Wilmette Park District Regular Meeting Board of Park Commissioners Monday, August 12, 2019 7:30 pm - Village Hall Council Chambers

I. Regular Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners Called to Order A. Roll Call

II. Approval of Minutes A. July 8, 2019 – Regular Meeting

III. Communications and Correspondence A. Various – See Attached

IV. Recognition of Visitors

V. Approval of Voucher List

VI. Executive Director’s Report

VII. Committee Reports A. Lakefront Committee B. Parks & Recreation Committee i. Consideration of Canal Shores Request for Landscape Improvements C. Golf Operations Committee D. Financial Planning & Policy Committee

VIII. Unfinished Business A. Storm Water Update

IX. New Business

X. Adjourn to Closed Session A. Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of minutes, in accordance with Section 2(c)21 of the Open Meetings Act

XI. Reconvene Regular Board Meeting

XII. Adjournment

If you are a person with a disability and need special accommodations to participate in and/or attend a Wilmette Park District meeting, please notify the Director’s Office at 847-256-6100.

Revised: 8/9/2019 1:43 PM 1 Wilmette Park District Policy for Public Comment

The Board of Park Commissioners, in its regular or special meetings, is a deliberative body assembled to make decisions on new and pending matters affecting the District. Park Board and Committee meetings are meetings held in public, not a public meeting. The Board invites both oral and written communications from its residents.

To facilitate the conduct of Board/Committee meetings, the following procedures will be followed:

1. A section of each regular meeting is set aside for public comment and will be noted on the agenda as “Recognition of Visitors.” 2. During the “Recognition of Visitors” agenda item, audience members should raise their hands and be recognized by the President/Chairperson prior to speaking. 3. When recognized by the President/Chairperson, each audience member should identify themselves and limit speaking to no more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is granted by the President/Chairperson. 4. Questions are to be directed to the entire Board/Committee. 5. Park Board members may, by addressing the President/Chairperson, interrupt a presenter to obtain clarification and/or further information. 6. A Board/Committee meeting is not a forum for complaints against individual employees. Such matters are handled by directly contacting the Executive Director. Complaints against the Executive Director should be handled by directly contacting the President of the Board of Park Commissioners. 7. During presentation and discussion of agenda items, the President/Chairperson will not recognize speakers in the audience unless the Board/Committee desires additional information from an audience member. 8. When addressing the Board/Committee, all persons permitted to speak shall confine their remarks to the matter at hand and avoid personal remarks, the impugning of motives, and merely contentious statements. If any person indulges in such remarks or otherwise engages in conduct injurious to the civil discourse of the Board/Committee and the meeting, the President/Chairperson may immediately terminate the opportunity to speak. This decision is at the discretion of the President/Chairperson or upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the park board commissioners present. 9. Any person, except a member of the Board, who engages in disorderly conduct during a meeting, may be ejected from the meeting upon motion passed by a majority of the Board present.

Approved July 9, 2018 2 Calendar of Events August/September 2019

Date Time Event Location August 3 1:00p DJ on Deck Centennial Pool August 4 4:00p Sounds of Summer - Nine Worlds Ensemble Mallinckrodt Park August 7 12:30p Sounds of Summer - Sarah Hayne Lane Mallinckrodt Park August 8-9 All Day Arts in the Parks Camp Art Show CRC August 9 8:00p Sounds of Summer - Good Clean Fun Wallace Bowl August 10 1:00p DJ on Deck Centennial Pool August 10 8:00p Sounds of Summer - Brass from the Past Wallace Bowl August 10 7:30p Gillson Beach Campout Gillson Beach August 14 6-8:30p NSSRA Summer Bash Glenview August 26 11:00a IAPD Summer Golf Tour Batavia September 3-29 Varies Sizzlin' September Centennial Pool September 7 All Day "Elf The Musical Jr." Auditions CRC Septebmer 7 2-3p Dance Team Audtions CRC September 7 12-2p CFA Arts Tour CRC September 7 9a-1p Community Garage Sale Centennial September 8 1-2p International Grandparents Day Art Workshop CRC September 13 2:00p Coneflower Classic Golf September 13 8:30a NSSRA SWING Golf Outing Highland Park September 13 5-7p Mother Son Night CRC September 15 5:00a North Shore Triathlon Gillson Beach September 18 11a IAPD Summer Golf Tour Glenview September 20 6:30p Family Art Night CRC September 21 9:00a Shred Event Mallinckrodt September 28 10a-2p Worldwide Day of Play Vattmann Park September 29 All Day "How I Became a Pirate" Auditions CRC

3 ACTION LIST August 12, 2019 – Regular Meeting Board of Park Commissioners

Agenda No. ACTION

I. Regular Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners called to order

II.(A) Move to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2019 Regular Meeting

V. Move to approve the Voucher List in the amount of $1,633,338.47 a copy of which is to be attached to and become a permanent part of the minutes of this meeting

VII.(B).(i) Move to approve a recommendation to direct staff to forward the Canal Shores landscape request to the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District

X. Move to adjourn to Closed Session to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes in accordance with Section 2(c)(21) of the Open Meetings Act.

XII. Move to adjourn Regular Board Meeting.


WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners Monday, July 8, 2019 Village Hall Council Chambers

Attendees Present Commissioners: President Amy Wolfe, Vice President Gordon Anderson, Bryan Abbott, Cecilia Clarke, Julia Goebel, Mike Murdock, Todd Shissler

Secretary/Executive Director Steve Wilson Staff: Steve Holloway, Jerry Ulrich, Emily Guynn, Libby Baker

Attendees Absent None

I. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. A. Roll call taken

II. Approval of Minutes A. June 10, 2019 Regular Meeting Commissioner Murdock moved and Commissioner Shissler seconded a motion to approve the minutes for the June 10, 2019 Regular Meeting.

Commissioner Goebel noted under “Committee Reports” that she provided the golf report.

Commissioner Abbott commented regarding his statement on the bottom of Page 3 of 7, that he would be ok with putting a tank under the ball field, and does not really want to lose a ballfield.

By a roll call vote, voting Yes: Commissioners: Abbott, Shissler, Clarke, Goebel, Anderson, Wolfe; voting No: None, Abstain: Murdock. Absent: None; motion carried. The minutes were approved as amended.

III. Communications and Correspondence President Wolfe stated no correspondence was included in the packet. Director Wilson reported he received an email today with a petition supporting Alternate 2 at Thornwood Park that was presented last month.

IV. Recognition of Visitors The Attendance Sheet will become part of the permanent record.

Kathy Sullivan, 1225 Colgate St., – read statement and the petition from the Colgate St. Neighborhood Association, regarding their wishes for Thornwood

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Park. Top priorities include saving trees, returning the park to its original function, and no new amenities - no sled hill, no toilets. They would also like the park returned to its original function as soon as possible.

Larry Mages, 216 Linden, Wilmette – as the Director of Canal Shores, he thanked the Board for their support. In regards to the request for an amendment to the MWRD lease, he asked for two minor additional requests, the ability to allow alcohol at special events, and for Director Wilson to negotiate a sublease amendment with Canal Shore.

V. Approval of Voucher List Commissioner Goebel moved and Commissioner Murdock seconded a motion to approve the Voucher List in the amount of $3,620,594.17 a copy of which is to be attached to and become a permanent part of the minutes of this meeting.

By a roll call vote, voting Yes: Commissioners: Abbott, Murdock, Shissler, Clarke, Goebel, Anderson, Wolfe; voting No: None. Absent: None; motion carried.

VI. Executive Director’s Report Director Wilson reported on the following topics:  July 3rd started with a reimagined running event. The course was changed to a 5K, swag bags were improved, and food and beverages were added. More than 300 people participated and staff received positive feedback. Afternoon events were successful and ran smoothly. Village staff, Pace Bus, and staff were recognized and thanked.  Commented on the items on the agenda up for consideration.

President Wolfe and Commissioner Murdock thanked staff for the July 3rd event.

VII. Committee Reports A. Lakefront Committee: Commissioner Abbott reported on the following topics:  The Lakefront Committee met July 1  Project is now complete  Staff is considering tweaks to the project to help improve function  Langdon is closed and the Committee recommended that staff send out an RFP for a shoreline erosion consultant to identify options for controlling the erosion.  Discussed possible future projects that were identified in in a previous survey such as road repairs, storm sewers, a landscape plan, bike lanes, and picnic shelter. The Committee will consider what the District can afford and encourages public comment.  Ouilmette Foundation hosted an open water swim with 64 swimmers  Correspondence was received complimenting staff.

B. Parks & Recreation Committee: Commissioner Murdock reported on the following topics: Page 2 of 8 6 Board of Park Commissioners Minutes July 8, 2019

 The Parks and Recreation Committee met prior to the board meeting  Pool is in full swing, New Trier hosted a swim meet on June 26, and a Masters swim event will be held this weekend  3 additional men’s paddle teams have been approved by the league  The CRC roof replacement work will take place over three years. Director Wilson explained that the work and product is available through a purchasing cooperative and bids are already done. This is different from the formal bid process usually used but it has been reviewed by our attorney and it meets all legal requirements. The Committee is comfortable with the process.  Discussed surplus property ordinance  Discussed resolution for an amendment to the MWRD lease for District property used by Canal Shores. The proposed amendment had two additional adjustments; allow special events, and empower Director Wilson to draft an amendment to the lease with Canal Shores. After a lengthy discussion, Commissioners Clarke and Shissler supported the amendment, but he did not.

Director Wilson reported that the City of Evanston already approved a similar resolution, which is on the MWRD agenda for approval this week. He added that the District’s amendment could possibly be added as well. Commissioner Anderson expressed support, but shared his concern for selling hard alcohol. Commissioner Murdock feels the Board needs to consider and develop an overriding policy for alcohol to give more direction to staff.

Commissioner Goebel commented that this change would bring Canal Shores in line with the practices of most golf courses. President Wolfe asked for language to be added that provides the District with an opportunity to withdraw the amendment.

 Discussed a request for a facility permit that had previously been approved but the applicant came back to request approval to sell alcohol at the event. The Committee discussed whether selling/serving alcohol at the District was appropriate. Commissioners Clarke and Shissler supported approval, but he did not. Commissioner Murdock commented that this is a change to past policies, and because this type of request is coming up more, it is appropriate to come up with policy. He added that he supports the event, just not the alcohol.

President Wolfe concurred with Commissioner Murdock. Director Wilson responded that the District does have a policy that prohibits alcohol unless it is approved by permit. He suggested the Parks & Recreation and Lakefront committees discuss the practice of permitting alcohol.

i. Consideration of Resolution 2019-R-7

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Commissioner Murdock moved and Commissioner Anderson seconded a motion to approve Resolution 2019-R-7, A Resolution Authorizing and Approving an Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago to Allow the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol on the Canal Shores Golf Course, with amendments allowing for golf special events and empowering the Director to draw a lease with Canal shore with “out” provisions as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director.

By a roll call vote, voting Yes: Commissioners: Abbott, Murdock, Shissler, Clarke, Goebel, Anderson, Wolfe; voting No: None. Absent: None; motion carried.

ii. Consideration of Ordinance 2019-O-2 Commissioner Clarke moved and Commissioner Murdock seconded a motion to approve Ordinance 2019-O-2, An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale or Disposal of Certain Surplus Property Owned by the Wilmette Park District, Cook County, IL

By a roll call vote, voting Yes: Commissioners: Abbott, Murdock, Shissler, Clarke, Goebel, Anderson, Wolfe; voting No: None. Absent: None; motion carried.

C. Golf Operations Committee: Commissioner Goebel reported on the following topics:  The Golf Operations Committee met July 2  Carts were available 25 out of 30 days in June, which led to $10,000 increase in revenue compared to June 2018  Camps and lessons are underway  Past golf outings are renewing  Course operations committed to 15% increase over prior year and are on track to deliver  Maintenance is on track  Eagle Scout project by Dodge Adams added 5 owl habitats to both Wilmette Golf Course and Canal Shores course  New event - Night Golf this Friday, July 12

D. Financial Planning & Policy Committee: Commissioner Anderson reported on the following topics:  The Financial Planning & Policy Committee met June 17  Prevailing Wage requirement for annual ordinance is no longer necessary  IMRF – presented results  Funding for the next step of the Lakefront project is in the CIP for 2021. Looked at 5 year projections and Committee is comfortable completing some things in 2020  Reviewed 1st Quarter financial results

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Commissioner Murdock inquired if the intent is to do the entire plan early. Commissioner Anderson replied that costs need to be reviewed and the project will be pared back if needed. Commissioner Abbott added that the Lakefront Committee asked staff to pursue an RPF for a consultant to help with the planning of Phase 2. Commissioner Murdock also inquired if the Board feels it has received enough input. President Wolfe replied there would be opportunity for input.

E. Real Estate Committee: Commissioner Anderson reported on the following topics:  The Real Estate Committee met June 24  Discussed and recommended sale of Green Bay Trail property  Brought new commissioner up to speed on current property discussions

i. Consideration of Resolution 2019-R-8 Commissioner Abbott moved and Commissioner Murdock seconded a motion to approve Resolution 2019-R-8, A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of a Parcel of Land Not Exceeding Three Acres in Area

By a roll call vote, voting Yes: Commissioners: Abbott, Murdock, Shissler, Clarke, Goebel, Anderson, Wolfe; voting No: None. Absent: None; motion carried.

VIII. Unfinished Business A. Storm Water Update President Wolfe started the conversation by discussing Thornwood Park. She noted that a lot of input has been received from the Thornwood community in favor of Alternate Plan 2 that was presented at the last board meeting. She added that this plan saves all but three trees, seems to be a good solution, and takes up a smaller footprint. Commissioner Murdock inquired about the location of the pump.

Matt Moffett from Baxter-Woodman presented pictures of possible pump house designs and location options and noted that an access drive to the pump house will be necessary.

The Board expressed their desire to keep the pump house as far away from homes as possible and all agreed with the location of the tank presented in Alternate 2.

Director Wilson recapped the planning process thus far at Hibbard, noting that three new concepts were added and presented last month, all deeper with pumping stations. He added that a fourth concept might also be an option.

The Commissioners shared their thoughts on Hibbard Park. Commissioner Murdock commented he does not want to limit future expansion options at Hibbard and is comfortable with Alternates 1, 2 or 3. Commissioner Shissler

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Commissioner Abbott noted that not much input was received, which likely gives the Board the ability to make the best decision for future use. He added that he likes the double level and leans towards Alternate 4, the ballfield area, but supports all four options.

In response to a question from Commissioner Shissler, Director Wilson stated that Alternates 1, 2 and 3 are the least limiting for future expansion.

Commissioners Wolfe and Murdock suggested that Alternates 1 or 2 be considered based on the potential cost savings. Commissioner Clarke expressed her favor towards Alternate 4. The Board ultimately agreed on Alternate 1, which saves the most money.

Regarding Community Playfield, President Wolfe asked the Board for their input. Commissioner Murdock commented that at Hibbard and Thornwood the Board was concerned about trees, and questioned if the Board is as concerned in this park. He added that he views this park differently since it is a community park and is so widely used and there is an opportunity to expand this park.

Commissioner Shissler commented that there is opportunity for more utility if more trees are removed. Commissioner Clarke added she would also like to have more utility and would like to see trees replanted. She asked if the school offered any feedback. Director Wilson replied that he has had informal conversations and the school would like to have more opportunity for usage.

Matt Moffett noted that the current detention area would continue to collect water as designed, unless drainage is added.

Director Wilson listed the pros and cons of the original plan. The main drawback is the loss of trees. The advantages would be the ability to meet the demand for more field space, flexibility for turf rotation and regeneration, and increased programming opportunities.

Commissioner Anderson expressed his desire to save trees.

Commissioner Abbott commented that he wants to support the neighbors who are concerned about the trees, and he supports the “Z” tank configuration that preserves the trees.

Commissioner Shissler suggested that additional trees could planted after completion of the project to beautify the park.

Commissioner Clarke reiterated that it is a village park, not a neighborhood park and the possibility of additional space is favorable.

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President Wolfe expressed concerns about the safety of trees, and questioned if the District is being shortsighted by building around the trees. She also commented on the District’s opportunity to improve the park for everyone.

Commissioner Anderson stated again he feels very strongly about the trees and thinks the “Z” plan is more practical. He does not feel there is a strong need for additional programming space.

Commissioner Goebel commented she is more in favor of a double tank, which gives more advantages, and understands the concerns about preserving trees as well as the interest in field space.

Village Forester, Kevin Sorby commented that 31 trees are in the grove, with an age range of 35-100 years. He noted cottonwood trees start to develop dead wood at approximately 40-50 years and this was noticed when the trees were observed. He added that the village does not plant cottonwood trees because they are typically short-lived and prone to storm damage.

President Wolfe asked all commissioners to share their opinion on their desired plan.

Commissioner Shissler expressed support of the original plan, or the other gravity fed plan, but either way would like to get more utility out of fields. Commissioner Clarke supports the original plan to gain more space. Commissioner Goebel favors gaining more space, and prefers a deeper vault solution because it disrupts less of the park. She supports the “Z” or “L” plans. Commissioner Anderson does not support the original plan and favors the “Z” plan, and as a compromise could support the “L” plan. Commissioner Abbott deferred to the neighbors and supports the “Z” or “L” plans to preserve the cottonwoods. Commissioner Murdock strongly favors the original plan because it is the only one that provides more playable and usable space now and into the future. President Wolfe agrees with more playable space, but is concerned about the swampy area and wants to make the entire park more playable.

In response to a question from Commissioner Anderson, Director Wilson commented that the “Z” plan would not provide for any additional programming space. Commissioner Shissler replied that he would now only be in favor of the original plan.

A discussion followed regarding the current detention area in the cotton wood grove, and the costs associated with adding an additional tank to make this area dry.

