


Reagan Defends Policy

hll ...,.,fIlM In. Au",," Mmlnlllf"~ INued • ...,rica, -.:alat• .,.tlllIl,utlon 01 I/'Ie' Fronlll... llet&l, and mal'" polICy .,.I....e"" on Soull\efn ...hle. In '0 tNoC~ ....",om en10 T "",""",IIl'lhon .u~ ..,.nl*­ !tie __.. __'.-.l at.". lid< ol .. -.gno1icanC c:ur..-t1"pt~_"""""'e:t.__- ~_tI'I.g •• IOWIC__.....~·~ CIt,. 'II'C ~ ... ~ Alnca _ lhe ..... 'II _... : ... ~'-IO-c:onoltUC:llVe...... 1 i.'--- -.Eaglebur;.er _II....-...It'diIIp'. • _ _1lW T... &Il'IIdl ~ • ...1 WI .. eoIIII of _"'.='0 SouIl'I ....,.can l1O""'_ liioi tMenllW _IMII-.I.,.­ orOWl"ll_cnlIC:OUIol-__g.;, i.oL-_ -.dong _ P'*'ocaI f\QIlD be10nd IlW _ "."".,- _~_Ioc I,,"Eag .~otSoultl -r-.••~,.III""""""",,, fItICI ell ~'" ~ ,..,SournAI~I_ "'nca I ,...., .."Il\Ol''''' WTong- _ on'" II ...... , ...... '..111 ""'••pbcJ/Jof_edto INl ..,"" tnIbOn POI"'" flood -,,11M InjUltoee' Tiley .,ufI·_n ~I'''' 1lIueopnn~ - ,t.,Itnoug1l1le ....'-"n; n,~n ,... con"ll mac. on Soulh "'nca.- Soulh "",w:a'.....,1. eommunll1 II _1oouet1

government would not comply Ac!oI ..'*'_-..pport!Of -~~. IUCY.- r",••••.,.. --totIIyl-.:llO __ P, ; ...... 0."'5-,"""_ with any demand for one man, III 1M IIgOOI'l. SouIIt AttcI_ .10011'~,_ ... _ -.go.- '" .-ntoo III .-..y "'9'1 ...., _ one vote In a unitary system." __ '" __re ".'0"--'0 --.~ __ 1..1:" lIaI_aty.1oll '0 I'flllOt••<;11\I'_'" 1tIlII9I"'" only In _ -.,.-.__In<_o.;,"",--_ \l_ ...... _~-.._~_~ _ twlWll\lIoCb.,l*""",*",nc...... torc. _ ..the

1llI ~bInt>I<'._lOrI_. lMoIho ~\IOfl A~. IIWI 1oIoI:,"'blQUi NI:\IOnIl ~ ____, 1aIy.- Afr,kIIfte; ....,.. """'. lltI'* lanc:e,"'" UNiTAIll AngoII. vr.p/'IoCIIIy.....,,,. UP IIOw Joru...... -'IV~,n Souln lMoIho ,... _ -.pKl1IIy IIaIll "" by III!I aQgl "on. 101a/1y ","""",,",,, bySouth Arrtu. L_1o'gll.pIt..,.,... ,rudy 01 Soulll Alncan ,~_1II11Z11...... L_·. --INtlIl AWlI" fllH ~ .1Id """"1)' ~ ..... 1111I P".... MI",,"" LN_ Jonol"'" ...... pIt.llcally .1aW OImPiIn 111I .....II.I.tId' 011/­ 1>of1l<. Jon.nlln '"111d. '11""_01 Plltoo..•• 'l1,mpllO ~Iy J~I"II", Bey." N.ur1I _ W,n.... """"""",,OIDy Inllmld... I.... Buortlo 1n10 doc:~lly M.ndII• • 1Id11ll R-.1Id Mlqul'" 01 Porl Eh,IbIIIt lMotllo ,... _ --..111 "'gaIIId ...... UM. ~"III It. Ill" "" 'CW. T/II ~ 01 ...... 1/11 01_', _mlfllPI'!'"_II._""tt«J I>r 0__', PlflmIflf.I-.. IISI.d"__....".,.../IfIII 1__p II 1/11I tIemg ItIrIald _ ".,..eut..:/ __"'"' ....'" ~ If 1/11 .... ""If ....1_ _ e---_I_I1III_(""fHPIt.,.~ oI ! /f-.y ....~_... ;.., e,=,"",,-

f,g' , "0'1". 000 U ...... 01 __• '... n n,.. """""'" In 1M 1_ 01 10 _ IIle _pan 01 """"P'IW1 -.1_.."" _ .In -"

