Economic Research

Disposable Income in Swiss Municipalities Factsheet |

RDI indicator (Regional Disposable Income) Facts & Figures Canton LU District Hochdorf Population (2015) 416 Population growth 18.9% (2005-2015) Employment (2014) 128

Disposable Income RDI indicator

low high

Costs Mandatory charges

Fixed costs

Childcare (incl. tax impact)

low high

Disposable Income by Type of Reference Household and Commuter Route

Married couple Family Family Household type Single person (no children) (2 children) (2 children, Retired couple incl. childcare)

In employment 1 person 2 persons 1 person 2 persons Retired Income 75'000 250'000 150'000 120'000 80'000 Assets 50'000 600'000 300'000 250'000 300'000 Rented apartment, High-quality single Medium-quality Medium-quality Rented apartment, Living situation 60m2 family house single family house condominium 100m2

Commute to Zürich CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF Car 28'900 94'800 75'900 46'300 − Public transport 33'900 108'100 81'300 51'600 −

Luzern CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF Car 29'900 96'600 77'000 47'000 − Public transport 34'800 109'400 82'200 52'100 −

No commuting 36'200 111'300 83'500 53'600 36'600

Credit Suisse Economic Research | December 2016 page 1 Factsheet | Altwis

Disposable Income, Comparison of Municipalities (Reference Households incl. Commuting)

Family RDI Married couple Family Single person (2 children, Retired couple indicator (no children) (2 children) incl. childcare) Altwis 1.50 32'400 103'000 79'600 49'600 36'600 1.13 31'800 97'500 75'100 47'600 33'300 Aesch (LU) 1.55 32'900 103'800 78'500 48'400 36'500 Ermensee 1.46 32'700 104'300 78'900 48'700 35'700 am See 1.08 33'100 105'200 78'000 49'100 35'000 Schongau 1.92 33'800 108'000 80'800 52'000 38'300 1.50 33'900 106'400 79'100 52'200 38'300 1.41 34'700 105'500 77'300 46'500 37'000 Hochdorf 1.13 33'100 100'800 76'400 49'600 34'300 Sarmenstorf 1.53 33'400 110'600 80'900 51'900 35'900 Beromünster 1.39 33'100 105'100 78'800 50'400 35'000 Geltwil 1.91 34'800 112'000 81'500 56'100 39'000 Bettwil 1.45 33'600 106'300 78'900 51'000 37'700 1.27 33'400 107'000 79'200 53'800 36'600 1.12 34'000 105'000 77'900 49'600 35'800 Reinach (AG) 1.22 33'500 106'000 78'700 54'600 36'400 Leimbach (AG) 1.06 33'500 107'300 79'400 51'700 35'500 Römerswil 1.33 33'600 105'000 79'000 49'100 36'100 Burg (AG) 0.97 32'900 105'500 78'700 52'300 36'600 Boniswil 1.18 34'200 106'200 78'700 50'300 36'900 Buttwil 1.53 33'500 105'600 77'900 50'500 37'900 Uezwil 1.52 33'600 108'300 80'000 51'000 36'900 Beinwil (Freiamt) 1.36 33'600 103'100 77'200 51'900 36'600 Büttikon 1.68 33'600 112'700 82'300 54'000 36'100 1.39 34'600 105'800 78'300 48'400 35'300 1.05 32'500 98'600 76'000 47'300 33'300 1.13 34'500 105'900 78'700 51'600 37'600 Villmergen 1.06 32'800 102'100 75'500 46'000 33'900 Seengen 1.27 34'500 107'300 78'200 50'200 36'100 Luzern -0.07 32'300 90'300 67'300 39'600 26'600 Zürich -1.87 30'600 48'100 38'900 34'900 20'700

RDI indicator: standardized figure of the disposable income for a wide range of households (0 = Swiss average) + Income (employment, assets, occupational pensions, transfer payments) − Mandatory charges (income and wealth taxes, social security contributions, pension contributions, health insurance premiums) − Fixed costs (living costs, ancillary expenses, electricity costs) − Commuting costs, partly tax-deductible − Childcare (nursery costs), partly tax-deductible

Contact Further Information Credit Suisse Economic Research Study «Housing, Commuting, Childcare: Where's the Least Expensive Place to Live» (2016) Swiss Regional Research [email protected] Tel. +41 44 334 74 19 Details of sources are contained in the above-mentioned study.

