WASHINGTON NOTES ON AFRICA SUMMER/AUTUMN 1963 Reagan Defends South Africa Policy hll ...,.,fIlM In. Au",," Mmlnlllf"~ INued • ...,rica, -.:alat• .,.tlllIl,utlon 01 I/'Ie' Fronlll... llet&l, and mal'" polICy .,.I....e"" on Soull\efn ...hle. In '0 tNoC~ ....",om en<l'n; itl mU'lery OCCUlNlt,on ot N.mibie, anempl 10 CO<Imlf In. popu'" pe<c.ptlon \IlOl1 ,1>10 T "",""",IIl'lhon .u~ ..,.nl*<!. In , JuM 23 Gr.-plng.1 Slr.wlln South Alriea -"Otl_ to In. N.bOnlII eon,.......,. <II Ed,ton.! W,I\eft;"san F,.I'IC*:O, UndiW SocteIaryol SlaI.1Or PoI,_ Eei_;eo'l lQUbn; 01 "",*"ICW'_' In 50<1111 AIlws LI.-.ce 5 EaglMlul'g« ""'.._ N -. ...,""' to jultJly Rooeo;iInI -no poIocy __ I/'Ie' '- I pelley 01 -<:onIfnICU'Ie ,- lOWWll SoutI\ .seor- to .-h;ch ItIoI • .... "9'Y on IlW Atnca.WrtnlM I_po I J. 'NI __l"'~og. 01'.-' Co""Q "'-_ PW 8olhe1-..rom.,- pori>­ !tie __.. __'.-.l at.". lid< ol .. -.gno1icanC c:ur..-t1"pt~_"""""'e:t.- ~_tI'I.g •• IOWIC__.....~·~ CIt,. 'II'C ~ ... ~ Alnca _ lhe ..... 'II __ _... : ... ~'-IO-c:onoltUC:llVe......1 i.'--- -.Eaglebur;.er _II....-...It'diIIp'. • _ _1lW T... &Il'IIdl ~ • ...1 WI .. eoIIII of _"'.='0 SouIl'I ....,.can l1O""'_ liioi tMenllW _IMII-.I.,.­ orOWl"ll_cnlIC:OUIol-__g.;, i.oL-_ -.dong _ P'*'ocaI f\QIlD be10nd IlW _ "."".,- _~_Ioc I,,"Eag .~otSoultl -r-.••~,.III""""""",,, fItICI ell ~'" ~ ,..,SournAI~I_ "'nca I ,...., .."Il\Ol''''' WTong- _ on'" II ...... , ...........'..111 ""'••pbcJ/Jof_edto INl ..,"" tnIbOn POI"'" flood -,,11M InjUltoee' Tiley .,ufI·_n ~I'''' 1lIueopnn~ - ,t.,Itnoug1l1le ....'-"n; n,~n ,... con<Mmnauon 01 South AI,,", 'Vile... 01 to Cl'.!ICI in till US,II eq...l!)' .pp1...10 Oll_tl<l_<1hIid __ and the "",,,,lIu.I,'IiOn" ~1I0" 01 P'JlOfi,O', 'fIIi$SQ<ltll"'Irlc•. Tho mejo<ny 0' Blec:lI South """CI"" hi.. "EI.nu"W\'· pollcV. ,... baC~bOne of apa<1I"I<I", 1.1Id .rId rejoeleel tile conlt,I<lUonol·,.'Ofmo" ... oh.m. a.bof ,._ quoting him It ..yl"ll. ""WI GO J\Ol .nIl will IlOl E.lQI.bwoe< comrnen<led Both.'Of pullin; IIIe ·own polI­ NCOlI""e ,_.,__. 1M o;onMI\'al'" Waal""",,,,, T,,,,., tical baM In jeoOl)I.'<ly" ..itll 1111$ -boldltap,- _II II IItruelIlal calI«llhe apoech -, 1II11'.I>"ll mac. on Soulh "'nca.- Soulh "",w:a'.....,1. eommunll1 II _1oouet1 <lMclld _ Tile .uo_~ IWI 10 ...