Assemblh gh&ale Conseil de sécurite Distr* GENERALE A/40/039 S/17604 let novembre 1985 FRANCAIS ORIGINAL 8 ANGLAIS

ASSEMBLEE GENERALE CONSEIL DE SECURITE Quarantième session Quarantième annde Points 35 et 131 de l’ordre du jour POLITIQUE D’ DU GOUVERNRMRNT SUD-AFRICAIN DEVELOPPEMENT ET RENFORCEMENT DU BON VOISINAGE ENTRE ETATS Lettre datée du 31 octobre 1985, adressée au Secrétaire général par ie Représentant. permanent du Mozambique auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies

D’ordre de mon gouvernement, j’ai l’honneur de vous transmettre des photocopies d’extraits accompegn6s de leur traduction,~de documents saisis alors qu’ils Btaient en la possession de bandits armés B Gorongoza (province de Sofala) IJ. Cee documents confirment B l’évidence que ces bandits reçoivent un appui permanent de l’Afrique du Sud en violation flagrante de l’Accord de non-agression et de bon voisinage eign8 entre le Gouvernement mozambicafn. et le muvernement sud-africain le 16 mars 1984. Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir faire distribuer le texte de ce8 extraits comme document officiel de l’Assemblée gdn&ale, au titre des points 35 et 131 de l’ordre du jour, et du Conseil de sécuritd.

L’Ambassadeut, Représentant permanent, (Sisn8) Manuel DOS SANTOS


I/ Disponibles en anglaie seulement.

85-30574 5748’3 (F) 30. FRIDAY

B~Brecalveo Vanlka and &hany wlth the smrotary Osnaral to deol wlth ofsafUZ,& ;I~&ma tterw a pd tho l bstonts wa8 ai 0 :

1. AoJoaoo of a11 theRusalan6, l t S.A. ‘a rowest, for dlploma tic rop

3. &z%nflrrre Itm total support to Rammo untlt tha tota I ollfltm tlcn of MaChql. 5. SA, mder pramwo frcm +e USA, wlll enswo negotfatlœm betwemb Mschsl and R0MlllD bdcfo WV-.

.. . l4.E. raœrM rplatel mtar1k mtd rhe volun- msr et ‘O.oow

Tha teamdSouthAlrIaagoesto ZenW+zla at oh8 and of Jawary - purposa to tra In l old1et-a: 46 WEDNESDAY

1100 In8tPucton ZOO mtdlsn - cotwœtttone1 wsrfare. 3 DFF we~o pldced and Informed to tako a pare, chuting course: ILlautettent JoslWm ask to be a WlIMr Of ReeIk Ilrncs, the t te an 0fflce~ In 0ur +rnke Merllle Fhanlce - C/zone JoaM Arnran& - Pg;n Cbief Holona Antonlo -

Thoy wlll be tha flrst DFS In tho Orgsnlzetbn to ta ko the e bove mentlonod courso.

It wee doclded by hi* autlmrtty tha t the Mer them zone chie! of staff, C/Dsnlol ehcutd go Jo tho Interlor wlth tho followlng atm:

On beha tf of the ~mmandor-ttbch1of to 6 Ccoltt- peny the group af S~uth Afrlca n Infm~orc a t the md of January; oeta bllsh Ile lson betwoan the Instructore a nd our cotnmetlderc.



lO7lmn and On 30.1.84 there wlll be 3 resuppIiœ in the zone. IC mm Southarn Zone A Irhambane: l - that .at the endot~4mnuwy es, an alr~ &aft wtt1 go to ~toro 02 In Guwe - Wamrlol DZ- LaQoPofu - Gato fbrNIa*-Tigre. Ad another alrcraft for oz- S/GetWra 1 HetrlqueS - Gaza Vtola - Maganja da Carta, oz- c/baputo - Tfgre on 4.2.84 3 rasuppIIœ:

2 In t he Cwtre: 1. 02 - John Kupen~a 2. 02 I resupply for . On 9.2.84 thers wlll bo 3 resupplles for SA-AY Larnbezla. 4 Colonel VanIkav went to *bIswl to ta tk to P~U- JAIWASY 8IW Banda about thaRumhts and to tgke themtoRsA. Al the requœt of Prime MinImw buis. ~~I~,$eiol~lon was a huer of dfsaQr= 20 SA’WRDAY mm ~8th Renattw, 8Inœ they dld mt glw prlw bhDW+dSO.


Ta% lat reaupply~of ule year 1 8t tlte. ? of &ke Pofu, Dz nt the generel 8011th Inhamben% and et tbe DZ t&c~#M&tita in Nortb lnhambam. ‘Kbe opemtiam proea+bed .


s osto aegh - SouthInhambnne WF -cm - Northlnhambsne

9 resuppues on 5/2/84

10. Our &M~IS must net tatk to the people about our Mends, se tbat tbe enemy abould not fiid 0%; in FEBRUARY tbe ment of ou? frlcndn behg seen by the people,it will be tbe figbterd diay to lnform tha ‘people that tb%yaretb%captuMR~an& 5 SUNRAY 11. lnform ouv figbtera that our friendv are or came from Wrltten in the maruin :

1% Our ftierids must alweys Spaak Rngiish Bnd rot Rcsupply on 512104 Afrlkaaw, to evoid the soldsecs finding out, as we bave many figbtera who were formerly workera in RSA

