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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON EFFECTS AND HEAVY by S. M. Dave and M. M. Donde Heavy Water Division


BOMBAY, INDIA 1983 B.A.R.O. - 1192







In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in using deuterium and heavy water not only in nuclear industry but also in various fields of basic as wall as applied reseuroh in physics, chemistry and biology. As a result, the literature is being enriched with a large number of research papers and technical reports published eaoh year* Ihus. to enable the scien- tists to have un easy reference to these works, we endeavour in this selected bibliography, to enlist the publications related to these fields. Since our interest is ooncerned mainly with heavy water production processes, deuterium isotope effects etc., several aspects (e.g. nuolear) of deuterium have not been covered here*

The material in this bibliography has been classified under six broad headings, viz. 1. Production of heavy water 2. Study of deuterium isotope effects 3. Analysis and Properties of heavy water 4» Separation of deuterium 5. Isotopio exchange reactions and 6. Miscellaneous.

Ihe sources of information used for this compilation ere chemical abstracts, nuclear science abstracts, IMS Atcuindex and also some scattered search through journals and reports available in our library* However, in spite of our sincere attempts for a wide ooverage, no claim 1B being made towards the exhaustiveness of this bibliography. The authors also would like to appologize for the mistakes, eventhough all efforts have been made to achieve accuracy.

S.M. Save M.M. Donde CONTENTS







1* Predicted Performance of GS Processes with Supplementary Feed to the Hot lower M.P. Burgees Du Font de Nenore (B.I) and Co., Aiken, 3.0. (USA) DP-1204 Apr. 1970, 24 p.

2» Heavy Water Production by Auine- Exchange A.R. Bancroft and H«K. Rao ONEN Sympositm on the leohnioal and Bcononic Aspects »f Heanry Water Production Turin, Italy 1970 AECL - 3684, Aug. 1970, 14 p.

3» OHEL Lunmue Heavy Water ProeeBs Chem. Can., 22(9). 24 (1970)

4* Heavy Water Production and Plants. A Bibliography. D. LavrencJ.e (Coup.) OHM-Doc-DAISE-70-8 1970 130 p.

5* Heavy Water Production- A Review of Processes D.M. levins AABO/SK-562, Sept. 1970. 54 P.

(• Bibliography on Production of Heavy Water R.A. Hagrathna (Oonp.) BARO/BlB-3. 1970. 54 P. 7* ''briteria for the Design of A NH3-H2 Two Temperature Plant for Heavy Water Production (In Italian). S* Folli, F. Polastri and 6* Vaccaro Energ. Nucl. (Milan)., 17(12), 721-732 (1970).

8. Heavy Water Production Using Amine-Hydrogen I so topic Exchange R.S. .Tickling AEOI-3787. Peb. 1971. P 2-4. 9. Heavy Water Research on Production Processes. Plants Based on the French Process (In French) S. Roth A/OONF-4.9/P - 607 1971 11p. 19* The Heavy Water Plant of Mazingarfce (In French) B. lefrancoie ONES Synpoeiiaa, Turin Italy, 1970* Techniques and Economy of Heavy Water Production, p. 199-208.

11. Optimization of a Heavy-Water Enrichment Plant Based on H9/NH* Exchange and Operating by the Hot-Oold Principle (In Genoan) 0. Leng and U. Schindewolf Ghem. Ing. Tech.. 43 (U). 804-810 (1971). 12. Technical Developments of the Low Temperature Prooess for Heavy Water Recovery and Economic Results* H. Gutowski

CHEN Symposium, Turin 197Oy p.91-101. 3 13« Fabrication aid Coretruotion Experience. Sruoe and Port Jawkesbury Heavy Water Plant* P.H.G. Spray ONBH Symposium, Turin, Italy, 1970, p.119-138

14* Heavy Water Production Using Anine-Hydrogen Ieotopio Exchange W.J. Holtslander ABOI-3990, 1971, p.5-7.

15 • Heavy Water H.K. Rao AECL-3866, 1971, 36 p.

16. Ike Obtaining of Heavy Water by the Dual Temperature H2S Process (In French) J.P. Agostini OEA-R-4217, 1971i 121 p.

17* Optimization of a Heavy Water Enrichment Plant with a Hot/oold Operating Hg/lJHa-Exohange Systeu (In Gasman) 6. Lang

KPK-1483, 1971, ps804-809 Chem-Ingeniour-Teohnik, H.14. 43(1971).

18* Bruce Auxiliary Supply Z. Koli.enyk Bng. J. (Montreal), 55(4).22-26 (1972)

19* Method for the Isotopic Enrichment of Hydrogen (In French) I. Lambert French Patent, 2,079, 707, 18 Ootober 1971 3 p. 20* Isotopic Enrichment of Hydrogen for Heavy Water Production (in French) I. Lambert, J. Ravoire and E. Roth French Patent, 2,079,708, 18 Oet, 1971, 4 p. 21* An improved method for Preparing Heavy Water Using Honotheraal Isotopio Exchange Between and a Synthesis Gas (In French) P. lesur and J. Viratelle . . French Patent Appl. 2,074,737, 22 Jan* 1970, Sp. 22* Heavy-»Water Production Using Anine-Hydrogen Exchange W. loekerky AECL-4129. 1972. p.8-11

23. Procedure for Mono the raal Type Ainine-Hydrogen Isotopic Ixokange t An Installation Using the Procedure Outlined J.P. Arnould, G. Dirion, I. Manbert and 1* Roth French Patent Document, 2O94429/D/ 19 June 1970 8 p. 24* Monothermal Type HH**^ Isotopic Exokange Installation (In French) J.P. Arnault French Patent Document, 2094428/D/. 19 June 1970. 21 p. 25* Monotheraal Type TBLyiL^ Isotopio Exchange Installation (in French) J.P. Arnault, G. Dirian, I, Laasart and 1. Rotk French Patent Doounont 2095180/D/. 19 June 1970* 7 p. • 5 26* Method for the Isotopic Enrichment of Hydrogen (In French) i F. Courvoiser and I. Lambert French Patent Document, 2079706/]?/. 10 Feb. 1970. 3 V*

27. Production of Hydrogen for Deuterium Extraction (In French) G. Dirian, D. Leger and J. Fauly French Patent Document, 2098623/D/. 22 Jul. ,1970. 12 p., 28, Detezminati&n of Optimum Flow Rate of Heavy Water During Deuteration of Ion Exchangers of the Zeolitej Type J. Kysela and J* Vagner Jad. Energ. (Czechoslovakia), 18(6). 183-185 (1982).

29* Improved Method for Obtaining Deuterium (in French) J. Trichet, G. Simonet and J.P. Guellaff French Patent Document 2076756/F/. 27 Jan. 1970. 9 P»

30. Isotopic Fractionation of Hydrogen in the H2-DH System, (in Romanian) V". Snamiroschi Stud. Univ. Bafcos-Bolyai, Ser. Phys., 17(1). 23 - 28 (1972). 31. Heavy Water Production D.M, Levins and P.G. Alfredson At. Energy Aust., 15(3), 2-11(1972). 32. Research on Heavy Water Plants and Manufacturing Processes kased on French Systems (In French) E. Roth, G. Dirian and M. Rostaing A/Conf.49/P-607 Proc. of Fourth international conference, jointly sponsored by the UN and IAEA held in Geneva, 6-16 Sept. 1971. 33» Plant for production of Deuterium Enriched Water (In Genaan (F.R.) Patent Document 2048117/A/. 20 Apr. 1972.11 p» 34* Method for the Production of Deuterium (In German) R.W. Pachalay

i German (F.R.) Patent Document 2150669/A/. 4 May 1972. 25 p. 35. Procedure for the Extraction of Deuterium R.W. Pachal&y Danish Patent Document 5234/71/A. 29 Oct. 1970 USA.

36* Phtochemical Production of Hot Hydrogen and Deuterium Atoms R.A. Pass, J.W. Hoover and L.M. Simpson J. Phye., Chenw, 76(20K 2801-2808 (1972). 37. Bruce Heavy Water Plant Now in Operation ABOI Nuel. Can., 12(1). 1-2 (1973). * ... 38* What's Happening and What's Ahead in Canada*s Heavy Water Progress 0. Low Nuel. Can., 11(8). 2-3(1972). 39* Plants and Processes for the Production of Heavy Water (In German) B. Nitachke Atomwirtech Atomtech., 18(6). 274-280 (1973). 40. Heavy Water from Synthesis Gas by Isotopic Exchange According to Two-Temperature Process (In German) H. Ilgner, E. Nitachke and S. Walter ABD-Conf-73-223-008. 1973. 1 p.

41* Production of Heavy Water in India S. Fareeduddin IHIS-mf-854» 1973* 24 p. (Symposium on Nuclear Soienoe and Engineering* Bombay, India, 13 March, 1973)* 42* Enriching with Heavy Hydrogen J.J. Railly, Jr. and R.H. Winwall, Jr. US'Patent 3»711,6O1, 12 Feb. 1971. 4 p.

43. Improvement in Dual Temperature Isotope Exchange Prooess D.F. Babcock Australian Patent No. 428665, July 16, 1970. 44* Dual Temperature Isotope Exchange Process D.F. Babcock Australian Patent, 428831, July 16, 1970. 45* Method of Obtaining Heavy Water by Bithermal Exchange Between Liquid Water and Gaseous Hydrogen Sulphide French Patend Document 2152366/A» 8, Sept. 1971• 8 p. (In Trench) Available from Institute National de Is Propriets Industrialls, Paris(France). 46. Heavy Water Production in Canada R.£<, Keating and L.R. Nordhy INIS-mf-66014 (1972) 47* Process for Obtaining Deuterium fron Hydrogen-containing Components and the Production of Heavy Water Therefrom. R.W. Fachalay U.S. Patent 3, 789, 1.2, 29 Jan. 1974. U p. 48. Modified System for Heavy Water Production V.R. Thayar

U.S. Patent 3, 789, 113, 29 Jan. 1974t4 p. 49* Heavy Water and its Production Masany Shimizu Boryokuro Giho, (No. 7), 46-54 (1973) (In Japanese). 50* Expected Development in Heavy Water Technology I. Blake, W.P. Patryachuk and H.K. Rao Canadian Nuclear Assoeian. Proceedings of 13th Annual International Conference, Toronto, Canada, 17-20 June 1973, 73-0NA-400,1973. 51• Heavy Water Production I.E. Haywood Nucl. Eng. Inst, 1,9.(217), 506-507 (1974). 52. Unitary Stacked Pressure Tower B.lL Nozzer Canadian Patent 943885, 19 March 1974. 9 p. 53* Prooess and Catalyst for Enriching a Fluid with Hydrogen Isotopes W.H. Stevens Canadian Patent 907292, 25 Aug. 1972. 16 p. 9 5^« Heavy Water Output Rises as Designers loner Liquid Loading on Trays . Can. Chem. Prooess, 57(12). 43 (1973). 55. Dual Pressure - Dual Temperature Isotope Xxohanfe Process • D.P. Babcock U.S. Patent 3,792,156, 12 Feb. 1974, 6 p. 56* Extraction of Deuterium From Hydrogen Qae 'Using Amines in . a Bithermal Prooass A.ft. Bancroft Can. Patent 918382, 9 Jan. 1973, 10 p.

97* Modified System for Dauterium Production V.R. Xhayer . . Canadian Patent 933100, 4 Sep. 1973i 8 p« 38. Process for the Recovery of Deuterium from Hydrogen Rich. Gas S. Walter and U* Schindewolf US Patent 3,821,361, 28 June,1974. 6 p* 59* Extraction of Deuterium From Ammonia Synthesis Gas H.K. Rao Canadian Patent 909+83, 12 Sept. 1972, 10 p. 60* Separation of Hydrogen Isotopes by Heat less Adsorption K. Weavar and 0. B. Hanrin Ohem. Er^. Soi. 29(9), 1873-1882 (1974) 10

61* Progress Report t Port Hawkaakurg Heavy Water Plants L.D. Dougan Canadian Nuolear Association, 14th Internation Oonf., Montreal, Canada 74-CNA-300, 1974, 4 P*

62* Heavy l.R. Hay wood Canadian Nuolear Association, 14th International Oonf., Montreal, Canada 74-CNA-300, Vol. 3, 1974. 3 P.

63* Progress Report i Sruoe Heavy Water Plant R.F.U. Ioely Canadian Nuclear Association, 14th International Oonf., Montreal, Canada 74-0NA-300, p.15, 1974.

64. Research and Development Support for Heavy Water Production E.C.W. Perrynan Canadian Nuclear Association, 14th International Conf., Montreal, Canada 74-CNA-300, p.33, 1974.

65* Continue as Enrichment of Heavy Water in a periodio Adsorption- Desorption Process R.G. Rice Australian last, of Nuolear Scienoe md Engineer^, Luoas Heights. AINSE Engineerlre Oonferenoe, 1974* INlS-af>1620, 1974, 22p. 11

66* Progress Report on AEOL Heavy Water Plant A.I. Smith Canadian Nuclear Association, 14th Annual International Oonferenoe, Montreal, Canada 74-CNA-3OO, Vol. 3, 1974.

67* Heavy Water Production Using Hydrogen-Water Exchange W.H. Stevens and P.P. Blackstain AECL-46O6, 1973, p.16* 68. Heavy Water Management M.J. Hichole Canadian Nuclear Association*, 14th Annual International Conf., Montreal, Canada 74-CNA-7OO, 1974, 12 p.

69* Baroda Heavy Water Plant Hearing Completion Nucl. India, 12(10), 3-0 (1974)

70* Development of a Control Strategy for the Glaoe Bay Heavy Water Plant K.J. Bradley and C.J. Lettington ABD-CONF-73-434-005, 1973. 10 p. 71* Countereurrent Eleotromigration of Heavy Water ^Production - An Assessment M. Hamerli

ABCL-4915f Sept. 1974* 40 p.

72* Heavy Water Produotion Industrial Prooesa and Plant* - A Bibliography S. lavrenoi ONEN-RT/ING 749* 1974. 380 p. 12

73» D2° Plants Demand New Sensors 0«n. Chem. Process, 58 (10), 24-25 (1974).

74« Heavy Water Output Row on Treck Can. Chem. Process, 58(10), 22-24 (1974)

75* An Investigation of Chemical Problems associated with the g.s. Prooeaa for Heavy Water Production. K. J. Koh and K.T. Leffek Annual Report of the Work carried out under AECL Contract No. 1851, IMIS-fflf-1682, Aug. 1973, 63 p.

76. The Production of Heavy Water N.H. Sagert and R.M.L. Potesu Platinum Met. Rev., 19(1), 16-21 (1975)

77* Heavy Water Plants, Doubling Under Way, Third Plant Planned Mcd. Power Bng., 68(12). 52-53 (1974).

78. Stainless Steel Trays Serve Energy Producers Inco Nickel Nens, 9(5). 2-4(1974).

79. Installation for Exchanging of Materials at Two Different Temperatures (In Dutch) Netherlands Patent Application 7204318, 30 Mar 1975 41 p.

80. Oondensor and Separation for Effluents and Affluents (in Dutob) Netherlands Patent Application, 7204319, 30 March 1972, 12 p.

81* Temperature Sensitive Materials Exohanger (in Dutch) Netherlands Patent Application 7204320, 30 March 1972, 19 p. 13 82* Heavy Water Fiasco > The Hidden Costs of Canada* 0 Nuolear Plants. Jeff Carruthera Soi. Forum, 6(6), 3-6 (1973). 83* Method and Facility for the Production of Deuterium-Enriched Water or Hydrogen (in German) F. Hartmann and M.S. Ergeno. Sulzer Bros Ltd., Winterthur (Switzerland) German Patent Document 2013721/B 4 Apr 1974, 8 p.

84* Heavy Water Plants to lie fcuilt only by Federal Government (In English, French) Hucl. Can. 14(2), 1-4 (1975). 85. Dual Temperature Exchange Systems suitable for Ia> topic Exchange. J.S. Spevak US Patent 3,860,698, 14 Jan. 1975, 22 p.

86* lower Packings Win New End-Uses Can. Ghent. Process, 58(2), 16-18 (1974).

§7* Onterio Hydro Requirements Assured as Hew Heavy Water Units Announced. Nuol. Can/Can. Nuel. ,1j£( 1), 1, 1974*

88* Process for Producing Deuteriura-Rioh Gas Concentrated and Transition Metal-Rare Interaetallio Hydride-Deuteride R.J. Charles and R.E. Cabh US Patent 3*838,537, 1 Oot. 1974, 10 p. 14 09• large Soale Sieve Tray Performance S.O. Chang and S.M. Davies Chem. Can., 27(3), 30-32 (1975).

90. Progress Report - Bruce Heavy Water Plant R.P.U. Icely and A.J.U. Orange Chen. (Jan., 27(3). 22-24 (1975). 91* Evaluation of Tray performance Using Gamma Scanning D.W. Jones and J.B. Jones DPSPU-74-30-9 OONF-750329-1 1974# 1? p# 92* Past Chemical Separation Processes (in German) W. Burechle and Others GSI-J-2-74* Nov. 1974., p. 104-113.- 93* The Search for an Improved Heavy Water Process A.I. Miller and H.K. Rao Chen. Can., 27(3). 25-29 (1975). 94* Process for Obtaining Deuterium J. Trichet, G. Simonet and J.F. Gueleff

US Patent 3,864,466, 4 ?tb. 1975* 6 p. 95* The Heavy Water Industry '. L.R. Kaywood and P.B. Lum» Chan. Can., 27J£1, 19-21 (1975).

96. Process for Preparing Heavy Water from Sea Water H. Tafcata, N. lakata and R. Nakajiaa US Patent 3,870,606, 11 Mar. 1975» 12 p. 15 97* The Design of Dovioes for Liquid/Liquid Extraction (In Geman) X* Bauokhage» H.D« Bouermann et. al. Oheu. Ing.-Teoh, ill?). 169-182 (1975).

96* Catalysed Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Go Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra (Australia) Australian Patent Document 73/548O5/A/19 Apr. 1973, 12 p. 99• Production of Heavy Water 7.R. Thayar Canadian Patent 909482, 12 Sept. 1972, 18 p.

100* Isotope Separation Prooess for Gounterourrent Production of li6 and Deuterium A. Valfells Trans. Am. Nuel. Soc, Si, 38-39 (1975) 101* A Renaissance for Heavy Water Part I. Produotion of Heavy Water (In Norwegian) J. Brun, 1. Posyn and 6. Bandars Ingenioer-nytt., 11(23). 6-9 13 June 1975. 102. A Renalsaanoe for Heavy Water Part II. Applications and Future Prospects (In Norwegian) J. Brun, I. Posyn and 6. Randers. Ingenioer-nytt. 11(24). 4-7 (20 June 1975). * 103* Heavy Water Produotion and Oomputor Simulation A.I. Miller AECL-5035, Peb. 1975, p.10-16 16 104* llfotrolytio Oell for Heavy and light Vater (In Japanese) Isso Pujii, Hurao Muto and Kofchi Onodere Japanese Patent Document 1974-1O566(B) 19 Feb. 1969, 3p. 105* Prooess of Concentration by Exchange between Fluids at Different leapera-fcures (In Frenefe? Deuterium Corporation, White Plains, M.Y. (U.S.A.) French Patent Document 2!76530/AJ. 22 Mar. 1972, 38 P* 106* Devioe for the treatment of Feed and Recuperation Fluids in the Plant for the Production of Heavy Water Deuterium Corp., White Plains, M.Y. (U.S.A*) Frenoh Patent Document 2176532/AT. 22 March 1972, 16 p. 107* Process and Device for the Enrichment of Fluid of Fluids (in French) Deuterium Corp., White Plains, M. Y. (U.S.A.) Frenoh Patent Document 2176529/AI. 22 March 1972, 19 P* 108* Process for hydrogen isotope exchange and concentration between liquid water and hydrogen gas and oatalyst assembly therefore. W.H. Stevens US Patent 3,888,974, 10 June 1975, 20 p.

109* Heavy Water Produotion s New Lift Studies Lawrence, Livernor Laboratory Energy and Technological review UOAL - 52000 - 75-10., Oct. 1975, p 1-10

110* Apparatus for ooneentrating by dual temperature exohange J.S. SpevacJc US Patent, 3, 987, 509, 23 Sept. 1975, 12 p* 17 111. Apparatus for concentrating by dual temperature exchange J.S. Sptvack US Patent, 3» 907, 508, 23 Sept. 1975, 10 p. 112* System for enrichment fey dual temperature oxohange J.S. Sptvack ITS Patent, 3, 907. 500, 23 Sept. 1975» 12p*

113* The Oanadian Heavy Water Industry P.S. Lump J. Br. BicJ. Energy Soo., 15(1). 35-46 (1976) 114* She Oanadian Heavy Water Situation A. Dahlinger AECL-5248, Aug. 1975, 3p. 115* The supply of steaa from Oandu Reactors for Heavy Water Production R.F.S. Robertson AEOL-5118, Sept. 1975, 12p. 116* Process and apparatus for enriohing heavy water by separation with a porous meabrane (in Japanese) Y. Hashino and E. Hagase Japanese Patent Document, 1974-6080/i/. 1 July 1970, 3p»

117* Progress in Heavy Water Produotion P.B. lutnb Huol. Eqgg. Int., V_-21_. 64-69 (1976) 118* Three Heavy Water Plants under construction at Bruoe. Mod. Power Bng., 69(12. 44-45 (i975) 18' • • 119* Peak Power and Heavy Water production.from electrolytio

4 H2 and 02 using CANDU reactors. M. Hammerli, W.H. Stevens, W.J. Bradley and J.P. Butler AECL - 5512 Apr. 1976- 18p. 120. Glaoe Bay t Phoenix Risinf Las. Bng. (Toronto), 22(6). 26 (1976) 121 Glace Bay Heavy Water Plant begins produotion Sohedule. Huol. (Jan., 1566, 4-5 (1976)

122« Rehabilitation of the Glace Bay Heavy Water Plant. L. Blake Nucl. Engg. Int., 21, 65-68 (1976). 123* Heavy Water and Computor Simulation A.I. Miller ABOL-5550 1976 p. 31-36.

124* Production of Heavy Water by pkotodesorption T. Gangwer and M.K. Goldsteirs BNL-21691 C0NF-760832-14. 1976 8p. Available froa KTIS 13.50. 125. Apparatus and method of producinf Heavy Water involving oatalytio-eleotrolytic exchange prooeaaea M. Hwmerli and J.P. Butler US Patent 3,974,048. 10 Aug. 1976, 6p. 19 126« The Canadian Heavy Water situation. A* Dehlinger 75-ONA-2OO. p.71-77 (1976).

127* Process for recovering water enriched with deuterium (In German). H. Mandel German (F.R.) patent dooument 1802867/c/ 22 May, 1975* 7p»4 figs. ,128« Method of producing deuterium-oxide-enriched water* H. Mandel U.S. Patent 3,981,977. 21 Sept. 1976. 10p 129. Gas stripping and recirculation process in hoary water separation plants* U.B* Nazzer and V.R. Thayer U.S. Patent 3,983,226. 28 Sept. 1976. 4p

130. Improvements in enrichment systems. J.S. Spevack Australian Patent 468472/B/. 27 Sept. 1973* 35p. 131* Canadian Heavy Water Production. A. Dahlinger, W.E. lockerby and H.K. Rae International Conference on and its Fuel Cycles. Salzburg, Austria. 2-13 May 1977- IAEA-OH-36/183. 1977, 5p 132. Study of the prospects for heavy water production via laser isotope separation* Final Report, 1 April - 30 Sept. 1976. K.M. Miller 000-2878-2. ASE-4004 Oct. 1976. 47 p. Available trm NIIS. $4.00 20 133. Study of the proapootB for heavy water produotion via laser isotope separation* Final report, 1 April-30 Sop 1976. Miller, M.M. 000-2878-2. ASB-4OO4. Oct. 1976. 47 p. Available from HTIS $4.00

134* Anon* Present statue and future of H«avy Water production methods, (in Japanese) Anon. Latest literature on hydrogen technology. Suiao oyo gijutsu aaishin shiryoshu. Tokyo, Japan ISU. 1975 p. 237-284

135* Process for small scale produotion of Heavy Water as by- product of ammonia. Ketzinel, Z., Tollman, Y. Israel Atomic Energy Commission* Beersheba Nuclear Research Centre, Neger. INIS-n/ 3663* 1976* P» 59-61. 136* Bruoe heavy water plant tops design oapaeity. Anon. Mod. Power Bng. (Bee. 1976) V. 70 (12) p. 44 137* I>a Prade heavy water plant comes on line in 1982. Anon. Mod. Power Bng. (June 1977) V- 71 (6) p.43. Published in summary form only. 138. Design problems in rehabilitating the Glace Bay heavy water plant. Blake. L. (Momnax-Canatom-Hff) Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, , Nuclear 21

130, (Oontd.) energy and society. Vol.4» nuclear ehergy and the industry (part 1) 760HA.-400 (nd) p* 1-24. Available from Canadian nuolear association, Toronto. 139* Canadian Heavy Water supply programme. Dahlinger, At Mo Nally, P.J. • i Canadian Nuolear energy and society Vol. 6, heavy water reaotoro. 76-CNA-600 (nd) p. 69-85. Available from Canadian Nuolear Association* Toronto* 140* Canadian Heavy Water produotion. Dahlinger, A, Iiookerby, W.B. ABOIr-5710. Hay 1977* 8 p. 141. Design Developments, Bruoe heavy we^er plants* Petrie, R.I. O&aadian Nuolear Association. Toronto, 0ntai'<>. Nuolear energy and society* Vol.2, Nuolear energy - current evolutions. 76-CNA-200 (nd) p.27-42. Available from Canadian Nuolear Association, Toronto.

142* Review of AEOL heavy water produotion plants* Smith, A.I. ABOL-5841. June 1977. 12 p.

143* She produotion of'heavy water Paquin, J.O. Prooeedings of first Augustin-Prigon synposiun, May 12, 13 & 14 1976. Vol. I No. 2. Montreal, Canada. Boole Polyteohnique Jan. 1977, 34 P» Session 1,paper 4* ??ioe S 30 Can. 22 144« Markets for components of a heavy water plant. Phillips, L.A. Proceedings of first Auguatin-Prigon Symposium, May 12, 13 & 14 1976. Vol. I No. 2. Montreal, Canada. Boole Polyteohnique. Jan. 1977. 22 p. Session III paper 4. 145* Canadian heavy water production. Dahlinger, A*, Lookerby, W.E. (At Energy of Can. Ltd.) IAE4-CN-36/183. International Atooic Energy Agenoy, Vienna ( Austria )• Nuclear power and its fuel cycle* Proceedings of an inter- national conference held by the IAEA in Salzburg. 2-13 May 1977. ISBN 92-0-050277-6 Vienna. IAEA 1977* 7 3 p-99-108. Fxooeedings series Vol. 3 is entitled "She nuolear fuel cyole, part 2".

H6. Review on heavy water separation at pilot scale. Wuryanto, Soeroto Bonodirdjo. Gama Research Centre, Yogyakarta (Indonesia) (In Indonesian) PPGM-R90-76. 1976. 32 p.

147* Minimization of ih.e environmental impact of a heavy water plant. Chomski, CD. Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario. Vol. 6. Teohnioal day t abstraots of technical and scientific papers. 77-CNA-600. (nd) p. 108-109. Available txf>m Canadian Nuolear Association, Toronto. 23 H8» Techniques for evaluation of large diametre tower per-, formance. Haasanien, S, Raven, K.M. () Oanadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario* Vol. 6. Technical day : abstracts of technical and soientifio papers 77-CNA-6OO. (nd) p.110. Available from Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto. 149* Seleotion of softening system for La Frade heavy water plant prooesB feed water. Uarendic, IT., Ohong, Y. (Oanatom, MHG). Oanadian ITuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario* Vol. 6* Technical day i abstracts of technical and soientifio papers. 77-CNA-6O0 (nd). p.113-114* Published in summary form only. Available from Canadian Nuoleer Association, Toronto* 150. Reconstruction of the prooess towers at the Glace Bay Heavy Water plant. Moss, H. (Canatom Ltd.) (in Prenoh) Ingenieur (Montreal). (Nov.-Deo, 1977). jj2> (322), 13-19* 151* Instrumentation in heavy water plants* Fenfold, K., Bilodeau, C. (Oanatom Ltd.) Oanadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario. Vol. 6* Technioal day. 77-CNA-6OO (nd). p.111. Available from Oanadian ITuclear Association, Toronto* 24

152. Review of AECL heavy water production plants. Smith, A.I. Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario. Vol. 2, Heavy Water reactors progress - in Canada - Overseas* 77-CNA-200. (nd) p.42-52. Available from Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto.

153. A progress review of Ontario Hydro's nuolear generation and heavy water production programmes. Kee, F.J., Woodhead, L.ff. INIS-raf-4296 (nd). 21 p (17 annual international conference of the Canadian Nuclear Association, Montreal, Canada. June 1977). 154. Integration of a heavy water industry to the NH* national industry. Montes, D.N.L. Uhiversidad Nacional Autohoma de Mexico. Mexico city. Pacultsd de Quinica. Tesis (B.C.E.) (In Spanish) INIS-af-4232. 1977. 101 p.

155. Hydrosen-amine process for heavy water production. Holt3lander, V.j. Rae II.Jf. (ed) Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington, DC. American Chemical Society. 1978. P-40-52. Seed COHP- 77O51O-P3.

156. Selecting heavy water £roce33e3. Rae, H.K. Rae, H.K. (ed). Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington, EC. American Chemical Society. 1978. P. t-26. See CO1IP-77O51O- P3. 25 157* AEGL-Sulzer amlne process for heavy water* Wynn, N.P. Rae, H.K. (ed)* Separation of hydrogen isotopes* Washington, DO. American Chemical Sooiety 1978. p. 53-70* See O0NP- 77O51O-P3. 158* Heavy Water production by isotopio exchange between hydrogen and methyl amine. Briec, M. Rae* H.K. (ed). Separation of hydrogen isstopes* Washington, DC. American Chemical Society* 1978* p.' 71-76* See COHF- 77O51O-P3. 159* Bruce Heavy Water Plant performance. Davidson, CD. Rae, H.K. (ed). Separation of hydrogen isotopes* Washington. SO* Americam Chemical Society* 1978* p. 27-39* See CONP- 77O51O-P3.

160. Heavy Water . Keyser, G.M., McDonnell. D.B. Rae, H.K. (ed)* Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington. SO. American Chemical Sooiety* 1978. p. 126-133* 3ee 00NF- 77O51O-P3.

161* OHDE process for the recovery of heavy water tram synthesis gas.

Nltsohke. S., Ilgnerf H. Rae. H.K. (ed). Separation 6f hydrogen isotopes. Washington, SO* American Chemical Society. 1978. p. 77-92. See OOHf- 770510-P3. 26 162* Development of sieve trays for heavy water plants. Chuang, K. t* AEOL-5828. 8pr. 1978. p. 15-19, 163* Analysis of sieve tray froths suoh as occur in heavy water produotion plants* D'Arcy. I>« AECL-5828. Spr. 1978. p.20-2J. 164* Production of heavy water* Sates* P.M. UK Patent doounent 1511528/A/lnt. 01. 001 B5 102. 24 May 1978. 5 p. 165* 1 new oatalyst for heavy water produotion and its prospects. Sato. Toshio, Ohkoshi, Sumio, Tak&hashl, Toniki. (In Japanese) Senshiryoku Kogyo (Feb. 1978) 24(2). 30-34.

166* Process for the production of heavy water by H2H»ethyl Mine isotopic exchange (in French) Briec, M*» Ravoire. J. . CEA.-COITP-4O59, 1977. 8 p. 167* Possible iaprovements in the separation of hydrogen isotopes by means of water distillation'*

Huber, M.t Znasek. B. Suleer Tech. Rev* ISSN 0039-4912. (1978). Spec Xo. luclex 78 p. 45-48. 27 168. Araine process for heavy water* Wynn, N.P. Sulser Tech. Rev. ISSN 0039-4912 (1978). Spec. Ho. Huolex 78. 169* Method of producing heavy water and new catalyst. Sato, l. (in Japanese) Shokubal (April 1978). 20(2). 72-80. 170. Inoreased recovery In duel temperature Isotope exohange process. Babeoek, D.F., Neill, J.S. Canadian patent doounent. 1028829/AA Hat. 01. 23-339, 23-285. 4 April 1978. 16 p. Available from Goamisslonar of Patents, Ottawa-Hull, Canada El A OBI •

171. Heavy Water extration aysten. Chang, S.S., Davieft, 3.M. Canadian patent doounent 1024885/A/ Hat. 01. 165-38, 165-1. 24 Jan. 1978. 6 p. Available from Conmissioner of Patents, Ottawa-Hull, Canada E1A 0E1.

172* Foam suppression arrangement. ' Hagamatsu, H.T., Bigelow, 2.0*, Sheer, B.E. (Jr.) Canadian patent document 1044132/A/lnt. 01. BOID 59/00 12 Sec. 1978. 6 p. Available from Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa-Hull, Canada K1A OBI. 28 173* Duel temperature isotope exchange process using hot feed with liquid reoycle from the humidifier. Pauluis, G.J.O.A. Canadian patent document 1040390/A/liri. 01. BOID 59/33» CO1B 4/00. 17 Oct. 1978. 14 p. Available from Commissioner of Patents, Ottawa-Hull, Canada K1A OE1. 174* Heavy Water Plant. Rogers, D.G. Canadian Patent dooument 1024883/A/Bat. 01* 165-1. 24 Jan. 1978. 9 p* Available from Commissioner of patents, Ottava-Hull, Canada E1A 0E1

175* Heavy Water 63 prooess RAD achievements. Bancroft, A.R. . AEOL-6215* Oct. 1978. 34 p.

176* Method for heavy water production by H2S-H20 chemical exchange process. Strathdee, G.G. US patent document 4,125,598/A/. Int. 01. 001 B 5/00. 14 Nov. 1978. 4 P. 177* Exchange reaction tower of multiple stage,type* Shimizu, Masami.. (In Japanese) Japanese patent document 53-60494/A/. Int. 01. B01 169/32/ 001 B5/02. 10 Nov. 1976. 3 p. Available from JAPATK. Also available from INPADOO. 29

178» Peak power and heavy water production from nuclear eleotrolytio

H2 and 02 in Canada. Hammerli, M.» Butler, J.P., Stevens, W.H. {Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.) Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. ISSN 0360-3199 (30 April 1979). 74(2), p. 85-99*

179» Amine process for n«avy lister. Wynn, IT.P. Sulzer lech. a«v. ISSH 0039-4912 (1978). 60(4). 162-166.

180. llethod of producing heavy water iztrolyiag eatalyst-eleotrolytie

i exchange processes. Hammerli, M., Butler, J.P. Canadian patent document 1014515/A/. Hat. 01. 204-65, 204-160. 26 July 1977. 13 p. Available from Mleromedia Ltd., 165, Hotel de Ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada J8X 3X2.

181. Method and apparatus for enrichment or upgrading heavy water. Butler, J.?., Hamraerli, M. U.K. Patent document 2021535/V. Int. 01. 001 b4/00, C01 b5/02. 23 Peb. 1979- 5 p. 182. Dual temperature deuterium extraction process. Pauluis, G.J.C.A., Miller, A.I.

Canadian Patent document 1OO63?/7/A/« 8 Mar. 1977. 11 p. Available from Micromedia ltd., 165 Hotel de Ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada JSZ 3X2. 30 183. Water feed and effluent treatment for bjdrogen sulfide- water aystan. Spevack, J.S. Canadian Patent document 1010632/A/. 24 May 1977* 16 p. Available from Mlcromedia Ltd., 165 Hotel de Ville, Hull, Quebec* Canada*

184* Heavy Water production based on the separation of deuterium from gaseous hydrogen by low temperature chenisorption. Aharoni, 0. INIS-mf-5515. 1979. 185* Interconnection arrangement for a dual temperature isotope exchange prooess. Pauluia, G.J. Canadian patent document 1062144/A/. Int. Cl. BOXB 39/33. 11 Sept. 1979. 13 p. Available from Hioromedia ltd., 165, Hotel de ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada. 166. Dual temperature exchange systems. Spevack, J.S. Canadian patent document 1049751/A/. Int. Cl. BOID 59/33, OOIB 4/00. 6 Mar. 1979. 47 p. Available from Mioromedia ltd., 165, hotel d» ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada J8Z 3X2. 31 187 • Seleotion of the process for the heovy water production using isotopio exchange amonia-hydrogen. Guzman, R. Tesie (B.Ch.E) (in Spanish) INIS-mf-5913, 1980. 190 p.

188* Dual temperature exchange systems* Spevaok. J.S. Canadian patent dooument 1062606/A/. Int. Cl. BOID 59/33. 16 Sept. 1979* 44 p. Available from Micromedia Ltd., 165 Hotel de Ville, Hull, Queb«c, Canada.

189* Process for the prevention of sulphur deposition in heavy water plants* Dombra, Allan H. Canadian patent document 1072721/A/. Int. Cl. COIB 5/02. 4 Mar. 1980. 9 p. Available from Micromedia Ltd., 165, Hotel de Ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada*

190* Heavy Water as a valuable by-product of electrolytic hydrogen. Hammerli. If. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy (1980). .Sj^), 409-422.

191* Dual temperature isotope exchange process using hot feed with liquid recycle from the humidifier. Paulis, G.J.O.A. Australian latent Doeunent 496707/B/* Int. 01. BOID 59/33. 29 Sept. 1977* 17 p. Copies available frcra the Commissioner of patents, Canberra. • 32 192. Process for the preparation of ammonia and heavy water. Mandril?, C.

US patent document 4,213f953/A/.Int»0l. (JOIC 1/04. 22 Jul« 1960s Upo US Commissioner of patents, Washington, D.C 20231,

193« Solvated electrons - Starting point of new technologies. SchindewolffM, (In German)* Nachr. Chem. Tech. Lab. ISSN 0341 - 5163 (1980)*

28(8), 580 - 583.

194° Producing deuterium-enriched products.

Avco-Everett Research lab,, Inc., Everett, HA (USA)*

UK patent docune nt 1578272 /*/• Int.01. BOIL 59/00f

C0Ib5/02 ; COI b 7/09. 5 Nov» 1980. 10p.

•J95» Hydrogen isotope separation by bipolar with

countercurrent electrolyte flows I?amey, D,'.V.• Petek, M,; Taylor, R»D«; Pisher,P.f«; Kobisk,E.H.; Ramey,J,; Sampson, C.A. 00N7 - 7910108 -. Sep. Sci. Teohnol. (Apr.1980).15(3), 405-421.

196. Studies of the separation of hydrogen iaotopes by a pressure swing adsorption prooess. ffong,y.1T.| Hill,P.B.| Chan. Y~.lT.Io OOWF - 7910106 - . Sep. Sei. Teehnol. (Apr.1980) 1£(3), 423-455. 33 197* Application of displaceoent ohroaatography to Isotope separation* Jacques,ft. CONF - 7910106-. Sep. Sci. Technol (Apr.1980) 15(3), 533-556. 198* Estimation of isotope separation power of ohromatography* Kakihana,H. C0NF-791O1O8-. Sep.Scl. Teohnol, (Apr.I960) 15(3)» 567-585. 199. Distributed systems in the heavy water plant environment. Galpin,J.V»f Kean,G«E.; Mo0ardle,J.0. (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario Comjereial Products.) p,240-264. AEO1-7O56. Jul 1980, 323 p. 200* Dual temperature exchange systems Spevaok,J.B. Canadian Patent Document 1052536/A/«Ist.Cl.BOID 59/33, COIB 4/00, 17 Apr. 1979, 59 p. 201* Water feed end effluent treatment for hydrogen eulfide- water system, Spevack, J.S. Canadian Patent Dooument 1010631/A/* 24 May 1977* Tt« 202* Heary water recovery from combined eleotrolytio wad non- eleotrolytio hydrogen streams* RMmcrlifM.f Butler,J.P.f Denovan,A.8«| IeRoy,R*L« Int.J. Hydrogen Energy I831T 0360-3199*(1981) 6.(2), 167-179* 34

203» Development of advanced concepts for improved heavy water production technology. Tri-quarterly report, Jan. 1 - Sept. 30, 1960. P.T. Adridge, I.P. Herman, J.B. Marling, L.Ii. Vfood UCID-17736-80-1-2-3. 6 ITov. 1980. 11p.

204. Dual temperature exchange systems. J.S. Spevack Canadian patent document 1050238/A/.Int.C1.B01D 59/33, C01B 4/00. 13 Mar. 1979. 51p. 205• Bruoo heavy water plant repairs -ire nearly finished. Anon. Hod. T'ower Xng. X8BH 0026-8J15 (PovDto. 1980) 24(11), 28. 2061 Numerical analysis on heavy water separation oharaottriitioa for a i>uii' of dual tonporaturt multistng* typo Kg/BnO txohrui^f oolumns.

3himieu, riaawul, Doi, jpoMfmiv, i:it»motof Aanuhi, Talcaohlmi, Yoiohi J. ITuol. Sol. Tuohnoi (Tok^<). ZS3n 0022-5131. (.Tun 1980) 448-460.

207» yiniihing and upcrudinc of henvy iT.p. Butltr, M. IlBmnorli Oflnrdlan patent document 1093499/V.Xnt.ai. 0013 4/00, O25J5 1/10* 13 Jan. 1961. 10p. Available from rfioronedia 165 Hotel dc Villt, Hull, Quebeo, Ocwnda J8X SECTION II STUDY1 OF DEUTERIUM ISOTOPE EFFECTS

1. Catalyst Isotope Effect in Butane Isomerization Catalysed by metal Sulfates* M. Mizono and Y. Yonde Bull. Ohem. Soc. Jap. 45(1). 304 (1972).

2* Isotope Effeots on Hydroxide Ion in Aqueous Solution P.A. Long and E.A. Walters J. Phys. Chem., 76(3). 362-365 (1972).

3. Deuterium Effects oh Singlet Lifetimes In Solutions* A new lest of Singlet Oxygen Reactions. P.B. Merkel, R. Hilsson and D«R. Kearne J. Amer. Ohera. Soc, 94(3). 1030-1031 (1972).

4* Solvent Deuterium Isotope Effects in Alcohol* J.0« Lovin and 0. Rappe Ohflm. Sor. 1(5). 233~255 (1971).

5» The Mechanism for Hydrolysis of Primary Alkyl Ohlordnilfates in water* The Kinetic Solvent Isotope Effeot and Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effect. M.E. Levine and Eh. V. Yunakovaakaya Can. J. Chem., 50(3). 434-437 (1972).

6« Diffusion Isotope Effeots in Isotope Mixtures B. Bonn, B* Sane, G. Sicking and E« like Ju«l-0onf-6(Vol.2), AED-0onf-72-044-000 7ol.2, Mareh 1972. p. 409-416.

35 36 7* Anomolous Kinetic Hydrogen Is) tope Effects on the Sate of Ionization of Some Substituted Ketonea. R.A. Lynoh, S.P. Vincenti, V.T. Lin, l.D. Smueker and B.C. Subba Rao. 000-331-2* 2p.

8. Anomoloua Kinetic Hydrogen Is> tope Effects on the of Ionization of Some Dialkyl Substituted . R.A. lynch, S.P. Vincenti, Y.T. Lin, L.D. Sfflueker and S.O. Subba Rao. TID-25926, 1971* 26 p.

9* Vapour Pressure Isotope Effect in Aqueous System. 16 18 - I. H20-I>20 (-64° to 100') and H2 0-H2 0 (-17 to 16°) * ioe and Liquid.

II. Alkali metal Chloride Solutions in H20 and Dg0 (-5* to 1OO«) J. Pupazin, G. Jakli, d. Janaoo and A. Van Rook J. Phys. Ohera. 76(5), 743-762 (1972).

10. Kinetic Deuterium Isotope Effeots in the Reactions of Methyl Iodide with Azide and Aoetate Ions In Aqueous Solutions. CM. Von and A.V. Will! J. Phys. Chem., 76(5). 427-432 (1972). 11. Solvent Deuterium Isotope Effects in Acid Base Reatione. P. Soloman Buera. Kemistil B., 45(5-6). 149-154 (1972). 12* Arfbeniua Preexponential Faetors for Primary Kinetip Isotope Bff«OtB. M.S. Schneider and H.J. Storn J. Afflarelua, 94(5). 1517-1582 (1972). 37 13* Concerning the Zaotope Effect in -Hie Decomposition of Ammonia on Tungstan Surfaces* R. Shesta and

t9« Kinetic Isotope Effects D.W. Earls* J.R. Jones and T.G. Rumney J. Cheo. Soc« (London), Faraday Trans., I, 68(5), 925-93t (1972).

20* Theoretical Evaluation of Experimentally observed Isotope Effects. M. Wolfsberg Aco. Chem. Res., 5(7), 225-235 (1972).

21 • Inverse Hydrogen Isotope Effects in Some Metal Hydride Systems R.H. Wiswall Jr. and J.J. Reilly . Inorg. Chem., 11(7), 1691-t696 (1972).

22. Effect of Position of Substitution on the Separation Behaviour of Deuterated Toluene D. Macnoughtan Jr. and L.B. Rogers Separ. Sci., JiH, 307-318 (1972).

23* Kinetic hydrogen Isotope Effect in fluorination of Ho* CH« and OHd, R. Poon, G.r. Reid and K.B. Tait J. Chera. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. I., 68(6)» 1131-1138 (1972).

24* Mixed Solvent Deuterium Isotope Effects on the Hydrolyais of uo|+ and B»2+ ions M. Malda and H. Ohtaki Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 49(8). 2464-2468 (1972). 39 25» Mechanism of Azoalkane Thermolysis* Concerted and Honcerted. R.J. Crawford and K. Takagi J. Amer. Chen. Soc, 94(21). 7406-7416 (1972).

26* Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects for Carbonyl Addition Reactions L. Amarlal, H.G. Bull and B.H. Cord»s J. Aner. Chen. Soc, 94(21). 7579-7580 (1972). 27* Exchange Reaction of -d^ with R.J). Kern and G.G. Nika J. Hiys. Chem., 76(20), 2809-28t7 (t972).

28* Isotope Effects in Transfer from General Acids to Carbon Bases H.M. Kreevoy, R. Eliason, R.A. Lendholm and T.S. Straub J. Phys. Chem., 76(21). 2951-2953 (1972).

29* Potential Function for the Ring Puckering Vibration of B2Hg

and B2Dg« 7*0. Pringle Jr. and A.L. TIainzer J. Chem. Phys., 57(7). 2920-2923 (1972). 30* Hydride ion Transfer and Isotope Effects in CDi - ion Reactions G.W. Stewart, J.M.S. Henis and P.P. Gaspar J. Ohm. Ihya., 57(6). 2247-2248 (1972). 31• lype II PhotoprooeBses of Phenyl Ketones P.J. Wagner, P.A* Kolso and A.E. Kemppalnen J. Amer. Chera. Soc., 94(21). 7506-7512 told 7480-7488 (1972). 32* BEBO Calculations. II. Arrhenius Parameters and Kinetio Isotope Effects for the Reactions? of OH, and 0V-, Radicals withHHj. N.L. Arthur and J.A. MeDonell J. Chem. Phya., 57(8), 3228-3234 (1972).

33. Isotope Effect on Vibrational Excitation Induoed Collinon of Hp and Dg G. Bergeron and K. Chapuigat J. Ohem. Phys., 57(8). 3436-3440 (1972).

34* Catalytic Efficiences of HgO, DpO, NO and HCl in the vibra- tional relaxation of HP and DP J.A. Blauer, W.C. Solomon, I..H. Sentraan and T.W. Owens J. Chem. Phys., 57(8). 3277-3781 (1972).

35. Substituent Effects on Hydrogen Exchange Rates in Aqueous Solution R.S. Molday and R.G. Kalian J. Amer. Chera. Soc. 94(19). 6739-3745 (1972).

36. Theoretical Studies of Hydrogen Kinetic Isotope Effects M.E. Schneider Ph.D. Thesis, Yeshiva, Univ., Mew York, U.S.A., 1971, 148 p. Univ. Microfilms order Ho. 72, 21, 748.

37» Kinetic Hydrogen Isotope ESfecta on the Rates of Ionination of some acetylthiophenes and acetylpyridinea T.B. Hetzer, L.D. Smucker and S.C. Subba Rao ?rogresp Report, Peb.1, 1972, COO-3313-1, 1972. 41

381 Mechanism of Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange of Propylane over a Broensted zeolite Catalyst J. Phys. Chem., 76(26). 3940-3943 (1972). 39* Effeot of Deuteration on the Strength of Amide 0.0. Krescheck, D. Kierlaber and R.J. Albers J. Amer. Chera. Boo., 94(25)..6889-8892 (1972). 40* Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchanges in Pyrimidlne H-oxides S.A. Krueger and W.W. Faudler J. Org. Ohenw, 37(25). 4188-4190 (1972). 41* Deuterium Isotope Effects In Electronic) Relaxation of large

Polyatomie Moleoules E.G. tim Progress Report, Jan.1, 1972 to December 31, 1972 000-2192-1 7p. 42. Anomalous Kinetic Hydrogen Isotope Effects on the Rate \? Ionization of Some Dialkyl Substituted Ketones. R.A. Lynoh, S.P. Vinoenti, Y.T. Lin, l.D. Smuoker end S.O. Subha Rao. J. Amer. Ohem. Soc, 94(24). 8351-8356 (1972). 43. Oxidation of Mixtures with Added Hydrogen or Deuterium J.H. Marlow Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, (U.S.A.), 1972, 154p. University Miorofilms order No. 72-24, 650. +2 44* Chemical Kinetics of the Pyrolysis of Hydrogen Deuterld* I. Niki and G.J. Mains J. Fhys. Ohem. 76(24), 3538-3544 (1972).

45* Electrophilic Reactions at Single Bonds VII. Hydrogen- Deuterium Exchange Accompanying Deuterolysis of the Borohydride and Aluminium Hydride Anicns with the Anhydrous Strong Acids G.A. Olah, F.W. Westexman and Y.K. Mo J. Amer. Ohem. Soo. 94(22). 7859-7862 (1972).

46. Model Calculations of Secondary - Deuterium Isotope Effeots in Addition Reactions to Olefinio Double Bonds I. Saferik and 0>0. Strauz J. Phys. Chem. 76(24). 36T3-3617 (1972).

47* Cascade Reactivation and Pressure Dependent.non-Equilibrium Kinetic Isotope Effects for Chemically Activated Dichloroethane-do and -d. molecules D.W. Seteer and E.E. Siefort J. Cham. Phys., 5?(9). 3613-3622 (1972). 48. IBOtopic Shift for Large-Amplitude Vibrations R.W. Redding J. Chem. Phys.. 57(9). 3729-3731 (1972).

49* Computed Bond Energies and Vibrational Frequencies for BrNBr and IHI, including Isotope Effeota and Anharaonioity D.G. Truhler, P.O. Delon and O.A. Pair J. Chem., Ihyp., 57(10). 4479-4483 (1972). 43 50* Heavy Atom Kinetic isotope Effects i An indexed Bibliography. M.J. Stern and M< Wolfsberg NBS-Spec. PVEL - 349 June 1972.

