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Serbia's up Guitar - ISSN 1820-8339 1 Risk-Takers Festival INSIGHT IS PUBLISHED BY 0 1 Page 7 Page 13

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Issue No. 247 Friday, March 9, - Thursday, March 22, 2018 Even when the Democrats longas continue to likely is This also are negotiations Drawn-out Surely the situation is urgent Many of us who have experi - We feel in-the-know because bia has shown us that (a.) no single no (a.) that us shown has bia party or coalition will ever gain the governa - form to required majority negotiations political (b.) and ment, will never be quickly concluded. achieved their surprising result at last month’s general election, quickly it became clear that the - re sult was actually more-or-less the result election other every as same in , i.e. inconclusive. as Serbia’s politicians form new political parties every time disagree with they their current party - reg 342 currently are (there leader political parties in Serbia). istered the norm. One Ambassador Belgrade-based recently told me he was also alarmed by the distinct lack of urgency among politicians. Serbian “The country is standstill at and a I don’t understand their logic. If they are so eager to progress towards the EU and en - theycome how investors, courage go home at 5pm sharp and don’t work weekends?” overtime. little a warrant to enough EDITOR’S WORD Predictability Political By Mark R. Pullen elections Serbian numerous enced rate ourselves as pundits when it comes to predicting election - re sults and post-election moves. our experience of elections in Ser - - - NEWS NEWS “The situation in the party seems “Dacic will eventually side with Nikolic agreed: “The question is Fearing they might not cross the Pensioners leader, Jovan Krkoba - The reported price is the post of In addition, the Socialists are bar Tadic has denied talk of horse- At the same time, Dacic seems re - reach an agreement “If we don’t Source: Balkan Insight ( Balkan Insight ( Source: WOMEN party over which way to turn. extremely complicated, as we try to convince the few remaining lag - gards that we need to move out of one Socialist shadow,” Milosevic’s Party official complained. in a bid to guide his party into Tadic the European mainstream, but much of the membership and many offi - cials may oppose that move.” will the party split or ‘old- back down,” he noted. timers’ threshold to enter parlia - 5-per-cent ment, the Socialists teamed up with Association of Pensioners and the the led by business - United Serbia Party, man Dragan Markovic “Palma”. bic, Palma and Dacic are all pushing for a deal with the Democrats. of deputy PM, with a brief in charge security for the Socialist leader. gaining for other ministries, includ - ing capital investments, Kosovo and education, Belgrade media reported. trading with the Socialists, maintain - ing that ministries would go only to those committed to working for the “strategic goal”. government’s negotiations with luctant to call off the nationalists. with the DSS and Radicals, par ty leadership will decide on future steps”, Dacic announced, following par new country’s of session first the liament on Wednesday. FEEL AT HOME ON SERBIA’S page 10

FAR RIGHT hile the football world watch - es events unfold at the Euro - However, a strong current also However, Mihajlo Markovic, a founder of Markovic, a prominent supporter Some younger Socialist officials Neighbourhood Matters faces extinction unless it changes. flows in the opposite direction, led by party veterans enraged the Tadic. prospect of a deal with recently warned of a crisis the party, if Dacic opts for the pro-European “nat - bloc, abandoning the Socialists’ ural” ideological partners. of Milosevic during the 1990s, is seen as representative of the “old- timers” in the party who want to stay policies, true to the former regime’s even though these almost ruined the Socialists for good. have voiced frustration over the con - tinuing impasse within their own Football Rebellion Football pean Championships in and pean Championships in Switzerland, Bosnia is experiencing led by fans, play - a soccer rebellion, enraged ers and former stars who are by what they see as corrupt leaders football association of the country’s leaders. W Issue No. 1 / Friday, June 13, 2008 Issue No. 1 / Friday, Serbia’s hard-line nationalist parties are no page 5 longer boys-only clubs, three women active in these movements have told BIRN. conomists are warning that pro - over Serbia’s uncertainty longed “This year has been lost, from the After eight years of stagnation, the pro-European and nation - With Nikolic believes the Socialists, led “The group of younger Socialists Business Insight Costs Mounting future could scare off investors, lead investors, lead future could scare off to higher inflation and jeopardise prosperity for years to come. says standpoint of economic policy,” Econom - the of Stamenkovic Stojan ics Institute in Belgrade. to Serbia’s late president, Slobodan to Serbia’s Milosevic, and reformists who want the party to become a modern Euro - pean social democrat organisation. the Socialists returned to centre stage after winning 20 of the 250 seats in elections. parliament in the May 11 alist blocs almost evenly matched, the Socialists now have the final say on the fate of country. by Ivica Dacic, will come over to if only out of a pragmatic de - Tadic, sire to ensure their political survival. gathered around Dacic seems to be adding said, Nikolic majority”, the in that these reformists believe the party E Friday • June 13 2008 THIS ISSUE OF Belgrade Insight IS SUPPORTED BY: IS SUPPORTED ense negotiations on a new gov - ense negotiations ernment have divided the ranks “It looks as if the Socialists will Simultaneous negotiations held This divides “old-timers” loyal Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains the Serbian kingmaker Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains Lure of Tadic Alliance Splits Socialists Tadic Lure of government, old pro-EU While younger Socialists support joining a new, over the prospect. revolt Milosevic loyalists threaten in Belgrade By Rade Maroevic of the Socialist Party, which holds of the Socialist Party, of the balance power between the blocs and has yet to announce main which side they will support. move towards a government led by the Democrats,” political analyst Mi - lan Nikolic, of the independent Cen - tre of Policy Studies, said. “But such a move might provoke deeper divi - sions and even split the party.” with the pro-European and national - ist blocs have drawn attention to a deep rift inside the Socialists. T

Maja ZIVANOVIC sition to Kosovo’s independence and Serbia’s potential EU and NATO mem- erbia’s far-right parties are bership. trying to shed their chauvin- They all reject what they see as con- ist image, promoting a cadre temporary Western notions of femi- of female activists who argue nism, but say they do want Serbian that there is no conflict be- women to be modern and educated. Stween gender equality and their parties’ The say marriage and family are the promotion of “traditional family values” “meaning of life”, and express concern – including limits to access to abortion over Serbia’s low birth rate, arguing that and denial of rights for gay people. it should be more of a priority for the BIRN spoke with three such women, government. all known for their nationalist politics, ardent support for Russia, and oppo- Continued on pages 2 and 3

Milica Djurdjevic, 27, is a senior member of the far-right nationalist Zavetnici group. Photo: Medija Centar

+381 11 4030 306 [email protected] 2 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 3 SERBIA SERBIA

Continued from page 1 Women Feel at Home On Serbia’s Far Right

Vjerica Radeta, a 63-year-old MP for the opposition ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party, SRS, scorns the term “feminist.” Photo: Beta Marija Janjusevic, a 47-year-old MP for another right-wing party, Dveri, promotes a nationalist ideal of a Serbian woman. Photo: Courtesy of Marija Janjusevic

lthough they fight to Zavetnici is known in Serbia for its However, Zavetnici did not pass the five direct, spontaneous and full of spirit,” On February 15, the Mechanism for protect traditional fam- staunch nationalism and for holding per cent threshold to enter the city as- she says. International Criminal Tribunals in The ily values, they are also views that are at odds with liberal ide- sembly. Hague called on Serbian authorities to adopting many of the als. Last September, she married the FEMINISM SEEN declare within 30 days that they have values widely consid- It calls for the union of Serbia and leader of Zavetnici, Stefan Stamenko- AS AN INSULT the “jurisdiction, willingness and readi- Aered part of modern feminism. Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Repub- vski. ness to accept the trial” of two SRS mem- lika Srpska, which would be strongly Media described the wedding as “tra- Vjerica Radeta, a 63-year-old MP for I never came bers, Petar Jojic and Vjerica Radeta, I do not have a LEADERSHIP resisted by Bosnia and much of the in- ditional”, noting that the presiding cler- the opposition ultra-nationalist Ser- wanted by the UN court for influencing FULL OF ‘BEAUTIFUL ternational community. ic was the Serbian Orthodox bishop of bian Radical Party, SRS, also believes across witnesses in the trial of the party leader, feminist stance WOMEN’ Zavetnici has no time for human , Amfilohije, known for his her party has no problem with gender Vojislav Seselj for alleged war crimes. rights activists, who it sees as unpatri- hostility to Montenegro’s pro-Western discrimination – though she scorns the They are accused of threatening, and I think it One of them, Milica Djurdjevic, 27, is otic, either. government and opposition to abor- term “feminist”. anyone [in the blackmailing and bribing witnesses to a senior member of the far-right nation- Its activists protested on February 2 tion and Kosovo’s independence. “I do not have a feminist stance and either change their testimonies or to is [feminism] alist Zavetnici group, which opposes after the rights campaigner Natasa Kan- “Today's Serbian women should be I think it is [feminism] deeply insulting movement] not testify. NATO and the EU and supports closer dic and the Humanitarian Law Centre, both modern and traditional,” she says. for women,” she says. Like Zavetnici, the party is ardently deeply insulting ties with Russia. which documents crimes committed They should “know other people’s cul- However, Radeta, although con- who in any way pro-Russian. The SRS candidate for the She says her group has more and during the of the 1990s, tures, languages and habits, but love cerned about Serbia’s low birth rate, says post of Belgrade mayor, Miljan Damn- for women. more female members. were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. and protect their own. women should be educated, should attempted janovic, even called in January for Ser- “We are known for the great number In December, Zavetnici representa- “There are many expectations of to- work and should learn. “Then they bia’s “full integration with the Russian of beautiful and smart women in the tives visited Russia and met Sergei day's woman; to be the foundation of could have the economic stability [they Federation”. leadership of the movement,” she told Zeleznjak, a senior adviser to President the family, have a successful career, and need] to have children,” she added. to discredit The call was not a vote-winner. Like BIRN. “They are all very engaged and Vladimir Putin. earn money,” Djurdjevic says. In common with most hardline na- Zavetnici, the party also failed to cross dedicated.” Last June, in the northern city of Novi She also argues that Serbian society tionalists, she opposes Serbia’s closen- me merely the threshold to enter the city assembly. Djurdjevic says her organisation is Sad, Zavetnici activists protested at a has long been deceived by claims that ing ties to the EU, and resents what she Vjerica Radeta, not prejudiced against women, and is screening of a film documenting eve- marriage is an outdated institution, sees as the Serbian media’s positive because I am a WOMEN SHOULD Serbian Radical founded on values of equality and de- ryday life in Kosovo, forcing their way that “the family is stigma and the birth portrayal of Federica Mogherini, the BE PROUD TO BE SERBIAN Party Members of Zavetnici protesting in Belgrade. Photo: Beta mocracy. into the building, prompting a police of children is an unnecessary sacrifice. EU’s High Representative for Foreign woman. “I never came across anyone [in the response. The meaning of life is life. Whoever Affairs, and the German Chancellor, Marija Janjusevic, a 47-year-old MP Like Zavetnici and the Radicals, She promotes a nationalist ideal of a everyone should help, “by giving birth Dveri’s leader, Bosko Obradovic, movement] who in any way attempted Djurdjevic is also strongly opposed does not understand this, is deeply un- Angela Markel. for another right-wing party, Dveri Dveri advocates traditional family val- Serbian woman “who is not ashamed of or helping others to give birth and raise however, has more respect for his Ger- to discredit me merely because I am a to Kosovo’s independence. Like most happy,” she observes. “Why do we need such female role [Portals], says women in its ranks are re- ues, opposes gay rights, abortion and being a Serb, but proudly wears it.” children”. man far-right counterparts. woman,” she insists. Serbian nationalists, she believes the Djurdjevic says Maria Zakharova, a models? We have a different mentality spected and treated as equals with men the independence of Kosovo. She wants women in Serbia to have She intends to raise her own daugh- He sent his congratulations to the far- “There is a very healthy and almost former province has no right to state- senior official she met in Russia’s For- and tradition. We need to respect that,” – albeit with caveats. Like them, it also seeks looser ties be- the option of choosing “whether to be a ter to be a “unique, brave and self-con- right Alternative für Deutschland, AfD, family atmosphere [in Zavetnici]. We hood, and is the cradle of Serbian cul- eign Ministry, would be an ideal role Radeta says. “[We are] aware of both diversity and tween Serbia and Russia. housewife, to build a career in business fident Serb who travels the world”. which performed more strongly than understand our responsibilities and ture and civilisation. model for Serbian women. The party advocates the creation of biological predisposition, [but] we do Janjusevic said Dveri wants a “family or to be an artist”. Janjusevic also says German Chan- expected in September’s German elec- obligations, but we are friends as well She stood as a mayoral candidate “I met her. An extraordinary lady, an a “Greater Serbia”. Its officials have also Milica Djurdjevic, not advocate unnatural equalisation at model” for Serbia and added that they Like Radeta, Janjusevic is concerned cellor Angela Merkel has nothing to tions. as collaborator,” she says. in the Belgrade elections on March 4. intellectual, a strong woman, and yet so burned NATO flags in public. Zavetnici all costs,” Janjusevic told BIRN. “believe in marriage”. about the low birth rate and argues that teach Serbian women. 4 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 5 BELGRADE BELGRADE