. FEBBUABlf FBBRUARY 11 BAWRDAI PLannadrrsllppllaa 3plantai ::;$i 1 L- 27l2184 - El Z%? 1 4I3/64 - EiYzzz 7/3/04 - lll3l0k - :@a 14/2/84 -* lnhembane Apart from these there wlll be 0th~ extras by Dakota ffMM1~7 do Save which wlll carry 100 boxes of ammunition ---__ _....-. . The war matedal that wIU be carried In thcse reziupplks : 4279boxexammunition AK 47x1360 210 boxes ammunitian (3.3 x 1000 b 1730 AK 47s 2 WBDNE8DAY 68Oboxa M.6Oxlleuxx10twlx 68OboxeaM.81xhe&x4sheMx 110boxesanti-carminesx5minex ~ibyefdpbexpactbd6ooaatBatedeYCottdm 1112 boxes’RPG7~~ketsx6 a2oboxEsexpldvex2ok# ao- St boxa mediclnes x 100 kg 4otawdmaterlal EachresMpply wulcaPry4M.60;4 M.81; 4 M.82and30 RPG7 aadmachlaegua ‘wrtttaoattbtopa PBBBUAUY 100 pfatola wlth 1000 buueta eacb WUI ah go to oarongosa. wrltten at tbn toD a

Rezapply by boet at CulemJne Bey witt tm on 10.3.24 east d chsrlngo-


1mflttoLm6!i 1Machsrdtwittb-~Inœder SATURDAY torecadbetheaerarmpwl&rsueamsgolngtoUve. 16

.. .

x.~__.-.x_.__^ . .“. “.I--.-_x-.-II I ,. ““.. ---_.._^“.“-“- l4 atodmAY WBDNESDAY

-~cuatI~plsrr~ 2wua4 - Dakota for Gomqesn to land at Cangatom On 23/2/84 sf IOliOO tbwe usa a meeting in Fretorh between 3Df2m - Dakota for Blgi to ~amtie~, 20 people, ER an4 the general of Miutary Ilmlugmce; general of centre HQ tbe 8paclal Forœq BrigadW of Militery IntelIigen~ tf3m - Dnkda fm Maputo to Jambe?, rQ peqsle, axd Colonel Vnniker of MiMary Intelligence. Boab IJQ ca) Objective I pIann@ the wq In the face of tbe dhu+ton 2fwr - Dakota for Zemheda $I Jambnr, 20 peoph taken up by the South AMcan Repuhlic. NotthIiQ. 2. T+ prevfo~~ plan made at tha meeting b atill unde~ canslderation.


che;2f84 - resu@ybyeiaonùmomtbetrueea 6. We ddim wUI continua to give support WbhOUt CthdeandBeimatCu!aimaBey. tw consent of ou? polIticlaau in nwls5ive numbmJ aoastowhtbewar. Tbarswmbe2lnaefugbtaf~Maputo - resupply 0. Macbel cm only ffdl hnmediat~ thmugba eut in la) wrIttellInthemarrtfst =peapme tbete4miblay and commulliceuaas route&

.. . no SATURDAY

mllltuLaY Rrigwuer - SA

9. PRIDAY Deflnitlon of tnrgetn thnt farce Prelimo to talk to a4 Renama

11. me 100 men nlmlad ente? MnpAuo ln UMU Ifoups 7. Communlcatian by radio or pnysicelly between Benamo vin tbe Llbombaq wltb p?edetemdned nhnn Md andtltesAnoldien. tarpteforfmchporp. 8. Apologlea for the relense of the Rush~ wltbout 12 Joaa @ad Rwrtco MD go cmly wwl the nuthorlertlon the complete agreemeat of Renamo - prusure:from d tbe Mbdater d Deremœ, General Maglu Mnlfula tfiu U.S.A. 0. 13. T!NO RNM men v#tD be $rabtqd tn ultra-secret Frite of the two tk5skn3 atlll hi Renamo’a Jands cwwmudcntims betvmen RNM end . 10. Good wlntiona between penamo und SA Ada des&& 14. me general Will Meure renupply even alter 1he leavlng aslde the r latter of the RussIens, uhkh *ras ngreetwtent by SA wlth tbe commun!st Mat& n shameful attitude of the South Africen Govemment. e!fqœcmy wfumntt1eo Md radio tranamitterd Atthetopt Geto Reglon 1% Rtdluayq Calto?a BMsei coopemntq nnd other economlc nature, SADCC. G-O= tfsgetndM Cheringome Re~upply, on 22/2/04 Remi&blginSAt



Renamo : At the tgP of the page : 1. Om1DOspecIaNstsoldIerswhoareinthehandsol On 29.184 the central office of the general staff left for SA. Le&o Region-Fur&. 2. possihilïty of *ting them ht0 Maputo overhd. ;

t3lwleraIofopee.F-r 1. Despatdd6teclmldarrrto~toreceive the SI@ ww materu MARCH t or tbe100menr f zmM=km by tbe - 1 THURSDAY 30InNemIbIa 65 In PfIdolwa Atthetop:

OUtOfttU2SO?5~paroebutta?tWiyhS~beentrekred Letio Region mvadomeoursea: secwIty,WT,drivametc. Zambezia Resupply on 1.3.84 a llœgoîmmlesketokeep1O~outsoIdIera

4. Mettlod of IIlfntmw tke 05Into maput overw MARCH negPARY 2 FRIDAY w WDNDAY

What ou? 19 spedalists lewned in Namibie, tmd 10 of our Atttœtopofthepgget w-s fwnaIltedthere.

zgr . mQr4aoa?n/o4 . 27 SUNDAY

The Malawi government is whhdmwlnq or erpelug OIlr dekgftte CUmo from ?dnInwi at the request of Pik Boum (Ferelgn Mfniater), aIleRing that if they doaot then SA wan*t give m3re goo& to btewi becevse rdt3bwi Qpatbs OOSA.