F cUt "" tF' ,,_Il• .-onIMUSIO-_1llI --"'oc-ncs 01 ~- .\do. '...... _ Soulll Atnc:I t, .."-_._ -1lq*S Soulh _'I WO"1 be 1...... " ... IO-..nos_~'*" _ 10'" ""lfId ~ - The -bol\om _- 01 SoulI'l "'''''''• ...... _ho , ...... -.F...... ll'O F g'lt "flII'. IIIRdt. "'-_8oI\'Ie _p' Nod hi --,~111II ...... ,.,..It wtN4IlIOI 00IPJI1I'f """'...,."""'...., lor ...... _ '" • ..,..,...,. 1J'SI*m ..... South AIl'I<;an _ 8ItrJ SttIiIk _ -\TI_ on _ ...__1IyWlQ 10 _• syIIIn'l ....1 f;OUII/ SIll. L.""'n<:' E'f/IIOu,gI' _ S­ am,..." 2 WASHINGTON NOTES ON AFRICA IhI btunt ot RMg.n and BOIh.'1 conlin"",, 1IIIIIng on ,oaching .n In""".tiOnllly-lCCIpllb4I "lI~t lor the indlpen<:len<:l 0' lhei' country. Ag ''''''''''''' ill no .....,..llIan 1\ "'.. '''''' y..,".go: IhI US Ind Soolll A',leI 'X""","" 10 iMi11 on .n .gt....-I lor the ""IIId'"...... ot Cuben 1fllOPl lrom Angol... I p""'ondlllon 10 IlIIlIernen\. IndlClt",g It twI no "",""lIon 01 111111"51 """n, Soulh /\Inca ".. recemly IlU'IUed anoll••, mi.",., ..lll...... nl lormlng ...... N.mlblan llal. counc;1. JoI>n KirkpatrICk.. WlndhOlll ~llIciln, oummecl "p lhe plln by lilting: -11 il • poInllDl ••...,1.. !I y<>U Il• ••pectong • leltlem.n\. Ind ",.k.....,.. only " y<>U III no\.' ·Cc>noll\lCTlve ,",,;age"""'I' twllIllId mi..,.bfl/ln IlI.MartI 10 bring .b<>U1 N.",lb!I'.I..,.p6r'I