Municipality Building Becomes Kindergarten Progressives The municipality of Vracar has announced it will turn part of the building into a kindergarten designed to host 300 children. Keep The site of 700 square metres was used previously as office space for rent. The reconstruc- tion work is due to finish by the in brief Belgrade Belgrade end of the year. See the Sights for Free on a Tram Guessing If you wish to get to know the Serbian capital from an unusual point of view, get on the Tram About New Called Belgrade [Tramvaj Zvani Beograd]. The tramline starts op- erations on March 9 and the ride is free of charge. The 60-minute tour starts in front of the zoo Mayor every Friday and Saturday at 7pm and 8pm. The sightseeing tour includes some of the city landmarks, such as the railway With no names officially announced station and Kalemegdan. The number of passengers is limited as yet, bookmakers and the media to 35, so appointments are nec- essary. They can be made at the have been left to speculate about the Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, at Knez Mihailova, 5. Serbian capital's new boss. Short Film Festival Returns Ivana NIKOLIC The 65th Belgrade Documen- sova University Children's Hospital tary and Short Film Festival fter the ruling Serbian and professor at the School of Medi- takes place from March 28 to Progressive Party, SNS, cine. Radojicic is not a member of any April 1 at Dom Omladine. The won most votes in Bel- party but he was still ranked first on organisers say the main goal of the Martovski Festival remains grade City Assembly the list of city deputies on the SNS's the same, "to offer a platform elections on March 4, election list. primarily to domestic filmmak- SerbianA President and SNS party chief The only woman on Blic's list is ers not only to present their Aleksandar Vucic said the name of Irena Vujovic. An SNS member and work to the audience, but also the new mayor would be announced current head of the city to link with producers, funds, TV within 47 to 52 days. municipality, many believe she has networks, film professionals and One of the many programmes that Zivimo Zajedno supports is a community recycling centre. Photo: Courtesy of Zivimo Zajedno new technological trends in Eu- Some of the local media and book- Vucic's strong support. rope and the region". The com- makers have already decided their Number four is Aleksandar Antic, plete film repertoire and ticket favourites, however, and names they from the SPS, who is currently Serbia's prices are to be announced have published are almost the same: energy minister. Antic topped the SPS Aleksandar Vucic stated on March 4 that the name of the new mayor Photo: Beta soon. For more information visit would be announced within 47 to 52 days. both agree that the next mayor of the Belgrade election list. capital will most likely come from the Current City Manager Goran Vesic, Disabled Recyclers Motorcycle Show victorious SNS list. who was also on the SNS election list, Comes To Town That comes as no big surprise as the is in the game as well. party won 44.9 per cent of votes cast, Apart from media speculation, Bel- The 12th annual Motopassion City Election show will take place from which translates into 63 seats. That grade bookies have their own favour- Voting System Offer Belgrade a Green March 22 to March 28 at Bel- means the Progressives can form a ites. grade Fair at halls 7-9. Visitors city government without needing a Mozzart, one of Serbia's biggest bet- The city's potential 1,606,931 potential voters were asked to can see the latest models of coalition partner. ting companies, is giving odds of 2.4 to choose between 24 electoral lists and cast ballots at 1,185 polling motorcycles, mopeds, scoot- The list led by former mayor Dragan Irena Vujovic, followed by Sinisa Mali stations. Alternative ers as well as replacements parts. Representatives of the Djilas came second, winning 18.8 per on 2.6, and Goran Vesic and Zoran Ra- entire motorcycle industry will cent of the vote and getting assembly dojicic, both on odds of 4.0. Belgrade Assembly members serve four-year terms elected on a closed party list proportional representation system. Voters select be present, including domestic 26 seats. Mozzart gives odds of 7.0 to anoth- although the organisation does help peo- receive all children, no matter what their nicipalities in the entire city, including the organisation based in the village of Gol- from the party or coalition lists of candidates, circling their pre- and international organisations. The list led by Aleksandar Sapic, the er woman who was also on the SNS Disabled people ple with physical disabilities as well. social or economic status, and so this one at Zivimo Zajedno. ubinci, about halfway between Belgrade Tickets cost from 150 to 500 ferred list on the ballot. They cannot select individual candidates. dinars [around €1.2 to €4]. head of the municipal- list, Aja Jung, director of the Belgrade It is a support group that provides organisation was opened as a kind of an- "At first, people usually do not under- and . Members come together 10th Annual Wine Style Salon ity, scored 9.3 per cent win and got 13 Dance Festival. Parties and coalitions rank candidates in order of preference in Belgrade are an array of programmes from teaching swer to that," explains Oskorusa. stand what the recycling bins are exactly," and grow organic fruits and vegetables. The 10th annual Wine Style seats. Bookmakers are also betting on on lists, so the higher up the list a candidate is, the greater their members everyday skills to paying them Oskorusa says. He, himself, did not know Afterwards, they bring them back to Dor- Salon will be held at the Zira The Socialist Party, the Progressives' Aleksandar Antic with odds of 10. chance of winning a seat. One in three candidates must come gaining skills, for various jobs that they do in the or- GREENING DORCOL what the recycling bins in front of Zivimo col to sell. Hotel on Saturday, March from the under-represented sex. 31. As always, all of the best coalition party in the state govern- However, Socialist party chief Ivica developing ganisation's building and around the city. Zajedno were used for when he began Currently, they are producing and sell- wineries from Serbia and the ment, won 6.1 per cent and will have Dacic says his party does not wish to Party and coalition lists must win at least 5 per cent of the vote to People of all ages, from small children to One of the many programmes that working there. ing raspberries. region - particularly the former eight seats in the assembly. provide the city's next mayor. take any of the assembly's 110 seats. adults, can join as members or volunteer Zivimo Zajedno supports is a community "But right now in the neighbourhood, Miletic says she enjoys selling vegeta- - will be in attend- According to the daily newspaper "Even if [President] Vucic offered us independence at the organisation. recycling centre. people who live in the vicinity and some bles, to which Oskorusa adds: "She is actu- ance at this highly popular wine tasting event. Wines from many Blic, five names are in the running. [the mayoralty], it is not needed. We The city mayor is chosen by elected assembly members. While and getting paid "Our primary programme is actually "Our director saw that there were not a who live further away are actually start- ally the best at selling them." other European countries will At the top of the list is the city's cur- didn't deserve it. They won, so they many parties/coalitions name their chosen mayoral candidate enabling people with disabilities to try to lot of containers that could separate ma- ing to recycle more," he adds. Vukobratovic says he loves swimming, also be represented. Tickets for rent mayor, Sinisa Mali. He is followed should provide the mayor," Dacic said before the election, they are not required to do so. live a life that is more or less independ- terials and that the city didn't care much Mara Miletic, 60, is another member of and Oskorusa explains that during the the event cost 10 euros. by Zoran Radojicic, director of the Tir- on March 5. by working with ent," says Aleksandar Oskorusa, 25, a so- about recycling, so he started with that Zivimo Zajedno who has been doing paid summer, "we go for a vacation to the sea". cial worker who is employed at Zivimo idea and it turned into this entire pro- work with them for over 13 years. Along This year is a special one for the organi- an organisation Zajedno. gramme," Oskorusa says. with Vukobratovic, she makes sure that sation; it is hosting the Seventh European "We try to teach them some basic ac- Approved by the Ministry of Environ- the recycling containers do not get too full. Congress for People with Special Needs ORDER DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR that operates a tivities that they can do daily like cooking, mental Protection in 2012, the organisa- "Once we bring the bottles in [to the cel- and Extra Talents. +381 11 4030 303, [email protected] Find your copy of cleaning and even math so that they can tion collects recycling waste in the Dorcol lar below Zivimo Zajedno] and there is no "By bringing together persons with dis- unique recycling calculate prices and some with higher ca- neighbourhood. They have six contain- rain or snow, they are collected from the abilities from all around , this gath- Belgrade Insight here: pabilities may even learn how to do their ers made out of wire, a paper-recycling [wire] containers, and we put them into ering creates a unique opportunity for scheme in the taxes or something like that," Oskorusa unit, an aluminium-recycling unit, carts bags that make it easier to transport the them to expand their circle of friends, de- city. adds. and spare parts for trolleys, and protec- recycling to the trucks," Miletic explains. velop their creative potential and discuss MONUMENT HOTEL HYATT INTERGALACTIC DINNER INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF FLY FLY TRAVEL Founded by a group of parents in 1997, tive equipment on site at Zivimo Zajed- Dragana Petrovic, 34, who became a issues that cheer or bother them," Dejan Address: Cika Ljubina 9 Address: Milentija Popovica 5 Address: Internacionalnih brigada 22 BELGRADE Address: YUBC Bulevar Mihajla Zivimo Zajedno is based in the oldest no's centre for their employees. member of Zivimo Zajedno in October Kozic, the director of Zivimo Zajedno, is Address: , Bulevar Address: Temisvarska 19 Pupina 10v Alexis TRAUSSI neighbourhood in Belgrade, Dorcol. Its Anyone living in Belgrade can come 2016, helps while her colleagues are col- quoted as saying on the congress's web- HOTEL MOSKVA HOTEL CROWN PLAZA Mihajla Pupina 85A goal is to improve the quality of life of the and drop off their plastic bottles in the lecting the bottles and cans. site. Address: Balkanska 1 Address: Vladimira Popovica 10 THE BRITISH INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT DVA JELENA love crushing the cans," says parents' disabled children, their families six wire containers in front of Zivimo Za- "I usually hold the bags while my With programmes spanning recycling, SCHOOL OF BELGRADE Address: Skadarska 32 Ratko Vukobratovic as he and the wider community through per- jedno, and their paper and aluminium re- friends put the bottles in, I help when gardening and what many would regard HOTEL SQUARE NINE HOTEL LE PETIT PIAFF TOURIST ORGANISATION OF Address: Smetanina 12 acts out the motion with his sonal development and community en- cycling around the corner of the building the trucks come to pick up all the mate- as simply washing the dishes, Zivimo Address: 9 Restaurant Mali vrabac SERBIA gentle hands. "I also throw gagement. at their respective units. rials by helping them put the bags in the Zajedno helps to draw attention to the Address: Skadarska 34 Address: Trg Republike 5 RADISSON BLU OLD them," he adds, smiling as he The organisation also seeks to respond After that, all the members of the or- truck," she says. personal and broader needs of the com- CAFE SNEZANA MILL HOTEL, BELGRADE pretends"I to toss another crushed can into to the needs of children and adults with ganisation, with help from employees, munity. NATIONAL FOUNDATION Address: Knez Mihailova 50 HOTEL MERIOT Address: Bulevar Vojvode Misica 15 a rubbish bag. severe learning and development diffi- collect and process the recycling, getting BUILDING THE COMMUNITY Natasa Milovanovic, 45, who joined the FOR DANCE Address: Vase Carapica 2-4 Vukobratovic, 59, is one of dozens of culties who could not afford the services it ready to be collected by trucks that take organisation in October 2016, highlights Address: Kolarceva 3 KOLARAC disabled members of the non-govern- provided by the the social care system, as it to the recycling plant outside of Bel- While everyone participates at th the positive aspects of working in recy- BISTRO BAR Address: Studentski trg 5 FLY FLY TRAVEL Address: Kolarceva 7 mental, non-profit organisation Zivimo well as their parents, who want to provide grade. All the organisation's members are e recycling centre, the members of Zivi- cling: "I collect the bottles and I try not to Address: Vojvode Stepe 198 RESTAURANT BIZU Address: Aerodrom pult Zajedno (Let's Live Together). a better and more complete life for their paid for the work they do. mo Zajedno also enjoy many of the other pollute the environment. HOTEL EXCELSIOR Address: Andre Nikolica 1-3 All the members of Zivimo Zajedno children. In Belgrade, there are only about 65 programmes they offer. "I don't know what my favourite thing Address: Kneza Milosa 5 SKVER 44 FLY FLY TRAVEL have a form of intellectual disability that "At the time [1997], there were not a lot different public locations to separate pa- Throughout the year, Zivimo Zajedno to do here is, I love everything here," she Address: Pozeska 44a Address: Knez Mihailova 4 makes life in Belgrade more challenging, of organisations that would be willing to per, plastic, and aluminium across 11 mu- cooperates with Laza Golubinci, another adds. 6 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 7 SERBIA BUSINESS COMMENT Bitcoin The Unbearable Fever Grips Politicisation of Daily Serbia's Life in Serbia Risk-Takers

