Michael Spradlin | 248 pages | 17 Sep 2009 | Puffin Books | 9780142414613 | English | New York, NY, United States KEEPER OF GRAIL ( YOUNGEST TEMPLAR, BOOK 1) By Michael Spradlin **Excellent** | eBay

Anfortas is the Grail King. The information from the following family trees was obtained using sources from the tales of the Vulgate Cycle and Post Vulgate Cycle. Perceval was now seen as the son of King Pellinor. See House of and the . replaced the earlier hero, Perceval , and the content took on more spiritual meaning, with more Christian motifs and symbolism than ever before. Not only did we have a new hero, but all the adventures were also different. See Early Tradition , for the family trees of Perceval. Perceval was now the son of King Pellinor. See the previous family tree, titled the House of Pellinor. This family tree provided a more detail than the Post-Vulgate family tree. I have fully listed all the ancestors of Lancelot and the House of Grail Keeper, all the way to the time of Joseph of Arimathea. Well, as full as can get. The legend claimed that Lancelot and Galahad are descendants of King David, but no medieval writers gave a list of names that go back that far in time. While the line of King Pelles goes back all the way to the sister of Joseph of Arimathea. As to the line of Joseph himself, he can claim descendants like King and his son, Yvain. Nascien was contemporary of Joseph. Both lines can be found in the Vulgate work called The History of the Grail. The house of Joseph of Arimathea can be found in chapters 38 and While the lineage of Nascien can be found in the last chapter, It should be noted that some names appeared twice in the family tree. See all 3 brand new listings. Buy It Now. Add to cart. About this product Product Identifiers Publisher. Show More Show Less. Any Condition Any Condition. See all 6 - All listings for this product. No ratings or reviews yet No ratings or reviews yet. Be the first to write a review. Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer , Hardcover 4. The Youngest Templar is a rollicking medieval adventure, full of mystery surprise and danger. The young hero is a wonderful character, smart, loyal and believably brave. Bit by bit the author brings in the characters who will be come members of the legendary Robin Hood men along with the Saracen Maryam. All this makes for great reading that will capture the imagination of adolescent readers as they eagerly await the new adventures to come. It accurately depicts the happenings of the Crusades while adding an interesting story into the mix. For this, I give it 9 out of I really enjoyed this book. Five Stars! They will speed through this first book and be anxiously awaiting the second, due out next fall. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Not only is it a fast-paced and enjoyable read, it is one of those rare books today that hearkens back to a time when books for boys were about masculine things, and unapologetically so. Some good Dan Brown style adventure and mystery. Though I am called , I have no true name of my own. It was Brother Tuck who found me on St. The abbot, a much sterner sort, tells me that I was found that August night on the steps of the abbey. A few days old at best, hungry and crying, wrapped in a soiled woolen blanket. The abbot said that two of the brothers followed the tracks into the woods but soon lost the trail. He also thinks I must be of noble blood. No peasant could afford to own such horses, and it is unlikely a poor farmer would abandon an infant that might one day grow strong enough to help him work the farm. Nor would any illiterate peasant likely be able to write the note that was neatly tucked into the folds of my blanket. His life threatens many. Remind him that he was loved, but safer away from those who would wish him harm. We will be watching over him until it is time. So whoever left the note must consider me safe now that I am nearly sixteen. Perhaps my parents, whoever they are, were unable to fulfill that promise. The monks were always kind to me, but they were Cistercians and believed that one was never too young to work. I earned my keep there. However, I bore them no ill will, for the monks worked just as hard as I did. I lived at St. We were a poor abbey but grew enough crops and raised enough sheep and goats to get by. Our needs were few. There was wood in the surrounding forest to see us through each winter. The gardens provided us with plentiful vegetables, and the fields gave us wheat, which we turned into bread. If there was ever anything else we needed, the brothers traded for it in Dover or one of the nearby villages. It was a quiet and calm existence, but the work was endless. The garden was my main contribution to the abbey. Brother Tuck and I tended it from planting in the spring to harvest in the fall. Working the hoe through the soil was quiet work, and gave me much time to think. The garden sat in a sunny spot behind the abbey, and once the rainy spring was over, the weather was usually fine and fair. There were thirty monks in service there. Built many years ago it rose up out of the surrounding forest like a small wooden castle. It was simple in its design, because Cistercians are not frivolous, believing man is here to serve God, not adorn his buildings in finery. Still, it was a comfortable place, inviting and welcoming to the few travelers who passed our way. The main hall where the brothers gathered to dine and pray was well lighted by the windows that rose high in the peaks. Keeper of the Grail | Michael P. Spradlin, Author