Commissioner Clarke asked about the Village’s standpoint and Brigitte

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Berger-Raish responded that the engineering choice would be a gravity tank. She added that the “Z” plan is a good compromise because it meets the neighbor’s wishes, but she also respects the District’s desire to add more usable space.

Commissioner Goebel suggested finding a solution that increases playable space and supports adds more trees Commissioners Shissler and Murdock agreed, adding that it could be a benefit to plant more trees strategically throughout the park.

Commissioner Abbott added that without having any type of plan that includes more trees he wants to stay with first choice. Commissioner Goebel adjusted preference to the first option.

Commissioner Anderson asked for additional informational regarding the current detention area and permitting with the MWRD. Darren Olsen of Christopher Burke Engineering replied that met with MWRD and said a separate tank is necessary and he does not expect any issues with the MWRD. He added that the additional tank was contemplated in the original plan and the cost is included.

President Wolfe concluded the discussion noting that five commissioners are in favor of the original plan and tasked the Village to move forward.

IX. New Business None

X. Adjournment There being no further business to conduct, President Wolfe adjourned the Regular meeting at 9:28 p.m.

______Secretary President

Minutes Approved on: ______

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From: Gordon Anderson Sent: Monday, August 05, 2019 8:40 AM To: Stephen Wilson Cc: Amy Wolfe; Libby Baker Subject: Fwd: [external] Deep Roots -

Steve This was received directly by me. Please include in the packet if not a duplicate. Thanks Gordon

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph Glynn Date: August 4, 2019 at 2:06:54 PM CDT To: Cc: Carmel , Mom And Dad , "Dan Glynn" , Deborah Glynn , "Jen Karnig" , Mike Kelly , "Berni fallaw" , shani hirsch , Steve Wade , Matt Cavalier , bridie cavalier Subject: [external] Deep Roots -

Dear Gordon,

My name is Joe Glynn and I am a life long and current resident of Wilmette as is my wife Carmel and her entire family. I was in Jr. High in the mid 80's when Wilmette became Tree City USA! It was a big deal and we took pride as a community as it demonstrate the class and beauty of our town. We love this park and are highly upset that these tree's are getting cut down.

My brother and sisters and I played countless hours in these trees. My sister Jen was partial to the Frisbee Golf whereas I liked to played Cowboys and Indians. I tended to be either the Syco Kid or the Lone Ranger and my next door neighbor played Geronimo in the grove you are cutting down. It also functioned as Sherwood Forest and the back drop to King Arther from time to time. I distinctly remember making jokes mirroring the Monty Python's Holy Grail (horse clapping and all) I grew up on Laurel Lane witch backs up to Community Play Field and my parents still live in the house I grew up in. These games are ongoing as a part of our families experience as my children use this park for sports, at school and when visiting their Grand Parents .

This is important! Our large old trees differentiate us from other communities. Do we really want parks like the one pictured from Schaumburg? (see picture bellow) This is a multi-family driven email (but all people listed are my family :-) and while the memories listed above are specifically mine we all have similar experiences and we all would like the trees to stay!

1 85

Thank your you consideration -

Yours truly,

Joseph & Carmel Glynn's family, Dan & Jane Glynn's family, Danny and Nancy Glynn's family, Deb Glynn's family, Eric & Jenifer Karnig's family, Mike and Bernadette Fallaw's family, Mike Kelley's family, Brian and Shani Hirsch's family, Steve and Colleen Wade's family and Matt and Bridie Cavalier's family.

2 86 Libby Baker

From: Gordon Anderson Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2019 8:29 AM To: Stephen Wilson Cc: Libby Baker Subject: Fwd: [external] stormwater plan for Community Playfields Attachments: Petition for the Trees_CRK.docx; ATT00001.htm

Steve You weren’t copied on this. For the packet. Thanks Gordon

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kara Kosloskus Date: August 6, 2019 at 9:23:45 PM CDT To: "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" Cc: "[email protected]" Subject: [external] stormwater plan for Community Playfields

Dear Wilmette Park District commissioners,

My daughter wrote this note over three months ago. I confess I did not send it to you at that time, because shortly after she finished I learned there were alternative options on the table for the playfields which would avoid harming the trees, and at lower cost. I never imagined anyone would still be discussing the original proposal three months later.

Therefore, I feel compelled to send you my daughter’s original letter, as well as add my personal thoughts on the same. Please read the attached letter, in addition to my notes below.

1. Perhaps some of the commissioners and decision makers for this project do not reside near the playfields and therefore do not understand the full use of the space by the neighboring communities. For Wilmette residents between Illinois Rd and Skokie Blvd, the playfields area is much more than a Saturday morning soccer destination. For my family, and many of our neighbors, the playfields are a main artery. This is not a once or twice a week soccer game, but a daily, often multiple times per day, walk. For example: - It is my route to walk my children to school each day. - It is where my family takes evening strolls. - It is our running path. - It is where my children go for bike rides and meet their friends. - It is how we walk to the outdoor tennis courts. - It is where many of my neighbors walk their dogs. - It is an extension of backyards for many children on Meadow and Pomona. So, while I understand the WPD has concern for the soccer fields, please take into consideration that the entire green space is used for additional purposes by neighboring taxpayers. This ‘green artery’ through West Wilmette is a welcome pedestrian and biking alternative to the poorly maintained sidewalks along Wilmette Ave. As I have been 1 87 walking this summer, I have imagined the landscape without the cottonwood grove. If you look around, those trees truly tower over the rest, and the trees along the walking path are saplings by comparison. It is a shame to remove them when there are comparable alternatives.

2. Secondly, I would like to point out that Highcrest Middle School removed several mature trees this summer as part of the Learning Commons expansion. Were you, Park Commissioners, informed of the tree removals for the D39 project? Although ‘separate’ projects, the Village should be aware of and be discussing the compounding environmental effect on the same geographic area. Therefore, the loss of trees on the backside of Highcrest is even greater than you might realize if you consider the current proposal in isolation. Every school day 850+ middle- school students attend Highcrest and walk past that grove of trees, whether at recess, dismissal, or both. These pre- teens are the future of our community. They are observant. They are informed. And they are upset about losing their shade and “natural playground.” As they watch the trees disappear from their school garden, and then in their gym and recess fields, what message are we sending? How can we teach them to practice sustainability, and ask them to respect the environment, when they are witnessing blatant disregard for the same?

In conclusion, my daughter pointed out that the Wilmette flag has a tree on it. She asks, “What does that mean to you? " Wilmette Park District Commissioners, please recognize that the Village stretches west beyond the trees at the lakefront, and all the trees in our village should be protected as much as possible.


Kara Kosloskus 407 Alpine Ln on behalf of: Rick Kosloskus, Kara Kosloskus, Caroline Kosloskus, Caitlin Kosloskus

PS: Caroline would like to add these additional non-WPD uses of the cottonwood grove area: - Parents and siblings of Highcrest students wait (in the shade) to meet students after school. - The trees provide shade on the bike racks and ‘waiting area’ for bikers to and from HMS. - It is where both the HMS and WJHS cross country teams practice in the Fall. - It is where both the HMS and WJHS track teams practice in the Spring.

Please reconsider your vote on this proposal!

2 88

April 15, 2019

Dear Park Commissioners,

My name is Caroline Kosloskus and I am in 6th grade at Highcrest Middle School. I would like to petition to not cut down the trees in the Community Playfields. At Highcrest, we use those fields for P.E. (physical education). Many of us love those trees. First of all, the trees provide shade on hot days. They also provide lots of fun! Trees also provide oxygen. Finally, they are very old and loved. Please consider not cutting down those trees. The first reason I would like to stop the cutting down of trees is because they provide much-needed shade. Since there aren’t many other trees and shade in those fields, the large, strong trees are a good source of shade. On those hot, sunny, and sweltering days when we have to go outside for gym class, I always rely on the shade from the trees to survive hot days. I also like to relax or read a book under the shade of those large trees. It is true that the trees provide lots of cool shade. I would be very upset if the trees got cut down because they provide lots of fun. My friends and I love to play hide and seek in the trees. Also, in P.E. when we play Hunger Games, the trees are the perfect base and hiding spot. They are also a good place to hide in in order to sneak up on the neighboring teams. Those beloved trees provide so much fun, many games definitely would not be as fun without our tall, strong trees. We should save the trees because trees help the environment. Those trees are crucial in providing oxygen to the playfields. We should all join together in helping the environment and save the trees! The final reason we should save the trees is because they are very old and well loved. Those trees have been around longer than my life! They have gone through many generations of people in Wilmette, and The Playfields would just seem drab and dull without them! I am so used to those trees, and many residents of Wilmette love the trees too. It seems unfair to get rid of them after so many of us have relied on them for shade and fun. These trees have been alive for a long time, and I would like to make that time longer. The trees provide refreshing shade, fun, they help the environment, and they are loved. I truly hope you will consider my reasons to save the Community Playfields trees.


Caroline Kosloskus 6th grade, Highcrest Middle School

89 Voucher List Presented to the Board of Park Commissioners At the Regular Meeting of August 12, 2019

Page 1 of 17 90 Voucher List - Reconciliation July-19 (Vendor Disbursements Over $5,000)

Vendor Name Amount Type of Service/Products # NSSRA 193,369.00 NSSRA New Facility/Renovation JP Morgan Chase 159,565.01 P-Card Purchases PDRMA 128,054.86 Health, Liability & Workmen Comp Ins & Retiree's Ins Lyons Electric Co 94,748.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Hargrave Builders Inc. 89,098.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Vanguard Energy Services LLC 88,233.05 Electric & Gas Service LPS Pavement Co 84,280.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Landscape Structures Inc. 52,489.00 Playground Equipment for Langdon Park Builders Paving LLC 51,790.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Tor Construction Co Inc. 47,829.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project W.B. Olson Inc. 45,771.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Abbey Paving & Sealcoating Co Inc. 42,512.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Berger Excavating Contractors Inc. 42,439.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Mad Bomber Fireworks Prod 40,000.00 7/3 Fireworks Display Wilmette Baseball Assn 36,745.48 Spring Baseball Leagues Western Architectural Iron Co 20,385.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project AT&T 19,361.20 Phone, Long Distance & Fiber Network Service Absolute Fire Protection 17,963.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Total Platform Tennis 16,810.00 Court Refinishing for Platform Tennis Harrell's LLC 16,349.60 Greens Fungicides for Golf Maint Illinois Baseball Academy 15,792.00 Baseball Camps for Sports Buck Bros 15,522.65 Bat Wing Mower Attachment for Parks Bell Fuels Inc. 15,497.33 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel for Golf, Parks, and Gillson National Heat & Power Corp 14,201.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Thatcher Foundation Inc. 12,000.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project The Northwest Passage 11,613.50 Kayak/Sup Camps for Gillson Wilmette Bicycle & Sport Inc. 10,689.50 Bikes for Camp Fusion Kole Construction Co Inc. 10,323.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Sportskids Inc. 9,977.86 Summer Sports Sessions Bruce Kimball 9,547.50 Diving Coach Jensen's Plumbing & Heating 8,765.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project Konica Minolta Premier Finance 6,849.03 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas Univar 6,475.16 Chlorine for Pool Great Lakes Turf 6,198.51 Greens Fertility Program for Golf Maint Laporte Inc. 5,961.70 Paper Goods & Trash Liners for Parks Nicor Gas 5,494.76 Gas Service for Various Areas Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 5,380.08 Staff Uniforms & Camp Shirts for Various Areas Illinois Dept. of Revenue 5,338.00 6/19 & 7/19 Illinois Sales Tax R.E. Burke Roofing 5,001.00 Lakefront / Infrastructure Project

Total $ 1,468,419.78

Other Sundry Services/Products 164,918.69

Total Voucher List $ 1,633,338.47

Payroll Transfers 7/5/2019 $ 689,255.16 7/19/2019 $ 640,845.39

Total Payroll Transfers $ 1,330,100.55

Total Vouchers and Transfers $ 2,963,439.02

# - If additional comments on expenditures are warranted, they will be noted below by numbered footnote. The amounts were from the P-Card total. Page 2 of 17 91 We, the undersigned Officers of the Wilmette Park District, do hereby singularly approve for payment the above listed and detailed list of bills chargeable for the above stated month and on which further approval was passed at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Wilmette Park District.

Commissioner-Motion Commissioner-Second

Page 3 of 17 92 Voucher Approval Report By Amount Presented to the Board on August 12, 2019

Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount NSSRA 263 NSSRA New Facility/Renovation Contribution 90-11-100-5235 $ 193,369.00 Lyons Electric Co Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 94,748.00 Hargrave Builders Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 89,098.00 LPS Pavement Co 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 84,280.00 Landscape Structures Inc. 074471 Playground Equipment for Lakefront Project 70-11-105-5810 52,489.00 Builders Paving LLC 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 51,790.00 Tor Construction Co Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 47,829.00 W.B. Olson Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 45,771.00 Abbey Paving & Sealcoating Co Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 42,512.00 Berger Excavating Contractors Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 42,439.00 Mad Bomber Fireworks Prod. 11404-05 7/3 Fireworks Display for Rec Program 20-40-104-5400 40,000.00 Wilmette Baseball Assn 354 Spring Intro to Baseball League for Sports 20-41-728-5215 36,745.48 Western Architectural Iron Co 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 20,385.00 Absolute Fire Protection 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 17,963.00 Total Platform Tennis 19114 Platform Tennis Courts Refinishing 70-11-100-5830 16,810.00 Buck Bros 212206 Bat Wing Mower Attachment for Parks 70-11-100-5850 15,522.65 National Heat & Power Corp 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 14,201.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434876 Electric Service for CRC 20-41-100-5330 13,253.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC - Cleaning service 20-41-100-5200 12,911.00 Thatcher Foundations Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 12,000.00 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-32-100-5110 11,722.55 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-12-100-5110 11,709.73 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434944 Electric Service for Centennial 20-34-100-5330 11,100.01 Wilmette Bicycle & Sport Inc. 47227 Bikes for Camp Fusion 20-42-112-5400 10,689.50 Kole Construction Co Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 10,323.00 AT&T 8472569600006 Phone Service for WPD 10-11-100-5310 9,951.95 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434874 Electric Service for Centennial 20-34-100-5330 9,273.77 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf Balls for Resale 10-11-100-1601 9,159.52 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434944 Electric Service for Centennial 20-31-100-5330 8,831.05 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-100-5110 8,356.82 Jensen's Plumbing & Heating 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 8,245.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434874 Electric Service for Centennial 20-31-100-5330 7,582.99 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-22-100-5110 7,343.67 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-23-100-5110 7,318.58 Sportskids Inc. 193546 Summer Camp Programs for Sports 20-41-613-5215 7,305.21 Illinois Baseball Academy 628006-02 Week 2 of Mini Majors Camp for Sports 20-41-709-5215 7,140.00 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-11-100-5110 7,025.84 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434944 Electric Service for Centennial 20-32-100-5330 6,660.01 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-34-100-5110 6,544.31 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Water bill 20-31-100-5320 6,003.33 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-501-5110 5,870.49 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-33-100-5110 5,854.87 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434874 Electric Service for Centennial 20-32-100-5330 5,564.26 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp Bus Lease 1 of 2 payments 20-11-100-1704 5,525.00 The Northwest Passage 7/22-26 Kayak/SUP Camp for Gillson 20-43-148-5215 5,357.10 R.E. Burke Roofing 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 5,001.00 Illinois Baseball Academy 7/30/19 Champion Camp for Sports 20-41-709-5215 4,732.00 Built Best Fence Co 33447 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 4,670.00 PDRMA INV0036580 PDRMA Health - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 4,562.72 Tressler, LLP 405815 Legal Services for WPD 10-11-100-5245 4,536.00 PDRMA INV0036861 PDRMA Health - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 4,523.02 PDRMA 7/19 Retiree Health Retiree Health Premium from IMRF 10-11-100-2170 4,489.58 Paulson Press, Inc. 19-0226 Printing of Guide for Tennis 10-14-100-5265 4,480.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434945 Electric Service for Golf 20-33-176-5330 4,186.67 Hot Shots Sports LLC Spring 2018 After School Spring Clubs for Gen Rec 20-41-428-5215 4,183.20 AT&T S668107107-19173 Fiber Network for WPD 10-11-100-5310 4,129.94 AT&T S668107107-19203 Fiber Network for WPD 10-11-100-5310 4,129.94 Laporte Inc. 224075 Paper Goods & Trash Liners for Parks 10-23-100-5420 4,050.70 Illinois Baseball Academy MVP Camp Payment for MVP Camp for Sports 20-41-709-5215 3,920.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199070319 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-31-100-5340 3,852.32 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-42-100-5110 3,801.10 The Northwest Passage 3 Kayak/Sup Camp for Gillson 20-43-148-5215 3,781.40 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Trash/recycling 10-23-100-5225 3,711.76 Bell Fuels Inc. 287324 Diesel Fuel for Parks 10-22-100-5450 3,709.75 Bell Fuels Inc. 287323 Gasoline for Parks 10-22-100-5450 3,708.64 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434945 Electric Service for Golf 20-33-100-5330 3,638.88 Nels Johnson Tree Experts Inc. 128336 Tree Removal for Parks 10-22-100-5225 3,612.50 Action Fence Inc. 561 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 3,541.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Trash/recycling 10-23-100-5225 3,526.40 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-43-100-5110 3,479.60 PDRMA 08/19 PDRMA Retiree Health Premium from IMRF 10-11-100-2170 3,468.94 Rent Com Inc. C223481-00 7/3 Equipment Rental for Rec Program 20-40-104-5280 3,428.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 July 3rd carnival tent prizes 20-40-104-5400 3,400.46 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice - Cleaning service 20-34-100-5200 3,387.00 Kimball, Bruce D DV3 Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 3,229.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 July 3rd carnival tent prizes 20-40-104-5400 3,179.81 Kimball, Bruce D DV2 Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 3,161.75 Kimball, Bruce D DV1 Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 3,156.25 Harrell's LLC INV01198972 Greens Fungicide - Daconil Weather Silk for Golf M 20-33-176-5440 3,150.00 Great Lakes Turf 33353 Greens Fertility Program for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5445 3,055.80 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Apparel for Resale 10-11-100-1601 3,000.18 Great Lakes Turf 33357 Greens Fertility Program for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5445 2,956.87 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-14-100-5110 2,947.67 Page 4 of 17 93 Voucher Approval Report By Amount Presented to the Board on August 12, 2019

Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Harrell's LLC INV01198969 Greens Fungicides - Secure 20-33-176-5440 2,940.00 Harrell's LLC INV01198971 Greens Fungicide - Secure 20-33-176-5440 2,940.00 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-21-100-5110 2,927.43 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-301-5110 2,927.43 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-401-5110 2,927.43 PDRMA INV0036595 PDRMA Health - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 2,918.45 PDRMA INV0036875 PDRMA Health - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 2,918.45 Play-Well Teknologies D818253 Camp Program Instruction for Gen Rec 20-41-407-5215 2,860.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Recreation - Portables 20-40-100-5280 2,801.79 Black Pearl Sealcoating Inc. 2845 Parking Lot Sealcoating for Mallinckrodt 70-11-100-5810 2,795.00 Ill. Dept. of Revenue 7/19 Sales Tax 7/19 Illinois Sales Tax 10-11-100-2192 2,755.00 Harrell's LLC INV01198968 Greens Fungicide - Briskway 20-33-176-5440 2,682.00 Ill. Dept. of Revenue 6/19 Tax 6/19 Illinois Sales Tax 10-11-100-2192 2,678.00 K-Swiss Inc. 95842434 Shoes for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 2,612.63 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-44-100-5110 2,533.59 The Northwest Passage 7/19 Kayak & Sup Camp for Gillson 20-43-148-5215 2,475.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Keay Park - Pond/grounds repairs 10-22-100-5530 2,436.00 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005865111 Copier Usage for CRC 20-41-100-5205 2,383.42 Trimark Marlinn, LLC 591 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 2,265.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Wilmette Park District DISC Assessment 9/9/19 10-11-100-5150 2,250.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Beach house - Cleaning service 20-43-100-5200 2,247.00 Chicago Loves Dance Inc. WPDS2019 After School Clubs for Gen Rec 20-41-411-5215 2,239.92 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 July 3rd Festivities Ad 20-40-104-5400 2,200.00 SOS Technologies 163961 AED's for WPD 40-11-100-5470 2,197.39 All-Type Tile Inc. 591 11 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 2,139.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Cleaning service 20-31-100-5200 2,085.00 Payne Sod Farm Inc. 19-352 Sod for Golf Maint 70-11-100-5810 2,075.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434875 Electric Service for Golf 20-33-176-5330 2,039.56 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199080519 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-31-100-5340 2,038.40 Harrell's LLC INV01198967 Greens Fungicide - Heritage TL 20-33-176-5440 2,036.00 Tail Activewear 887674 Apparel for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 2,027.82 Petty Cash - Administration 7/3/196 7/3/19 Money for the Yankee Doodle Dash 10-11-100-1112 2,000.00 Bell Fuels Inc. 287324 Diesel Fuel for Parks 10-23-100-5450 1,997.56 Bell Fuels Inc. 287323 Gasoline for Parks 10-23-100-5450 1,996.96 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434872 Electric Service for CRC 20-41-100-5330 1,984.76 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - Cleaning service 20-33-100-5200 1,978.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Lakeview - Cleaning service 20-43-145-5200 1,976.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - New house cleaning service bill 20-43-100-5200 1,967.00 Charles J. Fiore Co.,Inc. I164452 Tree Replacement for Parks 10-22-100-5810 1,942.50 Coach Abe's Mini Soccer Summer 19 Soccer Class for Sports 20-41-708-5215 1,940.40 A & B Bus Service 0619-1065 Camp Field Trip Transportation 20-11-100-1704 1,907.88 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Apparel for Resale 10-11-100-1601 1,901.98 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-201-5110 1,892.55 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 1,890.00 The Vocal Gymnasium Spring Invoice Summer Program for Gen Rec 20-41-423-5215 1,877.30 A-1 Roofing Co 28537 Roof Repairs for Ice & Tennis 20-32-100-5510 1,854.00 A-1 Roofing Co 28537 Roof Repairs for Ice & Tennis 20-34-100-5510 1,854.00 Sportskids Inc. 193546 Summer Camp Programs for Sports 20-41-610-5215 1,834.92 Classic Bowl 549 Camp Field Trip for Gen Rec 20-41-403-5272 1,810.00 Alpha Prime Communications 116079 Radio Base Station Charger for Lakefront Project 70-11-105-5810 1,800.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Desk for S. Holloway 10-12-100-5860 1,791.95 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434875 Electric Service for Golf 20-33-100-5330 1,772.70 Burris Equipment Co RI 00642 7/3/19 Light Tower Rental for Rec Program 20-40-104-5280 1,743.75 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tennis - Cleaning service 20-32-100-5200 1,742.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Field trip for Counselor in Training camp 20-41-703-5272 1,724.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Camp Carnival 20-41-702-5400 1,682.77 Mad Science Of Northern Il 12765 After Schl Enrichment Courses for Gen Rec 20-41-428-5215 1,654.33 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Recreation - Tent rental July 3rd 20-40-104-5280 1,640.00 Ultimate School of Guitar 672 Guitar Instruction for Performing Arts 20-41-823-5215 1,591.20 Babolat Vs North America Inc. 2648807 Racquets & Accessories for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 1,582.65 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Apparel for Resale 10-11-100-1601 1,547.21 Laporte Inc. 224230 Trash Liners for Parks 10-23-100-5420 1,543.50 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-33-176-5110 1,538.61 John Tomassone's Brass From the Past 8/10/19 8/9 Entertainer for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 1,500.00 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 10-24-100-5110 1,463.72 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-601-5110 1,463.72 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-701-5110 1,463.72 Tail Activewear 886954 Apparel for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 1,429.36 Outstanding Graphics 6519 Theatre & Ice Show Photos for Marketing 10-14-100-5215 1,417.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Medals for Yankee Doodle Dash 20-40-104-5400 1,407.96 Bruccoleri, Michael 8/9/19 Entertainer for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 1,400.00 Pomp's Tire Service Inc. 290153682 Truck Tires for Parks 10-23-100-5520 1,364.00 Nicor Gas 00667400006-6/19 Gas Service for Pool 20-31-100-5340 1,343.96 Harrell's LLC INV01198965 Greens Fungicide - Briskway for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5440 1,341.00 Univar CH080682 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 1,335.22 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Mallinckrodt - Cleaning service 20-44-100-5200 1,321.00 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69838503 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-41-100-5205 1,283.51 Record-A-Hit Inc. 191225 Inflatables for Sports Camp 20-41-607-5272 1,275.00 Sunset Logistics 0061243 Fairway Topdressing Sand for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5530 1,267.64 Harrell's LLC INV01198970 Greens Fungicides - Velista for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5440 1,260.60 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance recital DVDs 20-41-214-5400 1,260.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Keay Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 1,252.58

Page 5 of 17 94 Voucher Approval Report By Amount Presented to the Board on August 12, 2019

Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Doggie bags 10-22-100-5440 1,237.72 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69883030 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-41-100-5205 1,237.51 Univar CH082585 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 1,213.60 Young Rembrandts 11273 Program Instruction for Arts 20-41-205-5215 1,199.00 Wet Solutions, Inc. 1907152 Water Treatment for Ice 20-34-100-5205 1,196.18 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sailing Radios 20-43-142-5430 1,172.48 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Uniform supply team 20-41-505-5460 1,159.00 Univar CH081415 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 1,150.14 AT&T S664050050-19194 Phone Service for CRC 10-11-100-5310 1,145.09 Alpha Prime Communications 116112 Radios for Beach & Sailing 20-43-100-5430 1,140.00 Original Watermen S61283 Staff Uniforms for Sailing 20-43-142-5460 1,103.28 Bell Fuels Inc. 288613 Gasoline for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5450 1,075.37 Good Impressions 811 Camp Shirts for Ice 20-34-100-5460 1,062.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sailing - Portables 20-43-142-5280 1,053.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Trash/recycling 10-23-100-5225 1,032.75 Commercial Maintenance Enterprises Inc. 25162 Cleaning Service for Lakefront Project 70-11-105-5810 1,020.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Apparel for Resale 10-11-100-1601 1,012.64 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC - 2nd meter water bill 20-41-100-5320 1,009.16 Serendipity Band, LLC 7/23/19 7/23/19 Concert for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 1,000.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Hole-in-One Insurance 20-33-100-5225 967.00 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 10-11-100-5310 963.73 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69838503 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 10-11-100-5205 948.69 Sam's Club Direct-2 0852 7/3/19 Supplies for Rec Program 20-40-104-5400 944.66 Pomp's Tire Service Inc. 290153426 Truck Tires for Parks 10-22-100-5520 943.80 A & B Bus Service 0619-1044 Camp Field Trip Transportation 20-11-100-1704 943.30 Nicor Gas 00667400006-7/19 Gas Service for Pool 20-31-100-5340 924.43 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69883030 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 10-11-100-5205 914.69 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance camp attire 20-41-218-5460 911.63 Bell Fuels Inc. 287711 Diesel Fuel for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5450 903.27 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Field trip for Counselor in Training Camp 20-41-703-5272 897.41 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp field trip to Action Territory 20-42-112-5272 896.31 Golf Mill Ford Inc. 778085 Salt Truck Brakes for Parks 10-22-100-5520 890.05 Living Habitats Limited Partnership 3-2019 Bird Habitat Maint for Parks 10-22-100-5250 889.50 PDRMA INV0036609 PT Insurance - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 884.97 PDRMA INV0036890 PT Insurance - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 884.97 Tail Activewear 887816 Apparel for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 859.07 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tickets to Barber of Seville at Lyric Opera House 20-44-132-5272 859.00 Village of Wilmette 53422 Police Detail for Gillson 80-43-100-5215 855.53 Hansen, Diane 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 850.00 Zeier, Dominic 7/4/19 Audio Engineer/Tech for 7/3/19 Festival Stage 20-40-104-5225 850.00 Univar CH081148 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 846.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Paddle - Cleaning service 20-35-100-5200 843.00 Sportskids Inc. 193546 Summer Camp Programs for Sports 20-41-605-5215 837.73 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Field trip for Afternoon Adventures Camp 20-41-702-5272 836.75 Bell Fuels Inc. 288614 Diesel Fuel for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5450 830.25 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036578 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 812.05 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036859 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 812.05 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 807.95 Doherty, Laura 7/31 7/31/19 Entertainer for Performing Arts 20-41-817-5250 800.00 Parker, Sarah J 8/7/19 8/7 Entertainer for Performing Arts 20-41-817-5250 800.00 Young, Stephanie 8/4/19 8/4 Entertainer for Performing Arts 20-41-817-5250 800.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment for Driving Range 20-33-178-5400 796.74 Connelly's Academy Inc. Spring 2019 Spring Kravmaga Program for Sports 20-41-621-5215 782.04 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Cleaning service 10-23-100-5200 780.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp field trip to Action Territory 20-42-112-5272 779.40 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2140 767.40 BTSI 62410 Fairway Yardage Markers for Golf Maint 70-11-100-5880 763.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 SHRM Lodging - L. Cox 10-11-100-5170 755.10 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tennis - Water bill 20-32-100-5320 746.67 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice - Water bill 20-34-100-5320 746.66 3 D Design Studio LLC 2019-06-107 Renovation for Langdon Park 70-11-100-5880 745.76 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-31-100-5110 731.86 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC bathroom paper towels 20-41-100-5420 722.00 Red Wing Business Advantage Acct 20190710031348 Employee Safety Boots for Parks & Golf Maint 20-33-176-5460 719.95 Carrico Aquatics Resources Inc. 20193420 Vacuum Repair for Pool 20-31-100-5520 715.33 Univar CH082212 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 713.88 US Foodservice of Il Inc. 0715188 Junior Day Camp Snacks 20-41-404-5400 707.48 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13527 Staff Uniforms for 7/3/19 20-40-104-5400 702.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 KE lunches 20-41-306-5400 701.68 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Field trip for Afternoon Adventures Camp 20-41-702-5272 700.00 Metropolitan Water Reclamation L00001861020 Land Lease for Gillson Park 10-21-100-5225 700.00 Village of Wilmette 53429 Meter for Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 700.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Credit Card Interface Fees 10-11-100-5225 698.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project/counter top mix 70-11-105-5810 684.60 Original Watermen S61284 Staff Uniforms for Gillson 20-43-147-5460 684.48 Home Depot Credit Services 1907607971 Snow Fencing for Parks 10-22-100-5440 676.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 675.00 AMS Mechanical Systems, Inc. 9128-6 Compressor Maint for Ice 20-34-100-5205 669.50 Gelwasser, Martin 7-19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 650.00 Johnson, Debra 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 650.00 Kosinski, Norbert 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 650.00 Salvo, Matthew 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 650.00

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434950 Electric Service for West Park 10-22-100-5330 635.29 Sunset Logistics 60969 Fairway Topdressing Sand for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5530 627.12 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sailing - Added Portables 20-43-142-5280 625.00 Univar CH079571 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 621.34 Sunset Logistics 0060695 Fairway Sand topdressing for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5530 617.74 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119682 Staff Uniforms for Parks 10-22-100-5460 614.01 Outstanding Graphics 62519 Ouilmette Foundation Pictures for Admin 10-11-100-2181 612.50 Record-A-Hit Inc. 191224-2 Final Payment for Inflatables for Sports Camp 20-41-607-5272 610.00 Bell Fuels Inc. 287710 Gasoline for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5450 604.96 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp uniform 20-41-502-5400 600.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Final payment for Counselor in Training field trip 20-41-703-5272 598.88 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199070319 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-34-100-5340 594.48 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 588.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Programs - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5265 586.01 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199080519 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-34-100-5340 569.59 On-The-Go Sports Inc. 1684 Football Camp for Sports 20-41-616-5215 567.84 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Concession repair 20-31-100-5510 558.90 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 550.00 Martin, Jamie 7/24/19 7/24 Entertainer for Performing Arts 20-41-817-5250 550.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Field trip for Afternoon Adventures Camp 20-41-702-5272 535.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Staff Uniforms 20-31-100-5460 533.30 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Lakefront - Diesel Fuel 20-43-100-5450 527.01 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Radios rented for July 3rd 20-40-104-5400 525.00 Jensen's Plumbing & Heating 107419 HVAC Repair for CRC 20-41-100-5205 520.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 520.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 518.00 Payne Sod Farm Inc. 19-643 Sod for Golf 70-11-100-5810 515.00 Suburban Stump Removal Inc. 5/20/19 Stump Removal for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5530 512.00 Red Wing Business Advantage Acct 20190710031348 Employee Safety Boots for Parks & Golf Maint 10-22-100-5460 509.97 American Compressed Gases Inc. 1637465 CO2 for Pool 20-31-100-5440 504.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 504.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Deposit for field trip for Counselor in Training 20-41-703-5272 501.60 Cash Express Chicago Inc. 71019 ATM Machine for 7/3 Festivities 20-40-104-5400 500.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Trimmer lines 10-22-100-5430 498.90 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434881 Electric Service for West Park 10-22-100-5330 497.94 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-43-100-5310 496.68 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005870087 Copier Usage for Admin 10-11-100-5205 493.52 Unique Sports Products 1091862 Accessories for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 492.65 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-404-5460 491.40 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf Balls for Resale 10-11-100-1601 488.00 US Foodservice of Il Inc. 0715187 Food for Early Childhood 20-41-309-5400 476.73 Carrico Aquatics Resources Inc. 20191803 Vacuum Repair for Pool 20-31-100-5520 474.41 On-The-Go Sports Inc. 1681 Football Camp Program for Sports 20-41-616-5215 473.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Field trip for Counselor in Training Camp 20-41-703-5272 470.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp field trip to Wilmette Bowl 20-42-112-5272 470.00 American Compressed Gases Inc. 1639300 CO2 for Pools 20-31-100-5440 464.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Replacement Driving Range Buckets 20-33-178-5400 463.58 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Ground supplies 10-22-100-5440 460.35 Rowley, David 7/21/19 7/21 Concert for Performing Arts 20-41-817-5250 460.00 Goodson, Susan 2835635 Registration Refund 10-11-100-2190 450.00 Hoffman, Jean R 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 450.00 Technology Mgmt. Rev Fund T1934735 Primary Internet for WPD 10-11-100-5310 450.00 Lennox Industries, Inc. 0557074949 HVAC Repairs for CRC 20-41-100-5205 446.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 443.70 Fox, William 846 Sail Repair for Sailing 20-43-142-5520 440.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment - 2 new tents for bowl 20-41-816-5850 439.90 Nicor Gas 26154500008-6/19 Gas Service for CRC 20-41-100-5340 432.17 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-41-801-5110 431.61 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 430.50 Zep Manufacturing Co 9004349427 Cleaning Supplies for Parks 10-22-100-5430 425.51 Canon Financial Services Inc. 20287011 Copier Usage for Admin & CRC 20-41-100-5205 425.14 A-Monk Sign Company 12144 Signage for Gillson 70-11-105-5810 420.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 After Camp Rec Snack 20-41-405-5400 412.24 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp uniform 20-41-501-5400 412.15 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Goggles to Sell at Pool 20-31-100-5490 410.49 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC DVR 20-41-100-5430 408.97 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Cubs mascot at sports camp 20-41-607-5272 400.00 Newell, Rebecca 131278 Instructor for Older Adults 20-44-137-5225 400.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199070319 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-32-100-5340 396.32 Sam's Club Direct-2 1267 Camp Cookout Supplies for Sports Camps 20-41-702-5400 391.79 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-404-5400 388.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 388.00 Alpha Prime Communications 116112 Radios for Beach & Sailing 20-43-142-5430 380.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199080519 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-32-100-5340 379.74 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-702-5460 378.00 Tebon's Gas Service 14325 Propane Gas for Ice 20-34-100-5450 374.00 Nicor Gas 26154500008-7/19 Gas Service for CRC 20-41-100-5340 373.62 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 372.45 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance camp attire 20-41-218-5460 368.26 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Open House 10-11-100-5170 368.01 Laporte Inc. 224081 Trash Liners for Parks 10-23-100-5420 367.50 Nicor Gas 19084500008-6/19 Gas Service for Tennis & Ice 20-34-100-5340 360.70