Although its Her recommendations to ECD, a Bel- grade-based company that specialises value has fallen in crypto-currencies, tens of thousands of people in Serbia are now involved in from its Decem- this field. ber 2017 peak, A sharp rise in the number of crypto- currency users in Serbia has been espe- more and more cially noticeable since 2016, ECD told BIRN. Serbs are getting While there are several other crypto- hooked on the currencies around, such as Litecoin or Ethereum, Bitcoin remains the most idea of making popular, both in Serbia and the world – especially since its value throughout fortunes from the 2017 rose from $1,000 US to $20,000. mysterious cryp- Its current value is down to around $9, 9000 for one Bitcoin. to-currency. The enormous rise in its value last year significantly increased the number of us- ers all over the world, Marko Matanovic, a Ivana NIKOLIC business developer with ECD, said. "At the beginning of 2017, around 4 ast April, eight months be- million people worldwide owned some fore the value of Bitcoin of the crypto-currencies. At the mo- peaked, Ana Popovic finally ment, we are talking about 40 to 50 mil- did what a friend of hers lion," he told BIRN. had been urging her to do One Bitcoin advocate in the Lfor months: invest in Bitcoins. is the unrecognized self-proclaimed For around $350, she bought 0.25 Bit- statelet between Serbia and coins. At that time, she recalls that one called Liberland. Bitcoin was worth between $1,800 and Parked in the river , it has its $2,000. own Bitcoin Embassy and accepts do- Back then she could not have im- nations in this virtual currency. agined that only months later, by De- However, many fears and concerns cember 2017, the value of the virtual surround the crypto-currencies, as crypto-currency would have soared to there is no central authority to regulate $20,000. them or their flow. Despite not knowing that, she want- Bitcoin fever has prompted many na- ed to be on the safe side and decided tional banks on the Balkans to advise not to trade with it. people to be cautious. Political protests like the one following the 2017 presidential election (pictured), are a recurrent part of daily life in Serbia. Photo: Beta "I bought it and I put it aside. Trading On December 26, 2017, Serbia's Na- with Bitcoins is not that simple, and I tional Bank, NBS, warned those trading would have to learn how to do it," she in it to consider the level of risk they are A sharp rise in the number of cryptocurrency users in Serbia has been noticeable since 2016. Photo: Pixabay with new schoolmates who sought ref- far-off lands, I led a life - as a foreigner ruling party because they saw peers Sadly, it was much before the exist- recalls. taking. Alongside uge from Bosnia and Croatia, you prob- who had taxation without representa- progress after signing up. ence of Vucic or even Milosevic that "I don't have time for that," the PhD can- "Virtual currencies and Bitcoin … are Matanovic says ECD is negotiating with worth around $15,000," the 30-year-old Milos, a computer programmer from ably saw a protest against Milosevic on tion in the UK – where I could for the In the increasingly polarised politi- politics barged, uninvited, into the daily didate at Belgrade University's Faculty of not legally regulated in the Republic several economics faculties about adding said, adding that shortly afterwards the central town of Smederevo, became greater political the streets, and you definitely heard the first time in my life almost completely cal climate, it has become difficult to lives of Serbs. Looking at my only mod- Technology and Metallurgy told BIRN. of Serbia and cannot be considered a subjects such as crypto-currencies and that, his fund fell to only one Bitcoin. a miner last year. air-raid sirens during the NATO bomb- silence the din of politics from my daily judge anything on its own, non-political erately political ancestors, I am com- means of payment," the bank told BIRN Blockchain into their Master programmes. Although he lost quite a lot, he says he He was interested to see how it all freedoms, Serbs ing in 1999. life. Although I still followed and raged merits, without using a political quali- paratively lucky. on December 26. A second one-month course on did not go mad or lose his nerve. If you worked, and the chance of earning If you were lucky (and I was), you at the developments in Serbia and fier to make sure you are not misun- My apolitical maternal grandmother, "A message for anyone who decides these subjects is starting mid-March in do Bitcoin trading, you have to get used some extra money seemed attractive would also didn't have your father (or a cousin) Westminster, it was more like a hobby derstood. A criticism of the quality of a born in the 1930s, avoided speaking on to trade in Bitcoin is that he or she must Belgrade. to losing as well as winning, he notes. as well, so he gave it a try. conscripted to join the army, but rath- or spectator sport. new public project, or praise for a state- the phone about daily news because of take into account that behind this and "Of course, sometimes you are afraid. "Practically, you rent your hardware really enjoy er just played with him when he was Now that I am back in Serbia, politics organised art event, will both need to the constant fear of surveillance. Both my other virtual currencies there is no cen- TRADING REQUIRES But I can say that, of all the people to banks and online exchange offices put on 'forced leave' due to the sanc- is back in my daily life. As the institu- be qualified with a statement of your grandfathers briefly spent time in prison tral bank as a central monetary author- NERVES OF STEEL around me who are trading, I am the that work with crypto-currencies. Then more freedom tions. You heard your parents debat- tions that ensure political freedom, political affiliation, because you will be for their political beliefs. Almost half of There hasn't ity," it added. one least afraid," the Bitcoin trading ad- your hardwares, i.e. graphic cards, pro- ing whether a neighbour or a school- including a free media and an inde- accused from one side or another that my great-grandparents needed to move "There are no ways to mitigate large While many people are afraid of trad- dict says. cess transactions. In return, the banks from politics. friend's parent was 'theirs' (meaning: pendent judiciary, are increasingly your opinion is mere ruling party or op- towns because of politics, while one of been a single day oscillations in offers and demand, and ing in Bitcoin, or do not want to engage Mosurovic plans to turn his Bitcoin pay you in the currency that you pro- pro-Milosevic) or 'ours'. weakened, politics has once again fil- position propaganda. them was even accidentally killed due to even the rules of functioning of the in anything beyond just possessing Bit- obsession into something more lucra- cess," Milos told BIRN. Before I left for the UK in the late tered all the way down to the most ri- Labels like 'traitor' or 'paid-agent', a clash between two political clans. in these three platform for trading in Bitcoin are in coins, Aleksandar Mosurovic has spent tive. In the beginning, he was paid in Bit- 2000s, although politics was very diculous levels. which seemed to have been only brief- It may come as little surprise that many cases not clear enough and regu- last three months at so-called online "I am doing this now as a hobby so coins. He now receives other popular much part of daily life in Serbia, it no ly confined to the gutter press, are now I am increasingly fed-up with my be- months that I lated, nor under the control of regula- exchange offices trading with Bitcoins. that in several years' time I can turn that crypto-currencies, such as Etherium, Srdjan GARCEVIC longer felt all-immersive and as all- POLITICS GETS increasingly present in everyday life. loved slogan from the student days, wasn't trading, tory bodies," NBS added. "There hasn't been a single day in hobby into a company," he said. Etherium Classic and Monero. important as during those days when it PERSONAL IN SERBIA A few days ago, stickers bearing the although I am very aware how true it Matanovic agrees that most of the re- these three months that I wasn't trad- The amount of coins you receive ore than a dec- was literally a matter of life and death. words 'foreign agents' that were created is, even in much less politically fraught including New sponsibility for crypto-currencies rests ing, including New Year's Eve and GOING DOWN THE MINES depends exclusively on the speed and ade ago, when When you wondered when and if there Even if I decide to switch off the TV by the ultra-right wing party Zavetnici, countries. on the users. Christmas. I'm totally hooked on that," power of your graphic cards that pro- I started study- will be another war. with its constant stream of increas- appeared on the buildings of Centar za Nevertheless, it seems that it will Year's Eve and But he also thinks the entire system is Mosurovic told BIRN, laughing. Apart from those trading and those cess transactions. ing politics at The arrival of large coalition govern- ingly fawning coverage of the current Kulturnu Dekontaminaciju (CZKD), an take a long time and a lot more daily well protected, so that attacks on it are Although he found out about the simply possessing Bitcoins and other Milos started with four. Today, he has the University of ments attracting all sorts of political government's activities and accom- alternative cultural centre, and on Hu- politics to ensure that Serbia has strong Christmas. I'm "almost impossible". crypto-currency years ago, he only de- crypto-currencies, there are those 25 graphic cards. Warwick, no slo- chancers also meant there were differ- plishments, or log off from the internet, man Rights House, a centre dedicated institutions and systems that guarantee totally hooked on "The Bitcoin network and Blockchain cided to get involved last year. known popularly as "miners". "It can vary, but on average I earn Mgan captivated me more than 'The per- ent flavours of politics (and cronyism). which is now almost the only source of to the fostering democracy and raising enough political freedoms, so we might technology [the transactions database] From August to November 2017, In crypto-currency language, mining 1,500 to 2,000 dollars a month from sonal is political', popularised by the The internal 1990s polarisation of 'us' news that exposes the government's awareness of discrimination. finally be free(r?) from the incessant in- that. with the underlying cryptographic Mosurovic, who owns a social media is the process by which transactions mining," Milos explained. second-wave feminist Carol Hanisch against 'them' prompted by Milosevic's frequent scandals, politics will find its At one point, a friend talked about trusion of politics in our daily lives. function are on such a security level marketing agency, was only analyzing are verified and added to the Block- Although mining is his thing, Milos in 1969. Having spent my childhood in choke-hold on Serbia's institutions, way into my daily routine. someone being a 'collaborator' with the that, at the moment, it is almost impos- Bitcoin markets. chain – the transactions' database. Min- also trades from time to time. Milosevic-era Belgrade, the idea of the media and even culture, lessened and It will rear its head as a friend who government, while other friends avoid Srdjan Garcevic is a writer and a sible to perform any hacking or similar In November, he finally bought his ing also includes the means through But whatever you do in the cryp- ubiquity of politics seemed natural. even evolved into something a bit more works in the public sector recounts a number of popular restaurants in Bel- founder of The Nutshell Times blog. attacks," Matanovic explained. first virtual currency – 0,5 Bitcoin. Since which new coins are created and re- to-currency world, you have to be Back then, even if your parents want- pluralist. being asked to canvass for votes for grade because of rumours that they Apart from acting as a service to buy then, he has been following the stock leased. cautious and ready to take risks, he ed to shield you from the daily news, After my time at Warwick, marked by the ruling party by their boss, or it will have been acquired by new government- The opinions expressed in the Com- and sell crypto-currencies and offer market closely, checking it several While anyone with access to the In- warns. politics and its effects were every- sit-ins and heated debates around the bubble up in the dilemma faced by an linked owners. Ironically, only a few of ment section are those of the authors counselling, ECD organizes various ac- times a day and at night. ternet and suitable hardware can take "There were times when I earned a where. You saw long queues for bread ethical provenance of student society artist friend, who thinks they can only my friends are in any way directly, or at only and do not necessarily reflect the Aleksandar tivities to educate people and popular- "By trading, I acquired eight Bitcoin in part in mining, it is not a favourite cryp- lot. There is a sum that I spend, but I am and milk on the streets, you hung out hoodies, fair-trade coffee and wars in get ahead in their career if they join the least voluntarily, involved in politics. views of BIRN. Mosurovic ize the wider issues. only two months. At that time, one was to-currency profession. saving as well," the miner concluded. 