Distribution twfcy Au 20.300 1 Dial SH 1-0010 VOL. ,85, NO. 101 „ my, Kaalu throat* SMdtT. UnoH fflw rwutt RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1962 a*« ank u* u a«tuiim«i luutu otnu*. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Weigh Middletown Changes MIDDLETOWN-With the Democratic party la control of The following personnel and their Jobs art subject to the local political scene for the first time In « yean come change Jan. 1: Jan. 1, all eyes will be on die new administration to see what James A. McCarthy, Jr., auditor; Henry F. Labreque, changes will be made la governmental personnel.': engineer; Dr. Marc Krone, townihip physician; W. Gilbert With the exception of appointments to .several key posts Maneon; magistrate; John Duryea, Shade Tree Commission «ad various boardi, all township employee* are under Civil member; William Cornetta and Dr. Brlnton B. Miller, Board of Service. Health members; Thomas Phillips, chairman of the Recrea- Thus they cannot be removed from office except for cause. tion Commission; G. Paul Kennedy, chairman of tbe Planning There are four key poits la the government which will be Board, and George A. Howland, Jr., Zoning Board of Adjust- beyond the reach of the new administration insofar ai change* ment member. * go. ' Plans The terms of defeated Committeemu Paul Pandolfi and' They are Lawrence A. • Carton, Jr., township attorney; and Assessor William C. Johnson on the Planning Board also Calvin G. R. Ohlsen, treasurer; Newton A. Mallett, building expire. These two posts are filled on a yearly basis because GENEVA (APHPlans for an inspector, and Howard V. Roberts, township clerk. • state law requires that two township officials serve on the immediate International Red The attorney, treasurer and inspector were appointed to planning agency. Tbe mayor also serves on the planning unit. Cross inspection of ships.sailing four-year terms this year by the Republican administration. to Cuba nave been dropped, it SPECIAL FEES None of them has Indicated he would resign his pott because was reliably learned today. Re- of the change in administration The township attorney' and engineer receive a $1,000 a liable sources said me all-Swiss . year retainer. ' . STATE LAW International Committee of tbe Each,, however,, receives fees for specific work assigned Red Cross no longer considers They were named to four-year terms under provisions of them by the governing body. a state law which requires townihipi with populations of more die proposed inspection—to insure Last year, the Township Committee spent $13,653 for legal than 24,000 to fill tbe posts on a four-year basis. that Soviet missiles and other service!. This figure includes the retainer. This year $13,700 Mr. Roberts has tenure as clerk, and al*o<hu not indicated "offensive' weapons" are not sent is budgeted for such services. that he would resign because of the adminiitnUon change: to Cuba—to be vitally .and im- He Is the GOP leader in the township. (See CHANGES, Page 3) mediately necessary to prevent world war. Emergency Session The committee met in an emer- New Department Store Is gency session last night with its former president, Paul Ruegger, who discussed the inspection pro- posal in New York with UN Act- for Eatontown ing Secretary-General U Thant. A communique issued by the EATONTOWN-A project for a new 71,000 pointed out that the plans presented last night committee said the committee square foot department store at the Eaton- did not include specifications for signs, land- would have taken no active part town traffic circle was presorted last night scaping and parking, all of which are re- in die proposed inspection in any to tbe Planning Board, and received with quired by the zoning ordinance before site case, but would have nominated favon • plan approval may be granted by the board. international inspectors to oper- Tbe board's planning consultant, Fletcher The body scheduled an adjourned meeting ate under D authority. for next Monday night so that the architect, Davis of Herbert Smith Associates, West HNPOIrlTS CUIAN CAVES— Dr. Jos* Miro Cerdone, president of the Cuban Revo- The communique said, the James Hyers of Lakewood, may present Trenton, told the architect It would be "most lutionary Council, points in Miami, Fla., to a lection of a map of Cuba where he says further information required by the zoning desirable" if plans would show acceleration committee would remain in close ordinance. and deceleration lanes at exit roadways. He touch'with Thant to work out de- there are three caVes near Guantanamo Naval Bate that are large enough to hid* Robilt Construction Co., Lakewood, would . also pointed out -that "desirable landscaping tails of a possible inspection pro- missile*. The map pinpoint! 