10 CFR Ch. I (1–1–10 Edition) Pt. 110, App. K

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10 CFR Ch. I (1–1–10 Edition) Pt. 110, App. K Pt. 110, App. K 10 CFR Ch. I (1–1–10 Edition) reprocessing facilities, this process involves B. The ammonia-hydrogen exchange proc- the conversion of plutonium nitrate to pluto- ess can extract deuterium from synthesis gas nium dioxide. Other processes can involve through contact with liquid ammonia in the the precipitation of plutonium oxalate or presence of a catalyst. The systhesis gas is plutonium peroxide. fed into exchange towers and then to an am- (2) Especially designed or prepared systems monia converter. Inside the towers the gas for plutonium metal production. flows from the bottom to the top while the This process usually involves the liquid ammonia flows from the top to the fluorination of plutonium dioxide, normally bottom. The deuterium is stripped from the with highly corrosive hydrogen fluoride, to hydrogen in the systhesis gas and con- produce plutonium fluoride, which is subse- centrated in the ammonia. The ammonia quently reduced using high purity calcium then flows into an ammonia cracker at the metal to produce metallic plutonium and a bottom of the tower while the gas flows into calcium fluoride slag. The main functions in- an ammonia converter at the top. Further volved in this process are the following: enrichment takes place in subsequent stages fluorination (e.g., involving equipment fab- and reactor-grade heavy water is produced ricated or lined with a precious metal), through final distillation. The synthesis gas metal reduction (e.g., employing ceramic feed can be provided by an ammonia plant crucibles), slag recovery, product handling, that can be constructed in association with a ventilation, waste management and process heavy water ammonia-hydrogen exchange control. The process systems are particu- plant. The ammonia-hydrogen exchange larly adapted so as to avoid criticality and process can also use ordinary water as a feed radiation effects and to minimize toxicity source of deuterium. hazards. Other processes include the C.1. Much of the key equipment for heavy fluorination of plutonium oxalate or pluto- water production plants using either the nium peroxide followed by reduction to water-hydrogen sulphide exchange process metal. (GS process) or the ammonia-hydrogen ex- change process are common to several seg- [61 FR 35606, July 8, 1996, as amended at 65 ments of the chemical and petroleum indus- FR 70291, Nov. 22, 2000] tries; particularly in small plants using the GS process. However, few items are available APPENDIX K TO PART 110—ILLUSTRATIVE ‘‘off-the-shelf.’’ Both processes require the LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND COMPO- handling of large quantities of flammable, NENTS UNDER NRC EXPORT LICENS- corrosive and toxic fluids at elevated pres- ING AUTHORITY FOR USE IN A PLANT sures. Thus, in establishing the design and FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HEAVY operating standards for plants and equip- WATER, DEUTERIUM AND DEUTERIUM ment using these processes, careful attention COMPOUNDS to materials selection and specifications is required to ensure long service life with high NOTE: Heavy water can be produced by a safety and reliability factors. The choice is variety of processes. However, two processes primarily a function of economics and need. have proven to be commercially viable: the Most equipment, therefore, is prepared to water-hydrogen sulphide exchange process customer requirements. (GS process) and the ammonia-hydrogen ex- In both processes, equipment which indi- change process. vidually is not especially designed or pre- A. The water-hydrogen sulphide exchange pared for heavy water production can be as- process (GS process) is based upon the ex- sembled into especially designed or prepared change of hydrogen and deuterium between systems for producing heavy water. Exam- water and hydrogen sulphide within a series ples of such systems are the catalyst produc- of towers which are operated with the top tion system used in the ammonia-hydrogen section cold and the bottom section hot. exchange process and the water distillation Water flows down the towers while the hy- systems used for the final concentration of drogen sulphide gas circulates from the bot- heavy water to reactor-grade in either proc- tom to the top of the towers. A series of per- ess. forated trays are used to promote mixing be- C.2. Equipment especially designed or pre- tween the gas and the water. Deuterium mi- pared for the production of heavy water uti- grates to the water at low temperatures and lizing either the water-hydrogen sulphide ex- to the hydrogen sulphide at high tempera- change process or the ammonia-hydrogen ex- tures. Gas or water, enriched in deuterium, change process: is removed from the first stage towers at the (i) Water-hydrogen Sulphide Exchange junction of the hot and cold sections and the Towers process is repeated in subsequent stage tow- Exchange towers fabricated from carbon ers. The product of the last stage, water en- steel (such as ASTM A516) with diameters of riched up to 30 percent in deuterium, is sent 6 m (20 ft) to 9 m (30 ft), capable of operating to a distillation unit to produce reactor at pressures greater than or equal to 2 MPa grade heavy water; i.e., 99.75 percent deute- (300 psi) and with a corrosion allowance of rium oxide. 