Good for kidss who like war stories, the Crusades, books Account Options Anmelden. Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Keeper of the Grail : Book 1. Michael Spradlin. Read Michael Spradlin's posts on the Penguin Blog. The orphan Tristan has joined the Knights Templar as a squire, journeying with Richard the Lionheart on his crusade to free the Holy Land from the Saracens. As defeat looms near, Tristan is entrusted with the most sacred of Christian relics, the . Keeper of the Grail Michael P. Spradlin is the author of more than a dozen books for children. Joseph then placed the dish of fish, next to the Grail, at the centre of the table. Joseph called all people to attend, where he asked them to take a seat. Only twelve people who can perceived the wonders at the table, were able to take a seat. The table was filled with all the food that each person desire. Joseph sat on the seat that represented the seat that Jesus took at the Last Supper, while Boron sat to Joseph right, but one seat away. Bron would not moved closer, because Bron could feel danger from the seat. The twelve men enjoyed all sort of food. The rest of community perceived no grace of God and saw no food at the table. One of the men at table, named Petrus asked them about this. Hearing this, the distressed community felt ashamed and departed from the holy company. Before they left, they found out the Holy Vessel was called the Grail from Petrus. Petrus is another name for Peter, but has nothing to do with the apostle Simon Peter. In the Vulgate version, Peter was the name used. His name was Moses the Didot Perceval c. Moses wanted to sit with Joseph and the other eleven men. Moses wept and pleaded with them to be allowed to sit with them. The other people in the company took pity on Moses, asked Joseph on behalf of Moses, for the seat that was left vacated. Joseph told them that it was not in his power to choose who sit at the table. So that night, Joseph again prayed to God, and the Holy Spirit answered that they would witness what would happened if any unworthy person tried take a seat before the Grail by deception. Moses was thrilled that he had permission to sit among them, where he would share the privilege and ecstasy with the Grail companions. Moses was utterly destroyed by some unseen forces. They pleaded with their leader what fate had visited Moses. So Joseph prayed on his companions behalf. Once again Jesus informed his beloved disciple that the seat represented the treachery of Judas, who had betrayed him. Any one who dared would also be destroyed likewise. Moses had been thrown into the abyss until such time that the man who would be destined to sit on this perilous seat would deliver him. Bron and Enygeus had twelve noble sons. So Bron asked his brother-in-law about his sons. Joseph again prayed, and this time an angel visited him. Joseph followed the instruction given to him. Also this son of Bron should rule over his eleven brothers. At some point in the future, his nephew would marry and have a son, who would become the greatest knight in the world Perceval , and the one destined to sit on the Perilous Seat of the the seat representing Judas. The next day, when the Joseph and his companions were attending their daily services before the Grail, when they had a brief, radiant visitation, who gave a letter to Joseph. Joseph called Petrus Peter to him and told him that he must read out this letter, and departed on a long journey, wherever he wish. As the angel had previously foretold, Petrus knew exactly where he must go. Petrus told his friends that he would go west, and settled in the Vale of . Petrus was fated to lived a long life, waiting for the man Perceval, again , who would come and read the divine letter. Only then would Petrus be allowed to die and join Jesus in Paradise. They too seek new home in the West, leaving behind their mother and father. Alain preached about Jesus in each land he travelled to. Finally Joseph told Bron of his other plan involving him and his brother-in-law more instructions from the angel, sent by Jesus. His brother-in-law being a good man, so he would be forever known as the Rich Fisher or Rich Fisherman , because it was he who caught the fish, for the company around the Grail Table. Joseph was to teach everything he knew about his meeting Jesus in the dungeon, especially the secrets of the Grail. Then Bron took all his people that had stayed behind with him, also heading toward the West. Bron moved to some place in Britain, where he would settle and wait patiently for a reunion with his son, Alain. In this next section of the Origin of the Grail, I have recounted a different history about Joseph in the Vulgate History of the Grail. Lives of the Caesars was written by Suetonius. Rich Fisher , Fisher King. Grail , Round Table. Genealogy: House of Joseph of Arimathea. Around , a large compilation of the trilogy about Lancelot and the Grail was completed by unknown French writer or writers. In the Grail romance of the Quest , the writer often referred to the pasts in a number of subplots, which was set during the time of Joseph of Arimathea. It was different to the simple tale of Joseph of Arimathea , told by a French poet, named Robert de Boron. These subplots of the Quest allowed patient scholars to piece together the origin of the Grail history. Here, Joseph of Arimathea was no longer the chief character in the Grail origin. The Vulgate version was also largely the adventures of Mordrain and his brother-in-law Nascien. Please note that when I mentioned cities such Babylon and Baghdad, I am referring to the Egyptian cities. The medieval authors were not very strong with geography. Genealogy: House of Joseph of Arimathea Vulgate version. There are two major differences