Discussions education committees rather thai were held here recently for St. Joseph's Church at 9 a.m. Most of the children studied and 3:46 p.m. time to face courageously the FREEHOLD — County Plan- Mr. and Mrs. James DeVaney, the two entire boards. Oliver James Maxson, 55, a for- Burial will be in the church were Introduced to alcohol by (For Red Bank and Rumjon task of replacing the alumni-dom- ning Board chairman E. Donald 143 Moamoqth St, Red Bank, mer resident ol Middletown, N.J. cemetery. their famiHes, the survey report- bridge, add two hours; Sea inated fraternal system." Mrs. Charles W. Usher said Sterner announced at yesterday's son, yesterday. Mr. Maxson died Nov. 1, here. ed. board meeting that public hear- Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caruso, Eddy said the national fraterni- she felt it imperative that the ty system "has failed to adapt Born in Mlddletown, he was a The survey was commissioned ings on the proposed direction Branch, deduct IS mlnutei; High- 70A Locust Ave., Red Bank, SOB, meeting be held as soon a« pos- IRVING VAN HOUTEN Itself to the demands ot the new son of the late Meivin and Kath- by New York's Joint Legislative of the Rt. IS Freeway have been lands bridge, add 40 minutes, yesterday. sible. She also favored that all KEANSBURG - Irving Van student and a changing social erim Schmidt Maxson. Committee on Alcoholic Beverage postponed until next year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ostka, 59 members of both boards be free Houttn 73. of 49 Ramsey Ave., pattern. The system can and He was a member of Joppa Control. Sen. John J. Marchi, the CHICAGO (AP) - The nation' Court Dr., Shrewsbury, son, yes- to attend. died Sunday in Monmouth Med- The proposed freeway woul should be replaced. . ." Lodge,1 here; the Chapter and committee chairman, released weather pattern showed oofy terday. As the major reason why she ical Center, Long Bnutdi, after connect Rt. 18, where It Inter- Council of Borger, Tex.; Con- the findings yesterday. Marchi's minor changes today, with most- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seltz, 761 thought such a meeting so import- a short illness. sects Rt. 9 in Middlesex County, sistory of Guthrie, Okla.;. Order group has been studying the ques- with the Eatontown traffic circle. ly seasonal temperatures and Newman Springs Rd., Llncroft, ant, Mrs. liesher pointed to a Mr. Van Houten moved her* of Eastern Star of Borger and tion of whether to raise the state The freeway would trave! showen in scattered sections. son, this morning. To Discms 'best' rating apparently applied 18 years ago from Newark. He drinWng age to 21...... Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vonder- to certain classes in the regional. the Arnett, Okla. American Le- through Marlboro and Atlantic Rain which hit most of th was a retired Newark flrenmn hoof. 45 Dakota Ave., East She noted that of the 27 seventh gion Post States bordering on New York, Townships and New Shrewsbury southeast yesterday tapered off with 21 yearn' service. Keansburg, son, this morning. Plans For graders rated "best" otdy 11 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. all of which have 21-year mini- to Eatontown. during the night except for show- He was a member of the Re- Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, it come from Atlantic Highlands. Catharina Weil Maxson; three mums for drinking, have been ers in the South Atlantic Coattal tired PoUccmcn'1 and Firemen's Public hearings on the exact lo- Village La., Mlddletown, daugh- brothers, Joseph Maxson of Cin- urging New York to bring its law region, Shower* or light rain a' This is a reflection on oui Association of Essex County, the cation of the freeway have been ter, bis morning. New Church cinnati; Clarence Maxson of Rye, Into conformity with theirs. so dampened areas in the Ohi school,'* said Mrs. Lesher. "El Exempt Firemen's expected for more than a year. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hurda, FAIR HAVEN - All municipal N. Y., and WUUam F. Maxson Valley, the lower Great Lakes ther our school is not getting a fall Association, the Firemen'i Mu- The neighboring states, Includ- 11 River St., Sea Bright, son, officers and governing agencies of Middletown; three sisters, Mrs. Region, the southern Rockies and shake or our children are not get- tual Benevolent Association ot ing New Jersey, claim that their Friday. will bold a special doted work- Sara Wright and Mrs. Isabelle In the Ptdflc northwest. ting a fair shake in our school." Newark, and an associate mem- underage youths drive to New Bradley Beach Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albert, shop session tomorrow night to McGoWrick. both of Middletown, Mrs. George B. MoCalhun ber of Keansburg's Manning York to obtain liquor and then be- Early morning temperatures 198 Brookside Dr., Belford, discuss lonlog and building prob- mentioned that since the ratings and Mrs, Ev»lyn Kochendarfer ol come involved in highway acci- ranged from 71 in Glla Bend, daughter, Friday. lems connected with the proposed Place Fire Company. were revealed, some local par- Miami. Fls. dents. Gas Station Ariz., to IS in Burlington, Vt Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, Christ Methodist Church, Ridge Mr. V«n Houten also belonged ents have asked board members New Jersey's state motor vehi- Some other readings and con- 20 Plum St., New Shrewsbury, to Elks Lodge 21, Newark, with If the Atlantic Highlands school RICHARD S. STRYKER cle director viewed the report as ditions: New York 37 partly daughter, Saturday. Councilman Jesse J. Mcliray which he held membership over Robbed of $793 was "teaching enough." BELFORD - Richard S. Stryk- cloudy, Chicago 38 fog, Bosto; Mr. and Mrs. John Faulkner, said there are discrepancies be- 45 yean. reinforcing bis state's contention BRADLEY BEACH - The at- er, 64, died suddenly yesterday I 40 cloudy, Washington 39 cloudy, 46 Creek Rd., Keansburg, son, tween, the architect's plans for Dr. Clark argued that the lo- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. that New York's law should be tendant at a Main St. service sta- hlshome, 189LohsenPl. Atlanta 49 clear, Miami 61 rain, Saturday. the building and some require- cal board has no say in the meth- Jennie Boylan Van Houten, two revised upward. tion was held- up at gunpoint last Born in Keyport, he was the sot Louisville 43 cloudy, 35 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hercha- ments of local building code*. ods and techniques used by the soot, Edgar and Irving Van The director, Ned J. Parsekian, midnight and was robbed of $793 of the late Herbert and Marion kowski, 69 Harvard Rd., Fall In addition, he said, the grou regional school. He also pointed Houten, both of this place; two said in Trenton, N. J.: police reported. clear, St. Louis 38 clear, Min- Bailey Stryker. He had lived here Haven, daughter, Saturday. will attempt to determine in out that the 11 of IT figure did stepsons, Thomas Murray, here, "If New York, with an 18-year- Leroy Fisher, of 193J Corlie: neapolis 29 clear, Kansas City 4 44 years. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Papa, terms of zoning ordinances the not necessarily mean local school and John Murray of Nutby; and age limit, finds youths under 18 Ave., Neptune, attendant at John dear, Denver 35 clear, Dallas 45 Mr. Stryker was employed bj 185 Seventh St, Belford, daugh- front and sides of th» proposed ing mi at fault. a sister, Mrs. Bessie Brown of drinking, it is important for it to ny's Hi-Test, 907 Main St., said clear, Phoenix 60 clear, Seattl Jersey Central Power and Light ter, Saturday. structure. Christopher Travis, Jr. cautioned Clark. raise it's iminimum age." he was confronted by a man 47 clear, San Francisco 54 clear, Company 44 years'. H* was a Mr. and Mrs. George Baita, Representatives of the church against taking any action on Services will be Thursday at He said the report didn't seem wearing a stocking cap with two Los Angeles 59 cloudy, Anchor- member of the Electrical Work- Freehold Rd., Colts Neck, daugh- will attend the meeting with eye openings over his face. The age 30 snow, Honolulu 77 cloudy. "hearsay," favoring a positive ers Union. 1 p.m. in Hie John J. Ryan Home ter, Saturday. members of the Planning anc discussion of what each board for Funerals, here. Burial will man was armed with a small au- Zoning Boards, borough council Surviving are his wife, Mrs, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Perot, can do to help prepare children be In Fair View Cemetery, Mid- tomatic weapon. men, the borough engineer, at Esther Luker Stryker; a son, 18 Knapp dr., Mlddletowo, for the regional school. dletown. Fire Routs Mr. Fisher said he was puttinj torney and building inspector. Richard S. Stryker, Jr., of Port Cuba daughter, Sunday. Mrs. Lesher suggested that, al money in a cash vault when th Monmouth; two daughters, Mrs. (Continued) Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Bostrom, a meeting with the regional intruder came in behind him, or- George Herbert of New Mon- FRANCIS C. REINECKE, SR. 4 Families back to the Soviet Union aboard 2S2 Parkview Ter., Red Bank, booard should recommend a qua dered him to move againat a mouth and Mrs. Thomas Georgi PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla.~Fran- Soviet ships. daughter, Sunday. Mrs. Thompson Ifytag "achievement" examina- of Belford; a brother, Joseph wall, and* scooped up a bag con- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dietrich, cis Conrad Reinecke, Sr., 68, of In Freehold U.S. authorities believe the mis- tion be given each sixth grade Stryker of Keyport, and elgh taining four days receipts. 91 Rt. 36, Port Monmouth, son, 401 Solaz Ave., formerly of Keanj- sile menace from Cuba has been student in May or June prior to grandchildren. FREEHOLD - Four families The station owner, John Hip- Sunday. Was Present At burg, N. J., died Friday in near- virtually eliminated, but they entering the regional school. This The funeral will be Thursday were routed from their apart- penstiel, Pemberton, who opera- Mr. and Mrs. William Gram- would be administered by re- by Fort Pierce Memorial Hospi- stress that the two dozen or more at 11 a.m. in the Scott Funeral ments but all escaped injury at tes a chain of gas stations In the ling, 13 Oregon Ave., Hazier, son, gional officials, according to Mrs. tal. Soviet ILZ8 bombers still in Cuba Hyde Park Rites Home here with Rev. William 1 a.m. today when a fire broke state, had been at the Bradley Sunday. Lasher's proposal. Born In Texas, Mr. Reinecke can carry nuclear bombs. LINCROFT — Mrs. Geraidine Hodgdon, pastor of the Belford ou t in the Samuel Sagotsky Beach station earlier in the night Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Simon, for many years worked with the Building, 30 East Main St., Fire L. Thompson of Brookdale Farm, Mrs. Lesher finally agreed, Methodist Church, officiating. but had decided to leave the moa Both Soviet and Cuban officials 44 Worthley St., Red Bank, son, Englehard Industries (H. A. Wil- Chief John R. Stryker reported. ey in the vault. have s*id the bombers' were a lifelong friend'of Mrs. Eleanor did other board members, to Burial will be in Fair View Ceme- SuAdiy. son Company), Union, N. J. He turned over to Castro and are un- Roosevelt, was among those who proposal by Dr. dark that the tery. The blaze started In a loft After taking the money, the Mr. and Mrs. William McKen- was a member of the Methodist der his control. The. United States attended the private services for regidnai school body be invited apace between the celling and holdup man disappeared on toot na, II Kenneth Ter,, Mlddletown, to meet with the local board to Church, .hers, and a veteran of is expected to continue its naval the former tint lady in Hyde MRS. AMY MARY ANDRES roof above a second floor apart in the darkness beyond the near- twins, a son and a daughter, yes- discuss broad-based rules that World War I. blockade of Cuba until the bomb- Park, N. Y., Saturday. . FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP-Mrs. ment occupied by Ennis T. Es by main line of the New York terday. would determine how both boards Surviving are his wife, /Mrs. and Long Branch Railroad. A po- ers are removed. Through a misunderstanding, it Amy Mary Andres, 52, Philadel- telle. Chief Stryker said firemen Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herzog, can work together to help local Marguerite Kerr Reinecke; two lice patrol car which passed the was erroneously reported here phia, died yesterday at the Free- were at the scene until 3 a.m. Havana Comment 160 Central Ave., West Keans- children meet the regional'* per- daughters, Mr*. Thomas O'H«rn but confined damage to the roof station within a minute of the yesterday that Mrs. Thompson hold-Colts Neck Rd. home of her A Havana television commenta- burg, son, yesterday. formance requirements. of Succuanna, N. J., suid Mrf. holdup was hailed by Mr. Fisher, had been unable to attend the sister, Mrs. Marie A. Mackey, area. tor said Monday night that U.S. MONMOUTH but police were unable to flm funeral although she was among The local board has offered the with whom she had been Ronald Stiles of Port Mcwmouth, No estimate of the loss, nor determination to get the jet bomb- MEDICAL CENTER the suspect in a neighborhood those Invited. night of Dec. 3 for the meetln staying. N. J.; three sons, George Rein- determination of the cause, was ers out of Cuba "is nothing more Long Branch at the Atlantic Highlands school ecke of Keansburg, N. S., Robert made immediately, the chief search. than a pretext to hold up the A source close to Mrs. Thomp- Mrs. Andres was the widow Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, II son reported the Lincroft woman and hopes for a decision from of John J. Andres. She was born Reinecke of Port Monmouth.KJ. laid. negotiations." daughter, Sunday. the regional board Wednesday and Francis Reinecke, here; a HEARING SET kept her reservation to attend In Philadelphia, daughter of th There was no damage, he ' Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Bardon, night. sister, 'Mrs. Jean Chapman- of NEWARK (AP) - Edward Dix open awaiting weather develop- late George and Anna Heuges. added, to Mr. Sagotsky's law of- 152 Lower Main St., Matawon, Wqodside. L.I.; and 12 grand- on, a Newark policeman and for- ments, and decided to fly to New In other business, the board de- She was employed as an office fice, which occupies the front Vogel daughter, Sunday. York when the skies cleared Sat- bated whether to install an acous- olerk by the State of Pennsylva- children. portion of the second floor, or mer professional fighter, will have a preliminary hearing Nov, (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Domlnick Russo- urday morning. She flew from tical ceiling in the cafeteria oi nia, She was a member of St. Services will be tomorrow at to either Arnold's Drug Store mano, 10 East Walnut PI., West conduct some additional invest! 1 p.m. in the John J. Ryan Home 20 on a charge of killing his es- receives $13,000 a year. Red Bank to Poughkeepsie, Helenos Catholic Church, Phila- or Lewlnger Real Estate Agency Long Branch, son, Sunday. gation first. for Funerals, Keansburg, with tranged wife. Two moves have been made to where she was met by her daugh- delphia. on the ground floor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roder, The motion to install, offered Rev. H. H. McConnell of the First Dixon, 28, pleaded innocent to remove him. One, last Decem- ter, Mrs. Elisabeth Bibcock, of There will be a requiem mas Some families were able to re- 710 Jersey Ave., Union Beach, by Mrs. McOUIum, was passed Methodist Church, Keansburg, of- the slaying before Chief Mag- ber, was nipped in the bud when Woodbury. L. I., and they mo- Friday at SL Timothy's Catholic turn to their apartments alter daughter. Sunday, 5-3 over the protests of Dr. Clark, istrate Nicholas Castellano yes- Mayor Thomas L. McClintock tored to Hyde Park together. Church, Philadelphia. Burial will ficiating. Burial will be in Shore- firemen brought the fire under Edmund J. Caputo and Edward terday. He remained silent at th< learned of It, denounced it pub- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rloui, 422 Mrs. Babcock also was a clos, be In New Cathedral Cemetery, land Memorial Gardens, Htzlet, control but others had to seek G. WaWer, board president. arraignment. His attorney, Mi- licly and developed a ground Garfleld Ot., Long Branch, son, personal friend of Mrs. RooseveK, Philadelphia, under the direction N.J. other quarters because of smoke Sunday. Although giving the official go of the Freeman Funeral Home, and water damage. chael Utvak, entered the plea of swell of public opinion against Mrs. Roosevelt, a frequent vis- "not guilty at this time," an it. I Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- itor to Monmouth County, was ahead, the board decided not to Freehold. PETER VINCELLI asked Castellano for a prelimin- Study, 180 Monmouth Blvd., often the guest of Mrs. Thomp. put the project out on bid until Second Move Oceanport, son, Sunday. professional advise Is received. LONG BRANCH - Peter Vln- ary hearing. The second move came last son at Brookdale. WILLIAM HEBE belli. 6$, of 563 Winter St., died A Real Find Mr. and Mrs. Steve Athanask- The board has three estimates, Dixon was accused of shooting month when an unscheduled res- RUMSON - William Helse, 71. yesterday at Monmouth Medical PARIS, Tex., (AP) - In i, 405 Second Ave., Asbury the lowest of which was $665. his wife, Melba, 26, In the bed- olution, presented after midnight of SO Black Point Rd., died yes- Center. June, 1959, Roy Davis lost his Park, daughter, Sunday. A difference of opinion arose room of her home at 791 South at the end of a regular council Goldwater Says terday in Rlvervlew Hospital aft- wallet witihh $$101 8 cash and $33 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Haytr, between Mrs. Lesher and Mr. Bora In Italy, Mr. VlncelH was 10th St., Sunday. The Dixons had meeting, failed of adoption by one er a short illness. in checks at his cleaning shop 1907 Lincoln Ave., Belraar, son, Caputo early in the meeting ove: the son of the late Antonio and lived at that address with Mrs. vote, Oust Stevenson A native of Germany, Mr. Heite here. Friday. Individual teacher-parent confer- Angela Ciambrone Vincelli. Dixon's mother until their sep- Council only had eight members NEW YORK - Sen. Bsrry had lived in this country since His son found the wallet this Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J*mer- ences. Mrs. Lesher, backed by A resident of 50 yearn, Mr. aration about three months igo, then. The vote for dismissal was Goldwater, R-Arit., says Presi. 1910. He lived here 32 years. Hi week In a pile of old laundry san, Rt. 33, Freehold, daughttr, Mrs. McCaUum and Mrs. Edward Wnc«ll! was a retired Fort Mon- Dixon then moved back with hi 4 to 3, with Councilman Edgar dent Kennedy should oust Unit- had been employed as a mechan- bags. The money and checks Friday. J. Winters, said conferences in mouth fireman. ' own parents at 6M Hunterdon St. N. Dinkelspiel abstaining. Five ed Nations Ambassador Adla ic and machinist most of his life. were still there. ,. past years were, In many cases, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. votes, or a majority of a full Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Gras- E, Stevenson and three other top He is survived by two sisters, of lKtle value to parent*. Mary Pingitore Vincelli; four council, were required. BO, 59 N. Broadway, Long officials in the administration. Mrs. Bertha Schumacher, with Branch, son, Friday. sons, Anthony Vincelli of this Since then Carlton Van Brunt, Goldwater charges that I.. Mr. Caputo disagreed, saying U whom he made his home, and was his experience that local par- place, Dominic Vincelli of Eaton-. one ok the oust Bowen forces, FITKIN HOSPITAL four men have "consistently Mrs. Mary Muller, living In Ger- town, William VlncelB and Peter has resigned and has been re- Neptune urged a soft policy toward com- ents found the teacher meetings many; a niece, Mrs. Anna Stew- beneficial. Vincelli Jr., both of West Long placed *s Third Ward represent- Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Warren munism, both in Cuba and else, ard, and a nephew, George 01- Branch; a daughter Mrs. Angle Mrs. Lesher suggested that def- ative by Julius Tomakil. Also. Llnkey St,, Pergolavllle, Mana- where throughout the world." ney, at home. Frontera of this place; two broth- inite steps be taken to Improve Walter George has been elected lapan Township, daughter, yes- Those in addition to Stevenson Services will be held Thursday ers and a sister, living In Italy, the conferences this year by go- to fill a councllmin-al-largs va terday. assailed by the conservative at 2 p.m. at the Worden Funeral and 11 grandchildren. cancy created last July by the Ing into detail with parents about Home, Red Bank, with the Rev, Republican were: Services will be held Thursday resignation of Dr. Alexander ability test scores. George H Chester Bowles, special ad- Harry C. Doule, Jr., pastor of at 9 a.m. from the Damiano Fu- Vineburg. Wuesthoff, superintendent, said Money viser on Asian, African and the Rumson First Presbyterian neral Home. A high requiem Councilmen Samuel Marks and he felt certainly the conferences Latin American affairs. Church, officiating. Burial wil be muss will be offered in Holy Vincent Ronca, leaders of the (Continued) would ba much more effective Arthur Schleslnger Jr. ., In Fair View Cemetery, Mldde- Trinity Catholic Church at 10 oust Bowen group, are reported Borough officials have been this year because of uncrowded special assistant to the President. town. o'clock. Burial will be in Mt. still eager to force his removal bombarding the county Board of Richard Goodwin, deputy as- conditions. Freeholders with letters, for the Carme.1 Cemetery, Middletown. Mayor McClintock, backed by sistant secretary of state " Mr. Caputo and George H MRS. JUUX A. LANGHANS last two months, requesting the for Councilmen Milton Untermeyer inter-American affairs. Bergstresser discussed the need RED BANK - Mrs. Julia A. county to take over maintenance and Lucy Wilson, has contended to "spend" or to "budget for next Langhans, 80, of 80 East Front MRS. HILLIABD S. DORSEY of Bay and Linden Aves., which apparently with success, that no •ear" funds for tiling certain it,, died yesterday in the Shrews- RED BANK — Mrs. Clara they contend are county roads. new move be made until after Show of Might classrooms. Mr. Bergstresser bury Manor Nursing Home. Frances Dorsey, 75, of 42 Leigh- the ward elections id May. According to Mayor Gulney, the said humps In several olararoom \Born in Atlantic Highlands, she ton Ave. died yesterday at her All six ward council posts wil roads have been maintained by Is Called Off floors are a safety hazard and had lived here three-and-a-half home. be at stake in May and counci this municipality since 1928 GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba should be corrected as soon as ears. Bom In New York City, she •without aid of any kind." possible. will reorganize July I. The new (AP) - The U.S. Marines called Mrs, Langhans was the widow tiad resided here more than SO council will choose a mayor and Council's most recent letter off a show of armored force to- Mr. Caputo . said the humps f Frank Langhans. She was a ews. ' deputy mayor. Tha manager cited the fact that Atlantic High- day along the fence between this iave been there for many years charter member of St. Agnes Mrs. Dorsey was a member of serves continuously but can be lands has received (10,000 for re- naval base and Cuba. It appar- ind could wait until the budget Catholic Church Altar-Rosary So- St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal dropped at any time by majority pairs to East Highland Ave, and ently had been Intended to im- Tor 1962-63 was prepared. iety, Atlantic Highlands. Church, here, a past-president of vote. Mlddletown has been given (100, press Castro militiamen who had Cost estimates will be obtained Surviving are a daughter, Miss the Women's Auxiliary of the Councilman Walton Fisher, 000 for Its roads. been throwing rocks at the by Mr. Wuesthoff. Catherine Langhans, with whom church, and a member of the VI backer of the fire-Bowen resolu- Leathernecks, she lived; a niece, Mrs. John * Guild. She »kjo belonged tion, reportedly Is now unde- Plans for a parade of tanks METEOR SHOWER Lloyd of Red Bank, and a neph- !o th» Phyllis Wheatley Temple \ cided about repeating the effort. Spot Wreckage were announced last night In a ST. LOUIS (AP) - The rare ew, Thomas Jennings of Atlan- 78, 1BPOE of W, and the Mary The now councilmen have Indi- SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) - notice posted at the base news Leonid nwteor shower may be tic Highlands. Hightower District Council of cated an open mlndedness until seen this weekend over the United The wreckage of a Vietnamese center. The funeral will be Friday at Elks. convinced by experience one way States, a director of tha Ameri- airliner that disappeared Satur- "There will be an armored run :30 a.m. from the Condon Fu- Surviving are her husband, Hil- 1 or the other. can Meteor Society says, 'WET LOOK ON ITS WAY —The latest gimmick by day with 25 persons aboard was ilong the fence at 8:30 a.m.," neral Home to St, Agnes Catho- ard S. Dorsey; and two sls- "I want it made clear," Mr. ighted today on a mountain in it said. Edwin E, Frtam, Midwest re- swim suit makers for next season is the glazed, wet look ic Church where a high requi- lers, Mm. Hattie Jones of Nep- Woolley said, "my suggestion central Viet Nam area long A hurried conference was held gional director of the society, em mats will be offered at tune and Mm. Edith Blanton, oven when the suit is dry. Two models display the shim- 'as based on the big word "If." ld by Communist guerrillas. i the headquarters of Rear said If the meteor shower comes, o'clock by Rev. Michael J. wre. mering nylon Jersey suiti to bo shown at annual spring "I can't help but read in the First reports from the spotter Mm. Edward J. O'Donnell, the should appear either late Fri- >a«e, pastor. Burkt will be in Services will b« Thursday at papers that they are having •lane did not say whether there >aie commander, after news of day evening or early Saturday fashion shows opening in Los Angeles. The material It M. Olivet Cemetery. 0 a.m. In St. Thomas Church rouble up there. I told the as any sign of survivors In the the plan was sent to the United morning. with Rw. Joseph W.'Scott offi- tubjocfod to a new htat process that makai it look like wincil I thought It would b» reck«ge, which wai found on lutes. The show was cancelled. Icelanders enjoy winter swim- iating. Burial, under the direc- loathtr while retaining a toft silky fesl, It comet only good judgment to choose a local mist-shrouded Hit Van moun- No problem finding tenants ming In open-air pools fed by hot ion of F. Leon' Harris Funeral man to create more harmony for ain, 10 miles north of the It Is Impossible to resign from when you advertise The Register springs, Icicles often form In a if) black. IAP Wlrephoto) Home, will be In White Ridge the betterment of the dry." roaslal city of Da Nang. he French Academy. way—Advertisement. swimmer's hair. Cemetery, Eatontown. Any Stock's Price Movement uam Typhoon Usually Follows Four Cycles .HONOLULU rary building now under con- •bould eliminate one of ray municipal offices and the public many industries. Defense work struction. stocki because It teemed to be (rocket fuels) is sizable but still Acting Gov. Manuel Guerrero brary will be renewed effective is a 'distribution phase.' Exactly amounts to lesa than one-sixth described the destruction as Borough Council last sight what did he mean by this ex- of revenues, Due to the firm's much more serious than that of igreed to rent, on a monthly pressloh?" aggressiveness, it has a strong 1*44" when U.S. troops liberated To Provide basis; rooms now occupied by P. S. position in such ittms as poly- the bland from Japan. library on Fair Haven Rd. A) I can un- ethylene *— the material from Hundreds were reported Injured, In addition, council will prepare derstand your which the plastic squeeze bot- but no exact count has come from bod For three-month lease for the River - puzzlement at :les are made. the western Pacific island, still d. office space which now ac- this very tech- JIM a longer-range commitment out of communications except for commodates the borough admin* nical remark. : think Hercules Powder has a a few emergency circuits. Hospi- Emergency itrative offices and police head- Your friend good deal of attraction. tals and medical centers handled ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - uarters. . . >:> meant that a steady stream of casualties, The Board of Education last night The library space is rented at your stock wat sparse reports said. took steps to provide food sup- .1125 per month from Drs. Frank being actively The typhoon crashed across die ply for local school children in Moran and William J. Mergen- Surprisingly haier. The offices on River Rd. traded at • tiny island hub of U.S. military case of emergency. are rented at $250 a month from Mgtr/B.' Spear relaUvely Ugh defenses in the western Pacific At the suggestion of the local 'esse Bennett. The lease for the price level but was not getting Strong Rally late Sunday night and Monda; civil defense organization, the anywhere. office space will run for three morning with winds reaching 17' oard authorized the purchase of months'; for the library, on a The best way to understand Spurs Street miles an hour. $200 worth of fruit and fruit juices month to month basis. what he meant is to regard a As Guam dug out of the blitz, be set aside in the cafeteria NEW YORK (AP) - The stock stock's price movement as be- Karen rumbled across the Pact storeroom. Building oo Schedule market put on a surprisingly ing made up of .four primary ic toward Okinawa and impor Councilman Robert A. Mat- strong rally in spite of semi-holi- HOSPITAL DAMAGED NT TYPHOON — The Guam Memorial Hospital was among So that the food maintains opti- cycles — accumulation, mark-up, tant American military bases hews reported last night that day conditions prevailing because! the buildings extensively damaged! by Typhoon Karen which rippad into Guam with mum freshness, a portion of the construction of the new building distribution, and mark-down. Ac- there. of the Veterans Day observance, supply will be used from time to is proceeding on schedule. He cumulation Is the phase In winds eitima'ed «r 172 miles an hour. The tiny island—hub of the United States The VS. Air force's 54ft yesterday. time and replenished to its maxi said steel construction on the .which astute buyers pick up their Pacific defame ring—was rendered] nearly helpless by the typhoon, described as the Yeather Reconnaissance Squad- Volume swelled to 5.09 million mum each quarter of the school building will start tomorrow, with shares, often when public senti- ron located the typhoon 657 mllei shares from Friday's 4,34 million Worst tropical storm in Guam's history. (AP Wirephoro) pear. seating and electrical work fol- rest-northwest of Guam at 9 a.m ment is most bearish. Then, aa as prices rose steeply on a broad The $200 worth of fruit and lowing during the week. ST., Tuesday—7 p.m. Monda; the company's picture Improves, front. juices could fill the needs of the An offer from the Fair* Haven a mark-up stage follows in EST. Winds in the eye were The list was buoyed by such local school population tor sev- Garden Club to landscape the which the stock climbs rapidly. No Decision gauged at a potent 167 miles good, news as record auto sales Decision to Stick hour. eral days in an emergency. property around the new building When upward momentum is and record retail volume in Octo- was referred to Mr. .Matthews' lost, the early buyers frequently The U.S. Weather Bureau Mrs. John Sundin of the rec- ber; signs of increased demand On Garden Apartment Rezoning On $3,fH)0,000 reation Commission appeared be- building committee tor consldera- take their profits. This dlstribu for steel and an increase in Honolulu said the typhoon coulc on. tion phase transfers the stock brush the northern Philippim fore the board to determine in- weekly steel production; and the courage construction ot more The suggestion was presented from strong to weak hands and EATONTOWN — The Planning Apartments Islands within the next 24 to 48 terest in dancing classes for the failure of a lung cancer suit to units. to council last night in the form often sets the stage for decline. Board last night made it clear ours. children. win damages from a major to- "We cannot endorse Mr. EATONTOWN — The Zoning of a letter from Mrs. James F. Q) "What do you presently re- that its decision to rezone no; Mrs. Sundin outlined a schedule bacco company. Gross' contention that the Tin- Board of Adjustment, last night The Japanese Maritime Safety Humphreys, 26 Hance Rd., secre- whereby a dancing teacher from gard as the best buy in the The Dow Jones Industrial more land here for garden apart- ton Ave. land is not suitable for decided to reserve decision on a Agency in Tokyo said one Japa- tary of the club. chemical group?" T. B. nese fishing boat-the 39-ton Da: the area would instruct 100 pupils erage rose 8,28 to 624.41, bringing ments is a firm one. one-family houses. We believe $3,000,000 apartment proposal To Return Bond yumani—has been unheard from at a cost of 50 cents per pupil A) That's a tough question. If that Indicator back to levels pre- that, in general, this borough Is made by Cypress Construction In other business, council A second request from Isaac since Monday midnight. The boal per hour. She recommended thai you mean best buy from a growth ceding the May 28 "Black Mon- a fine place for single-family Co. until it receives from the Gross and other owners of land with 15 aboard, was operating a flyer be sent to parents to see agreed to return a $22,350 per- standpoint, my current choice is day" plunge. north of Tinton Ave. between homes. All decisions on zoning lanning Board an opinion of how formance bond to the developer northwest of Guam when thi if sufficient pupils would be in- Hercules Powder. Of 1,304 issues traded, 998 ad- Maxwell Rd. and Hope Rd. that must be made for the good of it would affect die borough of Briarwood Rd., Raymond J. storm hit terested. vanced and 176 declined. New from a the borough as a whole, and not generally. Van Horn, local real estate brok- Ranked ninth in terms of in- Had Guam not had a three-da; highs for the year totaled 18 and] prime residential zone to an RS, tor the profit of individuals." Application, made last Mon- Edward G. Walder, board pres- er. dustry sales, the firm has chalked warning that the monstrous tropl new lows four. gardes apartment zone, as the; Fletcher Davis, ot Herbert day, was for a zoning variance ident, said the board would con- up an enviable record over the cal blow—the worst in the island' Drawn according to borough All of the 15 most active stocks immediately to its east Smith Associates, West Trenton which would enable Frank. De- Ider the classes, but that, policy years. Originally a part of the history — was coming, counties ordinances, the bond had speci- advanced. planning consultant, assured the Trolio of West Orange! president egarding an individual's profit, huge du Pont complex, Hercules recently was, met a second re- numbers would have died, th fied that trees be planted along Brunswick wu the most active board that once it decides on a of the company, to erect 29 Wil- use of the school facilities *u£ was detached from its parent by fusal from the planning body. Navy has said. the street Council noted, how- a court order in 1912. At that stock, up 1% at W% on 161,300 The request for rezonlsg, u. proper ratio of apartments' to liamsburg-tvpe buildings housing the Recreation Commission's re- ever, thai a number of trees al- More than half the 41,000 na- time the company was tlmort en- shares. Second was Chrysler, up has been reported In The Regis- single-family homes, "that is 184 families in an existing R-l sponsibilities would have to ready thriving in the area would •-ii, tives and 30,000 military person tirely in the business of malting IK at 65% on 97.400* shares. ter, claimed that the area in rone. Bernard Kellenyl of Red clarified. be destroyed if the terms of > the nel and dependents were lei explosives, but this is no longer Third was Sperry Rand, up 1 at question Is not suitable for one- "There Is no such thing as a Bank is architect for the deluxe The board approved a series bond were carried out. In re- IS% on 99,300 shares. family houses, and (hat the Single 'proper ratio' between project. homeless. All civilian communlca of four programs for students: turning the bond, council 'agreed true. tions facilities were knocked oui Next came Polaroid, up 4% at earlier rezoning of the land to apartments and other dwellings an appearance of the Metropol to waive the requirement for the Today,; Hercules Is an Im- Harold Hardman, chairman ol schools were destroyed and 90 per \K%, and Bethlehem, up 1% at the east "benefited only the in a community," Mr, Davis tan Brass Quartet Feb. 5, a lec- plantings. . me zoning board, explained al cent of all civilian buildings 1 owners of this property, unfairly, stated. "This balance Is in- ture by Robert Danskin, Atlantic •X. last night's adjourned meeting the Island were damaged beyond] Council agreed to Install • 1,- Joint Firm. * Board unjustly and dtscriminately." iraately related to the character VS. Steel was heavily traded that if planning and zoning board repair, Guerrero's report sail City, a noted traveler; a Waif (Wo-gaJlon fuel storage tank at One Point of View of a community, and there are and up 1%. Youngstown Sheet decisions should differ, the mat- [There was no word on the exten Disney film, and band concerts, the rear of the fire bouse for a Bruce Mangan, board chair- many factors to be considered ter will be put before council for of damages to military install: In executive session last night sum not to exceed $590. The gained 2, Jones ft Uughlin \% man said Mr. Gross' petition in reaching any particular com' action. tions. the board reviewed changes. I stored fuel Is Intended to supply Yesterday's closing stocks: was an excellent presentation of munity's best ratio of building." I-T-I CM Brk -Ml Negative reactions from both board policy and salary propo; an electric auxiliary generator to Jotai Man *M one point of view on this ques- Area Already Zoned First official word of the dev losei 1 L m boards would defeat the proposal. als submitted by the Teacher; provide auxiliary power to the tion, but that he felt many points Board member George Buntin astaUon wrought by Karen cami Association. [building should an emergency re- from Guerrero's headquarters Utr Kowera he made were refutable. pointed out that, In any -case, sult in normal service being dis- AlUed Ch Kreef>, as "No one needs to defend the there remain, some 70 to 80 acres Honolulu via civil defense emer- continued. The capacity of the iDUl dul Aleoe, cause of garden apartments to here which are presently zone* Car, Horse gency facilities. tank will provide electrical pow- Am Alrlta Edwin Engledow, Guerrero' Stamps Am Brk an us," he added. "We believe in for garden apartments, but whlcl er a total of three weeks. Am CCaan them and we have granted per- have not been used for this pur- press secretary said damag. (Continued) Am CCra In Rt. 34 Iwere "well into the hundreds Am VFdan» , mission to build more than 1,000 pose, i . miiot Hotels Opposed get these items included in the survivors his driving privileges for 20 days; The Board of Hearth Is also Oarrttt Teitroa : Mario A. Colon, 34, of 708 A: The building Inspector receives Executive Council. Oen Accept TMmt on : MIAMI BEACH, Ffa. (AP) - 1963-64 budget, Mr. Corbliss subject to several changes b; Oen Cirar Tranaamet - bury Ave., Asbury Park. 20 dayi $8,000 per year, plus $1,500 for The council yesterday approved Oen Dynun. Un Carbide H Resort hotel owners moved to- noted, but at this point the board Jan. 1. On the first of the year, Evan J. Ash, 28, of 10 MacA car expenses. a proposal by George Meany, Un Pac : day to keep "retirement" homes does not know what the financial :he terms of John C. Rodenburj Unit Alra I thur Dr., Matawan, five months AFL-CIO president, and Walter $ United Cp off tWs city's resort hotel row. picture will be for that flsi.a and Dr. Ensley M.< White wil The treasurer is paid $3,500, Reuther, Auto Workers Union Oen Pub Ut US Iinea • year. Jerome J. Berkowltz, 20, of expire. and the magistrate $3,600. ua pirwd The Miami Beach Resort Ho- Eisele Ave., Wanamassa, tw chief, to do some more talking o Tiaoci US Rub School Superintendent R Appointments Due Just what changes the new ad- tel Owners Association circulated months; Helen R. Peters, _ with each other in an effort to U8 ameit ; Thomas Jannarone reported that There is presently one vacancj ministration will make remains ua Steel petitions urging strict regulation R. D. Asbury Park, three month reach a peaceful solution. ooodrlcb. Van Al Stl ; the football team his only two on the Board of Health—that o to be seen. 1 Ooodyeaf Walworth of retirement hotels. Democratic Commit t e e m a n Apparently forgotten for the ormee Oo warn B Flo players, both under 150 pounds, Also George L. Carlson, 19, < Dr. Raymond W. Salm, whi ot AAP Wn Un Tel ; "Retirement hotels stifle our 19 East Roosevelt Circle, Mil resigned as vice president to mi Earl Moody, who is expected to moment was Reuther's reported y/iUf El ; who were on the Keyport varsity threat to pull his union out of the will. Hot economy," said Irving ,Frankel, last year. dletown, two months; Paul 1 on the Republican ticket for be the new mayor, said he has Hamm Pep Woolwth I association president. "They are Hunter, 19, of 82 Highland Blvd council seat. Dr. Salm was sp- not discussed the question of ap- AFVCIO fold. Reuther instead Is- Hen Pdr SI*'* T ' "It will take a couple of years monsters in disguise." Keansburg, three months; Kar pointed to the council in Septem pointments with Martin V. Law- sued a statement saying it to build the team and get on the He said ojA folks at retirement A. Green, 31, of 600 Monroe Ave. ber but was not re-elected. Thi lor or Edward J. Roth, newly- is more necessary titan ever to|jS{. winning side," he' predicted tut Nlek O Asbury Park, three months; Gen. vacancy can be filled by Mayo; elected committeemen. maintain a united labor move- houses next to resort hotels would "Right now, they are playing Int Papsr 38 H. Evans, 19, FalrfiekJ Rd.. Free- Bly before the end of the year. One factor which may have a nient. Int Tel a Tel MS put a damper on run-seeking tour- over their heads, but they are in ists. hold, four' months; Ulrich On the Zoning Board of Ad bearing on changes is the lack there fighting all the time." Despretter, 36, of Lake Dr, Frankel said there are locations tustment, chairman John New of experience, In terms of time Said the board president: Farmingdale, two months, «n LOCAL SECURITIES and hotels that lend themselves bon will complete a two-yeai In office, on the part of (he "We have no magic formula James B. Throckmorton, 37, .. The following bid and asked quotations from the National Asso- unexpired term Dec. 31., He Democratic committeemen. to retirement havens and these for producing a winning team — 285 Lockwood Ave., Elberon, two ciation of Securities Dealen, Inc., do not represent actual transac- should'be used/ he only member of that board, Mr. Moody Is just completing just hopes and expectations." months. he said, whose appointment wll his first year on the governing tions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities But he said his association could have been sold (indicated by the "bid") or bought (indicated Earl William Beetle, 64 Hu. terminate this year. body. would demand that the city make by the "asked") at the time of completion. HeahhOfficer Graduates Ave.. Freehold, had his licensi Many other borough position; Thus the new administration certain that'retirement hotels of- BANKS suspended for one year for a Del are appointed by the mayor on might go slow in making changes \ Asked fer the facilities needed by older FAIR HAVEN — Eugene J. Dlv. Patterson, health officer, last aware conviction ot driving undei year-to-year basis. They Includ until its scope of knowledge of .SO 30 persons, Including handrails In Rev. Harold R. Dean Asbury Park - Ocean Grave night received a certificate of ':hc Influence of, intoxicating Hi membership On the Recreatloi township business operations has 2.50 halls and bathrooms and some Belmar - Wall National "It is difficult for an individua! Committee, Library Board, Sewe broadened. .60 24 nursing services. graduation from an air pollution Central Jersey Bank course offered by the state De or a family acting alone to secure Commllee and Industrial Com All three Democrats also have Farmers & Merchants ].00 "THey should be regulated," .25 101/4 partment of Health. Councilman the kind of funeral or memorial mlttee. gone on record'as favoring the First Merchants National Bank inkel said. "They are Just like APCEA to Hear appointment of those "best Keanshurg • Middletown 10.00 FrV John J. Damlco, who presented service he desires. This is due to Also falling into that category 20.00 hospitals." Mr. Patterson the diploma, said pressure toward conformity and ire the borough attorney engi qualified" to various municipal Long Branch Trust Space Scientist posts. Matawan Bank .30 The move was sparked by an- the health officer Is now quail to the Inevitable feelings of gull neer and clerk. Mrs. Paul Fabry Monmouth County National .12 nouncement that the 80-room Cor- fled to observe and record the 'elt by the survivors. FORT MONMOUTH — Di borough clerk, said she has been New Jersey Trust 1.00 onet Hotel, on Collins Ave., be- density of smoke. "Only by banding together in Charles Stark Draper, head of th ppolnted twice and has to servi 3.00 Modernization Brings Peoples National, Keyport tween 20th and 21st Sts., would a group which has some power department of aeronautics and ai hree years more at her post be- Sea Bright National 1.00 ronautlca at Massachusetts Instl About Zone Variance INDUSTRIAL open as a retirement hotel De- REMAINS CRITICAL lo negotiate can concerned per- fore she can seek tenure. cember 1. Frankel owns the Fair- sons be certain of being able ute of Technology, and a recog- EATONTOWN - Facing up Is .80 21V LONG BRANCH — Mrs, Ber- Brockway Glass fax Hotel, three Modes away. tha Hemphill, severely burned to get what they want, There- nized leader in space science, wll of a winged craft boosted to the the hardships wrought by chang- Bzura Chemicals The city has about,370 hotels last Wednesday In a fire in the fore, the Memorial Association of be guest speaker at Thunda; near reaches of space by a 10- ing times, the Zoning Board of Hanson VW-M of all sizes. There are eight re kitchen of her home at 79 Monmouth County has been es- night's dinner meeting of Foi story rocket, Adjustment last night »granted International Flavors and Fragrances Urement hotels, • most of them Squankum Rd., New Shrewsbury, tablished" Monmouth Chapter, Artned His talk on "Inertial Guidance' James H. Dean, Jr., of 82 Lewis Laird & Company Forces Communications and Elec Sti permission to add five feet Monmouth Electric away from, the beach front. remains In critical condition this Organizations such as proposed will follow dinner and a brief Monmouth Park morning at Monmoulh Medlca for Monmouth County are wide- tronlcj Association, business session of the chapter Ii to the length ot his garage, N. J. Natural Gas 1.00 It adds up! More and more Center, here, spread In the West and Mid-, He Is now engaged in solvln the Gold Room of Gibbs Hall Of Mr." Dean's plt^ was baaed on N. J. Natural Gas Pfd. 1.20 (e use The Register ads each The hospital reports* the 75- west, and are being operated In prob|ema that range from guli fleers Club. The program will get the fact that Ml jcar won't fit RowaRo n Controller «cause. results come fast year-old woman had spelt a poo he Princeton and Paramus area ancjppf a manned spacecraft under waf' with a social hour ai In. The garage j|ai built Spi IS Spiral Metal bvertlsemfent. night. in New Jersey. , the moon to guidance and control 6:30 p.m. years ago, ha explained. U. S, Homes A Development Corp. Mr. Storm tiicawA, wjfti ,.4-rTupdflr, Nov. 13, 1962 BED BANK REGISTER GINGER PA Chief ikJ of picture ,"—'-- fi 1 hl^werertc^l the Port Authority. FORT MONMQ.UTO - F*n{ provided an-opportunity for Al- Engineers liea In communities surrounding lies to visit in the American home STUDIES ENTOMOLOGY Fort Monmouth are being Invited and to share in the typical ob- EATONTOWN ~ Jack Storm, NEW BRUNSWICK - Stephen IT WON'T BE LONG! •gain this year to share their servance erf the American tradi- chief of the New York Port Au- Thanksgiving Day with Allied stu- tion. Swkula, Lincroft, is attending a thority's Rail Planning Division, short course in entomology at dents from the U. S. Army Signal Interested families may receive addressed the dinner meeting of Center and School. additional information concern- the Monmouth Society of Pro- Rutgers UniverBity'i College, of The program, to place the stu- Ing this, program by contacting fessional Engineers and Land Agriculture. Classes are being ents in American homes for JU. Knight here or by calling in Surveyor* last Wednesday In Oldheld on 12 Saturday*, eadiog> Thanksgiving dinner, Is sponsored person at Building 623. Orchard Country Club. Feb. ». • by the Allied Liaison and Vijf tors Division of the U. S. Army Signal Center and School lier*. In past years, the program has Two Youths l/"~ CM 1«> fcwUniM j Ftotara SvndkeH. Inc." "I interrupt this program to make an important Are Arrested announcement!" After Fracas HIGHLANDS — Two youths POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER charged Sunday with being under the influence of liquor have been released In $25 bail each and are scheduled for a Municipal Court One Out of Five hearing Nov. 19. * ' The youth, identified by police as Thomas Dorsey, 18, of Union Men Will Dye St., West Keansburg, and Thom- as O'Hara, 18, of Thome Ave., Let Af Jonfic Gloss Replace Keansburg, were arrested Satur- BOYLE By HAL BOYLE day night by Patrolman Howard Brey at the home df Vincent look. The roof slides open. NEW YORK (AP)-"Two pe: Although Larry's clientele Mendes, Sr., Portland Rd. cent of men over 40 now co!o: ranged from chorus girls to royal- Police said the youths attacked Sunbathing. Waxing sMa. Only yotr BROKEN their hair," said Larry Matthews ty, he feels most indebted to the This is the new Lark Wagonaire. We be- Mr. Mendes and that his son Imagination bounds its versatility. . who has made nearly a millioi ordinary working girl. Thomas Mendes, 15, came to his lieve it to be the mostgneful station dollars because he listened to hi "Somehow it gives you more of aid by firing a rifle loaded with wagon In the world. The Wagonaire is really three ears in wife. a personal feeling of satisfaction bird shot. See if you don't agree. one: convertible, sedan, utility wagon. "But in 10 years one out of ev to help them* with their beauty Police reported that some of See your Studebaker Dealer now and STORM WINDOWS ery five men who go regularly t problems," he said. the bird shot hit Richard Dor With the roof open it's an elegant, spa- barbers will have their hair colo: enjoy a demonstration of America's Larry helped pioneer dramati ris, 16, of 68 Maplewood Ave. toned." cious family convertible. Close the roof new hair tints and wigs for worn Keansburg, who was treated a most unusual wagon. Matthews, at 41 still ayouthfu and it's a stylish sedan. Open it again en, two-tone lipsticks, and believes Riverview Hospital and released, genius of the beauty industry, wa Police, said the Dorris youth, and load effortlessly. The sky's the firmly the time is ripe for men HAVI YOU WON ON* OF OUR 350 like many another restless GI a a former resident, and his com- limit...or the first underpass. the end of the World War II. H to brighten up their top thatch* FREE CMS? So* tht Stvdtbakir ad to & DOORS Urged by Wives panions, Dorsey and O'Hara, didn't want to go back to his ol came to the Mendes house to talk Imagine, its many other uses. Here are line of work—taking fashion phc "A survey showed four out of to Thomas and an argument and some ideas; a wonderful vantage point end hviry to your Studmbaktr DtaUr. tos. five wives wanted their husbands fight ensued. for spectator sports. Great for picnics. • Quick friendly Service One evening he heard his wif to tone up their hair," he said. The.elder Mendes got into the complain, "Why is it—even i; "The men would like it too, but— fracas after being called by his New York City—there's no plao except for those who already do son, according to police. Ample Free Parking where a girl can get her hair se it for professional reasons—many Police reported that Mr. Men- late at night?" are still bashful." des has declined to sign a com- (hil\IU\\V«ooi,