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Nicor Gas 19084500008-7/19 Gas Service for Tennis & Ice 20-34-100-5340 355.73 On-The-Go Sports Inc. 1683 Football Camp for Sports 20-41-616-5215 354.90 Jim Galeno 1376 Reptile Show for Gen Rec 20-41-405-5215 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8513 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8534 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8535 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8550 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8551 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8552 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Mobile Music Disc Jockey Service 8553 DJ for Pool 20-31-100-5250 350.00 Weihofen, Derek 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 350.00 Direct Fitness Solutions LLC 0545224-IN Equipment Repairs for Fitness 20-42-100-5520 346.20 Wilmette Harbor Association 6/19 Fuel for Sailing & Camps 20-43-142-5450 344.81 ComEd 0234141078-7/19 Electric Service for Platform Tennis 20-35-100-5330 343.38 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119034 Staff Uniforms for Gillson 20-43-100-5460 342.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Discovery camp field trip 20-41-310-5272 341.25 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-402-5460 340.20 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-402-5460 340.00 Dable, Graham 264218 Replacement Payroll Check 10-11-100-2155 338.54 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Beach House office chairs 70-11-105-5810 330.94 West Marine Pro 5687769 & 5687767 Base Station Cable for Lakefront Project 70-11-105-5810 330.88 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119682 Staff Uniforms for Parks 10-23-100-5460 330.63 A-Monk Sign Company 12144 Signage for Gillson 20-43-100-5420 329.25 Craftwood Lumber & Hardware 260680 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 325.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199070319 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-41-100-5340 324.68 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Exmark parts 10-22-100-5520 324.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Mallinckrodt pest control February - July 20-44-100-5200 324.00 Aquarius Sail Of WI 190722w Boat Parts for Sailing 20-43-142-5430 323.70 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Hockey Camp Supplies 20-34-196-5400 318.70 Sam's Club Direct-2 7063 Great Gillson Cookout/Snacks for Gen Rec 20-41-403-5400 316.68 Halloran & Yauch, Inc. 15015 RPZ Testing for Parks 10-22-100-5530 315.42 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC vending supplies 20-41-100-5490 315.24 Illinois Girls' Lacrosse Assoc. 1170 Girl LaCrosse League for Sports 20-41-710-5215 315.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Car Rental SHRM - L. Cox 10-11-100-5170 313.18 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment - new microphone elements 20-41-801-5850 312.00 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-607-5460 310.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Broadway Bound - Scripts 20-41-813-5225 307.75 Univar CH078832 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 304.06 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Samsung Solid State Drives 70-11-100-5850 303.03 ComEd 0234141078-6/19 Electric Service for Platform Tennis 20-35-100-5330 302.74 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-217-5400 302.00 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-702-5400 300.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Fitness TV 10-11-100-5350 299.21 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 40-11-100-5110 297.14 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434946 Electric Service for Mallinckrodt Shop 10-22-100-5330 296.20 Bell Fuels Inc. 288043 Diesel Fuel for Gillson 20-43-100-5450 295.49 Univar CH079168 Chlorine for Pool 20-31-100-5440 290.84 Aqua Pure 120149 CO2 Motor for Pool 20-31-100-5520 289.16 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ink For Pool Printers/Office Supplies for Pool 20-31-100-5410 288.84 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434943 Electric Service for Ridge Park 20-40-100-5330 288.69 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Yankee Doodle Dash Large Format Posters 20-40-104-5400 288.23 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Open House 10-11-100-5170 288.18 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Vehicle Starter Generator 20-33-176-5520 288.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Summer/Spring Gift Card Holders 10-14-100-5260 286.67 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Patches For I.S.I. Skating Lesson Program 20-34-100-5400 285.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Radio installation and repair 20-43-100-5205 285.00 West Marine Pro 5687767 Base Station Cable for Lakefront Project 70-11-105-5810 284.96 Wage Works 1538929 7/19 Flex Spending Admin Fee 10-11-100-5110 283.79 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13522 Staff Uniforms for CRC 20-41-100-5460 283.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Langdon- Portables 20-43-140-5280 281.00 Illinois Dept. of Revenue INV0036878 Wage Garnishment 10-11-100-2125 280.66 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-403-5460 280.00 M.R. Nyren Co 82123 Towels for Fitness 20-42-100-5420 279.88 Lipsey, Katie DV1A Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 273.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434871 Electric Service for Admin 10-11-100-5330 269.42 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434873 Electric Service for Ridge Park 20-40-100-5330 269.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IRPA job posting ECC 20-41-301-5255 265.00 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-607-5460 264.60 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC maintenance supplies 20-41-100-5420 261.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - New batteries 10-22-100-5430 260.64 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Uniform supplies 10-22-100-5460 253.20 State Chemical Solutions 901051631 Cleaning Supplies for Pool 20-31-100-5440 252.07 Nicor Gas 98326687831-6/19 Gas Service for Golf 20-33-100-5340 250.30 Dewaal, Alexander HVAC Class Reimbursement for Training for Parks 10-21-100-5150 250.00 Village of Wilmette 53410 Phone Share & 911 Service for Admin 10-11-100-5310 249.86 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project/radio connectors 70-11-105-5810 246.16 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-308-5460 245.70 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-310-5460 245.70 Outstanding Graphics 7919 Yankee Doodle Dash Photos for Rec Program 20-40-104-5400 245.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434942 Electric Service for Admin 10-11-100-5330 242.06 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-309-5460 241.02 Nicor Gas 19084500008-6/19 Gas Service for Tennis & Ice 20-32-100-5340 240.47

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199070319 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-33-100-5340 239.88 Nicor Gas 98326687831-7/19 Gas Service for Golf 20-33-100-5340 239.83 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Monthly fee for online Enewsletter and Eblast tool 10-14-100-5255 239.06 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Beach House lost and found cart 20-43-100-5430 239.00 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036593 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 238.57 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036873 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 238.57 Nicor Gas 19084500008-7/19 Gas Service for Tennis & Ice 20-32-100-5340 237.16 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Scenic - SPAMALOT paint 20-41-816-5420 233.81 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Open House 10-11-100-5170 233.68 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528467651 Accessories for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 230.87 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Last day camp outing for camp 20-42-112-5272 229.13 Canon Financial Services Inc. 20287011 Copier Usage for Admin & CRC 10-11-100-5205 228.93 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2140 228.49 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005869305 Copier Usage for CRC 20-41-100-5205 228.18 Tail Activewear 889009 Apparel for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 227.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Erroneous Charge 10-11-100-1407 227.30 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC maintenance supplies 20-41-100-5420 226.99 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434877 Electric Service for Mallinckrodt Shop 10-22-100-5330 226.94 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Langdon Wireless 20-43-100-5350 223.68 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp field trip to Six Flags 20-42-112-5272 220.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Honeywell Captuvo SL22 Battery 70-11-100-5850 219.88 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 First Aid Service and Tyvek Suits 20-33-176-5470 219.39 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434880 Electric Service for Hibbard Park 10-22-100-5330 218.79 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13520 Staff Shirts for Various Areas 20-41-401-5400 217.00 Sam's Club Direct-2 9158 Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5410 216.28 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment - new frame for tent at bowl 20-41-816-5850 214.90 Loquercio, Jenna DV3 Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 213.00 PDRMA INV0036577 PDRMA Supl Life post-tax 10-11-100-2115 212.60 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Signage 10-22-100-5440 210.92 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC maintenance supplies 20-41-100-5420 209.72 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528210649 Racquets for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 209.53 SOS Technologies 164094 AED Batteries for WPD 40-11-100-5470 209.48 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199080519 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-33-100-5340 207.23 Bell Fuels Inc. 287480 Gasoline for Parks 20-43-100-5450 207.12 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for security for July 3rd 10-11-100-5170 206.80 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for softball league 20-41-716-5400 205.93 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2140 205.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Human resources textbooks 10-11-100-5150 203.16 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Scenic - SPAMALOT building materials 20-41-816-5420 203.05 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434949 Electric Service for Hibbard Park 10-22-100-5330 201.09 Frazier, Lindsey 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 200.00 Lams, Theresa 7/19 Musician for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5250 200.00 Lichtman-Sander, Lori 73119 Yoga Instructor for Early Childhood 20-41-308-5225 200.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Yankee Doodle Dash 20-40-100-5400 197.30 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-217-5460 196.56 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69838503 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 10-23-100-5205 195.31 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69838503 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-33-100-5205 195.31 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 10-22-100-5310 194.70 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036610 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 193.82 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036891 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 193.82 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Lakeview Wireless 20-43-100-5350 193.72 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC/Early childhood - Preschool door project 70-11-100-5850 189.24 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf Clubs for Resale 10-11-100-1601 189.11 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-403-5460 189.00 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-405-5460 189.00 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69883030 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-33-100-5205 188.32 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69883030 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 10-23-100-5205 188.30 Sam's Club Direct 3091 7/3 Supplies for Rec Program 20-40-104-5400 187.98 Great Lakes Turf 33447 Greens Fertility Program for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5445 185.84 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528408095 Racquets for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 185.44 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852730 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 183.59 Lipsey, Katie DV2A Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 183.37 Loquercio, Jenna DV2B Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 183.37 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 AED Training Pads 20-31-100-5150 180.18 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park Garage - Water bill 10-23-100-5320 180.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project/knox box 70-11-105-5810 177.44 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69859616 Copier Leases for Centennial & Golf 20-33-100-5205 176.00 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005851497 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-43-100-5205 172.71 Manno, Kimberly 4-7/19 Reimbursement for Mileage for Gen Rec 20-41-401-5220 172.70 Wilmette Harbor Association 6/19 Fuel for Sailing & Camps 20-43-147-5450 172.41 Trane Chicago 6478757 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-31-100-5205 171.75 Trane Chicago 6478757 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-32-100-5205 171.75 Trane Chicago 6478757 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-34-100-5205 171.75 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Art Supplies - Pirate Camp 20-32-162-5400 171.15 Lowe's 02539 Building Supplies for Parks 10-23-100-5510 170.84 Nicor Gas 62946360708-6/19 Gas Service for Platform Tennis 20-35-100-5340 170.13 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice Sports Industry Membership 20-34-100-5160 170.00 Quill 8722503 Towel Dispenser for West Park 10-21-100-5410 167.97 Bell Fuels Inc. 288683 Diesel Fuel for Gillson 20-43-100-5450 167.96 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 10-23-100-5310 167.91 Mobile Mini Inc. 9006629646 Storage Trailer for Beach 20-43-147-5280 167.48 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Apparel for Staff 20-33-176-5460 167.30

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IPRA job posting ICE 20-34-100-5255 165.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IRPA job posting ECC 20-41-301-5255 165.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IRPA job posting ECC 20-41-301-5255 165.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IRPA job posting ECC 20-41-301-5255 165.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IRPA job posting ECC 20-41-301-5255 165.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf TV 20-33-100-5350 164.78 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-303-5400 164.12 Quill 8523301 Office Supplies for Admin 10-12-100-5410 163.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Admin TV 10-11-100-5350 163.56 Petty Cash - Administration 7/19 Petty Cash Petty Cash for Admin 10-11-100-5170 160.17 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Deposit for Counselor in Training field trip 20-41-703-5272 159.30 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Diving board netting 20-31-100-5520 159.00 Sam's Club Direct-2 4941 7/3/19 Supplies for Rec Program 20-40-104-5400 157.20 Fastsigns-Morton Grove 29-71815 Business Cards for Admin 10-11-100-5410 157.08 Nicor Gas 04754500009-6/19 Gas Service for West Park 10-22-100-5340 154.51 The Sherwin-Williams Co 1620-3 Paint for Parks & CRC 20-41-100-5510 153.17 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Exmark parts 10-22-100-5520 152.23 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - 1041 Ridge Rd. - Water bill 10-22-100-5430 152.20 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119698 Camp Shirts for Sports 20-41-607-5460 150.50 Fox, William 847 Sail Repair for Sailing 20-43-142-5520 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Payment for Lifeguard Games 20-31-100-5170 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - Fire alarm radio lease 20-33-100-5225 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Paddle - Fire alarm radio lease 20-35-100-5225 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Spring flag football champions t-shirts 20-41-620-5460 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Fire alarm radio lease 20-43-100-5225 150.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC Internet 20-41-100-5350 149.85 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Monthly fee for stock images 10-14-100-5255 149.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Paddle Tennis TV 10-11-100-5350 147.91 Tebon's Gas Service 14326 Propane Gas for Gillson 20-43-100-5450 146.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - 1848 Forest - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 140.92 Quill 8793635 Office Supplies for Tennis 20-32-100-5410 140.59 Nicor Gas 85881400007-6/19 Gas Service for Lakeview 20-43-145-5340 140.09 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Plumbing hose bibs 20-31-100-5520 136.19 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Gloves 10-22-100-5440 135.21 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - Portables 20-33-100-5280 134.50 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-100-5310 132.63 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Jr Day Camp supplies 20-41-404-5400 132.56 Petty Cash - Administration 7/19 Petty Cash Petty Cash for Admin 10-11-100-5250 132.25 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528188779 Racquet for Resale to Tennis 10-11-100-1603 131.80 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Vitality Day Trip Series: Lunch at Marcellos 20-44-132-5272 130.70 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks set up day 20-40-104-5400 130.58 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Independence Day 20-40-104-5400 127.89 PDRMA INV0036858 PDRMA Supl Life post-tax 10-11-100-2115 127.76 State Chemical Solutions 90101238 Cleaning Supplies for Pool 20-31-100-5440 126.26 State Chemical Solutions 901098516 Cleaning Supplies for Pool 20-31-100-5440 126.26 Strand, Linda 2841535 Registration Refund 10-11-100-2190 125.00 PDRMA INV0036592 PDRMA Supl Life post-tax 10-11-100-2115 124.55 PDRMA INV0036872 PDRMA Supl Life post-tax 10-11-100-2115 124.55 Pilecki, Jason 1-6-2019 Reimbursement for Mileage for Sports 20-41-601-5220 124.41 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp Staff Lunch 20-32-100-5170 124.22 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69610837 Copier Leases for Various Areas 20-42-100-5205 123.49 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69822057 Copier Lease for Various Areas 20-43-100-5205 123.49 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69610837 Copier Leases for Various Areas 20-43-100-5205 123.48 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69610837 Copier Leases for Various Areas 20-44-100-5205 123.48 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69822057 Copier Lease for Various Areas 20-42-100-5205 123.48 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69822057 Copier Lease for Various Areas 20-44-100-5205 123.48 Halloran & Yauch, Inc. 15016 RPZ Testing for Parks 10-22-100-5530 122.95 Halloran & Yauch, Inc. 15017 RPZ Testing for Howard Park 10-22-100-5530 122.95 Halloran & Yauch, Inc. 15018 RPZ Testing for Parks 10-22-100-5530 122.95 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400199080519 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-41-100-5340 122.86 Babolat Vs North America Inc. 2648808 Racquet for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 122.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Staff shirts for Independence Day 20-40-104-5400 122.10 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-42-100-5310 121.94 Trane Chicago 6668502 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-32-100-5205 121.53 Trane Chicago 6668502 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-34-100-5205 121.53 Trane Chicago 6668502 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-31-100-5205 121.52 Innovative Attraction Mgmt Aquatic Risk Prevention LLC 1820 Certification Fees for Pool 20-31-100-5150 120.00 Interstate Billing Service, Inc. 638092 ACCT Truck Mirror for Parks 10-22-100-5520 120.00 Kelling, Bridgette 21785 Program Presenter for Older Adults 20-44-134-5225 120.00 Quill 8992954 Office Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5410 119.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp Staff Lunch 20-32-100-5170 119.74 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-32-100-5310 119.44 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13520 Staff Shirts for Various Areas 20-41-301-5400 119.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Annual Crain's Chicago Subscription 10-11-100-5480 119.00 Russo's Power Equipment 6143051 Trimmer Blades for Parks 10-22-100-5430 118.93 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 118.67 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC fitness hand sanitizer 20-42-100-5420 118.04 Alpha Prime Communications 116120 Radio Repair for Gillson 20-43-100-5520 117.90 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson Camp Out 1 Supplies 20-43-143-5400 116.44 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Open House 10-11-100-5170 115.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment spin lock 20-41-501-5430 115.00