Credit Suisse Economic Research | December 2016 page 2

Sensitivities Sensitivity analysis is understood as the change in the market value (e.g. price) of a financial instrument for a given change in a risk factor and/or model assumption. Specifically, the market value of any financial instrument Risk warning may be affected by changes in economic, financial and political factors Every investment involves risk, especially with regard to fluctuations in (including, but not limited to, spot and forward interest and exchange rates), value and return. If an investment is denominated in a currency other than time to maturity, market conditions and volatility, and the credit quality of your base currency, changes in the rate of exchange may have an adverse any issuer or reference issuer. effect on value, price or income. Financial market risks For a discussion of the risks of investing in the securities mentioned in this Historical returns and financial market scenarios are no guarantee of future report, please refer to the following Internet link: performance. The price and value of investments mentioned and any in- come that might accrue could fall or rise or fluctuate. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. If an investment is denominated in a This report may include information on investments that involve special currency other than your base currency, changes in the rate of exchange risks. You should seek the advice of your independent financial advisor may have an adverse effect on value, price or income. You should consult prior to taking any investment decisions based on this report or for any with such advisor(s) as you consider necessary to assist you in making necessary explanation of its contents. Further information is also available these determinations. in the information brochure “Special Risks in Securities Trading” available from the Swiss Bankers Association. Investments may have no public market or only a restricted secondary market. Where a secondary market exists, it is not possible to predict the The price, value of and income from any of the securities or financial price at which investments will trade in the market or whether such market instruments mentioned in this report can fall as well as rise. The value of will be liquid or illiquid. securities and financial instruments is affected by changes in spot or forward interest and exchange rates, economic indicators, the financial Emerging markets standing of any issuer or reference issuer, etc., that may have a positive or Where this report relates to emerging markets, you should be aware that adverse effect on the income from or price of such securities or financial there are uncertainties and risks associated with investments and transac- instruments. By purchasing securities or financial instruments, you may tions in various types of investments of, or related or linked to, issuers and incur a loss or a loss in excess of the principal as a result of fluctuations in obligors incorporated, based or principally engaged in business in emerging market prices or other financial indices, etc. Investors in securities such as markets countries. 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It is your respon- principal-to-principal basis, including over-the-counter derivative transac- sibility to manage the risks which arise as a result of investing in emerging tions, will be quoted as a purchase/bid price or sell/offer price, in which markets investments and the allocation of assets in your portfolio. You case a difference or spread may exist. Charges in relation to transactions should seek advice from your own advisers with regard to the various risks will be agreed upon prior to transactions, in line with relevant laws and and factors to be considered when investing in an emerging markets in- regulations. Please read the pre-contract documentation, etc., carefully for vestment. an explanation of risks and commissions, etc., of the relevant securities or financial instruments prior to purchase Alternative investments Hedge funds are not subject to the numerous investor protection regula- Structured securities are complex instruments, typically involve a high tions that apply to regulated authorized collective investments and hedge degree of risk and are intended for sale only to sophisticated investors who fund managers are largely unregulated. Hedge funds are not limited to any are capable of understanding and assuming the risks involved. The market particular investment discipline or trading strategy, and seek to profit in all value of any structured security may be affected by changes in economic, kinds of markets by using leverage, derivatives, and complex speculative financial and political factors (including, but not limited to, spot and forward investment strategies that may increase the risk of investment loss. interest and exchange rates), time to maturity, market conditions and volatility, and the credit quality of any issuer or reference issuer. Any Commodity transactions carry a high degree of risk and may not be suitable investor interested in purchasing a structured product should conduct their for many private investors. The extent of loss due to market movements own investigation and analysis of the product and consult with their own can be substantial or even result in a total loss. professional advisers as to the risks involved in making such a purchase. Investors in real estate are exposed to liquidity, foreign currency and other Some investments discussed in this report have a high level of volatility. risks, including cyclical risk, rental and local market risk as well as environ- High volatility investments may experience sudden and large falls in their mental risk, and changes to the legal situation. value causing losses when that investment is realized. Those losses may equal your original investment. Indeed, in the case of some investments Interest rate and credit risks the potential losses may exceed the amount of initial investment, in such The retention of value of a bond is dependent on the creditworthiness of circumstances you may be required to pay more money to support those the Issuer and/or Guarantor (as applicable), which may change over the losses. Income yields from investments may fluctuate and, in conse- term of the bond. In the event of default by the Issuer and/or Guarantor of quence, initial capital paid to make the investment may be used as part of the bond, the bond or any income derived from it is not guaranteed and you that income yield. Some investments may not be readily realizable and it may get back none of, or less than, what was originally invested. may be difficult to sell or realize those investments, similarly it may prove difficult for you to obtain reliable information about the value, or risks, to which such an investment is exposed. Please contact your Relationship Manager if you have any questions.

Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Per- formance can be affected by commissions, fees or other charges as well as exchange rate fluctuations.

Credit Suisse Economic Research | December 2016

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Credit Suisse Economic Research | December 2016