5t« Siffusion isotope Effects in isotope Mixtures B« Bonn, B« Gans, (j. sicking and B* Wicks Ber. Bunsenges. phys, ohem. 76(12)t 1213-1216 (1972)*

52« isotope Effects in the intexmolecular potential of Methane (in German). I. (jainer^ K. Strein and B. schranm Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. chem., 76(12), 1242-1245 (1972)*

53. interraolecular interaction of seuterated Molecules in the oaseoua phase (in German). T. Dorfmueller and w* Gospel Z. Phys. chem. (prankfurt), 82(1/4) 66-82(1972).

94* isotope Effects in the yirial coefficient of DeUterated (in German) f. Gospel and T. Doritoueilor Z. Phys. chem. (Frankfurt), 82(1/4), 58-65 (1972).

55. isotope Effect in the Decomposition of Aononia on fungatcn Surfaces p.T. Dawson and T«K* Peng j. phys, ohen., 77(1), 135-136 (1973). 56. snamine Formation and Hydrolysis J.p. Guthrie and F. Jordan J. Anerc. ohem. 300., 94(26), 9132-9136 (1972). 44 57* Ordering by Isotope Effects and the Structure of Substituted 2-Bromoethyl Radicals.

E.S. Lewis and S. Kozuke J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 95(1), 282-283 (1973). 58* The Measurement of Solvent Isotope Effects with Cation Selective Glass Electrodes* B.M. Lowe and D.S. Smith J. Chem. Soc. (London), Chem., Comraun., (No.17), 989-990 (1972).

59* Dissociative Attachment to HgOO, Formation of H~ and D~

in HgCO and D2C0 (In French). Michael Irons and Roger Azzia C.R. Ser.C. 275(25). H59-H62 (1972).

60. Hydrogen-Deuterium Isotope Effects for ihe Base Promoted D2 Reaction of Quartennary Ions P.J. Smith and S.K. Taui Tetrahedron Lett., (Ho.1), 61-64 (1973).

61* Kinetic Isotope Effects and Laiphetie Diaso Conpounda (Parts 1-5) W.J. Albery, A.N. Campbell - Crawford and others J. Chem. Soc. (London), Parkin Trans. II. (No. 14) 2180-2185, 2186-2189, 2190-2197, 2198-2203 and 2203-2206 (1972). 62* Stereo specific Radical-Chain Exchange of K.J. Shea and P.S. Skell J. Amer. Cham. Soc, 95(1), 283-284 (1973). 45 6% Kinetic Isotope Effects and Aliphtttio Diaso-Compounds* (pt.6) W.J. Albery, A.IT. Campbell -Crawford and J.S. Ourran J. Ohem* Soo. (London), Ferkin Trans. II, (No.14), 2206-2214 (1972). 64* Exchange with Deuterium and Isomerization of Some Alken** Catalysed by Gallium Oxide. 7.B. Carleton, H*A. Quinn and J.J. Rooney J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Chera. Oomraun. (No.7)» 231-232 (1973). 65» Iaotope Effect on vapour pressure Fart 5« Effect of Deuterium Substitution on the Vapour Pressure of Hethylamine, Ethylamine and Propylemina. J. Kise, G.Y. Jakli, H Illy and G. Janko K?KE-71-68, Dec. 1971 7p.

66* Isotopy Effect on Thermodynamic Stability (In Russian) V.K. Semanchanke, N.A. Nedestup V.Ya Saskhetov and V.B. Backekov Zh. Piz. Khim., 46(10), 2507-2510 (1972). For English Translation see the journal Russ. J. Fhys. Chen.

67* Isotope Effect in Dehydration Reaction of 2-Propanol on Alumina and Silica-Alumina (In Japanese). Tautomu and lamaguchi and Kozo Tanabe Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 1973 (2). 240-244 (1973). 46 68* Solvolysis and Alkaline Hydrolysis of 1,1, 2-triphenyl 2-Bromo (In French) J. Laureillord, A. Laurent and E. Laurent Bull. Soc. Chem. Fr. Pt. 2, (No.1), 232-242 (1973). 69* Additivity of Contributions to Secondary Deuterium Kinetio Isotope Effects and their arrhenius pre-exponential factors M.E. Schneider and M.J. Stern J. Amer. Chen. Soo., 95(5), 1355-1365 (1973). 70* Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effects on the Transfer of Triplet Excitation R.A. Oaldwell, G.W. Sovocool and R.J. Peresiz J. Amer. Oh em. Soc, 95(5), 1582-1586 (1973). 71* Intexnolecular Catalysis and the Involvement of Tetrohedral Intermediate Partitioning in the Hydrolysis of -BenBoyloholine Benzoylthionocholine and Their Dimethylamineo Analogs* P.Y. Sruice and H.G. Mautner J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 95(5). 1582-1586 (1973). 72. Kinetics, Mechanism and Isotope Rate Effect of the Base Catalyzed Formation of 1-Haloelkenes from and Sodium Hypo Halites R.R. Lii and 3.I.J. Miller J. Amer. Chem. Soo.. 95(5). 1602-1611 (1973). 47 73* Solvent Isotope Effects of the Ionization of Hydrofluoric Acid A.J. Kresge and Y.J. Chang Phys. Chem, 77(6), 822-825 (1973).

74. Paoile Exohange of Aromatic Hydrogen with Deuterium in the Absence of Catalysts, Meta Aromatic Diammines J.C Grives J. Org. Chera. 58(6). 1204-1206 (1973).

75 • Isotope Effeota in the Formation of H~ and D*" by Dissociative Attachment on HgS, HDS, DgS and HgO, HDO, DpO (in French) • M. Tronc, S. (Joursaud, R. Aeris and ?. Fiquet-Payard J. Phya. (Paria), 34(5), 381-388 (1973). 76* Secondary Kinetic Deuterium Isotope Effects in the Solvolysis of Vinyl '.Priflates P.J. Etang and T.E. Dueber J. Amer. Chem. Soo., 95(8), 2686-2687 (1973)* 77* Primary Interaction Between Diary 1 Keton* Iriplats and Simple Isotope Effects R.A. Goldwell, G.V. Savocool and R.R. Gajewaki J. Amer. Chem. Soo., 95(8), 2549-2547 (1973).

78. Catalysis of «C -Hydrogen Exchange J. Hina and Others J. Amer. Chem. Soo. 95(8). 2537-2543 (1973)* 48 79* Hole of Singlet and Triplet States in Aromatic Substitution Reactions G.F. Vesley and B.D. Olafocn Je Phye. Chem., 77(11), 1345-1347 (1973). 80. Reactions of n-Propyl Radicals with Oxygen, Hydrogen and Deuterium R.R. Baldwin, R.W. Walker and D.A. Yorke J. Chem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. I, 69(4)» 826-832 (1973). 61* Photoreduction of <* -Trifluoroaoetophenone P.J. Wagner and R.A. leavitti J. Amer. Ohem. Soc, 95(11), 3669-3677 (1973). 82. Solvent Isotope Effects on pK/Sub/a/ of Anilinium Ions In Aquaous Sulfuric Acid J.I. Jonson and M.P. Gardner J. Phys. Chem., 77(12), 1557-1562 (1973). 83> Deuterium Isotope Effects on the Second Virial Coefficient of Methane A.Y.H. Fang Thesis, Ph.D, Tennessee Univ., Knonville (USA), 1972, 122p. Univ. Microfilms order No. 73-12, 403* 84* Proton Affinities of Hydrogen and Water from Endothexnie

Ion- Reactions of H20 and P2° ^^ Koleoular Hydrogen R.J. Cotter 49

Thesis, Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore (USA), 1972, 161p. Univ. Microfilms order No. 75-12» 127.

85* Temperature Dependence of Some Secondary, Kinetic Deuterium Isotope Effects U.G. Kang Thesis, Ph.D., Michigan State TIniv., East Lansing (USA), 1972, 75p. Univ. Microfilms order No. 73-12, 749.

86* Solvent Effects on the Kinetics and Equilibria Associated with the Interconversion of 3-M ethyl-acetylaoetone in

H2O-DgO Mixtures. D.B. Dehlberg and P.A. Long J. Amer. Ohem. Soc. 95(12). 3825-3831 (1973)

87* Relation Between rate and Equilibrium constants for Proton Transfer Reactions M.M. Kreevoy and S. Oh J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 9J>t 4805 (1973)*

88. Deuterium Isotope Exchange Between Carboxylio Acids and Hydrogen J. Chem. Thys., 58(5). 1604 (1973).

89* Secondary and Solvent Deuterium Isotope Effects on Electronic Absorption Spectra of Aniline* J.L. Jonson and M.P. Gardner J. Phys. Chem. 2Z» 19°° (1973). 50 90« Far- Spectra and Barrier to Internal Rotation of Ethanethiol A«S< Manocha, W.G. Fateley and I. Shimanouohi J. Phys. Chem., 77(16), 1977 (1973). 91* Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Some Polymer M.S. Miller and I.M. Klotz J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 95(17). 5694 (1973). 92. Hydrogen Isotope Effects in the Reaction of Water Vapour with Alkali Metal Mirrors R.0* Bremner and D.H. Volman J. Phya. Chem., 77(15). 1844 (1973)•

93* Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Kinetics of the C-2 of Imidezole and Hiatidine Compounds J.H. Bradhury, B.E. Chapman and P.A. Pellegrino J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 95(18). 6139 (1973).

94* Deuterium Isotope Effect in Electron Impact Deaorption of Hydrogen from Tungatan W. Jelend and D. Menzel Vide, 28(164), 86 (1973).

95* IR Spectra of ITon-Deuterated and Deuterated Potassium Polyborates. 0. Heller and A. Giebelhausen J. Inorg. Hucl. Chem., 25.(10), 3511 (1973). 51. 96. Direct Spectroscopic Evidence for Deuterium Solvent Effect on the -Time of Singlet Oxygen in Water T. Kujiwara and D.R. Kerns J. Amer. Ohem.Soc. 95(18), 5886 (1973).

97. Stereochemical Dependence of the Chemical-Shift Isotope Effect J.B. Lambert and L.G. Greifenstein J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 95(18). 6150 (1973).

98. Kinetic Solvent Isotope Effects for Some Acid-Catalysed Retiotio.ns L. Loveson and C.W. Thomas Chem. Ind. (London), 694 (1973). 99* Enthalpies of Dilution of Tetra-n-Alkylammonium Bromides in Water and Heavy Water A.J. Lovine and R.H. Wood J. Phys. Chan., 77(20). 2390 (1973). 100. Entropic Control of the Photochemical Reactivity of Alkyl Fhenyl Ketones F.D. Lewis, H.W. Johnson and D.R. Kory J. Amer. Chera. Soc, 95(19), 6470 (1973).

101. Kinetic Isotope Effects in Reactions of Hot Methyl Radicals with Hydrogen C.T. Ting and R.E. Weston Jr. J. Phys. Chera., 77(19), 2257 (1973). 52 102. Deuterium Isotope Effects on Jd Chemical Shifts in Long-Chain Aliphatic Compounds A.P. Tulloch and M. MazureJc J. Chen. Soc. (London), Chem. Comraun. (No. 18), 692 (1973)* 103. Estimation of Kinetic Isotope Effects Using Atomic Force Constants W.T. King J. Phys. Chera., 77(25), 2770 (1973).

104. Deuterium Isotope Effects in Electronic Relaxation of Large Polyatomic Molecules E.C. Lim Prog. Rep. Oct. 1, 1972 - Sept. 30,1973 C00-2192-2 (1973). 105. Deuterium Isotope Effects in Living Organisms P.D. Klein and S.V. Peterson (Eds.) Argonne National Lab., III., USA. Proc. of I Internatttl Conf. on Stable Isotopes in Chemistry, biology and Medicine. CONF - 730525 - p.187-195 (1973).

106. The Anhannonicity Correction for Kinetio Isotope Effect Calculation J. Bron and S.O. Kacker Can. J. Chem., 51(16). 2765 (1973). 107* Exchange Reactions of on a Fuel Electrode at Cathodic Potentials H.J. Berger Jr. and A.J. Coleman. J. Phys. Chera., 77(23), 2783 (1973). 53

108* Deuterium, Methyl and Solvent Effects on the Phosphorescence Life-Time of Benzene D.M. Healand J. Ohem. Phys., 59(3), 1013 (1973). 109* Deuterium Effects on Radiationless Electronic Transition* of Xanthane Dyes in Aqueous and Alcoholic Solutions* M.M. Martin and L. Linguist Ohem. Phys. Letters, 22(2). 309 (1973). 110. Studies on the Mechanism of the Hydrogen Electrode Reaction with Deuterium Tracer Tatsuo Matsushimm Shokubai, 14(5), 111 (1972) (In Japanese).

111. Excess Gibbs Energies of Mixing Solutions of Lithitn Chloride and Cesium Chloride in Water and in Deuterium Oxide. R.A. Robinson J. Chem. Thermodyn., 6(6), 819-23(1973).

112. Gibbs Free Energy Relations in + D»0 and Sodium Chloride + + DoO Solutions. H.Y. Schrier and E.E. Sohrier J. Chem. Thermodyn., 5(6), 811-17 (1973).

113* Calorimetrio and Speotrophotometrio Comparison of Adduets of Phftiol and Deuterophenol J.f. Bosttcher and R.S. Brago J. Phys. Ohem., 78(4). 429-31 (1974). 54 114• Similarities in the Isotopie Hydrogen Exchange of Polycylio Aromatic , long-Chain Alkyl and Alkenes with Homogenous and Heterogeneous Platinum* Paper No.31 J.II. Hightower (Ed.) Catalysis, Proc. Fifth Internet. Cong, on Catalysis, Miami Beach, Flo. Aug. 1972. 115« <<-Deuterium Isotope Effect for Displacement of the Nitrate Group K.M. Koshy and R.E. Robertson J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 96(3). 9H-916 (1974). 116. Deuterium Isotope Effects on Aeylation of Substimilin L. Polgar Bioehem. Biophys. Acts - Enzymology 321(2). 639642 (1973).

117* Model Calculations of Hydrogen/Deuterium in the H + SigHg Reaction I. Safarik, T.L. Pollock and O.P. Strausz J. Phys. Chem., 78(4), 398-401 (1974). 110. Hydrogen Bond with Participation of P-Se- and P-Te-groups R.R. Shagidullin, I.P. Lipstova, I.A. Nurstdinov and 3.A. Somertsev Sold. Alad. Nauk. SS3R, 211(6), 1363-1965 (1973).

119. Preparation of 1-Deuterated Secondary Alcohols R. Shankar Oh«n. Ind. (London), (llo.2) p.76 (1974). 55

120* Kinetic Studies of Photobleaching of Trapped Electrons in Protiated and Deuterated and Bthanol Glasses at 77 °K T. Shida and M. Imamura J. Phys. Ohera., 78(3), 232-234 (1974). 121* Deuterium Isotope Effects on "o Chemical Shifts and Carbon Coupling Constants in Deuterated Compounds E. Braitmeizr,

122, Iaotopic Exchange of Deuterium with Hydrogen of Some Hydrides* J. Novakova, P. Jiru and V. Zavadie Collect. Czeoh. Chan. Coram., 38(8), 2320-2326 (1973)*

123. A Dual Mechanism for H-D Exchange in 1,2,4- Triazines W.W. Pandler, J. Lee and T.K. Chen Tetrahedron, 29f16). 2495-2497 (1973).

124* Temperature Dependence of Intermolecular Kinetio Isotope Effect in the Reaction System Ct + HD Y. Bar Yaokov, A. Parsky and F.S. Klein J. Chera. Phys., 59(5). 2415-2419 (1973).

125. F + H2» I>2» HD reactions, Chemical Laser Detemination of the Product Vibrational State Populations and P + HD Intermolecular Kinetic Isotope Effect. M.Jt Berry J. Ohera. Phys., 59(12), 6229-6253 (1973). 56 126. Anomolous Isotope Effect in H bonds of Acetic Aoid Diatom J. Bournay and Y. Marachas J. Chem. Phys, 59(9)* 5077-5087 (1973).

+ 127. Hydrated Proton H (H2O)/Subn/lII A Diffraction Study of Deuterated Paratoluene Sulfonio Aoid Monohydrate, + D20 GH*CgH^SO», and on Analysis of the Effect of Deute- ration on Oxonium Ion Geometry* J.E. Finholt and J.H. Williams J. Chem. Phys., 59(9). 5114-5121 (1975). 128. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of Hydrogen and Deuterium Atoms with Benzene and Benzene-dg P. Kim, J.H. Lee, R.J. Bonanna and R.B. Simmons ,J. Chem. Phys., 59(9). 4593-4601 (1973). 129* Born-Openheiraer Breafcdovm and Isotope Effects in PI Electronic States T.A. Miller J. Chesa. Phys.. 59(8). 4078-4092 (1973).

130. Kinetic isotope Effects in the Reaction of Fluorine ktoma with Molecular Hydrogen. II. Ihe F + Hl/DH Interaoleoular Isotope Effect A. Persky J. Ohem, Phys., 59(10). 5578-5584 (1973).

131. Separation of Isotopically Substituted liquids in the Thermal Diffusion Columns W.M. Ruttierford J. Chem. Phys., 59(11), 6061-6069 (1973). 57 132* Theoretical studies on Isotopp Mass Effects in Chemistry U. Wolfsberg Progress report, U0I-34-P-188-X-3 (nd).

133* Kinetic study of the hydrolysis of substituted N-bensoyl- N'-methyl-imidazolium ions in light and heavy water. Hydrogen bridging without rate determining proton transfer as a mechanism of general base catalysed hydrolysis and a model for enzyraie charge-relay. M.U. Choi and B.R. Thornton . J. Amer. Chenw Soc, 96(5), 1428-1436 (1974).

134* Thexmoohemical Isotope Effects. Chlorofona/chloroform-d and acetone/acetone-dg in selected solvents. W.O. Duer and G.L. Bertrand T. Amer. Ohem. Boo., 96(5). 1300-1304 (1974). 135* Tibrational Spectra and Structure of esters. I. Infrared and Raman Speotra of CH-COOCHj, CH,COOCD,, CIWOOOOH, and OD-COOOZL. W.O. George, I.E. Houstan and W.O. Harris Spectroehim Aota, Part A, 30(A). 1035-1037 (1974).

136. Intermolecular kinetic isotope effect in the r»aotion of fluorine atoms with methane-do (OHgDo)* A. Persky J. Chen. Phys., 60(1). 49-52 (1974). 58 137» Exaot quantum meohanioal study of kinetic isotope effects

in the collinear reaction 01 + H2 HOI + H. The Hg/Dg and Hg/T2 i30*0?9 effects. A* Persky and M. Baer J. Ohem. Phya., 60(1). 133-136 (1974).

138* Seoondary isotope effects in the Baeyer-Villiger reaction M.A. Winnik, V. Stoute and F. Pitzerald J. Amer. Ohem. Soc, 96(6). 1977-1979 (1974).

139* Photodimerization kinetics of thymine-H2 and thynine-Dg. R.F. Borkman and B.S. Yamanashi , Photochem. Photobiol., 19(2). 173-176 (1974)» 140* Anhannonicity correction for kinetic isotope effeot calculations involving hydrogen isotopes J. Bron J. Chera. Soc. (London), Farady Trans. II, 70(2). 240-24' (1974).

141. Solvent is6tope effects in the cleavage of benzyltrinei jyl- silanea and stannates by alkali S. Alexander* W.A. Asomaning, 0. Eaborn, I.D. Jenkins and D.R.M. Walton J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Perkin Trans., II, (Ho.5), 490-494 (1974). 142* Rates and hydrogen isotope effects in the ionisation of 1,1 - dinitroethane R.P. Bell and R.L. Tranter Proo. R. Soc. (London), Ser.A, 337(1611). 517-527 (1974). 59 143* Model calculations of kinetic isotope effects in nuoleophilic substitution reactions J« Bron Can. J. Ohem., 52(6). 905-909 (1974).

144* Kinetic hydrogen isotope effects in the halogenation of 2-0xocyolohexage-0arboxylic acid and its methyl ester. B.O. Cox J. Chem. 3oc. (London), Perkins Trans. II, (No.6), 613-616 (1974). 145* Hydrogen isotope exchange between nitrobenzene and soditu borohydride T. Gold and V. Nowlan J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Ohem. Oommun. (No. 12), 482-83(1974)*

146* Solvent isotope effects of sulfonepthakin indicator dianion - H + recombination + kinetics D.J. lentz, J.E.C. Hutchins and E.M. Eyrlng J. Phys. Ohem., 78(10), 1021-1023 (1974).

147. Apparent molal volumes and heat capacities of urea and

methyl substituted ureas in H20 and D20 at 25 degrees 0. P.R. Philip, Gf. Perron and J.E. Desnoyera Can.. J. Chenw, 52(9). 1709-1713 (1974).

148• Hie kinetios of isotope effects in a model solvolysis system involving one optioally active ion-pair intermediate P.O. Togel Can.' 3, Ohen. 52(10), 1937-1941 (1974).- 60 t49» I*o dimensional free-bound Franok-Oondon factors* Application to intemolecular isotope effeot in predissociation H. Abgrall and P. Piquet-Payard J. Chera. Phya. 60(11). 4497-4501 (1974)*

150. Phase selection by isotopic substitution in p-diohlorobenzene orystala S.D. Oolaon and G.L. Wheeler J. Chera. Phys. 60(11), 4634-4635 (1974). 151• Deuterium effeot on'the quenching of aromatio hydrogen triplet excited states by Oxygen R. Benson and N.E. Geacintov J. Chera. rhys., 60(8). 3251-3257 (1974).

152* Thermal reorganization and secondary deuterium isotope effect Btudies on small ring compounds J.H. Alfonso Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Microfilms Order No. 74-9587* 153* Vlbrational analyses and barrier to internal rotation of

CH,CIIBr2 and CD^CDBr2 J.R. Surig, A.E. Stoan, J.W. Thompson and J.D. Witt. J. Ohem. Phys., 60(6), 2260-2265 (1974)* i54» Isotope effeots in the boundary layer of inorganic solutions. K.O. Heunann and R. Hoffmann AlD-0onf-74-084-004, 1974. 12P* (In Oeraan). 61 155. Corrections to Born-ooertheimer approximation and electronic effects on i3otopic exchange equilibria. II I. I. Kleinman and II. Wolfsberg J. Chem. Phys. 60(12), 4740-4748 (1974). 156. Shifts in vibrational constants from corrections to the Born-openheimer approximation i Effects on isotopic exchange equilibria L.I. Kleinman and H. Wolfsberg J. Chem. Jhys. 60(12). 4749-4754 (1974). 137* The hydrolysis of distributed alkyl phosphoroohloridates in water and deuterium oxide » heat oapacity of activation and kinetic solvent isotope effects. E.C.F. Ko and R.E. Robertson Can. J. Chera. 51(4). 597-603 (1974). 158. Calculation of heavy-atom kinetic isotope effects : barrier curvature and internal coordinate effects with three-element reaction coordinates* 6. Wei and P.E. Yankwich J. Chem. Phys. 60(9). 3619-3633 (1974). 159. Determination of the deuterium quadrupole ooupling constants in phosphihe-d* from studies in a neaatio solvent Zumbulyadis and B.P. Bailey J. Chea. Hiy«. 60(11). 4223-4225 (1974). 62 160* Deuterium isotope effects in deuterated styrenes M.C. Baird J. Mogn. Resonance. 14(2), 117*120 (1974).

161* Deuterium isotope effects on spinf orbidden transitions H.R. Bhattacharjee Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Microfilms Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Mich. U.S.A. 162. Fundamental studies in isotope chemistry. Progress report July 1, 1975 - June 30, 1974 J. Bigleisen 000-3498-1% 1974. 22p. 163. Phase equilibrium isotope effects in molecular solids and liquids. Vapor pressures of isctopic molecules Z. Bilkadi, H.W. Lee and J. Bieeleisen 000-3498-14, 1973. 44p. 164. Isotope effects on partition funotions and thermodynamic quantities of the stable diatomic hydrides J. Bron and 3.0. Paul J. Chera. 3oc. (London), Faraday Trans. II, 70(7), 1294-1300 (1974). 169* Nucleophilic displacements upon phenyl esters in nhieh the direct relationship between basicity of the leaving group and rate is determined by ground state conformations. A question of conoerted catalysis in the hydrolysis of hexachlorophene esters. 63

T.O. Bruioe and I. Oka J. Amer. Chan. 3oo., 96(H)» 4500-4507 (1974)* 16$* Deuterium isotope effect on the radiationless decay of the lowest triplet state of a porphyrin free base B*P« Burgner and A.M. Ponte Conclaves J. Ohem. Fhye. 60(7), 2942-2943 (1974). 167* The use of isotope exchange kinetics at equilibrium for determining the binding parameters of reactions I.G. Darvey Proc. Aust. Biochem. Soc. (7)» 19 (1974)* 168* Experiments on the nature of steric isotope effects R.E. Carter and L. Melander AdY. Ihys. Org. Ohem., JO, 1-27 (1973)* 169* Secondary deuterium isotope effects in proton transfers from 2-nitropropane M.H. Dories J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Perkin Trans. II, (Ko.9), 1018-1025 (1974). 170* Isotope effects on the vapour phase second virial coefficients of the deuterated methanes A.Y. Tang and W.A. Tan Hook J. Ch«. Ihys. 60(9). 3513-3522 (1974). 171. Disappearances of COOII infrared bands of bensolo acid 8. Hayaehi and J. Vmemura J. Ohem. Phys. 60(7). 2630-2633 (1974). 64

172* Theoretical study of the deuterium isotopic effect on the association of carboxylio acids T.P. Hughes Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers - State Univ., New Brunswick, H.J. USA, Univ. Microfilms order Ho* 74-0790, 163p.

173* Secondary deuterium kinetio isotope effeot in the cycloaddition of dimethylfceten to styrene N.3. Isaacs and B.G. Hatcher J. Chera. Soc. (London), Ohem. Oomra. (Ho.15), 593-594 (1974)*

174« Kinetics and meohanisms of the reactions of 3-butens-2-ons and related compounds in aqueous perchloric acid J.l. Jensen and D»J. Carre J. Org. Chem. 39(H)t 2103-2107 (1974)* 175* Theoretical analysis of isotope exchange reaotions I* Lithium and Caloium isotopes II* Isotopio water vapour and alkali metal mirrors T. Liu Ph.D. Thesis, 1973, I36p. Univ. Microfilms order No. 74-8521.

176. Isotope effects in diffusion effect of resonance modes B.N» Harahari Achar Ind. J. Techno]. If(10), 456-459 (1974). 65

177* Isotope effects on chemical equilibria. Part I* Some seoondary isotopio effeota of the second kind D.J. Barnes and J.M.W. Scott Oan. J. Ohem., £213.1. 411-421 (1973).

178* Kinetics of Proton Transfer Heaotions of Carbon Aoida. 4* Primary Deuterium Isotope Effeot in the Reaotion of

di-(4-Nitrophenyl)-Methane dg with t-butoxidt J.H. Kim and K.T. Laffek Oan. J. Ohem. 52(4). 592-596 (1974).

++ 179* Isotope Effeots in the ESR of Mn in Ca(QH)2 and 0a(0D)2 F. Holuj and O.I. Kwan Phys. Hev., B. 9(9). 3673-3677 (1974). 180* Origin of the•chemical-shift isotope effeot. Stereoohemioal evidence J.B. Lambert and L.G. Greifensteln J. Amer. Ohem. Soc, 96(16), 5120-5124 (1974). 181. Investigation of MoFadyen-Stevens reaction S.B. Matin, J.C. Craig and R.P.K. Ohan J. Org. Ohem. 39(15), 2285-2289 (1974). 182* Deuterium solvent isotope effeota on the aoidio hydrolysia of alkyl hydrogen p-nitrophenyl-phosphonatea J.M. Perel Ph.D. Thesis, New York Univ., N.Y. (USA). Univ. Microfilms order No. 74-18, 193, 1974. 214p. 66 183* Calculated self-and foreign gas broadened line widths for CHjD G.D.T. Tejwani and K. Fox J. Chen. Phys. 61i2Llf 759-762 (1974). 184* Solvent deuterium Isotope effeots in alcohols J.O. levine

Ohem. 3er.f 6£2}., 89-91 (1974). 185* The deuterium isotope effect and mechanismo of decomposition of hydrazine on platinum 0. Shulz-Ekloff and others Ber. Bunsenges Xhys. Ohem., 77(10/11), 1023 (1973)*

186* DO SHg reactions go through ion pairs* The Isotope Effec* Criterion. V.P. Haaen et.al J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 96(18). 5928-5930 (1974).

187* Isotope Effects and quantum mechanical Tunnelling R.B. Weston BNL-19160, CONF-740428-b 1974. 22p. 188. Deuterium isotope effeots in eleotronio relaxation of large polyatomic molecules. Progress Report, October 1, 1973 - September 30, 1974. E.G. Iiim 000-2192-10, 1974, 7p. 189. Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange between C and aromatic L.P. Sciwell J. Amer. Ohera. Soc, 96(22), 7134-7135 (1974). 190* Deuterium kinetic Isotop? Effects in 8-elimination from phenethyl bromide promoted by p-subetituted sodium phenoxides in dimethyl-faxmamide S. Alunni, E. Saoiooohi and V. Mancini J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Perkin Trans. II, (No.15)» 1866-1869 (1974).

191* Kinetio Isotope effects in the reaotions of hydrogen and deuterium atoms with and methanol. J.F. Meagher, P. Kim, J.H. Lee and R.B. Timmons J. Phys. Ohem., 78(26). 2650-2657 (1974). 192* Solvent isotope effect on pyruvio acid hydration H.M. Menzel Ber Bunsenges Phys. Ohem., 78(1), 89-93 (1974).

193* Abstraction fraotion in the reaction of deuterium atoms• with HBr and HI A. Persky and A. Kuppenaann J. Ohem. Phys., 611(12), 5035-5039 (1974)*

194* Isotope sffeot in the sorption of hydrogen on titan:1 P. Millenbaoh Thesis INIS-raf-1685, 1974, 47p. 68

195» Dissociation constant of benzole acid in HgO + D«0 mixtures B.M. Iowe and D.G. Smith J. Chem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans., I 71(2). 389-397 (1974). 196. Deuterium equilibrium isotope effects on redistribution reactions of the methylailanee J.M. Most Ph.D. Thesis* Rutgers - The State Univ. of New Brunavilla W.J. (USA), 1974. 84p. Univ. Microfilms order No. 74-27, 640.

197* Deuterium isotope effects in ooraplexation kinetios H. Silber and P. Wehner J. Inorg. Nuesl. Ohem., 37(4). 1025-1030 (1975). 198* * Bate constants and kinetic deuterium isotope effects for hydrogen atom abstraction from phenols by polyvinyl acetate radical M. Simonyi and Others J. Chem. Soc. (London), Ohem. Oomm., (No.7)» 252 (1975)*

199* Abstraction versus exchange in the reaction of H with DBr H.Y. Su, J.M. White, L.M. Raff and D.I. Thompson J. Ohem. Ihys., 62(4* '435-1443 (1975).

200. Aromatic hydrogen isttope effects in reactions of benzenediazonium salts O.G. Swain, J.S. Sheata, D.G. Gorenatein and K.G. Harbison J. Amer. Ohem. Soc, 97U). 791-795 (1975). 69

201. Unusually lar^e deuterium iaotcme effect in the aoid catalysed ois^rana isomerization of a diene-iron tricarbonyl complex T.H. Whites!des and J.P. Heilan J. Amer. Ohem. Soc, 97(4). 907-908 (1975).

202* Inverse kinetio isotope effeot in the reduotion of hindered

ketones by MAI (0Bu-t)3H and IdAl (OBu-t)3D. £.0* Wigfield, D.J. Phelps, R.F. Pottle and R. Sander J.Aner. Ohem. Soc, 97(4), 897-898 (1975). 203* Isotope effects studies on elimination reactions* 9* The nature of the transition state for E2 reaction of 2-arylethylammonium ions with e^bxLde in ethanol P«J. Snith and A.N* Bourne Can. J. Ohem. 52(5), 749-760 (1974). 204• Deuterium Isotoe Bffeots in the Solvolytlo Reaotivity of Simple Alkylvinyl Trifluoromethane Sulfonates P.J. Stang* R.J. Hargrove and I.E. Dueber J. Ohem. Soc. (London) Perkin Trans. II (Ho.7) 843-847(1974)*

205* HgO-DgO Solvent Isotope Effects in Adlabetio Compressibility and Volume of Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes : Relation to Speoifioatiea of Ionic Solvation J.O. Mathiason and S.E. Oonway J. Ohem. Soo. (London), Faraday Trans., I (N0.4), 752-768 (1974). 70 206* Kinetic Solvent Iflotone Effect on the Redox Reaction of ( V. IV) lone . Pei -i cyanide Iona I. _ re indie ajv" . Aduracikove Chera. West, 27(4) 433-36 (1974). 207* Searoh for Isotope Effeots in the Self-Diffusion of Benzene and Gyc" ,.*.cane at 25°0 R. Mills J. Phys. Ohem., 79(8). 852-853 (1975).

208. Theoretical Studies on Isotopio Mass Effects in Chemistry. Progress Report California Unit., Irvins (USA). U0I-34P-188x4, 1974i 10p. 209* Iherraodynamio Study of the Deuterium Isotope Sffsot B.I. Maltingley and D.7. F«nby Aust. J. Chem., 28(1). 185-187 (1975).

210. Kinetic Isotope Effects W.H. Saunders Jr. B.3. Lewis (Editor). Investigation of Rates and Mechanisma of Reactions. Part I. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1974 P. 211-255.

211* Phase Equilibrium Isotope Effeots in Moleoular Solids and Liquids Y. Yato, M.W. Lee and J. Bigeleisen 000-3498-23, 1971, 50p. 71 212. Mean Square Force in Simple liquids and 8olids fron Isotope Effect Studies J. Bigleisen , M.W. Lee and F. Mandel Aeo. Ohem. Res., 8J£}., t79-184 (1975). 213. Temperature Isotope and Solute Effeots on the Non-linear Electric Field Behaviour of Water P.A. Bradley, G.P. Jones and H.A. Kolodeiej J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans., II, 71(6)» 1200-1211 (1975). 215* Methyl-d* Isotope Effects, <-methyl Hydrogen Rate Effects and the Analysis of Some Solvolytio Reaotlon Mechanisms R.D. Fisher, R.C. Seib, T.J. Shiner Jr., I. Ssele and M. lomie J. Am. Chem. Soo. 79(9). 2408-2413 (1975). 216* Kinetio Isotope Effect in Hydrogen Heterogeneous Atonisation in Tungsten M.U. Kislyuk Bull. Acad. Sci., USSR, Dir. Chem., 3d, (No.2), 273-276 (1975). 217* Isotopic Composition of Evaporating Brines t Effect of the Isotopic Activity Ratio in Saline Solutions Z. Sofer and J.R. Gat Earth Planet Soi. Lett., 26(2). 179-186 (1975)* 72 218* The Addition of HOBr to Allene Secondary Deuteriui Isotope Effects W.R. Dolbier Jr. and B.H. Al-Sadar Tetrahedron Lett., (llo. 26), 2159-2162 (1975). 219* Scaled-Particle Theory and Solvent Isotope Effects on the Theimodynanic Properties of Inert Solutes in Water and Hethanol P.R. Philip and C. Jolicoeur Solution Ohera., 4(2), 105-25 (1975). 220. Theraiochemical Isotope Effects III. Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Between Hethanol and Water at 25*0 0.1. Bertrand and T.E. Bureh-field J, Phys. Chem., 79(15), 1547-1550 (1975).

221* On the problem of coupled isotope effects (In Geitnan) H. Buebner Seminar on isotopes in nature, Sera, September 22-26, 1975* INIS-mf-1938. 1975, p.5

222. Isotope Effects in Charge Transfer Reactions (In German) H. Johansen Seminar on isotopes in nature, Gera, September 22-26, 1975* INIS-vf-1938. 1975, P«4 223. Theory of inrerse Isotope Effect T. Ishids Seminar on isotopes in nature, Gera, September 22-26, 1975* IHIS-of-1938. 1975, p»2 73 2?4» flheraieal Isotope Effects suitf molecular Structure Theory (in Oprnan) D.A. ijiyaoev and (J.D. Klinsici Seminar on isotopes in nature* Gera» September 2?-26, 1975*

225* On 1he influenco of biiidirts of un -atom tm. IHISHnf-1938. 1975, p.4 226. On additive calculation techniques for chemical isotope Effects, (in Gennan) D.A. Knyascv, A.A. Jvlev and T.TJ, BlfirtTi Seminar on Iaotoi'es in Nature, Cera, September 22-26. 1975. INIS-raf-1938. 1975, p.4 227* Determination of Water Constituents in Anodic Passive Layers of Iron Through 3H Labelling Technique.(In Gexnan) 6. Reinhard aud J. Pirruiz Iaotopenpraxis, 7. 11(4). 134-140 (1975).

228. Themoehemical Isotope Effects. II. CHjOH-GH»OI)t C^IcOH- CgHcOD and ILjO-DgO in Selected Solvents. W.C. Duer and G.L. Bertrand J. Aa. Chen. Soc, 97(14). 3894-3897 (1975).

229* SeuterltK Effect on Lifetime of Uranyl Complexes in Solutions. CO. Joshi and D.D. Xripathi Ourr. Sol (India), 44(6). 185-186 (1975). n 23O« Ratts of lonlsation of arylamino ketones possessing the potentiality for intramoleoular imine foxnation and intramolecular proton abstraction. 8 .If. Git el and CD. Gutsche J. is. Chen. Soc., 97(14). 3900-3905 (1975). 231* Huolear coordinate dependence of electronic transition monents in orbitally forbidden transitions t a new Interpretation of deuterium isotope effects. H. Kananaru and E.C. Lint Chem. Jhye., 10(1). 141-155 (1975). 232. Secondary Vrdeuterium kinetic isotope effects and transition - state structures for the hydrolysis and hydraeinolysls reactions of f ornate esters. Z. Bilkadi, E. de LorUtier and J.?. fcirseh J. AM. Chm. Soc, 97(15). 4317-4322 (1975). 233* Solvent dependence of the primary deuteriut kinetic isotope effects in "the so dim hydroxide - catalysed 12 elimination of from p - aoetyl - and p — nitrophenethyl bromide. l.f. Blaokwell and J.It. Woodhead J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Perkin Trans., II* (lfo.11), 1218- 1220 (1975). 234* Kinetic Isotope effects and tunnelling in the proton transfer reaotion. between 4-nitrophenylnitromethane and 75 tetraaethylguanidine in rarlous eprotlo solvents. ».F. Oaldin and 8, Mateo J. Ohaa. 8oo. (London)* Faraday Sxanu, I, JllSl* 1876- 1904 (1975). 235* niMlnation Beaotlons. T. Sterlo effeota in Hoffium Uiain&tion. J.L. Loke, ff.JJ. Saifh and O.H. Brttkott Jr.

J. is. Ohm. 8oo.t 97(15). 4323-4327 (1975). 236* Hydroxide ion o&taljraed rtrers* oldol-typ« eondanaation reactions of parasubatituted bensoyl aoetaldeojrdea. . L»R. Fedor, B.8.B. Murty and 9.0. Be J. AM. Ohm. Soo., 97(15). 4306-4312 (1975)* 237* Isotope effeot on physical adsorption on a non-hoaogeneons surface. H. Moiseyer . J. Ohea. 8oe. (London), faraday Trans., I, 71(9)t 1830-1837 (1975). 238* Orossed beasi isotope labelled studies of short-liTsd reaction lntemediates. 0H«+ • O^j • G.P.r. Seith, J. leiner et.al.

J. Aa. Ohea. 8oo.( 97(W). 3593-3600 (1975). 239* Iffeet of llgand and soltent deuteration on the eaolted state properties of the trie (2,2* bipyridyl) ruthenixst II ion in aajaeous solution. Iridenoe for eleotron transfer to aolTent. J. ?sa Houten and I.J. lalts J. la. 0h«M. 8oo., 97(13). 3843-3844 (1975). 76 240. oC-deuteriun isotope effects en the ionisation of weak acids. J. Bron J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. II, 71(10). 1772-1776 (1975). 241. Effect of molecular wt. on hydrogen-deuterluR exchange in nonhelical polyamide. W.D. Snyder and I.M. KLotz J. in. Chera. Soc, 97(17). 4999-5003 (1975). 242* Oonfoxmational analysis of the thiolane ring syste** II. Proton magnetic resonance spectra and base-catalysed H-D exchange of solfonium cations and sulfoxide derived from 3»3-dimethyl-thiolane and trana-2-thiahydrindan. G. Barbarella and Pava

Jo Am. Ohem. Soc., 97(20). 5883-5889 (1975).

243* Solvent isotope effects in the I^O-DgO-NaCl System t enthalpies and free energies of solution. Q.JD. Craft Xb.D* Thesis, Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, Ienn.» USA.; 1975? 115p. Univ. Microfilms Order Ho. 75-18952.

244• Inteimolecular contributions to the Isotope effect on exoited state lifetimes i Benzene. ?.B. ludron, J.M. Van Pruyssen and S.S. Colson J. Chen. Phye., 63(5). 2086-2089 (1975). 77 249* Secondary deuterium isotope effects as a sensitire probe for double bond participation. The structure of - the oholesteryl cation M. Tarle, S. Borcic and D.E. Sunko J. Org. Ohem., 40(20). 2954-2956 (1975).

246* Study of hydrogen mobility by hydrogen-dent eriim exchange II* Theoretical kinetic study in alkyl and amino-alkyl . (In French) A. Pompon J. Chim. Ifcys., 72(4), 505-508 (1975).

247* Secondary deuterium isotope effects and the conformation of transition states in the solvolyses of 3"^-and 3p- oholestanyl bro»ylates. H< Tarle, S. Borcic and D.E. Sunko J. Org. Chem., 40(20). 2949-2953 (1975).

248. Kinetic Isotope Effects in reductions of cobalt (III) - pentaammine complexes. H.H. ItzkowLtz and P.R. Nordmeyer Inorg. Ohem., 14(9). 2124-2129 (1975).

249* Internal catalysis in amine formation from acetone and acetone-dg and confonnationally constrained deriratires of 5,H-dl«ethyl-1,3-propane~di8«ine J". Bine and W.S. Li J. Org. Chern., 40(18). 2622-2626 (1975). 250. Reversible hydration of pteridine. General acid-base catalysis, solvent deuterium isotope effects and t transition state characterization. 7* Poeker, D. Bjorkquist et.al J. in. Chem. Soc, 97(19). 5540-5546 (1975). 251* Vibrational spectra and assignments for ois-trans-1,2- difluorooyolopropane and three deuterium substituted modifications of each isomers. H.O. Oraig, T.N. Hu Chao et.al J. Phys. Ohem. 79(21). 2270-2282 (1975).

252. Deuterium isotope effects in the solvolysis of banzai chlorides. II. Evidence for a change in meohanism in the hydrolysis of O-carboxybetncal chloride in water and water-dioxane mixtures. V.P. Vitullo and P.P. Wilgie J. Am. Chan. Soc, 97(19). 5616-5617 (1975).

253* Rearrangements of toluene and oyclopeptatriene cations. M.A. Baldwin, P.W. McLafferty and D.H. Jerina J. Am. Chem. Soc, 97(21). 6169-6174 (1975).

254* Ab initio study of secondary isotope effects on molecular structure. L.S. Bartell, S. Pitznater and W.J. Hehre 3, Cheu. Phys., 65(7). 3042-3045 (1975). 79

255. Hydrogen Abetraction Reactions by Atomic Fluorine. Ill Temperature dependence of the interaolecular Icinetio

laotope effeot for the thermal P + H2 reaction. S.R. Grant and J.I. Bovt J. Ohen. Jhys., 63(7). 2970-2979 (1975). 256* Isotope effects at the aurfaoe of inorganio solutions (In German). E.G. Heunann and R. Hoffmann Z. Haturforsch, B., 30(4). 497-502 (1975)* 257* She effeot of solvent base strength and isotopio substitution on the kinetics and nitro group rearrangement. T. Krai Colleot. Czech. Ohem. Comm., 40(9). 2816-2825 (1975)* 258* Reexamination of the secondary ct-deuteritm isotope effect in thermolysis of 1,1'-diphenylag;oethane. Hechanistio coneequenoee for the related compounds. 8.E. Soheppele, P.I. Grisle and D.W. Miller • J. An. Chem. Soc, 97(21). 6165-6169 (1975). 259* Isotope effeots in eiusyaatio N-deaethylation of tertiary enines. U.U. Abdel - Honaa J. Hed. Ohem., 18(4). 427-430 (1975).

260. BEBO oaloulations t Ft.4* Arrhenius parameters and kinetio

isotope effeots for Hie reactions of OH3 and 0?3 radicals

with H2 and Dg. 80 H.I. Arthur, K.P. Donohi and J.A. He Donell J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans*, I., 1^2}• 2431-2441 (1975). 261* BEBO calculations. Pt.5« Arrhenius parameters and kinetic Isotope effects for the reactions of OgHj and >& a °2*5 2 dic ls "ith H2 and Dg. H.L. Arthur, K.P. Donohi and J.Q. Hos Donell J. Chein* Soc* (London), Faraday Trans., I., 71(12). 2442-2449 (1975). 262* Hydrogen isotope effects for nitramide - a acid* J.R. Jones and T.G. Rumney J. Ohem. Soo. (London), Ohem. Oonm.. (Ho.24), 995-996 (1975)*

263* Transition state structure for peraoid epoXLdatioxu Secondary deuterium isotope effects* R.P. Hanzlik and (J.O. Shearer J. Am. ahem. Soc, 97(16). 5231-5237 (1975). 264* Determination of kinetio hydrogen isotope effect by Beans of radio*gas ehromatography* L.?. Simon, L. Horvath and J. Marton s iBotopteohnika. ISSN. 000472t. (1974), 17(12). 594-597. 265* Carbon isotope effects on proton transfers from carbon, and the question of hydrogen tunnelling* P.L. Teagle, W.C. Hutton and R.B. Martin J. Am. Ohem. 8oc, 97(24). 7177-7178 (1975). 81

366* Deuterium isotope effects on "o chemical shifts in amino acids and dipeptidea. H.K. Ladner, J.J. Led and D.M. Grant J. Magn. Resonance, 20(3). 530-534 (1975). 267* Luminescence of toluene and deuterium-substituted toluenes at 77°K in polycrystalline Methylcyolohexane. V.J. Morrison and J.D. Laposa Bpectroohim. Acta, Part A., 32A(3). 443-454 (1975). 268* Kinetic isotope effects and aliphatic diazo-compounds. Pt* 7« The decomposition of diazomalonate ions* W.J. Albery, O.W. Conway and J.A. Hall J. Ohem. Soc.« (London), Perkin Trans. II* (No.4)» . 473-477 (1976). 269* Ro-vibronic structure in the photoelectron spectra of HgO, DgO and HDO. R.N. Dixon and 6. Dinbury Mol. Riys., 31(2). 423-435 (1976).

270* Deuterium isotope effeots and the influence of solvent in redox and rearrangement reactions of 2-picoline N-oxide and phenylacetic anhydride. . J.A. Jenkins J. Org. Ohem., 40(24), 3566-3571 (1975). 82

27?• Oalorimetric study of the deuterium isotope effect in liquid mixtures. Y.P. Handa and D.V. Fanby J. Onia. Pays. 72(11). 1235-1240 (1975).

272. Kinetic hydrogen isotope effects in initiating auto- oxidation of hydrocarbons. (In German) P. Kraenke Ph.D Dissertation Karl-Marx-Univeraitact., Liepzig, GBR. 1975. No.2 Available from Univ. Library, Berlin, GBR.

273* Kinetic and solvent deuterium isotope effects on the Biceller catalyzed hydrolysis of trisubstituted phosphate esters. O.A. Bunton and S. Biaz J. Org. Chem., 41(1). 33-36 (1976).

274. Vapour pressure isotope effects in the systems. I. Acetone hexadeuteroacetone. Ila. Pyridine Pentadeutero Pyridine. lib. later + Pyridine - Water + Pentadeutero- pyridine III. Water + IMSO - Heavy Water + SM30. I.C. Chen Ph.D. Thesis, Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, USA,. 1975. H6p. Univ. Microfilas order No. 75-26, 705. 85 275* Syntheses, thesnoreorganizatione and secondary deuterium isotope effects of methylenevinylcyclobutanes. G.J. Mancini Ph.D. Thesis, Florida University, Gainesville, ISA. 1975. 138p. Univ. Microfilms Order No. 75-23, 002.

276. Equilibrium isotope effects and rearrangements of carbonium ions. L.A. Telkowski Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., USA. 1975. 134p. Univ. Miorofilms Order No. 75-24, 606. 277• Association and vapor pressure isotope effects of various by deuterated in n-hexane H. Wolff, 0. Bauer, and Others J. Ibya. Chem., 80(2). 131-138 (1976).

278. Deuterium kinetic Isotope effect in B-elimination from (p-acetylphenethyl) dimethyl sulfonium bromide* The influence of added dimethyl sulf oxide. L.F. Blackwell J. Chem. Soc. (London), Perkin Trans., II. (No.5), 488-491 (1976). 84 279* Long range deuterium isotope effect on a lanthaaide Induced ohemioal shift* O.K. Depuy, P.O. Puenfschilling and J.M. Olson J. Am. Ohem. Soo., 98(1). 276-278 (1976). 280* An anomalous vapor pressure isotope effect in hydrocarbons (in German). A* Hoeptner, A. Abdel Kamid and C. Hoerner Ber. Bunsenges. Fhys. Chera., 79(11)t 115? (1975)* 281. Kinetios, medium and deuterium isotope effects in the alkaline decomposition of quarternary phoaphonium salts. Ft.2. F.Y. Khalil and 6. Aksnea Z. Hiya. Chen. (Prankfurd), 97(314). t79-188 (t975). 282. fheznodynamio isotope effects in palladium and Pd-Pt alloy. 1. Botter OBA-OONF-3442. 15 Jan. 1976. p26. Meeting on hydrogen in metals, Birmingham, U.S. 5 Jan. 1976. 283. Theory of inrerse iaotope effects. I. Iahida, J.O. Kornblum and J.I. Pollin 000-3127-12. OONP-7509119. 1975* 80p. International oonferenoe on isotope in der natur. Sara dm. 22 Sept. 1976. ATE liable from OTIS. $5.00 85

284* Isotope effeote in superionic conductors. J.C. Kimball and M. Eshwaran

J. Chem. Fhys.f 64(7). 2711-2714 (1976). 265. Use of kinetic isotope effeots in mechanism studies* Anomalous arrhenius parameters in the study of elimination reactions. H.F. Koch, D.B. Dahlburg, M.P. KcEntee and C.J. KLecha J. AM. Chem. Soc, 98(4). 1060-1061 (1976).

286. She kinetic isotope effect in the diseociatire ohemisorption of methane. H.F. Winters J. Chem. Phys., 64(9). 3495-3500 (1976).

287. Secondary ^-deuterium isotope effect in the formation of ethyl radical from decomposition of methylethylethyl-2-2- 2-d,-carbinyloxy radical. A. Tsolis, P.P. Hunt* J.K. Koohi and 3. Seltzer J. Am. Chem. Soc, 98(4). 992-997 (1976),

288. Isotope Effects in hydrogen Atom Transfers. IT Alkyl Halides with trialkyltin hydrides. S. Kosuka and U.S. Lewis J. Am. Chem. 8oc, 98, 2254-2256 (1976).