Reply to ou? message N* Speckt 1984 of 16.634 from C/C~~~I&S-Vabar to C/Supreme Chief and Presfdent of 1 Renamo. P 1. I recelved yow message on 16.8.84. June 1984. 2. ‘ilm politlcd climate here, InternatiWy, ls .till bad for continui~& to wpply Rennrm. Any violation of the homatl Accord on our part wiU preluaace &uth Atrican attempte at peace in Southem Aftica. Tlm dtuetion cculd ch@nge at any moment, beca~ the Machd government bas serlous pmblems a3 cari alrendy he &!eea~from Hanwan& taka with Evo. rUY 3. Rename mu!st continue to aqueeze Macbel but in 8uch a way es to I~I aa little WBT matertat as pa3sible. Avold combat with the FAM, giving mare attention 28 Sf\TURDAP to destroyhg the economy, tnfrastwcture and controlung the populatia 4. Renemo hfm to kvive tonger untll Machel reaches a ngresment ~WI Renamo, but never let Frellmo *. sec that we bave no more materiel. . -ll-

/ . . . Tha General then announced to t6 tbat tbe Sautb African YONDAY 9Rnisters of Fore@!~ hffairs and DefenCe, Pik Botha aftd Msgnus I&&n, reqectively want to tatk to tbe Renamo delegatiaL AUOUST vot04 - We2eftZangarafartbeLo~ofCbttaFan~ 0 WEDNRSDAY w0m4 - WeIeftCbNaXaneforthebea&wherewemade anwmgeecykwe. This afternoon we agreed to tbe meettng, so we raited wa(a4 - We left our emergency hase at L6h30 for the for tbe Ministers to appear. ht 1640 on tbe same day we seawhereweembarkad at 19hlS. We were raceived there had tha expectad meeting witb the Soutb hfrican Govemment byGoxonelc~ Jeao(fIlIouMerhl chissaM~disemharked delegation headed bv tba Minister of Foreikn hffairs Pu< frwa tbe same boat. lUecumule and atmther of ow people Rot& and including-in tbe South hfrican ddegation tbe vthtsenamewedîcblIutow. TheJoweeytoDwbantook Defence Minister, General Magnus M&n, tbe Miütary 408,bum InteRigence General Van Der West Hutsen and Colonel Vaaikerque, as well as Minfster Pik Rotba’s Private Secretary. ll/W84 - Wealkemharkad et 2Ob90 ih the mititary barbeur et Durban Netel. We tben todt B Rgbt plane to Pretoria AUGUST togettœr’titb @te Comreœlore, Cbtef of Secret Gperations for the Naw. We arrlved at Pretoda at 23hlS on tbe same 9 dey, where iue were reeelved by BrI&aUier Yen Tonder of Militery Xn!elUgence, SA’S Cbtef of Secret Operations, TRURSDAY bl tha mllltary im3taRatioRs in the caotre of Pretoria. Pik Eotha stress& that tbe Maputo Govemment is still 12ltkI94 - We bed Uœ rust political fesson ubere SIGeneral Eva Fernades sketcbed to us b, general terms Moxambique’s accusing SA of going on supporting Renamo and tbat on inturnel a@ extarnat political situatien and consequently tbfs very day the Freiimo Govemment put tbe IoRowing charge against SA before Prime Minister Peter W. Rotba : tbi ckaracter of tbe expected negoliatfons batweea Renamo acdl Flelfmo. 1. hfter tbe tncomati Accord the South hfrican govemment 13r’9/94 - We had the seemd political lemon. We bad &ni on supportingRenamo, wlth the indication t.bai In the fiit irteeUng with generat Van Der West Huisen to Mav, June and July tbey sent a totat of 14 aircraft full uham we trammitted PR% greetinga, he haohg regretted of Gar materiel to RenËmo. tfEk absence frofe SA contrary to the plans, but we explained tho causes of NE% absance~ and the general agreed ulth 2. ‘ht there are offfcers in South hfrican mllltary UP. clrcks directly linked to tbis support, with a mention of Colonel Vanikerke as one of them.

Writtee Ln the uw& : 3. CoIonel Vanikerke said at a meeting In PamboIa on 13/3/84 ako attended by hdriano Romba tbat tbe SA Govemment ComuIobreM~ betrayed Renamo. Aa regar& wr materkl~ AK-47 ammunftim, rse bave thia fargou,Mdtheysafdtheyrrn~ItMatthomoment tkze are tramport difUtiUes. Sine6 we cari no longer ~theC~Oakraft,asthesedrcraftareun3erA.irForeo conbol,norcanreusf3theNsvywtherefdghtbeu3 Information lcak as rell as Invol* nmy peopk. And In th6 event of dohœ tbb atm we were caucrht out thfa would imply a kavy~8cntence fer General Vùi Du West Huisen, Urigadkr Van Tender md Cohel VudhrSre, as it would conttitute a scrhw vidatbn of the IrtcoÏnaU Accard, uhlch fs vital at thb moment fop 010South Afriwn 00venlmerlL Tlle B?i@arerwcnt on to aayi TO overcome tbIs dllttculty we rire gobg to &se dvKian , hft th8t Will land s0 ~0hd vadkerlte rprn go t0 tZiomma on 22/8/84 to meet the preafdent of Kenamo 7 a0 as-t0 orgadze hding strips to ma!ceit emkr to lge dvIldrcraftthatcanluàdandnotdropparadutaso as to avcdd under-ushg aipadty.

As for materlaI for utban -illa warfare we shall send ~butnotellthe~ofmaterlalask~for,~~there aresomobomhsthatwereas~ambl~inSA,snditwopald comprombeuswiththk IacomatiAccoPd,soweahuUsend Urne bombs end timirtg dedces to work with eqlodvev. FinaKy ths Krigadier told m of the Frelimo ddegatimb amivalta SA, to 66tUeafsurity pmblems. AtUlUSF AUGUST l? 23 THUIISDAY

Watetial tbat came on 21/9/94 : 25 casa AK47 ammunith 2gcallXaof ? ou a3 ruclmaclm 3 blankets 2camofpetro~ 1 ctrum of p8t.d RuKdlng materhI for a m Stip 12 cartridge-belts 1 large complete WT 2sm8uwT 30 reams of white pfqer 23reamsoflînedptwr 5filesaitb-paper 5 hok-~~ 20 4ocmgreenratleB : 19 39cm wbtts rokm f 50 black pi3dp rsbhmpads 1 boxofat8pte9 12 adhedve tapes 20 compesses New request from tf.R. Plastic bags 1 sac& of Reno potatoea rr9mifpk ~~~~~orepnlrrcpslr~ No.l8aeedlefo?sea~mtichfne lcaq!ofFantafor~ hlbes of adhesfve faf? scooter patcttes for moto?-byke AtrOusr u AtlousT 27 MONDAY