8 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 9 REGION FACES Russia's Fancy Bear Hacks The its Way Into Montenegro Sweet CHEAP WAY OF COLLECTING A notorious INTELLIGENCE Russian cyber- America disagrees. In a report, pub- Torments espionage group lished on December 29, 2016, the US De- partment of Homeland Security, DHS, is believed to and the FBI insisted that the Kremlin sponsored Fancy Bear. of Krsto have been behind Fancy Bear has targeted many impor- a number of tant international groups and individuals. They include 's ruling Chris- attacks targeting tian Democratic Union, CDU, the German Radovic Bundestag, NATO, the World Anti-Doping Montenegrin Agency, the US Democratic National Committee, the former White House sen- institutions in the ior official John Podesta, the US Demo- last year. cratic Congressional Campaign Commit- "You need to be extremely dedicat- tee, and others. From working in ed and talented, with great attention Christopher Bing, Associate Editor of 's top ho- to detail and persistence. You spend Dusica TOMOVIC CyberScoop, a US cybersecurity website 75 to 80 hours a week working. Even Maja ZIVANOVIC that has followed the attacks in Montene- tels to setting up as you progress through the ranks, the gro, agreed that Fancy Bear has subjected pressure is constant. All the great chefs he innocent sounding the Balkans to an intensive campaign of a high-end cake need to go through this." email reached an official cyber-espionage. On top of the gruelling working of the Montenegrin De- "These activities largely serve as a shop in Belgrade – hours, Krsto also decided to continue fence Ministry in early cheap and effective way to collect intel- his education at the University of West January 2017. ligence remotely and covertly – without being a great pas- London, where he studied for a degree Entitled: "NATO_secre- getting caught," he told CIN-CG/ BIRN. try chef is hardly a in Culinary Arts on a scholarship from Ttary_meeting.doc", it sounded like a com- Bing explained that APT28 is a po- Claridge's. Although it took up rare, muniqué from the Western alliance that litically motivated threat group that is piece of cake. precious moments when he was not Montenegro was soon to join. known to target geopolitical rivals of the working in the kitchen, he notes that However, IT experts say the message Kremlin. the degree provided him with practi- was not sent by NATO to update Monte- "APT28 is known to target military, gov- cal knowledge about how to run his negro on useful information. ernmental and civil society groups that are own business. It came from a notorious Russian hack- commonly of interest to the Russian state. Srdjan GARCEVIC ing group, which wanted to break into the "As part of this targeting pattern, the HARD WORK government's IT systems and steal state Balkans represents a territory where Rus- ince opening three years AND DEDICATION secrets. sia remains interested in controlling and ago, the Mandarina cake Also in January, according to BIRN asserting its dominance," Bing explained. shop has developed Despite the stresses, he looks back sources, the government re- The IT company ESET, known for its something of a cult fol- fondly on this time, especially the sup- ceived two more similar emails. anti-virus and firewall products, also con- lowing among Belgrade's port and training he received from the Over the last two years, Montenegro authorities have recorded a sharp rise in the number of cyber attacks, Photo: Pixabay The subject line of the first read: "Draft mostly targeting state institutions and media outlets. firmed to CIN-CG/BIRN that Fancy Bear foodies. The lust for their head pastry chef Nick Patterson and schedule for British army groups' visit to was on active manoeuvres in the Balkans colourful,S irregularly shaped cakes his colleagues with whom he stays in Montenegro". CIN-CG/BIRN's investigation shows including government and military tar- taken on a professional level, indicates during summer 2017. and crunchy croissants occasion- touch. The title of the other was: "Schedule for that the rise in cyber attacks coincided gets, along with defence departments, that this was a synchronised action," an ally results in small queues forming "During the years we worked togeth- a European military transfer program". with the final phase of the country's media outlets, and political dissidents or official said. NOT ALL CYBER in front of this smartly designed shop er we pushed the standards in terms of All are believed to have come from the NATO accession negotiations in late 2016. figures opposed to the Russian govern- The next attack, which a European ATTACKS ARE RUSSIAN in Gracanicka, a short hop from Knez pastries. We [Claridge's] had the best af- same Russian hacker group, which ex- In addition, Montenegro's leaders say ment. official attributed to the same Russian Mihailova. ternoon tea in London for a few years, perts say is linked to the Kremlin. Russia tried to interfere in the country's "Russia is attacking these governments source, happened in June 2017. New analysis by the Public Adminis- Behind it all, is the sibling duo which is a huge deal there. I am now Three international IT security com- October 16, 2016 general elections, a using both traditional means and as cy- Pierluigi Paganini, member of the Eu- tration Ministry on cyber threat to Mon- Kamelija Radojcic and Krsto Radovic, trying to convey that importance of panies say the emails came from APT28, charge that Moscow has denied. ber-attacks," Read added. ropean Union's Agency for Network and tenegro showed the number of hacking and years of hard work, dedication dedication and loyalty to my new col- also known as Fancy Bear, which US in- The authorities and the ruling parties Before January 2017, on election day Information Security, ENISA, told CIN-CG/ attacks rose in 2017. The attacks were also and passion. leagues." telligence services say is connected to claim that Russia sponsored a coup at- in October 2016, many websites in Mon- BIRN that Montenegrin infrastructure "much more serious and sophisticated," it "We grew up in our parents' bakery When Krsto decided to move back the Russian military intelligence service, tempt on the election day. tenegro were suddenly taken down by was again targeted by APT28, or Fancy said. and we were milling about the work- to Belgrade, his family and friends . Several Western governments, includ- so-called DDoS attacks, in which multiple Bear. Over 380 attacks on websites, state shop from the time we could walk. questioned his decision. European Union officials also believe ing the UK, support that interpretation of compromised computer systems attack a "In June 2017, after Montenegro official- institutions, online fraud and misuse of There was always this desire for us to "I always wanted to come back – that Montenegro suffered a serious cyber events. website and cause a denial of service for ly joined NATO, the attacks continued; personal accounts were reported in 2017. open something of our own," explains Belgrade is my city. I could have got a attack in June 2017. Three prominent international secu- users. experts at the security firm Fire Eye who That compared with just six in 2012. The Krsto, Mandarina's pastry chef. While good job anywhere in the world. Even Over the last two years, Montenegro rity companies, Fire Eye, Trend Micro However, the authorities never dis- analyzed them collected evidence that authorities promised to investigate the Kamelija honed her skills working now, some people are asking me why authorities have recorded a sharp rise and ESET agree that Fancy Bear staged closed what actually happened on that confirmed the involvement of Russia's background to all those attacks. in marketing agencies, Krsto's path in the number of cyber attacks, mostly at least three separate attacks in January, day although they announced a detailed APT," Paganini said. "The severity and sophistication of towards crafting dazzling cakes and targeting state institutions and media February and June 2017. investigation, hinting at a Russian role in He added that the evidence included cyber-attacks affecting Montenegro dur- other tasty treats took him to London. outlets. So-called "lures" – spearphishing the large-scale internet incident. artefacts, malware, bait documents and ing 2017 were reflected in the increased After training to become a pas- From only 22 such incidents in 2013, emails – are common tactics used by the Four days after the elections, on Oc- exploit codes. number of identified attacks on infrastruc- try chef in Belgrade's best hospital- almost 400 were recorded in only nine group to target victims who are tempted tober 20, 2016, another phishing attack He said that although attribution is al- ture and cyber espionage cases, as well as ity schools and a brief stint in the US, months of 2017, official data obtained by to open messages mentioning specific was launched against the parliament of ways the most difficult part of a forensic through phishing campaigns that targeted where he was also playing hockey, CIN-CG/ BIRN show. topics relevant to them. Montenegro, most likely by Fancy Bear investigation, in this case, the information civil servants," the ministry report said. Krsto answered an ad for a job at Clar- When you are your Not all are related to malware viruses Targets are fooled into believing the again, according to IT security specialists gathered "points directly to the Russian These attacks caught Montenegro on idge's. One of London's iconic hotels, Krsto Radovic, and Kamelija Radojcic in front of Mandarina cake shop in Belgrade. Photo: Mandarina cake shop or attacks on state institutions, and not email is legitimate. Then, by clicking on Trend Micro. APT28 group". the hop, as its small cyber security team Claridge's is famous in equal parts for own boss, you are all the attacks can be attributed to Fancy the link or attached document, they en- But, government sources told CIN-CG/ BIRN asked the Russian Foreign Minis- had no experience of dealing with attacks its glamorous guests and the high cali- your own boss I returned – but I don't understand it. I about ingredients, machinery and ser- "Last summer, I tasted some grapes Bear. able a virus to enter their computers. BIRN that this attack was less serious, as try about its connections to the group and on this scale. It has only a dozen employ- bre of its restaurants and bars. Many love it here and in any case the recipe vice. that I had completely forgotten about But many of the attacks are believed to Ben Read, from the US security com- it targeted the "wrong location", the parlia- to its attacks on Montenegro. ees, who are being trained by US and UK of the world's best chefs led or passed every day, around for success is the same anywhere in Even crafting Mandarina's ever- and hadn't eaten since childhood. It be linked to the tiny Adriatic country's de- pany Fire Eye, told CIN-CG/ BIRN that the ment, which does not deal with confiden- It refused to respond specifically, not- cyber experts. through its kitchens, including Gordon the world: hard work and dedication." changing menu is hard, albeit deli- was a rare variety which grew in my cision to join NATO, which infuriated the emails sent to the Montenegrin Defence tial data. ing only that "the mentioned issues were Amid reports that Russian hackers Ramsey and Rene Redzepi. the clock. Even Even though he is his own boss now cious, work. grandparents' garden and it brought country's old ally, Russia. Ministry in January 2017 were designed "It was a blind shot," said this official repeatedly commented on by the Rus- played a role in downing several web- "I was young and hungry: I wanted at Mandarina - which grew from arti- "It looks really simple but it's actually back all these memories, so I spent Montenegro has since tightened up to cause chaos. who insisted on remain anonymous. sian Foreign Ministry". sites on election day in Montenegro, the to learn, advance and get to know new when you are at san cakes to making chocolates and very complex. For each cake you need days trying to blend their taste into a cyber security defences. It has formed a "If you opened [them], they would in- A bigger attack, which the Montenegro Russia strongly denies that its state government in December adopted new people. London was the perfect place home… you need baking croissants - creating and selling to consider the shape, colours, textures, cake. specialised police taskforce to fight cyber stall the malware Game Fish on the vic- government describes as more intense plays any role in hacking governments, measures to tighten cyber security. for that," remembers Krsto, who stayed innovative treats with his team is still taste and the actual experience of eat- "It's a wonderful feeling when you crime. tim's system. That's signature malware for than the one in October 2016, started on media or elections across the globe. It said it would strengthen the capacity with Claridge's for six formative years. to think about the challenging. ing it. It all needs to come together and see [a cake] evolving from an idea and But with only limited resources, the APT28," he explained. February 15, 2017 and peaked over the Russian President Vladimir Putin of the police and intelligence services to His training in creating elaborate, "When you are your own boss, you balance well, so that it can be at the an attempt, to something that some- team greatly depends on the help of He said experts from Fire Eye believed following days, government sources told told reporters in June 2017 that hack- prevent hacking, after the attacks on elec- beautiful pastries sounds gruelling, business and your are your own boss every day, around level we are aiming for… and then you one enjoys. When you see [your cus- NATO and other Western countries. the hackers' motive was Russia's deep dis- CIN-CG/BIRN last year. ing groups, like artists, do their own tion day had highlighted the vulnerabil- as many cooking shows such as Hell's the clock. Even when you are at home… need to think of eighteen other cakes tomers] sitting on a bench, eating cakes "After serial attacks in early 2017 we pleasure over Montenegro's NATO acces- This time, websites of the government bidding. ity of the entire system. Kitchen demonstrate. employees. you need to think about the business you will offer beside it, and the hundred and having a great time, and then writ- sought help from NATO and the UK to sion, and the cyber attacks formed part of and state institutions, as well as some pro- "Hackers are like artists who choose "It not just Russian hackers that they are "You enter this huge system where and your employees." cakes you made before, because you ing comments about how much they help us fight back. We succeed in reduc- a broader plan to destabilise the country. government media, suffered a wave of their targets, depending how they feel dealing with. The small, under-equipped all those who want to prove them- Although for a customer it is just don't want to repeat yourself." like it – there is no better feeling for me ing the damage and repelled two attacks In January 2017, Fire Eye published a cyber-attacks, officials in Podgorica told when they wake up in the morning. No team is also dealing with the increase in selves go. Nobody works there just for about eating and occasionally insta- However, all the years of strain and as a pastry chef. in late 2017," a senior police officer told report claiming that Fancy Bear primar- CIN-CG/ BIRN. such attacks could alter the result of elec- online bank frauds and other attacks that a salary. They are there because they gramming beautiful tasty cakes, run- work are vindicated by the amazing "The only reason why I am doing CIN-CG/ BIRN, declining to provide details ily targeted entities in the US, Europe, and "The scope and diversity of the attacks, tions in Europe, America or elsewhere," do not have political background," a gov- adore their work, and want to learn ning a high-end pastry business is very moments of creativity and joy that this is that I can see someone enjoying of those actions. the countries of the former , and the fact that they were being under- Putin told reporters. ernment official told CIN-CG/BIRN. and build their careers," says Krsto. Krsto Radovic complex, with a lot of considerations permeate the whole process. what I dreamt up." 10 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 11 OUT AND ABOUT HEALTH AND FAMILY Starting a Family in Serbia: A Tough Job

