Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 118 (1993) 145-166 145 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

[vdVl Magnetostratigraphic calibration of the Late Valanginian carbon isotope event in pelagic limestones from Northern and

J.E.T. Channell, E. Erba and A. Lini a Department of Geology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA b Dipartimento di Seienze della Terra, Universith di Milano, 20133 , Italy c Geologisches lnstitut, ETH Zentrum, 8092 Ziirich, Switzerland Received January 7, 1993; revision accepted May 24, 1993


Magnetostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and carbon isotope data are presented from five Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestone sections in the Southern Alps. A positive carbon isotope event is recorded in bulk carbonate from the Upper Valanginian of all five sections, and the magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy provide the age model. The record of the isotope event in absolute time is closely replicated in all five sections. As the sections are located in two paleogeographic basins and are separated by up to 300 km, the synchronous isotope event cannot be interpreted as an artifact of diagenesis. A reduction in magnetization intensity coincident with the 613C peak may be due to diagenetic magnetite dissolution enhanced by increased organic carbon burial. According to the age model, which uses GTS89 timescale [1], background ~13C values of 1.5%o are recorded from 145 to 137 Ma. Between 137 and 136 Ma, ~13C increases to a maximum value of about 3%o. Values begin to decrease from 136 Ma and reach background values at about 132 Ma. The rate of change of 613C for the onset of the event (about 1.5%o/m.y.) is greater than for the decay (about 0.5%o/m.y.), suggesting an abrupt perturbation of the carbon system from equilibrium, followed by a more gradual return to background values.

1. Introduction sections [8,9] and deep-sea cores [10]. As in previ- ous papers [3-5], polarity chrons are numbered The correlation of Early Cretaceous calcare- according to the correlative M-sequence oceanic ous nannofossil events to polarity chrons has been anomaly, with the prefix 'C' to distinguish the established by replicating this correlation in nu- chron (time interval) from the oceanic anomaly. merous Italian pelagic limestone sections [2-5]. Numbered oceanic magnetic anomalies usually The combination of magnetostratigraphy and correlate to reversed polarity chrons. Intervening nannofossil biostratigraphy now provides a practi- normal polarity chrons are given the number of cal integrated stratigraphic tool for Lower Creta- the next (older) reveresed chron with 'n' ap- ceous pelagic limestones in Italy, and similar sed- pended. iments of this age elsewhere [6,7]. The nannofos- Carbon isotope geochemistry provides a tracer sil events aid the identification of polarity chrons which can be used to monitor past global environ- and the resulting magnetostratigraphy provides mental conditions [11-18]. The Cretaceous is the detailed stratigraphic control not available characterized by a number of positive carbon from nannofossil biostratigraphy alone. In this isotope events observed in whole-rock studies of paper, the integrated stratigraphic approach is pelagic limestones [11,12,18]. The best studied used to evaluate the synchroneity and timing of positive carbon isotope events in the Cretaceous the Late Valanginian carbon isotope event, which time interval are at the Cenomanian-Turonian has been observed in Italian pelagic limestone boundary [13-15], in the Aptian [8,11,16] and in

0012-821X/93/$06.00 © 1993 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 146 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI

the Late Valanginian [9]. Another well-studied have led to elevated transfer rates of nutrients to carbon isotope event occurs during the mid- the oceans, favoring primary productivity and en- Miocene [19]. These globally recognized 613C hancing rates of biological carbon storage in the anomalies, which reflect repeated perturbations oceans. For the deposition of the mid-Cretaceous of the global carbon cycle, have duration of a few rhythmic black shales, it is generally more popu- million years and peak 613C values 1-2%o above lar to invoke oceanic stratification and poor pre-excursion values. oceanic circulation (linked to sea-level rise or Carbon isotope events generally coincide with climate change) as the primary cause for the stratigraphic evidence for increased organic car- enhanced preservation of organic carbon [22-24]. bon burial, although this coincidence is more According to the model proposed by Schlanger subtle for the Late Valanginian event. The pres- and Jenkyns [25] and Arthur et al. [14] for the ence of black shales in the Aptian and at the Cenomanian-Turonian carbon isotope event, a Cenomanian-Turonian boundary has led to these major rise in global sea level resulted in flooding events being referred to as 'oceanic anoxic events' of expanded shelf areas, leading to increased in the Cretaceous of the Atlantic and Tethyan surface water productivity and expansion of the realms. Fluctuations in the carbon isotope record mid-water oxygen-minimum zone which favored can be explained by varying export rates of or- organic carbon preservation. These authors ganic carbon from the atmospheric and oceanic therefore invoked sea-level fluctuations as the reservoirs to the sedimentary reservoir. Positive driving force for changing organic carbon burial 613C events result from an increase in the burial rates. Models involving marine transgressions ratio of organic carbon to carbonate in marine causing changes in surface productivity and burial sediments. The trigger for these short (a few rate of organic carbon on shallow continental million years) carbon burial events remains enig- shelves have also been proposed to explain the matic. The major positive ~13C events mentioned mid-Miocene positive carbon isotope excursion above seem to coincide with times of increased [19]. deposition of phosphate-rich sediments (e.g., the The Late Valanginian carbon isotope event mid-Miocene Monterey Formation), thus suggest- can be calibrated using magnetostratigraphy, ing a coupling between anomalies in the carbon whereas such age control is not available for the and phosphorous cycles [20]. Within available age Aptian and Cenomanian-Turonian 313C events constraints, the 313C events appear to correlate which are within the Cretaceous long normal with sea-level highstands and increased global polarity interval. In this paper, we present new volcanic activity. isotope and magneto- and biostratigraphies from A number of mechanisms, such as climate three Majolica sections (Breggia, Pusiano and warming, increased biogenic productivity and Val del Mis). We use previously published iso- changes in oceanic circulation patterns (e.g., tope and magneto- and biostratigraphies from oceanic stratification) have been invoked to link Polaveno [5,9] and Capriolo [3,9] together with volcanic activity and/or sea-level rise to viable additional isotope data from these two localities. triggers for enhanced organic carbon burial and The magnetostratigraphies are used to produce the observed 613C excursions. Some authors cite age models for the isotope event at all five sec- increased primary productivity stimulated by cli- tions. Comparison of the isotope anomaly in dif- mate change as the primary cause of increased ferent sections and assessment of rates of change carbon burial. The Aptian and Late Valanginian of 613C may provide constraints on genetic mod- ~3C events have been postulated as being due to els for Cretaceous carbon isotope/burial events. accelerated carbon cycling triggered by elevated atmospheric CO 2 levels coupled with a warm and 2. Geological setting humid climate [8,9]. These episodes of green- house climate conditions may be related to in- The Mesozoic continental margin sediments creased CO 2 emissions caused by intensified exposed in the Southern Alps record the Jurassic volcanic activity [21]. Enhanced continental and Cretaceous subsidence history of this part of weathering combined with increased runoff may the southern Tethyan continental margin since its MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIAN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 147