Al Ih. cor. 01 1"- edm,nll!rltlon'l pion '0< ·revlO...' seco,Jty" .. III concern 10 keep Soulh A',a I... lrom Sov~ Inl'""nc. 'Hltlo... cenl,,''- ot ooIonl.1iIm end "'hill _II< ",,-. T,," Id_>t 01 dIcoIc>no-­ ..lion. l1li IlIled, " .. openld Ih. revlon 10 thl d~ 01 COII.PM ."d penetllllion by 1l1li USSR. ·the IdYOCIIII 01 ~~ on $oulll A1r~. H I\IIt for 1M,*---maintaIned' Ylol.n<:I.·"lt _ ..I.n 10 IlIape _'0... "- conlin"",,, ...m,,11 policy of tIOSllnll "'",g_ fla.Mll Ihe aparll>eid '~I ...... be InvoIYIPPOII lhOIe Irom oulolclo A',leI p,"1 'llIlon••nd hi n'1 Hrsl p<""lly 1I10ltop Impllcltly .~ VIlIOO"" .,..,n,ng In • lIal.""",t Ie> tile ·SoYlotonctoech n'·..her_uoccu...lllIII.h;nId 111<111 Voice or Iea TM ne_per Oo!I.t~ Pl.rapllrued wilh lh. p...... , nl "ontkomm"nill" revl",. In A!rIcI- c'oc~ ,I"lI' "IfSOU'h ... Ir/c.'s MiQnf>Ofa 1Iof»d fo bring South A'ta Thill II no "hO.-l brOl'''OI. IIlI ""m,nllu.tlon ""II I"rthlf IliInIII Block Al'leI ""'borIng f"ugeel. 1".10<1<0 launcne6 military attack' on .nd ""II ,,_ml.... it. own crodibillly M..-u in December 1982. ~'Iling _2 Soulh AfnCI" ret.,geH .nd LMOthOanl. and Iglln In MIY le83. A' tile "-He noted IIt,r tile oecember '"id, me Soutll Ahica.... "1\OpIl1Q InHm­ Idll. tile peop" 01 LH(l\hO and 01"'" COIJnula lnlo _ng Constructive engagement Is I~' I"pport 01 tM ANC II' lI.bll,ty They ..Inti peopleol I~IAI,k:. to I'" tI>nl In AI.IOUlI 01 lis of decade ago. 'Itl"ClInl o.cII,on 10 .xpel "p to 3.000 BI.Ck South A1rleln a rel,,_ beca".. It "'IS b,"ng "It'lng,,1I1ecl Ind 1"IfO be9an de;>c>rtlng ..,"'"01 Ihol..""',,_. ....h'lI hly Il1lnlfic.nl,n 11l1li. T110 nli'"be< Ih''''' person.' IhI In In 'ppell 10 1111 Inl..nl1lonll com",un,1y to, ltII1C1'VC 51'" Deplrt",""t and """ot lho edmlnl.ulllon·IIt>P..pens counl"'p'",,,,,,on Soulh Afrlel. lelOll>O FO''''lIn Mlnloter on E.II_W.., ,.,.tlolll. EI;I.bu,gor". 'oil ."'''''...... 1"­ Ey.",*UI 5ekttonyon. 'eml'ked, ""nIOIl p....,,'o can be I",pon.nc. IhI .d"',nill,.tior> 1/1_ 10 ill Soutl'lom A"Ica brOUOhl 10 _, on Soutll Af"ca. thlre il nolhlng we can polley 11 .,,,, .",ph""" the cor>lin",ly ot """"nlll,.lIon --Lesotl>O twI no opl..... " Olllet dllCuuiQf\f llIl_ policy ..llh 11.11 01 1"- Killinger IfL e.gll!lu'ger lal fo<...... thO. 'OIK_nlll.y..I,om F'onll.... cc>"n1r_, Ind I.... US I(llIIn"", p'<>I"lII ..no IIMld .. Killin"""••'lCullve.w.­ SLII. Depart",.nl ""ve evlderltly proollCld no ,."ILI, A 51110 Ilnlln 1"- Natlon.' s.cunly C<>"ncll.nd Sill. o.plrtmenl Depart nl opok..man hal....id Ih.llhI US ~11"'pIy plIy(ng d,,'lnl/ lho NI.on .nd Ford YOfO. H. h.. been "..iouIly 1"-·t>'ok in Ih. 'Ioglon .ndIII"10 I>e ll<'llllvelO both "(\fill delcribenlin"" 10 ""u..... L...,\I>o.nd the 01...... end ·I(!IIlng...I ,or_.· neighbOfl"ll ILII..... long IS Iho Rulli" A"",lnllltlllon'l elog IIllu';0(1 ,...... 01 -conIlru<:tlvl ,ngll)e""",I·1aliUIfI eonc..n lor "region" _umy" iI .., iopolded In I...... 01 p<<>­ """. Ih.n • t_h 01 Killlng.-'1 dlocred.iId "Tar 81by" IlCling thl .porthlid oLlI&. Southern AI'leI polICY t>lldICI....go. KloIlnoer"l polICy .... Thll k>po.k\ed IlOIlCy twI """ an _pec\l1Iy _alltlng ""eet on N.mlbll IS _II. S"lIorlng "ndoe< Itllog" Soolh AI'ICIn m11.ruy lIClCIIpellon, IIIe N.mlblln people m,,11 bM' (conMwd on rHgI8! SUMMER 111113 3 Congress Considers South Africa Bills

On Augwt 3. 1113 IIIe __"u;otloI_"--­ _ oj R"", lUll..... "'" Hun;tt)' 1lIt __ _ ...... II"" Iorwanl ...... a...... _ ".. In CJt>POfol"ll ~.,,_ by I..ttcl by • -.ooce "'" 1W>d­ PIMlnlli II'Ml I"~""~I lllll vOl. but WMn art"'''' Fln.ncl" Sllollilily.M R.­ "'mil""'" •,«or_ YOIt, ~Act CcornMOftty .. • tilt • ...... ,...... , ~ 242 let,..;! 10 .. "'- 1_",­ 10115 ~""..,.Con;o_ 110n.1 "'on••• t~ Funcl -..tIIr1o _aIrlOlllOOOon [1MI'I ~ BoIII_ _a .\lCIbI'ICIlo"'~ ,,''on f"'W~._ _ eoukllll-.....l.. do_",_US,... •. ~'Il...... -.r­ _lOlI>elIollFlO-~ __.... ~ .._ - 1M ~·....,IMf __ 1O I' _ ."""_CoC: .'''' .._ _ -1IOy counIIy whiCfl prx­ he".p."I1"" -, P,opo­ ._10...._0120 _ 01 IIIe W arg....., ~1$__1OIII'It lh.I,"the pracf~or .pan_ .... art"'''' .mtnrl_ 1tI\' _ .....ltIln_con· ~ In;'hit1_,""'....,"',...... _. \'Otl"910 IUpport com­ '!falnll on 1.1>0< mobil,ty HIX4.Comm,ItHOIIB."./nl1. F,_.•ndU'banJo"."•. _ K_ and _ hlghly lMfflclent munllm w"h us "'" dOIler1o. t. bOt III opl y ,llIlel,'I•• G,...."'·••...... a__ wllk:h contribull 10 bel- pl,nl" lu,".",~ .I,..cry _ 01 ~)'ftWIlI dIotiob con...-'"tNlL Tlltldml'" In 6o«<:l: _~ ot .... goM of .". l~ ..._ .... ,,,,,.'Id _ eong._ -...sa.. -. ~FuNI' "IM_US~IO_'Ml'Bol/Icor_v__ TM __"", ll_~··''li­ Iol:oIrIll 0DIKl1O _"""'...._Ilwy __Coo;o'~IO__, """ Ne,. _.S, 1 _I1M' -'IOSouItlAtnao.. The "-oM A""",...1<."OfI •.,ppone

