NISTIR 5693 (Supersedes NISTIR 5629)


Programming Languages Database Language SQL Graphics POSIX Security Judy B. Kailey Product Data - IGES Editor

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technology Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Systems Laboratory Standards Validation Group Gaithersburg, MD 20899

July 1995

QC 100 NIST .056 NO. 5693 1995

NISTIR 5693 (Supersedes NISTIR 5629)


Programming Languages Database Language SQL Graphics POSIX Computer Security Judy B. Kailey

Product Data - IGES Editor

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technology Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Systems Laboratory Software Standards Validation Group Gaithersburg, MD 20899

July 1995

(Supersedes April 1995 issue)

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Ronald H. Brown, Secretary TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION Mary L. Good, Under Secretary for Technology



The Validated Products List (VPL) identifies products that have been tested for conformance to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) in accordance with Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) conformance testing procedures, and have a current validation certificate or registered test report. The VPL also contains information about the organizations, test methods and procedures that support the validation programs for the FIPS identified in this document. The VPL includes computer language processors for programming languages COBOL, , Ada, Pascal, , M[UMPS], and database language SQL; computer graphic implementations for GKS, COM, PHIGS, and Raster Graphics; implementations for POSIX; Open Systems Interconnection implementations; and computer security implementations for DES, MAC and Key Management. The testing of products to assure conformance to the FIPS may be required by Government agencies in accordance with the FIPS, Federal Information Resources management Regulation (FIRMR) Parts 201.13 and 201.39, and the associated Federal ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index. The VPL is updated and published quarterly.

The entries for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) are presented in Volume 2 of the Validated

Products List. Volume 2 will be sent only to those who specifically request it. If you have received only Volume 1 and wish to receive Volume 2, please contact:

Ms Judy Kailey National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Systems Laboratory Software Standards Validation Group Building 225, Room A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899


The editor would like to acknowledge the valuable efforts and contributions of the following people and organizations within NIST.

Peggy Himes, of the Software Standards Validation Group (SSVG), who worked with the personnel in the Information Systems Engineering Division (ISE) to prepare the SQL entries; and also for her assistance in proof-reading the document.

William Dashiell (ISE) for Ada and SQL entries

Susan Sherrick, (ISE), for GKS entries

Lynne Rosenthal, (ISE), for CGM entries

Kevin Brady, (ISE), for PHIGS information

Martha Gray, of the Systems and Software Technology Division, CSL, for the POSIX entries

James Foti, of the Computer Security Division, CSL, for the Computer Security entries

Michele Buckley, of the Systems and Network Architecture Division, CSL, for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) entries. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Purpose 1-1 1.2 Document Organization 1-2 1.2.1 Programming Languages 1-2 1.2.2 Database Language SQL 1-2 1.2.3 Graphics 1-2 1.2.4 POSIX 1-2 1.2.5 Computer Security 1-2 1.2.6 GOSIP 1-2 1.2.7 FIPS Conformance Testing Products 1-3

2. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES 2-1 2.1 FIPS Standards 2-1 2.2 Organization of Programming Language Processor Entries 2-1 2.3 Validation of Processors 2-2 2.3.1 Validation Requirements 2-2 2.3.2 Placement in the List 2-3 2.3.3 Removal from the List 2-3 2.3.4 Validation Procedures 2-3 2.4 Certificate of Validation 2-3 2.5 Language Processor Validation Suites 2-4 2.6 Testing Laboratories and Supporting Organizations 2-4 2.7 Language Processors with Certificates - No Nonconformities 2-7 2.7.1 COBOL Processors 2-7 2.7.2 Fortran Processors 2-12 2.7.3 Ada Processors 2-17 2.7.4 Pascal Processors 2-78 2.7.5 C Processors 2-79 2.7.6 M[UMPS] Processors 2-85 2.8 Language Processors with Registered Reports Only 2-86

3. DATABASE LANGUAGE (SQL) 3-1 3.1 FIPS Database Language Standards 3-1 3.2 Organization of Database Language Processor Entries 3-1 3.3 Validation Requirements 3-1 3.4 Certificate of Validation 3-2 3.5 Registered Report 3-2 3.6 Validation Procedures 3-2 3.7 SQL Validation System 3-2 3.8 Availability of Validation Summary Reports by FTP 3-3 3.9 SQL Processors 3-4

4. GRAPHICS CONFORMANCE TESTING 4-1 4.1 HPS GKS Standard 4-1 4.1.1 Organization of GKS Entries 4-1 4.2 FIPS PHIGS Standard 4-2 4.2.1 Organization of PHIGS Entries 4-2 4.3 HPS CGM Standard 4-3 4.3.1 Validation Procedures and Test Suite 4-3

vii 4.3.2 Certificate of Validation 4-3 4.3.3 Validated Metafiles 4-3 4.4 Raster Graphics Standards 4-4 4.4.1 Certificate of Validation 4-4 4.4.2 Information Pack 4-4 4.5 GKS Implementations 4-5 4.6 Computer Graphics Metafiles 4-6 4.7 PHIGS Applications 4-7

5. NIST POSIX CONFORMANCE TESTING 5-1 5.1 nPS POSIX Standard 5-1 5.2 POSIX Test Procedures 5-1 5.3 POSIX Test Suite 5-1 5.4 Validation Requirements 5-1 5.5 Testing Laboratories for NIST POSIX (FIPS 151-1) 5-2 5.6 Validated Products for NIST POSIX (FIPS 151-1) 5-3 5.7 Testing Laboratories and Validated Products for NIST POSIX (FIPS 151-2) 5-14

6. COMPUTER SECURITY 6-1 6.1 Cryptographic Standards 6-1 6.2 Data Encryption Validation Tests 6-1 6.3 Message Authentication Code (MAC) Validation System 6-1 6.4 Key Management Validation System (KMVS) 6-1 6.5 General 6-2 6.5.1 Request for Validation 6-2 6.5.2 Information about Validated Products 6-2 6.5.3 Validation Documentation 6-2 6.6 DES Validated Devices 6-3 6.7 FIPS 113, Computer Data Authentication: Message Authentication Code (MAC) Implementations 6-12 6.8 FIPS 171, Key Management Validation Using ANSI X9.17 6-15

7. PRODUCT DATA CONFORMANCE TESTING 7-1 7.1 IGES 7-1 7.1.1 Certification of Validation 7-1 7.1.2 IGES Validated Products 7-1


viii 1


1.1 Purpose

The testing of Information Technology (IT) Products to determine the degree to which they conform to specific Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) may be required by Government agencies as specified by the FIPS, Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR) Parts 201-20.303, 201-20.304, and 201-39.1002, and the associated Federal ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index. Products having a current validation certificate or test report may be offered or delivered by vendors in response to requirements as set forth in solicitations by Federal agencies. The Validated Products List (VPL) contains conformance testing information for the following IT Standards:

Programming Languages COBOL, Fortran, Ada, Pascal, C, and M[UMPS] Database Language SQL Graphics POSIX Computer Security Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

This List is updated and published quarterly. The information contained herein is supplied by the

contributors listed in Section 2.6 and Appendix A, and is current as of the tenth of the month preceding the publication date. Copies of the VPL may be obtained from:

National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22151

Subscriptions: (703) 4874630 Individual Copies: (703) 4874650

Ordering Number: PB94-937304/AS

The entries in the printed VPL (except those for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), POSIX and Ada) are contained in WordPerfect Version 5.1 files and may be accessed on the Internet using the following instructions:

Type: ftp (internet address is Login as user ftp

Type your e-mail address preceded by a dash (-) as the password Type: cd vpl Type: binary Type: get and the name of the file you want; e.g. language

These entries are also available as DOS text files, through the World Wide Web using using one of the following instructions:

a. Open the file called "" b. Open the file called ""

1 - Questions or comments concerning the VPL should be directed to:

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Computer Systems Laboratory Software Standards Validation Group Building 225, Room A266 1.2 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Telephone (301) 975-3274

Document Organization

1.2.1 Programming Languages

Section 2 identifies those COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, C, Ada, and M[UMPS] programming language processors that have a current validation certificate or registered test report referencing the applicable FIPS as of the date of this publication.

1.2.2 Database Language SQL

Section 3 identifies those SQL language processors that have a validation certificate or a registered test report for FIPS PUB 127-2 as of the date of this publication.

1.2.3 Graphics

Section 4 lists the implementations or files for which a validation certificate is currently in place. These entries include:

Graphical Kernel System (GKS) implementations (FIPS PUB 120-1), Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Systems (PHIGS) (FIPS PUB 153), Computer Graphics Metafiles (CGMs) (FIPS PUB 128), Raster Graphics data files (FIPS PUB 150).

1.2.4 POSIX

Section 5 identifies POSIX products that have a current validation certificate for FIPS PUB 151-1 and FIPS PUB 151-2.

1.2.5 Computer Security

Section 6 contains information regarding validated products for FIPS PUB 46-1, Data Encryption Standard (DES), FIPS PUB 113, Computer Data Authentication (Implements Message Authentication Code, ANSI X9.9), and FIPS PUB 171, Key Management Using ANSI X9.17.

1.2.6 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

Section 7, presented in Volume 2 contains information regarding FIPS PUB 146-1, GOSIP, conformance testing registers. FIPS Pub 146-2, Profile for Open Systems Internetworking Technologies (POSIT), replaces FIPS 146-1. However, this information is retained for the convenience of agencies that wish to acquire OSI Protocols.

1 -2 1.2.7 FIPS Conformance Testing Products

Appendix A lists FIPS conformance testing products and services available to the public. Information for these products and services may be obtained by contacting the appropriate person listed.


2.1 FIPS Programming Language Standards

As specified by the FIPS, FIRMR and the associated Federal ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index, Federal agencies when acquiring language processors, are responsible for assuring that processors are in accordance with the following FIPS for programming languages:

a. COBOL processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 21-3, COBOL, and must be identified as implementing all of the language elements of at least one of the subsets of FIPS COBOL as specified in FIPS PUB 21-3.

b. BASIC processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 68-2, BASIC.

c. Fortran processors must satisfy the provision of FIPS PUB 69-1, Fortran, (based on ANSI X3.9-1978) and must be identified as implementing all of the language elements of the subset or full levels of FIPS Fortran as specified in FIPS PUB 69-1.

d. Pascal processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 109, Pascal.

e. Ada processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 119, Ada.

f. MfUMPS] processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 125-1, M[UMPS].

g. C processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 160, C.

h. VHDL processors must satisfy the provisions of FIPS PUB 172, VHDL.

Copies of the above publications are for sale by the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161.

Conformance testing programs are currently available for all above FIPS except for the programming language BASIC and VHDL. A test suite for BASIC is being developed.

2.2 Organization of Programming Language Processor Entries

The entries in the VPL for programming language processors are presented as follows:

• The SUPPLIER column contains the name of the provider of the processor that was tested.

• The next column contains the PROCESSOR IDentification, the Validation Summary Report (VSR) number, the SUBSET, and the EXPIRY DATE.

The PROCESSOR ID is the product name and version of the processor that was tested.

The VSR number refers to the VSR that was produced as a result of the testing. The VSR describes the testing environment and details any processor nonconformity that was detected as a result of the testing. Information for obtaining a VSR is listed in section 2.6.

2-1 The EXPIRY DAIB is the expiration date of the Certificate of Validation or Registered Validation Summary Report. A processor may be included in the List after the certificate has expired if the validation is in . Notification must be received by NIST at least 30 days prior to publication of the List in order for such a processor to be included. In this case the expiration date will be followed by "(pending)".

For COBOL processors, the SUBSET refers to the applicable Federal Subset (Minimum, Intermediate, or Hi^). For Fortran processors, the LEVEL specifies the applicable Federal level (Subset or Full). For Pascal processors, the ISO 7185 Pascal Standard Level (ISO 7185 Level 0 is equivalent to FIPS 109).

• The HARDWARE & OPERATING SYSTEM column presents the hardware and operating system environment (including pertinent supporting system software) used during the validation.

• The entries in the OTHER ENVIRONMENTS column are registered hardware and operating system environments for the processor tested. The vendor of the processor has certified that the identified processor, when operating under the environments included in this column, produces the same test results as those obtained from the hardware and operating system environment used during the validation. Test results and other information from these environments may be required as evidence for entries to be included in this column.

The entries for Ada language processors are not presented in column format.

Also listed are the programming language processors that have been tested and during the testing were found to have one or more nonconformities.

2.3 Validation of Processors

2.3.1 Validation Requirements

In accordance with the requirements referenced in Section 1.1, language processors offered to the Government for purchase, lease, or use in connection with ADP services shall be validated for conformance to FIPS for programming languages. To confirm that the specifications of the designated FIPS have been met:

a. the processor shall be tested with the Compiler Validation System (CVS) approved by NIST,

b. the processor validations shall be conducted in accordance with NIST validation procedures,

c. a Validation Summary Report (VSR) shall be produced summarizing the test results of the CVS on the designated processor for that FIPS,

d. all nonconformities noted in the VSR shall be corrected within twelve months,

e. a Certificate of Validation shall be issued if validation results warrant. In order for a processor to receive a Certificate of Validation the processor must successfully pass all applicable tests of the CVS without exception.

The Federal ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index supplies standard terminology which may allow for delayed validation. When delayed validation is allowed, the offeror may meet this requirement by showing evidence of having submitted the processor for validation. Proof of

submission is in the form of a letter from NIST scheduling the validation.

2-2 Programming language processors offered to the Federal Government must comply with the applicable Government requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements shall be deemed sufficient cause to declare a bidder non-responsive or to declare a vendor in default for failure to deliver required software.

13.1 Placement in the List

For a processor to be placed in the List it must:

a. have been officially tested within the past twelve calendar months, and

b. have no errors remaining that were identified during a previous test.

2.33 Removal from the List

A processor is removed from the List when:

a. the processor is not officially tested within twelve calendar months, or

b. testing indicates that the processor still contains errors identified during a previous validation.

# 23.4 Validation Procedures

Validation procedures are published in the following documents:

Compiler Validation Procedures, dated January 15, 1993 Ada Compiler Validation Procedures and Guidelines, Version 3.1, August, 1992

Pascal Validation Policy and Procedures, Version 5.6, September 1, 1994 M[UMPS] Validation Procedures, Version 1.0, dated August 13, 1992

2.4 Certificate of Validation

A Certificate of Validation is issued for those programming language processors that have been tested and are considered to be in compliance with the FIPS as specified by the FIPS, FIRMR and the associated Federal ADP and Telecommunications Index.

The requirement for retesting may be waived and the certificate of validation extended at the option

of NIST if:

a. no errors were identified during the previous testing of the processor,

b. the vendor certifies, in writing, to NIST that no changes have been made to either the processor or the supporting system software, and

c. no new version of the validation system has been officially released during the interim period.

2-3 2.5 Language Processor Validation Suites

Following are the validation suites and ordering information for testing programming language processors for conformance to FIPS.

a. Copies of the COBOL, Fortran, M[UMPS], and Ada Compiler Validation Suites may be purchased from:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Telephone (703) 487-4650 (Voice) (703) 321-8547 (FAX)


COBOL 85 (CCVS85) 4.2 PB93-504918 Fortran (FCVS78) 2.1 PB94-500691 Ada [Tape/Backup] 1.11 ADA212551 Ada [Tape/Tar] 1.11 ADA212437 Ada [Tape ANSI Standard] 1.11 ADA212548 Ada [Disk (MS/DOS)] 1.11 ADA212549 M[UMPS] 8.3 PB94-504099

b. The current version of the Pascal Validation System (PVS) is Version 5.7 and is available from:

Prospero Software 190 Castelnau London SW13 9DH ENGLAND Telephone (Oil) +44-081 741 8531 (Voice) (Oil) +44-081 748 9344 (FAX)

c. The current version of the ANSI C Validation Suite (ACVS*®) is Version 4.2 and is available from:

Perennial, Inc. 4699 Old Ironsides Drive Suite 210 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Telephone (408) 748-2900 (Voice) (408) 748-2909 (FAX)

2.6 Testing Laboratories and Supporting Organizations

The organizations listed below have performed validations, supplied information, or are sources for Validation Summary Reports (VSR) for programming languages. These organizations may be contacted for validation information and for copies of VSR(s). COBOL and Fortran VSR(s) may

2-4 be obtained from NIST, Pascal VSR(s) whose VSR numbers begin with "NIST" or end in "US" may also be obtained from NIST. Pascal VSR(s) whose VSR numbers end in "UK" are available from BSI, Ada VSR(s) may be obtained from the Ada Information Clearinghouse, the National Technical Information Service, or from the Ada Validation Facility (AVF) that produced the VSR. To obtain a copy of a VSR from an AVF, locate the upper case letter in the certificate number

(e.g., 870608Wl. . .). That letter corresponds to the letter in the CODE column to the left of the organizations listed below.


S National Institute of Standards and Technology L. Arnold Johnson All Software Standards Validation Group Judy Kailey COBOL, Fortran Building 225, Room A266 BASIC Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Carmelo Montanez Pascal, C (301) 975-3274 William Dashiell Ada, M[UMPS], SQL, Telex: 197674 NBS UT VHDL FAX: (301) 948-6213

N National Computing Centre Limited (NCC) Jane Pink COBOL Oxford House, Oxford Road Jon Leigh Fortran Manchester David Bamber Ada Ml 7ED C United Kingdom (011) -f-44 (61) 228 6333 +44 (61) 236 9877 (FAX) Telex 668962

German National Research Center Berthold Kirsch Fortran for Computer Science (GMD) Department Scientific Visualization Center (HLRZ) P. O. 1316, Schloss Birlin^oven D-W-5205 Sankt Augustin 1 Germany (011) -1-49-2241-14-2706 (voice) (011) -t-49-2241-14-2618 (FAX) kirsch

Instituto Italiano del marchio di Qualita (IMQ) Angelo Belloni COBOL Servicio SCQ Fortran Via Quintiliano, 43 20138 Milano Italy -^39-2-5073266 +39-2-5073271 (Fax) Telex: 310 393 IMQI

JMI Institute Y. Fukui COBOL 21-25, Kinuta 1-Chome Fortran Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo 157 Japan +81 3 3416 9600

2-5 British Standards Institution John Souter Pascal Quality Assurance (BSIQA) P.O. Box 375 Milton Keynes MK14 6LL United Kingdom (Oil) +44 908-22-09-08 (Oil) +44-908-22-06-71 (Fax) Telex: 827682 BSIQAS G

W Ada Validation Facility Dale Lange Ada Language Control Facility ASD/SCEL Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6503 (513) 255-4472

B Association Francais de Normalisation M. Alphonse Philippe Ada or (AFNOR) A Direction Certification Tour Europe, Cedex 7 BP-92049 Paris la Dfe fense FRANCE (011) 33-142915960 (011) 33-142915656 (Fax) Telex: AFNOR 611 974 F

I lABG-AVF Michael Tonndorf Ada Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft Dept. ITE Einsteinstrasse 20 D-8012 Ottobrunn Federal Republic of Germany +49-89-6088-2477 e-mail: [email protected],

Ada Information Clearinghouse Ada VSR(s) P. O. Box 1866 Falls Church, VA 22041 (703) 681-2466

National Technical Information Service Ada VSR(s) U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 4874650

2-6 -




Computer CA-Realia COBOL IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60, 70. 80. 90; Associates Version 4.2 Windows Version 3.1 Windows Version 3.1 NIST-95/1806: Intermediate; 7/1/96

CA-Realia COBOL IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60, 70. 80. 90; Version 4.2 Windows NT Version 3.5 Windows NT Version 3.5 NIST-95/1807: Intermediate; 7/1/96

CA-Visual Real ia Version 1.0 IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60. 70, 80, 90; NIST-95/1803: Windows Version 3.1 Windows Version 3.1 Intermediate; 7/1/96

CA-Realia Workbench IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60. 70. 80. 90; Version 2.1 OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 NIST-95/1802: Intermediate; 7/1/96

CA-Realia Workbench IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60. 70. 80, 90; Version 1.1 DOS Version 6.2 DOS Version 6.2 NIST-95/1801; Intermediate; 7/1/96

CA-Realia COBOL IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60, 70. 80. 90; Version 4.2 DOS Version 6.2 DOS Version 6.2 NIST-95/1804: Intermediate; 7/1/96

CA-Realia COBOL IBM PS/2 Model 95; IBM PS/2 Model 60. 70, 80. 90; Version 4.2 OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 NIST-95/1805: Intermediate; 7/1/96

Digital VAX COBOL Version 5.2; VAX 4000 Model 60; VAX 4000 models 200. 300; VAX 6000 models 200. 300, Equipment NIST-94/1401: OpenVMS VAX. 400, 500: VAX’s 8200, 8250. 8300. 8350. 85xx. 8600. Corporation High; Version 5.5 8650. 8700. 8800. 8810. 8820. 8830, 8840; VAX 9000

4/1/96 models 21 0. 400; VAXft 3000 model 31 0, VAX 1 1 /730.

VAX 11/750. VAX 11/785: MicroVAX II. 2000. 3100.

3200. 3500. 3520. 3540; VAXstation II. 2000. 3100. 3200. 3500. 3520. 3540; VAXserver 3600. 3602, 3800, 3900. 4000 models 200. 300; 6000. 210/220. 6000 310/320: 6000 410/420: 6000 510/520; OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5

DEC COBOL for OpenVMS DEC 3000 Model 500; Digital AXPvme 64. DEC 2000, models 300S & 500. Alpha Version 2.2; OpenVMS Alpha Digital 21 00 A500/600MP. VMEAIpha64/SP. DEC 3000 NIST-95/1501; Version 6.1 models 300. 300U 300LX. 300X. 400. 400S, 500. 500S. High; 500X, 600. 600S, 800, 800S, DEC 4000 models 600 5/1/96 and 700 AXP Series. DEC 7000 model 600 AXP Series, DEC 10000 model 600 AXP Series OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1

2-7 : -

COBOL PROCESSORS, Continued COBOL Certificales


Micro Focus COBOL V3.1 Digital DECstation 5000/240 for (Digital Version 4.3A DECstation); NIST-94/1945: High; 8/1/95

Micro Focus COBOL V3.1 Digital DEC 3000 AXP for UNIX (Digital OSF/1 Version 2.0 Alpha AXP running OSF/1): NIST-94/1946: High: 8/1/95

Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 UNIQ 486 EISA for UNIX ( 80386 SCO UNIX Version 3.2 4.2 running SCO UNIX); NIST-94/1947; High; 8/1/95

Micro Focus COBOL 466/T V3.S.43 for NT (Intel MS Windows NT Version 3.1 80386 running NT); NIST-94/1948; High; 8/1/95

Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 Digital DECPC 433dx MTE for DOS, Windows and OS2 MS DOS Verson 6.2 IBM PC): NIST-94/1949; High; 8/1/95

Micro Focus COBOL Digital Alpha AXP 150 V3.S.47 for hTT (Digital MS Windows NT Version 3.1 Alpha AXP running NT); NIST-94/1 94A: High; 8/1/95

DEC COBOL Version 2.1 DEC 3000 AXP Model 500 DEC 2000 Models 300 AXP, 500; 21 00; 3000 Models for DEC OSF/1 Systems DEC OSF/1 300, 300L 300X, 300XL, 400, 400S, 500, 500S, 500X, NIST-94/2001 Version 2.0 600, 600S, 800, 800S, 900; 4000 Models 610, High; 710; 7000 Models 610,700; 10000 Model 610; 9/1/95 DEC OSF/1 Version 2.0

Electronic Data SAA AD/CYCLE COBOL Version Amdahl 5990-1400

Systems Corp. 2 Release 1 VM/ESA Version 2

NIST-95/1153: Release 1 High; 3/1/96

Hewlett-Packard COBOL/HP-UX HP9000 Series 755; HP 9000 Ser 815, 822, 825, 832, 807, 817, 827, 837, Company Version B.09.00; HP-UX Version 10 847, 857, 867, 877, 635, 645, 870/200, 870/300, 720, NIST-95/1601; 730, 750, 870/400, 834, 835, 842, 852, 845, 850, 855, High; 870, 860, 865, 887, 897, 890/1, 890/2, 890/3, 890/4, 5/1/96 705, 710, 735, 755, EXX, FXX, GXX, HXX, IXX, T500, 890, 712, 715, 725 HP-UX Version 10

2-8 ; ;

COBOL PROCESSORS, Continued COBOL - C«rtificatas


COBOLII/iX HP3000 Series 967; HP3000 Series 917, 920, 922 . 925, 927, 932, 935, 937, Version A.04.11; MPE/iX Version 947, 948, 949, 950, 955, 957, 958, 960, 967, 977, NIST-94/1632; B.30.45 980/100/200/300/400, 987, 987/200RX/SX. 987/200Plus, High; 990, 991/CX/DX. 992, 992/100/200/300/400, 995/CX/DX/

5/1/96 1 00/200/300/400/500/600/700/800, 9 1 8LX/RX, 28LX/RX, 968LX/RX, 978LX/RX; MPE/iX Version B.30.45

COBOUHP-UX SJIS HP9000 Series 755; HP 9000 Ser 81 5, 822, 825, 832, 807, 81 7. 827, 837, Version A.09.20; HP-UX Version 10 847, 857, 867, 877, 635, 645, 870/200, 870/300, 720, NIST-95/1602; 730, 750, 870/400, 834, 835, 842, 852, 845, 850,

High; 855, 870, 860, 865, 887, 897, 890/1 . 890/2, 890/3, 890/4, 5/1/96 705, 710, 735, 755, EXX, FXX, GXX, HXX, IXX, T500, 890, 712, 715, 725 HP-UX Version 10

COBOUHP-UX EUC HP9000 Series 755; HP 9000 Ser 81 5, 822, 825, 832, 807, 81 7, 827, 837, Version A.09.19; HP-UX Version 10 847, 857, 867, 877, 635, 645, 870/200, 870/300, 720, NIST-95/1603; 730, 750, 870/400, 834, 835, 842, 852, 845, 850,

High; 855, 870, 860, 865, 887, 897, 890/1 , 890/Z 890/3, 890/4, 5/1/96 705, 710, 735, 755, EXX, FXX, GXX, HXX, IXX, T500. 890, 712, 715, 725 HP-UX Version 10

HP Micro Focus COBOL/iX HP 3000 Series 867; HP3000 Series 91 7, 920, 922, 925, 927, 932, 935, 937, Version B.08.00; MPE/iX Version 947, 948, 949, 950, 955, 957, 958, 960, 967, 977, NIST-95/1604; X.50.40 980/100/200/300/400, 987, 987/200RX/SX. 987/200nus, High; 992/100/200/300/400, 991/CX/DX, 995/CX/DX/

5/1/96 1 00/200/300/400/500/600/700/800, 91 8LX/RX, 928LX/RX, 968LX/RX, 978LX/RX; MPE/iX Version X.50.40

Hitchi, Ltd. Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 Hitachi Data Systems GX/621 5; for UNIX (Hitachi 370 HI-OSF/1-M Version R1.2 running OSF/1); NIST-95/1926; High; 8/1/96

IBM Canada, COBOU/400 AS/400;

Ltd. Version 3 Release 1 OS/400 Version 3

NIST-94/2121; Release 1 Intermediate; 11/1/95

IBM Corporettion IBM SAA AD/CYCLE IBM 3090; IBM 390, 3000, 4381 -T92, 9000;

COBOL/370 Version 1 MVS/ESA Version 5 MVS/ESA Version 4 Release 3

Release 1 Release 1 VM/ESA Version ESA Release 1 .0

NIST-94/1923; VM/ESA Version 1 High; Release 2.2 6/1/96

VS COBOL II IBM 3090; IBM 370, 390, 3000, 4300, 9000;

Version 1 Release 4; VM/ESA Version 1 VM/SP6 NIST-94/1921; Release 2.2 MVS/XA Version 2 Release 2.3

Intermediate; MVS/ESA Version 5 MVS/370 Version 1 Release 3.6

6/1/96 Release 1 VSE/ESA Version 1 Release 3

VSE/ESA Version 1 Release 3

2-9 -

COBOL PROCESSORS, Continued COBOL Certificates


Liant Softweire LPI-COBOL Version AT&T Global Information Corporation 070011 (7.0.11): Solutions, Model 3000: NIST-94/1241: UNIX Version V Release 4 High: 8/1/95

Micro Focus Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 IBM PS/2 Model 9585: for DOS, Windows and OS/2: IBM OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 NIST-95/1927: T4800CT High: Microsoft DOS Version 6.2 8/1/96

Micro Focus Object COBOL IBM Value Point 100D X 4: V3.3 for 32-bit OS/2: IBM OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 NIST-95/1929: High: 8/1/96

Micro Focus Object COBOL IBM PS/2 Model 90 V3.3 for Windows NT: NT Version 3.5 NIST-95/1920: High: 8/1/96

Micro Focus COBOL V3.3 for IBM RS/6000 CIO UNIX (IBM RS/6000 running AIX): AIX Version 4.1.1 NIST-95/1921: IBM RS/6000 PowerPC High: AIX Version 3.2.5 8/1/96

Micro Focus COBOL V3.3 UNIO 486 EISA for UNIX (Intel 80386 SCO UNIX 3.2V4.2 running SCO UNIX): NIST-95/1922: High: 8/1/96

Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 Sun SPARCserver 20 for UNIX (Sun SPARC Solaris Version 2.4

running Solaris 2): Sun SPARC 4/330 NIST-95/1923: Solaris Version 2.3 High: 8/1/96

Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 HP 9000 Series 835: for UNIX (HP 9000 Series HP-UX Version 9.0 600, 700, and 800): NIST-95/1924: High: 8/1/96

Sequent Computer Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 Sequent Symmetry Pentium*" 60 Systems, Inc. for UNIX (Sequent Symmetry): /ptx Version 4.0 NIST-95/1928: High: 8/1/96

Siemens Nixdorf COBOL-IN Version 3.1: WX200: Informations- NIST/NCC-94/985: SINIX Version 5.41 systsme AG High 8/23/95

2-10 COBOL PROCESSORS, Continued COBOL - Csrtificattts


COBOL-MI Version 3.1; RM600; NIST/NCC-94/986; SINIX Version 5.41 High 8/23/95

COBOL85 Version 2.1 B 7.500; NIST/NCC-94/987: BS2000/OSD Version 1.0 High 8/23/96

Silicon Micro Focus COBOL V3.2 SGI Iris Indigo; Graphics, Inc. for UNIX (SGI Indigo and IRIX Version 5.2 Challenge); NIST-95/1925; High; 8/1/96

Tandem COBOL85 Version D30; Himalaya K1 0000; CLX800. CYCLONE, CLX/R 1 1 00, CLX/R 1 200, CLX2000, , Inc. NIST-95/1781; Guardian CYCLONE R. Himalaya K1 10, K120, K1000, K10000 High; Version D30 Guardian Version D30 7/1/96 Himalaya K2000, K20000 Guardian Version D30.01

UNISYS UCS COBOL (UCOB) Version Unisys 2200 Model 900; Unisys 2200 Model 500; 6R3 Release SB5R3; 2200 OS Version 44R3 2200 OS EXEC Version 44R3 Release SB5R3 NIST-95/1041; Release SB5R3 High; 1/1/96

2-11 ;

2.7.2 FORTRAN PROCESSORS Fortran - Certrficates


Concurrent Fortrein VII O 3280MPS: 32xx, Model 3200, Micro 3200, 3280E; Computer Version R06 OS/32 Version OS/32 Version R09 Release 02 Corporation Release 01 R09 Release 02 NIST-94/1721:

Full; 9/1/96

Fortran VII Z 3280MPS: 32xx. Model 3200, Micro 3200, 3280E; Version R06 OS/32 Version OS/32 Version R09 Release 02 Release 01 R09 Release 02 NIST-94/1722:

Full: 9/1/96

S P-2450 (Fortran 77) 7000 Model 7200; Model 71 XX, 72xx, 74xx, 75xx; Version 2.1; RTU Version 6.1 RTU Version 6.1 NIST-94/1723;

Full; 9/1/96

SP-2450 (Fortran 77) MAXION Multiprocessor MAXION Multiprocessor System Model 9100, 9200 Version 2.3; System Model 9502; RTU Version 6.2 NIST-94/1724: RTU Version 6.2 Full; 9/1/96

Convex Convex Fortran Convex C Series Convex C46X0, C38X0. C34X0, C32X0:

Computer Version 9.1; Model C4640; ConvexOS Versions 1 0.2, 1 1 .0 Corporation NIST-95/1701: ConvexOS Full; Version 11.1 6/1/96

Convex Fortran Convex Exemplar Convex SPP1000/XA, SPP1 000/CD Version 9.2; Model SPP12000/XA: SPP-UX, Versions 3.02, 3.04 NIST-95/1702: SPP-UX Version 3.03 Full; 6/1/96

Cray CF90 Compiler T3D:

Research, Release 1 .0; UNICOS Release 8.0.3 Inc. NIST-95/1761;

Full: 6/1/96

CF90 Compiler Cray T90: ; Release 1.0.2; UNICOS Release 8.3 UNICOS Release 8.0 NIST-95/1762:

Full; 6/1/96

CF90 Compiler Cray C90: Cray T90; Release 1.0.2; UNICOS Release 8.0.3 UNICOS Release 8.3 NIST-95/1763:

Full; 6/1/96

***** 4>******************

NOTE: Though some of the Suppliers may name the compilers Fortran 90, no testing has been done and no certificates have been issued for Fortran 90. All testing and the certificates are for FTPS 69-1, Fortran (77) only.

2-12 FORTRAN PROCESSORS, Continued Fortran - Cartrficatas


CF90 Compiler ; Cray Y-MP; Release 1 .0.2; UNICOS Release 8.0.3 UNICOS Release 8.0.3 NIST-95/1764: Cray T90: Full; UNICOS Release 8.3 6/1/96

CF90 Compiler Cray CS-6400: SPARC;

Release 1 .0.2; SUNOS Release 5.3 SUNOS Release 5.3 NIST-95/1765:

Full: 6/1/96

Digital DEC Fortran for OpenVMS VAXstation 4000/60; V/0< 4000 Models 1 00, 1 0OA, 1 05A. 200, 300, 400, 500, Equipment VAX. Version 6.2; OpenVMS VAX 500A. 600, 600A, 700A: VAX 6000 Models 200 300 400 Corporation NlST-95/1003; Version 6.1 600: VAX 8200; 8250, 8300, 8350, 8500, 8530, 8550,

Full: 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 881 0. 8820, 8830, 8840, 8842;

12/1/95 VAX 9000 Models 1 1 0. 1 1 0VP[5] . 21 OVP, 300 400 420 430 440 440VP; VAX 10000 Model 600; VAXft Models 110 310, 410, 610, 612: VAX-11/730. 11/750, 11/780,

11/785: MicroVAX II, 2000; MicroVAX 3100 Models 10/10E. 20/20E. 30. 40. 80. 90; MicroVAX 3300, 3400,

3500, 3600, 3800, 3900; VAXstation II. 2000; VAXstation 3100 Models 30. 38. 40. 48. 76; VAXstation 3200, 3500, 3520, 3540; VAXstation 4000 Models 60, 90. VLC: V/0(server 3100 Models 10/10E, 20/20E: VAXserver 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3602, 3800, 3900: V/OCserver 4000 Models 200, 300, 500, 600; VAXserver 6000 Models 210, 220, 310, 320, 410, 420, 510, 520, 610, 620, 630; VAXserver 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8600, 8650; VAXserver 9000 Models 110, 310, 320, 330, 340; DEC 2000 Models 300S, 500; Digital 2100 A500/600MP. AXPvme 64; DEC 3000 Models 300, 300L. 300LX. 300X, 400, 500X. 600, 600S. 700, 800, 800S. 900; DEC 4000 Models 600 /Mpha Series, 700 Alpha Series; DEC 7000 Model 600 Alpha Series; DEC 10000 Model 600 Alpha Series; OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1

DEC Fortran for OpenVMS DEC 3000 model 400; DEC 2000 300, 500; 3000300, 300L. 300LX. 400, 400S. AXP, Version 6.2; OpenVMS VAX 500, 500S, 500X. 600S. 800, 800S; 4000 600 /0(P. 700 NIST-95/1004: Version 6.1 AXP: 2100 A500MP. A600MP: 7000 600 AXP; 10000 Full; 600 AXP: 12/1/95 OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1

DEC Fortran 90 for OpenVMS DEC 3000/400 AXP; DEC 2000 Models 300, 500; Digital 2100 A500MP AXP, Version 2.0; OpenVMS AXP /600MP; DEC 3000 Models 300, 300L, 300LX. 300X. NIST-95/1001: Version 6.1 400, 400S. 500, 500S. 600, 600S, 700, 700S. 800, Full; 800S. 900; DEC 4000 Model 700; DEC 7000 Model 600; 12/1/95 DEC 7000 Model 700; DEC 10000 Models 600, 700; Digital AXPvme64; /Mpha Server 2000 4/200; Alpha Server 2100 4/200; Alpha Server 4/275; Alpha Server 1000 4/200: Alpha Station 200 4/166, 4/233; Alpha Station 400 4/233 OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1

2-13 FORTRAN PROCESSORS, Continued Fortran - Certificates


DEC Fortran for DECstation 5000/240; DECstation 2100, 3100, 3100s; Personal DECstation RISC/ULTRIX RISC/ULTRIX 5000 20/25/50, MX/HX/TX/PXG-F/PXG Turbo-t-;

Version 3.2; Version 4.4 DECstation 5000 1 20/1 25/1 33/200, CX/PX/PXG/ NIST-95/1002: PXG Turbo, 120/125/133/200/240/260, MX/HX/TX/ Full; PXG-H/PXG Turbo-F; DECsystem 3100; 5000 12/1/95 25/200/240: 5100; 5400; 5500; 5810; 5820; 5830; 5840; 5900; RISC/ULTRIX Version 4.4

DEC Fortran for DEC DEC 4000 Model 610; DEC 2000 Models 300, 500; Digital 2100 A500MP/ OSF/1 Alpha Version 3.7; DEC OSF/1 600MP; DEC3000 Models 300, 300L, 300LX, 300X, NIST-95/1502: Version 3.2 400, 400S, 500, 500S, 600, 600S, 700, 700S, 800, Full: 800S, 900: DEC 4000 Model 700; DEC 7000 Models 5/1/96 600, 700; DEC 10000 Models 600, 700; Alpha Server 2000 4/200; 2100 4/200; 4/275; 1000 4/200; Alpha Station 200 4/166, 4/233; 400 4/233 DEC OSF/1 Alpha Version 3.2

DEC Fortran 90 for DEC DEC 4000 Model 600 AXP; DEC 2000 AXP, DEC 2100 AXP, DEC 3000 AXP, OSF/1 AXP Version 1.0; DEC OSF/1 AXP DEC 4000 AXP, DEC 7000 AXP, DEC 10000 AXP; NIST-94/2002: Version 2.0 DEC OSF/1 AXP Version 2.0 Full; 9/1/95

DEC Fortran for Windows DECpc AXP/150; DECpc 2000 Model 300, DECpc 2000 Model 500,

NT AXP Version 1 .0; Windows NT AXP DECpc AXP 150, DECpc AXP Universal Platform, NIST-94/2003; Version 3.5 DEC 2100 Servers Models A500MP eind A600MP; Full; Windows NT AXP Version 3.5 9/1/95

Hewlett- HP 9000 S700 Fortran 77 HP9000 Model 720; HP9000, mod 705, 710, 712, 715, 720, 725, Packard Version A. 10.00 Rel 10.0; HP-UX Version 10.0 730, 735, 742i, 743i, 745i, 747i, 748i, 750, 755; Company NIST-95/1121; HP-UX Version 10.0 Full; 1/1/96

HP 9000 S800 Fortran 77 HP9000 Model 835; HP9000. mod 807S. 81 7S. 822S. 825S. 825CHX,

Version A. 10.00 Rel 10.0; HP-UX Version 1 0.0 825SRX. 827S, 832S. 835S. 835SE. 837S, 840S, 842S, NIST-95/1123: 845S, 845SE, 847S, 850S. 852S, 855S. 857S. 860S. Full; 865S. 867S. 870S, 877S. 890, 897S, E25, E35, E45, 1/1/96 F10, F20, F30, G30, G40, G50, H20, H30, H40, H50,

130, 140, 150, T500: HP-UX Version 10.0

HP 3000 S900 Fortran 77iX HP3000 Model 947; HP3000. mod 9xx Version A.05.00 Rel 5.0; MPE/iX Version C.50.00 MPE/iX Version C.50.00 NIST-95/1122:

Full: 1/1/96

IBM Corporation VS Fortrem Version 2 IBM S/390 ES9000 S/390, ES/9000, S/370, 30XX, 43XX, 93XX

Release 6; 9021 Model 720 MVS/SP Version 1 , Release 3 NIST-94/1922: MVS/ESA SP Version MVS/SP Version 2, Release 2

Full; 4 Release 3 MVS/SP Version 3, Release 1 6/1/96

IBM AIX XL Fortran IBM RISC System/6000 Compiler/6000 Version 3 POWERserver/POWERstation Release 2 Model 7013/560 NIST-94/2122: IBM AIX for IBM RISC Full; System/6000 Version 3 11/1/95 Release 2 & Version 4

Release 1

2-14 ; :

FORTRAN PROCESSORS, Continued Fortran - Cartificatas


Intergraph Clipper Advanced Clipper Model C400- 2430; Clipper C300 and C400; Corporation Optimizing Fortran, CLIX, Version 7.5 CLIX, Version 7.5

Version 1 .57; NIST-95/1161;

Full: 1/1/96

Clipper Advanced Clipper Model C400- 2430; Clipper C300 and C400; Optimizing Fortran, CLIX, Version 7.5 CLIX, Version 7.5 Version 2.01 NIST-95/1162:

Full: 1/1/96

Lieint Software Fortran/400 Version 2 IBM AS/400 Model B4500; IBM AS/400:

Corporation Release 2: IBM OS/400 Version 2 IBM OS/400 Version 3.0 NIST-94/1242; Release 2 IBM AS/400:

Full: IBM OS/400 Version 3.1 8/1/95

Fortran/400 Version 2 IBM AS/400 Model B4500;

Release 3; IBM OS/400 Version 2 NIST-94/1243: Releeise 3

Full: 8/1/95

Modular GLS Fortran 77 Version B.O; Classic Model 9250; Classic 9230, 9260; Computer NIST-95/1071; MAX 32 Version E.O MAX 32 Version E.O Systems, Inc. Full: 2/1/96

Sequent EPC Fortran for Sequent SE20: S2000/290, /490, /790 Computer Symmetry Version 2.7; DYNIX/ptx Version 4.0 SE60, SE90, ELS, SE30. SE70, SE100; Systems, Inc. NIST-95/1241: DYNIX/ptx Version 4.0

Full: 2/1/96

Silicon Graphics Fortran 77 Version 40/CRIM Model IP17: Computer Systems SC4-FTN-3.19; IRIX Version 5.3 Inc. NIST-94/1441; Full: 10/1/95

MIPS PRO Fortran 77 Version Challenge Model IP21; SC4-FTN-6.0: IRIX Version 6.0 NIST-94/1442; Full: 10/1/95

SunSoft, a Sun SPARCompiler Fortran SPARCstation 5; Voyager, SPARCstation 10, SPARCserver 1000, Microsystems, Inc. Version 3.0.1 SunOS Version 4.1 .3 SPARCcenter 2000; Business NIST-94/1741; SPARCstation 20 Solaris Version 2.4

Full; Solaris Version 2.4 SPARCstation 10, SPARCserver 1000, 9/1/95 SPARCcenter 2000; SunOS Version 4.1.3

2-15 FORTRAN PROCESSORS, Continued Fortran - CartHicatee


SPARCompiler Fortran SPARCstation 20; SPARCstation 10, SPARCserver 1000, MP (SPARCworks iMPact 2.0) Solaris Version 2.4 SPARCcenter 2000; NIST-94/1742; Solaris Version 2.4 Full; 9/1/95

ProCompiler Fortran Gateway 2000 486/33E; Version 2.0.1; UnixWare Version 1.1 NIST-94/1743;

Full; 9/1/95

Tandem Fortran Version D30; Himalaya K1000; CLX800. Cyclone, CLS/R1200, CLX2000, Cyclone R Computers, Inc. NIST-95/1782; Guardian Version D30 HIMALAYA K110, K120, K1000, K10000 Full; Guardian Version D30 7/1/96

UNISYS UCS Fortran (UFTN) Version Unisys 2200 Model 900; Unisys 2200 Model 500; 5R3 Release SB5R3; 2200 OS EXEC Version 44R3 2200 OS EXEC Version 44R3 Release SB5R3 NIST-95/1042; Release SB5R3 Full; 1/1/96


In approximately three (3) months, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is considering the deletion of those Ada validation registrations including both Witness Tested Registrations and vendor asserted registrations which do not satisfy the NIST validation registration requirements as specified in FIPS PUB 119-1.

The list of Ada compilers that have been validated by the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) is presented here. An electronic copy

of the Ada part of the VPL is available on the AdalC Bulletin Board as file VALPROC.HLP. Access to the menu-driven bulletin board requires a or and modem. Users should set their telecommunications package with the

following parameters: Baud rate= 300 - 9600 baud; Data Bits= 8; Parity= none; Stop Bits= 1. Then dial 703/614-0215 (Commercial) or 224-0215 (Autovon). First-time users will be prompted to register for an account.

Most files have been compressed using PKZIP and must be uncompressed after downloading. PKZIP is available on the bulletin board and can be obtained by downloading the file PKZ101.EXE. Plus users can download the file UNZIPlOl.SIT.

Copies may also be obtained by purchase from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) with accession number AD A257 705. NTIS sells documents to the public. DTIC distributes documents only to Military, government, or defense contractors who are registered with them.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 703/487-4650

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 703/274-7633 AV 284-7633

The NIST Ada Validation Summary Reports are available electronically in ASCII format and may be accessed on the Internet using the following instructions:

Type: ftp (Internet address is Login as user: ftp

Type your email address preceded by a dash (-) as the password Type: cd ada-testing/VSRs Type: ascii

Type: get and the name of the file you want

Always obtain the latest README.TXT file.

The following database report is an comprehensive list of Ada compilers validated by the AJPO. There are 380 base compilers and 483 derived compilers reported at this time. For the most current information on validated Ada compilers, please contact the AdalC.

Point of contact information for each company precedes its list of validated compilers.

Key to Validation Certificate Number: for Certificate# YYMMDDFX.XXNNN

-YYMMDD marks the date of completion of on-site testing. -F refers to the Ada Validation Facility -X.XX is the ACVC version. -NNN is a unique sequence of numbers assigned by the Ada Validation Organization.

2-17 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Address: (AETECH Ada products are now Advanced Engineering Technologies) Compiler Type: Derived Advanced Engineering Technologies Date of Validation by Registration: 1/26/01

240 South Highway 101, Suite 478 Validation Certificate #: 001 1 20W1 .1 1 086 (BASE) City: Solana Beach Compiler Name: IntegrAda POSIX 5.1 .0 Stede: CA Host: Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386, fpu: Zip Code: 02075 optional, memory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 60 MByte hard drive Country: (under SCO Unix 3.2) Contact Name: Jim Dorman Target: Same as Host Phone: (619) 703-0245 E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: AETECH. Inc. Date of Validation by Registration: 4/27/02

Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate # : 001 1 20W1 .11086 (BASE)

Validation Certificate # : 001 1 20W1 .11087 Compiler Name: AETECH POSIX Compiler, Version 5.1 .0 Compiler Name: IntegrAda 386 5.1 .0 Host Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386 & 80486, Host: Northgate 386/25 (under Phar Lap/DOS 3.3) fpu: optional, memory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 60 MByte hard Target: Northgate 386/25 (under MS DOS 3.3) drive (under Interactive Unix System V, Release 32) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Date of Validation by Registration: 1/26/01 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 901120W1.11087 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 2/2/03

Compiler Name: IntegrAda 386 5.1 .0 Validation Certificate #: 0O1120W1.11O86 (BASE) Host: Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386, fpu: Compiler Name: /VETECH POSIX Compiler, Version 5.1 .0 optional, memory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 40 MByte hard drive Host Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386 & 80486; (under Phar Lap/DOS 3.3) fpu: optional; memory: 4 MByte RAM; disk; 60 MByte hard Target: Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386, fpu: drive (under ESIX System V, Release 4.0) optional, memory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 40 MByte hard drive Target: Same as Host (under MS-DOS 3.3) Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 12/14/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 0/23/03 Validation Certificate #: 001120W1.11086 (BASE)

Validation Certificate #: 001 1 20W1 .1 1 087 (BASE) Compiler Name: XAda, Version 6.1 Compiler Name: IntegrAda for Windows, Version ^2 Host Any computer system comprising: cpu; Intel 80386 or 80486; Host: Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386 & 80486; fpu: Optional; memory: 8 MByte RAM; disk; 160 MByte hard fpu: optional; memory: 4 MByte RAM; disk: 40 MByte hard drive (under SCO Unix 3.2, Solaris , ESIX System V, drive (under MS DOS 3.3, 5.0, & 6.0, with Windows 3.1) Release 4.0, & Interactive Unix System V, Release 32) Target: Same as Host Target: Same as Host

• Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: /VETECH, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 0/23/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/14/04 Validation Certificate #: 001120W1.11087 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 0O112OW1.11O86 (BASE) Compiler Name; IntegrAda 386, Version 6.2 Compiler Nrune: XAda, Version 6.1 Host Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80386 & 80486; Host Any computer system comprising: cpu: Intel 80386 or 80486; fpu: optional; memory: 4 MByte RAM; disk; 40 MByte hard fpu: optional; memory: 8 MByte RAM; disk: 160 MByte hard drive (under MS DOS 3.3, 5.0, & 6.0) drive (under Univel UnixWare Version 1 .0.3a) Target; Same as Host Target: Same as Host

• Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. Compiler Vendor: Aitech Defense Systems, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Address: 3080 Olcott St, Suite 105A Date of Validation by Registration: 0/23/03 City; Santa Clara Validation Certificate #; 001120W1.11087 (BASE) State: CA Compiler Name: IntegrAda DOS, Version 6.1 Zip Code: 05054 Host Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: Intel 80x86 series; Country; fpu; optional; memory: 640 KByte RAM; disk: 40 MByte hard Contact Name; Uri Cries drive (under MS DOS 3.3, 5.0, & 6.0) Phone: (408) 080-6200 Teuget; Same as Host E-mail: (No address given)

• Compiler Vendor: AETECH, Inc. * Compiler Vendor; Aitech Defense Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # : 0011 20W1 .1 1 086 Validation Certificate #; 0OOS3OW1.11O3O Compiler Name: IntegrAda POSIX 5.1 .0 Compiler Name; AI-ADA/88K, Version 2.4 Host Unisys PW/2 386 (under SCO Unix 32) Host VAXstation 3100 Cluster (under VMS 5.3) Target Same as Host Target Tadpole TP880V (88100-based VME board) (bare nrtachine)

2-18 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Aitech Defense Systems, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 10/31/90 Validation Certificate #: 901 21 8W1 .11 106 Validation Certificate #: OOOOSOWI .11030 (BASE) Compiler Name: Alliant FX/Ada Compiler, Version 2.3 Compiler Name: A1-ADA/88K, Version 2.4 Host Alliant FX/80 (under Concentrix Release 5.7)

Host: All DEC MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver, VAX-1 1 . VAX 8xxx Target Same as Host

& VAX 6wa series (under VMS versions 5.0, 5.1 , 5.2 & 5.3, as supported) Compiler Verufor: Alsys Target: Tadpole TP880V (88100-based VME board) & Motorola Address: (rtow Thomson Software Products) MVME181 (881 00-based VME board) (bare nrachines) Thomson Software Products 67 South Bedford Street * Compiler Vendor: Aitech Defense Systems, Inc. City: Burlington Compiler Type: Base State: MA

Validation Certificate # : 01 1 01 2W1 .1 1 224 Zip Code: 01803-5152 Compiler Name: AI-ADA/06K, Version 3.0 Country: Host: VAXstation 3100 Cluster (under VMS 5.3) Contact Name: Pat Michalowski Target: DSP06002 ADS board (bare machine) Phone: (619) 457-2700 E-mail: [email protected] * Compiler Vendor: Aitech Defense Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: /Usys

Validation Certificate # : 01 1 01 2W1 .1 1 225 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: AI-ADA/06K. Version 3.0 Validation Certificate #: 90050911.11009 Host: Sun-4/330 (under SunOS 4.1.1) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_053, Version 1 .82 Target: DSP06002 ADS board (bare machine) Host VAX 8530 (under VMS, Version 5.1) Target Same as Host Compiler Vendor: Alenia Aeritalia & Selenia S.p.A Address: Via Tiburtina km. 12,4 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys City: 00131 Roma Compiler Type: Base State: Validation Certificate #: 900627N1.11013 Zip Code: Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_042, Version 5.3

Country: ITALY Host: IBM 9370 Model 90 (under AlX/370 Version 1 2 ) Contact Name: Nicola Botta Target: Same as Host Phone: -f 30 6 41972520 E-mail: (No address given) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: Alenia Aeritalia & Selenia S.p.A Validation Certificate #: 90081411.11040

Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_026, Version 1 .82

Validation Certificate #: 020509S1 .1 1 259 Host: Sun-3/60 (under SunOS, Version 4.0.3) Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 80x86 PM MARA Ada Cross Target Same as Host Compiler, Version 4.6 Host: MicroVAX 4000/200 (under VMS Version 5.4) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Target: Alenia MARA (80286-based) (under Alenia Operating System, Compiler Type: Base Version 8.6 System) Validation CertificaU #: 90081411.11041

Compiler Name: /^syCOMP_025, Version 1 .83 * Compiler Vendor: Alenia Aeritalia & Selenia S.pJ^ Host MIPS M/120-5 (under RISC/os, Version 4.0) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Same as Host Date of Validabon by Registration: 8/20/02

Validation Certificate #: 020500S1 .1 1 259 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Name: DACS 80x86PM, Version 4.6 Compiler Type: Base Host: DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 4000, Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11043 VAX 6000, VAX 8000, & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_046, Version 5.3 VMS 5.4) Host Sony NEWS NWS-fsSO (under NEWS-OS 3.3) Target: Alenia MARA 80386- & 80486-based computers (under Alenia Target: Same as Host Operating System 8.6) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alliant Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Address: (nov^ GS Computer) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 GS Computer Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11043 (BASE) 9 Congress Street Compiler Nan^: AlsyCOMP_046. Version 5.3 City: Nashua Host Sony NEWS series 1250, 15xx, 17xx, 18xx & lOxx (under State: NH NEWS-OS versions 3.3 & 3.4) Zip Code: 03062 Target Any Host Country: Contact Name: * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Phone: (603) 881-9912 Compiler Type: Base E-mail: Validation Certificate #: 001022A1.11044 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_004, Version 5.3 * Compiler Vendor: Alliant Computer Systems Corporation Host /^llo DN4000 (under Domain/OS SRI 0.2) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host

Validation Certificate # : 901 21 8W1 .1 1 1 05

Compiler Name: Alliant FX/Ada-28(X) Compiler, Version 1 .0 Host Alliant FX/2800 (under Concentrix Release 2.0) Target Same as Host

2-19 1

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/9/93 Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11044 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11047 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_004, Version 5.3 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_005, Version 5.5.1 Host: Apollo DN3000, DN3500, DN4000 & DN4500 (under Host Sun-3 computer family (under SunOS Domain/OS SRI 0.2 & SRI 0.3) 4.1.1) Target: Any Host Target Any Host

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 1/9/93 Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11048 Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11044 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_035, Version 5.3 Compiler Narrte: AlsyCOMP_004, Version 5.5.1 Host CETIA Unigraph 6000 (under Unigraph/X 3.1) Host: HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 (under Domain/OS SRI 0.4) Target Same as Host Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 Validation Certificate #: 001022A1.11045 Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11048 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_050, Version 5.3 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_035, Version 5.3 Host: Bull DPX/2 320 (under B.O.S. 02.00.05) Host Unigraph 1000/325, 2000/50, 2000/250, 2000/325, Target: Same as Host 3000/325-333, 6000/325-333, 7000/325, 8000/325 & 9000 (under Unigraph/X 3.1 & 3.1.1) Compiler Vendor: Alsys Target: Any Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 001022A1.11045 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_050, Version 5.3 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/9/93

Host: Bull DPX 2/21 0. /220. /320, /340 & /360 (under BOS 02.00.05 Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11048 (BASE)

& 2 . 00 . 10) Compiler Nanoe: AlsyCOMP_035, Version 5.5.1 Target: Any Host Host CETIA Unigraph rnodels 1000/325; 2000/50, /250. /325; 3000/325-333; 6000/325-333; 7000/325/ 8000/325; & 9000 Compiler Vendor: /Msys (under Unigraph/X 3.2c.1) Compiler Type: Base Target; Any Host

Validation Certificate #: 901 022A1 .1 046 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_002, Version 5.3 * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Host: HP 9000S350 (unde7 HP-UX 6.5) Compiler Type: Base Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 901102W1.11055

Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_01 6, Version 5.1 Compiler Vendor: Alsys Host; Deskpro 386 (under MS-DOS 3.30, Phar Lap 2.0) Compiler Type: Derived Target; Same as Host Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11046 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_002, Version 5.3 Compiler Type: Derived Host: HP 9000 Series 300, all models (under HP-UX 6.5 & 7.0) Date of Validation by Registration: 7/17/92 Target: Any Host Validation Certificate #; 901102VV1.11055 (BASE)

Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_01 6, Version 5.1.1 Compiler Vendor: Alsys Host Any Computer System that executes the Intel 80386 or 80486 Compiler Type: Derived instruction set (under MS/DOS 5.0 & Phar Lap 4.0) Date of Validation by Registration: 1/9/93 Target Any Host Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11046 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_002, Version 5.5.1 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys

Host: HP 9000 Series 300 & 400 (all models) (under HP-UX 8.0) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Any Host Date of Validation by Registration: 8/1/94 Validation Certificate #: 901 102W1 .11055 (BASE) Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_085, Version 5.1.3 Compiler Type: Base Host Any computer that executes the Intel 80386, 80486, or Validation Certificate #: 901022A1.11047 Pentium instruction set (under MS-DOS 6.2 and PharLapTNT Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_005, Version 5.3 6.1. with MS-Windows 3.1) Host: Sun-3/260 (under SunOS 3.2) Target Any Host machine (under MS-DOS 3.3 or higher and PharLap Target: Same as Host TNT 6.1)

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base

Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 Validation Certificate # : 901 1 02W1 .1 1 056

Validation Certificate #: 901 022A1 .1 1 047 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_01 6, Version 5.1 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_005, Version 5.3 Host; CompuAdd 320 (under MS-DOS 3.30, Phar Lap 2.0) Host: Sun 3/50. /60. /75, /80, /1 60. /260. /280, /470 & /480 (under Target: Same as Host SunOS 3.2. 3.5, 4.0 & 4.1) Target: Any Host

2-20 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor; Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Base

Date of Validation by Registration; 2/22/SI Validation Certificata #: SO1 1 14N1 .1 1065 Validation Certificate #; 601102W1.1105e (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_037, Version 5.2 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_01 6, Version 5.1 Host: INMOS T800 transputer on a B405 TRAM (bare) with an Host; HP Vectra RS/20, RS/20C. RS/25 & RS/25C; AST Premium INMOS B008 Communications link implemented in an IBM

386; and Unisys 386 & Desktop 111 (under MS-DOS 3.30, Phar PC/AT (under MS-DOS 3.1 and INMOS Isenrer V1.3) Lap 2.0) Target INMOS T800 transputer on a B405 TRAM (bare) using an IBM Target; Any Host PC/AT under MS-DOS 3.1 running INMOS Iserver 1.3 for file-server support via an INMOS B008 board link Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Registration: 5/17/SI Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; S01102W1.11056 (BASE) Date of Validation by Regisbabon: 1/25/91

Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_016, Version 5.1 Validation Certificate # : SO1 1 1 4N1 .1 1 065 (BASE) Host; Any Computer System Comprising: epu; Intel 80386; fpu: Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_037, Version 5.3 optional; memory; 5 MByte RAM; disk; 10 MByte (under Host; INMOS T800 bansputer on a B403 TRAM (bare) with an MS-DOS 3.30, Phar Lap 2.0) INMOS B(X)8 Communications link implemented in an IBM Target: Same as Host PC/AT (under MS-DOS 3.1 and INMOS Isenrer V1.3) Target INMOS T800 bansputer on a B405 TRAM (bare) using an IBM Compiler Vendor; Alsys PC/AT under MS-DOS 3.1 running INMOS Iserver 1.3 for Compiler Type: Base file-server support via an INMOS B008 board link; INMOS

Validation Certificate # : SO1 1 02W1 .1 1 057 T425 bansputer on a B403 TRAM (bare) using an IBM PC/AT Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_016, Version 5.1 under MS-DOS 3.1 running INMOS Iserver 1 .3 for file-sen/er Host: ALR Power Veisa 486 (under MS-DOS 3.30, Phar Lap 2.0) support via an INMOS B008 board link Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vertdor: /Msys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Regisbation: 3/30/92

Validation Certificate #: SO1 1 02W1 .1 1 058 Validation Certificate #: 901114N1.11065 (BASE) Compiler Nanrte: AlsyCOMP_003, Version 5.1 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_037. Version 5.4.2 Host: HP Vectra RS/25C (under MS-DOS 3.30) Host: INMOS T800 bansputer on a B405 TRAM board (bare), with Target; Same as Host an INMOS B(X)8 Communications link implemented in an IBM PC/AT (under MS-DOS 3.1 and INMOS Iserver VI .42h) Compiler Vendor: /VIsys Target: INMOS T800 bansputer on a B405 TRAM (bare) using an IBM Compiler Type; Derived PC/AT under MS-DOS 3.1 running INMOS Iserver VI .42h for Dette of Validation by Registration: 2/22/91 file-server support via an INMOS BOOS board link; INMOS Validation Certificate #; 901102W1.11058 (BASE) T425 bansputer on a B403 TRAM (bare) using an IBM PC/AT Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_003, Version 5.1 under MS-DOS 3.1 running INMOS Iserver V1.42h for

Host: Unisys Desktop III (under MS-DOS 3.30) file-server support via an INMOS BOOS board link Teuget: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 001116A1.11066

Date of Validation by Registration: 7/17/02 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_01 2, Version 5.3 Validation Certificate #: 001102W1.11058 (BASE) Host HP 9000S350 (unde"? HP-UX 6.5) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_003, Version 5.1 Target; Motorola MVME101 (68000) (bare machine, using ARTK Host Any Computer System that executes the Intel 80286, 80386, Version 5.3) or 80486 insbuction set (under MS/DOS 5.0) Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Regisbation: 7/31/91 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: S01116A1.11066 (BASE)

Validation Certificate # : 901 1 02W1 .1 1 059 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_012, Version 5.3 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_(X>3, Version 5.1 Host HP 9000 Series 30oT Models 340, 345, 360, 370 & 375 (under Host; Zenith Z-248 Moder50 (under MS-DOS 3.30) HP-UX 6.5 & 7.0) Target: Same as Host Target Motorola MVME1 01 (68000), MVME1 21 (68010), MVME1 35-1 (68020/68881) & MVME147-1 (68030/68882) (bare machines, Compiler Vendor: Alsys using ARTK 5.3) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 1/25/91 * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Validation Certificate #; 901102W1.11059 (BASE) Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_003, Version 5.1 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 11/21/91

Host ICS SB286SC/12 (under MS-DOS 3.30) Validation Certificate #: SO1 1 1 6A1 .1 1 066 (BASE) Target Same as Host Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_012, Version 5.3 Host HP 9000 Series 300 (all models) (under HP-UX 6.5 & 7.0) Compiler Vendor: Alsys Target: Motorola M68332EVS Evaluation System Customers (CPU32) Compiler Type: Derived (bare machine, using ARTK 5.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 2/22/91 Validation Certificate #: 601102W1.11059 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_003, Version 5.1

Host HP Vectra ES/1 2; and IBM PC/AT (all models) (under MS-DOS 3.30) Target Any Host

2-21 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vandor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compilar Typa; Oarivad Compiler Type; Derived Data of Validation by Ragistration: 3/12/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/6/94 Validation Cartificata #: 0011 16A1 .11 066 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 001116A1.11066 (BASE) Compilar Nama: AtsyCOMP_012, Varsion 5.5.1 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_080, Version 5.5.2

Host HP 9000 Sarias 400 (all modals) (undar HP-UX 8.0) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver Target Motorola MVME 131, MVME133. MVME133XT, MVME135. & series of computers; SPARCcenter 2000 (under Solaris 2.3)

MVME147 (68020 & 68030 cpu.s) (bare machines, using Target: Motorola MVME1 01 . MVME1 21 , MVME1 31 , MVME1 33. MVME VRTX32): Motorola MVME101, MVME121, MVME131, 133XT, MVME135, MVME147, MVME167, & MEN A4 (68332) MVME133, MVME133XT, MVME135, MVME147, & MVME167 (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.2) (68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, & 68040 cpu.s) (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.1) * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Vendor; /kisys Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 067 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_036, Version 5.3 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/12/93 Host Apollo DN4000 (under Domain/OS SRI 0.2)

