B.A.R.C.-1192 i o at GOVERNMENT OF INDIA M<*U!Ji 3311 31WUI ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON DEUTERIUM ISOTOPE EFFECTS AND HEAVY WATER by S. M. Dave and M. M. Donde Heavy Water Division BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE BOMBAY, INDIA 1983 B.A.R.O. - 1192 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ATOMIC ENERGY OOMHISSIOir I O SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON DEUTERIUM ISOTOPE EFFECTS AND HEAVY WATER by S.M. Dave and M.M. Donde Heavy Water Division BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE BOMBAY, INDIA 1983 INIS Suyyst Catagoyyt Di2| SIS D««erii>tori HEAVY WATER PRODUCTION ISOTOFIC EXCHANGE ISOTOPE EFFECTS ISOTOPE SEPARATION DEUTERIWI CUnilCAL PSOItOtriES FIITSICAL PIOPHITIE8 ISOTOPE RATIO BIfiUOQRAFHIES PUBl'AOE In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in using deuterium and heavy water not only in nuclear industry but also in various fields of basic as wall as applied reseuroh in physics, chemistry and biology. As a result, the literature is being enriched with a large number of research papers and technical reports published eaoh year* Ihus. to enable the scien- tists to have un easy reference to these works, we endeavour in this selected bibliography, to enlist the publications related to these fields. Since our interest is ooncerned mainly with heavy water production processes, deuterium isotope effects etc., several aspects (e.g. nuolear) of deuterium have not been covered here* The material in this bibliography has been classified under six broad headings, viz. 1. Production of heavy water 2. Study of deuterium isotope effects 3. Analysis and Properties of heavy water 4» Laser Separation of deuterium 5. Isotopio exchange reactions and 6. Miscellaneous. Ihe sources of information used for this compilation ere chemical abstracts, nuclear science abstracts, IMS Atcuindex and also some scattered search through journals and reports available in our library* However, in spite of our sincere attempts for a wide ooverage, no claim 1B being made towards the exhaustiveness of this bibliography. The authors also would like to appologize for the mistakes, eventhough all efforts have been made to achieve accuracy. S.M. Save M.M. Donde CONTENTS 1 • SECTION I - PRODUCTION OP HEAVY WATER 1 2. SECTION II - STUDY OP DEUTEPJIM ISOTOPE EFFECTS 35 3. SECTION III - ANALYSIS AND PROPERTIES OF HEAVY WATER 199 4* SECTION IV - LASER SEPARATION OF BE'JTERJllI 316 5* SECTION V - ISOTOPIO EXCHANGE REACTIONS 329 6* SECTION VI - MISCELLANEOUS 381 SECTION I EROEUOTIQ1T OF HEAT/ WATER 1* Predicted Performance of GS Processes with Supplementary Feed to the Hot lower M.P. Burgees Du Font de Nenore (B.I) and Co., Aiken, 3.0. (USA) DP-1204 Apr. 1970, 24 p. 2» Heavy Water Production by Auine-Hydrogen Exchange A.R. Bancroft and H«K. Rao ONEN Sympositm on the leohnioal and Bcononic Aspects »f Heanry Water Production Turin, Italy 1970 AECL - 3684, Aug. 1970, 14 p. 3» OHEL Lunmue Heavy Water ProeeBs Chem. Can., 22(9). 24 (1970) 4* Heavy Water Production Industrial Processes and Plants. A Bibliography. D. LavrencJ.e (Coup.) OHM-Doc-DAISE-70-8 1970 130 p. 5* Heavy Water Production- A Review of Processes D.M. levins AABO/SK-562, Sept. 1970. 