VITALITY ODDS and ENDS SHOES FLATS Reg. to 14.99 Regular to 8.99 he pretty, practical Princess phone NOW 2.99 99 A compact, modern extension phone that goes anywhere—beautifully! now 2 pr. for 5.00 Among fashion's delights, count 7M0 this lean, easy-waisted sheathl TWO main pattern parts—straight So small, so smart-looking, so dramatically-dif- IT LIGHTS) A built-in dial night light (whi

S. WHITE WASHHWTON - A political problem of extraordinary subtle- ty oonfroatj President Kennedy in the afterlight of last week's Congressional and state elections. In order to seek reasonable '••tety Against the now highly • probable presidential challenge in 1M4 of GOT. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, Mr. Kennedy needs . to find a means of reconciliation frith the insurgent South, South- wept and Mountain States. r Those areas were difficult . tor fat President In his letfcw In 1960. Indeed, they . y \wl these regions. v Now, but for. Texas, the South, PRINTS AND SOLIDS Southwest and Mountain States SIZES 10 TO 18 are not supreme electoral vote LADIES'& MISSES CORDUROY SLACKS REG. 1.98 priies. And, in some circum- ftances their loss can be COTTON KNIT WITH DOUBLE SOLES chanced, though always easier by SIZES I TO 4 ' Hie 'Republicans because they . have the traditionally G.O.P. Mid- 1 & 2 PC. KNIT SLEEPERS REG. 1.29 west to fan back upon. •'Bik In 1964 Mr, Kennedy ii like- CHROME PUTED WITH BLACK HANDLES jjpitolneed these very areas very PRICED LOW-LOW , bjadly. indeed, and most particu- REG. 29c EA: larly ' .the South, especially if KITCHEN TOOL ASST ' Rockefeller is b fact his antag- HEAVY DUTY onist. Rockefeller's views on race Issues axe so advanced that he DECORATOR COLORS will surely be most likely to suc- RUFFLED & PLASTIC CHAIR CUSHIONS REG. 69c ceed aginst the President precise- ly, fa (hose great Northern and 36x72 INCH Eastern urban states, with pow- KEEP HEAT IN — erful and. sometimes decisive mi- nority group blocs, which actu- PLASTIC STORM WINDOWS COLD OUT ally elected him in 1960. •This being the clear probabil- ity, "Mr. Kennedy's requirement will be for a better relationship with the South, as a matter of NEWBERRYS HARD-TO-BEAT LOW PRICES necessity, and with the Southwest and Mountain West, as a matter of high desirability, to say the feast. , ALL FALL SHADES This forecast expressing the SIZES 34 TO 40 plain realities in those areas is LADIES'BULKY KNIT SWEATERS REG. 4.98 the more sharpened by Hie fact that In 1964 the big four urban LONG SLEEVE PLAIDS & PRINTS states—New York; Pennsylvania, SIZES S-M-L-XL Michigan and Ohio-will be in Re- publican control down at the MEN'S B. V. D. SPORT SHIRTS REG. 3.98 statebbuse. All save New York were . in friendly . Democratic WOVEN COTTON hands when last .he ran—and all FULL OR TWIN save Ohio he' carried. No poli- tician discounts the capacity of a WOVEN JACQUARD REG. 3.97 governor to help or harm, some- time* critically, a presidential CATHY ROSE PATTERN candidate In his own state. REG. 2.98 SET What all this leads tp is the A BEAUTIFUL PATTERN Conclusion, odd as it may sound 16 PC. STARTER SETS it first, that if Rockefeller is in fact Ms challenger. President TOWN * COUNTRY Kennedy may find it wise to run WHITE AND COLORS ln;X9M as the relatively mois REG. 3.98 conservative candidate, in fact If BATHROOM TOILET SEATS never by acknowledgement. BIG SELECTIONS • NEWEST MERCHANDISE


Elegance for little girls come* In an English tweed «a< with mink collar, fashionable set-In aleevM, trl-angular shaping,' low, Mslt-stltched waistline. By Htlenmee. Ked %mk Register LETTERS IMl BrMi Start, Ked Baak. N. J. LABS' ANIMALS Mrs. EstabDsbed im by John a Cook and Hem; Clay 217 Oak Hill Rd. By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY Middletown THOMAS IRVING BROWN, Publisher UZt-lKl Nov. 8 To the Editor: It will be a different world without Eleanor Roose- JAMES J. HOG AN. Editor M. HAROLD KELLY, General Manager Thank you for the excellent velt She was, in her heart, a humanitarian, and even W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager editorial in yesterday's Register concerning pending-legislation for when one disagreed with her about her politics, it was Thomas J. Bly Arthur Z. Kunln «nd William F. Sandford Frank W. Harbour possible to realize what this world achieved for those KxecutlT* Editor Anoclitt Editor! Middletown Burim Mir. humane care of MjontterjLi msls. elements in our population who turned to her for Member ol the Associated Press Indeed one wonders why it has n* »m>n»l»« rnm U tnuuinir » On t» tot nvtumouia mint Ural M« »tutM taken this nation so long to leadership. • _ U All AF oiwi tbia uitipuwr •» stop the unnecessary cruelties Imagine a young girl, coming from Member ol American Newspaper PoblUhera Association these animals are subjected to. what in those days was called "high Member Audit Bureau ot Circulation One reason, no doubt, is because the public has not been sufficient- society" to Rivington Street, on the Th» R*a Bank Rtiuur uiumu no nnuolai nnonilMUUM (or tnoamMUou anon la •dnrtMunuu, M arui r»prtm without ehu«>, Uiu put of u itmrtUMuat In whlca tlu tmfrtpMcU «r*r ocean. Ad- ly aware of the facts. Once the lower East Side of New York, to work ••rtl»r» will piMM notlrj ih» muifuntnt ImmtdltUlr ol «v »r»r whlth no occur. ' people are aroused, action usuall in a Settlement House! When, later In follows. ', IBI« Mwrant ummM no nroraHblllUai tot ittumuiu ot opUlou l» uuwt from Hi main. More articles setting forth tl life, she said that she had not kno.wh smtmrtptloa Pnew In MTUOO Lui than S mos. Per month SL8O U month*—tlLOO • month*-! 1.00 true picture of laboratory com that such conditions existed, it can pnly Slant 0007 •> oomUr, I e*nu Blotto copr b? m*U' 10 cenu » m«thi-»u.M 1 mOTth»-» (.W —I tlons, and editorials like you: be said that outside of the Jewish ghetto TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1962 could surely hasten the day help for these suffering creatures, SOKOLSKY and the Italian ghetto and Chinatown For your assistance in thi and" the Five Points, few knew that such conditions cause, all humanitarians can b could exist in New York although we had heard of the Another Hunting Ban deeply grateful. Very truly yours, poverty in Chicago against which Jane Addams battled. There are very few places left in One thinks of the word "leisure" Mrs. C. Theodore Engberj Eleanor Roosevelt thus came to know the sweat shop, the home industries of women and small children Monmouth County where hunting is in one case, and hustle-bustle in the'When they Interrupt 0 progrom for a 'special ADVICE FOR POLITICIANS other. Open spaces—closed spaces.' 855 Sycamore Ave. sewing buttons on pants, making paper flowers, earning permitted. needs bombs? They're killing us with New Shrewsbury a penny here and there; falling asleep at the table, Matawan Township is the latest Nov. 7 Unmistakably—it's a sign of the indigestion:" falling off a bench, many children crowded into on* municipality to decide on a ban To the Editor: times. ' In the New Shrewsbury cam- room. What such sights did to a sensitive person who against hunting. The ordinance paign, the Republican candidates came out of a genteel home that had long known Not that signs are needed in this Your Money's Worth: passed out flyers stating that hasn't been adopted yet, but it will vote tor the Republican ticke wealth and leisure and culture! area. The traffic problem alone is be shortly. would be to help end one-part; Discovered Life at Its Rawest sign enough of what is referred to rule in New Shrewsbury. Now, That's what comes of "progress. Expense Account Strategy today's (Nov. 7) Register, mayoi Eleanor Roosevelt then went to work with Flor- as the population explosion. Within the next 18 months, the elect Lemon is quoted as sayini ence Kelley of the Women's Trade Union League which By SYLVIA PORTER "We now have a united borough.' was battling for equal pay for equal work, for protec- township's population will be dou- Is the borough any more or less But hunting, even for those who tion to pregnant women who had to work under horri- From 1963 on, the new tough expense account united under the Republicans do not participate in it, denotes a bled, as a result of the 1,900 Strath- than under the Democrats? ble conditions for a livelihood. These conditions do rules are going to bar your deductions for many busi- certain way of life—and the absence more (Levitt) houses now abuilding. there any more or less on not ekist anywhere today, but they did exist in my ness entertainment expenses which are now deductible "Progress" has its sadder side. party rule under the Republican boyhood and when Eleanor Roosevelt came into this of it, another way. as legitimate and customary. Thus, if you as a business- than under the Democrats? Am environment. man can manage it, you may find it wise tax strategy undoubtedly, had the sltuatioi been reversed as to party po Suddenly, this shy woman from uptown discovered Ambivalent Towns before the year ends to change your sition, the Democrats would ha" methods of entertainment so that you done pretty much the same thing life at its rawest She could have run away from it It will happen every time. The board would like it to go will be able to qualify for an income It has always been my feelinj She chose not to. She devoted herself to rectifying the —I may be wrong—4hat the raosl faults which appeared in our society. There can be no And if it weren't so serious, it somewhere else — anywhere except tax deduction under the stiffened rules. constructive and useful subjec question that Eleanor Roosevelt sometimes went too would be a bit amusing. Holmdel. Now is the time to consider who for a candidate .to discuss Is hi is to bear the tax burden when some position on the "Issues." By thi far and sometimes was used. Also, sometimes, in her There is not a town in Monmouth I do not mean any issue th writings, there was less homework than one expected, Atlantic Township is also fight- entertainment expenses which have been candidate finds it convenient County which in recent years has but what with Mrs. .Roosevelt's travels and her many ing to get the state to keep Rt. 18 clearly deductible become non-deducti- contrive, I mean a subject th not severely criticized both the ble next year. either was of public interest be- organizational activities, it was surprising that she had out of that municipality. fore the campaign began or wou enouch time to do any studious writing. county and state governments re- PORTER Now is the time existing expense have been of public interest evei garding lack of adequate roads and You can't have new roads with- arrangements between employer and employee should had there been no campaign, Although Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were there are no real Issues, as long married and, had several children, it is obvious highways. out putting them somewhere — that be reviewed with the goal of agreeing who should pay quite possible in a small com- Holmdel is no exception. the extra cost. Now is the time clients and attorneys, munity, the candidates shou that each lived separate lives. The President became a is, unless we're ready to junk all campaign on their individu politician, but Mrs. Roosevelt was more interested in Yet last week, the Planning Board accountants, sales agents, public relations firms, etc., the cars and buy helicopters. qualifications for performing thi social welfare. She started her public career as a so- there got up in arms over the pos- should decide who is going to pay the additional tax work of the civic official, if hi tab created from 1963 on because Df the disallowance has nothing to uy on this, hi cial worker and remained a social worker. sibility of a Rt. 18 extension going Then towns would only have to should not be running. These are of an entertainment expense. Never Returned to Genteel Society through the township. fight to keep the noise away. the things a candidate must talk Recheck All Accounts about, not the common political She never returned to the genteel society whence phrases which do not change she came but associated with the lower classes, with As an illustration, if an employer or client pays from one election to the next. his employees or independent contractor a higher com Sincerely, workers, Negroes, minorities of all kinds. Her motiva- EVENTS OF YEARS AGO pensation or a flat expense account to cover the ex- Howard Jeffrey Ruda tion was clearly to overcome those difficulties which From Th* Register's Filts pected cost of entertaining on behalf of the client or Student at Mfamoutl established classes in what should be a classless society. employer, any disallowance of the entertainment ex- Regional High School What will be Eleanor Roosevelt's permanent con- list, Methodist and Episcopal "The Bride Wore Red," with tribution to American life? Probably her most telling 50 Years Ago Churches was formed. Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone pense then will be the headache of the employee \0 SCHOOL BOARD REPLIES The oyster Industry of the and Robert Young, was playing independent contractor. The employer's deduction fo Fair Haven contribution will be the stimulation of sensitivity among North Shrewsbury River was hard Clyde Carter, Russell Robert: at the Carlton Theater. the higher pay or the flat expense account will be safe Nov 8 the Negroes. Her activities among Negroes, particularly hit when three barrels of oysters and Eugene Griffin were electei To the Editor: taken at the mouth of McClees' But if the employee or independent contractor is re- when she was in the White House, stimulated the members of the Keyport Hool In Eatontown, fire destroyed The following letter was senl Creek were seized in New York movement for desegregation. Mrs. Roosevelt was wor- and Ladder Company. Charles Miller's two-story barn at imbursed only for those entertainment expenses fo to the Fair Haven Mayor and and declared unfit for human con. the rear of the stores on Main which he "accounts'' to his employer, then the em Council Nov 8. We would great shipped by the Negroes of the world and her loss will iumption. An Agriculture Depart- (e 25 Years Ago St. ' be particularly felt in the Negro ghettos of the Northern ment spokesman declared. "The ployer will be the one who will have to pay the extra xj,e Register. waters of the Shrewsbury River More than 100 Keyport High tax involved. Richard J. Lyon ities of this country. are polluted and these samples School students staged a strikt Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Rog- Secretary Not an original thinker, Mrs. Roosevelt was a of a brand of oysters once fa- and demonstration in protesl er, of William St., Red Bank, The guide is clear: before the start of 1963, re Board of Education mous in New York, are positively against dropping out-of-town bas celebrated their 70th wedding an- check all your expense account arrangements and reTh- e Mayor and Council catalyst who brought elements together which other- filthy, the worst I have ever seen. ketball games, and the resigna- niversary. Mr. Rogers, a Civil imbursements to minimize your problems under the Borough of Fair Haven wise would have been far apart from each other. Dis- tion of Stanley Carhart as coach, War veteran, was 92 years old, Gentlemen: iked by many of her own class in American society, and Mrs. Rogers was 91. new Revenue Act of 1962. A crowd of about 30 people Toward the end of the cam- Carlos D. Kelly was sworn In ridiculed for many of her activities, abused for the er- gathered on Broad St., Red It also is extremely important for you to get your paign preceeding last Tuesday as a member of the Rum- Bank, to watch a battle between Thieves broke into the Sea record-keeping into .top-notch shape before 1963 soelection, a bulletin concerning a rors of her husband and her children, she went through son Board of Education by Ralpf Japhia Clayton's cat and a rat Bright post office by making a tions by the Board of Educatio the world a rather lonely woman, always restlessly Longstreet, seoretary of thi you can start at once in January, 1963, with fully sup- who happened to be crossing the hole through the plaster board and/or its President was distrib- board. ported expenses.. uted to Fair Haven residents b fighting for causes. As one said years ago, "Doesn't she ttreet. The battle lasted 15 min- wall from an adjoining empty the Democratic candidates. Sinc ever get tired?" utes, and the cat won. store. They took less than $2 in Make sure that your expense'records, diaries, etc., Mrs. Margaret Goss Huber re- change. many of the statements contained signed as a member of the Mid- show plainly for each item: the amount, time and place therein were erroneous or led t Eleanor Roosev^t came~from the Theodore Roose- William Deiterich of Leightor dletown Board of Education and of the travel, entertainment, etc.; the business purpose erroneous conclusion!, the board velt side of the family. She possessed many of the quali- Ave., Red Bank, a plumber em- her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jose- The Eatontown Mayor and would like to clarify the record. ties of Theodore who fought through life to the bitter Council denied a permit for an of the travel, entertainment, the like; the business re- ployed by Cook and Oakley, wasphine S. Huber, was appointed to Concerning the hiring of a con- automobile wrecking yard on thelationship of the person entertained. Keep all receipts end. Theodore's children are much of the same type— buried by a landslide while con- take her place. sultant, the statement was made necting plumbing to the sewer ai Neptune Highway near Alex'* ga- canceled checks, paid bills and other evidence to sup- battlers for causes. Mrs. Longworth's pithy humor rage. that the board spent 15,000 for the Broad St. store recentl A 1907 Overland touring cai a service which could have beer keeps her cheerful in her late years; she is great fun. leased by Jacob Kridel for use as port your deduction claims. owned by Henry M. Schenck obtained "through our State Un an addition to his business. Mr Theodore Jr. fought everlastingly for his party. I re- Marlboro won the old car derb; Sgt. Frank Gerkens of the At- Evidence Is Vital versity free of charge." The fad Deiterich was rescued alive by at the Philadelphia auto show. lantic Highlands police force was This warning about evidence is vital to you this is that the board Interviewed fou member Kermit and Theodore coming through China his fellow workers after being en- promoted to the rank of captain, consultants — Including a repre- tombed about four minutes. ear. As of next year, the famous "Cohan" rule—under on anthropological expeditions. Archie battles away Rev. Nicholas Soriano, rectoi with no advance in salary. sentative of the Division of Fiel for conservative causes. There was fighting blood in of St. Anthony's Catholic Churcl which a business or professional man who couldn't Services, Graduate School of Ed- Leroy S. Throckmorton, veter- that side of the Roosevelt family. for nearly 28 years, was guest o Fire of unknown origin de- prove exactly how much he spent on business enter- ucation, Rutgers — The Stat ^an of four years on the Long honor at a testimonial dinner University. All the consultants I have been one of those who was often critical of Branch High ^school football stroyed a large building on th tainment, travel or gifts has been able to deduct a "rea- the,Smoke Shop Tavern, Shrews- farm of Thomas Field, Rt. 35, were asked to consider thre team, was playing' on the firsl sonable" estimate of these amounts—will be out. Eleanor Roosevelt, but how can one forget that here bury. Middletown, and damaged a wind- questions concerning Fair Ha team at Syracuse University. mill and adjoining buildings. As of 1963, too, deductible business gifts you can ven's present N»nd future curric- was a person who touched life on all sides and whose make will be limited to $25 a year per person. If you're ulum and facilities. All wer only purpose in life was to undo the wrongs of Riving- War Department experts were CARMICHAEL asked to estimate the fee they In Sandy Hook testing 14-inch Razing of the Schiff house on planning costly gifts to business customers or associ- would charge if they were em ton Street wherever they existed in this world, and coast defense guns which were to Rurnson Rd., Rumson, was unates, give them in 1962. If you wait until Jan. 1 or later,ployed for the survey. The fee'or whatever people. be used to fortify the Panama , FIVE der way. The razing of the for suggested by the representative Canal. mer home of Sen. Warren Bar- you won't be able to deduct more than $25 per person, of the State University was sev —AM. bour had recently been com no matter how expensive a gift you make. eral thousand dollars—and woul "Of Course I Know It's MM. Roosevelt'* The Board of Education was pleted. Another tax saving possibility which this new rule have varied depending on the asked to install electric lights cope of the work to be per- Si Tinton Falls School, go it could will bar as of next year will be the payment to a widow formed. Under no condition would be used for evening meetings. of a deceased employee of voluntary death benefits in he State University have given CD Film excess of $5,000. It has been possible under certain the requested service "free of charge." Charles Carr, Edward Comp- court decisions for an employer to get a deduction for ton, Charles Smith, John Covert, Shown For Concerning the acceptance o Herman Lehr and Richard Brown the payment and yet have no tax due from the widow, Dr. Cornell's report, the board were elected trustees of the but this will be definitely out next year. So 1962 offers received th report on May 24 a Keansburg Methodist Church. GOP dub the last chance to shoot for this possible tax saving. a public meeting and paid Dr. FAIRVIEW - A Civil Defense Cornell as agreed. However, Elmer E. Carlile of Little Sil- film, "In Your Defense," was If you're considering a business trip combined with reported Jn the Red Bank Regis- y ver, who had been hired by the shown »t a meeting of the Fair- an extensive pleasure visit, again you may find it ter on May 31st, the board had Monmouth County Board of Tax- view Republican Club last week worthwhile from a tax viewpoint to take the trip this not acted on any of the recom ation to re-assess the property in n McGuire's Grove, Rt. 35. mendations as of that date. Dur- Shrewsbury Township handed in year instead of next—if practical. The tax deductible ing the early part of the summer, Mrs. Bemedette Walsh of Wee- assessments of $2,130,241. This he board considered Dr. Cor- hawken was guest speaker. Mrs. portion of your travel expense to and from the busi- was an increase of $328,689 over •11'* report, as well as reports Walsh spoke on Scant, the new- ness visit may be cut under the rule applying from the previous assessment, which of its own administrators. It then formed Stale Committee (he board had found unsatisfac- Jan. 1 on. prepared * report to the com- Against New Taxes. She urged tory. Mr. Cariile's list added munity which was delivered at members to write to their rep- If your company owns a yacht, hunting lodge or JRO.000 in assessments of 34 prop- a public meeting on Sept. 20. This resenatives stating opposition to erties owned by 20 people, which other entertainment facility which is not used more report to the community was i sttte sales tax aj well as a had not been assessed at all on than 50 per cent of the time for business purposes, theadopted by the board. Therefore, tate Income tax. the previous list. ownership can become a definite liability. For your the f»ct is that no one has made A slate of officers for the year firm will not be able to deduct any part of the main-or will make an "effort to see Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pollitt or ras presented by the nomlnat- that Dr, Cornell's report is adopt- Hntontown celebrated their 25th ig committee, to be voted on at tenance or upkeep of the facility in 1963 even jf you ed by our local Board of Educa- tion." wedding anniversary. he December meeting. use the lodge, boat, etc., up to 50 per cent for business Concerning the use of surplus Nominated were Morton Jam- purposes. to hold down the amount to be Hie Fair Haven Council passed oe, president; Samuel Witt, first You may well save substantially in taxes by dis- raised by taxes, It was stated an ordinance requiring houshold- rtce president;*Rocco Zlrpola, that the president of the board »ri to remove snow and Ice from lecond vice president; Benjamin posing of the entertainment facility and renting one did not suggest that surplus could sidewalks. •~r«mk, treasurer; Mrs. Samuel when you need it for business entertainment. be so used. The fact li that rlu, recording secretary, and A frdcration.of Men's Clubs Tomorrow: . • the board (on advise of and With vim. Robert McCutctwon, cotres- complete concurrence of the nteti- Die Red Bank fcrcsbyterian, Bap- 6—Tuesday, Nov. ljj 1%2 ixmdlng secretary. ' Tax-saving hints If you help support your parent*. Di«a m till See LETTERS, Page 7)^' ol M,,. *„,„„... 70th blrlM>Jt ISM IEP BAM HEGISna Tuesday, Mpr, 13,

