MH-- " Btor Bw' W Tok'ladii ' Poraoasl at V
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t h u b s d a t , JANUAKT tl. lEvi^nttto If^raliii Avenge D*IIy Ne| P n s i Kim nwWeallMH-- " Btor Bw' W tok'ladii ' Poraoasl at V. B. WsoAi Btoyd First Hearing ward Dupn and adgar Otoifca. Ctoody Bot as « I^lliout T o ^ Other haartngs i w ba.MDoadaiy iVf- 1 3 ,9 1 ^ la the 16s. lataH fbom 1 to 8 pijn., and Ttiesday’Brom milder wMh snow 2 to 4 ojn. ir.»«K.y ths AaSN the day diaai . "lliji «i*euUv« Voard <tf th« little Of Tax Board NdUoes of OMMasmeat ehlin|W Butsaa sC Q im MIhi thca lafai. Bid tluwto^ of Muidiester will meet Manch0tl«r— A City of VUIage Charm a : tomorrow at S p.m. at the former wore asnt out U a . 4. r i'iUmawp DUPLICATE . Veeh Sobool buUdlnc on Bcbool S t On Saturday owtMni who dldnot Cboalve notieaa can aaeume tlMm la no ohang* to AT ARMY and NAVY CLUB i>«ita Chapter, RAM, will have thair asaiawnint from last ysar. TOL, LXXKn, NO. 104 (8IXTEBN FAGiS) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1963 (OhMsUled Advertteing oa Fags 14) PRICE FIVE CENTB a Ladlee N i^t Saturday at 6:80 H is board of tax wlU 1090 MAIN STREET hMd Um fitst of Uiras hssitoM p.m. a|t the Slaaonio T e i^ a Saturday in the Mualetpal BuUd- Royal Kack Ihreceptoiy wU tng hsaring room from 2 to 4 pm. EVERY FRIDAY A T 7:45 P.M. JFK Enjoys Planes Crash Anyone who fsela hs has a PENTLAND State News meet tomorrow at 8 pan. at Or giriovance on the eesessment IsMed ^ IBE FLOUm PUBLIC ENVITBD ange Hall. Reaervationa will oloee on his real or personal property, **Kverytl>iiig In Flowen” tomorrow for a hue trip to New or who Just has a question on how OeatraOy Loeated At A Night Out, On Ankara, Tork City. the atoeewtaerit waa oomputad, will 84 BIRCH 8TBBBT Roundup be heard by board members. A midweek aervlca of praiaa n 8-4444—M l S-624T Testing Will Resume Customarily, the three board Open SiSMsN H om e by 12 115 Perish tesUmony and Bible study will be mentoers sit at separate tables and held tonlglit at 7:30 at the Salva/- Xhorsday tm 6 P JL talk to taxpayers individually, so Paridag Aerosa Itw Street ANKARA, Turkey (AP)— Witness Weeps tlon Army Citadel. Maj. B. WaHer tlM hearing is speeded. When spa* For too Can V , WASHINGTON (AP) — tamie will conduct the service. dal problems arise, the board Folk singers wailed of Amer Two planes collided over An memibbrs confer with one another, ica’s heritage. Dancers por kers todsy end crashed in In Peonage Trial Mias Leslie Carlson, daughter or oon^t Aaseaabr P. Joaoi^ trayed it. Guitars strummed flames in the teeming main Of Mr. end Mrs. toland V. Carlson, Murphy. ipO Si. Main St., a freshman at alxmt it. And Presidmit Kenr square of this Turkish capital. N E W H A V E N (AP)— A The three boajd-mqmbers are Read Herald Advs. Mexico City cab driver began After Talk Collapses Ohio Wesleyan ITnlverslty, Dele- nedv passed nearly the entire Police estimated 116 penons, ware, Ohio, is at home for a mid nationally televised hour pol most of them on the ground, to weep today as he testified year vacation. She will return to were killed. about what he called the long 0(^001 Feb. 4. ishing his prepared speech. The PresliMnt ecrawled with a It iqipeored to be the worst such hours he and his family work* pen, Addled with his black tie, disaster since Doc. 16, I960 when ed on the chicken farm owned Mra Oglore White, patriotic in THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIALS two commercial planes coUided structor of the VAW Auxiliary, sipped a seemingly endless glass by the man he claims made Rusk Talks of water and chatted with a over New Yoric City. That crash and Mrs. Florence Plitt, recently Aluminum Siding? peons of them. presented a flag and flag etiquette »m EAST O F CHICKEN TOUR CnOIOB neighbor during the WVtai B'Rith kUled 184 persona, including six Anti-Defamation Lease’s "Din to a Brooklyn str^. U.S. District Court Judge M. MOklets to members of Brownie OVER HAM Joseph Blumenfeld promptly ex On Canada Troop 910 at Wapplng Elementary ner with the President." (the Burning wreckage showered President dined earUer at ' the pedeetrlans and stores lining Ulus cused the Jury and called a brief StiboOI. Tamila Roberts represent IROASTBEE^AUJUS recess to see If the witness could ed the troop. White House.) Square—the Times Square of An Hla fawttontiveness, though, 'was kara. continue testifying without what \ he described as an emotional dis A nd Cuba Chapman Court, Order of Am RAKED VIRGINIA HAM not witnessed by television view- Ths passenger craft was a Mid ars. It was under cover