-.d to lItIdItIo In. 801"" I conItJtutlonal ~ E.e;1eDuf;.er 1&IIed to feCOO' _~'.coni""*' alliance Wlt/l SoIItII 8eIund ...... thoM _lIlfmpl)rlfY""lI to COf~&I "111.&1 P'*lDle u.._"'~Iey""_--"_~"'nca- IOquolIIhI rWong _ <I ~clieooi ........... ....,__ _ .1'(' 10 -.. conloftue6 CO<~ __ and ~_M "'11"'110.. In $oUIIl AIfIca __."., ......101hIIe-s.._ E g' t "5l" _ ""_-.-10 "''''- Inside: "~Ie; 1Of"'_P""n- $ I .............""'... __ C"hgo IWM US ......'001"' ~ "" • Congr... Considers SA Billa _ "..""II, ..... In SouIl'I ""nca .. .-!I'll wOUld ........ _ ~. In I/'Ie' r-ooon. E.g'" -;.er .... ._'tQJfapolil;Jo • Drought .nd Dett.b1IIuUon Confront u_,_.to _..Ion ~,all !WOanda""".............. ~todo~nlllllOlW than t. BlecIl "'If..,. ..noI.at'en;I......n; US mlhlery and • Anti-Apartheid VlctOrie. POI,Ucal!lee ...," PreIOfI•. He 19no<eel m.nllonln; hOw Rea· ;an'l"conII'UCI~en;e;emenl" POIIC1 ..... _'&Oed P,. • Newlbrlel. lOria to Inl&flell)' ItI c,ec:~<IO ..n on opponenU lnlide Sout/'l....... Congr_ (I\NCj Pr.idenl ~ Tambo .- In AugUll Rqlonal Security: F,onUlne Stilt.. LON Olll .._llIanaNlng I<on!' ~01~u-.._ .... an 1odjvIl_ 10 ...... rNIfly wI'loCI'I _ ... IllI _­ FIoCleb"lVIt' COhO.""" 111I1 .,........!ljloty In SoutIIItn QfOWlllll.n-0I1llI __~ • ThullllI AIncI II unlillaty '" II" rool III 1M 't.1 "'" 01 _ -..0- _ SoutII "'11I;I wI'loCI'I fI~'1t "llI' prIIIIId_ ""'••••01 ...... '""". oyaIItII 0I109&l1Y ...~."..II)' ~ 10 mo6II'l.... _ ~ 00..·0 • 10 lIWI_d_"''''Y''' SoulllAtl'IOI.- Itch •. hed' •.-<1_ -~ cM"IJII -., .. 1 I) !Of II ."'."""'---~_ fI;" "llI'l_IO.....lllItU-· ... __ 1I)' SoutIl ~ .. unbI<eIy '" ~ WI • NgIIOn&l_ 01 __ ..... • '... _ SouIlt Atnc:I a-m. _""",,-.._~-t'IIo-.l'."'""-~ _ "_--._ Oo,110 ..- 1* .,SouIII _ _ ..,...,....... &- BoD> SoulI'l Atnc:I_ .,.r.oo _ ... ~._. duty 10 1tOJI ... 01 _ le" , by Boths: ·Certalnly the ~"pIIt'wwog_oI.. 1 "","'IllIIai._yol_ government would not comply Ac!oI ..'*'_-..pport!Of -~~. IUCY.- r",••••.,.. --totIIyl-.:llO __ P, ; ......0."'5-,"""_ with any demand for one man, III 1M IIgOOI'l. SouIIt AttcI_ .10011'~,_ ... _ -.go.- '" .-ntoo III .-..y "'9'1 ...., _ one vote In a unitary system." __ '" __re ".'0"--'0 --.~ __ 1..1:" lIaI_aty.1oll '0 I'flllOt••<;11\I'_'" 1tIlII9I"'" only In _ -.,.-.__In<_o.;,"",--_ \l_ .......... _~-.._~_~ _ twlWll\lIoCb.,l*""",*",nc.........torc. _ ..the 1llI ~bInt>I<'._lOrI_. lMoIho ~\IOfl A~. IIWI 1oIoI:,"'blQUi NI:\IOnIl ~ ____, 1aIy.