«V^ f * .

'' By Robert S. Allen and Pad Scott WASHINGTON — Premier Fidel Castro is coming out of the U.S.-Soviet confrontation over Cuba with "'•'A • number of things to brag about, including a new role in the negotiations. While tiie Kremlin's missile backdown sank the Cuban dictator's prestige to a new low, his Communist regime's pocketbook and armed forces were given a big lift, , In addition to being allowed to keep 208 MIGs, 140 ground-to-air anti-air- craft missiles, 18 "cruise-type" coastal missiles, and 14 missile-firing patrol boats, Castro is getting these and other FOOD CIRCUS vast armaments from Russia free. FOLLOW THE LEADER FOR Premier Khrushchev is canceling the nearly $300 million cost of these modern Russian STILL MORE FOOD VALUES! weapons—a highly significant development, since the Kremlin has never made such an arms deal with any Ws Hie New Look...with New Lower Prices... and with New of the other Communist satellites. The Soviet leader also Is turning over to Castro Cash Savings! Shop every deparfmenf for your best food another powerful weapon to use in his bargaining for stronger U.S. commit- values...Every Day! ments not to use military action to over- throw his regime. He is giving Cuba "title" to the 22 JJL-28 medium-range Russian jet bombers already, there, which President SWIFT'S WORTHMORE Kennedy is demanding that Khrushchev move. These and other foreboding Seatt military-economic agreements were reached in the pri- vate talks Deputy Premier Mikoyan held with Castro, according to a U.S. Intelligence estimate now being circulated in the Kennedy administration. Instead of twisting Castro's arm, Mikoyan Is re- ported to have used the Havana meetings to discuss new strategy to strengthen the bargaining positions of both Russia and Cuba in the current crisis. The estimate reveals that ficer, is telling members of Con- Mikoyan gave Castro new gress thai "the antagonisms be- assurances of the Kremlin's tween Moscow and Peiping are FOLLOW intentions to go ahead and so deep-seated that we' cannot foresee any genuine reconcilia- make a port near Banes the tion of the dispute, at least while headquarters for a joint Mao and Khrushchev hold pow- Soviet-Cuban Atlantic fish er." Army Intelligence experts THE challenge this point of view, re- ing-submarine fleet porting that Hllsman has "no At outlined by Mikoyan, the hard information to back up this estimated 130 million cost, will conclusion." Instead, they say be financed by the Soviet Un- the reasons against an open LEADER! ion, bat the port will be built break—both from an ideological, by Cuban labor with Cuban ma- STEAKS and political standpoint-are com-|| terials. Russia agreed to com-pelting. For example, Russia and L pensate Cubs by giving them China still operata joint espion-1 three submarines, a number ol age operations throughout the new fishing trawlers, and addi- world, and the Kremlin ,is sup- EMPEROR RED 4 g#fc tional food and oil shipments. porting China's Invasion of In- BELLING THE CAT — Thisdia with arms and money. new Castro-Mlkoyan agreement C already is seriously complicating US. negotiation; with Russia to renipve. sUli "offensive" Soviet weapons from Cuba. LETTERS When U.S. negotiators. Ambas- (Continued) sador Adlal Stevenson and John Went) did use surplus for this X McOoy, sought to discuss the purpose. In the fall of 1960, the Ib. disposition of the IL-28s at the board announced that over a 5- UN, First Deputy Foreign Min- year period it would reduce its ister Kurnetsov balked and sug-surplus by amounts of (10,000 each year until the surplus GRAPES 12 gested Out this problem be taken up with either Carlos U- amounted to about 10 per cent diugt, Castro's new ambassador of the annual budget. A news- FOODTOWN - No Deposit at the UN, or Acting Secretary- paper article (in the School Board General U Thant. files) dated Jan. O, MM, states that during the review ot the U Thant reported that Castro proposed Budget for 1961-H82, would give up the bombers It theMayor Kosene "praised the 28 OZ. VS. would support a Russian- board" for holding down the tax FOLLOW •soupred UN declaration guar- increase. The article goes on to anteeing the territorial Integri- point out that in his presentation GINGER ALE ty of Cuba against attack by allof the budget, the president of the THE nations in the Western Hemis- board noted that surplus In the OR CLUB iphere. Including the U.S. amount of (10,000 would be used On Instructions from President to reduce the community's tax Kennedy, U.S. negotiators are burden. Red Bank Register arti- LEADER! refusing to agree to this sweep- cles dated Dec. 15,. 1961, and II Ing commitment while the Soviet SODA bombers are on Cuban airfields. Foodtown Brand, Oven-Ready, Fancy U.S. Grade A Government Inspected get for the year 1982-1963 again 101 Instead, a counter proposal was made to Kumetsov that oace the point out that $10,000 of surplus U.s, can verify that all the was used to offset part of the fcombers have been removed, the budgeted cost. A,similar pattern|| President will send a statement is planned for 198344. «o the UN Security Council guar- Concerning the use ofc funds II anteeing no U.S. attack on Cuba. for a special television, room, I reference to the board's afore-|| POUCY DISPUTE — An un-mentioned report to the com- resolved policy dispute among munity proves that the fact is his advisers Is keeping President that no such highly-specialized Kennedy from making a final room, is planned. decision on whether the US. Concerning die hiring of vo- should Insist on the removal of cational advisers, again, the 56 Russian MIG-51 Jet Inter- board's report to the community ceptors from Cuba. indicates that the fact is that 10 to 16 Pounds—39c Ib. These supersonic Jets, piloted if this really was Dr. Cornell's by Russians, are capable of car-recommendation, it was rejected rying 500-pound nuclear bombs by the board. MORTON'S CHICKEN, TURKEY CAMPBELL'S 10 OZ. when equipped with special car- Concerning the size and cost Tie Joint Chiefs of Staff want of a proposed new school, the these MIGs removed on the statement that the board's former ground that they are "offensive" president agreed with the idea TMMT0 SOUP of building 'a school of 55.000 BEEF POT PIES 15° f weapon systems capable ot de- square feet at a cost of $30/ livering atomic bombs on tar- square foot is Incorrect. The fact gets throughout the Southeastern is that the board In Its report part of the U.S. to the community has reconv The State Department is op- mended the building of a school posing this with the argument of approximately 40,000 square YOUR SUPER MARKET THE tfc.t the new demand *ould feet at a cost of $15 to $17/square FOOD CIRCUS greatly complicate present nego- foot. tiations. Also, :». 13—Parlons Francals 1 routine, but the first time I tried oner." Part II. An interesting 5—Doorway To Destiny 2—Jack Benny able. In a resort to the board ol HAZLET character study of a short-term 1:45 LOEWS DRIVE-1N- it out the audience didn't dig the 7—Queen For A Day 4-Dlck Powell directors of the Red Bank YMCA, prisoner after his release. John 13-Tell Me A Story Cattooni 7:00; Manchurtan Candidate bit and I was virtually thrown off II—How To Marry A Millionaire 7—Untouchables Wilbur C. Hollands, youth chair- 1:01; »:«: Pleaiure HUhwajr |;M, Rigsbee is the subject, the man 1:55 the stage. The act first clicked in 3:30 9—Perspective On Greatness man, stated that over 4,000 young- PERTH AMBOY we saw leaving Riker's Island in 4-News sters In the service area of th a Chicago theater, and I've been 2-To Tell The Truth 11—You Are There MAJESTIC— Part I, and he is quite a guy. II: N 'Y' have been made aware of mi Ladr * Ttia Tramp 1:50: 1:00: IBM; making a living by not pulling 4—Young Dr. Malone^-Serial 10:00 AJmoM Anjtli 2:00: 1:20; l:2». Rigsbee talks about his back- 2—Calendar need for safer bicycle riding. EDISON rabbits out of a hat ever since.' ground, what he "learned" in 5—Mr. District Attorney 2—Garry Moore 4—Say When The YMCA expects to complete MENU) PARK CINEMA- Fans Busy Chuckling prison, and the cameras follow 7—Who Do You Trust 11—True Adventure J—Movie—Comedy , its safety program by late No- Whatever Happened To Baby J4M Carl is practically type-cast a him to a Greenwich Village nigh 11—Laurel Hardy And Chuck 13-World At Ten 3:00; 4:tO: 1:11: 1:13. 7—Suzie—Comedy vember but will continue with its the head wise guy in Ernest Borg- club where some of his inherent 13—Television For Teachers 10:30 WOODBRIDGE H-Operatlon Alphabet Father and Son Indian nine's crew. As Lester Gruber he difficulties with a society become 3:55 4-Chet Huntley Guide DRIVE-IN- lfcM school presentation throughout •omttftlnf Wild 1:05: J0:«: generally comes up with the wil apparent. There's also a discuss- 2-News 7-Close-Up! Happened in Athena 1:00. 13—Issue And The Challenge the winter. School administrators ideas, like blowing an air raid ion of prisons and rehabilitation 11—Mr. Peabody—Cartoon 9—Kingdom Of the Sea MONTCUUR 11-Mlke Hammer lfcU still may schedule the two pro- siren to get the nurses Into a by experts. Thds show would have 4:00 4-News CLAIRIDGE— 13-Festival of the Arts grams by calling the YMCA. In Bpala 1:00. shelter for a dance. Fans of th been more effective as a one- 2—Secret Storm—Serial 3—Scienceland—Education 11:00 show may have noticed that Les hour presentation. 10:30 p.m. 4—Make Room For Daddy lfcM : 2—News ter Gruber never stops for ABC. 5—Deputy Dawg—Cartoons 2—1 Love Lucy—Comedy 4-News laugh, and they often miss thi 7—American Bandstand 4—Play Your Hunch next few lines because they'ri 5-News TONIGHT. Comic Phil Leeds, 9—Treasure 7—Answering. Service—Panel Here's how to keep tabs on busy chuckling at a gag. 7-News- singer Virginia Wing, and The 11—Bozo The Clown 11—Movie—Drama those pesky little jars and 9—Movie—War Drama "How was I to know that they Little Sisters, a teenage singing 1£-Televlsion For Teachers 11:45 NOW — Golden Operetta Series cans. With Spin-a-Spice you U-Steve Allen have everything right at hand, insert laughs after funny lines?" duo, join Johnny Carson tonight. 4:25 13—Parlons Francais I and a touch of your finger Carl said. "Now I'm wise to th (Color) 11:15 p.m. NBC. 11—Koko The Klown—Cartoon 11:10 I1:M spins the item you want right trick. I notice that Joe Flynn who 4:30 2-Weather 2—McCoys—Comedy into view. 2—Edge Of Night—Serial 4-Weather plays the Captain always stopped keeps me off a lot of programs •-Price Is Right 4—Here's Hollywood 5-Movie for a beat after a good line, but used to play regularly." 7—Ernie Ford—Variety Spin-a-Spice saves time and 5—Felix And The Wliard 7—Local News it didn't make any sense to me The producers of "McHale's S-Johnny Andrews trouble. No need to unload the 7—Discovery '62—Children 11:15 ' because there was no audience Navy" plan to do flashback epi- 13-Wonders Of Words storage cabinet to find that 9—Chubby Jackson 2-Movle on the set. Flynn is a veteran of sodes telling what each membe 11:21 one vital ingredient. 11—Dick; Tracy—Cartoons 4—Tonighr three TV situation comedy shows, of the cast supposedly did in ci- 13—Issue And The Challenge 13—American Economy 7-Movie and when I caught the first epi- vilian life. This will give TM2/C 11:25 Spin-a-Spice saves space. Each 4:55 shelf stores approximately 30 sode at home I realized he was Lester Gruber a chance to do his 11:50 S-News 4-News inches of front row items. The waiting for the laugh track. magic act, and it should be a 13—Reflections U:» 7—American Newsstand two-tier model doubles storage Watch me slow down on the nexl funny show. 12:30 2—Pete And Gladys—Comedy capacity. The three-tier model group of episodes we shoot.' 3:00 11-News 4—Concentration FREE! FLAME IN TOE STREETS" triples it. Lower shelf on botb 12:H Not only is Carl Ballantine now The TV industry has been study- 2—Love That Bob—Comedy S—Romper Room—Children "HOT "THE LAST REBEL" holds items up to 4 inches tall, 5—News a successful TV actor, but he in- ing the first major Nielsens of 4—Movie—Drama 7—Yours For A Song STARTS WEDNESDAY AT .lddle shelf on three-tier mod- 1:00 wor advertently pulled the biggesl the season and the add men are 7—1 Married Joan—Comedy U:4« BOTH THEATRES el holds items up to 2% inches 4-News EUCntlC high. trick of his career and saved tfo< already penciling out some early 9—Movie—Science Fiction 13-Tri-State Focus entire 10 per cent agent's com season failures. But there Is one 11—Cartoon Zoo 5—Movie—Drama 11:51 'The CHAPMAN REPORT' Use this handy revolving rack mission on the job. "I signed u[ major factor In this years rat- 13—Once Upon A Day 7—Movie—Drama U-News throughout the house. Spin-a- with MCA because they promised ings that has received no pub- 5:25 1:05 "HIGH SCHOOL HELLCATS" Spice fits easily into storage 11—Rocky And His Friends 4—Headline—Drama to get me acting roles," he con licity, and very little trade dis- "Cool * Crazy" ft "Drag Strip cabinets, has a solid base for tinued. "The nearest I came was cussion which may interest you, 5:30 9—Almanac Newsreel counter use. It's just the thing Investiture for spices, for sewing supplies, an audition for a 'Surfside Six the viewer. 2—Movie—Drama 1:10 for medicine bottles, or for a Then they got me this job on The percentage of sets in use 5—Sandy's Hour—Children 9—News and Weather "WHAT EVER HAPPENED host ot other small items. It 'MoHale's Navy,' and the next tuned to network television has 7—Highway. Patrol—Police 1:23 Of Brownies TO IABY JANE" makes a wonderful gift for day I received a legal letter from definitely dropped! This means 11—Popeye—Cartoons 2—Movie—Mystery housewives and housewives-to- them Informing me that there m that many viewers have desert- STORY OF PROFANE LOVE be. longer was an MCA talent agen- ed the standard network fare and DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank KetchumIs Held "PHAEDRA" cy and, therefore, I didn't owe a are turning to their local stations RUM5ON -Brownie Troop 649 You can assemble Spin-a-Spice commission." wHoh offer feature films, rerun* in a few minutes with no tools held its investiture program at "LADY & THE TRAMP" Wife In Show Biz of network shows now In syndi- "ALMOST ANGELS" needed. It is light but sturdy cation, sports and, in certain Forrestdale School last Wednes- with center-bearing design Carl's wife, Ceil Cabot, is one oases, quality programs designed day. Mrs. Robert Barnett, lead- that gives years of life. of the stars of Julius Monk's in- for the minority audience. er, and Mrs. George E*rp- Shelves are pressed from timate cafe revue which is play- wear-resistant baked enamel ing a New York hotel located In this fact there is a warning Thomas, assistant, officiated on steel. some 3,000 miles away from the to the manufacturers of network the presentation of'pins to: material issued by their audl set of "Mcllale's Navy." "That's Lori Barnett, Elizabeth Caro ence. It is not yet a major de- A Nice Christmas Gift the only bad part of this whole Jane Ciejka, Helm Conley, Kithj fection but it does indicate that deal,' explained the magician. Dmklieb, Cindy Earp-Thomas, viewers have learned to shop for ONLY $3.50 "But she'll be joining me in Jan- Toni Gahn, Karen Halfacre, their TV entertainment, and they uary and, for a while, I hope Jackie Hall, Lynn Helnsdus, Mai are no longer willing to settle tor Charge Accounts Available she'll do all her performing in go Rahn, Beth Kugler, Pamel celluloid time fillers. the kitchen. She could play clubs Lev), Michele Lowe, Mary FREE DELIVERY in Los Angeles, but they're dis- Instead of planning a deluge of Ptrdi and Monica Perry. appearing as fast as vaudeville imitation "Beverly Hillbillies" to PHONE SH 7-0001 magicians," latch on to the success of that Jana .Barnett of Girl Seoul cornball series, let the networks Troop 212 assisted with the pro Even though he's put the trick, concentrate on revitalizing their gram. Members of me troof FABULOUS SERIES OF in mothballs, actor Ballantine schedules to bring back the mis- committee are Mrs. Paul Dnik does not really intend to bury the sing viewers. lleb and Mrs. Henry Levi. GOLDEN character which earned him hi: keep for 10 years. "I can still dc an engagement in Las Vegas if Two Driverg Face OPERETTAS the timing is right, and my TV fee has gone up as a result of Chargeg In Crash Every Tuesday 17 Brood St., Red Bank the show," said Carl. "The only LITTLE SILVER — Two driv- trouble is that sponsor conflicl ers were charged with careless driving after their cars collid- NOW SHOWING ed head-on at Branch Ave, and Pinckney Rd. at 7:30 p.m. Sat urday. PURE WATER| Police Chief James W. Fix said summonses were Issued to GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS* Edmund Doucctte, 33, of 187 King St., Long Branch, and Rita Amazing New SIBCO Water Purifier Manclnl, 40, of 165 Broad St., Removes Rust, Iron, Sulphur, Chlorine, Mntownn. The Doucette car was travel- Odors, etc., from City or Well Water ing north and the Mancini aut Now you ran rnjoy cryildl-clrar, odor-frro water! C'nflre a»d lea taste ItrttFr. Folding Steel Bridge Chair lAundrr romri out clrnnrr, brlfblpr. No more Blftlnlng ol nlnitn »nd dlshr*. was traveling south on Branc Beige and Bronte •••> to lailall lu »• Cooper Rd., on "Pungoj"council of the tribe: ..' Susan Biatsdell, River Plata, Hid- Wampum bearer, Oecar Strand- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grey, den wai^Earm, on-Highfield berg of M Cresbnwd. Dr.; tally Elyar Ter., spent a recent week- Tulip; and Susan Thomas, Coop- keeper, Philip De Marco of JO end in New York City celebrat- er Rd., on Lady Phoebe. Miss Volt PI., and medicine mtn, Ed-ing their 10th wedding anniver- Thomas brought home a fifth ward Ryan of 249 Crestview Dr. sary. They attended a perform- place ribooa and Miss BUlsdeU With the election, the council ance of the Broadway show £ New middleweight Ford rairlane a sixth," to th«lr respective selected Indian names. The "Mary, Mary." classes. Ryans, Ed and Peter, took "Big comes in hardtops and wagons, too! and Little Skier;" the Strand- Rebecca Risen, daughter of Mr. Peter Olivola, son of Mr. andbergs, Oscar and Chris, selected and Mrs. Ronald Risen, Park Mrs. Guerin Olivola, King's Hwy., White Eagle" and "Fighting Ea- Dr., celebrated her fifth birth- a freshman at Rutgers Univer- gle." The De Marcos, Phil and day Oct. 22 at a party. Present sity, was borne recently. He hadPhil junior, will select thd were Kerry Foster, Lois Harty as his guests his classmates Rick names at the first regular meet and Jenny Chappie. Another and Mick Weiss of Dallas, Tex. ing at Chief West's teepee Mon- daughter, Kathy, celebrated her The boys were 'among the guests day. seventh birthday Nov. 5. Guests at a party for the cast of Mid- Although other members pres- at Kathy's party Included Patty dletown Township High School ent at the final tribal council did McCannon, Cheryl Parks, Maria •enor play given by Miss Micbele not select Indian names, the tribe DeFino, Kim Foster, Debbie Thill Love of Locust Point ltd. will remain open in membership and Cindy Chappie. for these and other fathers and Lori Lynn Omdorif, daughter sons interested. Smocking It Tops of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orndorff, The Serninoles will have as its Orchard St., celebrated her Indian chief helper, Peter De Fil- eighth birthday last week. ippo, 41 Maida Ter. of the Crow Tribe. "Big Fighting Eagle," as How about this jazzy Miss Marianne Guerin, Chape Pete is known, will help in the Hill Rd., celebrated her 21st first few tribal meetings in Mid- birthday last Saturday: dletown, aad assist In some of Falcon Convertible! the tribe't craft work. Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Allen, formerly of Robin Rd., Rumson, have moved Into the home of Mr. Oak Hill and Mrs. C. W. Gillman, Jr. Navesiitk River Rd. Mr. and Mr§. F. W. Barton Blue Jay Ct., have returned from Mr. wd Mrs. Richard Griffith, a ftve-week trip to Europe. While Navesink River Rd., ' recently abroad, they visited Germany, spent a weekend visiting rela- Netherlands, France, Switzerland, tives at Bryn Mawr, Pa. Italy and England.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Graham, Mildred Allen, daughter of Mr. Conover La., had as their guests and Mrs. P. K. Allen, Blue Jay recently Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ct., Is attending the La Pensee Tierney who are enroute to Chile School In Vevey, Switzerland. where Mr. Tierney will be em-Miss Allen is a graduate of Mid ployed for the Anaconda Copper dletown High School, class of '62. Company. The marriage of Miss Hel- i Westnn, daughter of Col. and Marlboro re. Gifford Weston, Mallard Rd., o Frederick Stewart Bross of Mrs. Knud Jensen of Philadel- farblehead, Mass., will take phia visited Mr. and Mrs. David dace Nov. 24 In Uie post chapel, Gerschwantner, School Rd., re-'ort Monmouth. A reception will cently. ' ullow In Gibbs Hall.

Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Singhoffen Henry Abbott, Pelican Rd., per- "folk about beauty! See, drive, own and daughter, Ema, Rt. 79, spent formed with the Suburban Sym- the weekend In Wooster, Ohio, phony Orchestra In its opening visiting their daughter, Dorothy. concert recently in' Cranford High School. Mr. Abbott Is a flut- Accent your winter outfits with The regular meeting of the smocked haWt'i lovely—the Americans most beautifcl cars, the '63 Fords! Marlboro PTA will,! be...held iuch of luxury! ;,, . ; , Wednesday at 8 p.m. Guest speak- Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gauffreau, Smocking adds elegance to your With 4 sizes... from compacts to classics, leader in its classl Every one leads its class In COME TALK ABOUT AMERICA'S LIVELIEST, er will be a Monmouth County >ove Ct., are parents of a son, lew hats. Use velveteen, faille, value, too. The built-in, mile-stf-etching quality MOST CAREFREE CARS WITH YOUR Music Helping Teacher. ; ; >h!Hp Elliott born Oct. 22 In Riv- ersey. Pattern 60U. pattern sites (here's bound to bea Ford with your nameon it! of the '63 Ford line means you get more car for irview Hospital. % 22, 23 Included; transfer; di- Brian Jeffrey Pudder, son of ctions. ' • • . , i your money when you buy, plus welcome Beauty makes bio news this year at your Ford Mr. and MM. Emery Pudder, ON STUDENT COMMITTEE Thirty-five cent* (coins) for savings on the cost of service every mile you Dpaler'sl The big parade qf-beautiful '63 was baptized Sunday In Old Brick MISENHEIMER, N. C. - Da- his pattern ,— add » cents for drivel Now every '63 Ford* has self-adjusting Church by Rev. Glen Hlne. Mrs. id'R. Cotten ,son of Mr. and:ach pattern for ltt-cjaw mail, Fords Is 44 lively models long, Including com- brakes, and you drive every one on a cost- iend to Laura Wheeler, cato of Pudder is the daughter of Mr. Irs. Roy E. Cotten, 315 Prospect fiact Falcons, middleweight Ford Falrlanes, cutting twice-a-year or 6000-mile service and Mrs. Thurston Whilson of .ve., Little Silver,'N. J., Is a 'he Red Bank Register Needle- big and bold Ford Galaxies, classic Thunder- Marlboro. raft Dept., P. O. Box 161, Old schedule, Make this yearyoi/r year to choose nember of the student commit- blrdsl It adds up to the year's widest choice— tee fdr Religious Emphasis Week Chelsea Station, New Yo«4 11, a beautiful Ford. See the dealer who offers you The ReformedrChurch. being observed this week at Pfelf- I Y, Pr|nt plainly pattern nunv and every one of these beauties Is a style the biggest choice in town—your Ford Dealerl f.D.A.f. Fellowship attended a fer College, here, Dr. Roger er, name, address and zone. *(M»! FllMII Stetlrt hi V4 Ctak WRIWII DRIVE THEM AT... youth rally at Rutgers University lusche, director of religious life NEWEST RAGE - SMOCKED last week. t the college, has announced. iccessorles plus 208 exciting Cotten is a Junior majoring in leedlecraft designs in our new 1983 Necdlccraft Catalog — Just Frank C. Schultr, son of Mr. loclology. He Is a 1960 graduate )utl Fashions, furnishings to MpUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY and Mrs. Frank J. Schultz,' Rt. >f Red Bank High School. irochet, knit, sew, weave, em- 79, left Nov. 1 for basic training >roider, quilt. Plus free pattern. at Lackland Air Force Base, Tex- It pays to advertise In The iend 25c nowl 90 Monmouth Street SHadyside 1-6000 Red Bank Register.—Advertisement. \ la November, tor t Ittppy De- NOT. 13, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER Holly Days cember." Betides the HoUy Days tulm, the center1! Merchant AfMda- Key Issues Remain in Doubt At Center tian will present the YitM CWI- dren'g Theater production of By CMcrcfiimal Quarterly to a vote in 1963, if incumbent Of the 67 outgoing members, "Pinocchlo" in the center's Lol- WASHINGTON - President senators vote exactly as they did 25 can be classified as generally To Start lipop Theater, located In the Civ- Kennedy gained in "hard-core" in 1962, and if the newcomers dependable in their support for ic Auditorium on Cherry Mall. EATONTOWN — Holly Days, vote according to the stands they the President's program, includ- •Pinoochlo" will bf performed supporters in the 1962 House elec- took while campaigning, medicare ing the hard-core backers. Among a big pre-holiday Monmouth Shop- tions, a Congressional Quarterly Thursday at 4 p.m.; Friday, will pass, 52-48. the newcomers, 27 are similarly ping Center sales event, opens in 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and Sat- study of Nov. 6 election results This would be an exact reversal rated—making a net gain of two the center tomorrow at 10 a.m.,urday, 11 a.m. and 1 and 3:S0 of the 48-52 vote in July of this in terms of general support. shows. and continues through Thursday, p.m. ' year which killed medicare for A major reason for these Ken But whether he can translate the session. Friday and-Saturday. This sale, nedy gains, despite the small which will be observed in all of No problem finding that advantage into House vic- House Analysis slippage in Democratic seats, is the center's 43 stores, gives cus- when you advertise The Register tories on such contentious "Fron- To assess the new House line- that the Democratic standard- tomers the opportunity to " ' way—Advertisement. tier" issues as medicare, urban up in terms of support for Presi bearers departing from Congress include a number of Southerners affairs and school aid remains a dent Kennedy, Congressional who opposed the President's pro- matter for conjecture. Quarterly went beneath the parti- san election results (a four-seat gram or were lukewarm at the. In the Senate, the advantages bss for the Democrats and a two- most. On the other hand, Demo- FULL ONE INCH THICK accruing to the President from a seat gain for the Republicans) crats, picked up a number of seats net pickup of four Democratic and measured the known record outside the South, most notably ALUMINUM seats are clear. A Congressional or public stand of each member nine in California made available by the 1960 census reapportion Quarterly projection of votes on leaving Congress and each new ment, and in many cases the win- COMBINATION STORM the medicare issue, for example, member who will take a seat in January. The findings: ners are expected to be "down shows that if the issue is brought the-line" Kennedy men. Of 69 members leaving the and SCREEN DOOR House because of election defeat, Specific Issues HEALTH CAPSULES primary defeat, retirement or res- When the apparent Kennedy by Michael A. Petli, M.D. ignation (40 Democrats and 29 gains are translated into specific ,BY WHAT AGE SHOliLP' YOUR Republicans), 14 can be classified issues, the outlook is mixed. On POWER S9UADRON OFFICERS —The Shrewibury Power Squadron held if I fall r.d- CHILP HAVE LOST ALL HIS as "hard-core" Kennedy support- a number of roll calls in 1962, dezvoui dinner-dance at Joseph's Restaurant, West Long Branch, Saturday evening; f IBST TEETH * ers on key controversial issues. the President was able to attract Approximately 150 members and guests attended. Pictured, - left to right, ar» of- Of 67 members who will enter some votes from those departing the House in January (36 Demo- members who generally opposed ficers, Charles L. Schmidt, Rumson, Commander; 6rover C. Culshaw.Rumson, Lt. • IwtallarloB optional crats and 31 Republicans), 24 canhim. Commander; and David Butferworth, Middletoy/n, First lieutenant. "...... be classified as "hard-core Ken- • Compt, nady f» nedy supporters on the basis of Thus, on the Jan. 31, 1961 voti Complete, ready to Install. their campaign stands. on temporarily enlarging the Farm program—The first 1962 outcome, since opponents would On the other hand, some mod- House Rules Committee, so as to farm bill, including supply man- have . needed seven switches to erate Republicans, mindful of the Price Includes piano' htagt Thus the President makes a net door with two glass and OM ease the way for Kennedy bills, agement controls for feed grains, GOP.overturns in six 1962 Sen- pick up of 10 in the vital area of prevail. •'.-•• x •••.'• •••-•• screen Insert, storm chain, died June 21 when the House hard-core support. 33 of the departing Members sup- Other Factors' " ' ate races, could prove.more help; weather stripped, air closure, ported the President. The en- voted to reject it on a clifMiang- Obviously, • many other factors ful on Kennedy domestic pro- knob and hardware. largement carried, 217-212, and a ing 215-205 roll call. The Presi- will influence the outcome on grams than they were in 1962. dent loses 35 members who switch of three votes would .have these issues if they are brought On issues like medicare and backed him on this one. The new 9 BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY defeated it. Since the President to a vote jn 1963.: The President permanent unemployment com- projection of 27 supporters would Dally fc Saturday « A.M.-5:** VM. gains only 27 known supporters has won a psychological advan- pensation changes, which have in the new Congress, he faces a merely mean that the same bill Wed. and Frl.'tfl » P.M. tage by repulsing Republican in- yet to' come' ten a vote In the "Between Yinko'i t ReossUles" potential net loss of six votes > would lose by a wider margin. roads in- a midterm' election. House, much may depend on the issue is brought up again in Foreign aid—The President However, he may lose votes of whaHs done in committee, where 1963, assuming all other members D YOUR CHILP USUALLY BEGINS loses 32 members who supported Democratic Southerners mindful (Write to George, who -will vote exactly as they did before. the conservative forces will con- [TO LOSE HIS FRONT Tf ETH him when the House repulsed 190- solve your problems before you Obviously this would be touch- of the near defeat of Sen. Lister tinue to be strorig. In view of I AROUNP 6.ANP HIS BACK 203, a move to cut economic as- TEBTH BY II. can snap your fingers, bingo, like and-go, despite the election'turn- Hill in Alabama. This couldserve the Senate changes, however, it is 32 Irood St. SHodytld* 1-7500 Rod Us* sistance by $100 million. If he has TOMORROW: CALORIE CUTTING. over. The outlook on other is- to strengthen the "conservative doubtful that medicare can be this ... er, like this . .uh, gained 27 new supporters, the net sues: coalition" of Southern Democrats kept off the floor of either cham- H«dtti CWIUIW ghM Ulpfu! infemutioa like this . . ) loss, five, would not reverse the iilliMlhhiidtdtolMifiditgimticnttiini and Republicans. ber in 1963. Dear George: School aid—The President has I've tried every way to avoid lost 22 members who backed him it, but I keep absent-mindedly on his 1961 general aid to educa- SEAL DRAFTY DOORS lighting the filter end of the tion bill. His pickup of 27 sup- cigarette. Stretch your ingenuity porters means a hypothetical NOW... with and give me a solution—one (hat gain of five on this issue. But i is foolproof, please. would take 37 switches to revere, the outcome of the roll call which • Gagging PORTASEAL killed school aid in 1961. Dear Gagging: WEATHERTjGHT DOOR STOP We are applying for a patent Taxes—Thirty-four of the out- even at this minute on a solu- going House members supported tion to this problem. It is, basic- passage of the President's tax ally, a oiarette with a filter at bill in 1962. His pickup of 27 new each end. (It's what's in the mid-supporters means a net hypotheti- dle that counts.) That way you cal loss of seven on this issue. know each time you're going to But it would have taken a switch have to tear one off, or even both of 12 votes to defeat the bill in if you don't like filtertip ciga- 1962, lending some encourage- rettes. ment to inclusion of comparable If you don't eventually get dis-reforms in the tax package ex- gusted with smoking and quit, pected to be sent to Congress Seals like a refrigerator! early in the next session. STOK WIND...SNOW...COLD... this is bound to be surefire, so to Instill it yiorcilf In minutei. Urban affairs—Tho President • PortiiMI prwldalth s •fo p»rmin«nr erterlot Hirt loses' 20 supporters on this one. owIff""n . " .«"?. It adluit!f","i '" Dear George: His new supporters would give Half fully to compM. Whatever became of the old him a net gain of seven—hardly a •tti tor the moit st- urdy wvped doors. fashioned girl? beginning in the 58 switches Complifi »t tor full R. T. needed to give the President an «l» txttrlir door... FORTASEAL INC. Dear R. T.: Urban Affairs Department, on the Check Its iHMnrmR n. J, Well. A lot of them I know have basis of the roll-call which de- . Salmi Urn* Lmnhr Yl* ( H switched to martinis, feated the plan Feb. 21, 1962.



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Home Delivery

- , i TUESDAY,. NOVEMBER 13, 1962 7( PER COPY Many Congressmen Begin Trips; Taxpayers(A s Usual) Pay The Bill Ay JACK BELL Tuesday's election, it was some- ing activities in England and West Berlin, Copenhagen and Lis- These members apparently WASHINGTON (AP) - Many thing ot a consolation journey. West Germany. ' ' bon. made up ojily the first wave of members of Congress are pff and Visit To Paris ^-Houje Foreign Affairs sub- This group included Reps. Har- congressional tourism. Others winging again to far away A delegation of House mem- committee, headed by John S. ris B. McDowell Jr., D-Del., seemed likely to turn up on jour- places. As usual, taxpayers will bers to the Paris meeting was Monagan, D-Conn., set up a trip Llndley Beckwofth, D-Tex., Wil- neys of official business.— as foot most of the bills for visits to headed by Rep. Wayne L. Hays, that will take members to Mos- liam S. Broomfield, R-Mich., and they are afrfemnly noted in the Paris, Berlin and other intriguing D-Ohio. Speaker John F. Me cow, Warsaw, Vienna, Bonn, Robert P. Griffin, R-Mich. records — jjas time hums along. world spots. Cormack, D-Mass., had desig Two senators and six repre- Dated Harold D. Cooley, D-N.C, sentatives provided the most and Robert R. Barry, R-N.Y. spectacular addition to the tour- as the other official House del ing.lawmakers when they turned gates. up. in Berlin yesterday in the West Berlin already has beer uniforms they keep carefully visited by a group of three sena- pressed for active duty ts Army tors and a former member who Reserve officers. embarked earlier on what was Sen. Strom Thurmottd, D-S.C, labeled as a fact-finding tour for a reserve major general, and President Kennedy. Sen. Ralph W. Yarfaorough, D- Transported in a White House VETERANS DAY — Following eM»h>m,;Sf.inb«h'«. Red, Bank, yesterday Bad the Tex., a reserve colonel, said the jet. Senate Democratic leadei group wanted to study the Ber- assistance of area boy scouts f«.it« Veterans Day, observance. Shown blowing, taps Mike Mansfield of Montana led lin situation before proceeding to the quartet which expected to at II a.m. in fha »fora i».AJv/n Vy«tfi of Jrpop 23, R«cl B«nt. Member* of ;th» color other places in Europe and else- complete a circuit of the world guard, all membtr»,of Troop riO,N»w Shrewsbury, ar», Itftfo right, Jay Mannix, where around the world. A U.S. before Christmas. Military Air Transport plane was Donald Brandt, Richard Blowaw, GUnn Rodman and Robert Wallc»r. Sens. Clafrborne Pell, D-R.t. at their disposal. and J. Caleb Boggs, R-Del. Farewell Journey signed up for this tour. Benji House members were headed by rain A. Smith 2d., D-Mass., went Calls Plans Col. Ken HecWer, D-W.Va., and along, although he had been re- Lieut. Colt. Lawrence H. Foun- placed on the payroll at mid- tain, D-N.C, Harlan Hagen, D- night last Tuesday when Edward For School Calif., W. Pat Jennings, D-Va., M. (Ted) Kennedy, the Presi G. Elliott Hagan, D-Ga., and dent's brother, was elected at 'Indefinite* Phil Weaver, R-Neb. For Weav- his successor. 8 er,, it was a kind of farewell Two lame duck House mem- ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP-rBoard Journey. Ife was' defeated for bers were among four who tool of Education president William By The Aisedatsd Frees renominitlon In the primary. off earlier in the week on an Of Flock has announced that the Sen. J. William Fulbright, D- ficial study mission for thi board has hired an architect to KINNEIXW - The body of a other provision of the act requir- House Subcommittee on Inter 79-year old woman' doctor miss- Ark., chairman of the Senate plan • new school, but DO other ing students to swear an oath of Foreign Relations Committee, is American Affairs. The grour. definite details have been de- tag, for it month was found yes- allegiance to the constitution. scheduled visits to Peru, Ecua- terday by two youths, hunting in expected to Join a dozen of his SCIENCE KNOW-HOW — A* part of yesterday's Parent Day ^activities marking tlded. Senate colleagues tomorrow is dor, Colombia, Panama, Cosl Norman C. Coates, Someryille, a heavily wooded area near the T CITY - The New Rica, Guatemala and Mexico. National Education Weak, Mrs. William 0. Slavers, 13 McCartor'Ave., Fair Haven, Boonton Reseryoir |n Morris Paris where they are exchang- has been retained -by the board Jersey Federation of Shade ing Ideas with parliamentarians Lone Democrat watchei, from left, her son Frederick, with his Knollwood School jtighth grade class- to atudy the school situation and County. 'Police said' the' woman, Tree Commlssiotj has re-elected Dr. Phoebe' DuBols, apparently from other NATO .countries. Rep. Armistead I. Selden Jr. mates, Harold Jacobs and Erwin Cannon, during a science clan] John Fraicatore, submit preliminary plant:for, Edward CSorpenning' of Morris- Most of bis colleagues had a suffer^, a fall and expoiure. : D-Ala., the subcommittee chaii new building,' to be located on a town as' its president. Also re- weekend in Paris before the con man, was the lone Democrat i ichool principal, Is in rear. Andrew Zaftanych, science teacher, and president of lS-acre tract on Cedar Dr. They la&ihere wu.bp indication elected yesterday at the group's of fotil1 pUy.'The body, clad only ference opened but Fulbright was the group. Republicans include: the Fair Haven Educational 'Association, is at right. ', Mr. Flock said no size or an- 37th annual meeting were Her- laid up with bronchitis. William S. Mailliard of Cali ticipated enrollment has been de- in a slip. Mouse and soft coat, man Porter of West Orange, vice was found * by Dave • Craw, 17, The Senate delegation included fornia, who was re-elected; cided upon as'yet.'because "We president,, and Spencer Davis of Sens. Harry F. Byrd, D-Va., who Laurence Curtis of Massachu •re1 just beginning oiir Investfg* andNDonaW Hooper.' la, both of Milltown, treasurer.' Edgar G. Kinneton, as they were "hunting took off earlier on his own, Estes setts, who forfeited his HOUSE tlon of the situation." '.'.' Rex of New Brunswick was re- Ketauver, D-Tenn., George A. seat in an unsuccessful bid foi Study Teacher Salaries about a mile, north of toe reser- The present school on Rt. .537 appointed executive secretary. Smathers, D-Fla., Jennings Ran- his party's senatorial nomination, has an enrollment of 457 students dolph, D-W. Va., Howard W. and Rep. Marguerite Stitt Church Adminstrator Sees Need for Increase in 19 classrooms with one cfaM- WASHINGTON -Cash receipts Cannon, D-Nev.,. Eugene J. Mc- of Illinois, who did not seek re- room being housed in the Grange from farm marketing dropped. 1 Carthy, D-Miitn., Bourke B. election. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The After that, Mr. Jannarone wil quired to reach maximum pay In Hall on Hoyer's Mill Rd. was fired by to* Newark per cent in New Jersey'.during Hickeniooper, R-Iowa, Karl E. A Senator' who didn't choose Board of Education expects to meet with the board to discus, each category. The president said no decisions Board af Edaeatin k* IKS the first nine months of this Mundt, R-S.D., Thomas H. Ku- to run again, John Marshall Bu resolve the question of teacher pay scales for the coming year. This year's guide Is $200 high-" would be made as to whether the for caToktag the Fiftii Amend- year, the , Agriculture . Depart- chel, R-Callf^ John Sherman Ier, Maryland Republican, aist salaries for 1963-64 within the The current salary guide pro- er than (he previous guide, on new school would home alt! ment bat taken ,Us B(ht fer vides scales of $3,600 to $5,800 for the average. ment said today! This com- Cooper, R-Ky., Jacob K. lavits, took off on a three-week toui next month. grades, or just intermediate rititeat to-tjta. JJ.'.S. pared with a, 2 per, cent increase R-N.Y., and Homer E. Cape- Representing the -Senate Com- emergency-certificated . instruc- According to the board, it put grades, or when completion could w C«w<. The hoard in. such receipts nationally. The hart, R-Ind. \ . . merce Committee, Butlei The teachers' salary committee tors; $4,700 to $7,000 for BA de- the Raritjui district in a competi- be expected. (tsmlwed Perry, ZlmraenMB, department said cish receipts — For Capehart," defeated in[last planned a survey oT ship build- of Hie local Teachers Association gree instructor!, and $4,900 t tive salary position, 'relative to Mr. Rock said Wi /.my a tea«|ier hr Craalard, which comprise the major por- will meet today with R. Thomas $7,700 for MA degree instructors. other districts in Monmouth night that board members after be: refased to aaswer tion of a farmer!* gross income Jannarone, school superintendent, Annual increments range from County, fpr the first time. attend a Parent-Teacher Associ qaestfeej at a Hnse Un- — dropped on livestock but "in- to present its recommendations $200 to $250 per year, in most Regarding the outlook for next ation meeting at the school to American ActMtk* Commit' creased slightly for crops in New 2 Zoning Variance on the matter. cases, with "12 years' teaching re- year, Mr. Jannarone said the answer members' questions. . •t*f beariax on alleged Com- Jersey during the first nto. teachers i. undoubtedly will seek The 15-acre proposed scntool smnJM afflUrlen, The state months, of the year compared raises, and that he will recom- site is one mile west of the Com Sepretne Court feoad toe &*• with the similar period in 1861 mend pay hikes "to the extent munity Core area, and was given raissal. oneoastitBttoaal in It listed the total receipts for Requests from Her Green Acres Cash the board is able to provide to the Board of Education by the I«7, but« aedsfea last June New Jersey farmers at $220, commercial and residential them" in.; order to keep the dis- Township Committee. EATONTOWN — Alexander B. M upheld the board's iffasal 541,000 compared with $223,911.- Her, insurance broker^of Eaton- areas, but actually is zoned foi County Says It Awaits Requests trict competitive. to • realre Zimmerman. The 009 for the January through town and resident of Middletown, one-family dwelling. — At present, the board pays sub- petition now before the aa* September period ot 1961. appeared twice before, the Zon- Claiming' that the Clinton Ave. stitute teachers only $15 per day. lien's Mfhest eeurt- ask* re- FREEHOLD — The Monmouth had been agreed upon by state of- Council Lets ing Board of Adjustment . last lot, 180 feet wide and 60 feet County Planning Board has ficials. The area will take in The superintendent said an at- view of the Jane » dedsicsu NEWARK — Questionnaires night, - represented by William deep, is not usable for other pur- tempt will also be made to get In its 14 eetfcba, the sUte scheduled a meeting for Dec. 3 1,200 acres in Manalapan and were to start going ant. to- Himmelman, Red Bank attorney. poses because of its unwield) with representatives of every Freehold Townships. this figure increased. A Campaign Supreme Court sided with the day to half a minion house- shape, Mr. Her asked that, he board's action because the Mr. Iler"s requests were held county municipality to explain The park site, Mr. Orr said The superintendent reported holds hi the New Jersey-New over pending visual inspection b be permitted to build an apart- how to obtain funds through thi will not interfere with plans of that the board has been able to 'Issue* Drop ' teacher lacked Job tenmrt, York-Connecticut are* u part the board of sites at 112 Broai ment of four one-bedroom units Green Acres program for park Olympic Village (a $20 million schedule an informal hearing for «C a. study of transportation there. A petition bearing names s es> the first week in December with FAIR HAVEN-Borough Coun- St., where he wishes to divide " planned community for people PRINCETON — Princeton Uni- habits by the Trl-State Trans- one-family home into two apart- of 10 nearby residents objecte he state! Department of Educa- cil last night failed to take any to granting a variance, as dii Executiv.. e. „directo .r Charle, j s „M ; over 60 years of age) on the Bat- Interest in a Board of Education versity President Dr. Robert F. portatton Committee. The com- ments and renovate to provide of- Pike said half of the fund' "Hlo- tleground Fruit farm on Rt. 33 tion to • discuss its proposed Gooeea said yesterday the uni- mittee, whose members were fice space for himself, and at 3! L.D. Seely of 1M South St., in cated to Monmouth County have Manalapan. The village site school construction program. statement which was the out- person. in growth of the political campaign versity; has Applied for a maxl- alined a year ago by the gov- Clinton Ave. where he wishes to "no*t been utilized, and if they are1 will border the Battlefield park. Plans call for a bond issue es- here. '• . mum $2W#> tar student loans ernors of the three states; will tear down, an'existing barn anc not, other counties will be eligl Mr. Orr said the village will timated SX approximately $2 mil- under the National' Defense Edu- tlnaiiff the) survey with ftDr build a four-family < apartment ble for them. eventually house several thou- lion for tro new 16-room elemen- The letter from the board chal- structure. tary schools, a 15 to 20-room high lenged statements made by the cation Act. - . - •Mm federal and state funds. CD Actioii Mr. Pike explained that the sand residents, Goheen said Princeton took the He bead «J each household The changes at the Broad St. state will pay one half of the school addition and possibly ex- Democratic- party candidates cost for any site purchase. Mr. Orr also explained that the pansion of the high school gym. , near the end of the campaign, action following Congress's re- will be asked to log every trip address met objections from Mr. village project, although a pri- but Councilman Robert A..Mat- moval last month of what he had made) to a public or private and Mrs. Warren G. Cornell ol Is Urged The meejing, Mr. Pike said, is According to Robert J. Cor- vate enterprise, has obtained a bllss, bojird president, it is not thews said the matter was, notttermed an. unacceptable provision vehicle by eaea member'of the 134 Broad St. and Mrs. John' to inform local recreation com- $12.5 million federal grant. for council discussion, although in the 1958 actact. ' family over p\t on the day be- Caffyn of 120 Broad St., who said missions, planning boards, and likely thqt the state will conduct fore receipt' ef questionnaire. the house, now occupied by Rev. By Hughes governing bodies of the avail- On Nov. 29, a meeting will be forma' hearing before Janu- he admitted understanding the . The disclaimer^ provision re- held to formulate final plans for board's motivation. quired, student applicants, .to file Ihlf Information win be lup- Philip Broburg and owned by ATLANTIC CITY (AP)-Gov. ability of the funds and how they ary, making it virtually impos- a statement' that .they neither be- piemented with existing data St James Episcopal Church, has Richard J. Hughes today called may be claimed. a five-lake conservation project sible fori the district to hold a Mayor Milton Kosene, Demo- never been used as a two-family Board member Stanley M. Orr in the western part of the coun- referendunj before^ March. crat, who was defeated by 55 lieved in, the violent overthrow of •a bus-rail surveys, highway on New Jersey municipalities to the government nor belonged to counts, population, employ- unit. keep pace with the federal govern- mnounced that the area of the «y- Tie project is sponsored by Originally, the board had votes in his bid for re-election, Monmouth Battlefield state park federal and state-'agencies for planned to have the referendum laid he would respond to the organisations that tench or advo- ment, land use and other-In- For Use As Office ment's accelerated civil defense cate such .actions. .'. formation from the MM cen- program. conservation and fishing game Dec. 18. j A backlog of business board's letter "at the right time Mr. Her said he would occupy preserves. He had said previouly that the sus. The study will be com- one of the proposed apartments, "The Cuban crisis shook us by the state agency prevented an aannd place,p," but that there "was At the meeting, the agencies early Trenton hearing date, how- i dtild dii" university would accept no funds pleted in May, UU. Hie New- and Father Broburg the other, up," the governor said in a McTagueAsks no poinp t in a detailed discussion" under . the . act as passed. "We ark Engineering firm of Ed- An enclosed porch and anothe speech prepared for the 47th an- Involved will be brought up to ever, i of thhe matter now. can now do it," he Mid, "with- wards & Kelcey, hired to con-' downstairs room would be con- nual conference of the New Jer- date on final plans. The an- Since (he district will have to The Democratic brochure, re- out asking students to subscribe sey State League of Municipali- Vote Recount nouncement was made by board exceed iis debt limit, no referen- ferred to in the board's state- duct the surrey, will assemble erted into offices for Mr. Iler's the disclaimer," Goheen said and analyze the data and fore- ties. "I hope that we have learned member William C. Duryee, who dum can' be held without prior ment, was critical of a. number IV ^uc WM.U**IUC« ^ . xnnicixi. »wiu Bun auaijr*v uic w«i« Him lyie- businessDullness. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — a lesson." Dr. Robert S. McTague an- heads the agriculture subcom- state approval of school construc- of policies of the school unit. The he was still, displeased with an- east future travel patterns.; The property borders between mittee of the board. tion plan*1. board announced its intention of Hughes said the federal govern- nounced this morning that he ment, under an Intensified three- will ask for a recount of last replying at last week's meeting. month program, is making rapid Mr. Kosene added last night week'i election which saw him progress, In several categories lose out by one vote In a bid that he was the author of the such as stocking of shelters and political brochure as well as of for the Borough Council. civil defense education. A Democrat and former may- others distributed throughout the He urged local officials to co- campaign. or here. Dr. McTague was de- operate with stater and federal of- feated by Republican John 3. There had been come ficials In Implementing the pro- as to the authorship, he said. Kozak in a bid for a three-year gram. council term. Last week, Richard Gilliam, For shelter stocking to be suc- 173 Dartmouth Rd., in a letter to cessful at the local level, "there The vote was 84* to 848. the Register, denied rumors that must be adequate resources — Dr. McTague said the neces- he had written the statement work forces, proper equipment sary legal action to. secure a critical ot the board's practices. ind dependable vehicles at the recount will be started today. Mr. qilliam is a staff reporter disposal of local civil defense di- /presently employed by the New rectors," Hughes said. Adenauer Here Brunswick Home News. "I am sure," he added, "that ill realize that these officials will For Berlin Talks require a reasonable operating Hunt Four Men budget to do the job." WASHINGTON (AP) - Chan- Hughes said federal workshops cellor Konrad Adenauer of West In Coin Theft will be set up In Trenton, Newark ermany arrives tonight for INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) and Camden during the week of talks with President Kennedy on — Police have issued pickup "Jov. 19 to train architects, en- the future of Berlin. orders (or four men in connection lineers and contractors In tech- Secretary of State Dean Rusk With the theft of a valuable coin niques of building and improvising ll greet the 86-year-old Ger- collection from the Harry S, adequate fallout shelters. ,an leader on his arrival at Truman Library. , r ndrews Air Force Base and A guard said the four men were Correction 'ill rido with him to Blair House In the library Sunday and didn't Our friends, the Lo Piccolos ot he President's guest house, appear to be ordinary visitors. he Candlelight Shop request us /here Adenauer will stay during Descriptions of the men were say Peg Lo Piccolo is not ts visit. PROGRESS REPORT —Walter Reade, stated, chairman broadcast to area police. Dpening a gift shop In No, Carolina President Kennedy will official- of the Girl Scout fund drive, it shown at his head- The collection, described as the as reported in last Friday's Reg- y greet his guest tomorrow only one of its kind and Irreplace- SKIPPlR RtSCUtD l»i TRAWtlR MISHAP—Jean De.charlei, the iklpper, It hauled, ister. The Lo Piccolos are spend- morning on the lawn of the White quarters, Mayfair House, Oalchur t, receiving reports able, was stolen early yesterday ashore >jr*b>a««Hei. biioy at Jroaditain, Eujjlaiid, from'the French trawler "Jean ing the winter In Florida and then House, where the chancellor will from three of hit ipecial gift* cha rmen. They are, left by fast-working thieves, with a Pierre et Phiilippe" which went, aground In heavy teas off Broaditalrs. He wai the retiring to No. Carolina. •ecelve military honors. The two to right, Owen B. Pearce, Brielli Anthony B. Smith, professional touch. It was not The Dowstra Agency ill begin the first session of insured. , lait of the nine-man crew ro be taken off the ve««el. (AP Wirephoiol —Adv. their two-day conference. Freehold, «nd William K. Madder Middletown. •