289* Isotope Effeots in Hydrogen Atom transfers T. She Reactions of olefins with Heroaptans. l.S. Lewis and M.H. Butler J. Am. Ohm. Soc, 98, 2257-2260 (1976). 86 , • 290* iBOtope Effects in Hydrogen Atom Transfers. 71. Radicals from Azo compounds in thiophenols E.3. Lewis and K. Ogino J. Am. Chem. Soc, ^8, 2260-2264 (1976). 291* Isotope Effects in Hydrogen Atom Transfers. Til* Beneylio Hydrogen Abstraction by tert-butoxy and other radicals. S.S. Lewis and K. Ogino J. in. Ohera. 3oc, 9j|, 2264-2268 (1976). 292* Deuterium Isotope Sffeots in Electronic Relaxation of large Folyatoaio Molecules. E.G. lim Progress Report, October 1, 1974 - September 30, 1975. COO-2192-20 1975, 8p. Arailable from NTIS, $3*50 293* Vapor Pressure Isotope Effects in Aqueous 3yatems Pt.7. 1 The System ( H?) Pyridine + (^j) Pyridine + HgO. T.C. Chen and W.A. Van Hook J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Paraday Trans., I., 22» 583-600 (1976)* 294* Deuterium Exchange in Pyridine dinuoleotide Coensymes. Raman Sf'eotroseopic evidence for a modified oharge distribution in p - Dihydroniootinamide adenine dinuoleotide. 5. Torrest J. Ibya. Ohem., §g, 1127-28 (1976). 87 295* Theimodynamie Study of the Seutexlw Isotope Effeot in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems* Y.P. Handa, B.I. Mat tingle/ and 0*7. Fenby J. Chem. 8oo. (London), Faraday Trans I., 22, 1359-1361(1976). 296. The Tapor Pressure Isotope Effect of Dg-aeetone (In German) A. Hoepfner Z. Phya. Oh em. (Frankfurt), 99, 157-159 (1976).

297* H-D Isotope Effeots in the Extraction System tri-n-octyl- emine - Mineral acids. J. Jedinakora J. Radloanal. Ohm., jJO, 215-219 (1976).

290. Reactions of Isopropyl Radicals with Oxygen, Hydrogen and Deuteriiv. E.R. Baldwin, C.J. Claugh and R.W. Walker J. Chen* Soc. *London), Faraday Trans., I., J£, 1715-1722 (1976).

299. Kinetic Deuterium Isotope Effects in the Reactions of 4 - Nitrophenyl Hitromethane with rarious Hitrogen bases in Anisole. E.F. Oaldin, 9.11. Parboo, F.A. Walker and O.J. Wilson J. Ches. 8oc, (London), Faraday Trans., I, 1856-1860 (1976). 88

300. Aqueous solvent isotope effects in dilute solutions i the freezing point of Nacl solutions in HOH and 000 I The heat of fusion of DOS Q.D. craft and W.A. Tan Hook proceeding of the 8th International Conference on the and Steam. Giens, September 23-27, 1974* Paris, France Editions Europcennea Theraiquea at Industries, 2, 671-685 (1975). 301* Comment on Deuterium isotope Effect of Ammonia Syntheaie. A. Ozaki and M. Boudart Bar. Bunsenger Phya. (Jhem, 3TJ0, 352 (1976). 302* Reply to the "Comment on the Deuterium Isotope Effect In Ammonia Synthesis." G. Schulz - Ekloff Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Cham., 80(4), 352 (1976)*

303* Substitution Kinetics of Chelftie Complexes as studied by iaotopic exchange. H. ELias J. Badioanal. Chora., 30(1), 25-34 (1976).

304• Hyperconjugative deuterium isotope effects on the radox decomposition of hydroxymercurated 2-butenes in an aqueous solution. If. Koaaki, 3. Shinoda and Y. Sal to Bull. Cham. Soc. Japan., 48 (12), 3745-3746 (1976). 89

305 • Effect of HH group deutexation on reaction * of diphenylanine with 3»5 - dintrobenaoyl-chloride la benzene with methyl iodide in dimethyl (In Russian).

306* A base promoted 1-4 elimination reaction. Influence of solvent and base on the rate and deuterium isotope effect. A Zhibblln and *. Ahlberg, Aota. Chem., Scand., 3er. B., 30(6). 555-561 (1976), 307* Iaotope Effeots and Structure of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions* K. Heinainger IHIS-mf-3228 1975. p.45 308. Thermal decomposition ot methane studied by lbs Kinetio Isotope Method* A.M. Kamlnski IUIS-mf-3228 1975* p.87 309. Deuterium and Heavy Atom Effects on the Ihosphoresoeneeof napthalene and phenanthrene. J.C. Hiller Colorado UniT., Boulder (USA) Xhesls (Ph.D) 1975. 175 P* UniT. Mlorofiljis Order Ho. 76-11. 596*

310* Primary and p-Seoondary deuteriist isotope effeots in H-deethylation reactions. S.D. Helson. L.R. Pohl and W*T* Tr»iger J. Vied. Ohem*. 18(1). 1062-65 (1975). 90

311* Deuterium Kinetic Isotope Sffeot in Radical Reactions of fhenolf M. Simonyi, I* Filos, J. Kardos and I. Lukovits IKIS-Mf-3228 1975. p.37 312* Steric Acceleration of Lactonization reaction : an analysis of "Stereopopulation Control11. 0. Danforth, A.W. Nicholson, J.C James and G.M. Loudon . J. Am. Chen., Soc, 98(H), 4275-4261 (1976).

31?. Evidence on internal return from isotope effects in the hydrogen-deuterium exchange of benzyl sulf oxides. A Caveat re-interpretation of isotopic exchange rates . R.R. fraser and L.K. Ng

J. Aa. Chem.t Soc, 98(14). 4334-4336 (1976). 314* Isotope Effects on Chemical in Equilibria P.D. Golding

. Thesis (fh.D)f Memorial TTniv., Hew Poundland, St. Johns, Canada. 0T0M-21484 1974* 295 p. Available from National Library of Canada, Ottawa.

315* Spin-dependent deuterium isotope effeot on the radiationless deoay of porphyrin triplet states. A.M.P. Goncalyes and R.F. Burgner

J. 0h«. Phy*.t 65, 1221-22 (1976). 91

316* Ethyl Radical Isoaerization. A 1,2 Hydrogen (deuterlw) shift in the pyrolyais of 1,1,1-trideuteroethane A.S. Gordon, D.C. Tardy and R. Ireton J. Phys. ohera., 80(3). U00-U04 (1976). 317* H-D Isotope Effects in the Extraction Systema tri-n-Ootylamine- mineral acids. 7. Jedinakova INIS-of-3228 1975. p.43

318. Catalysis of exchange between 0-d group deuterium of octadeutero-2-propanol and hydrogen by triphenyl complexes of rutheniwa and rhodium (In Russian) Y.N. Krutiz, V.Z. Sharf et. al Zh. Org. Khim, 12(4), 748-750 (1976). For English translation see the journal J. Org. Ohem., USSR.

319* Kinetio secondary deuterlua isotope effects for substituted benzaldehyde cyanohydrin formation. T. Okano, do. L. Amaral and E.H. Oordes J. Am. Chem. Soc, 98(14), 4201-4203 (1976). 320. Kinetics and isotope effeots in proton transfers from 3-bromo and 3-nitro-(+) -camphor* R.P. Bell and S. Grainger J. Chem. Soe* (London), Perkin Trans. II, (Ho.13), 1606-1610 (1976). 92

321* Oxygen-18 and deuterium isotope effeot on the freezing point of dilute water + dioxan solutions. 6. Jansoo and H. Illy J. Chan. Soo. (London)* Faraday, Trans. I.| 72(10)• 2203-2210 (1976).

322. Matrix perdeuteration effects on the 3I T I_T —So phosphorescence of p-ohlorobenzaldehyde at 4*2 deg, K. I* phenomenology O.S. Khaltl and 1. Goodman J. Chem. Ihys., 65(10). 4061-4066 (1976). 323* Effeot of the isotopio composition of the solvent (water) in the absolute trubidity of polietilen-gliools solutions (In Spanish)* K.A. Molinari and ff.J* Tidela' ONEA-402 Nov. 1975, 7p» 324* The fragmentation of propane and deuteropropane moleoular ions. R. Stockbauer and M.G. Inghram J. Chen., Hhya., 65(10). 4081-4092 (1976). 325* Steric Origin of isotope effects in NMB shifts lnduoed by lanthanide shift reagents t Effect of deuterium of aethyl- substituted pyridines* • A.T. Balaben, I.I. Stanoiu and ?. Chiraleu J. Chem. Soo. (Lond) Ohen. Oomaun. (No. 23), 984-985 (1976). 93 326* Kinetic Isotope Effects in the reactions of 4-nitrophenyl- nitromethane with various bases in chlorobenzene. J. Chan. 8oc. (London), Faraday Trans. I, 72(11), 2645-2649 (1976). 327* Isotope effeots in the quenching of electronically exoited atoms Pt.4 R.J. Donovan, 0. Fotakia and M.F. Golde

J. Chem. Soo. (London), Faraday Trans. II, 72(11), 2055-2063 (1976). 328* Effects of stereochemistry on the rates of hydrogen- deuteritn exchange of protons, I, to the nitrosamino group* R.R. Fraser and L.K. Ng. J. An. Chem. Soo., 98(19). 5895-5899 (1976). 329* Isotope effect studies in isooitrate dehydrogenase J.A. Limbttrg Ph.D. Thesis. Wisconsin Univ. Madison USA.. 1975. 177 P* Univ. Microfilms Order No. 76-8598. 330. Kinetic and product study of the reaction between nitrous aoid and hydrasine. J.R. Petrolt, G. Stedman and N. Uysal J. Ohem. Soo. (London), Dalton Trans., (No.20), 2058-2064 (1976). 94

331* Cyclohexadienyl cations. VI* Methyl group isotope effects in the dienonephenol rearrangement* V.P. Vitullo and E.A. Logue J. Am. Chem. Soc, 98(19). 5906-5909 (1976). 332. Deuterium isotope effects on the ionieation of the lower carboxylic acids in water and deuterium oxide. J. Bron Can. J. Chem,, •&, 2879-2883 (1976).

333* Use of the kinetic isotope effect as a test for homogeneous uninoleculnr gas phase reaotiona in thermolytic prooesses. J.S. Chicos J. Org. Chem., £1, 3176-3179 (1976).

334. Bridgehead-B-deuterium secondary kinetio isotope effects in the solvolysis of endonorbornan - 2 ~ yl p - bromobensene- sulphonate. H. Maskill J. Chen. Soc. (London). Perkins Trans. II (1976)., (Ho.15), 1889-1892. 335* Studies on the catalysis by the molten metal IX. A comparison between the isotope effeot of two-dimensional dehydrogenation and the isotope effeot of three dimensional dehydrogenation of methylalcohol. A. Miyamoto and Y. Ogino J. Catal., Al» 212-217 (1976). 95

33<>» Mechanism of aminolysis of delta-lactones. Y. Poeker and E. Green J. Am. Chem. Soc, 98(20). 6197-6202 (1976).

337. Isotope shifts - target : enrichment (In English, French). W. Oherwinski Sci. Dimension, 8, 10-13 (1976). 338* Deuterium isotope effect and base catalysis in sigma- oomplex formation between 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene and aniline* £. Buncel, W. Eggimann and H.W. Leung J. Chem. Soc. (lond.), Chera Ooram., (No.2), 55-56 (1977)* 339* Secondary el-deuterium isotope effect on aldehyde hydrate and hemiacetal formation. E.A. Hill and S.A. Milosevich Tetrahedron Lett., (No.50), 4553 (1976).

3*0. H-D exchange reaction of 2-uethylpyridine catalyzed by several fatty acids (In Japanese). H. Hirata and K. Fukuzumi Yukagaku, 25., 207 (1976).

341* The effect of structure on isotope effects in proton transfer reaction. H.M. Kreevoy E. Bunoel and C.C. Lee (Editors). Isotopes in organic chemistry 7.2, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1976. p 1-31. 96

342. Isotope effects in hydrogen atco transfer reaotions.. B.3. Lewis Same referenoe as above* (Ref. Ko. 341), p.127-152. 343* Isotope effects in elimination reactions* P.J. Smith Same referenoe as above, p» 231-269* 344* Interaction of with erbium and erbium dideuteride films. D.M. Hollway and W.E. Swarts Jr. GEPP-247, 29 Oot. 1976, 10 p. 349* Isotope effect in the sorption of hydrogen on fitanius. P. Milanbach UORI-Trans-11111, 50p. Translation of INIS-*f-16B5 thesis. 346* Isotope effect criteria for reaction meohanisa. J.J. Stanutonia Tto.D. Thesis, Delaware Univ.* Newark USA. 1975, 147 p. University Miorofilns Order No. 76-20, 544* 347. Vapor pressures of isotopio ethylenes. V. Solid and

liquid ethylene-dj, ethylene-d2 (Ois, trans and gem), ethylene-d* and etbylene-dj. J. Bigeleisen, S. Kuks, S.T. Ribnikar and 7* Yato J. Chem. Tnys., 66(4). 1689-1700 (1977). 97

348* Vapor pressure isotope effects in aqueous systems Till* The system /HgO/DgO. 1.0. Chen and W.A. Van Hook J. Solution Oh an.. 5(2). 107-125 (1976).

349* Energy Barriers and isotope effects in proton transfer reactions. Ch.1. Ft.4 A.V. Willi Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics. Proton Transfer V.8. (Ed.) CH. Bomford and C.F.H. Tipper ISBN 0-444-41512-2. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1977• pp. 24-44*

350* Vapor pressures of the isotopic ethylenes. V. Solid and liquid ethylene-d^i ethylene-dg (Cis, trans and gem), ethylene-d* and ethylene-d.. J. Bigeleiaen, 3. Fuks, S.V. Ribnikar and Y. Yato J. Chem. Phys., 66, 1689 (1977).

351« Vapor pressure isotope effects in aqueous systems. VIII. The system dimethyl sulfoxide/HgO/DgO. T.C. Chan and W.A. Van Hook J. Solution Chem., £, 107 (1976). 352. Thermodynamics of hydrogen-isotope-exchange reactions. Proton solvation in n-hexanol and water. C.H. Contreras-ortega, C.F. Nash and P.A. Rock J. Solution Chem., j>, 133 (1976). 96

353* Kinetic Isotope Effects in Proton Transfer to and turn Carbon* Ch.2. Pt. 6 C.H. Bamford and C.T.K. Tipper (eds.), ComprehenslTe Chemical Kinetics. Elsevier, Anaterdam, Netherlands 1977* p. 162-189. 354. Volume, Heat Capacity and Speotrosoopie Studies of Solutions of the Salts of adamantaneoarbosylio acid and

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355. Energy Barriers and Isotope Effects in Proton Transfer Reactions* Chs.1-4. C.H. Bamford and G.I.H. Uppers (Eds*).. ComprehenslTe Chemical Kinetics. Elsevier Amsterdam, Netherlands (1977)*

356. Secondary deuterium isotope effeots in the aolvolysis of oyclopropyl triflates. Creary, X* J. Org. Chen. (12 HOT. 1976), ±1 (23), 3740-3743. 357. Isotope effect for the solution of hydrogen in metals t application to Pd/H(2>). Outes, W.A. J. Chea. Soc. (London), Paraday Trans., I (1977). 22 (3)* 407-415. 99 358. Simulation of the effects of tranalational and vibrational energy on H and D atom reactions with HC1 and SCI* T* Valencich, J. Hsieh AED-Conf-76-449-002. 1976. 6p. 359* Bibliography on vapour pressure isotope effects. H. Illy» 6. Janeso KFKI-76-1O. ISBN 963371110X (Mar 1976). 62p,

360. Correlation of the vapour pressure isotope effect with' molecular force fields in the liquid state. J.S. Pollin, T. Ishida. 000-3127-15. Jul. 1976. 243 P» Available from NTIS.

361. Computation of deuterium isotope effect in metal hexamine- amraonia exchange process. R.R. Singh, D.6. Fradhan Indian J. Chem., Sect. A (Oct. 1976), 11(10), 794-796.

362. Franch-Condon factors in studies of dynamics of chemical reactions. III. Analysis of information theory for vibration-rotation distributions and isotoplc branching ratios* G.C. Schata, J. Ross TID-27310. 1976. 60p. Available from NTIS. 100 563• Magnetic properties of (CH~),NH CoCl, 2H9O deuterium analogue. S.N. Bhatia, C.J. 0' Connor Inorg. Chem. (Nov. 1976), 1.5.(11), 2900-2904.

364* Procedure for isotopic labelling of organic molecules* (In French)* French Patent Document 2293408/V. Int. 01. C07623/00. 4 Sec* 1974* 7p* Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris. (France)

3(65. Kinetics and mechanisms of 1,5-dihydroflavin reduction of earbonyl compounds and flavin oxidation of alcohols. Ill* Oxidation of benzoin by flavin and reduction of benzil by 1,5-dihydroflavin. T.C. Bruice, J.P. Tauiane J. Am. Chem. Soe. (24 Nov. 1976). 98(24). 7769-7776.

366* Hydride transfer reactions. Oxidation of N-methylacridan by 1.4-benzoquinone and related acceptors. A.K. Colter, 6. Saito J. Am. Chem. 8oe. (24 Nov. 1976), 28(24), 7833-7835. 367* Investigation of the reaction 2g + X - X + ^ for X » H, D using the R-fflatrix theory (In German). B. Der, 0. Gebhardt Isotopenpraxis (May 1976). 12(5), 194-198. 101 368* Reactions of aatxirated hydrocarbons in the presence of deuteritm on evaporated iron films*

R.S. Dowiet 0. Kemball J. Hbys. Ohem. (16 Deo. 1976). 80(26), 2900-2903. 369* Isotope Effects Ft*2 Hydrogen isotope effecta on eonfezaational equilibria in UN dimethyl-piperidinium ions. J. Chen. Res. (1977) (Ho.4) P.86-87* Baldry, K.W.* Robinson, M.J.I. Oxford Univ. (UE). 370* ffoxoal isotope effect on the rate of dissociation of oarbazole in the excited state* T. EiBhi, j. Tanaka Ohem. Shys. Lett. (1 Mar, 1977). £6(2), 383-38?. 371* Deuterium isotope effeots in the general base-catalyzed deprotonation of methylcreatlnlnium ion. R. Srinirasan* R. Stewart J. An. Chen. Soc. (24 NOT. 1976). 2§(24), 7648-7651. 372* Role of impaot parameters in branching reactions. Chemical accelerator study of the reactions of Kr+ with methane. Wyatt, J.R.. Strattan, I.W. 3, Ihys. Ohea. (16 Deo. 1976). 80(26), 2911-2918. 102

373* Energy transfer in the 'A/sub u/state of glyoxal. Ill Deuterium effects. J. Ohem. Phys. (1 April 1977). 66(7)» 2972. P.f. Zittel, W.O. lineberger 374* Resimtometrlo study of hydrogen and deuterium in T A metals at low temperatures. A.W. Ihompson (ed.) Bffeot of hydrogen on behaviour of materials. New York. « Metallurgical Society of AMI 1976. p.676-685. Hanada R. (Tohoku Unir.). CCHP-750925 (Sendai). 375* Evaporation pan 1sotopic behaviour as an index of isotopio evaporation conditions. Geoohim. Goamochim. Aeta (May 1977)* 41(5), 682. J.A. Welhan, P. Prits (Waterloo Univ., Ontario, Canada).

376* Effect of the base strength upon the structure of the

transition state in B2 reactions* Kinetios of eliminations from 2-arylethyl trimethylammonium bromides promoted by sodium phenoxide and sodium m-nitro-phenoxide in N,H-dimethyl- fozmamide. Alunni, 8., E. Baolocchi, P. Peruooi J. Org. Ohsm. (21 Jan. 1977). J£(2)» 205-207. 103

377* Kinetic isotope effects in the quenching of BH (fa1!*) and of HD (b'E+) by some deuterated compounds. C Zeteoh, F. Stuhl

J. Chen. Phys. (1 April 1977). 66(7)f 3107-3111. 378* Reduction of ketonss with incorporation of deuterium at the opposition. Anomalous reduction of ketc sugar derivatives. D.O. Baker, J. Defaye J. Org. Chen. (26 Nov. 1976). 4J.(24)» 3834-3840.

379* Isotope effects. Part 2. Hydrogen isotope effects on confonnational equilibria in NN-diraethyl-piperidinium ions. K.W. Baldry, M.J.I. Robinson J. Ohem. Res. (1977). (No.4). P.86-87.

380. ligand isotopic exchange kinetics of tris (acetylacetonato) chromium (III) at elevated temperatures. H. Kido, K. Saito Inorg. Chem. (Peb. 1977). 16(2), 397-400. 381* Phctochemistry of alkyl halides IT. 1-norbornyl, •J-norbornylmethyl, 1-and 2-adamantyl:, and 1-octyl bromides and iodides. P.J. Kropp, a.3. Poindezter J. AM. Chem. Soc. (8 Deo. 1976). 28(25), 8135-8144* 104 382. Infrared study of the adsorption and oxidation of ammonia on platiniun. B.A. Morrow, I .A. Oody J. Oatal. (HOY. 1976). ±5.(2), 151-162. 383. So3rilysis of deuterium labeled B-(syn-7-norbornenyl) ethyl p-bromobsnsenesulfonates. Multiple oation automerlsation in tight ion pairs. R.3. Bly, R.K. Bly, 8.F. Jindal J. Am. Chen. Soo. (5 Jan. 1977)* 29.(1)* 204-216. 384* The fluetuatlon hypothesis of hydrogen bonding. 5» IheoretictJ. reoonstruotion of infra-red and Raman speetra of the 1 t 1 and 1 i 2 complexes of HgO and DgO with dioxane and dimethyl sulfoxide. T.Y. EfimoY, T.I. Naberukhin Mol. Ihys. (Mar. 1977). 22(3). 779-792. 385* Chemical equilibria relating the isotopio hydrogens at low temperatures. UORL-52104* 1 Deo. 1976, 36 p. Arailable from NTIS $4.00 J.I. Pyper, P.O. Souers California Onir. (USA). 386. Correlations for yapour pressure computation of light and heavy water in the range 40*-240* F (in porthguese). lMB-ra-OO3/75 »<>•• 1975, 11 p. M.J. Amaral, J.C.M. Ooelho 105 367* Experimental investigation of thexnal conductivity coefficient of DgO vapours using method of periodic . . heating* (In Russian). leplofie 7ys. Temp. (Nov. 1975). 7.13(6). p.1291. Published in summary fora only. For English translation see the journal High Tamp. N.B. Vargaftik, Yu.K. Tinogradov 388. Measuring the virial coefficient isotope effects of different deuterated methyl amines. (In German). 3 Nov. 1975. 74 P* 14 figs, 6 tabs, 35 refs. Available from the library of iihe Heidelberg Univ. 0. Adam, Heidelberg Univ. ( P.R). 389* Deuterium isotope effect on Hydrogen atom abstraction by methyl radicals in aoetonitrile at 77 K evidence for tunneling. J. Ihys. Ohea. (24 Mar. 1977). ^1.(6), 516-520. E.D. Sprague

390* Hydrogen-Deuterium exchange catalysed by chromia-altsnina solid solutions* Proc. R. Soo. (Loadon). Ser. A- (30 May 1977)* 7.354 (1678). p.331-47 Stone* 7.3. 106

391* Exchange of H atoms for deuteritai and tritiwn in eyolio H-nitrosamines. Z. Naturforah, B. (Feb. 1977)* 22,(2), 240. N. Prank 392* Isotopio exchange of benzofurane with heavy water in the presence of potassium tetraehloroplatinite. (In Russian) Yestn. Moak, Univ., Ser.II, Khim. (Sept. 1976). 717(5) p. 595-97. For English translation* see the journal Mose Univ. Chen. Bull. Eh.A. Karakhanov, A.G. Dodov etc

393* Isotope effects in molecular scattering by electrons* E.S. Chang, S. Wong Tfcys. Rev. Lett. (June 1977). 2§(23), 1527. 594* Deuterium isotope effect in L(+)-glutamic acid hydroohloride M. Delfino, CM. Loiancono etc* J. Solid State Chem. (April 1977). 20(4). 391-95.

395* Deuterium isotope effects in dissociation kinetics of europium (3) and thulium (3) complexes with 1,2-diamino- oyclohexanetetraacetic and ethylenedisminetetraaoetic acids (In Russian). A.D. Gedeonov, A.V. Stepanov. Koord. Khim (Sept. 1976). ^(9), 1216-1220. 107

396* Are Isotope pairs in inorganic eleotrolytio comparable with ion pairs. (In Geraan) K.G. Heumann, F. Gindner ABD-Couf-77-074-001. Mar. 1977. 12 p. (Meeting of Chemical Lectures. Marburg, Germany, F.R. 21-25 Mar. 1977).

397* Kinetic isotope effects and intermediate formation for the aqueous alkaline homogeneous hydrolysis of 1,3,5-triassa- 1,3»5 trinitrocyolohexane (RDX) J.O. Hoffaoniner

J. Fhys. Ohem. (10 Mar. 1977) 81(5)f- 380. 398. Isotope effects in hydrogen atom transfers* 9« Neighbouring group participation. B.S. Lewis, C.C. Shen J. Am. Chem. Soc. (27 April, 1977) 22(9), 3055. 399* Effect of DgO on the temperature dependent solubility of cryoglobulin and non cryoglobulin IgM. C.H. Middaugh, Cr.W. Litman FEB3 (Fed. tur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett. (Jul. 1977) 22("O» 200-202.

400. Vibrational analysis of Polyethylene terephthalate and its deuterated derivatives. F.J. Boerio, S.K. Bahl J. Polyra. 3ci., Polya. Ohea. Ed. (1976) Ji., 1029-1046. 108

401* Dynamics of the hydrogen bond, two diaensional modei and Isotope effeots* H.D. SokoloT. ToA. SaveleY Ohem. Phye. (15 June 1977), 22(3), 38>399. 402* Equilibrium Isotope effects on the proton transfer reactions of methylbenzenes. P« Ausloos, S.G. Lias J. Aa. One*. 3oo. (8 Jun. 1977), 22(12), 4198-4199*

403* Alternative to tunneling in proton transfer reactions exibiting high Isotope effeots* B.M. Eoiower J, Ihys. Ohem. (21 April 1977), 81(8), 807-6.

404* Measurement and analysis of the V2 band of DgO. 0.1. Lin Ohio State Univ., Columbus (USA). Thesis Ph.D. 1976. 137 p. University Microfilms Order No. 77-10561. 405* Isotopic exchange during crystallization of some hydrogen containing salts from aqueous solutions* (In Russian) Ta. Eh- Sherehuk, Momtaz, R.Sfa. etc. IzotopnyJ obmen prikristallieatsii nekotorykh TOdorodsoder- Bhashchikh Solej ie Todnykhrastroror. Eristallografiya. (Mar 1977). T.22(2). p.421-424c For English translation, see the journal SOT. Phys. - Orystallogr. 109 406* improved technique for the preparation of deuterate'd polyethylene targets. CM. Bartle Nucl. Instrum. Methods. (1 Aug. 1977), JilO* 599. 407. Calculation of carbon-14, ehlorine-37 and deuterium kinetic isotope effects in the solvolysis of tertbutyl chloride. Gr.W. Burton, L.S. Sims etc. J. Am. Chen. Soc. (11 May 1977), 9J£(10), 3371-5379.

408. Sequential deuterium exchange reactions of protonated

benzenes with I>20 in the gas phase by ion cyclotron resonance spectrosoopy. B.S. Freiser, R.L. Woodin J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1979), 22, 6893-6894.

409. Kinetics of reduction of nickle (II) oxide with deuterium. M. Pospisil, Collect. Czech. Chem. Comaun. (April 1977), A2(4)» 1278-1284. 410. Rate dependence on the chain size in the hydrogen exchange reaction between anino-isoalkanes and sulphurio acid. 3m Bgyed, K. Seilagyi (Budapest) Radiochea. Radioanal. Lett. (1977). V.28(2). p.171-173.

411.. Hydrogen Isotope exohange in the aldehyde group during the reduction of bensaldehyde by tritiated sodiuaborohydride. 0. Adas*, V. Gold J. Chem* Soc. (London), Pericin. Trans., II I3SH 0300-9580 (1977) (No.11). p.1472-1478. 110

412* Isotopic effects on the electronic properties of H20 and XUO in the vacuum UV. J.M. Heller, Jr., R.D. Berkhoff J. Ohem. Phys. (1 Sept. 197?), fi[(5)» 1858-1860.

413* The virial coefficient isotope effect of Hcl. U> Leucha (Heidelberg Univ. JRG) ABD-0onf-77-163-007. 1977

4U* Rate constants for the reaction of hydrogen and deuterlun atoms? with si lane. D. Miheloic, V. Schubert / J. Jhya. Chem. (11 Aug. 1977), 81.(16), 1543-1545.

415* Isotopu effects and reaction mechanisms* V.J. Shiner Jr. Rock, P.A. (ed). Isotopes and chemical principles, Washington, DC. American Chemical Society. 1975. p.163-183. See CONF-74O349. p.6

416. Isotope effeot in hydrogen atom abstraction from substituted phenols by polyvinyl acetate radicals in vinyl acetate. Evidence for tunneling. M. Simonyi, I. Titos J. Chem. Soo. (London), Faraday Trans., I (1977). V.73 (Pt.9), p.1286-96. * • 111 417* Isotope effects and quantum mechanical tunneling* R.E. Weston Jr. Rock, P.A. (ed). Isotopes and chemical principles. Washington, DC. American Chemical Society. 1975* p.44-63. See C0NF-7403+3-P6. 418. Corrections to the Born Oppenheimer approximation in the calculation of isotope effects on equilibrium constants. H. WolfBberg Rock, P.A. (ed«). Isotopes and chemical principles. Washington, DC. American Chemical Society. 1975* p.64-76. See CONF-74O349-P6.

419* Kinetic isotope effect for the reaction of a hydrogen atom

with cyclohexane-h^2, eyclohexane-d12» cyolohexane-1,1f2t2 ",3-dg as studied by the radiolysis of water vapour - cyclo- hexane mixtures. N. Pdjisaki Ber. Bunaenges. Phys. Chem. (Jun 1977), 81(6)« 544-550.

4*0. Kinetics and isotope effects in the reaction of 4-nitro- phenylnitroinethane with amidines in toluene. 0. Rogne J. Chem. Soc. (London) Chem* Commun. (19 Oct. 1977)* (No.20). p.695-698.

421* Model calculations of hydrogen-deuterliM isotope effects for Eg And EjCB dehydroohlorinatione of 1,1 diaryl-2,2-dichlor«- thanes. 112

. G.W. Burton, L.B. Sims , J. Ohem. Soo* (London), Parkin Trans. II ISSN 0300-9580 (1977) (No.15). p.1763-1770. 422* Solvent dependence of kinetio hydrogen isotope effeots for simple proton transfer* B.J. Cox, A. Gibson J. Chem. Soc. (London), Ferkin Trans* II ISSN 0300-9580 (1977) (No.13) p.1812-1815* 423* Oatalytio proton bridge in aoetylimiiasolium ion hydrolysis implicated by a proton inventory* J.L. Hogg, U.K. Phillips J. Org. Ohem. (8 Jul. 1977) 7*42(14) p.2459-2461.

424* Isotope effects in diffusion of perdsuteriobensene and benzene in a series of nozaal hydrooarbons at 25*0. I.R. Shankland, P.S* Arora

J. Fhya. Chem. (28 Jul 1977), 8ifi5)9 1518-1519* 425* Behaviour of hydrogen atoms in the fragmentation of CH^CD,. I.H. Suzuki, K. Maeda Can. J. Ohem. (1 Sept. 1977), 5£(17), 3124-3131.

426. Sioxetane cheailurainesoenot. The effect of deuteritn substitution on tbe thexmal decomposition of trans-3,4- diphenyl-1,2 dioxetane. J.Y. Koo, O.B. Schuster J. Aa. Ohem. Soo. (3 Aug. 1977), 22(16), 5403-5408. 113 427* Secondary deuterium isotope effects in the thia-allylic rearrangement. H. Kwart, T.J. George J. Am. Ohem. Soe. (20 Jul 1977), 22.05), 5214-5215. 428* Hyperconjugction and the angular dependence of BEPA- deuterium isotope effects. D.E. Sunko, I. Szele ' J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (20 Jul. 1977), 29.(15), 5OOO-5OO4.

429' The virial coefficient-isotope effect of ammonia. G. Adam, B. Sohramm (ERG). Ber. Bunsengee. Stays. Ohem. (April 1977), 81,(4), 442-444. 430. Integrated infrared intensities of the fundamental vibrations of , acetylene-do and effective charges. G.B. Hast, Broun Univ., Providence, R.I. (USA) Thesis (Ph.D) 1976. University Microfilms Order Ho. 77-14, 165. 431. Radical production form the interaction of closed-shell molecules. 4* 1,4 diradicals and the isotope effects on the spontaneous polymerisation of pentafluorostyrene* W.A. Pryor, M. lino J. Am. Chem. Soc. (31 Aug. 1977), 2£(18), 6003-6007. 114 432* Calculation of isotopic partition functions ratios by a perturbation theory technique* 2. Dissection of ihe isotope effect. S.A. Skaron, M. Wolfsberg J. Am. Chem. Soe. (3 Aug. 1977), 22.(16), 5253-5261. 433* Reactions of CH* (Cl£) with O*HgO isomers. R.D. Smith, I).A. Herold J. Am. Chem. Soc. (31 Aug. 1977)t 22(18), 6042-6045. 434* Simulation of the effects of translations! and vibrational energy on H & D atom reactions with HOI and SOI.

T. Valencich, J. Hsieh, I. Stewart Ber. Bunsenges Ihys. Chem. (Feb. 1977)* 81(2), 131-133*

435* The influence of reactant structure on reactivity and isotope effects in the cracking of alkylbenzenes over an acid catalyst. F. Andreu, M.M. Ramirez:. G.C. Bond Proceedings of the sixth international congress on oatalysis. Imperial College. London. 12-16 Jul. 1976. Vol. I ISBN 0 85186 188 1 London Chemical Society, 1977, p.593-600. 436* Exchange with deuterium and isomerisation of alkenes catalysed by gallium oxide. P.B. Carleton, T.A. Gilmore Proceedings of Uie sixth international congress on catalysis. Imperial College, London. 12-16 July 1976. Vol. I. ISBN 0 85186 188 1. London Chemical Society, 1977, p.291 115

437* The activity of Cr* and Or3* ions dispersed in magnesira oxide for the hydrogen-deuteriunequilibration:reaetion. T* Indovina, A. Cinlno Proceedings of the sixth international congress on catalysis. Imperial College, London. 12-16 July 1976. Vol. ISBN 0 85186 188 1 london Chemical Society, 1977. 216-22. 438. Stopped-flow studies of carbon dioxide hydration and bicarbonate dehydration in 1^0 and I^O. Acid-base and r^tal ion catalysis. Y. Pocker, D.W. Bjorkquist J. Am. Chem. Soc. (28 Sept. 1977), 22(20), 6537-6543- 439• Hydrogen-deuterium exchange between MBH. and MBD. (M » Li, Ha). Isotope effeots on the *H and nB HMR Spectra of the BH/eub n/l/sub 4-n/anions and a discussion of exchange reactions in some covalent tetrahydroborate systems. B.E. Saith, B.B. James, R.H. Peaehey Inorg. Chen. (Aug. 1977), 16(8), 2057-2062.

440* Intramolecular isotope effect in laser nultipfconon dissociation

of CH2DCH2C1. A.J. Colussi, 3.W. Benson Chea. Phys. Lett. (1 Dee. 1977), 52(2)t 349-354.

441* Hydrogen-deuterium exchange in saturated hydrocarbons on ehromia oatalyst. Kalaan, j., ffueai, L. J. Catal. (15 Jun. 1977), 11(3), 371-383. 116

442* Isotopic exchange of some heterocyclic oanpounds with D20 on metala of group 8. Eh.A. Kurakhanov, A.G. Dedov Veatn Mosk Univ., 3er. II. Khim (Mar-April 1977). V.18(2) p.215-217. For English translation see the journal Mosc Univ. Chen. Bull.

443» KMR chemical shift dependence on medium ionic strength for poly (c<)-L-giutaaic acid in DgO solutions. H.L. Gearhart, W.P. Sowyer Anal. Lett. (1977), 10(11), 887-905. 444* Isotopic mass effects in the diffusion of small light solutes in a solvent of larger and heavier molecules. KvR. Harris, R* Mills J. Shys. Ohem. (17 Nov. 1977), 81(23), 2191-2192. 445* Isotope effect oh the zeropoint energy shift upon condensation. Z.C. Kornbltan, T. Ishida Brooklyn Coll., H.Y. (USA) Dept. of Chemistry. COO-3127-21. Jul. 1977. 316 p» Available from NTIS, PC Ai4/i«P A01.

446. Kinetic isotope effect in dehydration of ionic solids. II. The kinetics of dehydration of calcium oxalate monohydrate. E.P. Manche, B. Carroll J* Ihyo. Cheat, (29 Dec. 1977), 8JLC26)» 2637-2639• 117

447* Deuterium isotope effects in the thernochenioal decomposition of liquid 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene application to mechanistio studies using isothermal differential scanning calorimetry analysis* S.A. Shackelford, J.W. Beckaann J. Org. Chem. (2? Dec. 1977), 12(26), 4201-4206. 448. Solvent deuterium isotope effeot on hydrolysis of borio acid. M. Maeda, Y. Sunaoka J. Inorg. Nuol. Chem. ISSN 0022-1902 (1978). 7.40(3), p.509-514. 449* Solvent deuterium isotope effect on hydrolysis of Hd+* ion. M. Maeda, Z. Naturforsch, B. (Deo* 1977) V.32(12), p.1493-1495.

450. Shock tube study of the H-D exchange reaction between acetylene and deuterium. H. Ogura Bull. Chem. Soo. Jpn. (Sept. 1977), 50(9), 2242-2246.

451* Adsorption of hydrogen on ZnO and the isotope effect at low temperatures. Watanabe, Masao (In Japanese) Shokttbai (Sept. 1977), 19.(4), 201-202.

492. Steroeletronic control in the base-catalysed H-D, exchange reaction of twistan-4-one. R.R. Fraser, P.J. Champagne J. Ao. Chen. Soo. (18 Jan. 1978), .100(2), 657-658. 118

453* Contributions of zero point energy effects and tunneling to "nonnal" deuterium kinetic iaotope effeets. S.B. Kaldor, W.H. Saundere J. Chan. Phys. (1 Har. 1978), 68(5), 2509-2510. 454 * Aoid-catalysed deuterium exchange of the indole ring protons in tryptamine derivatives• 3. Kang, T.H. Witherup J. Org. Chem. (11 Hov. 1977), i£(23), 3769-3772. 455* Isotope effect in the pumping of hydrogen by titanium thin films. H.E. Malinowski J. Vac Sci. Teohnol (Jan. 1978), 1£(1), 95-97. 456. Studies on the selective preparation of aromatic compounds. HV. A attempt to prepare all the possible deuterated phenols by the reductive dehalogenation of the corresponding halophenols with Raney alloya in an alkaline deuterium oxide solution. M. Tashiro, A* Iwasafci J. Org. Ohem. (20 Jan. 1978), 4jtf2), 196-199. 457. Solvent, isotope and magnetic field effects in the geminate recombination of radical ion pairs. H. Werner, H. Staerk J. Ohem. Ehys. (1 Mar, 1978), 68(5), 2419-2426. 119

450* Proton inventories of a serine protease charge-relay model in an aprotie solvent* J.X. Hogg. R. Morris J. Am. Chem. Soc (1 Mar 1978), .100(5), 1590-1594•

459» Isotope effeot on the zero point energy shift upon condensation. Z.C. Kornbliun Oity University of New York, N.Y. (USA). Thesis (Ph.D). 1977* 315 P» University miorofilms order No. 77-20, 496*

460. External deuterium isotope effeot on the fluorescence of azo compounds. HrJ. Mirbach, M.P. Mirbach (In German) AED-Conf-77-407. 1977. p.31

461* Isotope effect in the reduction of trifluoroacetophenone. A. Ghno, H. Yamamoto Chem. Lett. (Tokyo). (Jan. 1978). V. 1978(1). p.65-68

462. Base catalysed isotopic exchange of molecular hydrogen. IV. Hydi*ogen isotope effects in the dimethyl sulfoxide-water ayat em. E. Buncel. E.A. Symons J. Am. Chem. Soc. (15 ?eb. 1978). .100(4), 1084-1092.

463* Tracer studies of cyclopropane reactions on aolybdena- alumina catalysts. Z.A. Lombardo, M. Lo Jacono, W.K. Hall J. Catal. (Keb. 1978), 51(2), 243-255. 120

464. Hydrogenation of ethylene over molybdena-alumina'oatalyata. E.A. Lombardo, M. Houalla, W.K. Hall J. Catal. (Peb. 1978), 51(2), 256-268.

265. Hydrogen isotope effects in titanium alloy hydrides. J. lanaka, R.H. Wiswall Inorg. Ohem. (Peb. 1978), J2(2), 498-500. 466* Oatalytio oxidation. VI. Oxidation of labeled Olefins over silver. N.W. Cant, W.K. Hall • J. Oatal. (30 Mar 1978), 5J(D, 81-94

467* Porstyl-d aromatic aldehydes.- I. Chancellor, M. Quill J. Org. Chera. (17 Mar 1978), 4J|(6), 1245-1246. 468. Vapour pressure isotope effects in the benzene(B)- Cyclohexane(C) system from 5 to 80*0. I. The pure liquids

B-do, B-dj, Ortho-tmeta-, and para-B-dg, B-dg, C-do, and

0-d12» II* Excess free energies In the solutions B-hg/B-dg, Oh^g/C—d^2» B-hg/C—h^gt B—dg/C—h^g, and B—hg/O—d^g. G. Jakli, P. Izias J. Ohem. Ihys. (1 April 1978), 68(7), 3177-3190. 469. Vapour pressure isotope effects in benzene-oyolohexane systems. III. Theoretical analysis. a. Jansoo, W.A. Van Hook J. Ohem. fhys. (1 April 1978), 66(,/, 3191-3202. 121

470. Relative rate constants for hydrogen atom abstraction by the cyclohexanethi/yl and benzenethiyl radicals* W.A. Pryor, G. Gojon J. Org. Chem. (3 Mar 1978), £L(5), 793-800.. . 471* Iaotope effects on the carbon-hydrogen bond orientation of methyliodide in nanatic phase* J.B. Wooten, G.B. Savitsky J. Magn. Resonance (Jan. 1978), 29_(1), 35-31*

472* The kinetic isotope effect in dehydration of ionio aolida* I* The kinetics of dehydration of caloium oxalate monohydrate. E.P. Manche, B. Carrol Ihermochim Acta. ISSN-0040-6031. (May 1978), ^4.(1), 1-7. 473* Isotope exchange of trieferrocenylphosphlne and triferrocenyl- phosphine oxide* A.N. Nesmeyanov, D.N. Kuraanov (In Russian) Izr. Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Ser. Khim (Oot. 1977)* (Ho.10) p.2263-2265* For English translation, see the journal Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci.

474* Energy dependent kinetic study of the reactions of Zn(g) + atoms with Hj (Dj) and 0H4D . P«X. Po, T.P. Radus, R.P. Porter J. Phys. Chem. (9 Mar 1978), 82(5), 520-526. 122

475. Quadrupole moss-filter sensitivities of H2» HD, Dg and Tg, and the kinetics of B-parfaicle induced exchange between Hgt Dg and Tg at 25.4*0. J.W. Pyper, E.M. Kelly (Liveraore, U.S.A). TTCRL-52391. 11 Jan. 1978. 34 p. Available from NT1S, PC A03/MF A01. 476* Energy dependent kinetic study of the reactions of Mg(g) atoms with a series of protonated ions. T.P. Itadus, R.P. Porter J. Phys. Chem. (9 Mar. 1978), 8j>(5), 513-519.

477* Isotope effects on resonance cross sections in predissooiation/ preassociation. B.C. Eu, N. Zaritsky Chem. Phys. Lett. (1 Hay 1978), 55.(3), 575-581. 478. Methods of calculating isotopio fractionation in minerals. J.R. Hulston, B.Y. Robinson (ed). Stable isotopes in the earth sciences. DSIR Bull-220. Wellington. DSIR science information division 1978. p.211-219. New Zealand DSIR bulletins. ISSN 0077961. 479* The Isotope effect in the evaporation of ammonia-ohlorlde. H.H. Tirnich, A. Hoepfner (In German) AED-0onf-78-150-011 (1978). Vp. Deutsche Bunsen-Gasellschaft fuer Phyaikalisohe Chemie e.v., Frankfurt am Main (Germany, FR) Buns en meeting 1978* Bunsentagung 1978. 123 480. Orientation in metal catalysed hydrogen exchange between alkanea, , or biphenyl and deuterium or deuterium oxide* K«A. long, R«E* Hoyes J. Catal. (April 1978), 12(2), 206-217.

481. Inveatigation of concentration dependence of enthalpy characteristics of isotope effects of dissolution of and IH some halogenides of alkaline metals in Tt2° 2° ** 298.15*K. y.K. Abrosimov, A.V. Ionov, G.A. Krestov (In Russian). Radiokhimiya (1977), 12(6), 867-868. For English translation, see the journal Sov. Radiochem.

482. Pull-push mechanism for the 1,2-hydrogen rearrangement of oarbenes. Substituent and deuterium isotope effects for theznal decomposition of 1-phenyl-2-diazopr0panes. D.T.T. Su, E.R. Thornton J. Am. Chem. Soc. (15 Mar. 1978), 100(6), 1872-1875.

483* Proton exchange in gas-phase isopropylation of bensene and toluene* Y. Taaaaoto, 3. lakamuku J. Am. Chem. Soo. (12 April 1978), .100(8), 2474-2478.

484* Seuterated oyolopentadienyls of thallium and other metals. O.K. Anderson, R.J. Gross . 3. Ohem. Soo. (London), Ohem. Oommun. (16 Aug. 1978) (No.16), p.709. 124. ."-;" • ' ••- 485* Calculated and observed Isotope effects with easily polarizable hydrogen and deuterium bonds* R. Janoschek, A. Hayd J. Chem. 3oc. (London)* Faraday Trans., II. (1978), 21(7), 1238-1245. 486* Kinetic isotope effect in the reaction of 4-nitrophenyl- nitromethane with the cyclic amidine base BBtT 1,5-diazabicyclo (5,4»0) undec-5-ene E.P. Oaldin, 0. Rogne J. Ohera. Soc« (London), Faraday Trans., I (1978). V.74 (pt.8). p.2065-2063. 487* Non-isothermal studies of the dehydration of double salt and their deuterium oxide analogues, 1* H.R. Chaudhuri, M.K. Dasgupta etc. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (Feb. 1978), 51(2), 506-511. 488. Mechaniems of elimination reactions 29. Deuteriin kinetio isotope effects in elimination from amine oxides* The oonsequenoes of nonlinear proton transfer. W.B. Ohiao, W.H. Saunders (Jr.) J. An. Ohm. Soo. (26 April 1978), 100(9), 2802-2805* 489* Hydrogen-deuterium exohange reaotions of carbaniona frith • deuterated alcohols in the gas phase. O.H. De Puy, T.M. Bierbaum, O.K. King, R.H. Shapiro J. Am. Ohem. Boo. (26 April 1978), 120(9), 2921-2922. 125 490* She absorption spectra of undeuterated and deuterated polyethelyene terephthalate in the far infrared* W. Frank, W. Strohmeler (In German) ABD-0onf-78-058-018. ABD-0onf-78-058-000 1978. p.33. Short oonmunioation only* .491* Secondary isotope effects in intramolecular oatalysis. Mono-p-bromophenyl suocinate hydrolysis. R*D< Gandour, V.J. Stella etc J. Org. Ohem. (28 April 1978), 43.(9), 1705-1708. 492* Deuterium isotope effects in seleoted reaction mechanii I.J. George Delaware Univ.* Newark (USA). Thesis (Ph.D) 1978* 139 p. University microfilms order No. 78-00, 124* 493* Simple cracking and hydrogen rearrangement cleavage for oxetanes under electron impact. Substituent effects and energetics* Jones, G. II, McDonnell-Bushnell, L.F* J. Org. Chan. (26 Hay 1978), 4.3.(11), 2184-2183. 494* Deuterium isotope separation via vibrationally enhanced deuterium halideolefin addition reactions* J.B. Marling, J.R. Simpson, M.1I. Miller Rae, H.K. (ed). Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington, 00* American Siiewical Society* 1978* p. 134-151. Sec OONP-77O51O-F3. 126

495* Kinetic isotope effects in the CH.+H —> CH-+H2 system. Predictions of the IMR six-body potential energy reaotion hypersurface. T.D. Marriott Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater (USA). Thesis (Ph.D) • 197t 255 P» Univ. miorofilms order No. 7801, 294. 496* 8olubility of hydrogen and deuterium in yttrium. Mitsuishi, Nobuo, Ishiguma, Kazuo (japan). Kyushu Daigaku Eogaku Shuho. (Aug. 1977)» 59.(4)• 359-364• 497* Exchange of deuterium for hydrogen during the reaotion of dlmethylamine-N-d-borane with halogenating agents. W.H. Myers, O.E. Rysohkewitsoh Inorg. Ohem. (May 1978), 12(5)» 1157-1159. 499. Isotope effects in the emission cross section of the balmer lines (p, r, delta) produced by controlled electron impact on HOI and 101. 1. Ogawa, M. Higo Ohem. lett. (Tokyo) (May 1978). V 1978(5). p.493-494.

