Curriculum Vitae Fabio Ceci PERSONAL INFORMATION Fabio Ceci 31a Piazza Balestrieri, 43122 Parma (PR), Italy +39 0521 980839 / 980815 Fax +39 0521 776142 +39 349 2240517
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[email protected] Skype fabioceci3 Sex Male | Date of birth 13/09/1964 | Nationality Italian WORK EXPERIENCE June 2015 - in progress Designer Municipality of Ziano Piacentino , 167 Via Roma, Ziano Piacentino 29010, Italy ▪ Preparation of the participatory process to achieve active involvement of citizens, associations and tourist facilities in support of the guidelines for accessible tourism in the hills of Piacenza, aimed to make available and accessible all the facilities related to tourism. Business or sector Participatory design April 2015 - in progress Planner Municipality of Agazzano (PC) , 7 Piazza Europa, Agazzano 29010, Italy ▪ Preparation of the Municipal Structure Plan. Business or sector Town planning April 2015 - in progress Planner Municipa lity of Agazzano (PC) , 7 Piazza Europa, Agazzano 29010, Italy ▪ Preparation of the Municipal Land Use and Building Code. Business or sector Town planning January 2015 - in progress Designer Municipality of Agazzano (PC) , 7 Piazza Europa, Agazzano 29010, Italy ▪ Preparation of the participatory process to achieve active involvement of citizens in support of the Municipal Structure Plan. Business or sector Partecipatory design December 2014 - in corso Planner Municipality of Sirmione (BS) , Piazza Virgilio, 52, 25019 - Sirmione (BS), Italy ▪ Preparation of the Variation n. 1 to the Municipal Structure Plan and the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Municipality of Sirmione (Italy), Business or sector Town planning / Environmental consulting October 2014 - in progress Planner Municipality of Ziano Piacentino (PC) , 167 Via Roma, Ziano Piacentino 29010, Italy ▪ Preparation of the Area Action Plan and the Strategic Environmental Assessment.