Instructor (s): Dr. Susi Kimbell Email:
[email protected] Course Title: Sicilian Mosaic Course Code: MCAS MSCI 300 Subject: Mediterranean Studies / Italian Studies Credits: 3 Semester/Term: ☐X Spring ☐X Fall ☐Summer Course The Sicilian Mosaic course aims to provide students with a deeper Description: understanding of the culture they must engage with during their experience in Sicily. The course explores social, historical, artistic and religious themes present within contemporary Sicilian society. It focuses on the complexities of life and culture in Sicily, through changing populations and identities, and on organizing modern life around an ever-present past. Through lectures, class-discussions, fieldtrips and research, students study Sicily’s culture and their reactions to it. Through interaction with the local community and discussion about the students’ experiences of that community, and the de-cyphering of the unwritten language of gesture and social behavior, the course aims to break down stereotypes and enhance inter-cultural awareness. Course Required Text Requirements: There is no set text. Articles and readings will be posted on Blackboard. Additional Readings Additional readings may be assigned by the instructor and made available in digital version. Tests and Papers Mid-term Paper, Final Presentation and Paper. Sicily Portfolio All the coursework, including the mid-term and final papers, goes into a Sicily portfolio that will enable the student to assess the experiences and observations of life in Sicily during the semester. It will consists of: - Two reports on historical/social/religious/cultural themes within Sicilian society - Mid-term paper – reflection on the field study - Two interviews to engage with local people - Final PPT presentation - Final reflection paper © Arcadia University | The College of Global Studies 1 Assignments Course Requirements Percentages 1.