of semi- dle East Airlines four-engine Vis- play. aranth, win meet tomorrow at Aleoa't qualify it 4opi eount heading for Ankara from 7:45 p.m. at Masonic Temple. Mrs. \ RAKED STUFFED JUMRO datloibss while the attenAon of It was the second day on the WASHINGTON (AP) — the dtnsn was diverted to the Nlooifia, Cyprus, with 15 aboard. stand for Luis Humberto Oros, who is Charles Landt>ert and a committee SHRIMP It was in collision with a Turk President Kennedy otter are in charge of a pothick at 6:30. Installation ii by factory trained initallari bright stage at the other side of was describing his work schedule a h (^ hall. ish sir force 047 Dakota only in January 1962 when he started ing resumption of prepara- Alcoa's aluminum siding auarantaai you a Then he ran a hand through his minutes from Ankam’s big, mod weeping. tienB for a new underground CHICKEN CHOW MEIN ......................... ,99c long brown hair, took off the red em airport northeast of Uie capi Accused in the trial is David nuclear test shot in Nevada RUM C A K E .................................................. 45e beautiful, carefree home for years and years boinonniere he had been wearing tal. Bhackney, 61. following breakdown of talks and accepted Aie League's Demo- VirtuaUy all of Ankara’s ambu- Shackney, who owns a chicken Hospital Notes At Home Specialties Alcoa's tiding it priced cratle Legacy award. lancsa and Are-flghtlng equipment farm in Mlddlefleld, Is the first with Russia on a test ban FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL lower than you think. He said, as the televised hour was dispatched to the sc^pe. Ra person to be brought to trial on treaty. Visiting hours are f to 8 p.m. tteked away, that "It la not a bur dio Ankara broadcast appeals for peonage charges In Connecticut Secretary of State Dean Rusk for all areas, except maternity, COMPLETE LOBSTER DINNER . $1415 den but a prlvU^e to have the donoie of blood. Doctors were since the Civil War. told a news conference today that where they are f to 4 p.m. and Special February prices start today. Wa will chance In 1968 to make this reaUy summoned to hoeplboils. Oros, who met Shackney in Mexi the President’s decision was tldc- 6:80 to 8 p.m., and private rooms, SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL gladly give you an estimate and explain the a new world—a new world for us Ulus Square Is the center of the co City In July, 1960, testified yes en after Soviet representatives gave notice in New York Thurs where they are 10 ajn . to 8 p.m. many other advantages of Alcoa aluminum tid and, indsed, fdr all those who old city of Ankara, .^ue means terday that he had worked In the Visitors are requested not to STEAK DINNER................. .. $1.95 look to ns." "nation.” A huge statue of Kemal U.S. briefly during the I940's and day that they wanted to caU off smoke in patient’s room. No more ing from Home Specialties. Kennedy brought everyone up Ataturk — father of modern Tur liked it. further test ban discussions until than two visitors at one time per We Specialize In Businessmen’s Luncheons— 8Sc to 99c short when he Interrupted himself key, who establMied Ankara as He became interested immediate the reopening of the disarmament ly when Shackney advised him that conference at Geneva on Feb. 12. patient. GENEROUS PORTIONS In mid - sentence to announce to the capital—is on one side. Stores, PHONE Ml 3-28S6 the television watchers and the restaurants and business places he was looking for someone to Rusk also made two other ma Patients Today: 261 ^The Pleasure of His Company^ Opens Tonight PLUS OUR REGULAR MENU B'Nal B’Rlth: occupy the other three sides. work on his ConnecUcut farm, Oros jor points at his first meeting ADMITTED YESTBJFIDAY: s LEGAL BEVERAGES "It Is almost 11 o'clock.” Ths city’s two main streets In tesUfled. with reporters sinoe before Otrist- Mrs. Martha Newark, 12 Eklison Mrs. Mary Gaudet, ae Kate Dougherty, shows displeasure as she observes her former husband, The President griimed impishly He produced letters written to mas: Pogo BSddeforo Poole, played by Phil Russell, gifting their daughter, Jessica Poole, played by Jo s HOMEMADE BREAD and PASTRIES tersect at the square. Shackn^ after the chicken farmer 1. The United States "regrets” Rd.; Mrs. Diane ^rgeron, 91 Richmond, writh a necklace he formerly gave to her and reclaimed when they were divorced. gnd resumed the sentence. A baf- Windsor Ave., Rockville; Frank • SOUPS MADE FRESH DAIL'P HOME SPECIALTIES fied network ofAcial aald later a Yhe MEA flight bad originated returned home.