Highlights: Week beginning Monday 1st October 2018

Monday 1st October 2018 – 13:55 THE LAST MAN TO HANG (1956) Director: Terence Fisher Starring: Tom Conway, Elizabeth Sellars, Eunice Gayson and Anthony Newley. Sir Roderick Strood is on trial for the murder of his sick wife, by means of a sedative overdose. But was it accidental or deliberate?

Monday 1st October 2018 – 21:00 THE SWIMMER (1968) (also showing Sunday 7th October at 22:10) Director: Frank Perry and Sydney Pollack Starring: Burt Lancaster, Janet Landgard, Janice Rule and Marge Champion. When visiting a friend, Ned notices the abundance of swimming pools that populate the Suburbs back gardens and decides he will swim each one on his 8 mile trip home.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018 – 15:15 INTERLUDE (1968) Director: Kevin Billington Starring: Oskar Werner, Barbara Ferris, Virginia Maskell and Donald Sutherland. A famous conductor gives an interview to a pretty young reporter. He speaks a bit too frankly and soon begins an affair with the journalist, despite being married.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018 – 21:00 CONSPIRACY OF HEARTS (1960) Director: Ralph Thomas Starring: Lilli Palmer, Sylvia Syms, Yvonne Mitchell and Ronald Lewis. During World War II, Mother Superior Katharine oversees a picturesque Italian convent and makes it her duty to smuggle out the Jewish children from a concentration camp.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018 – 23:10 SEE NO EVIL (1971) (also showing Saturday 6th October at 21:00) Director: Richard Fleischer Starring: Mia Farrow, Dorothy Alison, Robin Bailey and Diane Grayson In the English countryside, Sarah, recently blinded in a horse riding accident, moves in with her uncle's family and adjusts to her new condition, unaware that a killer stalks them.

Wednesday 3rd October 2018 – 18:10 PORT AFRIQUE (1956) (also showing Saturday 6th October at 16:45) Director: Rudolph Maté Starring: Philip Carey, Pier Angeli, Dennis Price, James Hayter and Anthony Newley. Rip, an ex-Army flier, returns home to finds his wife dead. Police say it was suicide but Rip believes it was murder and begins to investigate the lead up to his wife’s death.

Wednesday 3rd October 2018 – 22:45 THE RUNNING MAN (1963) (also Saturday 6th October at 18:35) Director: Starring: Laurence Harvey, Lee Remick, Alan Bates and Felix Aylmer. When pilot Rex Black wrecks his plane in a crash the day after his insurance policy expires, the insurance company refuses to pay out any money…

Wednesday 3rd October 2018 – 21:00 THE MAN INSIDE (1958) Director: John Gilling Starring: Nigel Patrick, Jack Palance, Anita Ekberg and Anthony Newley. An English bookkeeper who works for a jeweller steals a priceless jewel and kills a man in the process. He flees to the continent and embarks on the life of his dreams but a detective is hot on his trail.

Thursday 4th October 2018 – 21:00 (1945) Director: Arthur Crabtree Starring: , James Mason, Anne Crawford, Hugh Sinclair and Dulcie Gray. The story of three sisters who marry men of widely different character as their individual and widely-different married lives unfold.

Friday 5th October 2018 – 13:35 CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN (1950) Director: Walter Lang Starring: Clifton Webb, Myrna Loy, Jeanne Crain and Barbara Bates. Based on the true story of the large Gilbreth family, this film follows Frank Gilbreth and his wife, as they raise their 12 children.

Friday 5th October 2018 – 18:00 YOU MUST BE JOKING (1965) Director: Michael Winner Starring: Michael Callan, Terry-Thomas, Lionel Jeffries and Bernard Cribbins. An eccentric military scientist Major Foskett recruits five soldiers to act as the human subjects of a scavenger-hunt-style experiment in subordination.

Friday 5th October 2018 – 21:00 WINDOM’S WAY (1957) Director: Ronald Neame Starring: Peter Finch, Mary Ure, Natasha Parry, Robert Flemyng and Michael Hordern. A doctor's sophisticated wife joins him at his remote Asian practice to try and patch up their marriage. Increasingly violent friction between local rubber plantation workers and the authorities force both parties to make decisions.

Saturday 6th October 2018 – 09:15 WINDBAG THE SAILOR (1936) Director: William Beaudine Starring: , Moore Marriott, Graham Moffatt and Norma Varden. A bragging sea captain's maritime experience actually extends to navigating a coal barge down inland waterways. His tall tales catch him out when he is coerced into commanding an unseaworthy ship by an unscrupulous shipping agent who means to have it wrecked.

Saturday 6th October 2018 – 14:45 JAZZBOAT (1960) Director: Ken Hughes Starring: Anthony Newley, Bernie Winters, James Booth, Lionel Jeffries & Anne Aubrey. An electrician, Bert Harris, insinuates that he is a successful cat burglar and unexpectedly Gets involved with a real gang of thugs who need his “expertise” to commit a big time robbery. Among the songs in the film is Anthony Newley’s chart hit ‘Someone to Love.”

Sunday 7th October 2018 – 14:45 LOST IN THE DESERT (1970) Director: Jamie Uys Starring: Wynand Uys (credited as Dirkie Hayes), Jamie Uys (credited as Jamie Hayes) The only survivors of a plane crash, a young boy and his dog brave the deserts of Africa as they make their way back to civilization.

Sunday 7th October 2018 – 18:30 GREAT EXPECTATIONS (1974) Director: Joseph Hardy Starring: Michael York, Sarah Miles, Margaret Leighton, James Mason & Anthony Quayle. Charles Dickens' immortal tale of Pip, an orphan given the opportunity to break free from poverty to live life as an educated gentleman in this all-star lavish adaptation.