54 P. (• Bibliography on Production of Heavy Water R.A. Hagrathna (Oonp.) BARO/BlB-3. 1970. 54 P. 7* ''briteria for the Design of A NH3-H2 Two Temperature Plant for Heavy Water Production (In Italian). S* Folli, F. Polastri and 6* Vaccaro Energ. Nucl. (Milan)., 17(12), 721-732 (1970). 8. Heavy Water Production Using Amine-Hydrogen I so topic Exchange R.S. .Tickling AEOI-3787. Peb. 1971. P 2-4. 9. Heavy Water Research on Production Processes. Plants Based on the French Process (In French) S. Roth A/OONF-4.9/P - 607 1971 11p. 19* The Heavy Water Plant of Mazingarfce (In French) B. lefrancoie ONES Synpoeiiaa, Turin Italy, 1970* Techniques and Economy of Heavy Water Production, p. 199-208. 11. Optimization of a Heavy-Water Enrichment Plant Based on H9/NH* Exchange and Operating by the Hot-Oold Principle (In Genoan) 0. Leng and U. Schindewolf Ghem. Ing. Tech.. 43 (U). 804-810 (1971). 12. Technical Developments of the Low Temperature Prooess for Heavy Water Recovery and Economic Results* H. Gutowski CHEN Symposium, Turin 197Oy p.91-101. 3 13« Fabrication aid Coretruotion Experience. Sruoe and Port Jawkesbury Heavy Water Plant* P.H.G. Spray ONBH Symposium, Turin, Italy, 1970, p.119-138 14* Heavy Water Production Using Anine-Hydrogen Ieotopio Exchange W.J. Holtslander ABOI-3990, 1971, p.5-7. 15 • Heavy Water H.K. Rao AECL-3866, 1971, 36 p. 16. Ike Obtaining of Heavy Water by the Dual Temperature H2S Process (In French) J.P. Agostini OEA-R-4217, 1971i 121 p. 17* Optimization of a Heavy Water Enrichment Plant with a Hot/oold Operating Hg/lJHa-Exohange Systeu (In Gasman) 6. Lang KPK-1483, 1971, ps804-809 Chem-Ingeniour-Teohnik, H.14. 43(1971). 18* Bruce Auxiliary Steam Supply Z. Koli.enyk Bng. J. (Montreal), 55(4).22-26 (1972) 19* Method for the Isotopic Enrichment of Hydrogen (In French) I. Lambert French Patent, 2,079, 707, 18 Ootober 1971 3 p. 20* Isotopic Enrichment of Hydrogen for Heavy Water Production (in French) I. Lambert, J. Ravoire and E. Roth French Patent, 2,079,708, 18 Oet, 1971, 4 p. 21* An improved method for Preparing Heavy Water Using Honotheraal Isotopio Exchange Between Ammonia and a Synthesis Gas (In French) P. lesur and J. Viratelle . French Patent Appl. 2,074,737, 22 Jan* 1970, Sp. 22* Heavy-»Water Production Using Anine-Hydrogen Exchange W. loekerky AECL-4129. 1972. p.8-11 23. Procedure for Mono the raal Type Ainine-Hydrogen Isotopic Ixokange t An Installation Using the Procedure Outlined J.P. Arnould, G. Dirion, I. Manbert and 1* Roth French Patent Document, 2O94429/D/ 19 June 1970 8 p. 24* Monothermal Type HH**^ Isotopic Exokange Installation (In French) J.P. Arnault French Patent Document, 2094428/D/. 19 June 1970. 21 p. 25* Monotheraal Type TBLyiL^ Isotopio Exchange Installation (in French) J.P. Arnault, G. Dirian, I, Laasart and 1. Rotk French Patent Doounont 2095180/D/. 19 June 1970* 7 p. • 5 26* Method for the Isotopic Enrichment of Hydrogen (In French) i F. Courvoiser and I. Lambert French Patent Document, 2079706/]?/. 10 Feb. 1970. 3 V* 27. Production of Hydrogen for Deuterium Extraction (In French) G. Dirian, D. Leger and J. Fauly French Patent Document, 2098623/D/. 