SI/%/84 70 cairea AK47 20/0/84 12/10184

tom84 - Takeoeoeret H~enemuitary Infantrpman SRFTEMRER mdoIlecommlmlcetlawman. 1 SATtlltDAY 12fw84 - JkmpDnRemMab~orustogoand~e @e-b- At llh30 we had 9 meeting 11th Rrlgadie? Vfm Tonde? ml Colonel Vanikerke 2Sma4 - Take t3emml Antihfo Pw Cfbres and wka4ro Momadj a commMlcauoIwman. a) at the end of Saptember 1384 stert of telle Renamo/ Prelimo 24fOf84 - PutthemaDhOomgom. bl-_ Evacuation of the generals to Gorcqpee hafore the tallœ N.Br uetween 10 and 24/S/84 Qem?rala MarIo and Hanrf~ Swazl pasporta for Vaz and hl.steIM lmwt ba pot 40 ciorqow wlthollt wait~ for Gelteral :; Tour of Europe. Evo-Vaz-Mate= Anthio Ped#o. e) Audience for tw to talk to General Magn\a, Malan

l./lo/84 - TekeaRtheGelumhtosA. Evo Fernandes went ta dinner wlth Mafor Fil@e. SEPmNBBB SBFTEMBER TURSDAY 3 IONDAY 4

4. ¶te meetings were erranged with the Chie! of Staff Yiskm; wilh the MInhter of Defence, Megnus M&m md with the Mlnlster of Forefgn Affairs, Pick Sllam - WeleftGomegwa~orSAwhereweanlved Botha. Wlth the first two St Is for u9 t0 requwt fit 2130 holua in the City of Pretorifl. %unanItarian aid”, end with .the lest-named to sound llm4 - ht 1130 we bd a meeting wlth Brigadier out hls point of vfew about the upected talk8 with YanTwl4arandcolonelcilaa4e& AtthJsmœting’the Frellmo.

t rtwa8egreedthntourfrfuulswolMurMgetwo( TlJESDAY gaasparta fer B/Ym md Comraanbt Mat- with lbealmoffudN~~tbejoumey8~ IIBIB4 - We hed a meethg *Ith General Yen Der West t Tbeformeraf8ofnformedasthalthe&uthAftîcan HuIsen, Br. Yan Tonder and Colonel Yanikerke. 0Nzdster or FoKdm Affdrs Ftck Bothh on 28/W34. mettheA- of lha USA, Briw Pi&%; 1. The Ceœral fndkatw hi8 acceptanœ of H.E.‘s plan and Nœ ltnB~ Ctœ@ CrAffatrw lh SA, wheo be concemiog Uw evacuation of the genaals, givhg prombdthemthntSA+o&Jdc+everyth@itcould the order to Br. Van Tonde? and Colonel Charles wiltdn the œxt 45 daya to œsure lhat tbe Mozembhxn to ileaI with the matter. quwuon be Seul~ wfth mk Boule appeallnp to ttle respecuve countrlea to belp tbe govemment of 2. In tha meet- Br. Yen Tonder spoke and referred SAboreachanurgentpebefInBYozambique~ to Plck Rothe’s meeting wlth Chester Crocker, the North Amerbn Assbtant for Afrlcan AIfaIm. 4. Finelly General Yen De? West Huisen expresseu bis concem and wilUngness, eeying they are always slde by slde with Renamo and that we ahall study and work together, since our communpurpose is to rfd Southem Afrlce of communism both miMtarRy and pOmkauy. .. 6 lrHul?sDAY A He recommeltdad wi net to accept the anmestp. 9. lie 6wmeated that the ccatefire should Ilot ansbla economlc a(fiéememts between SA enfI l6ach& ,$lÏëse should be 6IrBmed UMB the corlcllwton of the Final Peece t’MaadV~lnf~rwbowtbecenemtswBlbe Agreenïent in MozambIgue. wfthhm to Gœqœar Ganamf Henrfques woutd leciwe GewalM6ilowouldleewebpcerthroqh 11. lie also laid that he would facilitate our contacts :tsli P~I& panetm~ tbe frmtfer networkl wIth fore@n cœmtnese.qechUy Afrfcan countrfes. aad Gwaewal Peo wm corne an root for la& of qulckpwnlblBtleatolamlaplaa6lln ZambestsandIldalBWl dkut~cceptcwrequeettolaewobptbatrout~


9ls/er - et l’lh99 we bad a meethrg w&h tbe Chie2 of &dfofthe&utbAfrtcanAmedForcea,GensralVlaloen~ 12. The Generel recommended us not to be fooled by UenemlVawUerWeatHtdmm,~.VanTonderandC&nel the schemea of Pi& Botha becalrse he is a traito?, he even Vardkawke werettresent at ttm meeting. agreed with Cheater Çrocker’s iclea of FreMmo off- AtthemeetbqtthefenowhUwas-r an amnesty to Renamo memlwrs. Wanmftarlaa eid for Remmo” 1. Generd vilsœw 6greed to 6end tw %lrmudtaflan ald” In Air Farce Cl20 planes. 2. Heagmadwltbtheevacuot!artofthegmerah 2. Heaafdbewoulddoeva@dngpœidWetohaveat kost 1 heur est SABC, hformatfoo about Reaamo actlvlties andotherrelatedqwwFt~ Herecommer&du6nottolas8mUitarystm@1 ~Lceatr&lntbfeœ0fthese~uatb .. .L &a 6ald tltat tbe cemeflre mtwbtt bedhcther ha . tagzeed wltb the plan of two to three monttw maximum. SEPTEMBER


