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VERBA OMNIA through Chapter XXXVII Modus Operāndī: Words in bold are verba discenda. Roman numerals in parentheses indicate the chapter in which this word became a verbum discendum. Definitions of verba discenda aim for comprehensiveness. All other words appear at least once in DISCE LATĪNAM. The definitions of these words focus on the meanings in the context of the narrative. -A- ā, ab, abs + abl. from, away from; by (with persons) (V) abdo, abdere, abdidī, abditum hide, conceal (XIX) abeō, abīre, abivī / abiī, abitum go away (VII) abhinc from here; ago abitus, -ūs m. departure abluō, abluere, albuī, abūtum wash, cleanse absum, abesse, āfuī be absent (XIX) ac = atque and, and also, and besides ac and, and besides (XXXIII) academia, -ae f. the academy accendō, accendere, accendī, accensum light, burn accendō, accendere, accendī, accēnsum light, burn accidō, accidere, accidī, happen; fall at, near (XXIX) accipiō, accipere, accēpit accept, receive (XVI) accumbō, accumbere, accubuī, accubitum (+ dat.) recline at table accurrō, accurrere, accurrī / accucurrī, accursum run, hasten to acer, acris, acre sharp acervus, -ī m. heap acētum, -ī n. vinegar Acrisius, -iī m., Acrisius (Perseus’ grandfather) Actiacus, -a, -um of Actium āctor, actōris m. actor ad + acc. to, toward, for (II) and (V) ad dextram at the right ad lūnam by moonlight ad sinistram to the left adamō (1) fall in love, love passionately addīcō, addīcere, addīxī, addictum consecrate addō, addere, addidī, additum add, give addō, addere, addidī, additum add, give addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductum bring in, lead to adeō, adīre, adivī / adiī, aditum go to (VII) adhūc to this point, still, yet (XXX) adiungō, adiungere, adiūnxī, adiūnctum join to, add to adiūtor, -ōris m. helper adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiutum help (XVI) adminiculum, -ī n. support, aid admīror, admīrāri, admīrātus sum admire, wonder at (XXVI) admoneō, admonēre, admonuī, admonitum warn strongly, admonish adoleō, adolēre, adoluī, adultum burn adsum, adesse, adfuī be near, be present (+ dat.) be “there for” someone, be of assistance, help, aid (XIX) adulēscēns, -ēntis m./f. youth (XV) adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventum arrive at, come to (XI) adversārius, -iī m. opponent, enemy 2 adversus + acc. opposite to, against adversus, -a, -um adverse, contrary aedēs, aedis f. temple aedificium, -ī n. building aedificō (1) build, make aedīlitās, -tātis f. aedilship, office of aedile (public works) aeger, aegra, aegrum sick aeger, aegra, aegrum sickb (XXXVII) aegrescō, aegrescere grow sick Aegyptus, -ī f. Egypt Aegyptus, -ī f. Egypt, a province of Rome aēneus, -a, -um bronze (XXX) aequinoctiālis, -e equinoctal, of the equinox (in this case, March 20) aequor, aequoris n. (level surface of the) sea aequus, -a, -um even, equal; fair, just; patient, calm (XXXI) āēr, āēris m. air, atmosphere (XXXII) aestimō (1) consider; estimate aestuōsus, -a, -um hot (XXXI) aestus, -ūs m. heat aetās. –tātis f. age, period of time Aetia, -ōrum “The Causes,” title of a book by Callimachus. afferō, afferre, attulī, allātum bring to afficiō, afficere, afēcī, affectum affect, move, influence affulgeō, affulgēre, affulsī shine on, smile on (with dat.). Also spelled adfulgeō etc. Āfrica, -ae f. Africa, the Roman province of Africa (modern Tunisia) Āfrus, -a, -um African age come! well! all right! (XXXVI) agedum come! well! all right! ager, agrī m. field (XIV) aggredior, aggredi, aggressus sum go to, approach agitāto, -tātis m. driver; charioteer agitātor, -ōris m. driver, charioteer agitātus, -a, -um shaken, disturbed, upset agō, agere, ēgī, āctum act, do, lead, drive (IV) Agrippa, Agrippae m. Agrippa Ah ha! ah! aha ha! (in reproof, amusement or denial) āiō say (in present only) Aitia, Aition n. pl. “Origins,” the title of a book by Callimachus albus, -a, -um white Alcinous, -ī n. Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians and host of Odysseus Alcmēna, -ae f. Alcmena, mother of Hercules ālea, -ae f. die, dice-playing Alexandrēa, -ēae f. Alexandria Alexandrēae is locative. “at Alexandria” Alexandrēos, -ē, -on Alexandrian (Greek form of Alexandrīnus) Alexandrīnus, -a, -um Alexandrian archierus, -ī m. chief priest Alexandrīnus, -a, -um Alexandrian, pertaining to the city in Egypt alibī elsewhere, in another place aliī . aliī . some . others . aliī alia agunt “Some were doing some things while others were doing others.” aliōquī besides aliquandō sometimes, at length, formerly, someday, hereafter (XXVI) aliquis, aliquid n. someone, something (XVIII) aliter otherwise, else, in another way alius, -a, -um other, another (IX); alius…alius one…another; in pl. some….others (XXXI) allegō (1) deputize, commission, charge 3 alloquor, alloquī, allocūtus sum speak to, address (XXVII) almus, -a, -um nourishing, kind, dear (XVIII) Alpēs, Alpium f. pl. Alps, the mountains of northern Italy altē high alter, altera, alterum another (of two) (XVII) altus, -a, -um high (II) alumnus, -ī m . foster son alvus, -ī m. belly, stomach amābilis, -e lovable amārus, -a, -um bitter amātōrius, -a –um amatory, love amātōrius, -a, -um loving, pertaining to love, amatory ambitiō, -iōnis f. canvassing (for votes), political campaign (XXXVII) ambō, ambae, ambō both (of two). Note the irregular dative/ablative plural, ambābus. (XXXI) ambulō (1) walk (II) amīca, -ae f. (female) friend, girlfriend (XIII) amicus, -ī m. friend (VII) āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī, āmissum lose, send away (IX) amō (1) love (XIII) amor, amōris m. love (XV) āmoveō, āmovēre, āmōvī, āmōtum remove, move away amphitheātrum, -ī n. amphitheatre (XVII) Amphitritē, -ēs f. Amphitrite, wife of Neptune. A lucky name for a ship Amphitruō, -ōnis m. Amphitryon, husband of Alcmena amphora, -ae f. amphora amplector, amplectī, amplexus sum embrace amplector,amplectī, amplexus sum embrace, cherish amplexum esse focōs = “that he cherished the hearth(s) amputō (1) cut off amulētum, -ī n. charm, amulet an whether ancilla, -ae f. female servant (VIII) angiportum, -ī m. alley angulus, -ī m. corner angustiae, -ārum f. pl. trouble, difficulty angustus, -a, -um narrow anima, -ae f. breath, soul, life animal, -ālis n. animal (XVII) animus, -ī m. mind (XXIX) annō superiōre “last year” annuō, annuere, annuī nod (in approval) annus, -ī m. year (XII) ante in front, before, ahead; + acc. before, in front of (XXVI) anteā previously antehāc before this time antequam before (XXXIV) antiburschius, -iī m. someone who is anti-student, a student hater antīquitāte antiquity antiquus, -a, -um old, ancient (X) Antōnius, -iī m. Antonius, Antony ānulus, -ī m. ring anus, -ūs f. old woman (XXVII) anxius, -a, -um uneasy, anxious (XXIX) apage go! scram! aper, aprī m. boar aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertum open; discover; show (XXIX) 4 apiārius, -iī m. beekeeper apodyterium, -iī n. dressing room