____~__,I _~.... '" "*'Y 01 c:o.ovr- tMl thoI ...... -*'contr.­ -.r_. ~on.. .,.,INF', own _1lont _ WOUld contnbuUlIO by _ In "'" r!gh' w'''II 01 "'" AI9' tt "n ~ 10 ,lilt.... '~Ity 10 UPa/lO III ",Il'UI'Y 1"00<'''' The • ...... ,...... lCluuh tilt bill • c_, Alil 1',"If'lOl'l. _ 01 tilt tIrgIIlld oU"." In In, SuocornrnlllM on Inl"".lIon,1 Trld', O.",oc..lI. ~..d.m.na.er In" I"u,er.nl A..g.n. w~o I"_'"",,,l. .nd Non-"ry Polky on M.y 5 by RI"" J."Y aup.,.I.ly w.nl'I~' bill p....a. 10,,,,.IIV a.....oclet. P,t_ (o-C,,).ndM,hLo_ry (DoW'" In <:oopef.llon wnuI>1l1.. _ lhe lull llecau. tilt Senall clod noI InClude t_prow~... MI boI. c:o...r..m- on ~. Fw.ne:.. _ urban All..... 111e ""'~"C:OO""'.""<:ommI_""'_ cr..... ~.'Il __ dOlt 1* ... ,lit two _, ,."".1IemP- tOl>:lrKl CIunno "'" __, lIoo< _, __ .... no __ to _ ,t 1$ 11'_ or "'" _ pr_" _ Of

1'I0w"", 0... Con b••. A.p PI'" a (A-nl). e...... ,...... oducI1 1'&'11 _ M<"IIOI con"'tell lor "'" CQnIIlU.... • .....",...... I...'IIIllN"htf"PO..llCk:.tlon· 01_Fund.nd tilt ••portld to Sou1~ .....'1Ce du"ng R"III"" ,...... , policy ."oct 'I would ~.... on ,.,itndly" EIo,t."'b1oc IMF ...... btrl wOUler nollll.llecttcl by IhI ...... con"..... Berm.n'llIngu.ge