oenemtVlsloaaweJltontoMyt lO.S:84 ln the aftemoon, at exactly 5hOO ne caqht I egrae with a joint 6tratm for putting MactœI out. Because a jet plane to Cape Town where we had a meetiqf with aeranttoremovetheRtdansfromourre@mofSouthem the Foreign Minister Pick Botha In the Cape castle, Dom Afric6h ue hnve to employ a jdnt stmteay to be able to 21hOO to 24hOO. Brigadier Van Tender, Colonel Vanlkerke, ldefaat aemmratsm. h su& a way as not to let the outaS& Colonel from the-Cape and Plck Rothab secretary were worldwoA’perceivek Becausetbeworklisconconvlnced pW.W?* tbt Machel b cbtmg& becmwe be dbewft seem to them @o bcr entirely communiat. We want Renamo to win the war to remove the commrmiste from the area. The USA SEPTEMBER bas its way of f@ttsg the Ruwdan, Bke South African @iUdarm too, wbo Imve theb way d f&Mhg communlsm. 12 WEDNESDAP And ue Solde?s have our woy of ftghtblg the lhwsfera. During the nqotiatlams we must begin witb atrong propaganda Porth&wehavetokeepthenegotdatfolis@ogforsome tdm6b*emustaevefacceptfbtUmch 7. Âsked about the suspenslon of econohdc agreements Irom SA to Maputo, Pick Botha refused, sttyin2 1 lFhuy,generacViscoenguaranteedtwthatbeIso,our-_ .__-- Me unut finat vtctoryn Cl30 planes for Mozambique, humanltarian wBl only prewuuisa Maputo to corne to the negdatfons eti Common stmtegy to defeat communism in Soutbem serhsly and not with the story of the amnesty. I Afrioa.


On 10.8.84 Pick Botha hadreq&rzl that the Renamo delegation should be under bis whq and that the military shoutd Cook after the Renamo dele@ion. Br. Van Tonder replied that he cou%% beeause the Renamo delqation would always have to be in contact with the Presideot in Mozambique.



25.8.24 On arrlval at the residence HE was recelved by Brigadier Van Tender #ho gve welcomtng greetinga. fie emphas&d that Pick Rothe wilt speak to HE tomorrow, and.wRl poesiHy ask the following questions for Ns lnformatlun t

1. If Renamo continues to receive aid from SA. The thlnklog of Renarr.3 on the Incomati Accord :: If the Soutb African mllitary are carry@ out the tncomatl Accord.

26.9.84 - et 14hOO HE hed 8 meeting with Msmjor Dubry lRR64 - c/mul mrfves in Pretoria with 2 more sotdters. of South Africao Militery bWlUgence for Mozambique. He gave 8 mURery brlefing on the militery situation in lAO. - ~~lwlrsquea arrivee fn Preao?ie WRh Mozambique’ based on thelr monltoring and InformatIon they bave getbered. III perticular Menjor Dobry gave us the POSftlOn of the foreign soldiers from the Rastern bloc 203.84 - anecalRenrlqw&gmupendthetofc/Raul who are In Mozambique, lncluding Wmbabwean and Ttuwanien cogegœrdth c/Rtat~leave for nlr-lp= forces. SBPTBMBBR SEPTEMRER


At llh30 Pick Rotbe, Megnus M&n and general Viljoen - chief of tbe Soutb Africen Genenel Steff - arrived Pfck Rotbe



.muaft movewmnt pha a al1940.84 ‘Ilte Dakota mhd at 17h20. zl.leA4 - clœcqqa 1ttcokourgenerals. utl7bsO - Dakota Bri@iervanTonderarrbedbytbaameplaaarltbthe abJec&ive of pelsunw HE to euld the poutl- to mk 22OlOA4 - -0 or to re-open um tma wlth FkUmo CO 2k10.M. at23bM - Cl30 OCTOBBR 22dQ.81 nt zshse : ez=F-= 27 SATURDAY Z8WlO.84 - arabœfn tBt 2zboo - cl30 We Ieft Gorongosa by plnne at 17h30 and arrive6 at pretorta 27.10.84 - Ihroqoœ at 22hOO - welfindedat~Semllita?yalrpozt, rrt zsh59 - CI30 spasseneers= OcmBER EV0 Ferœndes JorgeComia II FRtDAY

hfateuv Ngontœmo FlfeMtoGomaeasa JofquSm Va2 ~Coloeelvan Karlt ORNERAt, PLAN NO 1 OF 24 FBBRUARY 1084 Ueuteœant Lœs John @=mBER 1. ‘Destroy the Mozambkan ecœomyla the rurat zones. 13 2. Destroy the commtications route3 to prevent erports and fmprts ~A~RDAY to and from abroa& 1314the rnovement of domestic produce. 3. Prevent the activftfœ of forefgnem koopWan tes) bbzcaœe they Iœlmaaœootœacefdeatatthe~StaIlBa?ra. mm ~themœtdangerotnlnthereeoveryofthe~my~ dœtœa artIved bu plane fmn SA et 22hoQL treated HE . red retwœd at 2htlO on ldlOd24. . Colonel Vankerke expia ined the %msons lha t led hlm la mset the Prssident of Renatm in Gar ollgoma on 26 May 1985: They a rrived by plane a t 18 heurs on 26 Ma y 1985. The group comprised Colonel Vanikerke, 1. t advlse khe Prestdent of Rsnsm, UmtPick Do- rha inslruded ms 10 sdvise tha Presldent of Rt Colonel Grel, Barbas and two dr>clors. AII soldiers. na nb3 tha l the Portuguese capits list 6uihoss from Srazil 1s In Prebrte and wtshhes to talk lo the Pre&tent of Rstwsmo.