Apollō, Apollinis m. Apollo, god of prophecy Appennīnī, -ōrum m. pl. Appennines, the mountains along the spine of Italy Appennīnī, -ōrum m. pl. Appennines, the mountains along the spine of Italy appetō, appetere, appetīvī / appetiī, appetītum seek or grasp for appetō, appetere, appetīvī / appettiī, appetītum seek or grasp after applaudō (1) applaud applicō, applicāre, applicāvī / applicuī, applicātum / applicitum apply appōnō, appōnere, apposuī, appositum serve, put to (XXVI) appropinquō (1) approach, come near to (XI) aprīcus, -a, -um sunny aptus, -a, -um attached to, connected to; suitable, fit (XXXI) apud + acc. at the house of, with, at _____’s (XVI) aqua, -ae f. water (II) āra, -ae f. altar (XIX) arānea, -ae f. spider arānea, -ae f. spider arbitror, abitrārī, arbitrātus sum observe, perceive; think (XXXVII) arbor, arboris f. tree (XXIX) arborei tree arca, -ae f. chest Arcadia, -ae f. Arcadia, a region in Greece arcānus, -a, -um secret arcessō, arcessere, arcessīvī / arcessī, arcessītum call for; summon; procure (XXXII) ardeō, ardēre, arsī, arsum burn, glow ardor, ardōris m. fire, flame argentārius, -a, -um of silver, pertaining to silver (XXXI); faber argentarius silversmith argentārius, -iī, m. banker argenteus, -a, -um of silver, silvery (XXXIV) argentum, -ī n. silver; money (XXXI) Argī, Argōrum m. pl. Argos, a city in Greece Argīlētum the Argiletum, (a street leading into the Roman Forum) argūmentum –ī, n. plot. argument (of a play) arguō, arguere, arguī, argūtum argue arma, armōrum n. pl. arms, weapons armō (1) arm (XXXVII) ars, artis f. skill, art (XXV) artifex, artificis m. artist, artisan, maker Artorius, -iī m. Artorius, a man’s name ascendō, ascendere, ascendī, ascēnsum climb, ascend (XXIV) Asinius, -iī m. Asinius asinus, -ī m. donkey aspectō (1) gaze, look at asper, aspera, asperum rough, harsh aspergō, aspergere, aspersī, aspesum sprinkle aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectum look at (XXIII) aspiciō, -ere look assentior, assentīrī, assensus sum approve assequor, assequī, adsecūtus sum pursue, gain assibus asses (An as is a small Roman coin.) assō (1) roast astō, astāre, astitī stand (up); assist astō, astāre, astitī stand (up); stand by, assist astrologia, -ae f. astrology astrologus, -ī m. astrologer 5 astūtus, -a, -um smart at but, and yet (XX) Athēnae, Athēnārum f. pl. Athens, a city in Greece atque and, and also, and even, yet (XX) atrium, -iī n. atrium, public greeting room of a Roman house (XXXIII) atrōciter fiercely attendō, attendere, attendī, attentum listen carefully attonitus, -a, -um astonished, amazed auctōritās, -tātis f. authority, power audeō, audēre, ausus sum dare (IX) audiāmus “Let’s listen!” audīō, audīre, audīvī / audiī, audītum hear, listen to (VII) Augēās, Augēae m. Augeas, king of Elis in Greece Augēus, -a, -um Augean, pertaining to King Augeas augustus, -a, -um revered. Augustus, -ī m. “the revered one,” a cognomen of Octavius, the emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (63 B.C. – 14 A.D.), known as Augustus “(“Revered”) aura, -ae f. breeze aureus, -a, um golden auris, auris f. ear auris, auris f. ear (XXIX) auscultō (1) listen aut or; aut…aut either…or (IV) autem however (XX) auxilium, -iī n. help, aid (XXV) ava, -ae f. grandmother (XXX) Avē Greetings! (XXIX) aveō, avēre be eager avia, -ae f. grandmother avidus, -a, -um eager avis, avis f. bird (XXVIII) āvolō (1) hasten away, fly away avus, -ī m. ancestor avus, -ī m. grandfather, ancestor (XXIX) -B- Baiāe, Baiārum m.