Red Gross Bows out As Inspector on Seas
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■ r . rX G I FOUBTBEN The Weather ' Manrifi^Bt^r SoBUins i^BraUi FnreoMt of U. S. H'eetlior Bnisee S ' I Oonttaaed elmidy and oolff be- - Daughters o f ' liberty. No. 186, night. Low In tte Ms bat sane A bou t Tow n will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Many Moods ; 20s in the lifadiDeld and ToOnod at Orange Rajl. There will be ooonty nrens. f8enH»8 daring an in.stallation after the meeting. Wednesday and beeotadiw fair. Unco In School PTA will mwt Members are reminded to wear at 8 p.m. tomorrow In the school white gowns. Mrs. Louts Smith In H i-F e v e r Maneheotor-^A Ciiy of YMagoChorm auditorium. Robert D i^ , 'bchool will head a refreshment oommit- attendtmce officer, will be the tee. Variety is a keynota:oC the num- speaker, and hie topic is juvenile bara that Maiicheatar raaidents MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAT* NOVEMBER 18, 1961 Advertising *a Page 14) PRICE nVE CENTT Lv problems. Refreshments will be Eaiaah Chapman Joy Cirole, will perform Friday and Saturday aerved. North Methodist Church, will nieet at 8:18 p.m. In “Hl-Fever FoUles,” Wednesday 4t 2 p.m. at the dhurch. which wlll^ be aponaored by fi-; There will be a business meet Mrs. Dorothy Hhtfleld will show Woman's XuxiUai^ of Manchester ing of the Mannchester WATES color .slldee of a recent trip to Memorial Hospital in Manchester Dog Studies Sugges ^ S ta te N ew s India Maps at the Italian American Club to Pennsylvania. Members suo re High School.. DOUBLE night. Weighing in will be from minded to bring gift envelopes for The moods range all the way T to 8. the “Week of Prayer and Self De from a lively and modemlatlc Houndup C D P la n s, nial.” “Slaughter « i Tenth Avenue” to a ■ r Albert R. Nearing, son of Mrs. Red Gross Bows Out if nostalgic “Graduation Ball” scene New Caticer Surgery Marianna E. Nearing, 30 Tower Our Lady o f Fatima Mothers done to the music of Richard Rd., recently completed four Rodgers overture to "Carousel.” STAMPS Circle will meet Monday at 8:30 H om e Units weeks of individual combat train Mother Strangled, p.m. at the home of Mrs. ADen In the "Slaughter on Tenth .^also lead to other appUeattoos ing with the Marine Infantry Richter, 30 Duval St. Mrs. l>bn- Avenue” scene, the Tenth Avenue WASfflNGTON (AP) Training Regiment at Csanp Le- for humans, such aa: NEW DELHI, India (AP) ard Schmid and Mrs. P etw Oor- girl and boy are danced by Pat .The successful removal of Temporarily . borrowing the Daughter Raped Jeune, N.C. dera will serve, as oo-hostbsoee. Annulil and Bob Martin, while a Every Wed whole organs from dogs and —The government announced stomach of an ulcer patlsat and Park Avenue couple will be por today home g u ^ s will be or Deborah L. Miller, daughter of ttie later replacement of the then putting it back. In the dogs, WESTPORT (A P )-A 50- St. James Mothers (Srcle wlU trayed by Floss Smith and Ted many of the re-implanted ston- As Inspector on Seas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Miller, 56 organs in the same animals year-old woman strangled ganiZed in all districts border meet Wednesday at 8':15 p.m. at LaBomie. aches appeared, for an unknown ,was S. Hawthorne St., is enrolled at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bremuui, The other dancers are Sydney may point to a new Way for and her teen-age daughter ing Tibet, and military train Juniata College in Huntingdon, reason,' to be immune to potent 43 Wadsworth St. Mire. Thomas Schultheia, Lorraine Champeau, surgically Seating .human artilicikl stimulatiim that ordinar abducted, raped and held cap ing ^ instituted for all able-^ Pa. Derby and Mrs. Paul O’Neil will Judy Kargl, Bartiara Cox, Bev cancer, a Minnesota surgeon ily would have produced ulcers. tive for more than 12 hours bodied men to help India fight serve as co-chairmen. There will Malone, Mildred Amback, Lynn Removing the small bowel or its undeclared war with Red Susan Buckley, daughter of Mr. be a Chinese auction after a busi Stavintaky, Louis Campeau, Bill said today. Monday before she escaped, Dr. Richard C. Llllehei, asso the larger ' colon, from a person China. U.S. Certain and Mrs. John J. Buckley, 41 Cone ness meeting. Taylor, Len Erickson, Cieorge afflicted with such Inflammatory police reported. St., has been selected to represent Slossberg, Ronnie Wadsworth, and ciate professor of surgery at the The killer and assailant is still Home Minister Lai Bahadur Dniverslty of Minnesota, said the conditions sis r^onal enteritis or Shastrl told Parliament that Prime the Dial, the