
3,399,967 Patent Office Patented Sept. 3, 1968 1. 2 Although many processes for the production of heavy 3,399,967 have been suggested the only practical method of METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF DEUTERATED METHANES AND HEAVY WATER large Scale production of heavy water has so far been Louis A. Pogorski, Toronto, , Canada, assignor limited to concentration of oxides present in to The British American Oil Company Limited, To natural water by either dual temperature chemical ex roato, Ontario, Canada, a company change, , or a combination of those No Drawing. Filed Dec. 13, 1963, Ser. No. 330,246 methods. 19 Claims. (CI. 23-204) In the production of liquid by way of low temperature distillation, heavy water may be obtained O as a by product at low cost; but this method is limited ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSUIRE to small quantities of heavy water because of the limited A method for recovering deuterated from a capacity of present and projected liquid hydrogen plants. mixture of methane and deuterated methanes comprising It is therefore the principal object of this invention to increasing the separation factor of the mixture by sub provide a method for efficiently and economically recover 15 ing deuterated methanes from natural gas, artificial gas jecting the mixture to a high pressure and a low tempera mixtures, coke oven gas, producer gas and industrial off ture to provide a mixture having a vapour phase richer gases which contain methane. in deuterated methanes than methane, fractionating the It is also a principal object of this invention to provide mixture and recovering the fraction enriched in deuterated a method for producing heavy water efficiently and eco methanes. 20 nomically and in unlimited quantities derived from the --em recovery of deuterated methanes from gases containing This invention relates to a method for recovering de methane, particularly natural gas. uterated methanes from methane present in natural or The principal feature of this invention consists of con artificial gas mixtures, for example, natural gas, producer centrating deuterated methanes present in gas mixtures gas, coke oven gas and industrial off gases. 25 containing methane, preferably natural gas, by the liqui More particularly, this invention relates to a method for faction and low temperature fractionation of such gas the production of heavy water recovered by concentration mixtures under conditions resulting in an increased sepa of deuterated methanes normally present in ordinary ration factor between the deuterated methanes and ordi methane, oxidation of the deuterated methanes enriched nary methane as compared with its value at approxi product to produce a mixture of hydrogen oxides, de 30 mately atmospheric pressure; and enhancing the separa uterium oxides and carbon oxides, followed by the step tion factor by proper adjustment of the operating condi of separating the heavy water from the condensate of tions such as the temperature and pressure. the mixture by known methods, for example, distillation Another feature of this invention consists of introduc or electrolysis. ing into such system additives which modify the inter Heavy water or “deuterium oxide' is a compound of molecular forces of the system and increase the normal and the of hydrogen, that is heavy hydro separation factor and thereby increase the yield of de gen or “deuterium.” The most important property of Literated methanes from the system. heavy water from the industrial point of view is its Still another feature of this invention consists of in capacity to moderate or slow down the emitted ducing polarization or selectively introducing energy into during a combined with a low 40 the system to modify the intermolecular forces of the absorbtivity. The moderating power of heavy water is System by electric or magnetic forces and thereby in much higher than that of other known moderators; for crease its normal separation factor. example, approximately 30 times higher than that of It is still another feature of this invention to treat gas , 35 times higher than that of beryllium and ap mixtures containing deuterated methanes and methane proximately 81 times higher than that of natural water. under conditions of temperature and pressure substan In a given reactor, therefore, by employing heavy water tially similar to those under which the mixtures exist in as the moderator, more power can be generated than is the natural or artificial stage to preferentially adsorb the possible with other moderators. less volatile components. The principal known use for heavy water is as modera Still another feature of this invention consists of treat tor for certain types of atomic reactors in which 50 ing natural or artificial gas mixtures containing methane it is used as approximately 