Ms CollXRandom House Random House. Records, 1925-1992. £9**linearft. (ca.-Q&F,000 items in 1,657-boxes) 13 % SI Summary: The collection consists of the editorial and production archives of Random House, Inc. from its founding in 1925 to the present time. The correspondence and editorial files include many of the most important novelists and short story writers in American and European literature: Saul Bellow; Erskine Caldwell; Truman Capote; William Faulkner; Sinclair Lewis; Andre Malraux; Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder. Among the contemporary poets there are files for W. H. Auden; Allen Ginsberg; Robinson Jeffers; Robert Lowell; and Stephen Spender. In the area of theater there are files for Maxwell Anderson; Moss Hart; Lillian Hellrnan; Eugene O'Neill; and Tennessee Williams. Random House transacted business with many fine presses and noted typographers and the archives contain files for Nonesuch Press, Grabhorn Press and Golden Cockerel Press, as well as for Bruce Rogers, Valenti Angelo, and Edwin, Jane, and Robert Grabhorn. The most important book published by Random House was James Joyce's Ulysses. Because of its alleged obscenity, it was only legally admitted into the United States after a long battle by Random House in the courts ending in 1934. The Random House Archives contain letters and documents relating to this famous case. Organized in the following series: Cataloged correspondence; Joyce-Ulysses correspondence;Miscellaneous manuscripts; Cerf/Klopfer files, 1946-1954; 1956-1965; Name file, 1925-1945; Publishers file, 1925-1945; Publishers file, A-Z, 1925-1945; Subject file, 1925-1945; Production/Editorial file, 1927-1934; Random House cataloges; Alfred A Knopf catalogs; Photographs; Nonesuch Press, 1928-1945; Modem fine presses, 1928-1945; Manufacturing dept. correspondence, dead file, 1932-1949; Editorial reports, 1934-1940; Production correspondence, 1937-1953; Editorial reports, 1941-1947; Editorial correspondence, Commins & Linscott, 1945-1947; Wonder Books, 1945-1947; Miscellaneous correspondence, 1946-1950; Editorial correspondence, 1947-1952; Editorial correspondence, Cornrnins & Linscott, 1948; Sales correspondence, Lewis Miller, 1948; Editorial reports, 1948; General correspondence, 1949; Editorial correspondence, Commins & Linscott, 1949; Editorial correspondence, Albert Erskine, 1949-63; Editorial reports, 1949; Sales correspondence, Lewis Miller, 1950; General correspondence, 1950; Editorial correspondence, Commins & Linscott, 1950; Editorial reports, 1950-1955; General correspondence, 1951; Editorial correspondence, Commins, 1951; Editorial correspondence, David MacDowell, 1951-1955; Emanuel Harper Lewis correspondence, 1951-1955; Miscellaneous unsorted correspondence, 1951-1955. General correspondence, 1952; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1952; Editorial correspondence, Commins & Linscott, 1952; General correspondence, 1953; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1953; Editorial correspondence, Commins & Linscott; Rights and Permissions, 1953-1958; General correspondence, 1954; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1954; Editorial correspondence, Paul Lapolla, 1954- 1965; Editorial correspondence, Hiram Haydn, 1954-1959; General correspondence, 1955; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1955; General correspondence, 1956; Editorial correspondence, David MacDowell, 1956; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1956; Editorial correspondence, Lee Wright, 1956-1962; General correspondence, 1957; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1957; General correspondence, 1958; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1958; Sales correspondence, Lewis Miller, 1958; General correspondence, 1959; Sales correspondence, Lewis Miller, 1959-1960; Editorial correspondence, Harry Maule, 1959; Editorial correspondence, Lawrence Bensky, 1959-1963; Editorial correspondence, Jason Epstein, 1959-1962; General correspondence, 1960; Sales correspondence, 1960; Permission file, 1960; Joe Fox, Editorial reports, 1960-67; Joe Ms Coll\Randbm House Fox, Random House memos, 1960-67; Joe Fox, Personal file, 1960-67; Joe Fox, General correspondence, 1960-67; Harry Maule, Editorial correspondence, 1960-66; Nan Talese, 1960-67; General correspondence, 1961.; R L. Bernstein files, 1961; Permission files, 1961; Harry Maule, Personal files, 1961-65; Editorial correspondence, Mary Heathcote, 1961-1963; General correspondence, 1962; R L. Bernstein files, 1962; Editorial correspondence, Fred Rosenau & Miriam Norton, 1962-64; General correspondence, 1963; R L. Bernstein files, 1963; Production correspondence, James Silberman, 1963- 65; General correspondence, 1964; Howard Price. General correspondence, 1964; Editorial reports, Paul Lapolla, 1964-65; Advertising