ARTGENE Zamtarizamtari // Winterwinter 20112011 ##33 Redaqtori: Tamar Meliqisvili 4-5 Redaqtoris Werili// Jurnalisti: Nuca Eristavi from the Editor

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ARTGENE Zamtarizamtari // Winterwinter 20112011 ##33 Redaqtori: Tamar Meliqisvili 4-5 Redaqtoris Werili// Jurnalisti: Nuca Eristavi from the Editor ARTGENE zamTarizamTari // WINTERWINTER 20112011 ##33 redaqtori: Tamar meliqiSvili 4-5 redaqtoris werili// Jurnalisti: nuca erisTavi FROM THE EDITOR dizaineri: nia mSvidobaZe 6 -17 ostatebi foto: MASTERS giorgi baramiZe maria lanevski sofi siTveli 18 - 21 Targmani: mzis margalitebi marina qoreli THE PEARLS OF THE SUN Editor: Tamar Melikishvili 22 - 25 Jounalist: qarTuli xelnawerebi Nutsa Eristavi GEORGIAN MANUSCRIPTS Designer: Nia Mshvidobadze Photo: 26 - 39 Giorgi Baramidze saqarTvelo nawili Cemi gulisa Maria Lanevski sufra - svetlana sabuckaia - buaCiZe Sophie Sitwell GEORGIA - PIECE OF MY HEART SUPRA - Svetlana Sabutskaia - Buachidze Translation: Marina Koreli 40 - 51 mezRvauris monaTxrobi aleqsandre WavWavaZe STORIES OF THE SAILOR Alexander Chavchavadze saavtoro uflebebi daculia. JurnalSi gamo- qveynebuli masalebis gamoyeneba redaqciis nebarTvis gareSe akrZalulia. kvartaluri Jurnali art-geni. tel: +995 32 91 70 78,,, veni mogzaurobis ganmavlobaSi gvqonda bedniereba, piradad gavc- CnobodiT im adamianebs, romelTa ojaxebSic ase kargad igrZnoba namd- vili mTis Taflis gemo, xis suni da gavarvarebuli foladis simtkice. yvela am adamianis kera cal-cal- ke da erTad saqarTveloa, romlis SegrZnebac qalaqSi ase rTulia. am nomerSi warmodgenili por- tretebi mcdelobaa yvela moqalaqeSi gavaRviZoT survili ara mxolod maTi gacnobisa, aramed piradad stum- robisa, adgilze, maT sofelSi, maT samyaroSi. redaqtoris werili Tamar meliqiSvili uring our journey we were lucky enough to meet the kind of people who Dmade their family homes our home, where one can experience the taste of real mountain honey, the smell of wood and the incredible tranquility. each one of these people’s hearths unites Georgia, something that is so diffi cult to have a real sense and understanding of in a city. The portraits presented in this edition are an attempt to arouse your interest, not only to get acquainted with them through the texts and photographs, but also to visit these people at home in their villages and enter into their world. Tamar Melikishvili THE EDITOR’S LeTTeR THE EDITOR’S 4 5 akaki laSqaraSvili eze muSaobis niWi winaprebisa- gan gadmomeca, Cemi papa, romel- qarTuli xalxuri ic 1916 wels daRupula, Turme sakravebis ostati. xis saxlebs awyobda avlabarSi, xsomxuri dramis Teatris win rom dab.1938 q. TbilisSi. MASTERS saxlia misi brigadis mier yofila agebuli. im dros TbilisSi ori vaso yofila cnobili, TeTri vaso, romelic CxeiZe iyo gvarad da meore AKAKI LASHKARASHVILI wiTeli vaso, romelic papaCemi iyo. maT TavTavianTi brigadebi hyoliaT Master of Georgian musical instru- da erTmaneTs lamazi saxlebis Sene- ments baSi ejibrebodnen. rac Seexeba musika- Born 1938 in Tbilisi. lur sakravebs, arsebobda mxatvruli nawarmisa da suvenirebis fabrika, romelic daixura 1968 wels, ai iq vi- muSave 1962 wlidan daxurvamde, mas y great grandfather, who died in mere dRemde damoukideblad vmuSaob. 