in this episode. Shortly after Judas Iscariot had betrayed Jesus after the Last Supper, Joseph of Arimathea visited this room and found the dish later it was described as bowl. This dish was to serve the Paschal lamb. Joseph prized it above all, took this dish home, and perhaps set it on his mantel. Boron said it was a cup. Joseph of Arimathea had been living in Jerusalem for seven years now with his wife and son, Josephus, a boy who was only one and a half year old. Joseph was devout man, and a secret follower of Jesus. They secretly abducted him, placed in a dungeon in the stronghold of Caiaphas, seven leagues from Jerusalem. A knight returning to inform the emperor that about Jesus having the powers to cure the sick, but forty-two years ago, the Jews had wrongfully executed him. Vespasian went to Judaea to find if what out more about Jesus, which in due course, he discovered Joseph of Arimathea, languishing in the dungeon. Joseph had survived in the dungeon because the resurrected Jesus had given the Grail to Joseph. By the power of the Grail, Joseph had not aged at all. Joseph of Arimathea c. Related Articles Joseph of Arimathea. Genealogy: House of the Grail Kings. He was also reunited with his sister, who was wife of Hebron or Bron. Joseph, however, looked the same he did 42 years ago. Joseph actually thought he was in the prison cell for only a few days. Before Vespasian returned to Rome, Joseph had another vision of Jesus, where he was instructed to leave Judaea and head west, to preach to in the lands of the heathens about Christ. He was to take anyone who would follow him, and he was to bring the Grail with him. Seventy-five people followed Joseph out of Judaea, with around half family and friends of Joseph, the rest were converts. Joseph and his followers reached , a city in Egypt, ruled by pagan king, Evalach. Jesus invested Josephus as bishop. Of course, the writer ignored the fact that Egypt was a province within the Roman Empire. Evalach agreed to convert to Christianity, if the god of the Christians could help him win his war against Tholomer. Josephus instructed Evalach to only uncover his shield when he feels that he was in mortal danger of losing life or the battle but only on the third day in battle against Tholomer; only then would Evalach win his war. So on the first day of battle, Evalach was trying to relieve his besieged castle of Evalachin, Evalach was beaten back and forced to retreat. Evalach rallied his forces, when he was joined by Seraphe, his brother-in-law. Tholomer had captured Evalach, and was leading towards his own line, when Evalach fearing this dishonour, uncovered his shield for the first time. On the red cross, a figure of Christ can be seen as if he was crucified. Immediately, a White Knight rode out of the forest and unhorsed Tholomer. With the help of the White Knight, they rescued Seraphe and defeated the Egyptians. The White Knight left after the war was over, much to the disappointment of Evalach and Seraphe who wanted to know who their rescuer was. Sarrasinte promised to persuade her husband if Josephus could help the king wins his war against Tholomer. On the return of the victorious army to Sarras, Evalach and Seraphe were baptised. Evalach changed his name to Mordrain, while Seraphe was now called Nascien. Josephus revealed the holy vessel to the newly baptised Christians. However, Nascien Seraphe stood too close to the Grail, trying to look inside the vessel, and was blinded. Related Information Name Evalach, Evelake. Mordrain, Mordrains. Seraphe, Seraph. Nascien Christian name. The Adventures of Nascien and Celidoine New problem arose after the war and their baptism. Not long after Joseph and his followers departed from Sarras, Mordrain Evalach vanished one night after the lightning struck his palace. He was spirited away and left on a rock in the middle of an ocean. A silver ship arrived where a man comforted him but left him there. Another ship, this one was black. The woman from the black ship invited him to board her ship, but her arrival and departure always brought storms. So when the silver ship returned, Mordrain decided to leave with this man, instead of with the woman from the black ship. A new miracle happened. Instead of falling to his death, nine hands spirited him away. For his treachery, a fire from the sky destroyed the tower, killing Galafre. Nascien found himself on the Turning Isle in the Western Sea. It was here that he boarded a deserted and unmanned ship with a large beautiful bed. The ship warned him that anyone who has not true faith in the God of Israel should not come aboard. On the bed he found a sword that has inscription on the hilt and scabbard. No one can unsheathe the sword without harm or being killed, if he was not the chosen one Galahad. Because Nascien lacked strong faith, the deck opened up, and he fell into the water. Nascien had to swim ashore. Another ship arrived, where the captain told Nascien the meaning of the ship, bed and sword. The ship was constructed by King Solomon of Israel for the final descendant of Nascien, foretelling about a good knight named Galahad. The three painted wooden posts around the bed came from the branch that Eve had pulled from the Tree of Knowledge. Celidoine was also taken an island, but a different one to which Nascien was stranded on. Two ships arrived, and Celidoine was taken to see King Label of Persia. Label knew Evalach Mordrain , because Label received knighthood from Evalach. Though Label like Celidoine, wanting the young man to marry his daughter, he did not like Christians. Label wanted to convert Celidoine to his pagan religion, but that night he had a terrible