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Zamboni Repair 20-34-100-5520 113.68 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119466 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-42-112-5460 113.40 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Birthday Party Supplies For Pool 20-31-100-5400 111.97 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69838503 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-32-100-5205 111.61 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Shackles 20-43-100-5430 110.90 PDRMA INV0036621 PT Insurance - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 109.38 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC TV Hospitality 20-41-100-5350 109.36 Sam's Club Direct 005062 Supplies for Performing Arts 20-41-816-5400 108.93 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Mallinckrodt Internet & TV 20-44-100-5350 108.91 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-41-310-5400 108.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 AIP Field Trip 20-41-217-5272 108.00 Lighthouse Park District 7/12/19 Lighthouse Field Trip for Arts 20-41-217-5272 108.00 The Sherwin-Williams Co 8245-4 Paint for Parks & Gillson 20-43-100-5520 107.97 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69883030 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-32-100-5205 107.61 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project bike racks 70-11-105-5810 105.60 R & R Specialties, Inc. 0068091-IN Zamboni Repair for Ice 20-34-100-5520 105.00 Tec 5872882-00 HVAC Repairs for Tennis 20-32-100-5205 104.25 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Rink lights 10-22-100-5510 104.03 Bischoff, Ryan 6/19 Reimbursement for Mileage for Admin 10-11-100-5170 103.88 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Scenic - SPAMALOT building materials 20-41-816-5420 103.52 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2145 101.92 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2145 101.92 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2145 101.92 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13520 Staff Shirts for Various Areas 20-41-701-5400 101.50 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-307-5400 101.44 Quill 8548366 Office Supplies for CRC 20-41-100-5410 101.29 Seaway Supply Co 146089 Hand Sanitizer for Fitness 20-42-100-5420 100.89 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528416006 Racquet for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 100.44 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - J. Ulrich office improvements 10-23-100-5510 100.14 Braun, Karen 5002350001 Reimbursement for Training for Fitness 20-42-100-5150 100.00 Hoffmeister, Amanda 539976 Reimbursement for Training for Fitness 20-42-100-5150 100.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Yankee Doodle Dash post boosting 10-14-100-5255 100.00 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13520 Staff Shirts for Various Areas 20-41-100-5460 99.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Marketing management software 10-14-100-5480 99.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Membership - Universal Tennis Rating 20-32-100-5160 99.00 Leventis, Pam 542836 Reimbursement for Training for Fitness 20-42-100-5150 99.00 Specht, Patricia V.H. 4/19 Reimbursement for Mileage for Gillson 20-43-100-5220 98.60 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refreshments for Board Meeting 10-11-100-5170 98.36 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 First aid 20-43-147-5400 98.17 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 10-11-100-5410 97.58 NCPERS Group Life Insurance INV0036608 IMRF Vol Life - Post Tax 10-11-100-2130 96.00 NCPERS Group Life Insurance INV0036889 IMRF Vol Life - Post Tax 10-11-100-2130 96.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC pest control 20-41-100-5200 95.00 Northshore Omega D Jastrembsky Pre-Placement Physical for Parks 10-22-100-5250 95.00 Northshore Omega T Hill Pre-Placement Physical for Parks 10-22-100-5250 95.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Counselor in Training Camp 20-41-703-5400 94.72 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project mini decks 70-11-105-5810 94.25 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Discovery camp field trip 20-41-310-5400 94.00 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2140 93.96 Alpha Prime Communications 116101 Radio Repair for Gillson 20-43-100-5520 93.00 Lipsey, Katie DV3A Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 91.68 Loquercio, Jenna DV3B Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 91.68 Schneider, Ava DV3C Diving Coach for Pool 20-31-159-5225 91.68 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refreshments and snacks: Counselor in Training 20-41-703-5400 91.61 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Wallace bowl - Bench repairs 20-41-816-5520 91.42 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Fraudulent charge 10-11-100-1407 90.95 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson Supplies 20-41-403-5400 90.93 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Full day preschool supplies 20-41-304-5400 90.70 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 90.51 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-40-104-5400 90.00 J.C. Sports & Tees Inc. 13520 Staff Shirts for Various Areas 20-44-100-5460 90.00 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-34-100-5310 89.56 Menoni & Mocogni, Inc. 1330160 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 89.25 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Drill for Sailing 20-43-142-5430 89.00 PDRMA INV0036691 PT Insurance - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 88.79 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - Electric repairs 20-33-100-5510 88.28 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-404-5310 87.50 Zeier, Dominic 7/4/19 Audio Engineer/Tech for 7/3/19 Festival Stage 20-41-816-5225 87.50 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-403-5460 87.40 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-217-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-308-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-309-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-310-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-402-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-404-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-405-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-607-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-702-5460 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-41-813-5400 87.36 Sunburst Sportswear Inc. 119477 Staff Uniforms for Various Areas 20-42-112-5460 87.36 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69849285 Copier Lease for Older Adults 20-44-100-5205 87.25 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Admin Internet/Wireless 10-11-100-5350 86.90

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf Internet 20-33-100-5350 86.90 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Broadway Bound cast party 20-41-813-5400 85.37 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for glass fusion 20-41-204-5400 83.96 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69759542 Copier Lease for Platform Tennis 20-35-100-5205 83.70 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69807495 Copier Lease for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5205 83.70 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-306-5272 82.30 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Program Supplies - Pirate Camp 20-32-162-5400 80.28 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Prof. Skaters Association Membership - Tassone 20-34-100-5160 80.00 Taflove, S 7/19 Mahjongg Lessons for Older Adults 20-44-134-5225 80.00 Jorson & Carlson Co Inc. 0588690 Knife Sharpening for Ice 20-34-100-5520 78.72 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Dance Camp 20-41-218-5400 78.62 Nicor Gas 04231626534-6-7/19 Gas Service for Mallinckrodt Shop 10-22-100-5340 78.45 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-31-100-5310 78.35 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-34-100-5410 77.97 Hilby, Sara July-19 Reimbursement for Mileage for Sports 20-41-701-5220 77.43 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 General Supplies - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 77.20 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-607-5310 77.13 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Wallace Bowl - Bench repair 20-41-816-5520 77.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office supplies 20-43-100-5410 76.25 Quill 8959318 Office Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5410 75.05 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Vitality Day Trip Series: Tai Chi Class 20-44-132-5272 75.00 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528459932 Racquet for Tennis 10-11-100-1603 75.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for glass fusion 20-41-204-5400 74.95 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Chlorination system repair 20-31-100-5510 74.67 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-402-5310 74.53 Menoni & Mocogni, Inc. 1327136 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 74.24 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-142-5400 74.21 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Uniform supplies 10-22-100-5460 74.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Paddle - Electric 20-35-100-5510 73.84 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-42-112-5400 72.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Scenic - SPAMALOT building materials 20-41-816-5420 70.53 Warehouse Direct Office 4280379-0 Office Supplies for Sports 20-41-607-5410 70.29 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Squeegees 10-23-100-5430 70.00 Seaway Supply Co 146284 Gym Wipes for Fitness 20-42-100-5420 70.00 Wage Works 7/19 Flex Spending Account 10-11-100-2140 70.00 Quill 8493709 Office Supplies for Admin 10-12-100-5410 69.98 Sam's Club Direct 6816 Supplies for Gymnastics 20-41-502-5470 69.90 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434879 Electric Service for Keay Park 10-22-100-5330 69.54 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Misc. fitness center office supplies 20-42-100-5410 69.50 Lowe's 02842 Building Supplies for Various Areas 20-40-104-5400 69.41 American Compressed Gases Inc. 95203788 CO2 for Pool 20-31-100-5440 69.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434948 Electric Service for Keay Park 10-22-100-5330 66.85 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-702-5310 66.83 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Battery Terminal Cleaner 20-33-176-5430 66.13 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69859616 Copier Leases for Centennial & Golf 20-32-100-5205 65.67 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69859616 Copier Leases for Centennial & Golf 20-34-100-5205 65.67 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69859616 Copier Leases for Centennial & Golf 20-31-100-5205 65.66 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 65.55 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Stand Up Paddleboard Replacement Fins 20-43-147-5400 64.75 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson Supplies 20-41-403-5400 64.19 Fastsigns-Morton Grove 29-71794 Business Cards & Door Sign for Gen Rec 20-41-401-5265 64.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Lakeview - Plumbing 20-43-145-5510 64.00 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-33-176-5310 63.97 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - Bar fan replacement 20-33-100-5520 63.93 Wilmette Harbor Association 5/19 Gasoline for Sailing 20-43-142-5450 63.19 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-34-100-5410 61.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sports camp equipment purchase 20-41-607-5430 61.92 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-306-5400 61.67 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Cleaning Supplies For Pool 20-31-100-5430 61.32 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Jr Day Camp supplies 20-41-404-5400 61.04 Arena Sports USA Inc. 1901116 Visors for Various Areas 20-34-100-5460 60.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Pest control 20-43-100-5200 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-217-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-218-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-308-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-309-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-310-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-403-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-404-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-405-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-607-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-702-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-703-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-41-813-5150 60.00 R H Sanders & Assoc. 5609 CPR & First Aid Training for Various Areas 20-42-112-5150 60.00 Strand, Linda 2855450 Registration Refund 10-11-100-2190 60.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks set up day 20-40-104-5400 59.25 Accurate Document Destruction 15660303 Document Shredding for Admin 10-11-100-5250 58.72 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Shredding for Admin 10-11-100-5410 58.72 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC - Building repairs 20-41-100-5510 58.68 Lowe's 10529 BBQ Grill & Building Supplies for Parks 10-23-100-5520 58.68 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project concession 70-11-105-5810 58.48

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 10-24-100-5310 57.59 Johnstone Supply 1082228 Tools for Parks 10-23-100-5430 57.50 Nicor Gas 80914500006-6/19 Gas Service for Ridge Park 20-40-100-5340 57.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - HVAC t-stats 20-33-100-5205 56.88 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-403-5310 56.13 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-703-5310 56.11 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 10-21-100-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-33-100-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-35-100-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-201-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-401-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-501-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-601-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-701-5310 55.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-44-100-5310 55.97 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tennis Internet 20-32-100-5350 55.93 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Cleaning Supplies For Pool 20-31-100-5430 55.92 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice Internet 20-34-100-5350 55.92 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69838503 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-35-100-5205 55.81 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 IAPD Digital Book - S. Holloway 10-11-100-5480 55.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Fire alarm radio lease 10-23-100-5225 55.00 Muzak LLC 54729019 Music for Ice & Pool 20-34-100-5225 55.00 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528476091 Accessory for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 55.00 Lowe's 02747 Building Supplies for Various Areas 70-11-100-5850 54.59 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005870088 Copier Usage for Admin 10-11-100-5205 54.58 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852780 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 54.25 Aquarius Sail Of WI 190712w Boat Parts for Sailing 20-43-142-5430 54.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - 1929 Elmwood - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 54.11 Konica Minolta Premier Finance 69883030 Copier Leases & Usage for Various Areas 20-35-100-5205 53.81 Johnstone Supply 1086600 HVAC Parts for CRC 20-41-100-5205 53.75 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office supplies 20-43-100-5410 53.61 Bluemack 6984 Name Badges for Gymnastics & Gen Rec 20-41-401-5265 53.13 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Food For Pool Staff 20-31-100-5170 52.95 Lowe's 2349 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 52.24 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-201-5220 51.33 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Discovery camp supplies 20-41-310-5400 51.22 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-310-5400 50.92 Bluemack 6961 Name Badges for Various Areas 20-42-100-5460 50.80 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852641 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 50.65 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-44-100-5400 50.39 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-34-100-5510 50.19 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Pest control 10-23-100-5225 50.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Pest control 20-31-100-5225 50.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tennis - Pest control 20-32-100-5225 50.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice - Pest control 20-34-100-5225 50.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC - Bus tolls 20-41-100-5220 50.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Yankee Doodle Dash Signage 20-40-100-5400 49.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Food/July 3rd 10-22-100-5470 49.94 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852636 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 49.88 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Fitness first aid supplies 20-42-100-5420 49.84 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project 70-11-105-5810 49.82 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Discovery camp supplies 20-41-310-5400 49.27 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-42-112-5310 49.26 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5350 49.12 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Scenic - SPAMALOT building materials 20-41-816-5420 49.03 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sailing - Racks project 70-11-100-5880 48.97 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-308-5310 48.78 Nicor Gas 50079678145-6/19 Gas Service for Gillson 20-43-144-5340 48.14 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-306-5170 47.97 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp training prize 20-41-100-5400 47.96 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-310-5310 47.83 Lowe's 02747 Building Supplies for Various Areas 20-41-816-5520 47.48 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-304-5400 47.45 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for Golf 20-33-100-5410 47.43 Nicor Gas 60981126232-6/19 Gas Service for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5340 46.95 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-428-5310 46.78 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Broadway Bound 20-41-813-5400 46.77 The Sherwin-Williams Co 1907-4 Paint for Parks & Gen Rec 10-23-100-5430 46.30 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Cash Drawer Mounting Brackets 70-11-100-5850 46.10 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Office Supplies 10-22-100-5470 46.04 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office supplies 20-41-701-5400 46.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 45.98 West Marine Pro 5687769 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 45.92 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for AIP 20-41-217-5400 45.84 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852683 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 45.76 Jorson & Carlson Co Inc. 0589333 Knife Sharpening for Ice 20-34-100-5520 45.61 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - M. Dumelle shop tools 10-23-100-5430 45.31 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp first aid supplies 20-42-112-5400 45.24 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson Supplies 20-41-403-5400 44.99 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852726 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 44.97 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005851497 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-42-100-5205 44.58 The Sherwin-Williams Co 1620-3 Paint for Parks & CRC 10-23-100-5510 44.58

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount The Sherwin-Williams Co 1907-4 Paint for Parks & Gen Rec 20-41-401-5400 44.58 Lowe's 23339 Building Supplies for Various Areas 10-23-100-5430 44.05 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-44-100-5400 43.72 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005852249 Copier Usage for Older Adults 20-44-100-5205 43.65 Village of Wilmette 582805 Evanston/Wilmette Golf Course Water Service 10-11-100-1407 43.27 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-31-100-5510 42.94 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tiny tots camp supplies 20-41-308-5400 42.89 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852660 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 42.74 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 70-11-105-5810 42.47 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Fitness Music 20-42-100-5350 42.17 ISI District 8 7/13/19 Competition Fee for Ice 20-34-199-5400 42.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson Supplies 20-41-403-5400 41.97 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-207-5520 41.67 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice - Grease gun 20-34-100-5430 41.19 Nicor Gas 60981126232-7/19 Gas Service for Golf Maint 20-33-176-5340 41.12 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005870525 Copier Usage for Platform Tennis & West Park 10-22-100-5205 41.08 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005839513 Copier Usage for Ice 20-34-100-5205 40.08 Evanston Glass & Mirror 46930 Doors for Early Childhood 20-41-100-5510 40.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Smarter Lessons 20-33-178-5400 40.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-44-100-5400 39.98 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-308-5400 39.29 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project 70-11-105-5810 39.15 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for L. Thomas 10-11-100-5410 37.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson Supplies 20-41-403-5400 37.78 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment - microphone pack sweat protectors 20-41-816-5850 37.53 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434883 Electric Service for Locust Park 10-22-100-5330 37.32 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Art Supplies - Pirate Camp 20-32-162-5400 36.99 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434952 Electric Service for Locust Park 10-22-100-5330 36.76 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849415 P.T.A.B, B, Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 36.75 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Rain Passes for Aquatics 20-31-100-5310 35.95 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC fitness hand sanitizer 20-42-100-5420 35.94 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 General Supplies - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 35.74 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 10-11-100-5410 35.69 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tiny Tot Camp Supplies 20-41-308-5400 35.52 Babolat Vs North America Inc. 2648573 Visors for Resale at Tennis 10-11-100-1603 34.69 Muzak LLC 54729019 Music for Ice & Pool 20-31-100-5225 34.55 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-142-5400 34.01 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 On Boarding Binders and Tabs 10-11-100-5410 33.93 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Lunch for directors on sports camp field trip 20-41-607-5470 33.50 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849112 P.T.A.B, B, Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 33.15 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Lakefront project 70-11-105-5810 33.10 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434878 Electric Service for Langdon 20-43-140-5330 32.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for Broadway Bound 20-41-813-5400 32.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Program Supplies - Pirate Camp 20-32-162-5400 32.94 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 10-22-100-5440 32.94 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Wilmette Life subscription 10-11-100-5480 32.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Tool repair 10-23-100-5430 32.32 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Fitness personal protective equipment 20-42-100-5420 32.29 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Jr Day Camp supplies 20-41-404-5400 32.02 NCPERS Group Life Insurance INV0036591 IMRF Vol Life - Post Tax 10-11-100-2130 32.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 31.70 Lowe's 02842 Building Supplies for Various Areas 10-23-100-5430 31.33 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G40021506289 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-35-100-5340 31.32 Cintas First Aid & Safety 8404222064 First Aid Supplies for Parks 10-22-100-5470 31.04 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-44-100-5410 30.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Exmark parts 10-22-100-5520 30.54 The Sherwin-Williams Co 1025-5 Lakefront Infrastructure Project 70-11-105-5810 30.51 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Apple Mobile Device Management 70-11-100-5850 30.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks set up day 20-40-104-5400 29.97 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434947 Electric Service for Langdon Park 20-43-140-5330 29.96 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 29.95 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G40021506289 Gas Service for Various Areas 10-22-100-5340 29.63 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 29.36 ComEd 3265049020-6/19 Electric Service for Thornwood Park 10-22-100-5330 29.27 ComEd 3265049020-7/19 Electric Service for Thornwood Park 10-22-100-5330 29.27 Lowe's 02842 Building Supplies for Various Areas 20-34-100-5205 28.13 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Jr Day Camp supplies 20-41-404-5400 27.89 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 July 3rd Supplies 20-41-426-5400 27.89 Pierce, Natalie 06-072019 Reimbursement for Mileage for Admin 10-11-100-5170 27.84 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Pool - Chlorine pump parts 20-31-100-5520 27.72 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-405-5400 27.64 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for security for July 3rd 10-11-100-5170 27.48 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 26.91 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp activity supplies 20-42-112-5400 26.63 Bluemack 6984 Name Badges for Gymnastics & Gen Rec 20-41-501-5410 26.57 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park - Food/July 3rd 10-22-100-5470 26.40 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Advertising 20-41-501-5260 26.27 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400215073119 Gas Service for Various Areas 10-22-100-5340 25.95 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-306-5310 25.86 Lowe's 02640 Truck Supplies for Parks 10-23-100-5520 25.48 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-100-5430 25.48 Bluemack 6961 Name Badges for Various Areas 20-33-100-5400 25.40

