spring08 The Magazine for University College and the School of Professional and Continuing Studies Alumni and Friends high-tech GIantS Alumni PersPectives on working for technology Pioneers: Digital EquipmEnt Corporation, primE ComputEr, anD Wang laboratoriEs >BoB Bozeman [uC ’78] alumni Travel Program: TUSCANY ocToBeR 22–30, 2008 trip highlights • spend seven nights in the ancient etruscan city of cortona, wonderfully situated in the heart of tuscany and the inspiration for the book Under the Tuscan Sun by frances mayes. • explore the tranquility of Assis and the graceful gothic ambience in siena. • marvel at the architectural wonders of renaissance florence. • experience the prodigious medieval history in Perugia, the well-preserved jewel of umbria. • learn the essence of tuscan cooking—the incomparable blend of olive oil, sun-ripened tomatoes, and herbs—at a demonstration by the chef of the award-winning restaurant tonino. space is limited so reserve your spot today! For more Information: contact Paula vogel at
[email protected] or 617.373.2727. Registration: register online at http://nortea.ahitravel.com/ or call the northeastern university travel Program at 1.800.323.7373. the alumni travel program is sponsored by the school of Professional and continuing studies. emergency medical professionals conference upcoming JUne 14 BurlingTon Campus alumnievents Conference for EMt and Paramedics. lunch with dean hopey JUne 18 Cape Cod, MA Enjoy lunch with fellow alumni and the School of Professional and Continuing Studies is committed Dean Hopey on the Cape. to making connections with alumni and also connecting alumni to students. With that in mind, we have created social, networking, preparing for college and educational events for alumni.