vision. Celidoine also reveal a deep secret of Label. Label had secretly killed his own sister, since she refused to sleep with him. No one knew of his attempt to commit incest, and no one knew he had murdered her — until now. The next night, Label had another dream, which Celidoine described and interpreted without the king telling him. In his dream he saw his sister, whom he had murdered, enjoying herself in the High City heaven , but he could not enter, because of his belief in pagan religion and because of his sin. Label urged his people to also convert to Christianity, but they refused to change religion. Label stayed with the hermit until he died. They forced Celidoine upon a small boat without a rudder and set it adrift in the sea. In this boat they also put a wild lion, which they captured days before. Unafraid, Celidoine foretold their doom, when they tried to leave the island. But he was rescued by the unmanned ship with the beautiful bed; the same ship that his father boarded on before. The ship took Celidoine to an island, which he was reunited with his father. Nascien was fighting a giant, with that sword that he had found on the bed. This sword broke in two as was predicted from the inscriptions on the sheath. Nascien managed to find and use another sword, which he wounded the giant. Nascien boarded the ship with his son and taking the broken blade with him. They reached another island, where they picked up their king — Mordrain. As foretold on the scabbard, a king would restore the sword by merely joining the two halves of the blade. Mordrain put the two broken ends of the blade together, and the sword of David was restored, as if it had never being broken. After this, a voice told them to leave the ship. So the king with Nascien and Celidoine disembark from the ship. Both his son and the king were distressed that Nascien was wounded and may possibly die. Nascien assured them that he would live and that he was justly punished for drawing the sword. So the messengers set out by sea, where one of them died from the heat. They reached another vessel where they found everyone dead except the young daughter of King Label. They promised to help and protect her if she became a Christian, which she agreed. The messengers removed the bodies from the ship and buried the bodies. While they slept on the ship, it silently drifted until it broke against the rock, on the shore of the island. Two more messengers died. The house was now deserted after the king of Babylon destroyed it. For three days they had no food. The princess was complaining of her hardship, because she was only a girl. They had a very strange visitation: a very tall man, with skin black as ink. They refused his help, when he only asked for homage, because they fear that he might be a devil. Another visitor who offered to help them was a rich woman on a beautiful ship; but they refused to do her homage too, because she was a pagan. They were finally rescued by an old man, who was in rudderless boat that has a caged lion; it was the same boat that Celidoine was in. They accept the old man offer, because he knew that the messengers were seeking their lord Nascien. The old man also told them that this boat would take them straight to the ship, which the king Mordrain, Nascien and Celidoine was on board. Everything the old man told them was true, and the two messengers finally found Nascien on board the ship. When the ship arrived in a port of a castle of Brauch, they had a strange visitor, where they saw a man in white habit, literally walking on water. The people of Brauch welcomed their king and lord. Queste del Saint Graal , c. Related Articles Nascien , Mordrain. This son would become a king in the new kingdom in Britain, and his name would be Galahad not to be confused with the Grail hero. Elyab became pregnant and later bore a son named Galahad, as Jesus predicted. It was some days later that Josephus led his followers to the sea, but there were no ships in sight. The people feared they would not be able to cross. A voice instructed that Joseph should removed his undergarment and for his father to step on top of it. The under-tunic held Joseph above the water as if he was on solid land. Josephus asked for others to step on; and with each new person standing on top of the cloth, the cloth stretched and grew larger until it held up one hundred fifty people on a single under-tunic. Josephus rebuked Simeon and his son for their deception of trying to join the holy company. Josephus told the other people staying behind because of their sins that they should wait there on the beach until Nascien arrived with ship to take them across to Britain. And Nascien did arrive on the next day. It took Josephus and his company only some hours before they reached the shore of Britain — just before the rising sun. They rejoined Josephus, and Nascien was delighted to see his friend again. The whole company followed Josephus, until they reached Galafort Castle, and saw the banner of red cross, marvelling at sign of Christians in Britain. Here, Nascien found his son. Celidoine had persuaded the Duke Ganor to accept to the new religion of Christianity. With the arrival of Josephus, Ganor was baptised. Those who refused to convert with their duke, left Galafort Castle, but they drowned not far from the castle tower. Josephus instructed Ganor to bury the bodies on the plain near the sea, and build a tower, which will be known as the Tower of Marvels. This tower will remain standing until the Grail quest ended and Arthur has gone. It was while they were almost completed the chapel of this tower, that Elyab gave birth to a second son, whom Joseph named