- Afr,kIIfte; ....,.. """'. lltI'* lanc:e,"'" UNiTAIll AngoII. vr.p/'IoCIIIy.....,,,. UP IIOw Joru. .....-'IV~,n Souln lMoIho ,... _ -.pKl1IIy IIaIll "" by III!I aQgl "on. 101a/1y ","""",,",,, bySouth Arrtu. L_1o'gll.pIt..,.,... ,rudy 01 Soulll Alncan ,~_1II11Z11......... L_·. --INtlIl AWlI" fllH ~ .1Id """"1)' ~ ..... 1111I P".... MI",,"" LN_ Jonol"'" .........pIt.llcally .1aW<l, .1/0"'..:/. _1Id.,. 10 do lNIlo OI~ ",It"_r1»_ "I..Motho'. ,mmtollol1. PlOblIm " qIIJIMld Igc........... In 10l/tlm UrKM' .nQlltti' reg'''''. [5.ul) M~""H .... ,/III I<l(Iiloon 10 IIItn<:lIng 0WetI,1'I\f llOt1lf ',1Il1e 10 _ Iron! .1toI ...." ... IMy d.,. 10 publICI•• rill 1..:1 ,It., IlIIIt LMOIIIo, P,..orll till, "''''..... WI off 011 -*:\Jlclly In Ihi PIO~ .rI uprool..://'om 1/tII, Iridl/fotNl _. 'no' capilli, M....'u. 10' ....1.1 tIouro lleh ..,nIno Tit. ,"VIc· /tulld'_ 01 lItOUllnr1' 01 pIOpil .. filII dumPid In Ilona 0111'" Ilow 01 mIg,,,," 'nII suppl....Iong till LlIOlho plwdO-o_.nlllllO<> OImPiIn 111I .....II.I.tId' 011/­ 1>of1l<. Jon.nlln '"111d. '11""_01 Plltoo..•• 'l1,mpllO ~Iy J~I"II", Bey." N.ur1I _ W,n.... """"""",,OIDy Inllmld... I.... Buortlo 1n10 doc:~lly M.ndII• • 1Id11ll R-.1Id Mlqul'" 01 Porl Eh,IbIIIt lMotllo ,... _ --..111 "'gaIIId ......UM. ~"III It. Ill" "" 'CW. T/II ~ 01 ........ 1/11 01_', _mlfllPI'!'"_II._""tt«J I>r 0__', PlflmIflf.I-.. IISI.d"__....".,.../IfIII 1__p II 1/11I tIemg ItIrIald _ ".,..eut..:/ __"'"' ....'" ~ If 1/11 .... ""If ....1_ e---_I_I1III_(""fHPIt.,.~ _ oI ! /f-.y ....~_... ;.., e,=,"",,- f,g' , "0'1". 000 U ........ 01 __• '... n n,.. """""'" In 1M 1_ 01 10 _ IIle _pan 01 """"P'IW1 -.1_.."" _ .In -" F cUt "" tF' ,,_Il• .-onIMUSIO-_1llI --"'oc-ncs 01 ~- .\do. '......_ Soulll Atnc:I t, .."-_._ -1lq*S Soulh _'I WO"1 be 1...... " ... IO-..nos_~'*" _ 10'" ""lfId ~ - The -bol\om _- 01 SoulI'l "'''''''• ....... _ho , ...... -.F......ll'O F g'lt "flII'. IIIRdt. "'-_8oI\'Ie _p' Nod hi --,~111II ......,.,..It wtN4IlIOI 00IPJI1I'f """'...,."""'...., lor ....... ...... _ '" • ..,..,...,. 1J'SI*m ..... South AIl'I<;an _ 8ItrJ SttIiIk _ -\TI_ on _ ...__1IyWlQ 10 _• syIIIn'l ....1 f;OUII<l boI ~ 10 IIWI .......,.my 01 $ouIn Arr-. In IIlotI. .". ~ ..... 01 '0.