499* Energy partitioning in unimoleoular decomposition. Isotope

effeots on the kinetic energy release in the loss of H2 from (CH^ - 0H)+. a.J. Rickard, N.f. Oole J. An. Ohem. Soo. (26 April 1978), 100(9), 2904-290?. 127

$00* Kinetio isotope effects and organic reaction mechanisms. T» Yukawa, T. Ando Hem. Inet. Sol. Ind. Res., Osaka Univ. (Mar. 1977), 5i, 39-47. 501* Interactions in the tri-n-butyl phosphate-water diAUent system. J.W. Soddy J. Inorg. Nucl. Chora. ISSff 0022-1902 (1978), £0(10), 1787-1791. 502* iBotope effect on the zero point energy shift upon condensation. I« Fozmulation and application to ethylene, methane and fluoromethanes. Z.C. Korablura, T. Ishida J. Ohem. Riys. (1 Sep. 1978), 69_(5)t 1814-1825. 50J. Solvent effects and secondary isotope effects for probing diradical character in the thermal deoarboxylation of ^-peroxylaetones. W. Adam, 0. Cueto J. Org. Chem. (31 Mar. 1978), 42(7), 1466-1467. 504* Deuterium labeling method for the assignment of histidine nuclear magnetic resonanoe peaks of proteins. T. Arata, A. Sbimizu J. An. Ohem. Soc. (10 Hay 1978), 100(10), 3230-3232. 128

505*, Garbon-14 and deuterium isotope effect during the 2+2 oyoloadditlon of diphenylketcne to atyrene. O.J. Collins* B.M. Benjamin J. An. Ohera. Soc. (12 April 1978), J00(8), 2570-2571., 506* Isotope effeote on the degree of order and the deuteriw quadrupole coupling constants, as measured by MIR of oriented benzene-d^ 1,4-benBene-dg *Jid 1,3,5-benzene-dj. P. KLehl, M. Reinhold Mol. Phys. ISSN 0026-8976 (July 1978), 26(1), U3-H9. 507* Excitation functions of slow proton transfer reactions involving negative ions* Lifshitz, C.# Wu, R.L.C* J. Am. Chem. Soo. (29 Mar. 1978), J00(7), 2040-2048. 506. Organic reactions of . IV. A facile regiospecifio hydrogen-deuterium exohange in olefins. Consequence of the intexmediaoy of allylio sulphinlo aoids in the ene reaction of sulfur dioxide with double bonds* D. Masilaraani, M.M. Rogic J. Am. Ohera. Soc. (5 Jul. 1978), 100(14), 4634-4635* 509* Isotope effects on vapour pressure. Y.<*. Oh, M.3. Jhon J. Korean Ohen. Soo. (April 1977)* 21.(2). 75-82. 129

510* Pure nuclear quadrupole resonanoe of ionio halides, 1» 1 2 793r - NQR investigation of the hydrogen bonding, the H-D isotope effect* and the 'order-disorder* transition in the anilinium bromides CgHgHHtBr"", OgHjjNDtBr", and

W. Pies, A. Weiss Bull. Ohem. Soc. Jpn. (April 1978), £1,(4), 1051-1061.

511* The energy transfer-isotope effeot in thermal unimoleoular reactions. A.J. Stace Mol. Phys. ISSN 0026-8976 (Oct. 1978). 26(4), 1241-1244.

512. Studying the mechanisms of dehydrogenation and dehydration of deuterated 2-butanols on oxides. > K. Tomke (In German) Z. Phys. Chem. (Wiesbaden) 1977* 106(3-6), 225-235*

515. Reactions of sulfur atoms. XV. Absolute rate parameters for the 3(3P2l °) + alkyn* reacti6ns. A. Van Roodselaar, I. Safarik J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (21 Jun 1978). j00(13), 4068-4073.

514* Hydrogen evolving reactions 1 the thermal decompositions of oeroua carbonates. J.J. Peterson. I.I. Onstott J. Inorg. Vucl. Ohm. IS8H 0022-1902. (1978). ^0(7), 1357-1363. 130

515» Determining the mechanism of dehydration of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols by means of deuterium

uptake on deuterated catalysts (BP04, 0a,PO4)2 and SnigO^). K. Thomke Z. Phys. Ohem. (Wiesbaden) (1977). .106(3-6), 295-304.

516c Synthesis of deuteroformic aoid. H.G. Bull, L. do. Amaral (in Portuguese) Oiene. Cult. (Sao Paulo). Supl. (Jul. 1975). 22(7), 144« 517• Synthesis of Pnnetoxiphenyl deuterofoxmate. H.G. Bull, L.do Amaral (In Portuguese) Cieno. Cult. (3ao Paulo) Supl. (Jul. 1975). 27.(7), 145.

518. Secondary kinetic isotopic effeot of deuterium in the reaction of benzaldehyde with hydrogen cyanates. T. Okano, L. do Amaral (Sao Paulo) (in Portuguese) Cienc. Cult. (Sao Paulo) Supl. (Jul. 1975). 21(7), 145.

519* Remote secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects arising from sterioally congested ground states. R.C. Badger, Toledo, Univ., OH (USA). Thesis (Ph.D). 1977. 136 p. University miorofilns order Ho. 78-02, 479.

520. Hydrogen versus deuteriwa transfer in asyametrio reductions. R.I. Eisenbaumer, Stanford Univ., C.A. (USA). Thesis (Ph.D). 1978. 138 p. Univ. aiorofilms order Ho. 78-08, 787. 131 521* Measurement of gas phase reaction rates i DtHX (X = F, 01 and ON) and KO+Oj. Progress report. Sept. 1, 1977 - Aug. 31» 1978. S.J. Gorden Ohioago Univ., II (USA). 000-4426-1. Aug. 1978. 9p. Available from HTIS, PC A02/MP A01. 522. Kinetics and mechanism of aquation and formation reactions of carbonator complexes. XII. Deuterium solvent isotope effect on the rate of acid-catalysed deoarboxylation of the oarbonatobis (ethylenediamine) Cobalt III oomplex ion. A mechanistic reappraisal. G.M. Harris, K.E. Hyde Inorg. Chem. (Jul. 1978). jl(7), 1892-1096.

523* The effect of vibrational exitation in the reactions of

OH with H2. G.C. Light, J.H. Matsumoto Ohem. Fhys. Lett. ISSN 0009-26H. (15 Oct. 1978). jj§(4), 578-581.

524* Thermal rate constants, energy dependence and isotope effeot for laser initiated halogen-hydrogenhalide reactions* 0.0. Mei California Univ., USA. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. LBL-8051. (Jul. 1978). 146 p. Available from NHS, PC A07/to A01. 525* Solubilities of hydrogen and deuterium gases in water and their isotope fractionation factor. J. Muecitelli, W.Y. Wen J. Solution Ohem. (April 1978). 2(4), 257-267* 132 526. Deearboxylation of monosubstituted derivatives of oarbonio aoid. Comparative studies of water and aoid catalysed deoarboxylation of ao&ixm alkyl oarbonates* in HgO and DgO. Y. Pooker, B.L. Daviaon J. Am. Ohem. Soo. (24 May 1978). 100(11), 3564-3567. 527* Hydrogen-deuterium exchange rate between a peptide group and an aqueous solvent as determined by a stopped flow ultraviolet spectrophotometry Takahashi, Tetsuo, Nakanishi, Mamoru Bull. Ohem. Soo. Jpn. (Jul. 1978). $±(7), 1988-1990. 528. Properties and reactions of in the gas phase by ion cyclotron resonance and photolonisation mass spectrometry. Proton affinity, site specificity ot , and heat of formation of ketene* J. Vogt, A.D. Williamson J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (24 May 1978). JOO(11), 3478-3483.

529* Effect of isotope concentration on separation factor of the H-T, H-D and D-T mixtures in the hydrogen-palladium system. B.M. Andrev, A.S* Polevoj (In Russian) At.Ehnerg. (Jul. 78). ±5.(1), 53-58. For English Translation, see the journal Sov. At. Energy.

530. Magnetic field and isotope effects induced by hyperfine interaction in a steady state photochemical experiment. W. Bube, R. Haberkorn J. Am. Ohem. Soe. (13 Sep. 1978). 100(19), 5993-5995. 135 571* Equilibrium isotope affect on hydrogen dietributton between carbon and metal bound sites* A neutron diffraction study of partially deuterated deoarbonyldi- hydriodomethylenetriosmium. R.B. Oalvert. J.R. Shapley J. Am. Ohera. Soo. (13 Sep. 1978). .100(19)* 6240-6241* 532* Variable transition state structure In the oope rearrange- ment as deduced from secondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects. J.J. Gajewaki, H.D. Oonrad J. Am. Chem. Soo. (13 3ept. 1978). 100(19), 6269-6270. 533. Pt/SiOg. IV. Isotopio exchange between oyolopentane and deuterium. T. Inoue, J.M. Hermann J. Catal. (Jul. 1978), 5J(3)» 401-413. 534* Proton-cation interaction in amides of the alkali and alkali earth metals. H. Jakobs, II. Nagib (in Crezman) INKA-Conf-78-023-013. 535* Bie thensal unimoleoular decompositions of CHsCDgOl.

0iyJD2ei and CH3OHC12. ' R. Jonas* H. Heydtmann Ber. Bunsenges Agra* 0h«* (Aug. 1978). 8g(8), 823-827. 134 536. Significance of a secondary deuterium isotope effect in the photoVearrai^loniHt?of • 4^iainopyri(ililtuffl yli

J. Am: Chemrioo'. frffi&eW-1978fo 30frfg0l:» ^501-6502. 537. Kinetics of eyolopropane f oxmatiori toy iiWfi^^stannyl . - . ,A -k*ne/tic isotope effect as a probe lor tl» lieehenism of neighboring group participation* ^' J

., r _ D.0. Mo »liimf°tf& fiaiasubramaaian,' •> • •; • • ^:«v , -x J. Am. OhemV Sob.'fi^SSpi ^978)'* 100(20^,/j$4O7-6413• 538. Kinetic «t-deuterium isotope effect for We" bidding of purine : • } „?•: oiucl^pat^ea to, ^alf spleen purihe* niibie'bSid'e' phosphorylase. Evidence for catalysis by distortion. ' ' " "

R.L. Stein, R. RoinSro ~' "--''••'•••'••'•'" • *• • ".••Ols\,tiz ,;.;;; J. Am. Ohem. Soe. (13 Sep. 1978). IQOt 19^6249-6251. 539. Vibratipna| plectra, and foroe constants:&t normal and ^, deuterated methyl boron dichloride. "'' u H.J. Becher, P. Bfamsiepe' " ' - Spectroehim. Acta, Part A. ISSN 0584-8539 (1979). 35A(1), 59-61. J'S' '•'' fflOftr, Kinetic isotope effeots in the reactions df 4-nitrophenyl- nitronethane Wth alkyiamidihe bases in toluene. E.P. Caldin, 0. Rogne, O.J. iilson * ; . J.v Chent. Soo. (London),"Paraiay' Trans*^1 ''2^7)^1796-1803^' 'md° °*'m '•••••y<**i'M 135 541* Preparation of highly enriched diazomethane-dg. 3.P. Markey, G.J. Shaw J. Org. Chem. (18 Aug. 1978). 42(17), 3414-3415. 542* Deuterium labeling studies in the transfer hydrogenation of ketones and in the disproportionatiori of diphenylcarbinol over alumina. M.P.K. Unni, 0. Sreekumar J. Oatal. (15 Jun 1978). 55(1), 168-170.

543• Mechanism of flash vacuum pyrolysis of phenyl propargyl ether. Intramolecular deuterium kinetio isotope effect on claisen rearrangement. B.H. Al-Sader, D.M. Al-Fekri J. Org. Chem. (1 Sept. 1978). £3.(18), 3626-3627.

544. Complete olosed coexistence curves for 2H, 3H, 6H, 7H, 8H-5, 8-(dimethylmethano) -5(R)-raethylquift3xaline with water and with deuterium oxide. E.H. Carter, D.M. Kill, R.B. Huff J. Solution Chem. (Jun 1978). 2(5)t 453-456.

545* Ground states of molecules. XIIX MIN3X>/3 study of the retrodiels-alder reaction of cyclohexene. 1I.J.3* Dewar, S. Olivella, H.S. Kzepa J. Am. Chem. 3oc. (30 Aug. 1978). 100(18), 5650-5659.

546. Convenient preparation of deuterated aromatic oompounds. J.W. Lara en, L.W. Chang J. Org< Chea. (1 Sep. 1978). 42(18), 3602. 136

547* Isotope effects in molecular multiquantum amplitudes* O.K* Rhodes, A* Perlmutter, L.P. Scott (eds.) Significance of non-linearity in the natural sciences. New York, NY Plenum Press. 1977. p.293-325. 548. Vibrational apeotra of (CD,).M, and normal coordinate calculations for (CH*) JI (M = Si, Cfe, Sn, Pb) P. Watari Spectrochim. Acta, Part A ISSN 9584-8539 (1978). 34A(12)» 1239-1244. 549. Studies on the dehydrogenation and dehydratisation (by deuterium labelling) of primary, secondary and tertiary

alcohols on SnigO, and La20«. K. Thomke (in German) Ber. Bunsenges Phys. Ohem. (Hov. 1978). 82(11), 1247* 550. Decomposition pressures in the («<.+jO fields of the Li-LiH, Li-IiD and Li-LiT systems. E. Veleckis J. Hucl. Mater ISS1I 0022-3115 (Jan. 1979). 22(1), 20-27. 551. The isotope effeot in the evaporation of annoniwn chloride* H.H. Virnich, A. Hoepfner (in German) Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chera. (Uov. 1978). 82(11), 1247. 552. Ground states of molecules. 51 MNDO (modified neglect of of diatomic overlap) calculations of kinetic isotope effects. S.B. Brosn, M.J.S. Dawar, H.S. Rzepa J. Am. Chera. Soc. (6 Sec. 1978). 100(25), 7832-7836. 553» Kinetio hydrogen isotope effects in the conoerted mechanism for the hydrolysis of acetals» ketals, and ortho esters. R. Eliason, M.M. Kreevoy J. Am. Ohem. 3oc. (25 Oct. 1978). 100(22), 7037-7041. 554* Isotope solvent effect on the hydrogenation of aaleic acid. R. Kudlacek, J. Cabioar, M. Bunata Collect. Czech. Chem. Oommun. ISSN 0010-0765. (Jul. 1978). 42(7), 1832-1837. 555. Isotope effect on the hydrogenation inaleio acid on Ni-Zno type catalysts. R. Kudlacek, J. Cabicar Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 18927-0010-0765 (July 1978). 43(7), 1826-1831. 556* Primary and secondary kinetic isotope effeots In E2 elimination reactions* P.M. Pouad, P.6. Farrell Tetrahedron Lett. ISSH OO4O-4O39. (Nov. 1978). (Ho. 47) p.4735-4738. 557* The excess thenaodynamic properties of solutions of isbtopio isomero, one in the other* 6. Jancso. W.A. Hook Tan (Tennessee Univ.), Physioa A. ISSN 00378^-4371. (May 1978). 21(3-4), 619-624. 138 • 558* Isotopic effects due to energy transfer in photochemical reactions. • R.Z. Sagdeev, A.B. Doktorov . Chem. Ehye. ISSH 0301-0104 (1 April 1578). 29.(3)» 311-321. 559* Radical iaomerization and hydrogen-deuterium exchange in reactions of silver p-tert-butyl benzoate. B.K. Fields, S. Meyerson J. Org. Ohenw (8 Deo. 1978). J2(25h 4705-4708.

560. Adsorption of Et^NBr at the mercury/electrolyte interfaoe from water and heavy water solutions.' F.M. Kiramerle, H. Henard Can. J. Chem. ISSN 0008-4042 (1 Feb. 1979). 51(3)» 330-334. 561. Primary deuterium isotope effects in the oxidation of bensyl- a-d alcohol by transition elements and related reagents : mechanisms of electron transfer. H. Kwart, T.J. George J. Org. Chem. (5 Jan 1979). ££(1), 162-164. 562. Solvolysis of cyclopentyl p-brooobeniensulfonate in aqueous hexafluoroisopropyl alcohol. Deuterium rate effeots, stereo- chemistry of substitution and elimination, and reaction mechanism. R.C. Seib, V.J. Shiner J. Am. Chan. Soo. (20 Sec. 1978). .100(26), 8133-8137. 139 563 • Intennoleoular energy transfer effects in thermal unimolecular reactions* *~9.G. Tardy, R.J. Malins J. Fhys. Chem. (11 Jan 1979). §2.(1), 93-99. 564* Secondary •<-hydrogen kinetic isotope effects in nuoleophilio additions to ferrocenyl stabilised earbocations. O.A. Bunton, N. Carrasoo, W.E. Watts J. Ohera. 3oc. (London), Chem. Gommun. (15 Mar 1979)* (No. 6). p 283-284. 565* Thermal ion-molecule reactions in oxygen containing molecules. Inverse isotope effect in the ion-molecule dimerisation reactions of protonated propyl acetate ions. K. Kumakura, K. Arakawa J. Chem. Soo. (London), Faraday Trans., I (1979). 7J>(3)» 525-532. 566. Ion-pair intermediates and extreme deuterium isotope effects in partially diastereospecific base-promoted elimination competing with base-catalysed 1,3-proton transfer. A. Thibblin, P. Ahlberg J. Am. Chen. 3oc. (21 Hov. 1979). 121(24), 7311-7318. 567. Deuterium isotope effect on the e.s.r. spectrum of radicals : a reappraisal. I. Clark, J. Chandrasekhar J. Ohm. Soc. (London). Chem. Commun. (1980) (No.6). p. 265-268. Uo 568* Variable transition state structure in 3,3-sigmatropio shifts from <-secondary deuterium isotope effects* J.J. Gajewski, N.D. Conrad J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (24 Oct. 1979). 101.(22), 6693-6704. 569* Secondary deuterium isotope effects in Bolvolysia of 1-aryl-5Hnethyl-5-hepten-1-yl chlorides. Comparison of Hand n participation mechanisms. £. Folia, S. Borcio J. Org. Chen. (9 Nov. 1979). M(23), 4096-4100. 570. Ab initio calculation of the rate oonstant for the

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645* Determination of deuterium fraction in heavy water by proton chemical shifts. A. Kellomaeki, M. Jutila Anal. Chem. (July 1979). 51(8), 1335- 1336.

6461 Effect of T>nO on the lov/er critical solution temperature of triethylamine in water. W.J. Green J. Chem. Eng. Data (April 1979). 24.(2), 92-93.

647* Vibrational assignments for the Raman and the phosphorescence spectra of 9,10-anthraquinone and 9,10-anthraquinone-dg . K.K. lehmann, J. Smolarek J. Ihys. Ohem. (3 May 1979). §2(9), 1200-1205.

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vibronio levels of D2C0 and HDCO (A 'Ag). K. Shibuya, D.I. Holterraann J. Phys. Chem. (19 April 1979). 83.(8), 940-944.

649* Nonclassioal brexyl cation. A reassessment. C.J. Collins J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (28 Mar 1979). 1PJ.(7), 1878-1880. 155 650. Conformational dependence of aeoondaxy p-deuterium isotope effects* DePreea, D.J., Hahre, W.J# J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (25 April 1979). 101(9), 2323-2327. 651. Kinetic «fcsecondary deuterium isotope affeota i'or O-ethyl S-phenyl benzaldehyde acetal hydrolysis. J.P. Ferraz, E.H. Oordes J. Am. Chem. Soc. (14 liar 1979). J0l(6), 14G8-1491. u52. Generalised transition state theory. Quantum effects for collinear reactions of hydrogen molecules and isotopically substituted hydrogen molecules. B.C. Garrett, D.G. Truhlar J. Phys. Ohem. (19 April 1979). §5(8), 1079-1112. 653* Iiactim-Lactum tautomeric interconversion mechanism in water-polar aprotie solvent water systems. II. Hydration of 2-hydroxypyridinea. Evidence for a bifunctional water- catalysed proton transfer. 0. Pensaude, 3.T. Chevrier J. Aia. Chem. Soc. 101.(9), 2423-2429. G54. Kinetic isotope effect in the thermolysis of methylcnecyclo- butane. J.S. Chickos J. Ore. Chem. 4i(9), 1515-1513 (1979). 156 . 655» Adsorption of ulcohola and water on alumina 3. dc conductivity and dielectric loss measurements* G. Clement, H. Knoezinger J. Phys Chem. (17 May 1979). 82(10), 1280-1285. 656* Vlbrational spectra of cis-dimethyl-diazene-do, 1,1,1-d* and dg. M.I?. Aokennann, JT.C. Graig S. Phys. (Shorn. ISSN 0022-5654. (3 May 1979). §2(9), 1190-1200. 6^7* Sources of hydrogen in the electrochemical reduction of iodobenzene in dimethylfornamlde solution. R. Alvarado de la Torre* J.W. Sease J. Am. Ohea. Soc. ISSN 0002-7863 (28 Mar 1979). 101(7). 1687-1690. 658* Remote seoondary deuterium kinetic isotope effects as a probe of steric strain in the solVolysis of tertiary alkyl oarbinyl systems. R.C. Badger, L.J. Pry J. Am. Chem. Soc. ISS1I 0002-7863 (28 Mar 1979). 101(7). 1680-1687. 659. Stability of the lanthanide hydrides. D.H.W. Carstens Los Alamos Scientifio lab., IIM (USA). LA-7602^13. Feb. 1979. 9p. Available from NTIS, PC A02/MP A01. 157 660. Catalytic reaotions of hydrocarbons over Pt-Pd alloys.' II. Deuterium exchange of methane and ethane over Pt-Pd alloy films. Surfaoe oomposition of Pt-Pd alloy system. L. Guozi, Z. Karpinski 3. Catal. ISSN 0021-9517 (15 Mar 1979). Jj6(3)i 438-444. 661* Selective formation of trans-2-butene-1«4-do Qn*

(E)-2-fliethyl~2-butene-1,4-d- in deuteration of 1f3-buta- dlene derivatives over thorium oxide catalyst. Y. Imizu, K. Tanabe J. Catal. ISSN 0021-9517. (15 Mar 1979). S§(3)» 3O3-3H. 662. She kinetics of -hydrogen exchange in xanthosine, theobromine and monomethylated derivatives of xanthine. M. Jellnska, J. Ssydlowski, J. Sobkowaki Tetrahedron ISSN 0040-4020 (1979)* 25.(5), 663-666. 663* Effeot of isotopic oomposition of hydrogen on eleotrio conductivity of solid . Y.U.M. Bajkov, T.B. Ptashnik (In Russian). Pie. Tverd. Tela (April 1978). 20(4), 1244-1246. Short note. For english translation see the journal Sov. Phya.- Solid State. 664. Proton exchange and temperature studies of pyrozole in dinethyl-dg sulfoxide by 1'o NMR. W.M. Litchman J. An. 0h«. Soo. ISSH 0002-7863. (Jan 1979).. V 101(3). P. 545-547. 158

665* Contribution to the study of evaporation of natural water using stable isotope. •. . I. lakaki Instituto de Energia Atomioa, Sao Paulo (Brazyl). less (H.Sc.) (in Portuguese). IEA-DT-121. Jan 1979. 52 p. IEA. Dissertacao e Tese. 1979* No. 121.

666* Thermolysis of ois- and trans 1,2-dideuteriooyclobutane. J.S. Chiokos J. Org. Ohem. ISSN 0022-3263. (2 Mar 1979). M(5)t 780-784. "

667* Seoondary deuterium isotope effects for certain acyl transfer reactions of phenyl formates. L. do Amaral, M.P. Bastos J. Am. Ohem. Soc. ISSN 0002-7863. (3 Jan 1979). 101(1). 169-173. 668. dynamics of helix-coil transition and isotope exchange reaction. P. Kano, M. Doi J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. ISSN 0031-9015. (Oct. 1978). 45_(4)» 1354-1359.

669* Secondary kinetic isotope effects in the themal atereonuta- tiona of 1-cyano-2-phenylcyolopropanes. J.B. Baldwin, O.G. Carter J. Am. Ohem. Soc. ISSN 0002-7863. (28 Feb. 1979). 101(5). 1325-1326. 159 670* Electronic and vibrational relaxation studied by photo- luminescence spectroscopy in low temperature matrices. 2. A'Ag state of (HgCO, HDCO and DgOO)1. L.I. Molina, K.Y. Tang J. Hiys. Ohem. (30 Nov. 1978). 82(24), 2575-2678. 671* Thermal rate constants, energy dependence and isotope effect for halogen-hydrogen halide reaction* 0. Mei, C.B. Moore J. Ohem. Ihys. (15 Feb. 1979). 22(4), 1759-1764. 672* Determination of hydrogen atom oonoentration during ethane pyrolysis by radioohemical method* A.M. Karainski, J. Sobkowski Radioehem. Radioanal. Lett. ISSN 0079-9483* (28 Jan. 1979)* 21(3), 117-124. 673* Deuterium isotope effects in the 3,3-sigmatropic shift. N.D. Conrad Indiana Univ. (USA). Thesis Ph.D. 1978. 111p. University microfilms order No. 79-00, 384. 674* Heavy atom kinetic Isotope effects in HOT elimination from some tricyanides in methanol. P.M. Pouad, P.Cr. Parrell Z. Haturforsoh, B (Dec. 1978). 22(12), 1496-1502.

675* Solubility of hydrogen and deuterium in body centered cubic uranium alloys. G.L. Powell J. Phys. Chem. (8 Mar 1979). 83.(5), 605-613. 160 676. Chlorination of phenylsulfinylcyclopropanes and phenylthioeyclopropanes• T. Maauda, N. Furukawa, 8. Oae Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (Sept. 1978). 51(9), 2659-2663. 677* Franck-Condon factors in studies of dynamics of ohemioal reactions. 7. simple construction of quasiadiabatio potential energy surfaces and numerical evaluation of Franck-Condon integrals. O.L. Vila, J.I. Kinsey, J. Ross, Gr.C. Schatz J. Chem. Riye. (1 Mar 1979). 10(5), 24H-2424.

678. Infrared study of surface hydroxyl groups on Zirconium Oxide. T. Ysmaguchi, Y. Nakano Bull. Ohem. Soc. Jpn. (Sep. 1978). H(9)t 2482-2487. 679. Enantiomerically pure (R)-(+)-2-phenylethanol-2-d and

-1,1,2-dyt and (S)-(+)-1-phenylethane-1-d, -1,2,-d2, -1,2,2-d-, and -1,2,2,2-d^. R.L. Elsenbaumer, H.S. Moaner

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601. Growth and decay properties of trapped H and D atoms produced by the photolysis of HI, DI and HBr in 5MP-d*. glass. Evidence for tunneling abstraction of P from C-D bonds by H . S. Aditya, D.D. Willcey, H.Y. Wang J. phys. Chem. (8 Mar 1979). 22(5), 599-605. 682. Permeation of hydrogen Isotopes in nickel. J.T. Bell» J.D. Redman J. Phys. Chem. (28 Dec. 1970). 82(26), 2834-2838.

683* The influence of addition of inorganic carbonates on the relative volatility factor of light and heavy water at temperatures close to the isotope effect inversion temperature.

A. Selecki, G. Chmielewski Isotopenpraxis. ISSN 0021-1915 (April 1979). 1£(4), 99-103. 684. Contribution of the study of iaotopic exchange of hydrogen injmrine derivatives. V. Vaienta, J. filip (in Csech) Radioisotopy. (jun 1977). .18(3), 313-371. 685. Secondary deuterium isotope effects for acid-catalysed hydrolysis of inosine and adenosine. R. Romero, R. Stein, H.G. Bull J. Am. Chem. Soc. (22 Nov. 1978). J00(24), 7620-7624. 162 686* Studies on the biotransforraation of paeonol by means of isotope tracer techniques* Synthesis and physioohenical properties of earbon-13 and deuterium labeled compounds. Mimura, Kunio, Baba, Shigeo Radioiaotopes (Tokyo). (Deo. 1979). 2§(12). 739-744* 687* Thermodynamics of Isotope effects of structural ohangea of water related with hydration of ions of sub group 1A, 2A, 7A elements at various temperatures* V.K. Abrosimov, G.N. Makarov (In Russian)* Zh. Strukt. Xhlm. (Jul-Aug. 1980). 21(4). 120-123* For english translation, see the journal - Journal of Structural Chemistry (USA). 686* Reaction intermediates in the hydrogen exchange of on cation-exchanged resin studied by microwave speetroseopy. T. Uematsu, T. Hondo. J. Catal).. GApidOj 1380). 62(2), 275-279. 689* Asetidines 5« Reaction of 1,1,3.3-tetramethyl- and 1-benzyl-1.3f3aDtrimethylasetidinium ions with butyiUthiui and phenyllithiun. Deuterium labeling as a mechanistic probe. M.I. Wills, I.E. Wills J. Org. Ohem. (6 Jun 1989). 4&(12), 2489-2498. 163 690* Anomalous mobility of liydrogan and deuterium atoms in aqueous solutions of electrolytes. T.A. Benderskij, A.G. Krivenlco (In Russian). Khim. Vys. Ehnerg. (Sept-Oot. 1980). 14.(5), 400-405. for english translation, see the journal High Energy Chemistry. (USA)

691. Oarbon isotope effects in proton abstraction from 2-nitropropane-2- *C by pyridines. The contribution of tunneling. J.C. Wilson, I. Kaellsson J. An. Chen. 3oo. (2 Jul 1980). 10g(H)• 4780-4784* 692. Optical rotary dispersion studies. 129* Oonformational isotope effects and octant contributions of 00- and CH> groups in oyclohexanone* S.P. Lee, M. Sdgar J. Am. Chem. Soc. ( 2 Jul 1980 ). 102(14), 4784-4790.

693* Magnetic field and magnetic isotope effects on cage reactions in micellar solutions. N.J. Turro, M.F. Chow J. An. Chem. Soc. (2 Jul 1980). 102(14), 4843-4845. 694* Seoondary isotope effeots on alphacleayage reactions. . 8. Xngemann, 3. Hammersun (Denmark), p. 547-650. Quayle, A. (ed). Advanoes in maa frpe^trometrr vol. 8A, Proceedings of the 8th international mass speotroawtxy oonftrtnot held at Oslo, 12-18 Aug. 1979. ISBN 0 85501 327 3 London. 164

699* Measurement of zeolite acidity by isotope exchange method* Gy. Karpati, I. Kirioai Acta Chira. Aead. Sci. Hung. (8 Sep 1980). 104.(3), 223-226.

696« Hydrogen-exchange study of a nucleosome. Y. Mitane, M. Nakanishi EBBS (Ped. Eur. Biochera. Soc.) Lett. (17 Nov. 1980). 121(1), 130-132. 697* Isotope exchange reactions of OH" and OS** tilth hydrogen and water* M. Mautner, J.R. Hoyd J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (2 Jul 1980). .102(14), 4672-4676.

698. Isotope effects in aqueous systems. 9* Partial nolar

volumes of Na0l/H20 and NaCl/l^O solutions at 15»30 and 45*0.

699* Calculation of differential isotope effects in HD molecule using double perturbation theory. A.T. Gur'yanov (in Russian) Teor. Ehksp. Khim. (Jul-Aug 1980). 16(4), 530-534. For english translation, see the journal Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry. (USA) 700. Theimodynamios of lsotopic exchange reactions. N.M. Zhavoronkov, D.A. Knyazev (In Russian) Vsp. Shim. (Mar 1980). ^9.(3), 385-419. For cnglish translation, see the journal Russian Ohemioal Reviews (US). 165 701* Spectroecopic studies of photoohemically- Important transition metal exited states* 2. She 'l/sub 1g/3l/sub 1g/ and 5T/sub. 2g/ exoited states o* axaanminecobalt (111)* R.B. Wilson, E.I. Soloman J. Am. Chera. Soc. i, Jun 1?GC . J02(12), 4085-4095. 702. Improved treatment of threshold contributions in variations! transition-state theory* B.C. Barrett, D.G. Truhlar J. Ihys. Ohem. (26 Jun 1980). 8£(13), 1730-1748.

703* Direct calculation of equilibrium constants for lsotopio exchange reactions by ab inltio molecular orbital theory. R.P. Hout. W.J. Hehre J. AD. Ohem. Soc. (23 April 1980). .102(9), 3296-3298. 704* Rates of proton transfer between pyridine bases in the gas phase* Sterio and isotope effeots* J.M. Jainski. J.I. Brauman J. Am. Chem. Soc. (23 Apr 1980). 10g(9), 2906-2913* 705* Models for nicotinamide ooensyaes* Isotope effect discrepancies in the reaction of dihydroniootinamides with trifluoroacetophenone are due to adduct formation* D.M. Chipoan. R. Yaniv J. Am. Chem. Soc. (23 Apr 1980). 102(9), 3244-3246. 166

706* 2D-iaotope effects in HMR spectra of aqueous solutions and tunnel migration of protons* A.A. Samojlenko, N.N. Shapet'kQ (in Sussian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. ISSN 0002-3264* (1980). 252(5). 652-655. 707* Solvent isotope effects upon the thermodynamics of aoae transition-metal redox couples in aqueous media. M.J. Weaver, S.M. Kettles Inorg. Ohem. (Jun 1980). 1£(6), 1641-1651.

708. Base-catalyzed bimodal cleavage of ethylaquo cobaloxioe. K.I. Brown, R.K. Hessley Inorg. Chem. (Aug. 1980), 12(8), 2410-24H. 709* Deuterium and oxygen-18 isotope effects on nuoleophilic displacement by monomerio water in aprotio solvents* J.I. Sure, J. Lee J. An. Chen. Soc. (30 Jul 198O). 102(16), 5427-5429*

710. Kinetic ^-deuterium isotope effect as a probe of transition state structure and reaction mechanism in nuoleoside hydrolysis. R.I. Stein, Indiana Univ., Bloomington (USA). Thesis (Ph.D). 1978. 237 p. UhiT. Microfilms Order No. 78-21, 745. 167 711. Isotope effects on gas phase hydrogen-bonded ooaplexes of acetone. II. The determination of the number of chemioal species using linear dependence tests* E.H. Lane, Oklahona Univ., Nornan (USA). Thesis, Jh.D 1977* 145 P* University microfilms order No. 78-15» 367*

712. lattioe vibrations of crystalline aaidasole and *V sad 0 substituted analogs. M. Majoube OBA-CON*-5355* Aug. 1980. 2p. 7 International Conference on Reoan Spectroscopy. Ottawa, Gtmsfts*. 4^9 Aug. 1980• 713* Resonance Absorption Tieaauresiehts of a'toa concentrations in reacting gas mixtures. III. tyrolysis of CD* behind shook waves. 0.0. Ohiangt J.A. Baker J. Inys. Ohea. (1 May 1980). 8£(9), 939-94*. 7H» Pressure effects on aminonaphthalene dye fluorescence In

H20 and D20. C.J. HastrangelOf H.W. Off en J. Solution Chen. (Hay 1980). £(5), 305-32*. 715* I Heat of fomation of transient neutral molecules via pulsed ion cyclotron resonance speetrosoopy. II* Theoretical and experi«ental probes of hyperoonjugation in the gas phase frith secondary f-deuterlw isotope effects. 9.J. Sefrees California Univ., Irvins(USA). Thesis (Ph.D). 1978. 200 p. University Miorofilns Order No. 79-01, 958. 168 716* Primary tritium isotope effeot on hydride transfer froil sodium borohydride to oyclopropeniun ion* V.E. Pawlowski, R.O. Sinnhuber J. Org. Chem. (20 Jun 1980). ££(13). 2735.

717* Gaseous anion chemistry. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange in mono and dialcohol alkoxi.de ions t ionization reactions in dialoohols. J.R. Iiloyd> V.C. Agosta J. Org. Chera. (15 Aug. 1980). 4JL(17), 3483-3492. 718* Irifluoroacetie acid quenching of naphthalene fluoroscence t implications for the mechanism of photoeleotrophilio hydrogen exohsnge. N.J. Bunce, M.S. Bergsma J. Org. Chem. (23 Hay 1980). £2(11), 2083-2086. 719* ELeetrophilie aromatic substitution in oyelopropenium ions* I. Clark, R. Weiss J. Org. Ohem. (9 May 1980). 4^(10), 1790-1794. 720. Oritioal exponents of a fluid mixture in the presence of isotope exchange. Isobutyric aoid/SgO. I. Gulari, B. Chu J. Ohm. Phys. (1 Sept 1980). 73(5). 2480-2488.

721* Kinetic isotope effeot and tunnelling in the reaction between 4-nitrophenylnitromethane and pentamethylguanidine in acetonitrile and toluene. J.H. Blanohf 0. Rogne J. Ohem. Soo. (London), Faraday Trans., I (1980). JJ>(9)» 1905-1910. 169

722* Theory of the kinetic isotope effect in proton transfer reactions in a polar medium. E.D. German, A.M. Kuznetsov J. Chem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans., II (1980). (Ko.9). p. 1128-1146. 723* Reactions of alkylnitrosoureas in aqueous solution. J.K. Snyder, L.LI. Stock J. Org. Ghent. (9 May 1980). 45(10), 1990-1999. 724* Hydrogen participation vs elimination t the role and fate of neighbouring hydrogen in solvolyais of neomenthyl tosylate. 3. Hirsl-Stareevie, Z. Makers Hajerski J. Org. Chem. (15 Aug. 1980). £5.(17), 3388-3393. 729* Tariational transition state theory * Primary kinetic isotope effects for atom transfer reactions* B.C. Garret*, D.G. Truhlar J. Am. Chem. Soc. (9 Apr. 1980). 102(8), 2559-2570. 726* BelatiTe rates and kinetic isotope effects of reactions in solution. J.R. Murdoch J. Am. Ohvm. Soo. (2 Jan 1980). 10&(1), 71-78. 727* Secondary deuterium isotope effects on formyl transfer reactions between sulfur and oxygen nuoleophiles. l.R. Pohl, B.J. Hups J. Am. Ohem. Soo. (9 Apr. 1980). 102(8), 2763-2768* 170

728. Kinetic isotope-affect probes of transition-state •truoture. Vibrational analysis of model transition states fpr carbonyl addition* J.L. Hogg, J. Rodgers J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2 Jan 1980). 102(1), 79-85. 729* Disproportionation of trimethylsilyl radicals to a sila olefin in the liquid phase. B.J. Cornett, K.Y. Choo J. Am .Chem. Soc. (2 Jan 1980). .102(1), 377-378. 730. Kinetic equation of isotope transfer by elementary reaction• T.S. Muzykantov React. Kinet. Catal. Lett. (30 Jul 1980). 14.(2), 161-167*

731* Dissociation isotherms in the ZrHi-H2(D^) systems. M.S. Kost, L.N. Fadurets Zh. Heorg. Khim. (Mar 1980). 25.(3), 847-849. for english translation, see the journal Russian Journal of Inorganio Chemistry. (UK) 732. Relationship between vibrational frequencies of OH and 00 groups and molecular parameters of some bonded hydrogen complexes. W.A. Bueno, L. Oegreve (In Portuguese) Oieno. Cult. (Sao Paulo). Supl. (Jul 1979). 21(7)* 382. 733* Hydrogen and deuterium sorption by seleoted rare earth intBimetallic oompounds at pressures upto 1500 atm. J.f. Lakner, F.3. Uribe J. Less-Common Met. (Jul. 1980). 22,(1), 87-105. 171

734* Magnetic field effects on the fluorasoenos of fonnel-

dehyde-hg and -d2. K.I. Sorokin, N.L. Lavrik Hour. J. Chim. (Jun 1980). ±(6), 395-401.

735« Tritium labelling as an aid in structure determination by tritium MMR. M.A. long (New South Wales Univ., Kensington (Australia)* School of Chemistry), p.96-98. Proceedings. Lucas Lights. Australian Institute of Huolear Science and Engineering. 1978. 178 p. (15-17 May, 1978). 736* Separation of tritiated anions using adsorption- and exolualon ohrpmatography. P.B.N. Crus, K.E. Collins (In Portuguese) Oieno. Oult. (Sao Paulo) Supl. (Jul 1979). 21(7), 316. 737* Tibrational spectra and isotopio effeots of sub (6,7) liOH and Sub (6,7) MOD. I.T.P. Yoshlda, V. Hase (In Portuguese). Oieno. Oult. (Sao Paulo) Supl. (Jul. 1979). 21(7), 372*

738. Kinetic Isotope effeot during ethanol osonlsation la aqueous solution. T.T. ShereshOTstf H.Ya. ShaflkoT (In Russian). Zh. 7i«. Xbla. (May 1980). 5£(5), 1288-1289. Short note, for english translation, see the journal Russian Journal of Physical Ohemistr:. 172

739 • B-hydrogen secondary isotope effect in aeyl transfer reactions* Origins, temperature dependence, and utility as a probe of transition-state structure* I.II* Kovaoh, J.L. Hogg J. Am. Chem. Soe. (12 Mar 1980). 102(6), 1991-1999. 740* Tritium exchange and nuclear magnetic resonance studies on 1,3-dinitronaphthalene• B* Buneel, A.R. IJorria J. Chen. Res.. Fart S. (Sept. 1980). (Ho.9). p.326-327.

741* Ultrasonic relaxation of surfactants in water and deuteriw oxide solutions. J. Beltins, P.L. Jobling J. Chem. Soo. (London), raraday Trans. (1980). 76(7)« 794-802. > 742. Thenal conductivity of non-deuterated and deuterated Li-X tartrate single crystals. S. Hegenbarth, 0. Spoerl Kriet. Teoh. (Jun 1980). 1^.(6). p K61-E63. Short note.

743. Biogeochemistry of the stable hydrogen isotopes. M.T. Estep, T.O. Hoering Geoohla. OosBOohim. Acta (Aug. 1980). 44.(8), 1197-1206.

744* BquilibriUB and kinetics studies of hydrogen isotope exchange on vanadiM hydride. T.W. Wong. I.B. Hill AlOhl J. (Jul 1979). jg£(4)» 592-595. 173

74?• Effect of isotope substitution on the of water-methancl mixtures at 25-C. D. Wolf, A.I. Kudish J. Phya. Ohem. (17 Apr. 1980). 84.(8), 921-925.

746* Iaotopic exchange during electrochemical generation ot anion radicals of polyfluorinated nitrobenzenes. T.F. Starichenko, V.]}. Shtejngarts (In Russian) Zh. Org. Khim. (June 1980). 1£(6), 1536-1337. Por English translation, see the journal - Journal of Organic Chemistry of the USSR (USA).

747* Ioinium-ion formation and deuterium exchange by acetone In the presence of pyrrolidine, pyrazolidine, isoxazolidine, and their aeyelio analogues* J. Hine, R.A. Evangelista J. An. Ohem. Soo. (27 Feb. 1980). 102(5), 1649-1655*

748* Influence of the isotope composition of the water on the

rate constant of the reaction between o-Ps and K\CO(EDTA)J. A.L.P. lazzarini, £. Lazzarini J. Inorg. Nucl. Ohem. (1980). 4,2(7), 953-956.

749* On the isotopio effects on the inhibition of o-Pa formation in ncraal and deuterated water. A.l.F. lazzarini, A.?. Para J. Inorg. Nucl. Ohem. (1980). £2(7), 957-960. 174

790* Mechanism of the oatalytic hydrogen production by gold sols. H/D isotope effect studies. X. Kopple, D. Meyerstein J. Phye.Chera. (17 Apr. 1980). 84(8), 870-875. 751* 8IFI studies of cluster ions $ their formation and reaction*. l\ Smith, N.G. Adams (Bexmingham Univ. (U.K). p 209-213)• SASP Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics 80. Proceedings of the symposium held in Salzburg, Austria, 10-16 Feb. 1980. 752. Vapour pressure isotope effect in liquid ammonia. S.K. Ghosh, 3.M. Dave, H.K. Sadhukhan Indian J. Ohem., Sect. A. (Aug. 1979). 16(2), 109-111. 22 ref. 5 tables.

793* Factors determining the kinetic isotope effects in proton transfer reactions. A. Jarczewski, P. Pruszynski (In Polish) fiad. Ohem. (1978). 22(10), 693-704. 754-. Vibrational spectra of transition metal coordination compounds with thio- and seleno-ligands. Part 16* lToraal coordinate analysis of bis-(dithiobiureto) niekel(2) and its N-deuterat6d compound. A.I. Kowal, B.B. Kedzla Bull. Aoad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sol. Ohim, (1979). 2JU), 315-525. 175 755* Effeot of hydration on the amide I band in the binary solvents dioxane-DpO and dioxane-HpO* M. Kobayashi J. Jnys. Chan. (3 April 1980). 8£(7), 781-785. 756* Partial misoibility of liquid mixtures of protonated And deuterated high polymera. A.D. Buckingham. H.G. £. Hentaehel J. Bolya. 3d., Toljm. Phys. Ed. (April 1980). Jl8(4)» 853-861. 757* Xhexmodynamic oharaoteristios of water isotopy effeot on hydration of ions with closed sp-ohell at different temperature. V.K. Abrosimov, 6.N. Makarov (In Russian) Sadiokhimiya (1979). 21.(5), 631-636. 758* Catalysis of transimination by rate-limiting proton-transfer to buffer bases. H. ?isoher, P.I. DeCandis J. Am. Ohem. Soo. (13 Feb. 1980). 102(4), 1340-1347* 759* Hydrodesulfurization of thiophenio oompoimds * the reaction meohanism. H. Kwurt, 0.0.A. Sohuit J. Oatal. (Jan 1980). 61.(1), 128-134* 176

760* Comparison of variational transition stata theory and the unified statistical model with vibrationally adiabatio transmission coefficients to accurate colliaear rate constants for T + HD •••<• > TS + D B.C. Garrett, D.G. Truhlar J. Oheni. Ehys. (1 Jul 1980). 22O)> 235-240. '. 761* Metal hydrides as electron donors. The meohaniea of oxidative cleavage with trie (phenanthroline) eomplexe* of Iron (111). 0.1. Wong, R.J.Klingler Inorg. Ohera. (Feb. 1980). 19.(2), 423-430. 762* Tunneling model for hydrogen abstraction reactions in low temperature solids. Application to reaotions in aloohol glasses and acetonitrile crystals. R.J. Le Hoy, H. Murai J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (26 Mar 1980). 102(7), 2325-2334. 763* Secondary deuterium isotope effeots on epoxide methanolyeiB reactions. . R.P. Hanzlik, R.B. westkaemper J. Am. Chem. Soo. (26 Mar 1980). 102(7), 2464-2467. 764* Kinetio ©(-deuterium isotope effeots for aoylation of ohymotrypsin by 4-^nethoxyphenyl formate and for deaoylation of forraylchymotrypain. G. Lehrmann, D. Quinn J. Am. Ohem. Soo. (26 Mar 1980). 10g(7). 2491-2492. 177

769* Base-catalysed deuterium exchange of 6,6-dinethylfulvene. J. Hine* D.B. Knight J. Org. Ohera. (14 Mar 1980), ££(6), 991-998.

766* Photoeleotr-uft spectra and Franok-Oondon calculation for some iaotopically substituted aoleoules. Qarlier, Jacqueline (In Frenoh) OEA-N-2127 May 1980. 137 p.

767* Degradation studies on erbium dideuteridt thin films. R.J. Antepenko, D.M. Holloway Appl. Spectrosc. (Mar 1980). 2£(2), 206-211.

768* Solvent isotope effects on the rates of alkylation of thiolamine models of papain. A. Eandinger, D.J. Oreighto.i FEBS (Fed. Bur. Bioohem. Soc.J. Lett. (14 July 1980). 116(1), 116-121.

769* She pressure coefficient of solubility for some alkali halides and its solvent isotope effect. W.A. Hook Fluid Hiase Equilibria. (Jul 1980). 1(3-4), 287-292.

770. Rotational tunneling in methane (CD.) t Isotope effeot. W. Press, M. Frager J. 0h«. Fhys. (1 Jun 1980). 2g(11), 5924-5926. 178 771 • Isotope effeet in the diffusion of hydrogen and deuterium in polymers. E. Toi, K. Sakeuohi (Japan) J. Folym. Sei., Polym. Phys. Ed* ISSN 0098-1273* (Peb.1980). 18(2), 189-198. 772* Calculated barriers to abstraction and exchange for OH* + H* 3.JP. Walch J. Ohem. Phya. (1 Hay 1980). 2&<9>t 4932-4940. 773* Synthesis of stereospecifically deuterated fluoroaoetie acid and ito behaviour in ensymio aldol-type condensations. E. Keck, H. Haas PEB3 (Fed. Zur. Bioehen. Soo.) Lett. (2 Jun 1980). 114(2). 287-290.

774* Molecular hydrogen exohange* A study of HD("v»5) + HI) (T»O)

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775* Conformation analysis of n-alxane by deuterium labeling. I. Oyeaa, K. Taksaisawa (In Japanese) Kyushu Daigalcu Kogaku Shuho. (Mar 1979). i2(2), 119-123* 776* Homolytio iodinatlon and nitration of some bensene derira- tires in the gas phase. W.F.M. Vonk (In fiutoh) INIS-«f-5994. 26 June 1980. 151 p* Inoludes Bngllsh suamary* 179 777* Bibliography on vapour pressure isotope effects* Supplement 1• Janeso,

78?* On the ideal behaviour of equiraolar HgO-DgO mixture. Gy. Jakli, 0. Jancso KPKI-1980-16. ISBN 96? 371 643 8. April 1980. 13 p.

784* luminescence quenching of rare earth ions in protonated and deuterated phoaphate glasses* I.A. Zhmyreva, V.F. Kolobkov (In Russian) Ma. Khim. Stekla. (1979). £(6), 707-710. 785* Isotopes and organic reaction mechanisms. V. Hibbert J.A. Elvidge, J.R. Jones (eds) Isotopes. Essential chemistry and applications. The leotures delivered at a review symposium organised by the Education Division of the Chemical Society in conjunction frith the university of Surrey, July 231 25 1979* ISBN 0 85186 830 4. London. Chemical society special publication No. 35* 786* Base-catalysed decomposition of nitramide. Kinetic isstops •ffeots. A.J. Kresge, Y.O. Tang J. Chen. Soc. (London), Ohera. Commun. (1980). (No.7), P31O-311.

787* Single-crystal ntutron diffraction study (17 K) of th« + unusual Or-D-Cr bond in (Ifa??)2N Or2(O)1o(u-D) "", . Evidence for a four-sit* distribution of the bridging deuteriun atom. J.I. Petersen, R.K. Brown Inorg. Ohw. (Dec 1979). Ja(12), 3493-3498. 181 768* Seoondary deuterium isotope effects in the intremoleoularly- competing methoxynercuration of ethylene-1, 1-dg and oia-d-butene-2-d.j • 8« Shinoda, M. Isemura Bull. Chem. Soo. Jpn. (jun 1979). £g(6), 1855-1856. 789* BLeotron spin t echo modulation studies of silrer atom •olvation in methanol. Geometrioal model for the methanol solvation shell* I. Iohikawa, I. Kevan J. Phya. Ohem. (27 Deo. 1979)* §2(26), 3378-3381. 790* Iheraoohaaioal study of deuteriw exohange reaotions in water-alcohol and aloohol-aloohol fystems* J.R. Khuxna> D.V. Panby J. Ihys. Ohen. (20 Sep. 1979). 82(19), 2449-2447. 791* Hydrolysis of strained bridgehead bioyolio Tinyl ethers and sulfides* W.K. Ohnang, A.J. Eresgs J. Aa. Ohea. Soo. (7 Nor. 1979). 101(23), 6972-6975. 792* Inorganio photophysios in solution. Pt.6. Isotope effeots in the non-radiatire deaotiration of photo-exoited uranyl

(tX>2) ion in hydroxylio solrents. A. Oox, I.J. Kemp J. Ohea. 800. (London), laraday frans., (1980), 2g(pt*4), 804-811. 182 793* Generalized transition state theory calculations for the

reactions D + H2 and H + D2 using an accurate potential energy surface t Explanation of the kinetic isotope effect* B.C. Garrett, D.G. Truhlar J. Chen. Phys. (15 Mar I960). 22(6), 3460-3471. 794* She hydrogen and carbon lsotopio composition of Methane from natural gases of rarious origins. II. Sohoell Oeochin. Oosmoohim. Acta. (May 1980). li(5), 649-661. 795* Catalysis by dimanganeae decacarbonyl of the exchange between deuterium gas and Bis (eta -cyclopentadienyl) dihydridotungsten. J.R. Bliokcnsderfer, R.J» Hoxaeier Inorg. Ohem. (Sec. 1979). 18(12), 3606-3608. 796* Hitration of hexaaethylbenzene and hexaaethylbensene-djg in aoetio acid. Deuteriiai ieotcpe effect on the product distribution, aeohaniaa of side-chain substitution of arenes. H. Suwki, S. Nishina Bull. Ohea. 800. Jpn. (Jan 1979). £g(Dt 191-197. 797* Analysis of the isotope effeot In the hydrogen exohange reaotion between pyridiniusi chloride and hydrogen ohloride* J. Siydlowski, N. Sielinekt J. Ihys. Ohen. 183

798* Aeid-oatalysed isotope exchanged ring hydrogen in fluoroieiflasoles. T.Takeuchi.K.L.Kirk J.Org.Chea. (23 Kor.1979), 44(24).4240-4242. 799* ffse of kinetio isotope effects In aeohaniSB studies. Ifftot of an internal return Mechanise on the Jrtfoenlus beVlviour of primary hydrogen isotope effects* JToch,H.F.j Dahlberg,D-B. J.iUi. °hea. Soo. ISSV 0002-7863. (103ep.1980). 102(10), 6102-9M9.6107. 800*Isotcpio]iilution studies of the ohlorofora-chlorofoM-d syste« by Baoimn differeroe speotrosoopy* I»ane»J. t ICiefer,** J.0he». Ihys. ISSV 0021-9606. (13MOT.1960) U(10), 4971-4975. 801. Reactions of theraal hydrogen atoaw at oryogenle teeper? bellow 77 k as studied by Z3B. Isotope affect in hydrogen •bstraotion froa ethane in Xtrnn •atrloes. Toriyaaa,!:. i Vuno«e,K. t Iwaski,M. J.Ihys. OHM, IS8R 0022-3654. (188ep.198O). fii(19), 2374 - 2381. 184 802* intrinsic steric deuteriua chemical shift isotope effects. Dekaexian,A.H. California TJnir., Los Angles (USA)* Thesis (Hi.D.) 1979. 154 p. TTnirerslty microfilm order fio. 80-08,471.