Liassic inception [26]. The Tithonian to Aptian biostratigraphic framework in the Maiolica For- interval is represented by the Maiolica Forma- mation is derived from calcareous nannofossils, tion, which is a regularly bedded white/gray with additional control from calpionnellids in the cherty pelagic limestone [27,28]. The formation is Tithonian-Valanginian, and planktonic foramini- well exposed throughout the Southern Alps fera in the Barremian-Aptian. (Northern Italy) and the Umbria-Marche Basin Of the five Maiolica sections discussed in this (Central Italy). Similar coeval facies have been paper, four are located in the Lombardian Basin drilled in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Al- and one in the Belluno Basin (Fig. 1). All five though the Maiolica in the Southern Alps shows sections are in Italy, apart from the Breggia sec- rather abrupt thickness variations, from a few tion which is located in Switzerland, a few kilo- meters to over 300 m, the formation blankets meters from the Italian border. Previously pub- both the structural high (Trento Plateau) and the lished section descriptions are available for Ca- intervening basins (Lombardian and Belluno priolo [3], Polaveno [5,29] and part of Breggia [9]. basins) which characterized this part of the conti- The Breggia section is located in the aban- nental margin (Fig. 1). In the more complete doned limestone quarry on the Breggia River sections, the contacts with the overlying Scaglia close to the village of Balerna (Switzerland), 3 km marly limestones and the underlying Rosso ad northwest of . The strata dip at about 50 ° Aptici/Ammonitico Rosso are transitional. The to the southwest. Although the entire Majolica

/ /

__..... , , Glurd~carle~.. . . _ -- ~subrlc ' i S Val~e ~,del Mis/ / t ~Bellut / /^/ /


. .:..... •.

. Capri

• .'7 I I:: I:"~'~X Vicenza ~Milano

0 50 60

Fig. 1. Location map for Breggia, Pusiano, Capriolo, Polaveno and Val del Mis. Stippled area = limit of Quaternary sediments of the Plain. Horizontal dash ornament = predominantly igneous and metamorphic rocks. Area without ornament south of the Giudicarie-Insubric Line = predominantly Permian and Mesozoic sediments. Dashed lines = approximate limits of Mesozoic paleogeographic zones (Friuli Platform, Belluno Basin, Trento Plateau and Lombardian Basin). The Italian border with Switzerland and Austria is shown passing close to the Breggia section. 148 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LIN1

from its basal contact with the siliceous Rosso ad below the section discussed here, although the Aptici to the upper contact with the overlying 'Valle del Mis' section studied recently by Tar- Scaglia marlstones (total thickness 134 m) is ex- duno [32] is correlatable with the 60-75 m inter- posed on the banks of the river on the southeast val of the section discussed here. The base of our side of the quarry, the uppermost Barremian part measured section is located at a prominent fault. is not easily accessible at the river and was sam- The strata dip at about 80 ° to the south-south- pled on the wall on the northwest side of the east. The lower part of the section comprises quarry. The Breggia section is therefore divided gray, well-bedded limestones with gray to black into two parts, referred to as the 'river' and 'wall' chert in nodules and layers. A reddish interval, sections. The base (0 m level) of the river section correlative to the reddish interval at Breggia, is arbitrarily located 38 m above the base of the occurs in the 43-52 m interval above the base. Maiolica, 17.7 m above a prominent interval of From 59 m upwards, 3-5 cm thick black shales slumping. The total thickness of the river section alternate with gray limestones. The top of the is 70 m. The lower portion of this section consists Maiolica is at 92.60 m above the base of the of white to gray limestones with gray and black measured section, at the contact with 85 cm of chert in nodules, lenses and layers. Bedding red nodular limestone yielding calcareous nanno- thicknesses of the limestones range from 10 to 30 fossils of Late Albian age (see below). Red Ceno- cm. Common radiolarian-rich layers and thin manian Scaglia overlies the Upper Albian lime- pelitic joints are present. Between 23 m and 33 stones. VandenBerg and Wonders [33] attributed m, thin bedded gray limestones alternate with a 20 m stratigraphic interval in the top part of our frequent, dark gray to black, 1-5 cm thick shales. measured section to the B. breggiensis Zone of Gray, marly limestones with gray to black chert the Albian, and resolved two reversed polarity occur between 33 and 64 m. The uppermost 6 m zones which they attributed to short polarity consist of light gray limestones and dark gray to chrons within the Cretaceous normal superchron. black, 1-4 cm thick, layers of marlstones and The revised biostratigraphy for this interval has claystones. Submarine slumped intervals were indicated that only 85 cm of the section can be recognized at 9-14 m, 29 m, 38 m, 53 m and attributed to the Albian, and that this interval is 64 m. bounded by unconformities which separate the There is a sampling gap estimated to be about Albian limestones from Barremian Maiolica be- 1.5 m wide between the top of the river section low and Cenomanian limestones above. and the base of the wall section. The wall section The Pusiano section, located 10 km southwest has a total thickness of 25 m and the top is of (Fig. 1), was sampled in a closed aban- marked by an abrupt lithological break between doned quarry on the west side of the road leading the Maiolica limestones and the overlying Scaglia north from the village of Pusiano to the presently marlstones. The lower 6 m of the measured sec- active limestone quarry. A stratigraphic thickness tion consist of thick bedded limestones with cen- of 110 m was sampled on the eastern side of the timeter-thick chert nodules. A prominent reddish quarry. The beds are vertical and occassionally interval characterized by pseudonodularity occurs slightly overturned; the youngest exposed strata at 2.4-3.5 m. This peculiar interval has been outcrop at the southern end of this quarry face. observed in other Southern Alpine Maiolica sec- The lower 50 m of the section consists of white to tions too (Val del Mis (see below) and Cismon light gray limestones with gray to black chert in [30]) and is useful for lithostratigraphic correla- nodules, lenses and layers. Frequent radiolarian- tion. From 6.3 m upwards, 5-10 cm thick black rich layers are present. The interval between 50 shales alternate with light gray limestones. and 58 m is characterized by dark gray to black, The Val del Mis section is located along the 3-10 cm thick shales alternating with dark gray, arroyo (watercourse) north of the bridge at the thin bedded limestones. Between 58 and 93 m, village of Mis, 10 km west of Belluno (Fig. 1). An gray limestones alternate with marlstones. The adjacent section on the road north of Sospirolo upper 15 m consists of gray limestones with fre- along the west side of Lago di Mis, referred to as quent, 3-8 cm thick, gray marlstones and clay- 'Valle del Mis' [31], is largely stratigraphically stones. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIAN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 149

