NATIONS UNIES Assemblh gh&ale Conseil de sécurite Distr* GENERALE A/40/039 S/17604 let novembre 1985 FRANCAIS ORIGINAL 8 ANGLAIS ASSEMBLEE GENERALE CONSEIL DE SECURITE Quarantième session Quarantième annde Points 35 et 131 de l’ordre du jour POLITIQUE D’APARTHEID DU GOUVERNRMRNT SUD-AFRICAIN DEVELOPPEMENT ET RENFORCEMENT DU BON VOISINAGE ENTRE ETATS Lettre datée du 31 octobre 1985, adressée au Secrétaire général par ie Représentant. permanent du Mozambique auprès de l’Organisation des Nations Unies D’ordre de mon gouvernement, j’ai l’honneur de vous transmettre des photocopies d’extraits accompegn6s de leur traduction,~de documents saisis alors qu’ils Btaient en la possession de bandits armés B Gorongoza (province de Sofala) IJ. Cee documents confirment B l’évidence que ces bandits reçoivent un appui permanent de l’Afrique du Sud en violation flagrante de l’Accord de non-agression et de bon voisinage eign8 entre le Gouvernement mozambicafn. et le muvernement sud-africain le 16 mars 1984. Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir faire distribuer le texte de ce8 extraits comme document officiel de l’Assemblée gdn&ale, au titre des points 35 et 131 de l’ordre du jour, et du Conseil de sécuritd. L’Ambassadeut, Représentant permanent, (Sisn8) Manuel DOS SANTOS s-m-- I/ Disponibles en anglaie seulement. 85-30574 5748’3 (F) 30. FRIDAY B~Brecalveo Vanlka and &hany wlth the smrotary Osnaral to deol wlth ofsafUZ,& ;I~&ma tterw a pd tho l bstonts wa8 ai 0 : 1. AoJoaoo of a11 theRusalan6, l t S.A. ‘a rowest, for dlploma tic rop 3. &z%nflrrre Itm total support to Rammo untlt tha tota I ollfltm tlcn of MaChql. 5. SA, mder pramwo frcm +e USA, wlll enswo negotfatlœm betwemb Mschsl and R0MlllD bdcfo WV-. .. l4.E. raœrM rplatel mtar1k mtd rhe volun- msr et ‘O.oow Tha teamdSouthAlrIaagoesto ZenW+zla at oh8 and of Jawary - purposa to tra In l old1et-a: 46 WEDNESDAY 1100 In8tPucton ZOO mtdlsn - cotwœtttone1 wsrfare. 3 DFF we~o pldced and Informed to tako a pare, chuting course: ILlautettent JoslWm ask to be a WlIMr Of ReeIk Ilrncs, the t te an 0fflce~ In 0ur +rnke Merllle Fhanlce - C/zone JoaM Arnran& - Pg;n Cbief Holona Antonlo - Thoy wlll be tha flrst DFS In tho Orgsnlzetbn to ta ko the e bove mentlonod courso. It wee doclded by hi* autlmrtty tha t the Mer them zone chie! of staff, C/Dsnlol ehcutd go Jo tho Interlor wlth tho followlng atm: On beha tf of the ~mmandor-ttbch1of to 6 Ccoltt- peny the group af S~uth Afrlca n Infm~orc a t the md of January; oeta bllsh Ile lson betwoan the Instructore a nd our cotnmetlderc. JAIWARY 2s. WEONEGOAY lO7lmn and On 30.1.84 there wlll be 3 resuppIiœ in the zone. IC mm Southarn Zone A Irhambane: l - that .at the endot~4mnuwy es, an alr~ &aft wtt1 go to ~toro 02 In Guwe - Wamrlol DZ- LaQoPofu - Gato fbrNIa*-Tigre. Ad another alrcraft for oz- S/GetWra 1 HetrlqueS - Gaza Vtola - Maganja da Carta, oz- c/baputo - Tfgre on 4.2.84 3 rasuppIIœ: 2 In t he Cwtre: 1. 02 - John Kupen~a 2. 02 I resupply for Maputo. On 9.2.84 thers wlll bo 3 resupplles for SA-AY Larnbezla. 