• WA,SHINQTOO NOTES ON -'fA'c... wouldll'onIb1' u... "CORUac'NncI,ly" lot II>e ••port 01 \ICJCICb 10 ""eo, ,__ 01....' 11'_ ~__ "'rtCIl1_ltIdIO·ac'ualor,m_I_0I~'-'orol ItOU<'Id lht country _ bon'lDet_ Co/I9i 11110 .... offlcII Inl....._ "'OI*", 10 ac,.... 01 ,mtrIHIe<1I lI'oa IOrin. ~ colling tor 11II 6IIM1 or 11II So/Irr boI. Tn. ~ _t_ I_GoIcl~oISouIl>_ 01 1IIMmI--,. ,.,...... rilIM*. or 10 __ or _ ...... "...- ."~ "'. -." WhIIII _ wouIcI "PPlY 10 Ic>DII1IIII.oe mon..... _..,_""IIIUS--.P' lollonowl ~. npoorlltd m".1 H ··""ectl1, "'''''''''''-'1, ..." .hll .h. "'1"11' 0' bo.h lh.. l'tO'fl.lUn .n1 Ih. ,Ill." ...'-"'i' _lOouc:fI ___ ..,."".... ,"" bjr Alp _ Or.,. (D-PA) bII<..... FIoop. SU.I., Solwz (D-fO') .... oMrocluc:MllI'>II_ '''1 nlW Collbill. T""SuIwz ...'" I: '-' ~_US lelomiC'.;;: 'Ior~ I) _ 1MI :: .11 ra _ .... s.-w. Iw """Il'U'I'_ R-. .._ CIOilOI ...... ,- __ -"" ,_.ul CoI",,__..., 10 __",.__ .... : I h lor US CUflIU'"'_ -.no '" 5uuU'l Afnc& 21 l't,*,,~. C_ C••I ~.. ~ 10.... 10 ,,,. Soulll "".oc.n ",0' I at u- lnlf-.oiiol ~ sur-n. II """ vo-n_or "", ~ __3)"'__...... ______oil ; II. FItp Gtrola SCI: 'lOt. (R­ ~n'o '''' US 01 Soulll ...,.la" gokl cou... ,ncl"","", NYI....,.1tY 10 ..,__..;, ..~ tor • IWO PIf_ Ilnigw..... -..""""-_lfIlpur1IlU go lor ...... ""'" Tilt __01_ ",0' '0'1_ naI, .ood "'ppUrI ..... aa- Suulh.o.rnc-. TIoo _ or"" 1_S. '...... 1Ilt toO. .1,.10 <:to 1 'Illht ,...... r fl)...... J_...... ,._.... ~ 1."'11'>II W_ogkIn Otliot 0'1 AIn::a. Tilt So n ••, 010110, ••• ,..".. 1' FW 'l "CoI,••_ Strong!y' :.1 :11 , IU *"'IlIOJ'__.,.. ", tor "'""'" ~So __ _ ..,_ otIon In Rap Solwz·. otbcI calliid it "two 0'I1I>e _,ata..t<.."'-t.....~_lht PIfC Alnca. Ie l/III ~011'" boll _ lIN cornt ',om ctl..,c", ,,_ union. 8I1ck,''''' _it1 .Ilocl 0'1..... "'Olrg'b11 "umbo<" 01 BlICk Sou.1I ...h_ lI'aupa II ... II Soul""" ""rICIn ....-,.... OIgot11U...... Ac""'I" 1110 t.., 11\1I m.""."ng ..... SUIl, ...... ,_pln .... 11 llau"", 11>I COlIn.ry. M.n1 at "'-lI'oo.rpl ponlCipo.,,",, In 'he bI _ .. I ,moIoMCf-' tor "'Uli"ll 10 d"'''l For ,_ Nlllonol SoI>," ....tIca tOl>bY 001 on Ju.... 1;organ"'"" bjr .11I _I. SoI.n. lIN 19'_ 10 ....."".... n.. ",""ilion II 1M w•."lng'on Olli<:t on ...t..... T,..,. loII_'''''' ,,,,,_nll­ Sulh..n P',,'.clpill ... ,lit onl1 ptn 0' In. .""""m.." ,...... ,n,aug" pI\onI c.llo, IItt..., I"" Cun;,nolonol .iIOR. moln"I""" on In. Huu.. tlou, Till IobO}/ <1'1 d'" mucn '0 ,.1.. tllo "jtlb'hl1 at 1_Mil. It Anll-optnhlld lobb~I'l'If. ,"orr"'" bIc:ou.. 11 ~ 1'."1,1111 po_, t1ll)' could IIIlp ....." 111I 'T""," 01 RoIlI.n'. ,110 I.ner 'WO ",oolI_1 will bI h._ll1l1 bjr con...... ,I_on "conl"UCllYe er>gll/lmlnt" poI'C'( 01 IUPpof'1 lot Soulh "'fTica .110 HUll" 1100r SouIn Alriel'l PlldlObbjr"lI hi.. !/I.,1td up .nd "",X, • _19.,,,,t .partheid •

Anti-Apartheid Victories! DC Divest Dennis Brutus

rlll_corn..._""""CtPIl~ .~ Soo"ng &nOll"" 'I>CIOtY lor ____mo •••'l - ....,..-. on _ .-...-"" tor ..... • us ,'''''''.''''0'' Judg' on SIPIl",W. 1 ",,"',.- DC cot)' coconaI on SIp. ,_ I, tlll3 TIle w_""'.... ""'=-'"""" "'....-...... Dtnnot, BnIIw. lit...... toll N_50-'1, _11'''''"'''' U. o.uOCl ul Cut_ , 11_-..., 1..,-..... - ~,.,•• '""" ~I' ... 01' -..."""'" '" __, --,. ""$: I: ,_BIIIlt'IItllutlOnl. or _POI_. _ dO ... I Cf'IlIC ...,.., IU ...... WI 11'>II US Bn.Il\II .. burn .. '" ----Z-01 SouItI AInCIn po.r__ 11II ...... _, SoulllAl':caor_ .. AIlhougfl_"""",, ...... ,.1Iy11II cot)'--.oot"" "'~WI_COUnUy...... _oI..... ~ ...... boll _ bI _.'"" O}I "" US Congt__ ~ _ In _ U-. ""'" z,,-' _... 0. 1...... OtIvICl.oII....Adn»1lIngINl-_""lII"1aot ..._it- - ...Ult",Cungt_ JoIlrlRoy._.....·._.•_ AIlhougfl 11>I 1...... - __s.no:::. op;,....t.e, P'*lfclon; IhtI WIlJl ...... ~ IO'llInll1 d= _ .._ra -.no 11II -...g WI • tflOl'l IU dIporI BnJwo. _ ..__ 000"""'" .. no ~ -- ....lCh tor _ 110oO 01 publ:coIjt _ ",wno_ ..... II" T.... " I>-PIClId IU bI """" 10 Con;r_-..... '" ---ee-.tw '"""'" 11'>II eong...... 30 119_"'1'1 on Brut'" -, "'...."11 """ till ",,1._'. iii"'" ...tn", WIlOCll '0 acl II" _ nollOOpl • ~ 01 .Mbn-.1'IoI, SoI>III ..."JCJItlIoQlll"...... 1d __.""_110 oaI ....'Ion lIIoI ~...., lIII bolIIUIOmII1CIII1 "ee 8M..' lor. IhOIlld III bI!Of'ciid 1o filum 10 Z1m__ .w JUOgII...."IIScnw.1'1 ....._'0_.0.....,...... ood..-y r"'IIg"~"",dtbIlI ....P _. 11II'''"' ~..... compIIII'. opornon bum .... 5,", OIptf!..-, !hI1 8M... naI bI _m.... bOll ...... dlllIliid!ll Congt_ It ilCf.1>CIl'0 Il\owIt