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Bluemack 6961 Name Badges for Various Areas 20-41-601-5470 25.40 The UPS Store 7/19 Stmt Shipping Charges for Sports & Marketing 20-41-701-5400 25.31 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400215073119 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-35-100-5340 25.26 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office supplies 20-43-100-5400 25.16 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Facebook Marketing 20-33-100-5255 25.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Facebook Advertising 20-33-100-5255 25.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Honeywell Captuvo SL22 Battery 70-11-100-5850 25.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 10-11-100-5410 24.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp activity supplies 20-42-112-5400 24.96 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 League Website Hosting 10-14-100-5215 24.95 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Best Costume 5k Award 20-40-104-5400 24.95 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp pictures 20-41-502-5400 24.72 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852593 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 24.37 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434882 Electric Service for Wheeler Park 10-22-100-5330 24.00 Vanguard Energy Services LLC E00000434951 Electric Service for Wheeler Park 10-22-100-5330 23.81 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Beach House fan 20-43-100-5430 23.69 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Fitness locker room supplies 20-42-100-5420 23.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for July 3rd ring toss 20-40-104-5400 22.96 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp activity supplies 20-42-112-5400 22.80 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice - HVAC repairs 20-34-100-5205 22.76 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-100-5400 22.75 Tebon's Gas Service 194471 Propane Gas for Gen Rec & Sports 20-41-403-5400 22.40 Tebon's Gas Service 194471 Propane Gas for Gen Rec & Sports 20-41-702-5400 22.40 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852722 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 22.23 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Mallinckrodt Xfinity 20-44-100-5350 22.14 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 10-23-100-5430 22.10 Menards - Skokie Store 34199 Building Repairs for Gillson 20-43-100-5510 21.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for AIP 20-41-217-5400 21.93 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson Camp Out 1 Supplies 20-43-143-5400 21.60 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Lakefront - Mercury outboard repair parts 20-43-142-5520 21.58 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-404-5400 21.58 PDRMA June 2019 PDRMA Health Insurance 20-35-100-5110 21.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Jr Day Camp supplies 20-41-404-5400 21.44 Cintas First Aid & Safety 8404184679 First Aid Supplies for Parks 10-22-100-5470 21.22 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson supplies 20-41-403-5400 21.20 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Key Copies 20-32-100-5400 21.17 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 10-22-100-5440 21.01 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G40021506289 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-43-145-5340 20.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 July 3rd Supplies 20-41-426-5400 20.94 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852670 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 20.65 PDRMA INV0036899 PT Insurance - Pre Tax 10-11-100-2115 20.59 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-44-100-5510 20.38 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Storage fees for camp field trip to Six Flags 20-42-112-5272 20.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Storage fees for camp field trip to Six Flags 20-42-112-5272 20.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Monthly access fee for certification material 20-42-100-5150 19.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gillson - Building repairs 20-43-100-5510 19.96 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Liquid Chalk Markers 10-14-100-5255 19.95 Warehouse Direct Office 4339909-0 Office Supplies for CRC 20-41-100-5410 19.92 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Swim Lesson Evaluation Stickers 20-31-100-5400 19.91 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 19.90 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Jr Day Camp supplies 20-41-404-5400 19.86 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp first aid supplies 20-42-112-5400 19.84 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 First aid 20-43-147-5400 19.56 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Camp first aid supplies 20-42-112-5400 19.54 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Props - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5420 19.10 Lowe's 23339 Building Supplies for Various Areas 20-31-100-5430 18.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Band Aids For Pool 20-31-100-5470 18.40 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-309-5400 17.97 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Golf - Answering service 20-33-100-5225 17.80 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC - Answering service 20-41-100-5225 17.80 Tec 5881760-00 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-31-100-5205 17.64 Tec 5881760-00 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-32-100-5205 17.63 Tec 5881760-00 HVAC Repairs for Centennial 20-34-100-5205 17.63 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849151 P.T.A.B, B, Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 17.50 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for AIP 20-41-217-5400 17.43 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Exmark mower parts 10-22-100-5520 17.40 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849183 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 17.15 Lowe's 10529 BBQ Grill & Building Supplies for Parks 10-23-100-5420 17.06 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for AIP 20-41-217-5400 16.89 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 16.47 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852678 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 16.45 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5410 16.32 NCPERS Group Life Insurance INV0036576 IMRF Vol Life - Post Tax 10-11-100-2130 16.00 NCPERS Group Life Insurance INV0036620 IMRF Vol Life - Post Tax 10-11-100-2130 16.00 NCPERS Group Life Insurance 3319082019 Life Insurance for Admin 10-11-100-2130 16.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 15.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Chicago Tribune Subscription 10-14-100-5480 15.96 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Great Gillson Supplies 20-41-403-5400 15.92 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance camp music 20-41-218-5400 15.48 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Replacement cables for job rocker 20-40-104-5400 15.32 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Parks - Ford key pod shells 10-22-100-5430 15.00 New York Life Insurance Co INV0036622 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 15.00

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Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount New York Life Insurance Co INV0036692 Wilmette Park District Employee Premiums 10-11-100-2131 15.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 10-11-100-5410 14.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 14.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Highcrest Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 14.83 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005851497 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-31-100-5205 14.77 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005851497 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-32-100-5205 14.77 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005851497 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-34-100-5205 14.77 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-34-100-5510 14.49 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-142-5510 14.01 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 10-11-100-5410 13.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Basset Training 20-40-104-5400 13.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Basset Certification 20-40-104-5400 13.99 The UPS Store 7/19 Stmt Shipping Charges for Sports & Marketing 10-14-100-5270 13.63 Petty Cash - CRC 6/19 Petty Cash for CRC 20-41-221-5400 13.58 The Sherwin-Williams Co 8245-4 Paint for Parks & Gillson 10-23-100-5430 13.29 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849404 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 13.13 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852586 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 13.12 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 10-11-100-5410 13.10 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Full day preschool supplies 20-41-304-5400 12.99 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852665 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 12.77 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for L. Thomas 10-11-100-5410 12.74 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Cleaning supplies for Center 20-44-100-5400 12.49 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005865840 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-41-301-5205 12.49 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5410 12.18 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Langdon Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 12.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Shipping for Shoe Return 20-33-100-5270 11.95 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Gauze Pads For Pool 20-31-100-5470 11.93 The Sherwin-Williams Co 8110-0 Van Supplies for Parks 10-23-100-5430 11.88 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 White board erasers 20-43-100-5400 11.76 Lowe's 02747 Building Supplies for Various Areas 20-40-104-5400 11.70 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-100-5430 11.70 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies 20-34-100-5410 11.53 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400215073119 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-43-145-5340 11.13 AAA Lock & Key 34907 Keys for West Park & Golf 10-23-100-5510 11.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tiny tots camp supplies 20-41-308-5400 10.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Office Supplies for Admin 10-11-100-5410 10.69 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Soap 20-43-100-5400 10.38 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-307-5310 10.35 Verizon Wireless 9833050653 Cell Phone Service for Various Areas 20-41-405-5310 10.23 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Monthly fee for online social media mgt tool 10-14-100-5255 9.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Equipment repair - Audio input plate replacement 20-41-816-5520 9.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 First Aid 20-43-147-5400 9.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Kayak Plugs 20-43-147-5400 9.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Full day preschool supplies 20-41-304-5400 9.84 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Costumes - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 9.78 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-41-100-5510 9.48 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 70-11-100-5850 9.37 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sailing - Building repairs 20-43-142-5510 8.88 Lowe's 23339 Building Supplies for Various Areas 20-32-100-5510 8.81 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852648 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.76 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 847344 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.75 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849122 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.75 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849367 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.75 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849130 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.63 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005865840 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-32-100-5205 8.56 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-41-816-5420 8.49 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Paint - Pirate Camp 20-32-162-5400 8.48 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Tennis TV 20-32-100-5350 8.41 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Ice TV 20-34-100-5350 8.40 Village of Wilmette 582807 Evanston/Wilmette Golf Course Water Service 10-11-100-1407 8.16 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849198 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.05 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849206 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 8.05 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Bio Hazard Bags 20-43-147-5400 7.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Thank you cards for Sponsors Yankee Doodle Dash) 20-40-104-5400 7.90 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Props - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5420 7.75 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Props - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5420 7.49 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance camp music 20-41-218-5400 6.84 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Maple Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 6.58 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC TV 20-41-100-5350 6.30 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G40021506289 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-40-100-5340 6.05 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Wilmette Beacon Subscription 10-14-100-5480 5.99 Millen T V Hardware 6/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-43-100-5400 5.94 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Howard Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 5.41 Village of Wilmette 582803 Evanston/Wilmette Golf Course Water Service 10-11-100-1407 5.41 Village of Wilmette 582804 Evanston/Wilmette Golf Course Water Service 10-11-100-1407 5.41 Village of Wilmette 582806 Evanston/Wilmette Golf Course Water Service 10-11-100-1407 5.41 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852772 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.90 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849167 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849240 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849245 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849256 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849338 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38

Page 16 of 17 105 Voucher Approval Report By Amount Presented to the Board on August 12, 2019

Vendor Name Payable Number Description (Item) Account Number Amount Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 847340 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849372 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849378 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852630 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 852750 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.38 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 549217 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.37 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849133 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.37 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 849396 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.37 Robbins Schwartz Nicholas 549224 P.T.A.B. Challenge Service 10-11-100-5245 4.36 AT&T Long Distance 858330652-7 7/19 Long Distance Service for Admin 10-11-100-5310 4.28 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 70-11-105-5810 4.24 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 70-11-105-5810 4.24 Millen T V Hardware 7/19 Stmt Hardware Supplies for Various Areas 20-32-100-5205 4.07 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Props - SPAMALOT 20-41-816-5400 4.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Beach house - Faucet repair 20-43-100-5510 3.99 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for AIP 20-41-217-5400 3.98 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Glenview & Wilmette - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 3.83 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 CRC - Water bill 20-41-100-5320 3.83 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Vattman Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 3.42 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Supplies for AIP 20-41-217-5400 2.98 AAA Lock & Key 34907 Keys for West Park & Golf 20-33-100-5510 2.75 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005865840 Copier Usage for Various Areas 20-33-176-5205 2.38 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Awards for Yankee Doodle Dash 20-40-100-5400 2.16 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 West Park TV 10-21-100-5350 2.10 Vanguard Energy Services LLC G400215073119 Gas Service for Various Areas 20-40-100-5340 1.85 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Thornwood Rink - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 1.33 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance camp music 20-41-218-5400 1.29 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Dance camp music 20-41-218-5400 1.29 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Thornwood Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 1.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Wheeler Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 1.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 827 17th Street - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 1.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Sailing Beach - Water bill 20-43-142-5320 1.08 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Postage - SPAMALOT score 20-41-816-5400 1.00 JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Bateman Park - Water bill 10-22-100-5320 0.67 Konica Minolta Business Solutions 9005870525 Copier Usage for Platform Tennis & West Park 20-35-100-5205 0.64 Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528476091a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (1.10) Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528459932a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (1.50) Babolat Vs North America Inc 2648808a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (2.27) Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528188779a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (2.36) Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528210649a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (3.84) Wilson Racquet Sports USA 4528467651a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (4.29) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund of State Sales Tax 20-41-703-5400 (6.70) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund Basset Training 20-40-104-5400 (8.99) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund of State Sales Tax 20-31-100-5150 (12.18) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund Basset Training 20-40-104-5400 (13.99) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund for Sports Camp field trip 20-41-607-5272 (16.00) Babolat Vs North America Inc 2648807a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (31.21) Tail Activewear 889009a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (45.50) Ill. Dept. of Revenue 6/19 Tax 6/19 Illinois Sales Tax 10-11-100-4900 (47.00) Village of Wilmette 582808 Credit for Water Service for Evanston/Wilmette GC 10-11-100-1407 (47.79) Ill. Dept. of Revenue 7/19 Sales Tax 7/19 Illinois Sales Tax 10-11-100-4900 (48.00) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund for unused supplies 20-41-502-5400 (49.59) K-Swiss Inc. 0095837536 Credit for Tennis 10-11-100-1603 (77.35) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund - Parks/Battery cores 10-22-100-5430 (90.00) Tail Activewear 887816a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (168.10) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund - Parks/cores 10-22-100-5430 (212.00) JPMorgan Chase Purchase Card INV0037133 Refund of Erroneous Charge 10-11-100-1407 (227.30) Tail Activewear 886954a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (280.50) West Marine Pro 5687769 & 5687767-R Base Station Cable for Lakefront Project 70-11-105-5810 (330.88) Tail Activewear 887674a Merchandise Discount for Tennis 20-32-120-5495 (398.70) Newell, Rebecca 131278-R Instructor for Older Adults 20-44-137-5225 (400.00)

Total $ 1,633,338.47

Page 17 of 17 106 DIRECTOR’S REPORT August 2019


The majority of Park District traditional summer camps ended on Friday, August 9th. As always, we offer extension camps and specialty one-week camps until the start of the school year. For more detailed information on the summer camp season, please see the Recreation and Facility Department reports attached to this report.


In the packet are several pages of communications regarding the proposed solution for storm water management at Community Playfields. Due to the sentiments being expressed in the community, the Board has decided to try to meet on a night when all seven Commissioners would be present, despite the busy travel schedules for most people in the month of August. After asking the Commissioners for their travel schedules, it was determined that the only night in August that all seven commissioners would be in town was August 19th. Therefore, the official vote on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Village will not take place on the 12th, but will happen at a special meeting on the 19th. On the 12th, public input will be taken during Recognition of Visitors, and the topic is an agenda item under Unfinished Business if the Board feels it has more to discuss, or has specific direction to staff to gather more information prior to making a decision on the 19th.

For the 19th, the questions already posed by the Commissioners will be answered, and a copy of the MOU will be included in the board packet as the Village and District legal counsels have been working on finalizing a draft of the document. I hope to have that early next week to share with the Board for your review.


Parks and Recreation Committee – Just prior to the meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners, the Parks and Recreation Committee will be meeting and discussing a request from Canal Shores regarding some landscape improvements they would like to make. Per the lease language with the MWRD, we would have to make the request on behalf of Canal Shores to make any changes to the property owned by MWRD, leased to us, and in turn, leased to Canal Shores. Staff has no concerns about plantings of this type or in this location.

Closed Session – The agenda includes a closed session to do the six-month review of the closed session minutes of the District as required by the Open Meetings Act. You received a packet with those minutes and a memo from staff with a recommendation on how to proceed. If the Board wishes to discuss the minutes, then a closed session

Page 1 of 2 107 Director’s Report August 2019 would be required. If the Board does not need a discussion, then a closed session is not needed, as any motions would be made in open session as required by the Open Meetings Act.

Attachments: 1. Canal Shores Landscape Plan 2. Parks and Planning Department Report 3. Recreation/Facilities Department Reports 4. General Administration Operations Report

Page 2 of 2 108 Memorandum

Date: August 9, 2019

To: Members of the Parks & Recreation Committee Commissioner Mike Murdock, Chair Commissioner Cecilia Clarke Commissioner Todd Shissler

From: Steve Wilson, Executive Director

Cc: Emily Guynn, Superintendent of Recreation Jerry Ulrich, Superintendent of Parks and Planning

Re: Canal Shores Landscape Request

Attached you will find the details of a request that Canal Shores would like made of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) to make some alterations to the property by way of some landscape work. Per the terms of the lease with the MWRD, the only entity that can request to make changes to the property would be the leaseholder with MWRD, which is the Wilmette Park District. Therefore, the Committee is being asked to review the request and make a motion to recommend, or not recommend, to the Board of Park Commissioners to direct staff to forward the Canal Shores landscape request to the MWRD.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



For: Canal Shores Golf Club – Evanston, IL Project: 2019 Native Landscape Restoration

Friday, May 03, 2019

Project Description: We propose to restore the native landscape located at Canal Shores Golf Club in Evanston, IL.

Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. proposes to perform the following tasks using properly trained and supervised personnel:

HERBICIDE APPLICATION & SITE PREPARATION: All existing areas shown on the landscape plan will be cleared of existing herbaceous vegetation and shrub/vine woody vegetation. Large trees will remain and care will be taken not to disturb the existing root systems of those trees. Any weedy herbaceous vegetation left after clearing will be sprayed with herbicide. The Owner/Agent will provide a copy of a “Plat of Survey” for definitive location of project boundaries on which the areas to be herbicided will be designated. We choose the herbicide with the least environmental impact for the task at hand. A licensed operator in accordance with state laws applies all herbicides. After clearing and herbicide application, all areas will be rototilled (as necessary) and graded to provide proper conditions for seeding and planting.

PLANTING: Area Labeled as Native Perennial Mix to Blend Landscape: The area along the sidewalk to south will be perennials with mulch for a more formal planting. The existing area along fence (west) will be mulched to provide a definitive edge between the plant bed and the new native area (additional plant material will be added to fill in areas as needed), but in this area will no existing shrubs will be removed. The area along the east side will be a mix of 1-gallon and plugs to transition into the Moisture tolerant mix.

Moisture Tolerant Mix: After site preparation this area will be seeded, covered with erosion control blanket and have plugs planted at 24” OC. This area had standing water at the time of our site visits, so the installation of plugs that can tolerate periods of inundation is critical. The seed in this area will germinate and grow in saturated soil conditions, filling in around the plugs. Due to the fluctuating water levels, Pizzo cannot warranty plugs that are flooded for extended periods of time. If flooding in this area remains a constant problem, a long-term drainage solution may be required.