3. Carbon isotope stratigraphy tions were acquired using the same methods [9], on splits from the samples used for biostratigra- Carbon isotope data from Capriolo and phy and magnetostratigraphy. The isotopic com- Polaveno have been previously published [9]. In position of carbonate was determined by analysis this paper, these data have been augmented and of CO 2 released by reaction of powdered bulk the entire isotope dataset has been correlated to samples with 100% phosphoric acid at 50°C. The previously published biostratigraphies and mag- samples were roasted at 400°C prior to acid treat- netostratigraphies [3,5]. The new isotope data ment in order to remove organic matter. The from the Pusiano, Breggia and Val del Mis sec- ~13C composition of the CO 2 was determined

N/U N/Up N/Up

~1300 v NRP1 NRM ) 47S j4°° B12.15 (NRM-500 oo ~S75 I lIE Wl ', ' IE 550 ~ P67.30 ./ (NRM-550~7,, d -o

S/Dn NRM S/Dn S/Dn 1 div: 0.01 maim 1 div: 0.01 maim 1 div: 0.1 realm

N/Up N/Up W/Up

Z(NRM-525) (NRM-575) -~ . Wll I I E 525 w" ",ool

j 200 J S/Dn NRM S/Dn E/Dn 1 div: 0.1 maim 1 div: 0. I maim I div: 0.01 maim Fig. 2. Orthogonal projection of thermal demagnetization data for samples from Breggia (wall section) (prefix B), for Pusiano (prefix P) and for Val del Mis (prefix V). The meter level of the sample and the demagnetization temperature range is indicated. Temperatures associated with some individual points are given in degrees Celsius. Open and closed symbols represent projection of the vector end point of the magnetization vector on the vertical and horizontal planes, respectively. 150 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI

using a triple collecting VG Micromass-903 mass eye) from orthogonal projections of the demagne- spectrometer and the results are reported relative tization data (Fig. 2), and the component direc- to the PDB (Pee Dee Belemnite) international tion was computed using the standard least isotopic standard. Replicate analyses of selected squares method [34]. Component directions were samples showed a reproducibility of better than then combined for each section using Fisher [35] 0.1%. The lack of covariance of 613C and 6180 statistics (Table 1 and Fig. 3). The maximum among samples of Majolica limestones from blocking temperatures are below 580°C (Fig. 2), Northern Italy [9] suggest that the ~13C values consistent with previous work indicating mag- have not been significantly altered by burial dia- netite as the remanence carrier in the Maiolica genesis. This conclusion is strengthened by the limestones [e.g., 3,5,30-32,36]. results of this paper which confirm the syn- The virtual geomagnetic polar (VGP) latitude chroneity of the isotope event in the various is a useful measure of polarity of the remanent sections. magnetization. The VGP latitude for an individ- ual sample magnetization is the latitude of the 4. Magnetostratigraphy individual pole relative to the paleomagnetic pole for the entire section computed from the section Magnetostratigraphies for Polaveno [5] and mean direction. VGP latitudes were computed Capriolo [3] have been previously published too. from sample component directions and the result- At, Pusiano, Breggia and Val del Mis oriented ing VGP latitude distribution interpreted in terms samples were collected in the field using a gaso- of polarity zones (Figs. 4-9). The resulting polar- line-powered hand-held drill. Stratigraphic spac- ity pattern in these sections is usually not suffi- ing between the samples was generally about 50 ciently distinctive for unequivocal correlation to cm. Each sample was treated by progressive ther- the polarity timescale. However, this correlation mal demagnetization in 25°C or 50°C steps until can be made with the aid of the nannofossil the magnetic moment of the sample decreased to biostratigraphy, using established correlations of the magnetometer noise level. The demagnetiza- polarity chrons to nannofossil events [2-5]. tion range in which the characteristic magnetiza- For the Capriolo and Polaveno sections, we tion component was resolved was determined (by adopt the previously published magnetostratigra-

TABLE 1 Mean directions of the characteristic magnetization for each section, before and after struc- tural tilt correction

Before tilt correction After tilt correction N Dec. Inc. k ag~ Dec. Inc. k ag~

Breggia (wall 76 8.1 1.0 29.5 3.0 351.1 41.2 28.6 3.1 section) Breggia (river 100 10.3 0.4 9.2 4.9 350.2 41.0 7.6 5.5 section) Pusiano 185 322.8 -43.3 5.1 5.1 326.7 47.8 4.7 5.4 ValdelMis 158 311.6 -40.7 5.0 5.6 310.4 30.1 12.4 3.3 Polaveno [5] 367 332.8 20.2 24.5 1.5 322.0 36.1 2&6 1.5 Capriolo* [36] 137 328.7 65.6 7.2 4.8 321.4 38.4 7.2 4.8