him Galahad; not to be confused with Sir Galahad. The victory was short-lived, because King Crudel of North Wales captured Joseph and Josphus when they went out to preach among the heathens. After the victory, they attended mass, where Mordrain was struck down for standing too close the Grail. Mordrain lost his sight and strength. Everyone lamented for the blind king. As the army returned to Galafort Castle, they found Mordrain had no strength to even ride his horse. Celidoine also received kingdom of North Wales, and they would have a son, whom they named as Nascien; the boy was named after his grandfather. Mordrain decided to leave the company of his wife and friends; Josephus suggested that the king should move in with a hermit who lived in the woods not to far from Galafort Castle. This hermitage flourished into a great abbey, where many knights seeking to join this abbey would become the white monks. Here, Mordrain would live for nine generations, until Perceval and then Galahad would visit him. The Grail Table Josephus led his people, where he could preach to more people in the pagan kingdoms. They arrived in the largest pagan city in the British Isles, called . Camelot was ruled by King Agrestes — a treacherous and cruellest of the Saracen kings. When saw many of his subjects converting to this new faith, he was angry. With his men loyal to their pagan religions, they pretend to accept Christianity as their new faith and they were baptised, but they were false Christians. The whole kingdom of Camelot converted. When Josephus left most of his family and followers, he left behind twelve of his relatives. Couple of days later, Agrestes arrested the twelve relatives of Josephus demanding that they abandon Christ and accept the pagan gods. They refused. Agrestes took these prisoners outside, where Josephus had a large white cross erected. Agrestes had tied up, to this large cross, then bashed out their brains with his mace. When Agrestes returned to his city after murdering the Christians, he went mad, strangling his own children, wife and his brother. Agrestes also began eating his own hands. He was so insane that when he saw a large oven, he jumped into the fire and died. Josephus rushed back to Camelot, took down the bodies from the cross and had them buried. Josephus ordered the large cross to be washed clean, but the blood had permanently stained the cross, so it was now a black cross. Josephus also ordered the people of Camelot to knock down the pagan temple, the largest of its kind in Britain, and had a church built in its place, dedicated to St Stephen. The table had only thirteen seats, but only Josephus and his devout relatives were allowed to sit on twelve of those seats, leaving one seat empty. Josephus replied that the seat was reserved for the Grail Knight Galahad , because it symbolised the seat of Jesus according to Robert de Boron, it was the seat of Judas Iscariot. No one could possibly survive, sitting on this seat, except Jesus himself and the future Grail Knight. Many people were unhappy that none of their group could sit among the holy group, particularly Moses. Other people tried to persuade Josephus to let Moses to sit on the vacant seat. Josephus did not think Moses was a worthy Christian, but he allowed him do so anyway. The moment he sat on the seat, Moses was engulfed in flame, and some fiery hands took Moses away. After their meal, Bron asked Josephus what he should do with his twelve sons. Eleven wanted to marry, except the youngest, who wanted to remain a virgin and serve the Grail. Keeper of the Grail by Michael P. Spradlin

Also, there are actually three Galahads. When Lancelot of the Lake was born, his name was actually Galahad. Another Galahad was a king of Hoselice old name for Wales , and he was also the son of Joseph of Arimathea. There also two Elaines. One is the mother of Lancelot and wife of . The other Elaine, became was the daughter of King Pelles. Helain became the Emperor of Constantiople, but there are no legend about this …. For the sake of completion, I have included the lineage of Lot and . They were a direct descendants of Peter, a kinsman of Joseph and Josephus. It is uncertain whether Peter was a cousin or nephew of Josephus. Post-Vulgate version :. Contact us. Alain was the youngest of twelve brothers. The monks of had probably written Perlesvaus. Glastonbury used to be an island in a middle of a marsh. Some have identified Glastonbury Tor to be Avalon and the place where Arthur was buried with . Later Tradition The information from the following family trees was obtained using sources from the tales of the Vulgate Cycle and Post Vulgate Cycle. The family tree of Perceval shown here, where Perceval is no longer related to the Fisher King like the early tradition. Looking for someone or something in particular? Search for:. Learn more. Any international shipping and import charges are paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab International shipping and import charges paid to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Any international shipping and import charges are paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Any international shipping is paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab. Related sponsored items Feedback on our suggestions - Related sponsored items. Spradlin English Hardco. Report item - opens in a new window or tab. 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A young boy named Tristan, abandoned as an infant with a note about his innocence and need for safety, is trained by monks in late 12th-century England to read, write, tend garden crops, and care for the stable horses.