college yearback. in XI Gamma chapter. Beta Sig Bob Murdock. ulcerative colitis where nervous at large. -He was described by po- technique might also lead to new Minister Nehru’s administration Central Connecticut State Col ma Phi. will meet at the home of Totally different in mood is reactions mpy be a component. Uce as a slender Negro, between T o Resume treatment for stomach ulcers and has decided to take immediate lege’s Homecoming Queen contest. Mrs. Albert Post, 59 Ferguson Rd., "Graduation Ball” with Lois Shinn In the dog technique, the re-im 80 and 40 years old. other human Ills—even radiation steps to organiZe civil defense at 8 p.m. tomorrow. acting I the role of a naughty girl planted organs no longer are cem- The slain woman was Isabel Sll- sickness. on a nationvdde basis. The Ladies Auxiliary of the and George Slossberg the role nected with the central nervous lan, wife of a New York design Lillehei, in a report prepared Shastrl warned Communist pa Quarantine Dipeer Club will meet tomorrow Levis J. Lahance, 104 Haynes of a naughty boy. The two elderly system. er, who discovered his wile dead at 7:30 pun. at the dub. St., hsis completed Army basic for the 6 ^ annual meeting of the and his daughter missing when he pers and magaZines within India teachers of ballroom dance, who AssocUition of Military Surgeons, Transplanting a small section of training at Ft. Dix, N.J., and is Church Honors Custer^s 60th Wedding Observance have had a romance somewhere in returned to their home about 7 the government will not hesitate told aboth the removal of dogs’ the intestine to the neck or the to take action against them U they UNITED NATIONS, N. T . Miss Helen Roth of Frankfort, now receiving eight weeks of ad their past, will be danced by Pat upper, chest to replace all or part p.m. Germany, is visiting her cousins, Intestines for periods of up to six persist in issuing antinational ma (AP)—Acting Secretary-Gen vanced individual, artillery train Annum and Bob Stargel. of a diseased esophagus. In Norwalk, the daughter, Gail, M*r. and Mrs. William (hister Jr.,^Custer, the former Antonia Pohl,^active member* of Concordia Lu hours. 14, still wearing a night gown and terial during the frontier crisis. eral U Thant plunged into a Mr. and Mrs. John Mroeek, 83 ing at The Artillery and Missile and her husband were born in Ger theran Church for riiore than 40 Young dance students will be GENUINE SPRING £ More radical surgery than pre- 11 Wellington Rd., were feted on He said scientists had taken out robe, miuiaged to escape about "This Is no time for criticisms Pe^rl St., for the next 18 months. Center, Ft. Sill, Okla. many and came to this country years, and are members of the Evelyn Barracliffe, Anne Braugh, sently advisable for such malig new round of diplomatic talks the occasion of their 60th wediiing, dogs' eitomachs, spleens and other 8:80 p.m. from an auto in which or condenmatlons,” he said. Senior CitiZens, sponsored by the Miriam Sweeney, Genie Moriarty^ nancies as ciancer of the pancreas at Concordia Lp^eran Church while they were both in their organa then put them back. The she had been ftriven around all Nehru, who will be 73 Wednes today as informed sources re Betty Hall, Dot Fisher and Kathy and of the duodenum. The dog yesterday. The Rev. Paul C. teens. They have lived in Manches Town Recreation Department. ' dogs, be said, have lived tor up m y . She summoned aid. day, reported to Parliament on a ported the collapse of plans The presentation at the chui^ch Hedlund. experiments indicate that key Kaiser, pastor, presented them ter for n^any years and have one to three years without apparent ’"'The girl was reported in good sidelight of the frontier hostilities. for inspection of Cuba-bound yesterday morning climaxed a Still In a different vein Is blood vessels and other processes " '- Science Shrinks Piles with a copy of "Praying Hands" daughter, Mrs. Robert Kittle of 25 111 effects. condition at Norwalk Hospltm to week of celebration- for the Cus "Flings”, In which scrubwomen that might be Involved in such He said guerrilla acti'vlty Soviet ships by the Interna by Durer on behalf of ■ the church Cromwell Rd. LAMB SALE! LUlehel said the successful t m - day. against the government in Naga members. Custer was superintendent of ters. (Herald photo by Oflara.) will be Impersonated by Ruth Wil porary removal of dogs’ org^ans surgery could be repaired effec- tional Red Cross. ley, Judy McAlplne, Jane Pastel, tlvely. Police said she gave Biem tiiis land, long a center of a tribal in Thant conferred privately with New Way Without Surgery The couple were married Nov.