Breggia (wall) 66.7 210.0 2.3 3.8 Breggia (river) 66.3 211.9 4.0 6.7 Pusiano 59.0 258.1 4.6 7.0 Val del Mis 39.2 262.8 2.0 3.7 Polaveno 15] 49.7 253.5 1.0 1.7 Capriolo* [36] 50.5 255.6 3.4 5.7


/ • . • \I" ..,. ".,,. \ o:°°oo>o o~

e)~~N Iq


I^.-~ ~ OoO o \ {o "..".~, • x

/ ~_o°~,~8^ ". "~1 . 12~-~ • o o \ ~T oo, ",--'.; 3...',. ~ . ;..o -o o~O~o~ /

\\ -,-, :,~t,.'-..,_....--/ i \ \ o Ooo oO.~,._-°_'o7°-o°o / /

s s Fig. 3. Equal-area projection of characteristic magnetization components before (left) and after (right) structural tilt correction for (a) Breggia river section, (b) Breggia wall section, (c) Val del Mrs and (d) Pusiano. Open and closed symbols represent upward and downward inclination, respectively. Triangle represents the present field direction at the sampling site. 152 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI


VGP Latitude (o) 613C (%4 NRM Intensity (A/m) -90 0 90 1.0 2.0 3.0 10-5 10-4 ~0 I ! ~ i IIHIII I ; i iiiiii] i i EIIII j jl ,, ' i i' . CM8 ,, ,'C, 4o ~ CM9 . :tF,,' '": i.:Y,. 60 &'--: ! CM10 , ' % ,i, , ', ,' CM10Nn-1 i't, CM10Nn-2 .'" i ;, ~ ~ - CM10N .'..'.:. 8O i ~__~_ 8 ,~.r. ,'.',. a ,, CM11 ,,.,,'~ f~ 100 --d ! t~

i i CM12 i i :::; 14o CM14

I 4 l t ' " i' CM1S '"" : ' i 160 ,,,i ...... , J .... i .... i,,, ...... i , ,,L,i:,:., : ....

Fig. 4. Correlation of magnetostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy and NRM intensity at Capriolo [3,9].


VGP Latitude (°) ~13C (%o) NRM Intensity (A/m) -90 0 90 1.0 2.0 3.0 10.5 10.4 10- 3 100 :,,i,,,i,,,i,,, ''"l .... I .... f .... I''" ' ''"h't' ' ...... "i., i~ i c.9 i i?!',:. • .-! i ~ -' i ':i ." 80 i c.10, i ,i: '.': ~- ".'." i CM10Nn-1

"E 60 ~ ~ CMIONn-2 ;. ', ~ CMI0'N , ,,

.u 40 ' " '; ~. ~ , ._~ CM11 i '.

20 i o

-z0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ki .... i .... l .... I ...... l ......

Fig. 5. Correlation of magnetostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy and NRM intensity at Polaveno [5,9]. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIAN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 153


VGP Latitude (o) 813C(%4 NRM Intensity (A/m)

-90 0 90 1.0 2.0 3.0 10-5 10-4 80 '"!'"1"'!'" ''''[''''l'''' '~'' ...... ! ......


CM8 'i:" i% CM9 ;'i,,

i'. CMTO " i:, 8 ' i' CMION

~5 i'". ._o ' ,", i' '

CMII / :', .:. : ., ,% ,

. ~, .: , ~ ', ,

',,.' i i'," .... I .... I .... i .... t iEllml I illillll

Fig. 6. Correlation of magnetostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy and NRM intensity for the river section at Breggia.


Declination (o) Inclination (°) VGP Latitude (o)

0 180 360 40 0 40 90 0 90 25 , , , , , , , , .,,, ir,,i, , , i ,~, i CMZ


~ ~ CM3 8 is i E

.-'-2 .N lo


0 ,, ,,,i,,,i,,,i,,,'

Fig. 7. Magnetization component declination and inclination, VGP latitudes and polarity chron interpretation for the wall section at Breggia. 154 J.E.T. CFIANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI


VGP Latitude (°) 8130 (%°) NRM Intensity (A/m) -90 0 90 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 10 4 10"3 t0-2 .... [ .... I .... t im.~ r ImmI ~ IHtrllI t crrm i

i) '

80 ? :i • . r', i 6o ,. ,,,,) - f~ ;. • '] .~ 40 ! ,.,';~ ,

20 __~ ':;!. '... , .,~ ...... ;,l ~ :,,,,,,i...... d ,,,

Fig. 8. Correlation of magnetostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy and NRM intensity at Val del Mis.

PUSIANO NRM Intensity (A/m) VGP Latitude (°) ~13C (%c) 30 105 10-a -90 0 90 1.0 2.0 r


1 O0 '~, ~.,

• i...' 'a.,i, • ,..," 80

-g . "% il. I v ON 60 ''):. ,' ,' ]I) k5

12) 40

s v , i ° . M3) - i, ~ , 414) 20 2';' A15) ! ":,i'," " it' It I IllllllJ I IIP~[I~ J Ill