1916, was a famous carpenter and ise bavSvobidan fandurs vukrav. deda the house in front of the Armenian xevsuri qali myavda, imaTTvis piani- theater in Avlabari was built by him. noc fanduria da yvelaferi. xalxuri MThey say in those days there were two Va- sakravebi eris sulieri saxea, am mxriv sos in Tbilisi. White Vaso, who last name was bevr did erebze mdidari varT. Cven 13 Chkheidze and Red Vaso, who was my great saxis instrumenti gagvaCnia, erTmane- grand father. They both had their own team of Tze unikaluri da TviTmyofadi, rac carpenters and had a sort of competition go- gadaSenebulia imaTze rom araferi ing on. As for me, I ended up making tradition- vTqva is kidev sxvaa. dResdReobiT al musical instruments. There was a factory vamzadeb yvelanair qarTul sakravs: producing artistic souvenirs, which shut down fandurs, Congurs, salamurs, duduks, in 1968 where I worked for 10 years. Since stvirs, gudastvirs. axla vapireb fSa- then I’m self-employed. I played the panduri vuri stviris damzadebas, svanur Cangs- from an early age. My mum was Hevsuretian Wunirs, raWul xemian sakravs Wianurs, and for them even a piano was a panduri. Tra- romelic samwuxarod aRar moixmare- ditional musical instruments show the spiritual ba. am yvelafers erT patara sardafSi face of the nation and in that sense we are far vamzadeb, sadac davixrCe ra. samwuxar- richer then many bigger countries. We have od moswavleebi ara myavs _ ise, erTi thirteen remaining varieties of musical instru- 3-4 bavSvs aviyvandi, axalgazrdebi yve- ment in Georgia and each one is unique within lafers advilad swavloben, magram its own right. Unfortunately there were more, ra vqna, Zalian pataraa Cemi sardafi, which no longer exist. I make almost every- marto samuSaod erTi 150 kv.m. haeriv- one of these instruments: panduri, chonguri, iT mWirdeba. Cems Svilebs musikaluri salamuri, duduki, stviri, gudastviri, pshavian ganaTleba aqvT miRebuli, magram arc stviri, Svanetian changi, chuniri, Rachvelian erTi ar misdevs Cems saqmianobas, Tu chianuri, (which sadly is not used anymore). moveswari iqneb imaT Svilebs mainc I create all of these in my little cellar where I vaswavlo. can hardly breathe. Unfortunately I have no students but could have managed 3-4 young- sters. As I said, my cellar is tiny and I’m in desperate need of space. My children all have a musical education but none of them have ostatebi taken up my craft, so my only hope is that my future grandchildren will. 7 Temur arZnaZe - meWipone cxovrobs sofel dandaloSi. (qedis raioni). e-4 klasSi viyavi, pirvelad vinme was in the fourth grade at school the fi rst time Saban beriZis Wiponis xma rom gav- I heard the magical sound of the chiponi and igone, ise momxibla am uZvelesma was so enchanted, that I became determined TEMUR ARDZNADZE instrumentma, rom misi gakeTe- to make one for myself. First I made a sala- mbis survili aRar masvenebda. jer sala- muri (a Georgian wind pipe) and as I didn’t have a Chiponi player and craftsman, Village of Dandalo, Keda region I muri gavakeTe, Semdeg gudis uqunlobis sheep skin bag, I was mounting it on to children’s gamo saTamaSo buStze davabi salamuri, balloons and imitating how to play it. So that’s how MASTERS rom gamebera da damekra. ase daiwyo yve- it all started….. laferi, mosmeniT da dakvirvebiT... Here I’d like to pay my respects by remem- madlierebiT minda gavixseno vaso bering Vaso Iremadze, an old chiponi player, who iremaZe, Zveli meWipone, romelsac mTel was the best in Adjara and who taught me a lot. aWaraSi badali ara hyolia, misganac bev- Temur Ardznadze is still trying to perfect ri ram viswavle... his craft of making