House of Assembly Tuesday 17 March 2020
Tuesday 17 March 2020 The Speaker, Ms Hickey, took the Chair at 10 a.m., acknowledged the Traditional People and read Prayers. STATEMENT BY PREMIER COVID-19 [10.02 a.m.] Mr GUTWEIN (Bass - Premier - Statement) - Madam Speaker, we are in difficult and challenging times but I know that all of us, along with all Tasmanians, will work together to ensure the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians and importantly we will work hard to ensure that they remain in jobs. It is important that important public institutions like parliament, and also private institutions that provide services to Tasmanians, all do our bit to ensure that we can continue, taking into account effective appropriate social distancing measures. I want to thank all of the members, importantly the Leader of the Opposition, Rebecca White, and the Leader of the Greens, Cassy O'Connor, along with yourself and all of your staff for being prepared to work together to ensure that this parliament can continue with its important work. I also acknowledge the Clerks in both Houses for the work they have undertaken with the staff who work here in Parliament House to ensure that, likewise, there is appropriate social distancing and this place can continue. Madam Speaker, thank you. Statement noted. MOTION Sessional Orders - Interim Arrangements [10.04 a.m.] Mr FERGUSON (Bass - Leader of Government Business) (by leave) - Madam Speaker, before question time commences I wish to move a minor change to the Standing Orders in relation to Sessional Orders being established for an interim period. Madam Speaker, I move - That for the remainder of this session: 1.
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