4 Colonel VanIkav went to *bIswl to ta tk to P~U- JAIWASY 8IW Banda about thaRumhts and to tgke themtoRsA. Al the requœt of Prime MinImw buis. ~~I~,$eiol~lon was a huer of dfsaQr= 20 SA’WRDAY mm ~8th Renattw, 8Inœ they dld mt glw prlw bhDW+dSO. PRBllUAIlY 4 BATURDAY Ta% lat reaupply~of ule year 1 8t tlte. ? of &ke Pofu, Dz nt the generel 8011th Inhamben% and et tbe DZ t&c~#M&tita in Nortb lnhambam. ‘Kbe opemtiam proea+bed . Writtentnth%lnemlnr s osto aegh - SouthInhambnne WF -cm - Northlnhambsne 9 resuppues on 5/2/84 10. Our &M~IS must net tatk to the people about our Mends, se tbat tbe enemy abould not fiid 0%; in FEBRUARY tbe ment of ou? frlcndn behg seen by the people,it will be tbe figbterd diay to lnform tha ‘people that tb%yaretb%captuMR~an& 5 SUNRAY 11. lnform ouv figbtera that our friendv are or came from Wrltten in the maruin : 1% Our ftierids must alweys Spaak Rngiish Bnd rot Rcsupply on 512104 Afrlkaaw, to evoid the soldsecs finding out, as we bave many figbtera who were formerly workera in RSA . FEBBUABlf FBBRUARY 11 BAWRDAI PLannadrrsllppllaa 3 plantai ::;$i 1 L- 27l2184 - El Z%? 1 4I3/64 - EiYzzz 7/3/04 - lll3l0k - :@a 14/2/84 -* lnhembane Apart from these there wlll be 0th~ extras by Dakota ffMM1~7 do Save which wlll carry 100 boxes of ammunition ---__ _....-. The war matedal that wIU be carried In thcse reziupplks : 4279boxexammunition AK 47x1360 210 boxes ammunitian (3.3 x 1000 b 1730 AK 47s 2 WBDNE8DAY 68Oboxa M.6Oxlleuxx10twlx 68OboxeaM.81xhe&x4sheMx 110boxesanti-carminesx5minex ~ibyefdpbexpactbd6ooaatBatedeYCottdm 1112 boxes’RPG7~~ketsx6 a2oboxEsexpldvex2ok# ao- St boxa mediclnes x 100 kg 4otawdmaterlal EachresMpply wulcaPry4M.60;4 M.81; 4 M.82and30 RPG7 aadmachlaegua ‘wrtttaoattbtopa PBBBUAUY 100 pfatola wlth 1000 buueta eacb WUI ah go to oarongosa. wrltten at tbn toD a Rezapply by boet at CulemJne Bey witt tm on 10.3.24 east d chsrlngo- . 14 TumDAY FRRRUARY 1mflttoLm6!i 1Machsrdtwittb-~Inœder SATURDAY torecadbetheaerarmpwl&rsueamsgolngtoUve. 16 .. x.~__.-.x_.__^ . .“. “.I--.-_x-.-II I ,. ““.. ---_.._^“.“-“- l4 atodmAY WBDNESDAY -~cuatI~plsrr~ 2wua4 - Dakota for Gomqesn to land at Cangatom On 23/2/84 sf IOliOO tbwe usa a meeting in Fretorh between 3Df2m - Dakota for Blgi to ~amtie~, 20 people, ER an4 the general of Miutary Ilmlugmce; general of centre HQ tbe 8paclal Forœq BrigadW of Militery IntelIigen~ tf3m - Dnkda fm Maputo to Jambe?, rQ peqsle, axd Colonel Vnniker of MiMary Intelligence. Boab IJQ ca) Objective I pIann@ the wq In the face of tbe dhu+ton 2fwr - Dakota for Zemheda $I Jambnr, 20 peoph taken up by the South AMcan Repuhlic. NotthIiQ. 2. T+ prevfo~~ plan made at tha meeting b atill unde~ canslderation. 3 che;2f84 - resu@ybyeiaonùmomtbetrueea 6. We ddim wUI continua to give support WbhOUt CthdeandBeimatCu!aimaBey. tw consent of ou? polIticlaau in nwls5ive numbmJ aoastowhtbewar. Tbarswmbe2lnaefugbtaf~Maputo - resupply 0. Macbel cm only ffdl hnmediat~ thmugba eut in la) wrIttellInthemarrtfst =peapme tbe te4miblay and commulliceuaas route& .. no SATURDAY mllltuLaY Rrigwuer - SA 9. PRIDAY Deflnitlon of tnrgetn thnt farce Prelimo to talk to a4 Renama 11. me 100 men nlmlad ente? MnpAuo ln UMU Ifoups 7. Communlcatian by radio or pnysicelly between Benamo vin tbe Llbombaq wltb p?edetemdned nhnn Md andtltesAnoldien. tarpteforfmchporp. 