WHAT’S INSIDE Keeping Language Alive page 2 T ALK I NG ABO U T Y U K ON L A N D C LAIM S Learn ! page 3

Science in Action page 4

Dan Ford, shown here at Mobile Maintenance, benefited from training with Skills ’s Skills Centre in . The Centre builds partnerships with industry employers, educators, and other organizations that serve youth. For more information about how you can benefit from their programs, visit their website at or call 867-668-2736.

Southern Lessons Kindergarten students at St. Elias Community School in are now enjoying a curriculum enhanced with lessons in the Southern Tutchone language and culture. WHAT IS VISIONS NORTH? The community recently celebrated the launch of the pilot program at the school gymnasium. The event Visions North: talking was led by Champagne and First Nations about Chief, Diane Strand, Education Minister, Patrick is a bi-annual newsletter Rouble, the school council, and the many people who that raises awareness worked on the program’s development. about land claims and self-government and “The launch of the bi-cultural program is an important milestone for the Department of Education, related issues in Yukon Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and the communities. St. Elias School Council,” Minister Rouble said. “I Visions North is produced commend the contributors for their innovation and and distributed by Indian creativity to bring local wisdom and culture to the Students talk about the Gopher Story and examine a gopher skin blanket and other artifacts with Richard Smith of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nation Heritage Department. and Northern Affairs curriculum.” Canada (INAC) with “This project is the result of a collective dream and the participation of the desire to revitalize our language and our culture, and Government of Yukon and it is good to see those dreams finally being brought to Students have already begun to talk in sentences about the weather, various things in the Council of Yukon fruition,” Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Chief the environment and themselves. First Nations (CYFN). Diane Strand said. “Much hard work has taken place The program aims to enhance the academic performance and parental satisfaction to get this project ready to be delivered, and I greatly for the participating students. Plus, the framework for the program can be adapted to appreciate the efforts of the many people who played suit other First Nations and other schools. an integral role in getting this project off the ground but also acknowledge that there is still a lot of work “I am optimistic that this program will be a success, for it is through the vision of left to be done.” our people, the wisdom of our Elders and the promise of our youth that our culture, language, and values will thrive,” Chief Strand added. Language lessons began on September 21, 2009, for kindergarten students and will continue through Integrating Southern Tutchone language and culture into the classroom supports Grade 2. The pilot will run for three years and then preservation of the language and culture by promoting students’ intellectual be evaluated. The vision is to promote awareness development and improving their motivation. In this way, it will improve and sensitivity of Yukon First Nations culture while achievement for all students, and help to eliminate the achievement gap between promoting pride and belonging amongst First Nation First Nation and non-First Nation students. students. A long-term hope is for greater fluency in For more information contact: the Southern Tutchone language in the community. Principal Ruth Lawrence at 867-634-2231 or [email protected] VISIONS NORTH WINTER/SPRING 2010 page 2 T T supported the project. and Partnerships Unit and the Curriculum Unit, Education staff, from the First Nations Programs classroom teachers and an Elder. Department of Advisory Committee. This group consists of committee of the Yukon First Nations Education by the NorthWind Books working group, a sub- The two books were developed collaboratively First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Elders. books feature the school’s staff, students and teachers at J.V. Clark School in Mayo. The two Stew for Grandma but her students disagree, saying that all Elders Emma doesn’t think of herself as a role model Tsu yé ikhwasatîn.” “How are you? Mâ sá iyatì” or “I’ll see you again, you wouldn’t say hello or goodbye, just and Tlingit. For example in the Teslin dialect of There are many differences between English you just say I’m happy for you.” him, “in Tlingit you don’t say congratulations, should say congratulations in Tlingit, she told Education, Patrick Rouble, asked her how he Literacy Award. When Yukon Minister of her win this year’s Council of the Federation about learning and translating Tlingit, helped This work, and her contribution to three books territorial Aboriginal Language Services Branch. a translator and interpreter for 13 years with the schools, during women’s sewing classes and as to keep it alive. She has taught in Whitehorse decided that as a fluent speaker she could help beginning to die out with the Elders, she When Emma realised that her language was they come from.” have to be proud of who they are and where the early 1970s. “People are aware that they and she’s been helping others to learn it since conscious decision not to forget her language of all ages to learn now. Emma Sam made a but there is a strong movement for people First Nations people today that is not the case, my language. I was born with it.” For many my language all my life, I didn’t have to learn the , “I always feel like I’ve had written by Rosemary Popadynec and The authors of the books the local First Nation cultural content.” appreciate the Yukon themes and benefit from Patrick Rouble. “However, all Yukon students will Nation students,” said Education Minister to improve academic achievements for First of Yukon’s ongoing work with First Nations “The release of these books is one example throughout the territory in the spring of 2009. culture were introduced to elementary schools Books Released! More Yukon First Nations wo new books featuring Yukon First Nations’ lingit Elder, Emma Sam grew up speaking , written by Maggie Leary, are A Time for Bear Roots Rabbit , tells much more than your name, it tells your important things in Tlingit. Your introduction that introducing yourself is one of the most Members of Emma’s class are learning language known for its clicking sounds. the hardest language, Xhosa, the South African already speak Tlingit her next goal is to learn the world. Emma jokingly says since she can is thought to be the second hardest language in Tlingit and challenging themselves to learn what is open to anyone who is interested in learning at the Council of Yukon First Nations. The class Thursday from 1-2 are role models in some way. Every Tuesday and and Eaglecrest Books labels. total of 16 books under the NorthWind Books The Department of Education now has a classrooms. plans for the language teachers to use in their programs. Adaptations will also include lesson books for use in Yukon First Nation language Partnerships Unit is working on adapting the Currently, the First Nations Programs and Education under the NorthWind Books label. have been published by the Department of Eaglecrest Books. Since then, nine books seven books were produced by the publisher Nations content was published in 2003, when The first set of books featuring Yukon First development of more books for our schools.” great start! I look forward to assisting with the culture from their own classroom. This is a appreciate, respect and experience First Nation “Students now have an opportunity to learn, a member of NorthWind Books working group. skills of their Elders firsthand,” said Fran Etzel, to experience the traditional knowledge and being developed. It is important for students “It is very exciting to see more local books Emma Sam (centre) with two of her students.