12 luch caves throughout Cuba, (AP Wirephoto] be tha builder, Mr. Hyers said last night. plans" are one of the factors to be taken into cedure. He declined to state what company would account by die planning board. The. communique was phrased operate the store, or to,say whether or not Mr. Mangan said: in careful terms and gave no In- it would be a "discount" operation. He laid "We are very proud of what Eatontown dication of the .committee's re- Geerg* W. Vefd he would be prepared to give further informa- now has at the traffic circle, tad we intend ported decision to take no other Want Red Jets Out of Cuba tion Monday night in answer to such questions. to do all we can to see that high standards action in the matter for. the time UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) ACROSS FROM MSC are maintained there." being. removed under Premier Khrush- adequate verification, which could —President Kennedy's three Cu- The proposed site I* the triangle of land Mr. Hyers replied that his client is also chev's pledge in return for a U.S. mean aerial or at-sea inspection. Mull Hiring Checked Ships ban crisis negotiators return to across Rt 35 from the Monmouth Shopping conscious of "the importance of this inter- guarantee not to invade Cuba; Plan Blocked Under die original proposal, ac- the bargaining table today armed Center, and bounded by both the highway and section." Expectations mounted at U.N. U.S. efforts to get on-site veri- cepted by both President Kennedy Wall St. The land is somewaat over the 10 The proposed site surrounds on the three win White House orders to keep headquarters, however, tiiat die fication in accordance. with Replacement and Soviet Premier Niklt» Khru- up their insistence that die So- acre minimum tot sire required in this B3 sides a smaller lot which was the site of the United States might quietly drop Khrushchev's proposal have been shchev, International Red Cross viet Union pull its Jet, bombers zone. former Roma Gardens. In response to inquir- its demand for inspection in Cuba blocked by Prime Minister Fidel inspectors would have checked out of Cuba. For Bowen The construction would be steel frame ies from members of the planning body, Mr. to make sure the Russians have Castro's refusal of such checks ships sailing into Cuba to make LONG BRANCH - Persistent with a nuuonary shell, according to Mr. Hyers said he understands this land is now The President reportedly de- dismantled lite missile bases they by the United Nations or any other rumors that City Council will not Hyers. The building would about 33 feet high owned by Bamberger's, which acquired ft in sure they contained no offensive cided to stand fast on die bomber built on the island and have foreign agency. Soviet First Depu- much, longer continue the serv- from ground level on the south side of the the process of buying the liquor license for- weapons. demand at a conference in Wash- shipped out .die missiles. ty Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan loes of City Manager Richard J. sloping lot and approximately » feet high on merly held there. The committee last week de- ington Monday with Adiai E. apparently has not changed tbe Stevenson, chief U.S. delegate to Until a few days ago die Pen- Bowen reached a climax .over tbe north side, the architect stated. The lower "Robilt will make every effort to buy or clared its readiness to accept this Cuban leader's position although the United Nations; Stevenson's tagon, the State Department and (he weekend when a local busi- level, he said, would be used for a "patio lease-this property and use it as a part of task, although it lay outside its Mikoyan's visit to Havana now Security Council deputy, Charles U.S. negotiators at the United nessman invited the full council ihop," when uiwn furniture and such items the new store site," be said. traditional functions, la case of a has stretched Into its Uth day. W. Yost; and John J. McCoy, Nations kept .up a drumfire of to Us home, proposed tbe name would be sold. TUi level, he saM, would be major threat of world war in- The* necessity of on-sit* Inspec- Mr. Mangan stated that, "*he community special adviser on the Cuban cri- demands for on-iite inspection by tf a county resident as a replace- connected with tbe upper level by an esca- U dissatisfied witji the present state in hlch volving the survival of the human tion was believed lessened by a w race*. si*. die United Nations or some other ment, and was told Ms proposal lator. the properly is maintained, and would wel- Internationa] agency. But dele- U.S. Navy report taat checks tt VMMrM«rt ttr^tttta , Planning Boajd thainsuut.Bruoejiaagaa come an improvement" ->•••••-• ..-";.:>~.
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