Validation Certrficata #: 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 066 (BASE) Target Motorola MVME147-1 (68030/68882) (bare machine, using Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_048, Version 5.5.1 ARTK Version 5.3) Host Sun SPARCstation & SPARCsenrer computer families; SPARCcenter 2000 (under SunOS 4.1.2); Solbourne Series * Compiler Vendor: Alsys 5/1 00, /530, /600. /670. /800, 5E/900; & S4000 (under OS/MP Compiler Type: Derived 4.1A.1) Date of Validation by Registration; 7/31/91

Target Motorola MVME101. MVME121, MVME131. MVME133, Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 067 (BASE) MVME1 33XT. MVME1 35, M68332EVS. MVME1 47, & MVME1 67 Compiler Name: /UsyCOMP_036, Version 5.3

(68000, 6801 0, 68020, 68030, & 68040 cpu.s) (bare machines, Host Apollo DN 3000, 3500, 4000 & 4500 (under Domain/OS using ARTK 5.5.1) SRI 0.2 & SRI 0.3) Target Motorola MVMEIOI (68000), MVME121 (68010), MVME135-1 Compiler Vendor: Alsys (68020/68881) & MVME147-1 (68030/68882) (bare machines, Compiler Type; Derived using ARTK 5.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/28/93

Validation Certificate #: 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 066 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_063, Version 5.5.1 Compiler Type; Derived

Host: HP 9000 Series 700 (all modals) (under HP-UX 9.0) Date of Validation by Registration; 3/12/93 Target Motorola MVME101, MVME121. MVME131. MVME133, Validation Certificate #: 901116A1.11067 (BASE) MVME1 33XT, MVME1 35. M68332EVS. MVME1 47. & MVME1 67 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_036, Version 5.5.1

(68000-, 6801 0-, 68020-. 68030-, & 68040-based single-board Host HP 9000 Series 400 (all models) (under DomainOS SR 10.4) computers) (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.1) Target Motorola MVMEIOI, MVME121, MVME131, MVME133, MVME1 33XT. MVME1 35. M68332EVS. MVME1 47, & MVME1 67 Compiler Vendor: Alsys (68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, & 68040 cpu.s) (bare machines, Compiler Type; Derived using ARTK 5.5.1) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/2/93

Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 066 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_048. Version 5.5.2 Compiler Type: Base Host; Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver Validation Certificate # ; 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 068 series of computers; and SPARCcenter 2000 (under SunOS Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_015, Version 5.3 4.1 2) Host Sun 3/260 (under SunOS 3.2) Target Motorola MVMEIOI, MVME121. MVME131. MVME133. Target: Motorola MVME121 (68010) (bare machine, using ARTK MVME133XT. MVME135, MVME147. MVME167. & MEN A4 Version 5.3) (68332) (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.2) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 7/31/91 Date of Validation by Registration; 12/2/93 Validation Certificate #: 901116A1.11068 (BASE)

Validation Certificate #: 001116A1.11066 (BASE) Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_01 5, Version 5.3 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_063, Version 5.5.2 Host Sun 3/50, 160, /75, 780. /1 60. /260. /280. /470 & /480 (under Host Hevrlett-Packard HP9000 Series 700 (under HP-UX 9.0) SunOS 3.2, 3.5, 4.0 & 4.1) Target Motorola MVMEIOI, MVME121, MVME131. MVME133. Target Motorola MVMEIOI (68000), MVME121 (68010), MVME1 35-1 MVME133XT. MVME135. MVME147, MVME167. & MEN A4 (68020/68881) & MVME147-1 (68030/68882) (bare machines, (68332) (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.2) using ARTK 5.3)

Compiler Vendor; /VIsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 12/2/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/12/93

Validation Certificate #: 901116A1.11066 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 901 1 1 6A1 .1 1 068 (BASE)

Compiler Name: /VsyCOMP_079, Version 5.5.2 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_01 5, Version 5.5.1 Host: IBM RS/6000 models M20. 220/22S/22W. 230/23S/23W. 34H. Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer family (under SunOS 355, 360, 365, 370, 375/37T, 55L, 570, 580, 58H, 590, 97B. 4.1.1) 98B. & 990; CETIA models SBW225. 2225, 2230, 334H. 3355, Target Motorola MVME 131, MVME133, MVME133XT, MVME135. & 3360, 3365, 3370, 3375, 5580, 558H. 5590, & 9990 (under AIX MVME147 (68020 & 68030 cpua) (bare machines, using Version 3.2) VRTX32); Motorola MVMEIOI, MVME121. MVME131, Target: Motorola MVMEIOI, MVME121, MVME131. MVME133, MVME133. MVME133XT, MVME135, M68332EVS, MVME147, MVME133XT, MVME135. MVME147. MVME167. & MEN A4 & MVME167 (68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, & 68040 cpua) (68332) (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.2) (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.1)

2-22 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # : 001 1 1 8N1 .11 094 Validation Certificate # : 901 1 27A1 .11069 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_017, Version 52 Compiler Narrre: Al8yCOMP_01 1 , Version 5.3 Host: MicroVAX II (under VMS V5.3) Host VAX 6210 (under VMS 5.2) Target: INMOS T425 transputer on a B403 TRAM (bare) using the Target Motorola MVME135-1 (68020/68881) (bare machine, using Host running INMOS Iserver 1 .3 for file-server support via a ARTK Version 5.3) CAPLIN QTO board link Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 7/31/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/25/01 Validation Certificate #: 001127A1.11069 (BASE)

Validation Certificate # : 001 1 1 8N1 .1 1 064 (BASE) Compiler Name: /U6yCOMP_01 1 , Version 5.3 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_017, Version 5.3 Host DEC VAX-11, VAXsenrer, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 4000,

Host: MicroVAX II (under VMS V5.3) VAX 6000, VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers (as Target: INMOS T425 transputer on a B403 TRAM (bare) using the supported) (under VMS 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4) Host running INMOS Isenrer 1 .3 for file-server support via a Target Motorola MVME1 01 (68000), MVME1 21 (68010), MVME135-1 CAPLIN QTO board link; INMOS T800 transputer on a B405 (68020/68881) & MVME147-1 (68030/68882) (bare machines, TRAM (bare) using the Host running INMOS Iserver 1 .3 for using ARTK 5.3) file-server support via a C/^LIN QTO board link Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 1/9/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 Validation Certificate #: 901127A1.11069 (BASE)

Validation Certificate #: 001118N1.11064 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_01 1 , Version 5.3.1

Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_01 7, Version 5.4.3 Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 4000,

Host: MicroVAX II (under VMS V5.3) VAX 6000, VAX 8000, & VAX 9000 series of computers (under Target: INMOS T425 transputer on a B403 TRAM (bare) using the VMS 5.2, 5.3, & 5.4, as supported) Host running INMOS Iserver VI .42i for file-server support via Target Motorola MVME1 01 (68000), MVME121 (68010), MVME133XT a CAPLIN QTO board link; INMOS T800 transputer on a B405 & MVME135-1 (68020), & MVME147-1 (68030) (bare TRAM (bare) using the Host running INMOS Iserver VI .42i for machines, using ARTK 5.3.1) file-server support via a CAPLIN QTO board link Compiler Vendor: /Msys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 2/5/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/20/94 Validation Certificate #: 901127A1.11069 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 001118N1.11064 (BASE) Compiler Name: /MsyCOMP_028, Version 5.3 Compiler Name: V/VX/VMS to INMOS T800 Ada BSMART cross Host 386/20 (under DOS 3.31 & 5.0) compiler. Version 5.4.8 Target Motorola MVME101, MVME121. MVME131. MVME133. Host: VAXstation 4000 Model 60 (under VMS 5.5-2) MVME133XT, MVME135-1, M68332EVS. MVME147-1. & Target INMOS T800 transputer implemented on a B41 7 TRAM (bare), MVME167 (68000, 68010, 68020, & 68030 cpu.s) (bare using the Host running INMOS Iserver 1.5 for file-senrer machines, using ARTK 5.3) support via an INMOS B300 TCPIink Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 3/12/93

Validation Certificate #: 901 1 20A1 .1 1 070 Validation Certificate #: 901127A1.11069 (BASE)

Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_018, Version 5.2 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_01 1 , Version 5.5.1 Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 5.3) Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver. VAXstation. MicroVAX, VAX 4000, Target: Same as Host VAX 6000, VAX 8000. & VAX 9000 computer series (under VMS 5.4) Compiler Vendor: /Vlsys Target Motorola MVME 131, MVME133. MVME133XT. MVME135. & Compiler Type: Derived MVME147 (68020 & 68030 cpu.s) (bare machines, using Date of Validation by Registration: 6/19/91 VRTX32); Motorola MVME101, MVME121. MVME131. Validation Certificate #: 901 120A1 .11070 (BASE) MVME133. MVME133XT. MVME135, M68332EVS, MVME147, Compiler Name: /MsyCOMP_018, Version 5.2 & MVME167 (68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 4 68040 cpu.s) Host: DEC VAX-1 1 , VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 4000, (bare machines, using ARTK 5.5.1) VAX 6000, VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers (as supported) (under VMS 5.2 & 5.4) Compiler Vendor: Alsys Target: Any Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/1/84

Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 901 1 28W1 .1 1 090 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Host Development System for Validation Certificate #: 901 125N1 .11071 SPARCsystems, Version 2a Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_006, Version 5.3 Host Sun-4/690 (under SunOS release 5.3) Host IBM 9370 Model 90~(under VM/1S CMS release 5.1) Target Same as Host Target: Same as Host Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 901 221 W1 .11 103 Validation Certificate #: 901125N1.11072 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_023. Version 5.3 Host Multitech 1100 (under SCO Unix 3.2) Host: IBM 370 30840 (under MVS/XA release 3.2) Target: Same as Host Target: Same as Host

2-23 3

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Base

.1 1 Dale of Validation by Registration; 11/4/01 Validation Certified # : 91 01 29W1 1 1 Validation CertHicata #: 001 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) Compiler Name; Al8yCOMP_034, Version 5.1 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1 Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under LynxOS Version 2.0 + Threads Host; Everex AGI 3000D, Compaq Deskpro 386 & SAI Technologies Release 11) Army Lightweight Computer Unit (LCU V2) (under Interactive Target Same as Host Unix 3.2) Target; Each Host, seK-targetted * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Registration: 4/22/91

Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate # : 9101 20W1 .11113 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 11/4/01 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1 7l>xxx OO-xxx (under Version 2.0 Validation Certificate # : 001 221 W1 .1 1 1 03 (BASE) Host IBM PS/2 Models & LynxOS Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_034. Version 5.1 Release 15) Host: Prime MBX (under Prime Unix V.4) Target Any Host Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 6/30/93

Date of Validation by Registration; 11/4/01 Validation Certificate # : 91 01 20W1 .11113 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 001 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_070, Version 5.5.3 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1 Host Any computer system that executes the Intel 80386 or Host: Any Computer System comprising: cpu: Intel 80386 or 80486; instruction set (under LynxOS, Version 2.1) fpu; optional (under a Unix 3.2-based OS) Target Same as Host Target Each Host, self-targetted * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 4/8/94 Date of Validation by Registration: 7/17/02 Validation Certificate #; 910129W1.11113 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 001 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) Compiler Nsune: AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.5.6 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1 2 Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 series (under LynxOS v2.2) Host: Any Computer System that executes the Intel 80386 or 80486 Target: Same as Host

instruction set (under SCO Open Desktop 1 .1 & SCO Unix 3.2, SCO Open Desktop 2.0 & SCO Unix 3.2.4, Interactive Unix * Compiler Vendor; Alsys 3.2.2, and AT&T Unix System V Release 4.0) Compiler Type: Base Target: Any Host Validation Certificate #: 91013111.11127 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_056, Version 1 .82 Compiler Vendor; Alsys Host; Sun 3/60 (under SunOS, Version 4.0.3) Compiler Type: Derived Target: KWS EB68020 (under OS-6/68020, Version 2.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/5/92 Validation Certificate #: 001 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1 2 Compiler Type: Base

Host: Zenith Data Systems Z-Station 433 DEh (under SCO Unix Validation Certificate # : 91 0201 1 1 .1 1 1 28 3.2.4 running SecureWare CMW+ Version 22) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_055, Version 1 .82 Target; Same as Host Host VAX 8530 (under VMS, Version 5.3-1) Target KWS EB68020 (under OS-9/68020. Version 2.3) Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Dade of Validation by Registration: 6/30/93 Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 001 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) Validation Certificate # : 91 0323W1 .1 1 1 31 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.5 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_029, Version 5.3 Host: Any computer system that executes the Intel 80386 or i486 Host CompuAdd 325 (urider DOS 3.31) instruction set (under SCO Open Desktop 2.0 with SCO Unix Target: Intel iSBC 386/1 1 6 (bare machine, using ARTK 5.3) version 3.2.4, Interactive Unix Z22, or AT&T Unix System V Release 4.0) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Target: Any Host (same OS as Host) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 12/5/92 Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 910323W1.11131 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_029, Version 5.3.1 Date of Validation by Registration: 9/23/93 Host: Any Computer System that executes the Intel 80386 or 80486 Validation Certificate #; 901 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) instruction set (under MS-DOS version 5.0 & Phar Lap version Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_034, Version 5.1.2 4.0) Host: SAIC LCU V2 (under SCO Open Desktop 2.0 (SCO Unix Target; Any 80486 single board computer (bare machine, using ARTK 3.2.4)) 5.3) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 910323W1.11132 Validation Certificate #; 901221 W1 .11104 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_030, Version 5.3

Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_043, Version 5.3 Host MicroVAX II (under VMS 5.2) Host Apple Macintosh Ilex (under Macintosh System Software 6.0.5) Target; Intel iSBC 386/31 (bare machine, using ARTK 5.3) Target Same as Host

2-24 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler VerKlor: Alsys Compiler Type: D«riv«d Compiler Type: Derived Dote of Validation by Ragistration; 12/5/S2 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/24/92 Validation Cartificata #: 010323W1 .11132 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 91040711.11144 (BASE) Compilar Nama: AlayCOMP_030, Varsion 5.3.1 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_049, Version 1.83-01

Host: MicroVAX II (under VMS 5.2) Host: VAX 8530 (under VMS 5.3-1)

Targat: Any 80386 single board computer (bare machine, using ARTK Target Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP (R3000/R301 0) (bare machine) 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: /VIsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/92 Date of Validation by Registration: 4/14/94 Validation Certificate #: 91040711.11144 (BASE)

Validation Certificate #: 910323W1.11132 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_040, Version 1 .84 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_020, Version 5.3.1 Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 4000, Host: Any computer system that executes the Intel 80386 or 80486 VAX 6000, VAX 8000, & VAX 9000 series of computers (under instruction set (under MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher and VMS 5.3 & 5.4)

PharLap version 4.0) Target Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP board (R3000/R301 0) (bare Target: Any Intel486 DX2 single board computer (bare machine, using rrtachine) ARTK 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 91062511.11193

Date of Validation by Registration: 4/14/94 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_057, Version 1 .83 Validation Certificate #: 910323W1.11132 (BASE) Host DECstation 3100 (under ULTRIX Version 4.0) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_030, Version 5.3.1 Target: Same as Host

Host: MicroVAX II (under VMS 5.2) Target: Any Intel486 DX2 single board computer (bare machine, using * Compiler Vendor: Alsys ARTK 5.3) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/92 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 91062511.11193 (BASE)

Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_057, Version 1 .83-01 Date of Validation by Registration: 4/14/94 Host DEC DECstation & DECsystem computer families (under Validation Certificate #: 910323W1.11132 (BASE) ULTRIX 4.0 & 4.2) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_052, Version 5.3.1 Target Any Host Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver computer families (under SunOS 4.1) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Teuget: Any Intel486 DX2 single board computer (bare machine, using Compiler Type: Derived /^TK 5.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/14/94 Validation Certificate #: 91072111.11194 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: /Msys Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Host Development System for Macll Compiler Type: Base Systems, Version 4.1

Validation Certificate #: 910323W1.11133 Host Macintosh llx & llfx (under A/UX 3.0 Secure) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_033, Version 5.3 Target: Same as Host Host Sun 3/140 (under SunOS 4.1) Teuget: Intel iSBC 386/12 (bare machine, using ARTK 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate # : 91 0809W1 .11195 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_024, Version 5.3 Date of Validation by Registration: 11/27/92 Host: IBM RISC System 6000, model 520 (under AIX v3.1)

Validation Certificate #: 91 0323W1 .1 1 1 33 (BASE) Target Same as Host Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_052, Version 5.3.1 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCsen/er, & SPARCstation * Compiler Vendor: Alsys computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Compiler Type: Derived Target Intel iSBC 386/31, iSBC 386/lxx, iSBC 486/lxx (bare Date of Validation by Registration: BI24I92 machines, using ARTK 5.3) Validation Certificate #: 910800W1.11105 (BASE) Compiler Nrune: AlsyCOMP_024. Version 5.4 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Host: IBM RISC System 6000 (all models) (under AIX 32) Compiler Type: Derived Target Any Host Date of Validation by Registration: 4/21/94 Validation Certificate #: 91 0323W1 .11133 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_084, Version 5.5.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4. SPARCstation, & SPARCserver Date of Validation by Regisbation: 12/6/94 computer families (under Solaris 2.1) Validation Certificate #: 910809W1.11105 (BASE) AlsyCOMP_024, Version 5.6 Target Intel iSBC 386/31 . iSBC 386/lxx. iSBC 486/lxx (bare machine, Compiler Name: usirtg ARTK 5.3) Host IBM RISC System/6000 series 2xx, 3xx, 5xx, Rxx; CET1A Power MCA , models SBW225. 225, 2230, 2250, * Compiler Vendor: Alsys 334H. 3355, 3360, 3365, 3370, 3375, 5580, 558H. 5590, 9990 Compiler Type: Base (under /MX Version 32.5) Validation Certificate #: 91040711.11144 Target Any host

Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_049. Version 1 .83 Host VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3-1) Target Integrated Device Technology IDT7RS301 System

(R3000/R301 0) (bare machine)

V 2-25 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compil«r V«ndor; Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 3/31/95 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/20/93

Validation Certificate # : 91 0809W1 .11195 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 91 1107W1 .11227 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_078, Version 5.6 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.5.2 Host: IBM RISC System/6000 series 2xx, Sxx, 5xx, & Rxx; and CEDA Host HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version 9.01); Power MCA models SBW225. 2225, 2230, 2250, 334H, 3355, HP 9000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX, Version 9.0) 3360, 3365, 3370, 3375, 5580, 558H, 5590, & 9990 (under AIX Target HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version 9.01) 3.2.5) Target: CETIA Power Engirre (VGPW2/VMTR2) (under UNI/RT 5.4 * Compiler Vendor; Alsys CETIA ID 94294, Release 5.4c) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 4/1/94 Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 911107W1.11227 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.5.2A Validation Certificate #: 91 0800W1 .11196 Host HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version 10.0) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_058, Version 5.3 Target Any Host

Host Unisys B39 (under BTOS II, v3.2.0) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Registration: 12/6/94 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 91 1 107W1 .11227 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 910809W1.11197 Compiler Name: HP 9000 Series 700 Ada Compiler, Version 5.5 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_040, Version 5.3 Host HP 9000 Series 700 Model 715/75 (under HP-UX A.09.03 A Host: HP Vectra RS/25C (under DOS 3.30) (release 9.03))

Target: Unisys B39 (under BTOS II, v3.2.0) Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 91101611.11233 Date of Vrdidation by Registration: 12/6/94 Compiler Name: NATO SWG on APSE Compiler for Sun3/SunOS, Validation Certificate #: 911107W1.11227 (BASE) Version S3C1 .82-02 Compiler Neune: HP 9000 Series 700 Ada Compiler, Version 5.5.3 Host Sun-3/60 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3, with CAIS Version Host HP 9000 Series 700 Model 715/75 (under HP-UX A.09.03 A 5.5D) (release 9.03)) Target: Sun-3/60 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) Target: Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 011107W1.11227 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/28/95 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.35 Validation Certificate #: 911107W1.11227 (BASE) Host: HP 9000 Series 700 Model 720 (under HP-UX, Version A.B8.05 Compiler Name; HP 9000 Series 700 Ada Compiler, Version 5.5.3 (release 8.05)) Host HP 9000 Series 700 Model 715/75 (under HP-UX A.00.03 A. Target: Same as Host Release 9.03) Target: HP-RT Model 742 VME (HP-RT A.02.02 B 9000/742) Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Registration: 11/23/92 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 911107W1.11227 (BASE) Validation Certificate # ; 9111 07W1 .1 1 228 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062. Version 5.35 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.35 Host: HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version Host HP 9000 Series 800 Model 835 (under HP-UX. Version A.B8.00

A.B8.05 (release 8.05)); HP 9000 Series 800, all models (under (release 8.00)) HP-UX, Version A.B8.00 (release 8.00)) Target Same as Host

Target: HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version A.B8.05 (release 8.05)) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Registration; 11/23/92 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 911107W1.11228 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 2/26/93 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.35

Validation Certificato #: 91 1107W1 .11227 (BASE) Host HP 9000 Series 700, eUl models (under HP-UX, Version Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, 5.5.1 (release Series all models (under Version A.B8.05 8.05)) ; HP 9000 800,

Host: HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version 9.01); HP-UX, Version A.B8.00 (release 8.00))

HP 9000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX, Version 9.0) Target HP 9000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX, Version Target: HP 9000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version 9.01) A.B8.00 (release 8.00))

Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 10/1/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 11/23/92 Validation Certificate #: 911107W1.11227 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 911107W1.11228 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_076, Version 5.5.2 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.35

Host: HP 9000 Series 700 all models (under HP-UX. Version HP 9000 Series 800 Models 807, 817, 847, & 867 (under , 9.1) Host Target: HP 9000/742 RT VME board (under HP-RT, Version 1.1) HP-UX B-Level Security Operating System, Version A.08.08) Target Any Host

2-26 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Dale of Validation by Registration: 2126193 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/12/63 Validation Certificate #: 611107W1.11228 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 61 1119A1 .11231 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.5.1 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.5.1 Host: HP 6000 Series 700, all nKxlels (under HP-UX, Version 9.01); Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver

HP 6000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX, Version 6.0) computer series (all models) (under Solaris 2.1) Target: HP 6000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX, Version 6.0) Target: Any Host

* Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/20/63 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/6/64 Validation Certificate #: 611107W1.11228 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 611116A1.11231 (BASE) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.5.2 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.5.2 Host: HP 6000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX, Version 6.01); Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation & SPARCserver

HP 6000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX, Version 6.0) computer families (under Solaris 2.3)

Target: HP 6000 Series 800, all models (under HP-UX. Version 6.0) Target Any Host

* Compiler Vendor: Alsys * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 61111811.11236 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 12/6/94 Compiler Name: NATO SWG on APSE Compiler for VAX/VMS. Version Validation Certificate #: 611116A1.11231 (BASE) VC1 .82-02 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_047. Version 5.5.2

Host: VAX 8350 (under VMS Version 5.4-1 , with CAIS Version 5.5E) Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SP/^Cserver

Target: VAX 8350 (under VMS Version 5.4-1) series of computers (under SunOS 4.1 .3) Target: Any Host * Compiier Vendor: /^sys Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: /Usys Validation Certificate #: 011116A1.11231 Compiler Type: Derived Compiier Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.37 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/6/94 Host: Sun SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS 4.1.1) Validation Certificate #: 61 1116A1 .11231 (BASE) Target: Same as Host Compiler Name: /VlsyCOMP_086, Version 6.1 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver * Compiler Vendor: Alsys series of computers (under SunOS 5.3 (Solaris 2.3)) Compiler Type: Derived Target Any Host Date of Validation by Registration: 12/31/91 Validation Certificate #: 61 1116A1 .11231 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.37 Compiler Type: Base Host: Sun SPARCstation ELC, IPC & IPX; SPARCserver 330, 370, Validation Certificate #: 62030611.11248

390, 470, 490, 630MP, 670MP & 690MP (under SunOS 4.1 .1) Compiier Neune: NATO SWG on /VPSE Compiler for VAX/VMS to Target: Any Host MC68020, Version VCM1.82-02

Host: VAX 8350 (under VMS Version 5.4-1 , with CAIS Version 5.5E) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Target: Motorola MVME133XT (MC68020) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/31/61 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 61 1119A1 .11231 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.37 Validation Certificate #: 62042911.11251

Host- Solbourne Series 5/500, /530. /600. /670. /800 & 5E/900; and Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_061 , Version 1 .83 S4000 (under OS/MP 4.1) Host DECstation 3100 (under ULTRIX Version 4.2) Target: Any Host Target Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP board (R3000/3010) (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Date of Validation by Registration: 1/6/63 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 61 1119A1 .11231 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/62 Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.5.1 Validation Certificate #: 92042911.11251 (BASE)

Host SP/VRCstation ELC. IPC. & IPX; SPARCserver 330, 370, 390, Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_061 , Version 1.84 460, 690MP, 670MP. & 690MP (under SunOS 4.1.1) Host DEC DECstation & DECsystem computer families (under Target Any Host ULTRIX 4.2) Target Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP board (R3000/R3010) (bare * Compiler Vendor: Alsys machine) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 1/6/93 * Compiler Vendor: Alsys Validation Certificate #: 61 1119A1 .11231 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_072, Version 5.5.1 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/92 Host Solbourne Series 5/500, /530. /600, /670. /BOO, & 5E/900; & Validation Certificate #: 62042611.11251 (BASE) 1 .84-01 S4000 (under OS/MP 4.1) Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_061 , Version Target Any Host Host DEC DECstation & DECsystem computer families (under ULTRIX 4.2) Target: Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP board (R3000/R3010), Integrated Device Technology IDT7RS385 board (R3081E) (bare machines)

2-27 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compii«r Vendor; Alsye * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type; Base Validation Certmeate #; 02072811.11261 Validation Certificate #; 021 21 0W1 .11 302 Compiler Name; NATO SWG on APSE Compiler for Sun3/SunOS to Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_010, Version 5.3.1 MC68020. Version S3CM1 .82 Host CompuAdd 433 (under MS-DOS 5.0 running Phar Lap 4.0) Host; Sun-3/60 (underSunOSVersion4.0.3, withCAlSVersionS.SE) Target Intel iSBC 186/100 (bare machine) Target; Motorola MVME133XT (MC68020) (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor; Alsys * Compiler Vendor; Atsys Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Base Date of Validation by Registration; 2/26/03 Validation Certificate #; 02073011.11262 Validation Certificate #; 021 21 0W1 .11 302 (BASE)

Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_060, Version 1 .83 Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_065, Version 5.3

Host; Control Data 4336 (under TC/IX 1 .0.2) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, and SPARCstation Target; Same as Host computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Target Any , 80186, or 80286 single-board computer (bare * Compiler Vendor; Alsys machine, running ART 5.3) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 12/30/02 * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Validation Certificate #; 02073011.11262 (BASE) Compiler Type; Derived

Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_060, Version 1 .83 Date of Validation by Registration; 11/17/03 Host Control Data 4000 series of computers (under TC/IX 1 .0.2 & Validation Certificate #; 021 21 0W1 .11 302 (BASE)

1 . 1 ) Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_010, Version 5.3.1 Target; Any Host Host CompuAdd 433 (under MS-DOS 5.0 running Phar Lap 4.0) Target; Any 80C186EB- & 80C188EB-based single-board computers * Compiler Vendor; /VIsys (bare machine) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 2/26/93 * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Validation Certificate #; 02073011.11262 (BASE) Compiler Type; Derived

Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_069, Version 1 .83 Date of Validation by Registration; 12/1/93

Host Control Data 4000 series of computers (under TC/IX 1 2) Validation Certificate #; 02121811.11304 (BASE) Target; Any Host Compiler Name; TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System for Sun-4 to 68k, Version 4.1 aS (or V1A_S) * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Host; Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver Compiler Type; Derived series of computers (under SunOS 4.1) Date of Validation by Registration; 9/23/94 Target DY 4 Systems SVME-1 22 (bare meushine, using TeleAda-Exec) Validation Certificate #; 02073011.11262 (BASE)

Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_069, Version 1 .83-02A * Compiler Vendor; Alsys

Host; Control Data 4000 series of computers (under EP/LX 1 .3) Compiler Type; Derived Target; Any Host Date of Validation by Registration; 3/13/95 Validation Certificate #; 92121811.11304 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor; Atsys Compiler Name; RISCAdaTRIAD/SP/VRCx68kfor SunOS. Release 1c

Compiler Type; Derived Host Sun-4/400 (under SunOS release 4.1 .2) Dcde of Validation by Registration; 10/25/04 Target; MVME167 (68040) (bare machine, using TeleAda-Exec) Validation Certificate #; 02073011.11262 (BASE)

Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_066, Version 1 .83-02B * Compiler Vendor; Alsys

Host Control Data 4000 series of computers (under EP/LX 1 .3) Compiler Type; Base Target; Any Host Validation Certificate #; 930115S1.11305 Compiler Name; Alsys Ada Software Development Environnrtent for HP * Compiler Vendor; Alsys 0000 Series 600, 700 & 800, Version 5.35 Compiler Type; Derived Host; HP 0000 Series 800 Model 807 (under HP-UX BLS Version Date of Validation by Registration; 5/12/04 A.08.08) Validation Certificate #; 02102911.11295 (BASE) Target; Same as Host Compiler Name; TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System for SUN-4 to eMIPS, Version 2a * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Host Sun-4/690 (under SunOS 5.3) Compiler Type; Base

Target; Algorithmics p-4000i (R4000) (bare machine) Validation Certificate # ; 0301 1 5S1 .1 1 306 Compiler Name; Alsys Ada Software Development Environment for HP * Compiler Vendor; Alsys 0000 Series 600, 700 & 800, Version 5.35 Compiler Type; Base Host HP 0000 Series 800 Model 817 (under HP-UX BLS Version

Validation Certificate # ; 02111 8N1 .1 1 208 A.08.08) Compiler Name; AlsyCOMP_062, Version 5.35 Teirget; Same as Host Host HP 0000 Series 800~ Model 827 (under HP-UX Version 8.02) Target; Same as Host * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Compiler Type; Base * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Validation Certificate # ; 0301 1 5S1 .1 1 307 Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name; Alsys Ada Software Development Environment for HP Validation Certificate #; 021126N1.11300 9000 Series 600, 700 & 800, Version 5.35 Compiler Name; AlysCOMP_073. Version 5.3 Host; HP 9000 Series 800 Model 847 (under HP-UX BLS Version

Host IBM ES/9000 Model 610 (under AIX/ESA Version 2) A.08.08) Target Same as Host Target; Same as Host

2-28 0

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* CompilAr Vandor; Alsys Coinpilar Vandor: Concurrant Computar Corporation Compilar Typa: Basa Addrass; 2 Crascant Placa Validation CartHicata #: 03011581.11306 City; Ocaanport Compilar Mama: Alsys Ada Softwara Oavalopmant Environmant for HP State: NJ 0000 Sarias 600, 700 & 800, Varsion 5.35 Zip Coda: 07757 Host HP 0000 Sarias 800 Modal 887 (undar HP-UX BLS Varsion Country: A.08.08) Contact Nama: Linda Lewis Targat: Sama as Host Phone; (008) 870-4643 E-mail: [email protected] * Compilar Vandor; Alsys Compilar Typa; Basa * Compilar Vandor: Concurrant Computar Corporation

Validation CartHicata # ; 0301 1 581 .1 1 300 Compilar Typa: Basa Compilar Nama; Alsys Ada Softwara Davalopmant Environment for HP Validation Certificate # 00042711 .11008 0000 Sarias 700/800, Varsion 5.35 Compilar Nama: C3 Af Version 0.5 Host Zanith Data Systams Z-Station 433 DEh (undar SCO Unix 3.2 Host '‘orrcurrant Cot .utar Corporation 8400 (MIPS R3000/3010) running SacuraWara CMW-l- Varsion 2.2 w/MaxSix) indar RTU Varsion 5.1) Targat Sama as Host Targat Sama as Host

* Compilar Vandor; Alsys * Compilar Vandor: Concurrant Computer Corporation Compilar Type; Basa Compilar Typa; Derived

Validation CartHicata # ; 0301 251 1 .1 1 31 Data of Validation by Registration; 7/12/00

Compilar Nanoa; AtsyCOMP_068, Varsion 1 .83 Validation Certificate #; 00042711.11008 (BASE) Host Control Data 4680 (undar EP/IX 1.4.3) Compilar Nama: C3 /^a, Varsion 0.5 Targat; Sruna as Host Host; Concurrant Computer Corporation 8500 (MIPS R3000/R3010) (under RTU Varsion 5.1) * Compilar Vandor; Alsys Target Sama as Host Compilar Typa: Basa * Validation CartHicata # : 031 208W1 .1 1 333 Compilar Vandor: Concurrant Computer Corporation Compilar Nama; AlsyCOMP_032. Varsion 5.5 Compilar Typa; Basa

Host: CompuAdd 433 (undar IBM OS/2, Varsion 2.1 + Threads) Validation Certificate # : 001 1 30W1 .11107 Targat Sama as Host Compilar Nama: C3 Ada, Varsion Host Concurrant Computar Corporation 6650 with Super Lightning * Compiler Vendor; Alsys Floating Point (undar RTU Varsion 5.0C) Compilar Typa; Basa Targat: Sama as Host Validation CartHicata #: 031 208W1 .11334 Compiler Nama; AlsyCOMP_083, Varsion 5.5 * Compilar Vandor; Concurrant Computer Corporation Host: CompuAdd 466 (undar Windows NT, Varsion 3.1 + Threads) Compiler Typa: Derived Targat: Same as Host Data of Validation by Registration: 2/22/01 Validation Cartificata #: 001130W1.11107 (BASE) * Compilar Vandor; Alsys Compilar Name: C3 Ada, Version Compilar Typa: Basa Host: Concurrant Computer Corporation Sarias 6000 with Super

Validation Certificate #: 040826N1 .1 1 375 Lightning Floating Point, and Sarias 5000 with Lightning

Compilar Nama; AlsyCOMP_17, Varsion 5.4.10 Floating Point (all models) (undar RTU Var 5.0A, 5.0B & 5.0C) Host VAXstation 4000 Modal 60 (under VMS 5.5-2) Targat; Any Host Targat INMOS TOOOO transputer Gamma D02 on an INMOS VME TastBoard (bare machine) * Compilar Vendor: Concurrant Computar Corporation Compilar Typa: Darhrad Compilar Vandor: ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Data of Validation by Registration; 3/18/01 Addrass; Sabaldsbrueckar Haarstr. 235 Validation Cartificata #; 001130W1.11107 (BASE)

P.O. Box 44 85 45 Compilar Nama: C3 Ada, Varsion 1 .1 City; W-2800 Bremen 44 Host: Concurrant Computar Corporation Sarias 6000 (MC68030, State: with Super Lightning Floating Point) & Sarias 5000 (MC68020, Zip Code: with Lightning Floating Point) (under RTU Versions 5.0A, 5.0B, Country: GERMANY 5.0C & 6.0) Contact Nama: Dieter Weigel Target: Sama as Host Phone; -I-49-291 457-3058 E-mail: (No a-mail addrass given) * Compilar Vandor: Concurrant Computer Corporation Compilar Typa: Basa * Compilar Vandor: ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH Validation Cartificata # : 001 1 30W1 .11108 Compilar Typa: Basa Compilar Nama: C3 Ada, Varsion R03-OOV Validation Certificate #; 01032411.11136 Host Corrcurrant Computar Corporation 3280MPS (undar OS/32

Compilar Nama: ATLAS ELEKTRONIK Ada Compilar WME 1 .82 Varsion R08-03.2) Host VAX 6000-410 (undar VMS Version 5.2) Target Sama as Host Targat ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH MPR 2300 (undar MOS 2300, Varsion 2.1) * Compilar Vandor; Concurrent Computer Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad Date of Validation by Registration: 2/22/01 Validation Certificate #; 001130W1.11108 (BASE) Compilar Narrra: C3 /Vfa, Varsion R03-O0V Host Concurrant Computar Corporation Sarias 3200: 3200 MPS, 3203, 3205, 3210, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3230XP, 3250XP, 3230MPS, 3260MPS, Micro4, and Micro5 (undar OS/32 Versions R08-03, R08-03.1 & R08-03.2) Targat Any Host

2-29 ,

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor; Concurrent Computer Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 5/7/63 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/22/61 Validation Certificate #: 801130W1.11108 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 601130W1.11110 (BASE) Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version R03-00 Compiler Name: C3 Ada, Version Host; Concurrent Computer Corporation System Processor Host CoTKurrent Computer Corporation Series 6000 with an family of computers (under Trusted OS/32 and MTM Version MC68882 fpu, and Series 5000 with an MC68881 fjau (all R08-03.3S, and OS/32 Versions R08-03,2, R06^1.1OS/32. & models) (under RTU Versions 5.0A, 5.0B & 5.0C) ROe-02) Target; Any Host Target; Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 3/18/61

Validation Certificate # : 601 1 30W1 .11106 Validation Certificate #: 601130W1.11110 (BASE)

Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version 1 .Ov Compiler Name: C3 Ada, Version 1 .1 Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation 8400 (MIPS R3000/3010) Host Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 6000 (under RTU Version 5.1) (MC68030/MC68882) & Series 5000 (MC68020/MC68881) Target: Same as Host (under RTU Versions 5.0A, 5.0B, 5.0C & 6.0) Target Same as Host Compiler Vendor: Cortcurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 2/22/61 Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate #; 601130W1.11106 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 8/10/92

Compiler Name: C3 Ada, Version 1 .Ov Validation Certificate #: 601 1 30W1 .11110 (BASE)

Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 8000 (all models) Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version 1 .2 & 2.0b (under RTU Versions 5.1, 5.1 A & 5.1 B) Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 7000 (MC68040) Target Any Host (under RTU Version 6.1) Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 3/18/61 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 601130W1.1110e (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 8/31/92

Compiler Name: C3 Ada, Version 1 .0 Validation Certificate # : 601 1 30W1 .11110 (BASE) Host; Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 8000 (MIPS Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version 2.0b R3000/3010) (under RTU Versions 5.1 A, 5.1 B & 6.0) Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 7000 (MC68040) Target: Same as Host (under RTU Version 6.1) Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation Date of Validation by Registration; 4/18/61 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 801130W1.11106 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/14/94

Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version 2.Op Validation Certificate # : 6011 30W1 .11110 (BASE) Host; Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 8000 (R3000/301 0) Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Versions 2.0bV4 & 2.0bV4c all models (under RTU Versions 5.1 A, 5.1 B & 6.0) Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 7000 (MC68040) Target; Same as Host (under RTU, Version 6.1 A) Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor; Concurrent Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor; Control Data Systems, Inc. Date of Validation by Registration: 8/20/62 Address: 1306 Orleans Drive Validation Certificate #: 601130W1.11106 (BASE) City: Sunnyvale Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version 2.0b State: CA Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation Series 8000 (MIPS Zip Code: 64086-1135

R3000/301 0) (under RTU Version 6.0) Country: Target: Any Host Contact Name: Kathy Sharp Phone; (408)541-4200 Compiler Vendor: Concurrent Computer Corporation E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Type: Derived

Date of Validation by Registration; 6/3/64 * Compiler Vendor: Control Data Systems, Inc.

Validation Certificate #: 601 1 30W1 .11109 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Name; C3 Ada, Version 3.0 Validation Certificate # : 631 21 7S1 .1 1 336

Host: Concurrent Computer Corporation MAXION Multiprocessor Compiler Name: NOS/VE Ada, Version 1 .4

System with MIPS R4400 ar>d Internal Floating Point (all Host CYBER 180-630-31 (under NOS/VE, Level 826) models) (under RTU Version 6.2) Target; Same as Host Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor; Corporation Compiler Vendor; Concurrent Computer Corporation Address; 7501 Greenway Center Dr., Suite 800 Compiler Type: Base City; Greenbeit

Validation Certificate # ; 6011 30W1 .11110 State: MD Compiler Name: C3 Ada, Version Zip Code: 20770 Host Concurrent Computer Corporation 6650 with MC68882 Country: Floating Point (under RTU Version 5.0C) Contact Name; Sudy Bharadwaj Target Same as Host Phone: (301) 345-2400 E-mail; [email protected]

2-30 8

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compilar Vendor: CONVEX Computer Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 00091 0W1 .11 027 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/31/93 Compiler Name: CONVEX Ada, Version 2.0 Validation Certificate #: 901112W1.11116 (BASE) Host: CONVEX C220 (under ConvexOS 8.1) Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.1

Target: Same as Host Host CRAY X-MP/EA & X-MP (all models) (under UNICOS Releases 6.1 & 7.0) * Compiler Vendor: CONVEX Computer Corporation Target Any Host Compiler Type: Derived

Date of Validation by Registration: 1/25/91 * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 90091 0W1 .1 1 027 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: CONVEX /kda, Version 2.0 Validation Certificate #: 001112W1.11117

Host: CONVEX Cl 20. C201 . C202, C21 0. C220, C230. C240. C21 Oi. Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0 C220i & C230i (under ConvexOS, Versions 8.1 and 9.0) Host Cray Y-MP (under UNICOS Release 5.0) Target: Any Host Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor: CONVEX Computer Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/1/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 9/27/91 Validation Certificate #: 90091 0W1 .11 027 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 901112W1.11117 (BASE) Compiler Name: CONVEX Ada, Version 2.0 Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0

Host: CONVEX Cl 20. C201 , C202, C21 0. C21 Oi, C220, C220i, C230, Host Cray Y-MP, all models (under UNICOS Releases 5.1, 6.0 &

C230i. C240, C3210. C3220. C3230, C3240. C3410. C3420. 6 . 1 ) C3430. C3440. C3450. C3460. C3470. C3480, C3810. C3820. Target: Each Host, self-targeted C3830. C3840. C3850, C3860. C3870. C3880 (under ConvexOS versions 8.1, 9.0, 9.1 & 10.0) * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Target: Each Host, self-targeted Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 4/16/92 * Compiler Vendor: CONVEX Computer Corporation Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 2W1 .1 1 1 1 7 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0 Date of Validation by Registration: 4/16/92 Host CRAY Y-MP EL (under UNICOS Releases 6.0 & 6.1) Validation Certificate #: 90091 0W1 .11 027 (BASE) Target Same as Host Compiler Name: CONVEX Ada, Version 2.1 Host: CONVEX Cl 20, and C2xx, C32xx, C34xx, & C38xx computer * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. series (under ConvexOS, Versions 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 10.0, & 10.1; Compiler Type: Derived

and ConvexOS/Secure Versions 9.5 & 10.0 ) Date of Validation by Registration: 8/10/92

Target Same as Host Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 2W1 .1 1 1 1 7 (BASE) Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.0

Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Host CRAY Y-MP & Y-MP EL (all models) (under UNICOS Releases Address: 500 Montezuma, Suite 1 1 6 . 1 ) City: Santa Fe Target: Each Host, self-targeted State: NM Zip Code: 87501 * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Country: Compiler Type: Derived Contact Name: Sylvia Crain Date of Validedion by Registration: 3/31/93 Phone: (505) 988-2468, ext. 30 Validation Certificate #: 901112W1.11117 (BASE) E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.1

Host CRAY Y-MP & Y-MP EL (all models) (under UNICOS Releases * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. 6.1 & 7.0) Compiler Type: Base Target: Any Host Validation Certificate #: 901112W1 .11116 Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0 * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Host Cray X-MP/EA (under UNICOS Release 5.0) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Same as Host Date of Validation by Registration: 12/6/93

Validation Certificate # : 90111 2W1 .11117 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, IrK. Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host CRAY C-90 (in Y-MP mode) (under UNICOS 7C.0) Date of Validation by Registration: 9/27/91 Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 901112W1.11116 (BASE) Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0 * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, IrK.

Host CRAY X-MP & X-MP/EA. all models (under UNICOS Releases Compiler Type: Base 5.1, 6.0 & 6.1) Validation Certificate #: 011006W1.11223 Target Each Host self-targeted Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0 Host CRAY-2/4-128 (under UNICOS Release 6.1) * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Target: Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/10/92 * Compiler Vendor: Cray Research, Inc. Derived Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 2W1 .1 1 1 1 6 (BASE) Compiler Type: Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.0 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/1/91

Host X-MP/EA (all models) (under UNICOS Release 6.1) Validation Certificate #: 911006W1.11223 (BASE) Target Sarrte as Host Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 2.0 Host CRAY-2 (all models) (under UNICOS Release 6.1) Target: Each Host, self-targeted

2-31 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler V*ndor: Cray Research, Inc. * Compiler Vendor; DDC-I, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 8/10/92 Validation Certificate #: 020805S1 .11264 Validation Certificate #: 911006W1.11223 (BASE) Compiler Name: DACS DECstation/ULTRIX to MIPS R3000 Bare Ada Compiler Name; Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.0 Cross Compiler System, Release 2.1-16

Host CRAY-2/4-128 (all models) (under UNICOS Release 6.1) Host DECstation 3100 (under ULTRIX Version 4.0) Target Each Host self-targeted Target IntegratedDeviceTechnology IDT7RS301 R3000/R3010 Board (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor; Cray Research, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor; DDC-I, Inc. Date of Validation by Registration: 3/31/03 Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 911006W1.11223 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 020805S1.11265 Compiler Name: Cray Ada Compiler Release 3.1 Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS Native Ada Compiler Host CRAY CRAY-2/4-1 28 (all models) (under UNICOS Releases 6.1 System, Version 4.6.1 &7.0) Host SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS, Version 4.1.1) Target; Any Host Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Address; (formerly DDC-Inter, Inc.) Compiler Type: Base

410 North 44th Street Validation Certificate # ; 631 1 1 0S1 .1 1 331 City; Phoenix Compiler Narrre: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80386 PM Bare Ada State: AZ Cross Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Zip Code; 85008 Host Sun SPARCstation ^+ (under SunOS. Release 4.1.1) Country; Target Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare machine) Contact Name; Kelly Swainson Phone; (602) 275-7172 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. E-mail; kjs%ddciiphx( Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 63111 6S1 .1 1 332

* Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Irrc. Compiler Name: DACS MIPS R3000 Bare Ada Cross Compiler System, Compiler Type; Derived Version 4.7.1

Date of Validation by Registration: 10/0/61 Host Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1 .3) Validation Certificate #; 901 120S1 .11074 (BASE) Target DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to MIPSR3000 Bare Instruction Set

Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 80486 PM Bare Ada Cross Architecture Simulator, Version 4.7.1 , executing on the Host Compiler System, Version 4.6 (bare machine simulation) Host: VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) Target: Intel iSBC 486/125 (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 940325S1.11341 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: DACS Sun SP/VRC/SunOS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Validation Certificate #; 910705S1.11101 Compiler System, Version 4.6.4

Compiler Name: InterACT Ada 1750A Compiler System, Release 3.5 Host Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS. Release 4.1 2) Host; MicroVAX 31 00 Cluster (under VMS 5.2) Target; Intel iSBC 186/100 (bare machine) Target: lnterACTMIL-STD-1750AlnstructionSet/VchitectureSimuledor Release 2.3 (bare machirte simulation) * Compiler Vendor; DDC-I, Inc. Compiler Type; Base * Compiler Vendor; DDC-I, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 040325S1 .1 1 342 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Validation Certificate #: 610705S1.11192 Compiler System w/ Rate Monotonic Scheduling, V4.6.4

Compiler Neune: InterACT Ada MIPS Cross-Compiler System, Host Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1 .2) Release 2.0 Target Intel iSBC 186/100 (bare machine) Host: MicroVAX 31 00 Cluster (under VMS 5.2) Target: Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP R3000/R3010 Board (bare * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. machine) Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #; 040325S1 .1 1 343 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/Solaris to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Type; Derived Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Date of Validation by Registration: 10/10/91 Host Sun SPARCclassic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) Validation Certificate #: 910705S1.11192 (BASE) Target Intel iSBC 186/100 (bare machine) Compiler Narrte; InterACT Ada MIPS Cross-Compiler System, Release 2.1 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Host MicroVAX 3100 Cluster (under VMS 5.2) Compiler Type; Base Target: Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP R3000/R3010 Board (bare Validation Certificate #: 040325S1.11344 machine) Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/Solaris to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler System w/ Rate Monotonic Scheduling, V4.6.4 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Host Sun SPARCclassic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) Compiler Type: Base Target Intel iSBC 186/100 (bare machine)

Validation Certificate # : 620805S1 .11263 Compiler Name: DACS MIPS RISC/os to MIPS R3000 Bare Ada Cross * Compiler Vendor; DDC-I, Inc. Compiler System, Release 2.1-16 Compiler Type: Base Host; MIPS M/120-5 (under RISC/os Version 4.50) Validation Certificate #: 040325S1.11345 Target: Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP R3000/R3010 Board (bare Compiler Name; DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 680x0 Bare Ada Cross machine) Compiler System, Version 4.6.6 Host Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1.1) Target: Motorola MVME143 (68030/68882) (bare machine)

2-32 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compilar Vendor: DDC-I, Iru:. * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base

: .1 1 Validation Certificate # 04032581 346 Validation Certificate # : 040325S1 .11354 Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 680x0 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Nam« DACS Sun SPARC/Solaris Nativa Ada Compiler Compiler System (BASIC_M00E), Version 4.6.0 System, Version 4.6.2 Host: Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1.1) Host Sun SPARCclassic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) Target: Lynwood j435TU (68030) (bare machine) Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor: DOC-I, Inc. Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Type: Base Address: G1. Lundtoftevej IB Validation Certificate #: 040325S1.11347 City: DK-2800 Lyngby Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 680x0 Bare Ada Cross State: Compiler System (SECURE_MO0E). Version 4.6.0 Zip Code: Host: Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1.1) Country: DENMARK Target: Lynwood j435TU (68030) (bare machine) Contact Name: Kurt Westh Hansen Phone: -(-45 45 871144 * Compiler Vendor: ODC-I, Inc. E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 040325S1.11348 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Narife: DACS Sun SP/VRC/Solaris to 80386 PM Bare Ada Compiler Type: Base Cross Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Validation Certificate #: 901120S1.11 050 Host: Sun SPARCclassic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS Native Ada Compiler System, Target: Intel iSBC 386/116 (bttre machine) Version 4.6 Host VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 040325S1.11346 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/Solaris to 80386 PM Bare Ada Compiler Type: Base Compiler System w/ Rate Monotonic Scheduling, V4.6.4 Validation Certificate #: 901 120S1 .11051 Host: Sun SPARCclassic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) Compiler Name: DACS V/0(/VMS to 68020 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Target: Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare machine) System, Version 4.6 Host: MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS Version 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Target: Motorola MVME133 board (68020/68881) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 840325S1.11350 * Compiler Vendor: DDC-InternationtU A/S Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to Pentium PM Bare Ada Compiler Type: Base Cross Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Validation Certificate #: 901120S1.11074

Host: Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1 .2) Compiler Name: DACS VAXA/MS to 80386 PM Bare Ada Cross Target: InteIXpress Desktop (product # XBASE6E4F-B, with Pentium Compiler System, Version 4.6 epu, operating as a bare machine) Host VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) Target: Intel iSBC 386/21 (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Validation Certificate #: 940325S1 .11351 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to Pentium PM Bare Ada Date of Validation by Registration: 4/7/95 Cross Compiler System w/Rate Monotonic Scheduling, 4.6.4 Validation Certificate #: 901 129S1 .11074 (BASE)

Host: Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1 .2) Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 80386PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler Target: InteIXpress Desktop (product # XBASE6E4F-B, with Pentium System, Version 4.7Z series of epu, operating as a bare machine) Host DEC VAX, VAX-1 1 , MicroVAX, VAXstation , VAXserver computers, and Raytheon Military VAX Model 860 (under VMS * Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Versions 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5) Compiler Type: Base Target: Intel iSBC 386/21 (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: e40325S1.11352 Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/Solaris to Pentium PM Bare Ada * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Cross Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Compiler Type: Derived Host: Sun SPARCcleissic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/7/95 Target: InteIXpress Desktop (product # XBASE6E4F-B, with Pentium Validation Certificate #: 901129S1.11074 (BASE) epu, operating as a bare machine) Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 80486PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler System, Version 4.7Z * VAXserver series of Compiler Vendor: DDC-I, Inc. Host DEC VAX. VAX-1 1 . MicroVAX. VAXstation. Compiler Type: Base computers, and Raytheon Military VAX Model 860 (under VMS Validation Certificate #: 940325S1 .11353 Versions 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5) Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/Solaris to Pentium PM Bare Ada Target: Intel iSBC 486/125 (bare machine) Cross Compiler Sys. w/Rate Monotonic Scheduling, 4.6.4 Host: Sun SPARCclassic (under Solaris, Release 2.1) * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Target: InteIXpress Desktop (product # XBASE6E4F-B, with Pentium Compiler Type: Base epu, operating as a bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 901129S1.11075 Compiler Name: DACS 80386 UNIX V Ada Compiler System, Version 4.6 Host ICL DRS300 (under DRS/NX, Version 3.2 (UNIX System V/386 release 3Z)) Target Same as Host

2-33 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor; DDC-Internabonal A/S * Compiler Vertdor; DDC-International A/S Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #; 00112QS1.11076 Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11078 Compiler Name; OACS Sun3/SunOS Native Ada Compiler System, Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80386 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Version 4.6 System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.6 Host Sun-3/60 (under SunOS, Version 4.0_Export) Host VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) Target Same as Host Target Intel iSBC 386/21 (bare machine)

* Compiler Vendor; ODC-International A/S * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate #; 001129S1.11077 Date of Validation by Registration; 4/7/95 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Validation Certificate #; 901120S1.11078 (BASE) System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.6 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80386PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler Host VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.7.2

Target Intel iSBC 186/03 (bare machine) Host DEC VAX, VAX-1 1 , MicroVAX. VAXstation. VAXserver series of computers, and Raytheon Military VAX Model 860 (under VMS * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Versiorts 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5) Compiler Type; Derived Target Intel iSBC 386/21 (bare machine) Date of Validation by Registrcdion; 12/17/91 Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11077 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Compiler Type; Derived System vdth Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.6 Date of Validation by Registration; 4/7/95 Host; DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11078 (BASE) VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80486PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler Raytheon Military VAX computer model 860 (under VMS System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.7.2

Version 5.3) Host; DEC VAX, VAX-1 1 , MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver series of Target; Intel iSBC 186/03 (bare machine) computers, and Raytheon Military VAX Model 860 (under VMS Versions 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5) * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Target Intel iSBC 486/125 (bare machine) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 12/17/91 * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11077 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 8086 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Validation Certificate #; 901 129S1 .11079 System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.6 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Host; DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, System, Version 4.6 VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including Host; VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) Raytheon Military VAX computer model 860 (under VMS Target Intel iSBC 186/03 (bare machine) Version 5.3) Target; Intel iSBC 86/35 (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Date of Validation by Registration; 12/17/91 Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11079 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 12/17/91 Compiler Narrte; DACS VAX/VMS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Validation Certificate #; 901 129S1 .11077 (BASE) System, Version 4.6 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80286 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000, System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.6 VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including Host; DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Raytheon Military VAX computer nrtodel 860 (under VMS VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, irrcluding Version 5.3) Raytheon Military VAX computer model 860 (under VMS Target; Intel iSBC 186/03 (bare machine) Version 5.3) Target; Intel iSBC 286/12 (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Date of Validation by Registredion; 12/17/91 Compiler Typre; Derived Validation Certificate #; 901126S1.11079 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 12/17/91 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 8086 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Validation Certificate #; 901 129S1 .11077 (BASE) System, Version 4.6 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80286 PM Bare Ada Cross Host; DEC VAX-11, VAXserver. VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Compiler System vdth Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.6 VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including Host; DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation. MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Raytheon Military VAX computer nrKxlel 860 (urtder VMS VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including Version 5.3) Raytheon Military VAX computer model 860 (under VMS Target; Intel iSBC 86/35 (bare machine) Version 5.3) Target; Intel iSBC 286/12 in Protected Mode (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor; DDC-International A/S Date of Valideition by Registration; 12/17/91 Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11079 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 4/7/95 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 80286 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Validation Certificate #; 901129S1.11077 (BASE) System, Version 4.6 Compiler Name; DACS VAX/VMS to 801 86PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation. MicroVAX, VAX 6000, System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.7.2 VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including Host; Military computer model (under VMS DEC VAX. VAX-1 1 , MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver series of Raytheon VAX 860 computers, and Raytheon Military VAX Model 860 (under VMS Version 5.3) Versions 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5) Target Intel iSBC 286/12 (bare machine) Target; Intel iSBC 186/03 (bare machine)

2-34 2

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/17/91 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 4/7/95 Validation Certificate #: 90112981.11079 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 931 119S1 .11331 (BASE) Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 80286 PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80386PM Bare Ada Compiler System, Version 4.6 Cross Compiler System, Version 4.7.2 Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, SPARCclassic, & VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers, including SPARCserver series of computers (under SunOS 4.1) Raytheon Military VAX computer model 860 (under VMS Target: Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare machine) Version 5.3) Target Intel iSBC 286/12 in Protected Mode (bare machine) * Compiler Verrdor: DDC-Interr^ortal A/S Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Date of Validation by Registration: 4/7/95 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 931119S1.11331 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/7/95 Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80486PM Bare /Via Validation Certificate #: 901129S1.11079 (BASE) Cross Compiler System, Version 4.7.2 Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 801 86PM Bare Ada Cross Compiler Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SP/^Cstabon, SPARCclassic, & System with Rate Monotonic Scheduling, Version 4.7.2 SPARCserver series of computers (under SunOS 4.1) series Host: DEC VAX, VAX-1 1 , MicroV/OC, V/DCstation, VAXserver of Target Intel iSBC 486/125 (bare machine) computers, and Raytheon Military VAX Model 860 (under VMS Versions 5.3, 5.4, & 5.5) * Compiier Vendor: DDC-International A/S Target Intel iSBC 186/03 (bare machine) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 940325S1 .11341 Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Type: Base Compiler System, Version 4.6.4

Validation Certificate # : 901 1 29S1 .1 1 1 1 Host Sun SPARCstation IPX (under SunOS, Release 4.1 2 ) Compiler Name: DACS 80386 DMS/OS /^da Compiler System, Target Intel iSBC 186/100 (bare machine) Version 4.6 * Host: IBM PS/2 Model 80-31 1 (under LynxOS 386/PS2, Ver 2.0A) Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/6/94 Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Validation Certificate #: 940325S1.11341 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80186 Bare Ada Cross

Validation Certificate # : 91 0502S1 .11158 Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Compiler Name: DACS VAX/VMS to 80860 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SP/VRCclassic, and System, Version 4.6.1 SPARCstation computer families (under SunOS, Version 4.1) Host VAX 8530 (under VMS Version 5.3) Target Intel iSBC 86/35 (bare machine) Target: Tadpole Technology pic TP860M (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 12/6/94 Validation Certificate #: 910502S1.11159 Validation Certificate #: 940325S1.11342 (BASE) Compiler Nan>e: DACS Sun-3/SunOS to 68030 Bare Ada Cross Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 801 86 Bare Ada Cross Compiler System, Version 4.6.4, MRI IEEE 695 (BASIC_M00E) Compiler System w/ Rate Morvotonic Scheduling, V4.6.4 Host Sun-3/50 (under SunOS Release 4.0_Export) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCclassic, and Target: Motorola MVME143 (68030/68882) board (bare machine) SPARCstation computer families (under SunOS, Version 4.1) Target: Intel iSBC 86/35 (bare machine) Compiier Vendor: DDC-International A/S Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Date of Validation by Registration: 10/25/94 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 910502S1 .11159 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 10/25/94

Compiler Name: DACS Sun-3/SunOS to 68030 Bare Ada Cross Validation Certificate #: 040325S1 .1 1 350 (BASE) Compiler System, Version4.6.9j, MRI IEEE 695 (BASIC-MODE) Compiler Name: DACS Sun SPARC/SunOS to 80486 PM Bare Ada Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer families (under SunOS Cross Compiler System, Version 4.6.4 Version 4.0) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCclassic, and Target: Motorola MVME143 (68030/68882) board (bare machine) SPARCstation computer families (under SunOS, Version 4.1) Target Intel 80486 DX4 based in IBM PS/Valuepoint desktop Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S (operated as a bare machine) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 010502S1.11160 Compiler Vendor: DESC Ltd. Compiler Name: DACS Sun-3/SunOS to 68030 Bare Ada Cross Address: (formerly International Computers Limited) Compiler System, Version 4.6.4, MRI IEEE 695 (SECURE_MODE) Jays Close Host Sun-3/50 (under SunOS Release 4.0_Export) Viables Industrial Estate, Basingstoke Target Motorola MVME143 (68030/68882) board (bare machine) City: Hampshire, RG22 4BY State: Compiler Vendor: DDC-International A/S Zip Code: Compiler Type: Derived Country: UNITED KINGDOM Date of Validation by Registration: 10/25/94 Contact Name: Les Fairbrother Validation Certificate #: 910502S1.11160 (BASE) Phone: -1-44 256 819711 Compiler Name: DACS Sun-3/SunOS to 68030 Bare Cross E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Compiler System, Version 4.6.9), MRI IEEE 695 (SECURE_MODE) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer families (under SunOS Version 4.0) Target Motorola MVME143 (68030/68882) board (bare machirre)

2-35 1

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compil«r Vandor; DESC Ltd. ’ Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compilar Typa; Oarivad Compiler Type: Derived Data of Validation by Registration: 4/23/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/30/01 Validation Certificata #: 921008N1 .11203 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 001109S1.11054 (BASE) Compiler Name: VME Ada Compiler, Version A3.20 Compiler Name: VAX Ada, Version 2.2 Host: ICL Series 30 Level 80 (under VME with VMEB Environment Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAXtt, MicroVAX, VAX Option Version SV202) 4000, V/0( 6000, VAX 8000 & VAX 0000 Series of computers Target: Same as Host (as supported); Ratheon Military VAX Computer Model 860;

and Norden MilVAX Computer Model MilVAX II (under VMS * Compiler Vendor: DESC Ltd. Version 5.4) Compiler Type: Derived Target VAX 4000 Models 200 & 300; VAX 6000 Series 200, 300 & Date of Validation by Registration: 8/3/03 400; VAX 8200, 8250, 8500, 8530, 8550, 8700, 8800, & 8810;

Validation Certificate #: 021008N1.11203 (BASE) VAX-11/730 & /750; MicroVAX II, 2000, 3100, 3150, 3200, Compiler Name: VME Ada Compiler, Version A3.25 3500, 3600, 3800, & 3900; VAXstation 2000, 31 00, 31 50, 3200, Host: ICL Series 30 Level 80 (under VME with VMEB Environment 3500, & ll/GPX; VAXserver 4000-300; VAXserver 6000 Models Option Version SV202) 210, 220, 310, 320, 410, & 420; Raytheon Military VAX Target: Same as Host Computer Models 81 0 & 860; Norden MilVAX Computer Model

MilVAX II, IVAX 620 & 630; VAX RTA; KA620-BA, & KA800-M; * Compiler Vendor: DESC Ltd. rtVAX 300, 1000, 3200, 3300, 3305, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800, Compiler Type: Derived 4000 Model 300, 8550, 8700, rtVAX 6000 Models 200, 300, & Date of Validation by Registration: 4/8/04 400 Series arid rtVAXstation 3100 Models 30 & 38 (under Validation Certificate #: 021008N1.11203 (BASE) VAXELN Version 4.2, using VAXELN Ada Version 2.2) Compiler Name: VME Ada Compiler, Version A3.25 Host: ICL Series 30 Level 80 (under VME with VMEB Environment Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Option Version SV203) Compiler Type: Derived Target: ICL Series 39 Level 80 & Series 39 SX Processor families Date of Validation by Registration: 5/1/91 (under VME with VMEB Environment Option Version SV293) Validation Certificate #: 901109S1.11054 (BASE) Compiler Name: VAX Ada, Version Z2 Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Host VAX 6000 Model 200, 300 & 400 Series; VAX 8200, 8250, Address: MS: 2KO 2-3/M1 8300, 8350, 8500, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8810, 110 Spit Brook Road 8820, 8830, 8840, 8842, 8974 & 8978; VAX-1 1/730,/750,/780,

City: Nashua /785; MicroVAX II, 2000, 3100, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800

State: NH & 3000; VAXstation II, 2000, 3100 series, 3200, 3500, 3520, Zip Code: 03062 3540 & 8000; VAXserver 3100, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3602, Country: 3800, 3900; VAXserver 6000-310, 6000-410 & 6000420; Contact Name: Cathy Axel Ratheon Military VAX Computer Model 860 (under VMS Phone: (603) 881-1413 Version 5.4) E-mail: [email protected] Target VAX 6000 Model 200, 300 & 400 Series; VAX 8200, 8250, 8500, 8530, 8550, 8700, 8800, & 8810; VAX-1 1/730 & /750; * Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation MicroVAX II. 2000, 3100, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800, & Compiler Type: Base 3900; VAXstation 2000, 3100, 3150, 3200, 3500, & ll/GPX; Validation Certificate #: 001100S1.11063 VAXserver 3100, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3602, 3800, 3900; Compiler Name: VAX Ada, Version 2.2 VAXserver 6000 Models 210, 220, 310, 320, 410, & 420; Host VAX 8800 (under VMS Version 5.4) Raytheon Military VAX Computer Models 810 & 860; Norden

Target: Same as Host Systems; MilVAX II. IVAX 620 & 630; VAX RTA; KA620-BA; rtVAX 300, 1000, 3200, 3300, 3305, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800, * Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation 8550, 8700, rtVAX 6000 Models 200, 300, & 400 Series and Compiler Type: Derived rtVAXstation 31 00 Models 30 & 38 (under VAXELN Version 4Z, Dede of Validedion by Registration: 5/30/91 using VAXELN Ada Version 2.2)

