DNA and Indigeneity
DNA and Indigeneity The Changing Role of Genetics in Indigenous Rights, Tribal Belonging, and Repatriation SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS October 22, 2015 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada Attribution and Copyright Notice CCM Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC-BY -NC-ND www.sfu.ca/ipinch 2016 This research was made possible, in part, through the support of the Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH) project, a Major Collaborative Research Initiative funded by the Social Sciences and Humani- ties Research Council of Canada. Report To Be Cited As: Walker, Alexa, Brian Egan, and George Nicholas (editors). 2016. DNA and Indigeneity: The Changing Role of Ge- netics in Indigenous Rights, Tribal Belonging, and Repatriation. Symposium Proceedings. Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH) Project, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. ii DNA & Indigeneity Proceedings Acknowledgements Symposium proceedings compiled and edited by Alexa Walker, Brian Egan, and George Nicholas. This event was developed by the Bioarchaeology and Genetics Working Group of the Intellectual Property Issues in Cul- tural Heritage (IPinCH) Project. Funding was provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Coundil (SSRHC) of Canada through a SSHRC Connections Grant, and through Major Collaborative Research Initiative funding. Additional support was provided by Simon Fraser University and the SFU Archeaology Department. Event planning was the responsibility of the Bioarchaeology and Genetics Working Group co-chairs: Alan Goodman, Dorothy Lippert, and Daryl Pullman, along with George Nicholas, Alexa Walker, and Brian Egan. Kristen Dobbin coordinated publicity, developed the program and related materials, and formatted this volume. The design of this volume was inspired by the Indigenous Presence report (Kovach, Carriere, Montgomery, Barrett, and Gilles, 2015), accessible via the University of Regina here: http://bit.ly/1WMX21b.
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