Reckless Tanks Tank Files

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Reckless Tanks Tank Files Reckless Tanks Tank Files American export CTLS-4TAC (Light Tank T14) Crew Weight Armour Speed Armament Notes American M1 Combat Car · Crew 4 · Weight 8.5 tons · Armour 16mm · Speed 72 kmph · Armament 1x .50 cal 1x 30 cal in turret · Notes American M22 locust · Crew 3 · Weight 7.4 tonnes · Armour 9.5-12.5 mm · Speed 40kmph · Armament 1 × 37 mm Gun M6 · Secondary armament coax1 × .30-06 Browning M1919A4 machine gun · Notes built for the British Airborne Belgian T15 · Crew 2 (commander/gunner & driver) · Weight 3.8 tons · Armour 7mm-9mm · Speed 64 kmh · Armament 13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine gun Secondary armament M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle · Notes British Vickers 6-Ton · Crew 3 · Weight 7.3 · Armour 25-19(rear) mm · Speed 35kph · Armament 47 mm gun (Type B only) 50 rounds · Secondary armament 1 or 2 machine guns · Notes Type A with two turrets, each mounting a Vickers machine gun. British Light Tank Mk VI Crew Weight Armour Speed Armament Notes British Light Tank Mk VII Tetrarch · Crew 3 · Weight 7.6 tons · Armour 14mm · Speed 64kmph 45kmph offroad · Armament QF 2 pounder (40 mm) · Secondary armament 7.92 mm Besa machine gun · Notes lend/lease to soviets British Light Tank Mk VIII · Crew 2 (commander, driver) · Weight 2.6 tons · Armour 4-10mm · Speed 40-46 kph · Armament 7.92 mm km wz.25 (Hotchkiss) machine gun 2000 rounds · Notes TKS with Nkm wz.38 FK - 20 mm gun - about 24 TKS fitted with 20 mm gun in 1939. TKD - light self propelled gun with 47 mm gun, four made. TKS-D - light tank destroyer with 37 mm Bofors anti-tank gun, two madeTK-3 with 20 mm gun - only one prototype with a modified hull was completed. TK-3 with 20 mm gun - only one prototype with a modified hull was completed. French AMR 35 · Crew 2 · Weight 6.5 tons · Armour 13mm · Speed 55 km/h · Armament 7.5 mm Reibel machine gun or 13.2 mm Hotchkiss machine gun · Notes upgunned variants see wiki French Renault FT · Crew 2 · Weight 6.5 tonnes · Armour 8 to 22 mm · Speed 8 kph · Armament 37mm M1916 in turret 233 rounds · Notes actually a Six Ton Tank Model M1917 purchaced by Canada as surplus from US for training Many variants see wiki German Panzer 38(t) Crew Weight Armour Speed Armament Notes German Panzer II Crew Weight Armour Speed Armament Notes Hungarian 38m Toldi II · Crew 3 · Weight 8.3 tons · Armour 35mm · Speed 47 kph · Armament 20 mm gun (Toldi I and Toldi II) or 40 mm gun (Toldi IIa and Toldi III) · Secondary armament 8 mm machine gun · Notes Italian Fiat L6/40 · Crew 2 (commander/gunner and driver) · Weight 6.8 tons · Armour 6-40mm · Speed 42kph · Armament 20 mm Breda 35 with 296 rounds · Secondary armament 8 mm Breda 38 machine gun with 1,560 rounds · Notes Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go · Crew 3 (commander/main gunner, driver, machine gunner) · Weight 7.4 tons · Armour · Speed 45kph · Armament Type 98 37 mm gun Secondary armament 2 × 7.7 mm Type 97 machine gun · Notes 1 mg mounted on rear of turrent 5 o'clock position Numerous varients see wiki Polish TKS Crew Weight Armour Speed Armament Notes Polish 7TP · Crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver) · Weight 9.9 tons · Armour 17mm · Speed 37 kph · Armament 1×37 mm Bofors wz. 37 Secondary armament 1×7.92 mm Ckm wz.30 · Notes twin turret version armed with 2 Ckm wz.30 machine guns Romanian Mareșal tank destroyer · Crew 2 · Weight 10 tons · Armour 10-20mm · Speed 25-45 kph · Armament 75mm DT-UDR gun · Secondary Armament 7.92mm ZB-53 mg · Notes Romanian T-60 TACAM · Crew 3 · Weight 9 tonnes · Armour 15–35mm · Speed 40kmph-20kmph offroad · Armament 1 x 76.2 mm M-1936 F-22 · Secondary armament 1 x 7.92 mm ZB-53 machine gun · Notes Open top vehicle with 3 sided crew compartment, open to top and rear *NOT LEGAL WITHOUT MODIFICATION Russian T-60 · Crew 2 · Weight 5.8 · Armour 7-20mm · Speed 44kmph · Armament 20 mm TNSh cannon and 7.62 mm coax DT machine gun · Notes Russian T-70 · Crew 2 · Weight 9.2 tons · Armour 10-60mm · Speed 45 kph · Armament 45 mm gun Model 38 (94 rds.) · Secondary armament 7.62 mm DT coaxial machine gun · Notes Russian T-26 · Crew 3 · Weight 9.6 tonnes · Armour front & turret 15-20mm, side 15mm · Speed 31kmph-16kmph offroad · Armament 45 mm 20K mod. 1932–34 tank gun (122 rds.) · Secondary armament 7.62 mm DT tank machine gun coax, rear ball, and AA mounts · Notes 1938 version has 20mm sloped armour on turret underbox Swedish Luftvärnskanonvagn L-62 Anti II · Crew 5 (commander, driver, gunner, 2 loaders) · Weight 9.5 ton · Armor 6–20 mm (0.24–0.79 in) · Speed 40 km/h (25 mph) · Armament 40 mm Bofors L/50 anti-aircraft gun in turret · Notes Swedish Stridsvagn L-60 · Crew 3 · Weight 6.8 tons · Armour 5-15 · Speed 48 kph · Armament Madsen 20mm Cannon Secondary armament 0.303 Madsen machine gun · Notes also 2 served in Ireland Boys AT rifle.
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