803. Isotope effect in reaction of alkanes Oe~dehydrooyolization» Bragin,0.7.; jripertaan,S.Ii. (In Busaian). IsT.Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser.Khia. ISSIf 0002-3353 (Aug. 1980.) (lfo.8) p. 1946.

804* inoaalous equilibrium and kinetic «fc deuteriua secondary Isotope effect* accompanying hydride transfer froa reduced aicotinamide adenine dinuoleotlde«

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8tO» ntaniuai - Bolybdenua - hydrogen ayatea t laotope effeei% thamodyBuloa, and phase ohangee. Ioraoh, J*r.) Heilly, J.J»| TaaaJca,J. (Brookharee Vational Lab* Upton, IT), p. 342-365* »ui,B. (ad.) AdTaneaa ID Qhaalatry aerlea, •»• 167 lav % Tork. IT* taarioaa Cheaioal Sooiety. 1978) 011* Sridanoe for a aolrent lnduoed ohaafa la rata-llidtlB( aitp in the hydrolyaia of- benaaldahyda diaethyl aoetal. Tooac, ?.H.| Bogaeth, H,0*| Rieta.I.O* J.Aa. Che«, Soo* 1881 0002-7863. (243ep.19BO). 102(80). 6268 - 6271. 186

812. Mechanism of elimination reactinna XXXII. Tritium Isotope •ffeots and tunnel effect* in the reaction of 2.2-diphen- ylethyl-2-t derivativea with varioua bases* 3Calder,S.B.| Jredenburg, tf.S.) Sounders, f.H. Jr.

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814. Tariatinnal transition state theory and vibrationally adiabatio tr.ansBis8ion ooefficienta for kinetic isotope effects in the 01-F-H reaction system. Oarrett,B.O.j Truhlar,D.0.| Magnusoo, A«f« J.Chem. Hiys. ISSN 0021-9606. (15 Jan 1981) 7<{2), 1029-1043*

815* Possible Applications of isotp« effects of kinetio reaction*

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816. H2-D2 kinetio Isotope effeot In 00 hydroeenation ever Bu/SiOl. Kobori,r.| iraito,3.; Onishi,T.| Taaaru,K.

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622. Primpry and secondary kinetio isotope effects in the aoid- catalyscd dehydration of 1,1' diadamantylmethyloarblnol in aqueous acetic acid* Loinas, J.S. J.Org. Chen. ISSN 0022-3263 (16 Jan.1981) 4£(2), 412-415. 82% Origin and circulation of thermal in the upper Hhine grabent a chemical and stable isotope study,'

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824. On the isotope kinetio effect and ohain development n«ohanfam in the loir tenperature (3-90 K) hydrobromination of ethylem*

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828. Relation of the transition-state atruoture for the water»ea>» talysed hydrolysis of 1-aoetyliKLdaeoliua ion to solvent hjt drophobioity proton inventories in water-aoetonitrile »ixtuxe« Huskey.W.P.; Hogg, J.I.; .T.Org. Chem. ISSH 0022-3263. (2Jan.B 1981) 16.(1), 53-59.

829. Substrate hydrophobioity and its influence on the transitla state structure for the water-catalysed hydrolysis/ of aoyl esters. Huakey, IT.P.; fanren,C.T.; Hogg.J.L. . wbe«. ISSN 0022-3263. (2Jan.196i). 16(1), 59 -63. 190

P30. Ethylene hydrogen* over catalysts forme* by oxidation of lntermetnllic compounds. Imamura,H»; Wallace, W.E.j J.Ihya.Ohem. ISSN 0022-3654* .(27 Kov.1980) 84(24), 3U5-3U7.

831. Calculation of kinetio isotope effects for S/sub N/2 bromine exchange reactions of alteyl bromides', development of transition state force field for calculation of NJE effeots. Mekenna,J.; Si«s,L.B.j Williams, I.H. J. Am. Oho*. Soc. ISSN 0002-7863 (26 Jan.1981) 103(2). 268-272.

832* Optical rotatory dispersion studies*|32«Conformations! lsotopt effect in deuterium substituted cyolohexanones. lex,3.P.j Berth,6.) Djerassi, J.Am. Chem. soo. ISSN 0002-7663. (28Jan.1981) 222(2), 295-301. '

833* Kinetic Isotope effect study on trethyl participation in aolv^ olysis of neopentyl-type arenesulfonates. Ando.T.j Yamataka,H.; Tykawa,Y.

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836. Mechanism of the catalytio hydrogen production by gold sols. ll/H isotope effect studies* K. Kopple, D. Meyerstain, D. Meiael J. Ehys. Qhem. ISSN 0022-3654 (1980). 8£, 870-875.

837* Diffusion in organic liquids. 3. The isotope mast effeot and diffusivity of oyclohexane diffusing in a rang* of solvents* R. Preer, J.N. Sherwood J. Phys. Chen. ISSN 0022-3^54 (8 Jun. 1981). 85.(1), 102-106.

838* Solvent isotope effect on the quartet • ••> doublet intersystea oroseins efficiencies of Or (bpy)l+ «nd | 1 R. Sriran, M.Z. Hoffiaan. N. Serpone J. Jan. Chem. Soo. ISSN 0002-7863 (25 Peb. 1981). J<2i(4), 997-998.

839• Seuterlw Isotope effects in the solvolysis of benssl Chlorides. 4* Salt effects and •(-deuterium isotope effects. V.P. Vitullo, P.P. Wilsis J. i\ra. Ohem. Soo. ISS1T 0002-7863 (25 Peb. 1981). 800-883. 792 040* Mechanism of the bonzidine rearrangement. Kinetic isotope effects and transition states. Evidence for concerted rearrangements. H.J. Shine, H. Zmuda, K.H. Park, H. Kvrart, B.E. Maxwell J. An. Ohem. Soe. ISSTT 0002-7863 (25 Feb. 1981). 103(4). 955-956.

841* Use of kinetic isotope effects in mechanism studies* 3* Measurement of hydrogen isotope effects on the prirahry chlorine isotope effect during elimination reactions. II.P. Koch, J.G. Koch,

842. Deuterium isotope effect on the carbon-13 MR speotrun of the bicyclo (2.2.1) heptyl cation* Nonolassioal norbornyl cation. II. Saunders, M.R. Kates J. An. Chera. Soc. ISSN 0002-7863 (1980). 102, 6867-6868.

843* Determination of rate constant3 for photosolvation reactions t solvent dependence of chloride substitution rates for excited states of cis-diehlorobis (2,2'-bipyridine) iridium (III). B. Divisia, P.O. Ford, R.J. Watts J. An. Ohem* Soo. ISSN 0002-7863 (19 Nov. 1980). 102(24), 7264-7268. 193 844« Deuterium isotope effect of H chemioal shift in pejjkadeuterio- bensene. - 1. Yoneraitsu, K. Kubo . . • J. OheQt 3oc. (London), Ohem. Ooraraun. 1938 0022-4936 (1981) (Ho.7). p.309 ' 845* Use of tritium labeled compounds la psptide chemistry• Fart 3. Influenoe of struoture of peptida coupling amino uoid* on the extent of raoeinization. A.M. Kolodziejozyk, A. Arendt Fol. J*. Ohem. I3SN 0137-5083 (1979)* 52(3)» 611-616. 846* Deuterium isotope effects on thai oyclobutyl-oyolopropyl- oarbinyl oation* lit* Saunders, HtU. Siehl J. Am. Ohon. Soo. ISSIT 0002-7863 (1980). 1O£, 6868-6869* 847* Correlation of kinetic isotope effects with free energies of reaotion. A.J. Kresge J. Am. Chem. Soo. I3S1T 0002-7863 (17 Deo. 1980). 102(26). 7797-7798. 848. Evidence for Hg/Dg isotope effects on Flsoher-Tropsch synthesis over supported ruthenium oatalysts. O.S. Kellner. A.I. Bell J. Oatal. iasft 0021-9517 (Jaa. 1"981). £2(1), 175-185. 849* She induced kinetio isotope effeot as a'tool for mechanistic discrimination. A.6. Samuelson, B.K. Carpenter J. Chen. Soo. (London), Ohem. Commun. IS31I 0022-4936 (1981) 194

• (Ho.8) p.354-356.

850* OH/OD-rapour pressure isotope effeot of trifluoroethanol* Gy. Jakli, Gy. Holozsr, I. Kiaa Aota. Ohio. Aoad. Sol. Hung. I33N 0001-5407 (1980). 259-267. . 851* Calculations of kinetio isotope effeots in the Hoffman eliminations of substituted (2-phenylethyl) triraethyl- amnonium ions. D.E. lewisf Ii.B. Sims, H. Yamataka, J. McKenna J. Am.. Chen. Soc. IS31I 0002-7863 (3 Deo. 1980). 102(25). ' 7411-7419. 852. Solvent deuterium isotope effeot on hydrolysis of Fb (II). K. Kogure, M. Okamoto, H. Kakihana, M. Haeda J. Inorg. Nuel. Ohem. ISSN 0022-1902 (1981). £2(7), 1561-1564. 853* Vapour pressure isotope effeot in the oondensed phase. G. Janeso, Gy. Jakli (In Hungarian) Kern. Koezl. ISSN 0022-9814 (1980). 51(2-3), 470-477'* 854* Statements on isotope effeots with the aid of the indrement method. 1. ffenral Theory. G. Christoph (In Geiman) Zfl-Mitt-30. Jun. 1980. 340p. (2. Workshop on isotopes tk nature, iipzig, G.p.R. 5-9. Ho*. 1979). 195 855» Ion cyclotron resonance and deuterium kinetic isotope * studios of the gas-phase reaotions of the alkoxide negative ions with anhydrides and esters* G. Klasa, D.J. Underwood, J.H. Bowie Aust. J. Ohem. ISSN OCX>4-9425 (1981)« &(3)» 5O7-517*

856* Oalorlmetrio study of deuterium isotope effeots in water- acetone systems* J.H. Khunna, D.V. Fenby Aust. J. Chem. ISSN 0004-9425 (1981). 2±(3)» 635-639. 857. Kinetic isotope effeot during ethanol ozonization. V.V. Shereshovets, K.Ya. Shafikov, V.D. Komissarov (In Russian). 1 Kinet. Katal. ISSN 0453-8811 (Ilov-Deo. 1980). 21(6), 1596-1598. For English translation, see the journal Kinetics &nd Catalysis (USA). . ' 858. Origin of the hydrogen-deuterium kinetio isotope effect for porphyrin metalation. D.K. Lavallee, Gf.M. Onady Inorg. Ohem. ISSH 0020-1669 (Mar 1981). 20(3), 907-909. 859* Solvent deuterium isotope effeot on hydrolysis of Ni(ll). M. TJIneda, K. Kogure, IT. Okaraoto J. Inbxs. Nuol. Ohem. ISSN 0022-1902 (1981). 12.(9), 2143-2144.

860. Radioselectlve synthesis using the deuterium isotope effeot., M. ITiyano J. Org. Ohem. ISS1T 0022-3263 (24 Apr. 1981). £6(9), 1054-1857. 196 861* Deuterium isotope effects in Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance speetroscopy. Investigation of tautometrie equilibria in enamino eyateaa. G.M. Coppola, R. Damon, A.D. Kahle, H.J. Shapiro J. Org. Ohem. ISSK 0022-3263 (13 Mar 1981). 4jS(6), 1221-1222.

862* Isotope and temperature effeots on the optical absorption a ap'eotrum of solvated electrons in liquid ammonia. *•¥. Jou, G.R. Freeman

J. Ihys. Ohem. ISSN 0022-3654 (19 Mar 1981). 8£(6)f 629-635. - , 863* Isotope effeots in the Lanthanum dihydrides. D.H.W. Carstens J. Miys. Ohem. ISSI 0022-3654 (2 Apr 1981). 85.(7), 778-782.

864* Intraorystalline site preference of hydrogen isotopes in the water of crystallization of copper sulfate pentahydrate. I. Kita, 3. Mfttsuo . J. Thys. Ohera. ISSN 0022-3654 (2 Apr 1981). 85.(7), 792-797. 855. Hydrogen bonding and vapour pressure isotope effect ot deuterioisomerio methanethiolg. IT* Wolff, J. Szydlowski, £. Bill-Staffenberger J. Thy** Chen. ISS2J 0022-3654 (16 Apr 1981). 85.(8), 1047-1051. 197 060. Iootopic fructionution factor and hydronenic potential in 2-liyd I'oxy-, 1,1,1,5,5,5 -haxnf luoro-2-penten-4-one. M.!I. Kreevoy, B.A. Ridl J. Phys. Chen. ISS1T 0022-3654 (2 Apr 1981). 85,(7). 514-917. 867. Hovel cleavage and oligoraerization reactions of !Ticl:el (o) oomplexca. Application to homogeneous deoxygenation and dcsulphurization. J.J. Eisoh, K.R. Im (State Univ. of Hew York, Binghamton). p.195-209. R.B. King (ed.) Inorganic compounds with unusual properties-II. Washington, SO. Amerioan Chemioal Society. 1979

868. HgO-SgO solvent isotope effects in ionic hydration. Chapter 26. B.E. Oonway (Ottawa Univ. Ontario) Canada. Bept. of Chemistry and biophysics. ISBN 0-444-41947-0. Amsterdam, Tetherlands.

669* Limits on the expression of enzyme-mediated solvent isotope effects. D.B. irorthrop J. Am. Chera. Soc. ISS1T 0002-7863 (11 Mar 1981). 103(5). 1200-1212. 870. Chemistry o.f singlet Oxygen; 34. Unexpected solvent deuterium isotope effects on the lifetime, of singlet molecular oxygen ( £>/sub. g/). P.ft. Ogilby, 0.3. Foote 198

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42. .Quantitative analysis of hydrogen isotopes by mass speotrometry. R. Shott and G. Beau Savannah Riv. Lab., Aiken, USA. ABO-tr-7513 (nd) 14 p. Translated by P. Chastagner frcsi Method. Hiys. Anal. 7(2). 165-169 (1971). 206 43* Photolysis of Hydrogen Sulfide in presence of dimethyl- silane. A.G. Alexander, R.W. Pair and O.P. Strauss J. Ihys. Ohem., 78(3), 203-207 (1974). 44* Electron paramagnetic resonance and electron-nuclear double reaonanoe line shape studies of trapped electrons in -irradiated deuterium substituted I0M alkaline ioe glass. B.I. Bales J. Phys. Ohem., 78(3). 221-231 (1974). 45* Second virial coefficient for heavy water* R.N. Oupta, P.O. Jain and T.S. Nanda Jnd.. J,. Pure Appl. Ehys., 11(3). 308-9 (1973). 46* Analysis of atmospheric and , Institutt for Atomenergi, Kjeller () lNISHaf-1295, 1973, p. 349. 47* A versatile gas-analysis facility for technological use* E. Jeltsch and W. Graf Zwecke, Juel-1OO7-HX. Oct. 1973 (In Geiman).

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50. Zleotrio dipole moments of low J. states of H20 and 1^0. T.H. Dyke and J.S. Muenter J. Ohem. Phys., 59(6). 3125-27 (1973). 51• Datermination of deuteron quadrupole coupling constant in the liquid state.- L.M. Jaokaan, E.S. Greenberg, N.M. Saererenyi and G.K. Schnorr J. Ohem. Soo. (London) Chen. Oommn. (Ko.4)» U1-H2 (1974). 52* Proton and deuteron mobility in normal and heavy water solutions of electrolytes. K.K. Roberts and H.L. Northey J* Ohem. Soo (London), Faraday Trans., 70(pt.2), 253-262 (1974). 53* Seuteritm quadrupole coupling in formic aoid. D.J. Ruben and 8.G. Kukolich J. Ohem. Phys., V.6O(1). 100-102 (1974). 54* Rotational band shapes in photoeleotron speotrosoopy t HP and We I.E.H. Walker, P.M. Dehmer and 3, Berkowits J. Ohea. Phys., 59(8). 4292-4298 (1973). 208 55. Bepth distribution profiling of hydrogen. ft.A. Langley, 3.T. Fioraux and P.L. Took 3LA-73-7O24. Q0NF-74O1O4-11(nd) 6p, 10 Jan. 1974, USA. 56. Low temperature research. M.P. Hauensteln (Ed.) Mound Laboratory aotivities for tiie division of Physical Research, July-December 1973, HLM-2118, 28 Peb. 1974* P 26-32. 57 • Isotopic partition funotion ratios involving Hgt Hj>0» HpS,

H2Se and HH^. J. Bron, Chen fee Ohang and M. Wolfeberg Z. Naturforsoh, A, 28(2). 129-156 (1973). 58. Study of the adsorption and desorption of water vapor on materials using & labeling element. J. Ohenion and F.K. Lang Bull. Soo. Chin. Jr., (No.12, pt.1), p 3273-3277 (1973). 59* Parametric studies of tritium separation cascades. Inter la Report. D.H. Lester BB1L-B-326, Jan. 1974, 59 p. 60. Tree energies of transfer of the alkali netal halides from light to heavy and to isotopically mixed water. P.J. Voice J. Ohen. 800• (London), Paraday Trans., I, 70(3). 496-505 (1974). 209 61. Thenaodynaioic properties of aqueous organic solutes in relution to their structure. Part I : free energy of

transfer from H20 to DgO for a series of isomerie ketonea. 0. Joliooeur and G. Laoroix (Jan. J. Ohera. 51(18). 3051-3061 (1973). 62* On vibration rotation energy transfer of fast rotating molecules. f.G. Ian dan. J. Hiys., 52(10). 854-860 (1974).

63. Rotational excitation of H2 and D2 by thermal electrons* T. Sandvick, A. Kay and M. Mentzoni Ihys. latt., A, 47(6). 461-463 (1974). 64* Eleotromigratidn of hydrogen and deuteritsm in Ti and Zr.

Albert Haroldt Jean-Prancois Hareohe and Jean-Olaude Hat O.K., Ser.C, 278(15). 1009-1010 (1974). 65* Light absorption spectrometry. D.F. Boltz and M.G. Mellon Anal. Chera., 46(5). 227-248 (1974). 66. Mass Speotrometry. A.L. Burlingame Anal. Chera., 46(5). 248R-287R (1974). 67* Electroanalysis and Ooulometrio analysis. D.O. Davis Anal. Ohem., 46(5), 21R-28R (1974)* 210

68* Electron speotrosoopy t X-ray and aleotron excitation* D.M. Herculea and J.C. Oarver Anal. Ohem., 46(5). 133R-150R (1974).

69* Organio el mental analysis.

J.S. Ma : Anal. Chan., 46(5). 437R-451R (1974).

70. Thermal analyais. - O.B. Murphy . Anal. Ohen., 46(5). 451R-459R (1974).

71• 2-ray deffraotlon. . O.B. Pfluger ' Anal. Cheat., 46(5). 469R-478R (1974).

72. Moeaabauer speotrometry. J«9< atevena and L.5. Bowen Anal. Ohen., 46f5). 187R-3HR (1974)

73* Ion exchange. H.F. Walton Anal. Ohem., 46(5). 398R-413R (1974).

74* Huclear resonance apectrometry. J.R. Waseon and D.K. Johnson Anal. Ohem., 46(5). 314R-345R (1974).

75* KLame speotrometry. J.D. Wlnefordner and I.J. Vlolcers Anal. Ohem., 46(5). 192R-227R (1974). 211

76 • Chr omato graphy. G. Zweig and J. Sherraa Anal. Ohem., 46(5). 73R-94R (1974). 77* MECA spectroscopy - a new flame analytical technique* R. Belcher, S. Bogdanski, S.A. Ghonaim and A. Townshend Anal. Lett., JJH, 133-146 (1974). • 78* Concentration of gas traces in air by distillation. Olaude Hunbert-Droz, Francois Balard and Jean Leclero OEA-R 4523, May 1974» 22p. (In Frenoh) 79* Role of chemistry in energy research and development* A..K. Vijh Ohem. Oan., 26(5). 23-24 (1974). 80* Feasibility of isotopic abundance measurements using Raman Scattering. R.C. Harney and S.D. Bloom . UORL-51558, 18 Apr. 1974. I2p. 81* Raman spectra and structure of water from -10 to 90*. J.R. Schersr, M.K. Go and S. Kint J. Phys. Chem., 78(13). 1304-1313 (1974). 82* Fully quantum study of vibrational energy transfer between Hg and Dg* H.H. Alexander J. Chem. Hiys. 60(11). 4274-4278 (1974). 212 83* Ion selective electrodes, potentiometry and potentlow trio ti'brations. R.P. Buok Anal. Chem. 46(5). 28R-51R (1974). 84* Rotational analysis of v§ end v; + vg of B0V«. P. Lookett and P.M. Wilt S. Chen. Phye., 60(8). 3203-3209 (1974). 85* Pressure dependence of viaooaity and nuclear relaxation time in water and deuterium oxide. D.E. O'Reilly J.Phye. Ohem. 78(16). 1674-1675 (1974).

86* Pressure dependenoe of the dieleotrio oonstant of H20

find Dg0. K.R. Srinivasan and R.I. Kay J. Ohem. Phye. 60(?). 3645-3649 (1974). 87* The effect of anhaxmonio vibrational coupling on deuterium isotopes. E.U. Konse Z. Haturforsch, A, 28(2), 174-176 (1973). 88* Photolysis of ammonia and pgrdeuteroammonia at 185, 147 and 123.6 ma. J. Mosanet, J. Pourtiier and C. Vaznail Can. J. Ohem., 51(17). 2946-2951 (1973) (In French) 213 89* Studies on the Mechanism of hydrogen electrode Reaction means of deuterium tracer 1* She reaction route* T. Matsushima andM. Enyo Eleotroohim. Aota., 19(3), 117-124 (1973). 90* Studies on the mechanism of hydrogen eleotrode reaction by means of deuterium tracer 2. !Ehe reaotion mechaniam. I* Matsushima and M. Enyo Electrochio. Acta., 19(3). 125-130 (1973). 91* Studies on the mechanism of hydrogen electrode reaotion by means of deuterium traoer 3* $hs stoiohionetrio number. I. Matsushima and M. Enyo Eleetroehim Aota., 19(3)« 131-136 (1973). 92* Abstracts on the Third International Conference on non-aqueous solvents. Bast Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A., (1972). C0NPU720735-(Absts.), 1972, 109 p.

93* 0arbon-13 MMR t lool for studying deuterium exohange klnetios in Cobalt (III) Amlnooarboxylates. G.L. Blaekvayer and I.M. Viokray J. Ooord Ohem. 3(3), 225-233 (1974).

94* She master equation for the dissociation of a dilute diamotic gas. B. The rotational contribution to dlssoo: ation and recombination. 95. New experimental tests of existing interpretations of electronic transitions of ethylene. P.D. Poo and K.K. Innes J. Ohem. IhyB. 60(11). +582-4589 (1974). 96* Blinination reactions. P.M. Fouadi P.O. Farrell and A.8. Abdeil Rehaeia Tetrahedron Lett. (No. 37), 3355-3358 (1974)* 97. Vlbrational speotra of HO* ion in crystalline "^5

Hg0 J.B. Bates and L.M. loth J. Chen. Phys., 61(1). 129-137 (1974). 98. Infrared bands of HONO and DONO E.Ii. Farretti . Univ. Microfilms Order No. 74-17, 771, 1974, 267 p. 99. Aqueous non eleotrolyte solutions. Part 12. Enthalpies of sizing water and deuterium oxide with tetrahydrofuran. D.N. Glow and H. Waits Oan. J. Ohera., 51(12), 1933-1940 (1973). 100. The standard potentials of Ag, AgBr electrode in DBr solution. M.H. Lietzke J. Inoxg. Huol. Chen., 36(10). 2299-2301 (1974). 215 101* Automation of laboratory instruments. J. Parren and R.K. Wester CAMAC Bull. (No.9) P.109-1U (1974). IHIS-«f-1363. 102. Mean square force In staple liquids and solids from Isotope effect studies. J, Bigeleisen, II. W. Lee and P. Handel 000-3498-18, 1974. 27p. 1,03. Vlbrational relaxation of H*(V*1) and Pf(Y-1) by Rg and

D2 J.F. Bott J. Ohcn. Jhys. 61(7). 2530-2535 (1974). 104* Beteotion of hydrogen-deuterium exohange in purines by laser-Raman Speotrosoopy. J. Llvraaento and G.J. Thomas Jr. J. Ausrr. Ohem. Soo. 96(20). 6529-6531 (1975).

105* Determination of deuterium in water by means of pulsed photo-disintegrati on• E.V. Bttinger, S.R. Malik and B.J. Mionas Health Hiys., 27(5). p.511 (1974). 106. Stable isotope studies. D.P. Peppard (Sd.) 107* Aorgonne National Laboratory, III. (USA), Annual Report of Oheoiutry Dirision, July 1972 to June 1973* AUL-6096, 1974, 84-93P- 216

108* Low temp, research Mound Lab., Miamiaburg, Activity for the period of Jan-Juna 1974. MIM-2168, 1974, p.24-50. 109* Partition function ratios of the aethylamides differing only in isotopic substitution* J. Bron Can. J. Chem. 52(17). 3078-3082 (1974).

110. She partial molal volumes of some representative solutes

in HgO and D20. Y.S. Choi and O.D. Bonner Z. Phys. Ohem. (Frankfurt) 87(4/6). 188-197 (1973). 111. Vibrational reduced partition funotion of the Morae Osoillator. T. Ishida J. Ohem. Phya., 61182,, 3009-3016 (1974). 112. Study ot inteiraoleoular interact ions In dloxane-water and dioxane-deuterium oxide systems. 3. Jaffer Jh.D Ihesis, American Univ. Washington 0.0. Univ. Uiorofilaw Order No. 74-21, 696 (1974), 194 p.

113* Isotope Chemistry. G.E. Moore (Ed.) Oak Ridgre National Laboratory, Tenn (USA), Annual Progress Heport for period ending May 20, 1974* OBNL-4976, Oct. 1974, p.57-62. 217 114. Molecular apectroscopy of loosely bound complexes. V. KLanperer JBer. Bunsenges. Pays. Chan., 78(2), 128-134 (1974).

115* An improved electrolysis procedure for analysing tritium in environmental water samples. D.W. Hayes Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 25(11/12). 573-575 (1974). 116. Liass speotrometrio investigation of amides. F. Bohlmann, R. Hexmann, W. Mathar and M. Sohwarz Ohem. Ber. 107(4). 1081-1091 (1974) (In Germany).

117* Determination of vibration-rotation line strengths for UP and EF by use of an HP/DP OW lazer. J.J. Hinohen J. Opt. Soo. Amer. 64(9). 1162-1163 (1974)* 118. Hieiraodynamics of transfer of non-electrolytea from light to heavy water. A. Vasala Aota. Chem. Scand., Ser. A, 28(8). 839-845 (1974)* 119* Accurate determination of the DgO content of heavy water. T. Babeliowsky and W.E. deBola MetrologiB, 10(4). 129-136 (1974). 120. Isotope ohemiatry and molecular struoture. Total deuterium isotope effect, J. Bigeleieen and 1. lahid*

J. Chem. Ehy».r 62(1). 80-88 (1975). 218

18 121. Absolute viscosity of I>2 0 between 15 and 35*. A.I. Kudish and L. Wolf J. Riys. Chem., 79(3). 272-275 (1975). 122. Continuous random network model for amorphous solid water. R. Alben and P. Boutron Science, 187(4175), 430-432 (1975). 123« Amorphous solid water : A neutron diffraction study. J. Wenzel Science, 187(4175). 428-430 (1975). 124. Separation of HI, Noble Gases and HTO vapour with semipexneable membranes. R.H. Howali, J.C. Cate and C. Wong Huol. Instrum. Methods, 124(2). 579-583 (1975).

125. Development of low cost versatile method for measurement of HTO and TIT in air. W.E. Sheehan, ILL. Curtis and D.C. Carter 11IU-2205, 1975, 15p.

126. Solubility of He, Ar and ffei n heavy water of various isotopic compositions at 283-318°K (In Russian). Khin. Khim. lekhnol, 17(10). 1463-1465 (1974). 127* Hainan spectra of polycrystalline aoids CHjOOOH, OHjCOOD, CDjCOOH and 03^0000 at 90°K (In French). R. Poglizzo and A. Novak J. Chim. Hiys., 71(10), 1322-1328 (1974). 219 128* Dissolution of alkalimetal and alkaline earth aetal halidea in HgO and DgO at various temperatures (In Russian) Khinu Khim. Tekhnol, 17(12), 1867-1870 (1974).

129. Experimental determination of the solubility of small organic molecules in HgO and DgO and the application of the scaled particle theory to aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. A.A. liabatre Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Inst. of technology, Atlanta (USA) 1974, 240 p* Univ. Microfilms Order Ho. 75-1088.

130. Potential uses of Raman Spectroacopy in the quantitative analysis of hydrogen isotopes. E.E. Setchell und D.K. Ottesen SMD-74-8644, 1975, 23p.

131* Estimated infrared spectra of oryogenic D2-DT-T2. P.O. Souera, R.G. Hickman, W.Z. Wade and R.T. Tauguwa UCRI-51674, 1975, Up. Activity coefficients of 1-1 Electrolytes in heavy water

P.R. Marshall and J.J. Katz J. Inorg. Nucl. Ohm, 36(7). 1587-1594 (1974). 220

133. Aqueous hydroxide ion 0.3. Taylor J. Chem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans., I, 70(6), 1132-1139 (1974). 134* Supercooli.ig of heavy water. Madeline Lerd-Porte EEOrO-IH-494, 1970, 145 p. 135* Distribution of isotopes between two phases. Hidetake KaJdhana and Maaao Aida Bull Tokyo Inst. Technol (Eng. Ed.) (No. 116), 39-52 (1973).

136. Physical properties of oxygen-17 water. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and ¥. Steckel J. Cheiu. Soc* (London), Faraday l'runa. I, 70(3), 484-489(1974).

137. Deuterium magnetic resonanoe of specifically deuterated liquid crystals. W. Niederberger and J. Seelig ABD-Conf-74-057-001 (1974), 4p.

138* Matrix isolation speotroscopy of H20 and D20 in the infrared and fur infrared region (In German). B. Mann and W.A.P. Luck AED-0onf-74'-183-005. 1974. 5p.

139 The at 23°C of DgO with natural oxygon iaotopio composition. T. Babeliowsky and J. Brulmane Z. Naturf orach., A, 30(1), 103-106 (1975). 221 HO. Thermal expansion of heavy water between 7 and 26*0* J. Brulmane, J. Verdonck and H.L. Eschbach Z. Naturforseh., A, ?0(1). 107-108 (1975). H1. Hear infrared apectroscopic investigations of hydrogen- bonding of water in organic solvents and alcohols and partial molal volume studies of some solutes in H^Q and Y..S. Choi South Caroline UniVo Columbia, (TJ.S.A) Ph.D. Thesis, 1974, 171 P* Univ. Microfilms Order No. 75-8660.

142. Tracer diffusion of tritiated water (THO) in ordinary

water (H20) under pressure. I.A. Woolf J. Chem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. I, 71(4)« 784-796 (1975). 143* A study as a function of pressure (p 1100 Sara) of the spontaneous freezing of droplets of superoooled water and deuterated water (Volumes of few mm and of a few 3) (In French) Pierre Xans and Gerard Bamaud O.K., Ser.B., 280(2), 25-27 (1975). 144* Use of apeotral isotopic method for study of hydrogen isotope exchange on some metal hydroxides and sulfidea (in Russian) V.A. Moloohnoya, V.fl. Neneta, M.K. Nikitin and V.Ya. Yakimova Veatn. taningr. Univ. Sis., Xhim. 4(1). 56-58 (1975). 222

145. Water analysis. M.«T. Tlshmann and S.33. XSrdmann Anal. Oheo. 47(5). 334-361 (1975). 146. Molecular beaa study of the nechanism of catalysed hydrogen-deuterium exchange on platinum single orystal surfaces. 3.1. Bernasek and G.A. Somorjai J. Chan. Hays., 62(8). 3H9-3161 (1975).

147. Infrared and far infrared spectra of normal, 0-, H-f and per deuterated 1,2-ethenediomine A.I. Eorring and K. Rasmussen Spectrochlm. Acta, Part A, 31A(7). 889-893 (1975).

148. Absolute measurement of tritium aotivity by miorooaloriaetric method (In Russian). E.A. Khol'nova and L.P. Kul'kova Atomizdat, p.318-321 (1973).

149. Vibrational spectra of H2SO4 and D230^ aoida in crystalline state. A. Goypiron, J.De. Villopin and A. Novak Spectrochim. Acta., Part A, 31A(7). 805-818 (1975). 150. Determination of deuterium in heavy water by gas ohromatography (In Japanese) Y. Ylshikawa, A. Shinozaki and K. Arita Bunaeki Kagaku, 24(1). 45-48 (1975) 223

151* low temperature research also metal hydride reaearoh, isotope separation and separation research* Mound Lab., Mismisburg, Ohio (USA), Mound laboratory Activities for the Division of Itoysical Research} July-Dec. 1974. MM-2176, 1975. 152* The foanibility of aqueous solutions; sloohols sad fatty acids. 8.0. Oribbe, R.M. Given, N.H. Sagert and G.G. Strathdes AECL-4754, 1974, 30p. 153* Vibrational relaxation in liquids. P.C.M. Van Woerkom, J.de Bleijser, M.de Zwart, P.M.J. Burgers and J.C. Leyte Ber. Buneenges. Ihya. Chem., 78(12). 1303-1318 (1974). 154* Precautions on storage, handling and sampling of heavy water (In Portugese) N.S. Azuaga BIB-nr-1/75, Feb. 1975, 8p.

155* The high pressure PVI properties of deuterium oxide* E.A. Fine and P.J. Mi Hero J. Chsm. Ehya., 63(1). 89-95 (1975). 156. A new method for the determination of theroodynaaio equilibrium oonstants in separation processes. Sr. it. Petkovic and A. Ij. Ruvarac J. Radioanal. 0h«m., 21(1). 31-37 (1974). 224

157* Electric field studies of the X band microwave transitions

in D20. I.E. Sagg, G.E. Reasor and A.IJ.C. Wong Can. J. Phys., 55(9). 861-868 (1975). 158* Seutron Magnetic Resonance Studies. J.O. Clifford, J.A.S. Smith and F.F. Tetame J. Chem. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. II, (No.7), 1552-1359 (1975). 18 159* Absolute viscosity of Dg 0 between 15 and 35*. D. Wolf and A.I. Kudiah J. Phys. Chem., 79(14). H81-1482 (1975) 160. On the mass spectrometric determination of deuterium concentrations in natural waters (In German) H. Birkenfeld Seminar on isotopes in nature, Gera, Sept* 22-26, 1975* INIS-fflf-1938. 1975. p. 80-81. 161. Stable isotope composition of the water of apple Juice. (In Frenoh) J. Bricout, L. Uerlivat and J.C. Fontea Ind. Aliment. Agrio. (Paris), V.90(1). 19-22 (1973)* 162* llethods of tritlua determination in gaseous mixture*, water and materials (In French) J. (Thenion CBA-H-4673. May 1975. 23p. 225

163* Applications of inorganic ion-exchangers in waste water polluted by lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium and seleniua. (In Dutch) E.P. Mignosin and 1.1. Guillaums

H20, V.8(18), p 368-373 (1975).

164* as a mean for solving hydrologies! problems (In German) H. Moser Seminar on "Isotopes in Nature", Gera, Sept. 22-26, 1975* INIS-mf-1938. 1975. P 64.

165* Progress in hydrogen sample treatment for determining D variations in nature (In German) Seminar on "Isotopes in nature", Gera, Sept. 22-26, 1975• INIS-mf-1938. 1975. p. 64.

166* Ion Exchange : Principles and applications* IT. Bank and A.3* Majmudar J. Inst. Eng. (India), Chem. Eng. Div. (Feb. 1975), 5£» p 44-4)8. 16 ref.

167* Theoretical estimation of thermodynamio funotion difference* in more compaot systems of isotope substituted aoleoulea (In Gextaan) J. Heybey Seminar on^sotopea in Mature? Gera, September 22-26, 1975* IlTISHif-1938, 1975t P 6. 226

168. On overvoltage of hydrogen depoaition on tantalum. (In Russian) A.L. Rotinyan and N.M. Kozhevnilcova Ehlekrokhimiya., HQi, 183(197?)* Por englieh translation see SOT. Eleotroohem.

169. Hydrogen absorption in inter-metallic compounds of thorium. K.K.J. Buachow, H.H. Mai and A.R. Miedema * J. Less-Common Met., £2(2), 163-178 (1975)*

170. Ion Exchange Process. B. Jagannadhaawamy Chan. led. Dev., 8(12), 15-25 (1974). 171. Ihe possibility of deuteration as an additive aid for identifying miorogram amounts by infrared - mirror - reflection speetroscopy. (In Oeitnan) J. Becker Available from ZAED. Short oomaunioation only. 172. Adsorption and ooadaorption in the system iron/nitrogen, hydrogen, deuterium mass speotra, desorption sp«£ra., Isotope measurements and resistivity changes. (In German) S. Borgmann ) Available from ZAED, 1972, 121 p. Effects of metal ions on rates of detritiation. D.H. Buisson, J.E. Jones and S.£. laylor J. Ohem. 8oo. (London), Chem. Oomm., (No.20), p 856 (1975)* 227

174* Molybdenum(O) and Tungsten(O) Interactions with Olefins. Direct observation of reversible hydrogen exchange processes by nuclear magnetic resonance. J.W. Byrne, H.TJ. Blaser and J.A. Osborn J. Am. Ohera. Soc, 97(13), 3871-3873 (1975). 175* Hydrogen bonding. V* Possible existence of strongly hydrogen bonded water- and water-hydroxide complex anions, (F-I^O)^" and (OH-HgO)^" in tetramethyl ammonium ion salt hydrates. K.M. Haxmon and I. Gennick Inorg. Chem., U(8). 1840-1845 (1975). 176. Three-electron oxidations. X. Coordination ot isopropyl alcohol and glycolic acid* P. Hasan and J. Rooek J. Amer. Chem. Soc, 97(13). 3762-66 (1975).

177* Reactions of hydrogen with solutions of metals in liquid sodium. H.R. Hobdell and A.C. Whittingham J. Chem. Soc. (London), Dalton Trana., (No.15), 1591-1594 (1975). 178. Phase equilibria and excess molar volumea of tetrahydro- furan (1) + deuterium oxide (2). P. Lejcek, J. Matous et.al J. Ohem. Theraodyn., 7(10). 927-935 (1975). 228

179* Electrode Reaotions and Corrosion* H. farsons IAEA-SHR-15/28. 1975. 180. Rate of reaction of hydrogen with liq.. lithium i Comparison with sodium and potassium* G. Parry and R.J. Pulham J. Chem. Soc. (London). Salton Trans., (No.19). 1915-1917 (1975). 181. Determination of the isotope ratio in gases using a tuned laser. (In German) B. Lehraann and M. fahlen Helv. Phys. Acta., 48(1). 33-34 (1975). 182. Quantum mechanical foundations of isotope chemistry. J. Bigleisen Isotopes and Chemical Principles• Hew York. Aaerioan Ohemioal Sooiety. 197?* p.1-28 18?. Vibrational Relaxation of DP by He and Ar. J.7. Bott J. Ohem. Phys., 63(5). 2253-2254 (1975). 184* Energy partitioning end assignment of exoited states in ths ultraviolet photolysis of HI and SI. R.D. Clear, S.J. Riley and K.R. Wilson J. Chem. Stays., 65(4). 1340-1347 (1975). 229

185* Raman spectral study of amorphous water. C.G. Venkateah, S.A. Rice and J.B. Bates J. Chan. Phya., 65(3). 1065-1071 (1975)

186. Vibrational deactivation of HP (V*1) and DP (V-1) by H and D atoms. R.F. Heidner III and J.P. Bott J. Chem. Phys., 65(5). 1810-1817 (1975).

187» Spin-lattice relaxation and hydrogen bonding in methanol- solvent mixtures. R.O. Inlow and J.R. Van Wazer J. Phys. Chem., 79(21). 2307-2312 (1975).

168* Stark energies for molecules with vibrationally induced dipole moments. A.A. Marenter and I.E. Dyke J. Ohem. Phys., 63(3). 1224-1230 (1975).

169* Development of a differential infrared absorption method to measure the deuterium content of natural water. (In Spanish) E. D'Alesaio and H. Bonadeo OKEA-395. July 1975. 18p 190* Vibrational spectra and assignments for cis-twuw- 1,2-difluorooyolopropane and three deuterium tttbatituttd modifioationa of each iaomers. N.C. Craig, T.lf. Hu Ohao et.al J. Phys. Chem., 79(21). 2270-2282 (1975). 230

191* Kinetics and mechanisms of the loss of water from cyclohexanol radical ion at times from 50 piooseoonds to 10 microseconds following field ionization. PtJ. Derrick* J.L. Homes and R.P. Morgan J. Am. Ohem. Soc, 97(17). 4936-4941 (1975).

192. Shielding of heavy water from atmospheric humidity. (In Czech) H. Kudlacek and J. Cabicar Jad. Energ., 21(9). 348 (1975).

193* Transport of nuclear energy by means of chemical energy (nuclear long-distance energy) E. Kugeler, N.P. Niessen and M. Roeth-Kamat Wucl. Bng. Des., 54(1). 65-72 (1975). 17 18 194. Mass speotrometry analysis of '0 and 0 enriohed compounds. (In French) E. Gerster 0EA-0B-4, P 40-45, 1972. 195* Pyrolytic method of tritium detection in a matrix* (In German) II. Stoeppler, V. Spriesterbaoh and K. Hay AED-Conf-75-404-007, 1975 p.13 196* Radio-gas chromatographie analysis of molecules containing labile tritium. ?. Volpe and M. Castiglioni J. Ohromatogr., 114(1). 23-28 (1975) 231

197* Matrix reactions of alkali metal chloride salts and HOI and SCI : Infrared spectra of the M^HClg and H+DCl2 ion pairs. B.S. Ault and 1. Andrews J. Chen. Hays., 63(6). 2466-2*72 (1975).

198. Absolute determination of the deuterium content of heavy water sample DgO, measurement of its absolute density. Calculation of the absolute density of isotopically pure 16 B2 0 (In French) M. Ceccaldi and M. Riedinger CEA-R-4675, 1975. 47 p.

199. Xhexmodynamic study of the condensed phases by high temperature Mass Spectrometry. (In French) C. Chatillon High lemp-High Pressures, 7(2). 119-148 (1975).

200. Xhexuomagnetic force in the near-waldmann regime for

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ethylphosphine-d2» v^iicvv^ ,D. J.E. WanafjLlKod5^.I ...,^ .V J. Ohem. Hiys., 63(6). 2303-2310 (1975). 232

202. Flow tube studies of vibrational energy transfer in HF(V) + HF, DF(V) + HF an* f«V) + Dg systems. M.A. Kwok and R.L. Wilkins J. Ohera. Phys., 63(6). 2455^2460 (1975).

203. Stable isotopes aad reacti

205. A refinement of the structure of deuterium paroxide. E. Prince, S.F. Trevino, Q.S. Choi and U.K. Parr J. Chem. Phys., 63(6). 2620-2624 (1975). 206. Diffraction pattern and structure of aqueous hydrochloric acid solutions at 20*0* R. Triolo and A.H. Narten J. Chem. Phys., 65(8). 36||-3631 (1975).

207. Mass-reduced quantum nu»h#*» » application to the isotopio mercury hydrides. j& W.C. Stwalley ^ J. Chem. Pays.. 63(7). 30^-3080 (1975). 233

208. Quantitative analysis of heavy water b;r MR »peotro»oopy. (In Spanish) V. Gil Gozez JEN-302, 1975. 11p.

209* Rayleigh distillation experiments with respect to the separation of deuterium from dilute solutions in lithium. H.R. Ihle and O.H. Wu J. Phys. Ohem., 79(22), 2386-2388 (1975).

210. A ehromatographio determination of water in non-aqueous phases of solvent extraction systems. S.J. Lyle and D.B. Smith Ohem. Ind. (London), (No.24). 1055-1057 (1975).

211. Trace Element Analysis. V. Valkovic Taylor and Francis, London U.K. 1975* 239p*

212* Specific deuterium labelling and computerised gas chromatography. I»A. Baillie, H. Briksson, J.E. Hers and J. 3joevall Eur. J. Bioohem., 55(1). 157-165 (1975).

213. Absolute determination of the deuterium oontent of heavy water, aeasurement of absolute density. M. Oeooaldi and M. Reidinger Metrologia, 11(2). 53-65 (1975). 234 214* Melting parameters of Methane and nitrogen fxoa 0 to 10 Kbar. V.M. Cheng Ihys. Rev. Lett., 11(10). 3972-3975 (1975). 215* Structure of liquid water. Ill* Shenodynaaio properties of liquid DgO. J.C. Owicki, B.B. Lents, A.T. Hagler and H.A. Seheraga J. Jhye. Ohem., 79(22). 2352-2361 (1975). 216. Elemental analysis of water and air solids by neutron activation analysis. l.C. Bate, S.S. lindberg and A.W. Andren CONF-751009-4. 1975* 16p. 217* A comparative study of borio aoid sorbitol oonplexes in DgO, HoO and aiactuvM of D^O and HgO t Applioatlon to the detemination of Boron of low concentrations. K.3. Krishna Rao and K.S. Venkatesbwerlu Ind. J. Ohea., 13(7). 741-742 (1975). 218* Measureaent of very T and *0 ooneentrations in water samples using liquid sointillators and physical and oheaioftl methods of sasiple preparation* K. Veeely, P. Irysna et.al INIS-«f-3OO9. Deo. 1973. 110 p. 219. Low leap* Research. R.S. Pit«harri» (ed.) liUI-2241, HOT. 1975. P.13-U 235 220. She application of stable isotopes in nuclear magnetio resonance* Y. Arata Proc. Jpn. Conf. Radioisot., (No.11), 180-183 (1973)* 221* Zhezmomagnetio torque in hydrogen isotope*. J.A. Cramer J. Chaa. Ihys.. 6?(9). 3804-3811 (1975). 222* Raman spectra of gases. XVIII. Internal rotational notions in ethylamine and ethylamine - dg» J.E. JDurig and Y.S. Li J. Ohea. Jhya., 63(10), 4110-4113 (1975). 223. Deuteron and proton magnetic resonance studies of A101*

6D20 and AlClj 6Hg0. Z.M. £1 Saffar and E.M. Peterson 224. Specific volume of deuterium oxide from 2* to 40*0 and 0 to 1000 bars applied pressure. R.I. Bnoert and P.J. Millero J. Ohem. Bng. Data., 20(4). 351-356 (1975). 225* Effeot of reagent energy on ohemical reaction rates 1 an infozmal theoretical analysis* R.D. Levine and J. Mans J. Ohe«. Pny«., 63(10). 4290-4303 (1975).

226. Tibrational relaxation in H2-C0 and I^-OO aixtum measured Tia simulated raman-ir-fluor«soence. H. Matsui, E.I. Hester and S.R. Bauer J. Ohem. Snys., 63(10). 4171-*176 (1975). 236

* • • 227* Low-frequency Tibrational spectra and ring puckering of

cyclopentene - dQ. J.E. Vlllarreal, L.E. Bauman et.al J. Chem. Ihys., 63(9:. 3727-3730 (1975).

228* Low-temperature, low preaaure hydrogen gettering. D.R. Anderson, R.L. Courtney and L.A. Harrah US Patent, 3,"896, 042.22 July 1975. 10p.

229. Infrared spectra of ethyl , CHjCHgP, OHjODgP, CBjCHgP and CDjCLgP. (In French) Odette Sair, Josette Travert and J. Saussay J. Ohio. Ihys., 72(7). 907-913 (1975). 230* Isotope studies and geoohronology. 9. York Can. Geophye. Bull., 27., 145-166 (1974).

231* Basic principles of chemistry and . C.A.. Colmexnarea Lawrence Liveroore Lab., UCI3M6933. 13 Oct. 1975* 242 p. Available from N3MS. 232* Heat of solution of extraotants in hydrooarboa solvents. A.3. Kertes, L. Isioering and V. Grauer J. Inorg. Nuol. Oh«a., 38(4). 867-869 (1976).