SUMMER '983 ~ Droughtand Destabilization Confront Southern Africa

WufllnlrlO" Office "" Afrk:. ",..,.,.,. DINcI.... 11".._ -.u-n AIlQOl&.InCIuclong ""...... bOo'oOol~ IOfI1S ~ Z"", /tUJut, ,.rrxrt«1 rrom .... _ r"p 10 Sou,,,-," Alrlc. 1"'0 c.nusl Angol...,.. _true!lon 01 _ltord '" Zlm­ .-.tie In_,/of SADCC .ummi~ be...... 1. IOfC. In • t!Omo .llack ....1 oum-: and ,,,. __IIMI _'0- 0' ,.11 II,,", •..-eII. and pipoll.- -"9 of .~•• c..tli... ""fII"'" and -­ horn 21mbeO" ,.. Illoamlll_. Till Sou'" Aln<:lfl NO'...... _. trom .._ Sout/W'n At,If:,I",,*,IM!OUM u_ Dot/'l III o-n moIItary I;;rcI ifill jIUpIIM or~__ ...... olllle~"'rICa De. ,'op ,.,.~ _ .. _Ill~ _ R II~ (MNR) .. ~ Coo...... (SADCC) """'8Ioed WI IoIoumI:Ioquo. UNIT" .. """"'"' _ -... 'I' 011 .. t MapuIo.H...... "" Jvly II ~....ollfW __ Zlm : •• 10 CIlIr)' Id mille 01.- ,Ia incep1.lo

