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Download PDF File Goran Skrobonja RUBBER SOUL PROJEKT: PUTOVANJE Alternativna muzička istorija/ konceptualni eksperiment THE RUBBER SOUL PROJECT JOURNEY Alternative music history / a conceptual experiment DRAMATIS PERSONAE: DRAMATIS PERSONAE: (po redu izlaska na scenu) (in the order of appearance) RASTKO ĆiRiĆ (Beograd, 1955) Rastko ĆiRiĆ (Belgrade, 1955) Profesor ilustracije i animacije Professor of illustration and anima- na Fakultetu primenjenih umet­ tion at the Faculty of Applied Arts nosti u Beogradu. Poznati ilu­ in Belgrade. Well known illustrator strator i animator. Samouki and animator. Self-taught musician. mu zičar. Dugo godišnji Bitls fa­ Long-standing Beatles fanatic. natik. GORAN SKROBONJA (Belgrade, GORAN SKROBONJA (Beo­ 1962) Lawyer and Sworn to Court grad, 1962) Dipl. prav nik i sud­ ski tumač, književ­­ni prevodilac i Interpreter, literary translator and pisac horora i naučne fantastike. writer of horror and science fiction. Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. Long-standing Beatles fanatic. NEBOJŠA IgnjatoviĆ–NEBE NEBojŠa IGNJAToviĆ–NEBE (Beograd, 1951) Profesor kon­ (Belgrade, 1951) double bass profes- trabasa na Fakultetu muzičke sor at the Faculty of Music Arts in umetnosti u Beogradu. Kom­ Belgrade. Composer and theater mu- pozitor i teatarski muzičar. Bivši sician. A former member of the Bel- član Beogradske filharmonije, grade Philharmonic Orchestra Sko- orkestra Skovran, grupe Rene- vran, Renaissance Group, Symphony sans, Simfonij skog orkestra Nju Orchestra of New Jersey, USA. Long- Džersija, SAD. Dugogodišnji standing Beatles fanatic. Bitls fanatik. MIROSLAv CvetkoviĆ MIroslav CVETKOViĆ (Beo­ (Belgrade, 1953) bass guitarist in the grad, 1953) Bas gitarista u Ba­ Bajaga’s band. Sound engineer and jaginom bendu. Inženjer zvuka i producent. Osnivač i dekan producer. Founder and Dean of the beogradske Rok akademije. Belgrade Rock Academy. Long-stand- Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. ing Beatles fanatic. ČEDOMIR Macura (Beograd, ČeDOMIR MACURA (Belgrade, 1967) Samouki bubnjar koji je 1967) A self-taught drummer posle 12 godina sešn­svirki, za­ who after 12 years of session gigs, hvaljujući Rubber Soul Projektu, thanks to the Rubber Soul Project, postao stalni član Bajaginog became a permanent member of ben da. Novopečeni Bitls fa na­ the Bajaga’s band. Recent Beatles tik. fanatic. DRAGAN AŠANIN (Beograd, DRAGAN AŠanin (Belgrade, 1959) Filmski i TV producent, 1959) Film and TV producer, a uspešan biznismen, vlasnik successful businessman, owner of kom panije AD&Sons koja je fi­ AD & Sons company, which had nansirala realizaciju Rubber Soul funded the realization of the Rub- Projekta #1. Dugogodišnji Bitls ber Soul Project 1. Long-standing fanatik. Beatles fanatic. ĐORĐE PETROVIĆ (Beograd, ĐORĐE PETROVIĆ (Belgrade, 1953) Inženjer elektronike, pro­ 1953) electronics engineer, profes- fesor na Fa kul tetu muzičke sor at the Faculty of Music Arts of umetnosti i na Univerzitetu the University of Arts in Belgrade. umetnosti u Beogradu. Kom­ Composer, producer and performer. pozitor, producent i izvo đač. Long-standing Beatles fanatic. Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. ALEKSANDAR SAŠA LOKNER ALEKSANDAR SAŠA LOKNER (Zemun, 1964) Poznati pijanista (Zemun, 1964) Renowned pianist i kompozitor. Eks Galija, sada and composer. Ex Galija, now a član Bajaginog benda. Solo al­ member of Bajaga’s band. Solo al- bum Evropa Elektro Express, sa bum Electro Express Europe, with Lazom Ristovskim album Naos. Laza Ristovski album Naos. Long- Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. standing Beatles fanatic . IGOR KORDEJ (Zagreb, Hrvat­ IGOR KORDEY (Zagreb, Croatia, ska, 1957) Izvršni producent 1957) Producer of the RSP 2. One RSP 2. Jedan od najvažnijih i of the most important and prolific naj plodnijih svetskih strip crtača comics artist and illustrator world- i ilustratora. Oktobra 2013. pro­ wide. In 2013 proclaimed the Knight gla šen Vitezom umetnosti od stra­ of Arts by the French government. ne francuske vlade. Dugogodišnji Long-standing Beatles fanatic. Bitls fanatik. DAMJAN DAŠIĆ (Belgrade, 1980) DAMJAN DAŠIĆ (Beograd, Musician, sound engineer and stu- 1980) Muzičar, inženjer zvuka i dent of dentistry. Drummer and student stomatologije. Bubnjar i bass guitarist, ex member of Vam­ bas gitarista, eks Vampiri, Breeze, piri, Breeze, E­Play… Leader and E-play… Vođa i bas gitarista bass guitarist of The Beastbeat Bitls tribjut benda The Bestbeat. Beatles tribute band. Long-stand- Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. ing Beatles fanatic. MARKO ĆALIĆ (Beograd, MARKO ĆALIĆ (Belgrade, 1982) 1982) Muzičar, student prava i Musician, student of law and health proizvođač zdrave hrane. Bivši food manufacturer. Ex member of član Vampira i Breeze. Solo gitaris­ Vampiri and Breeze… Solo guitar- ta Bitls tribjut benda The Bestbeat. ist of The Beastbeat Beatles tribute Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. band. Long-standing Beatles fanatic. SAŠA JANKOVIĆ (Beograd, 1968) SAŠA JANKOVIĆ (Belgrade, 1968) Inženjer zvuka, suvlasnik studi­ Sound engineer, co-owner of the ja Strip u Beogradu. Predavač Strip Studio in Belgrade. Lecturer of na SAE Institutu u Beogradu. Sound Design at the SAE Institute Između ostalih, u Rak i Ebi Roud in Belgrade. At Rak and Abbey Road studiju u Londonu, sni mao Studios in London he had recorded The Cure, The Rutles, Paul Weller, The Cure, The Rutles, Paul Weller, Nazareth, Bo Didley, Suede… Nazareth, Bo Diddley, Suede… Dugogodišnji Bitls fanatik. Long-standing Beatles fanatic. Deo prvi: KONCEPT Part one: THE CONCEPT he Rubber Soul Project (RSP) nastao he Rubber Soul Project (the RSP) was jeT usred posvemašnjeg sunovrata onoga createdT in the midst of complete disaster što smo tada nazivali državom. Bila je to which we called Yugoslavia at that time. 1993, vreme lažnih banki Dafine i Jezde, It was in 1993, the time of the pyramid novčanice od 500 milijardi dinara i pot­ schemes called Dafina and Jezda, the bills pune praznine i beznađa u kulturnom with denominations of 500 billion dinars životu Jugoslavije. and total emptiness and hopelessness in the Rastko Ćirić je negde u to vreme, u cultural life of Yugoslavia. knji zi Džefa Rasela THE BEATLES/ Just about then, in Geoff Russell’s book THE ALBUM FILES AND COMPLETE DIS­ BEATLES / FILES AND COMPLETE AL- COGRAPHY, naleteo na spisak od BUM DISCOGRAPHY, Rastko Ćirić stum- preko dve stotine pesama koje su Bitlsi bled upon a list of more than two hundred snimili dok su bili zajedno, ali ih nisu previously recorded but never released Bea- objavili. Ne znajući da će se ubrzo po­ tles songs. Not knowing about the impend- javiti zvanična izdanja kao što su BBC ing releases of the BBC and Live Anthology Live i serija Anthology, Rastko je imao series, Rastko was under the impression utisak da je naišao na that he