233* Hotational contours and isotope effects in the two-photon excitation of benzene vapor. J.R. Lombardi, D.M. Preidrich and W.M. Mcclain Ohem. Ihys. Letter, 38(2). 213-215 (1976). 237 234* Investigation of the hydrates of amine sulfates by &ieleotrie'measurements. W.J. McDowell and C.P. Coleman J. Inorg. Nucl. Chen., 38(4). 871-873 (1976). 235* She use of radioohemioal techniques in fuel oell (In Genaan) H. Meier AED-Conf-75-404-021. 1975. 7p. 236. General meeting of Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. Koeln. F.H. Gexmany. 8 sep. 197?* Vibrational relaxation in OCS mixtures. Pt. I. C.J.S.H. Simpson, P.D. Gait and J.M. Simmie J. Chera. Soc. (London), Faraday Irana., II., 72(2), 417-422 (1976). 237* Solubility of hydrogen and deuterium in titanium and zirconium under very low pressure. ft. Nagasalca and I. Yanaahina J. less-Common Met., 45(1). 53-62 (1976). 238* Inversion and tunnelling in aziridine and asiridine - I-d. 6aa phaae nuclear magnetic resonance band shape analysis and model calculations of the isotope effect* B.E. Carter, f. Drakenberg and N«A. Bergman J. is. Ohem. Soc, 97(24). 6990-6996 (1975)* 238 239. Vibrations! spectra and torsional barrier of cyolo- pentadienyl beryllium borohydride CgHeBeBH*. D.A. Coe, J.W* Nibler, T.H. Cook, D. Drew and G.I. Morgan J. Cheat. Phys., 63(11). 48+2-4853 (1975). 240* Potential barrier to internal rotation in methylfluorofora. J.R. Durig, W.E. Bucy and C.J. Wurrey J. Chem. Phys., 63(12). 5498-5499 (1975). 241* She simulated Hainan Spectrum of water and its relationship to liquid structure. II. Soeats, S.A, Rioe and J.E. Butler J. Chem. Phys., 63(12). 5390-5400 (1975). 242* solubility in ECl solutions in heavy water of various iaotopic composition at 283-318*K. (In Russian) G.A. Krestov, V.K. Abrosimov and A.H. 3trakhov Izv. Tyssh. Uohebn., Khim. Shin. Teldmol, 18(4). 661-663 (1975). 243* Supersonic flow near a probe in gas binary mixtures- (In French) P. Louvet CEA-C0N7-3322* Trench Congress on Ueohanies loulouae, France, 15 Sept. 1975* 244* Scanner cheoks on mass exchange. Con. Chen. Process., 59(8). 32-33 (1975). 239 245* Some practical aspects of depth, pro filling gases in metals by proton backscattering i application to helium and hydrogen isotopes. B.S. Blower SJUJD-75-5604. COOT-750949-10. 1975. 15 p. International coat, on ion beam surface layer analysis. Karlsruhe. F.R. Germany. 15 Sept. 1975. 246* Detection and measurement of atmospheric pollutant oonoen- trations by absorption of a doable frequenoy infrared laser beam (In French.). J. Camera and J.C. Jaussaud CEA-COHF-3284. 1975. 2p. Symposium on air pollution research. Strasbourg. franoe. 21 Jan. 1975. 247* Ro-vibronic struoture in the photoeleotron spectra of

H20, D20 and HBO. R.N. Dixon and (J. Suxbury Mol. Ihys., 31(2). 423-435 (1976).

248* Tibrational spectra and structure of biphosphine aaA biphosphine - d*. J.D. Odom, C.J. furry, L.A. Oarriera and J.R. Surif Inorg. Ohem., 14(11). 2849-2853 (1975). 249. Application of chemical ionlsation •ass-speotroaetry to the study of stereoseleotive in YiAro ••tabolisK of 1-(2,5-dinethoxy-4-methyl-phenyl)-2-aaino propam. R.J. Weinkam, J. Gal, P. Gallery and If. Oastagnoli Jr. Anal. Chera., 48(1). 203-209 (1976). 240 250* Bibliography of mass spectrometer literature for 1972 oomplled by a oonputor aethod. Vol. I* Bibliography and author. Index. 13-3558 (Vol.1) J. Oapellen, H.J. Svec, C.R. Sage and R. (Comps) Ames Laboratory, Iowa, USA. Available from NTIS. SI3.5O

251. High-temperature thermodynamics of the Ti-fl2 li-Dg systems. P. Dantzer, O.J. KLeppa and M.E. Melnichak J. Ohem. Ehys., 64(1). 139-147 (1976). 252. Calculations on the HCl-Ar VanTLer Walls complex. A.M. Bunker and E.G. Gordon J. Obem. Shys., 64(1). 354-363 (1976). 253* She solubility of gases in liquids. E.B. Seller and R. Sattino J. Cheat. Ifcezmodyn., 8(3). 197-202 (1976). 254* Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions by atomic fluorine. IV. leup. dependence of the intramolecular kinetio iaotope effest for 14ie non thermal 18p + Hg reaotion. l.B. Grant and J.W. Root J. Chem. Hjys., 64(1). 417-426 (1976). 255* Vibrational spectra o£ perchloric acid. A.I. Karelin and Z.I. Grigorovich Spaotrochim. Acta, Part A, 32A(4). 851-857 (1976). 241

256* Raman, Infrared and microwave spectra and structures of some phosphorus-boron compounds* V.F. Kalaainsky Ph.D. Diesis, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia, USA, 1975. H7p. Univ. Microfilms Order No. 75-28, 973*

257* Ultra-violet spectrum of trans-1,3-butadiene. 5. HcDiarmid J. Oheio. Itoys., 64(2). 514-521 (1976).

256. Neutron diffraction study of hexaamine-d,-calciun (0) at 75 K. R.B. Ton Dreele, W.S. Glaunsinger et.al J. Phys. Chea., 79(26). 2992-2995 (1975). 259* Hydride shifts in 2-norbornyl cation. W.W. Schmidt TID-26949, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, lenn. USA.. Available from 1JTIS. $5*00 260. Determinations of tritium levels in urine and blood samples, medical examinations of persons employed at BO Seibersdorf (In German) K. Irlweck SGAE-2475. 31-47/75, B)t-145/75. July 1975. 17p. 242

261• Estimation of possibilities of photoneutron devices to determine deuterium concentrations when using SHM-type counters (In Russian). R.P. Meshcheryakov, R.P. Popou and E.S. Solodovnikov SWM.At.Ehnerg., 38(1). 36(1975) • For English Translation, see the journal Sov. J. At. Energy*

262. The spectrum of DgO near 60 GHz and the structure of radical. Y. Bears and C.J. Howard J. Chem. Phys., 64(4). 1541-1543 (1976).

263. Reactivation of HC1 (v=1) and SCI (v=1) by H and D atoms at 1=295°K. J.F. Bott and R«F. Keidner. Ill J. Chem. Phya., 64(4). 1544-1548 (1976).

264* Photoionization mass spectrometric study of formaldehyde,

H2G0, HDCO and I>2C0. P.M. 6uyon» W.A. Ghupka and J. Berkcwitz J. Ohem. Phys., 64(4). 1419-1436 (1976).

265* Isotopic analysis by Raman Spectrometrle method. S. Kato J. Appl. Phys., 47(3). 1072-1075 (1976). 266. 3TATEQ : a non linear least-squares code for obtaining Martin thermodynamic representations of fluids in the gaseous and dense gaseous regions. S.L. Hilora OEifL-TM-5115. Feb.1976. 132p. Available from NT1S. $7.00 243

267* A new method for the quantitative determination of the species present in a mixture of hydrogen isotopes* I. Lewkowicz and M. Givon Hucl. Instrum. Methods, 153(3). 471-474 (1976). 268* Isotopes as detectives in Blood and Orange juice. (In German) U. Zimaexmann Umsch. Wiss. lech., 75(9). 279-280 (1975).

269. Investigation into combustion of organic periodatea and iodates. (In Russian) A«E. Fogel'zang, V.Ya. Azhemyan and B.S. Sveltov Fiz. Goreniya Varyva, 11(2). 199-207 (1975). For engliah translation see the Journal Combust* Explos., Shock Waves*

270. Point aspects of spark mass spectrographio method t advantage and disadvantage. (In French) J.P. Billon, IS. Buffereau and S. Deniaud International Spectroscopic Colloquium, Grenoble, Paris 15-19 Sep. 1975. V^ p.820-825.

271* Electrochemistry* Oak Ridge National Laboratory, lenn (USA). Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report for period ending November 1975* OSITL-5111. Teb. 1976. P 114-116. 244

272* Infrared spectra ot M+HBrg and H*HClBr" ion pair* and their deuterium analogs isolated in argon matriees at 15 K. B.S. Ault and 1. Andrews J. Ohea. Pays., 64(5). 1986-1993 (1976). 27?* Deuterium shifts in the high resolution photoeleetron spectra of acetaldahyde. T. Cvitast H. Gusten and I. KLaainc J. Chem. Phys., 64(6). 2549-2571 (1976).

274* Speetra and structure of organophosphorus compounds* XV. Microwave spectrum of ethylphosphine. J.R. During and A.W. Cox Jr. J. Chem. Phys., 64JH, 1930-1933 (1976). 275. A oollinear analytical model for atom-diatom ohemieal reactions. V. Halavee and H. Shapiro J. Chem. Phys., 64(7). 2826-2839 (1976). 276. Effects of vibrations on the internal rotation barrier in ethane. B. Kirtman, W.E. Palke and C.S. Evrig J. Chem. Ihy»., 64(5). 1883-1890 (1976). 277* Photochemistry of alkanes. V. (1,3)-aigmatropio hydrogen shifts. P.J. Kropp, E.G. lr&^9l and I.H. Fields J. Am. Chem. 3oc, 98(3). 840-841 (1976). 245

278. Equation of state of solid hydrogen at 0 deg K. (In French) A, Bibliography J.L. Haas* . CEA-BIB-220. Feb. 1976. 175p. 279* She PS correlation and a systeaatic analysis of the stretching absorptions of water in the condensed state. J. Schiffer, M. Intenzo, F. Hayward and C. Calabrese J. Ohem. Hiys., 64(7). 3104-3120 (1976). 280. Influence of neighbouring phenyl participation on the A-deuterium isotope effect on solvolysis rates - Neophyl esters. V.J. Shiner Jr. and R.O. Seib J. Am, Chem. 3oc, 98(3). 862-864 (1976). 281. Raman antiresonance « De-enhancement of Raman intensity by forbidden electronic transitions. P. Stein, V. Miekowoki and Others. J. Ohm. Hurs.. .C*(S). 2159-2167 (1976). 282. Raman apectrun of . VIII P.T.T. Wong and X. lhalley J. Ohem. Thym., 64(6). 2399-2366 (1976)* 246

283* Structure of the OH-stretohing vibrations! band of fomio acid* H. Wolff, H. Huller and £. Wolff J. Che*. Jfays., 64(5). 2192-2196 (1976). 284* A new triple collector mass spectrometer for stable isotope analysis* D. Leigh, T.O. Iferren and W.D. Unsworth Proc of Fourth European Colloquium ot Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology held at AasterdMi. 5-10 Apr. 1976. BTISHif-3149. 1976. p.63 285* Analysis of hydrogen isotopes in thin filas. T.K. Mehrhoff and J.O. Humphries GEKF-215. 16 Apr. 1976. 26p. Available txm HSIS. H*00 286. Intexnolecular forces involving the water moleeulea in lithium aulfate monohydrate. H.P. Hayward and J. Schiffer

J. Chem. Ihys.( 64(10). 3961-3970 (1976). 287* Considerations on the question of applying ion exohanf or reverse osaosis methods in boiler feedwater pzooMalag* (In Gexman) K. Marquardt and H. Dengler lech. Mitt., 62J^1, 130-134 (1976). 247

288. 33tection of carbaniona in aqueous solution by nuclear magnetic resonance apeetroaoopy. Hydrogen-deuteriiai exchange reactions of aromatic meroaptans. J.o. Pesek and S.J. Mitchell Spectrosc. Lett., 9(1). 1-8 (1976).

289. Observation of a stripping threshold for the reaction

Kj + CH4 • HgH* + CHj. J.B. Wyr ..* L.W. Stratten, S.O. Snyder and P.M. Hierl J. Chem. Toys., 64(9). 3757-3762 (1976).

290. Lamb dip studies of the nuclear quadrupole coupling and dipole moment in an excited vibrational state of NHgD. £.W. Van Stryland and R.I. Shoemaker J. Chem. Phys., 64(12). 4968-4972 (1976). 291. Search for low activation energy abstraction of H from C-H bonds by D atoms in hydrocarbons at 77 K. D.D. ¥ilkey and J.E. Willard J. Chem. Phys., 64(10). 3976-3977 (1976). 292. Analytical determination of micro-elements in well waters. P. Bunus, P. Sumitrescu and S. Bulaceanu J. Radional Chem., 27, 77-81 (1976). 293* Determination of deuterium in water by a themoaetric Method. J. Gabicar Radioohem. Radioanalyl. Lett., 24, 341-34? (1976). 248 294* Calculations of melting points of oxides (In Bussian). 0.3. Boblcova, V.G. Voskobojnikov and A.I. Kozin Izo. Vyssh. Vchebn - Zaved. Chern. Metall., Ho.5, 29-31 (1975). 299* Hew Calorimetric determination of the thennodynamio properties of saturated light water and heavy water. J.S. Chan and P.S. tfowak Proc. of the 8th Intnatl. Oonf. on properties of water and steam, Giena, Sept. 23-27 (1974)* Paris, France. Editions : Europeonnes Ihermique et, Industries 2, ' 1147-1170 (1975).

296* An equation of heavy water in the range 3*8 to 350 deg. 0 and 0 bar to a saturation line below 350 deg* 0 and 0 to 1000 bars above 350 deg. C J. Juza and 0. Sifner Proc. of 8th International oonf. on properties of water and steam, giens, September 23-27 (1974)* Paris, franc*. Editions : Europeonnes Shermiques et Industries 2* 803-811 (1975). 297. Water-solubility of molybdenum, thermodynaaio data relative to the molybdenum - water system (In French). Irma Lambert OSA-SIB-222, June 1976. 18p. 249 298* Water-solubility of Kn. theniodyaamio data relative to the Mn-water system, lima Lambert CEA-BIB-221, June 1976. 21p. 299* A simple, but very accurate vapor pressure equation for water* V. Wagner and R. Pollak Froc. of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and ateam, Giens, Sept. 23-27* 1974» Paris,Prance. Editions : Europeonnaa Xhexuiques et Industries 2, 787-794 (1975). 300. Equation of state for water substance from 0 to 800*C and from 1 to 1000 bar. K. Sanaka Proc. of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and steam. Giens, Sept. 23-27» 1974t *aris, Iranoe. Editions i Europeonnes, Ihexniquee et Indiistriea 2, 836-840 (1975). 301. Isotopio composition of water in the environment* Water on the surface on the earth (In French). a. Nief and I. Merlivat Rev. Gen. Nucl., (No.2), 126-132 (1976). 250 302* Estimation of Shexmodynamie Properties of Steam* J. Chao, E.G. Wiehoit and B.J. Zwolonski Proc. of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and steam. Siena, Sept. 23-27» 1974* Paris, Trance. Editions » Europeonnes, Zhermiques et Industries 2, 936-968 (1975). 303* Numerical calculation of various heat exchange systems (In German). R. Geilsdoerfer and W. KLumpp IKB-4-58DE, 1976, 113p. 304* A new approach to analytical absorption apectroacopy. J.C. Van Loon Chem. Can., 28, 16-19 (1976). 305* Gas Detection System. C.J. Allan and J.C. Bayly US patent 3, 925, 666. 9 Dec, 1975* 6p. 306. Transport of Ions through ion-exchange membrane* (In Oexaan) K. Hattenbach and K. Kneifel GKSS-766/E/H. 1976. Up. . (International Symposium on fresh Water from Seaj Alghero, Italy, 16 May 1976). 307. Determination of the symmetry of the wmoaium ion in erystals from infrared spectra of the iaotopically dilute VRJi apeoies* I.A. Oxton J. Itiya. Ohem., 80, 1212-1217 (1976). 251

308* Analytical methods in alkali metal systems. 0. Weizer Oesterr. Z. ELekriaitaetswirtseh, 2^, 143-148 (1976).

309. Density of water at noiaal atmospheric pressure and temperatures from 20 to 150 deg. 0. A.A. Alexandrov and M.S. Trachtengerts Proe. of the 8th International Oonf. on the properties of water and steam, Giens, Paris, Prance. Sept. 23-27t1974.

Editions t Europeonnes Themiquea et Industries 1t 592-601 (1975).

310. Analytic equations of state for the critical region of water. H.D. Baehr and K.G. Stroppel Proceedings of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and steam. Giena, September 23-27» ' 1974* Paris, France. Editions : Europeonnes Shexnique et Industries 1, 616-626 (1975).

311. Thermal conductivity coefficient of steam upto 500 deg.O and 500 bar. P. Burg, P. Johannen, B.Le Neindre, B. Tufeu and B. Todar Proc. of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and steam. Siena, Sept* 23-27, 1974, Paris, Tranoe. Edition* : Europeonnes Shexaiques et Industries 1, 227-242 (1975). 252

312* A pulse adsorption system for the measurement at hydrogen chemisorption on supported platinum catalysts* E.M. Casaidy. P.L.J. Paught and W.H. Stevens AECL-525O Sept. 197?. 19p.

313« Water aqueous mixtures at elevated and supercritical temperatures and pressures* E.tf, Pranck Proc. of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and steam. Giens, Sept. 23-27» 1974* Paris, Prance.

Editions : Europeonnea Ihermiques et Industries 2, 629-652 (1975). 314* Measurements of the specific volume of liquid water between 100" and 300*0 for pressures upto 750 bar* H. Gaxnjost Proc. of the 8th International conference on the properties of water and steam. (Jiens, Sept. 23-27, 1974, Paris, Prance. Editions : Europeonnes leohniques et Industries V*J,» 355 (1975). 315* Data survey of the viscosity of pure water. E. Grigull. M. Reimann and E. Scheffler Same conference us above. V.I,, 113 (1975).

316* Ihe solubility of inorganic oompounds in water and itMl with particular reference to silica and iron oxide* and its deposit in power plant cycles* H.Gt. HeitMon T.I, 6S6 (1975). 253

517• OTff measurement on water at 4 Kbar. R. Hilbert, K. Toedheide and R.U. franek Same oonferenoe as above. V.J,, 358 (1975)* 318* Kinetic studies of solutions of deuterium in lithiw by mass speotrometry. H.E. Ihle and O.H. Wu AElMSonf-76-309-OU. 9 th Symposium on fusion i^chnology. Short communioation available from ZAED. 319. An experimental investigation of the T-V-T properties of heavy water. CM. Irey and J.D. larasuk Same conference as above* V.£, 1171 (1975). 320. Vapor pressure of water at its triple point* D.P. Johnson, L.A. Guildner and ?.£• Jones Sane oonferenoe as above. Y.I,, 365 (1975)*

321* Viscosity of D20 at high temperatures and high pressures. H. Kinoshita, S. Abe, A. Nagashima and I. Tanishita Same conference as above. V.I,, 168 (1975)* 322. Superoooling of natural water, heavy water and of the

blends of H20-D20. C. Lafargue, L. Babin, 0» Clause, H. Lere-Porte 7. Broto Same oonferenoe as above. V.I., 481 (1975)*

?.. • -f .:.,-,ue, L, BabJ.n,- S. CJUnise- M- Lcre-?orte and

i>. i '•*••'• 254

323* Measurement of the isothermal enthalpy - pressure coefficient for water vapor. Same conference as above. T.J,, 461 (1975)*

324* Optical properties and structure of liquid water. II. IJagat and I. Reinisch Same conference as above. V.2, 971 (1975).

325 • The electrical conductivity of dilute aqueous solutions at high temperatures and pressures. T.J. Mellon, K.A. Clark and Gf.J. Bignold Same conference as above. Y.£, 653 (1975).

326. She problem of absolute density of water. 11. Menache and G. Girard Same conference as above. V.J2, 1107 (1975).

^27. scaled parametric equation of state for steam, in the critical region. .T.A. Murphy and J.V. Sengers Same conference as above. V.I,, 603 (1975)*

328* Measurement of enthalpy of steam in the critical region. 3. Nagl, S. Isuruno and K. Tamura Same conference as above. V.I., 397 (1975)*

329* Correlation of viscosity for water and steam. A. Kagashima, M. Ikeda and I. Taniahita ••It 151 (1975). 255 330. An experimental investigation of the iaoehorio heat oapacity of superheated steam and mixtures of superheated steam and hydrogen. E.S. llowak and J.8. Chan

Same conference as above. V.fc:? 1217 (1975). 331. Yibrutional spectra of some mixed oxides of AB02 type. (In Russian) H.V. Porofnikov, Kh.'J. Sharipov, K.I. Petrov and I.A. Rozdin Zh. Neorg. Khinw, 21, 303 (1976). 332* Data survey on the equilibrium properties of ordinary water substance. K. Watanabe and M. Uematsu Same conference as above. V.J., 289 (1975)*

333* Surface tension of H20 and DgO. N.B. Vargaftik, L.D. Voljak and B.N. Volkov Same conference as above. Y,2, 1075 (1975)* 334* Prediction of separation of gaaea and gaseous isotope* in a curved shook wave. J.W. lunstall, W.I. Harris and K.W. Childs K.GD-U79. Conf. 760 710-2. 1976. 27p. Available fro« 256 335* Experimental study of PVT properties of DgO. N.V. Tsederberg, A.A. Alexandrov, T.S. Haaanshin and D.K. Larkin

Same conference as above. V.£f 1139 (1975)* 336. Critical evaluation of tne available PV£ data of ordinary water substance. I. Tanishita, K. Watanabe, K. Kizima, H. lahii and K. Oguchi Same conference as above. 7.1., 34-2 (1975)* 337* Evaluation and correlation of saturation pressure of light and heavy water. I. Tanishita and K. Watanabe Same conference as above. V.I., 560 (1975). 338* Calculation of the self-evaporated steam quantity from pressure reduced saturated water based on the 1967 IK! formulation for the industrial use. I. Tanishita, J. Kijina and H. Isnii Same conference as above, vyi,, 571 (1975)*

339* Modern state of experimental investigations of taenaal conductivity of water and steam. A.A. Sarzimanor Same conference as above* V.I,, 190 (1975)* 340* The solubility of hydrogen isotopes in lithium. 7.J. Smith, A.M. Batistoni, G.M. Begun, J*?. Land and J.I. Bell AElKlonf-76-309-000 (1976). p.45 257 341« Equation of state for water from 0* to 150#C and fro« 0 to 10,000 bar. K. Shiozaki Same conference as above. V.J(, 775 (1975)* 342* Experimental study of light water thermal conductivity at high pressures. T.L. Rastorguyev and A.M. Ishkhanor Same conference, V.I,, 255 (1975). 343* temperature and saturation pressure of water substance measured upto the critical point. 13. Reimann, K. Scheffler and V. Grigull Same conference, V.J., 378 (1975).

344* Experimental investigation of viscosity of light water near the critical point and of heavy water in liquid phase and in supercritical region* Same conference, V.J., 153 (1975)*

345. An experimental arrangement for measuring the change in temperature of water caused by an isentropio change of pressure. N. Rolgener and P. Soil

Same conference, V*ty 442 (1975). 346* Experimental investigation of speoifio heat of steaa upto 800*0 and 1000 bar. II. Sasaki, Y. Kobayashi, M. Tftshiro and K. lanaka Same conference, TM, 449 (1975)* 258 347* Determination of relative deuterium abundance in water through densimetry (In German). G. Moebius, P. Tannert and K. Wunsch Isotopenpraxie, 12(6), 247 (1976). 348. Experimental determination of reaction rates of water. Hydrogen Exchange of T/ritium with Hydrophobic Catalyst. J.C. Bixel, B.W. Hartzell and W.K. Park MIM-2331 (OS). CONP-76O822-1O. 1976 9p. Available from HTIS $3.50

349* Shexraodynamie properties of solid hydrogen halides and deuterium halides. 1. HCXi and SCI and 2. Hbr and DBr H. Chihara and A. Inaba J. Chem. Ihenuodyn, 8(10). 915-958 (1976), 350. Systems of KIO^-KOH-KgO and RblC^-RbOH-HgO at 25*0. (in Zh. Neorg. Khim., 21(5). 1353-1356 (1976). For english translation, see Buss. J. Inorg. Chem. 351. A deuteron magnetic resonance study of tantalum d«ut«rid««. K.P. Roenter and E.G. Barnes Ber. Bunsenges Phys., Chem., 80(6), 470-474 (1976). 352. A fundamental equation of-state with a singularity at th« liquid vapour critical point. T.W. Valton Proo. of 8th International conference on p^-operties of wat«* and steam. Giena, Sept. 23-27, 1974. Edition* 8urop««niMB 259

The uniques at Industries, J2, 813 (1975)*

353* Experimental diffusion measurement of light and heavy water mixing using neutron radiography. A* Zellinger, M. Suleiman and H. Rauoh Atomkemenergie, 28(5). 183-185 (1976). •

354* Determination of tritium by mass spectrometrio measurement of 3He. W.B. Clarke, W.J. Jenkins and Z. lop Int. J. Appl. Kadiat. Isot., 22, 515-522 (1976).

355* Isotope analysis. J.A. Favre and X.W. Schmidt U.S. Patent, 3, 924, 124, 2 Sec. 1975 4p* 356. Continuous monitoring of HgS-in-water using a aulfide ion-selective electrodes* J. Gulens and B. Labbate. AECL-5542. July 1976. 33p. Supersedes AEOIr-4605. 357* Theoretical calculation of the equilibrium constant for the isotopio exchange reaction between HgO and HD. H.D. Bardo and II. Wolfsberg J. Ihya., Chem., 80, 1068-1071 (1976). 358. Mass transfer of corrosion products in high temp, high pressure water circuits part 2. J.V. Evans and P.D. Nioholaon. AABC/E-376 ISBN-O642997373 July 1976. 43P» .260 359. Measurement of tritium in environment (2) (In Japanese). I. Chaya, T. Kagami and IT. Hainamur0 Aichiken Eisei Kensupho-Ho (No.26,, \ (1975).

360. Application of electrochemical te'^iq.uea for studying diffusion of hydrogen isotopes in V, Nb and Ta (In Gexnan). H. Boes and H* Zuechner Z. Haturforach., 23ili» 760--^ (1976). 361. Theory of double electric layer in solid electrolytes (In Russian). V.IT. Chebotin, I».M. Solov'eva and I.D. Remez Ehlektro Khiraiya, 11(8), 1198-1204 (1975). For English translation, see the journal Sov. Eleotroohaau

362* Investigation of solubility and thermodynamics of dissolution of salts in mixed solvents. A.P. Krasnoperova IiaS-inf-3228, 197.5. P. 11 363. Solubility of in ordinary and heavy water. A.A. Sunier and J. Baumbach J. Chem., Engg. Data, 21(3). 335-356 (1976), 364. Swenty-first annual conference on mass speotrometry and allied topics, San Pranaisco, California, May 20-25, 1973 CONP-730547, 1973, P5Q2. 261 .

365* Bibliography of mass spectrometry literature for 1973 compiled by a computer method* Bibliography and author index. J. Capellen, H.J. Svec, C.R. Sage and H. Sun IS-3830, Ames Lab., Iowa, USA. Available from WTIS $21.25 366* Teohnicon autoanalyaers functional dlsoription. H.W. Crawford and G.W. Burton Jr. UCKL-52046. 37p. 1976. Available from STSPIS $4.00

367. Dopth profiling of tritium by neutron time-of-flight* J.C. Davis, J.H. Anderson and H.W. Lefevre COKP-75O989-P4. March 1976. PIT p.187-202. '

368* Techniques for studying hydrogen and helium ieotopea in materials t ion back eoattering and nuclear aioro analysis. R.A. Langley C0KF-750989-P4 Mar 1976 PIV p.158-175. 369. Estimated heat capaoity, enthalpy, thermal conductivity and diffusivity of solid D-I. P.O. Souers and R.I. Teugawa UCRIr-52068 4 May 1976 61p. Available from NIIS $4*50 370. Fundamental studies in Isotope Chemistry, Progress Report 1 July 1975 - 30 June 1976. J. Bigeleiaen C00-3498-26 1976 11p. Available from HTI3 *3«50. 262

371. Spectroacopic studies of hydrated oyano and cyano-halide complexes (starting materials for the preparation of the one-dimensional conductors). J.R. Ferraro,, L.J. Basile and J.M. Willians J. Chem. Kiys., 65(8). 3025-29 (1976).

372. Ghroraatographic investigation of heterogeneous eatalytio systems (In Russian). P.Kh. Ibragimov, V.M. Lysikov and N.Kh. ValitoT INISHBf-3246 1975 p.84-86. 373. Chromatographic measurement of isotopic hydrogen impurities in purified tritium. D.K. Warner, 0- Kinard and D.R. Zohl COIIP-75O989-P4 Mar 1976 P.IV 254-265. 374* Trace analysis for total nitrogen in a water sampled by isotopio dilution. H.S. Johansen and V. Middleboe Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 27(10). 591-592 (1976).

375. Depth profiling of hydrogen and helium isotopes using ion beams. R.A. Xangley Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc, 22., 98-99 (1976).

376. Preparation and infrared spectra of differently deuterattd tetramethyl derivatives of the 17. main group (In Gezaan) 3. Biederaann . IHIS-«f-3347 27 Nov. 1972. Hip. 263

377* Carbon and deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance in solids. T.W. Shalt tuck LBL-5458. Thesis California Univ., Berkeley, USA, July 1976. 355 p. Available from 17IIS $10.50

378* Critium measurement techniques. National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements. Washington B.C. U.S.A. NCRP-47 1976 101 p.

379* Surfaoe analysis by means of ion beams. A Benninghoven CKC Crit. Rev. Solid State Sci., 6(3). 211-316 (1976). 380. Computerised mass spectrometry. ll.J.E. Hewlins Chem. Br., 12(11). 341-347 ('1976).

381. A method for rapid assay of tritium in water smplei from the environment. K. Kostadinov, Y. Yanev and D. Todorovski IiJIS-raf-3320. Sept. 1976 p.261. 382* Separation of compounds differing in isotopie composition. R.E. Sievers and J.J. Brooks US Patent, 3,970,561. 20 June 1976* 8p. 264 383* Dissolution processes. . G.I. Siever HIiI-2372. 22 Oct. 1976. 19p. Available from NII3 $3.50 384* Assessment of methods for analysing gaseous mixtures of hydrogen isotopes and helium* A. Altalla, G.T. Bishop, D.R. Bohl and Others* MIi.I-2376, 20 Oct. 1976. Up. Available from HIIS $3.50

385. Identification of inorganic pollutants in atreaa water. N. Kahraman, I. Oelmez and P. Pajnuk IAEA-SM-206/32, Proceeding Series. ISBIT 92-O-O6OO76I, Vienna. IAEA 1976. p.427-453.

386. 18Q/16Q and D/fo studies along a 500 kn traverse across the coast Range balholith and its Country Rooks, Central British Columbia. T.I. Magaritz and H.P. Taylor, Jr. Can. J. Earth 3ci., V(13)M1^. 1514-1536 (1976).

387* Chemical analysis of steal (a bibliography with abstracts). H.F. Smith K2IS/PS-76/0415. , Jun 1976, 158 p. Supersedes HH3/P3-75/ 289. Available fron NTIS. #25.00 388. Potential application of gas ohrsHatography tor the analysis of hydrogen isotopes. D.K. Warner, B.S. Spragne and D.R. Bohl LIEI-2356. 20 Sep. 1976. 9p. Available froa NTIS. J3.5O 265

389* a spin-lattice relaxations at axial-and equatorial deuterons in 2,2,6,6 tetradeuterio-4-tert-butyleyolo- hexanone. J.B. Woolen, A.I. Beyerlein, J. Jacobus and G.B. Savitsky J. Am. Chem. Soc, 98(21). 6490-92 (1976). 390* A contribution to determining the permeation, diffusion

and sorption coefficients of He, H2 and D2 in quartz glass (In German). D. Bender IKlS-Mf-3393. 26 Feb. 1975. 199p.

391. Raman spectroscopic investigations on IIDO, solved in H20, on HDO in aqueous potassium iodide solutions, and on pur*

H20 upto 400*C and 5000 Bar. (In Geraan) L.A. Lindner HIIS-mf-3394. 20 Hov. 1970. 80p. 392. Mound laboratory activities for the Division of Physical Research. Jan-June 1976. MD.I-2354-. 30 Sept. 1976. 52p. Available froo OTIS. $4.00 393* The ionization constant for heavy water (DgO) in the ttap. range 298 to 523 K* D.W. Sho««iith and W. Lee Can. J. Chen., 5^, 3553-3558 (1976). 266

394* Photometric determination of tungsten in alloy*. (In Russian) . If .3. Ershova, N.M. Pyatiletova, V.V. Orlova and Others* Zavodlab*. 42(8), 910-911 (1976). 395* Twin mass spectrometers for simultaneous isotopio analysi* of hydrogen and oxygen in water. R. Hageraann and P. Lohez International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florenoe* Italy. 30 Aug. 1976. CBA-CONF-3685* 1976. 11p. 396* Optimization of a simple spotting procedure for X-ray fluorescence analysis of waters. J. Salts and R. Van Grieken Anal. Chin. Acta, 88, 97-107 (1977). 397* Unequivocal signal assignment of the 1^C HMR spectrum of 4-homoisotwistane as probed by deuterium substitutions* 7* Fusikura and Coworkers Chen. letters. (Tokyo), (No.5), 507-910 (1976). 398* Process and apparatus for determining low fuantities ot chloride in water (In French)* P. Bouquet* A* Haven and 0. Friconneau French Patent Document 228831/A/. 14 Oct. 1974* 9p*

399* Has* •peetrometry of stable isotopes of oxygenir carbon and hydrogen for and geochemistry (In Polish)* L.A. Baranski HTT-104/l. 1976. 85p. 267 400* Bapid test for heavy netal ions in water (In Japanese). K. Goto* S. Taguchi and 0. Yamaaoto Mizushori Girutau, V£, 417-21 (1976).

401. Hxermodynamic properties of bulk and oocluded supercooled water and ionic solutions. Technical Report, 1 Jul. 1972 - 30 Dec. 1975. C.A. Angell PB-251543. Jan. 1976. 30p. Available from OTIS $4.00 402. Standard specification for deuterium oxide. Annu. Book. ASBJ stand. (Ko.45) 1975, p.554. Report ASm-D-2032-68.

40?. Standard methods for testing deuterium oxide. Annu. Book. A35H Stand. (No.45), (1975). p.568-571. AS3M-D-2184-72.

404. Adsorption and interaction of CgH^t H2f CO and organio acids on Pe, 00 and Hi. 0. Bhyholder, S. Shihabi, W.V. Wyatt and R. Bartlstt J. Catal., £i, 122-130 (1976). 405. Continuous mass speotrometrio determination of >ct> im hydrogen/water vapor gas mixtures. A .11. Bagshaw

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407 • The importance of phosphate in the system iron-water P.I. Irisodium phosphate as a reagent for conditioning feed water in the course of time (In German)* G. Bohnsack VffB Kraftwersketeh, £6, 562-572 (1576)*

408. The importance of phosphate in the system iron-water P. II* The chemistry of the system. (In German). G. Bohnaack VGB Kraftwersketch, £6, 638-644 (1976).

409. Thermal diffusion of alkaline chlorides in DgO. B.P. Chakraborty and J.I. Lin J. Soln. Chem., 5(5). 185-198 (1976).

410* Volume, heat capacity and spectroacopic studies of solution* of the salts of adamantanecarboxylic aoid and tert-butyl- carboxylic acid in HgO and DgO.

411« lattice vibration spectra. H.D. Xutz and P. Willich Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., £28, 199-203 (1977). 18 412. Continuous mass spectrometric determination of 0 in hydrogen/water vapour gas mixtures. Int. J. Mass Speotrom. Ion Phye., 22, 247 (1976)*

413* 2hft tetezmination of traces of Arsenic and water by arsln* generation and radiometric analysis. H.

4H* Laser Raman Spectroscopy in Glass* CM. Hart wig SAJTD-76-O264, Aug. 1976. p,4

415. Large depth profile measurements of 2), 3He and 6I»i by deuteron induced nuclear reactions* W. Moeller, M. Huf Schmidt and D* Kamke Nucl. lustrum. Methods, I^JO, 157 (1977).

416. The importance of phosphate in the system iron/water* Pt. I. (German) G. Bohnsaoh VGB Kraftwerksteoh, «j6, 562 (1976).

417* She importance of phosphate in the system iron/water. P. II. (Crezman) ' G. Bohnsaoh VGB KraftwerJcstech, ^6. 636 (1976).

418. Iheunal diffusion of alkaline chlorides in SgO. B.P. Chakraborty and J.L. Lin J. Solution Chan., £, 183 (1976).

419* Some fundamental faotors in quantitative analysis by • ion microanalyzer (In Japanese). Someno. Mayumi. Salto, Hiroahi Shitsuryo Bunseki (Jun 1976). 2± (2), 173-180. 270 420. Stereoregularity of poly (2-vinylpyriding) determined by 'H-HMR and 'C-BMR speotroscopy.

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421. Proton magnetic resonance spectra of metal amine complexes,

8. Hydrogen isotopic exchange in the Co I (0)2(N)+J*" complex ions. T. Taura, U. Sakaguchi Bull. Ohera. Soc Japan (July 1976). 49.(7), 1867-1870.

422. Theory of double-quantum coherence and high resolution, deuterium MR in solids. S. Vega, A. Pines LBL-5481. COHF-760962-2. Aug. 1976. 9p. Available from HTIS. 423. A simple technique for determination of different fractions and total tritium content of a sample for field use. D.K. Vaae, S.H. Sadarangani, S.D. Soman Indian J. Pure Appl. Ehys. (Nov. 1976). 14(11). 935-956. 424. Effect of pressure and temperature on self -diffusion coefficients in several concentrated deuterium oxide diamagnetic electrolyte solutions. J.A. Altai, J. Jonas J. Solution Chem. (Aug. 1976). 1(8), 563-574.

+ + 6 425. Assigned lines of the A* - I bands of IiHf 7liH and7 Ii3>. . E.C. Li, W.C. Stwalley 000-2326-20. 1976. 88p. Available from Nil3. 271

426. Infrared spectroscopic study of the metathesis catalyst* II* Catalytic properties. A.A. Olathoorn, C. Boelhouwer J. Catal. (Aug. 1976)* 4£X2>» 207-216.

427. Theory of a modified Rayleigh method for estimating elementary isotope separation factors in gas-solution equilibria (In German). G. Christoph, P. Harting Isotopenpraxis (Hay 1976). 12(5), 198-201.

423. Electronic energies of the hydrogen molecule D'll/sub u/ and B /aub u/ and B /sub u/* states. A.G. Ritchie (Sept. of Theoretical Chemistry, Oxford). Int. J. Quant. Chem, 10, 1071 (1976).

429. Isotopic separation factor of deuterium between hydrogen and lanthanum-stickle hydride (In French). I. Lambert J. Chim. Ehys. (Mar 1977). j[£(3)» 380-381. 430. Kate constants a£297°K for proton-transfer reactions v/itL HCW and CH~C1T. Comparisons with classical theories and exotlieimicity. G.I. Hackay, L.D. Betowski J. Phys. Chem. (16 Sec. 1976). 80(26). 2919-2922*

431. An assessment of sane techniques available for the local deteotion of hydrogen in metals. G.P. Harsh AERS-R-8560. ISBN 0 70 580297* 3 Yov. 1976. 33P* 272 432. Ram,an study of vibrational dephaaing in liquid OH*CN and OD»OIT. j.Schroeder, J. Jonas J. Chem. Phya. (1 April 1977). 6£(7), 3215-7226.

433« Comments on the isotope dependence of transmission coefficients* W.A. Wassam (jr.), R*^* Levine Mol. Phys. (Mar 1977). 52.(3), 689-697.

434* Data on the concentration of deuterium in atmospherio water vapour (In German). Isotopenpraxis (April 1977)* 12, 113-118. L. Blaga, L.1J. Blaga (Humania)

435* Accurate determination of Hp- He and Dg compton profiles by high energy electron impact apectroacopy J. Chem. Phya. (1 Jun 1977), 66.( 11), 4906-4914. J.S. Lee 436. Infrared absorption spectra of gaseous HD. IV. Analysis of the collision-induced fundamental band of the pure gas. J. Chem. Phya. (15 June 1977), 66(12), 5259-5268.

437. Solid molecular hydrogen (In Dutch). lied. lijdsehr. Natuurkd (May 1977), 42,(2), 72-«76. I.P. Silvera 273 458. A theory of stable isotope dilution mass-spectrometry. Quantitative mass speotrometry in life sciences* Proceedings of the first international symposium .held at the State Univ. of Ghent, June 16-18, 1976. ISBN 0-444-41557-2 Amsterdam. J.I1. Pickup, O.K. HePherson

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445* Stopped flow ultraviolet speotroacopy for hydrogen-exohange studies of nucleic acids. II. Hakanishi, M. Tsuboi (Tokyo Uniu) . PEBS (Fed. Dur. Sioohem. Soc). Lett. ISSN 0014-5793 (1 Sept. 1977) V.81(1). p.61-64 (Summary fora). 446. Determination of deuterium eonoentration by falling drop method. (In Japanese) Kawai, Hiroshi etc. Kinki Daigaku Genshiryoku Kenkyusho Nenpo (1976) 7.13* p.45-48.

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450. Molecular motion of fluorooinnmateaf using deuterim relaxation rates. J.I. Gerig, B.A. Halley J. Am. Ohem. Soo. (25 May 1977). 22(11), 3579-3583. 451* Use of ^C and H nuclear magnetic resonance to probe internal motion in dimethyl sulfoxide. R.E. London J. Phya. Chem. (5 May 1977). §1(9), 884-887.

452. Investigation of hydrogen diffusion in the presenoe of traps (In Geaman). S. Riohter Jutl-1388. Feb. 1977. 1Up. 28 figs.

453* Permeation time-lag analysis of anomalous diff»*ion Pt.2 Helium & Nitrogen in graphite powder oompsmta* P.P. Boussis, J.H. Petropoulos J. Ohem. Soo* (London), Faraday Trans., II ISSBtf 0300* 9238 (1977) v*73(8) p.1025-1033. 276 454 • ffhenaal diffusion of alkali chlorides in HgO and H.E. Yow, B.P. Chakraborty Electrochim. Acta. ISSIT 0019-4686. (Sep. 1977). 22(9), 1013-1019. (Symposium of electrochemistry in nonisothezmal systems. Zurich, Switzerland 9-10 Sept. 1976). 455* Isotopes and water chemistry in sulphide-bearing1 springs of central Italy, j. Oh. Fontes Proceedings of an advisory group meeting organised by the IA12A and held in Vienna, 27-31 Jan. 1975. ISM 92-0-141076-2. Vienna IAEA.. 1976. p.143-158.

456. Storm runoff analysis using environmental isotopes and major ions. P. Prita, J.A. Cherry Proceedings of an advisory group meeting organised by the IAEA and held in Vienna, 27-31 Jan. 1975' ISBN 92-0-141076-1. Vienna IAEA 1976. p.11-130. Panel proceedings series*

457. Deuterium and oxygen-18 as indicators of leach-water movement from a sanitary landfill. P. Fritz ISBV 92-0-141076-X. Vienoa. IAEA 1976. p.312-142. 458. Chemical detection and preeise measurement of tritiun in a gas. II. Dupuis, M.G. Dupuia (Germany F.R) Bull. Inf. Soi. Tsoh. (fsb. 1973) (No.178). p.27-45. Available from ZAED* 277

459* Reaction between Hg and D2 in a shook tube. Study of the atomic Vs molecular mechanism by atomic resonance a/beor- ption spectrometry. A* Lifshitz, M. Frenklach J. Chem. Phys. (15 Sep. 1977) 6£(6), 2803-2810.

460. Electrochemical determination of equilibrium oonstants for isotope-exchange reactions. P.A. Rock (Univ. of California Davis) . A.A. Rock (ed.) Isotopes and chemical principles Washington, DC. American Chemical Society 1975. p.131-162. 3M COHT- 740349HP6. 461. Molecular diffusion and solubility of hydrogen isotopes in vitreous silica. J.E. Shelby J. Appl. Phys. (Aug. 1977). 4JJ(8), 5387-3394.

462. An improved mass spectrom --, trie method for determining the hydrogen-deuterium abundance ratio. T. lerwilliger Int. J. Haas* Speotroohem. Ion. Phys. (Deo. 1977) 22,(4)» 393-399.

463. Ultrasonic velocities for deuterium oxide-water mixtures at 298.15 K. 0* Kiyohara, C.J. HalpjLn, 0.0. Benson Can. J. Ohea. (1f Oot. 1977), 22(20), 3544-3548. 278

464* Investigation on a system to collect water vapour from the air, for the analysis of natural isotopic variation* li.lt, Poloni (Brazil) Teae (M.Sc) (In Portuguese) IHIS-mf-4106. 1975. 84p.

465* A system for tritium analysis in natural water* Mozeto, A.A. Sao Paulo Univ., Sao Carlos (Brasil) Teae (M.Sc) (In Portuguese) IUIS-mf-4124. 1977*

466* Water isotopic fractioning ( 0 & D) of Hie Santo Antonio de Kussas artificial lake during the evaporation* M.H.P* Santiago (Ceara Univ., Fortaleza (Brasil)* Rev. Bras. Seociene. (Jun 1975). ^(2). 106-112.

467. Infrared spectrum of BjjO vibrationally decoupled in

glassy H20. a* Ritzhaupt, J.P..Devlin J. Cham. Phys. (15 Hov.1977). 61(10)- 4779-4780.

468* Chemistry in support of fusion reactor technology* Anon* Oak Ridge National Lab. lean. (USA). Chemistry div. annual progress report for period dending Mar 31, 1977* OBHI-5297. Sep. 1977* p.26-29. 469* Mutual diffusion of helium and deuterium at low temperatures. ?•*• Be«verkhiJ, Eh.V. Mati*en (In Russian) I»v.. Sib. Otd. JJcad. ffauk, S33R, 3er. Xola. lauk. (Mar 1977) (*o.4) p.21-28. for english translation, see the Journal 81b* Ohem. J. 279

470. Mechanism of the Meyer-Schuster rearragements, M. Edens, D. Boeraer, C.R. Chase, D. tfass J. Org. Chem. (14 Oct. 1977). j£(21), 3403-3406.

471* Process simulation of heavy water plants - a powerful analytical tool. A.I. Miller Canadian Nuclear Association, Toronto, Ontario. Yol.6. 77-CHA-6OO (nd). p.112. Available from Canadian Vuolear Association, Toronto. 472* HMR line shapes of tunneling methyl groups in enolatbrated molecules. J.A. Ripmes8ttr J. Chen. Phys. (15 Mar. 1978), 68(4), 1835-1840. 473. Carbon and graphite. Part 4. Graphite-Chemical Properties (a bibliography with abstracts). Report for 1964-Jul 1977* M.P. Smith NTI3/P3-77/0847. Oct. 1977. 206 p. Arailable from HII8. PO N01/ilP N01.

474* Equation of state for D20 in the liquid region of upto 1000 bar. H. Ikeda, Kageyana, Yuji Bull JSHE (Jpn. Soo. Msch. Sng.) (Nov.1977) £0(149), 1492-1498. 280

475* Theory of chromatographic separation of isotopes H. Kakihana, Takao, 01 J. Hucl. Sci. Technol. (Tofcyo). (Aug. 1977). 14,(8), 572-581.

476« Equation of state of fluid n-D2 from P-V-T and ultrasonic velocity measurements to 20 kbar. R.I. Hills, D.H. Liebenberg J. Chan. Phys. (15 liar. 1978). 68(6), 2663-2668.

477• Detecting snow water in streamflow by D/H and 0/ 0 abundances in two western Canadian basins. H.R. Krouse, G« Holecek DSIR Bull-220. Wellington. DSIR Science Infoination Division. 1978. p.67-95. tfew Zealand DSIR bulletin*. IS3W OO77-961x. 478. MIR spectroscopy in structural isotope analysis. Coapl«x nethod of quantitative fragmental detezmination of vL label by a set of spectra of H, H and "c nuclei. N.G. Devyatko, G.A. Kalabin (In Russian) Zh. Anal. Khin. (llov. 1977) 22(11), 2207-2217. Pop ' •nglish translation, see the Journal J. Anal. Ghou USSR.

479* Nuclear »pin conversion of HgO and D^O in Argon O.P. Aycrs, A.D.5. Pullin (Clayton, Australia) B«r. Buns«ng«s. Phys. Chaa. (Jan. 1978). 82(1), 62-63* 281

400* Viscosity of gaseous Dg0 at high pressures* Abe, Shuji, Pujioka, Byu Bull. JS&IE (Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng.) (Jan. 1978). 21.(151), H2-U6.

481* Caloulation of isotope separation coefficients under conditions of liquid-vapour phase equilibrium of a simple system by the method of molecular dynamics. A.I. Taykalo, M.M. Kontsov (In Russian) •Doer. Osn. Khim. Tekhnol. (Jul-Aug. 1978). ,12(4), 609-612. For english translation* see the journal Xheor. Found* Chen. Eng* 482. IR analyzer spots heavy water leaks. Anon. Can. Shea* Process (May 1978). 62(5)» 26-28.

485* On line infra-red heavy water instruments : status, eoonomios and propapecta. O.F. lynch AKJL-6205* Jun 1978* 38p. 484* The solubility of iron sulphides and their role in aass transport in Girdler-Sulphide heavy water plants. P.K. lewari. G. Wallace, A.B. Oaapbell Atomic Energy of Canada ltd., Pinawa. Manitoba. AECIr-5960. April 1978. 34p. 283 485* Spectrum of the solvated eleotron in heavy water uptb 445 K. R.S. Dixon, V.J. Lopata • Radiat. Hiys. Chem. ISSN 0020-7055 (1978). 11(3), 135-137. 486. Determination of hydrogen and deuterium in Zirualoy by vacuum extraction and mass spactrometry. J.6. Raaphorat, A. Kout Z. Anal. Chan. (July 1978). 29J.U), 324-327. 487* Measuring apparatus for the specific surfaos of aetal oxide and metal powders. W. Sanneberg, H.H. Kuhimann (In German) Metall. (July 1978). ^2(7). 678-680. 408. Deuterium NQH in sampleo dilute in deuterium. D.I. Bdmonda, J.P.G. Mailer J. Uagn, Resonanoe (Feb. 1978). £9.(2), 213-221. 489* Preliminary measurements of tritium, deuterium and oxygen-18 in lakes and groundwater of volcanic Rotorua region, New Zeland. C.B. Taylor, H.J. Freestone, I.A. Nairn 1NS-R-227. IHS-742. Jun 1977. 490. Effect of aolecular geometry on the eleotron affinity of water. D.M. Chipman . J. Phys. Chem. (4 May 1978). 82(9), 1080-1083. 295 491* loniaation potentials of HgO from valenoe bond and molecular orbital wave function*. D.H. Ohipman J. Am. Chem. Soc. (26 April 1973). 100(9), 2650-2654* 492* Results of tritium tests performed on Sandia Laboratories decontamination system.

P.D. 6uldear W.R. Wall eto. Lawrenee Livemor* Lab. SAND-77-8766. CONP-780508-16. Hay 1978. Available from OTIS, PC A02/foF A01. 499* theory of ohromatographie separation of isotopes, (2)* theory and practical parameters for displacement ouromatographiea.