• "•/^'••-•: •:' • ••:':' ' <-. ..-'•• , i 12-Tue«ky, Noy. 13, 1962 RED BANK REGISTER Tri Deltas Eleven Join Adam and Eve MaHc 74+h air Haven Anniversary arden Club RUMSON — Founder's Day ol FAIR HAVEN —' Mr*. Qeorge Infatuated Student Delta Delta Delta, nttional so- B. Juska of Elberon, florist and (Do yoa have • personal ninth grade. T. R. is not marriec rority, was celebrated Thursda; decorator, gave the second of question or problem? Send it and is only 28. in the home of Mrs, Walter J three monthly demonstrations on to Adam or Eve Lowell or both My problem is that I'm realr. Kerr, 6 Sheraton La., who was flower arranging it • meeting as you prefer. For a personal, in love with him, and I don' hostess to the Jersey Shore Alum- «f tte Garden CJub of Fair Ha- unpublished reply, enclose' a think he really likes me. I al nae. yes but week. stamped, self-addressed enve- ways thought that if a person The sorority was founded Eleven new member* were wel- lope. Mail to ADAM & EVEloves someone else, that "some- Boston 74 years ago, and U now They were Mr*. G. F. c/o The Register. . one else") would know it and re- established in 107 colleges am Mn. E. A. EleabMt, DEAR ADAM AND EVE: turn the love. Can you give me universities throughout the United Ralph Froe*e, Mn. H. C I have a very serious problem any suggestions on how to win States and Canada. Mrs Charles R. Howard, Last year In school I had T.Rhi. s love? T\ Mrs. John Weseloh, Neptun . A. H. Kendriek and. Mi*. for a teacher and I fell for him Waiting Hopfefullj City, president, appointed Mrs. Douglas Taucert, ell of this place, the very first day. He is just Dear Waiting Hopefully: No, Holland McTyiere, Red Bank, lad, Mn. Graver C. Culshtw and wonderful, and the way he talks, but we can tell you how to win chairman of fraternal education. MM. R- S. Ptotz, Runnon; Mrs. walks and smiles just sends my his respect, which would be A new pledge, Misj Mildred Kkfawrd Bond, Red Bank, and heart throbbing. I don't have any more sensfble. Behave sensibly Kouba, was announced by recom- Mrr. H. C. McColkm, Locust. classes with him this year, bu and talk to him, when the oc mendations' chairman, Mrs. John I catch a glimpse of him be casion arises, as if he is ! W. Amerman, Middletown, Miss Plans are being made tf>,land - tween classes and after school. teacher, not a potential suitor. Kouba, a member of the fresh- scape (rounds of the new borough I am IS years old and in the Adam man class at Colby College, it ball when It is completed and to Teenage girls often get a the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. participate la a zone prefect to crush on their instructors, dear, John Kouba, Fair Haven. landscape ttw Hendritk Hender- Mrs. Amerman will represen son House, owned by the Mon- Bridal Shower but don't let it interfere with laouth Couitty Historical Society. FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. A. C, your homework. Such a crush the Tri Delta sorority at the new DeAngelis. 241 Riveredge Rd. is entirely understandable, en- ly formed Panhellenlc Council of The club places a flower ar- durable, impractical and tem- Eastern New Jersey. Other so- rangement In the public library New Shrewsbury, was guest o Mrs. Raymond C. Weber honor at a shower held recently porary. rorities represented on the coun- every week, and placed a wreath in the Shrewsbury River Yachl Eve cil are Pi Phi, Kappa Alpha Mrs. Albert Pent on the borough war memorial on Club. Mrs. DeAngelis will be mar- Theta, Alpha Phi, Kappa Kappa Veterans' Day. ried this month to T. Bay- DEAR ADAM AND EVE: Linda Walters Is Bride Gamma and Alpha Omicron Pi. .Tfce club's "Green Pinky" JWK ard Baldridge, Jr., of Philadel I read your column every day Christmas fruit cakes will b Miss Kleinschmidt Wed lor group met recently In the phia. and I never thought I'd see the sold by members of the alumnae home of Mary Humphrey* and Mrs. Robert Rooke, Shrews- day when I'd be writing you, Of Raymond C Weber and the proceeds will benefit the made Halloween fevors for the bury, and Mrs. William Zillger, but Hep Architect really got me National Scholarship Fund. retarded children's class. when he praised the country Following the business, mem-In St. Mary's Church Red Bank, were hostesses. KEYPORT — Miss Linda Ann was best man. Edward M. Wai- Guests included Mrs. Edmund where a man can divorce his bers displayed samples of their wife by saying "talak" three Walters, daughter of Mr. amters, Hazlet, brother of the bride, hobbies and handicrafts. Among NEW MONMOUTH — Mils Oakhurtt, was flower girl for her Sickels, Mrs. John Iinney, Mrs Mrs. Ralph M. Walters, Sr., 91 Linda Carol Kleinschmidt, daugh- cousin. She wore a rust satin Martin Nelson, Mrs. Vincent D. times to her face. I'm steaming was usher. them were Mrs. Harry C. Wood, Fulton St., Keyport, became th Red Bank, who showed min- ter of Mr. , and Mrs. Charles floor-length gown with a head' Roache, Jr., Mrs. George Wilde If I were that architect I'd fin Following a reception in the a Kleinschmidt, 14 Maplewood Dr,, piece pf matching leaves and car- myself a hole, fill it with watei bride ol Raymond Charles Web iature spice cabinet, which had Mrs. Philip Bailly, Mrs. Eric Lus- r, 813 Florence Ave., Union Colts Neck Inn, Colts Neck, the New Monmouth, became th ried £ basket of pompons In au- ter, Mrs. Gordon Bartle, Mrs and drown myself. I am a bache- been in her family for many gen- Beach, here on Nov. 3. couple left for Florida. erations; Mrs, Weseloh, a student bride of Albert Perri Saturday tumn colors. Martha Baer and Miss Linda De- lor, 24. years old, never marrie n St. Mary's Catholic Church. but expect to some day whe.i Rev. Henry Male performed the The bnide was graduated from of-art at the 01rt, cousin of the bride, was thement of the .Woman's Club. Mrs. HAZLET - Celebrating her Giffin, Second St., will be hostess readers' reactions. fourth birthday last week was bridegroom, both of New Mon-7, of 2113 Springwood Ave., Nep- :15 p.m., Willow Brook- Inn, >nly bridesmaid. Her bottle green Louis Gambaccini is in charge. iday ] tune, has been granted a scholar- 'air Haven. to the Bayshore Chapter of Alpha P.S.: But remember: jeal- Patricia Maismcksnick, 9 Vermont Dr., mouth, were the bridal' attend- Delta Pi at a meeting Friday at ousy is natural and normal 'elvet gown and headpiece was The meeting took place in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Danants- . Their gold gowns and head- ship to study at the Ballet Foun- TRICKY TRAY PARTY, Rari- 8 p.m. in her home. A represent- when there is sufficient provo- lesigned like the honor attend home of Mrs. August Reale, New- iel Maisnick. Her guests were pieces were similarly styled and dation school here! He will at- :an Rescue Squad Auxiliary, ative of the Belmar First' Aid cation! nt's and she carried a colonial man Springs Rd., with Mrs. Ed-Jeanette Hawe, Patty Raine, Su- they carried cascade bouquets of end classes three times a week. 8:30 p.m., American Legion Hall. Squad will lecture on poisons. bouquet of yellow carnations san McDonald, Elisa Weldon and rust chrysanthemums. The Neptune High School sen- Carr Ave., West Kcansburg. Adam and Evaana pompons. ward Meehan as co-hostess. Ellen Fuchs. Seven-year-old Janet Price, ior has studied for the past two Frank J. Wobcr, Jr., Union Cottage bridges will be given years with Dorothy Toland of the each, brother of the bridegroom by members to supplement pro- Dorothy Toland Dance Studios, THURSDAY Attention SENIOR CITIZENS ceeds from a candy sale for the Red Bank and Farmlngdale. IV WORLDWIDE YULETIDE BA- purpose of sending a mentally re- will continue hi! studies with ZAR, Trinity Episcopal Church, 60 Yri. or Older tvening Dept. tarded child to summer camp. Mrs. Toland and will appear in Red Bank, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., For 75c and This Coupon 40c Malinee Only Mrs. Thomas Nevins, chairman, a new Toland ballet in Farming- parish hall, White St., Red Bank. Bridge Party reported that the general mem- dae this month. Luncheon, 12 noon to 2 p.m.; You Will Be Admitted RED BANK — The Evening De- bership contributed five books of Hoggard first came to Mrs,Dinner, 6 to 7: JO p.m. TUESDAY, November 13 to See artment of the Woman's Club trading stamps to the Ocean coun^ Toland's attention when he HOLIDAY BAZAR, Women's "THE MERRY WIDOW" vlll hold its annual bridge and ty chapter of the New Jersey brought two young cousins to theAssociation of the Red Bank ashion show tomorrow night at Association for Retarded Children tudio for their weekly ballet Presbyterian Church, 11 a.m. to with Maurice Chevalier and Jeanette MacDonald 15 in the Willowbrook Inn, Fair to be used to help obtain a sta- lass. Nothing his attentiveness, p.m., Westminster Hall, Tower One of Our "Golden Operetta" Series [aven. :ion wagpn, Mn. Toland asked him to demon- Hill, Red Bank. Mrs. William E. Leary, Shrews- THEATRE On Dec. 4, members will wrap strate the steps she had been LECTURE AND LUNCHEON, CAPITA hi A WALTER READE wry, is chairman, assisted by Christmas gifts for the Arthur eaching the class, and impressed ilga Dahlgren on "The History of WAKLIUN RED BANK THEATRE /Irs. Andrew Hofer, Red Bank. Brisbane Child Treatment Center, by his aptitude, she persuaded jlass," Monmouth County His- fashions will be by Montgomery Allaire, in the home of Mrs. John him to study tap dancing and torical Association, 11 a.m., Rum- fard, Eatontown. Kay, 42 Leedsville Dr. placed him in the advanced bal- son Country Club. let group. LECTURE-DEMONSTRATION, enry Gatser, artist, Cultural Series, J p.m., Rumson-Fair League fo Mull rlaven Regional Hjgh School H- Voposed Study irary. MIDDLETOWN - The League LECTURE, Dan Brigham, of Women Voters of Middletown lilitary affairs editor of the New will bold a general meeting to- forte Journal-American, spon- night at 8:15 In the teacher's lored by Monmouth Chapter pf cafeteria of Middletown High he DAR, 8 p.m., auditorium of School. t h e Shrewsbury Presbyterian Church. The board of the local league Because has proposed that the current agenda include a provision to study and evaluate the present second grade teacher in Harmony School, Middletown, form of township government as You Want installs her successor at president ef the New Jersey well as alternative forms avail- Elementary School Teachers Association Saturday in able under the Municipal Option Charter Law. Discussion of the Atlantic City. The new president is Miss Mary Butcher proposed study project will take the Most of Sparta. The ceremony took place at the close of the place tonight and the member- three-day New Jersey Education Association convention. ship will vote on the proposal at a later date. The league completed a study for . .- . , Beautiful of the Municipal Charter Law In FINE FASHIONS AT BIG SAVINGS April, 1961, but felt the time was • Draperies • Slipcovers not right for effective action on • Bedspreads • Curtains Furniture the program. It will be necessary for the group to re-itudy the • Shades • Blinds item in order to take a stand on FEE-HOLIDAY any recommendations made by Complete Installation Service Possible the Charter Study Commission re- cently appointed by the Township SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE SPECIAL GROUP Committee. 747 - 4422 FALL and WINTER .. . Come prepared to lose your heart to our wonderful display TO SHOW FILM NEW SHREWSBURY - Prep- of new furniture styles. aration of party mack* will be Our decorator-planned room settings show it off to near per- the subject of a Him shown by fection ... so many pieces for bedrooms, dining rooms and DRESSES Jersey Central Power and Light living-rooms. Company for the Community REG. 19.98 to 39.95 Club at a' meeting Thursday at 12 noon in Colts Neck Inn, Colts Neck. 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury Mrs. John Lambert, Jr,, and Dally I to 5:30 Mrs. William R. H. MacKay are Wed. and Fri. 'til I > AND program chairmen. A special group taken from our regular itock at timely pre-holiday savings. Broken siies 9 to IS, 10 to 18 and FURNITURE a few half sizes. l"