Shade Tolerant Mix: After site preparation this area will be seeded, covered with erosion control blanket and have plugs planted at 24” OC. This area has a large shade tree that dominates the area. Pizzo will limit disturbance in this area, as we don’t want to damage the root system of the tree. In areas where we cannot properly prepare the area for seed installation, we will install shade tolerant plugs.

Turf Restoration: Any damage to existing turf will be restored with turf seed and erosion control blanket.

 Pizzo and Associates Ltd 2019 1 ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION PROPOSAL Last Updated 06-14-2018 PROJECT #115211-P-CSHW

110 COMPENSATION SUMMARY– Lump Sum: $13,690.00

TASK TASK SUBTOTAL Herbicide Application + Site Preparation $ 3,130.00 Planting $ 10,560.00 TOTAL $ 13,690.00

ACCEPTANCE – I/We represent and warrant that I/we have authority to enter into this Contract. We accept the aforementioned and further accept the PIZZO & ASSOCIATES, LTD. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS, attached and hereby made part of this contract. We do hereby authorize Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. to perform the work as stated.

______/ 5.3.2019 Authorized Representative / Date Joe Pizzo / Date Canal Shores Golf Club Pizzo & Associates, Ltd.

Please sign and return one copy of the proposal with your deposit to our office. Fax signatures shall be deemed binding; this agreement may be signed in counterparts so long as all parties to the agreement have signed a copy of the agreement.

If acting on behalf of the Owner: Printed Name: Title:

Billing Information: Name: Company Name: Street Address 1: Street Address 2: City, State, & Zip Code: Main Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: e-mail:

Billing Notes: ______


The terms of this proposal are valid for thirty (30) days from the date of this proposal.

 Pizzo and Associates Ltd 2019 2 ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION PROPOSAL Last Updated 06-14-2018 PROJECT #115211-P-CSHW


TERMS: Owner/Agent will notify potentially affected parties in proximity to the Design-Build/Installation: prescribed burn units. The Owner hereby agrees to indemnify Pizzo & Associates, Payment of 50% of contract total price as shown in the accompanying contract is Ltd. and its employees and agents and hold them harmless for all instance of due upon contract signing. The balance of the contract total price, plus any damage due to a prescribed fire. If the local authorities require their presence extras, is due upon completion. Any discrepancies must be brought to the and charge a fee to do so, those costs will be paid by the Owner in addition to the attention of Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. within 10 days of receipt of the invoice. contract price.

Design/Consultation/Stewardship/Prescribed Fire: Annual Monitoring: Invoices will be sent each month in which services are provided. Payment is due Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. reserves the right to perform an annual Meander Survey within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Any discrepancies must be brought to the at a cost of, but not exceeding a total of $400.00 per project site, per year. This attention of Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. within 10 days of receipt of the invoice. cost will be deducted from the annual Stewardship budget for each project site. Upon completion of the survey, Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. will provide to the Owner ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: All additions and deletions shall be agreed to in a year-end report that includes, but is not limited to the number of plant species writing by both parties. Additions will be billed on a time and materials basis and overall floristic quality. unless otherwise stated in writing. Time will be billed including travel, pick up/delivery, clean up/setup plus any directly related costs as specified in the Aquatic Weed Control: PIZZO & ASSOCIATES, LTD. STANDARD HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE. Due to the highly unpredictable nature of the weather, nutrient availability, and water levels; no control or eradication of any aquatic plant and/or algae species is PREPAYMENT DISCOUNT: All accounts paid in full upon contract signing will warranted. receive a one and one-half percent (1.5%) prepayment discount. Supplemental Watering: FINANCE CHARGES & RETURNED CHECKS: All unpaid balances will carry a two Due to the highly unpredictable nature of the weather, supplemental watering percent (2%) per month finance surcharge; maximum twenty four percent (24%) may be warranted to ensure and maintain proper plant establishment. In the per annum finance surcharge. All returned checks will result in an additional event that any installation of seed and/or plants have been directed by the $50.00 service charge. Owner to occur outside of normal seed/plant installation timeframes (Mar. 1 – June 30; Sept 15. – Oct. 31) and/or in the event that D1- Moderate Drought LIEN RIGHTS: In the event that the Owner/Client does not make timely payments conditions or higher exist according to the National Drought Mitigation Center at in accordance with credit terms outlined in the contract, Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu), U.S. may exercise such lien rights as permitted to any contractor by the state in which Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric the work is completed. Administration; Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. reserves the right to provide supplemental watering as necessary. GUARANTEES: Installed plantings shall immediately become the responsibility of the owner to maintain unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Prior to commencement of supplemental watering services, the Owner shall be notified. Should the Owner decline this service, all standard Pizzo & Associates, Owner Managed Sites: Ltd. warrantees for seeding and plant installations shall be voided. Native trees and shrubs are guaranteed to live for a period of one (1) year from the date of installation or will be replaced at no expense to the Owner. Time will be billed hourly, including travel, pick up/delivery, clean up/setup plus Replacement of the dead trees or shrubs is the Owner’s sole available remedy, any directly related costs as specified in the contract. Should hourly rates not be and Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. may substitute the dead plant or shrub with another specified, the PIZZO & ASSOCIATES, LTD. STANDARD HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE shall species in its sole discretion. This guarantee shall be invalid if the Owner has prevail. failed to use reasonable care (water, weeding, invasive species control, mowing, protection from damage, etc.) during said period. This warranty does not cover RIGHT OF SUBSTITUTION: The Owner agrees that Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. may, damage occurring due to the fault of the owner or a third party or due to acts of without the Owner’s consent, substitute hard materials, quantities and plant God, war or wildlife. Installed perennials, seed, annuals and transplanted species where deemed by Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. to be required due to planting material(s) carry no guarantee/warranty expressed or implied. conditions, nursery stock availability or to otherwise enhance the project without changing the nature or character of the project. Pizzo Managed Sites: Native trees and shrubs are guaranteed to live for a period of one (1) year from SUBCONTRACTING: Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. reserves the right to employ certain the date of installation or will be replaced at no expense to the Owner. subcontractors to perform all or part of the work hereunder. Replacement of the dead tree or shrub is the Owner’s sole available remedy, and Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. may substitute the dead tree or shrub with another CONDITIONS: The Owner shall provide Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. a current plat of species in its sole discretion. survey for delineation of the property lines. If the boundary markers are not visible, Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. will hire a surveyor, at the Owner’s expense +10%, Native seed installations are guaranteed to have at least three (3) native plants to visit the site to mark the boundary points. The Owner shall notify Pizzo & per square foot at the end of the fifth growing season. Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. Associates, Ltd. of all private utilities (piping, wiring, sprinkler system will re-seed those areas not in compliance at no expense to the Owner. Under no components, obstructions, etc.) prior to work beginning. Repairs to any circumstances shall this guaranty extend beyond five years from the date of unmarked sprinkler system, television or satellite cables, invisible dog fences or contract, nor shall it require more than one (1) replanting by Pizzo & Associates, other underground utilities shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner. If site Ltd. of any area. conditions are not as they appear above ground or there are buried obstructions or debris, changes to the plan and work will be billed according to the PIZZO & Installed native perennials are guaranteed to have an 80% survival rate after one ASSOCIATES, LTD. STANDARD HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE. Except on prescribed fire, (1) year. Required plants will be replaced at no expense to the Owner. the Owner will pay for fees and time to obtain all necessary licenses, permits or Replacement of the dead plants is the Owner’s sole available remedy, and Pizzo other permission or authority that may be required, whether federal, state, & Associates, Ltd. may substitute the dead plant with another species in its sole county, local or other entity. discretion. DESIGN PLANS AND PHOTOGRAPHS: The Owner expressly authorizes Pizzo & The Owner’s sole and exclusive remedy for seeds and plants covered under any Associates, Ltd. to make sketches or drawings and/or take photographs of the of the above guarantees will be the replacement of plant or re-planting of the subject property and any buildings located on the subject property and to use the seed on a one-time basis only. The above warranties do not cover damage resulting photographs, sketches or drawings for purposes of developing a design occurring due to the fault of the Owner or a third party or due to acts of God. and restoration plan and to publish the photographs and/or design and landscaping plan for marketing or educational purposes. The photographs, Failure to make payment within thirty (30) days of the final invoice issued upon design and restoration plan shall remain the exclusive property of Pizzo & job completion voids all guarantees expressed or implied. Associates, Ltd., together with any and all copyrights thereto.

Prescribed Fire: DEFAULT REMEDIES: In the event the Owner is in default of his/her/their No guarantee /warranty is expressed or implied as to the completeness, obligations hereunder, the Owner shall pay any and all expenses incurred by coverage, intensity or results of the prescribed fire. If the conditions are Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. to collect the amounts due, including but not limited to acceptable to Pizzo & Associates, Ltd., and the local fire jurisdiction gives court costs, reasonable attorney’s fees and accrued interest. The parties hereto permission to ignite the prescription fire, and Pizzo & Associates, Ltd. is forced to further agree that any lawsuit based upon this contract or related to the services shut down due to no fault of Pizzo & Associates, Ltd., the full balance will be due. rendered and/or materials supplied pursuant to this contract shall be filed Any return trip to complete the fire will be billed at the rate stated in the exclusively in the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court in Sycamore, Illinois, County of contract. Landscape plantings, mulch beds and above ground utilities in or in DeKalb. close proximity to the burn unit could sustain damage due to heat/flames and shall not be guaranteed. The Owner acknowledges that there will be smoke generated by the prescribed fire, and it will move off site during the burn. The

 Pizzo and Associates Ltd 2010 Last Updated 12-20-2012 Page 1 of 1 113


Date: August 6, 2019

To: Steve Wilson

From: Jerry Ulrich

Re: Parks and Planning Department Report

Langdon Park Langdon Park remains closed for beach access. Parks staff has made numerous repairs to beach and bluff barrier fences due to attempts to gain access. We are looking into an alternative type of temporary fencing that will keep the area better secured. The guard shack has been emptied and the winter covers have been put in place. Staff will continue to monitor bluff and beach erosion and make necessary adjustments to keep areas safe and secure.

Paddle Tennis Total Platform performed scheduled maintenance to the original four courts and spectator deck area. They were also power washed and new texture and paint was applied. New tennis nets were installed and two sections of screening were replaced. Repairs were made to numerous minor holes in screening and all screens were adjusted to maintain proper specified tension.

Centennial Pool Building Services performed maintenance and repairs in the filtration and mechanical room. A solenoid valve for the activity pool auto-fill and the chemical sample pump for the wading pool were replaced. Repairs to the plastic tubing that feeds chlorine to the pools were made. A minor leak on the suction side of the main filtration pump was discovered. Staff will monitor and repairs will be made at the end of the season.

Community Recreation Center During recent rain events, the north parking lot had been ponding water and draining very slowly. Building Services with the help of the village sewer department pumped down the water and inspected the basin. It was filled with sludge over the top of the outlet restrictor pipe. They cleaned the basin and inspected the pipe, and found an orange juice bottle wedged in the pipe. The bottle was removed and the line was tested and is now draining as designed.

Keay Park The pond at Keay had a leak that over the past couple years worsened. Staff looked at the possibility of an EPDM liner but the proper installation method was very expensive.

Page 1 of 2


Last week staff applied an eco-friendly pond sealant to the outer bank of the pond. They have been monitoring the pond levels and the leak has slowed down. The next step is to overfill the pond and apply another application to the pond edges and rock wall areas.

Lakefront Project With the exception of some staff suggestions on the operational side, the lakefront project is now complete. The warm temperatures and lack of rain has hindered the growth of the turf areas. The planting areas were designed to handle this type of environment. The barrier gate was installed at the sailing barn separating the sailing road from the parking lot when the sailing area is closed. Stop signs were installed at the exits of the beach lot and sailing road for automobile and pedestrian safety. The permanent directional and informative signage has also been installed. The lack of a barrier curb near the parking lot entry area has caused a few cars to drive through the sand area to gain access to the parking lot when gates are closed. Staff is working with the architect to come up with an aesthetically pleasing solution to provide a barrier to deter driving over the planted areas.

Parks Work • Mowing, weeding and watering of flowers is ongoing at all park locations. • Performed field maintenance at Howard Park and school baseball fields. • Removed field lines from turf grass at West Park and performed monthly turf maintenance. • Installed hardwood mulch to Langdon and Wheeler Park planting areas. • Ground repairs were made to dog beach, sink holes next to harbor wall were filled with large stones and wood shoring and backfilled with sand. • Repairs were made to drinking fountains at Maple Park, Community Playfield and Keay Nature Center. • Staff is trimming shrubs and bushes at all parks and facilities.

Building Services Work • Made repairs and painted two offices at the Community Recreation Center. • Staff electrician repaired and installed new bulbs in sport field light fixtures at Howard Park. • Made repairs to flagpole lights and one parking lot light at Centennial Park main entrance. • Installed new antenna for two-way radios on the beach light pole. • Constructed and installed new lifeguard chair at Gillson swimming beach. • Fixed leaking sky light in ice main lobby and made repairs to the drywall ceiling.

Page 2 of 2

115 Memorandum

Date: August 8, 2019 To: Steve Wilson, Executive Director From: Emily Guynn, Superintendent of Recreation Re: Recreation and Facilities August Board Report

Community Recreation Center - Carol Heafey, Recreation Program Manager • Traditional summer camp session ends August 9 • Extended summer camp sessions are held from August 12-23 with a variety of one-week options as well as Two Week Camp Extension and City Slickers • The first annual Park District Open House was held on Sunday, July 28. The event drew a lot of support from fulltime supervisors and managers throughout the District with a heavy fulltime presence at the event to promote programming and answer any questions. Staff is currently working on updates and improvements for a 2020 Open House. Upcoming Dates to Know: • August 4: Nine Worlds Ensemble at Mallinckrodt • August 7: Sarah Jayne Lane at Mallinckrodt • August 9: Good Clean Fun at the Wallace Bowl • August 10: Brass From the Past at the Wallace Bowl • August 16: Dancing Queens reschedule at the Wallace Bowl

Center for the Arts: Julie Nichols, Center for the Arts Supervisor • Sounds of Summer series attendance: o Sat, 7/6: The Millennials– 125 people o Sun, 7/7: Guitarra Azul– 125 people o Mon, 7/8: Rick Kelley– 86 people o Wed, 7/10: Jeanie B!– 60 people o Fri, 7/12: Bopology –125 people o Sun, 7/14: Melanie Devaney – 35 people o Sun, 7/21: Cowboy Choir– 70 people o Tue, 7/23: Serendipity-85 o Wed, 7/24: Miss Jamie from the Farm-110 • SPAMALOT, 5 of the 6 performance ran with a total estimated attendance of 1,525

Athletics: Sara Hilby, Sports Two Supervisor • As of July 30, Fall Soccer registration totaled 877 in comparison to 87 in 2018

Early Childhood: Olga Miklasz, Early Childhood Center of Wilmette Supervisor Preschool and Full-Day Preschool

116 • 2019-2020 school year planning is underway with a large focus on hiring new teachers

General Recreation, Kimberly Manno, General Recreation Supervisor • The new Recreation Activity Coordinator (RAC), Collin Jaffe, started on July 23rd. Collin was previously a Recreation Coordinator at the Westmont Park District. He is currently being on boarded through the Park District’s formal process. • Fall After School Club program registration will be August 27

Community Recreation Center 2019 2018 Quantity Revenue Quantity Revenue Dance Birthday Party 2 $470 1 $220 Art Birthday Party 1 $215 2 $575 Sports Party 1 $85 1 $85 Open Gym - $156 - $183 Facility Rental 17 $1,887 21 $10,171* * In 2018, a long term rental made a payment in July.

Community Recreation Center- Jeff Groves, Recreation Facilities Gen. Manager

Gymnastics: Michael Kharpak, Gymnastics Supervisor • Beat the Heat summer extension classes run from August 12-August 23 Gymnastics 2019 2018 Quantity Revenue Quantity Revenue Gymnastics Party 14 $3,150 17 $7,792

Mallinckrodt Center: Julie Mantice, Mallinckrodt Community Center Manager • On July 16, Mallinckrodt launched the Vitality Day Trip Series. Participants attended a Tai Chi class in Northbrook & lunch at Marcello’s. There was also a Labyrinth presentation, walk in Glencoe and lunch at Café Meg’s and The Baha’i Temple tour and lunch with docent Bridgett Kelling. Ten members participated in the series. • On July 18, 15 members enjoyed Music Man at the Goodman Theatre. Fifteen participated in the theatre day trip. • On July 25, a group of 15 Mallinckrodt members traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to tour the Pabst Mansion. Afterwards, they enjoyed lunch at Café Benelux. • On July 26, the Center offered the shingle vaccine at the facility. Forty-five members registered and Jewel/Osco pharmacists administered the shots.

Upcoming Events: • August 2: Home Instead is sponsoring a painting and refreshments event • August 16: Trip to Cahn Auditorium to see Hunchback of Notre Dame • August 22: Argentium Care will be presenting an active discussion regarding grieving, loss, and adjustment to the new normal • August 23: Tour Hamilton exhibit at Northerly Island in Chicago

117 Mallinckrodt Center 2019 2018 Quantity Revenue Quantity Revenue Meskill Members (as of 07/26) 541 $2,160 558 $838 Walking Club (as of 07/26) 195 $ 370 188 $ 257 Wellness Classes at the Center 11 $2,726 10 $1,858 Room Rentals 4 $2,400 6 $1,568

Center Fitness Club: Frankie Sinfuego, Center Fitness Club Manager • Annual CFC shutdown is scheduled for August 14-16. The shutdown allows staff to perform deep cleaning and reorganization of its equipment. New this year, all spin bikes and cardio pieces will go through a professional preventative maintenance check with repairs as needed. The service is being provided by Direct Fitness Solutions.