Many couples Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mi- hajlovic fumed that the slogan compe- in Serbia are tition displayed great ignorance about the role of women in Serbia and, also, postponing indicated that the government's popu- lation policies have failed. parenthood, citing "No one has a right to order women to give birth, nor to blame women for the unemployment birthrate and to see them as some ma- chines for giving birth," Mihajlovic, who or fear about an oversees coordination of the govern- ment's gender-equality policies, said in uncertain future a written statement. After the public outcry, the culture as the major and information ministry announced it would not use the slogans in any cam- reasons. paign to raise the birthrate. Culture Minister Vladan Vukosavlje- The Djeravica peak of the Prokletije The Kobilica peak of the Sharr mountain range, Kosovo. Mountains, Macedonia. Ivana NIKOLIC vic acknowledged on February 19 that "no one rational can expect [that] a slo- Photo: Wikipedia/tamnavac Photo: Wikipedia/Svrznik t was October 2016 when Sanja gan itself . . .will help people solve this Gogic, then 23, got engaged to [problem] . . . " her boyfriend Dimitrije, adver- He described the slogan competition tising designer. It was a proposal as "just a small auxiliary tool." to remember. Dimitrije rode up Speaking to the cable TV station Ito Gogic on a horse through the pedes- N1 earlier in February, Biljana Maletin trian area of their town, Smedervo, got from the non-profit Women's Platform THE BALKANS AND down on his knees and asked her to (Zenska Platforma) recommended that marry him. the state adopt a full range of measures The wedding is set for next year, but to ensure a better quality of life and en- ITS MOUNTAINS the couple has no thoughts about plan- courage childbirth. ning for a family. "The financial aspect is only one "One of the main reasons for that aspect. When young people leave the is the fact that I don't have a job," ex- country, they are going after a better well-known characteristic of the Balkan region is its many mountains – plained Gogic, a physical therapist. "I quality of life . . .better prospects. [They stretching from the Serbian-Bulgarian border to the Black Sea. In fact, the keep thinking that these are the years are going after] a society in which they term 'Balkan' is actually connected to the mountainous landscape of the when I'm supposed to build a career would live," Maletin said on February 2. region; Balā-khāna refers to 'a big house' in Persian, whilst in Ottoman and to become independent. But for Many parents' and women's rights Turkish, balkan refers to 'a chain of wooded mountains'. two years now, I haven't moved on from associations have called for regulations A where I am." that would ensure social-welfare sup- The highest peaks in the Balkans are situated in central Bulgaria, with the tallest being Ever since she graduated from uni- port for mothers and children, protect Musala (2,925 metres), located in the Rila mountain range in the country's west. Its name versity in 2016, Gogic has been strug- mothers' jobs, ensure the quality of ed- originates from the word Musalla, meaning "near God". gling to find a job. All she has found are According to RZS, Serbia's 2017 birthrate has barely inched up since 2016, which had the lowest Photo: Pixabay ucation and childcare and provide free unpaid internships. birthrate since 1950, when RZS started collecting data. kindergartens and free schoolbooks. Geologically, the Balkan mountain range, which contains 30 peaks in total, is a "young" "Honestly speaking, I don't want to Companies that breach these regula- offspring of the Alp-Himalayan chain that stretches across most of Europe and Asia. depend financially on my husband," Those economic concerns and the lowest birthrate (9) since 1950, when communal services such as electricity tions should be sanctioned by the state, she said. "I would like to contribute to desire to emigrate are reflected in the RZS started collecting data. bills. these groups maintain. our family." country's demographic data. Serbia's official population of 7.04 Some local governments have im- Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has Her case is not unique. According to RZS, Serbia's 2017 birth- million is steadily ageing – over a third plemented their own measures, like acknowledged that "more attention" According to Serbia's Statistical Office rate (9.1 per 1,000 people) has barely are older than 50 years old – and its providing families with baby clothes needs to be paid to how "to balance (RZS), 20.5 per cent of young people be- inched up since 2016, which had the death rate (14.6 per 1,000 people) easily and equipment or covering the cost of work and parenthood," but, for now, tween the ages of 15 and 34 do not have outstrips its birthrate. The population kindergarten. has only proposed increasing the effi- a job. They account for almost half of has posted a negative natural increase The issue is now regarded with such ciency of social-welfare payments. the 428,200 Serbs unemployed. Over- rate (the difference between its birth alarm that the country's Ministry of Vukosavljevic has said that the gov- all unemployment stands at 12.9 per and death rates) since 1992, when the Culture and Information invited the ernment will "come up with a whole cent. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia broke public last December to submit slogans range of stimulating and encouraging On average, these individuals must apart. for a campaign to encourage Serbs to measures" to address the declining wait around two years for a job. Estimates of the population's true not only start having families sooner, birthrate, but did not give further details. That makes finding a job a priority for I keep thinking size vary – RZS says about 7.04 million; but also to have more children. As for Irena, she dismisses the slo- young couples. the UN, roughly 8.8 million – but few The winning slogans were an- gans as an attempt to distract the pub- Twenty-seven-year-old Irena from that these are question that it is shrinking. nounced in mid-February, but some lic's attention from the core issues: high Belgrade and her boyfriend have been Gordana Bjelobrk, who heads the sparked widespread public outrage. unemployment and a rising sense of together for seven years, but Irena says the years when Statistical Office's Demography Depart- Critics charged that the winning slo- insecurity. that financial instability makes them I'm supposed ment, cites "significant emigration" by gans – among them, "Give Birth, Don't De- "I think that slogans are nothing but an hesitate to start a family. Both of the young Serbs, late marriages, higher lev- lay," "Mom: I Don't Want to Be Alone" and effort to move the focus away from the couple's jobs are unstable, she claimed, to build a career els of education, greater female partici- "What We Need First: Love and a Baby" real problem, which is the lack of a sys- without elaborating. pation in the workforce and a stronger – are offensive to women and fail to ad- tem that would facilitate steady living The average monthly salary in Serbia and to become priority given to economic welfare as dress the economic barriers to childbirth. standards for a young couple," she said. is 47,247 dinars (€400.49), but that falls among the reasons why the birthrate far short of the 69,897 dinars (€593) the independent. But cannot reverse this trend. government estimates are needed for for two years now, The question is how best to respond. ONCE KOVAČ, ALWAYS KOVAČ basic consumer goods. ONCE ””, ALWAYS ”KAFANA” Before having children, "basic exis- FIGHTING BAD STATISTICS I haven't moved RESTAURANT KOVAČ tential needs have to be fulfilled first," modern ethno restaurant stressed Irena, who asked to be identi- on from where I Serbia has introduced a number of fied only by her first name. measures to try to encourage couples "Unfortunately, [being able to meet am. to have children. The state makes a those needs] is not the case with a lot one-time payment of around 40,000 of people in Serbia, which is why many dinars [around €339] for every new- decide to leave the country for a coun- born child and monthly payments for try that provides them with the finan- single parents or low-income families. Snow on the Bistra Mountain, Strasnoto Ezero (The Dreadful Lake), Macedonia. Rila National Park, Bulgaria. cial stability required to start a family," Families with three and more chil- said Irena, who studied abroad for a dren qualify for extra benefits such as Bulevar Oslobođenja 221, Tel: 011 2462 343 Photo: Wikipedia/Paul Williams Photo: Wikipedia/Snowboards159 master's degree in psychology. Sanja Gogic additional payments or discounts on 12 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 13 WHAT'S ON ARTS

