13 January 1992
: * TODAY: EXAM NEWS * SIMON SINGS·*·RUSSIANS RISE. UP * SUPER S,?,ORT * -----------------------------------~~----------" -" -,~, ~~6,~~~~~~----~~ . .. Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.482 R1.00 (GST Inc.) Monday January 13 1992 Paris Le Cap ,;: lfs',ALL Rehoboth r'-ages '-." actianas.. , .' . ,ra.1Iy " . x~lIsjn' to , . , . 'Namibia ' STAFF REPORTER over THE Paris Le Cap has swept into Namibia creating wide spread excitement and inter est among Namlbian racing enthusiasts and the publIc in Basters to 'fight Govt, threaten c~urt ~ction generaL Rally competitors rally , already been given. reached Grootfontein yester JOSEPH MOTlNGA', Docwnmts found in the office day afternoon, with Spanish of the Rehobot!t Registrar of. driver Salvatore Servia giv ENRAGED members ofthe Baster community in Reho Deeds state that the area had ing Lada their first stage both have vowed to take the Government to court in a actually been placed under the victory, breaking the Mitsub desperate bid to reverse an official order placing their Rehoboth local authority back ishi-Citroen stranglehold on community lands under central Government control in 1985 by the late Registrar of the race for a day. Deeds for Rehobo~ Emst Veteran Rehoboth leader Today competitors are ex Regional Commissioner Nev Louw. As such, Angenn1lIld Hans Diergaardt is reportedly ille Angennund. pected to be greeted by large ruled that the area was liable crowds of excited spectators already in South Africa laying So stroog a reaction to the for, transfer. His decision was the ground for a court case on order was anticipated, that the when they arrive at Gobabis endorsed by the Government the matter. fonner Registrar of Deeds, for around midday.
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