had encountered popisani inventar the listed inventory of Ali­Babine pećine: the cave of Ali Baba: spisak zamamnog, ali a list of stunning, but potpuno nedostup­ completely inaccessible nog blaga. Jedan od treasures. One of the ti- naslova posebno mu tles especially attracted je privukao pažnju – attention – “Rubber Rubber Soul, pesma Soul”, a song that was koja je trebalo da supposed to be on the bude na istoimenom eponymous Beatles al- albumu Bitlsa iz bum from 1965, but had 1965­e, ali je iz nepo­ been left out for reasons znatih razloga izostavljena. To je i za unknown. For a person far less imaginative nekoga sa daleko manje imaginacije than Rastko it could have been extremely od Rastka moglo da bude krajnje za­ interesting, but in Rastko’s head this had nimljivo, ali u Rastkovoj glavi imalo je had the effect of that legendary flutter of the učinak onog legendarnog zamaha lepti­ wings of a butterfly that might have caused rovog krila koji će na drugoj strani sveta a flurry of hurricanes on the other side of the možda izazvati nalet uragana. Naime, world. Specifically, as it seemed he would pošto mu se činilo da nikada neće imati never get a chance to peek into the vaults priliku da zaviri u sefove u kojima se ti where these legendary, unreleased Beatles legendarni, neobjavljeni snimci Bitlsa recordings were kept, it occurred to Rastko čuvaju, Rastku je palo na pamet da oku­ to gather around people of similar sensibil- pi oko sebe ljude sličnog senzibiliteta, ity, regardless of whether they had any con- bez obzira na to bave li se rokenrolom nection whatsoever with rock and roll or not, ili ne, i da svako od njih komponuje so that each of them could write a song that pesmu koja bi bila njegovo (ili njeno) would be his (or hers) personal vision of that lično viđe nje te misteriozne, odbačene mysterious, discarded “Rubber Soul” tune. Gumene duše. Pesme bi bile objavljene na These songs could then have been recorded ploči pod ime nom Rubber Souls. Rastka in an album called Rubber Souls. For this je za ovaj zanimljiv koncept koji bi se interesting concept that could have been mogao nazvati, recimo, “kreativnom re­ designated, say, a creative reconstruction, konstrukcijom”, inspirisala i Borhesova Rastko was inspired by the story of Borges priča pod nazivom Pjer Menar pisac Ki- called “Pierre Mennard, the Writer of Quix- hota (iz zbirke Fictions), gde Borhes veli: ote” (from the collection Fictions), where “…on (Pjer Menar) nije hteo da napiše Borges says: …he (Pierre Mennard) did not nekog drugog Kihota – što je lako – nego want to write another Quixote – it is easy – upravo Kihota…” U priči, Borhes citira but the Quixote… In the story, Borges cites dva potpuno identična izvoda iz Kiho­ two identical statements from Quixote, one ta, jedan Servantesov i drugi Menarov, by Cervantes and the other by Mennard, kudeći prvi, a hvaleći onaj Menarov kao criticizing the first one, and praising Men- neverovatno dostignuće. Naravno, nard’s as an incredible achievement. Of za realizaciju ovakvog koncepta bio 9 course, in order to realize this concept je potreban onaj sudbonosni, početni ko­ Rastko needed that fateful first step, which rak, a do njega je došlo, kako to obično occured, as it usually happens, by pure co- biva, pukim sticajem okolnosti. U martu incidence. In March 1993, Rastko Ćirić will 1993­će, Rastko Ćirić se sasvim slučajno accidentally meet Goran Skrobonja.
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