110 Broad Si., llr,l Hank, N. J SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY the MADLYN SHOP HUFFMAN Llrrle Silver Shopping Center FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM Near A&P Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontoun—Liberty 2-1010 Hope ties in Dystrophy Research Family Routine Adjusts t8 HAZLET - Marge Hawthorne husband Warren, a commercial Is the kind of housewife most artist with the Vic Hundgen Stu- housewives would like to be. dio in New York. She's i good housekeeper, a d Most mothers would not envy voted wife «nd mother of fiv. Marge Hawthorne. children, who finds time to Her second child, Teddy, 7, has active in community affairs and muscular dystrophy, a crippling who manages to keep fashionab' disorder which keeps him in slender, attractive and we braces, dividing his waking hours groomed. • between his crutches and his She is the family barber an< wheel chair. hair stylist. She makes almosi Muscular dystrophy progres- tU the family's ctothea, inciudin sively weakens and wastes away coats and hats. But the talenl n.uscle tissue and medical sci- she brags about are those of hei ence has yet to discover its cause or cure. Most children get the fatal pseudohypertrophic form of the disease, which progresses so Card Party rapidly they do not survive their teens. Teddy U luckier. He has a rare childhood type which IA_tt-HMI — Mamber. of the Parerrt-Teaeher Ai»eciation of the River Street To Feature progresses more slowly. '. School, Red Sank, plan their annual bazar to take pleee tomorrow afternoon and After, you've been hi the Haw- evening In the school. In • pre-baiar conference here are, left fo right, Mrs. Style Show thorne home at 24 Dartmouth Dr., 1 for five minutes you tend to for- Joseph Medutky, vice president; Mrs. Milton Sims, center, ehairmap, and Mrs. Emer- LINCROFT — The Woman get about Teddy's handicap. son Williams, PTA president, ; Club will hold its third annual That's not only because of his card parry and fashion show engaging grin, but because the the Cobble Stones Nov. 29 at 8:3 Hawthorne* accept the situation p.m. Co-chairmen are Mrs, James matter-of-factly, make the neces- Parents and Teachers Phi Society Owens and Mrs. Lester M. Lang, sary adjustments in family rou- The fashion show will be pre tine and go on from there. [tented by the Agnes Shop of Be' Membership ford with Mrs. Frank Wode, prc First Crisis- prietor, as commentator. Uncertainty about the future is LOUD AND CLEAR-.Teddy Hawthorne, 7, tells his mother, Mrs. Marge Hawthorne, not a new experience for Marge Supper Guests dub members who will mode how much he enjoys crystal radio set and earphones presented on his birthday by For Snedcof Hawthorne. When her oldest child are Mrs. Raymond Lenartowicz, Laura was a baby her husband Monmouth County Chapter, Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America. Teddy, Members of the Board of Edu- meet Monday in the school cafe- HAMILTON, N. Y. - Harold Mrs. August Reale, Mrs. Donal Warren suffered from a spinal cation and the faculty and ad' teria. Snedcof, the son of Mr. and Mrs. a Hazlet resident, has muscular dystrophy. Galinat, Mrs. Charles Hlggins, tumor requiring surgery. It was mihistrators of the Little Silvei Julius Snedcof of S3 Manor Dr., Mrs. Newton Beron, Mrs. Clif feared he would never walk phone squad for Girl Scout Troop Teddy's disease makes his case Schools wilt be honored at a Par- PACKAGES have been received Red Bank, was recently elected also helps care for the family ford Clark, Mrs. Robert Swlfi again. 25 and of the. Commission of ent-Teacher Association meetini from the First Lady, Mrs. John to membership In Phi Society of pets—two cats, two ducks, a rab- look now as hopeless as War- Mrs. Peter Bail and Mrs. Lest- Evangelism of St John's Methr tomorrow night. F. Kennedy, and from Mrs. Lyn-Phi Beta Kappa at Colgate Uni- Marge taught school during the bit and a toy fox terrier. ren's once did. But there is hope. M. Lang. Marge and Warren are deter- odist Church here. She is active They will be guests at a cov don B. Johnson, wife of the Vice versity. Snedcof has also been long months she waited for her Marge is co-chairman for Rar- Among club charities to bene mined that Teddy be as independ- in the American home and art ered dish supper in the Markham President, for the parcel post named to the dean's list for the husband to recover. She now be-, itan Township of the current fit from the function are thi ljs this was valuable training ent as possible—a determination departments of the Raritan Wom- Place School cafeteria at 7:30 booth at the Highlands PTA Har-fall semester, 1962-63. Monmouth County Muscular Dys- scholarship fund, school librao for her present heavy schedule. matched by Teddy's own. an's Club. p.m. The Mlddletown Chapter 01 vest Bazar. Mrs. Allen Turner A sophomore, Snedcof plans to trophy Appeal, which will con- local welfare organizations ani Everyone in die Hawthorne He uses his wheel chair only But her main interest is home the Society-for the Preservatioi and Mrs. Sivert M. Walstrom are major in philosophy. He has tinue through November. Funds New Jersey State Federation ( family pitches in. when necessary, as it is when and family. and Encouragement of Barber- co-chairman. served on the staff of the Maroon, Woman's Clubs' authorized chai Laura, now 11, is a big help]he is attending second grade at raised will help other children shop Quartet Singing in America They reported that a packageithe student newspaper, and as A religious family, they read itles. in caring' for 2-year-old David the Middle Road School each aft-] like Teddy and, most Important, will entertain. also has been sent by Ed Beg- assistant manager of the varsity the Bible together every night and 1-year-old Mark. She also ernoon. Before school he walks before bed. pay for research to find a-cure. ley, star of the Broadway stage. tennis team. A 1961 graduate of does a variety of household about 206 feet, back and forth hi MRS. FLORENCE TEMKO o Teddy has a wider variety oi| The bazar will be held Satur- Red Bank High School, Snedcof chores. Jamie, 4, dresses him- front of his house, for 20 min- New Shrewsbury will demon' Plan History interests than most boys his age. day in the school from 10 a.m. to is a member of the Russian Stud-' self. utes or half an hour—a dally SUMMER RUGS strate origami, the ancient Japan He "loves to build things." He 4 p.m. A new feature this year ies Club and Phi Kappa Tau Fra- Teddy needs help with his back workout never skipped. If it rains, ese art of paperfolding, at has built birdhouses, toy motors will be a registration booth. All ternity. brace but he can put his leg he walks indoors. CLEANED meeting of the Atlantic Highlands Of Eatontown and electric trains. He has done parents will be asked to register The Phi Society was created braces on and dress himself. He PTA Thursday evening in thi EATONTOWN - At a meetinj After school he sings out for research with his father on elec- and the class with the largest to encourage the high academic often sets the dinner table. He school auditorium. number of parents in attendance of the Tercentenary Committee "someone to come and sit on" tricity and "how light bulbs achievement required for mem- Wednesday In thVBorotigh HaP his legs. That is to straighten work." He has a chemistry set "Arts and Crafts" will be thi will receive $5 towards the class bership In Phi Beta Kappa. Mem- meeting theme. Awards will be trip. Albert F. Carelli was appointee Democrat-etfes his knee joints, stiffened from and a microscope. He has a but- bership is restricted to those chairman of parades and pag four hours in the wheel chair. terfly collection. presented for the three bed A gypsy fortune teller for chil- sophomores who have maintained Celebrate Victory paintings by school children. Lo- easts, replacing William W. Ram He gets a 10-mlnute stretching Last year Teddy built a cage dren also will be featured. at least a 3.3 grade point average say, newly appointed TC chai EAST KEANSBURG - The three times a day, too. cal residents have been asked to out o< a possible 4.0 during their for some grasshoppers and fed display paintings and objects of A skit, ''Emphasis on Librar- lan. Democrat-ettes celebrated die freshman year at Colgate. Democratic victory In Middletown Chapter Helps them grass, leaves and bugs "un- art. ies," was presented by the fol- M. Elliot Willits will replaci Township at a meeting of the Three times a week he Is vis- til the cats got them." lowing sixth grade students; George Whit/ieJd as treasurer. group Thursday in Buck Smith's ited by a professional physical Perhaps Marge's greatest satis- REE STORAGE Pamela Zollinger, Barbara Blom- James N. Wolcott, chairman o MRS. GEORGE WEBER, Rari- pert, Renae Elzln, Geraldine Restaurant. therapist provided by the Mon- faction is to se« how her son TIL JUNE 1st historical tours and research tan Township librarian, will speak Bosnians, and Elsie Quast Jo- Bazar Set Mrs. Donald Kelleher, Mrs. Jo-mouth County Chapter of the gets along with neighborhood said the committee Is planning to on civil defense when the PTA seph R. Bolger directed. Mrs. seph Martin and Mrs. Thomas Muscular Dystrophy Associations children. If he can't do every- publish a brochure to includi of Middle Road School, Hazlet, George C. King was hi charge of McCabe will be hostesses when of America. The chapter also pro- thing the other boys do he can meets Monday evening at 8:15. the program. For Dec. I historical facts of Eatontown. the club entertains the Wom- vides Teddy braces, crutches, play cowboys. The meeting will follow a Back- Mrs. Norman D. Thetford, EATONTOWN - A church-wide en's Democratic Club of Mem- special shoes and a wheel chair. One little friend from down the to-School Night to be held from chairman of the subcommittee Mlft CLIANIM ANNUAL PTA BAZAR of the holiday bazar will be held Dec. mouth County Saturday at 1:30 Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne are block comes with a wagon hitched to 8 p.m. for parents of students on community appearance am River Street School, Red Bank, 1 in the Methodist Church. pjn. in the Paradise Grill, Rt. both active in the unit to his bicycle to tow Teddy home In the first third, fifth, sixth participation, commented on thi can now C A 2-5042 will be held tomorrow from 2 to 35. Marge is a member of the tele- with him. seventh and eighth grades. Group One of the congregation newsletter published last month. 4 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. An is in charge of the project An It contained a list of local events, auction is scheduled to take place executive and planning meeting information and Tercentenary ai BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT foi at 8:30 p.m., and classrooms will was held recently in the home of tkm. Further editions will be put parents of youngsters hi Thome be open for inspection from 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bennett lished periodically. Intermediate School, Middletown, 9 p.m. is scheduled for 8 p.m. Monday. of Villa PI. Mrs. Milton Sinuns Is chair- Next meeting will be held Jan. Parents will have the oppor- man. The theme "and all though the 2 at 8 p.m. in the Borough Hall. tunity to follow their children'; night" from "The Night Before dally schedules, visit the class- Christmas" will serve as a guide rooms, and meet the teachers. A TWO ART IDEAS appearing in to booth arrangements, merchan- Covered Bridge cake sale also will be held at the the October Instructor Magazine dise and decorations. Other fea- meeting. are the work of Mrs. Hazel Hoff- tures will be movies and nov- To Be Rebuilt Plans for a poster contest to man of Keyport, a teacher in the elties for children and a snack Perth Amboy school system. LANCASTER, Pa. (AP)-Th< publicize the faculty-varsity bas- bar. oldest covered bridge in Lancaste ketball game were made at a re- Mrs. Hoffman's features appear n the Halloween art section of Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Elzie County is being torn .down cent meeting of the executive Chaffin in the planning are Mr. will be rebuilt as a 'tourist al committee. he magazine, a nationally circu- lated publication for elementary and Mrs. Ronald G. Berry, Mrs. traction in Cape May, N.J. Mrs. James Burnett, president, school teachers. She is a gradu- H. M. Soderberg, Mrs. Phoebe The bridge, reputedly one of th attended the recent convention of ate of Jersey City State College. Dietz, Mrs. Francis E. Bruce, oldest of its type in America, wa the New Jersey Congress of Par- Mrs. Elliott Willitts, Mrs. Leslie built 121 years ago. It cross ents .and Teachers in Atlantic) 'PHYSICAL AND MENTALD. Seely, Miss Judith Boraemann, Conestoga Creek outside. Lanca: City. Also attending were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett ter. A bridge built in 1957 madi Joseph Simon, Jr., Mrs. Vincem health were the topics of Mrs. Handicraft workshops are being the old one obsolete. Keating, Mrs. Neil McGinley and Ruth Bellos, school psychiatrist, held in the home of Mrs. Berry, Ralph Cox, of Baltimore, bougli Mrs. Eugene Ambrtoiak. and Mrs. Virginia Hird, school nurse, at a meeting of the Leon- Swimming River Rd. There will the covered bridge and said he ardo School PTA last week. be a work meeting tomorrow is going to build a tourist ghost THE BELFORD PTA is spon- morning in Mrs. Bennett's home. town at the shore resort soring a book fair today through The PTA will sponsor a white Friday, in observance of National elephant sale Thursday and Fri- Education Week. day in the Brevent Park Fire House. Mrs. Evelyn Rudolph, supervi- sor of grades four through six and The ways and means commlt- chairman of the PTA parent and :ee will meet this evening in the life committees, was guest speak- home of Mrs. William Hickman, er at last week's meeting. She Appleton Ave., Leonardo. presented a film entitled "Roots of Happiness" which was fol- AN OPEN HOUSE program lowed by group discussion. was held last week by the Mor- ganville PTA In the school. Following the meeting, refresh- Miss Jane Bragg and Mrs. ments were served by mothers of John Poulos are co-chairmen of children in the afternoon kinder- square dance to be held Satur- class. The attendance garten day at 8 p.m. is Central School, banner and ice cream award Wlckatunk. Mrs. Robert Seber, were won by the third and fifth Jr., is in charge of tickets. grades. The executive committee will MRS. FRANK ENGELMANN, president of the East Keansburg PTA, and 11 members attended the recent convention of .the New ersey Congress of Parents and "eachers in Atlantic City. The PTA's executive board will meet tonight In the school. The agenda Includes convention re- EXCITING ports. BARGAIN only The Liberty Bell was cast at Thomas Lester's . foundry at Whitechapel, London. It arrived SALE PRICE «9» in Philadelphia safely but cracked when it was, tried ou This Christmas...ancMoreVer or sound. NO CASH DOWN FAMILY HIIRLOOM PORTRAIT BY AUGUSTA BERNS WALTERS Including 3 Christmas -for- gift-mounted 5x7 portrait! ASeURV PARK • HBO BANK MANASQUAN • FAIR HAVIN NORTH AtBURV PARK • CURTAINS HOLMOKL • •MILL!' :$ C Hmtti Mml DtpMll HUUUM -'• •' • 7 > - Cut. , • DRAPERIES : I art with Kelso and then Carry said Saint-Martin through an in- stretch yesterday, but France's Kelso, who had shaken off the lack, but faded and wound up terpreter. "Match did sot really Match II flipped through along challenge of Carry Back shortly lltfc. start to run until the last half the rail and won the 11th running after turning into the homestretch Match II, rated the toughest mile." of the *125,000 Washington, D. C, beat the 1961 Kentucky Derbj if the foreign contingent, is Neither Dupre, nor his trainer, International before a roaring winner to the wire by 4 lengths. iwned by Francois Dupre, World Francois Mathet, was here. Ml' throne of 32,800 at Laurel Race Then came the persistent Russian War I flyer and Paris hotel-man Coune, guei Clement, feds assistant train- 5-year-old Zabeg, fourth for the whose Midnight Sun finished sec- er, explained Match was a good It w»» one of the greatest run- second year in a row after fin- ond to America's Bald Eagle in ishing third in the 1960 running. finisher, and added he told his ning! of the classic with 13 horses the 1959 International. Jockey to stay off any tart earl) from nine nations vying for the This was a horse race, and no Kelso, Horse of the Year in the pace. horse championship of the world. doubts about it, as the favored U. S. for the'last two years, prob- And at the finish of the gruel- Beau Purple found out. The Beau, ably earned an unprecedented Saint-Martin did as Instructed, ling lK-nile contest over Laurel's who upset Kelso and Carry Back third championship for his efforts for he was next to last after Infield grass course, Match II wasin the (100,000 Man O'War Stakes unless the pollsters want to hand quarter mile. Beau Purple was the honors to the French colt. a head in front of Kelso. After the first mile, Kelso had taken Mr. Richard C. DuPont's Kelso, length lead and Carry Back was Mrs. Katherine Price's Carry next, one-half a length ahead of Back, and Jack Dryfus, Jr.'s Beau Purple. Match had moved Beau Purple had been in a three- up to seventh. way struggle for the Horse of the Year designation going into Then they went to the far turn the race. and Match' began catching the leaders vrith a big rush1 on the Track Softened outside. Finally, midway around, Yves Saint-Martin, a 21-year- he was third and it was apparent By Hy Cunningham old jockey hailed la France M Kelso and Carry Back were run- "The Golden Boy," rode Match, ning short of fuel for their stren< a dark bay son of Tantieme-Re- uous efforts. PHILADELPHIA — COACH VINCE LOMBARD lance, by Relic. So the U.S. also and several of his pro gridders, remembering that da: can claim some fame, for Relic Carry Back Fades back in 1960 when the Philadelphia Eagles took th is an American sire. Carry Back faded ever so littli Match, Kelso, Carry Back and at first, and it appeared as. ii pro championship from Green Bay's fair city, turne the other older horses all were Saint-Martin was going to try and OOLF TROPHY WINHiRS—John W. Spencer, second from right; of Beacon Hill Country Club present* dub the tables in rare form Sunday with that whoppin slated to carry 126 pounds. But go between him and Kelso, who champion Wilfie Cannavo his trophy. Mrs. Ira Miller champion woman golfer of the club is with them. Pro Andy 49-0 victory over the Eagles, and right in their bad- Yves must have liked U. S. cook- WHS closer to me rail. But Kelso Sikora is at laft. Trophies were presented at the club Saturday night at the annual awards dinner. It was the ing, for he reported two pounds came away from the inner fence yard. It's old stuff today, but in Green Bay they an overweight and his mount packed a bit, and the French horse was first time the annual affair was held at th* club. - still riding on cloud nine with an undefeated season t 128 -pounds. steered into the hole. He set dead crow about His time was a good 2 minutes aim on the wire from the eighth Beacon Holds 28-1/5 seconds, considering the pole, and a few minutes later the Run, block and tackle were the passwords of track was softened by heavy rains band began playing the French Commissioner Says Lombardi, and he mentioned them over and over late last week. T. V. Lark set the national anthem. Awards Night as he gave his able pack of gridders the word rack and International record of "Boland said "Started fast, fin- LEONARDO - Beacon Hill 2:26-1/5 on firm footing a year ished last," and added that he Country Club held its annual before they took to the field. Once Lombardi's ago when he beat Kelso by three didn't think Beau Purple liked Titans Will Be Sold in 7 Day. men started moving, not even the unpopular Chuck quarters of a length. die course condition, "But that' awards dinner Saturday night at the clubhouse where winning Bednarik, the Eagles' rugged linebacker, could stop In becoming the third French no excuse. He got off good. NEW YORK (AP) - American "We have given Wismer time, has been done," he said, "I'll horse and sixth invader to cap- knew one of them — Carry Back Football League Commissioner within reason, of course, to final. turn the matter over to the ex- champions and other awards the Packers. ture Laurel's spectacular classic, or Kelso- was going to try to Joe FoM ^ yestmily he ex- fze the deal. We're certainly not ecutive board. I am not prepared were presented. Now the talk in the pro football ranks is a cham Match pp.id $14.20, $6 and J4. get him.' pected the New York Titans to trying to pressure him. We realize at this time to say what will bi Fred Giersch was master of Kelso, close second choice to pionship game with the , and can th Johnny Rote said Carry Back )e sold within a week and indicat Us situation and we are sympa- done. However, I fully expect this ceremonies. Beau Purple, returned U and ran his best 1% mile race, "but ed he would stay here until the thetic to It. You can't rush a matter to be finalized before Packers go all the way undefeated? Lombardi states, $3.20. Carry Back was away at Awards were made to the fol- he weakened a little the last deal Is consummated, man at a time like this." then. lowing: "Let's say it is highly improbable. Each opponent 4-1, and paid 14.80 to show. quarter. Going down Hie back- "Harry Wismer (Titan owner) While Foss didn't set a dead- "In the meantime, I'll remain William V. Cannavo, 'club seems to make a maximum effort to stop us." And Too Much Pace for Kelso side, I thought I'd win it easily, line, he did say that he expected here to be in position to help out Ismael Valenzuela, up on Kelso for I had a lot of horse under is negotiating with a couple of champion; William L. Fenwick, that's the way it will be for the next five games that prospective- purchasers right to hear one way or another from as much as 1 can. I'm not her* plub champion runner-up; Eu- and riding in his third Interna me." Wismer by next Monday. as a policeman. I just want tc still remain on Green Bay's schedule. Pro football is ional, said his efforts to stay After Zabeg, France's Kistrine now," said the former Governor gene D. Badgley, Class B cham- of South Dakota and Congression- "If after next weekend, nothing be available in case I'm needed.' pion; Paul J. Slender, B runner- tough from the opening whistle until the final gong, with Beau Purple ridden by Bill was fifth, followed by Pardao of Botand in the early stages, cost England, Germany's opponent, al Medal of Honor winner. "It up; Paul Dougherty, Class C and the way some of the throw those him the race. He sadd he saw the other Soviet horse, Livan, wouldn't surprise me if the sale champion; Walter Dunbar, C run- long passes that rip off yards like ripping a sheet, any- Match coming tn the stretch, but Devlin of Italy, Japan's Takama- were consummated by next week- ner-up; David W. Starr, Senior's "I couldn't do anything about it, gahara, Beau Purple, Lebon MX. end." champion; Stanley Savage and thing can happen in those five games. Seeing th Alabama Is New Frederic E. Giersch, Jr., Mem- as my horse was tiring from the of Canada, and Porfido of Peru Wdsmer, who claims. he has Packers in action Sunday, that can be put in revers who was eased after the end. dropped $1,750,000 trying to make ber-Member Tournament. also, but it will be a task. Anytime the Packers are the Titans go in his 2& years of Also, David W. Starr, Maxfleld on the field anything can happen. operating the dub, reportedly is Memorial Trophy; William' M. asking for $2,000,000. The former College Leader Friedlaender, Maxfleld Memorial Jim Taylor, the classy fullback of the Pack- Bain 'sRumsonFroshradio announcer, who owns 80 Trophy; Mr.' and Mrs. J.W. Spen- ers, gave Quite a demonstration In the three quar- per cent of the club, said he cer, husband and wife low gross; has two persons — "a man and a The race for the major col UCLA and Notre Dame. Missis- sippi has Tennessee and Missis- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lefferts, ters he operated. He scored four touchdowns, on woman" — Interested in buying lege football championship husband and wife low net; Mr. . two gains of five yards, one of four and one threatens to go right down to sippi State. All three of the Still Undefeated the AFL franchise. the wire, through the games of unbeaten 1-2-3 leaders will finish and Mrs. R.J. Le Strange, hus- plunge from the one-yard mark. He was top "That's correct," said Foss. their season Dec. 1. The other band and wife 2nd low gross; Dr. Dec. 1. Alabama, the new lead- Charles Paterno, President's Tro- ground gainer, running either Inside or through big RUMSON — Coach Tom Bain's In the second half It was a "Last week three persons con- er, holds a slender edge over unbeaten team among the majors, tacted me with propositions to Dartmouth, is not ranked. phy; Richard Robinson, Vice holes, or outside. undefeated Rumson-Fair Haven defensive battle, with each side Southern California in the latest President's Trophy; Elliott Pie- failing to crack through for a purchase the Titans. I re- ratings. Regional frosh squad continues to ferred them to Wismer. Since The schedule for the top tei beau, Snow Bird championship; This was one game Taylor seemed to really be en core. Convinced by the way that Ala- clubs this weekend presents thi roll on Its merry way. Yesterday then, a fourth offer has been Robert Matthews, Snow Bird Joying. When he was really working for those first Bain's squad has two remaining made. bama handled a tough opponent, following pairings: championship runner-up; Lew the Bulldog yearlings posted a 13- Miami (Fla) 36-3, the 51 regional downs he would look over to see where the markers games on its schedule, Raritan, "I talked with Wismer only yes- Alabama-Georgia Tech, South- Grant, Andy Sikora Trophy, Fred viotory over Matawan's fresh- Saturday morning, and Red Bank panelists voting in the weeklj ern California-Navy, Mississippi Compher, Sr., Sikora Trophy were and if he made the first down, as if he were men. terday and he told me he is pres- Associated Press poll put th< Catholic the day after Thanksgiv- ently negotiating with two of Tennessee, Wisconsin-Illinoi. runner-up. looking for a lady friend in the stands. Taylor carried For Coach Bain's outfit it was ing. 7 Crimson Tide in the No. 1 spot Texas-Texas Christian, Missouri- them." /' Ladies Awards — Mrs. Ira Mil- for 141 yards in 25 carries, which upped his season the fifth win in a row, and 12th yesterday. Oklahoma, Arkansas-Southern in the past two years running up Wismer was not available for Methodist, Minnesota - Purdui ler, club champion; Mrs. Robert comment. Southern California, also total to 1,075 yards. With this total, he is closing in the dozen games in a row. beaten, remained right behind Northwestern-Michigan State an Squillare, club champion runner- on Cleveland's Jimmy Brown's record. Orange Bowl Foss declined to Identify the LSU-Mississippi State. up; Mrs. Albert Stern, Class B Rumson scored first In the ini- prospective buyers ' but added, in second place, only 10 points back. Points are given on the champion; Mrs. M.A. Vreeland, Lombardi certainly has molded himself quite tial quarter when Pete Johnson "They're all from the metropoli- A total of 21 teams received B Champion Runner-up. threw a screen pass to Tom Vet- basis of 10 for first, nine for a squad, and the players look up to Vlnce's foot- Group Eyes tan area. votes in the weekly poll. Ala- terl, which totaled 60 yards fb second and so on down to' onebama drew 22 of the - 51 firsts, Also, Mrs. Stanley Rice, Class ball knowledge as they used to look up to mother "All appear Interested," he for 10th place. C champion; Mrs. Robert Mat- the score. It came on the first said. "As a matter of fact, at Southern California 17, Missis- play from scrimmage. Fred Alabama 11 sippi 3 and Wisconsin 8. The thews, C Champion runner-up; when she said, "OK, son, it's time to brush your least two of them went so far as Northwestern, last week's lead- Mrs. 'J.W. Spencer, President's teeth." A fine example of Vlnce's leadership was Keyes picked up the extra point MIAMI Fla. (AP) — The to discuss plans for next year. er, dropped to ninth place after other first place vote went to by going through the line. Orange Bowl Committee con- Penn State, which was no' Trophy; Mrs. Walter Gillette. noted last week In an article written for Look They're both determined to field suffering Its first defeat, 37-6, Vice President's Trophy; Mrs. Later in the first period, Vet- tinued to eye Alabama today for as strong a team as possible for at the hands of Wisconsin, which ranked. Magazine by Paul Hornung. And the way Hor- the annual Jan. 1 football game Samuel Boynton, Andy Sikora terl intercepted a Matawan pass 1963, vowing to go out and spend advanced from eighth to fourth. The top .ten with first place Day Trophy. nung explained his views, goes for the entire squad. and dashed 40 yards into paydirt. here. money for the best available foot Mississippi, a 52-7 winner ove votes in parentheses and season The extra point attempt failed The committee appointed Jess ball players to be had. Chattanooga, as expected, ad records: Ladies Awards (9 nine) holes- Jim Ringo, a New Jersey lad hailing from Phillips Mrs. Vincent Robinson, Andy Si- Matawan marched 60 yards for Yarborough and R. C. (Bun) "That's what I Eke to hear. I vanced one peg to me No. 3 W LTPts. burg High School, is in his 10th year as a pro and Sun- the only Huskies' score. The di Gautier, members of its schedul- spot. Then came Wisconsin, 1. Alabama (22) kora Day Trophy; Mrs. Robert like to see a strong team in .8 0 0 45S Lockwood, Sikora Day Trophy day he had a following, including the Phillipsburg max came when Gary Rieth went ing committee, to watch Satur- tew York! The city is the capital Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Min 2. Southern Calif 7 0 445 eight yards around end for the day's Alabama-Georgia Tech nesota,' Northwestern and Louis- 3. Mississippi (3) _..7 runner-up; Mrs. Joel Johnson, Si- High School band which played a number in dedica of the sports world and will re- kora Day Trophy low net; Mrs. tally. Testa went off tackle to game in Atlanta. After the main so." iana State in that order. 4. Wisconsin (8) ...6 game, they have an,appointment Richard Robinson, tie. tlon to the great center. Ringo is the perennial All post the conversion point. Foss said any prospective None of the top clubs are 5. Texas 7 Pro center, and watching him in action it is under with Alabama coach Paul (Bear) paired In the schedule for this 6. Missouri .7 Bryant. purchaser must assume all of the standable why he is selected each year. He was All- Titans' liabilities. He did not weekend. Each club has two 7. Arkansas ...... 7 games to play, except Southern State when playing for Phillipsburg. Qevelanders Four Orange Bowl delegates spell out these liabilities but they 8. Minnesota .._ 5 No Army Troops witnessed Alabama's 36-3 defeat undoubtedly win include $40,000 California which has three to 9. Northwestern 8 Can any coach be happy with a guy like Tay- of Miami last Saturday in Tusca- the league advanced to make go. The only pairing of ranked 10. Louisiana State ....6 lor around? Lombardi has reason to be happy with Main Owners toosa, Ala. good on pay checks to the Titans' teams in the remaining games Others receiving votes, listw At Gulfstream Host team hi the Orange players. • a Nov. 24 date between Min- alphabetically with first pla« HALLANDALE, Fla., - Des- Taylor's play. This is only his fifth year in pro Of Indians Bowl game will be the "I don't expect any difficulty nesota and Wisconsin. vote in parentheses: Arizons pite published reports to the ball. He is classed as the hardest hitting fullback big eight champion, probably the either with Wismer or the new Alabama still has Georgia Tech State, Auburn, Dartmouth, Georg contrary, there are no U. S. In pro football and the Eagles will not dispute the CLEVELAND (AP) - The winner of Saturday's Oklahoma- people who, of course, must be and Auburn to play in that order. ia Tech, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Army troops stationed at Gulf- new syndicate taking over the Missouri game jn Norman, Okla. approved by the other owners. Southern California has Navy, Oregon, Oregon State, Penn State stream Park, track president title after having his powerful thrusts roll over Cleveland Indians club (1). Purdue, Washington. James Donn, Jr. announced. Eagle players like a bowling ball scattering the will be composed mainly of Clevelanders, club president Wil- "In order to clarify the situa- puts. liam R. Daley revealed yester- tion and put an end to wholly (See HY-SPOTTING SPORTS on Next Page) day. Sparta Soccer unsubtantiated rumors, it is An excellent group of men from necessary to make -public the this', city are coming into the Club Loses 2 exact circumstances of my con- picture and the lawyers are now versations with Army representa- working on the detail," he said. tives," Donn said. Daley Is selling a major por- To Haledan "Army personnel inspected the. tion of his majority holdings, RED BANK - The Red Bank area and have not notified us but will hold about 20 per cent Sparta Soccer club was on the if they will use it or not. How- of the stock in the new corpora' short end of two games Sunday ever, should Army come in, they Hon. when meeting Peterson in a will be on only a temporary General manager Gabe Paul ""-harde-n "'"Stat'e Soccer League bivouac and will withdraw no possibly will be the largest single meeting here. later than Dec. 31, two months stockholder, but will not be in Haledan, S. C, rated , In the ahead of our March S opening. :ontrol of 51 per cent of the vot- top three of the league, won the Gov. Farris Bryant specifically ing shares. However, he will "B" match, 4-0, and took the has been reassured by the Army lave full responsibility for run- "A" contest by a 7-0 count. that if troops are stationed 'at Before a crowd of 400 Haledan Gulfstream, they will be/ re- ilng the club. moved In ample time for pur Paul said Sept. 25 he was strong offensive play dominated the contest and was responsible scheduled meeting due to me im- negotiating for a substantial portance of the revenue (H.W.- block of stock in the club but for the Red Bank's B team's 1)15 in 1962) we produce for the ieclined other comment. fifth straight defeat. state. •.'•• In the A match, Ha Wen scored Other new stockholders who easily with five of the seven "Also the presence of the Slave been identified previously Reals coming In the first half. Army, should thoy come, will in ire A. Ray Smith, a Tulsa In the second half, Sparta tried o way affect the normal routine Okla.) oil magnate and owner it horses stabled at our track of the Tulsa Oilers Baseball to put forth an offensive effort Club, and Grayle Howlett, who is but Haledan's strong offensive reparing for racing at the wor' Ing on promotions for the drive added another pair of Florida tracks nor will it have Indians. Howlett owned the fjoals before the final whistle. ny effect on our' preparations Tulsa Class AA team before This was the fourth defeat suf- or our meeting. The troops will Smith. fered by Sparta's A team. iot use any portions of the sta- Bob Casey and . Bob Swartz lling, track or the clubhouse ALL.JVERYTHIN© —A ilim senior at Brigh.m Young Daley denied a report by the NOT TODAY FELLOWS — Charles Long, Lineroft, left, former Penguin fleet cap- dominated Red Bank's defense. ireas and all our pro-season ac- Tulsa Tribune that a Cleveland ivities will proceed without In- University, Eldon Fortie it leading the nation's collage publisher and a Detroit industrial- tain, and Wnliam Bryion, Haxlet, currant Penguin fleet captain and Turkey Bowl World Series pitching hero erruptlon." ( , football playeri in total offenie and rushing, and ranks ist were in a group of six which regatta chairman, diicuu Naviiink River wind eonditioni prior to attempted start Ralph Terry tossed four shut- buying the Cleveland club for Gulfstream has housed the first third among the icortrs. Fortie has gained 1,738 yards of 13th annual event tpontortd by the Monmouth Boat Club. Race officials waited outs for Blnghamton, N. Y., In irrivals, 52 of its winter horse about $4.8 million. The Tribune 1954, his first season in organ- in eight yean. d not name the pair, three hours for winds to lubtidt, then reluctantly postponed event until next Sunday. olony, and several hundred more ized baseball. currently 'are on tie way. County Bowling B£D BANK BJE&STER Tuesday, miuiumi Odds Drop Slightly, But T * Is Still a 2-1 Early Favorite •ujr»mt Own _____Mu u kim MM. Manias' BOOM. 7ft 1( LOS ANGELES (AP) - The favorite and proceeded ID bade 1M Ohb-MM MUM» SO, Muni odds dropped slightly yesterday up the wise money with a 10th that oan beat hta (cbsraptarJWb- M*u at, LMIM Jant» MO. I*. II ClUr« iteMk 1st. Rutb Dtratio 11 but young Casstas Clay remained round knockout ny listoo)/' Mooresasd, •'*«•• CnarlrfW Fou/lM. Dori. Kuuf II "iis TnplM—LOUIM Jarrti Ml** a 2-1 favorite to whip Archie Both Clay and Moore wound fusing style, one that J_KM«ni 4H. Clalrt BoMh 41 Moore — A man more than twice up heavy training yesterday. Nei- tal and physical , _ Turn Oam. — iMatai ujoof his age in their 12-rouod fight ther planned more than tight cal- includes what I cad precision de- vnzto MOKDAT mon TJmrsdayy. MfcerOcs today and tomorrow. fensf e Ii n wMcbtb I maa* hf1 .e . A.R.K.C. The brasb h 20-year-old had been Moore, who admits to 45 years, by a quarter of an inch and carried at 11-5. And there was claim, to be perplexed but not strike him with a counter poaefc.' Buwomr BANTAMS speculation the odds might follow annoyed at the odds favoring the Due largely to the * pattern of earlier Moore scraps brash youngster. And Archie says Moore and the equally toqnsdOH sad tighten further to 9-5 or 8-5. he's looking forward to the he*- day, the fight's promoters are Moore was a 3-1 uriderdog to vywedght title fight the winner predicting a crowd of M.O0O at Alejandro Uwrante last March Thursday probably will get. It's the sports Anna and a fat* of in the early going. But tie Oldj being billed as a heavyweight $180,000 Mongoose entered Hie ring a 5-4 elimination bout. "NtoraHy.I'mnotabUfodto- close at this time how I plan to ami lor Bora — Ton Pata- attack him," Moore said of Ms High dui< tor Qlrt« — *»ttjr Toung Rumson's Junior Varsity younger opponent. "Bat Mr. Cfcy 0M» Bin ItriM — Patty Tmf M. will discover that I haven't been _ 27 yean wttnot Kqdr- ing certain skills." Scores Fourth Shutout "Ciay tries to Imitate Ray Rofc tasoa, but he tightg * erratically^. MATAWAN — Rumson-Falr 20-yard run. Ross' pan to Ran- LOUIS MAZZIE When ha does this, he s«VM Haven Regional'! junior varsity dolph scored the extra point himself vulnerable. The oU Mon- grldders yesterday posted their The second half resulted in goose has a pain renew that Rugged Dickinson Center fourth shutout of the season, beat- a defensive battle with both sides will bring sleep wJtfc no huntsl fig*duni — lUy KwSuua ISA ing Matawan'i Jayvees, 134), failing to crack die defense. Rum- after-effects." CAIUJSLE, Pa. - Louis Una season. He ceatera the ball son's Barry MacLean, a rugged Clay has been equity liberal here. IM senior .from MidrSetown confidently on the short punt or tackle, stopped most of Mat In Ms description! of fcnpendtng r tie, Rumsoo's first score came at Itowrahlp, H. I., wiU play Us "shotgun*' formation often used swan's power playing In the last doom tot ti ""** "TBia «» the end of the first quarter when HoutDn. uora UEAOOTR ~ MbtOl game for by Dickinson and backs up the two quarters. Satan M. WUKim oirtSV Dteklnm when the Red Devils line on defense. Greg Ross tossed a 20-yard pass Matawan threatened In the dose out their season Saturday to Ed Randolph, who hauled in n Bifb f^w OUMI — Brt "Lou Is certainly one of pur the aerial and dashed 60 yards first quarter, but was stopped Pender Intends JUcport Plut Bank DiMUr MM. In Philadelphia against Drexel. taklw most dependable players," says tor tfae score. Bob Montcrief cold on the seven-yard line. Mat- Maafe, a product of Middle- Coach Don Sehbert. "He is strong "mgh MrlH failed to nail down the extra awan was aba undefeated until To Fight NX town Township High School, Is and aggressive and an excellent point on a line bud:. yesterday. IM /TlCottoil* SUHUI7 •* DfcUasM's staating center and team man. We'll be sorry to see OJUDKDBST BUSmttSMElCB* hasn't missed the opening whistle In the third chapter, Rumson Rumson played Ks finest game in Airport Kan a» u M him graduate." scored again when halfback Ter- of the season in posting this trl- Commission — P«d «MhH J»J, Srcuntn bum g pg RonnU Huknin jol, ry Connor swept left end for a umph over to Matawan Huskies. NEW YORK (AP) - Bomr U«k Ham m. J * T Xqalpnunt ...!»»'' Paul Pender Intends to fight back 'flHMi HatOUI*A bnI _ i HI Iff at the New York Shrte Aft- STDAMOM Ctunl %oUt» , Expect Three-Team Battle BchwOmn Bar . letic Commiss]o& fof ilriypnsj riOUT W0HAJ»1 LKAO1JK STeunen Lux Satia Qttfl • him of his world title. Uttte SOrtr CUaun — U Oxtoc M^Vi. lit K«rchut< Ntt'L Bask _1TH 1>H In Monmouth College Run Pender's attorney and advisor, K K l John Cronln, said Monday he lonlcntar 15« Jarftt at. K IU, B. turn SU, T. WEST LONG BRANCH — To-McKnigbt, Denny Germane and will start legal proceedings soon Riarmacr D. Louftwr Mi, B. FhilllM m, T. in New York Supreme Court to Iruiun LUMJ Damlioo JOJ, 0. Jttuon *»£ I. Mir-morrow's third annual Monmouth Jim Francfort, but the Colts have L - ,. •«*• PatralraPitrolViJimi ______» College crow country meet, sym- a tendency to be up for one meet set aside the Commission'* ac- Eddie Lduoa the DtllU Vattatl* Anmomnu •. • » a rotuxn. Cowboy* wyi: ' « ««r!»»-FI»«iia Wtr UA Amu bolic of tlie Monmouth County and down for another. tion of last Friday; Will 4N, Dot DOB 4M championship, will bring together St. Rose, with a steady veteran Crooin branded the Comml*- for the first time three major In Tim McCabe and two frosh sioo's ruling ax "a flagrant TOP IVY-LEAGUBtS . - - - By Alan Mavtr Shore *rea harrier teams in stars in Tom Martin and-John abuse tit discretionary power." Mpnmouth Regional, Christian' Condon, look to be a stride be- Until last Friday, the Brook- Brothers Academy and St. Rose hind the top two contenders. Ike, Mass., boxer was recog- of Belmar. All three teams have beaten nized * as world ntMiHCTFSjgnt Moamouth Regional, boasting Brick Township, Shore Confer- champion by New York, Massa- a IM dual meet record, rules ence champion, in dual meets. chusetts and the British and European bating organizations. 8t& as a pre-meet favorite with a Individual honors will be wide SO CB* — Dlek Ftlrtnl Kl, B1Uwell balanced team led by Ron The New York commission Bndlek XU, Do iludum KX. Jim open although Alan. Johnson of gun MgUIM. »u Driggers, Skip Harnett, Jim Shone Regional is rated me acted hi concurrence with Thomas, Bruce Lowry and Lou favorite. Asbury Park's Tom European, British, Oriental and ooMmnrm MUler. LBAOOB Clark. Red Bank's Jim McGrath California oommlsshnt. Recogni- •feanon lano I, CBA, however, is also unbeaten and Roger -Wilde, Neptune's tion of Pender was removed «nd Trktkr XplMODal 1* I Emory Hopkins, Long Branch's Nigeria's Dick Tiger named lumbar/ PPnatetnUn n U u ia the Shore area and with a lltdd lulkk Mt 11 single dull meet loss to the St Tom Reilly and Raritan Town- world cbampkM. The New York atot AstlMBMtbottr l 1 body contended Pender failed to ft Bk P u Peter's o* New Brunswick power- ship's Pete Coleman all rate con- Ud'Buik PrukTUnu I __li M bouse, has great potential in a sideratipn. defend his title within sfoc months. •Jirt luim 1 __._.._ is M Wat Juau 1 is M team paced by sophomores 7bh TONY STILL HITTING WELL-r Shortstop of the New The world boxing awociaUon *lr Bann luurttt is M ' ngtllaa B«?h Shalom _1> M Sheehan and Johnny Eager. It adds up! More and more York Yankees, Tony Kubek hai himself a ruffed grouse, already had recognized Tiger M «, a. Xmtair M««u4M 11 i» Coach Ernie Muir has also re- people use The Register ads each champion. Hollowing hit decision B*d Buk Piubjftnlu 1. Jl» 17 jtiot in woods near Wauiau, Wii., and retrieved by his — OMk — Barbara Xaanr XU. ceived fine performances from Issue because results come fast- j last month over Gent Fullmer Knlar IS*. IMt MMbr J», Jerry Brown, Ed Keliey, Tom er.—Advertisement. I dog, Joker. In Sao Francisco. » Uaikn 1SS. tmrr Bowusa Harmon? Laaot L MMar »rat look * Sol ID Xmtraldi . 11 Mercury presents new styling-new power: Dtamoom . 11 Paarla 11 Blrdi IS Amtlbyau . il 15 •apHrM 11 U •iii n Jadu _ » n nvtut s u T« BttikM , Hlih T

Bovu'f Oil Bumtr. I A W Auto BOOT Cauuburg Bowline lltt UH t. T. Onst . lilSdletowii-10 11 MMllMown Phamacr 10 1' Qantllu Maiktt 0V, 1'tt MO Qnk-Oot Kaeltrio m. Spotting Sports BATOOM MDUED

— ContinueCtidd — *dt]TM »« rrlendaUr T Bart Starr, GB , is certainly one of theOrtlU jtroaota .— greats of pro football. Starr and the combination of IflnuUmn - «Mll ' ends Mai McGee and Ron Kramer also are good lads Seorara HlcitUtHl T»am Oun*—Kw!«rM Blia t*u> mrl«»—RKltiM WT. to have on your side. Starr and McGee connected on »..». dub—Bob Qarto ">• SOsoOo S«ru»-Bo» * aajtoo S3S, few long passes that thrilled more than 60,000 on hand inckmtn SO. to see the Packers in action. As one follower said, I.KAOUE W 1 "You are probably seeing the greatest pro team that drelo Cbwrolit Unique Breezeway roof...390 V-8 standard engine Kerport Oeuirt , 11 was ever put together." luck smllb'i l BooOnf A a We could go on and on about the Packer grid- Frtnk dt4 ;f>lih'itm'« Kartiia Ion_Jl U eott'a Fuiwtai Bom* .10 14 den, but most pro followers know them like a ltouldai Tavern T» 14 [aola ^ MciParland ~ a . i« book. And most pro followers we talking a New KM Club-Htnr» Oulrloh 203. Al M«r- nll BO, Charltt DUIoni Mt PWI York Giants-Green Bay game for the championship. »r DJ, A) Saidclil* 53H Tony CoiUano m S. Dj«r J03, Hick Ona- If it happens, the SRO sign will go out early. •"nrttl Ml Coach Al Sherman of the Giants also has a few grldders on his side, and 'they could make it tough for the Packers. -Much tougher, in fact, than the Eagles made it. Sherman has Y.A. Tittle, who completed 20 of 29 against the Dallas Cowboys last Sunday. Then there is Frank Gifford, Don Chandler, the "booting fool," Rosy Grier, along with those other big and rugged New York linemen. Sherman has probably the only club in the pro circuit who has the "stuff to give the Packers a real go at it SHQRT SNORT — Coach Vince Lombard! had quite a following in Philadelphia, including New - •. Jersey delegations., buses from Long Branch took I OMt fans, plus friends in this area. Relatives from : ! Brooklyn also were on the scene to cheer on EWBREEZEWAY REAR WINDOW OPENS...the key to Breeze- A BIG 390 V-8 ENGINE NOW STANDARD on every Mercury i cousin Vfaice. John Ryan and Mike BJfferty, Lit- way ventilation; Close side windows, open fresh air controls, airflows Monterey. Optional V-8's range up to a sizzling Super Marauder 406 ; tile Silver, George Hollywood, Red Bank, Dr. An- through car and out rear window. Wind-and-traffic noise is hushed. V-8. Good news: the powerful standard 390 V-8 thrives on regulargaSv ; thony J.; Pisanl, Hanson, The Qulnns of Fair i Haven, Nick Egldlo, master of the Colony Hestau- MORE MERCURY NEWS: Recessed rear window slants inward, stays clearer in rain or snow. I rant, Rumson, Joe Murphy, and big George "Trig- \ Its angle reduces glare) aids rear visibility. Rear seat passengers enjoy extra headroom, are' | git** Lane, Rumson, had the next to beat'seats in shaded from sun! Mercury Monterey-wlth Breezeway design-makes elegant styling work for MERCURY the stadium. At the Warwick Hotel, where the you! You can choose from convenient optional extras, including a new combined AM-FM radio. iMHrmn ouaroti>Mi ! Packtrs held forth, the autograph fans were on the loose. A female autograph seeker asked Lane for 'COMET.METEOR.MONTEREY: PRODUCTS OF Cj§£«r") MOTOR COMPANY.LINCOLN-MERCURY DIVISION 1 ! his autograph. Trigger" replied, 'Tin no foot- thi biHIng flopi of tli» ball player." The young woman replied: "You World Serl.i, Mickey Mantle must be, you're big enough to p)ay football." For- ofths Yanki ,|i hittina tgnin ENGLISH MOTORS meY Rumson retident Bill Fanning visited the Rum- —bur «n the golf count son delegation before game time. Young Bill, who where he ii competing In • Was with pop, is playing with the undefeated Sin Antonio, Texu Invit* 34 Maple Avenue Cherry Hill High School team,« 74 club. / BED BANK EEGISTER BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WACTED-MALE VUSNU6OP FOtfALB HOUSES WH UOZ

