January 23, 2021 Curriculum Vitae KEITH LANGSTON Department of Linguistics and Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 (706) 542-2448
[email protected] website: http://faculty.franklin.uga.edu/klangston/ EMPLOYMENT University of Georgia ACADEMIC Professor, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies and Department of Linguistics, 2015- Associate Professor, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, 2001-2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, 1995-2001 ADMINISTRATIVE Head, Department of Linguistics, 2017- Director, Linguistics Program, 2016-2017 Interim Head, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, 2015-2016 Associate Director, Linguistics Program, 2010-2011 Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, 2007-2016 Head, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, 2003-2006 Russian Program Coordinator, Department of Germanic & Slavic Studies, 1995-2017 Yale University Lecturer, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1992-1995 EDUCATION Ph.D., Slavic Linguistics. Yale University, December 1994 Dissertation: The Accentuation of the Čakavian Dialects of Serbo-Croatian M.Phil., Slavic Linguistics. Yale University, May 1991 M.A., Slavic Linguistics. Yale University, May 1988 B.Mus., Piano Performance. University of Alabama, May 1986 PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Langston, Keith. 2015. Čakavska prozodija: Naglasni sustavi čakavskih govora. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska. [Translation of Langston 2006] Langston, Keith and Anita Peti-Stantić. 2014. Language Planning and National Identity in Croatia. Basingstoke-New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Reviews: Elliot, Elisabeth. 2015. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 23, 323-329. Jacquie L. Greiff. 2016. Language Policy 15: 335-337. Peti-Stantić, Anita and Keith Langston. 2013. Hrvatsko jezično pitanje danas: Identiteti i ideologije [The Croatian Language Question Today: Identities and Ideologies]. Zagreb: Srednja Europa.