Exhibition of Frida Kahlo Biography CLUBBING Illustrations Since the Serbian book publisher Dibidus releasing

AND LIVE MUSIC Frida Kahlo: Una Biografia this Arts in brief Arts in brief month, the Cervantes Institute has organised a special FRIDAY MARCH 09 • Weird Fishes, Polet, Cetinjska 15, • Horkestar, Polet, Cetinjska 15, exhibition to celebrate the 8.30pm 8pm • Motorpsycho, Dom Omladine, • Vasko3 & Vasil Hadzimanov, • Samir Fejzic & Dino Mangafic event: the original illustrations Makedonska 22, 9pm Soul Society, Drinciceva 1, 10pm Duo, Studenstki Grad Cultural created for the biography • Gile & Magic Bush, Dom Omladine, • Straight Mickey and the Boyz, Centre, Boulevard Zorana by Maria Hesse will be on Makedonska 22, 9pm Kvaka 22, Ruzveltova 39, 10pm Djindjica 179, 8pm display. The exhibition runs • Johnny Cash Night, Polet, • Mundy, Elektropionir, Cetinjska • Don Antonio, Dorcol Platz, until April 8 and entrance is Cetinjska 15, 8.30pm 15, 9pm Dobracina 59b, 9pm • Sufi Music Night, Dzezva, Cara • NEnormalni Balasevic Tribute, • Krug EKV Tribute, Fest Club, free of charge. Urosa 19, 9pm Fest Club, Gradski Park 2, 10pm Gradski Park 2, 10pm • Oleg Kireyev, Soul Society, • Gift, Zappa Barka, Usce bb, 10pm • Irie FM, Zappa Barska, Uce bb, Karadjordje's Exile Drinciceva 1, 10pm • Irish Stew + Scordisci & 10pm at the Serbian • Sharks Snakes & Planes & Cassidy’d Brewery, Bozidarac, • Doghouse, Dom Omladine, Historical Museum Hurleur, Fest Club, Gradski Park 2, Radoslava Grujica 3, 8pm Makedonska 22, 10pm 10pm • PARTY at Four | Nevena • Midnight Orient, Grad Cultural • SUPERSI, Strogi Centar, Gospodar Jeremic & Nemax, KPTM, Zorza Centre, Brace Krsmanovica 4, 11pm Djordje Petrovic, better Jevremova 43, 10pm Klemensoa 22, 4am • Sonja Sajzor has a Crushhh!, known as Karadjordje, was • RUNO with Kir, Mangulica FM, • Petar Dundov (CRO), Speedy & Drugstore, Boulevard Despota a Serbian revolutionary 33.10.3402 & Andria, Drugstore, Dusan Kacarevic, KPTM, Zorza Stefana 115, 11pm leader who fought for his Boulevard Despota Stefana 115, Klemensoa 22, 11pm • Kristijan Molnar All Night Long, 11pm • Emmanuel - Arts, Anetha – Club 2044, Usce bb, 11pm country's independence • RPDR Viewing Party, Blocaus, Drugstore, Boulevard • Faith In Feet, DOT Club, from the Ottoman Empire Grad Cultural Centre, Brace Despota Stefana 115, 11pm Francuska 6, 11pm KOLARAC during the First Serbian Krsmanovica 4, 7pm • Scepine vragolije meets • Phillie P, Zaokret, Cetinjska 15, PROGRAMME Uprising of 1804–1813. • Donna Leake i Ece Duzgit, Peter Portman & Luminos, 7pm This exhibition focuses on Grad Cultural Centre, Brace Grad Cultural Centre, Brace • Aleksandar Dukovic // Martin Krsmanovica 4, 11pm Krsmanovica 4, 11pm Lalovic, Ljubimac, Cetinjska 15, the time Karadjordje spent • Marko Milosavljevic All night • Dj Brka, Club 2044, Usce bb, 11pm 8pm in exile after leaving Serbia Long, Club 2044, Usce bb, 11pm • Danijel Cehranov, Tranzit Bar, • 39.2, KPTM, Zorza Klemensoa 22, after the uprising was quelled • Dj Vuk Vukosavljevic, Tranzit Bar, Brace Krsmanovica 8, 11pm 11pm FRIDAY, MARCH 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 15 in 1813 and the years and Brace Krsmanovica 8, 11pm • Cojke & Malina, Ludost Bar, circumstances leading to his • Dooshan & Milos Starcevic, Karadjordjeva 44, 11pm SATURDAY MARCH 17 Ludost Bar, Karadjordjeva 44, 11pm • Lile & Doo, Nixon Club, Misarska Concert Hall, 8pm Concert Hall, 8pm assassination in 1817. The • Alex Kenji, Hype, Karadjordjeva 7, 9pm • Di Luna Band & Natasa Concert dedicated to the memory Orchestra Muzikon exhibition is open to the public 46, 11.30pm • Cherry On Top, DOT Club, Guberinic, Soul Society, of Zoran Djindjic Artistic director: Jelena Ristic at the Serbian Historical • Benji (Grounded festival, Israel), Francuska 6, 11pm Drinciceva 1, 10pm EARTH 4/ Belgrade Philharmonic Programme: Grieg, Nielsen, Holst, F. Museum until September. Nixon Club, Misarska 7, 9pm • Andrija Milosevic, Kaldrma Bar, • Djordje Miljenovic, Orchestra Bridge • Connected with Lea Dobricic [All Skadarska 40, 8pm Elektropionir, Cetinjska 15, 9pm Conductor: Michail Jurowski Ticket fees: 800, 1,000 dinars Night Long], DOT Club, Francuska • Casna sestra, Ljubimac, Cetinjska • Najda Tribute, Fest Club, Belgrade Photo Soloist: Filip Savic, doublebass 6, 11pm 15, 8pm Gradski Park 2, 10pm Walk Celebrates • DJ IRON, Kaldrma Bar, Skadarska • Kiilade, Secer Club, Svetogorska • Bandx, Zappa Barka, Usce bb, Programme: W. A. Mozart, J. FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Beogradjanka 40, 8pm 17, 11pm 10pm Vanhal, A. Dvorak • Spacewalker, zaokret, Cetinjska • Dj Ognjen Krstic, Strafta, • Pero Defformero, Bozidarac, Production: Belgrade Concert Hall, 8pm This photography project 15, 7pm Admirala Geprata 14, 10pm Radoslava Grujica 3, 8pm Philharmonic Orchestra Concert of Music School Stankovic by travelling art group • Moma_ludilo & younger brother, • Sigha (Blueprint / Token / Admission free Avian, UK), Drugstore, Boulevard CityPh0t0graphy calls all Ljubimac, Cetinjska 15, 8pm SUNDAY MARCH 11 SUNDAY, MARCH 11 • KUKU$ Klan - Andjeli & Bomboni, Despota Stefana 115, 11pm interested photographers to SATURDAY, MARCH 17 KPTM, Zorza Klemensoa 22, 11pm • Belo Platno, Polet, Cetinjska 15, • Disco not Disco / Timothy participate in taking pictures Concert Hall, 11am • Lil Taty "Homerun" EP release 8pm J Fairplay (Crimes Of The of the famed Beogradjanka party, Secer Club, Svetogorska 17, • Night of Classical Music, Kvaka Future/UK), Club 2044, Usce bb, Kolarac Podium of Chamber Music Concert Hall, 8pm 11pm 22, Ruzveltova 39, 7pm 11pm Faculty of Music /Chamber Music RTS Symphony Orchestra building, the city centre's • Bege Fank, Strafta, Admirala • K’o nekad u 8, Grad Cultural • Zasram u Beogradu, Grad Department Conductor: Alessandro Crudele Portuguese Star tallest building, and uploading Geprata 14, 10pm Centre, Brace Krsmanovica 4, 8pm Cultural Center, Brace Production: Music Centre Soloist: Relja Kalapis, bassoon them to Instagram with the • Ultraviolet, Ljubimac, Cetinjska Krsmanovica 4, 11pm Admission free Programme: Misha Cvijovic, Johann hashtag #BeoPhotoWalk on SATURDAY MARCH 10 15, 7pm • Cojke & Malina, Ludost Bar, Nepomuk Hummel, Sunday, March 18. The best • Sunday Beat, Mr Stefan Braun Karadjordjeva 44, 11pm to Light up Guitar • Teleport, Ciglana, Slanacki put 26, Club, Nemanjina 4, 11pm • TRIII Truncate Promo, KPTM, MONDAY, MARCH 12 Felix Mendelssohn photos will then be exhibited 10pm Zorza Klemensoa 22, 11pm Production: RTS Music Production at the Hostel Beogradjanka MONDAY MARCH 12 Music Gallery, 8pm Festival from March 20-25. There SUNDAY MARCH 18 “Encounter in Kolarac” SUNDAY, MARCH 18 will be no charge to view the • Monday Blues, Dom Omladine, Authors Concert/ Nemanja exhibition. Makedonska 22, 9pm • Amira Medunjanin, , Bogunovic, guitar Concert Hall, 11am • Tikilas & Tajci Alabama, Strafta, Milentija Popovica 9, 8.30pm The legendary Dulce Pontes, a singer who is considered one of the best active vocalists in the world right now, will hold a concert in Belgrade on March 20. Photo: Facebook/Dulce Pontes Oficial Admirala Geprata 14, 10pm • Sunday Beat, Mr Stefan Braun Maja le Roux Obradovic, guitar Piano Duo Tamara Korockin Bunusevac's They • Hot Chocolate, Mr Stefan Braun Club, Nemanjina 4, 11pm Ticket fees: 600, 1,000, 1,200 dinars Senhage Call Us People at the Club, Nemanjina 4, 11pm & Andreas Senhage other, develop new musical concepts cord. She is also touring in support of as locals Srdjan Bulatovic and Darko Remont MONDAY MARCH 19 Dulce Pontes will WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 Production: Music Centre and come up with exciting new col- her latest record, Peregrinacao, which Nikcevic Ensemble. TUESDAY MARCH 13 Admission free laborations and projects. International she will present to the Belgrade pub- The festival closes on Wednesday, They Call Us People is a new • Hot Chocolate, Mr Stefan Braun Music Gallery, 6pm be the headline • Malinada, Ludost Bar, Club, Nemanjina 4, 11pm guitar legends get to present their artis- lic along with many of her classic and March 21st, at Dom Omladine, where exhibition by artist Andrej Music Workshop th Karadjordjeva 44, 10pm Cycle: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 act at the city's 19 tic visions to Belgrade audiences, but most popular songs. the audience will enjoy performances Bunusevac that will be on • Urban Salsa Party, Imago CUK, TUESDAY MARCH 20 Concert of School for Musically - they also get to meet exciting young Fans can also expect to hear her by Hungarian guitarist Peter Giran, Slo- at the Remont Gallery until Gifted FREE COPY Decanska 14,10pm Concert Hall, 8pm Guitar Art Festi- and up-and-coming artists from the stunning interpretation of Cancao do venia's Nejc Kuhar, Serbia's Aleksandar Friday, March 23. The visual • Guitar Art Festival, Dom Children in Cuprija Opening Ceremony of The 48th region, often opening doors for them Mar, the most popular and frequently Sedlar, the World Guitar Orchestra and artist and painter says this WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 Omladine, Makedonska 22, 6pm Production: Music Centre International Jeunesses val, whose theme Publisher: BIRN d.o.o. and providing them with a way to gain performed Portuguese song of all Youth Symphonic Orchestra El Sis- exhibition deals with a very • Urban Salsa Party, Imago CUK, Admission free Musicales Competition Kolarceva 7/5, 11 000 Belgrade • Film Music Night, Polet, Cetinjska Decanska 14,10pm more exposure. times. tema. On the same day, a competition deep, human theme and will Soloists: Ljubisa Jovanovic, Serbia, this year is ‘Be Phone/Fax: +381 11 4030 300 15, 8pm • Malinada, Ludost Bar, So far, over 350 concerts featuring The Portuguese diva's concert may of young guitarists will be held at Ilija feature some of his most Editor in Chief: Gordana Igric • Mastering w/ Gramophonedzie Karadjordjeva 44, 10pm THURSDAY, MARCH 15 musicians from more than 50 coun- be the sweetest treat of this year's Gui- M Kolarac, in a separate event that will Vera Ogrizovic, Serbia, guitar Connected'. experimental work to date. BIRN editorial team: & Oysha, Ludost Bar, tries around the world have been or- tar Art Festival, but don't think that the take place every day through March Music Gallery, 6pm Aleksandar Svete, Austria, guitar th Gordana Andric, Marcus Tanner, Karadjordjeva 44, 11pm WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 ganized over almost two decades of other festival days won't be as exciting. 30 , when the winners will be an- @Belgrade, Famed ‘Balkan' • Ranji / Dapanji live Concert of Music School Vuckovic David GALIC the Guitar Art Festival. Fifteen national The festival opens with the Brazilian nounced. belgradeinsighteditor@birn. Imago CUK, Decanska 14,11pm • Nesha Bridges, Fest Club, Gradski Cinema to Reopen Admission free and ten international guitar pieces had Assad Brothers performing at Dom Throughout the festival, everyone Park 2, 9pm he 19th Guitar Art Fes- their worldwide premieres in Belgrade Omladine as the sole act for the night. interested in improving their guitar Sales & Marketing: Marija THURSDAY MARCH 15 • Anton and Hevi Hipi, Dom Cinema Balkan, which has Omladine, Makedonska 22, 9pm tival, Belgrade's most at this festival as well. On Saturday, the Festival is celebrating playing technique, or simply learning Petrovic been closed for eight years, Phone: +381 11 4030 302 • Metro, Fest Club, Gradski Park 2, • Mastering w/ Gramophonedzie prestigious music fes- One of the traditions that the Guitar Belgrade Guitar Day with public events something new from world-renowned 10pm & Oysha, Ludost Bar, tival dedicated to the Art Festival has carefully cultivated at Trg Republike, as well as perfor- and local maestros, will be able to at- will most likely reopen its [email protected] • Nebojsa Intruder, Ludost Bar, Karadjordjeva 44, 11pm guitar and other simi- over the years is making sure to book mances by the American Michael Hill tend master classes by the performing doors to filmgoers in 2020, Subscription & Distribution: Karadjordjeva 44, 10pm lar string instruments, at least one truly big name. This year it Blues Mob Trio and representatives of musicians. the owners announced on • Neutron & Schlitz, DOT Club, THURSDAY MARCH 22 Goran Knezevic will take place from March 16th to 21st, is legendary Dulce Pontes, a singer who Belgrade guitar scene. The festival will also feature two March 1. The cinema, which Francuska 6, 11pm T +381 63 562 265 in three venues around the city – Sava is considered one of the best active The programme for Sunday includes competitions – best solo guitar contest has been on the list of cultural [email protected] • Brankow // RNB Thursdays • Asphodelus + Kuilu (Finland), Delight, Brankow, Crnogorska 12, Fest Club, Gradski Park 2, 9pm Centar, Dom Omladine and the Ilija M vocalists in the world right now. While Serbian guitarists Zoran Anic and and a guitar in chamber music contest, monuments under special Printing: stamparija 11.30pm • Nikola Vranjkovic, SubBeerni Kolarac Endowment. Dulce is not a guitarist, her style of mu- Nenad Ljubenovic, Cuban classical with four age categories of competitors protection since 1984, will host d.o.o. • Natural Mystic Festival - Warm Centar, Cetinjska 15, 8pm This year's slogan is "Be Connected" sic is very intertwined with Portuguese guitarist and composer Joaquin Clerch each. a so-called multifunctional ISSN 1820-8339 = Belgrade up Party, Strafta, Admirala • Nebojsa Intruder, Ludost Bar, and while it's a new year, making con- musical styles in which guitars feature and Seville-based flamenco dance Tickets are available at Eventim ticket cinema hall. Apart from film Geprata 14, 10pm Insight Karadjordjeva 44, 10pm nections is not a new concept for the prominently. company Puerto Flamenco, all in Dom service selling points throughout the • Bom Som w/Tijana Kabic, DOT projections, other events will COBISS.SR-ID: 149132556 Guitar Art Festival. Over the last years, Pontes has been musically active Omladine. The fourth day will see per- city, ranging from five to 11 euros for FRIDAY MARCH 16 Club, Francuska 6, 11pm take place as well, such as Circulation: 2,000 • Brankow // RNB Thursdays the festival has sought to bring together for over 30 years, and her concert in formances by Duo Melis – Susana Pri- concerts in Dom Omladine. Tickets for festivals or fashion shows. The • Dragan Calina Trio, Soul Society, Delight, Brankow, Crnogorska 12, guitarists and other skilled musicians, Belgrade on March 20 will serve as a eto and Alexis Muzurakis, Pacho Flores Dulce Pontes in Sava Centar range from cinema is in central Belgrade, Drinciceva 1, 10pm 11.30 allowing them to meet, learn from each celebration of this impressive track re- and Jesus Pinguino Gonzales, as well 12 to 28 euros, depending on the seating. at Brace Jugovica, 16.