k Pldr Solha asks the Prssidenl of Ranamo to teg Vanikerke: In addition tu W wish for a PersonaI ViSil to ‘va Cor SA to telk to lhei capfla.ilst Sulhosa from Mr. Presidenl, I was sent by my superfors to ‘srezii. pass on some rema rks of these iea ders lo Mr. President. ut. Ha asks ths PresidR* to a tlow the cspltatlst Bulhosa to vis11 the Presidsnt of Ranatm In SO- Va nikerke: Furthermore the Deputy Mlnieter of Foreign mngose; bu1 il wiH be very dtfficult bscauss Affairs, L~?UIS Nel, 1s still interesled in I8ulhosa ia slreusdy 66 years old. the see rch for pea ce in bloza mbique, for . tiich reason he asked 16 to corne and say IV. lit a ppea rs tha t Sacreta ry-Ssnara t Eva Ferna.~ to the Presldent lhsl if possible he will des is mt a wara of lhis. Il 1s part of the Plck viéil the Presldenl here in GorongOsa on iBoeuJ plan to elimlna te lhe Secre- 7, 8 ahd 9 May, 1985, wlth the alm of tal- Iury-Gedmral km ths laiks. king 10 lhe Prestdsnt of Renamo about lhe situation in Moza tiique. V. 1 sm wailing here with transmittara for an ImsR In my vlew, I think thb t a visll by him here dis le reply tim the President of R ena tm. in the inlerior is htghly feasible and desire ble for Rana tm given the current oitva tion, ‘4 clsc6pd my aincere geetir~~ and hlghest cottptl- for he wouid l’us be fully Informed on lhe EntUItS lo Ywr Gcceilsncy end Famiiy. i2.1.85 Mixa mbiqua situa.tion in regard to the Re- lfhe 6lru&e cmuinues na mo lrmvelneIll. i-te ssid In addition lhhat bis condng here would bs withoul lhe know- EPm ledse of hls chlef Ptdc Solha.

.. . vaefke-: Gem0 of tke peints the t MlnI8ter Ce~s *l tilt rat8e wltk ttbe Rresldent are aa fol- 7. 1 a m asking H. E. to lnferm tm of lowo: thoCahor8 GaUa *e littes, the sltua tlon uf the two Russfans (tao GA/kbputo hIgh tebIen Ifnes. The stlll InRenamots hrn&: beceuse âAhawto rallway attd the GAfiputo &d. lot6 of erganiz~tlona em putting &liTwlii Iater askRenem0 net te attsck pre8sure en ue and Lvent to knew mase ta rgem an the mm :q.orte n; I the Russisns’ oitustlon, tria lrssrng @nt thatbrhgo hlmharels toa8kf*r tbnaJ Rml Cross for exattcblc are a remmption of Renelib/FreIinw ta tks. seklng for the t~Russlans. -And we Swth AfMzans are not e ble to yralkarke: bty point of vlew on Louls Nsl@a comtng to expia Ir. the sl:ua:lon. v, ‘I thlnk tkat H.E. could p?aœ anme conditions, such a88 taklng the oppertprll eresident: H. 5 gave an Immedlate replu on point 7, tv for hlm te brlng Evo 4th him, hewever the ta yIll tha t ho COUIC tel1 Getlera I Visloen &esldent ke?ereiaIklttg to Louis Nel ehould pa&l&larly fw MS ow informa titi a lone Gnt talk te Evo fer e plcturo of the currant and for NO-OHE e&a: the two Russi sns peItticaI sItuatien abroajd, and at least crie are dead, no longer exlst. We cari e

Prasident: t am putting forward tho posstbility of vs hevlng a radio transmlttcr hers irrside Bd.-- zambiquo in our Il~ated aroas. Commnlœtion 1s an extremely big and Im- 1. ItettwthotRansar,waru88mttnthasanmatr- craft tbt carrles Qeputy~inIst~ Couls Nei portant woapon In a war iiko t5is one. The tœratoGormgmaont~e5t worid doesnlt know of us from hero i~~ide. The world ha8 oniy had inadequato informa& amdktnsa. Fuet klleftd, @bot and paraffïn). Ion about Renamo comlng from Lrebon through OUF spokesman Jorge Qrreia , who lc often p~.Tzzs fzz$o- less credible. QUior& Reanm fi popa& documents. taatariat br ert dasigr, wtertai for v1ood Charles: i gua ra ntm tho President tha t the problem l arlPtu-. bwbdamrsthat ourfriœbtiscan of energy for c/AMneLo wlil be resoivcd, provIde a t thek dlscrstlar. bocsuse t havo a friend who can flx some- thing for tho purposo. 1 also guarantee The Demtty-MInteter of Forblgr Affa 11-8, Louis the posslbiiities of radio transmltters. But ali this will depend on this weekend. Wtt tsn œ4œ :h %.o to ûora#lgosa m 7 dutu3 r: Id in accord tee wtth hio:rsqrwst, *ince : It ha bmeftctat to us snd 0ntyJn thir w8y cm Charles: We could thinS about 4 transmltter-receiver- w Rarbrdm situa tton hero in M&O mblquo be cta- -relaye for Renamo: I dlrected abroad; 1 for rifted pemomatly, as tilt as it be4ng a vic?ory the Centre; 1 for the !South a nd a nother for for RanmUm and at a timo dœn your gworn- thr northern zone. Broadcaeting abrosd m ts stde by oide wtth theMarxtst govern- wouid be from tho GWUFO. amm of FralInm. N.B. We must tako Into consideration that at the moment we canlt buy anything in tho name of Rena mo. But as fer as the transmitters are oonœrned wo can manage becauso we stltl havo thsm in atore.