Keeper of the Grail: Book 1 - Michael Spradlin - Google Books

Hint: click the map to see the much bigger pdf version. This 4-page download is a great resource! An interview with Mike, some info about him and the book, info about the illustrator, questions for readers to consider and discuss, and a list of projects that span the curriculum in addition to Reading : Writing , History , and Art. This is Part One of the interview. Learn about the Knights Templar history, characters in the book, Crusades and more by visiting the website. Let the fighting begin! Tristan is given an immense challenge and responsibility and meets new friends, whose names clever readers will find familiar. The stirring saga ends with a true cliff-hanger, priming fans for the next installment. I found Keeper of the Grail an engrossing adventure. Spradlin weaves authentic bits and pieces of the history of the Crusades into the story, placing Tristan in the middle of the capture and recapture of the city of Acre, by Saladin himself. Tristan is sent from Acre just as the city falls to the Saracens. Entrusted with the task of taking the Holy Grail to Scotland and the Church of the Holy Redeemer, Tristan embarks on the quest to save one of the most important relics of Christendom; a very tall task for a young boy. A masterful blend of whimsical fantasy, spellbinding suspense, and historical mystery, read it before a crackling fire and allow it to sweep you away into another world and time. A classic adventure in the making, not to be missed! Michael Spradlin is a good story teller. Even readers who do not know much about the Crusades will be able to follow along with this tale of a boy learning about himself, learning how to become a man, and learning who he really is. Tristan is a likable character who shows tremendous bravery, loyalty, and cleverness. Readers can relate to Tristan when he faces Sir Hugh, the bully. The readers will be cheering for Tristan each time he escapes another close call. This is a winner! The Holy Grail, the Knights Templar, even Rosslyn might remind readers of The Da Vinci Code, of course, and Spradlin might be having some fun playing on that familiarity… Terrific adventure, which even younger YAs can follow as they learn something about a totally different world. This is the first title in a potentially exciting series that encapsulates historical fiction sprinkled with intrigue, tied together with a plot that keeps the reader turning pages… I think this will be an easy sell in any library. Highly Recommended. Adventure quest at its best. Tristan is a hero to remember. Readers will be dying for the next installment. The Youngest Templar is a rollicking medieval adventure, full of mystery surprise and danger. The young hero is a wonderful character, smart, loyal and believably brave. Bit by bit the author brings in the characters who will be come members of the legendary Robin Hood men along with the Saracen Maryam. All this makes for great reading that will capture the imagination of adolescent readers as they eagerly await the new adventures to come. It accurately depicts the happenings of the Crusades while adding an interesting story into the mix. For this, I give it 9 out of I really enjoyed this book. Five Stars! They will speed through this first book and be anxiously awaiting the second, due out next fall. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Not only is it a fast-paced and enjoyable read, it is one of those rare books today that hearkens back to a time when books for boys were about masculine things, and unapologetically so. Some good Dan Brown style adventure and mystery. Though I am called Tristan, I have no true name of my own. It was Brother Tuck who found me on St. The abbot, a much sterner sort, tells me that I was found that August night on the steps of the abbey. A few days old at best, hungry and crying, wrapped in a soiled woolen blanket. The abbot said that two of the brothers followed the tracks into the woods but soon lost the trail. He also thinks I must be of noble blood. As defeat looms near, Tristan is entrusted with the most sacred of Christian relics, the Holy Grail. Together they must escape the Holy Land, dodging bandits, the forces of the Saladin, and unscrupulous knights who will stop at nothing to possess the Grail. Washed up on a foreign shore, Tristan is lucky to be alive. As before, it seems to be a miracle— the Holy Grail the young Templar squire is protecting has saved his life yet again. With his duty to the Grail pulling him back toward Britain, Tristan finds himself falling for the beautiful leader of the Cathars. Michael P. Spradlin is the author of more than a dozen books for children. He grew up in a small town in Michigan not far from the Indiana border. Surrounded by books in his formative years, he grew up loving… More about Michael Spradlin. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. Read An Excerpt. Sep 17, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Sep 18, ISBN Available from:. Audiobook Download. Paperback —. About Keeper of the Grail As an orphan, Tristan never dreamed he would travel the world or discover the truth about his past. About Keeper of the Grail Washed up on a foreign shore, Tristan is lucky to be alive. Listen to a sample from Keeper of the Grail. Also in The Youngest Templar. About Michael Spradlin Michael P. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Trail of Fate. Michael Spradlin and Michael P. Orphan of Destiny. Spradlin and Michael Spradlin. So Jesus was crucified on Friday and he died on the cross. Joseph was a knight and a good friend of Pilate. Since Joseph was never paid for his military service to Pilate, he asked for a gift from the governor. They thought this claim was only a ploy. They threatened to attack Joseph. So Joseph told Pilate that the Jewish authority refused to give up the body. The two men washed the body, wrapped it in linen the Shroud , and put it in the tomb cave. A large stone blocked the entrance. Before Jesus appeared before his apostles, He went to Hell, and freed the virtuous people, including Adam and Eve, and their descendants. They thought someone had stolen it. They plotted to have Joseph and Nicodemus arrested and executed. But Nicodemus, hearing of their plot, escaped and fled before the authorities arrived. Joseph was not so lucky. Joseph was beaten and interrogated and thrown him into a deep dungeon. He was deprived of light, freedom, food and water. However, when Jesus appeared before Mary Magdalene and his apostles, he had not forgotten Joseph of Arimathea, who was languishing in dungeon for his sake. Jesus appeared before Joseph, carrying the cup Grail that brought radiance into his dark cell. The Grail would provide Joseph with sustenance. Jesus explained the purpose of his life on earth and the secret of the Grail to Joseph and told him that he would not free him from his prison until the time was right. So Joseph lived in the dungeon, waiting patiently in the darkness for his freedom. Each day, a dove would deposit a wafer in the cup and he would eat it. His name was forgotten as the years went by. This was how things remained until a certain pilgrim travelled to Rome, some 35 years later. In Rome, the Emperor Titus had a son named Vespasian, who suffered from leprosy. I know, I know. Boron got the ordering wrong, not me. According to Roman history, Vespasian was the father and Titus was the son. Titus took over the command of the Roman army, which ruthlessly besieged and captured Jerusalem in AD Vespasian reigned for 10 years, while his son ruled for only 2 years. Titus heard from the pilgrim of the extraordinary ministry of Jesus and his ability to heal the sick. The emperor decided to send an envoy to the Roman governor of Judaea, Pilate, to find out the truth. Titus hoped that the envoy would at least find an object belonging to Jesus that would heal his son. The messenger found out that Pilate had been forced to allow Jesus to be crucified. The woman was named Veronica. When Jesus was carrying the cross through the street of Jerusalem, she had used clean linen to wipe the blood and sweat from His face. Veronica travelled to Rome with the messenger. Titus himself brought the linen to his son, and Vespasian was immediately healed as soon as he saw the shroud. Both emperor and son were delighted and they richly rewarded Veronica. Vespasian heard this and was thoroughly disgusted with the Jews. Vespasian immediately condemned the Jews them to death. No man, woman or child was spared. One of the Jews were dismayed that they were being executed, pleaded for his life, and those of his wife and children, in return for revealing where Joseph of Arimathea was confined. Vespasian agreed to spare him. The Jew took him to the dungeon, but told Vespasian that Joseph must have died long ago from starvation. He had been given no food or water, since he had been thrown into the dungeon. This Jew took Vespasian to where Joseph of Arimathea had been imprisoned. Vespasian entered the dark prison, and found Joseph in the deepest part of the dungeon. Joseph was in very good health and greeted Vespasian by name. Joseph was freed by Vespasian. The surviving Jews believed that it was miracle that Joseph had survived in the dungeon without food and water. Vespasian sold the other surviving Jews into slavery. Jesus had redeemed the work of creation, and allowed Adam and Eve to be resurrected along with other virtuous people. Vespasian believed all that Joseph had said and was converted to Christianity. Joseph and Vespasian became friends. I would like to make one final note. According to the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus or the Acts of Pilate , Joseph was imprisoned and guards were set around the dungeon where he was held. When the Jewish authority had determined to kill Joseph, they found that he had vanished. He was a prisoner for only a few days. Related Information. Joseph of Arimathea Lord Leighton Oil on canvas. Joseph continued to preach to his people, and for a while their community prospered. Mainly they toiled on the land growing crops and keep sheep and cattle. However, famine hit their small community, and Boron says that it was caused by someone who had committed the sin of lust, which caused suffering and hardship to the whole community. Jesus told him that he had done nothing wrong. One among the community had sinned. Jesus gave Joseph instruction on what to do. So Joseph constructed a new table, in remembrance of the table of the Last Supper. Joseph sent Bron to catch a single fish, which Joseph prepared. Joseph then placed the dish of fish, next to the Grail, at the centre of the table. Joseph called all people to attend, where he asked them to take a seat. Only twelve people who can perceived the wonders at the table, were able to take a seat. The table was filled with all the food that each person desire. Joseph sat on the seat that represented the seat that Jesus took at the Last Supper, while Boron sat to Joseph right, but one seat away. Bron would not moved closer, because Bron could feel danger from the seat. The twelve men enjoyed all sort of food. The rest of community perceived no grace of God and saw no food at the table. One of the men at table, named Petrus asked them about this. Hearing this, the distressed community felt ashamed and departed from the holy company. Before they left, they found out the Holy Vessel was called the Grail from Petrus. Petrus is another name for Peter, but has nothing to do with the apostle Simon Peter. In the Vulgate version, Peter was the name used. His name was Moses the Didot Perceval c. Moses wanted to sit with Joseph and the other eleven men. Moses wept and pleaded with them to be allowed to sit with them. The other people in the company took pity on Moses, asked