Validation Certificate #: 001 1 00S1 .1 1 053 (BASE) Compiler Name: VAX Ada, Version 2.2 Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Host: DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAXft, MicroVAX, VAX Compiler Type: Derived 4000, VAX 6000, VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers Date of Validation by Registration; 8/3/93 (as supported); Ratheon Military VAX Computer Model 860; Validation Certificate #: 001109S1.11054 (BASE)

and Norden MilVAX Computer Model MilVAX II (under VMS Compiler Name; VAX Ada, Version 2.3 Version 5.4) Host All VAX. MicroVAX, VAXstation. VAXserver series of computers Target: Any Host (as supported) (under VMS Versions 5.4 & 5.5)

Target VAX 4000, 6000, & 9000 series of computers; MicroVAX II, * Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation 2000, & 3000 series of computers; VAXstation II. 2000, 3000, Compiler Type: Derived & 4000 series of computers; VAXsenrer 3000, 4000, & 6000 Date of Validation by Registration: 8/3/93 series of computers; IVAX 620 & 630; KA620-BA, KA800-M, & Validation Certificate #: 001 109S1 .11053 (BASE) KAV30 VME SBC; rtVAX 300, 1000, 3000, 4000, 6000, & 9000 Compiler Name: VAX Ada, Version 2.3 series of computers; & rtVAXstation 3100 series of computers Host: All VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver series of computers (under VAXELN Version 4.4, using VAXELN Ada Version 2.2) (as supported) (under VMS Versions 5.4 & 5.5) Target Any Host Compiler Vendor; Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type; Base * Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Validation Certificate #: 011025S1.11226 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: DEC Ada, Version 1 .0 Validation Certificate #: 001109S1.11054 Host DECstation 5000 Model 200 (under ULTRIX 4.2) Compiler Name: VAX Ada, Version 2.2 Target: Same as Host Host VAX 8800 (under VMS Version 5.4)

Target: MicroVAX II (under VAXELN Version 4.1 , using VAXELN Ada Version 2.2)

2-36 65 7

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compilar Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 10/31/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/31/93 Validation Certificate #: 91102581.11226 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 93031 9S1 .11 31 6 (BASE) Compiler Name: DEC Ada, Version 1 .0 Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX Systems, Version 3.0-7

Host DECstation 2100, 3100, 3100s, 5000 Models 120/125, Host VAXft, VAX 4000, 6000, 8000, 9000, & 10000; MicroVAX II,

120/125CX, 120/125PXG, 120/125PXG TURBO, 200, 200CX, 2000, & 3000; VAXstation II, 2000, 3000, 4000; VAXserver 200PX, 200PXG, 200PXG TURBO; and DECsystem 31 00, 5000 3000, 4000, & 6000 series of computers (as supported) (under Model 200, 5100, 5400, 5500, 5810, 5820, 5830 & 5840 (under VMS Version 5.4 & 5.5) ULTRIX Versions 4.0, 4.1 & 4.2) Target Any Host Target Any Host Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/30/94 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/11/92 Validation Certificate #: 93031 9S1 .11 31 6 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 911025S1.11226 (BASE) Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS AXP Systems, Version 3.0A-9

Compiler Name: DEC Ada, Version 1 .0 Host VAXn, VAX 4000, 6000, 8000, 9000, & 10000; MicroVAX II,

Host DEC DECstation 2100, 3100, & 5000, and DECsystem 5000, 2000, & 3000; VAXstation II, 2000, 3000, 4000; VAXserver 5100, 5400, 5500, 5800, & 5900 series of computers (under 3000, 4000, &6000; and VAX-11 series of computers (as Versions 4.0, 4.1 4.2, & 4.2A) supported) (under OpenVMS VAX Operating System Version ULTRIX , Target Any Host 5.5) Target Any Host Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor; Digital Equipment Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 6/4/93 Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 91 1 025S1 .1 1 226 (BASE) Validation Certificate # : 93031 0S1 .1 1 31

Compiler Name: DEC Ada, Version 1 .1 Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX Systems, Version 3.0-7 Host DECstation 21 00, 31 00, & 5000; and DECsystem 31 00, 5000, Host VAXstation 4000 Model 60 (under VMS Version 5.5) 5100, 5400, 5500, 5810, 5820, 5840, & 5900 series of Target VAXstation 3100 Model 48 (under VAXELN Version 4.4, using computers (under Ultrix Version 4.2) VAXELN Ada Version 2.2) Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration; 3/31/93 Validation Certificate #: 93031 9S1 .11 31 Validation Certificate #: 93031 9S1 .11 31 7 (BASE) Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS AXP Systems, Version 3.0-5 Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX Systems, Version 3.0-7

Host DEC 3000 Model 400 (under OpenVMS AXP Operating Host VAXft. VAX 4000, 6000, 8000, 9000, & 10000; MicroVAX II,

System, Version 1 .0) 2000, & 3000; VAXstation II. 2000, 3000, 4000; VAXsenrer Target Same as Host 3000, 4000, & 6000 series of computers (as supported) (under VMS Version 5.4 & 5.5)

Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Target VAX 4000, 6000, & 9000; MicroVAX II. 2000, 3000; KA620-BA. Compiler Type: Derived KAV30 VME SBC. KA800-M; rtVAX 300, 1000, 3000, 4000, Date of Validation by Registration: 3/31/93 6000, 9000, & rtVAXstation 3100; IVAX 620 & 630; VAXstation

Validation Certificate #: 930319S1 .11315 (BASE) II. 2000, 3000, & 4000; VAXsenrer 3000, 4000, & 6000 series Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS AXP Systems, Version 3.0-5 of computers (as supported) (under VAXELN Version 4.4, Host DEC 3000 Workstation and Server models, 4000, 7000, & using VAXELN Ada Version 2.2)

1 0000 series of AXP computers (under OpenVMS Version 1 .0) Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporedion Validation Certificate #: 031029S1.11330 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: DEC Ada for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems, Version 3.1

1 Date of Validation by Registration: 8/30/94 Host DEC 3000 Model 400 (under DEC OSF/1 . Version .3) Validation Certificate #: 93031 9S1 .11 31 5 (BASE) Target: Same as Host Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS AXP Systems, Version 3.0A-7 Host DEC 2000 Sen/er, 3000 Workstation and Server models, 4000, Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation

7000, & 1 0000 series of AXP computers (as supported) (under Compiler Type: Derived

OpenVMS AXP Operation System Version 1 .5) Date of Validation by Registration: 11/1 9/93

Target: Any Host Validation Certificate #: 931 029S1 .1 1 330 (BASE) Compiler Name: DEC Ada for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems, Version 3.1 Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Host DEC 2000 Sever, 3000 Workstation artd Server models, 4000, Compiler Type: Base 7000, & 10000 series of AXP computers (under DEC OSF/1

Validation Certificate #: 93031 0S1 .1 1 31 Version 1 .3) Compiler Name: DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX Systems, Version 3.0-7 Target: Any Host Host: VAXstation 4000 Model 60 (under VMS Version 5.5) Target Same as Host Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 940920S1 .1 1 378 Compiler Name: DEC Ada for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems, Version 3.2 Host DEC 2000 Server, 3000 Workstation and Server models, 4000, 7000, & 10000 series of AXP computers (under DEC OSF/1, Version 3.0 with OSFV30-010-1) Target Any Host

2-37 ,

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compil«r Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Compiler Vendor: EDS Defence Limited Compiler Type; Derived Address: Pembroke House Date of Validation by Registration: 10/18/94 Pembroke Broadway

Validation Certificate #: 940929S1 .1 1 378 (BASE) Camberley Compiler Name: DEC Ada for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems, Version 3,2 City: Surrey Host DEC 3000 Modei 400 AXP Workstation (under DEC OSF/1 State; Version 3.0 with patch OSFV30-010-1) Zip Code; GU15 3XD Target: Same as Host Country: UNITED KINGDOM Contact Name: Gharfesh Narine Compiler Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Phone; +44 276 686200 Compiler Type: Base E-rrtail: (No e-mail address given) Validation Certificate #: 950303S1.11381 Compiler Name; DEC for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, Version 3.2 * Compiler Vendor: EDS Defence Limited Host; DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation (under OpenVMS Compiler Type: Derived Alpha Operatirrg System, Version 6.1) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/14/04

Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 001 007N1 .1 1 042 (BASE) Compiler Name: XD Ada MC68020, Version 1 .3-10 Compiler Vendor; Digital Equipment Corporation Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 6.0) Compiler Type; Derived Target Motorola MVME133Xr board (68020/68882) Date of Validation by Registredion: 3/15/05 * Validation Certificate #: 050303S1 .1 1 381 (BASE) Compiler Vendor: EDS Defence Limited Compiler Nanrte; DEC /^a for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, Version 3.2 Compiler Type; Derived Host; Digital AlphaServer 200, 400, 1000, 2000, & 2100 Products; Date of Validation by Registration: 5/11/94 and DEC 2000, 3000, 4000, 7000, & 10000 series of Digital Validation Certificate #: e01007N1.11042 (BASE) /VIpha Systems computer families (under OpenVMS Alpha Compiler Name: XD Ada MC68020/EFA, Version 1 .3-28 Operating System Version 6.1) Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 6.0) Target: Any Host Target Motorola MVME135-1 board (68020/68881) (bare machine)

Compiler Vendor: Dowty Maritime Limited Compiler Vendor: EDS Defence Limited Address; RENAMED Ultra Electronics Compiler Type; Derived Knaves Beech Business Center Date of Validation by Registration: 7/8/94 Loudwater High, Wycombe Validation Certificate #: 001007N1 .11042 (BASE) City: Buckinghamshire Compiler Name; XD Ada CPU32, Version 1.3-13 State: Host: MicroVAX 31 00 (under VMS 6.0) Zip Code: HP10 0UT Target Motorola M68332EVS Evaluation System (MC68332) CPU32, Country: UNITED KINGDOM with 128K additional RAM and MC68881 fpu (bare machine) Contact Name: Keith Hardy Phone: +44 1628 530000 Compiler Vendor; EDS Defence Limited E-mail: Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 0/23/94 * Compiler Vendor: Dowty Maritime Validation Certificate #; 901007N1.11042 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name; XD Ada CPU32/MC68332, Version 1.3-15 Date of Validation by Registration: 0/30/03 Host: MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 6.0)

Validation Certificate # : 01 03251 1 .1 1 1 39 (BASE) Target: Motorola M68332EVS Evaluation System (MC68332) CPU32, Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, with 128K additional RAM and MC68881 fpu (bare machine) Version 3.2 for VAX/VMS to 386 Host; DEC VAX-11, MicroVAX, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAXft; and Compiler Vendor; EDS Deferrce Limited VAX 4000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 0000, & 10000 series of Compiler Type; Derived computers (under VMS 5.5-2) Date of Validation by Registration: 0/23/94 Target: All members of the Intel iSBC 386 & iSBC 486 model series Validation Certificate #: 901007N1 .11042 (BASE) (bare machines, using TeleAda-EXEC 3.2) Compiler Name: XD Ada CPU32/MC68332, Version 1.3-15 Host: MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 6.0) Compiler Vendor; E-Systems, ECl Division Target Motorola M68332EVS Evaluation System (MC68332) CPU32, Address; vdth 128K additional R/kM and MC68881 fpu (bare machine) City; State; Compiler Vendor: EDS Defence Limited Zip Code: Compiler Type: Derived Country; Date of Vedidation by Registration: 10/7/90 ConUud Name; Validation Certificate #; 001007N1.11042 (BASE) Phone: Compiler Name: XD Ada CPU32/MC68332, Version 1.3-15 E-mail; Host DECstation 3100 (under ULTRIX 3.1) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: E-Systems/ECI Division Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: EDS Defence Limited Validation Certificate #: 001003W1.11030 Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Name: Tolerant Ada Development System. Version 6.0 Date of Validation by Registration; 5/26/94 Host Tolerant Eternity (under TX, 5.4.0) Validation Certificate #: 01 031 4N1 .11 134 (BASE) Target: Same as Host Compiler Name; XD Ada MC68000, Version 1.3-12 Host MicroVAX 31 00 (under VMS 6.0) Target Motorola MC68000 on an MVME117-3FP MPU VME module using an MC68881 fpu (bare machine)

2-38 Ada I PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compilar Vendor; EDS D«f«nc« Limit*d * Compilar Vandor: Encor* Comput*r Corporation Compilar Typa: Oarivad Compilar Typa: Darivad Data of Validation by Ragistration: 6/3/04 Data of Validation by Ragistration: 4/17/01 Validation Cartificata #: 01 031 4N1 .11 134 (BASE) Validation Cartificata #: 010130W1.11114 (BASE) Compilar Nama: XD Ada MC68000/EFA, Varsion 1 .3-27 Compilar Name: Parallal Ada Davelopmant System, Revision 1 .0

Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 6.0) Host Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0) Target Motorola MC68000 on an MVME117-3FP MPU VME module Target; Any Host using an MC68881 fpu (bare machine) Compilar Vendor: Corporation * Compilar VarKlor; EDS Defence Limited Compilar Typa: Darivad Compilar Typa: Darivad Data of Validation by Ragisbabon; 6/8/02

Data of Validation by Ragistration: 11/14/04 Validation Certificata # : 0101 30W1 .11114 (BASE)

Validation Cartificata # : 01 001 1 N1 .1 1 1 00 (BASE) Compilar Nama: Parallal Ada Development System, Revision 2.0 Compilar Nama; XD Ada MC68020/ARTX, Varsion 1 .3-23 Host EtKora 01, 03, & 04 Series, all models (urrdar UMAX 3.0) Host; MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 6.0) Target Any Host Target Motorola MVME147S-1 (68030) (bare machine using the ARTX Real Time Executive) Compilar Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad * Compiler Vendor; EDS Defence Limited Data of Validation by Registration: 6/30/93

Compiler Type; Darivad Validation Certificate # : 0101 30W1 .11114 (BASE) Data of Validation by Ragistration: 5/10/04 Compilar Name: Parallal Ada Development System, Revision 2.2.0 Validation Cartificata #; 01 1128N1 .11230 (BASE) Host Encore Infinity 00 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0J() Compilar Name: XD Ada MC68040. Versioni .3-37 Target; /Vny Host Host MicroVAX 31 00 (under VMS 6.0) Target: Motorola MVME1 67 MPU VMEmodule (68040) (bare machine) Compilar Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad * Compilar Vendor; EDS Defence Limited Data of Validation by Registration; 6/30/03 Compilar Type: Derived Validation Cartificata #: 010130W1.11114 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 10/25/04 Compilar Name: Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.2.0

Validation Certificata #; 021112N1.11207 (BASE) Host Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0JQ

Compilar Nama; XD /tda MC68040/ARTX, Varsion 1 .3-24 Target: Any Host Host: MicroV/0( 3100 (under VMS 6.0) Target: Motorola MVME167 (68040) (bare machine, using ARTX Real Compilar Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Time Executive) Compilar Typa: Derived Data of Validation by Registration: 6/30/03 Compiler Vendor: EDS-Scicon Validation Certificate #: 010130W1.11114 (BASE) Address; U.S. Software Products Group Compiler Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.2.0

8 New England Executive Park Host Encore 93 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.1 X) City: Burlington Target Any Host State: MA Zip Coda; 01803 Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Country; Compilar Typa: Derived Contact Nama; Alistair Wilson Data of Validation by Regisbation: 3/1/94

Phone; (617) 273-3030, ext. 229 Validation Cartificata # ; 0101 30W1 .11114 (BASE) E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Compilar Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.3.0 Host Encore Infinity 00 Series, all models (under UNMAX 3.0J() * Compiler Vendor; EDS-Scicon Target; Any Host Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificata #: 021112N1.11207 Compilar Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation

Compilar Name; XD Ada MC68040/ARTX. Version 1 2 Compiler Type; Derived Host: Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, Date of Validation by Regisbation; 3/1/94

MicroVAX 2000 (2), & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.5) Validation Certificate #: 010130W1.11114 (BASE) Target; Motorola MVME167 (68040) (bare machine) Compiler Name: Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.3.0 Host Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0JQ Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Target Any Host Address: 6001 W. Sunrise Blvd. City: R. Lauderdale Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation State: FL Compilar Typa: Darivad Zip Code: 33313 Data of Validation by Regisbation: 3/1/94

Country; Validation Certificate # : 01 01 30W1 .11114 (BASE) Contact Name; Gary Beerman Compilar Nama: Parallal Ada Development System, Revision 2.3.0 Phone; (305) 587-2000, ext 2360 Host Encore Infinity R/T series, all models (under UMAX Z.OX) E-mail; (No e-mail address given) Target Any Host

* Compiler Vendor; Encore Computer Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # ; 0101 30W1 .11114 Validation Certificate # : 0101 30W1 .11115

Compilar Name: Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 1 .0 Compiler Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 1 .0 Host Encore 01 Series Model 01-0340 (under UMAX 3.0) Host Encore 01 Series Model 01-0340 (under UMAX 3.0) Target: Same as Host Target Encore 91 Series Model 01 -0430 (under uMPX 1 .0)

2-39 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor; Ertcore Computer Corporation Compiler Vendor; Green Valley Software Compiler Type: Derived Address: Buildir>g 13 Wanmingyuan Date of Validation by Registration: 4/17/01 Fuchengmenwai

Validation Certificate # : 01 01 30W1 .11115 (BASE) City: Beijing 100037 Compiler Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 1 .0 State: Host Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0) Zip Code: Target: Encore 01 Series, all models (under microMPX 1.0) Country: CHINA Contact Name: Li Xin

* Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Phone; (01) 8342706, 8313309-3406 Compiler Type; Derived E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/8/02 * Vaiidabon Certificate #; 01 01 30W1 .1 1 1 1 5 (BASE) Compiier Vendor: Green Valley Software Compiler Name: PareUlel /Via Development System, Revision 2.0 Compiler Type: Base Host Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0) Vaiidabon Cerbficate #: 030927S1.11328

Target: Encore 01 Series, all models (under microMPX 1.0 & Compiler Name: C_Ada, Version 1 .1

microARTE 1 .0) Host ZENY 386 (under UNIX System V/386, Release 3.2) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software Engineering mbH Date of Validation by Registration; 6/30/03 Address: Brabanter Sbasse 4 Validation CertKicato #; 010130W1.11115 (BASE) City: 80805 Muchen Compiler Ntune; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.2.0 State:

Host: Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.0X) Zip Code; Target; Any Host machine (under MicroARTE 1.2.0) Country: GERMANY Contact Name: Michael Meier-Schulz * Compiler Vendor; Encore Computer Corporation Phone: -1-49-89 36008-213 Compiler Type: Derived E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/30/03 Validation Certificate #: 010130W1.11115 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH Compiler Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.2.0 Compiler Type: Base

Host: Encore 03 Series, all models (under UMAX 3.1 JQ Vaiidabon Certificate #: 91 071 1W1 .11 180

Target: Any Host machine (under MicroARTE 1 .2.0) Compiler Name; Meridian /\da. Version 4.1 Host MIPS M/120 RiSComputer (under UMIPS 4.51) * Compiler Vendor; Encore Computer Corporation Target Same as Host Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 3/1/04 * Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH Validation Certificate #; 010130W1.11115 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base

Compiler Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.3.0 Vaiidabon Certificate #; 91 071 1 W1 .1 1 1 82 Host: Encore 01 Series, all models (under UMAX O.OJQ Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1

Target: Any Host machine (under ARTE Target Runtime 2.0.0) Host IBM RISC System 6000/520 (under AIX Version 3) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Encore Computer Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH Date of Validation by Registration: 3/1/04 Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 010130W1.11115 (BASE) Vaiidabon Certificate # : 91 071 1 W1 .1 1 1 84 Compiier Name; Parallel Ada Development System, Revision 2.3.0 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1

Host; Encore Infinity R/T series, all models (under UMAX 3.0JQ Host HP 9000 Series 400 Model 400T (under HP-UX 7.03) Target Any Host machine (under ARTE 2.0.0) Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: , Inc. * Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH Address; Owned and Operated by Oasys Compiler Type; Base 1 Cranberry Hill Street Vaiidabon Certificate #; 010711W1.11186 City: Lexington Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 State; MA Host; Cortcurrent Computer Corporabon M6000 Model 6450 (under Zip Code: 02173 RTU 5.0C) Country: Target: Same as Host Contact Name; Carol Prevost Phone: (800) 500-2580 * Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Type: Base

Vaiidabon Certificate # ; 91 071 1 W1 .1 1 1 87 * Compiler Vendor: Green Hills Software, Inc. Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Type: Base Host: Concurrent Computer Corporabon M8000 Model 8500 (under

Validation Certificate #: 040223W1 .1 1 338 RTU 5.1 A)

Compiler Name: Green Hills Optimizing Ada Compiler, Version 1 .8.7 Target Same as Host

Host SPARCstabon 10 (under SunOS, Release 4.1 .3) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor; Green Hills Software, Inc. Vaiidabon Certificate #: 010711W1.11188 Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1

Vaiidabon Certificate #: 04O223W1 .1 1 339 Host; AViiON 400 Model 402 (under DGAJX 4.31)

Compiler Name: Green Hills Opbmizing Ada Compiler, Version 1 .8.7 Target Same as Host

Host: SPARCstabon 10 (under SunOS, Release 4.1 .3) Target: Force CPU-40 (68040) (bare machine using VxWorks, 5.1)

2-40 )


Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compitor Vendor: GSE Gesellschaft fur Software-Engineering mbH Compiler Verxfor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived

Validation Certificate # : 61 071 1 W1 .1 1 1 SO Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/63 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Validation Certificate #: 60061 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) Host: HP 6000 Series 700 Model 720 (under HP-UX 8.01) Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.2 Target: Same as Host Host: Harris NH-4400, -4800, & -5800 (under CXAJX 62. CX/RT 62. & CX/SX 62) Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Target: Harris NH-4400, NH-4800, & NH-5800 (Harris Ada runtirtte Address: 2101 W. Cypress Creek Road System & /^RMS Runtime System) City: Ft Lauderdale State: FL Compiler VerKior: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Zip Code: 33308-1862 Compiler Type: Derived Country: Date of Validation by Regisbation: 11/17/63 Contact Name: Jeff Hollensen Validation Certificate #: 80081 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) Phone: (305) 873-5427 Compiler Nante: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 6.2 E-mail: [email protected] Host Harris NH-4400. NH-4800. & NH-5800 (under CX/UX 6.2 & CX/RT 6.2) * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Target: Any Host (using either Harris Ada Run-time System or ARMS Compiler Type: Base Run-time System) Validation Certificate #: 60081 8W1 .11 028 Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Host: Harris NH-4400 (under CXAJX 5.1) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Same as Host Date of Validation by Registration: 11/17/63 Validation Certificate #: 60001 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 7.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host Harris NH-4400. NH-4800. & NH-5800 (under CX/UX 7.1 & Date of Validation by Registration: 10/31/60 CX/RT 7.1) Validation Certificate #: 80061 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) Target: Any Host (using either Harris Ada Run-time System or ARMS Compiler Name: Harris /^a Compiler, Version 5.1 Run-time System)

Host Harris NH-4400 (under CX/UX 5.1 , CX/RT 5.1 . OR CX/SX 5.1 Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 3/1/64 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 60061 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/22/61 Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 6.2 Validation Certificate #: 60091 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) Host Harris NH-4400. NH-4800. & NH-5800 (under CX/UX 6.1, Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 CX/RT 6.1, CX/SX 6.1. & CX/SX 6.2) Host: Harris NH-4400 (under CX/UX 5.2, CX/RT 5.2 & CX/SX 5.2) Target: Any Host (using either Harris Ada Run-time System or ARMS Target: Same as Host Run-time System)

* Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/28/81 Date of Validation by Registration: 10/14/63 Validation Certificate #: 60061 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 60061 8W1 .11 028 (BASE)

Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 .1 Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 7.1 .1 Host Harris NH-4400 & NH-4800 (under CX/UX 5.3, CX/RT 5.3 & Host Harris NH-4400, NH-4800, & NH-5800 (under CXAJX 7.1 & CX/SX 5.3) CX/RT 7.1) Target Any Host (using either Harris Ada Run-time System or ARMS Target: Any Host (using either Harris Ada Rurv-time System or ARMS Run-time System) Run-time System)

* Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 Validation Certificate #: 600618W1 .11026

Validation Certificate #: 60091 8W1 .1 1 028 (BASE) Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1

Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 .1 Host Harris NH-3800 (under CX/UX 5.1) Host: NH-4400 (under 6.1 6.1 Target: Same as Host & NH-4800 CX/UX , CX/RT , & CX/SX

6 . 1 ) Target Any Host (using either Harris Ada Run-time System or ARMS * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Run-time System) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 10/31/90 * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Validation Certificate #: 60061 8W1 .11 026 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1

Date of Validation by Registration: 8/10/92 Host Harris NH-1 200, NH-3400 & NH-3800 (under CXAJX 5.1 , CXATT Validation Certificate #: 60061 8W1 .11 028 (BASE) 5.1, OR CX/SX 5.1)

Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 .1 Target Any Host Host NH-4400, NH-4800, & NH-5800 (under CXAJX 6.2, CX/RT 6.2, & CX/SX 6.2) Tcuget Any Host (using either Harris Ada Run-time System or ARMS Run-tinte System)

2-41 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Vendor; Hewlett-Packard Company Compiler Type: Derived Address: (Hewlett-Packard Ada products are now Alsys) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/22/91 (Alsys) Thomson Software Products Validation Certificate #: 90091 8W1 .11 029 (BASE) 67 South Bedford Sbeet Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 City: Burlington Host NH-1200, NH-3400 & NH-3800 (under CXAJX 5.2, CX/RT 5.2 State; MA & CX/SX 5.2) Zip Code: 01803-5152 Target: Same os Host Country: Contact Nante: Pat Michalowski * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Phone: (619) 457-2700 Compiler Type: Derived E-nnail; [email protected] Date of Validation by Registration: 8/28/91

Validation Certificate #: 90091 8W1 .1 1 029 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company, Apollo Systems Division

Compiler Name: Harris Ada Compiler, Version 5.1 .1 Compiler Type; Base Host Harris NH-1 200, NH-3400 & NH-3800 (under CXAJX 5.3, CX/RT Validation Certificate #: 010411W1.11137 5.3 & CX/SX 5.3) Compiler Name; Domain Ada, Version 6.0m Target: Any Host Host DN4500 (under Domain/OS SRI 0.3) Target Same os Host * Compiler Vendor: Harris Computer Systems Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company, Apollo Systems Division Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 90091 8W1 .11 029 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 91 041 1 W1 .1 1 1 38

Compiler Name: Harris /Vda Compiler, Version 5.1 .1 Compiler Name; Domain Ada, Version 6.0p Host Harris NH-1 200, NH-3400, & NH-3800 (under CXAJX 6.1, Host DN10000 (under Domain/OS SR10.3.p) CX/RT 6.1, & CX/SX 6.1) Target Same as Host Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor; IBM Canada, Ltd. Compiler Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company Address: (IBM Canada Ada products are now OC Systems) Address: (Hewlett-Packard Ada products are now Alsys) OC Systems (Alsys) Thomson Software Products 9900 Lee Highway, Suite 270 67 South Bedford Street City: Fairfax City: Burlington State: VA State; MA Zip Code: 22030 Zip Code: 01803-5152 Country: Country: Contact Name: Oliver E. Cole Contact Name: Pat Michalowski Phone: (703) 359-8160 Phone: (619) 457-2700 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail; [email protected] * Compiler Vendor: IBM Canada, Ltd. * Compiler Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate # ; 901 1 27W1 .11085

Validation Certificate #: 901022W1.11049 Compiler Name: AIX Ada/6000 Release 2, Preliminary Version Compiler Name: HP 9000 Series 300 Ada Compiler, Version 5.35 Host RISC System/6000 model 7013-530 (under AIX 3.1) Host: HP 9000 Series 300 Model 370 (under HP-UX. Version Target: Same as Host A.07.00) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: IBM Canada, Ltd. Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor; Hewlett-Packard Company Date of Validation by Registration: 3/21/91 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 901127W1.11085 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 11/23/90 Compiler Name: AIX Ada/6000 Release 2.0 Validation Certificate #: 901022W1.11049 (BASE) Host RISC System/6000 models 7013-320, -520, -530, -540, -550, Compiler Name: HP 9000 Series 300 Ada Compiler, Version 5.35 -730 & -930 (under AIX 3.1) Host HP 9000 Series 300 & 400, all models (under HP-UX, Version Target: Any Host A.B7.03) Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor: IBM Canada, Ltd. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company Date of Validation by Registration: 2/21/92 Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate #: 901127W1.11085 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 8/2/91 Compiler Name; AIX Ada/6000 Release 2.2

Validation Certificate #: 901 022W1 .1 1 049 (BASE) Host RISC System/6000 models 7013-320, -520, -530, -540, -550, Compiler Name: HP 9000 Series 300 Ada Compiler, Version 5.35t -730, & -930 (under AIX 3.1 & 3.2) Host HP 9000 Series 300 & 400, all Models (under HP-UX, Versions Teuget: Any Host, running same AIX version as Host A.B7.00 (release 7.0), A.B7.03 (release 7.3), A.B7.05 (release

7.5) & A.B8.00 (release 8.0), as supported) * Compiler Vendor; IBM Canada, Ltd. Target: Any Host from the same Series, under the same OS version Compiler Type; Derived Dote of Validation by Registration: 7/1/94 Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE) Compiler Nanrte: OCS Legacy Ada/370 MVS, Version 2.0 Host IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x, 3090, and ES/9000 processors (under

MVS/ESA 3.1.0, 4.1.0, & 4.3.0: & MVS/SP XA 22) Target Some as Host

2-42 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Conipil«r Vandor; IBM Canada, Ltd. * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Compilar Typa: Basa Compiler Type: Derived Validation Cartiticate #: 020121W1 .11234 Date of Validation by Registration: 6/24/91 Compilar Nama: AIX AdeV6000 Intarnal Davalopmant Varsion Validation Certificate #: 901128W1,11091 (BASE)

Host: RISC System/6000 model 7012-320 (under AIX 3.2) Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 .1 .0 Target: Same as Host Host IBM 3090 (under VM/SP Release 6.0 HPO 60) Target Same as Host * Compilar Vandor: IBM Canada, Ltd. Compilar Typa: Darivad * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Data of Validation by Ragistration: 6/0/92 Compiler Type: Base Validation Cartificate #: 020121 W1 .11234 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 001128W1.11092

Compilar Nama: AIX Ada/6000 Raleasa 3.0 Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 .1 .0 Host: RISC Systam/6000, all models (under AIX 3,2) Host IBM 4381 (under MVS/XA Release 3.8) Target Any Host Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vandor: IBM Canada, Ltd. * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad Compiler Type: Derived Data of Validation by Registration: 7/1/04 Date of Validation by Registration: 6/24/01 Validation Certificate #: 0201 21 W1 .11 234 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 001128W1.11002 (BASE) Compiler Nama: OCS Lagacy Ada/6000, Version 1 .4 Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1.1.0

Host IBM RS/6000 series (all models) (under AIX Version 3.2) Host IBM 3090 (under MVS/ESA Release 4.1) Target: Same as Host Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor: IBM Canada, Ltd. * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Compiler Typa: Basa Compiler Type: Base

Validation Cartificata # : 02111 0W1 .1 1 299 Validation Certificate #: 910612W1.11166

Compilar Nama: XL Ada/6000 Internal Development Version Compiler Nanrre: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 .2.0 (optimized) Host RISC System/6000, model 7013-520 (under AIX 3,2) Host IBM 3083 (under VM/SP HPO Release 5.0) Target: Same as Host Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Address: (IBM Corp, Ada products are now OC Systems) Compiler Type: Base

OC Systems Validation Certificate # : 91061 2W1 .11167

0900 Lee Highway, Suite 270 Compiler Name: IBM /^da/370. Version 1 .2.0 (optimized) City: Fairfax Host IBM 4381 (under MVS/ESA Release 3.1) State: VA Target: Same as Host Zip Code: 22030 Country: * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Contact Name: Oliver E, Cole Compiler Type: Base

Phone: (703) 359-8160 Validation Certificate # : 01061 2W1 .1 1 1 68 E-mail: info@ocsystems,com Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1,2.0 (unoptimized) Host IBM 3083 (under VM/SP HPO Release 5.0) * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 001128W1.11091 * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation

Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 ,1 ,0 Compiler Type: Derived Host IBM 3083 (under VM/SP HPO Release 5,0) Date of Validation by Registration: 10/25/01

Target Same as Host Validation Certificate # : 01 061 2W1 .1 1 1 68 (BASE) Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 12.0 * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Host: IBM 3090 (under VM/SP HPO 6.0) Compiler Type: Derived Target IBM 037x. 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/9000 processors (under Date of Validation by Registration: 6/24/91 VM/SP HPO 6.0) Validation Certificate #: 001128W1,11091 (BASE)

Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 ,1 ,0 * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation

Host: IBM 3090 (under VM/ESA Release 1 ,0 ESA Feature) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Same as Host Date of Validation by Registration: 10/25/91

Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .1 1 1 68 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Compiler Narrte: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 2.0 Compiler Type: Derived Host IBM 3090 (under VM/XA 2.1) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/24/91 Target IBM 037x, 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/0000 processors (under Validation Certificate #: 901128W1,11091 (BASE) VM/XA 2.1)

Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 ,1 ,0

Host IBM 3084 (under VM/ESA Release 1 ,0 370 Feature) * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Target: Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 10/25/01 * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Validation Certificate #: 01 061 2W1 .11 168 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 12.0

Date of Validation by Registration: 6/24/01 Host IBM 3084 (under VM/ESA 1 .1 .0 (370 Feature)) Validation Certificate #: 001128W1,11001 (BASE) Target: IBM 037x, 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/0000 processors (under

Compiler Name: IBM Adei/370, Version 1 ,1 ,0 VM/ESA 1 .1 .0 (370 Feature)) Host IBM 3090 (under VM/XA Release 2,1) Target Same as Host

2-43 ,

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor; IBM Corporation * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 10/25/91 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 9/21/92 Validation Certificate #; 91 061 2W1 .11 168 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE) Compiler Name; IBM Ada/370, Version 1 .2.0 Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 .3.0

Host; IBM 3090 (under VM/ESA 1 .1 .0 (ESA Feature)) Host IBM 4381 (under MVS/ESA 3.1 .0) Target IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/9000 processors (under Target IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x, 3090, & ES/9000 computers (under

VM/ESA 1 .1 .0 (ESA Feature)) same OS as Host)

Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation * Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Regisbation; 10/25/91 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 5/28/93 Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 168 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE)

Compiler Name; IBM Ada/370, Version 1.2.0 Compiler NariM: IBM Ada/370 MVS Compiler, Version 1 .4.0

Host IBM 3090 (under VM/ESA 1 .1 .1) Host IBM 3090 (under MVS/ESA 3.1 .0. 4.1 .0, & 4.2.0, & MVS/SP XA

Target IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/9000 processors (under 22 ) VM/ESA 1.1.1) Target IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x 8090, & ES/9000 processors (under same OS as Host) Compiler Vendor; IBM Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Vendor: Intel Corporation Date of Validation by Regisbation: 5/28/93 Address: Military Division Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 168 (BASE) 5000 W. Chandler Boulevard Compiler Name: IBM /Vda/370, VM/CMS Ada Compiler, Version 1 .4.0 MS: SP1-82 Host IBM 3084 (under VM/ESA 1.1.0(370 Feature)); IBM 3090 City; Chandler

(under VM/ESA 1 .1 .0(ESA Feature), VM/ESA 1 .1 .1 , VM/XA 2.1 State; AZ & VM/SP HPO 5.0 & 6.0) Zip Code; 85226 Target: IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x 8090, & ES/9000 processors (under Country: same OS as Host) Contact Nanne; Kevin Priest Phone: (602) 554-2420 Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 * Compiler Vendor; Intel Corporation Compiler Name; IBM Ada/370, Version 1.2.0 (unoptimized) Compiler Type: Base Host; IBM 4381 (under MVS/ESA Release 3.1) Validation Certificate #; 92051 3W1 .11255 Target: Same as Host Compiler Name: iPSC/860 Ada Release 6.1 .0(E) UNIX System V/860.

Release 4, Version 3, 312425-0001 Compiler Vendor; IBM Corporation Host Intel i860 Station (under Unix System V/860, Version 4) Compiler Type: Derived Target Intel iPSC/860 (under Ada-NX, Release 3.3.1) Date of Validation by Regisbation: 10/30/91 Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE) Compiler Vendor: Intermebics, Inc. Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Versions 1.2.0 & 1.3.0 Address: 733 Concord Avenue Host IBM 3090 (under MVS/SP XA 2.2) City; Cambridge Target: IBM 037x, 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/9000 processors (under State; MA MVS/SP XA 2.2) Zip Code: 02138 Country:

Compiler Vendor: IBM Corporation Contact Name: Bill Zimmerman Compiler Type: Derived Phone: (617) 661-1840 Date of Validation by Regisbabon: 12/17/91 E-mail: billz@inmetcom Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE)

Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 2.0 * Compiler Vendor: Interntebics, Inc.

Host: IBM 3090 (under MVS/ESA Release 4.1 .0) Compiler Type: Base

Target: IBM 037x. 43xx, 308x. 3090 & ES/9000 processors (MVS/ESA Validation Certificate # ; 91 0425W1 .1 1 1 41

Release 4.1 .0) Compiler Neune; UTS Ada Compiler, Version 302.03 Host IBM 3083 (under UTS 580 Release 1 .2.3) Compiler Vendor; IBM Corporation Target Same as Host Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Regisbation: 12/17/91 * Compiler Vendor; Intermebics, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Name: IBM AdeV370, Version 1 .2.0 Validation Certificate #: 010622W1.11170 Host: IBM 3090 (under MVS/ESA Release 4.2.0) Compiler Name: Intermebics MVS Ada Compiler, Version 7.0 Target IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x, 3090 & ES/9000 processors (MVS/ESA Host Amdahl 5890/1 80E (under MVS/XA Release 2.2) Releeise 4.2.0) Target: Same as Host

Compiler Vendor; IBM Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Intermebics, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Regisbation; 8/31/92 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 3/8/93

Validation Certificate #: 91 061 2W1 .11 169 (BASE) Validation Certificate # : 91 0622W1 .11170 (BASE)

Compiler Name: IBM Ada/370, Version 1 .3.0 Compiler Name: Intermebics MVS Ada Compiler, Version 8.1 Host IBM 3090 (under MVS/ESA 4.1 .0 & 4.2.0) Host Amdahl 5890/1 80E (under MVS/XA Release 2.2) Target IBM 937x, 43xx, 308x, 3090, & ES/9000 computers (under Target; Same as Host same OS as Host)

2-44 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compikr Vendor: Intormetrics, Inc. * Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporabon Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation CertHicate #: 630001 W1 .11 321 Date of Validabon by Registrabon: 5/25/03 Compiler Name: RISCAE TRW RH32-targeted Ada Compiler, Ver 1 .0 Validation Certificate #; 01 051 0W1 .11 145 (BASE) Host; VAXstabon 4000 (under VMS 5.5) Compiler Name: ICC Ada for HP 0000 Series 700/800, Version 7.4 Target; RISCAE TRW RH32 Simulator (bare machine simulation, Host HP 0000 Series 700 & 800, all models (under HP-UX Versions

executing on the Host) 8.0 & 0.0, all releases; and HP-UX BLS Version 8.0, all releases) * Compiler Vendor: Intermetrics, Inc. Target Same as Host Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 830001 W1 .11 322 * Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporabon Compiler Name; RISCAE Honeywell RH32-targeted Ada Compiler, Compiler Type; Base

Version 1 .0 Validabon Certificate # : 01051 0W1 .11146 Host: VAXstabon 4000 (under VMS 5.5) Compiler Name: ICC /Lda, Version 7.0.0 Target: RISCAE Honeywell RH32 Simulator (bare machine simulation, Host Sun 3/50 (under SunOS V4.0) executing on the Host) Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: International Computers Limited * Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporabon Address; (now DESC Ltd.) Compiler Type: Derived DESC Ltd. Date of Validabon by Registrabon; 1/27/83 Jays Close/Viables Industrial Estate, Basingstoke Validabon Certificate #: 01 051 0W1 .11 146 (BASE) City: Hampshire, RG22 4BY Compiler Name; ICC Ada for Sun3, Version 7.4 State: Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer family (under SunOS 4.0 Zip Code: & 4.1) Country: UNITED KINGDOM Target Any Host Contact Nante; Les Fairbrother Phone: +44 256 810711 * Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporabon E-mail; (No e-mail address given) Compiler Type; Base Validabon Certificate #: 61 051 0W1 .11 147 * Compiler Vendor; International Computers Limited Compiler Name: ICC Ada, Version 7.0.0 Compiler Type; Base Host: HP 0000 Model 400 (under HP-UX Release 7.03) Validation Certificate #; 011003N1.11222 Target Same as Host Compiler Name: VME Ada Compiler, Version A3.00 Host; ICL Series 30 Level 80 (under VME with VMEB Environment * Compiler Vendor; Inrine Compiler Corporabon Option Version SV281) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Same as Host Date of Validabon by Registrabon: 1/27/03 Validabon Cerbbeate #: 61 051 0W1 .11 147 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: InternaboruU Computers Limited Compiler Name; ICC Ada for HP 0000 Series 300/400, Version 7.4 Compiler Type; Base Host HP 8000 Series 300 & 400, all Models (under HP-UX Version Validation Certificate #: 821008N1.11203 A.B8.05 (release 8.05)) Compiler Name: VME Ada Compiler, Version A3.10 Target: Any Host Host' ICL Series 38 Level 80 (under VME with VMEB Environment Option Version SV292) * Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporabon Target: Same as Host Compiler Type: Base Validabon Certificate #: 01 051 0W1 .11 148 Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation Compiler Name; ICC Ada, Version 7.0.0 Address; 34 Executive Park, Suite 270 Host VAXstabon 3100 Model M38 (under VMS 5.3-1)

City; Irvine Target; Intel i80660MC (bare machine) State; CA Zip Code: 82714 * Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporabon Country; Compiler Type: Derived Contact Name: Joe Kolhi Date of Validabon by Regisbabon: 1/27/03 Phone: (714) 250-1366, exL 210 Validabon Certificate #: 01 051 0W1 .11 148 (BASE) E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Name: ICC Ada for i960MC, Version 7.4 Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstabon, MicroVAX, VAX 4000, * Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporation VAX 6000, VAX 8000, VAX 8000, 4 VAX 10000 series of Compiler Type: Base computers (under VMS 5.4) Validation Certificate #: 81 051 0W1 .11 145 Target Intel i060MC, with/without ICE960 on an Intel EXV80e60MC Compiler Name; ICC Ada. Version 7.0.0 board; any single-board computer using the i060 chip; 4 Intel Host HP 0000 Model 720 (under HP-UX Release 8.01) i060 simulator, execubng on the Host (bare machines) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor; Inrine Compiler Corporabon * Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validabon by Regisbabon: 5/25/83 Date of Validation by Regisbabon; 1/27/03 Validabon Certificate #: 01 051 0W1 .11 148 (BASE) 7.4 Validabon Certificate # : 61 051 0W1 .11145 (BASE) Compiler Name: ICC Ada for i060MC, Version Compiler Name: ICC Ada for HP 0000 Series 700/800, Version 7.4 Host HP 6000 Series 300 4 400, all models (under HP-UX Version

Host HP 8000 Series 700 & 800, all Models (under HP-UX Version 8.0, all releases) A.B8.05 (release 8.05)) Target: Intel iOeOMC, vrith/without ICE960 on an Intel EXV80e60MC Target: Any Host board: any single-board computer using the i060 chip; 4 Intel i060 simulator, execubng on the Host (bare ntachirtes)

2-45 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation * Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 5/25/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/25/93 Validation Certificate #: 01 051 0W1 .11 148 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 92052011.11260 (BASE) Compiler Name: ICC Ada for iOGOMC, Version 7.4 Compiler Name; ICC Ada for i060MM arfo i060MX, Version 7.4

Host HP 0000 Series 700, all models (under HP-UX Version 8.0, all Host HP 9(XX> Series 300 & 400, all models (under HP-UX Version

releases) 8.0, all releases)

Target: Intel i060MC, with/without ICE060 on an Intel EXV80060MC Target Intel i060MM & i060MX with/without ICE060, on a TRONIX board; any single-board computer using the i060 chip; & Intel PI960MX-JXV JIAWG Execution Vehicle board; any i060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare machines) single-board computer using the 060MM/MX superscalar chip; & Intel i060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare rrtachine) Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation Date of Validation by Registration; 5/25/03 Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate #: 01 051 0W1 .11 148 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 5/25/93 Compiler Name: ICC Ada for i060MC, Version 7.4 Validation Certificate #; 92052011.11260 (BASE) Host Sun MicrosystemsSun-3computers,all models (under SunOS Compiler Name: ICC Ada for i960MM artd i060MX. Version 7.4

all all version 4.1 2 & Solaris version 1 .0.1 , all releases) Host HP 9000 Series 700, models (under HP-UX Version 8.0, Target: Intel i060MC, with/without ICE060 on an Intel EXV80960MC releases) board; any single-board computer using the iOSO chip; & Intel Target Intel i960MM & i960MX with/without ICE060, on a TRONIX 1060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare machines) PI060MX-JXV JIAWG Execution Vehicle board; any single-board computer using the 960MM/MX superscalar chip; Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation & Intel i060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare machine) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 5/25/03 * Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation Validation Certificate #; 01 051 0W1 .11 148 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name; ICC /kda for i060MC, Version 7.4 Date of Validation by RegistreUion: 5/25/93 Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver Validation Certificate #: 92052011.11260 (BASE)

computers, all models (under SunOS version 4.1 2 & Solaris Compiler Name: ICC Ada for i960MM and i960MX, Version 7.4

version 1 .0.1 , all releases) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computers, all models (under SunOS

Target: Intel i060MC, vtrith/without ICE060 on Intel EXV80060MC version 4.1 Solaris version 1 .0.1 all releases) an 2 & , board; any single-board computer using the i060 chip; & Intel Target: Intel i960MM & i060MX with/without ICE960. on a TRONIX i060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare machines) PI060MX-JXV JIAWG Execution Vehicle board; any single-board computer using the 060MM/MX superscalar chip; Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation & Intel i060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare machine) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 9/2/93 * Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation Validation Certificate #: 91 051 0W1 .11 148 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name; ICC Ada for i960XA, Version 7.5 Date of Validrdion by Registration; 5/25/93 Host: DEC VAX-11. MicroVAX, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAXfl; and Validation Certificate #: 92052011.11260 (BASE) VAX 4000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, & 10000 series of Compiler Name; ICC Ada for i060MM and i060MX, Version 7.4 computers (under VMS 5.4) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver

Target; Intel i960XA. withAMthout ICE960 on an Intel EXV80960XA computers, all models (under SunOS version 4.1.2 & Solaris

board; any single-board computer Intel 1 all using the i960 chip; & version .0.1 , releases) i960XA simulator, executing on the Host (bare machines) Target Intel i960MM & i960MX with/without ICE960, on a TRONIX PI960MX-JXV JIAWG Execution Vehicle board; any Compiler Vendor: Irvine Compiler Corporation single-board computer using the 960MM/MX superscalar chip; Compiler Type: Base & Intel i060 simulator, executing on the Host (bare machirw) Validation Certificate #: 92052011.11260 Compiler Name; ICC Ada, Version 7.4.0 Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems Host: VAXstation 3100 Model M38 (under VMS Version 5.3-1) Address: (Meridian /Via products are now RationaO Target: Intel i960MX in Hughes DMV running in tagged mode (bare Rational Software Corporation

machine, using CHKSYS kernel version 104) 1 600 NW Compton Drive, Suite 357 City: Aloha Compiler Vendor; Irvine Compiler Corporation State; OR Compiler Type: Derived Zip Code: 97006 Date of Validedion by Registration: 1/27/93 Country: Validation Certificate #: 92052011.11260 (BASE) Contact Name: Ben Priest

Compiler Name; ICC Ada for i960MX and i960MM, Version 7.4 Phone: (503) 690-1 1 1 6. ext. 6703 Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 4000, E-mail: [email protected] VAX 6000, VAX 8000, VAX 9000, & VAX 10000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.4) * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Target: Intel i960MM & i960MX on a TRONIX PI960MX-JXV JIAWG Compiler Type: Base

Execution Vehicle board; any single-board computer using the Validation Certificate #; 900909W1 .1 1 031 960MM/MX superscalar chip; & Intel i060 simulator, executing Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 on the Host (bare machine) Host Sun-3/260 (under SunOS, Version 4.1) Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 000000W1.11032 Compiler Narrte: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host Sun-4/110 (under SunOS, Version 4.1) Target Same as Host

2-46 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, IrK. * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 11/4/SI Date of Validation by Registration; 4/18/91 Validation Certificate #: 600608W1 .11032 (BASE) Validation CertHicate #: 900609W1.11035 (BASE) Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver & SP/^Cstation Host Any Computer System comprising; cpu: any that executes the computer families (under SunOS Versions 4.1 & 4.1.1) Intel 8086 instruction set, fpu: Intel 8087 or equivalent, as Target Any Host appropriate, memory: 640 KByte RAM minimum, disk: 20 MByte hard drive, OS: IBM PC-DOS 3.30 * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Target Any Host Compiler Type: Base

Validation CertHicate #: 000008W1 .1 1 033 * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, IrK. Compiler Name: Meridian Ada. Version 4.1 Compiler Type; Derived Host DECstation 3100 (under Ultrix, Version 3.0) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/01

Target: Same as Host Validation CertHicate #: 900006W1 .1 1 035 (BASE)

Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .1 * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Host Any Computer System Comprising; Cpu: any that executes Compiler Type: Derived the Intel 8086 instruction set Fpu: Intel 8087 or equivalent as Date of Validation by Registration: 4/18/91 appropriate; Memory: 640 or greater KByte RAM; Disk: 20

Validation Certificate #: 000909W1 .1 1 033 (BASE) MByte hard drive (under IBM PC-DOS 3.30) Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Target /Viy Host Host DECstation 2100, 3100 & 5000 (under Ultrix 3.0) Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Date of Validation by Registration; 1/8/93 Compiler Type: Base Validation CertHicate #: 000909W1.11035 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 000909W1.11034 Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .4 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host Any Computer System Comprising: cpu; any that executes Host: IBM PS/2 Model 60 (with Floating-Point Co-Processor) (under the Intel 8086 instruction set; fpu; Intel 8087 or equivalent, as IBM PC-DOS 3.30) appropriate; memory: 640 KByte RAM; disk; 20 MByte hard Target: Same as Host drive (under IBM PC-DOS 3.30) Target Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc.

Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Irtc. Date of Validation by Registration: 4/18/01 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 000909W1.11034 (BASE) Validation CertHicate #; 900909W1 .11036 Compiler Naune: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host Any Computer System comprising: epu: any that executes the Host: ITT XTR/V/286 (with Floating-Point Co-Processor) (under Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 instruction set, fpu: Intel 80287, MS-DOS 3.20/OS286) 80387, or equivalent, as appropriate, memory: 640 KByte RAM Target Same as Host minimum, disk: 20 MByte hard drive, OS: IBM PC-DOS 3.30 Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Date of Validation by Registration; 4/18/01 Compiler Type: Derived Validation CertHicate #: 900909W1 .11036 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/61 Compiler Name; Meridian Ada. Version 4.1 Validation CertHicate #: 600906W1.11034 (BASE) Host /Viy Computer System comprising; cpu: any that executes the

Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .1 Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 instruction set fpu: Intel 80287, Host Any Computer System Comprising: Cpu: any that executes 80387, or equivalent as appropriate, memory; 1 .5 MByte RAM the Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 instruction set Fpu: Intel minimum, disk: 20 MByte hard drive, OS: MS-DOS 80287, 80387, or equivalent, as appropriate; Memory: 640 or 3.20/OS286 greater KByte RAM; Disk: 20 MByte hard drive (under IBM Target: Any Host PC-DOS 3.30) Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived

* Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, irre. Date of Validation by Registration: 12/30/01 Compiler Type: Derived Validation CertHicate #; 900909W1.11036 (BASE)

Date of Validation by Registration: 1/8/93 Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .1 Validation CertHicate #: 600909W1.11034 (BASE) Host Any Computer System Comprising; Cpu: any that executes

Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .4 the Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 instruction set Fpu: Intel Host Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: any that executes 80287, 80387, or equivalent as appropriate; Memory; 1 .5 or the Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 instruction set; fpu: Intel greater MByte RAM; Disk: 20 MByte hard drive (under 80287, 80387, or equivalent, as appropriate; memory: 640 MS-DOS 3.30/OS286) KByte RAM; disk; 20 MByte hard drive (under IBM PC-DOS Target: Any Host 3.30) Target Any Host

* Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type; Base

Validation CertHicate #; 000909W1 .1 1 035 Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host IBM PS/2 Model 30 (with Floating-Point Co-Processor) (under IBM PC-DOS 3.30) Target Same as Host

2-47 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. * Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base

Date of Validation by Registration: 1/8/93 Validation Certificate # ; 901 1 08W1 .1 1 061

Validation Certificate #: 900909W1 .1 1 036 (BASE) Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .4 Host Stardent P3 (under Stardent/Unix 3.0) Host: Any Computer System Comprising: cpu: any that executes Target Same as Host the Intel 80286, 80386, or 80486 instruction set; fpu: Intel 80287, 80387, or equivalent, as appropriate; memory; 1.5 * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, IrK. MByte RAM; disk; 20 MByte hard drive (under MS-DOS Compiler Type: Base 320/OS286) Validation CertHicate #: 90110SW1.11062 Target: Any Host Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host MicroVAX 3100 (under Ultrix 3.1) Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Target Same as Host Compiler Type; Base

Validation Certificate #: 900900W1 .1 1 037 * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Type: Base

Host: 80 Data 386/25 (under 386/ix 1 .0.6) Validation Certificate # : 9011 08W1 .1 1 063 Target Same as Host Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1

Host MicroVAX II (under VMS 52) Compiler Vendor: Meridian Sofhvare Systems, Inc. Target Same as Host Compiler Type; Derived Date of VcUidation by Registration: 4/18/01 * Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 000009W1.11037 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base

Compiler Ntune; Meridian /Vda, Version 4.1 Valideftion Certificate # ; 911 002W1 .11218

Host Any Computer System comprising: cpu: any that executes the Compiler Name: Meridian /Via, Version 4.1 .1 Intel 80386 or 80486 instruction set. fpu; optional Intel 80387 Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 (with Floating Point Co-Processor) (under or equivalent for 80386 cpu, memory; 2 MByte RAM IBM PC-DOS 3.30/OS386) minimum, disk: 40 MByte hard drive, OS: SCO Unix 3.2 or Target; Same as Host

Interactive 386/ix 1 .0.6 Target: Any Host rttachine running the same OS * Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Date of Validation by Registration: 1/8/93 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 911002W1.11218 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 4/18/91 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .4 Validation Certificate #; 900909W1.11037 (BASE) Host /\ny Computer System Comprising; cpu; any that executes Compiler Neune: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 the Intel 80386 or 80486 instruction set; fpu; Intel 80387 or

Host; Sequent Symmetry 2000/40, /200. /400 & /700 (under equivalent, as appropriate; memory: 1 .5 MByte RAM; disk: 20 DYNlX/ptxVI.2.0) MByte hard drive (under IBM PC-DOS 3.30/OS386) Target: Any Host Target; /Viy Host

Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systerrts, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Base Date of Validation by Registration; 12/30/91 Validation Certificate #: 911002W1.11219 Validation Certificate #: 900909W1.11037 (BASE) Compiler Name; Meridian /Via, Version 4.1

Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .1 Host NeXTstation (under System Release 2.0) Host: Any Computer System Comprising; Cpu: any that executes Target; Same as Host the Intel 80386 or 80486 instruction set; Fpu; Intel 80387 or equivalent, for 80386 cpu; Memory; 2 or greater MByte RAM; * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Disk; 40 MByte hard drive (under SCO Unix 3.2 or Compiler Type: Base INTERACTIVE UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2) Validation Certificate #: 011002W1.11220 Target; Any Host with the same OS Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host SGI PowerSeries 4D/310S (under IRIX Sys V 3.3.2) Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Target Mercury MC860 VM (under MC/OS, Version 2.0) Compiler Type; Base * Validation Certificate # : 000909W1 .1 1 038 Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Type; Derived

Host: Apple Macintosh II (under System 6.0.3) Date of Validation by Registredion: 12/30/91 Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 911002W1.11220 (BASE) Compiler Neune: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Host SGI PowerSeries 4D/310S (under IRIX Sys V 3.3.2) Compiler Type; Derived Target Mercury MC860VB & MC860VM (under MC/OS, Version 2.0) Date of VeUidation by Registration; 4/18/91 Validation Certificate #; 900909W1.11038 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Softweue Systems, Inc. Compiler Name; Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host: Apple Macintosh SE 30 (under System 6.0.3) Date of Vedidation by Registration; 12/30/91 Target; Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 911002W1.11220 (BASE) Compiler Neune: Meridiem /Via, Version 4.1 Compiler Vendor; Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Host SGI PowerSeries 4D/310S (under IRIX Sys V 3.3.2) Compiler Type: Base Target Mercury MC860VS (under MC/OS, Version 2.VS) Validation Certificate #; 901108W1.11060 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1

Host; Apple Macintosh II (under /VUX 2.0) Target: Same as Host

2-48 4 1

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compil*r Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Irw. * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Softiware Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # : 01 1 002W1 .11221 Validation Certificate #: 030401 W1 .11313 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3

Host Sun-4/110 (urtder SunOS, Version 4.1) Host Motorola VME 1 67-68040 (under OS/0 68K, v2.4) Target: Mercury MC860 VM (under MC/OS, Version 2.0) Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, IrK. * Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Registration: Date of Validation by 12/30/01 Validation Certificate # : 030401 W1 .1 1 31 Validation Certificate #: 011002W1.11221 (BASE) Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Host Essence 486 (under MS-DOS 5 0) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4/1 1 0, /1 50, /260 & /280; SPARCserver Target ADSP-21020 (bare machine) 330, 370, 300, 470 & 400; and SPARCstation 2, IPC & IPX (under SunOS Versions 4.1 & 4.1.1) and SPARCengine IE Compiler Vendor: MIPS Computer Software Systems (under SunOS Version 4.1 e) Address: (rK>w Ratiortal, DDC-I, & Green Hill Software) Target Mercury MC860VB & MC860VM (under MC/OS, Version 2.0) (see Rational, DDC-I, & Green Hill Software) and Mercury MC860VS (under MC/OS, Version 2.VS) City: State: Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Zip Code: Compiler Type: Base Country: Validation Certificate #: 011216W1.11232 Contact Name: Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Phone: Host Sequoia Series 400 (under Topix, Version 6.5) E-mail: Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: MIPS Computer Systems Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 00061 0W1 .11010 Validation Certificate #: 02091 5W1 .11 266 Compiler Name: MIPS ASAPP, Version 3.0 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3 Host: MIPS M/2000 (under RISC/os 4.50) Host Intergraph Interpro 2400 (under CLIX System 5, Release 3.1) Target R3200-6 CPU board (bare machine) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: MIPS Computer Systems Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: OOOOIOWI .11011 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 1/8/03 Compiler Name: MIPS /Via, Version 3.0 Validation Certificate #: 02061 5W1 .11 266 (BASE) Host MIPS M/2000 (under RISC/os 4.50) Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3 Target: Same as Host Host: InterGraph InterPro Series C300- & C400-based models (under CUX, System 5 Release 3.1) Compiler Vendor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. Target Any Host /VIdress: 302 Legget Drive, Suite 200 City: Kanata, Ontario Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. State: Compiler Type: Base Zip Code: K2K 1Y5 Validation Certificate #: 02091 5W1 .11 267 Country: CANADA Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3 Contact Name: Kim Rowe Host Essence 836 (under DOS 5.0, running Microsoft Windows 3.0) Phone. (613) 590-6565 Target: Same as Host E-mail: (No e-mail address given)

Compiler Vendor: Meridian Softvirare Systems, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # : 62091 5W1 .1 1 268 Validation Certificate #: 030722W1.11318 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3 Compiler Name: CASEWorks/RT Ada for the Sun SPARCStation,

Host BBN TC2000 (under nX 3.0.1) Version 1 .1 Target Same as Host Host Sun SPARCstation 10 (urKler SunOS 4.1.3) Target: Sarrte as Host Compiler Vendor: Meridian Software Systems, Inc. Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 02001 5W1 .11 260 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1.3 Date of Validation by Registration: 11/1 5/03 Host BBN TC2000 (under nX 3.0.1) Validation Certificate #: 630722W1.11318 (BASE) Target BBN TC2000 (under pSOS-i-/88k) Compiler Name: CASEWorks/RT Ada for the Sun SPARCStation,

Version 1 .1

Compiler Vendor: Meridian Softvrare Systems, Inc. Host Sun Microsystems SPARCstation series (urfoer SunOS 4.1

Compiler Type: Base 4.1.2, & 4.1 .3) Validation Certificate #: 021202W1.11301 Target /Vry Host Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .3 Host HP 9000/827 (under HP-UX 8.02) * Compiler Verrdor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 030722W1.11310 Compiler Name: CASEWorks/RT Ada MC680x0, Version 1 .1 Host Sun SPARCstation 10 (under SunOS 4.1.3) Target Motorola MVME147 (bare machine)

2-49 ,,

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: NEC Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 11/15/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/13/92 Validation Certificate #: 930722W1 .1 1 31 9 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 91 091 8S1 .11 21 7 (BASE) Compiler Name: CASEWorks/RT Ada for the Sun SPARCStation, Compiler Name: NEC /Via Compiler System for EWS-UX/V (Release

Version 1 .1 4.0) to V70/RX-UX832, Version 1.0 Host Sun Microsystems SPARCstation series (under SunOS 4.11 Host All RISC (MIPS R3000- & R4000-based) models of the

4.1.2. & 4.1.3) EWS4800 series (under EWS-UX/V (4.0) R2.1)

Target: Any MC68020-, MC68030-, & MC68040-based single-board Target NEC MV4000 (under RX-UX832 VI .6) computer (bare machine, using Unison 3.1) * Compiler Vendor: NEC Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 8/25/93 Validation Certificate #: 930722W1.11320 Validation Certificate #: 91 091 8S1 .11 21 7 (BASE) Compiler Name: CASEWorks/RT Ada i860. Version 1 .1 Compiler Name: NEC Ada Compiler System for EV\/S-UX/V(Release4.0) Host Sun SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS 4.1.1) to V70/RX-UX832 Version Release 4.1 (4.6.4)

Target: CSPI Supercard II Ontel 80860) with VSB daughterboard (bare Host EWS4800 Superstation RISC Series (under EWS-UX/V(R4.0) machine) R6.2) Target: NEC MV4000 (under RX-UX832 VI .63) * Compiler Vendor: Multiprocessor Toolsmiths, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: North Chirta Institute of Computing Technology Date of Validation by Registration: 11/15/93 Address: Green Valley Software Validation Certificate #: 930722W1.11320 (BASE) Building 13 Wanmingyuan

Compiler Name: CASEWorks/RT Ada i860. Version 1 .1 Fuchengmenwai

Host: Sun Microsystems SPARCstation series (under SunOS 4.1 1 City: Beijing 100037

4.1.2, & 4.1 .3) State: Target CSPI Supercard 2 with VSB daughterboard, CSPI Supercard Country: CHINA 3 with VSB daughterboard, CSPI Supercard 3XL with VSB Contact Name: Li Xin daughterboard, & CSPI Supercard 4 VSB daughterboard Phone: (01) 8342706, 8313399-3406 (bare machines, using Unison/pSOS-l- 3.1) E-mail: (No e-mail address given)

Compiler Vendor: NEC Corporation, Environment Systems Dept. * Compiler Vendor: North China Institute of Computing Technology Address: Basic Software Laboratory Compiler Type: Base C&C Common Software Development Laboratory Validation Certificate #: 010902N1.11108

Shibaura 2-1 1 -5, Minato-ku Compiler Name: C_Ada, Version 1 .0

City: Tokyo 108 Host: MicroVAX Tl (under ULTRIX 3.0) State: Target Same as Host Country: JAPAN Contact Name: Shin-ichi Morimoto Compiler Vendor: OC Systems Phone: -l-SI -3-5476-1 105 Address: 9900 Lee Highway, Suite 270 E-mail: [email protected] City: Fairfax State: VA * Compiler Vendor: NEC Corporation Zip Code: 22030 Compiler Type: Base Country: Validation Certificate #: 910918S1 .11216 Contact Name: Oliver E. Cole Compiler Name: NEC Ada Compiler System for EWS-UX/V (Release Phone: (703) 359-8160 4.0), Version Release 2.1 (4.6) E-meuI: [email protected] Host: NEC EWS4800/220 (under EWS-UX/V (Release 4.0) R2.1) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: OC Systems Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: NEC Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 12/31/94 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate#: 91 061 2W1 .11 168 (BASE -IBM Canada, Ltd.) Date of Validation by Registration: 11/8/93 Compiler Name: OCS Legacy Ada/370 VM, Version 2.0 Validation Certificate #: 91 091 8S1 .11 21 6 (BASE) Host IBM 937x, 43xx. 308x, 3090, & ES/9000 processors (under

Compiler Name: NEC Ada Compiler System, Version 1 , 1 .1 VM/XA 2.1 VM/SP HPO 6.0) VM/ESA .1 .1 , & 2.1 ; ; Release 4.1 (4.6.4) Target Same as Host Host: UP4800 Series models 520, 605, 620, 625, 630, & 635 (under

UP-UX/V R4.1) EWS4800 Superstation RISC Series (all EWS Compiler Vendor: Systems RISC models, only) (under EWS-UX/V(R4.0) R6.2 & /Vfdress: 429 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 430

EWS-UX/V(R4.2) R7.1 , as supported) City: Santa Monica Target: Any Host State: CA Zip Code: 90401 * Compiler Vendor: NEC Corporation Country: Compiler Type: Base Contact Name: Richard Gilinsky

Validation Certificate # : 91091 8S1 .11217 Phone: (310) 394-5233 Compiler Name: NEC Ada Compiler System for EWS-UX/V to E-mail: CompuServe: 73374,2017 V70/RX-UX832, Version 1.0 Host: NEC EWS4800/60 (under EWS-UXA/ R8.1) * Compiler Vendor: Proprietary Software Systems, Inc.