14 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 15 GOING OUT THEN AND NOW Tezga Bar This bar is cool to visit any time of year, but it truly comes into its own during spring and summer.


nce the spring arrives, this quaint bar and restaurant turns into a proper city oasis, providing a perfect, The Sava Bridge today. Photo: Wikipedia/Mihajlo Andjelkovic The new design of the future Sava Bridge. Photo: Direkcija za gradjevinsko zemljiste i izgradnju Beograda J.P. cool and vibrant place toO enjoy a quiet day or fun-filled night. Tezga Bar is located at the end of Strahinjica Bana street, right on the corner of the famed bohemian quarter, Belgrade's most popular street for tourists looking to wine and dine the night away. While it's definitely a cool place to visit at any time of the year, Tezga becomes a The inside of Tezga Bar is just as charming as the outside. Photo: Facebook/Tezga spectacular destination once the spring and summer seasons roll around. The main attractions. They offer fantastic is additional seating and another more and the DJs enter the fold. If you're outside of a few interesting local wines. bar's main asset is its garden, which options for every meal of the day and intimate and quiet seating area at the visiting Tezga Bar after 9pm, you'll be The beer and liquor selection is quite is located right in front of the bar and the kitchen is open until 9pm. back that is separated off by a partial listening to young, hip local DJs spinning average in the sense that there's nothing has a total of about ten tables and an However, as the bar grew in popularity, wall. slightly harder than you out of the ordinary or very unique that's improvised counter area where guests it slowly morphed into a popular night- Patrons who visit Tezga Bar tend to would hear during the day. And while available, even though there's certainly can stand and enjoy their food or drinks. time haunt for young people looking to differ depending on what time of the day there isn't much room to dance in Tezga nothing missing. During the warmer seasons it's almost have a few drinks and fill their bellies they like to come to the bar. During the Bar, that doesn't stop many from trying as Tezga Bar is all about the food during impossible to find a seat in the garden at before heading out to a club. day, you'll see a lot of hip locals who live they make an effort to warm up a bit for the day, the music and fun atmosphere any time of day. Why? Because it's an The inside of Tezga Bar is just as in the neighbourhood enjoying meals the all-night clubbing that lies ahead. during the night and the gorgeous incredibly charming oasis in the middle charming as the outside. The interior is with their friends and family. There's Tezga Bar is the perfect place for garden during the spring and summer, of the city centre, surrounded with dominated by wood, brick, and warm also a good number of businesspeople young clubbers to start the night out, making it a perfect spot for just about massive amounts of greenery, natural yellows and oranges. It definitely gives who work in the area that like to have considering that it's located right in the any one. vegetation and boxes of plants. It's off a very coastal, Mediterranean vibe, coffee there in the morning or grab a centre of the city. You can reach literally literally several degrees cooler in Tezga almost looking like a Spanish cafe that power lunch with co-workers or clients. any popular nightclub within minutes TEZGA Bar's garden than it is right outside of it. you could find in a city like Seville. However, the clientele become from Tezga Bar either by foot or taxi. Address: Strahinjica Bana 82 The bar actually started out as a Inside, the bar is divided into two younger and hipper when the sun goes While the food selection is great, Contact: +381 11 334 6598 restaurant and the food is still one of its areas: a bar area up front where there down, which is when the kitchen shuts the drinks menu isn't all that inspiring

Photo: Flickr/jaime.silva Photo: Direkcija za gradjevinsko zemljiste i izgradnju Beograda J.P. Motorpsycho Make Kontakt Conference Belgrade Debut Back for Second Round orwegian psychedelic rockers Motorpsycho he Kontakt Conference, which runs from March 21-24, is an interest- Old Sava Bridge's Unlikely will be making their Serbian debut on Fri- ing event designed to connect all the promoters, labels and bands Nday, March 9, at Dom Omladine. The band, Tin the region. All of the conference discussions and lectures are known for creating complex and experimental free of charge. The focus this year will be on festivals taking place in the rock tracks without leaving out the melodies region and concert promoters and festival organizers from all over the Path to Belgraders'Hearts and hooks, has been critically acclaimed since region will be present at the panels and discussions. its inception. The key thing for music fans, however, is the various concerts that BBC Radio 6 named their latest album The will also take place during the conference. All the events and concerts Tower the best album of 2017. The band will be will take place within the Cetinjska Street complex of bars and clubs, Despite its Srdjan GARCEVIC was in line with a Nazi plan to turn occupied Bel- Nazi forces were leaving the city, Zaric risked promoting this release in Belgrade along with mostly in Elektropionir and the recently opened SubBeerni Centar. Per- grade into a fortress called Prinz Eugen Stadt and his life by running to the bridge and used his popular tracks from their earlier albums. Tickets formances by Nikola Vranjkovic, Obojeni Program, Kanda Kodza i Neboj- links to one ecent plans to replace the Old settle the region around the Danube with ethnic war-time knowledge to cut the cables linking the will cost €18 at the door. The gig is expected to begin at sa and many more are scheduled. Visit the conference's official site for dates Sava Bridge with an expanded, Germans. explosives to the detonator, thereby saving the 9pm sharp and there will be no opening bands playing. and prices: the darkest less rickety version were met with Given that the Ustasa-run Independent State bridge. widespread disapproval among of Croatia occupied territories across the Sava When the Nazi soldiers realised their plan was chapters of the Belgraders, so much so that it be- in present day New Belgrade, the bridge had a thwarted, they tried to bombard the bridge but city's history, came a major issue in the recent border post in the middle. It was used in turns by were overpowered by Soviet forces. After the Rmunicipal election campaign. pedestrians, cars and even trains. war, Zaric was awarded medals for his bravery Belgraders are However, Belgrade's relationship with the Besides transporting military personnel and and given a high position in the city government, green-arched bridge, the city's shortest and oldest supplies, it also eased the transport of Belgrad- from which he resigned due to his opposition to fighting to keep continuously standing, started off in the worst ers, especially Jewish and Roma citizens, to the the new government's plans to nationalise private possible way during the darkest days of World infamous Sajmiste concentration camp that property. their oldest War II. stood on the other side of the river, occupying In the following decades, the bridge, which was After Nazi Germany attacked the Kingdom of the site of an art-deco fairground that was built briefly known as ‘the German bridge', underwent bridge. Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941, the Royal Yugoslav in 1937. several minor repairs and has since 1984 been the Army blew up all of Belgrade's bridges on the Sava Despite its dark beginnings, the bridge became only tram link between New Belgrade and the city and the Danube in order to slow down the enemy a symbol of personal courage and resistance centre. In 2014 there was a petition to name the French Techno Star at Drugstore advance. Given that the army surrendered to the against the Nazi occupation. bridge after Miladin Zaric but an official decision Queen Doghouse Celebrates occupying force just eleven days after the attack In 1944, Miladin Zaric, a teacher and veteran of is unlikely to be made soon because of its uncer- th Sings at Sava Centar Underground techno event promoters 20 Anniversary Pero Defformero Playing Bozidarac begun, the move was less than successful. the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 and World War tain future. Music Reactions are bringing another The Nazi occupiers decided in 1942 to con- I, lived close to the bridge in Karadjordjeva street. In 2017, Belgrade City Hall began planning to Known as the Queen of Sevdalinka, intriguing performer to Belgrade's pre- One of Belgrade's most popular and long- Irish Singer Mundy in Elektropionir Easily one of the most fun bands from or Sevdah music, the highly emotive ferred electronic music venue, Drugstore. lasting melodic punk bands, Doghouse, Serbia, Novi Sad's Pero Defformero plays struct this iron bridge over the Sava instead of the On his daily commute he noticed that Nazi troops relocate or demolish the current structure and genre of folk music and origi- On Saturday, March 10, they will host will be celebrating the band's 20th anniver- Mundy, who is known for his song "To You a mix of heavy metal and turbo folk that, Tisza, a river in northern Serbia, as was originally had placed explosives on the bridge in prepara- construct a larger bridge. The new design, which nating from Bosnia, Amira Medunjanin Emmanuel an up-and-coming producer sary on Friday, March 16 at Dom Omladine. I Bestow," a huge hit which featured promi- believe it or not, works frighteningly well. planned. The idea was to ease transport between tion for the retreat from the advancing Red Army promises to double the traffic capacity, pays hom- will perform on Sunday, March 18, in whose unusual production style has been There will be no opening bands, but the nently on Baz Luhrmann's Romeo & Juliet Known for their hilarious stage banter central Serbia and central Europe. and Yugoslav Partisan forces. age to the recognisable arched shape of the cur- the Sava Centar. She will be backed by turning heads in the techno scene. He will festivities will begin and end with local DJs soundtrack, will be playing Elektropionir and funny lyrics, the band has built a big The new bridge was named after Prince Eugene The Nazi plan was to blow up the bridge, so rent bridge. It was unveiled in January 2018 and the string ensemble Soloists. be joined by young Parisian Anetha, who playing punk and hardcore music before on Saturday, March 10. He will be accom- following locally over the years. They will of Savoy, an Austrian general who took Belgrade their soldiers would have enough time to escape attracted extensive criticism, with the city now Tickets cost from €11 to €20 depending will play a set before Emmanuel. Tickets and after Doghouse's set. Tickets cost five panied by the talented Sarah Lynch on play at Bozidarac on Saturday, March 17 from the Ottomans in the 18th Century. The name Belgrade. In the morning of 20th October, as the pushing back construction work to 2019. on seating. will cost eight euros at the door. euros. violin. Tickets cost eight euros at the door. and tickets cost just five euros at the door. 16 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, March 9 - Thursday, March 22, 2018 ARTS AND CULTURE