Fig. 9. Correlation of magnetostratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy and NRM intensity at Pusiano. The hatching in the polarity column indicates tentative chron designation. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIAN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 155 phies [3,5] and carbon isotope stratigraphies [9] At Pusiano, the distribution of VGP latitudes (Figs. 4 and 5). The magnetostratigraphy at Pola- indicates a clear pattern of polarity zones above veno (Fig. 5) does not cover the entire interval 60 m (Fig. 9). In the 30-60 m interval, the magne- recording the isotope event as the intensity of the tization components are poorly defined due to natural remanent magnetization (NRM) de- the low NRM intensities and some samples did creases to values below magnetometer noise level not yield magnetization components. The result- close to the peak 613C values. A similar decrease ing low density of VGP latitudes in this interval in NRM intensity is observed at Capriolo (Fig. 4), inhibits the definition of polarity zones. With the but here the NRM intensities were sufficiently aid of the nannofossil events, the polarity zones high for the magnetostratigraphy to be resolved are correlated to M-sequence chrons, although throughout the 613C event. chron boundaries in the 30-60 m interval remain As mentioned above, the Breggia section is poorly defined. subdivided into two parts. There is no overlap It is of interest to note that the top of the between the river section (Fig. 6) and the wall Maiolica Formation at Val del Mis and Breggia is section (Fig. 7) and there is a sampling gap of in a polarity zone correlative to CM2 whereas the about 1.5 m between them. The river section top of the Maiolica at Capriolo and Pie' del yielded a VGP latitude distribution which can be Dosso (near Polaveno) was deposited in CM0n interpreted in terms of polarity zones only above [5]. This difference of about 6 m.y. in the age of the 20 m level (Fig. 6). The labeling of polarity the top of the Maiolica in adjacent sections can chrons is aided by the location of nannofossil probably be best explained in terms of variable events (see below). A decrease in NRM intensity ocean-floor erosion prior to the deposition of the (similar to that seen at Capriolo and Polaveno), overlying Scaglia marlstones. at and below the peak value of ~13C, results in Mean magnetization directions and pole posi- poor resolution of magnetization components be- tions for Polaveno, Capriolo and Pusiano (Table low 20 m and an uninterpretable VGP latitude 1) are consistent with recently compiled Southern distribution. For the wall section (Fig. 7), the Alpine paleomagnetic data of Hauterivian-Bar- VGP latitudes can be interpreted as chrons remian age [36]. At Val del Mis, both the mean CM2-CM5 on the basis of polarity pattern fit inclination and declination have slightly lower and the position of nannofossil events character- values than those observed in Southern Alpine istic of this interval (see below). The poor defini- sections of comparable age [36]. This may indi- tion of the base of CM5 in the wall section (Fig. cate inadequate structural tilt correction at this 7) is attributed to the 1 m thick reddened interval site and/or about 12 ° anticlockwise rotation of (at 2.30-3.40 m), which is a condensed hematite- the Val del Mis section relative to other Southern bearing interval which can be correlated to other Alpine sections. The Breggia sections have been Southern Alpine sections. rotated clockwise by about 25 ° relative to other At Val del Mis, the VGP latitudes indicate a Southern Alpine sections for which data are clear distribution of polarity zones, apart from in available. the 48-52 m interval (Fig. 8). This is within the reddened condensed interval which is at approxi- 5. Biostratigraphy mately the same stratigraphic level as the red- dened interval at Breggia. Above and below this The Early Cretaceous nannofossil zonation of condensed interval the polarity zones can be in- Thierstein [37,38] has been shown to be useful for terpreted and labeled in terms of polarity chrons, stratigraphic subdivision of the Maiolica lime- with the aid of the nannofossil stratigraphy. The stones in Italy [2-5]. Although in the Maiolica polarity zone pattern indicates that sedimentation nannofossil preservation is compromised by dia- rates were very variable in this section. Only the genetic dissolution and overgrowth, the key nan- young part (decay) of the 613C event is recorded nofossil events consistently correlate to particular in this section. Again, the NRM intensity de- polarity chrons in Southern Alpine and Umbrian creases towards the peak in 613C at the base of sections [2-5]. Thierstein's zonation has been the measured section. replicated in several low-latitude outcrop and 156 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI oceanic sites, although a few marker species with dances were semi-quantitatively estimated follow- a spotty distribution have been reported at differ- ing the methods of Erba and Quadrio [29]. The ent stratigraphic levels in different oceans. In this poor to moderate preservation and low abun- paper, we use the standard events proposed by dance of marker species required the observation Thierstein [37,38] for the definition of zonal of several hundred fields of view for each sample. boundaries as well as additional datums which Despite the low abundance of marker species, the consistently correlate to particular polarity chrons species ranges for each section are often continu- in Italian pelagic limestone sections [2-5]. ous, allowing the first (FAD) and last (LAD) Biostratigraphic data from Polaveno [5] and appearance datums to be determined fairly pre- Capriolo [3] have been previously published. Pre- cisely (Figs. 10-13). The meter level of FADs and liminary nannofossil biozonations for the Breggia LADs are reported as lowest (oldest) sample river section have also been previously presented (FAD) and uppermost (youngest) sample (.LAD) [9,39] and correlated to isotope stratigraphy [9]. in which the marker species was observed. The Splits from the samples studied for magne- meter level in parentheses in Table 2 is the level tostratigraphy and isotopes were used for bios- of the sample immediately below the FADs or tratigraphic study at Breggia, Pusiano and Val del immediately above the LADs, indicating the Mis. Following the standard technique [40], smear stratigraphic uncertainity of the datums. slides were prepared with Canada Balsam and Calcareous nannofossils are common and studied using a light polarizing microscope at moderately to poorly preserved in the Breggia 1250 × magnification. Total and species abun- river section (Fig. 10). Calcicalathina oblongata

TABLE 2 Nannofossil events and reversed polarity chrons Nannofossil events Reversed polarity Breggia (m) Puslano (m) Val del Mis (m) chrons

End CM3 22.25 (wall) 74.90 LAD C. oblongata 10.00 (10.20) 58.25 (59.20) Begin CM3 9.45 55.80 LAD L bollii 7.00 End CM5 7.50 (7.70) 50.52 (51.50) Begin CM5 4.05 End CM7 49.00 FAD T. terebrodentarius 102.38 (101.84) 47.45 (48.20) Begin CM7 99.00 45.80 End CM8 69.20 (river) 95.05 44.20 LAD C. cuvillieri 67.00 (67.80) 90.48 (91.37) 43.00 (43.80) Begin CM8 66.40 90.10 42.35 End CM9 65.00 82.90 41.45 Begin CM9 59.60 77.80 32.40 End CM10 56.80 72.90 24.25 Begin CM10 54.10 67.85 21.80 FAD L bollii 53.54 (53.00) 67.72 (67.46) 21.45 (20.45) End CM 10Nn- 1 18.40 Begin CMIONn-1 17.30 End CM10Nn-2 14.95 Begin CMIONn-2 12.25 End CM10N 46.90 64.60 FAD N. bucheri 44.00 (43.00) 61.99 (61.30) Begin CM10N 41.80 61.30 End CM11 37.00 58.25 LAD T. verenae 37.80 (39.00) 54.91 (56.00) O.Ol Begin CM11 27.85 49.60 FAD T. verenae 16.00 (15.00) 53.91 (48,70) End CM12 48.45 Begin CM 12 38.20 End CM13 34.30 FAD C. oblongata 3.50 (3.00) 25.10 (24.60) Begin CM 13 24.80 End CM14 23.15 Begin CM14 19.15 End CM15 12.99 Begin CM15 10,06 FAD C. angustiforatus 4.44 (3.44) End CMI6 3.20 MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGIN1AN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 157


~n ii , i . 8 ~ o o


u • , i* n o o

..~,~i~ (3 rr- :~.-:;~i .~ ~t

D~ ..... ~n i 14J o o o o > o =' (3-- N! < CO CO LM o

¢3 (3 c~-


1 ..... i- • -ru o o o o o g o o IInn

_o u m o ,~ ~ o ~o o ~ ~ ,9,o o o o ,.,


0!leuO~l~ ~ ¢,-.