Kakihana, Hidetake, Dickeaon, D.R.S Oi, lakao. J. Kuel. Soi. Teohnol. (lokyo). (April 1978). 15.(4), 272-278. 494* Breakthrough curve of K2-% sponge adsorption system. K. Yasufuicu (la Japanese) ?A?IG (Tokyo) (Nov. 1977). (»o.87) p.23-28. 495* tritium contents of sea water in Aiohi Prefecture. K. Chaya, H. Hamamura (In Japanese) Badioisotopes (Tokyo). (April 1978). 21(4), 191-193. 496* Effect of heavy water on the permeability of bilayer phospholipid membranes modified by poly-amino soids. I.N. Kremlev, V.I. lobyahev Stud. Biophya. ISSK 0081-6337 (1 Jun 1978). 20(2), 121-128. ,284 497* Heat transfer in solid HD at low temperatures* X.S. Dubey . J. ifcya. Ohem. Solids. ISSJf 0022-3697 (1978). 22(7), 699-704. 498* Enthalpy of deuteritua exchange reactions in water + ethftnol and methanol + ethanol. I A. Chand, D.V. Fenby : J. Ohera. Theimodyn. ISSB 0021-9614. (Oct. 1978). 10(10), 997-1001. 499* Use of deuterium as a tracer with *C nuclear magnetio resonance speotroscopy in following deuteride migration in terpenoid biosynthesisi mechanism of geranylgeranyl pyrophogphate cyolisation in fusiooooin biosynthesiB. A. Barterjii R. Hunter J. Ohem. Soc. (London), Chem. Cornmun. ISS1I 0022-4936* (4 Oct. 1976) (lfo.19) p.843-845. 500. Ihezmal chamber for precise measurements of nuolear quadrupole resonance spectral parameters. V.LI. Burbelo, 7.A. Egorov (In Russian) Zayod. Lab. (1975). 4J.(9)» 1091-1093* For English translation, see the journal Ind. Lab* 501. Analysis of tritium in hydrogen and water by the internal filling counter. . B.H. Andreev, A.3. PolevoJ (In Russian) Zh. Fis. Khim. (1976). ^0(10), 2646-2650. ?or English translation* see the journal Hues. J. Pays. Ohem. 285 502* High temperature thermodynamics of dilute solutiona of hydrogen ant: deuterium in tantalum and in dilute tantalum-oxygen solid solutiona. P.G. Dantzer, O.J. Kleppa J. Solid. State Chem. (Feb. 1978). 2±C), 1-9. 503* Continuous determination of trace tritium in water. Paper I. W.R. Cox Available from CEGB, Sudbury House, London. 504. An internal coordinate model for molecular vibrations t

the energy levels of H20 and H23 and related iaotopio molecules. J. 3ron, R. Wallace Can. J. Chem. (15 Aug. 1978), S&fc), 2167-2172. 505. Neutron diffraction study of the structure of liquid Hater. Ohtomo, llorio Bull, Chem. Soo. Jpn. (Jun 1978). 21(6), 1649-1654* 506. Infrared band intensities for isotopie water molecules. (J. Wilemski J. Quant. Speotrosc* Radiat. Transfer. ISSN 0022-4073* (Sep. 1978). 20(3), 291-293. 507. calculation for analysis of aqueous solutions of heavy 'water* U.S. Asuaga, A.R. Marques (In French) Analusis (Jan 1978). 6(1). 34-37. 286 508* Determination of traces of hydrogen in uranium and its alloys. G. Beau, R. Schott (In French) Analusis. (Jan 1978). 6,(1), 11-18.

509. Heat capacities and compressibilities of deuterium oxide- water mixtures at 298. 15K. 0. Kiyohara, P.J. DVArcy Ihexrabchim Acta. ISSN OO4O-6O3T. (Sep. 1978). 379-382.

A new technique to measure the permeability of water molecules across bilayer membranes. R. lawaczeck Ber. Bunaenges. Phys. Ghem. (Sep. 1978). 82(9)* 930* Mass apeotrometer for accurate hydrogen isotopio analysis. P. Chastagner, S.C. Aiken (USA) Savannah river lab. DP-1492. Aug. 1978. 28p. Available from NIIS, PC A03/MF A01. 512* High specific activity measurement, of tritiated compounds by a quadrupole mass spectrometer. X. Okuno, K. Yoshihara, 1. Shiokawa Radloohem. Radioanal. Lett. ISSN 0079-9483. (31 Jul 1978)* -2), 11-16. .

513* Analysis of tritium* Science and technology agency, lokyo (Japan). (la Japanese) Japan Chemical Analysis Centre. 1977* 84p. Ho»hano Sokuteiho Ser. 287

514* liquation of state of fluid I2 deduced from P-V-f and ultrasonio velocity maasurements on H£ and I>2 to 20 kbar. B.I. Millis, D.H. Liebenberg J. Appl. Phys. (Nov. 1978). 1£(11), 5502-5506. 515* A review on depth profiling of hydrogen and helium isotopes within the near surface region of solids by use of ion beans. J. Boeltiger J. Hucl. Hater. ISSN 0022-3115 (Nov. 1978). £8(1), 161-181. 516* Molecular motion in super-cooled liquids. II. Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation of deuterons and protons in 11 M aqueous lithium chloride. J.P. Huxmont E.J. Sutter J. Stays. Cham. (24 Aug. 1978). 82.(17). 1938-1942. 517* Adsorption of protiun end deuterium oxides on cation exchange resins. A. K»lloma#lci Aota Chm. Scand., Ser.A. ISSK 0302-4377 (1978). 0.8), 747-751. . 518. Measurement of deuterium* oxygen-18 and carbon-13 contents. (In Gexman). GSP-R-156. Jul. 1977. p.30-87. Available from Pachinforwationszentrum Karlsruhe. 519* Measurement of tritium, oarbon-14 and krypton-85 contents. (In German). GSB-R-156. 1977. p.87-94. Available from Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe*

520. Determination of tritium in natural waters. M. Hadzisehovic, K. Buraei J. Radioanal. Chem. ISSN 0154-0719 (1978). 44,(2), 301-306. 521* Measurement of deuterium content (. D) in some Indian thermal spring waters. D. Ghose, S.D. Chatterjee Indian J. Pays. Part B (June 1978). j>2(3), 154-159.

522. Crystal structure of LaNi sub(5)Daub(6, 0) deuteride. V.V. Burnasheva, V.A. Yartys' (In Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk 3S3R (1 Feb. 1978). 2^8(4), 844-847.

523* Hydrogen permeability of palladium-tungsten alloys* V.V. lobanov, G.E. Kagan Zh. Eiz. Khim. ISSH 0044-4537. (Oct. 1978). «>£(10), 2503-2506. For English translation* see the journal Russ. J. Hiys. Chem. 524. Matrix-isolation spectroscopy of aluminium, copper and nickelhydrides ar

526. Correlation of isotope chemistry with molecular structure by second moment perturbation theory* J. Bigeleisn, M.W. Lee, I. Iahida Rochester Univ., NY(USA). COBF-780864-1. 1978. Available from MIS, PC A02/MP A01.,

527. Antarctic saline lakes - stable iBOtopic ratios, chemical compositions and evolution. 0. Matsubaya, H. Sakai etc. Seochim Cosmochim. Acta IS SIT 0016-7037. (Jan 1979). 41(1), 7-25.

528. Detection of hydrogen on metal surfaces. The interaction o£ Ho with polycrystalline vanadium. A. Bemiinghoven, IC.H. Mueller Daly, H.R. (ed.). Advances in mass spectrometry. 2 Vol. Set-I3BH 0 85501 305 2. '. .

529' Tritium nuclear magnetic resonance apectroacopy. Chapter 1* J.A. Elvidge, J.R. Jones, E.A. Evans, E. Buncel, CO. Lee (eds) Tritium in organic chemistry. TSBN 0-444-4174-1-9* Amsterd«|, Ketherlands. Else'vier. T978. p.1-49* 290

530. Twin mass spectrometers for simultaneous isotopic analysis of hydrogen and oxygen in water. E. Hageraann, P. Lohez Daly, 2T.R. (ed.)« Advances in mass spectrometry Vol. 7i I5HT 0 85510 306 0. London (7 International Mass Speotrometry Conference* Florence, Italy).

531• Stable isotope ratios in tomoto juices. A. Marell, A. Carisano, M. Riva, R. Tilio Daly, N.R. (ed). Advances in mass spectrometry. Vol.7A ISHT 0 85501 306 0 London. Heyden for the institute of petroleum. 1978. p.523-527.

532. Pulsed NMR studies of water under extreme conditions* I.II. Berries Illinois Univ., Urbana (USA). Dept. of Chemistry. 000-1198-1222. 1978. Available from HSIS, PC A03/MP A01.

533. Ihe reaction of 0" with HgO. J.P. Paulson, P.J. Gale Daly, H.R. (ed.). Advances in mass spectrometry* Vol.7A ISB1T 0 85501 306 0 London. Heyden for the institute of petroleum. 1978. p.263-273*

534* On hydrogen activation at silica gels containing transition metal ions. A.S. Shuklov, N.D. Chuvylkin, V.B. Kazanskij (In Russian) Izv. Akad. Nauk. S3SR, Ser. Ehim. ISSN 0002-3353 (Oot.1973) (No.10). p.2239-2243. Tor English translation. s«e th« journal Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Siv. Ohem. Sci. 291

535* Assay of tritium in White Oak Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I.T. Glover) G.W. Gushing J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. (Oct. 1978). V.53(4). p. vp

536* Methods of tritium determination. S.B. Iokhel'aon, £.1. Yushkan (In Russian) Rovinskij, F.Ya (ed.) Methods for analysis of environment contamination. Toxic metals and radionuclides. Atomizdat. 1978* p.187-210.

. 537 • Automatic isotope gas analysis of tritium labelled organic materials. Pt.3. Determination of tritium in organic compounds and biological samples by a combustion method combined with isotope exchange* I. Gaca, S. Mlinko, K. Payer J. Radioanal. Ohem. ISSHT 0134-0719 (1978). 4JL(1)» 109-119. 538. Separation of isotopio methanes by gas chromatography. S. Lukao J. Ohroiaatogr. ISSN 0021-9673 (1 Dec. 1978). 166(1), 287-289. 539* Vibrational spectra of uranium (IV) borohydride wid ' uranium (IV) borodeuteride. . R.I. Paine, R.W. Light, U. Kelson Spectrochim Acta, Part A. I33N 0584-B539 (1979). 213-216. 292

54-0. Strontium-90 and tritium in the surface waters of the north pacific ocean in 1974* S.i.I. Vakulovakij, A.I. Vorontsov (In Russian) Okeunologiya. XSSH 0030-1574. (Mar-April 1978). 1£(2), 244-247. Por English translation, see the journal Oceanology.

541* Proton, deuterium and tritium nuclear magnetic resonance of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Isotope effects and the shape of the potential energy function. L.J. Altraan, D. Eaungani J. Am. Chem. Sec. (20 Deo. 1978). 100(26), 3264-8266.

542. The standard enthalpy of ionisation of water at 298K from calorimetric measurements on iodine.pentoxlde. P.J. Ceiiitti, H.C. Ko, L.G. Hepler Can. J. Chem. ISSN 0008-4042 (15 Sec. 1978). £6(24)« *C84-3086. 54?. Exact quantum mechanical transition state theory 1* An overview. A. Kuppermann J. Hays. Chem. (11 Jan 1979). §l(D» 171-187.

544 • £he near infra-red emission band of D02 : deteiminaticn of the molecular geometry. R.]?. Xuckett, P.A. Freedman Uol. Kiys. ISSH 0026-8976. (Peb. 1979). 21(2), 403-408. 293 545* Steward a unified master equation theory of thermal decomposition reactions* Analytic solution for diatomio dissociation. .*.¥. Yau, II.0. Pritohard J. Phys. Chem. (11 Jan 1979). 8£(1), 134-H9. 546* Regional and temporal variations of deuterium in the precipitation and atmospheric moisture of central Europe. H. Huebner, P. Kowski IA12A-3.I-228/16. Proceedings of an international symposium jointly organised by the IAEA and the U1JES0O and held in Ueuherberg, 19-23 June 1978. ISBIf 92-0-040079-5. Vienna. IAEA 1979. V.1 p.289-305• 547* The analysis of highly concentrated heavy water by means of 1JLIR spectrometer Tesla BS4870. A. Selecki. R. Kilek (In Polish) Pr. Inst. Inz. Ohem. Politech. Warsz (1977). £(2), 37-43*

548. Determination of long-lived OT^gen and hydrogen isotopes as methodica applied in hydrogeology. L.A. Baranski (In Polish) £ech. Poszukiwan Geol. (Jun 1977). 1^(6), 19-25*

549* In situ observation of vertioal ground water movements by labelling with heavy water and by associated measurement of gamma rays and . Development in the laboroatory and application in the field. P. Uoutonnet, Ph. Couchat (French) IAEA-SM-228/39. 294 550. Experimental study of gaseous lithium deuterides and lithium oxides. H.J*. Ihle, H. Kudo, C.H. Wu IHKd-Conf-79-003-010. IAE&-SM-236-15. 1979. 20p. (International symposium on thermodynamics of nuclear materials. Juelich, Gennany, P.R. 29 Jan-2 Feb. 1979.) 551. D/H ratios in speleothem fluid inclusions : a guide to variations in the isotopic composition of meteoric precipitation. R.S. Hanaon, H.P. Schv/arcs Earth Planet Sci. Lett. ISSN 0012-821X. (?eb. 1979). 42(2), 254-266.

552. Thermodynamics of ioniaation of DgO and DgPO".

R.E. Mesmerf D.L. Herting J. Solution C.hem. ISSN 0095-9782. (Sec. 1978). 1(12), 901-913. 553. Infrared photochemistry of halogenated ethylenea. C. Reiser, P.I.!. Lussier J. Am. Chem. Soo. ISSKT 0002-7863. (17 Jan 1979). 101(2). 350-357. 554* Sampling system of atmospheric water vapour for analysis of the Y gub(D) relationship. L.I. Poloni, It.A. Villa Nova (In Portuguese). Energ. Hucl. Agric. ISSN 0100-3593* (Jan-June 1979)* 1(1), 29-40. 295 555* Proposed Implementation of laser ranan scattering apeotro- scopy for analysis of hydrogen isotopes. S.M. Craven. J.I. Gill Lffi.1-2583. H Feb. 1979* 25p. Available from HSIS, TO A02/HP AQ1. 556. Investigations on the hydrogen isotope analysis by means of gas chromatography. K.H. Heise, M. Kiessling (In German) Uuenze, R. (ed.) (GSR) Annaual report. 1973. Nuclear Chemistry Department. Jahreshericht 1978. Zfk-367. Sec 1978. p.119-120.

557* Quantitative determination of tritium in metals and oxides. D.J2. Vance, H.E. Smith, G.R. Waterbury Los Alamos Scientific lab*, m (USA). LA.-7716. April 1979* 7p. Available from 1ITIS, PC A02/HP A01. 558* Cryogenic hydrogen data pertinent to magnetic fusion energy* P.C. Souers UCBL-52628. 15 Mar 1979. 94p. Available from KTIS, PC A05/1IP A01. 559. Distribution of tritium in a chronically contaminated lake* B.G. Blaylock, M.L. Frank

560. Tritium und oxygen profiles in the eastern Mediterranean* G. Cortecci. P. Uoto lellus (April 1979). 21(2), 179-183* 296 561* Tritium in the Savannah River eatuary and adjacent marine waters. D.W. Hayes IAEA-SI-232/80.

562* Monitoring for the diaperaion of discharged tritium in sea-water around the lokai-mura fuel reprocessing plant. I. Nomura, Y. Kishimoto IAEA-SM-232/27.

563* Tritium in the North AtIantie Ocean. Inventory, input and transfer into deep water. W. ffeiss, W. Hoether IAEA-SH-232/98.

564. .Process simulation of heavy water plants - a powerful analytical tool. A.I. Miller AECL-6178. Oct. 1978. 21p.

565. Simplified HT-HIO in air measurement system* C.T. Bishop, D.C. Carter HIi.I-2602 (OP). CONP-790602-67. 1979. 4p. (AN3 annual meeting, Atlanta, USA.). Available from NEE3, PC A02/WP A01.

566. Tritium as an indicator of CH, and C^c radioale in ethane pyrolysia. . A.M. Kaiainski, J. SoblcoweM. Radiochem. Hadional. Lett. (28 Jun 1979). 22(?)> 209-220. 297 567* Theory of ehromatographie separation of isotopes (4)* Meaning of chromatographic diffusion coefficient in heterogeneous chromatography• Oi, Takao, Kakihana, Hidetake J. Nuol. Sci. Technol. (Tokyo) (Sec. 1978). 15.(12), 941-943. 568. International Wtddell Sea Oceanographio Expedition, 1976 i tritium results. R.L. Michel* T.L. Jackson

Antarot. J. U.S. ISSN 0003-5735. (Oct. 1977). 12(4') f 41-43* 569* Valence bond calculation of nuclear spin-spin coupling constants. 2. Coupled valence bond perturbation theory* B. Kirtman, K.B. Kirtley J. Phys. Chem. (31 May 1979). 83.(11), 1470-1472. 570. Tritium in the environment at the Savannah River Plant* C. Ashley, C.C. Zeigler DPSPU-79-30-9. CONF-790728. 3 July 1979* Available from HMS. •

571* Ionic motion and phase transition in potassium hydrogen- difluoride KHPg studied by pulsed MR* Y. Purukawa, H. Kiriyama Bull. Ohso. Soo. Jpn. (Deo. 1978). 11(12), 3438-3442.

572* Chemical quenching by water of the photo-exoited uranyl ion in aqueous acidic solution. M.L. Haroantonatos • ., J. Chem. Soc. (London). Faraday Trans. (1979)* Jji(10), 2273-2284. 298 573. Identification and estimation of tritium content in TOR-M reactor water. A.M. Drokin, V.K. Kapustin (In Russian) At. Ahnerg. (Sept. 1979). 42(3) i 192-193. Por English translation, see the journal Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy (USA).

374* Transport coefficient determination in an isotopic exchange unit. E. Fodor, E. Greou Isotopenpraxis (Jan 1980). ,16(1), 1-4. 575* Fundamental studies in isotope ohtmisSry, Progress report, 1 Dec. 1978 - 30 June 1979. . J. Bigeleisen 000-10346-1. 1979. Up. Available from NTIS. 576, D/H ratios of hornblende, epidote, and white mica from some mafic metaoorphie rooks in Japan. Y. Kuroda, T. Suzuoki Geochera. J. (Tokyo) (Dec. 1978). 12,(4), 213-221. 577* Hydrogen isotope study on biotite and hornblende from Finnish granitic rooks, ' Y. Kuroda, I. Yamada Oeoehem. J. Tokyo. (Deo. 1978). ig(4)i 259-263.

578f Progress in sample chemistry of hydrogen for precision isotopic analysis of organic compounds and mineralized waters. A. Hunge (In German) Isotopenpraxis (?eb. 1980). 16,(2), 67-68. 299

579* Resonant multiphoton dissociation of small molecules* A.H. Kung, ILL. Dal IBL-9782. C01IP-790690-4. Jun 1979. Up. Available from NIIS. §80* Quantum-chemical considerations oh the acidity of thiiunin pyrophosphate and related systems. H.M. Buck, M.M.E. Sckaffers-Sap J. Am. Chem, Soc. (15 Aug. 1979). 101.{17), 4807-4811.

Chemical composition, hydrogen and oxygen isotope ration and tritium content of hot waters and steam condensates from the Oyaau-Doroyu-Akinomiya geothexmal area in Alcita prefecture, Japan. K. Abe, H. Shigeno (Japanese) Ohishitsu Chosajo Geppo (Mar. 1979). 22(3), 177-197. 582. Gas phase thermal diffusion of stable isotopes. CF. Eck Mound Facility, Miaraisburg, OH (USA.). MIi.I-2659. 1 Nov. 1979. 24P* Available from NIIS, PO AOg/kl1 A01. 583* Rapid preparation of orange juice and other biologioal 18 fluids for natural 0 and 0 analysis. A. Kiosenbaum, U, Paid Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. (P«b. 1980). 21(2), 127-128. 300

584 • Measurement of heavy water concentration by neutron thermalisation method. N. Wada (In Japanese) Nippon Genshiryoku (Jakkai-ahi (May 1979)* 21.(5), 434-440.

535. Determination of B-10 in heavy water by isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Y. Vfada, S. Takahashi (lolcai Works, Japan) PtfCT-831-78-02. July 1978. 58$. Nuclear microprobe determination of tritium in metals. P.J. Mitchell, J.W. HoMillan Anal. Proe. (Peb. 1980). 12(2), 51-53. 587* Determination of deuterium contents in snail samples of water by drop float method. A. Kellomaeki, P. Laurila Acta Ohem. Scand., Ser.A (1980).. li(1), 71-72. 568. Determining tritium contents in Elbe water. H.H. Schreier, R. Diehl (German, P.H.) in German. GKSS-79/E/46. 1979. 24P. 589* Augmented alkalinity for water-cooled nuclear reactors* M. Tomlinson, K.A. Burrill Canadian Patent Document 1O56517A/. Int.Cl. 021 D1/100. 12 Jun 1979* 7p. Available from Macromedia Ltd., 165, Hotel d Ville, Hull, Quebec, Canada J8X 3X2. •' ' "•• ." '. '•'• •' ••• ".- • .301 . • '•••'.•• • . 590. Comment t Ultrasonic velocities for deuterium oxide-water mixtures at 298.15K. S. Ernst, J. Glinski Can. J. Chera. (15 Sept. 1979). 52(18), 2333-2334.

591. Effect of hydration on the thermal stability of protein as measured by differential scanning calorimetry. LysoByme-SpO system. • Y. Pujitai Y. Koda • I Bull. Chera. Soc. Jpn. (Aug. 1979). 52(8), 2349-2352. . 592. Determination of cathodio H/D - separation factors on Au and Hg in acidic solution. L. Grambow, J. Heitbaum (In German) Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. (Nov. 1979). 83.(11), 1151-1156.

593 < Reply to comment : ultrasoaio velocities for deuterium oxide-water mixtures at 298.15 K. 0. Kiyohara, C.J. Halpin Can. J. Ohem. (15 Sep. 1979). 52(13), 2335-2336*. 594* Deuterium B-alumina, DAl^O^y t atom location and structure refinement by powder neutron diffraotion. B.C. Tofield, A.J. faloobson ' J. Solid State Ohem* (Oct.' 1979). 22(1), 1-22. . 595* Priliminary measures of tritium oontent in the Hague (Contentin) area. 1. Umeeu (In French) , Mem. Soo. Natl. Sci. Hat. Math. Cherbg. (1971-1972). V.55, p.9-16. 30S 596* Deuterium and tritium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J.A. Elvidge (Surrey Univ., auildford (UK). *p»123-194* J.A. Blvidge, J.R. Jones (eds.) Isotopes. Essential chemistry and applications* > ISM 0 65186 830 4• London. Ohemioal Society. 1980. Special publication. No.35* . 597* Iaotopic contents of tropospherio water vapour * perfecting of an air-borne sampler. J. Jouzel (In French) J. Hech. Atmos. (Oct. -Dec. 1979)* 12.(4), 261-269.

598. Hydrogen study in solidsby nuelear reactions'* B. ligeon, J.P. Bugeat : J. Radioanal. Ohem. (1980). 55.(2), 367-378. 599* Measurement of the deuterium concentration in water samples using a CW chemical deuterium fluoride laser. M. Trautmann (In Geiman) IEP-20. Oct. 1979. 101p.

600. Hydrochemical development and physical investigation using isotopes of the ground-water in the Paderborn aquifer. M.A. Gejh, 0. Miohel (FRG) (in Gsraan) GWP ffaeaer - Abwaaser (Dec. 1979)* J20(12), 576-582.

601* Estimation of total body water in mammals by deuteriu* dilution. ' . ' M.K. Stewart, J.R. Hulston Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. (April 1980). 21(4), 249* 303 602* lonization chamber for measurements of high level : tritium gas. 5.H.W. Carstens, W.R« David XA-Ufc-80-1215. OONP-000427-9. 1930. HP. 603* 'Stable isotope mixing', a proposal for analysing stable isotopes using a technique similar to the isotope dilution analysis. 1. (Theoretical treatment. K. Parjo Isotopenpraxie. (Jul. 1980). J£(7), 235-236. 604• 'Stable isotope mixing', a proposal for analyzing stable isotopes using a technique similar to the isotope dilution analysis* 2. Mass speotrometry of fi/D and N isotope mixtures. K. Parjo, Q. Haase . Isotcpenpraxia. (Aug. 1980). 1,6(8), 245-246.

605. Study of a system for tritium analysis in water by electrolytic enrichment and liquid scintillation* Xr. Fane, Sad Paulo (Brazil). Tese (H.So) (In Portuguese). IAEX-DT-151. 7eb. 1979* 69p*

606* Hydrogen mobility at high concentrations* - R.O. Boman Jr., OH (USA) MM-2729 (OP). 1980. 112p. Available from NTIS, 10 A06/ Wf A01* . . 304 607* Electrochemistry of single-crystal surfaces. A.T. Hubbard J. Vac. Soi. Technol. (Jan. 1980). 12(1), 4954*

608. Surface tension of nozmal and heavy water. J. Straub, N. Rosner (In German) Waeime-Stoffuebertrag. I3SN 0042-99^9 (1980). 12(4). 241-252. 609. Routine determination of tritium in natural wate^« W. Husabauraer, V. Rainer (In German) AED-0onf-78-274-054. vp. 610* Tritium measurement techniques. Recommendations of the national council on radiation protection and measurementa. Yu.W. Sivintsev (ed.) (In Russian) Moscow. Atomizdat. 1978. 96p* Translation from English of the I70RP Report No.47.

611. Infrared photochemistry of ethylene clusters. M.P. Gasassa, D.S. Borase J. Ghem. Phya. (15 Jim 1980). 22(12), 6805-6806*

612* Rapid method for determination of deuterium content on fast neutrons with short-lived fluorine-17 separation. L.f, Vavalikhia (In Rtuwian) Radiokbimiya (1979). 21(5)^ 772-775. Por BnglUh translation, see the journal Soviet Radiocheraiatry (USA). 305 613* the thexmqdynamios of tne iron/water/sulphur system* D.D. Macdonald. J.B. Hyne AKL-5811. Nov. 1979. 79p. 614 • K•etroosmoais of methanol-wator and aeihanol-heavy water mixtures. K. Singh, R. Kumar J. Membrane Sol. (Deo. 1979)* £(3)• 275-282. 615* High precision mass speotronetrie hydrogen isotope ratio .measurements. ' . - D.W. Peterson . Indiana Univ., Bloonington (USA). Thesis (Ih.D)* 1979* 236p* University microfilms order No. 80-00717. 616. Variations of stable hydrogen isotopes in palnkton from a fresh water lake. ' M. Stiller. A. Kissenbaum Seochim. Cosmochim. Aeta. (Aug. 1980). ££(8), 1099-1101. i 617. Development of batch electrolytic enrichment cells with 100-fold volume reduction, control electronic units and neutralisation/distillation unit, to enable better sensitivity to be achieved in low-level tritium measure- ments when liquid scintillation counting follows the enrichment prooess. Final.report for the. period 1 Oot. 1977 -'31 March 1980... C..B. Taylor IAEA-R-2O59-P. Jun 1980. 104p. :-.;•':; '.•:'•;_ . • 306 . • . ' ' . • • • 616* •'A system for the analysis of tritium content in natural 1 waters, through benaene.

. ;_- H. Boeohi , >•.•••, •,.'.•••'•. " • .' '.••'•• •\ •; Sao Paulo Univ., Sao Carlos (Brazil). Tese(M.So«)

J (In Portuguese) ' • -' •':..; '. •:..' .:'.y}:\ k..X •'.'. ;•'.•••• '•'..• '•'.

: : INIS-of-6223. 1980. 100p. ' '• •'."; X:[ •:>'••. -;\ ' ....; ••;'. V i Vv'V-';-'•••"" 619* Setemination of, environemtal isotopes in the ground •• . waters of Debrecen and ITyirseg. • •- L. Marton, Zs. Erdelyazky (In Hungarian) , Hidrol. Koezl. (980) (No.2). p.85-94. 620* Hydrogen isotope analysis by low resolution mass spectroaetry. R. Sohoot, S. Beau ' . . . Quayle, A (ed.). Advances in mass speotrometry* Volume 8A» Proceedings of the 8th international aass speotrpmetry . ' conference held at Oslo, 12-13 Aug. 1979. ISM 0 85501 327 3 London. ' • 621* A study Of the instrumental and other aspeots in the mass spectroaetric analysis of deuterium oontent. I* Jayaprakash, M.S. Erishnan p.88-96. Seminar on mass spectrone-try - applications and current trends, Bombay. India. 20-22 Mar 1978. 622* The need for accurate deuterium analysis in a heavy water plant and its achievements. . . ' : ,H.R. Singh, D.5. Pradhan , '••... ' p.97-101. Seminar on mass spectrometry - applications and ',' current trends. Bombay. India. 20-22 Mar 1978* 30? 623• Iaotopic analysis of water by mass speetrometry. E.G. Ynrtcik, V.X.P. Unny, T.I.1T. Rwal p.102-106. Seminar on mass speetrometry - applications and .current trends. Bombay. India. 20-22 Mar 1978.

624* Mass spectrometers as CM analytical tool in heavy water production. ' S. Kapoor, C Dass p.107-113. Seminar on mass spectrometry - applications •and current trends. Bombay. India. 20-22 Mar 1970.

625* Mass spectronetric analysis of deuterium in water. S. Kapoor, 0. Bass p.114-120. Seminar on mass spectrometry - applications and current trends* Bombay. India. 20-22 Mar 1978*

626* Recovery and determination of tritium produced in lithium-aluminium alloy by neutron irradiation. M. Tanase, H. Kamioki J. Rfadioanal. Oheia. ISSII 0134-0719 (1980). 52(1), 99-110. 627* Spectroisotopic'method of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon determination in metals and alloys. B.Ya. Ohikhladze, G.I. Cherkasova (In Russian) Zh. Parikl, Spektrosk. (Feb. 1980). $2(2), 210-214* For English translation, see the journal Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. (USA).

628. Tritium concentration in hot spring water, (1). Southern Beppu district* Kitaoka, Koichi (In Japanese) " • . Oita-ken Onsen Chtisa Kenkyuk&i Hokoku (Mar 1979) (lTo.30) p.19-27. 308 629* Distribution of oarbon and hydrogen isotope ratios in organia sediments and gases* A. Rung* (In German) Ohea. Erde. ISSN 0009-2819 (1900). 29.(0,52-62. 690* Proton inventory of the water-catalyzed hydrolysis of 1-aoetyl-1,2,4-triaBole. Examination of ionic strength effoots. J.P. Patterson« W.P. Huskey, J.L. Hogg J. Org. Ohem. ISSN 0022-3263 (7 Nov. 1980). £5.(23) t 4675-4682. 631. OS stretohing vibrations in deuterated potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate. I. Savatinova, B.v, Ohisler. J. Rohleder, B. Jakubovski Thy a. Status Solidi B. IS31T-O57O-1972 (1 Sep. 1980). tOl(1)t 233-258. 632* Analysis of water by speotrographio method to determine th« impurities of elements. Bukihati (In Indonesian) EPOJ-L-190-78. 1978. 19p. 633* Hydrogen and deuterium sorption by selected rare earth intexmetallic oompounds at pressures upto 1500 atm. J.P. Lakner, P.3. Uribe, S.A. Steward ' ' ' J..less-Common Met. ISSN 0022-5088 (1 Oot. 1980). 7^(1), 13. 309 634* Hydrogen isotope absorption s*nd separation by palladium and palladium alloys* P.A. Lewis J. less-Common Met. ISSIT 0022-5088 (15 Oct. 1980). 7J;(2), 363'-369. 635* Solubility and diffusivity of hydrogen and deuterium at low concentrations in Fesub (0*5) Tisub (0.5)* (J. Arnold, J.M. Welter J. less-Common Met. ISSN 0022-5088 (15 Oct. 1980). Z£(2), 465-466.

636* Physical properties of the hydrogen-sulphide-water syBtem. Maria Santana (In Indonesian) Hajalah 3A.TAH. ISSIT 0303-2876(Jul 1979). 12(2), 41-51.

637* 'H-MMR study on H-D exchange in H,N-diiiethylaeetiaeeta»idd ooupled with keto-enol tautomerism in methanol-d. Saito, Hide, Matsuo, Taku (In Japanese) Nippon Eagafcu Eaishi. ISSK 0369-4577. (Sec. 1979) T.1979 (12). p.1720-1727. 638* Deuterium content determining in water phase of fluid inclusions in Madan galena. IT.B* Piperov, N.F. Penchev, I.K. Bonev (In Bulgarian) INIS-nf-6286. Oct. 1979* 112p.

639. fast method of determining H TOlume aotivity in water samples in the presence of other natural radionuolides and of third analytioal group elements.

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640* Isotopic analysis of deuterated organic compounds using triple 1HTR 13C-(1H, 2D). V.A. Roznyatovskij, Yu.K. Grishin (In Russian) Zavod. lab. 1SS1I 0321-4265 (1980)* 4£(9), 005-809. For English translation, see the journal Industrial Laboratory (USA). 641. Araraonia-water 3yatem t Part I. Thermodynamic properties. 1T.C. Goomer, S.M. Dave, H.K. Sadhukhan BARC-1072. 1980. 15p. 12 refs., 4 figures, 54 data sets. 642. Stable isotope studies. Annual progress report, March 1, 1980-Peb. 28, 1981. State Uniy. of New York, Stony Brook (USA). Dept. of Chemistry. DQE/ER/10612-1. 28 Oct. 1980. 11Op. Available from KTIS, PC A06/to A01. 643* Hydrogen isotopic analysis, by gas chromatography. Anon (in French). CEA.-CEIAMA-6 (nd) 320p. 644* Mass speotrometric determination in water at natural levels. P.E. Hartley Anal. Ohem. ISSfT 0003-2700 (Uov. 1980). 5.2(13), 2232-2234.

$45» Ooloriractric study of deuterium isotope effects in water- acetic acid systems. J.R. Khuraa, D.T. Penby Aust. J. Chen. ISSN 0004-9425 (lTov. 1980). 22(11), . . 2349-2355* 18 refs. 311 646* Contract VEC 3.2.3 study to optimize Or-Ho steels to resist hydrogen and temper ombrittlement. Quarterly report lTo.8, May 15 - Aug. 15» 1980. Embrittlement of Cr-Mo steels in ^JS P***3 Hp® vaPour environment* B.J. Shaw D0E/B2/13513-16-20 Nov. 1980. 22p. Available from 1TTIS.

647* Tritium measurements in the Tasman sea and the Southern Ocean. J.R. IUirries, G.E. Calf Aust. J. Ttar. Freshwater Res. ISSIT 0067-1940 (Dec. 1980). 3J.(6), 737-745. 15 refs. 648. On the isotope ratio of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in man. K. Vetzel, A. Runge (In German) Isotopenpraxis. ISSF 0021-1915. (Apr. 1931). JlU), 137-139. 649. Investigation of the diffusion of isotopic methane species. H. Schuetze, M. Mohnke (In. (Jexiaan) Isotopenpraxis. ISSIT 0021-1915. (Apr. 1981). 12(4)» 159-163. 650. Effect of heavy water on isolated rat liver mitochondria. G. Huebner (In Geiman) Isotopenpraxis. I3SIT 0021-1915 (Apr. 1981). 11(4)* 167-170. 312 65t. Application of low level tritium counting in the sokolov coal basin* J. Sadlikova, J* Hanzlik (In Czech) IlTIS-wf-6387. 1979. 268p# 652. Using stable environmental isotopes to solve hydrologlcal problems. tf, Moser, W. Stichler (In German) 18. General meeting of the Gesellaehaft Deutsoher Chemiker, Berlin 1979* Program and abstracts. 471p.

653* Surface science and heterogeneous catalysis. 6.A. Soinorjai California Univ., Berkeley (USA). LBL-11690. CONF-8005136-1, Hay I960. 37p. 654» Use of inteimetallic compounds of rare and transition netals for storage of hydrogen isotopes. E.M. Savitski, 7.7. Shitikov (In Russian) All-Union conference on rare earths alloys with specific physical properties. Moscow, USSR. May 1977* p.109-113.

655* Correlation of the isotope chemistry of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen with molecular forces by the WHIPBR (2) method. J. Bigeleisen, I. Ishida, U.¥. Lee J. Chen. Phys. ISSIT 0021-9606. (1 Feb. 1981). I£(3), 1799-1816. . •...':.

656* Reaction* of atomio hydrogen and deuterium with 012 and Br2« 3. Jaffa, H.A.A. Olyne J. Cham. 8oo. (London), Faraday Trans., II. ISSN 0300-9238 (1981). 21(3). 531-539. 313 657* Jherfliodynenics of liquid and supercritical water to 900*0 by a Ttonte-Carlo method* 3.P. O'Shea, P.R. Treraain J. Ehys. Chem. ISS1T 0022-3654 (17 Nov. 1980). 84.(24), 3304-3306.

658* H2 formation in the reaction of 0( D) with H20. R. Zellner, 6* Wagner, B. Himme J. Phys. Chem. I3SII 0022-3654. (27 HOT. 1980). 84.(24), 3196-3198. 659* Abstraction reactions of with deuterated methyl halidoa. P.S.T. lee, ?.S. Rowland J. Ihya. Chen. ISSN 0022-3654> (27 Nov. 1980). 84.(24). 2343-3248. 660. Raman spectra of the HH and ND stretching regions in polycrystalline ioMazole, K-deuterated and H-substituted analogs. M. Majoube V.J. Cones, A. Mueller (eds.) Modern trends in spectroecopy. Abstracts of contributed papers. 1979. 359p. 661* Microprocessor-controlled apparatus for in viTO electro- oheaical measureaents. H.7. Cheng, W. Ihite, R.H. Adorns Anal. Oueo. ISSN 0003-2700 (Sec. 1980). ££(14), 2445-2448. 314 662, Crystal structure of ZrCr aub(2)D-

666, Tritium concentration in Rosa 8ea and Antarctic Oircumpolar Current. H.I. Iliohal . Antarot. j. U.S. ISSN 0003-5335 (Oct. 1979). 115-116. 315 667* Application of isotopic and chemical methods to the study of hydrological problems in Brazilian northeastern areas. J.H. Ponte INIS-mf-6555. 1979. 121p. 660. Latitude degree-depending deuterium variations in the atmospheric water vapour of the Atlantic. F. Kowshi, G. Stiaunch, H. Schuetze (In German) Zfl4Titt-29. Jun 1980. 34Op. (2. Workshop on isotopes in nature Leipzig, G.D.R. 5-9 Kov. 1979). 669* Biermodynaraies of bolafoxm electrolytes. 6. Partial molal

adiabatic compressibilities in HgO and D20 at 25°C. H. Nomura, R.E. Verral J. Ihya. Chem. ISS1T 0022-3654. (16 Apr. 1981). 85_(0), 1042-1046. 670. Comparison of liquid scintillation cocktails used for tritiun analysis at Mound facility. D.G. Carfagno, B.M. Farmer, V.O. Lacy. p.227-232. L.J. Wittenberg (eornp.). Proceedings : tritium technology in fission, fusion and isotopio applications. La Grange Park, IL. American Hudear Society. 1980.

671* Isotopic analysis of hydrogen-helium mixtures. R.E. Ellefson (Mound Facility, Hiamisburg, OH), p.240-244* L.J. Wittanbtzg (comp.). Proceedings i tritium tedinology in fission, fusion and isotopio applications. La Grange Fork, IL. American lluolear Soeiety, 1980. (Tritium technolosy in fission, fusion and ieotopie applications). LASER SEPARAi'IOir OP DEU'ZEEIUU 1* lootopic separation by photoprediasooiation. E.S. Yeung and C.B. Moore Appl. Phys. Lett., 21(3), 109-110 (1972). 2* Possibility of laser isotope separation. V, Burjan UCHL-Trana-10705, 4p. Translated from Cask. Cas Fys. 22, 100 (1972). 3. Laser induced recovery of deuterium or tritium frost water. R.J. Jenson and J.Ii. Lyaan LA-UE-74-429. COOT-74O416-I(nd) 9p. (1973).

49 Photochemical separation of hydrogen isotopes by means of deuterium lamps. Yu. a* Basov, V.S. Craban'kov and E.A. Oginskaya Sov. Jt. At. Energy, Letter to Editor, 35(2), p.132-134 (1973). 5. Laser isotope separation of deuterium. J.B. Marling Chem. Phys. Lett., 34(1). 84-89 (1975). 6. Hiotopredissociation isotope separation (In French). C.B. Moore and Edward, Yeung Sze-Shing French Patent Document 2215263/A/. 24 Jan 1974, 18p. 7* Eeport on the symposium ' and chemical reactions* (In.German). Hachr. Akad. Wiss. Goelt, (No.5), 103-113 (1973). Symposium on lasers and chemical reactions. BeinbJwsen, West Geimany. 25 Feb. 1973. •

316 .317 8* Isotope separation by lasers (In Czech)• K. Kudlacek Jad. Energ., 21(9). 356-357 (1975). 9. Deuterium and tritium separation in water by selective molecular excitation. T.J. YVhi taker, J.R. Morrey et.al Report IJo. BHYfL-E-432. July 1975. 27p. 10. The use of lasers for studying solution dynamics, (In French). M. Drifford, D. Masaignon et.al Bull. Inf. Sci. Tech. (Paris). (No.205), 5-19 (1975) .

11. Use of CBzX, CH-I and CD.C1 as active substanoea of sub- millimeter light-pumped lasers* (In Russian) 3.F. Dyubko, L.D. Fesenkc and Others Zh. Prik. Spectrdskok, 23(2). 317-320 (1975). For English translation, see the journal J. Appl. Spectrose.

12. Dye-laaer-induced separation of nitrogen and carbon Isotopes. R.R. Karl Jr. and K.K. Innes Chem. Phys. lett., 36(3). 275-279 (1975). 13. Therraochemioal water-splitting us a method for hydrogen production. G. Beghi, A. Broggi and G. SeBeni Proc. of Int. Conf. organized by British XFuclear Energy Society in London. 26-28 November, 1974. ISBN 0722700049, London. 1975. Paper No.17. 318 H« Isotope separation by laser radiation (In Gezman). W. Braunbeek - - Atomkernenergie. 26(4). 279-281(1975), 15. Large isotope effects in photodiasooiation of polyatosio molecules. Y.B. Band and K.F. Freed J. Chem. lays., 63(10). 4479-4484 (1975). 16. The possible separation of deuterium of tritium from hydrogen using laser radiation pressure* D. Poolay and A.M. Stoneham AERE-n-8194. ISBIT 0705800962. Kov. 1975* 31p» Available from H.M. Stationery Office. Price Pound 1.50 17. UV dye lasers. G.A. Abakumov, V.V. Fadeev, R.V. Khokhlov and A.P. Siaonor Spectrosc. lett., 8(9). 651-667 (1975). 18. Research and investigation of gas-dynamic lasers. Pinal Report. H-72-19570. HASA-CR-125806. 10 HOT. 1971* Available from JTTIS. t5.00 19* Isotope separation by radiation pressure of ooherent TT pulses. H. Treidaann and A.S. Wilson . App. Stays. Lett., 28(5). 270-272. 20* Method for isotope separation. B.S* Jepson US Patent 3» 9H»373. 21 Opt. 1975* 10p. 319 21. A Sheoretical model of laser isotope separation (In French)* J. Dupre, P. Heyer-Bourbonneux, C. Heyer and P. Barciwwits Infrared Phys., 16, 475-481 (1976). 22. Isotope separation by laser techniques. V.A. Job, J.P. Mittal, P. Bam Koteswar Rao and A.K. Ganguly Ind. J. Phys., 50, 302-316 (1976).

23* The use of lasers for the separation of isotopes. R.D. McAlpine ABCI-5503. April 1976. p.179-188.

24. Method and apparatus for separating laser ionised particle from background ions. G.S. Janes US Patent, 3, 935, 451. 27 Jan. 1976. 12p.

25* Use of angular - momentun selection rules for laser isotope separation. L.C. Balling and J. Wright Appl. Phys. Lett., 29(7), 411-413 (1976). 26. Laser isotope separation by selective excited state photochemistry. Progress report, June 1, 1975 to Feb. 29, 1976. R.H. Zare 000-2724-1* F«b. 1976. 15p. Available from NIIS $3.50 27* Laser augmented decomposition IID* BPF-. K.R. Chien and S.H. Bsor

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31. Photochemical separation of isotopes by isotopic traps methods (In Russian). R.Z. Sagdeer and Others Pis'ma Zh. EhKSP. Teor. Fiz., 22(11). 584-86 (1975). For English translation, see the journal JBTP Xatt. 32. Infrared laser-induced photochemistry at low temperatures t dramatic isotope and stereochemical selectivity. A. McHeish, II. Foliakoff, K.P. Smith and J.J. Turner J. Chem. Soo. (London), Chem. Oomm., (No.21), 859-860 (1976). 33* Production of heavy water by photpdesorption. T. Gangwer aiid U.K. Goldsteirs EHL-21691 001^-760832-14.1976. 8p. Available froa NK3. $3.50 " . 34• Experimental and theoretical studies of laser isotope separation. J.P. Aldridge. J.H. Birley, CD. Catrell and D.C. Cartwright Ehys. Quantum Electron, £, 57-144 (1976). 35* Laser isotope separation overview. K. Boyer Ibys. Quantum Electron, £, 1-9 (1976).

36. Deuterium isotope separation by ir single-photon induced reactions• J.B. Marling UCID-16999 (Eev.1). 2 Sept. 1976* 12p. Available'from 1JTIS. $3.50

37* Laser-induced rate processes in gases. Dynamics of polyatomic systems. M.P. Goodman, J. Stone and D.A. Sows J. Ch«u. Pay8., 6£, 5052-5061 (1976). 38. Ihe photochemical reaction of iron pentacarbonyl and 1,3-butadiene-1,1,4,4-d^• R. Noyori and K. Yokoyana . Bull. Cham. Soc. Jon.. 49(6). 1723-1724 (1976). 39* ArP laser enrichment of oxygen isotopes. R.K. Sander, T.H. Loree, S.D. Eockwood and S.M. Vreund Appl.Itiys. Lett., JO,, 150-52 (1977). 322 . 40. Mechanism of light induoed hydrogen isotope exchange in . M. Yoshida, H. Kaneko and 2. Ito Bull. 02MB.'Sob. Jpn., 4^ 1697-19700 (1976). 41* Study of the prospects for heavy water production via . laser isotope separation. Final Report, 1 April - 30 Sept. 1976. H.H. Hiller C00-2878-2. ASE-4004. Oct. 1976. 47p. Available Iron HTIS. $4.00 42. Study of the prospects for heavy water production via laser isotope separation. Final report, 1 April -30 Sep. 1976. II.U. Miller C00-2878-2. ASE-4004. Oct. 1976. 47p. Available froa 1TTIS. 44.00 43. Dissociation of NH* and TMgb by high power OOg-laaer radiation. R.R. Jacobs wJBL-78383. 00HP-760961-4. Aug. 1976. 12p. Available from 1ITIS.

44. High single-step enrichment of rase stable isotopes by ion laser formaldehyde photo-predissociation. J.B. Marling . UCEL-78065. CO1IP-76O961-6. 1 Sep. 1976. 23p. Available from NIIS. 323 45* Deuterium separation in formaldehyde by an intense pulsed COg laser. &. Koren, R. Weil HTIS-mf-3516. 1976. p.'45 Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society. V.22 46. Photochemistry in the electronic ground state* IV. Infrared laser induced isoaerisation of labeled compounds. A possible route for isotope separation. I. Glatt, A. Yogev J. Am. Ohem. Soc. (27 Oct. 1976). 9J3(22), 7087-7088.

47* Tunable lasers in Isotope Separation, a colourful view of a Dye Cheaist UCEL-78934. COHF-770206-1. 15 Itoo.1976, 5p. Available from MS $3.50 (Photochemistry-phoiophysies review meeting. Livenaore, California, USA. 18 Feb. 1977). ?.S. Haiuaond California Univ., Livermore (USA), lawrenoe Liveraore Lab*

48. Prospective systems for laser separation of deuterium. J.B. Marling UCID-17329. 19 Nov. 1976. 6p. Available from KIIS. 49. Method and apparatus for separating isotopes. US Patent document.

4,0009420/A/ Int. Cl. H01J39/34. 28 Dec. 1976. S.E. Harris ' . . 324

50. Isotope separation of oxygen-17» oasygen-18, carbon-13t and deuterium by ion laser induced formaldehyde photo- predissociation. J. Chem. Phys. (1 May 1977). 66(9). 4200-4255. J. Marling 51. Isotope separation by photochromatography. K.F. Suslick US patent document 4,010,100/A/ln* 01.B01 D15/08. 1 Mar. 1977. 8p. PAI-APKL-619,156. 52. Deuterium separation by infrared induced addition reaction. J.B. Marling

US patent document 4,025,408/A/lnt. 01. BO1J1/1OS B01 D59/34. 24 May 1977. 8p. PAT-APPX-691,258.

53* "Laser isotope separation. . R.V. Ambartsumyan, Y.3. letokhov (In Russian) Vestn. Akud. llauk SSSB (Nov.1976) (No.11). p.25-36. 54* Laser induced chemical reaction : a study of the ezonang* reaction between deuterium and vibrationally excited

, 8T + L2 • • > HP + DP R.S.P. Chang Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. (USA). Thesis (Bx.D) 1976. 194p. University micro films order ITo, 77-5732.

55* Mechanisms of central 0-atom abstraction reactions : A molecular beam, laser-induced fluorescence study of group III B + HOH systems. K. Liu, J.il. Parson . ' J. Chem. Phys. (15 Peb, 1978) 68(4), 1794-1802. 325 56. Laser photochemisty and isotope separation in formaldehyde • J,H. Clark California Univ., Berkeley (USA). Thesis (Hx.D) 1976. 174p. University microfilms order No. 77-15, 64-Q.

57* Photodissociation of H1TC and DCF. I. Stein, A. Gedariken J. Chem. Phys. (15 Mar 1978). 68(6). 2982-2983.

58. Depletion optimisation and photon efficiency in laser iuotope separation of deuterium. J.C. Vunderleedon (Ontario Hydro) Appl. Opt. (1 Mar 1978). 17(5). 785-796.

59* Proposed II/D/T separations based on laser-augmented A+B in equilibrium C reactions. S.H. Bauer Rae, H.K. (ed.) Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington, DC. American Chemical Society. 1978. p.152-162. See C0KP-770510-P3. (American Chemical Society meeting. Montreal, Canada. May 1977).

60. 'Photolytio separation of D from H in oryogenio aolutions of formaldehyde. W.B. "laier, II, S.M. Freund J. Chem. Hiya. (1 Sep. 1978). 69f5). 1961-19651.

6t. Deuterium enrichment by ow 009 laser induced reaction of methane, D.S.Y. Hsu, T.J. Hanucoia . Appl- Phys. Lett. (1 Dec, 1978). 33(11). 915-917. 326 62. Hethod to separate and enrich moleoulea, containing deuterium. S.W. Benson (In German) German (P.B) patent document 2732573/V Int.01. C01 B 4/00, B01 3)59/34. 26 Jan. 1978. 28p. G3. Eg-l^ser photolysis study of the quenching of 0g (b1 g+ )

by H2 and Dg. K. Kohse-4Ioeinghaus, F. Stuhl Ber. Bunsenges, Phys. Chem. (Aug. 1978). 82(8). 828-835* C4. Hew technique for fabricating cryogenic laser-fuaion targets using cold-gas jets. K. Kim, B.J. Smoot, R.I. Woemer - Appl. Ihys. Lett. (15 Peb. 1979). ?4(4). 282-283.