.. . UWi-t88: e-s I .,- - m,, --L u .-.- - --L LL tng uhe South Atclun Gowmmmt. uam-or VaFa - “WI “ullm P1W wr. th8tI8eeuheneedfbrR8nomoloa6veDe- Preddent to put OP wrtte a message on ut18 putr-Lunt8ler Loul8 Net e hop8 of -üwng bsckofthaseSphotos 8othatItcanbe theprobkmthetha18o&mingharetodl8a.œ8 glven to the Forefgn @dinl8ttr Pldc Eotha , 4th ths Prestdent on 7.6.95. ctwltt beu80- fw him to consldar ths qwsttm. And shoutd fut to nakehlmsee uh8t Rsnarm wllt wln he renmIn en enemy’of Renati ha hlnoelf wlll deStroy the photo. Therefore Mr. Preb ut68 war. For my pscl, t wltt du everything goarble to omvlnce y’8qerigomcers 8fdUIt wlll wrfte on the 4 photœ for ut to haveœPk8. (ssnsrSt8) thsl RaMm rdtt win thl8 wer. Cii8n8ra 1 Vi8bU? wltl 8end Ut18 head of. ths bu18 tUet nu8t teave hebe vutth the gus ren- arny wlth Loulc I%l, or the deputy-ndnlr- Iee sndhope da peeadfut 8OhJtbll an Mo- ter of c!afance end poIlce who lo 100% in ta,,,,,- Uh68 18 t0 sMb68 htmor aIly fevow of Renamo. The objectiva of the other South Afrlcan envoy to aome here to umpany Is to help Louis Nal to reffect on the lnmlor mre often to houe num con- the problem tien ho 1s restlng. Bu? ta Cte wtth mur tacal t&cy. eeœu88 onty the ba sic tdea is for &e ml1 ita ry to gat in thl8 we y Wit6 h b8 pOSSbi8 to k88p the Influence ov’er Louis Nel. road toheceopen; anu 1 w1tt SlWS~* he- ve uhe oppormnhy of œmlng hsre. For us Sbuth Afrtcan mllitary Loulo Nel 1s the most honest of che Scuth Afrlcan po- Ilciclans. 4bB: 18ugge8t to the Preddenl thn t In (ho case of Louis Net sayktg tb8U FreIlm> wIll net 6 would e 180 SUggsSt to Mr. Presidem tha t sgrse to SSy publldy tha I lt FS gokQ to tatk he doemU let L&is Na1 hear about UV to Rwbafm. Wa Inlrrg tha t the doctors andGrellng d;:l here insfde. whatt8ddtoyouw83 mfywhatmygefmel Wstoerbordered matoarmbenduayto V0ur I a m very keen tha t Fa tardo re1urna EJse6hmcy. For SecUrky resis&?s end Presldenl: 80 to e uoid dl8trUst t o~gge!84 tha t the tra q& Nblrobl to deal wlth Ihe renawal of hls 18 mr 8hOUtd be from Renarrp end net mysetf. ps ssport. !-buever we will do all we cari to gue ra nlee t3 MInister Lwls Net lhs t we f?eM~ lW8t nW8F 9UBr8ntm t0 LOUiS Nel are golng

. . Mr. Presfdent cari tslk about everythlng, but never about Renan, stra tegy. And you nusl also te41 him that Renan controls MESSAGE FROM COLONEI- CHARLES TO PRESIDENT Ci= all this(comtry) and Is approprletety RENAMO ON THE FORMERIS ARRlvAL WITH LOUIS NEL structured here In the Interlor, both mlll!a rlly IN 4=4?ET0(7lA ON g JUNE 1995 snd pollt4cally. 1. We arrlved safely on 8 June 1985. 1 wùsprs sent on g June 85 when Louis Nel had a meet TIE FlRST MEET4NG SETWEEN l-4. E. 1l-E Pi%ZSlDENT OF fw with our high command about hls visIl RENAMO AN3 THE S0Uft-l AFRICAN DEF’UTY-MINlSTER lie wa s very sa tisfied a nd hopeful wlth out certain elenaents lïke Pi&. blque~s probtens and those of the whole of 2. Louis Nel a dvised Genera l Vfljoen tha t we must Southern Afrlce . be very careful with the klnd of ma teriel we are supplling to Rena mo, SO as not to viola te 1% 2N, MEETtffi OF t-LE. WITH LOUIS hEL AT IOHOO ON lhe Incoma ii Accord as thls could prejudice 6.6.6s hls Initia tive and the currenl progress. I T Louis WI: Mr. Presldemt when was thb base ma de ? fUr. President ha ve you Ira fned your peopte- before they go to fight 1 Hs ve you recefved rasny Freliaro officers who desert to Rena mi. Fl?oM cl %MANDANT CHARLES TO PRESIDENT OF RENAMO HOW has haatth bean handled In your orga- nisa tlon, where are your nurses tra Ined ? . t wlll arrive there sunday night at 206l30. The II you wlll a ttow me, M. Presfdent, 4 wIl4 ‘* group coming Is Ihe Mnlster and hfs secret=ry, aak the doctor to mdre me a list of the me- Barbas and the two doctors and the Ertgadier. dlclnes tha t are In short supply herc fer ms to brlng w!.en 4 rewn on my next trlp. 2. We ha ve cargo but mi very mch. They leave Monday I July 05. 1 and Barbas and the tm> doctors What Mr. Presldent needs a lot of fs war will stay for two weeks. ans teria t and unlforms. Anddoyou have sewing ne chines 1

.. WJten I conœ bsdc G &ntJon wlll be to return to Moza mblqus. J SJWI II be meeting Vèloso on Friday.

1 shsll tel1 hlm If they do mt 4ccept tsUcs the w4r wlll go ut fOr; m4ny yes& JSh4ll steak SO as to leave tti Idaa that Renamo hss asststance abrosd, I rhall say thst SA: L~UI~ Nsl (Deqmty-Mlntmt~ of FA) Rermm, 1s 4 self -reliant movemmt. tmgtbtner Von Tonde~ J sha II sa y ths t I tnvited Rmsrrm fn order to Cohne~ VanlJcerks know the current war sltua tlon In bbramblque. colonetûrelling Doctor wb 4 re go!ng to fool ourselves th4 t Rtnamo l’mc mllltsry support ab?oad, Douer But Ruramo hao rr) forelgn support but has the total support of Jts people PrarkbWU: Wslmam MInhter onde oga In to our protif- slotmaI cepib J Ma. On this ba 614’ we arc golm to negotia te wlth Rena mo foF pea ce In h%0~4 mbiqUe, coule Nol: thank yeu Mr. Praasldsnl. J shall JW~ say thst J w4s In Mozam- When we ?eft hem Jamt tlnm en 8 June 85, blquc we went 10 tell Fretlmr, thsl pes ce nmst be I rha I l sa y ti4 t ths Presldenl of Rena - comtltlom J and -:tlone 1. m 1s movim from one slde to the other. ho we are &ng to negoti4 te pe4ce, SI~ ce the fa ct tha t South Afrlca ha s been supportlng Renan 1s net golng to solvc the groblem, as we Jcnow tb t Rena mo has fnternsttonal gupport snd It Is =L: The BBC 6 oWodr MVUS todev rettorted Inpossible to stop Jt. The Interna tbne I presc gave ms thc the t Etrlts In ts golng to tra In-Frélfnr, offi- MozanWque sltu4tlon, thst was grea1. cers in Zlnbabwe. Thirty offJcerî wlll be sssJgne& the tralntng wlli Lact 5 nmnths Ths talks wJll be unt?oncliti~n4I, but