pm Emma teaches Tlingit Language Alive: “I’ll see you again, …in the Teslin dialect of Tlingit you wouldn’t say hello or goodbye, just

Emma Sam “How are you? [email protected] Gayle Corry For more information contact: language programming. and as a part of its overall lessons in Tlingit, Gwitchin, Southern Tutchone The Council of Yukon First Nations offers free about being a Tlingit people.” we learn our Tlingit laws we learn everything learn all our sacred Tlingit values and teachings, “Language is who we are. Within language, we your parents are and where you come from. history, whether you are wolf or crow clan, who are available at: stories are read. PDF files of the two new books teachers to use before, during and after the information and classroom activities for development. The guide will include cultural A teacher’s guide for the books is currently in Keeping Tsu yé ikhwasatîn. at 867-393-9201 or Mâ sá iyatì

” or ”

better equipped to implement Chapter 13 on As a result of the program the First Nation is First Nation, helped develop the course outline. Joella Hogan, the Heritage Manager with the of northern Yukon. artifacts in the remote Bonnet Plume River area Mayo and has had the opportunity to search for coordinated Aboriginal Day celebrations in Since taking the program, Johnny has made us stronger,” Johnny said. brought the Heritage Department together and “I’m glad I took the program and I think it Acting Heritage Officer with the First Nation. mature student who has since been hired as the Irene Johnny, one of a dozen participants, is a interviewing. topics such as filmmaking, genealogy and for heritage work that included a variety of College collaborated on the six-month program The Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation and Yukon opportunities. taught them new skills and created employment residents a new appreciation of their culture, of Yukon College earlier this year has given program that was delivered at the Mayo campus A Through Yukon College Program Mayo Residents Celebrate Culture Tutchone: Southern Learning Kèjan dūk’wän tayke tä läch’i Counting howmanyyearsoldyouare ndá nädhat Däk’an ich’e äghajänà ich’e Dännch’e Chìch’a - Yäw’ nìKhyàw Chìch’a -KwäK’ü Chìch’a -ShąNįshą Chìch’a -K’ukKúųlį Chìch’a DàKwach’e? Shär Kwänzhia Tsäl Dänji ` For more information about the Committee and its work, please visit: The Yukon First Nations Education Advisory Committee helps ensure Yukon First Nations’ goals and priorities are represented in Yukon schools. ki Heritage and Culture Essential Skills 5 4 3 2 1 Sit down Stand up I amaboy I amagirl How areyou? Snowing Cold Raining Cloudy How isitoutside? Bear Chipmunk Gopher Groundhog

[email protected] Stefanie Richardson For more information contact traditional knowledge. of recording Elders’ stories and collecting telling and showed the limitless possibilities opened people’s eyes to modern story Campus says courses such as filmmaking John Reid, Coordinator of the Mayo Community said Hogan. when they know how to display it properly,” culture and I think people feel more proud “We’re so much better now at promoting our Heritage Technician position. Na-Cho Nyäk Dun citizen, for a two year also able to hire Nicole Hutton, a young As a result of the program, the First Nation was with her, to work on it.” Irene and someone else who took the course work on a genealogy project, we can pull in in the department, but now if we are going to “Before the program there was a lot of turnover Hogan said. with our partners in terms of heritage planning,” “We now have a better team that is able to work heritage as defined in their Final Agreement. Partnership WillImproveWorkforceEngagement work,” EducationMinisterPatrickRoublesaid. different levelsofeducation,trainingandtheworld work withpartnerstoenhancetransitionsbetween “The EETprogramsupportsYukon’scommitmentto life skillneedsofadultlearners. will helpaddresstheacademic,employmentand Assistance DirectorArtStephenson.Theprogram First Nation,”saidKDFNEducationandSocial long-term impactsforthecitizensofKwanlinDün “This isameaningfulinitiativethatwillhave workforce engagement. and YukonCollege,isgearedtowardimproving partnership withKwanlinDünFirstNation(KDFN) Employment Training(EET)program,deliveredin A neweducationinitiativecalledtheEducationand at 867-668-8800 or