T~. _On

South African Agent. Proliferate """"""'*YlOl... lll ...."_;' '1._ ' ...... SouIh A1nc...... 11$fI III IllPPf"I tor SWAPO __lion', The South ""lean ~_ .. 0J*III0"9 .-o0 "'..UII",,,,IIClI"" Pe dl"'dl -.. ,...... , l!:t "'PllOI1I01' '"" ~ I ...." Of T,. ,... ~. ~ ~..., .,.... _ UtJIIICI_1O In<:tNM ~ 'Ii -e---openl ,.. _ Q onAon __ ,.. _ _ V_ on ~. Sl: 110_ InIldOloon, .,.,...... ,.., _ lor...-e--In.".Un<*! sc.-. Among ",. _ ~ .. _'Ill'"" II' ,101)_...... "_"""'_'.W'll SI<*1s,.nc., puDIIc:_m" _who....l*:WoC!lO 'h. A""n Adm'",ll"',on'l pol,cy 0' "con,lcet -,- 101'" JoI>n SM,.. lnot"'" Sotllh ""rican IllI'nl Ind R..~n T..... AU,UII27 Mlrch 0" WUhl",lon lot lobi. -..tId 00f\'--' ...., 'ill.... au- .... paid ~1I .... jlfomoxlng 'r-.n .110 __... lonlm lor III_1I1og$ll'l1t South ~.w.-In_US In~IO_~.",. AIr>cn _ RMQan', IUppotI 100- h. 1'", of '"" ""'dl' SouIn ~ ~j.i•• IPW't _ S2 __ .,.. InogwInlM -"'" _ .,., 01 _ WIt ~ us ~ a __ 10 _ So AInce- TN SoulI> A"-' .. Sll , .... _. "I l -..g HA 1020_-*l""", r"""l81 Corpexablln _ 01 US II.....CloWlbufeIil-. Us-soutll A'neII _ co" t I II-..IItIw eo••" ... of bl'""I>u.., Ind g __ promoItng South ""nca .. In 'h. ,P••t " lh. mnrch. wnrn'" .h. 300.000 plOpr. I_, ,OIH1" 1pOI. ..I""'"1 , Blact.ln I..... US would no! be ...... hl8l1cJ<1ln South ""lean ookl Interala ...... -0 ~lIn • "-"Y Soulh A1rlen '''"nod ',*r r_"Ion. s..v..n1 011"" 1Md'''' PIon- C1'< ,"",1*0" In ",. US Sou\I'l At'lQn ,,,,__ I",""•. InClud''', An. J ..... J,CklO" .nd NAACP Gold Cotpo""on ...d ," "un .~nl" Klt~P'I"'k_ bKuUM' D"KIOt, 81nl.m.n Hootl.•)10 d.I\OII".".d ~Jor~_~_I+ __.. SouIIl lor .... r ,on.--.. __I3_ AInc:tr 0$"-' "* lor 1M _ or....,. J jlfOl"llbllg KNgiwf...... "., ~"'O ~Ml .". Sol IHII (IUIppong Kruv-'''''' Impofll)In Cong._. E..... t_ "uo;Ie ou"'" dO _""IM ,,"11,. &lory. In add,tion 10 th_ paid age-,hI. Soulh "'!rica --" """"'" _...... -.y on ~ ..._ 'lid co...,.ttelin ,,,. US wh>Coll Ir, wO'k'''1I 'ull \'me "11""" I'" d tmo"\ _ • _II. F..-,g*-tIt' ..... ftM>ONoI _ ,..11."" ,,,"m....,, ."V,...... """''''..:1 '0 cou"',, 11 ",111 '" -"9'" of ~_ hea"Y k:"t"'lg.-.