8. Apologlea for the relense of the Rush~ wltbout 12 Joaa @ad Rwrtco MD go cmly wwl the nuthorlertlon the complete agreemeat of Renamo - prusure:from d tbe Mbdater d Deremœ, General Maglu Mnlfula tfiu U.S.A. 0. 13. T!NO RNM men v#tD be $rabtqd tn ultra-secret Frite of the two tk5skn3 atlll hi Renamo’a Jands cwwmudcntims betvmen RNM end Pretoria. 10. Good wlntiona between penamo und SA Ada des&& 14. me general Will Meure renupply even alter 1he leavlng aslde the r latter of the RussIens, uhkh *ras ngreetwtent by SA wlth tbe commun!st Mat& n shameful attitude of the South Africen Govemment. e!fqœcmy wfumntt1eo Md radio tranamitterd Atthetopt Geto Reglon 1% Rtdluayq Calto?a BMsei coopemntq nnd other economlc nature, SADCC. G-O= tfsgetndM Cheringome Re~upply, on 22/2/04 Remi&blginSAt .. FHBRUARY FEBRUARY 27 5lONDAY 28 WEDNESDAY Renamo : At the tgP of the page : 1. Om1DOspecIaNstsoldIerswhoareinthehandsol On 29.184 the central office of the general staff left for SA. Le&o Region-Fur&. 2. possihilïty of *ting them ht0 Maputo overhd. ; t3lwleraIofopee.F-r 1. Despatdd6teclmldarrrto~toreceive the SI@ ww materu MARCH t or tbe100menr f zmM=km by tbe - 1 THURSDAY 30InNemIbIa 65 In PfIdolwa Atthetop: OUtOfttU2SO?5~paroebutta?tWiyhS~beentrekred Letio Region mvadomeoursea: secwIty,WT,drivametc. Zambezia Resupply on 1.3.84 a llœgoîmmlesketokeep1O~outsoIdIera 4. Mettlod of IIlfntmw tke 05Into maput overw MARCH negPARY 2 FRIDAY w WDNDAY What ou? 19 spedalists lewned in Namibie, tmd 10 of our Atttœtopofthepgget w-s fwnaIltedthere. zgr . mQr4aoa?n/o4 . 27 SUNDAY The Malawi government is whhdmwlnq or erpelug OIlr dekgftte CUmo from ?dnInwi at the request of Pik Boum (Ferelgn Mfniater), aIleRing that if they doaot then SA wan*t give m3re goo& to btewi becevse rdt3bwi Qpatbs OOSA. THURSDAY Reply to ou? message N* Speckt 1984 of 16.634 from C/C~~~I&S-Vabar to C/Supreme Chief and Presfdent of 1 Renamo. P 1. I recelved yow message on 16.8.84. June 1984. 2. ‘ilm politlcd climate here, InternatiWy, ls .till bad for continui~& to wpply Rennrm. Any violation of the homatl Accord on our part wiU preluaace &uth Atrican attempte at peace in Southem Aftica. Tlm dtuetion cculd ch@nge at any moment, beca~ the Machd government bas serlous pmblems a3 cari alrendy he &!eea~from Hanwan& taka with Evo. rUY 3. Rename mu!st continue to aqueeze Macbel but in 8uch a way es to I~I aa little WBT matertat as pa3sible. Avold combat with the FAM, giving mare attention 28 Sf\TURDAP to destroyhg the economy, tnfrastwcture and controlung the populatia 4. Renemo hfm to kvive tonger untll Machel reaches a ngresment ~WI Renamo, but never let Frellmo *. sec that we bave no more materiel. -ll- / . Tha General then announced to t6 tbat tbe Sautb African YONDAY 9Rnisters of Fore@!~ hffairs and DefenCe, Pik Botha aftd Msgnus I&&n, reqectively want to tatk to tbe Renamo delegatiaL AUOUST vot04 - We2eftZangarafartbeLo~ofCbttaFan~ 0 WEDNRSDAY w0m4 - WeIeftCbNaXaneforthebea&wherewemade anwmgeecykwe.
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