99.8% concentrate. It is and deuterated methanes under the conditions of tempera estimated that the heavy water inventory required by ture and/or pressure substantially lower than those under heavy water type plants is approximately which the mixture exists in the natural or artificial state 1 ton of 99.8% heavy water per 1 megawatt (mw.) ca and to preferentially adsorb the less volatile components. pacity with about 76% of the heavy water used as mod Still another feature of this invention resides in pro erator, and about 24% if used in the reactor cooling ducing heavy water by the oxidation of a concentrate System. containing deuterated methanes to produce a mixture The isotope of hydrogen that is known as "heavy hy mainly composed of deuterium oxides, hydrogen oxides drogen' or “deuterium' is present in ordinary hydrogen 60 and carbon oxides followed by the step of final concen and its compounds in concentrations of approximately 1 tration of heavy water either by distillation or electrolysis of the condensed phase. mol of heavy hydrogen per 7,000 mols (143 p.p.m.) of Methane is present in natural abundance in natural free or bound hydrogen. Heavy water is therefore present gas and in artificial gas mixtures such as coke oven gas, in small quantities in natural water. producer gas, refinery off gas. Methane in such gases is The problems of heavy water production are due to 65 the low concentration and the poor separation character in general a mixture of ordinary methane and methane istics of deuterium or its compounds. The combination of . The mono-, two-, three- and four-substituted these factors makes the separation difficult and costly as deuterated methanes are usually referred to as methane-d large quantities of raw materials must be processed at (CH3D), methane-da (CHD), methans-d (CHD), high reflux ratios to obtain a relatively small quantity of 70 and methane-da (CDA). Investigations indicate that the the product. Moreover, the equipment is bulky and ex ratio of approximately one part of deuterium per seven pensive and the energy consumption is high. thousand parts of ordinary hydrogen is maintained 3,399,967 3 4 through all the hydrogen compounds existing under off in inverse proportion to the square of the obsolute normal conditions including deuterated methanes. Thus, temperature. the deuterium content of ordinary methane would be approximately 572 parts per million if expressed as (3) Isotopes showing exceptionally abnormal behaviour methane-d, 286 parts per million as methane-d, 221 parts In the case of diatomic and polyatomic substances per million as methane-da, and 143 parts per million as which are strongly polarizable, the effects of internal vi methane-da. brations in the individual may lead to a situa In gas mixtures containing methane, ordinary methane tion where at high temperatures the heavy isotopic species (CH4) and the four deuterated methanes exist in equilib are the more volatile. The vapour pressure difference is rium as defined by the temperature, pressure and com no longer inversely proportional to the square of the ab position of the systems. On the basis of theoretical con O Solute temperature. siderations, it may be assumed that at low concentrations I have discovered that the vapour pressure difference of the deuterated species, most of the deuterium is between the deuterated methanes and ordinary methane present in the form of mono-deuterated methane increases with pressure within the temperature range (methane-d). It cannot be excluded, however, that at 5 -240 F. to -117 F. and the pressure range of 30 higher concentrations an increasing amount of deuterium p.S.i.a. to 660 p.S.i.a. in a manner unpredictable by any may be present in the form of higher deuterated presently known theory. methanes. In investigating experimentally the separation factors The ease and economics of separation of the deuterated between methane-d and ordinary methane over the pres methanes from the ordinary methane will be in general 20 Sure region from 15 p.s.i.a. to 660 p.s.i.a. I have observed proportional to the differences in their respective molec that the vapour pressure difference between methane-d ular structures. Since the mono-substituted methane-d is and ordinary methane increases with pressure. The vapour more similar to the ordinary methane than are methane pressure differences observed in experimentation with d2, methane-da and methane-d it is to be expected that methane-d and methane are listed in Table I as a func in general it will be more difficult to separate methane-d 25 tion of temperature. from the ordinary methane than the higher substituted TABLE. I.