65. Laser isotope separation and the multiphoton decomposition of methanol using a pulsed HP or DP laser. RcD. Me .Alpine, D.K. Evans . Ohera. Phys. ISSH 0301-0104. (1 Jttn 1979). 39(2). 263-270. 66. Laser isotope separation and the multiphoton decomposition of formaldehyde using a focussed UP laser : the effect of single or multiline irradiation. ; S.K. Evane, E.B- lioAlpine Chea. Hays. Lett. (15 Aug. 19?9). 65(2). 226-2J0,

67* Deuterium isotope separation by tunable-laser predissooiation of formaldehyde. . . I. Mannik, O.M. Keyser . Ohem. Ihys. Lett. (15 Aug. .1979). 65^). 23>-233. 327 68. laser photochemical separation of hydrogen isotopes. M.C. Fowler US Patent Document 4,171,251 /j/.Xnt.01. B01 J1/10. 16 Oct. 1979. 8p. 69* Photochemical deuterium separation!problems and prospeots. J.B. Marling, I.P. Herman UCBL-81087. COUF-780958-4. Sept. 1978. 18p. Available from KT13, PC A02/MP A01.

70. Ultrahigh aingle-step deuterium enrichment in COg laser photolysis of trifluoromethane as measured by carbon- isotope labeling. I.P. Herman, J.B. Marling ' J. Chem. Phys. (1 Jan.. 1980). 72(1). 516-523.

71. Deuterium separation at high pressure by nanosecond 002 Itser multiple photon dissociation. J.B. llarling, I.P. Herman J. Chem. Pliys. (15 May 1980). 12(10), 5603-5634. 72. laser isotope separation by multiple photon absorption. C.P. Robinson, S.3). Bockwood Canadian Patent Document 1060840/V* Int.Cl. B01D 57/00. 21 Aug. 1979* 30p. Available from Micromedia Ltd*, 1.65 Hotel de Villa, Hull, Quebec, Canada. J8Z 3Z2

73* Infrared photochemistry of ethylene clusters. M.P. Casasaa, D.S. Sons* 3, Cham. Kiya. (15 Jun 1980). 72(12). 6805-6806. 328 , 74*. Photo-chemistry and laser isotope separation. Clerk, Michel (In French) . 0EA-C01IP-5173. Apr. 1980. 2p

75. Laser separation of isotopes of Hydrogen. S.M. Save, S.K. Ghosh, H.K. Sadliukhan BARC-1056. 1980. 28p. 32 refs., 1 table, 1 figure.

76. Laser induced separation of hydrogen isotopes in the liquid phase. \7. Beattie, S. Freund, E. Holland, V. Haier US patent document 4,213,836/A/. Int.0l.B01J 1/10, 22 Jul. 1980. vp. 839,238 US Commissioner of Patent*, Washington, D.C. 20231, USA.

77* Method of deuterium isotope separation and enrichment. S.W. Benson Canadian patent document 1085341/A/. Int.Cl. B01S 59/00. 9 Sep. 1980. 19p.

78. Iritiuu separation by 002 laser aultiphoton dissooiation of trifluorooethane. Mukide, Yoshihiro, Hugiw&ra, Satoxu, Kurihar*, Oaaau J. Kucl. Sci. lechiiol. (Tokyo). ISSS 0022-3131 (Aug.1980). 11(8), 645-647.

79. Infrared spectrum of CTFj and implications toward tritiui isotope separation by infrared laser multiple-photon dissociation of halogenated methanes. 1.7. Hennan, J.B. Marling J.Pliyo. Ohem. IS31T 0022-3654. (5 Mar. 1901). 15,(5), 493-496, SSCHOH v I30T0PIC ECCHANGJ B116SI0HS 1. On the relation between the separation factor and enrichment factors in the isotope distribution among several fractions* (?n Russian) E.T.T. Kuznetsova and I.A. Semiokhin Vastn. Hosk. Univ., Ser.II, Khim., 11(1). 3-10 (1976). 2. o" and p~ nitrophenyl cyclopropanes in the hydrogen- deuterium exchange reaction* (In Russian)* Yu.S. Shabarov and N.A. Kiaebulatova Vestn. Hosk. Utaiv., Ser. 2, Khim*. 11(2). 239-244 (1978).

3. Hydrogen/deuterium separation faotors on cathode and diffusion sides of 25# Ag-Pd foils. P.R. Smith and M. Haomerli Z. Phys. Ohem. (Frankfurt), 74(1-2). 75-77 (1971). 4* She specific aotivity of silioa supported platinum for the catalysis of hydrogen-water deuterium exchange. 1T.H. Sagart and R.M.L. Pouteau Pan. J. Ohem.. 49(21). 3411-3417 (1971).

5. Efficiency of a ooourrent mass exchange plate* A. Aaooli and B. Brigoli l'eoloniques and Economy of Heavy Water Production. Proc. of Uucl. Symposium, Turin, Italy 1971* CIIEtT, 1971. p. 104-115* 6. 2Chezttodynamio4.of hydrogen-isotope-exohange reactions. I. Electrochemistry in dimethylfoimamide. I.P. Silvester, J.J. Kim and P.A. Rode J. Ohem.Ph.vs*. 56(5). 1663-1869 (1972). 329 330 7. ffhe exchange reaction of deuterium with tht hydroxyl group of zeolite catalysts* I. Imonaka, Y. Okaiaoto, K. Takshuta mid S. leranishi Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 45(2). 366-370 (1972). 8* Hydrogen-deuterium exchange in 1»4»5- and 1,3,5— trinethyl etrazoluim iodides* I. Ialxida, S. Fusimori, K. Habika and K. Sisido Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 45(4). 1246-1247 (1972). 9* Isotopie exchange of molecular hydrogen in dimethyl sulf oxide-water mixtures under base catalysis. E.A. Symon and E. Buncel J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 94(10). 3641-3642 (1972).

10. Abinitio calculations on the H2 +. Dg ^ 2HD four centre exchange reaction. C.W. Wilson Jr. and W.A. Goddard J. Ohem. Hays., 56(12). 5913-5920 (1972).

11* Isotopic exchange between hydrogen and water vapour over supported metal catalysts. Part I. Kinetics of exohange. J.H. Rolston and J.W. Goodale Can. J. Ohm., 50(12). 1900-1906 (19,72). 12* Identification of reaction intermediates by microwave spectroaoopy. The catalytic reactions between propylene and deuterium over zino oxide* S. llaito, I. Kbndo. K. Iohilcawa and K. J. Bhy». Ohtm., 76(15). 2184-2185 (1972). 331 13. Study of exchange reactions employing a complementary shock tube facility. G.G. ffika rh.D Theaia, Louinana State Univ., New Orleans (USA.)* Univ. Microfilms Order Ho. 72-20, 805 1971, 210 p.

14* Heteroaromutic hydrogen exchange reactions. B.C. Challis and E.LI. Miller J. Chem. Soc. (London), Perkins Trans. 11, (2To.11), 1625-1628 (1972).

15* u and H in studies of heterogeneous catalytic exchange reaction. M. Erangopol Isotop. Efltiat. leohnol., 9(4). 447-455 (1972). 16« Effect of vibrational anhaxnonicity on hydrogen-deuterium exchange equilibria involving ammonia molecules* J. Bron and U. Wolfsberg

J. Chem. ?hya.f 57(7). 2862-2869 (1972).

17. Kinetics of hydrogen exchange reaction studied by Eadiogas chromatographic pulse technique. A.H. Kaminski and J. Sobkowaki

Hadioehem. Badioanal. Lett.r 9(4). 269-274 (1972). 18* Computer simulation of some reaotione of energetia'hydrogen atoms. D.J. Mulooma-Lawes J. Ohem. Ihys., 57(12). 5522-5530 (1972). 332 19* Studies of electronic factors in oatalysia of hydrogen- deuterium exchange and carbon monoxide oxidation over zinc oxide. T.F. Veerkamp Ph.D Thesis, Rica Univ., Houston Texas, U.S.A., 1972, 172p. 20.. Contribution to the study of the isotopic exchange of tritium in phenol at high temperature (In French). B. Bettons and 23. Dubeis ' J. labelled Compd., 8(5). 379-396 (1972). 21. Convenient deuterium exchange technique. J.M. Watson, A.R. Tenner and R.M. Roberta J. Org. Chenu, 37(23). 3743-57AA (1972).

22. The catalytic exchange of hydrogen deuterium on copper- nickel alloy plates after various surface treatment* Y.'i'ak Asu and T. Yamashina Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 45(10). 2997-3002 (1972).

23* Ilydrophobio interaction in light and heavy water* A. Ben-naim, J. Wief and M. Yaaoobi J. Phya. Chew., 77(1). 95-102 (1972).

24 • A novel defoxmylation reaction during the homogeneous platinum oatalysed isotope hydrogen labelling of Arhydroxyacids and related compounds. G.E. Calf and J.L. Garnett Setrahedron Lett., (Mo.7), 511-514 (1973). 333 25• A new series of homogeneous metal catalysts for very rapid hydrogen exchange in aromatic compounds. J.I. Garnett, TI.A. long, R.E.tf. Vining and T. J, Ohem. Soc, 3)., (No.21), 1172-1173 (1972) 26* Separation of isotopes : Annual progress report. M.S. Ghate, O.K. Choi and T.I. Taylor , New York (U.S.A.) C00-3263-2, 1972. 30p.

27* Hydrogen exchange in Uracil with HTO and J>20 catalyzed by platinum. S. Ido, H. latarn and V. Kaaida Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Iaot., 24(2). 81-86 (1973). 28* Stable isotopes * New applications owing to an increased

: supply (In German). U. Schotte Haturwise Rundaoh, 26(3). 107-108 (1973). 29* Isotope exchange process* R.J). Richardson Canadian Patent 911137. 3 Oct. 1972. 5p. 30* Hydrogen deuteriua exchange at a saturated carbon atoa In tertiary phoaphine complexes of platinum (2). C. Masters J. Chem. Soc. (London), Chem. Cocmun., (Ho.5) 191-192 (1973). 334 31• The Influence of the substrate on hydrogen-water-deuteriun exchange over carbon supported platinum. N.H. Sagart and R.M.L. Pouteau Can. J. Ohen.i 50(22). 3686-3693 (1972). Also issued as report number AECL-4317.

32. Homogeneous catalysis of Do-HnO isotope exchange by pentacyanocobaltate (II). S.G. Strahdes and M.J. Quinn Can. J. Chem., 50(19). 3H4-3153 (1972).

33• Hydrogen-deuterium exchange of N-"Iethylpyridinium ion in methanol containing amines. Identity of the catalyst. J.A. Zoltwiez und V.\7. Cantwoll J. Org. Ohora., 30(4). 02930 (1973). 34* Particularities of isotope redistribution in chemical processes in non-equilibrium and thermally honogeneous plasma (In Russian). Yu.G. Besov and S.'I. Panchankov Zh. Fiz. Kliim., 46(10). 2681 (1972), for English translation see the journal Buss. J. Phys. Chem.

35. Isotope separation process (In French). Aljert Harold Prench Patent Document 2120345/lt/* 30 Sec. 1970. 8p. 36* Isotope separation prooessess in nature (In French). A. Oollaud I!TI3-iaf-773. May 1971. 37p. 335

37 • Study of H2-D2 isotopic exchange catalysed by nickel and sine oxides (In French). Sarge, Richard Thesis, lyon-T Univ., Prance. FEJTC-TH-367. 1972. 95p»

38* Effect of dispersion oh methane-deuterium exchange over supported nickel. J.C. Oece Ih.2) Thesis, Rhode Island Univ., Kingston, R.I. (USA) 1972, 72p.

39. Valance bond study of the (H2»Dg) exchange reaction mechanism. H^ system. B. Preihaut and L.M. Raff J. Chem. Phys., 58(3). 1282-1284 (1973).

40.* Isotopic exchange procesaess in homogeneous catalytic reactions (In German). B. Bayari, M. V*hraa and J. Sraefa Tetrahedron, 29(13). 1839-1842 (1973).

41* Rapid deuterium and tritium labelling of aromatic compound using alkyl-aluninium dihalide catalysts. J.I. Carnett, M.A. Long and R.P.W. Vining Tetrahedron Letters, (Ho.41), 4875 (1973).

42. Isotopic exchange between hydrogen and liquid hydrocarbons catalyzed by organoalkali compounds. Gerard Beffert-forges CBA-R-4479 (1973). 82p. 336 43» Separation and applications of stable isotopes. P. Botter and R. Barras Bull. Inf. Sci. lech. (Paris), (No.183), p.25-35 (1973) (In French). 44* On the kinetics treatment of photochemioally induced isotopic exchange. A. Levy and D. Ildyerstein Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot., 25(1). 9-14 (1974)*

45* Separation ot isotopes. Annual technical progress report CG8-3263-3* Uov.1, 1973» 123P. 46. 'fhe relation between D/H and X/H isotopic fractionation in in some reactions of chemical interest. R.J2. Y/eston Jr. Z. ifaturf orach., A, 28(2). 177-184 (1973).

47* Sffect of isotopic exchange and dilution on HXO permeation. G.C. Abell im.1-2110, 6 March 1974, 9p.

43* Multiproton catalysis in the hydrolysis of 3»5-dinitroa»pirin. K.D. Gondour and P.L. Sohowen J. After. Chan. Soo., 96(7). p.2231-2234 (1974)*

49* Kinetics of hydrogen isotope exchange reaction. V. Gold, H.A* Major and II.J. Gregory J. Chem., Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. I*, 70(6). 965-976 (1974). 337 • 50. Some physical and chemical aspects of two proposed methods of heavy water separation. D.B. McConnell Canadian Huelear Association; 13th Annual International Conference, Toronto, Canada. June 1973» 73-CHA-5OO, 1973* 51. Fractionation factor for L~0+ in HnO-IuO. A.J. Kresga and V.J. Albary J. Chem. Soc. (London) Chem. Commun., (No.13), 507-508 (1974). " . 52. Catalytic deuterium exchange reaction with organioa. J.L. Gernet and U.S. Kenyon Aust. J. Chem., 27(5). 1023-1932 (1974). 53* Catalytic deuterium exchange reaction with organic*. J.L. Gernet and R.S. Kenyon Aust. J. Cheo., 27(5). 1033-1045 (1974).

54* Homogeneous catalysis of hydrogen isotope exchange between

D2 and ethanol by chlorotids (ffriphenyl-Phosphine) rhodiim (1) t 2. In chlorofoxm - ethanol. Gr. Strathdas and E. Given Can. J. Chem. 52(12). 2226-2235 (1974)* Also issued aa report Ho. AECL-4479.

55* Homogeneous catalysis of hydrogen isotope exchange between

D2 and ethanol by chlorotris (Triphenyl-Phosphine) rhodium (1) : 1. In benzene-ethanol. G. Strathdas and R. Given Can. J. Chem., 52(12). 2216-2225 (1974). Alao issued as report No. AECL-4478* 358 56. Hydrogen-water deuterium txehange over graphon supported group-8 Noble Metals. H.H. Sagert and R.H.L. Pouteau Can. J. Chem., 51(24). 4031-4037 (1973). Also issued as report Ho. AECTH-632.

57. She specific activity of silica supported platinum for catalysis of hydrogen-methane deuterium exchange. II.H. Sagert and R.LI.I. Pouteau Can. J. Chem. 51(21). 3588-3595 (1973). Also issued as refiort Ho. AECL-4754. 58. Rates of isotopio exchange between hydrogen and aminomethane catalyzed by potassium methylamide. II. Kaira and F.D. Otto Can. J. Chem. Eng., 52(2). 258-262 (1974). 59* Isotopic study of water gas reaction catalysed by platinum. Hakihiko Marada and Koshirp Miyahare Bull. Chem. Soo. Jap., 47(5). 1058-1063 (1974).

60. Isotopic exchange reaotion of ethylbenzene with deuterium oxide. Miki Niwa and Yulohi Murakami Chem. Lett. (Tokyo), (Ho.1), 39-42 (1974)* 61* Apparatus for inoreasing the oonoentration of • more visoous liquid in a mixture of that liquid and a less viscous liquid. Norwegian Patent 127038, 9 Aug. 1973, 12p. (In Norwegian). 339 62. Calculation of equilibrium composition in exchange reactions* D.H.W. Carstens L*-5757-MS, Sept. 1974, 6p. 63* Fundaiaeutal studies of separation processes* Final report* Ii.^i. Rogers 000-1222-62 1974* 12p.

64* Liquid-vapour separation factor for diluted solutions of

DW) in D20 (In Husaian). Ya. D. Zelivanskij and Others At.Ahnerg. 36(5). 396-397 (1974). 65* Separation of light and heavy hydrogen in reaotion of lithium amalgam with water. A. Valfells and 0. Brinegar Trans, iimer. ilucl. Soc, J<>, 70-71 (1974).

COHF-741017-1974* 56. Kinetics of hydrogen isotope exchange reactions. L. Blaokett, 7. Gold and B.M.E. Eeuben J. Chem. Soc* (London), Perkin Trans. II, (Ho.15), 1869-1873 (1974)* 67* Hydrophobia support outulyat for II-D oxchun^e. J.H. Rolston, W.H. Stevens, J.B. Butler and J. Denhartog Canadian Patent 941134, 5 Feb. 1974* 9p. 340 68. Exchange of hydrogen bromide and deuterium behind reflected shock waves. R.D. Kern and G.S. Hika J. Phya. Cheni., 78(25). 2549-2554 (1974). 69. Kinetics of tritium isotope exchange between pyridinium perchlorate andhydrogen chloride. J. Szydlousl:i and J. Sobkowski fiOCZ Chera., 4J, 1051-1038 (1974). 70* I so topic exehunge diffuaivity of hydrogen in hydrogen- orainomethane system, llariah Kulra Eh.D Thesis, Alberta Univ. Edmonton, Canada 1973* 231p« 71* Ihe kinetics and mechaniaa of hydrogen adsorption and hydrogen deuterium equilibration on the copper surface. I.!. Eiyomiya, IT. Momma and I. Yaaumori Bull. Chera. Soc. Jap., 47(8). 1852-1857 (1974). 72. Calculation of oxygen isotope fractionation between hydration water of cations and free water. P. Eopp., E. Eein Zinger and B.C. Vogel Z. Ilaturforsch, A. 29(11). 1608-1613 (1974). 73* Ion exchange isotope exchange and isotope separation* H. Kokihana J. Chrorabtoar., 102, 47-59 (1974)* 341 74. Kinetics of hydrogen exchange reactions* V* Gold and U.A. Major J. Chan. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans*' I, 70(6). 977-984 (1974).

75. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange between LiBify and B.I>. James and B.E. Smith J. Chem. Soc. (London). Chem. Oommun* (Ho.8), 294-295 (1974). 76. Separation of hydrogen isotopes by heatless adsorption. K. Weaver and C.E. Eararin Progress Report. Oot. 1972 to August 1973 QI4O-3913-5, 1974.

77* Xhe absorption, desprption and exchange reactions of oxygen. hydrogen and water on platinum surfaces - 2. Hydrogen absorption> exchange and equilibrium. Y.K. Pang and P.T. Dawson Can. J. Chem.. 53(2). 298-306 (1975).

78. Allowed and forbidden reaction paths for Hg + D2 exchange reaction. J.S. Wright Can. J. Ohem., 53(4). 549-555 (1975).

79* Siphenylnethylalkali compound solution in diphenylnethane • Isotopio exchange with hydrogen. Spectroaoopic study (In Frencli). Gerard Baffert-Porges CEA.-K-4652, Feb. 1975, 55p. 342 80. Investigation into electroeatalyais of hydrogen evolution reactions by metals (In Russian). A. Belanssher and A.K. Vilcn Ehlekrokhimiya, 10(12). 1854-1861 (1974). 81. Flash desorption of hydrogen and ethylene and equilibration of hydrogen and deuterium on platinum single crystal ' surfaces. K.E.C. Lu HuS Ihesis, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. (USA), 1974, 133p.

Univ. Microfilm Order ITo. 75-6738.

82. Equilibrium oon3tunts of hydrogen deuterium-tritium self exchange reactions in water vapour as studied with a pulsed molecular beam que.drupole mass filter. J.V. Pyper and L-.D. Christenson J. Ohem. Hivs.. 62(7). 2596-2599 (1975). &3» She deuterium isotope separation faotor between hydrogen and liquid water. J.H. Bolston, J. Den Ilartog and J.P. Butler

AEOL-5025, Maroh 1975f 25p. 84* Hg-Bg and propane-Dg exohange reaction, in the solution of the stoichiometrio electron donor acceptor complexes of pthalooyaninea With sodium. Shuichi Haito and Kansi lamaru Z. Pays. Chenw, (Frankfurt), 94(A-l). 63-69 and 156-158 (1975). 343 85* A study of utilization of a distillation column for reconcentretion of heavy water (In Portugese)* H.J. do Araarlal and J.C.1JI. Goalho EJE-Tlf-2175, March 1975, 12p. 86* Hydrogen-deuterium exchange at a saturated oarbon atoa in tertiary phosphine oonplexes of platinum (II)* A.A. Kiffen, C.Maatere end L« Raynand J. Chad. Soo. (London), Salton Trans., (Ho.10), 853-857 (1975). 87* Homogeneous platinum (II) oatalysed hydrogen-deuterium exohange at a saturated oarbon atom* P»A. Kramer and C. Masters J* Ohem. Soo. (London), Dalton Trans., (Ho.10), 849-852 (1975). 88. Bynaoics of some hydrogen isotopio exohange reactions at high energies* D.J. Walcolme-Lawes J* Ohem* Soc. (London), Faraday Trans*, IIj 71(6). 1183-1199 (1975). 89. Weak and strong interactions in ohemioal reactions* H. Baer J. Ohen. Hhy»»» 61(11).'A5AS-A550 (1975). 344 90. Kinetics of the gas phase isotope exchange reaction

between CH. Hg labelled with tritium. A.IJ. Kaminski and J* Sobkowski Rocz. Chem., 46(12). 2283-2289 (1972).

91. Homogeneous catalysis of hydrogen isotopes exchange and between £2 ethanol by diohlorotria (triphenyl^phoephine) ruthenium (II)• G. Strathdee and E. Given Can. J. Chem./ 53(10). 1402-1409 (1975). Also issued as report l.ro. AECL-5061.

92* Deuterium exchange with hydrogen oA zeolite catalydt surface. R.V. Dnitriev, et-al

Y. IZV. Akad. Hauk. SS3R, Ser. Khimf ITo.5, p1011-1015 (1975). Por english translation, see Bull* Aoad. Soi., USSR. Siv. Clien. Sci. 93* Stable iuotope studies. D.P. Peppard (ed) Ar^anne national Laboratory, III. (U.S.A.) Chemistry Division* Annual report July 1973 - June 1974* AEL-8193, 1975. 96-193P. 94* , Separation of compounds differing in isotppic composition. R.E. Sievars and J.J» Brooks US patent 3, 891, 413; 24 June 1974. 8? 345

95. l'ray performance evaluation. D.¥. Jones - Chem. Engg. Prog., 11(6)• 65-72 (1975).

96. Separation of hydrogen isotope* for trititan waste - removal* W.R. mikes Controlled 'Jjhenaonuclear Research. Proceedings of the symposium on tritium technology related to fusion reactor system. EHD& - 5O.Jun 1975* p.113-119 97. Iaotopic exchange as a tool for studying radiation catalysis. S.V. iintoahin CEa-CR-4, p.125-129 (1972). 96* Isotopic exchange between COg and HgO in heterogeneous systemso R. Gerstftr GM-OR-4, 130-137, 1972.

99. Khodium tricliloride us a homogeneous catalyst for iaotoyic hydrogen exchange* . H.R. Blake, J.L. Garnet, I.K. Gregor, V* Hannan, K. Hoo and M.A. Long J. Chen. Soc. (London), Chen. Oonrn., (No.23), 930-932 (1975). 346

100* Sequential deuterium exchange reactions of protonated benzenes with D«0 in the gas phase by ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy. S.S. Freiser, E.L. Woodin and J.I. Beauohamp J. Am. Chem. Sbc, 97(23). 6895-6894 (1975).

101* Isotope separation* R.E. Fitzharria (ed.) ME1-2241, Nov. 1975 p.11-12

102* Separation research. R.E. Pltzhurrla (ed.) 1021-2241 • *Tov. 1975 p.41-50

103* Shock tube studies pertaining to isotopio exchange reaotiona I. She self exchange of CO. II* The exchange of aoetylene-dg with hydrogen chloride* A.F. Bopp New Orleans Univ., La. \SSk, Ph.D Thesis; Univ. Hicrofilus Order Mo. 75-21, 963 1974. 201p.

104* Exchange reactions of acetylene-d2 with hydrogen chloride* A.F. Bopp J. Phys. Chem., 79(24). 2579-2583 (1975).

105* Static and dynamic isotope exchange separations on hydrophobio organic phases immobilised in plastioized open-cell polyurethane foams. T. Brown and A.D. Parag J. Radioanal. Chem., 24f1). 5-16 (1975). 347 106* Surface studies on catalysts used for deuterium exohange between hydrogen and later vapour* F.H.A.Ea-Nour, M.A.Bl-Khalik and S.A. Hassan J. App. Ohm, Bioteohnol.. 25(10). 753-760 (1975).

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21 Hoy. 1977. 34p. Available from NTIS, K5 A03/HJ A01rt « 199* Separation of hydrogen ieotopes in the hydrogen-XaNi^ ayateas. V.B. Petrov (In Russian) Xzv. Vyssh. Uohebn. Zaved., Khiffl. Rhim. Tehhnol. (1978). 21(2), 298-299. 364 200* Interaction between LaWic and hydrogen* K.U. Seuenenko, V.P. Halyshev Izv. Akud. Hauk SSSR, JTeorg. Mater (Hov. 1977)* 2009-2013* For English translation, see the journal Inorg. Mater. 201. Hovel catalysts for isotopic exchange between hydrogen and liquid water. J.P. Butler, J.II. Bolston, W.K. Stevens Rae» H.K. (ed.). Separation of hydrogen isotopes* Y/ashington, DC. American Chemical Society* 1978. p.93-109* See CO:T?-77O51O-P3. (American Chemical Society meeting* Montreal. Canada. May 1977)*

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244* Hydrogen isotope technology. Anon* p.43-95 J.S. Watson, 3.D. Clinton (Coraps) • Oak Ridge national Lab., TH (USA). Advanced technology section semiannual progress report, April'1, 1976 - Sept. 30, , 1978. Vol.2. Engineering Scienoe Programs. 0RHI/TM-6647/V2. Jul. 1980. 245* Isotopio exchange in ion-molecule reactions t interstellar implications. , 11.6. Adams, D. Smith • Berminghom Univ. (U.K.)* p.214-217. 3ASP 80. Proceedings of the symposium held in Salsburg, Austria. 10-16 Feb. 1980. 246* Separation of hydrogen isotope by hydrogen-water exohanr;e. . Separation characteristics of trickle bed exchange ooliaui* Iaomura| Shohei, Kcietsu, Hayato (In Japanese) Rikagaku Kenkyusho Hokoku (Nov.1979). 1^(6), 127-132. 247* Methylaaine-deuterium isotope exchange equilibria in the gaseous and liquid phases. J.H. Rolston, J.i). Hartog J. Phye. Ohem. (21 Aug. 1980). 84.(17)t 2170-2179. 374 240. Chemical exchange equilibria in isotope separation* Part 1 s Evaluation of separation factors. S.1I. Dave ' • . BARG-1055* 1980. 57p. 50 refs., 5 tables, 4 figures*

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89* Gamma scanning of large sieve tray towers. D.D. McCaw, V.G. Hulbert and A.E. Smith AEGL-5385. Jan. 1976. 9p. NUCEBX. 75. International nuclear industries fair and teohnioal meetings* Basal, Switzerland. 7 Oct. 1975. 395 90. Isotope separation* effect of granular type barriers* T. Oyama. and R. ITakane J. Nuel. Sci. lechnol. (Japan), J2(3). 161-166 (1976).

91* Electronic influences in the diffusion of hydrogen in the alloy series of Palladium (In Geiraan). H. Bucholdi 6. Sicking and B. Widfce Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chera., 80, 446-451 (1976)*

92* Dating of ground water by means of noble gas isotopes (In German) H. Oeschger and H.II. Loosli AED-Corf-76-076-009. 1976. 6p. 93• Experience made with use of Isotope Hydrology in Developing Countries (In German)• B.R. Payne AED-Conf-76-076-005. 1976. 9p.

94* Progress in heavy water production. P.B. lumb Nucl. Engg. Int., V-21. 64-69 (1976). 95* Atonic Oxygen VI. Isotope effects in the reactions of deuterated 2-methyl propenes with oxygen (3p) atoms. J.J. Havel and O.J. Hunt J. Phys. Chera. 80(8), 779-782 (1976). 96* Stable isotope sales• Mound Laboratory Customer and Shipment Summaries. O.F. Eok FT - 1975. T.mi-2295. 30 Apr. 1976. 23p. Available from •TTIS S4.00 396 97* Relative roles of ensemble constraints* Va* Croaa sections in hydrogen dissociation. 3.H. Bauer, D. Hilden and P. Jeffera J. Fhys. Chem., 80, 822-932 (1976). 90. Technical sorption methods to keep air clean. Pt.I Fundamental of absorption (In German) H. Juentgen Staub, Reinhalt. luft. 36, 281-288 (1976).

99* Regeneration of adsorbents (In German) J. Klein Staub, Reinhald. luft. 26, 292-297 (1976). 100. Adsorption of organic substances to activated oarbon (In Gezinan). H. Krill Staub, Reinhalt. Luft. 26, 298-302 (1976).

101. Gram-Atomic Volumes and Enthalpies of Antomization for Liquid Elements LEL-4995. TID-45OO. 1976. 15p. Available from NTIS $3.50 102. Deuterium and heavy water - a selected bibliography. G. Vasaru, D. Ursu, A. I.Iihaila and P. Szentgyorgyi ISB1T 0444413219 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Elsevier, 813 j.

10J.*Tracer diffusion of tritiated heavy water (DTO) in heavy water (DgO) under pressure. l.A. Woolf J. Chen. Soc. (London), Faraday Trans. I, 22(5), 1267-1273 (1976). .397 104* Tritium permeation through metals under steam conditions. J.T. Bell and J.D. Redman AED-Conf-76-309-046. 9th Symposium on Fusion Technology. Abstracts AED-Conf-76-309-000 1976. p.48. Short communication only (Available from ZAED). 105. Cooling water (Kuehlwassef) (In German) H.D. Held Esoen» P.R. Germany. Vulcan 1970 510p.

106. Oxygen conditioning of water and steam at neutral operation. R.K. Freier Editions Europeennes Techniques et Industries, V/l., 721 (1975). 1 107* Some examples of Physical-Ohemical process oocuring in the water and steam of power stations. W.T. Lindsay Jr. Same conference, Y»2t 713 (1975) 108* Natural tritium measurement in the atmosphere and the * S. Vsacev and F. Povineo Acta Fnc• Rerum. Hat. Univ. C omenianae Phys., (No.16), 95-113 (1975). 109. Three heavy water plants under construction at Bruce. Hod. Power Eng., 6£(12), 44-45 (1975) 398 110* Peak power and heavy water production from electrolytio

H2 and Og using CAHJDU reactors. 1.1. Hammerli. VT.II. Stevens, W.J. Bradley and J.P. Butler AECL-5512. Apr. 1976- I8p. 111* Reclaiming process for scrap deuterated polyethylene. I.E. Caley UCID-17136. 20 May 1976. 6p. Available from 1TTIS $3.50

112. Application of the radioactive tracers for investigation of hold-up in packed distillation columns (In Polish). 3, Graczyk and E. Iller INT-92/I, 1976. p.9-21 113. Tritium fractionation in the crystallization of several phosphates from their aqueous solutions* H. lanaka J. Inorg. Nucl. Ohera., 18(10), 1874-1875 (1976). . 114. Tritium inventories of the world oceans and'their implications. R.L. Michel JIature (London), 26^, 103-106 (1976).

115. B20 reactions with carbides. ' B. Ha,jek, 7. Brozelr and F. Adaraek BTIS^nf-3228. 1975. p.46 116. AABO tritium list Uo.1 1970-1974. O.E. Calf, B.W. Seatonberry, I.ff. Smith and R.O. Stokes AAEO/B-377 ISBK 064299-755 January 1976. 73p. 399 117* Glace Bay : Phoenix Rising Dea. Eng. (pronto)., 22(8), 26: (1976). 118. Glace Bay Heavy Water Plant begins production schedule. ITucl. Can., 1566, 4-5 (1976) 119. Rehabilitation of the Glace Bay Heavy Water Plant. L. Blake Nud. Engg. Int., 21, 65-68 (}'*'?)• 120. Heavy water and oomputor simulation. A.I. Miller AEOL-5550 1976. p.31-36

121. Report on proceaa design studios of a tritium reeovery process usinn dual temperature exchange with metal hydrides. R.P. Benenati B1TL-21294. 22 Jan. 1976. 38p. Available from iJTIS $4.00

122. Hydrogen and metals (In Russian) G.V. Karpenko Fiz-Xhim. Mekh. Hater., JLL(6), 3-7 (1975). For English translation, see the journal Sov. Hat. Sci. 123. Hydrogen isotope equilibrium in metals. IT.A. Zakhorina, 11.11. Orlova and A.A. Petrov IiaSrinf-3228. 1975. p.42

124. Energy and Teohnolorjr Review. R.B. Oarr, J.I.B. Batl^ate, S.2. Crav/ford, C.-S. "icdaleb and J.;". ^rono (eda.) Californiniu I'niv., Livermore V'oA. l'C?J,-52OO-7f)-5. Hay 1976. 44p. Available from Fx'IS for 54.00 400 125* Detritiation plant of the Laue longevin Institute* P. Paulrot and J.P. Arcnaud DP-El-4. I3p. 1976. 126. Depth profiling of hydrogen and helium isotopes in solids by nuclear - reaction analysis. J. Boettinger, S.T. Picraux and N. Rud

Trans. An. Nucl. S6c.f 23, 97-98 (1976). 127. A method of hydrogen production (In German). H. Schulten and H. Teggers Gernnn (F.R.) Patent dooiunent 2409762/A/« 9 Oct. 1975* p.5 128. Estimated Dg-JM? Tg phase diagram in the three-phase region. P.O. Souers, (J. Hiclanan and R.T. Tsugawa 00irF-750989-pIV Mar. 1976 pIV 22-35 129* Isotopefof water. A bibliography. W.K. Summera and C.J. Sittler ISBIT- 0-250-40117-7. Am. Arbor, MI. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc. 1976 296p. 130. Developments in heavy water processes. H.K. Rae Trans. Am. ITucl. Soc.,23., 65-66 (1976). 131• Mechanism of lithium aluminium hydride reduction of ketones. Kinetics of reduction of mesityl phenyl ketone. E.G. Ashby and J.^. Boone J. Am. Ohem. Soc, <£(18), 5524-5531 (1976). •©! 132. Tunnelling in <>roton fcrunaf©^ reaotions in solution. Final Report.

3.G. Subba Rao : COO-3313-1. Aug. 1976. 2Op*Available from NIIS $3.50 133« Experimental investigation•bf dependence of inriehraent coefficient on the cut number In the separator element (In Russian). ... f V.A. Kominskij, O.G. Sarlahrill, G.A. Bulaberidze and II.A. Ch^rznov At. Ehnerg., 4J,(3)» 212-2U (1976). For English translation, see the journal Sov. J,At. Energy. 134. The preparation of lithium (deutero tritide) via an exchange reaction. D.H.W. Carstena, R.D. Stoll and J*L. Andersen J. ITuol* Mater., 62(2-3), 317-321 (1976).

135. An investigation of hydrogen production from water at high temperatures (In Japanese).* T. llakamura Denshi Gijutsu So^o Kenkyuaho Iho, ^(2), 118-133 (1976). 136. Reactions on sin^lfl-oryatal turfaoes. Gr.A. Somorjai , Aoc. Ohem. Res., £(7), 248-256 (1976).

137. Alkali metal hydride formation (In'Dutoh). A.E.C.L., Ottawa, OntariQV;%iletherlnnd« Patent Document 7603225/A/. 26 Mar. 1976. 12p. 402 130. Hydrogen storage method by metal hydrides (In Japanese)* Y. Palcuda and T. Pusiaura Giho, (Ho.644), 1-12 (1975). 139* Feasibility of hydrogen production by direct water splitting at high temperature (In Japanese). S. Ihara Denshi Gisutsu Sogo Kenkyusho Iho, 4J>(2), 81-94 (1976). 140. Ihezraodynoraie consideration on the constitution of multl- thennoohemical water splitting process (In Japanese). H. Tagawa JAERI-ffl-6421. Mar. 1976. 34p. 141* Dielectrophoretic separation of gaseous isotopes. D.B. McConnell. Canadian Patent 997708. 27 Sep. 1976. 12p.

142. Interaction of hydrogen and nitrogen on polycrystalline iron films at low pressures and at low temperatures. G. ffedler and D. Borgraann J. Catal., 44_, 139-151 (1976). 143* The catalytic effect of electrodeposited metals on the photo-reduction of water at p-type semi conductors. • Y. ITakato. 3. Tonomura and II. Isubomura Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 80, 1289-1293 (-1976). 144* ?reexponential faotors in surface reactions. B.C. Baetzold, G.A. Somorjai J. Catal. (Oct. 1976). 4J.(t), 94-105. 403 145* Deuterium enriohed brine as a by-produot from desalination plants. A. Vulfela Desalination. (Dec. 1976). 12(1-3)* 55-64* 146* The paleoellmutics of the Sahara (In German). 0* Sonntog, p. Neureuther Kuturwissensohaften (Oct.1976). 6,2.(10), 479* 147* Hydrogen atom initiated decomposition of monosilane. S.R. Austin, P.W. Lamps J. Phys. Ohern. (16 Deo. 1976). 80(26), 2811-2817* 148* Improved tritium aoid electrolysis enrichment system* D.Q. Bogen, j. Feldstein HASL-316. NOT. 1976. Up. Available from NTIS. 149. Extraction of tritium from lithium aluminate. W. Yunker (ed.) Hanford Engineering Development lab. Hichland, Washington (USA). HBDL-TBIE-76-81 Sept.1976. 79*>. Available from OTIS. 150* Process for recovering tritium from molten lithium metal. V.A. Maroni US patent document 3,957,597/V. Int.01.025B 1/02, 001B1/02 18 May 1976. 151* Study of the interaction of hydrogen and deuterium, with the . crystal lattioe of niobium by qua*l«lastio soattering of neutrons• 6. Bauer* W. Schmat* 404 Thompson, A.W. (ed.)» Effeot of hydrogen on behaviour of muteriuls* New York* Metallurgical Society of AIMS* 1976. p.651-665. See OONF-750925* 152* Datritliition > 1974 annual report of operation (frcnoh)* P. Pautrot • IiA-tr-77-14* (nd) 24p. Translation of HHS-37* 15?. Setritiution > 1975 annual report of operation (French). P. Pautrot v LA-tr-77-13 (nd) 17P« Tranilation of BHJ-47* 154* Olefin metathesis reaotion on a Mo8g oatalyac. Anon J. oatel. (15 Jun 1976). 4J(3)» 474-476. 155* Method and device for separating gaseous or Taporous materials, especially isotopes, by means of separation nozzles* B.W. Becker* 7* Bhrfeld US patent dooument 3,989,4B3/A/. Int.01.B0iD59/00. 2 Eov. 1976. 156. Irro-atop synthesis of BgSg requiring no aetal deuterides. M.Gr. Hu, R.A. Seanangel Inorg. Chera. (Jan. 1977). li(1). 215-216. 157* Effects of speoifio surfaoe treatments on type 304 stainless steel. R.W. Bonhsn, S.T€. Holloway J. Vao. Soi. lechnol (liar 1977). l±U)i 745-746* 405 158. Apparatus for combining oxygen and hydrogen. US patent

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160. Adsorption of hydrogen sulphide at the aqueous solution interfaoe. J. Can. Pet. leohnol (1976). 80(15)i 1714-1719. d,Q. Strathdee, R.M. Given

1 161* A model experiment on tritium rooor«ry» H. Weiohselgartner, J. Perohermeier (Mad-Planok Inst.) Proceedings of the 9 symposium on fusion teohnology. EUR-5002. I3BN o 08 021369 3 1976 p.351-357. Published by Pergomon press* 162. Environmental isotopes and hydro-ohewistry In ground water . of Gran-Oanaria. R. Gonfiuntini, ft. Oallo ISBtT 92-0-141076-1. Vienna IAEA 1976. p. 159-170.

16*3* Molecular Rydberg States. Til. Water H.h. Wung. W.S* Telps J. Ohem. Thya. (15 Sept. 1977). ££(6), 2614-2628. 164* Water in power plants t indispensable aid and aggressive medium. W. Vater (In Genaan) ' Ooldschmidt infomiert (Kov. 1976) .3.(38), 29-34. 406 169* Solubility of hydrogen-sulphide in water* J.I. Lee, A.E. Mather (Alberta Univ. Canada) ABD-0onf-77-163-004. 1977 166* Method for visualizing water sorbed on natal surfaces. A.J. Sprott, D.J. Spedding (Auckland UniT. N.Zealand) Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. IS3N 0020-7081 (Sep.1977) T 28(9)) p.796-99. 167* Kinetio studies Of potential bifunotional aoid-base eatulyata in aqueous solution* The iodination of aoetont. J. Spaulding, J.E. Stein , J. Ihys. Ohen. (14 Jul 1977). 81(14), 1359-1362. 168. Deuterium isotope enrichment in methane-hydrogen mixtures •ubjeoted to a low temperature glow discharge. T.J. Munuooia, CE. Geosling Appl. Ihys. Lett. (1 llov. 1977). 31(9), 575-577.

169* 0Br01?2 deuterate. D.Yu. Stupin, V.H. Xezikov (inRusaian) Radiokhlmiya (1977) V.19(2), 267-269. . 170* iron sulphide crystal growth t a literature review. B.J. Dewar Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Chalk River, Ontario. ABOL-5719. Apr. 1977. 19p. 171* Ihysioal research on liquidnaetal systems. Annual report. July 75 - June 1976. V.A. Maroni, W.P. Gal away (USA) Al^L-76-106. 1976. Available from NTI3, PO A03/tlF A01. 407 172. Homogeneous catalysis of deuterium transfer by potassium

hydroxide und potassium methoxidetDg-l^O and D2-0H,0H exchange. G.G. Strathdee, D.LI. Gurner Con. J. Ohem. (15 Oct. 1977). £5(20), 3515-3526. 173* Absorber for gaseous tritium and process for its manufacture. R.P. Boyle, D.D. Durigon (in German) German (P.R) Patent Document 2640363/AA Int.Cl.C01B 4/00, 0210 3/16. 21 April 1977. 37p. 174» Catalytic purification of reactor KS-150 heavy water moderator of organic impurities. R. Burcl, J>. Koneony (In Slovak) JL.&. Energ. Apr. 1977. 22(4)t 126-129. 175* Method and plant to remove tritium from the cooling water of a nuoleur reaotor. C.J. OBrien German (P.R) patent document 2545001/A/* Int.Cl.G210 19/30* 13 May 1976. 176. Process for the production of high purity deuterium. R. Arrathoon U3 patent document 4|O54,496/A/» Int.01.025Bi/i0, 025B11/04, 025B13/08. 18 Oct. 1977

177. Determination of 3>/H isotope ratio within natural deuterium concentrations. II Preparation of hydrogen for the measurements. 0. Gottstein, V. Hejl (In Czeoh) Chem. Lioty (1977) 2i<6), 649-653. For purt 1, a«« Ohm. listy (1977) V.71 P.538. 408

170* Determination of D/lI isotope ratio in the region of natural deuterium conoentrations. Ill* Determination of hydrogen gas isotopic composition using Atlas I486 mass speotrometer. 0. Gottstein, V. Heje (in Czech) Ohen. listy (July 1977), V.71(7) p.729-734. 179* The use of hydrogen and deuterium implantation to investigate some (ispeots of defect impurity interactions in metals* B. ligeon, J.P. Bugeat ITucl. Inetrum. Methods (15 Feb. - 1 Mar. 1978) V.1490-3) p.99-103. 180. Deuterution of cotton fibers. II. A novel method of deuteration-infrured study of cellulose in fiber foxin. H.I. Loldionde, E.IT. Daruwulla, H.R. l'adhye (Univ. of Bombay) J. Appl. Polyn. Sci. (.'rov. 1977) 21(11), 2943-2952. 181. Resolution of inconsistencies of separative power for asymmetric process. Separative power with respect to desired -nd undeaired materials. I. Yamamoto, A. Kanagav/a J. Hud. Soi. Teohnol. (Tolsyo) (Aug. 1977) 14J8)» 565-571. 182. Exact solution of diffusion and,absorption of hydrogen in uranium followed by fracture of the hydride* J.R. Kirkpatriok Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn (USA). - K/OSD-9. ITov. 1977. 28p. Available frow ITTIS, 10 A03AII1 A01. 409 16?. (Deuterium penneaction through Pd» Ni and 304-i type a.s) Chemical Engg. research. Anon. Oak Ridge National Lab., lean (USA). Chemical Technology Division annual progress report for period ending March 31» 1977. OHHIr-5295 Oct. 1977. p.52-59. 184* Tritium isotope exchange between indole and hydrogen chloride. J. Szydloy/ski, A. Stolarz Roez. Chein. (1975). 42(718), 1419-1423. 185* Isotopio composition of uranium* trater and oils of some oil-gas bearing provinces. P.A. Alekseev, A.I. Zverev (In Russian) Ceokliimiya

French putent document 2322094/V. Int.0l.C01bi/O5f O21d9/O0 1 3ep. 1975. Up. Available from Inatitut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (Trance)*

189. Biosynthesis vdth deuterated microorganisms. H.I. Crespi ISBJI 92-0-011077-0. Vienna. IAEA 1977. p.111-121 Panel proceedings series.

190. Requirements for tritium monitoring. M.W. Carter, A.A. Moghiasi Anon Proceedings of the 4 International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association. Paris. . 24-30 April 1977* Fontenay-aux-Roses, Prance. 7.3 p.797-800. 191. Use of binary alloys of the lanthanides for tritium recovery from CTR blankets. S.H.W. Ctiratens 1A-UR-78-1231. 001^-780508-6. 1978. 5p. Availabl* from NIIS, PO A02AIF A01. 193. Trltiun oxidation and exchange t preliminary studies. J.E. Phillips, O.E. Easterly Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn (USA). ORKVlft-5963. May 1978. 70p. Available from NTIS, PO 411 193* Studies on tritium enrichment by thermal diffusion. H. folds, K. Nishimaki (In Japanese) KURRI-TR-155. Aug. 1977. p.92-101 194* Sixty fold electrolytic baton enriohment for the assay of environmental tritium* A.A. Cugelnann, A. Jalil . Institute of Nuclear Soienoes, Few Zealand. INS-R-222.

IHS-842. Jan. 1977. 25p. v 195* Snriohment of hydrogen Isotopes using the low-temperature glow-diecharge technique. C.E. Geosling, T.J. Manuooia J. Appl. Pliya (May 1978). £2(5), 2605-2610. 196. Reoovery of tritium in a D-T fusion reaotor* Jfukada, Satoshi, Y. lagawa (In Japanese) Kyushu Daigaku KogaJcu Shuho (Oct. 1977) 52(5), 557-560. 197* A study on the key reactions of thexiaochemical production of hydrogen using iron-ohlorine oyoles. N. Miura, K. lokunaga (In Japanese) Denki Kagaku (P«b. 1978) £6(2), 95-99. 198* the Sb-I hybrid prooess for thennoohemioal production of. hydrogen* K. Miura, K. Xokuna^a (In Japanese) Denki Kagaku (?eb. 1978) ^6(2)r 113-117* 412 199* A process for the thermochemical production of hydrogen* J.H. Norman, J.L. Ruaaell (In Prenoh) trench patent document 2320258/A/* Int.0l.001bi/03, • 021c15/10. 2 Aug. 1976. Priority olala. 4 Aug. 1975» VS.

200* Rapid electrolytic enrichment end hydrogen gas proportional oounting of tritium. H.O. Oestlund, H.G. Doraoy P. Povineo, 3. Usacev (eds.) Low-radioactivity measurements and applications* Proceedings of an international conference held in latranaka Lomnioa {Czechoslovakia). 6-10 Oot* 1975*

201* Properties of isotopic lithium hydride in orystalline state. U.R. Pant J. Inorg. llucl. Ohera. I33II 0022-1902 (1978). ±0(6), 1184-118$. 202. Cryogenic implications for M. PtO. Souers OONP-771129. Mar 1978. p.99-104. (Workshop on fusion . fueling, Princeton, NJ, USA. 1-3 Nov. 1977* 203* Operating experience with the tritium and hydrogen extraction plant at the laue-Langevin Institute* P. Pautrot, M. Samiani H.K. Rae (ed.) Separation of hydrogen isotopes. Washington, SO. American Ohemioal Society. 1978. p.163-170. See OOMP-77O51O-P3. 413

204* Hydrogen abstraction by fluorine atoma t F+HX and P+DX

(X-I, Br, 01). i • . • . E. Wuerzberg, A.J. Grialey . Ohtm. Hiys. Lett. I331T 0009-26U. (t Aug. 1978). 12(3), 373-378.

205* Hydrogen isotope distillation for the Tritium Systems lest Assembly. : ,,- J.E. Bartlit, f.H. Denton, R.H. Sherman Los Aloises Soientifio Lab., 1JH (USA). LA-UR-78-i325» 0OHP-T8O500-41. 1976. Arallablt from NTIS, PO A02/MFAA01.

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215* Environmental isotope studies of the infiltration process* H. Vandor, P. Pitz etc ' '••'.• P.J. Barry (ed.) Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Ohalk River, Ontario. AECt-5836. Sep. 1977. p.55-61

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Zavod. Laib. (Jon. 1978). 4J;(D* 61. for English translationt see the journal Ind. Lab.

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275* Isotopio fractionation applied to studies on evapotrans- piration. P.R. Leopoldo, A.P. Sousa, E. Matsui, E. Salati (In Portuguese) Bnerg. Hucl. Agrlo. ISS1T 0100-3593* (Jan-Jun 1980). 2(1), 57-70.

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281* Reoent research on cryogenic deuterium-tritium. P.O. Souers. E.H. Fearon* R.L. Stark. R.T. Tsugawa (University of California, livermore) p.387-391. £.J. Wittenberg (comp.). Proceedings t tritium technology in fission, fusion and is0topic appliqations. La Orange Park. IL. American Nuclear SOB iety. 1980. 427

262. Separation of hydrogen isotopes by Pd alloy membrane* Y. Izumoji, Y. Tsuzuki, Y. Osawa p.397-403 L.J. Wittenberg (Cornp.) Proceedings t tritium technology in fission, fusion and isotopic applications. la Grange Park, II. American Nuclear Society. 1980*

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