Target: NEC MV4000 (under RX-UX832 VI .6) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 92042311.11250 Compiler Name: PSS VAX/ZR34325 Compiler, Version XB-01.000 Host VAX 8350 (under VMS Version 5.4) Target PSSZoranZR34325 Digital Signal ProcessorAdaRAID Version XK-01 .000 (bare machirte simulation, executing on the HosQ

2-50 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compil«r Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 1512 Compiler Type: Derived City: Madison Date of Validation by Registration: 1/26/01 State: Wl Validation Certificate #: e01120W1.11080 (BASE) Zip Code: 53701 Compiler Name: Janus/Ada 2.2.0 UNIX Country: Host: Any Computer System Comprising: epu: Intel 80386, fpu: Contact Name: Ian Goldberg optiorwU, nrrenrrory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 60 MByte hard drive Phone: (608) 251-3133 (under SCO Unix 3.2) E-mail: [email protected] Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 001120W1.11088 Date of Validation by Registration: 0/10/92 Compiler Name: Janus/Ada 2.2.0 Phar Lap/DOS Validation Certificate #: 901129W1.11089 (BASE) Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under Phar Lap/DOS 3.3) Compiler Name: Janus/Ada 2.2.2 UNIX Target IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under MS DOS 3.3) Host Any Computer System Comprising: epu: any that executes the Intel 80386 instruction set; fpu: optional; rrremory: 4 Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. MByte RAM; disk; 40 MByte hard drive (under SCO Unix 3.2) Compiler Type: Derived Target Any Host Date of Validation by Registration: 1/26/91 Validation Certificate #: 901120W1.11088 (BASE) Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Name: Janus/Ada 2.2.0 Phar Lap/DOS /Vddress: 1600 NW Compton Drive, Suite 357 Host: Any Computer System Comprising: epu: Intel 80386, fpu: City: Aloha optional, memory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 40 MByte hard drive State: OR (under Phar Lap/DOS 3.3) Zip Code: 97006 Target: Any Computer System Comprising: epu: Intel 80386, fpu: Contact Name: Ben Priest

optional, memory: 4 MByte RAM, disk: 40 MByte hard drive Phone: (503) 690-1 1 1 6. ext. 6703 (under MS-DOS 3.3) E-mail: [email protected]

* Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 6/9/92 Date of Validation by Registration: 8/10/94 Validation Certificate #; 901 120W1 .11088 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 900909W1 .11038 (BASE) Compiler Name: Janus/Ada 2.2.1 DOS Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 .4

Host Any Computer System Comprising: epu: any that executes Host /^ple Macintosh II family of computers (under .1) Intel 8086/8088 instructions; fpu: optional; memory: 640 Target: Any Host KByte RAM; disk: 20 MByte hard drive (under MS DOS 3.3) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Regional Software Corporation Compiler Type; Base * Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. Validation Certificate # : 90111 6W1 .11081 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: M68020/OS-2000 Cross-Development Facility, Ver 7 Date of Validation by Registration: 9/10/92 Host R1 000 Series 300 (under Rational Environment V D_1 2_24_0) Validation Certificate #; 901120W1.11088 (BASE) Target Phillips PG2100 (OS-2000 Release 2.0) Compiler Name; Janus/Ada 2.2.2 DOS Host; Any Computer System Comprising: epu: any that executes * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation the Intel 8086/8088 instruction set; fpu: optional; memory: Compiler Type: Base 640 KByte RAM; disk: 20 MByte hard drive (under MS-DOS Validation Certificate #: 001116W1.11082 3.3) Compiler Name; M68020/UNIX Cross-Development Facility, Version 7 Target Any Host Host R1 000 Series 300 (under Rational Environment V D_1 2_24_0) Target HP 9000 Model 370MH (under HP-UX Version 7.0) * Compiler Vendor: R.R. Software, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation Date of Validation by Registration; 9/1 0/92 Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 901120W1.11088 (BASE) Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 6W1 .1 1 083 Compiler Name; Janus/Ada 2.2.2 386 to DOS Compiler Naime: M68020/Bare Cross-Development Facility, Version 7 Host: Any Computer System Comprising: epu: any that executes Host R1 000 Series 300 (under Rational Environment V D_1 2_24_0) the Intel 80386 instruction set; fpu; optional; memory: 2 Target Motorola MVME135 (68020) (bare machine)

MByte RAM; disk: 40 MByte heud drive (under Phar Lap / MS-DOS 3.3) * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Target Any Host (under MS-DOS 3.3) Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # : 901 1 1 6W1 .1 1 084 * Compiler Vendor; R.R. Software, Inc. Compiler Name: Ratiorral Environment, D_12_24_0 Compiler Type: Base Host: R1 000 Series 300 (under Rational Environment V D_1 2_24_0)

Validation Certificate # : 901 1 20W1 .11089 Tcuget Same as Host Compiler Name: Janus/Ada 2.2.0 UNIX Host: Northgate 386/25 (under SCO Unix 3.2) * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/31/94 Validation Certificate #: 91 051 7W1 .11 152 (BASE) = Compiler Name: VADScross Sun-4 > GA040-1 , Version 3.0 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver computer family (under SunOS 4.13) Target: General Atronics GA040-1 (MC68040-based single-board computer) (bare machine)

2-51 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/1/04 Date of Validation by Registration; 11/18/94 Validation Certificate #: 01 051 7W1 .11 157 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11280 (BASE) Compiler Name: VADS 386/486, VAda-1 10-3737, Version 6.2 Compiler Name: Sun Microsystems SPARCompiler Ada, Version 2.1 Host: Any computer that executes the Intel 80486 instruction set Host Sun Microsystems SPARCclassic, SPARCcluster, (under Interactive UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2) SPARCcenter, SPARCstation, SPARCserver, and Target: Same as Host SPARCsystem computer families (under Solaris 2.4) Target Any Host Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 5/26/05 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 011002W1.11221 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration; 1 1/18/04 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11290 (BASE) Host Sun Microsystem Sun-4, SPARCcenter, SPARCsystem, Compiler Name; Sun Microsystems iMPact Ada, Version 1 .0 SP/VRCstation, SPARCserver, SPARCcluster, & SPARCclassic Host Sun Microsystems SPARCclassic, SPARCcluster,

series of computers (under SunOS, Versions 4.1 & 4.1 .1 , and SPARCcenter, SPARCstation, SPARCserver, and Solaris 2x, as supported); SPARCengine IE (under SunOS, SPARCsystem computer ftunilies (under Solaris 2.4) Version 4.1 e) Target Any Host Target: Mercury MCV6 & MCV9S (under MC/OS, Version 2.3) * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 940608W1.11356 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/28/05 Compiler Name; Apex, Version 1 .4.1

Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .11 256 (BASE) Host SPARCstation 10/51 (under SunOS 4.1 .3)

Compiler Name: VADSworks Sun4/SunOS=>68K. VAda-1 1 5-40870, Target Same as Host Version 3.1 Host Sun Microsystems SPARCclassic, SPARCcluster, * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation SPARCcenter, SPARCstation, SPARCserver, and Compiler Type; Base

SPARCsystem computer families (under SunOS 4.1 .3) Validation Certificate #: 040608W1 .1 1 357

Target: Any single-board computer system comprising: epu- Motorola Compiler Name: Apex, Version 1 .4.1 MC68020, MC68030, or MC68040; fpu- on chip, or optional Host SPARCstation 10/51 (under Solaris 2.3) MC68881 or MC68882, as appropriate; OS- VxWorks 5.1.1 Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type; Base

Date of Validation by Registration: 3/28/05 Validation Certificate # : 040608W1 .1 1 358

Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .11 256 (BASE) Compiler Name: Apex. Version 1 .4.1 Compiler Name: VADSworks Sun4/Solaris=>68K, VAda-1 15-42870, Host: RS/6000 model 350 (under AIX 3.2.5) Version 3.1 Target Same as Host Host: Sun Microsystems SPARCclassic, SPARCcluster, SPARCcenter, SPARCstation, SPARCserver, and * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation SPARCsystem computer families (under SunOS 5.3 (Solaris Compiler Type; Base

2.3)) Validation Certificate #: 040630W1 .1 1 350 Target: Any single-board computer system comprising: epu- Motorola Compiler Name; VADSself for DEC Alpha AXP OSF/1 , Product MC68020, MC68030, or MC68040; fpu- on chip, or optional #2100-01439, Version 6.2

MC68881 or .1 MC68882, as appropriate; OS- VxWorks 5.1 Host DEC 4000 Model 610 /U(P (under OSF/1 , Version 2.0) Target Same as Host Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vertdor; Rational Software Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 3/10/05 Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11282 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 040630W1.11360

Compiler Name: VADS System V/386/486, VAda-1 10-3232, Ver 6.2.1 Compiler Name: VASDseK for DEC Alpha AXP OSF/1 , Product Host: AT&T System 3000 series of computers, including models #2100-01439, Version 6.2

3340, 3345, 3350, 3355; 3406, 3410, 3416, 3416-XL, 3430, Host DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP (under OSF/1 . Version 1 .3) 3445, 3447, 3450, 3455, 3455-XP, 3470, 3475, 3475-XP; 3520, Target; Same as Host 3525, 3525-XP, 3550, 3555, 3555-XP, 3570, 3575, 3575-XP; & 3600 (under NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RS, Release 2) * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation Target; Any Host Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 040630W1.11361 Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Name: Silicon Gre^jhics VADS, VAda-21 00-00732, Versione.2 Compiler Type: Derived Host Silicon Graphics Challenge (4IP19 @100 MHz) (under IRIX Date of Validation by Registration: 4/12/05 5.2) Validation Certificate #: 021004W1 .11283 (BASE) Target Same as Host

Compiler Name: VADS 386/486/Pentium, VAda-1 1 0-3030, Version 6.2 Host Any computer system comprising; epu- Intel 1386, i486, or * Compiler Vendor; Rational Software Corporation Pentium; fpu- optional; memory- 16MB (under Solaris X86, Compiler Type: Base

Version 2.4) Validation Certificate # ; 040630W1 .11362 Target: Same as Host Compiler Name: VADScross IBM RISC System/6000 AIX 3.2.3 => MIPS R4000. Version 6.2 Host Silicon Graphics Challenge (4IP19 @100 MHz) (under IRIX 5.2) Target SGI Indigo XS4000 (MIPS R4000), operating as a bare machir>e

2-52 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Rational Softvtrare Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 040630W1.11363 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/23/95 Compiler Name: VADS PowerPC = > PowerPC. Product #21 0(H>1 445, Validation Certificate #: 940630W1.11370 (BASE) Version 6.2 Compiler Name: V/^S Sun4 => PowerPC Simulator, Product Host IBM RS/6000 Model 250 (under AIX 3.2.5) #2100-01908, Version 6.2

Target Motorola MVME1 601 (PowerPC 001) (bare machine) Host Sun SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS 4.1 2 ) Target VADS PowerPC 603 Instruction Set Simulator, executing on Compiler Vendor: RatiorwU Software Corporation the Host (bare machine simulation) Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 040630W1 .1 1 364 * Compiler Vendor: Ratiortal Software Corporation Compiler Name: VAOS IBM RS/6000 = > PowerPC, Product Compiler Type: Base

#210001445, Version 6.2 Validation Certificate #: 040630W1 .1 1 371

Host IBM RS/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.2.5) Compiler Name: VADS System V/88 Release 4, V/\xla-1 10-8383, Target Motorola MVMEl 601 (PowerPC 601) (bare machine) Product #2100-00736, Version 6.2

Host Motorola Series 900 Model 91 1 (M881 1 0) (urtder UNIX System Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation V, Release 4) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 040630W1.11365 Compiler Name: VADS PowerPC SELF, Product #21 00-01 443, Ver 6.2 * Compiler Vendor: Rational Softvrare Corporation Host IBM RS/6000 Model 250 (under AIX 3.2.5) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 940630W1.11372 Compiler Name: VADS System V/88 Release 4, VAda-1 10-8484, Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Product #2100-01464, Version 6.2 Compiler Type: Derived Host DG AViiON G70502-A (88110) (under UNIX System V. Rel 4) Date of Validation by Registration: 11/18/94 Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 040630W1.11365 (BASE) Compiler Name: V/kDS PowerPC SELF. Product #21 0001 443, Ver 6.2 * Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Host IBM RS/6000 Model 41T (under AIX 3.2.5) Compiler Type: Base

Target Same as Host Validation Certificate # : 940630W1 .11373 Compiler Name: VADS AT&T 3B2/600GR UNIX System V Release 4. Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Product #2100-01449, Version 6.2 Compiler Type: Base Host AT&T 3B2/600GR UNIX System V, Release 4. Product

Validation Certificate #: 940630W1 .1 1 366 #2100-01449, Version 6.2) Compiler Name: DADScross Sun4 => MIPS R3000, Product Target AT&T 3B2/600GR (under System V, Release 4.0) #2100-01451, Version 6.2 Host Sun SPARCstation 10 (under SunOS 4.1.3) Compiler Vendor; Rockwell International Corporation Target Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500 (MIPS R3000) (bare machine) /Vddress: Engineering Process and Support MS: 124-323 Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation 400 Collirrs Road NE Compiler Type: Base City: Cedar Rapids Validation Certificate #: 940630W1 .11367 State: lA Compiler Name: VADScross Sun4 Solaris 2.3 => MIPS R4000, Ver 6.2 Zip Code: 52498 Host Sun SPARCstation 10/512 (under Solaris 2.3) Country: Target SGI Indigo XS4000 (MIPS R4000) (operating as a bare Contact Name; Sally Olsen machine) Phone: (319) 395-1729 E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Vendor: Rational Software Corporation Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: Rockwell International Corporation

Validation Certificate #: 940630W1 .1 1 368 Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name: DADScross Sun4 = > Paragon, Product #2100-01 452, Validation Certificate #; 910306W1.11129 Version 6.2 Compiler Name: DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 6.0 Host Sun SPARCstation 10 (under SunOS 4.1.3) Host VAX 8650 (under VMS, Version 5.3-1)

Target: Intel Paragon (under OSF/1 , Release 1 .1 .4) Target CAPS/AAMP1 (bare machine)

Compiler Vendor: Rational Softvrare Corporcdion * Compiler Vendor: Rockwell International Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 940630W1.11369 Date of Validation by Registration: 4/18/91

Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 => PowerPC, Product #2100-01444, Validation Certificate #: 91 0306W1 .1 1 1 29 (BASE) Version 6.2 Compiler Name: DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 6.1 Host: Sun SPARCcenter 2000 (under Solaris 2.3) Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Target Motorola MVMEl 601 (PowerPC 601) (bare machine) VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under VMS Versions 5.3-1 & 5.4) Compiler Vendor: Ratiortal Software Corporation Target CAPS/AAMP1 (bare machine) Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate #: 940630W1 .1 1 370 * Compiler Vendor; Rockwell Intematiortal Corporation Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 => PowerPC Simulator, Product Compiler Type: Base

#210001455, Version 6.2 Validation Certificate # : 91 0306W1 .11130 Compiler DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 6.0 Host: Sun SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS 4.1 2) Name: Target VADS PowerPC Instruction Set Simulator, executing on the Host VAXstation 3100 Model 30 (under VMS 5.4) Host (bare machine simulation) Target CAPS/AAMP2 (bare machine)

2-53 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Rockwell International Corporation * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 4/18/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/3/91 Validation Certificate #: 910306W1.11130 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 901007N1 .11042 (BASE) Compiler Name: DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 6.1 Compiler Name: XD /Via MC68020, Version 1 2A.

Host- DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Host: V/0( Cluster (comprising VAXsenrer 3600, MicroVAX 2000 (2)

VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under VMS & MicroV/OC II machines) (under VMS 5.4) Versions 5.8-1 & 5.4) Target Motorola MVME133XT board (MC68020) (bare machine) Target: CAPS/AAMP2 (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd * Compiler Vendor: Rockwell International Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 7/14/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/93 Validation Certificate #: 901007N1.11042 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 910306W1.11130 (BASE) Compiler Name: XD Ada MC68020 MVME135 & MVME147. Ver 1.2A

Compiler Name: DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 6.3 Host V/VX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, MicroV/VX 2000 (2)

Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 4000, & MicroV/0( II machines) (under VMS 5.4) VAX 6000, VAX 8000, VAX 9000, & VAX 10000 series of Target Motorola MVME1 35-1 (MC68020) & MVME147S-1 (MC68030) computers (under VMS 5.5-2) boards (bare machines) Target: CAPS/AAMP2 & CAPS/AAMP3 (bare nnachines) * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd * Compiler Vendor: Rockwell International Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 7/19/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/8/95 Validation Certificate #: 901007N1.11042 (BASE)

Validation Certificate #: 910306W1.11130 (BASE) Compiler Name: XD /Via MC68020/EFA. Version 1 2A

Compiler Name: DDC-Based /^da/CAPS Compiler System, Version 7.0 Host V/U( Cluster (comprising V/VXserver 3600, MicroVAX 2000 (2)

Host: DEC VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver series of & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.4) computers (under VMS V5.5-2) Target Motorola MVME135-1 board (MC68020) (bare machine) Target: CAPS/AAMP2 & CAPS/AAMP3 (bare machines) * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd * Compiler Vendor: Rockwell International Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/28/95 Validation Certificate #: 901 007N1 .11042 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 910306W1.11130 (BASE) Compiler Nante: XD /Via CPU32, Version 1.2

Compiler Name: DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler System, Host V/0( Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, MicroVAX 2000 (2),

Versions 7.2 & 7.3 & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.4) Host: DEC VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation. VAXserver series of Target Motorola M68340EVS Evaluation System CPU32 (bare computers (under VMS V5.5-2) nrrachine) Target: CAPS/AAMP2. CAPS/AAMP3. & CAPS/AAMP5 (bare machines) * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd. Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 Address: (SD-Scicon Ada products now EDS-Scicon) Validation Certificate #: 901007N1 .11042 (BASE) EOS-Scicon, U.S. Software Products Group Compiler Name: XD /Via CPU32/MC68332, Version 1.2

8 New England Executive Park Host VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, MicroVAX 2000 (2),

City: Burlington & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.4) State: MA Target Motorola M68332EVS Evaluation System CPU32 (bare 2ipCode: 01803 machine) Country: Contact Name: Alistair Wilson * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd Phone: (617) 273-3030, ext. 229 Compiler Type: Base E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Validation Certificate #: 901 21 4N1 .11 080 Compiler Name: XD /Via MIL-STD-1750A, Version 1.2 * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd Host Local /Vea VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600,

Compiler Type: Base MicroV/0( 2000 (2) & MicroV/0( II machines) (under VMS 5.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 10/31/90 Target Fairchild F9450 on a SBC-50 board (MIL-STD-1750A) (bare Validation Certificate #: 001007N1.11042 nrtachine)

Compiler Name: XD /Via MC68020, Version 1 2

Host: VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, MicroV/0( 2000 (2) * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd

& MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS Version 5.3) Compiler Type: Base Target: Motorola MVME133XT board (MC68020) (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 010314N1.11134 Compiler Name: XD /Via MC68000, Version 1 2 * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd Host Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600,

Compiler Type: Derived MicroV/VX 2000 (2) & MicroVAX II machines) (urKler VMS 5.4) Date of Validation by Registration: 1/25/91 Target Motorola MC68000 on MVME1 1 7-3FP board (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 901007N1.11042 (BASE) Compiler Name: XD Ada MC68020, Version 1 2 * Compiler Vendor: SD-Scicon UK Ltd

Host: VAX Cluster (comprising V/OCserver 3600, MicroV/0( 2000 (2) Compiler Type: Derived

& MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 7/3/91 Target: Motorola MVME135-1 board (MC68020) and Motorola Validation Certificate #: 91 031 4N1 .11 134 (BASE)

MVME147S-1 board (MC68030) (bare machines) Compiler Name: XD Ada MC68000/EFA, Version 1 2 Host Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXsen/er 3600,

MicroV/VX 2000 (2) & MicroV/OC II nrtachines) (under VMS 5.4) Target: Motorola MC68000 on an MVME117-3FP board (bare machine)

2-54 )

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: SO-Scicon UK Ltd * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 01O911N1.111O9 Date of Validation by Registration: 9/27/91 Compiler Name: XO Ada MC68020/ARTX. Version T1^ Validation Certificate #: 910711W1.11181 (BASE) Host Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX), Version 4.1

MicroVAX 2000 (2) & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.4) Host Siemens Nixdorf WX200 (SINIX-ODT) (under SINIX-ODT VI .5) Target: Motorola MVME147S-1 (MC68030) (bare machine) Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor: SO-Scicon UK Ltd * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 611128f 11230 Validation Certificate #: 92032511.11249

Compiler Nanrte: XO Ada MC6804 . . Version 1 2 Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX), Version 4.1 Host Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, Host Siemens Nixdorf MX300i (under SINIX Version V5.41)

MicroVAX 2000 (2) & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.4) Target Same as Host Target: Motorola MVME165 (MC68040) (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG * Compiler Vendor: SO-Scicon UK Ltd Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Oerived Date of Validation by Registration: 7/24/92 Oate of Validation by Registration: 6/1/92 Validation Certificate #: 92032511.11249 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 911128N1.11230 (BASE) Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX). Version 4.1 Compiler Neune: XO Ada MC68040/FORCE CPU-40, Version 1 2 Host Siemens Nixdorf WX200 & MX500i (under SINIX Version 5.41 Host: Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXserver 3600, Target Each Host self targeted

MicroVAX 2000 (2), & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.5) Target: FORCE CPU-40 (MC68040) (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: SO-Scicon UK Ltd Date of Validation by Registration: 12/3/93 Compiler Type: Oerived Validation Certificate #: 92032511.11249 (BASE) Oate of Validation by Registration: 7/10/92 Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX), Version 4.1

Validation Certificate # : 91 1 1 28N1 .1 1 230 (BASE) Host Siemens Nixdorf PC (under SINIX Version V5.41) Compiler Name: XO Ada MC68040, Version 1 2 Target: Same as Host Host Local Area VAX Cluster (comprising VAXsen/er 3600, * MicroVAX 2000 (2), & MicroVAX II machines) (under VMS 5.5) Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Target Motorola MVME167 (68040) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 92092211.11276 Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX), Version 4.1 Address: PSW SW 33 Host Siemens Nixdorf RM600 (under SINIX Version V5.41) Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 Target Same as Host City: W-8000 Muenchen 83 State: * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Zip Code: Compiler Type: Derived Country: GERMANY Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/93 Contact Name: Klaus Engelke Validation Certificate #: 92092211.11276 (BASE) Phone: -1-49 89 636 82549 Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX), Version 4.1 E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Host Siemens Nixdorf RM400 (under SINIX Version V5.41) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Compiler Type: Base Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics. Inc.

Validation Certificate #: 90111911.11111 Address: 201 1 North Shoreline Boulevvd Compiler Name: SIEMENS NIXDORF BS2000 /^a Compiler, Ver 2.1 City: Mountain View Host SIEMENS NIXDORF 7.590G (under BS2000 V9.5) State: CA Target: Same as Host Zip Code: 94043 Country: * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Contact Name: Dave McAllister Compiler Type: Derived Phone: (415) 390-3238 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/18/91 E-mail: davenr)[email protected] Validation Certificate #: 90111911.11111 (BASE) Compiler Nan>e: SIEMENS NIXDORF BS2000 Ada Compiler. Ver 2.1 * Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Host SIEMENS NIXDORF 7.530, 7.536, 7.541 . 7.550, 7.551 . 7.560, Compiler Type: Base

7.561 . 7.570, 7.571 , 7.580 & 7.590; 7.500-C30, -C40. -H60. Validation Certificate #: 900703W1.11014 -H90 & -HI 20 (under BS2000 V9.5 & VI 0.0) Compiler Name: 4D ADA, Version 3.0 Target Same as Host Host lris-4D/380 (under IRIX Release 4D-3.3) Target: Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 91 071 1W1 .11 181 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: Ada (SINIX), Version 4.1 Validation Certificate #: 000703W1.11015

Host Siemens Nixdorf WX200 (SINIX-ODT) (under SINIX-ODT VI .0) Compiler Name: 4D ADA, Version 3.0 Target Sanre as Host Host lris-4D/220S (under IRIX Release 4D-3.3) Target Same as Host

2-55 ,

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Compiler Vendor: Software Leverage, Inc.

Compiler Type: Base Address: 41 1 Waverly Oaks Road Validation Certificate #: S00703W1.110ie City: Waltham Compiler Name: 40 ADA, Version 3.0 State: MA Host lris-4D/25 (under IRIX Release 40-3.3) Zip Code: 02154-8414 Target Same as Host Country: Contact Name: Mike Gilbert * Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Phone: (617) 894-3309 Compiler Type: Base E-mail: [email protected] Validation Certificate #: 010020W1.11203 Compiler Name: VAOS SGI-lrix, SC4-AOA-4.0, Version 6.1 * Compiler Verwior: Software Leverage, Inc.

Host SGI Irtdigo (under Irix V4.0) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 04041 1W1 .11 355 Compiler Name: Parallel-Leveraged Ada, Version 6.1 .0.2

* Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Host Sequent Symmetry S27 (under DYNIX/ptx, 1 .2) Compiler Type: Oertved Target Sante as Host Oate of Validation by Registration: 3/30/02 Validation Certificate #: 010e20W1.11203 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Software Leverage, Inc. Compiler Name: VAOS SGI-lrix, SC4-AOA-4.0, Version 6.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host IRIS Indigo, Personal IRIS 40, IRIS 40 series of computers Date of Validation by Registration: 4/20/94

(under Irix V4.0) Validation Certificate #: 94041 1W1 .11 355 (BASE) Target: Any Host Compiler Name: Parallel-Leveraged Ada, Version 6.1 .0.2 Host Unisys U6000/7x & U6000/8x series, and Unisys Commercial

* Compiler Vendor: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Secure U6000/7x & U6000/8x series, all models (under Compiler Type: Base DYNIX/ptx 1.2)

Validation Certificate # : 01 0020W1 .11204 Target Any Host Compiler Name: VAOS SGI-lrix, SC4-AOA-4.0, Version 6.1

Host SGI 40/440 (under Irix V3.3) Compiler Vendor: Stratus Computer, Inc. Target: Same as Host Address: 55 Fairbanks Boulevard City: Marlboro Compiler Vendor: SKY Computers, Inc. State: MA Address: A Subsidiary of Analogic Zip Code: 01752-1298 27 Industrial Avenue Country: City: Chelmsford Contact Name: Lisa Ludwig State: MA Phone: (508) 460-2695 Zip Code: 01824 E-mail: [email protected] Country:

Contact Name: Richard Jaenicke * Compiler Vendor: Stratus Computer, Inc. Phone: (800) 486-3400 Compiler Type: Base E-mail: [email protected] Validation Certificate #: 921 01 5W1 .11 294 Compiler Name: Stratus /\da, Version 6.1 * Compiler Vendor: SKY Computers, Inc. Host Stratus XA/R20 (under FTX, 2.0.1) Compiler Type: Base Tvget Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 910711W1.11183 Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 * Compiler Vendor: Stratus Computer, Inc.

Host SGI Personal Iris W-4D25 (under Irix System V 3.3) Compiler Type: Derived Target: SKYbolt 8116-V (under SKYboK kernel version 2.33) Date of Validation by Registration: 9/14/94

Validation Certificate #: 92 1 01 5W1 .11 294 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: SKY Computers, Inc. Compiler Name: Stratus Ada. Version 6.1 .0.5 Compiler Type: Base Host Stratus XA/R series of computers (under FTX 2.3)

Validrdion Certificate # : 91 071 1 W1 .1 1 1 85 Target: Any Host Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1

Host: SPARCstation 1 (under SunOS release 4.1) Compiler Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Target: SKYstation 8117-P (under SKYstation kernel version 2.33) Address: Sun Pro, Inc. 2550 Garcia Avenue * Compiler Vendor: SKY Computers, Inc. MS: UMPK03-205 Compiler Type: Base City: Mounttun View Validation Certificate #: 910711W1.11189 State: CA Compiler Name: Meridian Ada, Version 4.1 Zip Code: 94043-1100

Host SGI Personal Iris W-4D25 (under Irix System V 3.3) Country: Target: Same as Host Contact Name: Carole Amos Phone: (415) 688-9424, (415) 968-6396 * Compiler Vendor: SKY Computers, Inc. E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 040803W1 .11374 * Compiler Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Compiler Name: SKYvec AOA, Release 3.6 Compiler Type: Derived Host SPARCstation 10 Model 402 (under SunOS 4.1.3) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/31/91 Target SKYbolt Model 8146-V (under SKYmpxrt, Release 3.6) Validation Certificate #: 90051 0W1 .11 006 (BASE) Compiler Name: Sun Microsystems Sun Ada, SunOS, ADE-1 .0-4-4-21 Version 1 .0 Host Sun Microsystems Surv-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation computer families; SPARCserver 600MP Series; & 4600MP-64

(under SunOS Version 4.2 releases 4.1 & 4.1 ,2, as supported) Target Any Host

2-56 ,,

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compilar Vendor; Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/31 /SI Date of Validation by Registration; 7/24/62 Validation Certificate #: S00510W1.11006 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 60121011.11121 (BASE) Compiler Name: Sun Microsystems Sun Ada, SunOS, ADE-1 .1-4-4-21 Compiler Name; Tartan Ada VMS/C30/1PS, Version 4.1.2

1 .1 Version Host VAXstation 3100 (urtder VMS 52 ) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCstation, & Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 (bare machine) SPARCengine computer families: SPARCservereOOMPSeries;

& 4600MP-M (under SunOS Version 4,2 release 4.1 .2) * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, IrK. Target: Any Host Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/26/63 * Compiler Verwlor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Validation Certificate #; 60121011.11121 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name; Tartan Ada VMS/C3X, Version 4.3 Date of Validation by Registration; 8/10/82 Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.5) Validation Certificate #; 60051 0W1 .11 006 (BASE) Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board, & Atlanta Compiler Name: Sun Microsystems Sun Ada, SunOS, ADE-1 .1-4-4-21 Signal Processors Elf TMS320C31 board (bare machines)

Versions 1 .0 & 1 .1 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc.

computer families (under SunOS 4.1 .3) Compiler Type: Base Target; Any Host Validation Certificate #: 60121011.11122 Compiler Nome: Tartan Ada Sun/060MC, Version 4.0 * Compiler Vendor; Sun Microsystems, Inc. Host Sun 3/60 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) Compiler Type: Derived Target: Intel ICE060/25 on an Intel EXV80060MC board (bare Date of Validation by Registration; 1/12/64 machine) Validation Certificate #; 621004W1.11286 (BASE) Compiler Name; Sun Microsystems SPARCompiler Ada, Version 2.1 * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Host: Sun-4, SPARCsen/er, & SPARCstation computer families Compiler Type; Base

(under Solaris 2.0, 2.1 , 2.2, & 2.3) Validation Certificate #; 60121111.11118 Target Any Host Compiler Name: Tartan Ada Sun/Sun, Version 4.0 Host Sun 3/60 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) * Compiler Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 1/12/84 * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 621004W1 .11290 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived

Compiler Name: Sun Microsystems SPARCworks iMPact Ada, Ver 1 .0 Date of Validation by Registration; 6/6/61 Host: Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation computer families Validation Certificate #: 60121111.11118 (BASE) (under Solaris 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada Sun/Sun, Version 4.1 Target: Any Host Host Sun 3/60 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) Target Same as Host Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc.

Address: 300 Oxford Drive * Compiler VerKlor; Tartan, Irtc. City: Pittsburgh Compiler Type: Derived State: PA Date of Validation by Registration: 12/1/61 Zip Code: 15146 Validation Certificate #: 60121111.11118 (BASE) Country: Compiler Name; Tartan Ada Sun/Sun, Version 42 Contact Name: Wayne Lieberman Host Sun 3/60 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) Phone: (412) 856-3600 Target Some as Host E-mail; [email protected] * Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc.

* Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 60121211.11120 Validation Certificate #: 60121011.11121 Compiler Name; Tartan Ada VMS/660MC, Version 4.0

Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/C30, Version 4.0 Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 52 ) Host: VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5Z) Target; Intel ICE960/25 on on Intel EXV80960MC board (bare Target Texas liutruments TMS320C30 Application Board (bare machine) nrtachirte) * Compiler Vendor: Tartan. Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 6/6/61 Date of Validedion by Registration; 6/6/61 Validation Certificate #: 60121211.11120 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 60121011.11121 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/960MC, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Tartan /Vda VMS/C30, Version 4.1 Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Host V/VXstation 3100 (under VMS 5Z) Target Intel EXV80060MC board. & Intel ICE960/25 on an Intel Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board (bare EXV80S60MC board (bare machines) machine) * Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc.

* Compiler Verulor; Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 6/30/92 Date of Validation by Registration; 12/1/61 Validation Certificate #: 90121211.11120 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 60121011.11121 (BASE) Compiler Nome: Tartan Ada VMS/060MC, Version 4Z.1

Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/C30, Version 4.1 .1 Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 52) Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Target: Intel ICE060/25 on on Intel EXV80960MC board (bare Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board, NAVY ntachine) SEM-D Key Code ADSP (bare machines)

2-57 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vertdor: Tartan, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Bose Date of Validation by Registration: 7/24/92 Validation Certificale #: 91061311.11171 Validation Certificate #: 90121211.11120 (BASE) Compiler Nome: Tartan Ada VMS/680X0, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/060MC, Version 4.2.1 Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Target Motorola MVME134 (MC68020) (bare machirte) Target Intel EXV80060MC board (bare machine) * Compiler Vertdor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Dote of Validation by Registration: 2/12/92 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/28/93 Validation Certificate #: 91061311.11171 (BASE)

Validation Certificate #: 901 21 211 .1 1 1 20 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/680X0, Version 4.1 .1 Compiler Neune: Tartan Ada VMS/960MC, Version A2JZ Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Target Motorola MVME134 (MC68020), MVME143 (MC68030), & Target Intel EXV80960MC board (bare machine) MVME165 (MC68040) (bare machines)

Compiler VerKlor: Tartan, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/26/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 7/24/92 Validation Certificate #: 90121211.11120 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 91061311.11171 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/060MC/SVMRT, Version 4.3 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/680X0/IPS, Version 4.1 2 Host V/VXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.5) Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.2) Target: Cyclone CVME962 board. & Intel EXV80060MC board (bare Target Motorola MVME134 (MC68020) (bare machine) machines) * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 8/26/93 Date of Validedion by Registration: 8/26/93 Validation Certificate #: 91061311.11171 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 90121211.11120 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/68XXX, Version 4.3 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/960MC/PMRT, Version 4.3 Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.5) Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.5) Target Motorola MVME134 (68020), MVME143 (68030), MVME165 Target Cyclone CVME962 board. Intel EXV80960MC board. & (68040), MC68332 (CPU32), & MC68340 (CPU32) (bare machine) PI-060MX-JXV board (bare machines)

* Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Irtc. Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate # : 92031 31 1 .1 1 244 Validation Certificate #: 90121211.11123 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SPARC C30, Version 4.2 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada Sun/C30, Version 4.0 Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1.1) Host Sun 3/50 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) Target: Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board (bare Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board (bare machine) machine) * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Dote of Validation by Registration: 8/26/93 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/12/92 Validation Certificate #: 92031311.11244 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 90121211.11123 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SPARC C3X, Version 4.3

Compiler Name: Tartan Ada Sun/C30, Version 4.1 .1 Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1.1) Host Sun 3/50 (under SunOS Version 4.0.3) Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board, & Atlanta Target Texas Instruments TMS320C30 Application Board (bare Signal Processors Elf TMS320C31 board (bare machines) machirte) * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 92031311.11245 Validation Certificate #: 90121311.11119 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SP/kRC 1750A, Version 4.2

Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/1 750A, Version 4.0 Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1 .1) Host VAXstation 3200 (under VMS 5.2) Target Fairchild F9450 on an SBC-50 board (MIL-STD-1750A) (bare Target: Texas Instruments STL VHSIC 1750A (bare machine) machine)

Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/1/91 Date of Validation by Registration: 8/26/93 Validation Certificate #: 90121311.11119 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 92031311.11245 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/1750A, Version 4.1 Compiler Name: Tartan /^a SPARC/1 750A, Version 4.3 Host VAXstation 3200 (uruter VMS 5.2) Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1.1) Target Texas Instruments STL VHSIC 1750A (bare machine) Target Texas Instruments STL VHSIC 1 750A, & Fairchild F9450 on on SBC-50 (MIL-STD-1750A) (bare machirres) Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, IrK. Dote of Validation by Registration: 8/26/93 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 90121311.11119 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 3/25/94 Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/1750A, Version 4.3 Validation Certificate #: 92031311.11245 (BASE) Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.5) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SPARC 1750A, Version 4.2.1 Target: Texas Irrstruments STL VHSIC 1 750A, & Fairchild F6450 on an Host: SPARCstation ELC (urtder SunOS version 4.1.1) SBC-50 (MIL-STD-1750A) (bare nnachines) Target Fairchild F0450 on an SBC-50 board (bare ntachine)

2-58 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Irtc. * Compiler Vendor: Tartan. Inc. Compilar Typa: Basa Compiler Type: Derived Validation CarMcata #: 02031311.11240 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 8/27/03 Compilar Nama; Tartan Ada SPARC 680X0, Varsion 4.2 Validation Certificate #; 02103011.11206 (BASE) Host; SPARCstation ELC (undar SunOS varsion 4.1.1) Compiler Name; Tartan Ada SPARC/C40, Version 4.3 Targst: Motorola MVME134 (MC68020) (bara rrtachine) Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1.1) Target Texas Insbuments TMS320C40 Parallel Develpment System Compilar Vandor: Tartan, Inc. (bare machir>e) Compilar Typa: Darivad

Data of Validation by Registration: 8/26/03 * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Validation Cartificata #: 02031311.11246 (BASE) Compiler Type: Derived Compilar Nama: Tartan Ada SPARC/68XXX. Varsion 4.3 Date of Validation by Regisbation: 8/27/03 Host SPARCstation ELC (undar SunOS varsion 4.1.1) Validation Certificate #: 02103011.11206 (BASE) Target Motorola MVME134 (68020), MVME143 (68030), MVME165 Compiler Nanrre; Tartan Ada VMS/C40, Version 4.3 (68040), MC68332 (CPU32), & MC68340 (CPU32) (bara Host VAXstation 3100 (under VMS 5.5) machines) Target Texas Insbuments TMS320C40 Parallel Develpment System (bare machine) Compiler Vandor; Tartan, Inc. Compilar Typa: Basa * Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Validation Cartificata #: 02031311.11247 Compiler Type; Base Compilar Nama: Tartan Ada SPARC 060mc, Varsion 4.2 Validation Certificate #; 04022111.11340 Host SPARCstation ELC (undar SunOS varsion 4.1.1) Compiler Name; TartanWorks /Via 68xxx, Version 4.3.1 Target: Intel EXV80e60MC board (bara machine) Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.3.1) Target Motorola MVME167 (68040) (btue machine, using VxWorks Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. 5.1) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 1/28/03 Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Validation Certificata #: 02031311.11247 (BASE) Address; (TeleSoft Ada products are now Alsys) Compiler Nrune: Tartan Ada SP/VRC 060mc, Version 4.2.2 (/Vsys) Thomson Softytrare Products Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS Version 4.1.1) 67 South Bedford Sbeet Target: Intel EXV80960MC board (bare machine) City; Burlington State: MA Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc. Zip Code: 01803-5152 Compiler Type; Derived Country: Data of Validation by Regisbation; 1/28/03 Contact Name: Pat Michalowski Validation Cartificata #; 02031311.11247 (BASE) Phone: (619) 457-2700 Compilar Nama: Tartan Ada RS6000/060mc, Version 4.2.2 E-mail: [email protected] Host IBM RISC System/6000 Model 320H (under AIX Version 3.2) Target Intel EXV80960MC board (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor; TeleSoft Compiler Type; Base Compiler Vendor; Tartem, Inc. Validation Certificate #; 90052511.11012 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Sun-3 Ada Development System. Ver 4.01 Date of Validation by Registration: 8/26/03 Host: Sun-3/280 (under Sun UNIX 4.2, Release 4.0.3) Validation Certificate #; 02031311.11247 (BASE) Target Same as Host Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SPARC/060MC/SVMRT, Version 4.3 Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1.1) * Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Target; Cyclone CVME062 board, & Intel EXV80060MC board (bare Compiler Type: Base

machines) Validation Certificate # ; 901 1 28W1 .11090 Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Host Development System, Version 4.1 Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc. for SP/VRCSystems Compiler Type: Derived Host: Sun-4/280 (under Sun UNIX 4.2, Release 4.1) Date of Validation by Registration; 8/26/03 Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 02031311.11247 (BASE) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SPARC/060MC/PMRT, Version 4.3 * Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS version 4.1.1) Compiler Type: Derived Target; Cyclone CVME062 board, Intel EXV80060MC board, & Date of Validation by Regisbation: 1/24/92 PI-060MX-JXV board (bare machines) Validation Certificate #: 901128W1.11090 (BASE) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Host Development System, Version4.1 Compiler Vendor; Tartan, Inc. for SP/VRCSystems Compiler Type; Derived Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCstation, & Date of Validation by Regisbation: 11/10/04 SP/^Cengirte computer families (under SurrOS 4.2, rele ase Validation Certificate #: 02031311.11247 (BASE) 4.1) Compiler Name: Tartan Ada SPARC/060MC/PMRT, Version 4.3.2 Target Any Host

Host SPARCstation ELC (under SunOS, Version 4.1 .1) Target Intel 80060X6 on an Intel EXV-060MC/EXV960 (Execution * Compiler Vendor; TeleSoft Vehicle) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Regisbation; 1/24/92

Compiler Vendor: Tartan, Inc. Validation Certificate #; 901128W1.11090 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name: TeleGen2 /Via Host Development System, Version 4.1 Validation Certificate #; 02103011.11206 for SP/tRCSystems Compiler Name: Tartan Ada VMS/C40, Version 4.2.1 Host Solbourne Series 5 & 5E; and S4000 (under OS/MP 4.1) Host VAXstation 4000 Model 60 (under VMS 5.5) Target /Vny Host Target Texas Insbuments TMS320C40 Parallel Processing Development System (bare machine)

2-59 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Verrdor; TeleSoft Compiler VerKfor: TeleSoft Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base 3.1 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/16/02 Validation Certificate #: 01032511.11130 Validation Certificate #: e01128W1.11090 (BASE) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Host Development System, Version for VAX/VMS to 386

4.1 .1 for SPARCSystems Host VAX 6210 (under VMS 5.3) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation Target Intel iSBC 386-120 (80386/387) (bare machirte, using computer families (under Solaris 2.1) TeleAda-EXEC 1.0) Target: Any Host Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Compiler Verfoor: TeleSoft Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 2/27/02 Validation Certificate #: 01012111.11124 Validation Certificate #: 01032511.11130 (BASE) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Compiler Nan>e: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Ver 3.1 4.1 for VAX/VMS to 68K Host VAX 4000-300 (under VMS 5.4-3) Host MicroVAX 3800 (under VAX/VMS Version 5.2) Target Intel iSBC 486/1 33SE board (bare machir>e, using Target: Motorola4.1MVME133A-20 (MC68020) (bare machine) Tele/Vla-EXEC 1.0)

Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validedion by Registration: 5/24/01 Validation Certificate #: 01032511.11140 Validation Certificate #: 01012111.11124 (BASE) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System. Version 3.1 for SPARC to 68K for VAX to 68K Host Sun-4/60 (under SunOS 4.1) Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Target Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare machine, using

VAX 8000 & VAX 0000 Series of computers (under VMS TeleAda-EXEC 1 .0) Versions 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4, as supported) Target: Motorola board series MVME133*. MVME135*. MVME136* Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft (MC68020): MVME141* 4 MVME147* (MC68030); and Force Compiler Type: Derived CPU-30. CPU-31. CPU-32. 4 CPU-37 (bare machines) DeUe of Validrdion by Registration: 0/26/01 Validation Certificate #: 01032511.11140 (BASE) Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Compiler Type: Derived 4.1 for SPARC to 68K Date of Validation by Registration: 5/24/01 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver 4 SPARCstation Validation Certificate4.1 #: 01012111.11124 (BASE) computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Compiler Name: TeleSoft TRIAD System, Ver 4.1 for VAX/VMS to 68K Target Motorola MVME133*, MVME135*, MVME136* (68020); Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000, MVME141* 4 MVME147* (68030); and MVME165* 4 VAX 8000 4 VAX 0000 Series of computers (under VMS MVME167* (68040) board families (bare machines, optionally Versions 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 4 5.4, as supported) using TeleAda-EXEC 2.0) Target: Motorola board series MVME147* (MC68030) (bare machines, using TeleAda-Exec) Compiler Vendor; TeleSoft Compiler Type: Base Compiler Vendor: 4.1TeleSoft Validation Certificate #; 61072111.11194 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name:TeleGen2 Ada HostDevelopment System, Varsion4.1 Date of Validation by Registration: 0/26/01 for Macll Systems

Validation Certificate #: 01012111.11124 (BASE) Host Apple Macintosh llfi( (under A/UX 2.0) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Target; Same as Host for VAXA/MS to 68K Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft VAX 80004.1 4 VAX 0000 Series of computers (as supported) Compiler Type: Derived

(under VMS Versions 5.0, 5.1 , 5.2, 5.3 4 5.4) Date of Validation by Registration; 12/30/91

Target: Motorola MVME165* 4 MVME167* (68040) board families Validation Certificate # : 61 0721 II .1 1 1 94 (BASE) (bare machines) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada HostDevelopment System, Version 4.1 for Macll Systems

Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Host; Apple Macintosh II family, 4 SE/30 (under A/UX Release 2.0) Compiler Type: Base Target Any Host Validation Certificate #: 01012311.11125 Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft for VAX/VMS to MIPS Compiler Type: Base Host: MicroVAX 3800 (under VAX/VMS Version 5.2) Validation Certificate #: 91102811.11229 Target Integrated Device Technology IDT7RS301 System Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Development System, Version 3.25 for (R3000/R3010) (bare machine) VAX to 1750A Host MicroVAX 3800 (under VMS Version 5.4) Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Target MIL-STD-1750AECSPO ITS RAID Simulator, Version 6.0 (bare Compiler Type: Base machine simulation, executing on the Host) Validation Certificate #: 01012511.11126 Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft for SUN-3 to 68K Compiler Type; Base Host: Sun-3/480 (urtder Sun UNIX, Release 4.1) Validation Certificate #; 61121311.11235 Target: Motorola MVME135-1 (MC68020) (bare machine) Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Compilation System, Version 4.1 for VAX to 80960 Host MicroVAX 3800 (under VMS Version 5.4) Target Intel EXV 660 MC-MIL 0960 XA) (bare machine, using Hughes O.S. Ada RTS interface)

2-60 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft * Compiler Vendor: Thomson Software Products Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation CerMcato #: 92102011.11205 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/15/95

Compiler Name: TeleGen2 Ada Cross Development System, Version Validation Certificate #: 901 1 02W1 .1 1 055 (BASE) 4.1.1 for SUN-4 to eMIPS Compiler Name: ActivAda for Windows, Version 5.1.3 Host Sutv4/690 (under SunOS Release 4.1 2) Host Any computer system comprising; epu- any that executes the Target Integrated Device Technology IDT7RS301 System Intel 80386, 80486, or Pentium instruction set; nrtenrory- 8 (R3000/R3010) (bare machine) MByte RAM; disk- 50 MByte hard drive; OS- MS-DOS 6Z or higher, with Windows 3.1 * Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft Target Any Host Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 92121811.11303 * Compiler Vendor; Thomson Software Products Compiler Name: TeleGen2(tm) Ada Cross Development System, Compiler Type; Derived

Version 4.1 .1 for Sun-4 to 1980 Date of Validation by Registration: 5/15/95 Host Sun-4/690 (under SunOS Release 4.1 2) Validation Certificate #: 901102W1.11055 (BASE) Target CVME062 System (i960XA board with MC Processor) (bare Compiler Name: ActivAda for Windows, Version 5.1 .3 machine) Host AT&T System 3000 series (models 3150, 3170, 3180, 3181, 3230, 3325, 3333, & 3350) and AT&T Globalyst series (models * Compiler Vendor: TeleSoft 130, 200, 200s, 250, 250p, 510, 515, 520, 525, 530, 550, 575, Compiler Type: Base 580, 590, 600, 620, 630, 720, 730) (under MS-DOS 6.2 or Validation Certificate #: 92121811.11304 higher, with Windows 3.1) Compiler Name: TeleGen2(tm) Ada Cross Development System, Target Any Host Version 4.1c for Sun-4 to e68k

Host: Sun-4/690 (under SunOS Release 4.1 .2) * Compiler Vendor: Thomson Software Products Target Motorola MVME147S-1 (68030/68882) (bare machine) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Regisbation; 5/16/95 Compiler Vendor: Texas Instruments, Inc. Validation Certificate #: 901 221 W1 .11 103 (BASE) Address: 6600 Chase Oaks Boulevard Compiler Name: AlsyCOMP_082, Version 5.5 MS: 8489 Host Any computer system comprising; epu- any that executes the City: Plarto Intel 80386 or 80486 instruction set; memory- 8 MByte RAM; State: TX disk- 20 MByte hard drive; OS- 386 Solaris, Version 2.1 Zip Code: 75023 Target; Any Host Country: Contact Name: Dave Struble Compiler Vendor: TISOFT, Inc. Phone: (214) 575-5346 Address: 10521 Rosshave Street, Suite 200 E-mail: [email protected] City: Fairfax State: VA * Compiler Vendor: Texas Instruments, Inc. Zip Code; 22030 Compiler Type: Base Country: Validation Certificate #: 001030W1 .11052 Contact Name; David Hicks Compiler Name: MIPS-Ada, Version 3.0 Phone: Host MIPS M/2000 (under RISC/os 4.02) E-mail: (No e-mail address given) Target T1 DP32 R3000 Processor (bare ntachine, using Tl DP32 RTE

Version 1 .0) * Compiler Vendor: TISOFT, Inc. Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor: Texas Instruments, Inc. Validation Certificate # : 941 01 2S1 .1 1 379 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: Green Hills Optimizing Ada Compiler, Version 1 .8.7

Validation Certificate # : 91 0403W1 .11135 with Patch ID 1

Compiler Name: Tl Ada, Version 1 .0 Host Compaq Proliant 2000 Model 5/66 (under SCO UNIX, Release Host MicroVAX 3400 (under VMS 5.3-1) 3Z, Version 4.2) Target Tl DP32 R3000 Processor (bare machine, using Tl Executive Target: Same as Host

and Runtime Services (EARS) Version 1 .0) * Compiler Vendor: TISOFT, Inc. * Compiler Vendor: Texas Instruments, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 10/19/94

Validation Certificate # : 95051 1 W1 .1 1 382 Validation Certificate #: 941 01 2S1 .11 379 (BASE) Compiler Name: F-16 Modular Mission Computer Ada Compilation Compiler Name; Green Hills Optimizing Ada Compiler, Version 1 .8.7 System, Version 2_5_01 with Patch ID 1 Host VAXstation 4000/90 (under*VMS 5.5-2H4) Host Compaq Proliant 1000 & 2000 Series Senrers using Intel Target: F-16 Modular Mission Computer (bare machine) 486DX2/66, Pentium/66, & Pentium/00 processors (under SCO UNIX. Release 32. Version 4.2, with/without SCO MPX Compiler Vendor: Thomson Software Products Multi-Processor Extension, Release 3.0)) Address: (formerly Alsys) Target Any Host 67 South Bedford Street City: Burlington Compiler Vendor: TLD Systems, Ltd. State: MA Address: 3625 Del Amo Boulevard, Suite 100 Zip Code: 01803-5152 City; Torrance Country: State: CA Contact Name: Pat Michalowski Zip Code: 00503 Phone: (619) 457-2700 Country; E-mail: [email protected] Contact Name: Terry Dunbar Phone: (310) 542-5433 E-mail: [email protected]

2-61 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

CompilAr Vendor; TLO Systems, Ltd. Compiler Verrdor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 92031 0W1 .11 237 Date of Validation by Registration: 8/6/02 Compiler Name: TLO Sun-4/MIL-STD-1750A Ada Compiler System, Validation Certificate #: 02031 OWI .11 242 (BASE) Version 2.0.0 Compiler Name: TLO V/VX/MIL-STD-1750A Ada Compiler System, Host: Sutv4/75 (under SunOS, Version 4.1.1) Version 2.0.0 Target Rockwell International RI-1750AB Brassboard Development Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 4000, System (bare machine, using TLOrtx Real-time Executive, VAX 6000, VAX 8000, & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under

Version 1 .0.0) VMS 5.4) Target IBM User Console with IBM Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Compiler Verulor; TLO Systems, Ltd. Computer (bare machine, using the TLOrtc Real-time

Compiler Type: Base Executive, Version 1 .0.0) Validation Certificate #: 92031 OWI .11 238 Compiler Name; TLO MV/MV Ada Compiler System, Version 2.0.0 Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd.

Host Data General MV/32 20000-2 (under AOS/VS II, Version 2.03) Compiier Type; Base Target Sarr>e as Host Validation Certificate #: 02031 OWI .11 243 Compiler Name: TLO HP 0000/MIL-STD-1750A Ada Compiler System, Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Version 2.9.0 Compiler Type: Base Host HP 0000/350 (under HP-UX, Version 7.0) Validation Certificate #; 020310W1 .11230 Target TLOmps MIL-STD-1750A Multiple Processor Simulator (bare Compiler Name: TLO Surv4/MIL-STO-1750A Ada Compiler System, machine simulation, using the TLOrtx Real-time Executive,

Version 2.9.0 Version 1 .0.0, executing on the HosQ Host Sun-4/75 (under SunOS, Version 4.1.1) Target: Honeywell Program Development Unit (PDU) with Honeywell Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Computer (GVSC) Ml L-STD-1 750A Compiler Type: Base

(bare machine, using the TLOrtx Real-time Executive, Version Validation Certificate # : 031 01 2W1 .1 1 329

1 .0 . 0) Compiler Name; TLO Comanche V/0(/MIL-STD-1750A Ada Compiler System, Version 3.4.C Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Host VAXstation 4000 Model 60 (under VMS 5.5) Compiler Type; Base Target TLO MIL-STO-1750A Multiple Processor Simulator (TLOmps), Validation Certificate #: 02031 9W1 .11 240 executing on the Host [bare machine simulation, using TLO Compiler Narrte: TLO Sun-4/MIL-STD-1750A Ada Compiler System, Real Time Executive (TLOrtx), 3.4.C] Version 2.0.0 Host Sun-4/75 (under SunOS, Version 4.1.1) Compiler Vendor; TLO Systems, Ltd. Teuget: TLO MIL-STD-1750A Multiple Processor Simulator (bare Compiler Type: Derived machine simulation, using the TLOrtx Real-time Executive, Date of Validation by Registration: 4/10/04 Version 1 .0.0, executing on the Host) Validation Certificate #: 031 01 2W1 .11 320 (BASE) Compiler Name: TLO Comanche VAX/MIL-STD-1750A Ada Compiler Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. System, Version 3.4.C Compiler Type: Base Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 4000,

Validation Certificate #: 02031 9W1 .1 1 241 V/VX 6000, V/0( 8000, & V/VX 0000 series of computers (under Compiler Name: TLO RISC6000/MIL-STD-1 750AAda Compiler System, VMS 5.5) Version 2.0.0 Target TLOmps MIL-STD-1750A Multiple Processor Simulator, Host IBM RISC System 6000, Model 530 (under /MX, Version 3.1) executing on the Host (bare machnie simulation, using TLOrtx Target TLOmps MIL-STD-1750A Multiple Processor Simulator (bare Real Time Executive, 3.4.C) machine simulation, using the TLOrtx Real-time Executive, Version 1 .0.0, executing on the Host) Compiler Vendor; TLO Systems, Ltd. Compiler Type: Base Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Validation Certificate #; 040305W1.11335 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name; TLO Comanche V/U(/i960 /kda Compiler System,

Date of Validation by Registration: 8/6/02 Version 4.1 .1 Validation Certificate #; 020319W1 .11241 (BASE) Host DEC Local /Vea Network VAX Cluster (comprising 2 MicroVAX Compiler Name: TLO RISC6000/MIL-STD-1 750AAda Compiler System, 3100 Model 90 machines) (under VMS 5.5) Version 2.0.0 Target Tronix JIAWG Execution Vehicle (iOOOMX) [bare machines Host IBM RISC System 6000 series (under /VIX. Version 3.1) using TLO Real Time Executive (TLOrtx), (Domain Target: IBM User Console with IBM Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Configuredion), Version 4.1.1] Computer (bare machine, using the TLOrtx Real-time

Executive, Version 1 .0.0) Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor: TLO Systems, Ltd. Date of Validation by Registration: 5/27/94 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 040305W1.11335 (BASE)

Validation Certificate # : 02031 9W1 .1 1 242 Compiler Name: TLO Comanche VAX/i960 Ada Compiler System,

Compiier Name; TLO VAX/MIL-STD-1750A /Via Compiler System, Version 4.1 .1 Version 2.0.0 Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 4000, Host MicroVAX 3500 (under VMS. Version 5.1) V/0( 6000, V/0( 8000, & V/VX 0000 Series of computers (under Target: TLO MIL-STD-1750A Multiple Processor Simulator (bare VMS 5.5) nrtachine simulation, using the TLOrtx Real-time Executive, Target; Various hardware and software implementations of the Intel

Version 1 .0.0, executing on the Host) i060 hardware architecture, including; TLOmps i060 Multiple

Processor Simulator (executing on a hosQ , Tronic JIAWG i960 MX/XA Execution Vehicle, Intel EXV 960MX Execution Vehicle, and Westinghouse Data Processing System (containing multipla i960 MX/XA boards) (bare machines or bare machine simulation, using TLOrtx Real Time Executive, Version 4.1.1)

2-62 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

CofnpilAr Vendor: U.S. Air Fore* * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Address: OO-ALC/TISEA Compiler Type: Base 4th Street. Building 100 7278 Validation Certificate # : 01 051 7S1 .1 1 1 65 City; Hill AFB Compiler Name: AdaVAX, Version 5.0 (/NO_OPTlMIZE) State; UT Host VAX-1 1/785 (under VMS Version 5.3) Zip Code; 84058-5205 Target Same as Host Country; Contact Name; Les Dupaix * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Phone: (801) 777-7850 Compiler Type: Base E-mail: [email protected] Validation Certificate #: 01 0626S1 .11172 Compiler Name: Ada/L, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE) * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Air Force Host VAX 8550 (under VMS Version 5.3) Compiler Type; Base Target AN/UYK-43 (single epu) (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 610425W1.11142 Compiler Name: AFCAS 1750A Ada Compiler, Version 1.0 * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Host: VAXstabon 3100 (under VMS Version 5.3) Compiler Type: Base

Target Air Force RAID MIL-STD-1750A simulator (bare machine Validation Certificate # : 01 0626S1 .11173 simulation, executing on the Host) Compiler Name: Ada/L, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE) Host VAX 8550 (under VMS Version 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Air Force Target AN/UYK-43 (EMR) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 4/16/02 * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy Validation Certificate #: 010425W1.11142 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name: AFCAS 1750A Ada Compiler, Version 1.1 Validation Certificate #; 010626S1.11174 Host: DEC VAXstabon 3100 (under VMS Version 5.4) Compiler Name; Ada/M, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE) Target Air Force RAID MIL-STD-1750A simulator (bare machine Host VAX 8550 (under VMS Version 5.3) simulation, executing on the Host) Target; AN/UYK-44 (EMR) (bare machine)

* Compiler Vendor: U.S. Air Force * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type; Base

Validation Certificate #: 010425W1.11143 Validation Certificate # : 01 0626S1 .11175 Compiler Name: AFCAS 1750A/XMEM Ada Compiler, Version 1.0 Compiler Name: Ada/M, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE) Host: VAXstation 3100 (under VMS Version 5.3) Host VAX 8550 (under VMS Version 5.3) Target Air Force RAID MIL-STD-1750A simulator (bare machine Target AN/AYK-14 (bare machine) simuledion, executing on the Host) * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Air Force Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 010626S1.11176 Date of Validation by Registration; 4/16/02 Compiler Name: Ada/L, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE) Validation Certificate #: 010425W1.11143 (BASE) Host VAX-1 1/785 (under VMS Version 5.3) Compiler Name; AFCAS 1750A/XMEM Ada Compiler, Version 1.1 Target: AN/UYK-43 (single epu) (bare machine) Host DEC VAXstation 3100 (under VMS Version 5.4) Target Air Force RAID MIL-STD-1750A simulator (bare machine * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy simulation, executing on the Host) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 010626S1 .11177 Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Compiler Name: Ada/L, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE)

Address; U.S. Navy NAVSEA 01 W5 Host VAX-1 1 /785 (under VMS Version 5.3) City: Washington Target AN/UYK-43 (EMR) (bare machine) State: DC Zip Code: 20362-5101 * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy

Contact Name: Bill Wilder Compiler Type: Base Phone: (703) 602-8204 Validation Certificate #; 010626S1.11178 E-mail: [email protected] Compiler Name: Ada/M, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE)

Host VAX-1 1 /785 (under VMS Version 5.3) * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy Target AN/UYK-44 (EMR) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Base * Validation Certificate # : 01 051 7S1 .1 1 1 62 Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy Compiler Name: AdaVAX, Version 5.0 (/OPTIMIZE) Compiler Type; Base

Host VAX 8600 (under VMS Version 5.3) Validation Certificate # ; 01 0626S1 .1 1 1 70 Target Same as Host Compiler Name: Ada/M, Version 4.0 (/OPTIMIZE)

Host VAX-1 1 /785 (under VMS Version 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Target /Vvl/AYK-14 (bare machine) Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 010517S1.11163 * Compiler Vendor: U.S. Navy Compiler Name: AdaVAX. Version 5.0 (/NO_OPTlMlZE) Compiler Type: Base Host VAX 8600 (under VMS Version 5.3)~ Validation Certificate #: 02001 8S1 .1 1 270 Target: Same as Host Compiler Nanoe: AdaVAX, Version 5.5 (/OPTIMIZE) Host VAXstation 4000 (under VMS Version 5.5) * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Base

Validation Certificate # ; 01051 7S1 .11164 Compiler Name; AdaVAX. Version 5.0 (/OPTIMIZE) Host VAX-1 1/785 (under VMS Version 5.3) Target Same as Host

2-63 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor; U.S. t^vy * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 92091 8S1 .11271 Validation Certificate #: 000228W1.11001 Compiler Name; AdaVAX, Version 5.5 (/NO_OPTIMIZE) Compiler Name; VAda-1 10-61 61, Version 6.0.2 Host; VAXstation 4000 (under VMS Version 5.5) Host DECstation 3100 (under ULTRIX 3.1) Target Same as Host Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy * Compiler Vertdor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Base Compiler Type; Derived

Validation Certificate # ; 92091 8S1 .1 1 272 Date of Validation by Registration: 7/25/90 Compiler Name; Ada/M, Version 4.5 (/OPTIMIZE) Validation Certificate #: 900228W1.11001 (BASE) Host VAX Cluster (comprising VAX 8550, 8600, & 8650 machines) Compiler NatTre: VAda-1 10-61 61, Version 6.0.2

(under VMS Version 5.3) Host DECstation 2100, 5000; DECsystem 5400, 581 0, 5820, 5830, Target; Enhanced Processor (EP) AN/UYK-44 (bve machine) 5840 (under ULTRIX 3.1) Target Any Host * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy Compiler Type; Base * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #; 92091 8S1 .11 273 Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Name; Ada/M, Version 4.5 (/OPTIMIZE) Date of Validation by Registration; 4/17/91 Host VAX Cluster (comprising VAX 8550, 8600, & 8650 machines) Validation Certificate #: 900228W1.11001 (BASE) (under VMS Version 5.3) Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC, UKrix 4.0, VAda-1 10^1 61, Ver 6.0 Target; VHSIC Processor Module (VPM) AN/AYK-14 (bare machine) Host DECstation 21 00, 31 00, 5000 & 5200; and DECsystem 3100, 5000, 5100, 5200, 5400, 5500, 5810, 5820, 5830 & 5840 * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy (under ULTRIX 4.0) Compiler Type; Base Target Any Host Validation Certificate #; 92091 8S1 .11 274 Compiler Name; Ada/M, Version 4.5 (/NO_OPTlMIZE) * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Host VAX Cluster (comprising VAX 8550, 8600, & 8650 machines) Compiler Type; Derived (under VMS Version 5.3) Date of Validedion by Registration: 5/30/91 Target Enhanced Processor (EP) AN/UYK-44 (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 900228W1 .11001 (BASE)

Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC, Ultrix 4.1 , VAda-1 10-61 61 , Ver 6.0 * Compiler Vendor; U.S. Navy Host: DECstation 21 00. 31 00. 5000 & 5200; and DECsystem 31 00, Compiler Type: Base 5000, 5100, 5200, 5400, 5500, 5810, 5820, 5830 & 5840 Validation Certificate #: 92091 8S1 .11275 (under ULTRIX 4.1) Compiler Name: Ada/M, Version 4.5 (/NO_OPTIMIZE) Target Any Host Host: VAX Cluster (comprising VAX 8550, 8600, & 8650 machines) (under VMS Version 5.3) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target; VHSIC Processor Module (VPM) AN/AYK-14 (bare machine) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 7/31/91 Compiler Vendor: UNISYS Corporation Validation Certificate #: 900228W1.11001 (BASE) Address: 506 Highway 85 North Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC. Ultrix 4.2, VAda-1 1061 61. Ver 6.0 City: Niceville Host DECstation 21 00. 31 00. 5000 & 5200; DECsystem 31 00, 5000, State: FL 5100, 5200, 5400, 5500, 5810, 5820. 5830 & 5840 (under Ultrix Zip Code: 32578 4.2) Contact Name: Joseph Kovach Tcuget Any Host Phone: (904) 678-4217 E-mail: (No e-mail address given) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor; UNISYS Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 11/10/93 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 900228W1.11001 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; .11 10-6161 6.0, 6.1 & 6.2 91 051 0S1 161 Compiler Name: VADS DEC-RISC, VAda-1 . Ver ,

Compiler Name: UCS Ada, Version 1 R1 hlost Digitiai Equipment Corp. DECstation & DECsystem series of

Host; UNISYS 2200/600 (under OS1 1 00, Version 43R2) MIPS-basedcomputers (under ULTRIX 3.1 , 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, &4.3) Target Same as Host Target Any Host

* Compiler Vendor; UNISYS Corporation * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base

Date of Validation by Registration: 8/29/91 Validation Certificate # ; 000228W1 .11002 Validation Certificate #: 91 051 0S1 .11 161 (BASE) Compiler Name: VAda-1 10-0202, Version 6.0 Compiler Name: UCS Ada, Version 1R1 Host VAXsystem 3100 (under ULTRIX 3.1) Host UNISYS 1 1 00/90, 2200/1 00, /200, /400, /600, & /900 (under OS Target Same as Host 1100, Versions 43R2 & 43R3, as supported) Target: Any Host * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 4/17/91 Address: (Verdix Ada products are now RrdioneU) Validation Certificate #: 900228W1 .11002 (BASE) Rational Software Corporation Compiler Name; VAda-1 10-0202, Version 6.0 1600 NW Compton Drive, Suite 357 Host DEC VAX-11, MicroVAX, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAX 6000, City; Aloha VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 series (under ULTRIX 4.0) State: OR Target Any Host Zip Code; 97006 Contact Name: Ben Priest

Phone; (503) 690-1 1 1 6, ext. 6703 E-mail: [email protected]

2-64 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compilar Vendor; V«rdix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa: Oarivad Compilar Typa: Darivad Data of Validation by Registration; 6/2B/9^ Data of Validation by Registration; 6/18/01 Validation Cartificata #: e00228W1 .11002 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 000510W1 .11007 (BASE) Compilar Nama: VAda-1 10-0202, Varsion 0.0 Compiler Nama: VADS Sun3 SunOS = > 68K, VAda-1 10-13125. Var 6.0

Host DEC VAX-11, VAXsarvar, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Host Sun-3/50. /60. /80, /1 50. /1 60. /260. /280. /470 4 /480 (under VAX 8000 & VAX 0000 Sar of computers (under ULTRIX 4.2) SunOS 4.0 4 4.1)

Target Any Host Target Cyclone CVME 44. CVME 46 4 CVME 48; Force CPU 21 . CPU 20. CPU 30. CPU 31. CPU 32. CPU 37 4 Golden Triangle Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Firepower; Haurikon HK68/V30 Series, V2E Series 4 V2F Compilar Type; Base Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, Validation Certificate #; 000510W1 .11003 VME68225 4 Liberator SBC; ktatrix MS-CPU220 4 Compiler Nama; VAOS Sun3 SunOS. VAda-1 10-1 31 3, Varsion 6.0 MSCPU320; Mizar MZ7120. MZ7122. MZ7124, MZ7130. Host Sun 3/280 (urKier SunOS 4.0) MZ8120, MZ8130;Sun Microsystems 3E Board Set Motorola Targat Same as Host MVME147 Series 4 MVME141 (MC68030). MVME133 Series. MVME134. MVME135. 4 MVME136 (MC68020), MVME110. Compiler Vertdor: Verdix Corporation MVME165 4 MVME167; Tadpole TP32V 4 TP33M (bare Compiler Type: Derived machines) Date of Validation by Registration; 6/18/01 Validation Certificate #: 00051 0W1 .11 003 (BASE) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation

Compiler Nama; VADS Sun-3 Sun OS. VAda-1 10-1 31 3, Varsion 6.0 Compiler Type: Base

Host Sun-3/50. /60. /80. /1 50. /1 60. /260, /280, /470 & /480 (under Validation Certificate #; 000726W1 .11017 SunOS 4.0 & 4.1) Compiler Name; VADS IBM RISC System/6000. AIX 3.1. Target: Any Host machine (under same OS version) VAda-1 10-71 71. Version 6.0 Host IBM RISC System/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.1) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Target Same as Host Compilar Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 000510W1 .11004 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Nama: VAOS IBM PS/2 AIX = > Intel 80386. VAda-1 10-35315. Compiler Type: Derived Version 6.0 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/1/01

Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under AIX 1 .1) Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11017 (BASE) Target Intel iSBC 386/12 (bare machine) Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000. AIX 3.1. VAda-1 10-71 71, Version 6.0 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Host: IBM RISC System/6000 Models 320, 520. 540. 730 4 030 Compiler Type: Base (under AIX 3.1)

Validation Certificate # : 00051 0W1 .1 1 005 Target Any Host Compiler Nama: VADS IBM PS/2 AIX => 68K. VAda-1 10-351 25. V 6.0

Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under AIX 1 .1) Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target Motorola MVME133A-20 (MC68020) (bare machine) Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/02 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11017 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000. AIX 3.1.