,~qde46.~eJlSO.~ ~let~uolqo "o -- ",q./sn~ue "o I!SSOlOUUeN

Fig. 10. Distribution of calcareous nannofossil marker species in the Breggia river section, with correlation to simplified lithol0gical log and magnetostratigraphy. B = barren; R = rare; F = frequent; C = common, BREGGIA WALL

t-'l= ~m z~ ='6

C. oblongata L. bollii Nannoconids (%)

m B F 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

25 I 25 25 , " ..... , I j I , = , = , =

all \ 20 20' 20


15 15 " 15 • i

LAD C lO-' lO II=lI==--'--~

LAi ~ -

i ~ , 5'~ 5. . -. > Z Z

7 r r

0 0 > Fig. 11. Distribution of calcareous nannofossil marker species in the Breggia wall section, with correlation to simplified lithological log and magnetostratigraphy. For key to > symbols, see Fig. 10.

z .n

~ ~ ~ / ~

5" i=.~.~ Nannotossil Biostratigraphy Magnetic 0 o 0 0 0 0 o Polarity


~ Lithology

E red intervals O O O I:O r,"


r~. o o < ,-rl ~

r r lUll~ll~ll111


e~ 0 0 0 0 0

o_ '~:~1 ~i'-'~-S'#i~-~ii--~-'ii',i~~( ===~ ...... -~...... ' ...... ~ .... O


8 ~ 8 ~ 8 8

-~ ~!: 'ii.~:~: :;~.~ !:!:~:~.~ ".~;:~#~ "~!~:':.~ :!~.:~'.. :: "~:~:~:~,~: ::"~. ~:'::: :i:~:. ?~...:i.':~i~:~:.'~:~,~ ;.'::!::::::~' '~:i(.~~:. =. ~:~ ~i ~:~ ~ ~'~;~ ~!~" -~:~.~i == =


was first observed at 3.50 m and is frequent to constitute up to 70% of the nannofloral assem- common throughout the section. The FAD of C. blage. The nannoconids show rhythmic fluctua- oblongata is correlated to the Early Valanginian tions in abundance, with minimum values corre- [37,38] and to chron CM14 [3,41]. A sharp de- sponding to organic carbon rich black shales (Fig. crease in abundance of nannoconids was ob- 11). Lithraphidites bollii was observed in the bot- served between 13 and 30 m. Below and above tom part of the section and the LAD is detected this interval they are the dominant forms. A at 7.5 m, corresponding to the lower part of CM4. similar pattern was also reported for the Capriolo It should be noted that the distribution of this and the Polaveno sections. At Capriolo nanno- species is fairly continuous up to 5.3 m within conids decrease in abundance between 100 and CM5, whereas L. bollii was not observed in the 130 m (interval comprising CM11 and CM12) [3], upper part of CM5. Single specimens were de- whereas at Polaveno a low abundance of nanno- tected in only two samples, from the top of CM5 conids is reported between 90 and 120 m [29], in and the lower part of CM4. A similar distribution the interval immediately below CMll [5]. The was reported for the Polaveno section [5], where decrease in abundance of nannoconids is not a single specimen of L. bollii in one sample from considered an artifact of differential dissolution CM4 was interpreted as reworked. At other local- because these nannoliths are very resistant to ities, the LAD of this marker species was corre- diagenesis. Moreover, the synchronous decrease lated to CM5 [2,3] probably as a result of less in abundance observed in different sections sug- detailed sampling. Following the stratigraphy of gests primary changes in paleoceanographic con- Thierstein [37,38], the LAD of L. bollii has been ditions at least on a regional scale. used as an Early Barremian event. Recent studies Only rare specimens of Tubodiscus verenae on the Gorgo Cerbara section of Central Italy were observed in the Breggia river section, be- [42] and the Caravaca section of Spain [Mutter- tween 16.0 and 37.8 m, but the fairly continuous lose and Erba, in prep.] revealed that the LAD of occurrence suggests that the FAD and LAD of L. bollii occurs in the Angulicostata Ammonite this marker are reliable. Consistent with previous Zone of Late Hauterivian age. The LAD of Cal- work [2,5], T. verenae is distinguished from T. cicalathina oblongata, of Early Barremian age, jurapelagicus, which was observed in the interval occurs at 10.0 m in the lowermost part of CM3. between 6 and 16 m. The FAD and LAD of T. The nannofloral assemblage remains very con- verenae are useful events in the Valanginian and stant through the Maiolica in the wall section and occur below CMllN and CM10N, respectively. none of the Late Barremian nannofossil events Nannoconus bucheri was first observed at 44 m, was recorded. The Scaglia marlstones overlying within CM10N. The first occurrence of N. bucheri the top of the Maiolica limestones were dated is reported close to the base of CM10N at Capri- using planktonic foraminifera [28]. A hiatus span- olo [3] and at the base of CM10N at Polaveno ning the Late Barremian to Early Aptian was [5,29]. At 37.8 and 52.2 m single specimens of determined by the occurrence of the Globigeri- Rucinolithus wisei were observed. This marker noides ferreolensis zone at the base of the Scaglia. species, restricted to the Berriasian-Valanginian, Calcareous nannofossils are common and is usually extremely rare [3] or absent [2,29] in moderately to poorly preserved in the Val del Maiolica sections. The FAD of Lithraphidites bol- Mis section. The distribution of marker species is lii, dated to the EarlyHauterivian and correlated reported in Fig. 12. Extremely rare specimens of to the base of CM10 [2,3,5], was recorded at 53.10 Tubodiscus verenae were observed only in the m. Cruciellipsis cuvillieri was not observed above bottom sample (0.01 m) and therefore we do not 67.0 m. This species is rare in the upper part of use this marker species for biostratigraphy in this its range as previously observed in other Maiolica section. Nannoconus bucheri is present from the sections [3,5,29]. The LAD of C. cuvillieri, dated base of the section. Lithraphidites bollii is present to the Late Hauterivian, occurs within CM8 from 21.45 m to 50.52 m. As in the Breggia river [2,3,5]. section, the Early Hauterivian FAD of L. bollii The limestones of the Breggia wall sections (2,1.25 m) occurs slightly below the base of CM10. contain extremely abundant nannoconids that The LAD of L.bollii was detected at 50.52 m in MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIAN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 161