I6-Tuj»dj|y, Nov. 13, 1962aENEBJLL CLlUKlKa—Cellars, yards !'• and attics. AIM other cleaning done. MEN NEEDED ESSO SERVICE STATION Reasonable TI74SS6. ; FURNITURE ; GARDEN APARTMENTS FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS H. BILL, — Painter. Contractor. 'o till various Jobs ant positions. We SOUTH St. HAZLBT, K. J. —His OHB AND ' The value ol this o lob too lam or too small. Call re an old established company, and large profitable location Is available la Ihe bel. „. —_ — oeptlonal, three g<~_ LOST AND FOUND r4T-W30. we an proud of our stability and sue- 1ST tbe right man. Present d.alsr u area. iliO P*r mooth end UD. . We need men of high character retiring, Inveetment required. Call Mr. dry basement storms. Km—, .--„, CHARLES HOWKR - eaUon lor cHWren, nu lro» Inttt, FOUND — Small mongrel, female, who havs bad hardships and deslra to loLeughlln, KUnter 8-1000 between Dial 741-7200 Insect Control tractor. No lib too small. SH 7-4479 or settle down to a secure position In 30 a-m. and 4:30 p.m. Ilddletown, asklni tiljoi Owner ku medium length hair, brownish mix- BH 1-0172. CARPETS 3, BOWER* * CO. outgrown this homl. ture, on Holland Rd., Holmdei. 84I-44O8. LS established' company. • FREEHOLD — Alter you b»vt FRENCH DIOOING — Laterals, pipe SHOE STORE — Men. woman, chil- Rest BstaU Blnce KM Dial 741-7200 Tenches, sprinkler systems. Hour or SALARY FROM 199.00 dren's shoes. Moderate inveetmeaL WALTER B. OVBHTON AGES 20-33 Writs "A.T.," Box 511, Rtd Bank. For lalt PHUJP J. BOWXRI * CO, spent the summer fighting inject PUBLIC NOTICE :ontract CA 23238, or CA t-20O4. Alnueti Job Security Rial Zstate lines UM SHARPENING—Shears knives. Every' FABRIC AND TARN SHOP M White m. Red Bank pests, In order to reap the waft- MARK'S PIZZERIA — formerly Lou'e Jilng that hai an edge. Max Matern, Ji Good location, low overhead, 12,000. WALTIR «. OVZRTON Apply At Opposite Municipal Parking Lot Now open. Specializing In Brick Oven I0B Wen Front St., Red Bank.. i Maple Ave., Red r?ank on Wedneiday, Call 717-1261; after six. 281-OSM. MOLLY PITCHER INN Atffllate fits of your vegetable and flow- Piaa In Red Bank. SH 7-9854. INTERIOR PAINTKR — Any typ« In November 14, 2 p.m.. sharp. NO M White II. Red Bank er garden", you can prevent or terlor painting, by contract. Free es- OTHER TIME. Klvanlde Avs. timates. Fred Wlcki, 846-8551. MORTGAGES Opposite Municipal Parking Lot AUTOMOTIVE COMMERCIAL RENTALS lessen some of these trouble* for RAPID BERVICE HEATINO—Oas. oil MACHINIST all-around. Szcellent op- AUTOS AND TRUCKS and electric, water, steam and air. portunity with growing concern. Fraser 12 Noon to ( P.M. next ye«r, Free estimates. FURNACE CLEAOTNO. .fetal Products, New Brunswick Ave., MONEY LODGE ROOM (or tent. Center ol BEACH AGENCY Matawan. , ion. Could be used also (or oraee A thorough garden cleanup 1S54 FORD WRECKER — Power, low Consolidate Debts HAS8A0B EQUIPMENT - For rant ipace. Approximately 3.40« so,, a Wrlu mileage. Dolly wbeelfl and accessories. 'IREPLACE SCREENS repaired and or sale, fraa delivery! SOUTH JBRauIY lAxiDOlf BOI ML Kef Bank, LOOK WHAT WE FOUND now will destroy the eggs of such Cell 787-1816 from 8 e-m. to 4 p.m. made to order. Bright Acre, SH 7-8565. BUTCHER — Butcher's helper am reekend butcher. Steady position, five Low Payments 9UROICAL. SB iSfU. ' In these days of high priow we hare Bright Btore, SH 7-2222. BTOBJB FOB RXNT - Oil White) It, truly found a bargain In tbU dean damaging insect' peits as the 1959 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE — ays. SABATO'S PORK STORE, 606 HOME AND OFFICE CLEANING AND lain St., Belford. 787-9119. CALL SH ,1-4700 XTrCHXN SIT — Droplsal formica top MBtC three-bedroom home; located on* block common stalk borer and the Mi Beatuifully kept one-owner car, fully table wllh two chairs, r21. For Infer- from school near shopping and, Irani- equipped plua power windows. 872-0408 MAINTENANCE — Trash removed j from cellars and properties. 14 ft. ELECTRICIANS wanted tor Dew houss First and Second MORTGAGES ition call SH 1-2K». portatura. Cosy las heat, aluminum borer, aayi County Agent Mar- dump truck. Free eitUnatei. SH 7-2144. wiring. Lares homing project In Mat- omens FOR RBHT - cenur storms and acreeas plue more. 10W FORD — Crown Victoria, good to homeowners who need money n- RCA — Console. Mahoganr wood Full price only »10,«00 vin A. Clark. condition, real nice, best offer. Call awan. N. J. Steady work. Call 215- town. Beat (unHehed. Can HANDYMAN WITH TRUCK — Cellars, WI 6-11)71 alter « p.m. w. Working condltloa IU- (H T-U00 Qualified Veta No, money don 842-0752. attics, yards cleaned. Light hauling. • HOME IMPROVXMINTI aftw « p,m The common italic borer will jiprcolmitely 171 per month pan all. IH 1-2595 any time. • DEBT CONSOLIDATION LUNCHEONETTE — Located in Red AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Liabll PART-TIME Bank, fully equipped. Apply RIVER- Subject to mortgage approval attack most «ny vegetable or Ity and physical damage. 17-90 can be LTTICS, CELLARS, yardi cleaned, BARONET REALTY, CO «010 MERCHANDISE WANTED SIDE LANES. 21-21 E. Front St. Red Baach Agency. flower crop in your garden. Tni Imured. ROLSTON WATERBURY. Call MONDAY THROUGH lank. SH 1-M40. 140) Hwy. ». Mlddletown LO 6-1369 HOME OWNERS NEED MONEY OS 1-3737 female mothi of this borer lay Reallor-Iniuror, 16 YV. Front fit. Red Home improvements > debt conlolldt> WAMTID BIX BOX WTMJUt — Water mnd light, Bank. BH 7-5300. SUNDAY Uon. Call CA 2-8700. tree paddocks with grass. Call their eggs in late summer and' Permanent man wanted for delivery 1956 FORD VICTORIA — Power jteer- EMPLOYMENT HOMEOWNERS NEED MONEY? NOW VACANT fall on grass, weeds and the gar- Ins. like new. Alter I p.m. BH 1 of early morning established M, Y. Herald Tribune motorized route In Tour credit ls good. Flrit and iscond S4D7. HELP WANTED-FEMALE mortgages. BH l-«3« of FO i-MCl. CA M4U. den pturt refuse. Each female Rumson-Falr Haven area. Applicant HOUSES FOR RENT Move right b. Four bM rooms, IK 1957 OLDSMOBILB 98 Holiday hard will receive minimum guarantee to 'IANOS tVANTlD—HIOHUT PRICXB bathe. Molt unusual split level. Fan moth can lay up to 2.000 eggi top, full power, good condition, {425. itart, must have automobile. Guarantee •AID. CALL a 1XNZIR, KM MAIN RUMSON — Unfurnished bungalow with lly room, full baiement. attached ga which will hateh into itajk bor- Call after 6, 787-1130. will be supplemented by promotional MERCHANDISt T., LAXIWOOD. TOT-2H0. living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, . TeriiSo ground! with lane activities. For Interview phone 774 ers and move into your young 1954 DE8OTO — Radio, beater, four hot water oil heat. $74 monthly. Adult lining pool, delightful Pailo. All SECRETARY 797D. FOB SALE BUT VtKO UPWOHT PIANOS - couple only. JOHN L MIHUGH. Real- tor S21.O00. West Coait owner nit new tires, power steering. Al run Call BH 1-im Tuesday or Thursday plants next May. nlng condition. $375. 842-3267. OIL BURNER — Service man, yearly tors. H2-3M0. •ell. All type terms available in ivenlng aRer T p.m. or anytime Sunday qualified buyers. Act. now. Call - position, benefits. Write qualification! WINDOW SHADES VUUS BEUBCXIOK Or RBNTAL8 - BEST OFFER — 1955 Pontlac, two ENGINEERING OFFICE to "A.K.," Box 511, Red Bank. OLD house shutters, picture frames NAVEUNK ASSOCIATES, RXALTOM The large brown Irii borer door sedan, radio, heater,, automatic fumiahed ud unfuunfurnishedr . ImImmem d 3t Hwy. 35 Mlddl.town OS 1-OW0 shaving muta, Iron banks, etc. Writs Samuel Telcher AAgsnoj moths lay eggs on old Irii leavei transmission LI 2-1520. STOCK BOY WANTED — Frinje bene- 98c Wllkens, lir Main Bt- Fort Monmouth. au occupano. Samuel MEMBER MULTIPLB LISTINO Must be capable, food typist, fits, hours 3-10. Drug department At* 0 1952 DODOE — Panel truck. Good col pleasant telephone voice, ielt BH-..K„ 3your rollers. Naw shades put " " andf other plant refute In the lanilc Superama, Shrewsbury Ave., on whlla you wait While, green, irory. WILL FAT UP TO WO — For used dttlon. No reasonable offer refused, •tarter. New Shrewsbury. on whlli upright pianos. Call- mornings. fall. These eggi will batch in 671-1375. Also custom mada and better shades. MANY rURNISHBD ana unturnUhed $7,300 SERVICE STATION attendant, expert PROWN8 32 BROAD ST., RIO BANK rental! In all slies and prices. Ells the spring and in May, and the 1940 FORD — Good condition. $125 ol Telephone 671-1231 tor appoint* Wiltshire Agency Reallora, H80 ocean Clean bungalow, gu neat, enclose! menl for Interview. enced. Holmdel Esso, Main & South SISTERHOOD Congregation Bnal Israe best offer. St., Holmdel. Apply In person. ALTEN8UR6 PIANO HOUSE Consignment Shop, 34-M Wast Front Avs., Set Bright. N. i, UMOM. Opes porch, good location. Early 'possession. young borers will move into the 291-2107 8U open' (or merchandise, November •even daya. ' . OI and FHA terms available. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - new growth and Hart working 1857 MERCURY COLONY PARK — Rent A Piano $12 per Month U and 14, 12 to 1 ptn. LONG BRANCH—Three-nedroom split. Experience necesiary. Monmouth St. KNABE, MABON-HAMLm, SOHMER Wagon, excellent condition. £525. 1954 WOMAN TO WORK In bookkeeping d Chevron Station. Monmouth and West Ocianport—Three-bedroom ranch. LI 5- CASEY'S AGENCY, INC. their way down to the bulb, Mr. PONTIAC, convertible. J125. Call 842- partment of local concern. Must be Bts., Red Bank. CABLE-NELSON. EVERETT. STUCK l«2»7wi 14M1 Clark warns. 2!M. neat, dependable and accurate with Cookmaa Ava. h Maun Si, Asbury Fa. PITS AND LIVISTOCK BROKER figure*. Reply In own handwriting itat- BARBER WANTED — Part-time work Open dally till I Sal till §J0 Haslet, N. J. CADILLAC — 1960, nix-window ae ing age. experience and references to 1 CO 4-2148 or CO 4-S441 In Bayahore area. Call after 7 p.m. PR o-ram OERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — dan, full power. Double Eagle Ooocl- "A.D." Box 511, Red Bank. LO 6-4323. U it Mlddletown DAVTSON IMPROVING year tires, one owner, top shape. 8H TlhEWRITEJlS, ADUUtO machines. Excellent background, three aTtm avail- OS 1-1000 1-9066. WOMAN — To serve coffe and worl PART-TIME service station attendant. All makes new or us«u. Ouaranued. able. CA M8aX MOST UNUSUAL — In u exulleni at candy counter, excellent part-time Experience preferred, but not essential; Low as 125. Serplctfa. 101 Monmouth COUNTRY HOME - Overlooking hills FAIR HAVEN — Coundbaan 1957 DODGB V-8 — Coronet four-door SHEEP — 39 (seder lambs and bred and valley, fumiahed. For rent by the lob. Paid vacation and other Walter 5-9 p.m. Saturdays, 11 a.m.-ll p.m. at Neil to theater. 811 J-04M. Red Bank location. Center entrance, Jesse J. Mdlray ls*t night re- •edan, automatic transmission, radio, Eteade benefits. Must be over 18.' Apply Sundays. Walt's Sunoco, Highway 35, ewes. Wlllseu aepantely oru I (lock. year. Three bedrooms, IV, baths, fire- heater, power steering, excellent brakes Carlton Theater, Red Bank. USED REFRIOERATOR — Excellent Call 787-4303 after 6 p,m- jlace, secluded. Near Bell Labs. I1JJ ported that Arthur Davison bor- and Cooper Road, Mlddletown. nice living room with fireplace, (ull and tires. One owner. No dealers. SH 1 condition, will accept nuoubla ofttr. AKC — Small Poodles, Schnauzers, oer month. ROLSTON WATBRBURY. 4365. .VON SELLS ITSELF—Fun or part BH 7-31M. Realtor. It W, Front St. Red Bank. ough mechanic, is expected to dme. Several territories open (or REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Yorkshire Terrier. Nice iclectlbn o site dining room, luge extremely at- DESKS - fu up, tiles llo up, chairs aeellhy, Inoculated pups. 482^025. SH 7-3900. be released In three weeks from 1961 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE — Con- women Interested In having a food Expanding live wire office In Mon< vertible. Exceptionally clean car. Car steady Income. Experience unneces- adding machines. typawrlt«rf manual SEA 8RI0HT—Year round five rooms. tractive family room with burned mouth County area seeking willing, ag- and electric, ofQca equipment HANDSOME CHESTNUT OSLDINO - Rivervlew Hospital where he is after 6, 28KB10. sary. 8H 1-4343 or write: Mrt. Marga- gressive and amblttoui sales personnel Sbow-type Jumper, for experienced Available November IS. $93 par month. ret Gulotta, P. O. Box 190,'Red Bank. bargain prices. New or used- AAO £ recovering from a heart attack. MQA — 1959. All extras, moving ti for Residential Developments and ex Co. RU 35, Oakhurit, KB 1-3M0. rider. Must sell. CO 4-2039. SH 1-1144. celling and urge windows, many otlr city, must sell. Phone istlng homes. g75.00 Draw, plus lucra LEONARDO — Five rooms. Available The councilman said Mr. Davi- tive potential and commissions. Ex PRIME TURKEYS - Fresh Ullsd and FREE — Must give family t>et to fine features. Three bedroomi, H4 HO 21504 SALESWOMAN good home. Handsome year eld eat Dec. 1. Reasonable rent, 191-0317 from perlence preferred but not essential SwuTa ButterbalL Order for holidays. 5 to 7 p.m. Saturdays untl) 13. ton's condition ww Improving. 1959 VAUXHALL — Station wagon, Experienced In leUlnc curtains and We will train capable, ambitious per- Lane's Market. 10 White St. SH 1-0415. Child allergic. OS 1-23M. balhs completely private enclosed patio 33,000 miles, radio, heater. In good con- draperies, five-day week, full company sons. Call MATTHEW J. OILL OATH HOUSE — Quaintly furnished, ACCORDION — Soprani, all shift DALMATIAN MALE — IS months old, dition. LO 6-5935. benefits. Apply Personnel, Stelnbacn AGENCY and ask for Mr. Dube — OS pedigree, sacrifice. Schilling, 215 Co- three bedrooms, Sti kaths, li™pl«!i ud garden, small lot. Equipment In- Company, Asbury Park, 1-5200. treble, two shift baas, lull size, excel- openporch, J176 per month. ROLSTON HOUSES FOR SALE CHEVROLET — 1953 Belalr, reason lent condition, StSO. CA S-829& rnenche Dr., Poruupeck. MENTB of plant operation and WASTE All New . . . From U9S. Delivered. occupancy. *U0 per month. Yeut WALKER. Realtors, Hwy. tt Shrews- 4 to 7. five days. Call OS 1-1907 Anderson Music, 30 Broad Bt. bury. SH.l-tai 34-Hour Sarvlce. and white, four-door, clean.. Call 787- fter 6. CONTROLS. Degree required. Some ex- lease. Security required. TIICHER 4992. ELECTRIC DRYER, stove, two-pleci AQENCY, 217 Oceanport Ave., Ocean- RUMSON WATERFRONT — Modern perience desired. Apply In person 9 to LONQ BRANCH ranch wllh large screened porch ovar- APPLICATIONS now being taken for 11 a.m. ' and 2 to 5 p.m. or submit sectional, rugs. Any reasonable offei NEW LUXURY, AIR-CONDITIONID, port, 042-3500. rOUR-BBDROOU , SPLIT LEVEL - 1058 CHEVBOLBT CONVERTIBLE — accepted. SH 7-9O5L 8EA-BURBAN looking water. Three bedrooms, beamed Excellent .condition, 21' living room, V-8, power, new top. Tall holiday help. Full and part-time hours resume to Personnel Department, Lily ceilings throughout. Private dock, re- available. Apply In person. NEWBER- Tulip Corp.. Rt. 38, Holmdel, N.J. OARDEN APARTMENTS HIGHLANDS -^ Bungalow, unfurnished, folly equipped Mlehen. separau din- U 2-2692 THREE-PIECE living room eet, with four rooms, bath. Pleasant location, duced to I32.B00. B.OI4TON WATER- ette, family room, laundry, dry base- RY'S, Broad St., Red Bank covers. Good condition. BURY, Realtor. IS W. Front St, Bed 1958 TRIUMPH TR3. Excellent condi- MAN — To operate snow blower STO plus utilities. 872-ltM. ment with dryer, two baths. % acre, MAID — To live In six days, Sundays municipality, flexible hours, S3' per 787-2930 Vh ROOMS—$13(5 MO. Bank. SH T-3M0. cyclone fenced yard, walking distance tion. New pafnt and brakes. Beat oner. off. Own room, bath and TV. Only FIVE-ROOM HOUSE OS 1-3382. nour. Apply 763 Broad St., Shrewsbury. A FEW magnificent pieces of Tlffan. to schools and transportation. Asking reliable person with references need cut glass. Some Roger's A-l flatware, On private estate, two baths. Call ELBEROM — S» vai court. Well $1S,500. Call 7I7-3TIS. Owner. apply. Had previous girl 11 years. Call TRUCK DRIVER for 211-ton straight, SH T-U47. landaeaued lot, IKxiao" Newly tainted oetween 25-35 years of age, hauling bric-a-brac, china and figurines. Suit- MOVE IN NOW! PORTAUPECK — Attractive brick and 8H 7-1972. ' able far wedding or Christmas gilt: IDEAL FOR ELDERLY COUPLE - ud difcoraud. Fire rooms. W.400. MOBILE HOMES canned goods, must know New Jersey, tl.tOO ctih. Call owner 142-1001. frame ranch. Excellent location. Center SALSLADY sober and reliable. Call for Interview SH 14667. Rent Starts Feb. lit Two bedrooms, living room, dining hatt 21x13 living room with fireplace. To sell Parents magazine. Beit deal 787-568B. area, kitchen. Near shopping and Irani- UNCROFT — Four bedrooms, tm Dining room. Carpeting. Kitchen wKb. MOBILE HOMES KBLVINATOR REFRIGERATOR-With portatlon. »12» per month. JOSEPH In state. High commission, Leads — freeier. Excellent condition *50. West- Each apartaitnt hu 37-foot llvinj baths, split level. Re creation room, two- breakfast room. Three bedrooms. Two tiled - 10% down Leads — Leads. A]io several opening, MEN .. LT CARLONI. n West Front St. Red car garage. FHA appralied at I21.C0O. balhs. Half bailment Hot water beat PART-TIME EVENINGS Iwrhousa electric stove 110. Call SH I- room, bedroom with adjoining dnif- Bank. SH 1-1420. Member Multiple New • 7>year financing for Crew-Managers. Apply Friday, Sat- 7455. lnc room, dining area and Itbulous Asking M».tO0. Owner sale. gKWJU. PatK. Attached garage, SM.M0. LAW- urday, and Monday 11-6 at 700 Madison Two hours 6 to 8 p.m. Ustlng. BOBBINSVILLB kitchen equipped with O-E U eu, ft. WEST KIANSBURO-12-year old two- RJJNCE 1. ftCHlluNO, REALTOR, IS Ave., Asbury Park. Suite 309. FOUR EVENINOS WEEKLY Spring St. Red Bank, SH 7-eUL TRAILER SALES, INC. Extremely pleasant sales promotion refrigerator, rang«, oven and eihauit HOUSE bedroom Cape Cod. Comer lot, gas KEYS MADE an, Feftturei Includ* private entrance 71 Poplar Ave. Route 130 Robblnsville, N. J SECRETARY RECEPTTOmST — Foi work with neighborhood newsboys. We heat, {U.50O. Only HH down If aaell- doctor's office, all day Saturdays, one train you, no experience needed. Gen- WHAT WOULD you do If you lost o each apartment, Individually coo- Fair Haven. N. J. fled. Subject to PHA approval. CHA JU 7-1320 additional half day weekly. Write erous salary and bonus arrangement. your keys? Be aafe^ get extra ker rolled CMS air ' condltlonlnr, parque TXAU REALTY. Real Zstate, SI Can LOTS AND ACREAGE now. Complete LOCKSMITH service, LITTLE BILVXR — Three-bedroom 1960 MAONOLIA TRAILER — 10x48 A.O.", Box 611, Red Bank. Average person will earn J30 to J40 loor, mosaic tiled bath with colored house. Hot water oil heat, ISO. Apply Are.. Keansburg. 7I74SM. two bedrooms, washing machine. (3500. llxturei. built-in TV antenna, Venetian A LOT FOB TOUR HONEY — O»« weekly. Call W.B. Gross, 8H 7-3399. In person «» Prospect Are. SEVEN ROOM SPLIT, two yean old. CO 4-8861. EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN — Mus PROWN'S bilndi, itormi and tcrteni; many oth- IH acres, secluded, trees, dry ground. have two years experience. Call CO er fine feature!. Appealing to eye and poekeibook for HANDYMAN ,— To assist In malnte 32 Broad St. Red Back BH 1-7S0C IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — Six-room 4-3846. nance, painting and carpentry, etc. Mui house, modern kitchen, tile bath, HOC •"• "•"•'fe sCffio. X, R, BMTDER st *.. Realtors, •OATS & ACCESSORIES COUNTER GIRLS — Experienced. Ap- have transportation. Call LO 9-2400. WOOD STORM BASH are still best. Perfects located acrosi itreet from per month. 2914)033. ^^^ rive Corners. Mlddletown. OS mH ocean, one block to cabana clubi and A PKRFICT FICTURIillll Of smart ply RIVERSIDE LANES. 21-23 E Front Starting price, f3.6o. Place your order suburban living. Lovil? three-bedroom IVY TYPE SALESMAN — Boya' and now. Red Bank Lumbar. 0 Wall Bt,, beach rlKhU, moment* from »hopplo|. PORT MONMOUTH — Three-bedroom BARGAIN — Any Dou you want to St., Red Bank. BH 1-3040. young men's clothing In medium to bet- ranch, full basement, three years old, ranch home, large kitchen, dining Red Bank. SH 1-D500. room, baiement and familr room. lx- REAL ESTATE WANfED 4. or easy flnanclnc ar- value; bold an open bouse for sales- WOMAN — Wanted for light house sincerity and ability with bleb ethics Open Dally Till B — Saturday Till J: bath, partly furnished. Located at IS ranged. Asking IM.OOO E. R. SNYDER 4-2365. 60 Broad Bt SB 7-0677 Red B ' cluding New York City, call before «. Catherine St.. Red Bank. Phone Mr. men to Inspect the property; and give work and baby sitting, three to five COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. PR e-7130 or after «, 291-1T03. * CO., Realtors, rive Comers, Kiddle- your borne preferred advertising. Then DUCK BOAT — Excellent condition. half-days a week. SH 7-3429. ACS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Jay. SH 7-04M. town. OS HWO. PR 5-S300 LONO BRANCH — Two rooms fur- (a no extra cost Involved. Every mem- For Information, call HOUSEKEEPER—Sleep In, own room, Every order A applicant our specialty ber IS a Realtor. Tou can put your CA 9-2083 12 Broad St.. Red Bank SH 7-3494 ORCOA CHORD ORGAN — Like ngw, mined. AU utilities Included. (70 month. $2000 DOWN, 821 month includes tales TV, and bath, In town. Good salary FURNISHED ROOMS and insurance for this four-bedroom confidence In a Realtor. Consult tag* and conditions. 8H 7-1424. J100 Universal electric range, 40" wide, CA 24149. US of the Yellow Psges in your tele- LAB TECHNICIAN — Experienced. warming oven, storage drawer. Clock, two-bath, tidy Cape Cod, with flre- phone director?. IUSINESS NOTICES FOUR COUNTER GIRLS—Experienced, Full time work. Call Personnel, 8H 1- timer, good condition. |S0. MO-UU. THREIROOM furnUDed apartment, NICE ROOM — Kitchen privileges, plae*. Quiet street for children. Only two for evenings, two days. Very good 270O. complete privacy, utiutiei Included, shower, parking facilities. Call tl9,B00. Uust bs seen today! ROLSTOH nalary and tips. 110 SUNSET STRIP, OAK KITCHEN SET — Formica top. across, from Fort Monmoutb Hospital. WATERBURY, Realtor. IS W. Front OARDEN STATE PAINTERS—expert- SCHOOL BUB DRIVER — Apply Ben Good condition. 138 Main SL, Oceanport. ST.. Red Bank. SH 7-JM0. LEGAL NOTICE Rt. 35 and Six Corners. Keyport. nett Bros., 216 East Road. WIDOW will share pleasant home wi. •need, -Insured. Average ranch-Ca.pe OS 1-3053 THFIEE ROOMS and bath; newly dec Cod $1W plus paint. Average room DAY WORKER — Two days a week. Belford employed "while collar" working SHREWSBURY - Lovely four-bedroom MOVma-TlLLER MS; riding mower orated. Completely furnished Includln woman; Call 2P1-038I. split ranch, 1% bathi, large recreation 130 plus paint. SH 1-2895 anytime. In Mlddletown, own transportation. Call dishes and TV, also all utilities. Pr SH 1-3456. HO; to gal. roofing tar «15; stuffed room, many extras. Owner. 74T-S541, NOTICE Or SAUEl FOR TREE WORK, C4Q tree urvlCL chairs. Hollywood bed. 812-3428. vate entrance, tint floor apartment FURNISHED ROOM — Call after «. SITUATIONS WANTED, Female all da, Sunday. On Friday, November D, 19CJ at Ufa) Topping, trimming, removal Call LI BEAUTICIAN — Experienced only. Fine residential neighborhood, adults, HIRE 1SREAL DO-IT-YOURSELF - A.M. I will sell at public auction on 34220 for trei estimates. Full Insurance Studio Hair Stviist. IRONING. IN MY HOME LARGE MAP-CASE — 35" high by IT" lease. U 2-2220. . Five rooms, one bath, fireplace. Mil wide, holds 20 maps. For Iniormatlon behtlt et Sescoast Finance Co. at II coverage. SH T-5027 Mrs. Grace Dwyer 20 WAVERLY PL. (first houso fro] cellar with water; lively brook running Broad It Red Bank. N. J. one INS 842-3305 come to The Red Bank Register offlee, UNFURNISHED — Three rooms anil by the ilda of this home. What di 4-MALE In doctor's office. Evenings only. Cal In December. SH 1-C0T2. Contract nude by Alfred Johnson. Said NICE ROOM — All modem, car ac W. Front St., Red Bank, SH 7-3900. car may be seen at Carlanl Inc. Hwy. SH.7-3206 after 6 p.m. comraodatlons. reasonable. f>7 Shrews ACCOUNTANT — Permanent position FREE FURNISHED-Newly decorated. Three FAIR HAVJ3N •— Blven-rooin colonial with CPA firm, excellent salary, ex- YOUNO LADY — Deilres light house- rooms (private bath). Entire third floor. bury Ave., Red Bank. SH 1-8I14. ceptional opportunity for advancement. full basement Three bedroomi, one * W^ WALTER ,. O'KEILL, work and ironing, three days a week. $39.95 Also two rooms, bed-living room, kitch- ATTRACTIVE — Well fumiahed studio bath. Aaltlnt Pi, 800. SH 7-3880. Auctioneer Send resume to Sidney W. Binder, 46 CA 2-M1I, ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR en. Share bath with one other. SH 7-4»: room. Private light cooking for one. Memorial Parkway, Long Branch. UNCROFT — Two large bedrooms, Nov. 13 . 13.31 DEPENDABLE LADY — Bert of ref- With the purchase of 10 welded cornel 8PRINOV1EW OAREENS BH 1-8394. Alcoa Aluminum combination windows larg* living room, ceramlo tile ball), BERVICE STATION ATTEN DA NT-Full erences, companion-nurse for old or 283 Spring Bt. Red Bank EATONTOWN-Fumlaliefi rooms, s~ large kitchen, breezeway, garage, dry time Apply In person. Commuter's sick or babysitting for young. Gall 8-0 at 112.06 each. Total price for 139.96 Immediate occupancy. Large five, two (L.S.) door and 10 wlndowa 1129.50. LIMITED wlth kitchen privileges. Pleasant wmlk basement, expandable attic shrubbed Esso, 47 Shrewsbury Ave., Reel Bank. a.m. SH 71202. bedroom apartment Four rooms, De- Fort Monmouth, reasonable, weekly, grounds. Owner sale. SH 7-2219. Male of New Jcney to OFFER. No money down, first pay- cember 1st. For appointment pleai PART-TIME WRITER, late night worl ment December. monthly. U 2-38» AB 8u Bayshore area resident with car. News- call SH 1-4J72. TWO-FAMILY H0US — Long Branch. paper or professional writing experience SITUATIONS WANTED. Male Hot water oil beat, tint floor living You are ifnereDy%aK summone^d and re- PROWN'S ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Residential room, large kitchen, electric range, twt required. Creative work, low pay. CO 4 HIGH SCHOOL Box — Reliable, ex- first floor, private entrance. Three REAL ESTATE FOR SALE quired to serve upon RSUSSILLB, 4773. 33 Broad Bt. Red Bank 8H 1-7500 bedrooms, bath. Lot 50x150, one-car jra- COHNWELL, 1IAUSNER * CARO. perienced, desires work after school rooms, unfurnished newly painted. Con- nge. Second floor, three rooms, bath, and week-ends. Call evenings. SH 7 MATTRESSES venient to churches, stores, and trans- HOUSES FOR SALE TENUTO. plalntltra attorney, whose YOUNG MAN — To work Mll-tlme In Foam Rubber, portation. Keax and utilities Included. rented for 180 per month. Asking address Is 34, Broad Itreet, Red Bank, pharmacy, must have driver's license, rwin-FuU-Queen-Klnt sizes. Fountlt, WO. Call 3N-24CS. 113,500. CHAFF1N AGENCY, Realtors, New Jersey,, an answer to the Com. NOW! Apply Modern Pharmacy. 369 Carr LIOHT HAULING AND ODD JOBS. Hwy. 35, Eatontown. U 2-O4T7. 4wy. 39, Eatontown. U 2-1113. Shore nialnt filed In a civil action. In which Ave., Keansburg. DICK 8EIDEHAN (CY) NAVSSINK — Unfurnished, three coxy Multiple Listing Service. BROAD LEROY. INC.,. a corporation SH 1-8052 SHOP BY PHONE rooms, heat, refrigerator supplied THE TENANTS of the lute of New Jersey IS plaintiff "OK" MEN — A representative of one of the adults, IM. December. 2S1-JS43, HIOHLANDS — Three-family houie. largest firms of It's kind will Inter- and MINNIE L CARROLL and JACK Free quick dally delivery In Red Bank Sacrifice, 113,000. L. PIANTANIDA are defendants, view at the N. J. State Employment area. Outlying districts- Wednesdays EATONTOWN — Two-room efficiency Pay the taxes on the classic colonial Office, 4B E. Front St., Red Bank, FINANCIAL apartments. 120 weekly and up. In- ndlng in the Superior Court of New and Saturdays. Discount prices home, four bedrooms, den, sun room, CALL OWNXR — SK 7-2Il». Very at- Hey within 35 days after November USED CARS Tuesday, November 13, 1 to 3 p.m. PROWN'B, 33 Broad St., BH 1-7500. cludes utilities and maid asrvice. Bur- breakfast room, dry basement, two K {92 a week guaranteed while training, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rey Motel, Hwy. 35. U 34133 tractive ranch home tn Llncron Rt 20. 1M2 exclusive of such date. It fireplaces, carriage house has llvlni Leo's Parish; Low taxes. Plot 109x145 you fall to do so, Judgment by de- P1A room with fireplace, two bedroomi, ROUTE SALESMAN — For establlihed DISTRIBUTOR — Exclusive franchin Good condition. THREE ROpMS — Furnished. All utlll-. well landscaped with evergreens, holly fault may be rendered against you for ONE-YEAR laundry and dry cleaning route. Per- ties, private bath,, farage. Half block two-car garage. One acre of wooded and large maple trees. Lerge living the relief demanded In the complaint Uon mouth County. Well established na. OS 1-1098 groundi. Mlddletown, ashing <47,M0. manent, yenr round position. Apply be- lion ally known mtuiufacluter of watai lo Fort Monmouth and Red. Bank bus. room. Pine csblnets In electric kitchen, You shtll file your answer and proof tween 8-9 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. Donald's •ofteners, (liters, etc, No gimmicks. ONE — h.p. 9500 BTU CoMspot all Call BH 1-1M« after lp.ui two large bedrooms, ceramic tile bath, of service in duplicate with the Clerk GUARANTEE Laundry. 44 Marion St., Red Bank. Complete line from household to heavy conditioner, 150. Mr. 1ftI, 80 Black Dial 741-7200 breezeway, attarhe^ R&rage. Hobby of 'the Superior Court, State House Point Rd.. Rumson, after 5' p.m. RIVER VIEW — Two-bedroom un- shop basement 33x31. See this homi Annex. Trenton, New Jeriey. tn ac- EXPERIENCED SALES PERSONNEL Industrial units, hundred! In operation. furalahed apartment, excellent condition, PHILIP J. BOWERS fc CO. No financial Investment required, we todayl Will conllder offers. cordance with the rules of dm prac- 158 1st An:, AH. Highlands — Fur women's and children's shoes. WALNUT BEDROOM BET - Dresstr. utilities Included, ttfl per month. Im- Real Estate Since 1804 tice and procedure. Flve-tlaj week, all benefits. "A.B.," Box •eck honest, sincere, dedicated repre- bed, chest, night lablB and cedar cnest mediate occuptnor. ROLBTON WATEH- Him' Minn N,,,ih t in, ,«;, sentation. Thorough training under su- WALTER S. OVERTON FOUR-BEDROOMS — Two baths, ga- The action has been instituted for u 811. Rfd Bank. W0. Call 787-8563 after 8 p.m. BURY, 1« w. Front 8t, Red Bank. rage, baiement, extras. 4^ — mnrt- pervision. Factory office, East Orange, BH 7-3500. Affiliate the purpose of obtaining ipeclflo per- 2SI-1101 • Open 'til S p.m. MEN TO WORK IN WOODS — Apply virgin Industry. Tremendous potential, 120 BASS ACCORDION — Medium slie, gage. IM.8O0 or best offer, 74MI4H. formance of a contract to aell to the <0 White It Red Ban! Formon Bros., 116 Middlesex Roatf, hlgin »arnlnga. Write "A.R.," Box 511, recllninc TV chair, 27" ccnaole TV, THREE BOOMS — Furnished, private FAIR HAVXN — Cn'tom built four plaintiff, BROAD LEROY, INC. cer. Palawan. Red Bank. remote control. Call CA 9-1BS2. entrance. Couple only. Opposite Municipal Parking-let year-old two-story colonial,' four bed- Iain real eitate situate on Stale High- KNOTTY PINE CABINET — Formic: SH l-im roontie. 2^ baths, den. large modert way No, 35 In the Borough of Eaton- top, new, 2'z27". Also new formica top, LONG BRANCH - Furaliheo apart- kitchen en three-fourths acre wooded town. County of llonmoulh and Itate 2'xV. Both 125. OS 1-0M9. . ments. Four rooms and bath. Heat lot bordered by etream. Quiet dead- of New Jersey, - said contract having end itreit. 140,1100. IH 1-OKK. been executed on October S. 1165. You and water supplied. CA MS53. UNUSUAL — Extremely large llvlni are made a defendant because you AWNINGS COUNTRY SETTTNa - One mile Red IMMBDIATB OCCUPANCY - Immecu are part owner of the subject real sank station. Itt rooms, utilities, gioo. and dining room with- unusual fire- late fourbedroom Cape Cod In conven. estate snd entered Into the aforemen- ALUMINUM OR FIBKROLASfl lent location. Modern kitchen, 1U balhs, CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Door hooda, p*Uo«. etc. Protection tioned contract lo sell subject real place,' completely modem kitchen, four full dry basement, gas range and dryei estate t» the plaintiff BROAD LEROY against iun( riln, fleet, mow. Fr«« rHRBE ROOMS — Tile hath, utlll- Included. Move In Defnr* the holMays. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! eitlnutcs. ties furnished, one or two' people only. bedrooms, two baths, porch, lull base- llJ.fKM. REDDEN AGENCY, Realtors, BH J-4M5. Dated: October M. 1K2. 301 Maple Avenue, corner of Bertten I. ORANT SCOTT PROWN'S ment. All in beautiful condition on a Place, Red Bank. 741410ft Ilembe: ONI ROOM UNFURNIBH1D APART- ...... cl*rk ol tn< Superior Court 33 Broad St. BH 1-TSOO Ited'Bank MENT - Call Multiple Listing. FOUR-CYUNDER — Wlicomln engine SH MW3 lot with big trees in u eietabllshe Oct. 30. Nov. I, 13, 30 SM.00 Adding Machines — Typewriters Cesspool Cleaning Painting and Decorating Air cooled, 2S h.p., like new, nevar used. Paragon marine transmission. UNFURNISHED THRXE ROOMS—Hill- neighborhood. Convenient but quiet ADD1NO MACHINES — Typewriters SEPTIC TANKS, dry well, serviced. TOM SLATE — Palming and Decor- tlBO. SH 7-5220. ilde location In Atlanllo Highlands. All sold, renttMl, n',mlri-i). Strpicci'n 101 Retelling ftfld added. Hackhoe work. ating*. General Contracting, fully In- utilities, m. FURNISHED bachelor Asking 128,100. Existing mortgage ol Monmouili flt.. Itcu HnnK. fill 7-OIHa. C. II. Wllmn. BH MR!6. sured, l-wenty years experience. Fre« BLACK AHOUS — Uallbu roUsserle, apartment, 1711. 2»M1W. RED BANK REGISTER CLASSIFIED RATES estimates. BH 1-9491 alter < p.m. king size, never used. Two pair custom made drapes, excellent material, almost OCEANPORT — Five extra large 122,600. Reasonable taxes. Highly IDsy ttcUne Antiques Wanted Fuel Oil — Heating PAINT1NO AND PAPER HANOINQ— new, 120" wide x 62" long. Reasonable. rooms, unfurnished, near the Fort, 3 Diys Consecutive For a cood clean Job, reasonable. OB lines. children welcome. U3. 747.1541. recommended 'by TUB DOWSTRA -ttcLuw Old T»ill«. Ki]N«. jrwrlry. nil glass, KUEL Oil. A HKATINO—Call SH 1- Call SH 73491, Ed Zlnser. 5 Days Consecutive "HREE furnished apartments over AQENCY, SH 14700. -Me Line (urnltilrf. Civil War books. ApprfllBuli 0010. Oil Delivery, inc., Service * SALE looking sandy Hook Bay, all year . S Days Consecutive -UCLUM made. Clllrnaii. Hll 7-1141 Raler ;i Herliirt S(., Hed Hank. Piano—Organ Tuning round, all utilities, couples preferred, M Days Consecutive LUCITE WALL PAINT modern facilities. 872-9741. MIDDLETOWN — Country living on se- -Me Line PIANOS-OnoANS By Dupont Blind ads using The Reamer's p. o. Boi JSo aitra, Appliance Repairs Tuned — Repaired — Regulated cluded «i acre, >et near everything. Home Improvements As advertlssd on television. Regular RED BANK — Five large rooms, Ranch house. Full basement, two pea- Raymond Bosvvorth BH 1-7853 17.49. Bale price 18.79 Fres delivery available now and December 1. Call nalmsa Uiertiae Ikree USM APPMANCB HEPAIlt anil Installa- WORKINQ MAN'B conlfactor—Alter- BH 1-M19. nut stone fireplace!, formal dining tliiu. ItenltliTitJul anil rommiTclal wir- atloiiH HiliMtlnriH. palming, innnonry, PROWN'S room, three bedrooms, or two and stu- Yculy Contract R«Ug on Request Plumbing and Heating 32 Broad St. Red Bank BH I-75O0 IIOIUJINDS — Three rooms and bath, dio, expansion attic. Only SI J, 000. ing. Allpn Klectrlc. fill 7-WJ12. nnd fill tlioie little Jobs. Kvenlngs LO lUCtajl to fllMtify. «41t or raltcl anT advirtlitmant KEEOAN'B fumlihed, adults* ITS a month. Cal) IHORIWAT REALTY, INC., Hwy. SO. «» Tn? Beglster. » aw aavsnisemsnt ANTIQUES — And other furniture. iolmdel. CO 4-7010. (Off Union Ave.) 21 Hour Service. All heating units after a p.m. HO J-Mll. 1 Auctioneer serviced. 811 7-1827. Bit 1-7870. Chippendale, mahogany mirrors; ma- We wlfl pot be responsible (or errors, unless they ere detested Insurance ple mirror, $25; maple chest, pair pine PORT MONMOUTH—Unfurnished four UATAWAN - Builder's personal home. bstor« the ouymd lnmrrnl. I'lnnip KF:iln>;i; when you Insure your IIOM&, AUTO, Imulathn & Siding Corp. Certified hogany Duncan Phyfe card table, t40. 8IX-RO0M — Apartment, first floor. 1-3)111. lul living. Call LO t-VM. oilier Uriel of Innurance through Jotinn-Manvllla contractor. PR S-8407 Phone 291-2033 before « p.m. Unfurnished, 3 Osborn PI., lea Bright. DEADLINE 5:00 P.M. Day Btfort Publication AltMflTKONG AOKNCY. nil 1.4.MM1. or Adam Llnzmayer 291-0302. Call «42ment and nttic riioinn, T77UIH1:ABRA^T- I'liTnleirilecoratorT Vacuum Cleaner Repair KKNMORE OAB RANGE — In rood couple, 79 Avenue D, Atlantic Jllgh- rooma and . lavatory on third floor. kltdipui, surngi., repairs mid alter- |.nperli»IIKvr, 2» yeiirn fxprrlriice. 4.1 condition. $25. Phone Isnds. 261-0889 or 291-0120. Panoramic view from second level, ffiLKCTROLUX open anil covered porch. Full bin itlon«. ll«.|ln'il lulgt'liraiH-h. HII 1-W0I. rinipin ^Avr. Hi! l uiiH alter 6 p.m. 787-3429 roUR-ROOH APARTMENT — Fur MiowC tZ^ltt^^^i r.Mll, II. JONKH~-"l'ii|ntfii'g"aTilTcTep" Hales Hervlu- Supplies ment. Two-car attached garage. If you SM (Highland.). OSboms't. Mi IRumaon-Se. BOH Prospect Ave., Lltlla Bllver. For 2" HIMMONB Illdeabed. brown, good Usher!, all utilities. Rlvervlew PI., want a large home In Immaoulate con. tractor lor >niHllly, prl(-c, itml proinpt ornllng, rieneral contracting. Fully pnimpt home service or free checkup londltlon, 149. French Provlnolal ma- a Brlihl. I42-234I. aaffvlce. Yif rttlmate. Call 2IU-2120 limiire,! Kiei- KHllmnteN. i:\ Monros dltlon Inside and out, don't mils this Oalis on prltale telephones are toll-fiae to SH UMin on your Etectrolux, call PR B-0641 or hogany arm chair, needs recovering. on» for Ili.OOO. BLWOOD A. ABM- or »12«77. Ave., Hlirewiibury, N, J. 747-3041. FIVE-ROOM — Unfurnished apartment, •allowing stations: Ml (AlfaaU. Hl«hlandi), oApitaiI II sndi; 1111 12070. 10. Complete set Funk A Wsgnall heat, lights, water. Adults only. LI 2- STOONO AGENCY, REALTOR, DM Uncyclopedls, $25. OS 1-21(5. ' I73S. Tinton .Falls. -roipect Are., Little Bllver. SH I-iopO. STEVE ROPER By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD BED BANK REGISTER Tue*fey, Nov. 13, 1962-17 Bridge Column DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Oit9.iOH.tom M. Some trickc betoog to the op- TH£ HANDS I. Chinese prczftiuui drtolc BUWBOYMRNUM/ ponents DO matter how you kick pc I. Linen vest. 22. Touch and scream. When possible, give 5. Duped lightly Sooth dealer ll.Hldeou* 4. Girl's name 23. Cheer the opponent their tricks and EastrWc* vulMnbb save your energy for more im- NORTH 12.Touk.tM 5. TOR'*radi o 25.BuUdlne portant work. tor a broadcast* miflltlon • JO „ weekend (2wd«.) South won the first trick with 9K 0 A9 3 15. Clutter 6. Ahead over, the queen of spades and led the • 854 unlrttel- as re- eight of diamonds to dummy's WEST EAST UHHy . Blol. deco- nine. He returned a.club and fi- 10 9 S 7 4652 U.TolitoI 8. Loiter rated: 1-laUfrl nessed the ten, forcing out West'* heroine ». Spirit colloq. ace. ys sis* 16. Thus lamp 2«. An auction 37. Armyy At this stage South'! face was 17. Article 10: Sea otter 38. Leather one huge grin. "I'm playing like 19. Son of Scroll* 29. Shields flask for oD a horse afire!" he announced, Jacob 14. World War 32. Recover 20. Conclusion H area: 33. King of plant MICKEY MOUSE but his horse slowed down in the 32. For Bashant 11. Goddess of By WALT DISNEY stretch. 4 K 10 7 3 2 abbr. St. Hardened 18. Actor Paul Bib. splendor: West returned a heart to dum- ftath Wot North E«t 1 4 P«» 1 9 Pas 27. Bough lay* 85. Electrified POSS. my's king, and South continued 1 NT Pau 3 NT AU 1 28,Toot»cure 20. Command* particle 43. Bade the clubs. When East got his first Opening lead — 4 ID 30. Chines* Ins Officer: kGunman'fl 45.ACT? club trick he returned the jack coin Abbr. nark 47. At home- DAILY QUESTION of hearts, and South shrewdly re- 81-Thrt* 1 Z t. t 10 fused the trick. Now East switch- Dealer bids one club, your part- • Ume* i y s 8 ner doubles (for a takeout), and ed to diamonds. II % the next player passes. You hold: J4. Drawing a ,, South had to lose three clubs out % and at least one trick in each Spades—6 5 2. Hearts—J 9 3. Dia a 9 IS red suit. Down one. monds—6 $ 4. Clubs—Q J 9 6 39. Begone! 4 Bad Start What do you say? 40. Chinese uV n 18 IS South' got off to a bad start Answer: Don't say itl Bridge department ^A because he was unrealistic about is a polite game. Bid one dia- «.Klflfof the clubs. The defenders are sure mond. In general, respond in you Norway % u,^A H ZS' to make at least two club tricks cheapest 3-card suit when youi ^National no matter how favorably the suit only long iuit has been bid by •ong-ofa 17. ^< 50 country breaks. It can cost South noth- the opponents. Your clubs an % 4 % ing to lead a low club from his neither long enough nor strong 4S.EnthusI< a 93 THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK •utle loyal- n V own hand to begin with. enough for a penalty pass of the /A% GOESSVYE ty, as school K & SO EM, \VEAH?ITRUSr OIRMEN HAVE ORDERS TO HERE IT As the cards lie, West must double. AUSJUPGEP SO 6000, J HUT 0A8ABU A3 WOTCH FDR THE RESCUE COMES. , % BUIABU. NOT /tVKASXCAN PIANE? play the ace of clubs on Smith's For Sheinwold's 35-page book- i8. Girl's name 3? V 41 SUCHAMONSTCR THROW HIM. PUT low club. This tells the whole let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," 49, Joins by AFTER AU.. J3N YOUR CHUTE. NERW nwrtlief % story, and South can get three send 50c to Bridge Book, Red a H 4S club tricks despite the bad break. and Bank Register, Box 3311, Grand 80. German West returns a heart to dum- Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. ft 4« my's king and South leads a club V^ M through East. If East puts up DOWN the queen, he is allowed to hold 1. Pulls the trick. On the next club lead 30 Years from dummy South can finesse with the ten and take the rest EVER HAPPiN TO YOU? ByBtaU of the suit. South makes his game Of Service with three clubs, three spades, JUST VAITINS "p HEAP two hearts, and one diamond. At Fort If nothing startling happens on HQWCOtPHEWASoN the first club trick South can FORT MONMOUTH - Thomas TMe WAV HOME By ED DODD lead the next dub from dummy H. Cox of 1202 Ninth Ave., Nep- MARK TRAIL and guess whether to play high tune, has the. distinction of hav- or low. It costs South nothing to ing rounded out 30 years of serv- give up the firstclub, and he may ice with the government wltfwul find out enough to play the suit ever having left Fort Monmouth. properly. Mr. Cox, an engineering tech- nician and staff assistant to the director of the Maintenance En- Arrives In Antarctica gineering Department, U.S. Army Electronics Materiel S u p p o r AMI? Agency, enlisted in the Signal 6LO\!ES IM Corps at Fort Monmouth in Octo- ber, 1932, and in less than a POCKET! -, month was assigned to duty in what was then the Signal Corps IVEGOTH1M, laboratory.' (VX. PICK UP HIS GUN/ He was still assigned there up- on his discharge Nov. 26, 1937, and remained as a Federal Civi NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW Service employee, and continued on with SCEL (Signal Corps En- gineering Laboratories) and later YOU 1D STOP CWWVINff AU. THAT JUNK ATOUNP with the U.S. Army Signal Equip- -WTIS/ ment Support Agency, with which he was a section chief for many years, up to his current post with what Is now the Electronics © Klnt fMturM 3i Materiel Support Agency. Born in Green County, Ken- tucky, Mr. Cox has become a Jerseyan, with off-duty hours Regiment Will Entertain centered around his home, fam- ily and other interests around Neptune. He is vice president of Children of Prevei\torium Robert J. Hunter Unexcelled Fire Company there, FORT MONMOUTH — Children for an estimated J00 children to McMURDO SOUND, Antarcti- and has been active in the Im- proved Order of Red Men, the from the Farmingdale Tuberculo- be entertained for the day, in- ca — Robert J. Hunter, elec- sis Preventorium will be treated cluding the traditional turkey din- tronics technician second class, Boy Scouts, and was treasurer of the National Federation or to a day of rare excitement ner with all the trimmings. Tr.e KELLY USN, son of Mrs. Mary Hunter of Federal Employees (Fort Mon- Thanksgiving Day when they will children will have dinner in the 98 East River Rd., Rurason, N. J. mouth local) and with the Fort be the guests of the men of the six consolidated mess halls of the has arrived at McMurdo Sound, Monmouth Credit Union in a su U. S. Army Signal School Regi- regiment, and will be entertained Antarctica, as a member of the pervisory capacity.- He is treas- ment here. by the soldiers in the various Antarctic support activities par- urer of the Old-Timers Associa Arrangements are being made companies. ticipating in "Operation Deep- ion of Fort Monmouth. freeze 63." The Farmingdale Preventorium The men of the unit build, oper- He has a number of letters o is aprivate non-sectarian organi- ate, repair, and maintain facili- appreciation, service commenda State Takes zation operated for the children tions, and received a cash award ties at all the U. S. stations in of tubercular parents from New for sustained superior service In the southern most extension of Jersey and New York City. The his work at Fort Monmouth. American seapower. They work Licenses Of children themselves are not af- with electronics, public works He and his wife, Eileen, have flicted with the disease. a daughter, now Mrs. Beverly projects, supply programs, weath- A Christmas party to be held Tamback of Neptune City, and a 10 Drivers 1 er analysis, communications and at the Preventorium is also being son, Bart, a junior at Neptune administration. TRENTON — Ten 'Monmoufh planned for the children. This is High School. He arrived in Antarctica from County motorists have lost their the fifth year that men of the His hobbles are photography driving privileges for 30 days for Signal School Regiment have act- Quonset Point, R. I., by way of and woodworking. By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST Hawaii, Canton Island, Nandi, traffic violations of the state's 60- ed as hosts for the Preventorium MARY WORTH and New Zealand. '0 excessive speed program. during the holiday season and it TK>?—I'M GOING » THE THANKS A 10T!— DADDY GET5 DE MERS IN NAVY The Division of Motor Vehicles has become an annual affair. FIRST iHOW AT IHt VERY PEEVISH WHEN HE'5 EXPECTING has suspended the driver's SFC Daniel LoPiano of Head- I'lL Bt IN THC IACK KJIH. ON A BU51NE55 CAIL—AND 1 TIE LT. SOLE ,AT SEA GREAT LAKES, 111. - George WHY, THE LOT— M USUAL.'... censes of Arthur J. Ruffalo, Jr., UP THE UNE.—TAI.IUN6 TO WESTERN PACIFIC - Marine '. DeMers, son of Mr. and Mrs. quarters and Headquarters Com- OFCOURtt, First Lt. Joseph A. Sole, son of ilbert G. DeMers of 312 Spring 9, of Phalanx Rd., Colts Neck; pany, is chairman of arrange- MIDGE!- GIRLFRIENDS! rank Sole of SI Monmouth St., St., Red Bank, N.J., is undergo- R. L. Dawkins, 23, of 2916 John- ments. > YOU KNOW son St., Belmar; Norman C. WHERE ITI»! Red Bank, N.J., is serving in the ing nine weeks of basic recruit Western Pacific with the Marine training. at the, Naval Training rons, 24, Green Grove Rd., Way- DOLPHINS FOR LAWRENCE Corps. Center here. side; Carl T. Davis, Jr., 33, of USS SEA OWL — Navy Lt. 15 North Seventh Ave., Long (junior grade) Lloyd H. Law- Branch; Joseph Ellison, Jr., 25, ol rence, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean 279 Mechanic St., Red Bank. Lloyd H. Lawrence of Gillespis Also, Claudette D. Stein, 27, of Ave., Fair Haven, N.J., is serv- For Wtdneiday, November 14 700 East St., Belmar; James R. ing aboard the submarine USS Benford, 24, of Hq and Hq Co Sea Owl. He was recently Present—For You and USASCS R., Fort Monmouth; awarded "Gold Dolphins," which Yours • • • Your chincei of ad- azimierz Grochola, 20, of 57 are the insignia worn b£ naval justing differences are consider- Westervelt PI., Oceanport, and officers who have served, on. board a submarine for one year. ably better now. Don't expect ill bseph L. Fariello, 37, of 1118 Fifth Ave., Asbury Park. Lt. Lawrence entered the service By GEORGE SIXTA the concessions to he made to RIVETS Harold H. Hughes, 52, of 1 Alex- in June, 1960, .and is a graduate you, however. You have to buck, STEVE AFTER THAT THEN H^3]e[NNY HAS I'M ASKIM6 FOR ander St., Freehold, lost his li- of the University of Pennsylvan- down a little yourself, but you OOES HIS CAVORfTE INVITED TO I A BALLET EQUAL TIME. WHAT cense for 60 days. SORRY* TV PROGRAM 8BTTYS J LESSON. AFTW WS NEED AROUND stand to gain financially by to BIRTH PAY qTHtfr WE 9O THE CHILDREN COMeSO HERE IS A RkMILV doing. Aspect* favor gaining CANT PLAY PABTV- JsTDTHECHlr LES50M DOG HOUR... J self-confidence by contact with THIS AFTERNOON .THEM important people. FUEL OIL Past- . . On November 14, Future . . . At supermarkets 1889, Nellie Bly, a reporter for provide more and more itemi, FRED D. WIKOFF CO. the New York World, set out requiring longer shopping peri from Hoboken, New Jersey on a ods for housewives, kiddie cor- world tour. The trip was made RED BANK, N. J. to prove she could outdo the rals with attendants will be hero of Jules Verne's "Around included in more of them, as the World in Eighty Days." part of the service to shoppers. Telephone SH 1-0554

