Anatomy of Melancholy by Democritus Junior

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Anatomy of Melancholy by Democritus Junior THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY WHAT IT IS WITH ALL THE KINDS, CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, PROGNOSTICS, AND SEVERAL CURES OF IT IN THREE PARTITIONS; WITH THEIR SEVERAL SECTIONS, MEMBERS, AND SUBSECTIONS, PHILOSOPHICALLY, MEDICINALLY, HISTORICALLY OPENED AND CUT UP BY DEMOCRITUS JUNIOR [ROBERT BURTON] WITH A SATIRICAL PREFACE, CONDUCING TO THE FOLLOWING DISCOURSE PART 2 – The Cure of Melancholy Published by the Ex-classics Project, 2009 Public Domain CONTENTS THE SYNOPSIS OF THE SECOND PARTITION............................................................... 4 THE SECOND PARTITION. THE CURE OF MELANCHOLY. .............................................. 13 THE FIRST SECTION, MEMBER, SUBSECTION. Unlawful Cures rejected.......................... 13 MEMB. II. Lawful Cures, first from God. .................................................................................... 16 MEMB. III. Whether it be lawful to seek to Saints for Aid in this Disease. ................................ 18 MEMB. IV. SUBSECT. I.--Physician, Patient, Physic. ............................................................... 21 SUBSECT. II.--Concerning the Patient........................................................................................ 23 SUBSECT. III.--Concerning Physic............................................................................................. 26 SECT. II. MEMB. I....................................................................................................................... 27 SUBSECT. I.--Diet rectified in substance.................................................................................... 27 SUBSECT. II.--Diet rectified in quantity. .................................................................................... 31 MEMB. II. Retention and Evacuation rectified. .......................................................................... 34 MEMB. III. Air rectified. With a digression of the Air............................................................... 38 MEMB. IV. Exercise rectified of Body and Mind........................................................................ 60 MEMB. V. Waking and terrible Dreams rectified........................................................................ 80 MEMB. VI. ................................................................................................................................... 83 SUBSECT. I.-- Perturbations of the mind rectified. From himself, by resisting to the utmost, confessing his grief to a friend, &c............................................................................................... 83 SUBSECT. II.--Help from friends by counsel, comfort, fair and foul means, witty devices, satisfaction, alteration of his course of life, removing objects, &c............................................... 88 SUBSECT. III.--Music a remedy.................................................................................................. 93 SUBSECT. IV.--Mirth and merry company, fair objects, remedies............................................. 96 SECT. III. MEMB. I. .................................................................................................................. 102 A Consolatory Digression, containing the Remedies of all manner of Discontents................... 102 MEMB. II. Deformity of body, sickness, baseness of birth, peculiar discontents...................... 107 MEMB. III. Against Poverty and Want, with such other Adversities. ....................................... 115 MEMB. IV. Against Servitude, Loss of Liberty, Imprisonment, Banishment........................... 136 MEMB. V. Against Sorrow for Death of Friends or otherwise, vain Fear, &c.......................... 138 MEMB. VI. Against Envy, Livor, Emulation, Hatred, Ambition, Self-love, and all other Affections.................................................................................................................................... 146 MEMB. VII. Against Repulse, Abuses, Injuries, Contempts, Disgraces, Contumelies, Slanders, Scoffs, &c. .................................................................................................................................. 149 MEMB. VIII. Against Melancholy itself.................................................................................... 160 SECT. IV. MEMB. I................................................................................................................... 162 SUBSECT. I.--Of Physic which cureth with Medicines. ............................................................ 162 SUBSECT. II.-- Simples proper to Melancholy, against Exotic Simples. ................................. 166 SUBSECT. III.-- Alteratives, Herbs, other Vegetables, &c. ...................................................... 168 SUBSECT. IV.-- Precious Stones, Metals, Minerals, Alteratives.............................................. 171 SUBSECT. V.-- Compound Alteratives; censure of Compounds, and mixed Physic................ 174 MEMB. II.................................................................................................................................... 178 SUBSECT. I.-- Purging Simples upward. .................................................................................. 178 SUBSECT. II.-- Simples purging Melancholy downward. ........................................................ 181 -2- SUBSECT. III.-- Compound Purgers......................................................................................... 184 MEMB. III. Chirurgical Remedies. ........................................................................................... 186 SECT. V. MEMB. I. ................................................................................................................... 187 SUBSECT. I.-- Particular Cure of the three several Kinds; of Head-Melancholy.................... 187 SUBSECT. II.-- Bloodletting...................................................................................................... 189 SUBSECT. III.-- Preparatives and Purgers................................................................................. 190 SUBSECT. IV.-- Averters........................................................................................................... 193 SUBSECT. V.-- Alteratives and Cordials, corroborating, resolving the Reliques, and mending the Temperament. ....................................................................................................................... 195 SUBSECT. VI.-- Correctors of Accidents to procure Sleep. Against fearful Dreams, Redness, &c................................................................................................................................................ 201 MEMB. II. Cure of Melancholy over all the Body..................................................................... 204 MEMB. III. ................................................................................................................................. 205 SUBSECT. I.-- Cure of Hypochondriacal Melancholy.............................................................. 205 SUBSECT. II.-- Correctors to expel Wind. Against Costiveness, &c........................................ 208 THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY THE SYNOPSIS OF THE SECOND PARTITION. Cure of melancholy is either * Sect 1. General to all, which contains * Unlawful means forbidden, * Memb. 1. From the devil, magicians, witches, &c., by charms, spells, incantations, &c. * Quest. 1. Whether they can cure this, or other such like diseases? * Quest. 2. Whether, if they can so cure, it be lawful to seek to them for help? * or Lawful means, which are * Memb. 2. Immediately from God, a Jove principium by prayer &c. * Memb. 3. Quest. 1. Whether saints and their relics can help this infirmity? Quest. 2. Whether it be lawful to sue to them for aid. * or Memb. 4. Mediately by Nature which concerns and works by * Subsect. 1. Physician, in whom is required science, confidence, honesty, &c. * Subsect. 2. Patient, in whom is required obedience, constancy, willingness, patience, confidence, bounty, &c., not to practise on himself. * Subsect. 3. Physic, which consists of * Dietetical A * Pharmaceutical B * Chirurgical C * or Particular to the three distinct species, D, E, F A Sect. 2. Dietetical, which consists in reforming those six non-natural things, as in * Diet rectified 1. Memb. * Matter and quality 1 Subs. * Such meats as are easy of digestion, well-dressed, -4- THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY hot, sod, &c., young, moist, of good nourishment, &c. * Bread of pure wheat, well-baked. * Water clear from the fountain. * Wine and drink not too strong, &c. * Flesh * Mountain birds, partridge, pheasant, quails, &c. Hen, capon, mutton, veal, kid, rabbit, &c. * Fish * That live in gravelly waters, as pike, perch, trout, sea-fish, solid, white, &c. * Herbs * Borage, bugloss, balm, succory, endive, violets, in broth, not raw, &c. * Fruits and roots. * Raisins of the sun, apples corrected for wind, oranges, &c., parsnips, potatoes, &c. * or Subs. 2. Quantity. * At seasonable and unusual times of repast, in good order, not before the first be concocted, sparing, not overmuch of one dish. * Memb. 2. Rectification of retention and evacuation, as costiveness, venery, bleeding at nose, months stopped, baths, &c. * Memb. 3. Air rectified, with a digression of the air * Naturally in the choice and site of our country, dwelling-place, to be hot and moist, light, wholesome, pleasant &c. * Artificially, by often change of air, avoiding winds, fogs, tempests,
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