Cultural Boyco" Picks Up Steaml

T",~.-go"""""''''!Cdr_llI __1O woo us...,...",' 'I'oIet..1O pertorm '" South A'ncn In IMI>opI 01 It glhlnln; n.panr.eld .nd 11""'" 111n""""Oi\II ~ S:Z--.lOatWlIlOIIQ'I!I'!\ICY PrIlOOO _'n;__no••pertor-.penM otIenn; 12 mUCh_ .. -..:cufI>b 10 IMI"'lI'I_01 --.y )llItIIy __ WCC and March Condemn Apartheid IOSou1)' 011..... World C<>u""~ 0' CIlurm. (WCC) held ,n or;.nnl<.I,OIII. '"" PntncnLumumblCoel,I_nno:l I..... AI""", CoIuornIIIoI trom July 2.10 AuguoIIl0 Two J&u _ SoaelyJ "'.. _ ,. c: I I!ulln __"""'" Ihw v_,""" by ot...... ,....~ ...... SouIItAfnlcM_ ... ' __ JIM3.oool*_" <:uIt...... _ '_"'"lIlhli8"••'U IItIw _80'''' 1', ll.ofa. .pp",____In So"," AI"c..etmI)'T_Ifound,trlPO'''''1__.lIon,The IobOyh••• W_ AM, .... 01 ""0110"'; ~1JIOII4IIl!tllf OPt .Ill ~__ U>/IlOnI"CII"" """" CWl"'" ..... "'" -.. of gtOUP, T,...... """' .... now 1eu_...._""'9''''' _ 10 "'"P" trom ''''' u,,'~ Iuuet 01 l"I"'1ce. ..,1Il ,,.,, Io.-",.'!on 0' An__ AlI>let" AOnJn$I A.pn.rthII....CI>eI. 1M UN-unc_ bin on IOU... of Soul" Ar,g, T"" <:uIt"'1I ...... ,..•,,.",,",*n_ 1M .. t>oycon _ ....·e.,••0IlS'0II1,II\Ily lor .-.gll'>ol.-.blllly ~SouIII~·._ 01 ''''' .pnrl""d ,..u. nnd "'Otl'l!z'n, l$f'. 9 ...... 001. _"'" .... ',_ ___ lot P<*c" -. .... 0Iti0n on 1l'>oI_'IO_ptIKa. TUlu ...... _I*" " W".ogIOi' 10 ...... , 1M _tlty toy '"" Soulll AIr\crI" ~ But A'neII £,0;-. 00tecI0r SondIo ,_.", ..t.do 'W. ntl'" I,.. mlnul•. 1""0'1'. u"'" 1M.".. 1"1.,,,,,lon.J m...lletr U- 1 _.,...."'0 Pnrtorln'l turw l/wIl P'....,•. ,,,nlllCl ",m. t.-mPOf.ry ~"""" In.,..,II Ply'h"h price Ih'"I""hUll''''''''0' trIO.... 'hI$y Al ,1>1 .....mbly 'h. wee u,,'" 'h. ,,,II,,,,IIon.J ...... _ '""1 ' ...1..... Drought and DestablllutJon. __ l1li ,8i '""" KIt n. : t .. 10 8einI _ MapuIo __ lII n ..~ COMlM'ICly -. 1 Ihur _ n.. __ ...... ,•• '-__-.. ..._~'Il~·.~IO...POftlb _ _..g_ lout ...-on ~ .... *"""'" by 11M clroughI, __ ..1'* F,oo,.,. ....10 ompon troon Soulh AtT\c:.I- 1I*d of lbIOlaI ~ .... in ..ofll'll,..giOl'O. __ e-e.t.. _ ~.,."""'" III' • I,.. "".,...'" UIltIMt nM ...... 1Il to."", dooM" WlItl """,""",Iion....-no. ThI mood ...... Iotapl,ltO SAOCC sufftfM. Pr..-n.,.... nollll d1_ of • I\KlII '-l>llll II Cl>icumblllll in GaD PtO'rincl 1hoI..-am,"ll1'Oll_\IlIOfllInlz1l1on nu_In1hoI PMt ujd 1111 ~1 PlobIIm In u..,lng ~ .aa "no m,lI<.• 111 __... Byl"'lhln ilOprofIctrdllllng loIIo..mbiq", I. _lnIl3OO.ooo 10N1 of g...n In '''',nll y...' .1,IIIl'hlpough ...-ol __'Imold-. wIdIly--""by ...... Itc•••• _lIIIdroughl. Mo, 'OCI' __ tIoKl tcoo:l IlllWor " n~II.OIby.-uY.... "'...... _ PO~ -.vn or- 10 'KpOft _ ~t O"'lIy ", c."9 ...... Reagan Defends Policy. eGA ,.., u~ ~ ....,"11••nd ItlImI...llng • -.rcI Of ,_.... Ilk! eM In Option Two of N.bOnIl s.couroly 51...,.,. _ ,'''01'- f'OfIlI,,,. IlIleI ",lI«Inll I,om ckougllt. ..Mum (NSSWl311 eomm...,O...c\ by'IM NIl'Of\IOI s.cou,lly Council In ,!il6t. Arguing tllll '1"" .M.. 11''''''''0 IllY" In PO.... on Sou"..". Alrb. Option T.o cillllll lor. pelley ilfhw:n wouk! ''''''K POII1Il;alancl M:QfIOIOIif; .-.we...... on 11'N1 .M• .,..."' _ ·,nc..... commu__~ 10 ..010_0;" Wlln them on oro. 10 ...... Ihe _""II ._ III ....-.. l1li ~_In ",.NgIOh-_...... !No, US corPOf."I11I1f..._ nol De!tlfu,,,,,,,,,. ·Conrlruet....engeg'me"'"1f _""'II IIUI-r.. e.by" by ....ou- n...... UnIon"",,..,. .... boIn A""'W:1hlI .nd elfelo Soul_n Al,ic.nr..II.Il.'II.n polley II.._nI"" .. mUCII. d'.....' ..KINl"llf'l'I,.

MIP«IOJlO'f_ _ 1O$AOCC.. doo. I ':~ '-'__Z- Washington Office on Africa 110 Malyland Avenue, N£ The _"'1M.... in Ilol11" "" ld. __ by 111 :lIf\tf _~'.Fifttl~'-4lI'.o_lIII-'-'" Wastuoglon. DC 20002 _Ml''''"", s..m. _ (202) 546-7961 -.....'-"'II.... lhMrNllly, 101Uy 'n _W__ .I'O __.' -.on. M:eOt'l llIi1.u mal '.... oflacl< of '&lntllllklt_.... IOfWor1lll __C nollllll 11 • ~Chwtft It' , PftIIOna.whIcI\_'OII\1l1_olllll~.__''''' , ""e-.l.Cftl.o"" ...... f, • Cl'lun::t\, C , ~ 1'00uetI.. _~IOf_.. _ _ bIoM... South Atnc:.I __ 10 ....0 .. lfI ...... -.-..""-,, .(SalA-F~,"- c...... OIIIII---.~.. _lOoIIw_.__ ., ~ . --. UAW ~-....-OIl _ ~ Cftl.o 0-.... _ 1m" _ ._10 ..... F,o,,""'. _ .. _ --.ng . ...___~""o..co. ..-,.:,,-",. _...... -...m.~fw'*'It POfb'III),1l'Iuf OMofI._o.oo__..~""_,,,,_ ~ 1 ~ _oq In _~ It .. no lO