Validation Certificate # ; 00051 0W1 .11006 V/^-1 10-7171, Version 6.0 Compilar Name; VADS Sun-4 SunOS, V/^-1 10-4040, Version 6.0 Host IBM RISC System/6000 Models 220. 320. 320H. 340, 350, 520. Host Sun 4/280 (under SunOS 4.0) 520H. 530H. 540. 550. 560, 730. 030. 4 050 (under /VX 3.2) Target: Same as Host Target Any Host

Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compilar Typa; Darivad Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 11/16/00 Date of Validation by Registration: 11/10/03 Validation Certificate #: 00051 0W1 .11 006 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11017 (BASE) Compiler Name: VAda-1 10-4040, Version 6.0 Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000. VAda-1 10-71 71.

Host Sun-4/20. /65. /1 1 0. /1 50 4 /260; SPARCserver 31 0. 330, 370, Versions 6.0, 6.1 , 4 6.2

300, 470 4 400; SPARCstation SLC, 1 . 1 -f. 2. 310, 330 4 370; Host IMB RISC System/6000 ser of computers (urtder AIX 3.1 4 3.2)

and SPARCangine 1 VME (under SunOS 4.1) Target Any Host Target; Any Host Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate # : 000726W1 .11018 VAda-1 10-1 51 Validation Certificate # : 00051 0W1 .1 1 007 Compiler Name: VADS HP 0000/300. HP-UX 7.0. 5,

Compiler Name: VADS Sun3 SunOS = > 68K. VAda-1 1 0-1 31 25. Ver 6.0 Version 6.0 Host Sun 3/280 (under SunOS 4.0) Host HP 0000/350 (under HP-UX 7.0) Target: Motorola MVME147 (MC68030) (bare machine) Target Same as Host

Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 4/16/01 Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11018 (BASE) Compiler Name; VADS HP 0000/300, HP-UX 7.0. VAda-1 10-1 51 5. Version 6.0 Host HP 0000 Series 300 Models 310. 320. 330. 340, 350, 360 4 370 (under HP-UX 7.0) Target /Viy Host

2-65 .

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived

Validation Certificate # : 900726W1 .11019 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/3/92

Compiler Name: VAOS Prime EXL/320. UNIX System V/386 3.2. Validation Certificate #; 900726W1 .1 1 022 (BASE) VAda-1 10-3232, Version 6.0 Compile Name: VADS VAX/VMS=>lntel 386, VMS 5.3, Host Prime EXL/320 (under UNIX System V/386 3.2) VAda-1 10-0331 5, Version 6.0 Target SarrM as Host Host DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, V/0(station, MicroVAX. VAX 6000, V/0( 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.3) Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target: Intel iSBC 386/32 (bare machine) Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11020 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Name: VAOS VAX/VMS 5.2, VAda-1 10-0303, Version 6.0 Compiler Type; Base Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VAX/VMS V5.2) Validation Certificate #: 900726W1.11023 Target Sarrte as Host Compiler Name; VADS VAX/Ultrix=>68k. UKrix 3.1, VAda-1 10-021 25, Version 6.0 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host MicroVAX 3100 (under Ultrix 3.1) Compiler Type: Derived Target Tektronix MV System, MV 68020 Support System, using Date of Validation by Registration; 2/3/82 TekDB Version 5.0.2 emulatio Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11020 (BASE) Compiler Name; VAOS VAX/VMS 5.3, VAda-1 10-0303, Version 6.0 * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Compiler Type: Derived VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.3) Date of Validation by Registration; 5/30/91 Target: Any Host Validation Certificate #: 900726W1 .11023 (BASE) Compiler Name: VADS VAXAJLTRIX => 68K. ULTRIX 3.1, Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation VAda-1 10^)21 25. Version 6.0 Compiler Type; Derived Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Date of Validation by Registration; 11/12/93 V/\X 8000 & V/VX 9000 Series of computers (under Ultrix 3.1)

Validation Certificate #; 900726W1.11020 (BASE) Target Cyclone CVME 44. CVME 46 & CVME 48; Force CPU 21 , CPU Compiler Name; VADS VAX/VMS 5.2, VAda-1 10-0303, Ver 6.0 & 6.2 29. CPU 30, CPU 31. CPU 32, CPU 37 & Golden Triangle Host DEC VAX-11, MicroVAX. VAXserver, VAXstation, and VAX Firepovtrer; Heurikon HK68/V30 Series, V2E Series & V2F 6000, 8000, & 9000 series of computers (under VMS 5.0, 5.2, Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, & 5.3) VME68225 & Liberator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & Target Any Host MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120. MZ7122, MZ7124. MZ7130. MZ8120, MZ8130;Sun Microsystems 3E Board Set Motorola Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation MVME147 Series & MVME141 (MC68030). MVME133 Series, Compiler Type; Base MVME134. & MVME135 (MC68020); Tadpole TP32V&TP33M Validation Certificate #; 000726W1.11021 (bare machines); Tektronix MV System, MV68020 Support Compiler Name: VADS V/068k, VMS 5.2, VAda-1 10-03125, System using TekDB Version 5.0.2 emulation software (bare Version 6.0 machirte simulation) Host MicroVAX 31 00 (under VAX/VMS V5.2) Target: Motorola MVME147 (MC68030) (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 11/23/93 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 900726W1.11023 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 4/22/91 Compiler Name: VADS VAX/ULTRIX= >68K. ULTRIX 3.1, Validation Certificate #: 900726W1.11021 (BASE) VAda-1 10-02125, Version 6.0 Compiler Name: VADS VAX/VMS = > 88K. VMS 5.2, VAda-1 10-03125, Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Version 6.0 VAX 8000, & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under Ultrix 4.0, Host; DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000, 4.1, & 4.2) VAX 8000 & VAX 9000 Series of computers Force 30, CPU 31 (under VMS 5.2) Target Cyclone CVME 48; CPU 21 , CPU 29. CPU

Target Cyclone CVME 44. CVME 46 & CVME 48; Force CPU 21 . CPU CPU 32. CPU 37; Heurikon HK68A/2Fb Series, HK68/V30 29. CPU 30, CPU 31. CPU 32. CPU 37 & Golden Triangle Series. & HK68/V3E Series; Mabix MS-CPU220. MS-CPU320. Firepower; Heurikon HK68/V30 Series, V2E Series & V2F & MS-CPU330; Mizar MZ7122, MZ7124, MZ7130. MZ8120. Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, MZ8130; Motorola MVME147 Series & MVME141 (MC68030), VME68225 & Liberator SBC; Matrix MSCPU220 & MVME133 Series, MVME134, MVME135. &MVME147 Series; MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120. M27122, MZ7124, MZ7130, Radstone CPU-2A; SBE VCOM-24; Tadpole TP32V; & MZ8120. MZ8130;Sun Microsystems 3E Board Set; Motorola Tektronix MV System, MV68020 Support System using TekDB MVME147 Series & MVME141 (MC68030). MVME133 Series. Version 5.0.2 emulation softwrare (bare machine simulation) MVME134, MVME135, & MVME136 (MC68020). MVME165 (bare machines) &MVME167; Tadpole TP32V & TP33M (bwe machines) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 900726VV1 .1 1 024

Validation Certificate #: 900726W1 .1 1 022 Compiler Name: VADS DEC-RISK=>68k, Ultrix 3.1, VAda-1 10-61 125, Compiler Name; VADS VAX/VMS=>lntel 386, VMS 5.2, Version 6.0

VAda-1 10-0331 5. Version 6.0 Host DECstation 3100 (under Ultrix 3.1) Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VAX/VMS V5.2) Target Motorola MVME147 (MC68030) (bare machine) Target: Intel iSBC 386/32 (bare machine)

2-66 , ..

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

' Compiler Vendor: V*rdix Corporation Compilar Vartdor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad Compilar Typa; Darivad Data of Validation by Ragistration: AlZZtO^ Data of Validation by Ragistration; 12/1/03 Validation Cartificata #; 000720W1.11024 (BASE) Validation Cartificata #: e00726W1 .11025 (BASE)

Compilar Nama; VAOS DEC-RISC = > 68K. UHrix 4.0, VAda-1 10-61125, Compilar Nama: VADS VAX/VMS= >68K, VAda-1 1 0-031 25. V 6.0 4 6.2 Varsion 6.0 Host DEC VAX-11. VAXsarvar, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Host DECstation 2100, 3100, 5000 & 5200; and DECsystam 3100, VAX 8000, VAX 0000 Sarias of computers (under VMS 5.0, 5.2, 5000, 5100, 5200, 5400, 5500, 5810, 5820, 5830 & 5840 4 5.3) (undar ULTRIX 4.0) Target Cyclone Force 21 CPU 31 CVME 48; CPU . CPU 20, 30. CPU

Targat: Cyclona CVME 44, CVME 46 & CVME 48; Forca CPU 21 , CPU CPU 32. CPU 37; Heurikon HK68A/2Fb Series, HK68/V30 20, CPU 30, CPU 31, CPU 32, CPU 37 & Goldan Triangla Sarias. HK68/V3E Sarias; Matrix MS-CPU220. MS-CPU320. 4 Firapowar; Haurikon HK68/V30 Sarias, V2E Sarias & V2F MS-CPU330; Mizar MZ7122. MZ7124. MZ7130. MZ8120. 4 Sarias; Intagratad Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, MZ8130; Motorola MVME133 Sarias. MVME134. MVME135. VME68225 & Ubarator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & 4 MVME147 Sarias; Radstona CPU-2A; 4 Tadpole TP32V MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120, MZ7122, MZ7124, MZ7130, (bara nnachina) MZ8120, MZ8130;Sun Microsystams 3E Board Sat; Motorola MVME147 Sarias (MCe8030), MVME133 Sarias, MVME134 & Compilar VarKlor: Vardix Corporation MVME135 (MC68020); Tadpola TP32V & TPOSM (bara Compilar Typa: Derived machinas) Date of Validation by Registration; 12/1/03 Validation Certificata #: 000726W1 .11025 (BASE) Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Nama: VAOS IBM RISC Systam/6000=>68K, Compilar Typa; Darivad VAda-1 10-71 125, Versions 6.0, 6.1, 4 6.2 Data of Validation by Registration: 11/23/03 Host: IBM RISC System/6000 series of computers (under /MX 3.1 4 Validation Certificata #; 000726W1.11024 (BASE) 3.2) Compilar = Ultrix 3.1 VAda-1 10-61125, Target Cyclone 48; Force 20. CPU CPU Name; VADS DEC-RISC >68K, , CVME CPU 21 , CPU 30. 31 Versions 6.1 6.2 CPU 32. CPU 37; Heurikon HK68/V2Fb Sarias. HK68/V30 6.0, , Host: Digital Equipment Corp. DECstation & DECsystem series of Series. HK68/V3E Series; Matrix MS-CPU220. MS-CPU320, 4

MIPS-based computers (under ULTRIX 3.1 , 4.0, 4.1 , 4.2, & 4.3) MS-CPU330; Mizar MZ7122. MZ7124. MZ7130, MZ8120. 4

Target; Cyclone CVME 48; Forca CPU 21 , CPU 20, CPU 30, CPU 31 MZ8130; Motorola MVME133 Sarias, MVME134, MVME135. 4 CPU 32, CPU 37; Heurikon HK68/V2Fb Series, HK68/V30 MVME147 Series; Radstona CPU-2A; 4 Tadpole TP32V (bara Series, & HK68/V3E Series; Matrix MS<:PU220, MS-CPU320, machine) & MS<:PU330; Mizar MZ7122, MZ7124, MZ7130, MZ8120, MZ8130; Motorola MVME147 Sarias & MVME141 (MC68030), Compilar Vendor; Verdix Corporation MVME133 Series, MVME134, MVME135, &MVME147 Series; Compiler Type: Derived Radstona CPU-2A; SBE VCOM-24; & Tadpole TP32V (bare Date of Validation by Registration: 2/3/92 machines) Validation Certificate #; e00726W1 .11026 (BASE) Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000=>386, AIX 3.1,

Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation VAda-1 10-71 31 5. Version 6.0 Compiler Typa: Base Host IBM RISC System/6000 Models 320, 520, 540, 730 4 030

Validation Certificata # : 000726W1 .1 1 025 (under AIX 3.1) Compilar Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000 =>68k, AIX 3.1, Target Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare machine) VAda-1 10-71 125, Version 6.0 Host: IBM RISC System/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.1) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Target: Motorola MVME147 (MC68030) (bare machine) Compilar Typa: Derived Data of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.11026 (BASE) Compiler Typa; Derived Compilar Nama: VAOS IBM RISC System/6000=>386. AIX 3.1,

Data of Validation by Registration: 12/1/01 VAda-1 10-71 31 5. Varsion 6.0 Validation Certificata #: 900726W1.11025 (BASE) Host IBM RISC Systam/6000 Models 220, 320, 320H. 340, 350, 520, Compilar Nama; VADS IBM RISC System/6000=>68K. AIX 3.1, 520H, 530H. 540, 550, 560, 730, 030, 4 050 (undar AIX 3.2) VAda-1 10-71 125, Version 6.0 Target Intel iSBC 486/125 (bare machine) Host: IBM RISC System/6000 Models 320, 520, 540, 730 & 030 (under AIX 3.1) Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target: Cyclona CVME 44, 46 Force 21 Compilar Type: Derived CVME & CVME 48; CPU , CPU 20, CPU 30. CPU 31, CPU 32. CPU 37 & Golden Triangle Date of Validation by Registration: 11/23/03 Firepower; Heurikon HK68/V30 Series, V2E Series & V2F Validation Certificate #: 000726W1.110e7 (BASE) Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20. VME68K30. Compiler Nama: VADS Sun4 => 68K. SunOS 4.0, VAda-1 10-401 25, VME68225 & Liberator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & Version 6.0 4 6.2 MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120. MZ7122. MZ7124. MZ7130, Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, 4 SPARCserver

MZ8120, MZ8130;Sun Microsystenrs 3E Board Sat; Motorola computer families (undar SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , 4 4.2) 30. CPU 31 MVME133 Sarias. MVME134. MVME135. & MVME147 Sarias; Targat; Cyclona CVME 48; Forca CPU 21 . CPU 29. CPU & Tadpola TP32V & TP33M (bara machines) CPU 32. CPU 37; Haurikon HK68/V2Fb Sarias. HK68/V30 Sarias. HK68/V3E Series; Matrix MS-CPU220, MS-CPU320. 4 Compiler Vandor; Verdix Corporation MS-CPU330; Mizar MZ7122. MZ7124. MZ7130, MZ8120. 4 Compiler Typa: Base MZ8130; Motorola MVME133 Series, MVME134, MVME135. 4 Validation Certificate #; 000726W1.11026 MVME147 Series; Radstona CPU-2A; 4 Tadpole TP32V Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000=>386, AIX 3.1,

VAda-1 10-71 31 5. Version 6.0 Compiler Vandor: Verdix Corporation Host: IBM RISC System/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.1) Compiler Type: Base Target Intel iSBC 386/116 (bare machine) Validation Cartificata #: 001 120W1 .11004 Compiler Name: VADS VAX/VMS 5.2 => Intel 80386/ 3167,

V/Vda-1 10-0331 5. Version 6.0 Host MicroV/U( 3100 (under VMS Varsion 5.2) Target Intel iSBC 386/116 using a WEITEK 3167 fpu (bare machine)

2-67 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiiar Vendor: Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 2/3/02 Date of Validation by Registration: 6/18/61

Validation Certificate #: 0011 20W1 .11 004 (BASE) Validation Certificate # ; 601 1 20W1 .11007 (BASE) Compiler Name; VAOS VAX/VMS 5.3 => Intel 8038e/WEITEK 3167, Compiler Name; VADS Sun4 => 68K. Sun OS 4.0, VAda-1 10-401 25, VAda-1 10-03315, Version 6.0 Version 6.0 Host; DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX, VAX 6000, Host Sun-4/20, /65. /1 1 0 & /1 50; SPARCserver 330, 370, 360, 470 V/VX 8000 & VAX 0000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.3) & 400; SPARCstation SLC, 1. l-h, 2, 330 & 370; and

Target; Intel iSBC 386/1 1 6 using a WEITEK 31 67 fpu (bare machine) SPARCengine 1 VME (under SunOS 4.1)

Target Cyclone CVME 44, CVME 46 & CVME 48; Force CPU 21 , CPU Compiler Verulor: Verdix Corporation 20, CPU 30. CPU 31, CPU 32, CPU 37 & Golden Triangle Compiler Type: Base Firepower; Heurikon HK68/V30 Series, V2E Series & V2F Validation Certificate #; 001120W1.11005 Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, Compiler Name; VADS UNIX System V/386. Rel. 4. VAda-1 10-3232, VME68225 & Liberator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & Version 6.0 MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120. MZ7122. MZ7124. MZ7130. Host; Intel 302 System (under UNIX System V/386, Release 4) MZ8120. MZ8130;Sun Microsystems 3E Board Set; Motorola

1 Target; Same as Host MVME1 0 (MC68000) . MVME1 33 Series.MVMEI 34, MVME1 35 & MVME136 (MC6S020), MVME147 Series & MVME141 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation (MC68030). MVME165 & MVME167 (MC68040); & Tadpole Compiler Type: Derived TP32V & TP33M (bare machines) Date of Validation by Registration; 4/30/02 * Validation Certificate # ; 001 1 20W1 .11005 (BASE) Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Name; VADS UNIX System V/486. Rel. 4. VAda-1 10-3232, Compiler Type: Derived Version 6.0 Date of Validation by Registration; 10/6/02 Host: NCR 3000, 3320, 3335, 3345, 3445, 3447, 3450, & 3550 Validation Certificate #: 001120W1.11007 (BASE) (under UNIX System V/486, Release 4) Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 => 68K, Sun OS 4.1, VAda-1 10-401 25, Target: Any Host Version 6.0 Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCstation, & Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation SPARCengine computer families (under SunOS 4.1)

Compiler Type; Derived Target Cyclone CVME 44. CVME 46 & CVME 48; Force CPU 21 . CPU Date of Validation by Registration: 8/20/02 26. CPU 30, CPU 31, CPU 32. CPU 37 & Golden Triangle Validation Certificate #; 001120W1.11095 (BASE) Firepower; Heurikon HK68/V30 Series, /V2E Series & /V2F Compiler Name; VADS UNIX System V/486. Rel.4. VAda-1 10-3232, Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, Version 6.0 VME68225 & Liberator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & Host: NCR 3000, 3320, 3335, 3345, 3445, 3447, 3450, & 3550 MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120. M27122. MZ7124, MZ7130. (under NCR UNIX System V, Release 4.0); AST Premium MZ8120. MZ8130. & CPU330;Motorola MVME133 Series, 486/33 (under UNIX System V/486, Release 4.0) MVME134, MVME135, & MVME147 Series; Sun Microsystems Target; Any Host 3E Board Set & Tadpole Technology TP32V & TP33M (bare machines) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration; 11/17/63 Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 601129W1.11065 (BASE) Date of Validation by Registration: 6/18/61 Compiler Name: VADS UNIX System V/386/486, VAda-1 10-3232, Validation Certificate #: 601129W1.11098 (BASE)

Versions 6.0, 6.1 , & 6.2 Compiler Name: VADS Sun-4 = > Sun-3, Sun OS 4.0, VAda-1 1 0-401 3, Host: Any computer that executes the Intel 80386 or 80486 Version 6.0

instruction set (under NCR UNIX System V Release 4.0, UNIX Host Sun-4/20, /65, /1 1 0. /1 50. /260 & /280: SPARCserver 330, 370, 1 System V/486 Release 4.0, 486 SunSoft Interactive UNIX 360, 470 & 400; SPARCstation SLC. 1 . -I-. 2. 330 & 370; and

Release 4.0, 486 Interactive UNIX Release 3.01 R3.2) SPARCengine 1 VME (under SunOS 4.1)

Target: Same as Host Target Sun-3/50. /60. /80. /1 50. /1 60. /260. /280. /470 & /480 (under SunOS 4.1) Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Base * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation

Validation Certificate # : 001 1 26W1 .1 1 066 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: VADS Sequent Balance DYNIXV3.0, V/Vda-1 10-2323, Vedidation Certificate #: 001120W1.11090

Version 6.0 Compiler Name: VAOS AT&T 3B2/600G UNIX System V. Release 322 . Host: Sequent Balance 10-51 8000 (under DYNIX Version 3.0) VAda-1 51 , Version 6.0 Target: Sarrre as Host Host AT&T 3B2/600G (under UNIX System V. Release 3.2.2) Target Same as Host Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #; OO1126W1.11O07 Compiler Type: Base

Compiler Name: V/U3S Sun4 => 68K. Sun OS 4.0, VAda-1 10-401 25, Validation Certificate # ; 0011 29W1 .11100 Version 6.0 Compiler => Name: VADS HP-6000/300 68K, HP-UX 7.0 . Host Sun-4/260 (under SunOS 4.0) VAda-1 10-1 51 25, Version 6.0 Target: Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare machine) Host HP 6000 Model 350 (under HP-UX 7.0) Target Motorola MVME133A (68020) (bare machine) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: OO1120W1.11OO8

Compiler Name: VAOS Sun-4 => Sun-3. Sun OS 4.0, V/\da-1 10-401 3, Version 6.0 Host Sun-4/260 (under SunOS 4.0) Target Sun-3/260 (under SunOS 4.0)

2-68 , )

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 4/16/01 Date of Validation by Registrabon; 3/30/92 Validation Certificate #; OOliaOWI.IIlOO (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 901129W1.11101 (BASE) Compiler Name; VAOS HP-OOOO/SOO => 68K. HP-UX 7.0, Compiler Name; VADS BCS/88K. VAda-1 10-8080, Version 6.1

VAda-110-15125, Version 6.0 Delta all models (under Unix Host Motorola 8000 Series (MC88000) , Host; HP 0000 Series 300 Models 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360 & System V/88, R32V3) 370 (under HP-UX 7.0) Target Any Host

Target Cyclone 44, CVME 46 & CVME 46 . Force CPU 21 CVME , CPU 20, CPU 30, CPU 31, CPU 32, CPU 37 & Golden Triangle * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Firepower; Heurikon HK68/V30 Series, V2E Series & V2F Compiler Type; Derived Series; Integrated Solutions VME68K20, VME68K30, Date of Validation by Registration; 2/28/94 VME68225 & Uberator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & Validation Certificate #; 901129W1.11101 (BASE) MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7120, MZ7122, MZ7124, MZ7130, Compiler Name; VADS BCS/88K, AViion DGUX 4.3, VAda-1 10-8080, MZ8120, MZ8130;Sun Microsystems 3E Board Set; Motorola Versions 6.1 & 6Z MVME147 Series (MC68030), MVME133 Series, MVME134 & Host Data General AViiON computer series (under DG/UX 4.3 & 5.4) MVME135 (MC68020); Tadpole TP32V & TP33M (bare Target Any Host machines) * Compiler VeiHlor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Base

Compiler Type; Derived Validation Certificate # ; 901 1 20W1 .11102 Date of Validation by Regisbation; 11/24/03 Compiler Name; VADS Sun4 => SPARC, Sun OS 4.1, Validation Certificate #; 001120W1.11100 (BASE) VAda-1 10-40440, Version 6.0 Compiler Name; VADS HP-0000/300 = > 68K, VAda-1 10-15125, Ver 6.0 Host Sun-4/400 (under SunOS 4.1) Host; Hewlett-Packard HP 0000 Series 300 (under HP-UX 7.0 & 8.0) Target; SPARCengine 1 E (bare machine)

Target; Cyclone CVME 48; Force CPU 21 , CPU 20, CPU 30, CPU 31 CPU 32, CPU 37; Heurikon HK68/V2Fb Series, HK68/V30 * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Series, HK68/V3E Series; Matrix MS-CPU220, MS-CPU320, & Compiler Type; Derived MS-CPU330; Mizar MZ7122, MZ7124, MZ7130, MZ8120, & Date of Validation by Registration; 6/18/01 MZ8130; Motorola MVME133 Series, MVME134, MVME135, & Validation Certificate #; 001129W1.11102 (BASE)

MVME147 Series; Radstone CPU-2A; & Tadpole TP32V Compiler Name; VADS Sun4= >SPARC, Sun OS 4.1 , VAda-1 10-40440, Version 6.0

Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Host Sun-4/20, /65, /1 1 0, /1 50 & /260; SPARCsenrer 330, 370, 300, Compiler Type; Base 470 & 400; and SPARCstation SLC, 1, 14, 2, 330 & 370 Validation Certificate #; 001120W1.11101 (under SunOS 4.1) Compiler Name; VADS BCS/88K, AViion DGUX 4.3, VAda-1 10-8080, Target; SPARCengine IE (bare machine) Version 6.1 Host; Data General AViiON Model 5120 (under DG/UX 4.3) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target; Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 11/24/03 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #: 001120W1.11102 (BASE)

Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Name: VADS Sun4= >SPARC. Sun OS4.1 , VAda-1 10-40440, Date of Validation by Registration; 7/31/91 Version 6.0 & 6.1 Validation Certificate #; 001129W1.11101 (BASE) Host Sun Microsystem Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCsenrer Compiler Name; VADS BCS/88K. AViion VAda-1 10-8080, families (under 4.0, 4.1 4.2) DGUX 4.3, computer SunOS , & Version 6.1 Target SPARCengine IE & Ironies IV-SPARC-33A (bare machirres) Host DG AViiON Models 4000, 4000GHI, 4020, 4100, 4120, 5010, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5300, 5310, 5400, 5402, 5410, 5412, 6200 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation & 6220 (under DGAJX 4.3) Compiler Type: Base Target; Any Host Validation Certificate #: 01 051 7W1 .11 140 Compiler Name; VADS Sun-3 SunOS => 68k, VAda-1 10-13140, Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Version 6.0 Compiler Type; Derived Host Sun 3/260 (under SunOS Release 4.0) Date of Validation by Registration; 8/28/01 Target: Motorola MVME165 (68040) (bare machine) Validation Certificate #; 901129W1.11101 (BASE) Compiler Name; VAOS BCS/88K AViion DGUX 5.4, VAda-1 10-8080, * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Version 6.1 Compiler Type; Derived Host Data General AViiON Models 4000, 4000GHI, 4020, 4100, Date of Validation by Registration: 2/4/02 4120, 5010, 5200, 5220, 5240, 5300, 5310, 5400, 5402, 5410, Validation Certificate #: 01 051 7W1 .11 140 (BASE) 5412, 6200 & 6220; MODCOMP Real Star Family (under Compiler Name: VADS Sun-3 SunOS => 68k, VAda-1 10-1 31 40, DG/UX 5.4) Version 6.0 Target Any Host Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer family (under SunOS 4.1 Target Motorola MVME 165 (MC68040) (bare machine) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration; 2/3/92 Compiler Type; Base

Validation Certificate #; 901129VV1.11101 (BASE) Validation Certificate # ; 01 051 7W1 .1 1 1 50 Compiler Name; VADS BCS/88K, VAda-1 10-8080, Version 6.1 Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC => MIPS R3000. VAda-1 10-61620, Host MODCOMP Real Star Family (under REAL/IX C.0.2) Version 6.1 Target Any Host Host DECstation 5000-200 (under ULTRIX V4.0) Target: Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP (R3000) (bare machine)

2-69 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 2/4/02 Date of Validation by Registration; 11/1 8/03

Validation Certificato # ; 01 051 7W1 .1 1 1 50 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 010517V\/1.11152 (BASE) Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC => MIPS R3000. VAda-1 10-61 620, Compiler Name; VADS Sun-4 SunOS => 68040. VAda-1 10-401 40. Version 6.1 Versions 6.0 & 6.2 Host DECstation & DECsystem computer families (under ULTRIX Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation

4.0) omputer families (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2)

Target; Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP (R3(X>0) (bare machine) Target DY 4 Systems SVME-144; ForceCPU-40 Series/Eagle I; Motorola MVME165. MVME167, MVME167A; PEP Modular Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Computer VM40; and Tadpole TP41V Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 12/21/03 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 150 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base

Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC => MIPSR3000, VAda-1 10-61 620. Validation Certificate # ; 01 051 7W1 .1 1 1 53 Versions 6.1 & 6.2 Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC => 88k. VAda-1 10-61 680, Ver 6.1 Host; DECstation & DECsystem (MIPS-based) computer failles Host DECsUdion 2100 (under ULTRIX V4.0) (under ULTRIX 3.1, 4.0. 4.1. 4.2. & 4.3) Target Motorola MVME 181 (bare machine) Target; Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500; LSI Logic LR33000/LR33050 Pocket Rocket; any MIPS R2000-based & R3000-based computers; Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Omnibyte VR3000; and Pulsar 3000 (bare machine) Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 2/4/02 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 153 (BASE) Compiler Type; Base Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC => 88k, VAda-1 1 0-61 680, Ver 6.1 Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 151 Host; DEC DECstation & DECsystem computer families (under

Compiler Name; VADS VMS => MIPS R3000. VAda-1 1 0-03620. Ver 6.1 ULTRIX 4.0) Host MicroVAX 3600 (under VMS V5.2) Target; Motorola MVME181 (88000) (bare machine) Target; Integrated Device Technology IDT7RS302 (bare machine) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type; Derived Date of Validation by Registration; 1/25/04 Date of Validation by Registration; 2/4/02 Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 153 (BASE) Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 151 (BASE) Compiler Name; VADS DEC-RISC => 88k, VAda-1 10-61 680. Compiler Name; VADS VMS = > MIPS R3000. VAda-1 10-03620. Ver 6.1 Versions 6.1 & 6.2 Host; DEC VAX-11. VAXserver. VAXstation. MicroVAX. VAX 6000. Host DECstation & DECsystem (MIPS-based) computer families VAX 8000 & VAX 0000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.3) (under ULTRIX 3.1. 4.0. 4.1. 4.2, & 4.3) Target; Integrated Device Technology IDT7RS302 (bare machine) Target Hughes Real-time Embedded Ada Processor (REAP) (bare machine) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration; 12/21/03 Compiler Type; Base

Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 151 (BASE) Validation Certificate # ; 01 051 7W1 .11154 Compiler Name; VADS VAX/VMS => MIPS R3000. VAda-1 10-03620. Compiler Name; VADS\Morks Sun4 = > 68k, VAda-1 1 5-40800, Ver 2.0 Versions 6.1 & 6.2 Host Sun 4/20 (under SunOS 4.1.1) Host; DEC VAX-11, VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 6000. Target Motorola MVME147SA (bare machine, using vxWorks 5.0) VAX 8000, & VAX 0000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.0. 5.2. & 5.3) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Target; Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500; LSI Logic LR33000/LR33050 Pocket Compiler Type; Derived Rocket; any MIPS R2000-based & R3000-based computers; Date of Validation by Registration; 2/4/02 Omnibyte VR3000; and Pulsar 3000 (bare machine) Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 154 (BASE)

Compiler Name; VADSworks Sun4 = > 68k, VAda-1 1 5-40800, Ver 2.0 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCsen/er & SPARCstation Compiler Type; Base computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Validation Certificate #; 01 051 .11 Force CPU 32, CPU 33. 7W1 152 Target CPU 21 . CPU 20, CPU 30, CPU 31 . Compiler Name; VADS Sun-4 SunOS => 68k. VAda-1 10-401 40. CPU 37, & Golden Triangle Firepower; General Microsystems Version 6.0 GMSV17 & GMSV37; Heurikon HK68/V20, /V2E. /V2F, /V2FA. Host; Sun 4/280 (under SunOS Release 4.0) Af30. /V30XE. /V3E. & /V3F; Ironies IV-3201a. 3204a. 3220, & Target; Motorola MVME165 (68040) (bare machine) 3230; Matrix MS-CPU320; Mizar MZ7122 & MZ7124; Motorola MVME133 Series. MVME135 MVME135A, MVME141. Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation MVME143. & MVME147; Radstone PME 68-25 & 68-31; SBE Compiler Type; Derived VLAN-e & VPU30; Sun Microsystems 3E; & Tadpole Date of Validation by Registration; 2/4/02 Technology TP32V-4MB (bare machines, using vxWorks 5.0) Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 152 (BASE) Compiler Name; VADS Sun4 SunOS = > 68k, VAda-1 1 0-401 40, Ver 6.0 Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Host; Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver & SPARCstation Compiler Type; Base computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 155 Target Motorola MVME165 (68040) (bare machine) Compiler Name; VADS UNIX System V/486. SCO UNIX 3.2. VAda-1 10-3232, Version 6.0 Host Zenith Z-486/25E (under SCO UNIX 1386 release 3.2) Target Same as Host

2-70 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compilar Vendor; V«rdix Corporation * Compilar Vandor; Vardix Corporation Compilor Typ«; Darivod Compilar Typa: Base

Data of Validation by Ragistration; 7/31/01 Validation Cartificata #: 01 051 7W1 .1 1 1 57 Vaiidation Cartificato 01 051 7W1 .11 #: 155 (BASE) Compilar Nama; VADS UNIX Systam V/486, SCO UNIX 32 . Compilar Nama; VAOS UNIX Systam V/486. SCO UNIX 3.2. VAda-1 10-3232, Varsion 6.1 VAda-1 10-3232, Varsion 6.0 Host Intal 402 (undar SCO UNIX 3.2v2.a) Host Zanith Z-4ae/33E (undar SCO UNIX 1386 ralaasa 3.2) Targat San>a as Host Targat Sama as Host * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa; Derived Compilar Typa: Darivad Data of Validation by Registration: 8/20/02 Data of Validation by Ragistration; 8/20/02 Validation Cartificata #: 01 051 7W1 .11 157 (BASE) Validation Cartificata #: 01 051 7W1 .11 (BASE) 155 Compilar Nama: VADS 386/486 System V, Ral. 32 , VAda-1 10-3232, Compilar Nama: V/VDS 386/486 Systam V, Ral. 3.2, VAda-1 10-3232, Varsion 6.1 Varsion 6.0 Host Any Computar Systam Comprising: cpu: any that axecutas Host Any Computar Systam Comprising: cpu: any that axecutas tha Intal 80386/1486 instruction sat (undar Any oparating tha Intal 80386/1486 instruction sat (undar Any oparating systam compatible with Unix System V Release 3Z) systam compatibla with Unix Systam V Reieasa 3.2) Targat Sama as Host Targat Sama as Host * Compilar Vandor; Vardix Corporation Compilar Vandor; Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa; Darivad Compilar Typa: Darivad Data of Validation by Ragistration; 11/10/03 Data of Vaiidation by Ragistration: 11/18/03 Validation Cartificata #: 010517W1.11157 (BASE) Validation Cartificata .11 (BASE) Compilar Nama; VADS UNIX Systam V/486. UNIX #: 01 051 7W1 155 SCO 32 . Compilar Nama; VADS UNIX System V/486. SCO UNIX 3.2, VAda-1 10-3232, Versions 6.1, & 62 VAda-1 10-3232, Varsion 6.0, 6.1, & 62 Host Any computer that axecutas tha Intel 80386 or 80486

Host Any computar that axacutas tha Intal 80386 or 80486 instruction set (undar 486 SCO ODT v1 .1.1 & v2 R3.1 , NCR instruction sat (undar SCO UNIX Release 3.2 running UNIX System V Release 4.0. and UNIX System V/486 Rel 4.0) SacureWara CMW-I-/386 v2) Target Same as Host Target Same as Host * Compiler Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad Compilar Typa; Base Data of Validation by Ragistration; 11/22/03 Validation Certificate #; 01 051 7W1 .11 156 Validation Cartificata #: 01 051 7W1 .11 157 (BASE)

Compilar Nama: VAOS Sun-4 SunOS = > /^D 20K, 6.0 Compilar Nama; VADS HP 0000/300, VAda-1 10-1 51 5, Varsion 6.0 VAda-1 10-40525, Varsion 6.0 Host Hawlatt-Packard HP 0000 Series 300 (undar HP-UX 7.0) Host Sun 4/280 (undar SunOS 4.0.3) Targat Any Host Targat Ironies IV0001 board (AMD 20000) (bare machine) * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Vandor; Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa; Derived Compilar Typa: Darivad Data of Validation by Registration; 6/27/04 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/4/02 Validation Certificate #: 010517Vi/1.11157 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 01 051 TV/1 .11 156 (BASE) Compiler Name: VADS 386/486, VAda-110-3232. Version 6.2 Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 SunOS => AMD 20K. VAda-1 10-40525, Host Any computar that executes the Intel 80486 instruction set Varsion 6.0 (undar SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2) Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver & SPARCstation Target Sama as Host computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Targat Ironies IV0001 board (AMD 20000) (bare machine) * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa: Base

Compiler Vendor; Vardix Corporation Validation Certificate # : 01 0920W1 .11200 Compilar Typa: Darivad Compilar Nama; VADS MIPS. VAda-1 10-6262, Varsion 6.1 Date of Validation by Ragistration: 12/1/03 Host MIPS RC3230 (under RISC/os 4.52) Validation Certificate #: 01 051 7W1 .11 156 (BASE) Target Sama as Host Compilar Nanrta; VADS IBM RISC System/6000=>68K, VAda-1 10-71 125, Versions 6.0, 6.1, & 6.2 * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCsanrar Compilar Typa: Derived Ragistration; series of computers (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 . & 4.2) Data of Validation by 12/21/03 Targat: Ironies IV9001 board (AMD 29000) (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 010920W1.11200 (BASE) Compiler Nama; VADS VAda-1 10-6262. Varsion 6.1 Compilar Vandor; Vardix Corporation Host MIPS RC3XXX & RC4xxx series of computers (undar RISC/OS Compilar Typa: Darivad 4.5) Data of Validation by Registration; 12/1/03 Targat /Vny Host Validation Certificate #: 01 051 7W1 .11 156 (BASE) Compilar Nama: VADS Sun-4 SunOS = > AMD 20K, VAda-1 10-40525, * Compilar Vandor; Vardix Corporation

Versions 6.0, 6.1 , & 62 Compilar Typa; Base Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SP/kRCstation, & SPARCserver Validation Cartificata #; 010020W1.11201 Compilar Nama: VADS VAX/VMS = > 68040, VAda-1 1 0-031 40, Var 6.0 series of computers (undar SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) Target Ironies IV9001 board (AMD 20000) (bare machine) Host MicroVAX 3100 (under VMS 5.3) Target Motorola MVME165 (68040) (bare machine)

2-71 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor; V*rdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/92 Validation Certificate #: 010020W1.11206 Validation Certificate #: 910g20W1.11201 (BASE) Compiler Name: VAOS Sun-4 SunOS => MC68000/10, Compiler Name: VAOS VAX/VMS = > 68040, VAda-1 1 0-031 40. Ver 6.0 VAda-1 10-401 28, Version 6.0 Host: DEC VAX-11. VAXsen/er, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 6000, Host Sun-4/280 (under SunOS Release 4.0.3) VAX 8000, & VAX 9000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.3) Target Motorola MVME1 01 (68000) with MVME222-1 memory board Target: Motorola MVME165 (68040) (bare machine) (bare machirw)

* Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 010920W1.11202 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/92 Compiler Name: VAOS IBM RS/6000 => MIPS R3000. Validation Certificate #: 910920W1.11206 (BASE) VAda-1 10-71 620, Version 6.1 Compiler Name: VAOS Sun4 => MC68000/10, VAda-1 10-401 28, Host IBM RISC System/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.1) Version 6.0 Target: IDT 7RS302 (R3000) (bare machine) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation computer families (under SunOS 4.1) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target Motorola MVME1 01 (68000) with MVME222-1 rrtemory board Compiler Type: Derived (bare machine) Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/92 Validation Certificate #: 910020W1.11202 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation

Compiler Name: VAOS IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.1 , VAda-1 1 0-71 620, Ver 6.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host: IBM RISC System/6000 Models 320, 520, 540, 730, & 930 Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 (under AIX 3.1) Validation Certificate #: 910920W1.11206 (BASE) Target: IDT 7RS302 (R3000) (bare machine) Compiler Name: VAOS Sun-4 => MC68000/10, SunOS 4.1, VAda-1 10-401 28, Version 6.0 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCstation, & Compiler Type: Derived SPARCengine computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Date of Validtdion by Registration: 12/21/93 Target Motorola 68302, Philips-Signetics 68070, & Toshiba 68301 Validation Certificate #: 610920W1.11202 (BASE) (bare machines) Compiler Name: VAOS IBM RS/6000 => MIPS R3000, VAda-1 10-71620, Versions 6.1 & 6.2 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host IBM RISC/System 6000 Series of computers (under /VX 3.1 & Compiler Type: Derived 3.2) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/21/93 Target Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500; LSI Logic LR33000/LR33050 Pocket Validation Certificate #: 910920W1.11206 (BASE) Rocket; any MIPS R2000-based & R3000-based computers; Compiler Name: VADS Sun-4 => MC68000/10, SunOS, Omnibyte VR3000; & Pulsar 3000 (bare machines) VAda-1 10-401 28, Versions 6.0, 6.1, & 6.2 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCsen/er * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation computer fcunilies (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) Compiler Type: Base Philips-Signetics Target: Motorola MVME1 01 . Motorola 68302, 68070,

Validation Certificate # : 91 0020W1 .11205 & Toshiba 68301 single-board computers (bare machines) Compiler Name: V/M3S Sun-4 => MIPS R3000. VAda-1 10-40620, Version 6.1 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host SPARCserver 490 (under SunOS Release 4.1) Compiler Type: Base Target: LSI LR33000 Pocket Rocket EveUuation board (R3000) (bare Validation Certificate #: 910920W1.11207 machine) Compiler Name: VAOS Sun-4 SunOS => CPU32, VAda-1 10-401 50, Version 6.0 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host: Sun-4/280 (under SunOS Release 4.0.3) Compiler Type: Derived Target Motorola CPU32 - M68332EVS Evaluation System (68332) Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/92 (bare machine)

Validation Certificate #: 91 0920W1 .1 1 205 (BASE)

Compiler Name: VADS Sun-4 => MIPS R3000, V/VJa-1 1 0-40620, * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Version 6.1 Compiler Type: Derived Host Sun Microsystems Surv4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/92 computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Validation Certificate #: 010920W1.11207 (BASE) Target: LSI LR33000 Pocket Rocket Evaluation board (R3000) (bare Compiler Name: VADS Sun-4 SunOS => CPU32, VAda-1 ICMOI 50, machine) Version 6.0 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Compiler Type: Derived Target Motorola CPU32 - M68332EVS Evaluation System (68332) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/21/93 (bare machine) Validation Certificate #: 910920W1 .11205 (BASE) Compiler Name: VADS Sun-4 => MIPS R3000, VAda-1 10-40620, * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Versions 6.1 & 6.2 Compiler Type: Derived Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCstation, & Date of Validation by Registration: 3/30/92 SPARCserver Validation Certificate #: 910020W1.11207 (BASE) series of computers (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) Compiler Name: VADS Sun-4 SunOS => CPU32, VAda-1 10-401 50, Target Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500; LSI Logic LR33000/LR33050 Pocket Version 6.0 Rocket; any MIPS R2000-based & R3000-based computers; Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, SPARCstation, & Omnibyte VR3000; & Pulsar 3000 (bare machines) SPARCengine computer families (under SunOS 4.1)

Target Motorola CPU32-68331 , -68333, & -68340 Evaluation Systems (bare machines)

2-72 ) .

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

' Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Verutor: Verdix Corporation Compilar Type; Darivad Compiler Type; Derived Data of Validation by Ragistration: 12/21/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/02 Validation CartHicata #; O1O02OW1 .11207 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 010020W1 .11211 (BASE) Compiler Name: VAOS Sun-4 => CPU32, SunOS, VAda-1 1 0-401 50, Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 SunOS => 68020/30 ARTX. Varaiorts 6.0 & 0.2 VAda-1 1640120, Version 6.0 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCsarvar Hoet Sun Microsystems Sur>-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation computer families (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1., & 4.2) computer families (under SunOS 4.1) Target Motorola CPU32-68331 , -68333, & -68340 Evaluation Systems Target Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare rrrachirte) (bare machines) Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor: Vardix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base Date of Validation by Registration: 11/24/03 Validation Certificate #: 610020W1.11208 Validation Certificate #: 010020W1.11211 (BASE)

Compilar Name: VAOS IBM PS/2, AIX 1 .1 , VAda-1 1 0-3535, Version 6.1 Compiler Name: V/VDS Sun4 SunOS => 68020/30 /^TX,

Host IBM PS/2 Model 80 (under AIX 1 .1) VAda-1 10-401 20. Versions 6.0 & 6.2 Target Same as Host Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver

computer families (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) Compiler Vendor: Corporation Target Cyclone Force CPU 31 Vardix CVME 48; CPU 21 . CPU 20, 30, CPU Compiler Type: Base CPU 32. CPU 37; Heurikon HK68/V2Fb Series. HK68/V30 Validation Certificate #: 010020W1.11200 Series, HK68/V3E Series; Matrix MS-CPU220. MS<:PU320. & Compiler Name: VAOS MIPS = > MIPS R3000. VAda-1 10-62620, V 6.1 MSCPU330; Mizar MZ7122, MZ7124. MZ7130, MZ8120. & Host MIPS RC3230 (under RISC/os 4.52) MZ8130: Motorola MVME133 Series. MVME134, MVME135. Target Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP (R3000) (bare metchine) & MVME147 Series; Radstone CPU-2A: SBE VCOM-24: & Tadpole TP32V (bare machine) Compiler Vendor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Type: Derived Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 12/21/93 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #: 010020W1.11209 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 010020W1 .11212 Compiler Narrre: VAOS MIPS => MIPS R3000. V/\da-1 10-62620, Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000 AIX => Versions 6.1 & 6.2 68020/30 ARTX, VAda-1 1671 120, Version 6.0 Host MIPS RC3230 (under RISC/OS 4.5) Host IBM RISC System/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.1) Target Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500; LSI Logic LR33000/LR33050 Pocket Target Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare machine) Rocket; any MIPS R2000-based & R3000-based computers; Omnibyte VR3000; & Pulsar 3000 (bare machines) Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/02 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 01 0020W1 .11212 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 010020W1 .11210 Compiler Name; VADS IBM RISC System/6000 AIX => Compiler Name: VAOS Sun-3 SunOS => 68020/30 ARTX, 68020/30 ARTX. VAda-1 1671 120, Version 6.0 VAda-1 10-1 31 20, Version 6.0 Host IBM RISC System/6000 Models 320, 520, 540, 730, & 030 Host Sun-3/280 (under SunOS Release 4.0) (under /UX 3.1) Target: Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare machine) Target Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare machine)

Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived Compiler Type: Base

Date of Validation by Registration: 3/0/02 Validation Certificate # ; 01 0020W1 .11213 Validation Certificate #: 010e20W1.11210 (BASE) Compiler Name; VADS SYSTEM V/860 RELEASE 4. Compiler Name: VAOS Sun3 SunOS = > 68020/30 /kRTX, VAda-1 160090, Version 6.1 VAda-1 10-1 31 20, Version 6.0 Host Okidata I860 Workstation (under UNIX SYSTEM V/860 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer family (under SunOS 4.1 RELEASE 4 vl.O)

Target Cyclone CVME 44. CVME 46 & CVME 48: Force CPU 21 . CPU Target Same as Host 29. CPU 30. CPU 31. CPU 32. CPU 37 & Golden Triangle Firepower; Heurikon HK68/V30 Ser,/V2E Series &/V2F Series; Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Integrated Solutions VME68K20. VME68K30. VME68225 & Compiler Type; Base Liberator SBC; Matrix MS-CPU220 & MS-CPU320; Mizar Validation Certificate #: 010920W1.11214 MZ7122. MZ7124. MZ7130. MZ8120. & MZ8130; Motorola Compiler Nanne: VADS VMS = > AMD29000, VAda-1 1 0-03525, Ver 6.04 MVME133 Series. MVME134. MVME135. MVME136. Host MicroVAX 3600 (under VMS 5.2) MVME141, & MVME147 Series; Sun Microsystems 3E Board Target: Ironies IV0001 board (AMD 29000) (Am29000 bare VME Set & Tadpole Technology TP32V & TP32M (bare machines) machine)

Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived

Validation Certificate # : 01 0920W1 .11211 Date of Validation by Registration; 2/10/02 Compiler Name; VAOS Sun4 SunOS => 68020/30 ARTX. Validation Certificate #; 010920W1 .11214 (BASE) VAda-1 10-401 20. Version 6.0 Compiler Name: VADS VAX VMS => AMD 20K. VAda-1 1603525,

Host SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS Release 4.1 .1) Version 6.04 Target Motorola MVME147 (68030) (bare machine) Host DEC VAX-11. VAXserver, VAXstation, MicroVAX. VAX 6000, V/VX 8000, & VAX 0000 Series of computers (under VMS 5.3) Target Ironies IV0001 board (AMD 20000) (Am20000 bare VME nmchine)

2-73 )

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Veridor: Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compitar Type: Basa Compiler Type: Derived Validation Caitificata #: 010920W1.11215 Date of Validation by Registration: 2/2/04 Compiler Name; VAOS Sun-3 SunOS = > AMD 29K, Validation Certificate #; 02051 3W1 .11 256 (BASE) VAda-1 10-1 3525, Version 6.04 Compiler Narrte: VADSworks Sur>4 = > 68K, VAda-1 1 5-40800,

Host Sun-3/180 (under SunOS 4.1 .1) Versions 2.0 & 3.0 Target Ironies IV9001 board (AMD 20000) (Am29000 bare VME Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation. & SPARCsenrer

machine) computer family (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) Target DY 4 Systems SVME-144; Force CPU-40 Series; Motorola * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation MVME162. MVME165. MVME167, & MVME167A; PEP Modular Compiler Type: Derived Computer VM40; Radstone CPU-40; and Tadpole TP41 V (bare Date of Validation by Registration: 2/10/02 machine, using vxWorks 5.0) Validation Certificate #: 010020W1 .11215 (BASE) Compiler Name: VADS Sun-3 SunOS = > AMD 29K, * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation VAda-1 10-13525. Version 6.04 Compiler Type: Base Host Sun Microsystems Sun-3 computer family (urKler SunOS 4.1 Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .11257 Target: Ironies IV0001 board (AMD 20000) (Am20000 bare VME Compiler Name; VADSworks Sur>4 => SPARC, VAda-1 15-40850, machine) Version 2.0 Host Sun-4/20 (under SunOS, 4.1.1) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target Sun SPARCengine 1e (bare machir>e, using VxWorks v5.0) Compiler Type: Base * Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .1 1 252 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Name: V/\DS AT&T 3B2/600GR UNIX System V. Release 4.0, Compiler Type; Derived

VAda-1 1 0-6363, Version 6.1 Date of Validation by Registration: 11/0/03 Host: AT&T 3B2/600GR (under UNIX System V, Release 4.0) Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .11 257 (BASE) Target: Same as Host Compiler Name: VADSworks Sun4 => SPARC, VAda-1 15-40850, Version 2.0 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host; Sun Microsystems Sun-4. SPARCserver, & SPARCstation

Compiler Type: Base computer families (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .11 253 Target Sun SPARCengine 1e (bare machine, using VxWorks v5.0) Compiler Name: V/VDS IBM RISC System/6000 => IBM RISC System/6000, VAda-1 10-71710, Version 6.2 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host IBM RISC System/6000 Model 530 (under AIX 3.2) Compiler Type: Base Target: IBM RISC System/6000 Model 320 (bare machine) Validation Certificate #; 92051 3W1 .11 258 Compiler Name; VAOS Sun SPARC = > 386, VAda-1 10-40315, Ver 62 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host Sun-4/260 (under SunOS, Version 4.1 .2) Compiler Type: Derived Target; Intel iSBC 386/20p (bare machine) Date of Validation by Registration: 12/1/93 Validation Certificate #: 92051 3W1 .11 253 (BASE) * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000. VAda-1 10-71 710, Compiler Type; Derived Version 6.2 Date of Validation by Registration: 6/25/93 Host: IBM RISC System/6000 ser of computers (under AIX 3.1 & 3.2) Validation Certificate #: 920513W1 .11258 (BASE)

Target: Any Host Compiler Name: VADS Sun SPARC => 386/486, VAda-1 10-4031 5, Version 6.2 under SunOS4j( * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation Compiler Type: Base computer families (under SunOS 4.1 & 4.2) Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .11 254 Target Any single-board computer that executes the Intel 80386 or Compiler Name: VADS BCS => 88K. VAda-1 10-80680, Version 6.1 i486 instruction set (bare machine)

Host: Delta (under R32V3 9201 1 7) Target Motorola MVME187 (88000) (bare machine) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Derived * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Date of Validation by Registration: 2/24/94 Compiler Type: Base Validation Certificate #; 02051 3W1 .11 258 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 92051 3W1 .11 256 Compiler Name; VADS Sun SPARC = > 386, VAda-1 10-40315, Ver 6.2

Compiler Name: VADSworks Sun4 = > 68K, VAda-1 1 5-40800, Ver 2.0 Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation Host Sun-4/20 (under SunOS, 4.1.1) computer famiiies (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1, & 4.2) Target: Motorola MVME167A (68040) (bare machine, using VxWorks Target: Intel iSBC 386/20p (bare machine) 5.0) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #; 021 004W1 .11277 Date of Vedidation by Registration: 11/0/93 Compiler Name: VADSworks DEC-RISC = >MIPS R3000,

Validation Certificate #: 02051 3W1 .1 1 256 (BASE) VAda-1 15-61 640, Version 2.0

Compiler Name: VADSworks Sun4 = > 68K. VAda-1 1 5-40800, Ver 2.0 Host: DECstation 5000/200 (under Ultrix V4.1) Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCserver, & SPARCstation Target: Lockheed Sanders STAR MVP board (bare machine, using

computer families (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) vxWorks 5.0) Target DY 4 Systems SVME-144; Force CPU-40 Series; Motorola MVME162, MVME165,MVME167. & MVME167A; PEP Modular Computer VM40; and Tadpole TP41V (bare machine, using vxWorks 5.0)

2-74 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: Vcrdix Corporation * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Compilar Typa: Darivad Compilar Typa: Base Data of Validation by Ragistration; 12/21/03 Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11285 Validation Cartificata #: e21004W1.11277 (BASE) Compilar Nama: V/VDS Sun-4 Solaris 2.1, VAda-1 10-4040, Varsion 6.2 Compilar Nama: VAOSworks OEC-RISC=>MIPS R3000, Host SPARCstation LX 4/30 (undar Solaris 2.1) VAda-1 15-61 640, Varsion 2.0 Targat Same as Host Hosfc DECstation & DECayatam (MIPS-basad) computar familiaa

(undar ULTRIX 4.1 , 4.2, & 4.3) * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Targat Haurikon HKMIPS/V3500; LSI Logic LR33000/LR33050 Pockat Compilar Typa: Darivad Rockat; any MIPS R2000-ba8ad & R3000-baaad computara; Data of Validation by Ragistration: 6/0/03 Omnibyta VR3000; & Pulaar 3000 (bara machinaa, uaing Validation Cartificata #: 021004W1.11285 (BASE) VxWorka 5.0 & 5.1)) Compilar Nama: SPARCompilar Ada Porting KH, Varsion 2.0 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCterver Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation computar families (undar Solaris 2.1) Compilar Typa: Darivad Target Any Host Data of Validation by Ragistration: 2/22/04 Validation Cartificata #: e21004W1 .11278 (BASE) * Compilar Vandor: Verdix Corporation

Compilar Nama: VADS IBM RISC Systam/eOOO VAda-1 10-7171 . Var 6.2 Compiler Typa: Derived Host: IBM RISC Systam/6000 models 230 & 570 (undar AIX 3.2 & Data of Validation by Registration: 6/0/03 AIX BI/CMW) Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11285 (BASE) Targat Same as Host Compilar Nama: SPARCworks Professional Ada, Varsion 2.0 Host Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCsarvar Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation computar families (undar Solaris 2.1 & 2.2) Compilar Typa: Base Targat: Any Host Validation Cartificata #: 021OO4W1.11278E * Compilar Nama: VADS IBM RISC System/6000. VAda-1 1 0-71 71 , Var 6.2 Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Host IBM RISC Systam/OOOO model 220 (undar AIX 3.2) Compilar Typa: Base

Targat: Same as Host Validation Certificate # : 021 004W1 .11286 Compilar Nanrta: VADS Sun SPARC Solaris 2.1 VAda-1 10-4040, Var 6.2 , Compiler Vendor: Vardix Corporation Host SPARCstation 10 model 30 (under Solaris 2.1) Compiler Type: Base Targat: Same ais Host Validation Certificate #: S21004W1.1127e Compiler Name: VADS IBM RISC System/6000. VAda-1 10-7171. Ver 6.2 * Compilar Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host IBM RISC System/6000 model 530H (under AIX 3.2) Compiler Type: Base Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 021 004W1 .11287

Compiler Nama: VADS Sun SPARC Solaris 2.1 , VAda-1 1 0-4040, Var 62 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host SPARCstation 10 model 41 (under Solaris 2.1) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host Validation Certificate #: S21004W1.11280

Compiler Name: VADS System V/386/486, VAda-1 1 0-3232, Varsion 6.1 * Compilar Vandor: Vardix Corporation Host: ASL 486/33 (undar UNIX System V, Release 3.2) Compilar Typa: Base Target: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11288 Compilar Nama: VADS Sun SPARC Solaris 2.1, VAda-1 1 0-4040, Var 6.2 Compiler Vendor: Vardix Corporation Host SPARCstation 10 modal 42 (under Solaris 2.1) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 021 004W1 .11281

Compiler Name: VADS System V/386/486, VAda-1 1 0-3232, Version 6.1 * Compilar Vendor: Vardix Corporation Host AST Premium 486 (under UNIX System V, Release 4.0) Compiler Type: Base Target Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.1128e

1 6.2 Compiler Name: VADS Sun SPARC Solaris 2.1 , VAda-1 0-4040, Ver Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Host Sun SPARCservar 690 (undar Solaris 2.1) Compiler Type: Base Targat: Same as Host Validation Certificate #: 021004W1.11282 Compiler Name: VADS System V/386/486, VAda-1 10-3232, Version 6.1 * Compilar VarKlor: Verdix Corporation

Host: NCR model 3450 (under NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS Release 2) Compilar Typa: Base Target Same as Host Validation Cartificata #: 021004W1.11200 Compilar Nama: VADS MP Sun SPARC Solaris 2.1, VAda-1 10-41 41, Compiler Vendor: Vardix Corporation Version 6.2 Compiler Type: Base Host: Sun SPARCsarvar 600 (under Solaris 2.1)

Validation Certificate # : 021 004W1 .1 1 283 Target Same as Host Compiler Name: VADS System V/386/486, V/Vda-1 10-3232, Version 6.1

Host: NCR model 3550 (under NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS Release 2) * Compiler Vandor: Verdix Corporation Target: Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 2/23/94 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #: 921004W1.11290 (BASE) Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: VADS MP Sun SPARC, Solaris 2.0, VAda-1 10-41 41, Validation Certificate #: 921004W1.11284 Varsion 6.2 Sun-4, SPARCsarvar, & SPARCstation Compiler Name: VADS Sun SPARC Solaris 2.1 , VAda-1 1 0-4040, Ver 6.2 Host Sun Microsystems Host RDI Britelita IPX Laptop (under Solaris 2.1) computar families (undar Solaris 2.0 & 2.1) Target: Same as Host Targat Any Host

2-75 1

Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

* Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation * Compiler VerKtor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #; 921004W1 .11201 Validation Certificate #: 030001 W1 .11326 Compiler Name: VADS Silicon Graphics Self, VAda-1 10-6464, Ver 6.2 Compiler Name: VADS SYSTEM V/88 RELEASE, VAda-1 10-8080, Host Silicon Graphics IRIS 40/440 (under IRIX 4.0.1) Version 6.2 Target; Same as Host Host Motorola Delta 8640 (under UNIX System V/88 Release 4.0) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base * Compiler VerKtor: Verdix Corporation Validation Certificate #: e21004W1.11292 Compiler Type: Base Compiler Name: VADS MP Silicon Graphics, VAda-1 10-6565, Ver 6.2 Validation Certificate #; 030901 W1 .11 327 Host Silicon Graphics IRIS 40/440 (under IRIX 4.0.1) Compiler Name: VADS SYSTEM V/88 RELEASE 4, VAda-1 104080, Target: Same as Host Version 6.2 Host Data General AViiON Model 530 (under DG/UX Release 5.4.2) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Base * Validation Certificate # : 030226W1 .1 1 31 Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Name; VAOSself HP 9000 series 700 VAda-1 1 0-7575, Ver 6.2 Compiler Type: Base

Host: HP 0000/720 (under HP-UX 8.0.7) Validation Certificate # : 0401 1 0W1 .1 1 337

Target; Same as Host Compiler Name: VADS Windows NT/486, VAda-1 1 0-3631 5, Version 6.2 Host Compudyne 486 (under Windows NT 3.1) * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporedion Target Same as Host Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 6/27/04 Compiler Vendor: , Inc. Validation Certificate #: 030226W1 .11311 (BASE) Address: 1 Industrial Avenue

Compiler Name: VADS HP 0000 Series 700/800, VAda-1 1 0-7575, MS: 010-800 Version 6.2 City; Lowell

Host HP 9000 Series 700 & 800, all models (under HP-UX Versions State; MA

8.0 & 0.0, all releases as appropriate) Zip Code: 01851 Target: Same as Host Contact Name: Phone: (508) 067-7002 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation E-mail: Compiler Type; Base * Validation Certificate # : 030226W1 .11312 Compiler Vendor: Wang Laboratories, Inc.

