Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania REVIEW OF RECORDS AND COLLECTIONS OF LEPIDIUM HYSSOPIFOLIUM (SOFT PEPPERCRESS) IN TASMANIA: BACKGROUND INFORMATION TO INFORM LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT OPTIONS OF SITES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE TASMANIAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE GROWTH Site of Lepidium hyssopifolium on verge of Lyell Highway east of Ouse Grey-green pubescent foliage of Elongating raceme inflorescence of Lepidium hyssopifolium Lepidium hyssopifolium Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania (ECOtas) for Department of State Growth 30 April 2017 Mark Wapstra ABN 83 464 107 291 28 Suncrest Avenue email:
[email protected] business ph.:(03) 62 283 220 Lenah Valley, TAS 7008 web: www.ecotas.com.au mobile ph.: 0407 008 685 ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting Review of Lepidium hyssopifolium in Tasmania INTRODUCTION Rationale for review The Department of State Growth (DofSG) sought a variation to EPBC 2007/3807, which related to the demolition of Maclaines Creek Bridge at Triabunna. The approved action under EPBC 2007/3807 was: The proposed action involves the demolition of the Maclaines Creek Bridge, following the completion of an adjacent new bridge and southern approaches, on the Tasman Highway near Triabunna, Tasmania. The proposal includes the establishment of a 2000 m2 conservation reserve for the endangered Lepidium hyssopifolium. While the conservation reserve was established, some of the specific approval conditions were not met, specifically the maintenance of a self-sustaining population. The target (under condition 3) was at least 300 individuals within four years. This was not met and the required remediation and rehabilitation plans were designed, submitted and implemented as required by the approval conditions, but the population of Lepidium hyssopifolium continued to decline.