22 Jul. ,1970. 12 p., 28, Detezminati&n of Optimum Flow Rate of Heavy Water During Deuteration of Ion Exchangers of the Zeolitej Type J. Kysela and J* Vagner Jad. Energ. (Czechoslovakia), 18(6). 183-185 (1982). 29* Improved Method for Obtaining Deuterium (in French) J. Trichet, G. Simonet and J.P. Guellaff French Patent Document 2076756/F/. 27 Jan. 1970. 9 P» 30. Isotopic Fractionation of Hydrogen in the H2-DH System, (in Romanian) V". Snamiroschi Stud. Univ. Bafcos-Bolyai, Ser. Phys., 17(1). 23 - 28 (1972). 31. Heavy Water Production D.M, Levins and P.G. Alfredson At. Energy Aust., 15(3), 2-11(1972). 32. Research on Heavy Water Plants and Manufacturing Processes kased on French Systems (In French) E. Roth, G. Dirian and M. Rostaing A/Conf.49/P-607 Proc. of Fourth international conference, jointly sponsored by the UN and IAEA held in Geneva, 6-16 Sept. 1971. 33» Plant for production of Deuterium Enriched Water (In Genaan (F.R.) Patent Document 2048117/A/. 20 Apr. 1972.11 p» 34* Method for the Production of Deuterium (In German) R.W. Pachalay i German (F.R.) Patent Document 2150669/A/. 4 May 1972. 25 p. 35. Procedure for the Extraction of Deuterium R.W. Pachal&y Danish Patent Document 5234/71/A. 29 Oct. 1970 USA. 36* Phtochemical Production of Hot Hydrogen and Deuterium Atoms R.A. Pass, J.W. Hoover and L.M. Simpson J. Phye., Chenw, 76(20K 2801-2808 (1972). 37. Bruce Heavy Water Plant Now in Operation ABOI Nuel. Can., 12(1). 1-2 (1973). * ... 38* What's Happening and What's Ahead in Canada*s Heavy Water Progress 0. Low Nuel. Can., 11(8). 2-3(1972). 39* Plants and Processes for the Production of Heavy Water (In German) B. Nitachke Atomwirtech Atomtech., 18(6). 274-280 (1973). 40. Heavy Water from Synthesis Gas by Isotopic Exchange According to Two-Temperature Process (In German) H. Ilgner, E. Nitachke and S. Walter ABD-Conf-73-223-008. 1973. 1 p. 41* Production of Heavy Water in India S. Fareeduddin IHIS-mf-854» 1973* 24 p. (Symposium on Nuclear Soienoe and Engineering* Bombay, India, 13 March, 1973)* 42* Enriching with Heavy Hydrogen Isotopes J.J. Railly, Jr. and R.H. Winwall, Jr. US'Patent 3»711,6O1, 12 Feb. 1971. 4 p. 43. Improvement in Dual Temperature Isotope Exchange Prooess D.F. Babcock Australian Patent No. 428665, July 16, 1970. 44* Dual Temperature Isotope Exchange Process D.F. Babcock Australian Patent, 428831, July 16, 1970. 45* Method of Obtaining Heavy Water by Bithermal Exchange Between Liquid Water and Gaseous Hydrogen Sulphide French Patend Document 2152366/A» 8, Sept. 1971• 8 p. (In Trench) Available from Institute National de Is Propriets Industrialls, Paris(France). 46. Heavy Water Production in Canada R.£<, Keating and L.R. Nordhy INIS-mf-66014 (1972) 47* Process for Obtaining Deuterium fron Hydrogen-containing Components and the Production of Heavy Water Therefrom. R.W. Fachalay U.S. Patent 3, 789, 1.2, 29 Jan. 1974. U p. 48. Modified System for Heavy Water Production V.R. Thayar U.S. Patent 3, 789, 113, 29 Jan. 1974t4 p. 49* Heavy Water and its Production Masany Shimizu Boryokuro Giho, (No.
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