THE RYAnS By C/1L ALLEY The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born March 21 la April 14) LIBRA {S.pt. 23 to Oct. 22) Keep ^he ball rolllmr toward your {oal, IJMIC into a financial offer thoroughly to out WE at (he cost of hurling » coltraRUe. be jure Ijitre'a nothing »hady about it, TAURUS (April 10 to May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 2) to Nov. 11) Thin|l may not he what they aetm, 80 Limit your activities to minor nulttrl don't get involved without checking, —both tlormillc and fauiineai kffairi. 6EMINI (May 21 fa Jvn< 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Du, 21) Reid Impiralional miteilal. Foal for the Don't be taktn In by a roi)r picture paint- mind la II enential aa food for the body. ed by aomcone you don't know very well, CANCER |Jun. 22 to July 21) CAPRICORN (Die. 22 to Jan. 20) Incrcaae 7our preltlge. You have mort Time to make i eha.ni.ef Tramltt In the tbllily than you're ualny »t prcient, Capricorn chart auntit tha^ It ia. LEO (July 2? to Aug. 21) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Fib. 19) A danieroua day. Don't let quarreli be. lltnore attempt! to Iniolx you In arl* fin—«p«lally aa a reatilt of jealomy. menla and In other people'i trouliltl. VIRGO IAUCJ. 22 to Sapl. 22) PISCES (F.b. 20 to March 20) 1410 A.M. — 10S.5 F.M. fiood . Infltieneea abound lor boliltrinf New [rjmdihln can liftoff ley and comfort ' i. Don't mile illp-Ufi today. to your Ilia—Jutt when you need It, Monmourii County Haws Summwln 7 A.M. • 12 Noon • 4:20 P.M. t New Electronics Firm Ideal Time ASBURY PARK - The forma- For liming tion of Atlantic Semiconductor, Inc., a manufacturer of semicon- y COMPANY ductor power devices used in the YourXawn $ jr w MIC •» •*•* electronics industry, has been an- FREEHOLD — Lime is a basic M nounced by corporation president need for good healthy growth of John G, Hambor, grass. Mr. Hambor stated that this And November is an excellent group has combined to form an time of the year for applying organization "with the express lime to the lawn, according to purpose of applying their experi- County Agent Marvin A. Clark. ence and knowledge to manufac- The movement of lime down in- ture a quality line of semicon- to the soil is slow: Alternate ductor products." freezing and tfiawing during the Mr. Hambor, a graduate of winter will help lime which is Worcester Polytechnic Institute, applied now to penetrate Into the has spent 15 years in research soil. and development of solid state de- He adds: "The amount of lime vices,, He has been associated needed varies with the type of with the Bendix Corporation as soil and degree of acidity- A supervisor of solid state device soil test will tell for sure if the development. He resides with his lawn needs lime and the proper wife, Gloria, and their two chil- amount. If no test is made, dren at 325 Bath Ave., Long the average lawn should receive Branch. 50 to 75 pounds of ground lime- John G. Hambor Benedict R. Nicosia Robert G. Simko, named vice stone per 1,000 square feet every president in charge of market- 2 to 3 years. ing; received his degree from the "Treatments made in the fal University of. Notre Dame and will have an important effect on has a background of experience the condition of the lawn next in the engineering and marketing summer. , , The ill-effects ,ol of solid state products with Texas drought, heat, disease, crabgrass Instruments, Inc. Mr. Simkojs and other lawn woes can be mini home is in Perth Amboy. mized with a little attention now Plant • superintendent named "Before going into hibernation was Howard Luebcfce, formerly for the winter, it may be worth- with Bendix Corporation. He has while to look ahead to next year's devoted 16 years to the electronic lawn and do something about i manufacturing field and seven now." '.',., years to solid state device man- ufacturing. Mr. Luebcke resides at 482 Hampton Ave., Long To Parade Branch, with his wife, Dorothy, and one child. 79-95 Imported Winterize Your Gar The board of directors consists Next Week of Mr. Hambor as president of RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Ver- treasurer; Benedict R. Nicosia, non W. Manning, chairman of the secretary, and Frank Mandia. Recreation Committee, has an- 98-Pc* China Set with our Silicone Buys Mr. Strollo resides at 360 Wil- nounced the annual costume pa- low Ave., Long Branch, with his rade will be held Thanksgiving wife, Ann, and one child. Eve, Nov. ,21. The event was post- Raymond Strollo Robert G. Slmko Mr. Nicosia, recently elected poned from Halloween because ol mayor of Red Bank,.Jives at 163 the inclement weather. 49-95 3 for 3.98 River Rd., with his wjfe, Dorothy Persons .wishing to participate and their two children. in the costume parade are to as- Mr. Mandia resides with his semble at Town Hall, Middle Rd. Fin* imported china you'N be proud fo use with A. Dcltitr and Dc-FogejtY > at 7 p.m. The line of march will wife, Ann, and their two children your be>t linen and silver! Complete service at Sycamore Ave., New Shrews- be along Middle Rd. to Airport For windshields, windows. Just spray light- Plaza Shopping Plaza. Prizes, in for 12 with 6 extra cups. Beautiful traditional bury. ly, wipe offl Can't freet*. In spray plas- Atlantic Semiconductor, Inc., eluding transistor radios, will be and modern patterns. occupies a 20,000 square foot plant awarded for outstanding cos- tic bottle, (not shown.) at 905 Mattison Ave. The com- tumes. pany's present production line Judges will be Victor Bayers, Service for 12 I. Window Cleaner , consists of flangeless and stud Gene Testineo and Salvatore j rectifiers. ASI has initiated a full Stranierio, chiefs of the three Prevents fogging, resists fingerprints. Not 18 Cups 12 Fruits j line product proEram, and in the township fire companies. Units affected by rain or salt air. 12 Saucers 2 Platter* The Corner at J. Kridel favors the informal look, i near future will be producing of the first aid squad and the highsr power stud rectifiers. fire companies will participate in 12 Dinners 2 Veg. Dishes C. Auto Pdlih er silicon controlled rectifiers, the parade. \ power regulators, microwave 12 Salads 1 Sugar Bowl; Lid products and special component 12 Soups 1 Creamer Finish lasts 6 months to year. Not affected assemblies. 12 Brownies 12 Bread-Butter 1 Gravy Boat by snow, ice, palt. I bottle does 2 cars. Mr. Simko said, "The prime CLEAN RUGS purpose of ASI is the production of a quality product line, one with Join Troop inherently superior characteris- RIVER PLAZA — Twelve new STEINBACH'S CHINA STEINBACH'S HOUSEWARES LAST LONGER tics. The company's marketing members were Jnvested when Second Floor and Asbury Park Second Floor and Asbury Park approach will be based on flexi- Brownie Troop 288 met hist week bility and service to customers.' at the home of the troop leader, and look lovelier too! Mrs. George Saymon, 19 Monroe PRESIDENTIAL PURCHASE St. CALL TODAY PADUCAH, Ky. (AP) — The Invested were Diane Hull, Ros- area known as Jackson's Pur- alyn LaGrone, Linda Litielmair, chase Includes eight counties in K a thl e en May, Katherirfc extreme southwestern Kentucky O'Shaughnessy, Debra Romanen- and is bordered on three sides ko, Lynn Saymon, Judy Scot, by rivers — on the north by the Mary Schwabenland, Lisa Trez- Ohio, east by the Tennessee and za, Deborah Timldaiski and Mar- COMPANY west by the Mississippi. ilyn DeSpirito. It is so called because it was Mrs. Peter Trezza, co-leader, •mil Mti HI IA«C purchased by President Andrew assisted Mrs. Saymon with the Jackson on behalf of the United investiture ceremony. A one-year WHITEST. SH 7-2800 RED BANK States in 1818. It was the last star membership pin was pre- part of Kentucky to be settled. sented to Carol Davis. Ho^ Planning Time Give Your Home New Charm TkMmQhop Custom Reupholstery Bonus! Foam Cushions at no extra cost! Includes New Fall Fabrics and Labor! Regardless of Size, Style or Condition! Chairs from $39 Sofas from $78

Check Our 10'Point Reupholstery Plan

1. Furniture stripped to bara frame 7. Springs re-set and ra-tied, replaced 2. Super lagless construction < where needed 3. Frames tightened, metal-braced, I. Beautiful decorator fabrics redowaled 9. New covers, all hand-tailored 4. Spring cushions ' 10. No extra charge for barrel, fan, easy care white shirts with 5,__5own added as needed pillow or channel backs 6. Frames polished

elegant Grip'Tab* collars USE OUR CHARGE ACCOUNT OR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN It's no troubU at all to fasten thii STEINBACH'S REUPHOLSTERY SERVICE, Red Bank and Atbury Park tab collar. Just snap it! No trouble to iron, either, You don't have to! SI-9, KE-I, Mil-1, PR-4, 5, 6, CA-2 A 9 DIAL PR 5-4000 It's Spinsmooth® whit* cotton . . . CH-4, Dl-I * 9, FO-3 & 4, CA-3, TW-2 & 9 DIAL TW 2-4000 com*! out of even a spin-drier ready Shop to wear! SH-I 4 7, RU-l,SE.2,HO-2 DIAL LI 2-4000 WE-», OL-7, SW-3, 793 or CO-4, LO-6 (Call Operator)

byPh or Consult Your Directory WX 3737 STEINBACfl'S MEN'S SHOP, Street Floor and Anbury Park