0 ¢ o 8 o =o o =o o ~ o o o o ~= u,.


oo g o o o o ~ o o o o

0 0 e~ -j ~::~:

0 z


0 c.i

| i s | , | , .~

B' (5

,(6oloqll" 1


/qpelod o.qeulSel/~

~tlde~OlleJis~B !!llOq -I BssojouueN ,.o

5 ~1 ~m ~o 162 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI

the reddish interval, with poor definition of polar- [32]). In the red nodular limestones overlying the ity zones between CM7 and CM3 (see above). Maiolica, the nannofossil assemblage is indicative The LAD of Cruciellipsis cuuillieri occurs at 42.35 of the Eiffellithus turriseiffelii Zone of Late A1- m, within CM8. Rucinolithus terebrodentarius was bian age. This implies a long hiatus of several observed from 47.45 m upwards. Its FAD, used as million years. However, nannofossils are ex- a Late Hauterivian event, correlates with CM7. tremely dissolved in the hardground marking the The LAD of Calcicalathina oblongata at 58.25 m lithological boundary between the Maiolica and falls in the lower part of CM3. As previously the Scaglia formations. Only non-diagnostic, reported for the Breggia wall section, the remain- long-ranging species have been observed, and the der of the Barremian at the Val del Mis section is presence of Aptian to Mid-Albian sediments can- characterized by a very constant nannofloral as- not be ruled out. semblage dominated by nannoconids and none of In the Pusiano section (Fig. 13), calcareous the Late Barremian events were observed (see nannofossil assemblages are very similar to those also paleontological data reported by Tarduno observed at Breggia and Val del Mis. Cretarhab-

Nannofossil Magnetic 513C events polarity 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

C. oblongata r- .... I .

I- bol/il r-- oJ, t * Ft. terebrodentarlus ~.

C. cuvillled r--

L. bolfil L_. i " ,~'" ° ,.

i ,i !, N. bucherl L-- i i " i i 7". vor6~ae r-- i i ! 3IN" o

Nannoool~ ! E ,.u # ::o~*, ~' decrease in abundan , , ,~t~-~o i o o o o ~ o

T. verenae

C. oblongata ~_ o ••~ • "8i"

°°i oi • Capriolo • Breggia

C. angustfforatus t_. o :i o Pusiano o Polaveno • o i • * Val del Mis • o i

,,°,i ...... i .... =,

Fig. 14. Carbon isotope data for Capriolo, Breggia, Pusiano, Polaveno and Val del Mis correlated to absolute age by linear interpolation between magnetostratigraphically derived age/depth points using the GST89 timescale [1]. Correlations of polarity chrons and nannofossil events to the ~13C event are shown. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHICCALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIANCARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 163 dus angustiforatus is always rare and its FAD is entire interval recording the ~13C event (Fig. 5), tentatively placed at 4.44 m, within CM16, where due to an abrupt decrease in magnetization in- this species was first observed. However, the dis- tensity coinciding with the ~13C peak. For this continuous distribution of C. angustiforatus in section, the entire magnetostratigraphy records the Pusiano section makes this event somewhat CM3 to CMll and the sedimentation rate, by unreliable. The FAD of Calcicalathina oblongata comparison to the oceanic anomaly record, was occurs at 25.10 m, at the base of CM13, and this apparently very constant [5]. We therefore as- species is always present throughout the rest of sume that sedimentation rate in the CM9 to the section. As previously reported for the Breg- CMll interval at Polaveno (Fig. 5) can be extrap- gia river section, a marked decreased in abun- olated downsection through the interval record- dance of nannoconids was observed in the inter- ing the ~13C event. At Val del Mis, only the val comprising CM12 and CMll (between 40 and decay of the ~13C event is recorded (Fig. 7) and 58 m). Rare specimens of Tubodiscus verenae the age model is applied to only this part of the were observed only at 53.91 and 54.91 m, within ¢~13C record. CMll. Therefore, this marker species was not On applying the age model to all five sections, used for biostratigraphy at Pusiano. Nannoconus there is close replication of the fil3c records bucheri was first observed at 61.99 m, at the base plotted against absolute time (Fig. 14). Back- of CM10. Lithraphidites bollii is rare to common ground values of 613C of 1.5%o are recorded from 67.72 m upwards. The FAD of L. bollii from 145 to 137 Ma. Between 137 and 136 Ma, slightly pre-dates the beginning of CM10 as previ- 6~3C increases to a maximum value of about 3%0. ously reported for the Breggia river and Val del Values begin to decrease at about 136 Ma and Mis sections. Cruciellipsis cuvillieri occurs up to reach the background level of 1.5%o at 132 Ma 90.48 m and its LAD falls within CM8. The FAD (Fig. 14). Using the Kent and Gradstein timescale of Rucinolithus terebrodentarius was detected [43], the increase in ~13C occurs between 134 and within CM7, at 102.38 m. 132.5 Ma, and values reach background values at The established correlation of nannofossil about 127.5 Ma. We prefer the Harland et al. events to polarity chrons [2-5] aids the assign- timescale [1] as it is consistent with the recent ment of polarity chrons at Breggia, Val del Mis correlation of Ontong-Java volcanism at 123 Ma and Pusiano. The sequential occurrence of polar- to the base of the Cretaceous Long Normal, at a ity chrons in the sections and the lack of conflicts time slightly post-CM0 [44]. with previous correlations of polarity chrons to nannofossil events serves to strengthen the estab- 7. Conclusions lished correlations of nannofossil datums with polarity chrons (Fig. 14). Two additional events, Many studies have demonstrated that mag- the FAD of N. bucheri and the decrease in the netite is the principal carrier of remanent magne- abundance of nannoconids, are proposed as new tization in the Maiolica [e.g., 3,5,30-32]. A de- markers for the Late Valanginian-Early Hauteri- crease in NRM intensity in the interval recording vian interval. the 313C event was observed in all sections (Figs. 4-6, 8 and 9). There is no magneto- or biostrati- 6. Age model graphic evidence for large changes in sedimenta- tion rate coinciding with the ~13C event, suggest- The age model for each section was con- ing that carbonate accumulation variations are structed by assigning ages to polarity zone bound- not controlling the NRM intensity. Diagenetic aries using the timescale of Harland et al. [1] and magnetite dissolution in this environment is prob- linear interpolation between age/depth control ably controlled by the availability of sulfide which, points. The number of control points depended in turn, is controlled by the availability of sulfate on the number of identified polarity zones in (from seawater) and by the activity of sulfate-re- each section and varied from 39 for Capriolo to ducing bacteria [45,46]. The bacterial activity will, 10 for Polaveno and Pusiano. The magne- in turn, be controlled by the availability and na- tostratigraphy at Polaveno does not cover the ture of buried organic matter. Although there are 164 J.E.T. CHANNELL, E. ERBA AND A. LINI