Fitness Programming • Yoga on the Beach continues into August with 40 participants to date

Center Fitness Club 2019 2018 Quantity Quantity Visits (7/1-7/31) 8,153 8,317 Total Members (as of 8/1) 1,514 1,591 Resident: Individual 351 370 Couple 271 293 Family 257 257 Student 19 26 Senior (65+) 176 179 Senior Couple (65+) 274 278 Non-Resident: Individual 33 47 Couple 32 22 Family 20 31 Student 2 3 Senior (65+) 41 45 Senior Couple (65+) 38 40 Personal Training Sessions Held 350 323 Group Exercise Attendance 1,907 1,763 Spin Attendance 364 356 Quantity Revenue Quantity Revenue Daily Pass 226 $2,685 130 $1,640 7-Day Trial Membership 38 - 45 - Group Ex Passes Sold (7/1-7/31) 56 $10,892 32 $4,050 Daily 10 $148 8 $104 5-Class 5 $331 10 $584 10-Class 15 $1,768 8 $932

118 20-Class 18 $4,505 2 $378 Unlimited 8 $4,140 4 $2,052

Centennial Ice Rinks and Family Aquatic Center - Sean Flynn, General Manager

Ice Rink: Sean Flynn, General Manager and Vickie Tassone, Skating Program Director

Upcoming Events: • August 17: Summer Skating Exhibition

Centennial Ice Rink 2019 2018 Quantity Revenue Quantity Revenue Public Skating Visits 488 $2,207 539 $2,540 Open Hockey 101 $1,015 154 $1,540 Freestyle & Drop In 78 $866 150 $1,714 Main Rink Rental 46 $17,514 58 $19,385 Studio Rink Rental 38 $5,490 24 $3,875 Ice Members (as of 08/01) 656 - 641 -

Aquatic Center: Joey Sanchez, Aquatics Manager • July 12, CFAC hosted Masters swim meet • CFAC staff completed in the IPRA Lifeguard Games, placed 3rd overall

Centennial Family Aquatic Center 2019 Pool Pool/Beach Resident Passes (as of 8/1) 1,543 6,469 Non-Resident Passes (as of 8/1) 1,420 260 Sizzling September Pass 181 - Public Swim Visits 51,241

Gillson Beach/Park and Lakeview Center – Holly Specht, Lakefront Manager

Gillson Beach/Park: • Independence Day celebrations are always busy days at Gillson beaches. Staff did an outstanding job managing the crowds and collaborating with fellow Park District employees throughout the July 3 event at Gillson Park. • July 13 was the 1st of 2 Family Camp-Outs. 23 families attended. There was perfect weather. Camp fires, marshmallows and a roving magician were enjoyed in the evening and breakfast was served the following morning. • The swimming beach was closed 5 ½ days and 5 full days in July. Rough surf, thunderstorms and high bacteria contributed to the closures.

119 • On July 20th a severe storm hit the beach in the late afternoon. Winds were out of the West at 5mph then switched to East and gusted to 43mph. Many private boaters needed assistance as well as our rentals on the water. All were brought to shore safely. The lakefront staff pulled together and did a tremendous job as a team. Our rental fleet underwent some minimal damage.

Lakeview Center 2019 Quantity Revenue Rental 0 -

Gillson Beach / Sailing 2019 Beach Beach/Pool Resident Passes (as of 8/1) 2,401 6,469 Non-Resident Passes (as of 8/1) 403 260

Quantity Revenue Daily Parking Revenue Total 1,273 $21,434

Parking Decal Revenue Residents 296 $8,246 Non-Residents 46 $7,605 Outdoor Shelter Rental 31 $30 Sailing Beach Guest Passes / Booklets 427 $3,836 Vessel Rentals 391 $20,069

Quantity Beach Visits 6,867 Sailing Beach Visits 2,503

Wilmette Raquet Sports - Jason Stanislaw, Tennis Manager • Summer camps coming to a close o Pirate Camp Session 4 ends August 9 o U10, Junior Excellence, and USTA Prep Camp end August 9 o One week session of Tennis & Beach Camp August 12-16 • Fall indoor season preparation o Season start up pro meeting scheduled August 19 . Review results of changes made in junior tennis last season . Introduce changes to adult tennis program • Team practice changes • Adult instructional blog • Approach to teaching adults • Paddle courts o Courts 1-4 and spectator decking have been resurfaced o Screens have been repaired and tightened

120 • Paddle league o 21 men’s teams in pace for Tuesday-Thursday nights . Working on catering plan now . Captains meeting scheduled for either August 8 or 15 o Sunday men’s league is in the works o Women’s team assortment looks the same as last season

Upcoming Events • August 8: Paddle Captain’s Meeting • August 12: Tennis Lottery Deadline • August 19: Tennis Season Start Up Pro Meeting • August 20-22: Tennis Adult Team Camps • August 24: Tennis Registration • August 25: Begin Tennis Fall Classes

Platform Tennis 2019 2018 Quantity Revenue Quantity Revenue Paddle Hut Rental 2 $375 0 0 Members (as of 8/1) 307 - 299 -

Wilmette Tennis Club 2019 2018 Quantity Quantity Total Members (as of 8/1) 593 611 Resident: Adult 259 237 Junior 42 47 Senior 90 86 Family 10 26 Non-Resident: Adult 103 121 Junior 10 8 Senior 76 84 Family 3 2

121 M E M O R A N D U M

Date: August 7, 2019 To: Steve Wilson From: Steve Holloway Re: General Administration Operations Report

Year-To-Date Financial Results Below are the operating revenue and expense results for the month of June 2019. Wilmette Park District Revenue and Expense Statement Fiscal Year 2019 As of June 30, 2019 Total Total District Year-To-Date YTD Variance Year Actual Actual Budget Actual to Budget Budget 2018 2019 2019 $ % 2019 Revenue

Property Taxes $4,407,750 $4,483,893 $4,627,697 ($143,804) -3.1% $8,388,996 Daily Fees 588,807 568,212 631,105 (62,893) -10.0% 1,591,836 Fee Revenue 7,331,665 7,568,348 7,340,158 228,190 3.1% 11,543,001 Membership Fees 1,579,275 1,534,044 1,627,331 (93,288) -5.7% 2,239,093 Rental Revenue 1,296,805 1,294,706 1,321,813 (27,107) -2.1% 2,165,762 Retail Sales 98,274 106,958 105,366 1,592 1.5% 242,946 Miscellaneous Revenue 369,449 297,207 195,935 101,272 51.7% 403,595

Total Revenue $15,672,026 $15,853,367 $15,849,406 $3,961 0.0% $26,575,229


Salaries & Wages $3,944,892 $3,920,384 $4,104,378 ($183,994) -4.5% $9,756,200 Employee Benefits 1,362,072 1,260,890 1,438,515 (177,624) -12.3% 3,135,961 Contract Services 1,844,710 1,866,465 2,007,348 (140,883) -7.0% 4,061,661 Utilities 388,120 394,565 421,627 (27,062) -6.4% 1,024,867 Supplies 644,491 596,945 717,742 (120,797) -16.8% 1,284,825 Repairs 96,301 97,008 147,979 (50,971) -34.4% 289,696 Operating Expenses $8,280,587 $8,136,259 $8,837,589 ($701,331) -7.9% $19,553,210

Operating Surplus (Deficit) $7,391,439 $7,717,109 $7,011,816 $705,292 10.1% $7,022,019

Non-Operating Revenue Bond Proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 N/A $0 Capital Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 Total Non-Operating Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Non-Operating Expenses Capital 937,550 5,320,385 7,466,528 (2,146,143) -28.7% 9,285,136 Debt Service 162,754 152,269 126,594 25,675 20.3% 2,894,188 Capital Transfer (0) 0 (0) 0 -100.0% 0 Overhead Transfer 0 0 (77) 77 -100.0% 0 Total Non-Operating Expenses $1,100,305 $5,472,654 $7,593,045 ($2,120,391) -27.9% $12,179,324

Net Non-Operating Surplus (Deficit) ($1,100,305) ($5,472,654) ($7,593,045) $2,120,391 -27.9% ($12,179,324)

Total Expenses $9,380,892 $13,608,913 $16,430,634 ($2,821,722) -17.2% $31,732,534

Net Surplus (Deficit) $6,291,134 $2,244,454 ($581,229) $2,825,683 ($5,157,305)


General Administration Operations Report Aug-19

Month End June 30, 2019 Financial Results – Narrative

As of June 30, 2019, combined revenue is even with the year-to-date budget. Revenue categories consisting of Property Taxes, Daily Fees, Membership Fees and Rental Revenue trended lower than anticipated. Daily Fees continue to lag below budget due to the unseasonably cool and rainy weather in the late spring of 2019. Property Tax collections were lower than anticipated for the first installment of 2019.

The revenue categories that consists of Fee Revenue and Miscellaneous Revenue produced a positive offset to the revenue categories that were lower than budgeted. Fee Revenue was higher than anticipated due primarily to higher than anticipated camp registration and completed payments made toward camp activities. Miscellaneous Revenue is higher than expected due to higher interest earnings on District investments.

Combined operating expenses are lower than budget by 8% across all categories.

The District is showing a surplus from Operations of $7.7 million and an overall surplus of $2.2 million.

The District 2019 revenue compared to 2018 is higher by 1%. Operational surplus compared to 2018 is higher by 4%.

The Lakefront Infrastructure/Beach House project expenditures totals 91% of total capital expenditures as of June 30. With the project complete, several invoices remain outstanding. The invoices will be paid in the next several months. As of June 30, capital spending is lower than the 2019 budget by 29%.

Customer Service, Information Technologies and Finance

In July, IT staff updated IPhones for Gillson and Aquatics to use during visit processing. Staff updated print drivers for the new copier/printers installed at various District locations. Staff also upgraded old CRC camera system DVR’s. Finally, staff provided an update to the RecTrac software system (The District’s customer management software).


WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, July 8, 2019 Village Hall Training Room

Attendees Present Commissioners/Committee: Chair, Mike Murdock, Cecilia Clarke, Todd Shissler Staff: Jerry Ulrich, Emily Guynn

Staff: Director Steve Wilson, Jeff Groves, Carol Heafey, Joey Sanchez, Jason Stanislaw, Bridget Sterba and Libby Baker

Attendees Absent None

I. Meeting Called to Order Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes A. Commissioner Clarke moved and Commissioner Shissler seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2019 Parks & Recreation Committee meeting.

Commissioner Clarke noted that “asked” should be added to Page 2; all voted yes, the motion carried.

B. Commissioner Clarke moved and Commissioner Shissler seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2019 Facilities Operations Committee; all voted yes, the motion carried.

III. Communications and Correspondence Commissioner Murdock commented on an email he received from Karen Glennemeier regarding solar panels on the CRC roof. Director Wilson noted that this topic had been previously considered and discussed, but was put aside when it was determined that no state grant money would be available. He added that grant money might become available with a new governor in office. Staff will be in touch with Karen Glennemeier.

IV. Recognition of Visitors The Attendance Sheet will become part of the permanent record.

Larry Mages, 216 Linden St., Director of Canal Shores Golf Course – thanked the Committee and the park district for supporting the course and for considering an amendment. He asked the Committee to consider amending the resolution so the Director has the ability to amend the lease agreement with Canal Shores, and would like to sell alcohol at golf events. In response to a question from Commissioner

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Murdock, Mr. Mages acknowledged that Evanston already adopted a resolution amending their lease with the MWRD.

Director Wilson explained the resolution and lease agreement, and responded to questions from the Committee. Commissioner Murdock stated he supports the course, but does not see the purpose or value of having alcohol. Commissioner Clarke expressed that alcohol restrictions are loosening and restricting it at Canal Shores feels stringent since it is the current practice at the Wilmette Golf Club. She added that there might be an opportunity for sales tax revenue. Commissioner Shissler said he supports the amendment.

Mr. Mages explained that the revenue collected from the sale of alcohol would significantly benefit the course.

Commissioner Clarke moved and Commissioner Shissler seconded a motion to recommend to the full Board approval of Resolution 2019-R-7 with the requested amendments: Call out golf outings and add language that directs same amendments to the Canal Shores lease without additional approval. Commissioners Clarke and Shissler voted yes; Commissioner Murdock voted no, the motion carried.

V. New Business A. MWRD Lease Language Amendment Request This topic was covered under “Recognition of Visitors”.

B. CRC Roof Replacement Superintendent Ulrich explained bids for the project came in high a few years ago, so now the project is divided into three years. He described the project and the work required. He explained that the District typically uses the public bidding process but has an opportunity to use a purchasing co-op that has been vetted by our attorney. Superintendent Ulrich added that using the purchasing co-op guarantees the pricing and assures the same roofing company over the three years. No action was required of the Committee and the information was provided because the process is a departure from our usual purchasing process.

C. Surplus Property Ordinance At the request of Commissioner Murdock, Director Wilson provided an explanation of the process for disposing of surplus property.

Commissioner Shissler moved and Commissioner Clarke seconded a motion to support approval of the surplus property ordinance.

D. Park Permits Superintendent Guynn explained that this request had been approved by the previous Parks & Recreation Committee, but is being re-submitted to request the addition of alcohol sales at the event. She noted that this is a new event and the first of this type of request. Commissioner Murdock expressed his concern with allowing alcohol without a policy.

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Director Wilson explained that the District does have a policy that prohibits alcohol unless a permit is issued by the Board.

Commissioner Clarke expressed concern that there be a designated area and monitoring underage drinkers.

Commissioner Murdock expressed his support of the event, but is not comfortable allowing alcohol at the CRC for the first time at a non-Park District event.

Commissioner Shissler expressed support as long as certain precautions are in place .

Commissioner Clarke suggested that this be brought to the full Board for discussin and approval.

Commissioner Clarke made a motion and Commissioner Shissler seconded a motion to bring this decision to the full Board. All voted yes, the motion carried.

It was noted that this item could not be voted on by the Board at tonight’s meeting, as it is not on the agenda.

Mr. Lapidus explained that the Village Board has already approved the request to serve alcohol and is waiting for the park district’s approval. He add that Village police staff has agreed to provide training to the event staff, and explained the process for checking identification and verifying age. Mr. Lapidus stressed that there will be a separate designated area for consuming alcohol.

Following Mr. Lapidus’ explanation, Commissioners Clarke and Shissler noted they felt more comfortable allowing for the sale of alcohol.

Commissioner Shissler moved and Commissioner Clarke seconded a motion to reconsider the original motion.

Commissioner Murdock stressed that this is a dramatic change to our current practice and noted he will mention this tonight during his report. He then called for a vote on the approval of the permit.

Commissioners Clarke and Shissler voted yes in favor of approving the permit request; Commissioner Murdock voted no, the motion carried.

VI. Managers’ Reports Jason Stanislaw (Manager) reported on the following topics:  All sessions of Pirate Tennis Camp are full. Some sessions have a wait list  Tennis staff are preparing for fall and looking at ways to strengthen the program; will be trying out Pickle Ball  Permanent Court reservations are steady  Wilmette has been granted 21 teams by the Paddle League Page 3 of 4 126 Parks & Recreation Committee Minutes July 8, 2019  Sunday league play will continue  Four original courts have been resurfaced

Carol Heafey (Manager) reported on the following topics:  July 3 event went smoothly. Staff will meet next week to recap the event.  257 kids have been enrolled in ASR. 12 remain on the waitlist but have been contacted and waiting to hear back from them.  Shelby Potter has resigned – her family has moved out of state. The position has been posted  Collin Jaffe has been hired as the new Recreation Activity Coordinator begins July 23

Jeff Groves (Manager) reported on the following topics:  July 3rd Yankee Doodle Dash was the first 5K  Event had new start/finish locations  313 people participated. 100 registered the day of the event. This was the highest weekday participation number.

Joey Sanchez (Manager) reported on the following topics:  ICE – Hosted ice sports industry conference championship in May  Mid-summer Classic is coming up this weekend  Skating exhibition will be held in August  Have seen a spike in open hockey  Swim and diving lessons began June 22  Hosted New Trier swim meet on June 26  Will host USA Master’s swim event this Friday

VII. Unfinished Business None

VIII. Adjournment There being no further business to conduct, the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

Minutes Approved on ______

______Committee Chair Department Head

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WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT Financial Planning & Policy Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, July 22, 2019 Village Hall Committee Meeting Room

Attendees Commissioners/Committee: Chair Gordon Anderson, Bryan Abbott and Julia Goebel Staff: Steve Holloway

Staff: Executive Director Steve Wilson

Attendees Absent None

I. Meeting Called to Order Meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes A. Commissioner Abbott moved and Commissioner Goebel seconded a motion to approve the June 17, 2019 meeting minutes. All voted yes; motion carried.

III. Communication and Correspondence None

IV. Recognition of Visitors Attendance Sheet will become part of the permanent record.

V. Unfinished Business None

VI. New Business A. Uniform Increases Director Wilson and Superintendent Holloway spoke to the Committee regarding the 2020 budget process. The first step is to have the Financial Planning and Policy Committee set the uniform increases (Fees and Salaries) that will be provided to staff.

After discussing various scenarios, which included data from external government and private agencies, staff was directed to provide information for the August meeting. The information will include data regarding savings with specific costs categories (Healthcare). The information will assist in the decision making process with the uniform increases for 2020.

At this time, no action was taken.

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VII. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Financial Planning & Policy Committee is scheduled for August 19, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

VIII. Adjournment There being no further business to conduct, the Financial Planning & Policy Committee meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Minutes Approved by Committee on ______.

______Committee Chair Department Head

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