Compiler Name; VADSworks Sun-4 = > MIPS R3000 VAda-1 1 5-40640, Compiler Type; Base

Version 2.0 Validation Certificate # : 001 1 29W1 .11003 Host: Sun-4/20 (under SunOS Release 4.1.1) Compiier Name: Wang VS Ada. Version 5.00.00 Target: Heurikon HKMIPS/3500 (R3000) board (bare machine, using Host: Wang VS 8480 (under Wang VSOS 7.30.02) vxWorks 5.0) Target; Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor; Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor; Wang Laboratories, Inc. Compiler Type; Derived Compiler Type: Derived

Date of Validation by Registration: 1 1/10/03 Date of Validation by Registration: 1/31/01 Validation Certificate #: 030226W1 .11312 (BASE) Validation Certificate #: 001129W1.11003 (BASE)

Compiler Name: VADSworks Sun-4 = > MIPS R3000 VAda-1 1 5-40640, Compiler Name: Wang VS Ada, Version 5.00.00 Version 2.0 Host Wang VS Models: 100 & 300; 5430, 5440, 5450 & 5460; 7010,

Host: Sun Microsystems Sun-4, SPARCstation, & SPARCserver 71 1 0, 71 20, 71 50 & 731 0; 8220, 8230, 8260, 8430, 8460, 8470

computer families (under SunOS 4.0, 4.1 , & 4.2) & 8480; and 10050, 10075 & 10100 (under all VS OS versions Target; Heurikon HKMIPS/V3500 (bare machine, using vxWorks 5.0) 7.21 joc & 7.30JCX) Target Same as Host * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation Compiler Type: Base Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Limited Vetlidation Certific^de #: 030001 W1 .11 323 Address: University of York Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 => MIPS R3000, VAda-1 10-42620, City; York, Y01 5DD Version 6.2 State: Host Sun SPARCstation 2 (under Solaris 2.2) Country; ENGLAND Target: Lockheed Sar>ders STAR MVP (R3000) (bare machine) Contact Name: Ron Pierce Phone: -1-44 004 433422 * Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation E-ntail: [email protected] Compiler Type; Base Validation Certificate #: 030901 W1 .11 324 * Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Limited Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 => MIPS R4000, VAda-1 10-40630, Compiler Type; Base

Version 6.2 Validation Certificate # ; 001 1 27N1 .11073

Host; Sun SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS 4.1 .2) Compiler Narrte; York Ada Compiler Environnrtent (ACE), Release 5 Target: Silicon Graphics Indigo XS4000 used as a MIPS R4000 board Host Intergraph InterPro 3050 Workstation (under CUX R3.1) (bare machine) Target Same as Host

* Compiler Vendor: Verdix Corporation * Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Limited Compiler Type: Base Compiler Type: Derived Validation Certificate #: 030001 W1 .11325 Date of Validation by Registration: 12/19/90

Compiler Name: VADS Sun4 = > PARAGON, VAda-1 1 0-40782, Ver 6.2 Validation Certificate # : 001 1 27N1 .1 1 073 (BASE)

Host Sun SPARCstation 2 (under SunOS 4.1 .3) Compiler Name: York Ada Compiler Environment (ACE), Release 5 Target: Intel PARAGON Supercomputer (under OSP/1 Release 1.0.3 Host Intergraph Mobile GIS/C2 (urtder CUX Release 3.1) Server 1.1 PT1 0.7.6 (T10.4)) Target Same as Host

2-76 Ada PROCESSORS, Continued

Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Limited Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/10/90 Validation Certificate #: 001127N1.11073 (BASE) Compiler Name: York Ada Compiler Environment (ACE), Release 5 Host: InterPro 125, 225, 340, 360. 2020, 3070, 6040, 6240, 6080 & 6280 (under CUX Release 3.1) Target /Vny Host

Compiler Verrdor: York Software Engineering Limited Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/10/00 Validation Certificate #: 001 127N1 .11073 (BASE) Compiler Name: York Ada Compiler Environment (ACE), Release 5 Host: Interview 220 & 3050 (under CUX Release 3.1) Target: Any Host

Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Umited Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 12/10/00 Validation Certificate #: 001127N1.11073 (BASE) Compiler Name: York Ada Compiler Environment (ACE), Release 5 Host: InterAct 220, 2020, 3050, 6040, 6080, 6240 & 6280 (under CUX Release 3.1) Target Any Host

Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Limited Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Regisbation: 12/10/90 Validation Certificate #: 001127N1.11073 (BASE) Compiler Name: York Ada Compiler Environment (ACE). Release 5 Host InterServe 200, 300, 2000, 3000, 4200, 5200, 6000, 6105 & 6505 (under CLIX Release 3.1) Target: Any Host

Compiler Vendor: York Software Engineering Umited Compiler Type: Derived Date of Validation by Registration: 1/27/03 Validation Certificate #: 001127N1.11073 (BASE) Compiler Name: York /^a Compiler Environment (ACE), Release 5 Host Intergraph Series 2400 & 6400-all models that use the C400 chip (under CLIX Release 3.1) Target Any Host

2-77 ;;;;

2.7.4 PASCAL PROCESSORS Pascal - Certificates


Digital DEC Pascal Version 5.1 for VAX 6000-540; VAXft Models 1 1 0, 31 0, 41 0, 61 0, 61 2; 4000 Models Equipment OpenVMS VAX Systems OpenVMS VAX 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600; 6000 Models 200, 300, Corporation NIST-94/2006: Version 6.0 400, 500, 600; 7000 Model 600; 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350,

Level 0/1 8500, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 881 0, 8820, 9/1/95 8830, 8840; 9000 Models 110, 210, 300 series, 400 series; 10000 Models 600 series; VAX-1 1/730, /750,

/780, /785; MicroVAX II; 2000; 3100 Models 10/10E, 20/20E, 30, 40, 80, 90; 3300, 3400, 3500; 3600; 3800;

3900; VAXstation II; 2000, 3100 Models 30, 38, 40, 48, 76: 3200, 3500, 3520, 3540, 4000 Models 60, 90, VLC; VAXserver 3100, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3602, 3800, 3900, 4000 Models 200, 300, 500; 6000 Models 210, 220, 310, 320, 410, 420, 510, 520, 610, 620, 630; OpenVMS VAX, Version 6.0

DEC Pascal Version 5.1 DEC 3000 Model 400; DEC 2000 model 300S AXP, 3000 model 300 AXP, 300L for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems; DEC OSF/1 AXP AXP, 400 AXP, 400S AXP, 500 AXP, 500S AXP, 600 NIST-94/2004: Version 2.0 Revision 240 AXP, 600S AXP, 800 AXP, 800S AXP; 4000 models 600 Level 0/1 AXP series, 710 AXP; 7000 model 600 AXP series; 10000 9/1/95 models 600 AXP series; DEC OSF/1 AXP Version 2.0 Revision 240

DEC Peiscal Version 5.2 for DEC 3000 Model 500; DEC 2000 models 300S. 500; Digital 2100 A500/600MP; OpenVMS AXP Systems; OpenVMS AXP AXPvme 64; DEC 3000 models 300, 300L 300LX, 300X, NIST-94/2005; Version 6.1 400, 400S, 500, 500S, 500X, 600, 600S, 800, 800S: Level 0/1 4000 models 600 AXP series, 700 series, 7000 model 9/1/95 600 AXP Series; DEC 10000 model 600 AXP series; OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1

Intergraph Clipper Pascal Clipper Model C400- 2430; Clipper C300 and C400; Corporation Version 1 .8.4B; CLIX Version 7.5 CUX Version 7.5 NIST-95/1165: Level 0/1 1/1/96

Metrowerks, Inc. Metrowerks Pascal "Bronze" Apple Quadra 630; Apple Power Book 520, 540;

Version 1.0 Release b; Macintosh OS Version 7 Macintosh OS Version 7.1 .1

NIST-94/1682; Release 1 .2P Apple Quadra 650; Level 0; Macintosh OS Version 7.1.2 10/1/95

Tisoft, Inc. Green Hills Pascal Compaq Proliant 2000 Compaq ProUant 1000 486DX2/66, 5/90

Compiler Version 1 .8.7; Model 5/66; SCO Unix Release 3.2 Version 4.2 NIST-94/2202: SCO UNIX Releaes 3.2 Compeiq ProLiant 2000 Model 5/90 (Dual) Level 0/1 Version 4.2 Compaq ProLiant 4000 Model 5/90 (QUAD) 12/1/95 SCO Unix Release 3.2 Version 4.2 w/SCO MPX Multi-processor Extension Release 3.0

UNISYS Government Stony Brook Peisceil for Intel Express Server Intel Classic R-l- Workstation;

Systems Windows NT Version 1 .0; Model XLX8TEFTS for Microsoft Windows NT Workstation NIST-94/2161: Intel 80486DX266; Version 3.5 Level 0; Microsoft Windows NT 11/1/95 Server Version 3.5

Stony Brook Pascal for Intel Express Server Intel Classic R-t- Workstation;

Windows NT Version 1 .0; Model XLX8TEFTS for Microsoft Windows NT Workstation NIST-94/2162: Intel Pentium 60 MH,; Version 3.5 Level 0; Microsoft Windows NT 11/1/95 Server Version 3.5

2-78 1 1

2.7.5 C PROCESSORS C - CartificatK


Apple Computer CodeWarrior "C” Bronze Apple Quadra Model 630; Apple PowerBook 520. 540; Inc. Version 1.1.1; Macintosh Operating Macintosh OS Version 7.1.1 NIST-94/1681; System Version 7.1.2P Apple Quadra 650; 10/1/95 Macintosh OS Version 7.1 .2

AT&T Global NCR C Development Toolkit AT&T System 3000 AT&T System 3000 Models 3340. 3345. 3350. 3355. Information Release 2; Model 3445; 3406. 3410. 3416. 3416-XL. 3430. 3447. 3450. 3455. Systems NIST-95/1303; NCR UNIX SVR4 3455-XP. 3470. 3475. 3475-XP. 3520. 3525. 3525-XP. 8/1/96 MP-RAS Release 2 3550. 3555. 3555-XP. 3570. 3575. 3575-XP. 3600; NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS Rel. 2

Microsoft C/C-l--*- Optimizing AT&T Globdyst AT&T System 3000 Models 3150. 3170. 3180. 3181. Compiler Version 8.0; Model 530; 3230. 3325. 3333. 3350 NIST-95/1301; MS-DOS Version 6.22. MS-DOS Version 6.22. MS WFW Version 3.11 8/1/96 MS Windows for AT&T Golbalyst Models 130. 200. 200s. 250. 250p. 510. Workgroups (WFW) 515. 520. 525. 530. 550. 575. 580. 590. 600. 620. 630. Version 3.1 720. 730 MS-DOS Version 6.22. MS WFW Version 3.11

Microsoft C/C+-t- Optimizing AT&T Globalyst AT&T System 3000 Models 3150. 3170. 3180. 3181. Compiler Version 8.0; Model 530; 3230. 3325. 3333. 3350 NIST-95/1302; MS-DOS Version 6.22. MS-DOS Version 6.22. MS WFW Version 3.11 8/1/96 MS Windows Version 3.1 AT&T Golbalyst Models 130. 200. 200s. 250. 250p. 510. 515. 520. 525. 530. 550. 575. 580. 590. 600. 620. 630. 720. 730 MS-DOS Version 6.22. MS WFW Version 3.1

Digital DEC OSF/1 C Compiler DEC 3000 Model 400 DEC 2000 models 300 AXP. 500 AXP; 2100 Server Equipment Version 3.0; AXP; A500MP. A600MP; 3000 models 300 AXP. 300L 300X. Corporation NIST-94/2007; DEC OSF/1 300LX. 400 AXP. 400S. 500 AXP. 500S. 600 AXP. 600S. 9/1/95 Version 3.0 800 AXP. 800S; 4000 models 610 AXP. 710; 7000 model 610 AXP; 10000 model 610 AXP; DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0

DEC C for OSF/1 AXP DEC 3000 Model 400; Alpha AXP; DEC 2000 models 300 AXP. 500 AXP; 2100 Version 4.0; DEC OSF/1 Server A500MP. A600MP; 3000 models 300 AXP. 300L NIST-94/2008; Version 3.0 300X. 300LX. 400 AXP. 400S. 500 AXP. 500X. 600 9/1/95 AXP. 600S. 800 AXP. 800S; 4000 models 610 AXP. 710; 7000 model 610 AXP; 10000 model 610 AXP; DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0

DEC C for OpenVMS Alpha DECstation 3000 DEC 2000 Model 300. 500; Digital 2100 A500MP/ Version 5.0; Model 400; A600MP; DEC 3000 Models 300. 300L. 300X. 300LX. NlST-95/1503; OpenVMS Alpha 400. 400S. 500. 500S. 500X. 600. 600S. 700. 800. 800S. 5/1/96 Version 6.2 900. DEC 4000 Models 600. 700; DEC 7000 Model 600; 10000 Model 600; OpenVMS Alpha. Version 6.2

DEC C for Digital UNIX DEC 3000 Model DEC 2000 Models 300 /0(P. 500; DEC 3000 Models Version 4.2; 400 Alpha; 300. 300L. 300X. 300LX. 400. 400S. 500. 500S. NIST-95/1504; Digital UNIX 500X. 600. 600S. 700. 800. 800S. 900; Alpha Server 5/1/96 Version 3.2 2000 4/200. 2100 4/200. 4/275; DEC 4000 models 6xx. 7xx; DEC 7000 models 6xx. 7xx: DEC 10000 models 6xx, 7xx: Alpha Server 1000 4/200; Alpha Station 200 4/166. 4/233; 400 4/233. AXPpci 33. AXPvme 64. 160; Digital UNIX. Version 3.2

2-79 ,

C PROCESSORS, Continued c - CvrtificMes


DEC C for OpenVMS VAX VAX 4000 Model 90; Based Systems: MicroVAX II, VAXst^on ll/GPX[1 ] Version 4.0; OpenVMS VAX VAXstation ll/QVSS[2] 1. Graphics Processing NIST-94/2009: Version 6.1 Accelerator (GPX) 9/1/95 2. 0-bus Video Sub System (QVSS); VAXserver 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800, 3900; 4000, Models 200, 300, 400, 500, 600; VAXstation 3200 3500, 3520, 3540; MicroVAX 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3800, 3900, VAX 4000, Models 100, 200, 300, 500, 600; 50, 100A, 500A, 600A, 700A; NMI Bus Based Systems: VAX 8530, 8550, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8820, 8830, 8840; VAXserver 8530, 8550; 8700; 8800, 8810, 8820, 8830, 8840; XMI Bus Based Systems: VAX 6000 Series, Models 210, 220, 230, 240; 310, 320, 330, 340, 360; 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, 460; 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560; 610, 620, 630, 640; 7000 Models 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660; 10000 Models 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 660; VAXserver 6000, Models 210, 220, 310, 320, 410, 420, 510, 520; 8530, 8550; 8700; 8800, 8810, 8820, 8830, 8840; VAX 8530, 8550, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8820, 8830, 8840; VAXBI Bus Based Systems: VAX 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, VAXserver 8200, 8250; 8300, 8350; SBI Bus Based Systems: VAX 11/780, 11/785; 8600, 8650, VAXsen/er 8600, 8650; CMI Bus Based Systems: VAX 11/750; Special System Specific Internal Bus: VAX 11/730; MicroVAX 2000, VAXstation 2000, 2000/GPX, 2000/MFB[3): 3. Monochrome Frame Buffer (MFB) V/0

Digital UNIX C Compiler DEC 3000 Model DEC 2000 Models 300 AXP, 500; DEC 3000 Models Version 3.2; 400 AXP; 300, 300L. 300X. 300LX, 400, 400S. 500, 500S. NIST-95/1505: Digital UNIX 500X, 600, 600S, 700, 800, 800S, 900; Alpha Server 5/1/96 Version 3.2 2000 4/200, 2100 4/200, 4/275; DEC 4000 models 6xx, Ixx: DEC 7000 models 6xx, 7xx; DEC 10000 models 6xx, 7xx; Alpha Server 1000 4/200; Alpha Station 200 4/166, 4/233; 400 4/233, AXPpci 33, AXPvme 64. 160; Digital UNIX, Version 3.2

Hewlett- HP C/HP-UX Version A.1 0.00 HP9000 Model 755; HP9000 Models 8xx, 7xx. 6xx, FxO, GxO, HxO, 1x0; Packard Release HP-UX B.IO.OO; HP-UX Version B.10.00 HP-UX Version 9.0 Company NIST-95/1101: 1/1/96

HP C/iX Version A.05.10 HP3000 Model 967; HP3000 Model 9»c; Release A.05.10A; MPE/iX Version X.50.20 MPE/iX Version X50.20 Release 5.0 NIST-95/1102: Release 5.0 1/1/96

2-80 ;; ; ;

C PROCESSORS, Continued c - Certificates


IBM Canada IBM C Set ++ for AIX IBM RISC System/6000:

Ltd. Version 3 Release 1 IBM AIX Version 4

NIST-94/2025; Release 1 9/1/95

IBM C for AIX IBM RISC System/6000;

Version 3 Release 1 IBM AIX Version 4

NIST-94/2026: Release 1 9/1/95

IBM ILE C/400 AS/400:

Version 3 Release 1 OS/400 Version 3

NIST-94/2123; Release 1 11/1/95

IBM C/370 Compiler ES/9000: 3090, 308x. 43xx. 937x;

Version 2 Release 1 MVS/ESA SP Version MVS/ESA SP Version 4 Release 3 NIST-94/2021 4 Release 3 9/1/95

IBM SAA AD/Cycle C/370 ES/9000; 3090, 308x. 43xx. 937x;

Compiler Version 1 MVS/ESA SP Version MVS/ESA SP Version 4 Release 3 Release 2; 4 Release 3 NIST-94/2022: 9/1/95

IBM SAA AD/Cycle C/370 ES/9000: 3090, 308x. 43xx. 937x:

Compiler Version 1 MVS/ESA SP Version MVS/ESA SP Version 4 Release 3

Release 2; 4 Release 3 NIST-94/2023; 9/1/95

IBM SAA AD/Cycle C/370 ES/9000: 3090, 308x. 43xx. 937x:

Compiler Version 1 VM/ESA Version 1 VM/ESA Version 1 Release 2.1

Release 2; Release 2.1 NIST-94/2024; 9/1/95

IBM Visual Age C-I--I- for OS/2 Intel 80486 lOOmh IBM models 8535, 8540, 855x. 8565, 857x. 8580, 859x, Version 3; OS/2 Warp Version 3 9533, 9545, 955x, 9576, 9577, 9585, 959x, 638x, 648x, NIST-95/2041 649x, 657x, 658x, 68xx, 864x, 550, 720, 510, 510Cs,

7/1/96 340, 355, 360, 701 , 750, 755, 700

OS/2 2.1 1 - Warp Version 3.0

Intergraph Clipper Advanced Clipper Model C400- 2430; Clipper C300 and C400;

Corporation Optimizing C Version 1 .57; CLIX Version 7.5 CLIX Version 7.5 NIST-95/1163: 1/1/96

Clipper Advanced Clipper Model C400- 2430; Clipper C300 and C400; Optimizing C Version 2.01 CLIX Version 7.5 CLIX Version 7.5 NIST-95/1164: 1/1/96

Microsoft Microsoft CIC+ + MIPS/NEX Model Unisys X-Series Deskside/LX; Corporation Optimizing Compiler Image RISCStation; Compaq Deskpro XE560; Version 9.00 Release Microsoft Windows NT IBM Valuepoint 6384-199;

Microsoft Visual C-i--t- Version 3.5 Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.5 Version 2.0; NIST-94/2141; 10/1/95

2-81 C PROCESSORS, Continued c- Certificates


Microsoft C/C+ -t- Optimizing Unisys X-Series Unisys X-Series Deskside/LX; Compiler Version 9.00; Deskside/LX, model Compaq Deskpro XE560; Release Microsoft x-series Deskside/LX IBM Valuepoint 6384-199; Visual C-i- + Version 2.0; Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.5 NIST-94/2142; Version 3.5 10/1/95

Microsoft C/C-t--t- Compaq Model Unisys X-Series Deskside/LX; Optimizing Compiler Deskpro XE560; Compaq Deskpro XE560; Version 9.00; Release Microsoft Windows NT IBM Valuepoint 6384-199; Microsoft Visual C-l- + Version 3.5 Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.5 Version 2.0; NIST-94/2143; 10/1/95

Microsoft C/C+ + IBM Valuepoint Unisys X-Series Deskside/LX; Optimizing Compiler 6384-199 Compaq Deskpro XE560; Version 9.00; Release Microsoft Windows NT IBM Valuepoint 6384-199;

Microsoft Visual C-I--I- Version 3.5 Microsoft Windows NT Version 3.5

Version 2.0; NIST-94/2144; 10/1/95

Pyramid DC/OSx ANSI C. Version MIServer-ES; Technology 4.0 Release c08x; DC/OSx Version 1.1 Corp. NIST-95/1621; Release c07x 5/1/96

DC/OSx ANSI C, Version Nile; 4.0 Release d08x; DC/OSx Version 1.1 NIST-95/1622; Release d08x 5/1/96

DC/OSx ANSI C, Version Reliant RM1 000; 4.0 Releaise m07x; DC/OSx Version 1.1 NIST-95/1623; Release m07x 5/1/96

SCO Canada, SCO OpenServer Development DELL 486 Model Inc. System Release 5; 433/ME; NIST-95/1941; SCO OpenServer 7/1/96 Release 5

Sequent ptx/C Version 4.0 SE20; S2000/290, /490, /790 Computer NIST-95/1242; DYNIX/ptx Version 4.0 SE60, SE90, ELS, SE30, SE70, SE100; Systems, Inc. 2/1/96 DYNIX/ptx Version 4.0

Silicon C Version SC4-ANSIC-3.19; 4D/CRIM model IP17; Graphics NIST-94/1443; IRIX Version 5.3 Computer 10/1/95 Systems, Inc.

MIPS PRO C Version Challenge model IP21; SC4-ANSIC-6.0; IRIX Version 6.0 NIST-94/1444; 10/1/95

SunSoft, A Sun SPARCompiler C SPARCstation 5 Voyager, SPARCstation 10, SPARCserver Microsystems, Version 3.0.1; SPARCstation 20; 1000, SPARCcenter 2000; Inc. Business NIST-94/1744; Solaris Version 2.4 Solaris Version 2.4 9/1/95

2-82 ;

C PROCESSORS, Continued c - Certificates


Precompiler C Gateway 2000 486/33E:

Version 2.0.1; UnixWare Version 1.1 NIST-94/1745: 9/1/95

Tandem C Release D30; Himalaya Range Model Himalav Range K100, K1000 Computers NIST-94/2182: K10000 Open Sysem Services on Incorporated 12/1/95 Open System Services on NonStop Kernel Release D30 Nonstop Kernel Release D30

C Releeise D30; Himalaya Range Model Himalaya Range K100. K1000; NlST-94/2181: K10000: Guardian on NonStop Kernel 12/1/95 Guardian on NonStop Release D30 Kernel Release D30

Tisoft, Inc. Green Hills C Compiler Compaq ProLiant 2000 Compaq ProUant 1000 486DX2/66. 2000 model 5/90

Version 1 .8.7: Model 5/66: SCO Unix Release 3.2 Version 4.2 NIST-94/2201 SCO UNIX Release 3.2 Compaq ProLiant 2000 Model 5/90 (Dual) 12/1/95 Version 4.2 Compaq ProLiant 4000 Model 5/90 (QUAD) SCO Unix Release 3.2 Version 4.2 w/SCO MPX Multi-processor Extension Release 3.0

Unisys UCS C (UC) Version 2200 Model 900; 2200 Model 500 4R3 Release SB5R3; 2200 OS EXEC Version 2200 OS EXEC Version 44R3 Release SB5R3 NIST-95/1043; 44R3 Release SB5R3 1/1/96

2-83 2-84 1 J '

! 7l


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3.1 FIPS Database Language Standards

As specified by the FIPS, FIRMR and the associated Federal ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index, Federal agencies, when acquiring SQL processors, are responsible for assuring that processors are in accordance with the applicable FIPS PUB 127, Database Language SQL. On December 3, 1993, FIPS PUB 127-2 superseded FIFS PUB 127-1.

3.2 Organization of Database Language Processor Entries

Each entry in the VPL is a very limited extract from the Validation Summary Report (VSR) available from the Software Standards Validation Group at NIST. See 3.4 and 3.5 below.

Products validated for conformance to FIPS PUB 127-2 are listed. Products that demonstrated one or more nonconformities, as assessed by the SQL Validation System, are listed separately at the end. (These products are considered "provisionally" validated, pending correction of nonconformities.) The entries in the VPL for database language processors are presented as follows:

• The VENDOR column contains the name of the Vendor of the processor.

• The second column contains the name of the processor, its version number, the VSR number, the Expiry date of the Validation Certificate or the Registered VSR, and the hardware and operating system on which the testing was done. The term "Pre-release" means that the vendor has designated

the SQL processor as "not commercially available" at the time of validation. The product is listed to assist users in planning for future procurements. The term "Vendor-Tested Port" means the Vendor has complied with CSL procedures for self-testing a ported version of a registered SQL processor. NIST has reviewed Vendor test results and determined them to be equivalent to those in the referenced BASE VSR.

• The INTERFACES & COMPILERS column contains the names of associated interactive SQL or programming language interfaces, and identification of the programming language compilers that interface with the SQL processor. A listing in the COMPILERS column is not an indication that the compiler has been validated for the applicable programming language standard. See the

preceding "Programming Languages" Section for a list of validated compilers.

• The last column entries column include other hardware and operating system environments in which the processor operates, and the programming language compilers that interface with the SQL processor. The listings of the compilers and operating systems may contain a range of versions that are supported. Rebadged or renamed software are also listed here. This column is restricted to binary-compatible hardware environments. This column also lists the number and type of nonconformities for each programming language interface tested. "Schema" nonconformities are deficiencies in support for standard schema definition language constructs. "FIPS Flagger" in this column indicates that the mandatory FIPS Flagger requirement of FIPS 127 was not implemented. Refer to the VSR for details. The number of nonconformities is only one limited measure of the quality of an SQL interface. It is more important to analyze the nature of each individual nonconformity and its impact on meeting user requirements.

33 Validation Requirements

Refer to Database Language SOL Validation Procedures. The requirements for validation of database language processors are the same as those for programming language processors, listed in section 2.3.1,

3-1 with several exceptions. Expired VSRs are deleted from the VPL to motivate vendors to test new releases of their SQL processors and to demonstrate conformance to more comprehensive versions of the SQL Test Suite. Information about expired VSRs or vendor self-testing with the SQL Test Suite may be available from the vendor. 3.4

Certificate of Validation

A Certificate of Validation is issued for those SQL processors that have been tested and are considered 3.5 to be in compliance with FIPS as specified by the FIPS, by the FIRMR, and the associated Federal ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index.

Registered Report

A Validation Summary Report (VSR) that indicates that the SQL processors did not meet the criteria for a Certificate of Validation may be registered by the Computer Systems Laboratory. A VSR is

considered registered by CSL when it contains a signed notice that the VSR will be listed in the CSL Validated Products List (VPL).

3.6 Validation Procedures

SQL processors are tested in accordance with the procedures described in the NIST Database Language

SQL Validation Procedures . To request a copy of the validation procedures and/or to request the validation of an SQL processor, contact:

National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Systems Laboratory Software Standards Validation Group Building 225, Room A266 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 (U.S.A.) Telephone (301) 975-2490 (Voice) (301) 975-3274 (Voice) (301) 948-6213 (FAX) e-mail: [email protected] (INTERNET)

3.7 SQL Validation System

To request a copy of the SQL Validation System and/or to submit questions regarding the SQL Validation System, contact:

National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Systems Laboratory Database Languages Group Building 225, Room A266 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 (U.S.A.) Telephone (301) 975-3258 (Voice) (301) 975-3263 (Voice) (301) 948-6213 (FAX) e-mail: [email protected] (INTERNET)

3-2 3.8 Availability of Validation Summary Report by FTP

ASCII formatted Validation Summary Reports are available in electronic media using the following instructions;

1. Type: ftp (internet address is 2. Lx>gin as user ftp

3. Type your e-mail address preceded by a dash (-) as the password 4. Type: cd sql-testing/VSRs 5. Type; ascii 6. Type: get and the name of the file you want, e.g., README.TXT.

The README.TXT file contains disclaimer information; read this file for important information regarding potentially missing information from the VSR.

3-3 3.8 SQL PROCESSORS SQL- Certificates



[Entry FIPS 127-2 exceeds requirements for FIPS 127-1 with Integrity Enhancement Option]

AT&T Global Teradata DBS, Version Embedded SQL C Information 5.F.0 (Pre-release); C Preprocessor 2, Solutions NIST-94/7150; V. 5.2 (Pre-release) 12/31/95; SAS C, Version 500.G Embedded COBOL Client: Amdahl 5890-600E; COBOL Preprocessor IBM MVS XA, V. 2.2.0 2, V. 5.2 (Pre-release)

Server; DBC/1012 Model 4 IBM VS COBOL II, Release 3.1 DBMS runs native to Interactive SQL hardware (FIPS Default)

Features Tested: Entry RPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

Informix Informix-OnUne Embedded C Software, Inc. Version 7.10; INFQRMtX-ESQL/C Version 7.10 NIST-95/7011; SunSoft SPARCompiler 12/30/95; Version C3.0 Embedded CQBQL SUN SPARCserver 690 MP; INFORMIX-ESQL/COBOL Solaris Version 2.4 Version 7.10 Microfocus CQBQL Features Tested: Version V3.1.35 Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

Informix-OnUne/Secure Embedded C Version 7.10; INFQRMIX-ESQL/C Version 7.10 NIST-95/7012; SunSoft SPARCompiler 12/30/95; Version C3.0 Embedded CQBQL SUN SPARCstation 10; INFORMIX-ESQL/CQBQL Solaris Version 2.4 Version 7.10 Microfocus CQBQL Features Tested: Version V3.1.35 Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

Informix-OnUne Module Ada Version 7.10; INFORMIX-ADA/SAME NIST-95/7013; Version 6.0 12/30/95; Sun SPARCworks ADA Version 2.1 SUN SPARCstation 10; Solaris Version 2.4

Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

3-4 SQL PROCESSORS, Continued SQL- Certificates


Informix-OnUne Embedded C Any hardware certified Version 7.10 INFORMIX-ESQL/C to run Microsoft Windows NIST-95/7031: Version 7.10 N.T. Workstation/Server 3.5 5/30/96: Microsoft Visual C/C+ + Version 2.00 Intel Express XLX8TEFS Interactive SQL w/ Intel 80486DX2-66: INFORMIX-OnUne Microsoft Windows N.T. Workstation/Server 3.5

Features Tested; Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

Informix-OnUne Embedded C Any hardware certified Version 7.10 INFORMIX-ESQL/C to run Microsoft Windows NIST-95/7032: Version 7.10 N.T. Workstation/Server 3.5 5/30/96: Microsoft Visual C/C-H + Version 2.00

Intel Express XLX8TEFS Interactive SQL w/ Intel Pentium: INFORMIX-OnUne Microsoft Windows N.T. Workstation/Server 3.5

Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

Oracle ORACLE7, Release 7.1: Embedded C Corporation NIST-94/7141: Pro*C. V. 1.6 6/30/96: SPARCompiler C Rel. 3.0 SUN SPARCstation 10: SunOS V. 5.3

Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ORACLE7, Release 7.1: Embedded C NIST-94/7142: Pro»C, V. 1.6, 2.0 6/30/96: DYNIX/ptx Native C

Sequent 2000/700: DYNIX/ptx V. 2.1

Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ORACLE7, Release 7.1: Module C NIST-94/7143: SQL*Module for C 6/30/96: Version 1.0 SunOS V. 4.1.3 SUN SPARCstation 10: SPARCompiler C SunOS Version 4.1.3 Rel. 3.0

3-5 4

SQL PROCESSORS, Continued SQL- Certificates


Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS Embedded Ada VAX 4000 Models 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, VAX Version 6.0; Module Ada 600; VAX 6000 Models 200, 300, 400, 500, NIST-94/7111: VAX Ada Version 2.3 600; VAX 7000 Model 600; VAX 8200, 8250, 03/31/96; Embedded C 8300, 8350, 8500, 8530, 8550, 8598, 8600, Module C 8650, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8820, 8830, 8840; VAXstation 3500; VAX C Version 3.2 VAX 9000 Models 110, 210, 300, 400; VAX OpenVMS VAX, V. 5.4-3 Embedded COBOL 10000 Model 600; VAXft 3000 Models 110, Module COBOL 310, 410, 610, 612; VAX-1 1/730, VAX-1 1/750,

Features Tested: VAX COBOL Version 5.1 VAX-1 1/780, VAX-1 1/785; MicroVAX’s II, 2000, Entry FIPS 127-2 Embedded FORTRAN 3100 Models 10/10E, 20/20E, 30, 40, 80, 90; FIPS Sizing Defaults Module FORTRAN MicroVAX’s 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600,

VAX FORTRAN Version 5.8 3800, 3900: VAXstation’s II, 2000, 3100 Embedded PASCAL Models 30, 38, 40, 48, 76; VAXstation’s 3200, Module PASCAL 3500, 3520, 3540, 4000 Models 60, 90, VLC; VAX Pascal Version 4.4 VAXservers 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, Interactive SQL 3600, 3800, 3900, 4000 Models 200, 300, 400, (FIPS Default) 500, 600, 700: VAXserver 6000 Models 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Series; VAXservers 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8830, 8840 OpenVMS VAX, Vers. 5.4, 5.5, 6.0

VAX Ada V2.0 - 2.3 VAX C V3.0 - 3.2 VAX COBOL V4.2-4.4 VAX COBOL V5.0-5.1 VAX Fortran V5.0 - 5.9 VAX Pascal V4.0 - 4.4

Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS Embedded Ada DEC 2000 Model 300, DEC 3000 Models 300, AXP Version 6.0; Module Ada 400 AXP Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 400 NIST-94/7112: DEC Ada for OpenVMS AXP Server, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP 03/31/96: AXP, Version 3.0 Workstation, DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Embedded C Server, DEC 4000 Model 610 AXP System, DEC 2000 Model 300; Module C DEC 7000 Model 610 AXP System, DEC OpenVMS AXP, V. 1.5 DEC C for OpenVMS 10000 Model 610 AXP System AXP, Version 1.3 OpenVMS AXP Ver. 1.5 Features Tested: Embedded COBOL Entry FIPS 127-2 Module COBOL DEC Ada for OpenVMS AXP V.3.0 FIPS Sizing Defaults DEC COBOL for OpenVMS DEC C for OpenVMS AXP V. 1.3-1. AXP, Version 1.1 DEC COBOL for OpenVMS AXP V. 1.1 -2.0 Embedded FORTRAN DEC Fortran for OpenVMS AXP V.6.1 -6.2 Module FORTRAN DEC Pascal for OpenVMS AXP V.5.0-5.1 DEC FORTRAN for OpenVMS AXP, V.6.1 Embedded PASCAL Module PASCAL DEC Pascal for OpenVMS AXP, Version 5.1 Interactive SQL (FIPS Default)

3-6 SQL PROCESSORS, Continued SQL- Certificates


Software AG ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7021: with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled HP-UX 9000/715 with ADABAS D HP-UX Release 9.05 C compiler, Version A.09.69 bundied with HP-UX Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7022: with ADABAS D 7/31/96: Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler HP 9000/715 bundled with ADABAS D HP-UX Release 9.05 Microfocus COBOL, Version v3.245 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7023: with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled IBM RS6000 320H with ADABAS D AIX Version 3.2 upgrade 3250 C compiler. Version 1.3 bundled with AIX Version 3.2 upgrade 3250 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 RPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundied NIST-95/7024: with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler IBM RS6000 320H bundled with ADABAS D AIX 3.2 upgrade 3250 Microfocus COBOL, Version 3.235 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7025: with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled INTEL 486 Processor DX 2/66 with ADABAS D Windows NT Version 3.5 Microsoft 32-bit C/C+ Optimizing Compiler, Features Tested: Version 9.00 for 80x86 Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

3-7 SQL PROCESSORS, Continued SQL- Certificates


ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7026; with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler INTEL 486 Processor DX 2/66 bundled with ADABAS D Windows NT Version 3.5 Microfocus COBOL, Version 3.G.19 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7027; with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled INTEL 486 Processor DX 2/66 with ADABAS D OS/2, Warp IBM C/C+ + Tools, Version 2.01 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7028; with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler INTEL 486 Processor DX 2/66 bundled with ADABAS D OS/2, Warp Microfocus COBOL, Version 3.G.19 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/7029; with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled INTEL 486 Processor with ADABAS D SCO UNIX Rel 3.2 Ver 4.0 C compiler bundled with SCO UNIX Release 3.2, Features Tested: Version 4.0 Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor 6.1.1; LOAD, utility bundled NIST-95/702A; with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler INTEL 486 Processor bundled with ADABAS D SCO UNIX Rel 3.2 Ver 4.C Microfocus COBOL, Version 3.141 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 RPS Sizing Defaults

3-8 SQL PROCESSORS, Continued SQL- Certificates


ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor

. 1 . 1 LOAD, utility bundled 6 ; NIST-95/702B; with ADABAS D 7/31/96: Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled SPARC STATION 2 with ADABAS D Solaris Release 2.3 C compiler Version SC 2.0.1 bundled with Solaris Features Tested; Release 2.3 Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor utility bundled . . LOAD, 6 1 1 ; NIST-95/702C; with ADABAS D 7/31/96: Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler SPARC STATION 2 bundled with ADABAS D Solaris Release 2.3 Microfocus COBOL Version 3.238 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 RPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor

. 1 . 1 LOAD, utility bundled 6 ; NIST-95/702D: with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded C C Pre-compiler bundled DEC 30CX) AXP Model 50C with ADABAS D DEC OSF/1 Version 2.0 C compiler Version bundled with Features Tested: DEC OSF/1 Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults

ADABAS D, Version Schema Processor utility bundled 6 . 1 . 1 ; LOAD, NIST-95/702E; with ADABAS D 7/31/96; Embedded COBOL COBOL Pre-compiler DEC 3000 AXP Model 500 bundled with ADABAS D DEC OSF/1 Version 2.0 Microfocus COBOL Version 3.253 Features Tested: Entry FIPS 127-2 RPS Sizing Defaults

Sybase, Inc. Sybase System 10 Schema Processor GA Release 10.0.1; Interactive SQL (isql) NIST-94/7131: Release 10.0.1 4/30/96; Embedded C Sybase System 10 Client; Sun 4/25 Embedded SQL/C SunOS V. 4.1.3 GA 10.0.1 Server: Sun 4/25 gcc version 2.3.1 SunOS V. 4.1.3

3-9 SQL PROCESSORS, Continued SQL- Certificates


Features Tested; Entry FIPS 127-2 FIPS Sizing Defaults


[Entry FIPS 127-2 exceeds requirements for FIPS 127-1 with Integrity Enhancement Option]

No entries for this quarter.



4.1 FIPS GKS Standard

The Graphical Kernel System (GKS) is a two-dimensional graphics tool box which provides for the display and manipulation of pictures and graphical input from the operator. The purpose of GKS is to promote portability of graphics applications for use on a variety of graphics . It provides a functional interface between an application program and a configuration of graphical devices. The interface is at such a level of abstraction that hardware peculiarities are shielded from the application program.

FIPS PUB 120-1, GKS, is the first Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) registered for computer graphics systems. In accordance with FIPS PUB 120-1, two- dimensional graphics toolbox packages acquired for Federal use after November 3, 1986 should implement FIPS GKS. Conformance testing of GKS implementations protects Federal investment by ensuring adherence to the graphics standard. FIPS PUB 120-1 requires that GKS implementations offered to Federal agencies be tested using the NIST Test Suite to ensure that a particular implementation meets the specifications of the FIPS. The GKS Validation Test Suite (Fortran) is available from:

Ms. Susan Sherrick National Institute of Standards and Technology Building 225, Room A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3268

4.1.1 Organization of GKS Entries

The entries in the VPL for GKS implementations are presented as follows:

• The VENDOR column contains the name of the Vendor of the implementation.

• The next column contains the name of the implementation, its version number, the Expiry date of the certificate of validation, the VSR number, and level of GKS that was validated.

• The HARDWARE & OP. SYSTEM column presents the hardware and operating system environment used during the validation.

• The last column includes the graphics devices that were validated, and any other environments that have been registered.

4.2 FIPS PHIGS Standard

PHIGS stands for Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System. PHIGS is a system for interactive 3-dimensional (3D) graphics applications that provides programmers with a set of features enabling them to manipulate and display complex 3D objects. It is called hierarchical because the complex objects can be built up from simpler objects. PHIGS also provides a rich set

of facilities for real-time interaction with the user. While it borrows many concepts from the

Graphical Kernel System (GKS) standard, it also introduces many new features, such as a "graphics data base" (the centralized structure store), and support for modeling and viewing.

4 - 1 In accordance with FIPS PUB 153, (PHIGS), 3D graphics packages acquired for Federal use should implement FIPS PHIGS. Conformance testing of PHIGS implementations protects Federal investment by ensuring adherence to the graphics standard. FIPS PUB 153 requires that PHIGS implementations offered to Federal agencies be tested using the NIST PVT (PHIGS Validation Tests) test suite. The test suite ensures that a particular implementation meets the specifications set forth in the FIPS. The PHIGS PVT test suite is available from:

Project Leader, PHIGS Validation Tests National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Systems Laboratory Bldg. 225, Room A-266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 phone: (301) 975-3265 e-mail: [email protected]

4.2.1 Organization of PHIGS Entries

The entries in the VPL for PHIGS implementations are as follows:

• The VENDOR column contains the name of the vendor of the implementation.

• The PHIGS name column contains the name of the implementation, its version number, the Validation Summary Report (VSR) number, and the expiry date of the certification of validation.

• The HARDWARE & OP.SYSTEM column presents the hardware and operating system environment used during the validation.

• The GRAPHICS DEVICES column includes the graphics devices that were validated.

• The entries in the REGISTERED ENVIRONMENTS HW/OS column includes registered hardware and operating systems for the implementation tested. The vendor of the implementation has certified that the identified processor, when operating under the environments included in this column, produces the same test results exhibited during the validation. Test results and other information from these environments may be required as evidence for entries to be included in this column.

• The NONCONFORMITIES column indicates whether or not the PHIGS implementation conforms to the FIPS in one or more cases as evidenced by the validation. The VSR should be reviewed for more details of the nonconformities.

4.3 FIPS CGM Standard

Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) 128-1, Computer Graphics

Metafile (CGM), is a data interchange standard for the storage and retrieval of picture information in a device independent manner. The purpose of the CGM is to facilitate the transfer of graphical information among different computer systems, graphical devices, and/or applications.

The FIPS PUB 128-1 requires the use of application profiles. In particular, FIPS PUB 128-1 requires the use of military specification MIL-D-28003A, commonly known as the Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS) CGM Application Profile (AP). FIPS PUB 128-1 should be used when the representation of graphical information in digital form is to be used in

4-2 technical illustrations and publications, and when the use of a general-purpose, graphical interchange mechanism is required.

The NIST CGM Validation Test Service is divided into three testing programs: metafile,

generator, and interpreter testing. The purpose of the Test Service is to determine the degree to which the metafile, CGM generator, or CGM interpreter conforms to the FIPS 128-1, and subsequently the CALS CGM AP. Presently, the NIST CGM Validation Test Service addresses only CGM Version 1.

! 4.3.1 Validation Procedures and Test Suite

CGM files, generators, and interpreters are tested in accordance with procedures described in the NIST Procedures for CGM Testing, NISTIR 5372. The current version of the CGM Generator

I Test Suite is 1.0; the current version of the Validation Test Software is 5.02. The CGM Interpreter Test Suite is issued as Release 1.1. The validation procedures and test suites are available from:

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Computer Systems Laboratory CGM Test Service Room A266, Technology Building Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Telephone: (301) 975-3265

4.3.2 Certificate of Validation

Conformance testing of metafiles focuses on testing an instance of a CGM for conformance to Version 1 CGM as specified in the FIPS PUB 128-1. If the CGM tested is in compliance with the

FIPS 128-1, a Certificate of Validation will be issued. The certificate is valid indefinitely; i.e., it

does not expire. If a metafile is modified in any way, it will be considered a ’new’ CGM and thus, not covered by the certificate. Conformance of a metafile does NOT necessarily imply conformance of a CGM generator, interpreter, or other CGMs created on the same system.

For CGM generator and interpreter testing, a certificate of validation is issued for an implementation that has been tested and is compliant with the FIPS PUB 128-1.

4.3.3 Validated Metafiles

The metafiles identified in Section 4.5 have been tested for conformity with FIPS 128-1. Each entry in the VPL is a very limited extract from the Validation Summary Report (VSR) available from NIST/CSL.

4.4 Raster Graphics Standards

FIPS PUB 150 adopts EIA-538 which defines the facsimile coding schemes and their control functions for Group 4 facsimile apparatus, i.e., ITU-T (formerly CCITT) Recommendation T.6. It defines a standard compression algorithm (T.6 - Group 4) suitable for the storage, retrieval, and interchange of raster graphics images.

Military Specification MIL-R-28002 specifies the structure and encoding of raster data files to be delivered to the government. It specifies the use of the standard compression algorithm defined

4-3 in FIPS PUB 150. It also specifies the use of standard file headers which are defined in MIL-STD- 1840. MIL-STD-1840 standardizes the format and structure of digital technical data files for the purpose of interchange between organizations or systems.

4.4.1 Certificate of Validation

The Raster Graphics Validation Test Service tests an implementation’s capability of both receiving and generating raster graphics data conforming to the specifications in FIPS PUB 150 and MIL-R- 28002.

A certificate of validation is issued for an implementation that passes the validation test and conforms to HPS PUB 150 and MIL-R-28002.

4.4.2 Information Pack

Upon request, a Raster Graphics Validation Test Information Pack is available from:

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Computer Systems Laboratory Raster Graphics Validation Test Service Technology Building, Room A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899



Digital DEC GKS Version 6.0 DEC System 3000/500; Motif Workstation Equipment for Open VMS AXP Systems; Open VMS AXP PostScript Workstation (using DEC LN03-A2 Corporation 12/1/96: Version 6.1 Laser Printer): NIST/NCC-94/900: Level 2c

Digital DEC GKS Version 6.0A DEC System 3000/500; Motif Workstation Equipment for DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems; DEC OSF/1 AXP PostScript Workstation (using DEC LN03-A2 Corporation 12/1/96: Version 2.0 Laser Printer): NIST/NCC-94/901: Level 2c


CLIENT VSR # & OATB #CGM CGM/SIZE/DATE; PLATFORM Submitlad/Confonning GENERATOR (As reported by Vendor)

Interleaf. Inc NIST-M-92/003-001 asg.cgm 8880 5 v5.3. HP9000/700. HP UX v8.07 0 Segundo, CA 9/2/92: 8/31/92: 1/1 Irrterieaf Inc MDL/G

IBM Corporation NIST-M-92/005-002 gcgm i220.cgm 5280 IBM RS6000 Model 220. AIX 3.2 Federal Sector 10/28/92; 10/27^2: Division 5/5 GRAFPAK-CGM 1.1.2 Oswego. NY gcgmJ530.cgm 5280 IBM RS6000 Model 530. AIX 3.2 10/27^2; GRAFPAK-CGM 1.1.2

gcgm_n345.cgm 5280 NCR 3450. NCR UNIX SVR4 10/27^2: GRAFPAK-CGM 1.1.2

gcgm_n355.cgm 5280 NCR 3550. NCR UNIX SVR4 10/27^2: GRAFPAK-CGM 1.1.2

gks i530.cgm 23680 IBM RS6000 Model 530. AIX 3.2 10/27/92; GRAFPAK-GKS 4.0

ESRI NIST-M-93/006-003 sun.cgm 181680 SUN SparcStation. Sun OS 4.1.3 Boulder CO 1/26/93: 1/19/93: 5/5 ARC/INFO

.cgm 181680 IBM RS6000. AIX 3.2 1/19/93: ARC/INFO

dg.cgm 181680 Data General AViiON. DG/UX 5.4.1 1/19/93: ARC/INFO

dec.cgm 181680 DecStation 5000. ULTRIX 4.2a 1/19/93: ARC/INFO

sgi.cgm 181680 Silicon Graphics Indigo. IRIX 4.0.2 1/19/93: ARC/INFO

EDS NIST.M-93/007-004 demo5.cgm 13280 SPARCStation 10 Model 30. Solaris 2.1 HeiTKlon. VA 1/29/93; 1/28/93: 3/3 GRAFPAK-GKS 4.0

demo7.cgm 5360 SPARCStation 10 Model 30. Solaris 2.1 1/28/93: GRAFPAK-GKS 4.0

demo8.cgm 3840 SPARCStation 10 Model 30. Solaris 2.1 1/28/93: GRAFPAK-GKS 4.0

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A'V.' ??•. .* & ^^??v57»w 5. NIST POSIX CONFORMANCE TESTING

5.1 FIPS POSIX Standard

The National Institute of Standards and Technology through its Computer Systems Laboratory (NIST/CSL) has established a conformance testing program for the Federal Information Standard for POSIX (FIPS 151-1 and FIPS 151-2). FIPS 151-2 replaced FIPS 151-1 in its entirely on October 15, 1993. These standards are based on the IEEE POSIX Std. 1003.1-1988 (FIPS 151-1) and ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 (FIPS 151-2). The testing model includes a Certification Authority, NVLAP Accredited Testing Laboratories, Clients and the official NIST POSIX Conformance Test Suites. The Certification Authority is the Director of NIST/CSL. The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), part of NIST, accredits the testing laboratories. The test suites NIST-PCTS:151-1 and NIST-PCTS:151-2 were developed by NIST/CSL and are based on the test assertions specified by the IEEE Standard for Information Technology — Test Methods for Measuring Conformance to POSIX, IEEE Std. 1003.3-1991 (NIST-PCTS:151-1) and the IEEE

Standard for Information Technology — Test Methods for Measuring conformance to POSIX. 1, IEEE Std 2003.1-1992 (NIST-PCTS:151-2).

5.2 POSIX Test Procedures

There are Accredited POSIX Testing Laboratories (APTLs) accredited by NVLAP for using one

or both test suites. NVLAP accreditation is renewable after one year, and identifies the specific

testing procedures which the lab is authorized to run. The labs provide testing and analysis services to their clients and may forward the final test results to NIST/CSL for evaluation and subsequent issuance of a Certificate of Validation by NIST/CSL.

Testing policy documents and registers of validated products and accredited laboratories and available on an electronic mail (email) file server system. For most email systems, send an email message to |X)[email protected] (mail f)[email protected]). The first line of the message should contain a command to send index (send index). After issuing the send eommand and a carriage return, end the email message. A listing of all of the available files will be returned via email to the requesting email address.

5.3 POSIX Test Suite

The NIST-PCTS: 151-2 is available from NIST/CSL, POSIX Certification Authority, Building 225 Room B266, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.

5.4 Validation Requirements

An accredited lab may submit a "clean" test report to NIST/CSL for evaluation in anticipation of a Certification of Validation being issued. "Clean" implies no test assertion failures. The Certificate of Validation will confirm that the stated product has been tested using the official NIST-PCTS and that the test results have been validated by NIST/CSL. The Certificate of Validation and the Test Results Summary contain information on the product tested, the implementation that was tested, the suppliers, conditional features that were tested, configuration details and the identification of the testing laboratory. These certificates are issued by NIST/CSL through the testing lab. Fees for services by the testing labs are established by the labs.

5-1 November 23, 1994


The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) has accredited the following laboratories to test computer operating system interfaces for conformance with the Federal Information Processing Standard 151-1 (FIPS 151-1) using the NIST POSIX Conformance Test Suite (NIST-PCTS: 151-1). Only accredited laboratories may submit test reports to NIST/CSL for validation.


The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) has accredited the following laboratories to test computer operating system interfaces for conformance with the Federal Information Processing Standard 151-1 (FIPS 151-1) using the NIST POSIX Conformance Test Suite (NIST-PCTS:151-1). Only accredited laboratories may submit test reports to NIST/CSL for validation.

BULL S.A. / Laboratoire POSIX Contact Mr. Georges Chardon

1 rue de Provence / BP208 Phone: (33) 76 39 75 93 38432 ECHIROLLES CEDEX (France)

DataFocus Incorporated Contact Mr. Glen McPherson

1 2450 Feiir Lakes Circle, Suite 400 Phone: 703-631-6770 Fairfax. VA 22033-3831

Mindcraft, Inc. Contact Mr. Bruce Weiner 410 Cambridge Avenue Phone: 415-323-9000 Palo Alto, CA 94306

PERENNIAL Contact Mr. Barry E. Hedquist 4699 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 210 Phone: 408-748-2900 Santa Clara. CA 95054

5-2 , .



The following products have been tested by an Accredited POSIX Testing Laboratory (APTLJ using the official National Institute of Standards and Technology POSIX Conformance Test Suite (NIST-PCTS: 151-1) for the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 151-1 (FIPS PUB 151-1). A Certificate of Validation has been issu^ by NIST/CSL Additbnal information is available

from NIST/CSL on conditional features supported, configuration details, and resolved test codes (if appropriate).


Amdahl Corporation AMD5598 AGI Computer, IrK. EVR0901 Apple Computer Inc. APP2482, APP3355, APP7204, APP7224, Alpha Systems Lab SUN3403 APP7235, APP8616, APP9125, APP9165 AMD5598 AT&T ATT1566 Apple Computer Inc. APP2482, APP3355. APP7204, APP7224. BULL S.A. BUL2387, BUL6051 APP7235, APP8616, APP9125. APP9165 Control Data Corporation CDC1101, CDC5574, CDC5750 AST Research, IrK. SCO4102, UNV3055. UNV9180. USL2115.

CONVEX Computer Corporation CON0202, CON2551 , CON6027 USL6259 Cray Research, Inc. CRA2641 AT&T ATT1566. USL3610 Data General Corporation DGC2542. DGC4767, DGC8016. DGC8703, BULL S.A. BUL2387, BUL6051 DGC9391, DGC9574 Compaq Computer Corporation INT5154, LNX3076, SUN6859 Digital Equipment Corp. DEC0319, DEC0638, DEC4670, DEC5794, Control Data Corporation CDC1101, CDC5574, CDC5750

DEC7386, DEC7833. DEC7917, DEC8003, CONVEX Computer Corp. CON0202. CON2551 , CON6027 DEC9418, DEC9672 Cray Research, Inc. CRA2641 Encore Computer Corporation ENC6897 Data Ger>eral Corporation DGC2542, DGC4767. DGC8016, DGC8703,

ESIX/Everex Systems, Inc. EVR0901 , EVR9749 DGC9391 , DGC9574, SC06748 Harris Corporation HAR5240 Dell Computer Corporation SUN1065 Hewlett-Packard Company HPC0115, HPC0303, HPC0535, HPC0603, DiamoTKl Flower Incorporated SC03664, SCO8054 HPC1581, HPC1992, HPC2540, HPC2698, Digital Equipment Corp. DEC0319, DEC0638, DEC4670, DEC5794, HPC2952, HPC3574, HPC3760, HPC3897, DEC7386, DEC7833. DEC7917, DEC8003. HPC4246, HPC6304, HPC6391, HPC6637, DEC9418, DEC9672 HPC6906, HPC7051, HPC7716, HPC8098, Encore Computer Corporation ENC6897 HPC9185 ESIX/Everex Systems, Inc. EVR9749 Interactive Systems Corp. INT5154 Harris Corporation HAR5240

Intergraph Corporation INT4675 Hewlett-Packard Company HPC01 1 5. HPC0303, HPC0535, HPC1 581 International Business Machines, Irrc. IBM0320, IBM0458, IBM1344, HPC1992. HPC2540, HPC2698. HPC2952. IBM2592, IBM3697 HPC3574, HPC3760. HPC3897, HPC4246.

Lynx Real-Time Systems, Inc. LNX3076 HPC0603, HPC6304, HPC6391 , HPC6637. Modular Computer Systems, Inc. MOD4817 HPC6906, HPC7051, HPC7716, HPC8098, Motorola Computer Group MOT1086, MOT5618 HPC9185 NCR Corporation NCR0554, NCR1448, NCR2047, NCR2805, Intergraph Corporation INT4675 NCR3061, NCR3331, NCR4518, NCR5533, International Business Machines IBM0320, IBM0458, IBM1344, IBM2592, NCR7380, NCR7549 IBM3697 NeXT Computer, Irrc. NXT0623 Modular Computer Systems, Inc. MOD4817 Corporation PYR1271, PYR3067, PYR3233, Motorola Computer Group MOT1086, MOT5618 PYR4970, PYR9863 NCR Corporation NCR0554, NCR1448, NCR2047. NCR2805. Inc. SC03664, SC03832, SCO4102, SC05199, NCR3061, NCR3331. NCR4518, NCR5533. SC06748, SCO8054, SC09875 NCR7380, NCR7549 Inc. SEC8754 NeXT Computer, Inc. NXT0623

Silicon Graphics, Inc. SGI5507, SGI9297 Pyramid Technology Corp. PYR1 271 , PYR3067, PYR3233, PYR4970. Sun Microsystems Computer Corp. SUN1065, SUN1442, SUN2031, PYR9863 SUN2727, SUN2930, SUN3272, RDI SUN3402 SUN3402. SUN5684, SUN5782, Sequent Computer Systems Inc. SEC8754 SUN5970, SUN6602, SUN7188, Silicon Graphics, IrK. SGI5507, SGI9297 SUN7793 Sun Microsystems Corp., SUN0617, SUN1442. SUN2031, SUN2241, SUN2930, SUN3129, SUN3272, SunSoft, Inc. SUN061 7, SUN2241 , SUN31 29, SUN3403, SUN2727, SUN4529, SUN5382, SUN6635. SUN6859, SUN4529, SUN5382, SUN5684, SUN5782. SUN8720, SUN9763 SUN5970, SUN6602. SUN6635, SUN7188.

Unisys Corporation UNI0505, UNI1798, UNI3690, UNI571 1 SUN7793, SUN8720. SUN9763 UNI9063, UNI9080 Unisys Corporation SC09875, UNI0505, UNI1798, UNI3690. Univel UNV0528, UNV2014, UNV3055, UNV3978. UNI5711, UNI9063, UNI9080, UNV0528, UNV9180 UNV2014, UNV3978 USL21 15, USL3610, USL6259 Zenith Data Systems SC03832, SC05199


Reference File #: AMD5598 Reference RIe #: APP9165 Product Supplier; Amdahl Corporettion Product Supplier: Apple Computer Inc.