Joseph on behalf of Moses, for the seat that was left vacated. Joseph told them that it was not in his power to choose who sit at the table. So that night, Joseph again prayed to God, and the Holy Spirit answered that they would witness what would happened if any unworthy person tried take a seat before the Grail by deception. Moses was thrilled that he had permission to sit among them, where he would share the privilege and ecstasy with the Grail companions. Moses was utterly destroyed by some unseen forces. They pleaded with their leader what fate had visited Moses. So Joseph prayed on his companions behalf. Once again Jesus informed his beloved disciple that the seat represented the treachery of Judas, who had betrayed him. Any one who dared would also be destroyed likewise. Moses had been thrown into the abyss until such time that the man who would be destined to sit on this perilous seat would deliver him. Bron and Enygeus had twelve noble sons. So Bron asked his brother-in-law about his sons. Joseph again prayed, and this time an angel visited him. Joseph followed the instruction given to him. Also this son of Bron should rule over his eleven brothers. At some point in the future, his nephew would marry and have a son, who would become the greatest knight in the world Perceval , and the one destined to sit on the Perilous Seat of the Round Table the seat representing Judas. The next day, when the Joseph and his companions were attending their daily services before the Grail, when they had a brief, radiant visitation, who gave a letter to Joseph. Joseph called Petrus Peter to him and told him that he must read out this letter, and departed on a long journey, wherever he wish. As the angel had previously foretold, Petrus knew exactly where he must go. Petrus told his friends that he would go west, and settled in the Vale of Avalon. Petrus was fated to lived a long life, waiting for the man Perceval, again , who would come and read the divine letter. Only then would Petrus be allowed to die and join Jesus in Paradise. They too seek new home in the West, leaving behind their mother and father. Alain preached about Jesus in each land he travelled to. Finally Joseph told Bron of his other plan involving him and his brother-in-law more instructions from the angel, sent by Jesus. His brother-in-law being a good man, so he would be forever known as the Rich Fisher or Rich Fisherman , because it was he who caught the fish, for the company around the Grail Table. Joseph was to teach everything he knew about his meeting Jesus in the dungeon, especially the secrets of the Grail. Then Bron took all his people that had stayed behind with him, also heading toward the West. Bron moved to some place in Britain, where he would settle and wait patiently for a reunion with his son, Alain. In this next section of the Origin of the Grail, I have recounted a different history about Joseph in the Vulgate History of the Grail. Lives of the Caesars was written by Suetonius. Rich Fisher , Fisher King. Grail , Round Table. Genealogy: House of Joseph of Arimathea. Around , a large compilation of the trilogy about Lancelot and the Grail was completed by unknown French writer or writers. In the Grail romance of the Quest , the writer often referred to the pasts in a number of subplots, which was set during the time of Joseph of Arimathea. It was different to the simple tale of Joseph of Arimathea , told by a French poet, named Robert de Boron. These subplots of the Quest allowed patient scholars to piece together the origin of the Grail history. Here, Joseph of Arimathea was no longer the chief character in the Grail origin. The Vulgate version was also largely the adventures of Mordrain and his brother-in-law Nascien. Please note that when I mentioned cities such Babylon and Baghdad, I am referring to the Egyptian cities. The medieval authors were not very strong with geography. Genealogy: House of Joseph of Arimathea Vulgate version. There are two major differences in this episode. Shortly after Judas Iscariot had betrayed Jesus after the Last Supper, Joseph of Arimathea visited this room and found the dish later it was described as bowl. This dish was to serve the Paschal lamb. Joseph prized it above all, took this dish home, and perhaps set it on his mantel. Boron said it was a cup. Joseph of Arimathea had been living in Jerusalem for seven years now with his wife and son, Josephus, a boy who was only one and a half year old. Joseph was devout man, and a secret follower of Jesus. They secretly abducted him, placed in a dungeon in the stronghold of Caiaphas, seven leagues from Jerusalem. A knight returning to inform the emperor that about Jesus having the powers to cure the sick, but forty-two years ago, the Jews had wrongfully executed him. Vespasian went to Judaea to find if what out more about Jesus, which in due course, he discovered Joseph of Arimathea, languishing in the dungeon. Joseph had survived in the dungeon because the resurrected Jesus had given the Grail to Joseph. By the power of the Grail, Joseph had not aged at all. Joseph of Arimathea c. Related Articles Joseph of Arimathea. Genealogy: House of the Grail Kings. He was also reunited with his sister, who was wife of Hebron or Bron. Joseph, however, looked the same he did 42 years ago. Joseph actually thought he was in the prison cell for only a few days. Before Vespasian returned to Rome, Joseph had another vision of Jesus, where he was instructed to leave Judaea and head west, to preach to in the lands of the heathens about Christ. He was to take anyone who would follow him, and he was to bring the Grail with him. Seventy-five people followed Joseph out of Judaea, with around half family and friends of Joseph, the rest were converts. Joseph and his followers reached Sarras, a city in Egypt, ruled by pagan king, Evalach. und-ihre-auswirkungen-auf-die-europaisc-232.pdf in-1578-bgb-907.pdf 865.pdf