were used in the cultural exhibit at the end of the program. Irene designed and crafted a set of miniature wall tents that hired by Na-Cho Nyäk Dun’s Heritage Department. Essential Skills Program earlier this year and has since been Irene Johnny from Mayo took the Heritage and Culture or Cathy Borsa For more information contact: Canada. Agreement (LMA)withtheGovernmentof funded underYukon’snewLabourMarket The EETprogramisthefirstprojecttobe Science andManagementShelaghRowlessaid. our partners,”YukonCollege’sDeanofApplied we lookforwardtoengaginginthisworkwith are veryexcitedtobeapartoftheprogramand term, community-basededucationplan.“We in thedevelopmentofacomprehensive,long- citizens withaccesstosupportiveexpertise The programalsoprovidesKwanlinDün [email protected]

at 867-633-8422 ext 7896

VISIONS NORTH WINTER/SPRING 2010 page 3 VISIONS NORTH WINTER/SPRING 2010 page 4 asked the students to describe their experiences. Monica Primozic, one of the camp chaperones, the education needed to pursue these careers. with science and science-related careers and 2009. Students gained hands-on experience Science Camp in Yellowknife from July 12-19, in this year’s First Nations and Inuit National First Nations (CAFN) were chosen to participate Brittney Brown from Champagne & Aishihik A Q A A Q N First Nations and Inuit National Science Camp in Yellowknife. Brittney learns how to put out a fire as part of the annual

Government Services Canada, 2010 © Minister of Public Works and ISSN:1920-8278 QS-Y153-130-EE-A1 TTY only 1-866-553-0554 1-800-567-9604 Ottawa, 2010 Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Published under the authority of the Minister of Winter/Spring 2010 – Yukon Region Talking about Yukon Land Claims Visions North presentation? equipment like fire extinguishers and hoses. were taught how to put out fires using the Brittney: or being a renewable resource officer. radio, working in the bush with permafrost, science careers out there, like being on the a real pain! Anthony: about different cultures from across Canada. ATV mechanics, permafrost, composting chemical wastes, Natane: Monica: Monica: and askforCommunications. or call1-800-661-0451 [email protected] Please sendyourfeedbackto even better! Visions North Help make atane Primozic, Anthony Primozic, and I learned about northern plants,

What was your favourite What did you learn at the camp? I liked the fire safety where we I learned that getting up early is

I learned that there are many

airport technology

and also


new things. I enjoyed meeting new people and learning education and in what area? week I ever had. go on the radio on CKLB. Anthony: Natane: bush and looking after wildlife. resources because it’s a fun job being in the Anthony: Natane: interested in different cultures. medicines presentation because I am very different from where I live. and things that it can offer, and how that is cultures. people and learning other First Nation Brittney: and maybe be a nurse. Brittney: your science camp experience? Monica: What else can you tell us about Monica: For more information contact the Training Policy Committee at 867-668-7812. 2008-2009 Log Building Training Program hosted by the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and the First Nation of ScribingNa-Cho Nyäk is theDun. process of marking a log to fit the log below it. Students shown here are learning the skill as part of the phone: 867-667-5339, Government of Yukon – Communications phone: 867-393-9225, CYFN – Communications phone: 867-667-3888, INAC – Communications the articles in this newsletter. public service employees who provided information for many. A special thanks to the First Nation people and This newsletter was produced through the efforts of

I really liked the traditional

I liked learning about another area, Are you planning to further your It was very fun meeting new I want to learn more about health It was fun and knowledgeable. I got to meet new friends and also I am interested in renewable Experiencing Science

It was the best week I ever had." " It was the best or Frances Taylor For more information contact au Yukon. sous le titre : Vision du nord, Revendications territoriales Cette publication est aussi disponible en français John Reid, Frances Taylor. Rick Massie, Dan Reams, Diane Benjamin-Jenschatz, Photographs courtesy of: Dianne Williams, Michele Royle, Ben Yu Schott. Frances Taylor, Monica Primozic, Stefanie Richardson, Contributors: First Nations and Inuit National Science Camp in Yellowknife. Anthony learns about preparing a hide at the annual [email protected] Shari-Lynn MacLellan, Nicholas Nilsen, at 867-667-3364 in Action Archbould Photography,