Product Tested: UTS System Version: 4 Release; 1 Product Tested: A/UX Version: 3.0 Release: March 9. 1992 System Supplier; Amdahl Corporation System Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. System Hardware; 5995M Model: 4550 System Hardware: Macintosh Model: Quadra 950 C Compiler: Amdahl C Version: 1.5 Release: June, 1993 C Compiler: A/UX Developer’s Tools (c89) Ver: 1.1 Rel: Apr 1, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued; 07/23/93 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued; 08/11/92

Reference Rle #; APP2482 Reference File #; ATT1566 Product Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. Product Supplier: AT&T Product Tested: A/UX Version: 2.0.1 Release: 01/30/1991 Product Tested: AT&T UNIX System V Ver: Release 4 Rel: 4.0.3 System Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. System Supplier: AT&T

System Hardware: Macirrtosh Model; llfx System Hardware; AT&T 3B2 R3 Series Model; 3B2/600 GR C Compiler; A/UX native C compiler (cc) Ver: 1.21 Rel: 1/13/1991 C Crmpiler: AT&T 3B2/RISC C Development System Version: 1 .0 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -04/26/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/24/91 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 11/06/91

Reference File #: APP3355 Reference RIe #: BUL2387 Product Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. Product Supplier; BULL S.A. Product Tested: /VUX Version: 3.0 Release: March 9, 1992 Product Tested: BOS Version: 2 Release; 1 System Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. System Supplier: BULL S.A. System Hardware: Macintosh Model: Quadra 700 System Hardware; DPX/2 Model: 200 C Compiler: A/UX native C compiler (cc) Ver: 1.23 Rel: Feb 9, 1992 C Compiler: C Compiler Version: 72 Release; 1 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 04/16/92 APTL 0373 BULL S.A./Laboratoire POSIX Date Issued: 2/24/93

Reference File #: APP7204 Reference RIe #: BUL6051 Product Supplier; Apple Computer Inc. Product Supplier: BULL S.A. Product Tested: A/UX Version: 3.0.1 Release: April 23, 1993 Product Tested: BOS/X Version: 3 Release: 2 System Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. System Supplier: BULL S.A. System Hardware; Workgroup Server Model: 80 System Hardware: DPX/20 Model: 620

C Compiler: A/UX Developer’s Tools (c89) Ver: 1.1 Rel: Apr 1, 1992 C Compiler: BOS/X XLC C Compiler Version: 1 Release: 02 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 06/24/93 APTL 0373 BULL S.A./Laboratoire POSIX Date Issued: 1/22/93

Reference File #: APP7224 Reference RIe #: CDC1101 Product Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. Product Supplier; Control Data Corporation Product Tested: A/UX Version: 3.0 Release; March 9, 1992 Product Tested: EP/IX Version: 1.4.2 Releaise: November 27, 1991 System Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. System Supplier: Control Data Corporation System Hardware: Macintosh Model: Quadra 950 System Hardware: Control Data 4000 Model: 4680MP C Compiler: A/UX nettive C compiler (cc) Ver: 1.23 Rel: Feb 9, 1992 C Compiler: EP/IX C Language RISCompiler V: C 2.1 1 Rel: July 1990 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/14/92 APTL 0356 Applications Software Incorporated Date Issued; 1/29/92

Reference File #: APP7235 Reference RIe #: CDC5574 Product Supplier; Apple Computer Inc. Product Supplier: Control Data Corporation Product Tested: A/UX Version: 2.0.1 Release; 01/30/1991 Product Tested: EP/IX Version: 1.3.1 Release: 03/21/1991

Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. Hardware: Macintosh Model; llci System Supplier: Control Data Corporettion C Compiler: A/UX native C compiler (cc) Ver: 1.21 Rel: 01/13/1991 System Hardware: Control Data 4000 Model; 4330-250 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 04/26/91 C Ctmpiler: EP/IX C Language RISCompiler Version: 2.1 1 Release: APTL 0342 Mindcraft, lr>c. Date Issued: 05/24/91 July 1990 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -04/26/91 Reference File #: APP8616 APTL 0356 Applications Softweae Incorporetted Date Issued: Product Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. 05/24/91 Product Tested: A/UX Version: 2.0.1 Release: 01/30/1991

Supplier; Apple Computer Inc. Hardware: Meu:intosh Model: llsi Reference RIe #: CDC5750 C Compiler: A/UX native C compiler (cc) Ver: 1.21 Rel: 01/13/1991 Product Supplier: Control Data Corporation PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 04/26/91 Product Tested: EP/IX Version; 1.3.1 Release: 03/21/1991 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/24/91 System Supplier: Control Data Corporation System Hardware; Confrol Data 4000 Model: 4680 Reference RIe #: APP91 25 C Ct^piler; EP/IX C Language RISCompiler Version: 2.1 1 Release: Product Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. 07/16/1990

Product Tested: A/UX Version: 3.0 Release; March 9, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 04/26/91 System Supplier: Apple Computer Inc. APTL 0356 /^plications Sof^are Incorporated Date Issued: System Hardware: Macintosh Model; Quadra 700 05/24/91

C Cc^piler: A/UX Developer’s Tools (c89) Ver: 1.1 Rel: April 1, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 08/11/92

5-4 t


! Reference RIe #: CON0202 Reference RIe #: DEC5794 Product Supplier: CONVEX Computer Corporation Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product Tested: ConvexOS Version: 10.1 Release: C200 Series Product Tested; ULTRIX Version: 4.2 Release: May 31. 1991 System Supplier: CONVEX Computer Corporation System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation

System Hardware: C2 Model: C220 System Hardware: VAXstation II Model; GPX C Compiler: CONVEX C Version: 4.3.2 C Compiler: pcc Version; 4.2 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -04/26/91 APTL 0343 DataFocus IrKorporated Date Issued: 05/11/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 06/17/91

I Reference RIe #: CON2551 Reference RIe #: DEC7386 Product Supplier: CONVEX Computer Corporation Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product Tested: ConvexOS Version: 10.1 Release; C3800 Series Product Tested: The ULTRIX Operating System Version; 4.3 System Supplier: CONVEX Computer Corporation Release: August 1992 System Hardware: C38 Model: C3810 System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation

I C Ccmpiler: CONVEX C Version: 4.3.2 System Hardware: DECstation Model: 5000/200 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 C Compiler: Mips C Compiler Version: 2.10 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 05/11/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 09/18/92 i Reference RIe #: CON6027 Product Supplier: CONVEX Computer Corporation Reference RIe #: DEC7833

i I Product Tested: ConvexOS Version: 10.1 Release: C3400 Series Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation System Supplier: CONVEX Computer Corporation Product Tested: OpenVMS VAX Version: 6 Release: 0 (with System Hardware: C34 Model: C3440 OpenVMS VAX POSIX. Version C Compiler: CONVEX C Version; 4.3.2 X1.2-35E) I PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued; 05/11/92 System Hardware: VAXstation Model: 3100 M76 C Compiler: VAX C Version: 3 Release; 2 f Reference File #: CR/^2641 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Supplier: Cray Research, Inc. APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporerted Date Issued; 10/14/93 Product Tested: UNICOS Version: 7.0.5.bu Release: 7.0 System Supplier: Cray Research, Inc. Reference RIe #: DEC7917 System Hardware; Cray Y-MP Model: YMP2E/232-4 Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation

’ C Compiler: Cray Standard C Compiler Release: 3.0.5 (5/20/93) Product Tested: the ULTRIX Operating System Version: 4.2A 151-1 I PCTS: Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Release: November 18, 1991 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 10/14/93 System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation System Hardware: DECstation Model: 3100 Reference RIe #: DEC0319 C Compiler: MIPS C Compiler Version: 2.10 Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 Product Tested; DEC OSF^ Version: 1.2 Release: March 1993 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/06/91 System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation System Hardware; DEC/3000 Model: 500 Reference RIe #: DEC6003

C Compiler: DEC OSF/1 for AXP C Compiler Version: 1 Release; Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation March 1993 Product Tested: The ULTRIX Operating System Version: 4.3A PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Release: July 1993 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 03/10/93 System Supplier; Digital Equipment Corporation System Hardware: DECstation Model: 5000/260 Reference RIe #: DEC0638 C Compiler: Mips C Compiler Version: 3.0 Product Supplier; Digital Equipment Corporation PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested: VMS Version; 5 Release; 5 (with VMS POSIX. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 06/24/93

version 1 .0) System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Reference RIe #: DEC9418 System Hardware: VAXstation Model; 3100 M76 Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation C Compiler: VAX C Version: 3 Release: 2 Product Tested: ULTRIX Version: 4.2 Release: May 31, 1991 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 System Supplier; Digital Equipment Corporation APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued; 01/29/92 System Hardware: DECstation Model: 3100 C Compiler: MIPS C Compiler Version: 2.10 Reference File #; DEC4670 PCTS; 151-1 Version: 1.1 -04/26/91 Product Supplier; Digital Equipment Corporation APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 06/17/91 Product Tested: The ULTRIX Operating System Version; 4.3A Release; July 1993 Reference RIe #: DEC9672 System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation System Hardware: DECstation Model: 5000/150 Product Tested: The ULTRIX Operatirrg System Version: 4.2A C Compiler: Mips C Compiler Version: 3.0 Release: December 1991 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Irw. Date Issued; 06/24/93 System Hardware: DECstation Model: 5000/200 C Compiler: MIPS C Compiler Version: 2.10 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 02/12/92


Reference RIe #: DGC2542 Reference RIe #: EVR0901 Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Supplier; ESIX/Everex Systems, IrK. Product Tested: DGAfX Version: 5.4 Product Tested: ESIX System V Release 4 Version: 4 Release: 4.0 System Supplier: Data General Corp>oration System Supplier: AGI Computer, IrK. System Hardware: AViion 5000 Model: AV/5240 System Hardware: AGI Model: 486/33

C Compiler; GNU C Compiler for AViiON Systems Version; 1 .37.23 C Compiler: ESIX ANSI C Compiler Version: 5.0 PCTS; 151-1 Version; 1.1 -07/01/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92

APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 09/10/91 APTL 0343 DataFocus IrKorporated D6tte Issued; 05/28/92 i

Reference File #: DGC4767 RefererKe RIe #: EVR9749 Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Supplier: ESIX/Everex Systems, IrK. Product Tested; DG/UX Version: 5.4.2 Release: August 1992 Product Tested: ESIX System V Release 4 Version; 4 Release; 4.0 System Supplier: Data General Corporation System Supplier: ESIX/Everex Systems, Inc. System hlardware; AViion AV/530/4600 Model: AV/532 System Hardware: Everex Model: 3000S 386/33 C Ckmpiler: GNU C Compiler for AViiON Systems Version: DG-2.2.3 C Compiler: ESIX ANSI C Compiler Version; 5.0 Release: August 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus liKorporated Date Issued: 05/28/92 APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued; 09/09/92 Reference RIe #: HAR5240 Reference RIe #: DGC8016 Product Supplier: Harris Corporation Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Tested: CX/UX Fteleeise: 5.3 Product Tested: DG/UX Version: 5.4 System Supplier: Harris Corporation, Computer Systems Division System Supplier: Data General Corporation System Hardware; Night Hawk Model: HN4802 System Hardware: AViion 400/4000 Model: AV/4100 C Compiler: Harris C Compiler Release: 5.3

C Crmpiler: GNU C Compiler for AViiON Systems Version: 1 .37.23 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 09/11/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -07/01/91 APTL 0342 Mirrdcraft, liK. Date Issued; 12/16/91 APTL 0342 Mindcretft, Inc. Date Issued: 09/10/91 Reference RIe #: HPC0115 Reference RIe #: DGC8703 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Tested; HP-UX Version; 8.02 Release: 10/06/91 Product Tested: DG/UX Version: 5.4 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Data General Corporation System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 867S System Hardware: AViion 400/4000 Model: AV/412 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release; 10/06/91

C Compiler: GNU C Compiler for AViiON Systems Version: 1 .37.23 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -07/01/91 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Iik. Date Issued: 12/08/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued: 09/10/91 RefererKe RIe #: HPC0303 Reference RIe #: DGC9391 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.02 Release: 10/06/91 Product Tested: DG/UX Version: 4.32 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Comptiny System Supplier: Data General Corporation System Hardware; HP9000 Series 800 Model: 867s System Hardware: AViion AV/400/4000 Model: AV/410 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version; A 08.17 Release: 10/06/91

C Compiler: GNU C Compiler for AViion Sys Version: 1 .37.23 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 04/26/91 APTL 0346 Hewlett-Packard POSIX ConformarKe Test Center Date APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 05/24/91 Issued: 09/09/92

RefererKe RIe #: DGC9574 Reference RIe #: HPC0535 Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: DG/UX Version: 5.4.2 Release: August 1992 Product Tested: Domain/OS Version: 10.4 Release: April 1992 System Supplier: Data General Corporation System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System hleirdware: AViion AV/8000 Model: AV/6240 System Hardware; Domain Series 4000 Model; DN4500 C Compiler: GNU C Compiler for AViiON Systems Version; DG-2.2.3 C Compiler: Domain/C Version: 6.9.M/MPX Release: May 1992 ReleeKe; August 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 05/21/92 APTL 0346 Hewlett-Packard POSIX ConformarKe Test Center Date APTL 0342 Mindcraft ItK. Date Issued: 11/03/92 Issued; 09/2/92

Reference RIe #: ENC6897 Reference RIe #: HPC0603 Product Supplier: ErKore Computer Corporation Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: UMAX V Release: 3.0.6 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 9.01 Release: Jeinuary 4, 1993 System Supplier: EtKore Computer Corporation System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Hevdware: 91 Series Model; 91-02427 System Hardware; HP9000 Series 700 Model: 735 C Compiler: Green Hills Software, IrK. C Release: 1.1 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: HP92453-01 A.09.19 Release: PCTS; 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 01/22/92 December, 1992 APTL 0345 UniSoft Corporation Date Issued: 3/12/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 2/19/93


Reference RIe #: HPC1581 Reference RIe #: HPC3897 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packvd Compeuiy Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.02 Rdease: 10/06/91 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 9.0 Release: October 7. 1992 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System hlardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 827S System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 847S C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 09.19 Release: Oct 7, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 12/08/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 1/07/93

Reference RIe #: HPC1992 Reference RIe #: HPC4246 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.08 Release: 11/23/92 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.08 Release: 11/23/92 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 827S System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 807S C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL' 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/08/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Irw. Date Issued: 12/08/92

Reference File #: HPC2540 Reference RIe #: HPC6304 Product Supplier: Hewiett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.07 Rdease: December 1991 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 9.01 Release: January 4, 1993 System Supplier: hlewiett-Packard Company System Supplier: hlewiett-Packard Company System Hardware: HP9000 Series 700 Model: 720 System Hardware: HP9000 Series 700 Model: 720 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: Dec 1991 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Ver: HP92453-01 A.09.19 Rel: Dec, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL: 0346 Hewiett-Packard POSIX Conformance Test Center Date APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 2/19/93 Issued: 01/29/92 Reference RIe #: HPC6391 Reference RIe #: HPC2698 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.00 with PHCO_0800 (Patch) Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.02 Release: 10/06/91 Release: January 1991, January 1992 (Patch) System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 81 7S System Hardware: HP9000 Series 400 Model: 400S C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: B 08.00 Release: Dec. 1991 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/08/92 APTL 0346 Hewlett-Packard POSIX Conformance Test Center Date Issued: 04/17/92 Reference RIe #: HPC2952 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Reference RIe #: HPC6637 Product Tested: Domain/OS Version: 10.4 Release: April 1992 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.08 Release: 11/23/92 System Hardware: Domain Series 400 Model: 433s System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company C Compiler: Domain/C Version: 6.9.M/MPX Release: May 1992 System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 81 7S PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 APTL: 0346 Hewlett-Packard POSIX Conformance Test Center Date PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Issued: 09/2/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 12/08/92

RefererK:e RIe #: HPC3574 Reference RIe #: HPC6906 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Compzmy Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company

Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 9.0 Release: October 7. 1992 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 9.01 Release: January 4, 1993 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Hardware: HP9000 Series 400 Model: 433S System Hardware: HP9000 Series 700 Model: 715 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: B2371 B.08.00 Internd Revision C Compiler: HP C Compiler Ver: HP92453-01 A.09.19 Rel: Dec. 1992

70.2 Release: October 7, 1 992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Irw. Date Issued: 2/19/93 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 2/19/93 Reference RIe #: HPC7051 RefererKe RIe #: HPC3760 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.08 Release: 11/23/92 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.02 Release: 10/06/91 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 867S System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 847S C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/08/92 APTL 0342 Mirxlcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/08/92


Reference File #: HPC7716 Reference File #: IBM3697 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.08 Release: 11/23/92 Product Tested: AIX Version 3 for RISC System/6000 Version: 3 System Supplier: Hewlett-Pcu:kard Company Release: 2 System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 847S System Supplier: International Business Meushines Inc. C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 System Hardware: RISC System/6000 Model: 320 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 C Compiler: xlc Version: 1 Release: 2 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/08/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 02/25/92 Reference File #: HPC8098 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Reference Rle #: INT4675 Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8.02 Release: 10/06/91 Product Supplier: Intergraph Corporation System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: CUX Version: 06.02.01 Release: 3.1 System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 807S System Supplier: Intergraph Corporation C Crmpiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.71 Release: 10/06/91 System Hardware: Intergraph 6400 Series Workstation Model: 6450 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 C Compiler: CLIPPER Advanced Optimizing C Compiler Version: APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/08/92 Release: 28-JAN-1 992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 Reference File #: HPC9185 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 05/28/92 Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Tested: HP-UX Version: 8 Ftelease: 5/6/91 Refererwe File #: INT5154 System Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Interactive Systems Corp. System Hardware: HP9000 Series 800 Model: 835 Product Tested: Interactive UNIX Operating System Version: 3.0 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version: A 08.17 Release: 5/6/91 Release: 3.2 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 System Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation APTL: 0346 Hewlett-Packard POSIX Conformance Test Center Date System Hardware: Compaq Model: System Pro Issued: 12/18/91 C Compiler: Interactive UNIX Software Development System Ver: 3.0 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 Reference File #: IBM0320 APTL 0345 UniSoft Corporation Date Issued: 10/16/91 Product Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. Product Tested: AIX Version 3 for RISC System/6000 Version: 3 Reference File #: LNX3076 Release: 2 Product Supplier: Real-Time Systems, Inc. System Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. Product Tested: LynxOS Version: 2 Release: 2.2.0 System Hardware: RISC System/6000 Model: 220 System Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation

C Compiler: xlc Version: 1 Flelease: 2 System hiardware: ProLinea Model: 4/33

PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 C Compiler: gcc Version: 1 .42 Release: September 1 9, 1 992 APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 02/25/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 10/14/93 Reference File #: IBM0458 Product Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. Reference File #: MOD4817 Product Tested: AIX Version 3 for RISC System/6000 Version: 3 Product Supplier: Modular Computer Systems, Inc. Release: 2 Product Tested: REAL/1X Version: V.3 Release: D.O System Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. System Supplier: Modular Computer Systems, Inc. System Hardware: RISC System/6000 Model: 530H System Hardware: REAL/STAR Model: 1000 C Compiler: xlc Version: 1 Release: 2 C Compiler: GNU C Compiler for REAL/IX Systems Version: 1 .37 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 02/25/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 05/05/92

Reference File #: IBM1344 Reference Rle #: MOT1086 Product Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. Product Supplier: Motorola Computer Group

Product Tested: AIX Version: 3 Release: 1 Product Tested: UNIX* System V/88 Release 4.0 Version: 3 System Supplier: International Business Machines Inc. Release: 4.0 System Hardware: RISC System/6000 Model: 320 System Supplier: Motorola Computer Group

C Compiler: xlc Version: 3 Release: 1 System Hardware: Motorola Series 8000 Model: 8x40 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -04/26/91 C Crmpiler: Software Development System Version: T302.0 Release: APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/24/91 12/2/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Reference File #: IBM2592 APTL 0343 DataFocus, liK. Date Issued: 2/19/93 Product Supplier: Intemertiorwl Business Machines Inc.

Product Tested: AIX Version: 3 Release: 1 Reference File #: MOT5618 System Supplier: Interrurtional Business Machines Inc. Product Supplier: Motorola Computer Group System Hardware: RISC System/6000 Model: 530 Product Tested: UNIX* System V/88 Release 4.0 Version: 3

C Compiler: xlc Version: 3 Flelease: 1 Release: 4.0 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -04/26/91 System Supplier: Motorola Computer Group APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/24/91 System Hardware: Motorola ^ries 8000 Model: 8x20 C Compiler: Software Development System Ver: T302.0 Rel: 12/2/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 2/19/93


Reference Rle #; NCR0554 Reference Rle #: NCR5533 Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Tested: NCR UNIX System V Ver: Release 4 Rel: 4.0.4 Product Tested: NCR UNIX System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 System Supplier: NCR Corporation Version: SVR4 Release: 2 System Hardware: NCR 3B2 R3 Series Model: 3B2/1000 R3 System Supplier: NCR Corporation (Military ID: 3B2/600 GR) System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3520 C Compiler: 3B2/RISC C Development System Release: 1.1 C Crmpiler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, IrK. Date Issued: 12/09/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/93

Reference Rle #: NCR1448 Reference Rle #: NCR7380 Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Tested: NCR UNIX System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 Product Tested: UNIX* System V Release 4.0 Version 3.1 Version: SVR4 Release: 2 Version: 3.1 Release: 4.0 System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3455 System Hardware: StarServer E Model: Release 3 C Compiler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 C Compiler: Optimized C Compiler Version: 5.0 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/93 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 03/10/93

Reference File #: NCR2047 Reference File #: NCR7549 Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Tested: NCR System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 Version: Product Tested: NCR UNIX System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 SVR4 Release: 2 Version: SVR4 Release: 2 System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3447 System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3525 C Compiler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 C Cr^piler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 06/26/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/93

Reference Rle #: NCR2805 Reference Rle #: NXT0623 Product Supplier: NCR Corpor2rtion Product Supplier: NeXT Computer, Inc. Product Tested: NCR System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 Version: Product Tested: NEXTSTEP Version: 3.2 Release: November 5,

SVR4 Release: 2 1993 (with POSIX for NEXTSTEP version 1 .0) System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Supplier: NeXT Computer, Inc. System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3450 System Hardware: NeXTstation Model: Color Turbo C C^piler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 C Compiler: NEXTSTEP DEVELOPER Version: 3.2 Release: PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 November 5, 1993 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 06/26/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/93 Reference File #: NCR3061 Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Reference Rle #: PYR1271 Product Tested: NCR UNIX System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 Product Supplier: Pyramid Technology Corporation Version: SVR4 Release: 2 Product Tested: OSx Version: 5.1a-92a023 Release: 0422s System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Supplier: Pyramid Technology Corporation System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3555 System Hardware: MIServer Model: MIS-2T C Compiler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 C Compiler: att_cc Version: 5.1 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Derte Issued: 10/08/93 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 05/28/92

Reference File #: NCR3331 Reference Rle #: PYR3067 Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Supplier: Pyramid Technology Corporation Product Tested: NCR System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 Version: Product Tested: DataCenter/OSx Version: dcosx Release: 1.1- SVR4 Releeise: 2 92c027 System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Supplier: Pyramid Technology Corporation System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3345 System Hevdware: MIServer Model: 2S C Compiler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 C Cr^piler: DataCenter/OSx C Compiler Release: 1.1-92c027 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 06/26/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 09/09/92

Reference Rle #: NCR4518 Reference Rle #: PYR3233 Product Supplier: NCR Corporation Product Supplier: Pyramid Technology Corporation Product Tested: NCR System V Release 4 MP-RAS, Rel 2 Version: Product Tested: DataCenter/OSx Version: dcosx Release: 1.1- SVR4 Release: 2 92C027 System Supplier: NCR Corporation System Supplier: Pyramid Technology Corporation System Hardware: System 3000 Model: 3550 System Hardware: MIServer Model: 12S C Compiler: NCR C Development Toolkit Release: 2 C Compiler: DataCenter/OSx C Compiler Release: 1.1-92c027 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 06/26/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus IrKorporated Date Issued: 10/05/92


Reference RIe #: PYR4970 Reference RIe #: SCO8054 Product Supplier; Pyramid Technology Corporation Product Supplier: Santa Cruz Operation Inc. Product Tested; DataCenter/OSx Version; dcosx Rel; 1.1-92c027 Product Tested: SCO Open D^ktop Version: 2.0 System Supplier; Pyramid Technology Corporation System Supplier: Diamond Rower Incorporated System Hardware; MIServer Model; 4S System Hardware: DFI Model: 486/33 C Ck^piler; DataCenter/OSx C Compiler Release; 1.1-92c027 C Compiler: Microsoft C Version: 5.1 PCTS; 151-1 Version; 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version; 1.1 - 1^/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued; 09/09/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 11/02/92

Reference File #; PYR9863 Reference RIe #: SC09875 Product Supplier; Pyramid Technology Corporation Product Supplier; Santa Cruz Operation Inc. Product Tested; OSx Version; 5.1a Release; 03181 Product Tested: SCO UNIX System V/386 Version; 3.2 System Supplier; Pyramid Technology Corporation System Supplier: UNISYS Corporation System hiardware; MIServer Model; MIS-4T System Hardware: PW^ Advantage 3000 Series Model; 3256 C Compiler; att_cc Version; 5.1 C Compiler: Microsoft C Version: 5.1 PCTS; 151-1 Version; 1.1 - 01/22/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 APTL: 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued; 05/28/92 APTL 0343 DateiFocus lr>corporated Date Issued; 11/01/91

Reference File #: SC03664 Reference RIe #: SEC8754 Product Supplier: Santa Cruz Oper«rtion Inc. Product Supplier: Sequent Computer Systems Inc. Product Tested: SCO Open Desktop Version: 2.0 Product Tested: DYNIX/ptx Operating System Version: 1.3.0 System Supplier: Diamond Flower Incorporated System Supplier: Sequent Computer Systems Inc.

System Hardware; DFI Model: 486SX/25 System Hardware; Symmetry Series II Model: S27 C Compiler: Microsoft C Version: 5.1 C Compiler: C Tools Version: 1.1 2p PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 09/11/91 APTL: 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 11/02/92 APTL 0345 UniSoft Corporation Date Issued; 12/09/91

Reference File #: SC03832 Reference RIe #: SGI5507 Product Supplier: Santa Cruz Operation IrK. Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Product Tested; SCO UNIX System V/386 Version: Release 3.2 Product Tested: IRIX Version; 4.0.5 System Supplier: Zenith Data Systems System Supplier; Silicon Graphics, Inc. System Hardware; Z Station Model: 433DEh System Hardware: IRIS Model: Crimson C Compiler: Microsoft C Version: 5.1 C Compiler: IRIS Development Option Version: 2.20 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 APTL: 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 09/28/92 APTL: 0342 MindcrafL Inc. Date Issued: 06/15/92

Reference RIe #: SCO4102 Reference RIe #: SGI9297 Product Supplier: Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Product Tested: SCO UNIX System V/386 Version: Relesise 3.2 Product Tested: IRIX Version; 4.0.5 System Supplier: AST Research, Inc. System Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. System Hardware: Premium Series Model: 486/33 System Hardware; IRIS Model: Indigo C Compiler; Microsoft C Version: 5.1 C Compiler: IRIS Development Option Version: 2.20 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS; 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 APTL 0343 DettaFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 07/01/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 06/15/92

Reference File #: SC051 99 Reference RIe #: SUN0617 Product Supplier: Santa Cruz Operation Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Tested: SCO UNIX System V/386 Version; 3.2 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 1.0.1 Release: PC System Supplier: Zenith Data Systems System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System Hardware; Zenith Data Systems Supersport Laptop Model: System Hardweve: SPARCstation IPC Model: GX Supersport SX C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Version: 1.0.1 Release: Dec 4, 1991 C Compiler; Microsoft C Version: 5.1 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -07/01/91 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued; 08/27/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued: 09/17/91 Reference RIe #; SUN1065 Refererwe RIe #: SC06748 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Product Supplier; Santa Cruz Operation Inc. Product Tested: Solaris 2.1 for x86 Version: 2.1 fWlease: May Product Tested: SCO UNIX System V/386 Version: 3.2 Release: 2 1993 System Supplier; Data General Corporation System Supplier: Dell Computer Corporation System Hardware: Walkabout/SX Model: G2763 System Hardware; 450 Model: DE C Compiler: Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler Version: 5.1 C Compiler; ProCompiler C Version: 2.0.1 for x86 Rel; May 1993 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -07/01/91 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 MitxicrafL Inc. Date Issued; 09/10/91 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued: 05/20/93


Reference RIe #: SUN1442 Reference RIe #: SUN3402 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.2 Release: May 28, 1993 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.1 Release: August 4, 1992 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System Supplier: RDI System Hardware: SPARCstation LX Model: 4/30 System Hardware: BriteUte Model: IPX Color Laptop Workstation C Ccmpiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0.1 Release; Oct 3, 1992 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0 Releeise; June 30. 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued; 05/28/93 APTL 0342 MirKfcraft Inc. Date Issued: 10/16/92

Reference RIe #: SUN2031 Reference RIe #: SUN3403 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft Inc. Product Tested; Solaris Version: 2.1 Release: August 4, 1992 Product Tested: Interactive Unix Operating System V/386 Version: System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. 3.0.1 Release: 3.2 System Hardware: SunWorkstation 4/30 Model: 4/30 System Supplier: Alpha Systems Led} C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0 Release: June 30, 1992 System Hardware: ASL486/33 Model: ASL433 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 C Compiler: Interactive Unix Software Development System Version: APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Derte Issued: 10/08/92 3.0

PCTS: 151-1 Version; 1.1 - 05/21/92 Reference RIe #: SUN2241 APTL 0345 UniSoft Corporation Date Issued: 10/05/92 Product Supplier: SunSoft Inc. Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.0 Release: June 1992 Reference RIe #: SUN4529 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft IrK. System Hardware: SPARCstation 2 Model: 4/75 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 1.1 Version C Release: August C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0 Release: 20 May 1992 13, 1993 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued: 07/02/92 System Hardware: SPARCclassic Model: 4/15 C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Version: 1.1 Release; August 13. Reference RIe #: SUN2727 1993 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.1 Release: December 7, 1992 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued; 10/14/93 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System Hardware; SPARCserver 10 Model: 42 Reference RIe #: SUN5382

C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version; 2.0.1 Release; Oct 3, 1992 Product Supplier: SunSoft Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested: Solaris Version; 1.0.1 Release; PC APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued: 1/07/93 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System Hardware: SPARCstation IPX Model: GX Reference RIe #: SUN2930 C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Version: 1.0.1 Release: December 4. Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. 1991 Product Tested: Solaris Version; 2.2 Release; May 28. 1993 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated Date Issued; 09/02/92 System Hardware: SPARCstation 2 Model: 4/75

C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0.1 Release: Oct 3, 1992 Reference RIe #: SUN5684 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/28/93 Product Tested; Solaris Version: 2.1 Release: December 7. 1992 System Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Reference RIe #: SUN3129 System Hardware: SPARCclassic Model: 4/15 Product Supplier: SunSoft Inc. C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0.1 Release: October 3, 1992 Product Tested; Interactive Unix Operating System V/386 Version; 3.0.1 Release: 3.2 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92

System Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Irx:. Date Issued: 1/07/93 System Hardware: Desk Pro Model: 386/20E C Compiler: Interactive Unix Software Development System Version: Reference RIe #: SUN5782 3.0 Release: December 4, 1991 Product Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested; Solaris Version: 2.1 Release: August 4, 1992 APTL 0345 UniSoft Corp>or2ttion Date Issued: 9/18/92 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System Hardware: SPARCserver 10 Model: 30 Reference RIe #: SUN3272 C Cr^piler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0 Releeise: June 30, 1992 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.2 Release: May 28, 1993 APTL 0342 Mindcredt Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/92 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System hiardware: SPARCenter 10 Model: 54 Reference RIe #: SUN5970

C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0.1 Release: Oct 3, 1992 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested: Solaris Version; 2.1 Release: August 4, 1 992 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued: 05/28/93 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. System He^dware: SPARCserver 10 Model: 41 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version; 2.0 Release: June 30, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/92


Reference RIe #; SUN6602 Product Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Reference File #: UNI0505 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.2 Release: May 28, 1993 Product Supplier; Unisys Corporation System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Product Tested; UNIX System V Release 4 Version; Revision 1.0.2 System hlardware: SPARC^nter 2000 Model: 01 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version; 2.0.1 Release: October 3, 1992 System Hardware: Unisys U 6000 Series Model: U 6000/15 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Date Issued: 05/28/93 C Compiler: UNIX System V Release 4 Standard C Development Environment Version: 1.0.2 Reference File #: SUN6635 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued; 04/30/92 Product Tested: Solaris Version; 1.0.1 Release: PC System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. Reference RIe #: UNI1798 System Heu’dware; SPARCserver 690 Model; 140 Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation

C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Ver 1.0.1 Release December 4, 1991 Product Tested: UNIX System V Release 4 Version: Revision 1 .0.2 PCTS; 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, IrK. Date Issued; 02/19/92 System Hardware; Unisys U 6000 Series Model: U 6000/65

Reference File #: SUN6859 C Compiler: UNIX System V Release 4 Standard C Development Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Environment Version; 1.0.2 Product Tested: INTERACTIVE UNIX Operating System V/386 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 Version: 4.0 Release: 3.2 APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Date Issued: 05/12/92 System Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation System Hardware: DeskPro Model: 66M Reference RIe #: UNI3690 C Compiler: INTERACTIVE Software Development System Version: 4.0 Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation

Release: May 1993 Product Tested: UNIX System V Release 4 Version: 1 .1 Release: PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 October 30, 1992 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 07/15/93 System Supplier; Unisys Corporation System Hardware; Unisys U 6000 Series Model: U6000/65 Reference File #: SUN7188 C Compiler; UNIX System V Release 4 Standard C Development

Product Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, lr>c. Environment Version: 1.1 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 1.1 Release: August 24, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Iik. Date Issued; 09/28/92 System Hardware: SPARCstation 10 Model: GX-30

C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Version; 1 .1 Release: August 24, Reference RIe #: UNI5711 1992 Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation

PCTS; 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Product Tested: UNIX System V Release 4 Version; Revision 1 .0.2 APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued; 08/27/92 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation System Hardware: Unisys U 6000 Series Model: U 6000/60 Reference File #: SUN7793 Product Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. C Compiler: UNIX System V Releeise 4 Standard C Development Product Tested: Solaris Version: 2.1 Release; August 4, 1992 Environment Version; 1.0.2 System Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation. Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 System Hardware; SPARCserver 10 Model: 42 APTL 0342 MirKfcraft, IrK. Date Issued: 05/12/92 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version: 2.0 Release; June 30, 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 05/21/92 RefereiKe RIe #: UNI9063 APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Irrc. Date Issued: 10/08/92 Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product Tested: UNIX System V Release 4 Version: Revision 1.0.2 Reference File #: SUN8720 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. System Hardware: Unisys U 6000 Series Model: U 6000/35 Product Tested: Solaris Version: 1.1 Version C Release: August C Compiler: UNIX System V Release 4 Standard C Development

13, 1993 Environment Version; 1 .0.2 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -01/22/92 System Hardware: SPARCstation Model: 4/30 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/12/92 C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Version: 1.1 Release: Aug 13, 1993 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Reference RIe #: UNI9080 APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 10/14/93 Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation

Product Tested: CTOS II Version: 3 Release: 3 Reference File #: SUN9763 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. System Hardware: Unisys B-Series Model: NGEN Product Tested: Solaris Version: 1.0.1 Release; PC C Compiler: Microsoft C Version: 6.0 System Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Inc. PCTS: 151-1 Version; 1.1 -07/01/91 System Hardware: SPARCstation 2 Model; GX APTL 0343 DataFocus IrKorporated Date Issued; 09/17/91

C Compiler: Solaris C Compiler Version: 1.0.1 Release: Dec 4, 1991 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 01/22/92 APTL 0342 Mirtdcraft, IrK. Dote Issued: 02/19/92


Reference Re #: UNVOSgB Reference Hie #: USL3610 Product Supplier: Univel Product Supplier: UNIX System Laboratories. Inc. Product Tested: UnixWare Version: 1.0 Release: June 1993 Product Tested: UNIX* System V Release 4 for the Intel386 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation Architecture Version: 4 System Hardware: Unisys U 6000/DT Series/PW^ Advantage Plus Release: July 1991 Series Model: U6000/DT1 (MPE 4332) System Supplier: AT&T C Compiler: Optimizing C Compilation Sys Ver: 2.0 Rel: Nov 2, 1992 System Hardware: AT&T 6386/25 WGS Model: CPU 31 1 PC3B PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 C Compiler: StaiKfard C Development Environment Version: Issue 5 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/18/93 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -09/11/91 APTL 0342 MirKfcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 12/12/91 Reference File #: UNV2014 Product Supplier: Univel Reference Hie #: USL6259 Product Tested: UnixWare Version: 1.0 Releeise: June 1993 Product Supplier: UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. System Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product Tested: UNIX* System V/386 Release 4 Version: 4.0T System Hardware: Unisys U 6000/DT Series/PW^ Advantage Plus Release: /Vjgust 1992, with PATCH #1 (Package Date: 11/20/92) Series Model: U6000/DT2 (MPE 4663) System Supplier: AST Research. Inc. C Compiler: Optimizing C Compilation System Version: 2.0 Release: System Hardware: Premium 486/33 Model: 3V

Nov. 2, 1992 C Compiler: UNIX System Laboratories StarKfard C Development PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 Environment Version: Issue 5

APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Irx:. Date Issued: 05/18/93 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 2/12/93 Reference File #: UNV3055 Product Supplier: Univel

Product Tested: UnixWare Application Server Version: 1 .0 Release: October 1992 System Supplier: AST Research, Irw. System Hardware: Premium 486/33 Model: 3V

C Compiler: UnixWare Software Development Kit Version: 1 .0 Release: October 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 MirKfcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/93

Reference File #: UNV3978 Product Supplier: Univel Product Tested: UnixWare Version: 1.0 Release: June 1993 System Supplier: Unisys Corporation System Hardware: Unisys PW^ Advantage Series Model: MPI 4336) C Compiler: Optimizing C Compilation System Version: 2.0 Release:

Nov. 2. 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0342 MirKfcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 05/18/93

Reference File #: UNV9180 Product Supplier: Univel Product Tested: UnixWare Persorwl Edition Version: 1.0 Release: October 1992 System Supplier: AST Research, Inc. System Hardware: Premium 486/33 Model: 3V

C Compiler: UnixWare Software Development Kit Version: 1 .0 Release: October 1992 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 - 05/21/92 APTL 0342 MirKfcraft, Inc. Date Issued: 10/08/93

Reference Hie #: USL2115 Product Supplier: UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Product Tested: UNIX System V Release 4 Version: 4 Release: 4.0 System Supplier: AST Research, IrK. System Hardware: Premium Series Model: 486/33 C Compiler: Standard C Development Environment Version: 5.0 PCTS: 151-1 Version: 1.1 -05/21/92 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Date Issued: 07/01/92



The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) has accredited the following laboratories to test computer operating system interfaces for conformance with the Federal Information Processing Standard 151-2 (FIPS 151-2) using the NIST POSIX Conformance Test Suite (NIST-PCTS:151-2). FIPS 151-2 replaced FIPS 151-1 in its entirety on October 15, 1993. Only accredited laboratories may submit test reports to NIST/CSL for validation.

BULL SA / UboratoIre POSIX Contact Mr. Georges Chardon

1 rue de Provence / BP 208 Phone: (33) 76 39 75 93 38432 ECHIROLLES CEDEX email: [email protected]

DataFocus Incorporated Contact Mr. Matt Einsein

1 2450 Fair Lakes Circle, Suite 400 Phone: 703-631-6770 Fairfax, VA 22033-3831 email: [email protected]

MindcrafL Inc. Contact Mr. Bruce Weiner 410 Cambridge Avenue Phone: 415-323-9000 Palo Alto, CA 94306 email: [email protected]

PERENNIAL Contact Mr. Barry E. Hedquist 4699 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 210 Phone: 408-748-2900 Santa Clara, CA 95054 email: [email protected]


The following products have been tested by an Accredited POSIX Testing Laboratory (APTL) using the official National Institute of Standards and Technology POSIX Conformance Test Suite (NIST-PCTS:151-2) for the Federal Information Processing Standards 151-2 (FIPS PUB 151-2). A Certificate of Validation has been issued by NIST/CSL Additional information is available from NIST/CSL on conditional features supported, configuration details, and resolved test codes (if appropriate).

Information in this listing includes product information on the implementation, system tested and type of implementation. FIPS 151-2 supports three types of implementations, native, hosted, and cooperating. A native implementation “refers to an implementation of POSIX. 1 that interfaces directly to an operating system kernel." A cooperating implementation "refers to an implementation of POSIX. 1 that interfaces directly to an operating system kernel but the load modules are not produceable on this implementation."

A hosted implementation "referes to an implementation of POSIX. 1 that is accomplished through interfaces from the POSIX. 1 services to some alternate form of operating system kernel services."

Information is also provided on the following primary conditional features: General Terminal Interface devices (GTI), Mountable File

System (MFS), Modem Control (MC), and Apppropriate Privileges (AP). If a Certificate of Validation has been corrected or amended there are two issue dates, the original date [in brackets] and the reissue date, listed for the product.


PRODUCT SUPPLIERS REFERENCE FILE # Amdahl Corporation 151.2AMD001 AT&T Global Information Solutions 151-2ATT001, 151-2ATT002. 151-2ATT003. 151-2ATT004. 151-2ATT005 BULL S.A. 151-2BULCX)1 Cray Research Superservers, Inc. 151-2CRA001 Data General Corporation 151-2DGC001 Digital Equipment Corporation 151-2DEC001, 151-2DEC002. 151-2DEC003. 151-2DEC004. 151-2DEC005. 151-2DEC006 Hewlett-Packard Company 151-2HPCCX)1, 151-2HPC002, 151-2HPC003. 151-2HPC004, 151-2HPC005. 151-2HPC006, 151-2HPC007, 151-2HPC008, 151-2HPC009. 151-2HPC010. 151-2HPC011 Intergraph Corporation 151-2INT001 International Business Machines Corp. 151-2IBM001, 151-2IBM002. 151-2IBM003. 151-2IBM004, 151-2IBM005. 151-2IBM006. 151-2IBM007, 151-2IBM008. 151-2IBM009 Microsoft Corporation 151-2MSC001, 151-2MSC002, 151-2MSC003. 151-2MSC004. 151-2MSC005. 151-2MSC006. 151-2MSC007. 151-2MSC008. 151-2MSC009. 151-2MSC010. 151-2MSC011. 151-2MSC012. 151-2MSC013, 151-2MSC014. 151-2MSC015 Novell, Inc. 151-2NOV001, 151-2NOV002, 151-2NOV003. 151-2NOV004. 151-2NOV005 The Seinta Cruz Operation, Irw. 151-2SC0001. 151-2SC0002. 151-2SC0003. 151-2SC0004. 151-2SC0005. 151-2SC0006. 151-2SC0007, 151-2SC0008. 151-2SC0009 Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. 151-2SEQ001, 151-2SEQ002 Silicon Graphics, Irw. 151-2SGI001, 151-2SGI002. 151-2SGI003, 151-2SGI004, 151-2SGI005 SunSoft, Inc. 151-2SUN001, 151-2SUN002, 151-2SUN003. 151-2SUN004. 151-2SUN005. 151-2SUN006. 151-2SUN007, 151-2SUN008. 151-2SUN009. 151-2SUN010, 151-2SUN011. 151-2SUN012. 151-2SUN013. 151-2SUN014. 151-2SUN015. 151-2SUN016, 151-2SUN017. 151-2SUN018. 151-2SUN019. 151-2SUN020. 151-2SUN021. 151-2SUN022. 151-2SUN023. 151-2SUN024. 151-2SUN025. 151-2SUN026. 151-2SUN027. 151-2SUN028. 151-2SUN029 Incorporated 151-2TAN001, 151-2TAN002

Tenon Intersystems 151-2TEN001, 151-2TEN002. 1 51 -2TENCX)3. 151-2TEN004 Unisys Corporation 151-2UNI001, 151-2UNI002. 151-2UNI003. 151-2UNI004. 151-2UNI005

SYSTEM SUPPLIERS REFERENCE FILE # Amdahl Corporation 151-2AMD001 American Megatrends, Inc. 151-2SC0001. 151-2SC0006 Apple Computer, Inc. 151-2TEN001. 151-2TEN002. 151-2TEN003. 151-2TEN004 AST Research, Inc. 151-2MSC011. 151-2NOV001. 151-2NOV002

AT&T Global Information Solutions 151-2ATT001, 151-2ATTCX)2. 151-2ATT003. 151-2ATT004. 1 51 -2ATTCX)5. 151-2NOV003. 1 51 -2NOVCX)4, 151-2NOV005 Axil Workstations 151-2SUN009. 151-2SUN010. 151-2SUN017. 151-2SUN018. 151-2SUN026 BULL S.A. 151-2BUL001 Compaq Computer Corporation 151-2MSC002. 151-2MSC004. 151-2SC0002. 151-2SC0003. 151-2SC0004. 151-2SC0005. 151-2SUN008 Cray Ftesearch Superservers. Inc. 151-2CRA001 Data General Corporation 151-2DGC001 Dell Computer Corporation 151-2SUN012 Digital Equipment Corporation 151-2DEC001. 151-2DEC002. 151-2DEC003. 151-2DEC004. 151-2DEC005, 151-2DEC006. 151-2MSC005. 151-2MSC006 Hewlett-Packard Company 151-2HPC001. 151-2HPC002. 151-2HPC003. 151-2HPC004. 151-2HPC005. 151-2HPC006. 151-2HPC007. 151-2HPC008. 151-2HPC009, 151-2HPC010. 151-2HPC011 Intel Corporation 151-2MSC007. 151-2MSC008. 151-2MSC009. 151-2MSC010. 151-2MSC012. 151-2MSC013. 151-2MSC014. 151-2MSC015 Intergraph Corporation 151-2INT001 International Business Machines Corp. 151-2IBM001, 151-2IBM002, 151-2IBM003. 151-2IBM004, 151-2IBM005. 151-2IBM006. 151-2IBM007, 151-2IBMCX)8. 151-2IBM009 Microlog Corporation 151-2SC0007. 151-2SC0008 Olivetti 151-2MSC001. 151-2MSC003 Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. 151-2SEQ001. 151-2SEQ002 Silicon Graphics, Inc. 151-2SGI001, 151-2SGI002. 151-2SGI003 Sun Microsystems Computer Corp., Inc. 151-2SUN001. 151-2SUN002. 151-2SUN003. 151-2SUN004. 151-2SUN005. 151-2SUN006. 151-2SUN007. 151-2SUN011. 151-2SUN013, 151-2SUN014, 151-2SUN015. 151-2SUN016. 151-2SUN019, 151-2SUN020. 151-2SUN021. 151-2SUN022. 151-2SUN023. 151-2SUN024. 151-2SUN025. 151-2SUN027. 151-2SUN028, 151-2SUN029 Tandem Computers Incorporated 151-2SC0009. 151-2SGI004, 151-2SGI005. 151-2TAN001, 151-2TAN002 Unisys Corporation 151-2UNI001. 151-2UNICX)2. 151-2UNI003. 151-2UNI004. 151-2UNI005


PRODUCTS 151-2ATT005 Issued: 03/23/95 Type: Native 151-2AMD001 Issued: 03/18/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Product Supplier: Amdahl Corporation Product NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, Release 2.03 Product UTS Version 4 Release 2 PCD: NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS POSIX Conformance Document 151-2 PCD: UTS 4.2 POSIX.1 and FIPS Conformance Document February 1995 I GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product

j MFS - Supported by Product AP • Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product

| Supplier: Amdahl Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Computer Hardware Product Amdahl 5995M-4550 Computer Hardware Product AT&T GIS System 3000, Model 3455 j C Compiler: /Amdahl C, Version 2.0 C Compiler: NCR System 3000 C Development Toolkit Release 2.03, with,

APTL: 0342 Mindcraft Inc. XPG4 /^plication E^ntion (XAE) i APTL: 0343 DataFocus Incorporated 151-2ATT001 Issued: 04/03/95 Type: Native I Product Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions 151-2BUL001 Issued: 04/03/95 Type: Native Product NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS Enterprise Operating Product Supplier: BULL S.A. Environment, Release 2.03 Product AIX"* version 4 release 1 with PTF 170690 and PTF PCD: NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS POSIX Conformance Document, U436839 February 1995 PCD: BULL DPX/20 POSIX1 Conformance document AIX Version 4.1 GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Supported by Product ref:86A270ACXX) MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutioris MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product AT&T GIS System 3000, Model 3600 Computer Hardware Supplier: BULL S.A. C Compiler: NCR System 3000 C Development Toolkit Release 2.03, Computer Hardware Product DPX/20 ESCALA” model D201 with XPG4 Application Extention p(AE) C Compiler: C for AIX Version 03.01 .0001 APTL: 0343 DataFocus Incorporated APTL: 0373 BULL S.A.

151-2ATT002 Issued: 05/12/95 Type: Native 151-2CRA001 Issued: 09/07/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Product Supplier: Cray Research Superservers, Inc. Product NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, Release 2.03 Product Solaris 2.3 CRAY Version R Maintenance Update 1 with PCD: NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS POSIX Conformance Document Patch 10647-03 February 1995 PCD: Cray Solaris 2.3 POSIX.1 Conformance Document GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Heirdware Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Computer Hardware Supplier: Cray Research Superservers. Inc. Computer Hardware Product AT&T GIS System 3000, Model 3575 Computer Hardware Product Cray SUPERSERVER 6400 C Compiler: NCR System 3000 C Development Toolkit Release 2.03, C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released October 3, 1992 with XPG4 Application Extention PCAE) APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. APTL: 0343 DataFocus Incorporated 151-2DEC001 Issued: 08/12/93 Type: Hosted 151-2ATT003 Issued: 03/17/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Product POSIX for Open VMS AXP Version XI .0-041 Product NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, Release 2.03 PCD: POSIX 1003.1-1990 Conformance Document for Open VMS AXP PCD: NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS POSIX Conformance Document (July 1993) February 1995 GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Computer Hardware Product DECsystem, Model 4000/610 Computer Hardware Product AT&T GIS System 3000, Model 3525 Host Operating System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation

C Compiler: NCR System 3000 C Development Toolkit, Release 2.03, Host Operating System: OpenVMS AXP Version 1 .5 with XPG4 Application Extention (XAE) C Compiler: DEC C Version 1 , Release 3 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated

151-2ATT004 Issued: 05/12/95 Type: Native 151-2DEC002 Issued: 02/28/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS, Release 2.03 Product DEC OSF/1 Version 2.0, released March, 1994 PCD: NCR UNIX SVR4 MP-RAS POSIX Conformance Document PCD: DEC OSF/1 POSIX.1 Conformeince Document (Order NumberAA- February 1995 PS35B-TE)

GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: AT&T Global Information Solutions Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Hardware Product AT&T GIS System 3000, Model 3455, Computer Hardware Product DEC 3000, Model 400

with LifeKeeper, Version 1 .0 C Compiler: DEC OSF/1 C Compiler, Version 2.0 C Compiler: NCR System 3000 C Development Toolkit Release 2.03, APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. with XPG4 Application Extention (XAE) APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated


151-2DEC003 Issued: 08/05/94 Type: Hosted 151-2HPC001 Issued: 05/12/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product POSIX for Open VMS AXP Version 2.0 Product HP-UX Release 9.09 with patches PHCO_3869, PHCO_4152, PCD: POSIX 1003.1*1990 Conformance Document for Open VMS and PHKL_4149 AXP. June 1994 PCD: POSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers, Third Edition. GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90034 MFS • Supported by Product AP • Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product DECsystem, Model 4000/610 Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Host Operating System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 755 Host Operating System: OpenVMS AXP, Version 6.1 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.09.33 C Compiler: DEC C for OpenVMS AXP Version 4.0 APTL 0342 Mirnicraft Inc. APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated 151-2HPC002 Issued: 05/12/94 Type: Native 151-2DEC004 Issued: 08/05/94 Type: Hosted Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product HP-UX Release 9.09 with patches PHCO_3869, PHCO_4152, Product POSIX for Open VMS VAX, Version 2.0 and PHKL_4149 PCD: POSIX 1003.1-1990 Conformance Document for Open VMS PCD: POSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers, Third Edition, AXP, Juno 1994 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90034 GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Hardware Product: DECsystem. Model 4000-500 Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 725 Host Operating System Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.09.33 Host Operating System: OpenVMS VAX, Version 6.1 APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. C Compiler: DEC C for OpenVMS VAX Version 4.0 APTL 0343 DataFocus incorporated 151-2HPC003 Issued: 06/01/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company 151-2DEC005 Issued: 08/17/94 Type: Native Product HP-UX Release 9.05 with patches PHKL_4110, and Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation PHNE_4111 Product DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0, released August, 1994 PCD: POSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers, Third Edition,

PCD: DEC OSF/1 POSIX. 1 Conformance Document (Order 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90049 Number:AA-PS35C-TE) GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer l-iardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 735 Computer Hardware Product DEC 2100 model A500MP C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.09.33 C Compiler: DEC OSF/1 C Compiler, Version 3.0 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2HPC004 Issued: 06/01/94 Type: Native 151-2DEC006 Issued: 06/02/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Product HP-UX Release 9.05 with patches PHKL_4110, and Product Digital UNIX* 3.2c PHNE_4111 PCD: DEC OSF/1 POSIX.1 Conformance Document (Order PCD: POSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers. Third Edition. Number:AA-PS35C-TE) 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90049 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett- Peickard Company Computer Hardware Product AlphaStation 200 Model 4/1 66 Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 725 C Compiler: Digital UNIX* C Compiler V3.2c C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.09.33 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.

151-2DGC001 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Native 151-2HPC005 Issued: 07/01/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Data General Corporation Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product DG/US 5.4 Release 3.00 MU01 Product HP-UX 10.00.S1 PCD: POSIX.1 Conformance Document for the DG/UX~ System PCD: POSIX Conformance Document, HP 9000 Computers. Fourth

Revision 04. March 1 994 Edition, 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90049 GTI • Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Data General Corporation Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Hardware Product Data General AViiON AV8500 Model Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 770 G70595 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version X.10.23 C Compiler: gcc APTL 0342 Mirvdcraft Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.


151-2HPC006 Issued: 07/01/94 Type: Native 151-2HPC011 Issued: 03/02/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product HP-UX 10.00.S1 Product HP-UX Release 10.00 PCD: POSIX Conformance Document, HP 9000 Computers, Fourth PCD: PCSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers, Third Edition, Edition, 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90049 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90049. GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 712 Computer Hardware Product 9000/829 K400 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version X.10.23 C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.10.03 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.

151-2HPC007 Issued: 07/01/94 Type: Native 151-2IBM001 Issued: 03/08/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation Product HP-UX 10.09.S1 Product MVS/ESA 4.3 OpenEdition’ 1 .0 PCD: PCSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers, Fourth PCD: CpenEdition MVS PCSIX.1 Conformance Document Document

Edition, 1 994. as modified by PCSIX Conformance Document HP-UX Number SC23-3011-00 Compartment Mode Workstation Addendum, HP 9000 Computers, GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product First Edition, 1994. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Internationa Business Machines Corporation MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product: ES/9000-570

Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company C Compiler: IBM SAA AD/Cycle* C/370 Version 1 Release 2 Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 712 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version X.10.18 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2IBM002 Issued: 02/17/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation 151-2HPC008 Issued: 07/01/94 Type: Native Product: AiX Version 3.2.5 for RiSC System/6000 with RTFs: Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company U423984, U424399, U424507, U424590, Product HP-UX 10.09.S1 U425456, U424587, U425984, U425988, U425997, U426001, PCD: PCSIX Conformance Document, HP 9000 Computers, Fourth U426014, U425858 Edition, 1 994. as modified by PCSIX Conformance Document, HP-UX PCD: AIX Version 3.2 POSIX Conformrince Document Compartment Mode Workstation Addendum, HP 9000 Computers, GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product First Edition, 1 994. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000, Model 590 Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company C Compiler: XLC Version 1 , Release 3 Computer Hardware Product Series 9000 Model 770 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version X.10.18 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2IBM003 Issued: 02/17/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation 151-2HPC009 Issued: 03/02/95 Type: Native Product AIX Version 3.2.5 for RISC System/6000 with PTFs: Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company U423984, U424399, U424507, U424590, Product HP-UX Release 10.00 U425456, U424587, U425984, U425988, U425997, U426001, PCD: PCSIX Conformance Document, HP 9000 Computers, Third U426014, U425858 Edition, 1994. PCD: AIX Version 3.2 POSIX Conformance Document GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation Computer Hardware Product 9000 Series 700 Model J210 Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000, Model 250

C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.10.03 Compiler: Version 1 Release 3 C XLC , APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.

151-2HPC010 Issued: 03/02/95 Type: Native 151-2IBM004 Issued: 02/17/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation Product HP-UX Release 10.00 Product AiX Version 3.2.5 for RISC System/6000 with PTFs: PCD: PCSIX Conformance Document HP 9000 Computers, Third U423984, U424399, U424507, U424590, Edition, 1994. HP Part Number B2355-90049. U425456, U424587, U425984, U425988, U425997, U426001, GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product U426014, U425858 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product PCD: AIX Version 3.2 POSIX Conformance Document Computer Hardware Supplier: Hewlett-Packard Company GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product: 9000/770 J200 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: HP C Compiler Version A.10.03 Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000, Model 360

C Compiler: XLC Version 1 , Release 3 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.


151-2IBM005 Issued: 04/29/94 Type: Native 151-2INT001 Issued: 07/08/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation Product Supplier: Intergraph Corporation Product AIX Version 3.2.5 for RISC System/6000 with PTFs: Product CUX UNIXBOOT, Version, Release 22-FEB-1994 U423984, U424399, U425456, U425984, U425988, PCD: CUX POSIX Conformance Document July 1994 U425997, U426001, U426014. U427208, U427727, U427892 GTI - Supported by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product PCD: AIX Version 3.2 POSIX Conformance Document, part number MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GC23-21 59-02. Third Edition Computer Hardware Supplier: Intergraph Corporation GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product Intergraph 2800 Series Workstation. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Model 2830 Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines C Compiler: CUPPER Advanced Optimizing C Compiler. Version Corporation, Release 03-MAR-1994 Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000, Model 230 APTL 0343 DataFocus Incorporated

C Compiler: XLC Version 1 Releeise 3 . APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2MSC001 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation 151-2IBM006 Issued: 04/29/94 Type: Native Product Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem Version 3.1 Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation PCD: Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem POSIX ConformeirKio Product AIX Version 3.2.5 for RISC System/6000 with PTFs: Document U423984, U424399, U425456, U425984, U425988, GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product U425997, U426001, U426014, U427208, U427727, U427892 MFS - NOT Provided by Product AP - NOT Provided by Product PCD: AIX Version 3.2 POSIX Conformance Document, part number GC23-21 59-02, Third Edition Computer Hardware Supplier: Olivetti GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product M700-10 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines Host & Development Operating System: Windows NT Version 3.1 Corporation C Compiler: Microsoft* C Centaur Optimizing Compiler Version 8.00.081 Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000, Model 570 APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. C Compiler: Version XLC 1 , Release 3 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2MSC002 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation 151-2IBM007 Issued: 11/08/94 Type: Native Product Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem Version 3.1 Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation PCD: Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance Product MVS/ESA 5.1.0 Document PCD: OpenEdition MVS POSIX.1 Conformance Document, Document GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product Number GC23-3011-02 MFS - NOT Provided by Product AP - NOT Provided by Product GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Compaq Computer Hardware Supplier: Internationeil Business Meichines Computer Hardware Product Deskpro 4/66i Corporettion Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Computer Hardware Product ES/9000/610 Host & Development Operating System: Windows NT Version 3.1 C Compiler: IBM SAA AD/Cycle* C/370 Version 1 Release 2 C Compiler: Visual C+-(- for Windows and Windows NT, 32-bit Edition,

APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Version 1 .00. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2IBM008 Issued: 4/14/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation 151-2MSC003 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted Product AIX Version 4.1.2 for RISC System/6000 with APAR Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation 1X49490 Product Microsoft Windows NT POSiX Subsystem Version 3.1 PCD: AIX Version 4.1 POSIX Conformance Document January. 1995 PCD: Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Document MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines MFS - NOT Provided by Product AP - NOT Provided by Product Corporation Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000 model 3BT Computer Hardware Supplier: Olivetti C Compiler: C for AIX version 3.1.1 Computer Hardware Product M700-10 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Host & Development Operating System: Windows NT Advanced Server 151-2IBM009 Issued: 4/14/95 Type: Native Version 3.1 Product Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation C Compiler: Microsoft* C Centaur Optimizing Compiler Version 8.00.081 Product AIX Version 4.1.2 for RiSC System/6000 with APAR APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. 1X49490 PCD: AIX Version 4.1 POSIX Conformance Document January, 1995 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: International Business Machines Corporation Computer Hardware Product RISC System/6000 model 250 C Compiler: C for AIX version 3.1.1 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.


151-2MSC004 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted 151-2MSC008 Issued: 11/17/94 [10/13/94] Type: Cooperating Hosted Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Product Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem Version 3.1 Product Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 PCD: Microsoft Windows NT POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX Cortformance Document Document February 1994 GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Product MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product MFS - NOT Provided by Product AP - NOT Provided by Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel Product Computer Hardware Product Intel Xpress, i486DX2/66 Computer Hardware Supplier: Compaq Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Computer Hardware Product Deskpro 4/66i Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT™ Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation 8.50.4136Server, Version 3.5 Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-i- + Optimizing Compiler, Version Advanced Server Version 3.1 for 80x86 C Compiler: Visual C+ + for Windows and Windows NT, 32-bit Edition, APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc.

Version 1 .00. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2MSC009 Issued: 10/25/94 [10/13/94] Type: Cooperating Hosted Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation 151-2MSC005 Issued: 05/12/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted Product Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance Product Microsoft* Windows NT~ POSiX Subsystem Version 3.1 Document February 1994 PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Conformance Document MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel Product Computer Hardware Product: Intel Xpress, Pentium/60

MFS - NOT Provided by Product AP - NOT Provided by Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation 8.50.4136 Product Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT™ Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation Server, Version 3.5 Computer Hardware Product DECpc AXP/1 50 C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-f-l- Optimizing Compiler, Version Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation for 80x86 Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT”* APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Version 3.1 C Compiler: Microsoft* C/C-i--t- Optimizing Compiler Version 8.00.9B 151-2MSC010 Issued: 11/17/94 [10/13/94] Type: Cooperating Hosted APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Product Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 151-2MSC006 Issued: 05/12/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Document, February 1994 Product Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem Version 3.1 GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product Conformance Document Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel GTI - NOT Provided by Product MC - NOT Provided by 8.50.4136Computer hlardware Product Intel Classic R Plus, i486DX33 Product Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation MFS - NOT Provided by Product AP - NOT Provided by Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT™ Product Workstation, Version 3.5 Computer Hardware Supplier: Digital Equipment Corporation C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-n- Optimizing Compiler, Version Computer Hardware Product DECpc AXP/1 50 for 80x86 Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation APTL 0343 DataFocus, Irw. Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT™ Advanced Server Version 3.1 151-2MSC011 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted C Compiler: Microsoft* C/C-l- Optimizing Compiler Version 8.00.9B Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance 151-2MSC007 Issued: 10/05/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted Document February 1994 Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Product Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product 8.50.4136 PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT" POSIX Subsystem POSIX Computer Hardware Supplier: AST Conformance Document, February 1994 Computer Hardware Product PowerExec 4/33SL GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT™ Workstation, Version 3.5 8.50.4136 Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-^-t- Optimizing Compiler, Version Computer Hardware Product Intel Classic R Plus, i486/33 for 80x86 Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT™ Workstation

Version 3.5, Release Candidate 1 C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-f--t- Optimizing Compiler, Version for 80x86 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc.

5-20 5


151-2MSC0012 Issued: 11/17/94 Type: Cboperating Hosted 151-2NOV001 Issued: 05/03/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Product Supplier: Novell, Inc. Product Microsoft* Windows NT~ POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 Product UnbcWare” Application Server Version 1.1 with UnbtWare PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem POSIX Update 1.1.1 and PTF604

Conformance Document February 1994 PCD: UnixWare” Programmer’s Guide: POSIX. 1 Conformance (First GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Edition) MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: AST Research, Inc. Computer Hardware Product Intel Xpress Dual Pentium 66 Computer Hardware Product Premium 486/33 model 3V Host & Development Operating System Supplier; Microsoft Corporation C Compiler: UnixWare” SDK/Persoruil Utilities Version 1.1 Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT"* APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. 8.50.4136Server, Version 3.5 C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-(- -f Optimizing Compiler, Version 151-2NOV002 Issued: 05/03/94 Type; Native for 80x86 Product Supplier: Novell, Inc. APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. Product UnixWare” Personal Edition Version 1.1 with UnbtWare Update 1.1.1 and PTF604

151-2MSC0013 Issued: 11/17/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted PCD: UnixWare” Programmer’s Guide: POSIX. 1 Conformance (Hrst Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Edition) Product Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem POSIX MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Conformance Document, February 1994 Computer Hardware Supplier; AST Research, Inc. GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Computer Hardware Product Premium 486/33 model 3V MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product C Compiler: UnixWare” SDK/Personal Utilities Version 1.1 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel Corporation

Computer Hardware Product Intel Xpress i486DX33 1 51 -2NOV003 Issued; 10/21/94 Type: Native Host 8.50.4136& Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Product Supplier: Novell, Inc. Host & Development Operating System; Microsoft® Windows NT” Product UnixWare” Personal Edition Version 1.1.2, with PTF621

Server, Version 3.5 PCD: UnixWare” Programmer’s Guide: POSIX. 1 Conformance (First C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C-n- Optimizing Compiler, Version Edition) for 80x86 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier; AT&T 151-2MSC0014 Issued: 11/17/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted Computer Hardware Product Globalyst 51 Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation C Compiler; UnixWare” SDK/Personal Utilities Version 1.1 Product Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem POSIX Conformance Document February 1994 151-2NOV004 Issued: 10/25/94 Type: Native GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Product Supplier: Novell, Inc. MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product Product UnbtWare” Personal Edition Version 1.1.2, with PTF621 and PCI SCSI driver 517-0002476 Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel Corporation PCD: UnixWare” Programmer’s Guide: POSIX.1 Conformance (Rrst 8.50.4136 Computer Hardware Product Classic R Plus i486DX2/66 Edition) Host & Development Operating System Supplier; Microsoft Corporation GTI - Supported by Product MC • Supported by Product Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT” MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Workstation, Version 3.5 Computer Hardware Supplier: AT&T C Compiler: Microsoft* 32-bit C/C -f-f Optimizing Compiler, Version Computer Hardware Product Globalyst 600 for 80x86 C Compiler: UnixWare” SDK/Personal Utilities Version 1 .1 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.

151-2MSC0015 Issued; 11/17/94 Type: Cooperating Hosted 151-2NOV005 Issued: 10/25/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Microsoft Corporation Product Supplier; Novell, Inc. Product Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem Version 3.5 Product UnbtWare” Personal Edition Version 1.1.2, with PTF621 and PCD: Microsoft* Windows NT” POSIX Subsystem POSIX PCI SCSI driver 517-0002476 Conformance Document February 1994 PCD: UnixWare” Programmer’s Guide: POSIX.1 Conformance (Rrst GTI • Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product Edition) MFS - Not Provided by Product AP - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product 8.50.4136 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Intel Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: AT&T Computer Hardware Product Classic R Plus i486SX33 Computer Hardware Product Globalyst 550 Host & Development Operating System Supplier: Microsoft Corporation C Compiler: UnixWare” SDK/Personal Utilities Version 1 .1 Host & Development Operating System: Microsoft® Windows NT” APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Workstation, Version 3.5 C Compiler; Microsoft* 32-bit C/C Optimizing Compiler, Version for 80x86 APTL 0343 DertaFocus, Inc.

5-21 I


151-2SC0001 Issued: 11/17/94 [10/21/94) Type: Native 151-2SC0006 Issued: 11/15/94 Type: Native

Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. I Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 | Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance 3.2.4 PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release POSIX.1 Conformance ! Document October 1994 Document October 1994 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product | MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product j Supplier: Inc. Computer Hardware American Megatrends, Computer Hardware Supplier: American Megatrends, Inc. ; Computer Hardware Product AMI SBS 6400 Super Voyager VLB-Ill, Computer Hardware Product AMI SBS 6400 Super Voyager VLB-Ill, Intel | Intel 486DX2/66 486DX4/100 i

C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, with i

with SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 |

APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. '

151 -2300002 Issued: 10/21/94 Type: Native 151-2SC0007 Issued: 11/23/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformeince PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance Document. October 1994 Document October 1994 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Microlog Corporation Computer Hardware Product Compaq Proliant 2000, Model 5/66 Computer hlardware Product Intela R1 00, Intel 486DX33 C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, with

with SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc.