-OBSERVED DIEEERENCE BETWEEN THE deuterated methanes. It therefore follows that any method WAPOUR PRESSUERES OF METHANE-AND ORDINARY applicable for efficient and economic separation of METHANE AS A FUNCTION OF TEAPERATURI Temp., F. Vapour pressure PcH3D-PCHA PcH3DfEchs methane-d from ordinary methane will be in general even more Satisfactory for the separation of higher substituted CH3D (p.s.i.a.) p.S.i.a. 02 9 1.23 deuterated methanes from ordinary methane. The ease 16 20 2. of separation of the isotopic species is normally expressed 157 23 1.17 74 25 , 6 in terms of their respective separation factors. In the case 223 26 1.13 of physico-chemical separation considered in this inven 24. 28 1.13 262 29 3 tion, the separation factors are related to the relative 284 30 1, 12 volatility and therefore to absolute pressures of the com 336 32 1. IO 462 3. 0. ponents in question. The greater the difference between 535 26 105 the absolute vapor pressures of the two isotopic species 566 25 05 at a given temperature, the higher is in general the sepa ration factor and the lower the cost of separation of 40 Although the observed differences in the said vapour One component from the other. pressures decrease in the range of about 535 p.s.i.a., I The calculation of the vapour pressure ratios of iso believe that this resulted from the insufficient supply of topic liquids is difficult because there is no really adequate liquid in the equilibrium causing the disappearance theory of the liquid state. In general, the differences in of the liquid phase. I believe that the original trend indi the vapour pressures of isotopic substances may be 45 cating an increase in the vapour pressure difference as the attributed to the quantum effect. Although the existing function of pressure continues up to about the critical theories permit the calculation of vapour pressure ratios point of ordinary methane. of some simple isotopes with reasonable accuracy, they I have further discovered that the vapour pressure are not adequate to predict the vapour pressure ratios differences between the deuterated methanes and ordinary of a great number of polyatomic isotopes over the entire methane at above atmospheric pressures are sufficiently range of applicable temperatures and pressures. Many high to permit large scale economic and efficient separa anomalies have been noted. It is an observed fact that tion of these components by physicochemical methods many isotopic Substances can be separated by distillation such as low temperature distillation or adsorption from more easily than one might expect from the theory. In natural or artificial gas mixtures containing methane and Some cases, the normal behaviour is due to association an efficient and economical production of heavy water or dissociation so that the chemical form in the liquid from such raw materials. phase is not the same as it is in the vapour phase. This It will be obvious that prior to liquefaction and low occurs, for example, in the distillation of boron trifluoride temperature distillation of the methane feed it will be etherate, peroxide, etc. The separation then necessary to purify the methane feed by any of the known occurs as a result of a chemical exchange effect. 60 methods to remove all of the impurities which can It has been recognized that the isotopic substances can Solidify under the operating conditions. Such impurities be classified into three distinct groups in respect to the may include water, H2S, CO2 and the higher hydrocar relationship of their vapour pressure differential to tem bons. perature. The reported differences in the volatility of ordinary methane and deuterated methanes can be used for separa (1) Isotopes showing normal behaviour tion of the components by an adsorption process in which Simple monoatomic substances exhibit a difference in the less volatile components are separated in a fixed bed vapour pressures which falls off in inverse proportion or moving bed filled with solid adsorbent. The conti to the square of the absolute temperature. The lighter nuity of operations is accomplished by periodical desorp isotope remains the more volatile at all temperatures. tion of the adsorbent by pressure swing or stripping. For the reasons already pointed out separation by (2) Isotopes showing abnormal behaviour either of the methods previously described will accomp In the case of certain diatomic and polyatomic sub lish not only a separation of methane-d from ordinary stances, the lighter substance is not necessarily the more methane but also of all deuterated methanes from ordi volatile, but the difference in vapour pressures still falls 75 nary methane as the higher deuterated methanes will 3,399,967 5 6 come out with the fraction made up of deuterated meth fied mixture being then degassed and the heavy water a. concentrated to the desired degree by distillation or The observed abnormal vapour pressure differences be electorlysis. tween ordinary and deuterated methanes indicate the 8. The