­ Apanr.d'-IO IN...,I 81_ IIIa/O<ITY rule_.". _ 01 Soutlt Alr • _ ....". ~ ., .._ ,It/of"" .. bIInc lNopooe1 """"...."1IIOn ~ 10' _ ....... """ _ only rslntooCltl ,./tlI. minority IMI&IIII'gIIlO' In Soulll AI,oc.I _ .... lOUlllttIO()l)l<:u'..... I~ 1It.1 00-<:.111<I "1_"""",,1 ImINOVI......,II" .11 "..,. 01 _'11\I lunda­ ........1cI'Ian~ ..... mo'IIII\Ilowar111111m. UtId.. 51C1I"/)' r>/ SIll. L.""'n<:' E'f/IIOu,gI' _ S­ am,..." 2 WASHINGTON NOTES ON AFRICA IhI btunt ot RMg.n and BOIh.'1 conlin"",, 1IIIIIng on ,oaching .n In""".tiOnllly-lCCIpllb4I "lI~t lor the indlpen<:len<:l 0' lhei' country. Ag ''''''''''''' ill no .....,..llIan 1\ "'.. '''''' y..,".go: IhI US Ind Soolll A',leI 'X""","" 10 iMi11 on .n .gt....-I lor the ""IIId'"...... ot Cuben 1fllOPl lrom Angol... I p""'ondlllon 10 IlIIlIernen\. IndlClt",g It twI no "",""lIon 01 111111"51 """n, Soulh /\Inca ".. recemly IlU'IUed anoll••, mi.",., ..lll.......nl lormlng ....... N.mlblan llal. counc;1. JoI>n KirkpatrICk.. WlndhOlll ~llIciln, oummecl "p lhe plln by lilting: -11 il • poInllDl ••...,1.. !I y<>U Il• ••pectong • leltlem.n\. Ind ",.k.....,.. only " y<>U III no\.' ·Cc>noll\lCTlve ,",,;age"""'I' twllIllId mi..,.bfl/ln IlI.MartI 10 bring .b<>U1 N.",lb!I'.I..,.p6r'I<lenU. "Klulnser', Enforeer" Al Ih. cor. 01 1"- edm,nll!rltlon'l pion '0< ·revlO...' seco,Jty" .. III concern 10 keep Soulh A',a I... lrom Sov~ Inl'""nc. 'Hltlo<lcally II iI.,_ot _tlfn Inll_.nd h.. _ ""or 300 y...... E.globu,gor 1IId, 'I1roopecliYlly p'ojeclln; E..,-W..I cooft,CI b.ck OVI' 11>... cenl,,''- ot ooIonl.1iIm end "'hill _II< ",,-. T,," Id_>t 01 dIcoIc>no-­ ..lion. l1li IlIled, " .. openld Ih. revlon 10 thl d~ 01 COII.PM ."d penetllllion by 1l1li USSR. ·the IdYOCIIII 01 ~~ on $oulll A1r~. H I\IIt for 1M,*---maintaIned' Ylol.n<:I.·"lt _ ..I.n 10 IlIape _'0... "- conlin"",,, ...m,,11 policy of tIOSllnll "'",g_ fla.Mll Ihe aparll>eid '~I ...... be InvoIYI<l Ind"p<l'parod10 t>PPOII lhOIe Irom oulolclo A',leI p,"<IIia N1a ClaImed lNltluolho and D11let Soultlem Atrk;an "'ho clIl'" • t!ghl to YiOlen' lnt_ntlon..· Elglltlurge< '­ .tala .r. Delng uaed •• optIng_'''' 10/ ANC mihllry olngl"l1 • rel..,n I,om 1l1li ....... Old Cold W., I<Klg OPt<Jli~ ,,.."'" Soulll ""ica. Soulh Al'lC&n Del..... F",,,,, Elgllbu';o' ignorll IIIII'acl ,h., IhII pnnciplo CI,,1e 10' Gen""1 eon'llnd V'ltoe" warned .,.,.
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