151-2SC0003 Issued: 11/15/94 Type: Native 151-2SC0008 Issued: 11/23/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2, with SCO MPX Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 Multi-processor extension Release 3.0 PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance Document October 1994 Document October 1994 GTI - Not Provided by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Microlog Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation Computer Hardware Product Intela R1 00, Intel Pentium”/66 Computer Hardware Product Compaq ProLiant 2000, Model 5/90 C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, with

C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 witfi SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Irw. APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. 151-2SC0009 Issued: 4/14/95 Type: Native 151-2SC0004 Issued: 11/15/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 with SCO XPG4 Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 Supplement Release 1.0.0 PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance Document October 1994 Document May 1995 GTI • Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI • Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS • Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardw^lre Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated Computer Hardware Product Compaq ProUant 2000, Model 5/90 Computer Hardware Product 20-slot 48-port digital VRU, order number C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, VR204801

with SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 C Compiler: SCO UNIX* Development System Release 3.2v4.2 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.

1 51 -2SC0005 Issued: 11/15/94 Type: Native 151-2SEQ001 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Product Supplier: Sequent Computer Systems Inc. Product SCO UNIX*, Release 3.2, Version 4.2 Product DYNIX/ptx Version 4.0.0 PCD: SCO UNIX* System V/386 Release 3.2.4 POSIX.1 Conformance PCD: DYNIX/pb( POSIX.1 Conformance Specification Part Number 1003- Document October 1994 49622-04

GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not Provided by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Compaq Computer Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Sequent Computer Systems Inc. Computer Hardware Product Compaq ProLiant 1CXX), Model Computer Hardware Product Sequent Symmetry Systems SE20 486DX2/66 C Compiler: ptx/C (Version 4.0.0) C Compiler: SCO ODT Development System Release 3.0 C Compiler, APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.

with SCO XPG4 Supplement Release 1 .0 APTL 0343 DataFocus, Inc.


151-2SEQ002 Issued: 04/12/94 Type: Native 151-2SUN001 Issued: 12/23/93 Type: Native Product Supplier: Sequent Computer Systems Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product DYNDC/ptx Version 2.1.1 Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 PCD: DYNIX/ptx POSIX.1 Conformance Specification Part Number PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 Part 1003-49622-03a No: 801-5263-10 GTI • Supported by Product MC • Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Sequent Computer Systems Inc. Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Computer Hardware Product Sequent Symmetry Systems SE60 Inc. C Compiler: pWC (Version 2.1.1) Computer Hardware Product SPARCcenter 2000, model 2204 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. 151-2SGI001 Issued: 03/07/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. 151-2SUN002 Issued: 12/23/93 Type: Native Product IRIX 5.3 with patches 278, 279, and 280 Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. PCD: IRIX 5.3 POSIX.1 Conformance Document Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 GTI • Supported by Product MC - Not provided by product PCD: Solaris 2.3 Starrdards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 Part MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product No: 801-5263-10 Computer Hardware Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product Indigo 2 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: IRIX Development Option 5.3 (SC4-IDO-5.3) Computer hiardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Inc. Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 10SX, model 40

151 -2301002 Issued: 03/07/95 Type: Native C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Product IRIX 5.3 with patches 278, 279, and 280 PCD: IRIX 5.3 POSIX.1 Conformance Document 151-2SUN003 Issued: 12/23/93 Type: Native GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not provided by product Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 Computer Hardware Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformemce Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 Part Computer Hardware Product Indy No: 801-5263-10 C Compiler: IRIX Development Option 5.3 (SC4-IDO-5.3) GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, 151-2SGI003 Issued: 03/07/95 Type: Native Inc. Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 10, model 52 Product IRIX 5.3 with patches 278, 279, and 280 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 PCD: IRIX 5.3 POSIX.1 Conformance Document APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not provided by product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product 151-2SUN004 Issued: 12/23/93 Type: Native Computer Hardware Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Computer Hardware Product Challenge L Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 C Compiler: IRIX Development Option 5.3 (SC4-IDO-5.3) PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 Part APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Irw. No: 801-5263-10 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product 151 -2301004 Issued: 03/07/95 Type: Native MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Computer hiardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corfjoration, Product IRIX 5.3 with patches 278, 279, and 280 Inc. PCD: IRIX 5.3 POSIX.1 Conformance Document Computer Hardware Product SPARCserver 670MP, model 54 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not provided by product C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Computer Hardware Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated Computer Hardware Product Integrity NR4404 151-2SUN005 Issued: 3/30/94 Type: Native C Compiler: IRIX Development Option 5.3 (SC4-IDO-5.3) Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc.

APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.3 Edition II with patch 101294-01 and 101498-02 PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 Part 151-2SGI005 Issued: 03/07/95 Type: Native No: 801-5263-11 Product Supplier: Silicon Graphics, Inc. GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Product IRIX 5.3 with patches 278, 279, and 280 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product PCD: IRIX 5.3 POSIX.1 Conformance Document Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, GTI - Supported by Product MC - Not provided by product Inc. MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 5 Computer Hardware Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 Computer Hardware Product Integrity NR401 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. C Compiler: IRIX Development Option 5.3 (SC4-IDO-5.3) APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.


151-2SUN006 Issued: 3/30/94 Type: Native 151-2SUN011 Issued: 10/13/94 Type; Native Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Ine.

Product Solaris 2.3 Edition II Product Solaris 2.4

PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX. 1 PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 Part No: 801-5263-11 Part No: 801-6735-10 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation Corporation, Inc. Computer Hardware Product SPARCserver 1000

Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation Voyager C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2SUN012 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Native 151-2SUN007 Issued: 3/30/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: SunSoft, Ine. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 Product Solaris 2.3 Release with patches 1 01 294-01 ,10131 8-27, PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 and 101493-01 Part No: 801-6735-10 PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Part No: 801-5263-11 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Dell Computer Corporation MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product: 466T Computer Heirdware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer C Compiler: Precompiler C Version 2.0.1 for x86 Corporation, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 20, Model 502 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 151-2SUN013 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Native APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 151-2SUN008 Issued: 9/07/94 Type: Native PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Part No: 801-6735-10 Product The INTERACTIVE UNIX Operating System, Version 4.1 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product PCD: INTERACTIVE UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Standards MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Conformance Guide, June, 1994 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation LX model 4/30

MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 Computer Hardware Supplier: Compaq APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Computer Hardware Product Proliant 2000 Model 5/66-1 C Compiler: LPI C Version 2.0 151-2SUN014 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Native APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 151-2SUN009 Issued: 9/07/94 Type: Native PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Part No: 801-6735-10 Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product PCD: Solaris 2.3 Steindards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Part No: 801-5263-11 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product SPARCserver 670MP MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 Computer Hardware Supplier: Axil Workstations APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Computer Hardware Product Axil model 220 Professional C Compiler: gcc version cygnus-2.3.3 151-2SUN015 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Native APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 151-2SUN010 Issued: 9/07/94 Type: Native PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Part No: 801-6735-10 Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Part No: 801-5263-11 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation

GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 1 0, model 52 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 Computer Hardware Supplier: Axil Workstations APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Computer Hardware Product Axil model 31 1 -4.0 C Compiler: gcc version cygnus-2.3.3 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.


151-2SUN016 Issued; 10/13/94 Type: Native 151-2SUN021 Issued: 01/24/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: 11/94 PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Referer^e Manual. August Updates 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual. August 1994 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Part No: 801-6735-10 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 2 model 4/75 Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation Voyager

C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Oct 3, 1992 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Sep. 3, 1992 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.

151-2SUN017 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Native 151-2SUN022 Issued: 03/07/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Pius SMCC Hardware: 11/94

PCD; Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX. 1 Updates Part No: 801-5263-10 PCD: SunSoft Star>dards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Part No: 801-6735-10 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardweve Supplier: Axil Workstations MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer hlardware Product Axil model 311-5.1 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation

C Compiler: gcc version cygnus-2.3.3 Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 20 model HS1 1 plus SPARC APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. module HS11

C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Sep. 3, 1992 151-2SUN018 Issued: 10/13/94 Type: Native APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier; SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.3 with patch 101294-01 151-2SUN023 Issued: 03/02/95 Type: Native PCD: Solaris 2.3 Standards Conformance Guide, Chapter 5: POSIX.1 Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Part No: 801-5263-10 Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: 11/94 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Updates MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 Computer Hardware Supplier: Axil Workstations Part No: 801-6735-10 Computer Hardware Product /bdl model 311-5.2 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product C Compiler: gcc version cygnus-2.3.3 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Computer Hardware Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 20 model 712MP 151-2SUN019 Issued: 01/24/95 Type: Native C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 3.0.1, Released Jul. 13, 1994 Product Supplier; SunSoft, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: 11/94 Updates 151-2SUN024 Issued; 05/12/95 Type: Native PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August, Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware; 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: 11/94 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Updates MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 Computer Hardware Supplier; Sun Microsystems Computer Part No: 801-6735-10 Corporation GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product SPARCcenter 2000E MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Sep. 3. 1992 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. Computer hlardware Product SPARCstation 4 model 70 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 3.0.1, Released Jul. 13, 1994 151-2SUN020 Issued: 01/24/95 Type: Native APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: 151-2SUN025 Issued; 06/02/95 Type: Native 11/94 Updates Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August, Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: 11/94 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 Updates

GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product PCD; SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August 1994 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Part No: 801-6735-10 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Corporation MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 5 model 85 Computer hlardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Sep. 3, 1992 Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 5 model 110 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 3.0.1, Released Jul. 13, 1994 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.

151-2SUN026 Issued: 05/12/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Product Solaris 2.4

5-25 2


PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August, 151-2TAN001 Issued: 05/12/95 Type: Native 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 Product Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated GT1 - Supported by Product MC • Supported by Product Product Tandem NonStop Kernel Release D30, product SA73 and MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Open System Services Run-Time Environment, product Computer Heirdware Supplier: Axil Computer, Inc. SA16 with IPMs T6533AAE, T8373AAB, T8305AAB, Computer Hardware Product Axil 320 model 2H91 T8371AAB, and T8372AAB and Open Internationalization C Compiler: gcc version cygnus-2.3.3 with Single- and Multi- Locales, product SA08 and APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Tandem NonStop TCP/IP with the Telserv TELNET Server product S020 151-2SUN027 Issued: 06/02/95 Type: Native PCD: Open System Services Conformance document for POSIX.1, Third Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. Edition Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: GTI - Not provided by Product MC - Not provided by Product 11/94 Updates MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Refererwe Manual, August Computer Hardware Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 Computer Hardware Product K10000 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product C Compiler: NonStop Kernel Open System Service Development MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Environment Release D30, product SA02 Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Corporation Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 4 model 85 151-2TAN002 Issued: 05/12/95 Type: Native C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 2.0.1, Released Sep. 3, 1992 Product Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Tandem NonStop Kernel Release D30, product SA73 and Open System Services Run-Time EnvironmenL product 151-2SUN028 Issued: 06/02/95 Type: Native SA16 with IPMs T6533AAE, T8373AAB, T8305AAB, Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. T8371AAB and T8372AAB, and Open Internationalization Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Plus SMCC Hardware: with Single- and Multi-Byte Locales, product SA08 and 11/94 Updates Tandem NonStop TCP/IP with the Telserv TELNET Server PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August, product SD20 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 PCD: Open System Services Conformance document for POSIX.1, Third GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Edition MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Not provided by Product MC - Not provided by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Corporation Computer Hardware Supplier: Tandem Computers Incorporated Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 20 model HS14 Computer Hardware Product: K1000 C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 3.0.1, Released Jul. 13, 1994 C Compiler: NonStop Kernel Open System Services Development APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Environment Release D30, product SA02 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2SUN029 Issued: 06/02/95 Type: Native Product Supplier: SunSoft, Inc. 151-2TEN001 Issued: 10/25/94 Type: Hosted Product Solaris 2.4 Hardware: 11/94 Pius SMCC Hardware: Product Supplier: Tenon Intersystems 11/94 Updates Product MachTen Version 4.0.0 PCD: SunSoft Standards Conformance Reference Manual, August PCD: MachTen POSIX.1 Conformance Document Release 1.0, October, 1994 Part No: 801-6735-10 1994 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardweire Supplier: Sun Microsystems Computer Computer Hardware Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc. Corporation Computer l-lardware Product 630

Computer Hardware Product SPARCstation 20 model HS22 Host Operating System Supplier: Apple Computer, lr>c. C Compiler: Sun C Compiler Version 3.0.1, Released Jul. 13. 1994 Host Operating System: MacOS 7.1 .2P APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc. C Compiler: gcc 2.5.8 APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc.

151-2TEN002 Issued: 10/25/94 Type: Hosted Product Supplier: Tenon Intersystems Product MachTen Version 4.0.0 PCD: MachTen POSIX.1 Conformance Document Release 1.0, October, 1994 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc. Computer Hardware Product Macintosh PowerBook 520 Host Operating System Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc.

Host Operating System: MacOS 7.1 .1 C Compiler: gee 2.5.8 APTL 0342 Mindcraft Inc.


1 51 -2TEN003 Issued: 11/08/94 Type: Hosted 151-2UNI003 Issued: 11/15/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Tenon Intersystems Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product MachTen Version 2.1.1 Product DYNIX/ptx Release 4.0.0 PCD: MachTen POSIX.1 Conformance Document Release 1.0, PCD: DYNIX/ptx POSIX.1 Conformance Specification Part Number: 7441 October, 1994 0861-000

GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc. Computer Hardware Supplier: Unisys Corporation Computer Hardware Product Macintosh Quadra 630 Computer Hardware Product U6000/600 Model60 Host Operating System Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc. C Compiler: ptx/C 4.0.0 Host Operating System: MacOS 7.1. 2P APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. C Compiler: gcc 2.5.8 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. 151-2UNI004 Issued: 11/17/94 Type: Native Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation 151-2TEN004 Issued: 11/08/94 Type: Hosted Product Unix System V Release 4 Revision 1.3 Product Supplier: Tenon Intersystems PCD: UNIX System V Release 4.0 POSIX Conformance Programmer's Product MachTen Version 2.1.1 Guide Part Number: 3914 9430-400 PCD: MachTen POSIX.1 Conformance Document Release 1.0, GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product October, 1994 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Unisys Corporation MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product: U6000/430 Computer Hardware Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc. C Compiler: Unix System V Release 4 Standard C Development

Computer Hardware Product: Macintosh PowerBook 520 Environment Rev. 1 .3 Host Operating System Supplier: Apple Computer, Inc. APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. Host Operating System: MacOS 7.t.1 C Compiler: gcc 2.5.8 151-2UNI005 Issued: 11/17/94 Type: Native APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc. Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product Unix System V Release 4 Revision 1.3 151-2UNI001 Issued: 12/02/93 Type: Native PCD: UNIX System V Release 4.0 POSIX Conformance Programmer’s Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation Guide Part Number: 3914 9430-400 Product Unix System V Reiease 4 Revision 1.2 GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product

PCD: UNIX System V Release 4.0 POSIX Conformance Programmer’s MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Guide Computer Hardware Supplier: Unisys Corporation GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Product: U6000/500 Model 50 MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product C Compiler: Unix System V Release 4 Standard C Development

Computer Hardware Supplier: Unisys Corporation Environment. Rev. 1 .3 Computer Hardware Product Unisys U6000 Series U6000/65 APTL 0342 Mindcraft. Inc. C Compiler: Unix System V Release 4 Standard C Development

Environment Rev. 1 .2

APTL: 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.

151-2UNI002 Issued: 12/02/93 Type: Native Product Supplier: Unisys Corporation Product Unix System V Release 4 Revision 1.2 PCD: UNIX System V Release 4.0 POSIX Conformance Programmer's Guide GTI - Supported by Product MC - Supported by Product MFS - Supported by Product AP - Supported by Product Computer Hardware Supplier: Unisys Corporation Computer Hardware Product Unisys U6000 Series U6000/300 C Compiler: Unix System V Reiease 4 Standard C Development

Environment Rev. 1 .2 APTL 0342 Mindcraft, Inc.

For further information on the NIST/CSL POSIX validation program contact Martha M. Gray. Computer Systems Laboratory, B266 Technology Bldg., NIST, Gaithersburg. MD 20899. Telephone: 301-975-3276, fax: 301-590-0932, e-mail: [email protected].

This register is also available on an electronic mail (email) file server system. To use the service, you must be able to send and receive email via the Internet. For most email systems, send an email message (mail with the first line of the message containing a command to send 151-2reg and a carriage return. The next line should simply end your email message (on some systems a period and a carriage return). This register will be returned via email to your email address. There is also a register for FIPS 151-1 accredited laboratories and validated products. For this register use the command send 151-lreg.

5-27 I



Cryptographic Standards

The lists in Sections 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 provide technical information about products that have been validated as conforming to the following computer security FIPS:

a. Data Encryption Standard (DES), FIPS PUB 46-2,

b. Message Authentication Code (MAC), FIPS and 6.2 PUB 113,

c. Key Management Using ANSI X9.17, FIPS PUB 171.

Data Encryption Validation Tests

FIPS PUB 46-2 specifies a cryptographic algorithm that converts plaintext to ciphertext using a 56- bit key. Testing procedures for the validation of devices as conforming to FIPS PUB 46-2 are described in the NBS Special Publication 500-20, Validatine the Correctness of Hardware

Implementations of the NBS Data Encryption Standard . The validation of a device is performed by running the Monte Carlo test described in the publication. The Monte-Carlo test consists of 6.3 eight million encryptions and four million decryptions, with two encryptions and one decryption

making up a single test. The test is designed to use the Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB) of DES.

Although the actual test described in NBS Special Publication 500-20 is the same test used to validate devices today, the procedures for administering the test have changed. Currently, the test is performed by the vendor using initial values supplied by NIST. The vendor uses the supplied information to run the Monte-Carlo test and sends the results to NIST.

Message Authentication Code (MAC) Validation System 6.4

FIPS PUB 113, Computer Data Authentication, specifies a Data Encryption Algorithm which may be used to detect unauthorized intentional and accidental modifications to data. This process is

known as data authentication. The algorithm is based on DES and is used to authenticate an entire binary message. FIPS PUB 113 is compatible with ANSI X9.9 which provides methods for authenticating an entire binary message as well as all or parts of a message which are in a coded character format. Procedures for the validation of products which implement FIPS PUB 113 and ANSI X9.9 are described in NBS Special Publication 500-156, Message Authentication Code fMACl

Validation System: Requirements and Procedures .

Key Management Validation System (KMVS)

FIPS PUB 171 adopts ANSI X9.17 for Federal Government use. ANSI X9.17, Financial Institution Key Management fWholesalel. provides procedures and protocols for the secure generation, distribution, storage, entry, use and destruction of symmetric cryptographic keying material (e.g., DES). It provides key management solutions for a variety of operational environments, and as such, ANSI X9.17 contains a number of options. FIPS PUB 171 specifies a particular set of options

whenever keying material is distributed using the protocols of ANSI X9.17. Procedures for the validation of products which conform to a subset of the options selected in FIPS PUB 171 are described in the Key Management Validation System: Point-to-Point Validation System document

which is available from the Manager of the Security Group (see Section 6.5).

6-1 6.5 General

6.5.1 Request for Validation

To validate a product, a vendor should send a formal request for validation which includes a clear indication of the product to be tested. The request must also include the name, address, and telephone number of the person within the vendor's organization who will be responsible for the validation testing. The request should be sent to:

Manager, Security Technology Group Computer Security Division National Computer Systems Laboratory Building 225, Room A216 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Telephone (301) 975-2920

6.5.2 Information about Validated Products

It should be noted that the purpose of the following lists (see Sections 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8) is to provide technical information about products that have been validated as conforming to the FIPS Standards listed in Section 6.1. NIST has made every attempt to provide complete and accurate information about the products described in the following lists. However, due to the possibility of changes made within individual companies, NIST cannot guarantee that this document reflects the current status of each product.

6.5.3 Validation Documentation

Copies of the above FIPS and Special Publications are for sale by the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. The KMVS validation requirements document discussed in Section 6.4 can be obtained by contacting the Manager of the Security Technology Group at the above address.

6-2 6.6 DES Validated Devices

NOTE: The puipose of this document is to provide technical information about devices that have been validated as conforming to Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 46-2, Data Encryption Standard. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has made every attempt to provide complete and accurate information about the devices described in this document. However, due to the possibility of changes made within individual companies, NIST cannot guarantee that this document reflects the current status of each product.


ADT Security Systems ADT Universal 10/17/90 Chip is an on-board component for Communicator 2560 Huntington Avenue products in the High Security Intrusion Detection Fourth Floor System. System has integrated key management Alexandria, VA 22303 capabilities. -Hal Marriott (703) 960-8548

Advanced Engineering Concepts, Inc. MODEM LOCK version 1.0 5/26/94 MODEM LOCK/KEYXL8 is a firmware/software combination 1198 Pacific Coast Highway #D-505 (firmware) and KEYXL8 that is intended to be connected between a computer and an Seal Beach, CA 90740 version 1.0 (software) external modem; encrypts the modem data stream; works with -Mark Olson (Encryption Only) most computers and most common existing modems; weighs (310) 379-1189 8oz, small enough for a shirt pocket, runs up to 40 hours on a 9-volt battery, also has an AC adapter.

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AmZ8068 1/28/81 One 40-pin DIP package; n-channel Si-gate technology, ECB, 4115 Freiderich Lane (also known as Am9518) CBC and 8-bit CFB modes; separate ports for key input, clear Mail Stop 135 data and enciphered data; concurrent input, output and Austin, TX 78744 ciphering activities; external DMA control; interfaces with -Patrick Soheili AmZSOOO CPU bus directly, and with the 2900, 8080, 8085 and (408) 749-2161 8048 families with minimum throughput greater than 1 Mbytes

per second; greater than 1 Mbytes per second.

AM 9568 2/28/84 N-channel silicon gate LSI product containing the circuitry necessary to encrypt and decrypt data; can be used in dedicated controllers, communication concentrators, terminals and peripheral task processors in general processor systems; can be used in CFB, ECB, or CBC operating modes; separate ports for key input, clear data, and enciphered dau enhanced security, interface directly to the 1APX86, 88 bus; interfaces with 2900 and 8051 families with minimal external logic.

American Telephone and Telegraph AT&T Smart Card Version 5/3/91 Card is part of a smart card based Computer Company (AT&T) 2.11/DES Security System (CSS). The card is carried by an 6612 E. 75th Street authorized user and permits the user to gain access P.O. Box 1008 to host computer systems that are protected by the Indianapolis, IN 46206 CSS. -Ken Zempol (908) 658-6870 AT&T Smart Card Version 7/19/91 This version of the AT&T Smart Card is designed 3.0/DES (5E1) to closely follow developments in the international standards arena in areas of card communication protocols, commands

and file structures. It is a general purpose smart card that supports multiple applications and uses the DES as a part

of its operating system.

American Telephone and Telegraph AT&T Mark E DES Key 6/3/92 Not Available AT&T Guilford Center Generator, PN ON493049-1X 1-85 & Mt. Hope Church Road McLeansville, NC 27420 AT&T Mark ET DES Key 1 1/2/92 Not Available -B.F. Bailey Generator Part No. AN10014-1 (910) 279-3779 -M. Zugay (910) 279-3779


The Analytic Sciences Corporation DESafe version 1.0 (software) 8/26/94 DESafe is integrated with a commercial Bulletin Board System 700 Boulevard South, Suite 201 (BBS) to protect information during transmission to and from Huntsville, AL 35802 the BBS. DESafe permits cleartext file storage on the BBS

-Janies Moore by performing encryption/decryption "on the fly* during the

(205) 726-6718 file transfer. A stand-alone version of DESafe is employed by

BBS users to decrypt (encrypt) downloaded (uploaded) files.

AT&T AT&T T7000A Digital 4/22/86 Manufactured using CMOS technolo^, 40-pin DIP; Whippany Road Encryption Processor encryption modes include ECB, CBC, CFB, and OFB; Whippany, NJ. 07981 throughput 1.882 Mbytes/second on-chip RAM and -William Oeschger ROM program memory. (201) 898-1198

AT&T Bell Laboratories DEP229ER 9/6/83 3.5 micron NMOS technology, 40-pin DIP; encryption 25 Lindsley Drive Room 2B-309 (WE229ER) modes - ECB, CBC, OFB, CFBl, CFB8, CFB64; Morristown, NJ. 07960 throughput rate of 117K ciphering operation/second. -William Oeschger (201) 898-1198

Arkansas Systems Inc. DES-MATE 7/6/89 Provides data encryption for messages sent and 8901 Kanis Road received on-line between an ATM/EFT Network Little Rock, AR 72205-6498 switch processor and an IBM host participant in that

-David H. Bishop network. DES key management is automatic and (501) 227-8471 under system control.

Burroughs Corporation PN 2664-9723 3/16/78 Not Available Federal and Special Systems Group P.O. Box 517 Paoli, PA 19301 (215) 648-2556

Chase Manhattan Bank, NA. Chase Encryption Device 1 7/24/84 Not Available 199 Water Street 12th Floor New York, New York 10081

Collins Telecommunications 765-5914-001 10/15/77 pMOS chip with 40 sec algorithm execution Collins Defense Communications time; chip has approximately a 50 nsec state change;

350 Collins Road, NE can perform I/O functions while the chip is in Mail Stop 120-105 operation; part of network stand-alone encryptor. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498 -Jim Perkins Voice Privacy Device VP430 10/6/81 Imbedded encryption device for commercial hand-held (319) (310) 395-5773 communications devices.

Computer Elektronik Infosys of America SuperCrypt 7/24/91 Chip designed for high speed (12 Megabytes/sec data 5 12-A Herndon Parkway rates) encryption and decryption. ECB, CBC, CFB Herndon, VA 22070 and OFB modes of DES supported as well as MAC -A Mark Brown generation. Available as a 120 Pin Flat Pack. (703) 435-3800

CryptCard 1/12/93 CryptCard is an access control and DES encryption adapter for notebook PCs that have a PCMCIA slot.

Cottonwood Software Cottonwood Software DES 8/26/94 Cottonwood Software DES Class Library v. 1.05 is available for

3448 Orange Street Class Library v. 1.05 license and is the basis of "Data Encryption Standard for Los Alamos, NM 87544 (software) Windows" (DES4WIN). DES4WIN offers an efficient, easy to -Jeffrey Saltzman use interface for the Data Encryption Standard within a (505) 661-6701 Windows environment; portable format, clipboard or file

encryption/decryption, and complete file erasure.


Cylink Corporation CY1045 1/28/87 Not Available - Note: The device CY1045 was 110 South Wolfe Road originally validated under the name CYDES45M. Sunnyvale, California 94086 -Les Nightingill Cylink Faxdes 7/1/87 Not Available (408) 735-5800 12035-001 T)ES52M 6/3/92 Not Available 12422-001T>ES2M1CFB 8/27/92 Not Available

Data Critical Corporation DCCDES.UB for 1/18/95 The DCCDES.UB modules for DOS/WINDOWS and OS/2 120 N. Robinson, Suite 1520 DOSAVINDOWS (software) are both used in the Secure Page-f- product line. Secure Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Page+ provides secure, reliable data transmission over existing -David Albert paging networks; features Image-APB for Secure Broadcast of (405) 236-4441 Images (Mug Shots, Missing Children, etc); provides the capability to send virtually any type of data to a hand-held, car-mounted or desktop computers over existing paging networks.

Datakey, Inc. H8-310 ASACS Smart Card 7/2/92 ASACS is an advanced smart card access control system 407 West Travelers Trail designed jointly by Datakey, Inc. and the Security Technology Burnsville, MN 55337-9990 Group at NIST. The ASACS hardware consists of a -Michael Carenzo credit-card sized smart card with an embedded Hitachi (612) 890-6850 H8/310 and a reader/writer interface which provides an RS-232 serial connection to a host computer. The

smart card functions are implemented in firmware which is stored in the memory of the card’s microprocessor.

DocuteiyOlivetti Corporation Docutel Nordisk Sparadata 6/20/82 Firmware implementation of DES in ROM for 106 106 Decker Court Cash Dispensing Terminal PIN/communications security. Suite 300 Irving, Texas 75062 Division of International Marketing (214) 550-5400

Ericsson G.E, Mobile Communications ADI DES revision 1.0 4/22/94 Software implementation of DES in OFB mode; Provides 1 Mountain View Road digital voice encryption for communications between mobile Lynchburg, VA 24502 radios, portable radios, and dispatch control consoles -Dan Schwed in an EDACS Land Mobile Radio Communications System. (804) 948-6055

The Exchange EXCRYPT DEB-64-KM 1/26/89 Encrypts and decrypts data; generates random keys; 15395 SE 30th Place (originally EXCLUDE supports up to six security processor boards that Bellevue, WA 98007 DEB-64-KM) can be run in parallel to enhance throughput; has -Patricia Lenti-Crane storage capacity for up to 4000 DES keys; developed (206) 644-7000 for secure financial transactions.

Fairchild Semiconductor 9414 Chip Set 12/20/78 Bit-slice chip set mounted on a 9414 board with 2000 Century Plaza edge or ELCO connector; 4 chip set with 40 pins Columbia, MD 21044 each; 2 bits of each byte are distributed to each Sales Department chip; single 5V power supply, separate data inputs (301) 730-1510 and outputs; ECB, CFB, and CBC modes of operation.

Front Line Software 726-8064 PROM Device 12/1/86 4 K EPROM to be used with Intel IPAX family of P.O. Box 217 including all models of the IBM Lowell, MA 01853 PC family, all modes of DES supported. -William Graham (617) 452-3352


GEC-Marconi Limited Ltd. DM800 3/1/93 The DM800 is a module that can be added to an Brown’s L^ne, The ^rport (Encryption Only) ordinary analogue radio in order to provide Portsmouth, Hampshire communication security by digital encryption. P03 5PH England -Roger Madden Cycomm Corporation (703) 352-4741

GEMPLUS CARD International MCOS16K EEPROM/DES 3/18/91 A multi-application smart card which complies with the ISO 656 Quince Orchard Road standard 7816 (parts 1,2, and 3) for cards Suite 610 with contacts. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 -Gilles Lisimaque (301) 990-8800

General Electric Company Part Number 19B801375 6/28/85 The GE DES IC is a microprocessor controlled, low Mountain View Road speed asynchronous CMOS IC using DES. Intended Lynchburg, VA 24502 to provide secure voice in commercial grade mobile -Jim Elder radio applications. (804) 948-6187

Glenco Engineering, Inc. Glen-DES PN GL306051 5/8/92 The Glen-DES is a compact 20 pin design, using low 270 Lexington Drive power CMOS technology, operating at 3 s using a 16 MHz Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-6930 clock. The DES chip features nonvolatile internal memory,

-D. Wade Clark an external key and a combined key. It is available with a

(708) 808-0300 simple CPU interface and it supports both PCMCIA and DOS printer port implementations.

GTE Sylvania Mark IV Firmware DES 2/27/79 Uses AMD-2901, 4-bit slice, bipolar uP. 77 "A" Street Needham Heights, MA 02194 -Harold Manley (617) 449-2000

IBM Corporation 4402182 11/1/77 This card used in terminal equipment; the chip Federal Systems Division WK4/988 uses technology with PLA control to implement CBC P.O. Bot 100

Kingston, NY 12401 P/N 8270094 using DES Chip 8/25/78 This card is used in 3845 and 3846 equipment for -Robert Elander P/N 5898057 (oripnally 8269206) 8-bit CFB. (914) 385-6692

T\vo TTL cards - 8632242 and 9/21/79 Will operate at least at 1.5 Mbytes 360 channel rate; card set is 8679176 used in 3848 cryptographic unit; uses ''Emerald-5'' technology.

IBM Corporation 4754 Security Interface Unit 10/10/90 Devices are used in a transaction security system 1001 W.T. Harris Blvd. West and the Personal Security Card to protect the privacy and integrity of data using a common Charlotte, NC 28257 cryptographic interface. The security interface unit -William Rohland communicates with the Personal Security Card and the

(704) 594-8250 cryptographic adaptor, if present. The Personal Security Card

is an integrated-circuit chip card that contains a single chip security processor.

IBM Corporation IBM ES/9000 Integrated 2/26/93 The Integrated Cryptographic Feature is available P.O. Boot 950 Crypto-graphic Feature for inclusion on the IBM ES/9000 processors in Poughkeepsie, NY 12602 support of IBM’s cryptographic architecture. -Robert Granell (914) 435-5751


IBM Corporation IBM BDS Portable-C DES, 7/1/94 Portable C-language implementation of DES, used

Branch Delivery Systems version 1.0 (software) in products developed by IBM Branch Delivery Dept. 04V, Bldg. 204 Systems. 1001 W.T. Harris Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28257 -Todd Arnold (704) 594-8253

Information Security Corporation DES module/Intel, version 8/9/94 An extremely high speed module implemented in 386 assembly 1141 Lake Cook Rd., Suite D 3.0 (software) language. Used in SecretAgent for DOS, Windows and UNIX Deerfield, IL 60015 System V/386. Available as an object module library or DLL, -Michael Markowitz or as one component of the AT&T Surity Cryptographic (708) 405-0500 Development Kits on those platforms.

DES module/68K, version 8/9/94 An extremely high speed module implemented in 68020 3.0 (software) . Used in SecretAgent for Macintosh. Available as an object module library for MPW or Think C, or as one component of the AT&T Surity Cryptographic Development Kits for Macintosh.

DES module/C, version 8/16/94 A portable DES module implemented in C/C++. Used in 2.0 (software) SecretAgent for UNIX (except on Intel platforms). Available as an object module library, or as one component of the AT&T Surity Cryptographic Development Kits for Sun, DEC, HP and other UNIX platforms.

Intel 8294 1/3/78 Algorithm is which is burned into a 1 1900 Praire City Road Kbyte ROM on a 5 volt, 40-pin chip driven by a Folsom, CA 95630 8042 microprocessor. -Joe Dragony (916) 351-5250 8294A 6/20/82 Same as the 8294 except for a maximum data transfer rate of 400 per second.

John E. Holt & Associates Krypton Firmware 2/12/86 ROM chips for the standard IBM PC family 2714 Key Boulevard include eight 3722 chips, four 2764 chips and one Arlington, VA 22201 27256 chip; 1024-bit CBC chaining; encryption -John Holt speed dependent on clock of PC; ROM can plug (703) 524-2923 directly into ROM slot.

Jones Futurex SAFE 300 8/12/93 The SAFE 300 is a stand-alone fax encryptor that 3715 Atherton Road provides both public network security and office Rocklin, CA 95765 privacy with automatic fax encryption, confidential -Steve DeRosa fax mailbox, and misdial protection. (916) 632-3456

Lexicon LEX-POS (Model 600) 11/28/84 A Personal Identification Number (PIN) entry ICOT Corporation device; used in conjunction with financial 3801 Zanker Road transaction devices, 16 key keyboard, 20 character P.O. Box 5143 display, RS-232 compatible; sold LEX- San Jose, CA 95150-5143 POS to ICOT Corporation. -Bob Lynch (408) 433-3300

Logimens Inc. DESDLL.DLL 2.0 E/D Engine 7/25/94 DESDLLDLL is the software cryptoengine for 1080 Beaver Hall, Room 300 (software) WinDES 2.0; WinDES provides easy to use encryption/ Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1S8 decryption as well as other file protection features -Normand Delisle for pc-compatible systems running under MS Windows; Defense- (514) 876-3646 supports drag & drop capabilities, file compression. related secure file deletion, etc.


PcDES 2.0 (software) 7/25/94 PcDES 2.0 (software) provides easy to use data encryption/ decryption (manual and batch modes) as well as other Gle protection features for pc-compatible systems running under

DOS; supports Defense-related secure file deletion, etc.

LSI Logic/Dataco AS Dataco L5A4043 2030025402 1/12/90 Custom DES IC was manufactured by LSI Logic Smedeholm 12-14 for Dataco. The DES chip is designed for DK-2730 Herlev optional use in ScaNet local area network Denmark products. -Jens Kjelsbak 45 44 53 01 00

Matsushita Electronic Components Co. EEC 1642 IC Card 3/13/91 Card is designed to be a high security external High Frequency Products Division storage media housing an 8 bit CPU and 64 Kbit One Panasonic Way EEPROM. Secaucus, NJ 07094 -Dursun Sakarya (201) 348-7767

Micro Card Technologies, Inc. Micro Card TBIOO Integrated 9/19/90 A multi-application integrated circuit card which 14070 Proton Road Circuit Card can simultaneously support several application Dallas, TX 75244 data files. Ciphering and deciphering functions -Jeff Lang may be used to encrypt or decrypt external (214) 788-4055 messages using DES.

Morse Security Group, Inc. TRAP 5200 System 4/17/90 Touch response alarm processor system, including a receiver 12960 Bradley Avenue processor located in a data gathering center and a series Sylmar, CA 91342-0128 of transponders located at remote locations, contains DES -Nalin Chheda to produce encrypted data that flows along a communication (800) 423-5669; (818) 367-5951 path.

Motorola MC6859 2/11/80 Si-gate depletion mode, nMOS 24-pin DIP using Microprocessor Products Division (originally MGD68NE) single 5 volt power supply, implements ECB and 6501 William Cannon Drive West CFB. Austin, TX 78735-8598 -Don Ponder (512) 440-2956

Motorola T5W-2 11/12/81 Special purpose for internal use only. 1309 East Algonquin Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 -James Osborn (312) 576-2251

-Kelly Mann DES21X81V2.2 (firmware) 2/9/95 Implementation uses the PIC16C57 microcontroller from (708) 576-3610 Microchip; operates in ECB, 64-bit CBC, and 64-bit OFB modes; this product will be used in secure radio systems to augment existing secure communications capabilities in Motorola Land Mobile Product Sector.

Newbridge Microsystems CA95C 9/8/93 The CA95C Data Ciphering Processor implements the DES 603 March Road using the ECB, CFB, or CBC modes of operation. The CA95C Kanata, Ontario K2K 2M5 provides a high throughput rate up to 11 Mbytes/second. DES Product Manager Separate ports for key input, clear data and enciphered data (613) 592-0714 are available.


CA20C03A 4/10/91 A high performance WD20CX)3A compatible DES data encryption processor with data transfer rates up to 4 Mbytes per second. Supports electronic code book and cipher block chaining modes of operation. Battery backup capability of internal key register. PLCC and PDIP packaging available.

Newnet SA. Data Security Device 7/2/91 This device is based on an eight bit INTEL Alsina 430 (DSD 9612) microprocessor with 8 Kbytes of EPROM. Transfer Buenos Aires 1087 data at speeds of 1200 to 9600 bps and communicates Argentina with other devices via EIA RS-232-C ports. -Daniel Ramos

54 1 334 9732

Nfaidorf Computer Corporation VEM Module 1/7/80 The plug-in module is used with the Nixdorf 8864 168 Middlesex Turnpike CPU for encrypting data transmission blocks and Burlington, MA 01803 file protection; may be used in terminal -Kevin Madden applications in the financial community, uses TTL. (617) 890-3600

Northern Telecom BNR 64-bit Cipher Feedback 7/19/94 The validated firmware is used in the PowerTouch 3705 35th St. NE Mode Module, version 1.0 350 (Vista 350), an advanced screen telephone Calgary. Alberta TIY 6C2 (firmware) that connects to standard analog phone lines. -Paul Provencal PowerTouch 350 has an 8 line by 21 character Bell Northern Research display and supports the Bellcore ADSI protocol; (613) 763-8014 uses the DES in 64-bit CFB mode to provide data encryption targeted for banking applications.

-Roland Lockhart Entrust DES 32-2/64K Software 9/13/94 DES 32-2/64K is used in the Entrust family of Bell Northern Research, Ltd. Module, Version 1.1 cryptographic products. Entrust provides (613) 763-5367 encryption and digital signature services enterprise-wide, with fully automated key management that scales from small

workgroups to 100,000+ users. Entrust is supported across platforms such as Windows, UNIX, Macintosh and mainframes.

Racal-Milgo Datacryptor 1/7/80 P.O. Box 407044 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33340-7044 Stand alone equipment with public key -Richard Abbniscato management remote distribution of master keys. (305) 476-6800

Research In Motion Research In Motion DES 12/16/94 180 Columbia Street West Library, version 1.0 (software) RIM DES Library is a software module DES implementation;

Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3L3 it’s intended to be used in a variety of wireless communication -Herb Little products such as portable terminals, point of sale equipment, (519) 888-7465 and gateways to ensure privacy of user data.

Rothenbuhler Engineering CLS Series 5200 Encryption 3/19/91 The CLS Series 5200 Encryption Module is used P.O. Box 708 Module in a system which communicates 8 channels of 2191 Rhodes Road electronic security information between a client Sedro WooUey, WA 98284-0708 and a central monitoring facility. -Andrew Benson (206) 856-0836


Secur-Data Systems, Inc. DESPLEX 2/2/89 Used in a CFB configuration as part of a firmware Omega Center operating system for processing and transmission 7340 Executive Way, Suite R of alarm sensor data as well as receiving and Frederick, MD 21701 annudating data in an alarm monitoring fadlity. -Ronald Baum (301) 698-9955

Secure Computing Corporation sctc_des.c, version 1.7 4/22/94 Software implementation of DES that is used in 2675 Long Lake Road LOCKout products; LOCKout uses DES-based RosevUle, MN 55113 challenge-response to provide protection for networks, -Ron Bohn support remote user dial-in authentication, and provide (612) 628-2725 Internet Firewall protection for host computers.

Texas Instruments, Inc. TMS 99541 2/28/82 Preprogrammed TMS7020 8-bit single chip P.O. Box 1443, M/S 736 microprocessor, 40-pin DIP plastic package I/O Houston, TX 77001 pins are TTL compatible; master and active key -Mike Polen registers. (713) 274-3635

TimeStep Corporation TS95C40 12/16/94 32Mbps DES engine - operates in ECB, CBC, 1-bit and 8-bit 600 March Road CFB modes; 32KB of EEPROM, random bit generator, time P.O. Box 13600 -of-day logic, implemented in the PERMIT 1010, a 28-pin, fully Kanata, Ontario K2K 2E6 encapsulated hybrid device that plugs into boot ROM socket of -Tony Rosati PC LAN Adapters; enabling technology for network layer

(613) 599-3600 encryption, access control, and file integrity applications.

Transcrypt International, Inc. Transcrypt DES Subroutine & 11/14/94 Transcrypt DES Subroutine is used in Transcrypt’s 4800 NW First Street Key Schedule v 1.00 (software) DME 9600 Dual Mode Encryptor, which connects Lincoln, NE 68521 between the handset and base of a landline telephone, -Jim Gilley and provides analog scrambling or digital encryption (402) 474-4800 of the conversation. Backwards compatible with Transcrypt’s analog cellular and landline voice privacy products.

UNIVAC End-End/Mass Storage 1/29/80 Prototype device for testing purposes only. P.O. Box 3942 Encryptor St. Paul, MN 55165 -Jim Nelson (612) 631-6728

Virtual Open Network V-ONE DES Module 7/25/94 Smart card system for PC security, file encryption Environment Corp. (software) and decryption, user authentication, secure remote 12300 TNvinbrook Parkway system logon, personal identification, and Rockville, MD 20852 multilevel system access. -George Thornton (301) 881-2297

VLSI Technology, Inc. VM007 - Data Encryption 1/6/92 The VM007 Data Encryption Processor is a programmable 8375 S. River Parkway Processor integrated circuit that provides a complete cryptographic Tempe, AZ 85284 system on a single chip; contains a hardware implementation -Ray Slusarczyk of the DES, RISC-based sequencer, data storage registers, (602) 752-8574 and ROM-based microprogram. Designed to provide very high data and key processing rates (up to 190 Mbits/sec), flexible I/O interfacing, advanced security features, and supports all DES modes of operation; manufactured using 1.0 micron CMOS technology, available in a 84-pin leaded ceramic chip carrier.


VM009 Data Encryption 1/11/93 The VM009 Data Encryption Processor is a Processor programmable integrated circuit that provides a complete cryptographic system on a single chip. Contains a hardware implementation of the DES, and data storage registers. Designed to provide very high data and key processing rates (up to 100 Mbits/sec), flexible I/O interfacing, advanced security features, and supports all DES modes of operation; manufactured using 1.0 micron CMOS technology, available in a 40 lead plastic DIP and 44 lead plastic leaded chip carrier.

Vobach Systems, Inc. Shades DES, version 1.0 1/20/95 Used in Shades products to provide a source of pseudo-random 11114 Ashcroft (software) numbers for two purposes. The pseudo-random numbers may

Houston, TX 77096 be used to 1) encode a plaintext message or ciphertext, and 2) -Dr. Miles Smither generate substitution or permutation tables for the numerical Circuit Concepts, Inc. codings of plaintext characters. (713) 331-2744

Wells Fargo Security Products WP PN 5286/WP PN 5287 5/26/89 The monitor panels are intended for use in a A Unit of Baker Protective Services monitoring station of a proprietary intrusion 1010 North Glebe Road, Suite 680 detection alarm system. Arlington, VA 22201 -William Martin (703) 247-4250

Western Digital Corporation WD-2001/WD2002 8/9/79 Uses Si-gate nMOS, TTL compatible; ECB sp»eeds 2445 McCabe Way of up to 40 Kbytes/second, 161 Kbytes/second and Irvine, CA 92714 242 Kbytes/second. Product Marketing Manager for Security Devices WD20C03 DES Device 5/19/87 Uses Si-gate CMOS, TTL compatible; ECB and (714) 474-2033 x7853 CBC, speeds of up to 403 Kbytes/second, 645 Kbytes/second and 807 Kbytes/second in ECB.

and 807 Kbytes/second in ECB.

6-11 6.7 FIPS 113, Computer Data Authentication Message Authentication Code (MAC) Implementations

Vendor/Contact Implementation Validated Options Vendor/Contact Implementation Validated Options

1. ACS Communications Personal Computer Security BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) 0. Digltech Telecommuni- Sotlnet Software, Version 1 BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) Systems Inc. ktodtie. PCSM-T oatlors. Inc. 480 Spring Park Place 342 Madison Avenue June 20. 1087 Suite eOO May 16. 1086 Sufte2010 Herndon, VA 22070 Nmv York. NY 10017

Don Cole, (703) 471-0802 JantesJ. McKeeff, (212) 557-7230 2. Federal Resenre Bank of Jones Futurex PC BINARY OPTION (RPS 1 13) Cleveland Erxxypitlon Board COOED CHARACTERS; 10. Sytek, Inc. MACbox BINARYOPRON (RPS 113) P.O.B. 6387 FRS PC MAC Processor ENTIRE MESSAGE: NO CODED CHARACTERS; Cleveland. Ohio 44101 EOmNG Rights trarwferred to AeT June SO. 1087 ENRRE MESSAGE; NO

October 26. 1086 COOED CHARACTERS; Research, Irxx on Jarxjary 20, EDmNG Dave Rich, (216) 570-2221 ENTIRE MESSAGE; EO- 1088 - see entry 17 COOED CHARACTERS; mNG ENRRE MESSAGE; AeT Research EDIRNG 3. Sharvion Systerru, Irxx Remote Crypto Facility BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 675 North First Street CODED CHARACTERS: Mountain View, CA Software Version 3.0 Suite 800 EXTRACTED MESSAGE San Jose, CA 051 12 ELEMENTS; NO EDIRNG Out of Business January 16, 1067 CODED CHARACTERS; Lirxien Feldmarv EXTRACTED MESSAGE 4, Codercard, Inc. Personal Computer Security BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) (406) 275-0620 ELEMENTS; EDIRNG Adaptor, CPS-300 CODED CHARACTERS,

Rights translerred 1 to Argus. Version 1 Software ENTIRE MESSAGE. NO 11. Irter-QuesL Inc. PORT-OF-ENTRY Computer BINARYOPRON (FIPS 13) LITRONICS Information EDmNG 16508 East Laser Drive Security System Vers 1.2 CODED CHARACTERS:

Systems on Sept. 12. 1000 - see February 26, 1067 COOED CHARACTERS, Fountain Hills, AZ 65266 (Software) ENRRE MESSAGE; NO entry 23. ENTIRE MESSAGE ED- EDIRNG mNG Charles Redding. August 17. 1087 CODED CHARACTERS; LITRONICS Information COOED CHARACTERS. (602)048-2560 ENRRE MESSAGE; Systems EXTRACTED MESSAGE EDIRNG 2050 RedhIII Averure ELEMENTS. NO EDITING CODED CHARACTERS; Costa Mesa. CA 02626 CODED CHARACTERS. EXTRACTED MESSAGE EXTRACTED MESSAGE ELEMENTS: NO EDIRNG Bob Gray, (714) 557-3444 ELEMENTS. EDITING CODED CHARACTERS; EXTRACTED MESSAGE 5. Jones Futurex, Inc. MAC-310 Message Authenti- BINARYOPRON (FIPS 113) ELEMENTS; EDIRNG 10033 Trade Center Drive cator Rarx^ Cordova, CA 05670 12. Racal-Guardata Limited PC Security Module. RGL 600 BINARYOPRON (FIPS 113) February 27, 1087 Richmond Court RGL 600 Host PC C Driver Don Thompson, 300 Fleet Road Software, Version: VI .01 (016) 635-3072 Fleet, Hampshire GU13 8BU November 20. 1067

6. Inlomax Securities Proteoom Crypto Processor BINARY OPTION (RPS 1 13) Englarxl 6074 Sandpiper Place Protecom & Carlsbad, CA 02000 Utilities. Version 0.5 Paul Hallldea (252)622144. England

David Howard. March 27, 1087 (610)031-8787 13. The Chase Manhattan C-FIMAS 16 Software, Version BINARYOPRON (FIPS 113) Bary^ N.A. 1.0 CODED CHARACTERS;

7. Inter-Quest, Irrc. PORT-OF-ENTRY Computer BINARYOPRON (RPS 1 13) 1 Seaport Plaza ENRRE MESSAGE: NO

16508 E. Laser Drive Security System Vets. 1.1 11th Floor December 6. 1067 EDIRNG Fountain Hills, AZ 85266 (Software) New York, New York 10036 CODED CHARACTERS: ENRRE MESSAGE:

Charles Redding, May 6. 1067 Bob Martiaa (212) EDIRNG (602) 048-2560 707-4038 CODED CHARACTERS; EXTRACTED MESSAGE 8. Inlomax Securities Protecom Crypto Processor BINARYOPRON (FIPS 113) ELEMENTS; NO EDIRNG 6074 Sarxipiper Place Proteoom Device Driver & CODED CHARACTERS: CODED CHARACTERS; Carlsbad. CA 02000 Utilities, Version 0.6 ENRRE MESSAGE NO EXTRACTED MESSAGE EDIRNG ELEMENTS; EDIRNG David Howard. May 11. 1087 COOED CHARACTERS; (610) 031-8787 ENRRE MESSAGE: 14. Atalla Corporation Personal Computer Module, BINARYOPRON (RPS 113) EDmNG 2304 ZankerRoad CPCM COOED CHARACTERS; San Jose, CA 05131 CPCM.HEX Software, Version EXTRACTED MESSAGE OA 13-2043-01 ELEMENTS; NO EDmNG Dale Hopkins, CODED CHARACTERS; (408) 435-8850 January 11. 1966 EXTRACTED MESSAGE ELEMENTS: EOmNG

6-12 Message Authentication Code (MAC) Implementations, Continued

Vendor/Contact Implementation Validated Options Vendor/Contact Implementation Validated Options

16. GN Teiematlc, Inc. saleMatIc 2000. KB76-17527 BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) 22. Racal-Guardata, Irx; XO Crypto Server BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) 46 Manning Road Coded Character Set CODED CHARACTERS: 460 Spring Park Place CODED CHARACTERS:


17. AoT Rasoarch MACbox BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) 23. LITRONIC Information Peraortal Computer Security BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) 675 North First Strset COOED CHARACTERS; Sytterm Adapter CODED CHARACTERS:

SuHe 600 August 6. 1066 ENTIRE MESSAGE NO 2050 RedNII Avenue Argus, Version 1 ENTIRE MESSAGE; NO San Joso, CA 05112 EOmNG Coata Meta, CA 02626 Software** EDITING CODED CHARACTERS; CODED CHARACTERS; Originally validated on ENTIRE MESSAGE: Rights transterred on Originally validated by ENTIRE MESSAGE; June 30. 1067 as a Sytek, EDITING September 12. 1000 Codercard. Irvx on February EDITING Irx:. device - see entry 10. CODED CHARACTERS: 26. 1067 - see entry 4. CODED CHARACTERS; EXTRACTED MESSAGE Bob Gray. (714) 545-6640 EXTRACTED MESSAGE Linden Feldman, ELEMENTS: NO EDITING James Prohaska, ELEMENTS; NO EDITING (406) 275-0620 COOED CHARACTERS; (703)060-6066 CODED CHARACTERS; EXTRACTED MESSAGE EXTRACTED MESSAGE ELEMENTS; EDITING ELEMENTS; EDITING

16. Atalla Corporation Personal Computer Module. BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 24. IBM Corporation 4755 Cryptographic Adapter BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 2304 Zanker Road MN-40-240 Dept. e5K/B204-3 San Jose. CA 05131 CPCM.HEX Software. Version 1001 W.T. Harris BNd. October 15. 1000 OE 13-2043-00 ChartoUe. NC 28257 Dale Hopkins. (406)435-6850 September 26. 1068 Roger Evans. (704) 504-7060

19. Cypher Communicatlorv CYCOMSCIAX3 BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 13) Techrxjlogy, Inc. 5.01. Version 10084002 25. IBM Corporation 4754 Security Interlace Unit BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 4520 East-West Highway Dept. 05K/B204-3

Suite 550 February 2. 1069 1001 W.T. Harris Btvd. October IS. 1000 Bethesda. MD 20814 Charlotte. NC 26257

Angel Bailey, Roger Evans, (704) (301) 652-6700 504-7060

20. Dial-Guard Dial-Guard Remote Authentl- BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 26. IBM Corporation IBM Personal Security Card BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 55 Koch Road/PO Box 7045 cator Dept 65K/B204-3 Corte Madera. CA 04925 01-103. Version 2.0 Rev. 0 1001 W.T. Harris BNd. October IS. 1000 Charlotte. NC 28257

Shun-Hwa Chang or March 6. 1069 Trone Miller, (415) 927-2232 Roger Evans. (704) 504-7060 21. Okiok Data RAC/M BINARY OPTION (RPS 113) 27. Cypher Communicatiore CYCOM Sa/SLOO AXS BINARY OPTION (FIPS 113) 3945 St. Martin FAS-PACK. Version 1.0 CODED CHARACTERS; Laval. Quebec. Canada ENTIRE MESSAGE: NO 5.03. Version 10064012 Technology. Inc. H7T 1B7 April 24. 1089 EDmNG CODED CHARACTERS; 15200 Shady Grove Rd. December 10. 1000 Claude Vigeant. ENTIRE MESSAGE: Suite 350 (514)661-1661 EDmNG Rockville. MD 20850 CODED CHARACTERS; EXTRACTED MESSAGE Angel Bailey. (301) ELEMENTS; NO EDITING 500-0314 COOED CHARACTERS: OPTION (RPS 113) EXTRACTED MESSAGE 28. Cypher Communicetlone CYCOM SCI 102 AX7 BINARY Version 10064020 ELEMENTS; EDITING Technology. Irxx 5.05. 15200 Shady Grove Rd. Suite 350 January 10. 1001 Rockville. MD 20650

Angel Bailey. (301) SOO«)14

6-13 Message Authentication Code (MAC) Implementations, Continued

Vendor/Contact Implementation Validated Options

29. Digital Equipment PIN Pad 201 SMD BINARYOPTION (RPS 1 13) Corporation Model: P003-120-XX

Digital Drive - MK01-2/B06 Menimack. NH 03054 March 25. 1901

Steve Lawrence, (603) 864-3445

30. Information Security DES Module used in BINARY OPTION (RPS 113) Corporation SpyProofI 1141 Lake Cook Ftoad Suite D July 10. 1991 Deerfield. IL 60015

Michael Markowitz, (708)405-0500

31. Digital Signature DES Module used In BINARY OPTION (FIPS 1 1 3) CryptMaster Validated by Information (3.20) and SecretAgent Security Corporation ( 1 . 00) 1115 N. East Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302 July IS, 1991

Michael Markowitz, (706)40&OSOO



6-14 6.8 FIPS 171, Key Management Validation Using ANSI X9.17

Vandor/Contad Implamanlatlon Valldatad Optlont VandorA^ontaol Implamantatlon Valldalad Optk>n>

pairs: 1, LfTRONICSInfonnalion Hardware: Argus-PC, No. of communicating pairs: 2 3. TECHNICAL Hardware: CX5000 No. of communicating 1^ Systems Model: CMS-100 No. of marxial (*)KKs per comm, COMMUNICATIONS Software: Version: 2.0 No. of manual (*)KKs per comm, 2050 RedNII Avenue Software: Argus/MACE pair 2 CORPORATION pair 2 Costa Mesa. CA 02020 Software, Version: 1.0 Length of manual arxl auto. 100 Domino OrIva May 15. 1001 Length of manual and auto. OKKs: PAIR CONCORD. (•)KKs: PAIR (Originally validated by September 23. 1006 Kay generation capability: YES Massachusetts Key generation capability: YES Codercard: rights Number of auto, distr. (*)KKs 01742 Number of auto, distr. (*)KKs transferred on September 11, shared: UP TO 4 shared: 4 1000) Number of KDs shared: UP TO 6 John Gill. Number of KDs shared: 2 2KDslnKSMs: SOMETIMES (617) 6626035 2 KDs In KSMs: NEVER~ Bob Gray. (714) 545-0640 Send RSI messages: NOT Send RSI rrressages: NOT James Prohaska, TESTED TESTED (703)0666000 Receive RSI messages: NOT Receive RSI messages: NOT TESTED TESTED Notarization of keys In KSMs: Notarization of keys In KSMs: ALWAYS ALWAYS Send odd parity on keys In Send odd parity on keys In KSMs: ALWAYS KSMs: ALWAYS Send IVs In KSMs: SOMETIMES Send IVs In KSMs: SOMETIMES Send encrypted IVs In KSMs: Send encrypted IVs In KSMs: ALWAYS ALWAYS Send EDCs In RSIs arxl ESMs: Send EDCs In RSIs and ESMs: ALWAYS ALWAYS

Action If EDC received In RSIs and Action If EDC received In RSIs ESMs: NOT APPLICABLE and ESMs: NOT APPLICABLE Send EDKs In KSMs: Send EDKs In KSMs: NEVER SOMETIMES Action on count error Action on count error ADJUST COUNT ADJUST COUNT Sand DSMs: YES Send DSMs: YES Receive DSMs. YES

Receive DSMs: YES IDA In DSM If only one KD can

IDA In DSM it only one KD can be shared: YES be shared: YES Role assumed: EITHER A OR B Role assumed: EITHER A OR B Automatic error recovery: NOT Automatic error recovery: NOT TESTED TESTED Space & CRLF as field delimiter Space & CRLF as field delimiter NOT TESTED NOT TESTED

2. TECHNICAL Hardware: CX5000A No. of communicating pairs: 1 4. COMMUNICATION Hardware: RSD/E No. ol oommunicatinq pairs; 1 COMMUNICATIONS Software: Version: 1.0 No. of manual (*)KKs per comm. DEVICES. INC. Software: Version 7.2 No. of manual (*)KKs per comm. CORPORATION pair 2 1 Forstmann Court pair 2 1CX) Domino Drive May 6. 1001 Length of manual and auto. amoaNJ 07011 Length of manual and auto. CONCORD, Massachusetts OKKs: PAIR (*)KKs: PAIR 01742 Key generation capability: YES Gena Hartsell. Key generation capability: ^ Number of auto, distr. (*)KKs (201) 772-6007 Number of auto, distr. (*)KKs John Gill. (017) 662-6035 shared: 0 shared: 0 Number of KDs shared: 2 Number of KDs shared: 2 2 KDs in KSMs: NEVER 2 KDs in KSMs: NEVER~ Send RSI messages: NOT Send RSI messages: NOT TESTED TESTED Receive RSI messages: NOT Receive RSI messages: NOT TESTED TESTED

Notarization of keys In KSMs: Notarization of keys In KSMs: ALWAYS ALWAYS Send odd parity on keys in Send odd parity on keys In KSMs: ALWAYS KSMs: ALWAYS Send IVs in KSMs: SOMETIMES Send IVs In KSMs: SOMETIMES Send emypted IVs In KSMs: Serxl encrypted IVs In KSMs: ALWAYS ALWAYS Send EDCs In RSIs and ESMs: Send EDCs In RSIs and ESMs: ALWAYS ALWAYS

Action If EDC received In RSIs and Action It EDC received In RSIs and ESMs: NOT APPLICABLE ESMs: NOT APPLICABLE NEVER Send EDKs In KSMs: NEVER Send EDKs in KSMs: Action on court error Action on count error ADJUST COUNT ADJUST COUNT Send DSMs: YES Send DSMs: YES Receive DSMs: ^ Receive DSMs: YES IDA In DSM if only one KD can IDA In DSM If only one KD can be shared: YES be shared: YES Role assumed: EITHER A OR B Role assumed: EITHER A OR B recovery: NOT Automatic error recovery: NOT Automatic error TESTED TESTED Space CRLF as field delimiter Space & CRLF as field dellmitar & NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Number of communicating pairs: 2 Number of rrtanuel (*)KKs per comm, pair 2 Length of manual arvi

6-15 =

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7.1 IGES

FIPS 177, Initial Graphics Exchange Specifications (IGES) defines a neutral file format for the exchange of product model data and representation among differing computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. FIPS 177 adopts the ASME/ANSI Y14.26M, IGES version 4.0.

A revision to FIPS 177-1 (announced in Federal Register, April 12, 1995) will adopt the ANSIAJS PRO 100 IGES, version 5.2. In accordance with FIPS 177-1, CAD/CAM systems acquired for Federal use shall include an IGES preprocessor and postprocessor capability. FIPS 177-1 requires that IGES implementations offered to Federal agencies be tested using the NIST IGES validation test suite. Conformance testing of IGES implementations protects Federal investments by ensuring adherence to the IGES specification and maximizing the probability of successful exchange among systems which implement IGES. The NIST IGES test procedures and test suites are available from:

Project Leader, IGES Validation Tests National Institute of Standards and Technology Bldg 225, Room A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 301-975-3265 e-mail: [email protected]

7.1.1 Certification of Validation

The NIST IGES Validation Test service tests preprocessors and/or postprocessors for conformance to

7.1.2either IGES 4.0, IGES 5.2, or MIL-D-28000, Class II. Preprocessors and postprocessors are tested separately, using different test suites. A certificate of validation is issued for those processors that have been tested and are considered to be in compliance with FIPS 177. A registered report without certificate is issued for those processors that have been tested but contain errors.

IGES Validated Products

No entries at this time

7-1 .


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‘ ' SS'' ., APPENDIX A




The purpose of this appendix is to provide information about products and services that are available to Federal Agencies for assessing products for conformance to FIPS.

The entries in this list identify the topic, the standard tested, the NIST contact, and the product or service offered. The letters T, S, or C in the Product/Service column indicate a test method, testing service, or certificate/registered report respectively.


COBOL FIPS PUB 21-3 Judy Kailey T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3259

Fortran FIPS PUB 69-1 Judy Kailey T, S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3259

Pascal FIPS PUB 109 Carmelo Montanez (Technical) T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2398 Judy Kailey (Scheduling) (301) 975-3259

C HPS PUB 160 Carmelo Montanez (Technical) T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2398 Judy Kailey (Scheduling) (301) 975-3259

Ada FIPS PUB 119 William Dashiell T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2490

M (MUMPS) FIPS PUB 125 William Dashiell T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2490


VHDL FIPS PUB 172 William Dashiell (Planned) NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2490

SQL FIPS PUB 127-2 Joan Sullivan T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3258

GKS FIPS PUB 120 Susan (Quinn) Sherrick T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3268

COM FIPS PUB 128 Lynne Rosenthal T,S,C MIL-D-28003 NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3353

PHIGS FIPS PUB 153 Kevin Brady T,S,C ANSI/ISO 9592.1-1989 NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3644

Raster FIPS PUB 150 Frank Spielman T,S,C MIL-R-28002 NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3257

IRDS FIPS PUB 156 Alan Goldfine T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3252

POSIX FIPS PUB 151-2 Martha Gray T,S,C NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. B266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3276

Message FIPS PUB 113 Miles Smid T,S,C Authentication NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A216 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2938

Key Management FIPS PUB 171 Miles Smid T,S,C Validation ANSI X9.17 NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A216 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2938


Data Encryption FIPS PUB 46-1 Miles Smid T,S, C Standard NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm. A216 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-2938

OSI nPS PUB 146 J. P. Favreau T, S NIST, Bldg. 225, Rm B217 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-3634

1984 X25 CCITT X.25-1984 David Su T ISO 7776, ISO 8208 NIST, Bldg. 223, Rm. B364 ISO 8882, ISO 9646 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 FIPS PUB 100-1 (301) 975-6194

ISDN FIPS PUB 182 David Su T NIST, Bldg. 223, Rm. B364 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6194

ISDN Physical Layer ANSI TL605 (SfT Interface) David Su T ANSI T1.601 (U Interface) NIST, Bldg. 223, Rm. B364 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6194

ISDN Data Link CCITT Q.921 David Su T Layer ANSI T1.602 NIST, Bldg. 223, Rm. B364 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6194

ISDN Network Layer ANSI TL607 David Su T ANSI TL608 NIST, Bldg. 223, Rm. B364 nps PUB Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6194

FDDI ANSI X3T9 David Su T NIST, Bldg. 223, Rm. B364 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301) 975-6194

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