method of claim 5 wherein the feed gas mixture presence of unusual intermolecular relationships within is selected from the group consisting of natural gas, coke the systems. Such intermolecular relationships can un oven gas, producer gas and industrial off gas. doubtedly be modified and enhanced by suitable additives 9. The method of claim 5 wherein the feed gas mixture or application of external forces or energy. consists essentially of liquid methane. The production of heavy water from the deuterated 10. The method of claim 5 wherein the mixture is sub methane concentrate can be accomplished by oxidizing IO jected to a pressure of 30 to 660 p.s.i.a. the concentrate by air or oxygen to form a mixture of 11. The method of claim 5 wherein the mixture is deuterium oxides, hydrogen oxides and carbon oxides and subjected to a temperature of -240° to -117 F. the recovery of heavy water from the mixture by any of 12. The method of claim 5 wherein the fractionation the known methods such as by distillation or electrolysis. is carried out in a distillation system made up of a plu It is to be understood that the preferred embodiments rality of stages connected to form a cascade, each stage of the invention have been described and that variations performing a function to concentrate the mixture to a de and/or modifications may be made by those persons sired intermediate level. skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and 13. The method of claim 12 wherein each stage is scope of the invention as defined in the following claims. operated over a limited desired temperature drop in the What I claim as my invention is: 20 range 10 to 100 p.s.i.a. 1. A method for recovering deuterated methane from 14. The method of claim 12 wherein the first stage used a mixture of methane and deuterated methanes compris for initial concentration of the mixture is operated at not ing increasing the separation factor of the mixture by more than 600 p.s.i.a. and each succeeding stage at a subjecting the mixture to a high pressure and a low lower pressure. temperature to provide a mixture having a vapour phase 15. The method of claim 12 wherein the first stage richer in deuterated methanes than methane, fraction used for initial concentration of the mixture is operated ating the mixture and recovering the fraction enriched at not less than 50 p.s.i.a., and each succeeding stage at in deuterated methanes. a higher pressure. 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the mixture is 16. The method of claim 12 wherein each stage is subjected to a pressure of 30 to 660 p.s.i.a. made up of several distillation columns connected in pa 3. The method of claim 1 wherein the mixture is sub rallel in respect of the main feed flow and operating at jected to a temperature of -240° to -117 F. approximately the same pressures. 4. The method of claim wherein the mixture con 17. The method of claim 12 wherein each stage is taining methane and deuterated methanes is selected made up of several distillation columns connected from the group consisting of natural gas, coke oven gas, in parallel with respect to the main feed flow, each operat producer gas and industrial off gas. ing at a lower pressure than the succeeding one. 5. A method for the production of heavy water from 18. The method of claim 12 wherein a part of the feed gas mixtures containing a mixture of ordinary me energy required for cooling and liquefaction of the mix thane and deuterated methanes, comprising increasing the ture is gained by expansion of the mixture from the line separation factor of the mixture by subjecting the mix 40 pressure to the operating pressure. ture to a high pressure and a low temperature to provide 19. The method of claim 12 wherein the energy gen a mixture having a vapour phase richer in deuterated erated in oxidizing the fraction enriched in deuterated methanes than methane, fractionating mixture, recovering methanes is recovered by heat transfer media. the fraction enriched in deuterated methanes, oxidizing the fraction enriched in deuterated methanes by chemical 45 References Cited reaction with air or oxygen to form a mixture of deu UNITED STATES PATENTS terium oxides, hydrogen oxides and carbon oxides. 6. The method of claim 5 wherein the feed gas mix 2,541,569 2/1951 Born et al. ------62-23 ture is purified prior to liquefaction to remove compo 2,583,090 1/1952 Cost ------62-27 nents which have a tendency to solidify at the operating 50 2,780,526 2/1957 Fleck ------23-210 temperature. 3,126,267 3/1964 Arend ------62-27 7. The method of claim 5 wherein the mixture of deu terium oxides, hydrogen oxides and carbon oxides pro OSCAR R, VERTIZ, Primary Examiner. duced by oxidizing the fraction enriched in deuterated H. S. MILLER, Assistant Examiner. methanes is cooled and liquefied, such cooled and lique 55