files, 1964-65;General correspondence, 1965; R L. Bernstein files, 1965; Christopher Cerf, General correspondence, 1965-68; Christopher Cerf, National Wildlife Federation, 1965-68; General correspondence, 1966; Editorial correspondence, James Silberman, 1966-67; General correspondence, 1967-69; Illustrated Modern Library; Modern Library Publications correspondence, 1930; Modern Library, Jess Stein, 1948- 53; Illustrated Modern Library, production files, 1944-50; Modern Library, production correspondence, 1950-52; Modern Library, new format, 1992; Author and reject correspondence, 1958-68; Author correspondence, 1955-72; Author correspondence of editor Joseph M. Fox, 1960-73; Author correspondence of editor John J. Simon, 1966- 70; Author correspondence of Christopher Cerf, ca. 1960-71; Author correspondence of Nan Talese, ca. 1960-73; Author correspondence of James H. Silberman, 1969-71; Author correspondence of Alice Mayhew, 1966-71; General author correspondence files, 1960-72; Bertold Brecht Anthology, 1970; Publicity Dept. Files; Solicited manuscripts rejected, 1956-63; Readers' reports, 1964-65; General editorial correspondence, 196^-73; Administrative oifice files, 1970-73; Editorial correspondence, Lee Wright, 1958-75; Editorial correspondence, John Simon, 1968-73; James Silberman administrative files, 1968-74; Robert D. Loomis editorial correspondence, 1968-73; Nan A. Talese editorial correspondence, 1966-68; Editorial correspondence of Jason Epstein, Joseph M. Fox, Janet Kafka, Sally Kovalchick, Charlotte Mayerson, James Silberman, Jean Pohoryles, Robert Loomis, Toni Morrison, Peter Osnos, Jonathan Galassi, Enroll McDonald, Robert Cowley, etc., 1966- 87; Publicity files, 1966-79^ tXJi WO Restrictions on use: William Carlos Williams cataloged letters and manuscripts; Karen Blixen's cataloged and uncataloged correspondence; Irwin Shaw's cataloged correspondence and manuscripts; William Saroyan's cataloged correspondence; W.H. ___ Auden's letters; Pearl S. Buck's letters; John Dixon Carr's letters; and-William Goyen's j 7oh*\ ktt618 are on microm*m- Readers must use microfilm of materials specified above. None of the materials may be published in any form in whole or in part without prior consultation with Random House, Inc. Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts. Donon Gift of Random House, Inc., 1970, 1974, 1977-1979, 1986-198&& 1992,/- Finding aids: Register, 4 volumes. Location: ll/22a»23D; Oversize is in Mapcase 14-7-10; The Random House Library is on 15/cage 21/aisles 15-22. For books published by Random House, 1925-1975, see the Random House Library card catalog. Modern Library titles are not included in this catalog. 1. Anderson, Maxwell, 1888-1959. 2. Angelo, Valenti, 1897- 3. Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973. 4. Bellow, Saul. 5. Caldwell, Erskine, 1903- 6. Capote, Truman, 1924- 7. Carr, John Dixon, 1906-1977. 8. Dinesen, Isak, 1885-1962. 9. Faulkner, William, 1897-1962. 10. Ginsberg, Allen, 1926- 11. Grabhorn, Edwin E 12. Grabhorn, Jane. Ms Coll\Random House 13. Grabhorn, Robert. 14. Hart, Moss, 1904-1961. 15. Hellman, Lillian, 1906- 16. Jeffers, Robinson, 1887-1962. 17. Joyce, James, 1882-1941. Ulysses. 18. Lewis, Sinclair, 1885- 1951. 19. Lowell, Robert, 1917-1977. 20. Malraux, Andre, 1901-1976. 21. O'Neill, Eugene, 18988-1953. 22. Rogers, Bruce, 1870-1957. 23. Saroyan, William, 1908- 24. Shaw, Irwin, 1913- 25. Spender, Stephen, 1913- 26. Stein, Gertrude, 1874-1946. 27. Wilder, Thornton, 1897-1975 28. Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983. 29. Williams, William Carlos, 1883-1963. 30. Golden Cockerel Press. 31. Grabhorn Press. 32. Nonesuch Press. 33. Modern Library. 34. American literature. 35. Authors, American 36. Literature. 37. Publishers and Publishing. 38. Accounts. 39. Advertisements. 40. Book jackets. 41. Cardfiles. 42. Contracts. 43. Catalogs (trade). 44. Drawings. 45. Financial documents and records. 46. Galley proofs. 47. Manuscripts (literary). 48. Photographs. 49. Photoprints. 50. Posters. 51. Proofs. 52. Reports. 53. Authors. 54. Novelists. 55. Poets. 56. Publishers. ID: NYCR90-A147 GO - 6/89 HR- 7/92 RANDOM HOUSE Catalogued Correspondence Note; A box of miscellaneous v / photographphotographss iiss shelveshelvedd aatt ththee Joyce - tayss^s Correspondence end of the Cataloged Correspondence. iiS^ Photographic Posters of Random House Books Miscellaneous Manuscripts o ma^ by Random House for their 5Oth aanniversary (Oversized Package shelved Cerf/TQopfer Files, 19li6-195l$ 1956-1965 (Boxes 1-63) on Stack 15, Cage £l Name File (Boxes 6U-116); includes Karen Blixen (itIsak Dinesen") 1934-63. 192$-19l& Publishers File— General (3ox 117) 192$-19l& Publishers File A - Z (Boxes H8-132) 192.5>-19U5> Subject File (includes agents, bookdealers, etc.; Boxes 133-160) 1927-1931*