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ASTROMODEL S.A.S ASTROMODEL S.a.s Via Del Campasso 16 - 16151 GENOVA - ITALY Tel +39 010 24.64.555 - Fax +39 010 25.64.77 - e-mail: [email protected] LISTINO PREZZI suggerito AL PUBBLICO IN € RETAIL suggested PRICE LIST IN € AGOSTO-AUGUST 2018 updated to 02-08-2018 CATALOGHI - CATALOGUES PRICE AFV and Hobbyfan 2016 Catalogue Hobby Boss 2018 catalogue *3,50 TAURO MODEL Catalogue Lifecolor catalogue *0,50 ADAM WILDER ART-ITEM GUIDE IN DVD PRICE DVD GUIDE HDF01D5P-IT Dealing with photoetch 16,50 Dealing with photoetch HDF01D5P-EN Dealing with photoetch 16,50 Dealing with photoetch HDF01D5P-DE Dealing with photoetch 16,50 Dealing with photoetch HDF01D5P-fr.sp Dealing with photoetch 16,50 Dealing with photoetch ATTREZZI TOOLS AWAPT01 Takk masticone 2,80 Takk AWTS01 Tamponi per carteggiare 3,90 Sanders AWTS02 Tamponi per carteggiare 2,50 Sanders AWTT01 Presselle 13,60 Tweezers AWTT02 Presselle 13,60 Tweezers AWTT03 Presselle 13,60 Tweezers AWTT04 Presselle 13,60 Tweezers AWTT05 Presselle 13,60 Tweezers TRASFERIBILI A SECCO DRY TRANSFERS (DECALS) AWDT01 WWII Croci tedesche per veicoli. Variant 1. 15,00 WWII German crosses for vehicles. Variant 1. AWDT02 WWII Numeri tedeschi per veicoli. Variant 1. -neri- 15,00 WWII German numbers for vehicles. Variant 1. -Black- AWDT03 WWII Segni di fabbricazione tedeschi. Variant 1. 13,10 WWII German factory markings for vehicles. Variant 1. AWDT04 WWII Numeri tedeschi per veicoli. Variant 1. -bianchi 15,00 WWII German numbers for vehicles. Variant 1. -White- AWDT05 WWII Numeri tedeschi per veicoli. Variant 1. -rossi- 15,00 WWII German numbers for vehicles. Variant 1. -Red- AWDT06 WWII Numeri tedeschi per veicoli. Variant 1. -sottolineati- 15,00 WWII German numbers for vehicles. Variant 1. -Outline- MINI TRASFERIBILI A SECCO MINI DRY TRANSFERS (DECALS) AWMP3501 SET 1.Bianche. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 1.WHITE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3502 SET 2.Nere.Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 2.BLACK. numbers for German WWII vehicles AWMP3503 SET 3.Rosse. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 3.RED. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3504 SET 1.Bianche bordate.Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 1.WHITE, OUTLINE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3505 SET 2.Nere bordate. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 2.BLACK, OUTLINE numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3506 SET 3.Rosse bordate. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 3.RED, OUTLINE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3507 SET 4.Bianche. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 4.WHITE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3508 SET 5.Nere. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 5.BLACK. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP3509 SET 6.Rosse. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 6.RED. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP35010 SET 4.Bianche bordate.Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 4.WHITE, OUTLINE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP35011 SET 5.Nere bordate. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 5.BLACK, OUTLINE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP35012 SET 6. Rosse bordate. Numeri per veicoli tedeschi WWII 5,40 SET 6.RED, OUTLINE. numbers for German WWII vehicles. AWMP35013 SET 1.1 Bianche due tipi di croci in 4 formati 5,40 SET 1.1 WHITE. two types of crosses for German WWII vehicles in four sizes. AWMP35014 SET 1.2 Croci a fondo nero per set AW MP3513. 5,40 SET 1.2 BLACK. black bases for crosses of set HDF-MP-3513. AWMP35015 SET 2.1 Due tipi di croci bianche in otto formati 5,40 SET 2.1 WHITE. two types of crosses for German WWII vehicles in eight sizes. AWMP35016 SET 2.2 Croci a fondo nero per set AW MP3515 5,40 SET 2.2 BLACK. black bases for crosses of set HDF-MP-3515. COMPLEMENTI ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS AWTN01 Thinner 4,90 Thinner AWFX01 Fixer per pigmenti 4,90 Fixer AWQR01 Quick Rust 4,90 Quick Rust AWPL01 Pasta per testurizzare 4,90 Texturing Plaster AWSF01 Flussante per saldature 4,90 Soldering Flux AWPR01 Primer grigio 4,90 Grey Primer AWPR02 Primer marrone 4,90 Brown Primer PASTE TESTURIZZANTI ACRILICHE ACRYLIC TEXTURING EFFECTS AWSN01 Effetto neve 4,90 Textured snow effect AWTE01 Terra scura russa fine 4,90 Dark Russian. fine texturing earth AWTE02 Terra russa scura grossa 4,90 Dark Russian. stony texturing earth AWTE03 Terra marrone scuro fine 4,90 Dark Brown. fine texturing earth AWTE04 Terra marrone scuro grossa 4,90 Dark Brown. stony texturing earth AWTE05 Terra marrone chiaro fine 4,90 Light Brown. fine texturing earth AWTE06 Terra marrone chiaro grossa 4,90 Light Brown. stony texturing earth AWTE09 Terra rossa desertica fine 4,90 Red Desert. fine texturing earth AWTE10 Terra rossa desertica grossa 4,90 Red Desert. stony texturing earth AWTE11 Terra chiara tipo Europa fine 4,90 Light Europe. fine texturing earth AWTE12 Terra chiara tipo Europa grossa 4,90 Light Europe. stony texturing earth PIGMENTI GUNPOWDER LINE (ARTWORK PIGMENTS) AWGP01 Bianco 4,90 White AWGP02 Nero 4,90 Black AWGP03 Polvere di strada 4,90 Road Dust AWGP04 Terra russa asciutta 4,90 Dry Russian Earth AWGP05 Terra russa chiara 4,90 Light Russian Earth AWGP06 Terra russa scura 4,90 Brown Russian Earth AWGP07 Argilla russa asciutta 4,90 Dry Russian Clay AWGP08 Fango europeo asciutto 4,90 Dry European Mud AWGP09 Terreno scuro europeo 4,90 Dark European Terrain AWGP11 Grasso usato 4,90 Old Grease AWGP12 Ruggine 4,90 Aged Rust AWGP13 Ruggine rossa 4,90 Red Rust AWGP14 Ruggine scura 4,90 Burnt Rust AWGP15 Ruggine chiara 4,90 Light Rust 1 AWGP16 Marrone scuro cingolo 4,90 Track Dark Brown AWGP18 Polvere di mattone 4,90 Brick Dust AWGP19 Marrone medio 4,90 Medium Brown AWGP23 Grigio pneumatico 4,90 Tire Grey AWGP24 Marrone scuro 4,90 Dark Brown AWGP25 Nero metallo 4,90 Black Metal AWGP26 Metallo chiaro 4,90 Bright steel AWGP27 Sabbia di spiaggia 4,90 Beach sand AWGP28 Sabbia deserto 4,90 Desert sand AWGP29 Sabbia di fiume 4,90 River sand LAVAGGI LINEA NITRO NITRO LINE (ENAMEL PAINTS) AWNL01 Lavaggio nero fumo 4,90 Black Smoke Wash AWNL03 Lavaggio marrone 4,90 Brown Wash AWNL04 Lavaggio ombra grigia 4,90 Grey Shadow Wash AWNL05 Lavaggio ruggine 4,90 Old Rust Effect AWNL06 Lavaggio ruggine arancione 4,90 Orange Rust Effect AWNL07 Lavaggio ruggine scura 4,90 Dark Rust Effect AWNL08 Ruggine chiara 4,90 Light Rust Effect AWNL09 Flitro grigio blu chiaro 4,90 