
Parish Council Clerk to Parish Council: Mrs. Sally Maynard, Marles Farm, Awliscombe, , , EX14 3PJ Tel: 07810 442355 email: [email protected]


PRESENT: Cllrs. S. Snell (Chairman), S. Tucker, S. Loud, County Cllr M. Shaw, District Cllr H. Parr, Mrs.S. Maynard (Clerk). 1 member of the Public

1. APOLOGIES: Cllr S. Kastner-Walmsley, Cllr L. White.

2. REPORT FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS: County Councillor Martin Shaw gave a report regarding Health Matters for Seaton and the surrounding area with the NHS negotiating taking over Seaton Hospital to run a Health Centre, Clinics and to be a charity owned Health Hub. Still in negotiations with Colyton Fire Station which is one of 9 stations to close due to funding cuts. In regards to pot-holes and road maintenance he said to just keep reporting them on the DCC website (www.devon.gov.uk – report a pothole). District Councillor Helen Parr reported that EDDC is a very different council run by working parties to try and cover different areas. The Chairman thanked both Councillors for attending the meeting.


4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes of the last parish council meeting held on 10th September 2019 were signed as a true and correct record.

5. MATTERS ARISING: An update on the defibrillator training from Pat Beard who had attended a training session at Budleigh Salterton and she was waiting for a reply from an email which she had sent to the contact name. This would be done privately at a cost. The Parish Council agreed that this could be subsidised by the Council to help with costs.

6. HIGHWAYS: Work had been carried out at the Ford but was unsatisfactory and Stephen Kelly had been contacted by Cllr Snell and Richard Hare to voice concerns. Cllr Shaw had said that he had also been in contact with Stephen Kelly and seemed to be in stalemate as to what should happen next. Cllr Stuart Hughes had also been contacted.

7. UPDATE ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Richard said that an application would be going in before the end of the year for the affordable houses in through the CLT. Other applications passed were the chimney and windows at Annings, and a new application at Devenish Pitt for extension to existing agricultural building to create covered yard. The council had no queries with this application.

8. PARISHIONERS QUESTIONS: - There were none.

9. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter had been received from the Treasurer of the Parochial Church Council (Liz Lee) to say thank you to the Parish Council for the money donated to the upkeep of the churchyard.

10. FINANCE – An update of finances was given from 1st April to 30th July 2019. Balance as at 01/08/19 £3308.36 Receipts – EDDC Precept £1500.00

Cheques issued and cleared £1184.95 Clerk’s Wages x 4 months £ 296.40 Balance as at 1st November 2019 £3327.01 A cheque for the D.A.L.C membership £ 61.34 (Agreed by Council) An update of the current cashbook was given to Councillors.

11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: - Tuesday 7th January 2020. 12. ANY OTHER BUSINESS – There had been a number of thefts/burglaries in the parish and it was suggested that contact is made with the local community Police.

As there was no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed

Signed:………………………………………………… Dated………………………….