chiponis, is a keen performer, Temur arZnaZe dRemde muSaobs has his own group and never misses any opportu- Wiponis damzadebis daxvewaze, ukravs nity to participate in all kinds of traditional festivals araCveulebrivad, hyavs gundi da ocnebobs and concerts in Adjara, so that Adjarians will never rac SeiZleba xSirad miiRos monawileo- forget the magical sound of the chiponi. ba koncertebsa da festivalebSi, ar daavi- wyos qarTvelebs Wiponis lamazi xmovane- ostatebi ba. 8 9 jaxSi sami da-Zma viyaviT, mere gavmravldiT, sami Svi- li myavs da eqvsi SviliSvi- li, mWedloba mamaCemisgan ismailisgan viswavle. Cemi obiWebic dainteresebulebi iyvnen, mexmare- here were three brothers and three sisters bodnen, magram damefantnen, exla erTi in our family, now I’ve got three children myavs sofelSi, manqanac hyavs da xelobac of my own and 6 grandchildren. My father ostatebi kargad icis. aq unda iyos, colic aq unda Ismael taught me how to be a “smithy” and movuyvano. sofelSi samWedlo yovelT- Tthen my boys became interested, until two of them vis saWiroa, cxoveli Cveni marCenalia, left the village and now only one remains with me cxensac da xarsac nali sWirdeba, xelis and he is the master of the craft. He has to be here iaraRebze, rom araferi vTqva culs, na- and he promised to get married here. A blacksmith jaxs, Toxs axlac vakeTeb; adre feCsac va- is always needed in the village, as we have horses keTebdi ubralod fizikurad aRar Semi- and bulls, which need shoes, not to mention all Zlia. ai es sabervelic Cemi gakeTebulia the other work tools like axes, shovels and hoes. oRond CvenTan qvanaxSiri ar aris da xis I even made steel ovens, but now I’m running out naxSirs viyeneb. saqme samWedloSi yov- of steam─ getting too old ─but I still managed to elTvis aris. rac Seexeba Semosavals aba make this bellow. As we don’t have coal here, we ra giTxraT, vSromobT, magram fuli aq use charcoal. There is always something to do in a yvelas uWirs, xalxs araferi aqvs da me ra forge, but as for my income, there is not much you unda momcen. can earn here. People around here are desper- dagvecala sofeli. me aq dabade- ate themselves for money, so what can I ask for? buli, gazrdili da daberebuli kaci var, Our village emptied out. I was born here, grew up mtkiva guli dacariebul sofels rom and grew old here. I feel so much pain in my heart vxedav. es erTi biWi, romelic aqa myavs when I see our empty village. Even my son, who gaqcevaze iyo da Cemi gulisTvis darCa. was desperate to leave, stayed just for my sake. erTs visurvebdi: neta xalxis ukan dab- I have one dream, to live just long enough to see runebas momaswro da mere Tu ginda, mom- people return and then I can die in peace. kla. MASTERS WiWiko lobJaniZe - mWedeli dab. 1921 wels. cxovrobs raWaSi, sofel RebSi. CHICHIKO LOBJANIDZE - BLACKSMITH Born in 1921 Ghebi village Racha. 10 11 xalgazrdobaSi 40 weli manqanaze vmuSaobdi. rac pensiaze gavedi, viyide ram- denime ojaxi futkri da mas mere vaSeneb. miyvars mefutkreoba. maqvs Tafli, zogs vCuqni, zogs vyidi. karg Taflis arays vamzadeb. Cven varT qedis raio- nis sofel namonastrevidan, imaze maRla mamali aRar yivis, magram futkris mosaSeneblad Zalian kargi pirobebia. CvenTan cacxvi da wabli xarobs, bal- aaxebia - maTi yvavilisgan gakeTebuli Tafli Zalze sasargebloa janmrTelobisaT- MASTERS vis da samkurnalod gamoiyeneba. bevri akacia movaSene da kidev minda movaSeno.
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