• RTS Symphony Orchestra, MONDAY MARCH 12 MONDAY MARCH 19 MONDAY MARCH 12 Opera, Ballet Alessandro Crudele (conductor), and Classical Relja Kalapis (bassoon), Ilija M. • Delicatessen Monday, Grad • Annual Assembly of the Museum • Coffee White (Popovic), National Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Cultural Centre, Brace Krsmanovica Society of Serbia, Ethnographic Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, FRIDAY MARCH 09 Trg 5, 8pm 4, 7pm Museum in Belgrade, Studentski Trg 8.30pm 13, 12pm • Don Juan (Moliere), Yugoslav • Belgrade Philharmonic SUNDAY MARCH 18 TUESDAY MARCH 13 • Gender-based violence as a Drama Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, Orchestra, Michail Jurowski social problem, Ilija M. Kolarac 8pm (conductor), Filip Savic • Piano duo, Tamara Korockin, • Discussion “Engaged Lecture: Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 6pm (doublebass), Ilija M. Kolarac Andreas Schönhage, Ilija M. How To Read Ideology”, Dom • Herbert Marcuse and Student TUESDAY MARCH 13 Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 8pm Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Omladine, Makedonska 22, 6pm Movement, Studentski Grad • Hollywood in Madlenianum, Trg 5, 11am • Cycle of tribune: Participatory Cultural Center, Boulevard Zorana • The Possessed (Dostoyevsky), Madlenianum Opera and Theatre, democracy, Dom Omladine, Djindjica 179, 7pm National Theatre in Belgrade, Glavna 32, 7.30pm MONDAY MARCH 19 Makedonska 22, 7pm • Exhibition: “Tattoo”, Rade Francuska 3, 8.30pm • Exhibition: “Old Masters”, Ivanka Tepavcevic, Grad Cultural Centre, • A Month in the Country SUNDAY MARCH 11 • Ansambl Renesanse, Dom Zivkovic, Haos Gallery, Dositejeva Brace Krsmanovica 4, 7pm (Turgenev), Yugoslav Drama Omladine, Makedonska 22, 9pm 3, 8pm Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, 8pm • Kolarac Podium of Chamber • Ballet: La Bayadere (Minkus), • Cycle: Legend of King Arthur and TUESDAY MARCH 20 Music, Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, National Theatre in Belgrade, Knights of the Round Table, Ilija WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 Studentski Trg 5, 11am Francuska 3, 7.30pm M. Kolarac Endowment, Studentski • India: Land of Miracles, Ilija M. • Pilers, First solo concert, Darko Trg 5, 6pm Kolarac Endowment, Studentski • The power of Darkness (Tolstoy), (violin) Daniel (accordion), TUESDAY MARCH 20 Trg 5, 6pm National Theatre in Belgrade, Sandra (violin), Ilija M. Kolarac WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 • Exhibition: Ana Basa, Ilija M. Francuska 3, 8.30pm • Opera: Carmen (Bizet), National Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 8pm Kolarac Endowment, Studentski • A Play About Mirjana and Those Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, Trg 5, 7pm , Yugoslav 7pm • Seminar “Digital Rights and Around Her (Martinic) MONDAY MARCH 12 Obligations”, Klub poslanika, • Exhibition: “Common sign”, Drama Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 Tolstojeva 2, 10am Studentski Grad Cultural Centre, 8pm • Author’s concert, Nemanja • Sonic Youth and Ciccone Youth, Boulevard Zorana Djindjica 179, Bogunovic (guitar), Maja le Ru • 48th International Jeunesses Studentski Grad Cultural Centre, 7pm THURSDAY MARCH 15 Obradovic (guitar), Ilija M. Kolarac Boulevard Zorana Djindjica 179, • Exhibition: “World for Us“, Sana Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 8pm Musicales Competition, Discipline GUITAR, Ilija M. Kolarac 7pm Garic, Studentski Grad Cultural • The Great Drama (Kovacevic), • Video projections of opera from • Conversation about Dejan Centre, Boulevard Zorana Djindjica National Theatre in Belgrade, , Istituto Italiano di Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 6pm Verdi festival Mirovic’s book Russophobia In 179, 8pm Francuska 3, 7.30pm Cultura, Kneza Milosa 56, 6pm • Opera: Don Pasquale (Donizatti), Serbia 1878-2017, Ilija M. Kolarac • The Blacksmiths (Nikolic), • Milica Kovacevic (piano), Cultural National Theatre in Belgrade, Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 National Theatre in Belgrade, Center of Belgrade, Trg Republike Francuska 3, 7.30pm 7.30pm Francuska 3, 8.30pm 5, 9pm , Zepter , • Ballet: Queen Margot (Bregovic), THURSDAY MARCH 22 • Exhibition: “Acquisition” • The Kraut Girl (Lazarevic) National Theatre in Belgrade, THURSDAY MARCH 15 Museum, Knez Mihailova 42, 5pm , Kralja Francuska 3, 7.30pm • 48th International Jeunesses Milana 50, 8pm Musicales Competition, • Book Exhibition: John Maxwell THURSDAY MARCH 22 TUESDAY MARCH 13 Discipline GUITAR, Ilija M. Kolarac Coetzee Creativity, Studentski FRIDAY MARCH 16 Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 6pm Grad Cultural Centre, Boulevard • Cycle: AESTHETICS TODAY th • Music school “Dr Vojislav Zorana Djindjica 179, 12pm – On The Occasion of 40 • A Suspicious Person (Nusic), Vuckovic”, Ilija M. Kolarac • Exhibition: Jakov Bararon, Anniversary of Aesthetics National Theatre in Belgrade, Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 8pm Exhibitions Miso Babic, Danica Petrovska, Society of Serbia, Ilija M. Kolarac Francuska 3, 8.30pm • Pavle Popov (contrabass), and Events Galev Vasil, Djura Jaksic House, Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, • Accidental Death of an Anarchist Studenstki Grad Cultural Center, Skadarska 34, 7pm 7pm (Fo), Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Boulevard Zorana Djindjica 179, FRIDAY MARCH 09 • Authors Discussion about Books, • Njegos and Ljubisa – A Kralja Milana 50, 8pm 8pm Studentski Grad Cultural Centre, Comparative Research, Ilija M. • Exhibition: “Poetry & Boulevard Zorana Djindjica 179, Kolarac Endowment, Studentski SATURDAY MARCH 17 WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 performance. East European 7pm Trg 5, 7pm Perspective”, Podroom Gallery, Trg • Montenegro Short Wave, • Bizarre (Hubac), National Theatre • Concert of students of Cuprija Republike 5, 12pm Studentski Grad Cultural Centre, Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, 8.30pm School for Music Talents, Ilija M. • Exhibition: “Middle East Report”, Boulevard Zorana Djindjica 179, • The Woman From Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Artget Gallery, Trg Republike 5/I, 12pm 7pm FRIDAY MARCH 09 (Andric), Yugoslav Drama Theatre, th Trg 5, 6pm • Exhibition: “The Trail of Small • 15 Belgrade Dance Festival, Kralja Milana 50, 8pm • Music school “Mokranjac”, Ilija Discoveries”, Aleksandar opening, Sava Centar, Milentija • The Patriots (Popovic), National M. Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Zograf, Art Gallery of the Cultural Popovica 9, 8pm Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, SUNDAY MARCH 18 Trg 5, 8pm Centre of Belgrade, Knez Mihailova • Physical Chemistry: Current 7.30pm • Ballet: The Nutcracker 6, 12pm Questions and Answer, Ilija M. • The Liar and Archliar (Popovic), • My Prizes (Bernhard), National (Tchaikovsky), National Theatre in • Exhibition: “InFinity“, Petak Kolarac Endowment, Studentski National Theatre in Belgrade, Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, Belgrade, Francuska 3, 7.30pm Gallery, Lomina 14, 5pm Trg 5, 6pm Francuska 3, 8.30pm 8.30pm • Exhibition: “Window of Magical • Red Line: Theory of Literature • International Theatre Festival, • Free Exchange Hotel (Feydeau), THURSDAY MARCH 15 Books”, City Library of Belgrade, Today, Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, Slavija Theatre, Svetog Save 16-18, Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Kralja Knez Mihailova 56, 7pm Studentski Trg 5, 7.30pm opening, 8pm Milana 50, 8pm • Music school “Dr Vojislav • Exhibition: “Paintings and • Accidental Death of an Anarchist Vuckovic”, Ilija M. Kolarac , Sanja Crnjanski, Ilija M. FRIDAY MARCH 16 (Fo), Yugoslav Drama Theatre, MONDAY MARCH 19 Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 6pm Drawings” Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Kralja Milana 50, 8pm • Muzikon (program: Grieg, • Cycle: Technical Sciences and • Othello (Shakespeare), Yugoslav Nielsen, Holst, Bridge), Ilija M. Trg 5, 7pm • Cycle: Technical Science: Contemporary Research, Ilija M. SATURDAY MARCH 10 Drama Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Kolarac Endowment, Studentski 8pm Trg 5, 8pm Contemporary Research and Applications - inaugural lectures Trg 5, 6pm • The Importance of Being Ernest • 19th Guitar Art, opening, Dom (Wilde), National Theatre in TUESDAY MARCH 20 FRIDAY MARCH 16 of members of the Scientific Society of Serbia, Ilija M. Kolarac Omladine, Makedonska 22, 8pm Belgrade, Francuska 3, 8.30pm Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 6pm • A Month in the Country • Einstein’s Dreams (Lightman), • Music school “Stankovic”, Ilija M. SATURDAY MARCH 17 (Turgenev), Yugoslav Drama Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Kralja Kolarac Endowment, Studentski Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, 8pm Milana 50, 8pm Trg 5, 8pm SATURDAY MARCH 10 • 19th Guitar Art Festival, Trg • Opera: Aida (Verdi), National Republike, 12pm SUNDAY MARCH 11 WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, 7pm • City Games, Grad Cultural Centre, Brace Krsmanovica 4, 12pm • Richard the Third (Shakespeare), • A Lullaby for Vuk Unknown SATURDAY MARCH 17 SUNDAY MARCH 18 SUNDAY MARCH 11 National Theatre in Belgrade, (Popovic/Mijovic), National Francuska 3, 7.30pm • Direct broadcast of Poetry • Art for All, Grad Cultural Centre, Theatre in Belgrade, Francuska 3, Evenings on • Gender-based violence as a Brace Krsmanovica 4, 3pm • Right You Are, If You Think So 8.30pm th , Yugoslav Drama 2, Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, social problem, Ilija M. Kolarac • 19 Guitar Art Festival, Dom (Pirandello) • Tartuffe (Moliere), Yugoslav Studentski Trg 5, 7pm Endowment, Studentski Trg 5, 6pm Omladine, Makedonska 22, 6pm Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, 8pm Drama Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, 8pm

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