Alecto Minerals Plc Competent Person's Report
ALECTO MINERALS PLC COMPETENT PERSON’S REPORT ON THE MINERAL ASSETS HELD BY ALECTO IN AFRICA August 2017 Wardell Armstrong International Baldhu House, Wheal Jane Earth Science Park, Baldhu, Truro, Cornwall, TR3 6EH, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)1872 560738 Fax: +44 (0)1872 561079 DATE ISSUED: 10 August 2017 JOB NUMBER: ZT61-1601 VERSION: V6.0 REPORT NUMBER: MM1131 STATUS: Final ALECTO MINERALS PLC COMPETENT PERSON’S REPORT ON THE MINERAL ASSETS HELD BY ALECTO IN AFRICA AUGUST 2017 PREPARED BY: Phil Newall Managing Director, Mining Geologist-Competent Person Nick Szebor Principal Resource Geologist Mark Mounde Technical Director, Mining Engineer Philip King Technical Director, Mineral Processing Engineer Alison Allen Associate Director, Environmental Specialist Mark Kenwright Associate Director Geologist Veronika Luneva Senior Financial Analyst APPROVED BY: Phil Newall Managing Director This report has been prepared by Wardell Armstrong International with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, within the terms of the Contract with the Client. The report is confidential to the Client and Wardell Armstrong International accepts no responsibility of whatever nature to third parties to whom this report may be made known. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of Wardell Armstrong International. ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITIES Wardell Armstrong is the trading name of Wardell Armstrong International Ltd, Registered in England No. 3813172. LAND AND PROPERTY MINING AND MINERAL PROCESSING Registered office: Sir Henry Doulton House, Forge Lane, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5BD, United Kingdom MINERAL ESTATES UK Offices: Stoke-on-Trent, Cardiff, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Greater Manchester, London, Newcastle upon Tyne, Sheffield, Taunton, Truro, West Bromwich.
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