Light Grey-Blue Filter AWNL10 Filtro blu 4,90 Vibrant Blue Filter AWNL11 Filtro ocra 4,90 Bright Ochre Filter AWNL12 Filtro marrone chiaro 4,90 Dark Tan Filter AWNL13 Filtro marrone 4,90 Brown Filter AWNL14 Filtro verde 4,90 Vibrant Green AWNL15 Filtro rosso 4,90 Sharp Red Filter AWNL16 Filtro marrone scuro 4,90 Dark Maroon Filter AWNL17 Filtro blu verde 4,90 Blue-Green Filter AWNL18 Filtro marrone scuro 4,90 Dark Brown Filter AWNL19 Filtro grigio marrone 4,90 Grey-Brown Filter AWNL20 Filtro blu scuro 4,90 Dark Blue Filter AWNL21 Effetto fango grigio chiaro 4,90 Light Grey Mud Effect AWNL22 Wffetto argilla scura 4,90 Dark Road Clay Effect AWNL23 Effetto sporco di strada 4,90 Dark Street Dirt Effect AWNL24 Effetto fango asciutto chiaro 4,90 Light Dry Mud Effect AWNL25 Effetto sporco marrone chiaro 4,90 Light Brown Dirt Effect AWNL26 Effetto chiazzato ruggine 4,90 Medium Rust Speckling Effect AWNL27 Effetto chiazzato ruggine scura 4,90 Brown Rust Speckling Effect AWNL28 Effetto chiazzato ruggine ocra 4,90 Ochre Rust Speckling Effect AWNL29 Effetto macchia di fango 4,90 Brown Mud Spatter Speckling Effect AWNL30 Effetto macchia di sporco 4,90 Grey Dirt Spatter Speckling Effect AWNL31 Effetto scarico diesel 4,90 Diesel Exhaust Runs Effect AWNL32 Effetto pioggia sporca 4,90 Dark rainmarks wash AWNL33 Filtro grigio medio 4,90 Medium grey filter AWNL34 Effetto acqua sporca 4,90 Murky water ACCE4SSORI IN RESINA RESIN ACCESSORIES AWRS01 Torre per t34 con obice da 122mm 32,00 t-34/122 tank turret. project with 122 mm d-11 howitzer AWRS02 Figura di afgano seduto 16,80 Afghan sitting figure AFV CLUB ART-ITEM DESCRIZIONE DESCRIPTION BL72S02 Black Hawk ROC army scala 1:72 in metallo 145,70 Black Hawk ROC army 1:72 scale die cast AC14401 Simulatori anti riflesso 6,80 Stiker for simulating anti reflection coating lens AC32001 Capottine antiriflesso per F16 B-D-F 1/32 14,90 Anti reflection coating canopy for F16 B-D-F 1/32 AC32002 Capottine antiriflesso per FA 18 D 1/48 per HB80322 12,10 Anti reflection coating canopy for FA 18 D 1/48 per HB80322 AC32003 Capottine antiriflesso per A10A 1/48 per HB80323 12,10 Anti reflection coating canopy for A10A 1/48 per HB80323 AC32004 Capottine antiriflesso per A10A 1/32 per TP02214 16,70 Anti reflection coating canopy for A10A 1/32 per TP02214 AC32005 Capottine antiriflesso per F117 A per TP03219 17,40 Anti reflection coating canopy for F117 A per TP03219 AC35001 Copertura scudo cannone per M41 4,30 Gun shield Cover for M41 AC35002 Indicatori di ingombro per SdkFz 221 222 223 250 251 6,80 Clearance indicator poles for SdkFz 221 222 223 250 251 AC35003 Attrezzo per incidere lo Zimmerit 10,50 Zimmerit coating applicator doe AC35004 Visori in plastica trasparente per Tigre 1 6,80 Transparent periscopes for Tiger 1 AC35005 Visori in plastica trasparente per SdKfz 251 6,80 Transparent periscopes for SdKfz 251 AC35006 Sistemi ottici di puntamento tedeschi 6,80 German optical equipment set AC35008 Telo copertura per cannone per Centurion tipo A 4,30 Mantlet cover for Centurion A type AC35009 Telo copertura per cannone per Centurion tipo B 4,30 Mantlet cover for Centurion B type AC35010 Talon robot 6,80 Talon robot AC35011 Adesivi per anti riflesso 6,20 Stickers for simulating anti-reflection AC35012 Simulatori
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