Nd: I shah meet wlth Evo and he wlll COI# on the 19/?/S5. I wlll tell hlm how I’spoke wlth the Presldent.

‘Presldent: I repeat that I amvery pleased, and I shall ta ke Iho message of these ta Iks to ou- cadres,

Nel- The Presidanc should be dlscreet.

Presldent: Renam> IS discreet. When’ I speak of ca - cires I mean those who are here. It means thal I shall explafn to them. So tha t they EvarythBngyauhavaaaldI~ rlhst htnmy know, we have South African frlends. heart a8 you wero l aylng khak our pro- btemlsthat~knot undeP8toedwhywe I%l- I belleve that good wlll aime of IL. are 8truggllng. 1 beltevetha1 BO% of ~~~dlmwb~ed are the problom &8dthankyouforute adbice, bcauœi~ ts pmot,of frtmdship and the arrlval of Ihe SecPMaryaat End and ttœ Sacmtary for FomIgbRolatiorœ 18 vey hqmmm. III*Wywhonuslplay thhrolesbroed Thb corwerœllon wlll go dmm In OUP hlatory. For me I( epemd up a vl8lg I wa8 Inpressedd, It mkem me aaytha1wahavefrlondmtnSauthAtrlca, w+ -a C?onguamteœ frloJumhtp* I don% wenl to.make many,- and I amvery phœd heubœa the uUnMer wa8 l bloto famé onRemmbproblomandRe- . naaw wanta cdœ. . FROM THI? PRRStDm OF RENAMO TO FRIRWD COMRYANDANT CHARLES

1 Mg Mend Commandant Cnertez+ re no tunget have uar materlet, VI Ftlend Cgmmandant Charles should not forget that our enemy meintylnthecentmlmdsouthcmateasofarcountry. wlll Q everythlng possitie to disorganjze us ln the centre of the cmntty. N We ttpproclate that we received that test conde(Rent but as soon em we ualoaded, we had to relleve ail the reglww ln the As we no lomrer have the wet materlal to go on squéezlng Machel caotrel atm, hChdinQ Fete rcgton, as they already lacked matertel as we were s&eezIng just after the slgningaf the lncomati Accord to respond to the masstve s&nslve that Frellmo had just both In the centre and in Maputo, towards hii firml Rfeat. For ammurrced weuld be bncbed alter the sfgning of the Incomatl as we are now without war materlel to fight hiti he will recover Accord. &d that wlli force us to shift out bases about BS they go on,chasing us atl over the place. Thiis could cause a bsd situation to occur Ill Se we want to kqwnht ow lriends of the pk&e they gave us for us ldentical with tha! of 1980 when we were SO badly hit of keep@ up support to es ctanrkstlnely. by Rodesla abandoning us.

In We tbhk this ls an olpportune moment for our triends to send We are however certain that this wlll happen to us because we IWT a consignment, sincc even Mach& bas made repeated no longer heve the war materiel, and our Secretary-General eccwections qainst 9outh Afrlca. and our other politlclans are not aware of the bad results that could foHow, slnce they follow only our victories and not the V We need emmunitlon to sustala the was In the central areas of possibllities Machel bas of wjping us out. tho country. IX However, alter thii mesage, I fecl that friend Commandant Hem in the centre our frlends codd slip in a ship wlth a bigger Charles wlll be very sympathetic, as he bas alwnys been the load than we reixlued before. and that would allow us to stwtab 6outh African Govemment’s officiai representative to Rensmo, the WBJ for the whote of 1984. We guarantee every safeguard. and 1 In particular as President of Renamo appreciete the vslusble I persona& wlll be present for this operation. For the southem dutles you futfil, apgreciate the work you have done ertd are atea of the couatry, as our forces elready bave bss+ in the areas do@, wlth aR arfection and incomparable devotion. However south of Gobe in Catuane. It will be easlet to carw out those the wer you bave elways represented and still represent bas no? jolht ~ratlons frlend CoÏnmander ChaHes knows wëll, and you yet been %On, and even if yoÜr govemment hss tut off the support know cen be done in smaR constgnments, for thls we shatl alsa lt gave us, our frlend Commandant Charles, according to the tecommend to eur forces the maahum of security and avoidance p&Üise you made us, we ere still assured of leah 16 June 1984 END .

.. . II According to the statement by Our Secretary92eneral, Evo Fernande% the difficulty lies In channelIfng these war communiqués from to Portugal, he safd that he bas already found another communicatfons channel with you and the problem of routing information bas been solved.

As Commandsnt Charles knows full well about the difficulty Renamo bas in commtmicating with the Secretary-General from FROM THE PRESIDENT OF RENAMO TO FRIEND CD&¶MANDANT here in the inter&, Il means thet we have no other wey except CHARLES through you frfand Commandant Charles. lu 1 am aware that you are preparing a journey here to tbe interior end that you will corne with Evo Femandes and Brigadier Van Tonder. You will be welcome to our provisional capital.

22 July 1984


I tn ecc~rdwww witb your prapo~~ls for the consignnen~ to corne wi(b the treuwpwt ttmt will Colle~t the group, we sh@d appreciate pur net iacluding &n tbat conxignment emmunition for G3 weqmq as we do net bave Ihesc (3 weapom.