6mm or greater. 714 VerDate Nov<24>2008 09:02 Feb 22, 2010 Jkt 220031 PO 00000 Frm 00724 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\220031.XXX 220031 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pt. 110, App. L (ii) Blowers and Compressors APPENDIX L TO PART 110—ILLUSTRATIVE Single stage, low head (i.e., 0.2 MPa or 30 LIST OF BYPRODUCT MATERIALS psi) centrifugal blowers or compressors for UNDER NRC EXPORT/IMPORT LICENS- hydrogen-sulphide gas circulation (i.e., gas a ING AUTHORITY containing more than 70 percent H2 S). The blowers or compressors have a throughput Actinium 225 (Ac 225) Chlorine 36 (Cl 36) capacity greater than or equal to 56 m3/sec- Actinium 227 (Ac 227) Chlorine 38 (Cl 38) ond (120,000 SCFM) while operating at pres- Actinium 228 (Ac 228) Chromium 51 (Cr 51) sures greater than or equal to 1.8 MPa (260 Americium 241 (Am Cobalt 58m (Co 58m) psi) suction and have seals designed for wet 241) Cobalt 58 (Co 58) H2 S service. Americium 242m (Am Cobalt 60 (Co 60) (iii) Ammonia-Hydrogen Exchange Towers 242m) Copper 64 (Cu 64) Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers great- Americium 242 (Am Curium 240 (Cm 240) er than or equal to 35 m (114.3 ft) in height 242) Curium 241 (Cm 241) with diameters of 1.5 m (4.9 ft) to 2.5 m (8.2 Americium 243 (Am Curium 242 (Cm 242) ft) capable of operating at pressures greater 243) Curium 243 (Cm 243) than 15 MPa (2225 psi). The towers have at Antimony 124 (Sb 124) Curium 244 (Cm 244) least one flanged, axial opening of the same Antimony 125 (Sb 125) Curium 245 (Cm 245) Antimony 126 (Sb 126) diameter as the cylindrical part through Curium 247 (Cm 247) Arsenic 73 (As 73) which the tower internals can be inserted or Dysprosium 165 (Dy Arsenic 74 (As 74) 165) withdrawn. Arsenic 76 (As 76) Dysprosium 166 (Dy (iv) Tower Internals and Stage Pumps Used Arsenic 77 (As 77) 166) in the Ammonia-hydrogen Exchange Process. Barium 131 (Ba 131) Einsteinium 252 (Es Tower internals include especially de- Barium 133 (Ba 133) 252) signed stage contactors which promote inti- Barium 140 (Ba 140) Einsteinium 253 (Es mate gas/liquid contact. Stage pumps in- Bismuth 207 (Bi 207) 253) clude especially designed submersible pumps Bismuth 210 (Bi 210) Einsteinium 254 (Es for circulation of liquid ammonia within a Bromine 82 (Br 82) 254) contacting stage internal to the stage tow- Cadmium 109 (Cd 109) Einsteinium 255 (Es ers. Cadmium 113 (Cd 113) 255) (v) Ammonia Crackers Utilizing the Am- Cadmium 115m (Cd Erbium 169 (Er 169) monia-hydrogen Exchange Process. 115m) Erbium 171 (Er 171) Ammonia crackers with operating pres- Cadmium 115 (Cd 115) Europium 152 (Eu 152) sures greater than or equal to 3 MPa (450 Calcium 45 (Ca 45) Europium 152 9.2 h psi). Calcium 47 (Ca 47) (Eu 152 9.2 h) (vi) Infrared Absorption Analyzers Californium 248 (Cf Europium 152 13 yr Infrared absorption analyzers capable of 248) (Eu 152 13 yr) Californium 249 (Cf Europium 154 (Eu 154) ‘‘on-line’’ hydrogen/deuterium ratio analysis 249) Europium 155 (Eu 155) where deuterium concentrations are equal to Californium 250 (Cf Fermium 257 (Fm 257) or greater than 90 percent. 250) Fluorine 18 (F 18) (vii) Catalytic Burners Used in the Ammo- Californium 251 (Cf Gadolinium 148 (Gd nia-hydrogen Exchange Process. 251) 148) Catalytic burners for the conversion of en- Californium 252 (Cf Gadolinium 153 (Gd riched deuterium gas into heavy water. 252) 153) (viii) Complete Heavy Water Upgrade Sys- Californium 253 (Cf Gadolinium 159 (Gd tems or Columns. 253) 159) Complete heavy water upgrade systems or Californium 254 (Cf Gallium 72 (Ga 72) columns especially designed or prepared for 254) Germanium 68 (Ge 68) the upgrade of heavy water to reactor-grade Carbon 14 (C 14) Germanium 71 (Ge 71) deuterium concentration. These systems, Cerium 141 (Ce 141) Gold 198 (Au 198) which usually employ water distillation to Cerium 143 (Ce 143) Gold 199 (Au 199) separate heavy water from light water, are Cerium 144 (Ce 144) Hafnium 172 (Hf 172) especially designed or prepared to produce Cesium 131 (Cs 131) Hafnium 181 (Hf 181) reactor-grade heavy water (i.e., typically Cesium 134m (Cs Holmium 166m (Ho 99.75% deuterium oxide) from heavy water 134m) 166m) feedstock of lesser concentration. Cesium 134 (Cs 134) Holmium 166 (Ho 166) Cesium 135 (Cs 135) Hydrogen 3 (H 3) [58 FR 13005, Mar.
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