no thick black shale horizons in the Maiolica stratigraphy has been interpreted to indicate that coinciding with the Late Valanginian 613C event, the Late Valanginian was a time of sea-level rise, the bedding is thinner in this interval and dark with a sea-level highstand in chron CM10N [47], gray limestones alternate with many centimeter- coinciding with the ~13C peak. The Early Aptian, thick dark gray to black shales which are not seen Cenomanian-Turonian and mid-Miocene ~13C in the thicker bedded limestones above and be- peaks also appear to coincide with sea-level high- low. The decrease in NRM intensity, coinciding stands and this may be the common link which with the ~13C event and the increase in organic accounts for increased organic carbon burial in carbon burial, suggests that the availability of different basins under different climatic and organic carbon which could be metabolized by oceanic circulation regimes [14]. Increased vol- sulfate-reducing bacteria was the limiting factor canic activity may be the root cause of sea-level controlling magnetite dissolution in this pelagic rise and/or climate change [e.g., 21]. It is notable environment. that the Late Valanginian, Aptian and Cenoma- The Late Valanginian carbon isotope anomaly nian-Turonian ~13C events correlate with major peaks in chrons CM10N and CMll. The close volcanic/rifting episodes, such as the Paranfi vol- replication of the ~13C records plotted against canism in Brazil at 132 Ma [48] and onset of absolute time (Fig. 14) indicates that the principal South Atlantic oceanic rifting during CMll [49], features of the 613C records from bulk carbonate the Ontong-Java volcanism at 123 Ma [44], and in these pelagic limestones are not an artifact of the extensive Madagascar basalts which are not sediment diagenesis but a synchronous paleo- precisely dated but are partially intercalated with ceanographic signal. We consider that the dis- Turonian sediments [50]. tance between the sampled sections (Fig. 1) pre- cludes the possibility that the observed ~13C Acknowledgements records are due to selective diagenesis. The tight age control allows the rates of change of ~;~3C to We are very grateful to H. Weissert, R. Berse- be estimated. The onset of the 313C event indi- zio, G. Muttoni, G. Mataloni, D. Valenti and A. cates a rate of change of 6~3C of about Rottigni for help in the field. We acknowledge 1.5%o/m.y. The ~13C peak lasts for about 1 m.y. permission to work in the Pusiano quarry from and the event decays at a rate of about 0.5%o/ Ing. Rey, and in the Breggia quarry from the m.y. The amplitudes of the Cenomanian- Dipartimento dell'Ambiente . We have bene- Turonian and Late Valanginian ~13C events are fited from discussions with D. Hodell, R. Larson, comparable; however, the rates of change of ~13C H. Weissert, G. Muttoni and R. Bersezio, and during the onset and decay of the Cenomanian- from reviews by J. Ogg and two anonymous re- Turonian event were estimated to be comparable viewers. R. Van der Voo supervised the review (1-2%o/m.y.) [13,14]. The high estimated ~13C process. This research was supported by US Na- decay rate at the Cenomanian-Turonian bound- tional Science Foundation grant OCE-8915697, ary was considered to imply an increase in rate of ETH project 0.20.305.89 and a MURST 40% supply of isotopically light carbon to the ocean grant to I. Premoli-Silva. during the decay of the event, rather than a simple decrease in the rate of organic carbon burial. This could have been accomplished References through recycling of previously deposited organic 1 W.B. Harland, R.L. Armstrong, A.V. Cox, L.E. Craig, carbon by erosion and/or oxidation [14]. The A.G. Smith and D.G. Smith, A Geologic Timescale, 1989, more gradual 613C decay rate for the Late Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990. Valanginian event (0.5%o/m.y.) implies a differ- 2 T.J. Bralower, Valanginian to Aptian calcareous nannofos- ent mechanism for the re-establishment of pre- sil stratigraphy and correlation with the M-sequence mag- excursion ¢~13C values, and emphasizes the im- netic anomalies, Mar. Micropaleontol. 11, 293-310, 1987. portance of accurate estimates of the rate of 3 J.E.T. Channell, T.J. Bralower and P. Grandesso, Bios- tratigraphic correlation of Mesozoic polarity chrons CM1 change of 613C. to CM23 at Capriolo and Xausa (Southern Alps, Italy), The offiap and onlap geometry from seismic Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 85, 203-221, 1987. MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHIC CALIBRATION OF THE VALANGINIAN CARBON ISOTOPE EVENT, N. ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 165

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